153 | Stardew Valley 1.5 Let’s Play! | Modded | Raffadax Production

Good morning afternoon evening night time welcome back to Hemlock Farm I’m not tabbed in the game um it is the 21st of Summer year two it is almond Ra’s birthday so that is why we have been saving this ridium quality pale ale it is also Sunday time is

Frozen I’m sorry um and there is an update to Margo so that’s why the blade of Rune is in our inventory is because it got kind of spit in there um we learned pink cake awesome so we are going to quickly go and gift Alan

Ra and then we are going to continue on you can see that I have added in a mod I have added an invisible fish I have also figured out how to revert everything back to its original artwork for rapidx basically I forgot and I mean some of you probably

Already commented on this maybe I don’t know so sorry again if you’ve commented on this um but I forgot that when you were doing the retexture mod you actually had to just put it into the rapidx folder it wasn’t a separate mod so I’ve gone back and river did it so

Now we have all of the um original textures once again so we can actually see how these artisanal Goods oh yeah look at these are all different again too in the Dr saddle so we’ll see how the artisanal Goods kind of take form because of that um I’m going to put

The blade of Ruin back in here never mind my inventory is full I have two I have two blade of ruins I’m scared to I don’t think I’m supposed to have this but I’m too scared to throw it out because I’m scared that will break us so

I’m going to put it in there um and then once we complete the quest we will we’ll see what’s going on there cuz that is completely not supposed to be there I was wondering why I had one cuz I think um Mary Le wants truffle oil okay cuz all the Other Margo updates I’ve done have not involved getting like a um like the blade of Rune back in our inventory so I was wondering why I was wondering why and that would be why cuz it’s not supposed to um so we actually probably are going to do our chores a little bit today

Because we have time we only have to get down 10 10 levels in the mine so um I’ve also tweaked I finally went in and tweaked the farm type manager for our farm Cory um basically just change it so that the items don’t disappear

After one day they stay for a total of 3 days for the exact reason that you know the past few days have happened so that we have some time to actually go in there and harvest the goodies um I think I slightly like ever so slightly was like 4% lowered the

Stone spawn chance and then I enabled clay nodes to spawn in there but I that’s that’s the only change I did I didn’t I did not tweak any other um probabilities and stuff like that just made sure that they would stay over a day um I may have

Changed to the minimum amount in there but didn’t increase the maximum amount so we’ll see but after 3 days I’m assuming that the qu is going to be like full regardless cuz it’s not the biggest Quarry alive oh and my oh I put a pale

Ale in there I didn’t put a starf fruit okay I’m very excited to finish off this Quest today I’m excited to almond raw we might even Max friendship with Alman raw with this in ridium yeah I think we we’ll get pretty close honestly so that’ll be exciting

I’ll be another nature Guardian who is now our BFF um I’m excited that after this week um we may actually also start to look into purchasing some trees so we’re going to have to spend some time cleaning up our Orchard Farm cuz right now it is not in a state to

Hold any sort of trees fruit trees Um and because of that I may not right away but I may look into there’s so many truffles again I may look into enabling the move it mod at some point I know is like the tree trans like there’s like the shovel mod or whatever but um it’s a

Little gimmicky and I don’t know how it works with modded stuff where I know move it will for sure work um but that’s only kind of when we get more into the design side of things right when we we have the oh we actually got more eggs than what the heck why do

They all just become petable why do you just look fine why are you guys not happy why did you lose Friendship all right that was interesting and terrifying and all of you are fine too you look fine you just look fine that’s so sad um yeah there’s a Margo update so I’m assuming that things are going to be a little bit funky the main reason why I

Chose to do the update though is because of the double level up thing we’ve been having for pretty much a month now worth of gameplay I would say um there’s so much Forge here I did not tweak the forge at all and oh wait this should not already be done

Either I don’t feel I feel like this should not be done has it been 3 days I don’t think so um interesting okay oh I don’t even have my axe on me there’s also a lot of forage what the heck I swear I did not touch the forage I literally went to the

Cory item index and that’s the only one that I changed so I don’t know what’s going on everything’s wrong everything’s broken no it’s fine fine um I might re wait to reload these so I might be moving them okay let’s go and check the quy and see what this looks like down

Here okay looks pretty okay I mean we don’t have max level we’re only level seven so like I was looking like Frozen geod only spawn once you’re level five so there is those level thresholds aridium only spawns when you’re level 9 or 10 but this is exciting so we’ll clean

Up this Quarry and then we how about we don’t nice thanks Simon how about we don’t visit it next episode intentionally just to see what happens we got two sweet gem berries done over there which is also really exciting oh let’s actually go and bring all of our rubies with

Us see if a row is ready if it is we’ll bring down a nope okay what am I doing rubies rubies and then cleaning up my inventory yeah that was a lot of forage right in that one area that was a little bit interesting yeah we’re going to quickly not I would

Say quickly I need to stop saying that cuz we never do things quickly hey um we’ll grab the rubies whoa the mythal bar looks so different with this that is so cool I like the swirly on it I like that so much better than the whatever texture we were using before

That looks really cool okay anyways uh yeah let’s go and say happy birthday to Andra oops sorry that was my microphone making funny noises on my little vest that I have on that I’m wearing um I’m happy there’s no dig spots cuz I didn’t even think about

That uh summer oh right it’s the solstice so there’s going to be some fun forage okay so that’s also something this looks very different cuz it used to be kind of like brown and yellow um when I was re kind of like redoing my rapidex excuse me U my rapidex mod I basically

Just redownload it and put it to clean version um there was the optional F cuz I have the expanded one which adds in like the dying machines and stuff um and then there was the second optional file which was called saplings to produce or produce to

Saplings I think is one of the ways which basically is um a mod that lets you put in tree produce so like walnuts and stuff into a seed maker to make seeds um and I I mean maybe that’s it’s already been mentioned in a previous episode cuz I

Know maybe like those episodes when I was trying to put things in seed makers but I I have chosen not to do that because I feel like that will just FASTT trck the game a little too much and again I know that there’s even restrictions within there like you can

Do Mythic treat or the resource trees and such but I’d rather just buy the saplings and explore it that way hello a birthday gift that’s very kind of you I love it oh and that brought you to nine you’re so close amanra you are so close Okay bye so one

More gift for Alan Ron then we should be good hey Okay so we’ve done queen of sauce I left Fein somewhere let’s go to pier where did I leave fan did I leave fan by the greenhouse yes is the answer okay um yeah so we’re not going to again and so if someone

Commented on it already then I’ll sure I’ll just be my comment will probably most likely be like oh yeah stay tuned for my rationale or whatever um which will be this I think I’ll ship this summer starberry because we know that it’s a tree and we’ll be able to get the fruit

That way so we’re not like totally locked out of it it us three grand for that that’s crazy we may go and quickly go down into the secret Woods too just cuz again it’s a solstice so just to see what sort of fun stuff spawns there it’s also a stormy

Day I feel like this is a very rare day very rare day indeed and it’s not a good luck day so that’s kind of going against us um as I was updating rapid ax or Not Sorry Margot I was looking and seeing that there is still property

Taxes so we will still get taxed regardless um in the form of property taxes and that’s based off of how many tiles you are currently using on your farm which I think is pretty cool I don’t have my hoe for that spot shoot I think it’s pretty cool so we’ll

See once the season comes to a close and it will be the morning of autumn 2nd fall 2nd when we really see what transpires there but yeah I’m curious to see how much our property taxes will be our taxes are still going to be a little

Hello s oh this is the thing I can’t say Sara SAR sapara so sapara Berry that’s a I think that’s a tree isn’t it we’ve seen we’ve seen this in a shop before in either seed or sapling form so I’m going to just probably sell

That man I’m so used to like the other rapida texures I’m going to have to switch my brain back it’s also so messy down here oh my gosh I can’t even get out it’s so messy I only have a pickaxe too uhoh did I like never

Mind yeah okay let’s go and see what sort of Forge is up here we have 10 we we have enough time to go and do danger in the Deep yeah we only have to 10 levels hi Puck I’d say hi to you but I’m just really looking for whatever Forge

Which doesn’t look like there’s a ho lot okay that’s a little upsetting maybe cuz it’s springtime I don’t know I know there are certain days like there’s spring 17 which was shared with us is an important one or a fun one I guess um nothing there oh the Brasa flower sprite’s

Different so nice okay we’ll go and ship this and then go and fly up to the mines these will be done tomorrow too or next episode that’s really exciting there we go okay fan we are going to see you soon I guess cuz we got some business to take care

Of I don’t really I’m not too focused on that Thunder cap um I’m going to buy probably 25 more bombs again can I if I hold this key can I oh no that’s just my time Frozen key okay so it’s just 25 nice and I don’t like how you have to

Hit like enter all beside your keyboard you can’t hit your number pad enter that’s another kind of bummer that I wish was a bit different yet here we are I am already dying I am already dying there we go boom boom oh we got the ladder down and what

Is that another aridium band cool oh we got another pressure nozzle what the heck we’re popping off already it’s a bad luck day is it is it I holy I could have just incapacitated myself there hey that’s scary I feel like that shed finished too

Fast or maybe it was 3 days but it because been so focused on the mindes which is why I haven’t realized it if it was less than 3 days I apologize that wasn’t intentional I wasn’t trying to fast trct things and I don’t have instant build on I think I don’t even

Know where that is yeah like I don’t have anything on in here I promise um that shouldn’t be on so it’s not intentional is what I’m saying and I don’t know maybe it was 3 days so if it was then I’m just saying nonsense sense right now and we’ll all move

On um o Oh Speedy oh nice it’s right there I just ran by floor 117 excellent can I break some of these before no okay nice floor 118 oh this one’s a really good floor for this let’s go and collect these we’re going to have so much Stone from

This and then 119 is a little bit tricky but that’s okay oh I’m so excited to get all these key gems that didn’t sound very like I didn’t sound excited but I promise I am oh and it is right there we did it 53

Key gems oh my gosh there was a part of me that was actually a little bit nervous that we like if we were going to be able to complete that or not but we did and we’ve even done our chores so we can go to the backyard today

Yay um let’s go and see how much um like what’s that word I’m looking for coal there we go we have 34 of this too let’s get these cooking six of them and then let’s do aridium next whatever ridium we have one bar worth and then we

Need to do some copper holy that’s why it’s still on my Todo idium and then wherever the copper ended up get this cooking get this turn in we can go and get the sweet gem berries there um you and you and you let’s get the speed

Back pick you we’ll see if we get more than two sweet jberry seeds back today this time this attempt rumbling oops oops oops and now we can actually deal with all the seeds up what were you again oh cassava start right you were I think we’re going to just put you

Into oh no we can 10 days no you’re just going to go into a thing cuz it’s 10 days so we don’t have enough time to plant you at least indo or outdoors in this season okay another ring band another wow look at that three pressure nozzles

Holy put that away put the resources away sweet and let’s go and actually we’ll see how how these did nice we got two each so we doubled okay we’ll go and plant those we will go and get our tools back we will trade for bombs oh that’s so weird having the

Um a second blade of Ruin like that again that’s that’s also another unintentional thing so I’m so sorry I I honestly have no clue what I did there whoops no clue um we need to get rid of this thunder cap in our inventory we have 165k that we can do some stuff with

To which is fun let’s get that stuff to build what I wanted to build before when we were testing out so that was um 100 Stone oh this is so nice be able to do it this way 10 clay if only could press enter from here though and 1 two

Three four five of you copper bars okay it’s 8:40 p.m. so we will start to clean up the orchard I guess we’ll just start with the the the easy stuff like the SC thing and everything um let’s just go plant these first nice looks great and let’s get some more cooking oh

We’re just going to let’s just bring them with us we’re going to get a lot more of these bars out of the five that we there we go sweet okay those are cooking still have 268 my goodness my goodness all right fear in let’s go let’s go and see what sort

Of plant situation is happening here cuz yeah I’m assuming it’s going to be relatively crazy lots of parsley Indigo our fiddlehead fern does the fiddlehead fern keep reproducing some more tomatoes and peppers goodness we’re going to have to put this back into our like to S to Pierre chest

Holy we can finally pick up this alanita that we grew which is so fun pick these flowers the soybeans ready going to take forever did I run out of room I did can we pick up anything else I guess we add the parsley because we have did we turn all this parsley into

Seeds already do we have 25 parsley seeds we have to this gives so much okay let’s go see what sort of like fiddlehead fern situation oh it is a regrow crop that’s so cool okay can’t pick those cuz they’re probably a different quality than what

We have let see so we can almost pick all the fiddlehead ferns too did we bring any seeds to plant no just besides the basil seeds which re planted themselves okay let’s go And Seed away I think do we need to see the red cabbages I don’t think so let’s go and take a look at our seed chest I’m going to leave F in here I think tomatoes are okay as well so we have parsley we have pepper we have tomato and we have

Broccoli so we need to do red cabbage yes we need to do red cabbage and everything else so let’s go and um I don’t want you to I just want to warp to Backwoods cuz this is right by our chest down here so we can put the what

The parsley in here we can put the Tomato in here we can put the pepper in Here oh spinach looks so cool oh and the soybean looks so cool and the rose okay um yeah and I think the rest of it we want to seed so let’s quickly before we seed go and request a building cuz I am again very curious I

Don’t want to bring fan in here that’s so funny how you can do that I Want To Build The Silo and I want to see how this will kind of exist um we 3×3 so you don’t fit anywhere super nice I kind of want to tuck you away that leads to our new

Farmland there’s also a down area there maybe I could tuck it in here because this area is kind of like I know it’s kind of like a nice like little um Retreat actually I’ll tuck it right there boom I know it’ll grow up to cover it a little

Bit cool okay let’s see what that looks like once it grows um let’s finish picking some stuff here now that we have a bit more room nice got an extra asparagus no I don’t want to eat the right cabbage how much room do we have a little bit more room

For Ferns and okay I think we picked everything that we could which is really nice haven’t countered in Crows yet really um what are you wild barley wait does that say oh it’s ready to harvest can we do we have room for it we do so you are a scythe crop just like

Wheat oh uh oh okay um shoot shoot I need remember to go back and get that wild barley cuz that’s going to be important we’ll quickly seed some stuff here cuz we have like one of a lot of things like re here will free up two inventory spots um two two three four

Five okay um that’s fine we can do some of these more we can do some more of these sorry English my brain just immediately turned off because I got stressed I don’t know what you are but we’re going to seed you I don’t know what you are but we’re going to seed you

I know I need to ship some of these but again I’d rather have the seeds for when we get the greenhouse going okay so now we’ll go get those other barley really quick just before they expire in case I close down the game which I don’t think I’m going to be but

Still just yeah grab those cilantro ready in two days that’s awesome okay 110 PM amm jeez that’s fine let’s just get some more seeding going how we’re going to finish off the day got an ancient seed from something oh that’s a lot of you get a lot of fiddlehead f

Ferns I just noticed that like that was a lot of fiddlehead ferns what the heck we got a lot of these too going to do asparagus next I think I might just fall asleep in here honestly cuz again we don’t like the 1,000 is kind of like whatever if we lose it

So oh there we go there we went nice oh so happy we finished that we got some more quests that we got to check out in the next episode but okay let’s see if this does a double oh it doesn’t anymore yay so that’s fixed okay that’s fixed with the Margo update which

Is excellent cool some money that we made just again kind of trying to just get some stuff registered there and that was day 21 of Summer year 2 I thank you so much for joining us um and we finally finished off that one Quest I was hovering over us I took what

Four whole episodes really three and a half episodes so it is dwarfs birthday so we are going to Max dwarf because we can just bring them whatever mineral and it will work out so yeah we are definitely going to be doing Orchard Farm stuff soon um we

Are probably going to be going to the island just to check out what key Quest we have there and to make our first purchase so I’ll write that in because I’m pretty sure I’m going to play um check out key coin sh pop so that I

Remember yeah okay well I will see you in the next episode thank you for joining us until then bye-bye for now

Welcome to a modded adventure in Stardew Valley, following our farmer Seamus, the druidic scholar as he embarks on his ecological and zymological rite of passage on Hemlock Farm!

Raffadax Production mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8256
MARGO mod located here: https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul

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