Minecraft, But Enchants Are Infinite…

This is Minecraft but ancients are infinite today Minecraft enchantments are about to go from Level 1 to level Infinity from shortness Infinity to multi-shot Infinity to even completely new Infinity enchants my goals unlock all possible level infinity and chance but as I unlock more enchantments the challenges might be getting a little bit

Too crazy so what’s the final level Infinity enchant and what happens if I put a level Infinity enchant on one item stay tuned to find out is that a pickaxe inside of stone away what wait can I pull it out okay whatever right click it it’s slowly coming out a rainbow pickaxe

I feel massive power coming from the pickaxe holy I did so many enchantments I can’t even read okay wait so what happens if I right click it oh wait what hello world of enchants my Journey Begins you’ve unlocked your first enchantment wait why do I have that many levels right so with

That being done guys I guess that starts the challenge and we got our first enchantment which is gonna be multi-shot fire volley of items you may use this enchant with swords pickaxes and Bows what else did we get we also got enchantment tracker an Infinity Anvil a

Stone pickaxe okay and some bucks do I just put the stone pickaxe with the multi-shot book I mean we do have infinite levels so why not let’s go and put the stone pickaxe in multi-shot infinity and then we get a multi-shot infinity stone pickaxe do I just right

Click oh my new crafts unlocked apparently and what the heck so that’s gonna be our first level Infinity enchant and I’m very pleased so let’s go back to the enchantment tracker and apparently for this level we gotta make lightning Infinity sharpness infinity and we already have multi-shot Infinity

Which is the craftable one I kind of want performance Infinity because I feel like that’d be a really good sword and for that we get it from a villager trade and at the top we can now see that throughout the video my goal is to get

To the final enchantment at the very end and right now we’re only at level one so how good can these enchantments get and now I guess let’s do a villager trade really interesting Village it’s literally a library Village wait what why is the sun the YouTube logo is that

A good time to remind you guys that if you guys are new to the channel to feel free to click that subscribe button right now because we’re trying to have 5 million subscribers so thank you very much to the Sun and now let’s find this villager what about you autism so for

Eight dirt which is a really good bargain we get the sharpness book and sharpness book and your enemies and call down swords enchantment 2 out of 30 and launch and I may use this enchantment with swords I mean that’s kind of obvious but it’s literally a sharpness

Infinity bug and what are we gonna get with this one this time I’m really curious what the all the enchantments this video are so sharp it’s infinity and I guess I’ll put it on the stone sword and what does this do then do I just right click oh my what the heck and

So many swords that’s crazy anyways one thing I did it realizes we can also craft all the Enchantment books including the next one we gotta get and that’s the lightning book which we don’t have diamonds so I’m gonna do it the old-fashioned way and that’s by a good

Old drop from the village so I gotta figure that out but if I want another sharpness book I just gotta do eight sticks in one book or for another multi-shot book we gotta get string and Flynn but for now where do I get the lightning book from the village oh wait

This guy’s new wait what the heck would you be interested in seeing my latest work it uses the latest Village attack is that your latest work now I just pressed this button and oh I can’t turn it off we will attack oh wait no he’s not friendly okay go on swords oh wait

We got him a lightning book was firing the Golem and little goals came out so from killing the buff copper Golem we get a lightning buck and that’s gonna be three out of 30. you may use this enchant with swords so can I add lightning to sharpness then lightning

Infinity sharpness Infinity wait how does this work okay so lightning infinity and sharpness Infinity what do you do oh that’s sick can I give me the pigment okay so it does lightning around me and Flying Swords nice okay so that’s gonna be lightning infinity and I guess that’ll

Be it for level one so do I just right click this now oh there we go perk had him updated witch hut unlocked um okay I guess we gotta go all the way over there and this time the gym it’s our giant Infinity Fortune infinity and infinity infinity wait what very

Interesting toys and we gotta craft that one okay so giant Infinity is from the witch hut so let’s go over there I guess okay so unlocked at three enchantments and if you look at the very top our progress bar did go up a little bit so I

Guess let’s go inside fight the witch wait what which hello hey what’s up oh wait what a guy one hit it okay which oh we’re doing this okay okay I should have made armor I literally have no armor there better be some good armor enchantments oh God swords oh she does

So much damage a couple more hits she’s hungry what the heck yes okay just like that that’s gonna be it for the woods and we ended up getting oh literally a giant book and a broken Compass enchant Power Six required okay so real quick let’s real quick make some crafting

Tables and see what we can do with this giant book do I right click it Giant Book make your items massive so now we have a giant Infinity enchant which is completely new and we also got 4 out of 30. nice I mean using gem with swords

Pickaxes and Bows so I only have one of them for now until I craft another one so do I put it on the pickaxe or the sword I mean multi-shot plus giant Infinity that kind of sounds really op why not let’s go ahead and try it so

Does something happen when I left click it oh what the heck that’s a big pickaxe oh my gosh I’m gonna guess I can’t add any more enchantments to this thing anymore but that’s insane okay wait what if I like shift mine or something oh my gosh okay this thing is huge okay but

Anyways let’s get to the next enchantment now because we gotta do all of them and that’s gonna be for a pickaxe where we get Fortune infinite cave minor challenge so where do I do the K minor challenges in here or did I destroy it let me real quick try to find

That is it over here oh wait there is someone down there and he says oh hi there are you looking for something I see so you are trying to collect all the enchantments I have something that may work for you but it will come out of

Cost I Gotta Give four books to The Miner um sure here you go four books right here amazing my boss will be happy about this and that’s all I gotta do okay why not I’ll gladly take that German book right now and I guess now we have a good old fortunate Infinity book

Which is gonna maybe crash my PC that’s a lot of Fortune increase or drops massively in chairman 530 unlocked and I’m gonna use this enchantment with pickaxes so I’m kind of curious because I do have the giant pickaxe can I add it so this has multichar and giant but it’s

Hidden and now we have a fortune Infinity so okay so fortune Infinity what do you do exactly oh my okay we will never need our never again oh my goodness okay anyways with that being done the next thing we gotta make is gonna be infinity infinity which is

Gonna be with two feathers into Flint so we definitely gotta find some chickens and we definitely gotta find some gravel so oh gravel right here not bad it doesn’t work with the pickaxe oh it does oh that’s sick okay it doesn’t give me like a lot of it but we did get four

Foot not bad and now we just need some feathers so give me one sec guys anyways now we should have enough stuff for the infinity infinity book so let’s go to make that and enchantment six out of 30 unlocked fill the world with arrows and

I may use this enchant with bows oh wait do I have a bow I don’t have a bow oh no let’s I guess you want to find a mine shaft I guess we can just go down down we go oh and there we go okay so um may

Have gone poison but we did get some cobwebs nice nice nice nice let’s get all the stream we can thank you very much so infinity infinity what does this do I guess right here here we go oh okay so when I left click it’s literally a

Machine weapon wait what hi can I pick these up infinite arrows anyways I guess now we can right click this to get to the next thing there we go perk Adam updated experience bottle unlocked so now we have look Infinity feather falling Infinity in efficiency Infinity

Oh wait what does luck Infinity do climb to the top of the bottle of enchanting okay well let’s go back there and I guess let’s do some Parkour okay so unlocked at six enchantments and now we have a giant bottle of enchanting with is that liquid water wait how do I get

Inside oh gosh oh this may have been a bad idea what the heck okay up we go ow the bottle has absorbed you I did not think that was gonna happen Okay this is different I was supposed to go into the middle wait is the water going up okay

This is not good okay let’s go let’s go let’s go I did not realize this was a time challenge oh I almost fell okay okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh my goodness oh my goodness Are we almost to the top oh gosh okay what even

Is up here all this for literally a Lucky Chip this better be good almost up and okay oh we made it I’ve escaped the infinity XP bottle you found a reward along the way wait where’s my award is it here oh wait oh we got the luck bug

Okay so now we have a look Infinity make the world lucky you may use this enchantment with a pickaxes because we already have a giant pickaxe I’m kind of curious let’s go ahead and make an iron pickaxe and get an iron pickaxe with look Infinity so what does this do when

I right click oh that’s not lucky at all and the overwhelming heat burns the air okay I almost died there my goodness so something happens every time I mine let’s try again oh I feel renewed and we got an emerald block okay yep yep so far

This is not lucky at all okay go go on my swords get them so whenever I want to use this pickaxe something random will happen and we can also get a diamond block yes anyways now with that being done we got luck infinity and the next one is feather falling Infinity at the

Trade house what the heck is the trade house oh wait did this guy leave from there hello oh four feathers for a feather falling book I only have three but I now get why there’s so many chickens so chickens I’m so sorry but there we go okay and now with the

Villager let’s go ahead and trade for the book and we get the feather falling bug which one we hover over it we can now see that it’s feather falling Infinity yet again and that’s gonna be eight out of 30. I may use this enchant with boots real quick let’s make myself

Some good old diamond boots love me some diamond boots and I guess with a feather falling Infinity we can make feather falling infinity and what is this gonna do for me feather falling ability unlocked is that what this ability button oh wait what I literally have a full-on scaffolding under me oh that’s

Sick we only have one more enchantment to make and that’s gonna be efficiency infinity and for the efficiency Infinity book we can actually go ahead and make it right away and that’s gonna be what sticks and iron ingot so efficiency infinity and no block shall stand in

Your path enchantment 9 out of 30 unlocked you may use this enchant with pickaxes let’s go ahead and just make an iron pickaxe real quick and try using efficiency Infinity on just a normal pickaxe so how does this one work oh my okay so I can mine really quick but when

I right click that’s very good we’re gonna be finding any game in the game with this anyways with that being done I think we can go ahead and right click the tracker again and as you can see from the top we’re almost halfway done with all the engine so here we go oh

There we go perk item updated and now we have the enchantment tracker number four and now we can get YouTuber Infinity that sounds crazy sweeping Edge infinity and chunk infinity and for the chunk book we need four iron pickaxes and Cobblestone so one two three there we go

Okay so now we can make the chunk book which what the heck is the chunk book gonna do mining one at a time is not enough enchantment 10 out of 30 unlocked and I can use this with pickaxes and what if we combine efficiency Infinity with chunk Infinity that’s gonna be 20

Levels do I just mine oh wait crafty Minecraft but I’m trapped in a stone block this challenge is so hard only if some subscribers can help me oh hi Nestor beautiful cave isn’t it would you mind collecting some subscribers I have heard they’re near the surface here’s a

Total help you oh wait it’s a million subscribers oh what the heck okay so wait what tool did he give me wait what the heck is this a lasso do I just collect subscribers like this oh plus 100K subscribers this is so weird what the heck okay crafty I’ll do your

Challenge why not let’s go ahead and last up some subscribers and I better be getting an enchantment for this so that’s gonna be 300K subscribers all right crafty I’m almost done another subscriber right there and just like that I think we should be good let’s go

Back to crafty and I guess talk to him that was so amazing Nestor here’s your reward and with that being done we get the YouTuber Infinity enchantment which I have no idea what’s gonna do and Chad says make involved smash the like button 11 out of 30 enchantments unlocked you

May use this enchant with swords and now we got a new sword nice okay so any mobs hello mobs I’m trying to hit someone oh wait diamonds nice you have Infinity holy Diamonds oh my goodness okay that is gonna be more diamonds than we’ll ever need thank you very much oh wait

Glowfish this might be a good one yo okay so whenever I hit a mob with this now I guess I get a little YouTuber friend oh now we got Forest oh that’s sick okay with that being done I think that might be all the enchantments except sweeping Edge Infinity so what do

We need for that oh wait we already have it okay sweeping edge book there we go and so what does this do sweep the blocks in your path I may use this enchant with diamond swords and pickaxes I mean I haven’t made a diamond sword

Yet so why not let’s go make one of those so sweeping Edge infinity and so what does this do oh that’s sick okay it’s like a little force field nice okay anyway so now that we have all the enchantments for number four let’s go ahead and right click and get to the

Next one perk got em updated visit Zeus in the mountain with Zeus in the mountain wait what like the Godzilla what the heck okay in all the enchantments or from Zeus now Riptide Infinity that sounds crazy storm Infinity in flame Infinity well let’s go up and try to find Zeus so I’ve been

Following the Zeus tracker anyways there’s a chair up here now that we’ve gone finally through this thing the Zeus Compass has been taking me here for a while and is that Zeus the weather’s getting bad it’s been a while since anyone visited me how about a deal I

Give you three challenges and if you survive them I’ll reward you I mean that’s all I gotta do sure farewell the first challenge will be an earthquake wait what do you mean an earthquake earthquake starting five seconds wait what oh it’s only an earthquake oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay that’s just

Damage oh my gosh I thought Zeus did storms.natural disasters oh gosh oh gosh you’ve done well now it’s time for a tsunami wait what tsunami starting five seconds are you serious what the heck are you open a bread for this I gotta go get more bread okay I’m gonna go on

Apple at least oh yo wait no no no no no no why is the water hurting me okay okay we’re dodging water we’re dodging water okay this is a bit much okay okay okay okay let me just dodge it real quick we’re actually doing a pretty good job

Of dodging the water I’m not sure how this is tsunami but it’s pretty cool oh we did it okay and now we fire tornado in five seconds oh no go away oh gosh okay okay for our tornadoes this is not fun this is not fun let’s run away oh my

Goodness it’s awesome weave we’re good that was amazing to watch now return for the rewards oh man I can’t think we’re done nice all right Mr Zeus thank you very much I appreciate it let’s go ahead and grab everything we can and my broken Compass has started working oh okay so

Now the compass is no longer a broken Compass but a working compass and we also Riptide book in a flame book my goodness okay that’s a lot of stuff to really work with so real quick let’s get the riptide book call the water enchantment

14 out of 30 and this is gonna be 15 out of 30 with the Call of the fire okay so where do I begin with these what if we do Riptide Infinity in sweeping Edge Infinity okay so I can use the sword now as a trident oh that’s sick guys I

Literally can fly infinitely now with my sword this is amazing and we’re not done there yet because we can also try storm Infinity why not storm Infinity what does this do wait did I just call in a tornado oh my gosh wait what the heck oh

That’s sick and we’re not done there yet because why not if we add to our very good sword right here flame Infinity what is flame Infinity gonna give us Reckless oh okay so what do you add flame to a sword you now shoot out Fireballs instead of fire arrows that’s

Very nice I like that and with that being done I guess it’s time to upgrade the German tracker so here we go right click in three two one and perk item updated enchanting table unlocked like the big enchanting table wait what get this time knock back infinity jump

Infinity and loyalty infinity and to get knockback infinity we gotta follow the working Compass okay well we gotta go straight this way apparently oh there it is so it sent me to the giant enchanted table in a locked at 15 enchantment so I guess we’re supposed to be here right so

Do I just climb this thing I should probably get some food before I do this but you know what we’re gonna do either way oh and it’s literally a parkour Loki I could skip the parkour with my Riptide but we’re gonna do it anyways okay now

We should be getting oh wait what keep the mobs away are those like speed little slimes go on Fireballs do your thing oh it’s raining swords so with that being done platform defended I’ve been awarded the knockback enchantment now let’s go ahead and grab that and that’s gonna be the knockback

Enchantment which all it says is Yeet nice Loki I kind of want to try this out on a new sword just to see what it does because we have so many enchantments it kind of gets chaotic so why not let’s go and get a new diamond sword and now try

A knockback Infinity how crazy is this gonna be okay so I can’t hit anything just yet so let me real quick save this for until we get done with the Slime parkour and then see what it does so let’s go up real quick oh gosh oh gosh

Okay oh that’s actually pretty fun nice okay so what’s in here you’ve obtained the jump Buck jump Infinity this is used on boots so I guess let’s real quick get feather falling Infinity jump Infinity okay so how does this work oh I still took fall damage even though I have fall

Damage Infinity but I think it pretty much makes me get a slime when I fall oh it does oh that’s sick nice okay what about knockback Infinity okay let’s see what can I hit real quick all right Mr Cow oh okay anyways which in between not have we don’t have loyalty Infinity

Which is usually used for a trident so what the heck is it gonna do now and there it is a loyalty Infinity projectiles will always return I may use this enchant with diamond swords and pickaxes I mean I’m kind of really curious so yet again I’m gonna make a

Diamond sword and let’s see what exactly this thing does I really like the dark by Infinity so what does this do I can shoot a sword now and it came back oh that’s sick okay so I can literally shoot infinite swords so now that we’re done with all those three enchantments

Let’s go to right click one more time and see what the next tier is perk had him updated and launch pad on lot wait Launchpad what do we have to make now planetary Infinity boss Infinity in looting Infinity wait what the heck launch under enchantment wait where’s

Under enchantment give me one sec guys let me try to find that oh wait I didn’t see this before like jump to go to space wait what did I just jump oh the Launchpad sends you to space astronaut what’s up buddy howdy Nester the Moon is

Scary so could you place these flags for me sure oh whoa wait you gave me a full-on space suit okay let’s go out and put this on why not and we’re now going out to space so start the space music I guess okay so I gotta place the flags

I’m gonna guess it’s over here all right that’s gonna be one flag number two number three wait what going towards get him apparently there’s aliens in space oh wait stanos no does it even make any sense where did Thanos come from go away go away okay done with

Thanos and what the heck did we get from that is this the boss enchantment oh it is oh that’s sick we didn’t even get done with the flags throw bosses wait why is that what we’re gonna do with this okay that’s nine out of 30. let’s

Go ahead and place down all these flags and I guess one more right here and there we go good job now those aliens will now know not to mess with nesterland again I found a book when I first landed a year you can have it I’ll prepare the rocket so you can return

Home oh and we got the planetary bug oh we got some back nice okay that was a nice little trip and with those books done the only thing we have left now is the Looting book and actually I want to see if I can already make it I probably

Can no I need golden you get some that’s the one thing I don’t have okay let’s get the able real quick and I guess what do I add it to I guess a loyalty and boss why not let’s try that what does this do right click oh guys I literally

Shoot out Thanos what the heck okay so what about planetary might be a lot of enchantments and one but I mean it’s gonna be a good sword so right click wait sorry coming well what does that mean oh yo I can summon the Stars oh that’s sick oh whoa whoa whoa whoa

Where’s that going oh okay that was actually really cool not really sure how I use it against a boss but I think that’s really powerful nice but for now the new mission is to probably get a lot of gold so like let’s just go down in

That cave okay we got a little bit of gold right here and which one’s my fortune pickaxe Fortune Fortune Fortune oh I have so many big guys oh it’s this one right here there we go holy gold wait why is there so many silver fish I definitely let’s real quick get all the

Gold we need now with that being done let’s go back up and what we gotta do now is make the Looting book which is gonna be right here and so what does this give me normal loot is not enough enchantment 21 out of 30 so we still

Have nine more to go and I can use this one on sword so I guess let’s real quick what do we put this on what about here not really sure why I’ve knocked my Infinity twice but I guess why not knockback infinity and looting Infinity

Okay so what happens if I hit the cow once oh it just dropped something a golden rotten flesh so that’s what looting Infinity does what does it do yeah what does this do oh I’m not really sure what the heck just happened but I guess I’ll take it anyways now that we

Have all these enchantments I guess let’s go on to the next tier and that’s done by just right click perk item updated visit Poseidon in the ocean wait how do I do that okay now we have ocean Infinity which is follow up inside its map and then with the oceans here we’re

Also getting fire resistance Infinity in fire aspect Infinity okay so the Poseidon map now leads me to where I gotta go if we look at the action bar so I I go that way okay oh it’s gonna be a long one oh wait I think we found it

Okay so we ended up fighting Poseidon which is just Alex from Minecraft huh um okay what’s up Poseidon I see you visited my brother Zeus a book I suppose I could give you that however you must beat this challenge first improve your Trident skills swim through the fire

Rings so we got a brand new Trident so do I just go through here oh there is fire Rings oh that’s sick okay so I gotta swim through these things right here okay that’s two more to go couple more to go oh and we did it apparently I

See you’re a skillful with the Trident come here to claim your reward all right let’s go back oh he’s no longer Alex nice all right what’s up Poseidon oh he dropped at the bottom of the sea we now have the ocean bucks so what does this give us summon water all right well

Let’s try that out let’s go over here real quick and for the ocean Buck I guess I could maybe put it on the bow ocean and how do I use this do I just why click oh yo that’s sick probably shouldn’t do that again so now for the

Opposite of that we’re gonna be making fire resistance and fire aspect okay so for fire aspect I actually gotta go to the Nether and get magma blocks or me maybe I can get it from a cave I’m gonna try to do that and then we can also make

The fire resistance book okay we found some magma and I guess we just mine it now real quick I’m not really sure how much we need but let’s get all this out of the way and now with the magma we can go ahead and make the fire aspect book

And to make the fire resistance book I think we should have everything we need right and with the virus we’re booked we can make everything before fire okay how does this work so could I technically just add this to a dandelion oh gosh wait this looks very deadly fire aspect

Infinity dandelion once it’s not work does this work wait what a fire creeper who does this guy do oh and I made the fire creeper into dream okay anyways let’s go ahead and make the fire resistance book because I’m not even gonna question it all right there we go

A fire resistance book and what the fire resistance book what does this thing do fire is no more you may use this enchant with armor oh I should probably make some more armor let’s go to make a diamond chess play probably about time a lot of you guys complain that I never

Make armor in these challenges and honestly it’s just because I kind of forget but fire resistance infinity and I’m gonna guess I won’t really be able to tell what it does until I go into fires so maybe let’s go find some lava real quick oh wait it auto converts

Level into obsidian oh let’s take okay and I also get fire resistance too so I guess that’s handy but with that being done that I guess will finish level 80 and slowly at the top we’re almost to the final book so let’s go ahead and right click and work out I’m updated

Nice okay nether portal unlocked oh wait we actually had a portal from earlier in the video that we saw let’s go back there I guess and for this one we also now have herobride Infinity okay it wouldn’t be a nice story video without Herobrine netherrite infinity and x-ray

Infinity all of these are brand new to the game so I guess let’s go back oh it’s already lit and we gotta enter the nether if I Dare for Herobrine okay here we go oh wait what defeat Herobrine to explore the nether oh okay that’s a

Little bit ominous all right here we go buddy come on go on reading swords get them all fire aspect Infinity oh I think we got him did he drop the book in here then oh he did all right so Herobrine level Infinity what the heck is this

Gonna give me oh man okay so what should I put this on I mean YouTuber fire ass expect and now Herobrine this might be a bad idea okay what does right clicking do now oh I get to teleport now oh that’s sick wait did I just get inside

Of here without trying what the heck is going on these are some ugly Penguins oh eight blocks of netherite for the netherite buck okay so I am supposed to be in here let’s I guess just real quick then mine all this netherite in I’m gonna go ahead and trade 19 netherite

Blogs for one another right book thank you very much 26 out of 30. throw netherright Loki kind of curious what if I make a netherite enchanted bread netherite Infinity on bread this could either be a waste or something really good so what does this do oh wait I’m

Shooting neither right oh that’s sick what the heck and for the last one we gotta make that’s gonna be x-ray which is gonna be four diamond pickaxes and one book which shouldn’t be too difficult so one two three four well let’s put that in and we can now make

The X-ray book and it says a little bit of cheating so you can’t have x-ray without a diamond pickaxe so why not let’s go and get the damn pickaxe out and combine what if I do fortune Infinity and x-ray actually okay so how does this work then do I have to go back

To the Overworld let’s go back real quick okay so do I just right click oh that’s sick okay so everything that’s hidden underground becomes shown nice and I guess what’s left to do again is literally right click and yet again perk item upgraded and we only have two enchantments this tier admin infinity

And power Infinity crotable with the curse and a gift from an owl do I go back to the Village or something or maybe I got the craft oh wait we gotta get a curse book let me real quick try to explore some things guys guys I

Figured it out and it was a little bit too expensive but with eight blocks of netherrite in one book we can make the curse book and now that we have the curse book we can go ahead and make the admin book so what does this do is this

Allowed oh gosh okay I’m gonna make a completely brand new sword for this just in case something bad happens all right admin Infinity do I just right click with that wait my next story or server operator fly enabled wait what oh when I left click I can do a different command

So wait type the new weather storm oh that’s sick okay so it’s stormy now nice okay and then the teleport command what does this do finding structure where the heck am I okay do I just go up here whoa okay this is sick wait what owl wait

Where’s that oh there it is what’s up owl oh my and there we go wait no no no the book the book apparently the end portal has been lit but we lost the buck is there any other way to get the buck let me double check this area okay in the

Center of the thing we have an extra one and it was the power book The Power of the arrows in the palm of my hand you may use this enchant with bows so let’s finally try this enchantment out so what the heck does this do oh yeah that’s

Really good anyways we got the message that the portal had been lay oh wait there’s a little thing right there end oh hello we’re now in the end there’s nothing here does something pop up as a drive oh okay that’s a fun what’s going power Infinity get him oh my gosh that

Does so much damage wait what the heck we might be able to defeat this guy with this ball alone might as well throwing some swords too throw in some more arrows real quick might as well and throw some more swords let’s keep going at it Oh wait we’re almost done okay one

More shot and there we go that’s gonna be it for the final boss I think and I think this might be the final Infinity enchant that we see at the very top cursed text I guess we’ll do this on a diamond pickaxe or something I’m not

Really sure but oh wait it’s The Rainbow big eyes from before it’s literally everything from the game so what happens when I right click why did the game freeze oh so I guess the final enchantment is way too powerful and I just die did I lose anyways guys hope

You guys I’ll enjoy to have a great one it is a video just like this one bye guys

Minecraft, But Enchants Are Infinite…
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