I helped my friend beat Terraria… (Full Movie)

Two bles decide to play Terraria and one of them has never beaten it before coming up prepare yourselves for a whirlwind of emotions happiness what is wrong with you sadness you sound like poo true even more sadness I got you another life Fruit I put it in a trash

No and more I will mate as long as it takes so I can be with you for eternity starring Zack and Kade can Zach finally get Kade to beat Terraria once and for all let’s find out you have you ever have you ever looked at this CAC too far one step too far I’m going to whip you come here all right I made this for no reason but it’s called Durand doll and that’s a marathon reference so that’s a that’s a good whip yeah but I to use it on the enem is not here yet is a

SL don’t you use it on you I mean I guess it does damage which is I mean it’s a weapon what do you what do you think it’s it’s for it’s for summon it’s for focusing your summons though oh I mean that’s true it is but it also works

As a weapon it does but maybe you should have some maybe you should have some summons then maybe you should get some [ __ ] I’ll whip you don’t say that in front of my mom hry mom here take some of these I don’t want to use them there we

Go you don’t want to use the iron skin potions no I I mean I mean I want to give it to you without using it and take one of those oh thanks yeah dude no problem I got plenty of potions now all right ready yeah wait it’s not time yet

It is all right do it then not yeah you wait till the music changes uh I don’t play this game dude I don’t play this game oh there we go all right these guys are tough yeah this is scary for sure no doubt about it I’m shoot him with my cursed Arrow I

Will take damage you but you have to dodge you have to really move with these kid all right all right I’m really trying to move but they’re just existing inside of me uh hold this guy needs to get closer sorry I’m far away oh no they’re all on [Laughter] me oh

What you need to let them get closer to me dude actually you can take them I I don’t want them I don’t want them I don’t [Laughter] even what are we talking about playing ter I’m not sure I’m not sure who’s Terraria oo I got this this guy handled

I’m handling okay I got it I got it I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling chill we’re chill check it out Premier Protein I’m not watching you right now no interest oh this guy’s got fired leave me alone oh wait this guy’s split oh no he I’m on your camera we’re gaming right

Now I can’t you’re not going to get any sense of friendship oh no no no I just really want to be a part of this fight I need health I need help all you’re on run brother you got full health I’m on 7even I need [Laughter]

Help now I got health I’m on my way fasm is the worst he’s just the green cursed Flames he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me I’m at nine Health don’t worry we got him we do not dude I’m going to die again right when you kill them I love

This game yeah I can wait a little bit just wait 12 oh wait oh wait thanks buddy [Laughter] oh that wasn’t me he ran into your your your Cloud funny all right don’t worry I got rid of all the water you dip [ __ ] remember when Jackson last week said why do you open

Your Che with your mouth Zach and then he does it himself remember that remember when he called me out for the thing he does as well he turns times all right the jungle grows restless our next boss is planta oh God I’m too scared oh I’m scared I’m I’m rattled

Up I totally spelled that wrong are you googling the answer no you should know it by heart pooright yeah I’m not I’m not I’m not gay I don’t I don’t know the answer either that battle went better than the others for me cuz I I lasted most of the battle you survived

Longer yes you just got to dodge you have to really Dodge right it’s this Strat tips and tricks you’re hearing it you’re hearing it in real time Dodge that’s my tip Dodge yeah I did better at that this time that but not not perfect

Dry bomb a for turtle shell is it oh we got a solar eclipse happening what happens during a sose all the mobs are now like spooky mobs I see that actually yeah and you can get some unique items oh Jesus Christ was killed well that’s that fits the narrative is that um go

Right have Excalibur or something I guess what you have that I Know it’s funny how like I I noticed this too in my world it’s cuz I always I I do the same thing I always build the elevator on the right side of my house oh yeah and uh whenever like a mob event happens they always just fall down into

It hey everybody welcome back to how to acquire the death tickle so what you’re going to want to do is is go to Kate’s house here’s his address on screen put it in the Google Map then you’re going to want to call his mom here’s the number then you’re going to Door Dash

Kade his favorite meal yeah he’ll forgive you for what you did before and last the death CLE will appear in a mailbox alongside a pip that’s great you like that yeah that’s pretty good that’s a real life that’s an improv tip and trick right there for you I know you’re

A fan of those yeah they’re pretty good pretty useful I know you go in there and you’re like wow and then I get like and then I get like 30 comments saying is this real and I’m like dude I hate that I said you had to get a degree [Laughter] bro

Yep you got to you got to get one yeah it’s real you got to get a degree though it’s required can’t build my MPC houses cuz I’m killing off creatures of the night I’m ripping and tearing limb from limb ripping tear until it’s done the Doom Slayer here here here you go you

Can have it thanks buddy yeah it’s pretty good so clearly it upgrad weapons does not help you even the game called me [Laughter] incompetent dude fix your health dude shut the up I’m just trying to help you dude I’m trying to help you in a negative way you just said fix your out

Am I Wrong Am I am I wrong about that Am I Wrong Am I Wrong oh my god dude I’m going to sleep that was a reference I don’t know that one know bop it oh the toy hell yeah brother bro grew up wait no bro didn’t grw up I’m going to

Sleep that’s when the game goes idle for five minutes and you don’t touch it I’m going to slur Batman flew a nuke into the [Laughter] sea Batman flew a nuk into the sea I would love to watch that movie that’s literally what happened I don’t remember

That that’s the end of the movie what movie that one the one where your di which one are you referring to third one the third one the third one the The Dark Night literally the one where he goes and retires see how I’m not dodging them in any kind of way I just

Ran yeah clear you might need to do that I guess so I’ll throw a wet bomb in here no I don’t I don’t I don’t don’t do it I’m literally gu don’t worry I’ll dry bomb it don’t worry I just good job thanks I just Dy bombed it

Yeah that seem to work it’s a it adds no it adds aesthetic you can open up the chest still don’t worry about it holy [ __ ] how much water there we go are you just going to put a a well underneath the house N I don’t give a [ __ ] you can’t even

Tell but if I put a torch down No no no reason no reason you son of a [ __ ] Shield a cthulu how we getting that how we getting that how do we get the Sunstone do you have any more boss summons do I have any more boss summons that’s a great question um no we don’t

So we need to make the answer is no well it’s just a simple question really and all you have to do is answer it with a nice tone of voice not a [ __ ] one sorry I just kind what I do now you sound like poo true that [Laughter]

RH I don’t think it did but what are you laughing at what are you laughing at couldn’t say nothing you need to know trust the attacks on Trump from the left and moderate minded Republicans and they blindly support Trump because that is what they’ve been told to do why you

Read those questions to get them engaged and Dro seven P there’s like eight more pages why you’re not reading that whole thing wait why not it’s like I’m not listening to that all right it’s a time capsule why do you support Trump what do you think he continues no we’re done okay fine

Yourself yeah man get this guy a ref defibrillator because he’s going to not have to breathe anymore yeah that’s that’s right we’re going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu That’s Right H yeah have a painting of sunflowers you is that van

Go could it be van go dude these [ __ ] mimics keep giving me magic daggers I don’t want that [ __ ] bro give me good stuff pissing me off I’ll say it ew I don’t want it that [ __ ] gives me a hernia little bit of an odd case of hernia but uh

Odd odd case of uh hernia hernia as a plural y multiple hernia herni ey herni [Laughter] ey odd case of herni ey it’s a reoccurring occurrence a random hernia event no I would not want that to happen random hery event you’d have just been attacked by hernia no K classic no

No classic it gets so dramatic how could you no apple pie dude a good apple pie would be great right now dude kid would eat the whole pie I’d eat the whole pie and an eggnog and an eggnog One Singular eggnog it’s because of my my hernia case wait

No my problem with a jungle biome is that I just walk around not wanting items and I just get a full inventory with no consent yeah true you’re like I don’t want this [ __ ] Leaf I got speed both got those we both got these sick ass little uh fidget Spinners yeah we got

These fidget spinner I got two of these guys nothing it’s no nothing to think about nothing nothing nothing nothing to nothing to cry over nothing to nothing going to let me down what the [ __ ] are you talking about couldn’t tell you really what the hell you yapping about

Some random [ __ ] dude I don’t [ __ ] know godam what the hell are you yapping about I don’t know I don’t know what the hell you yapping about brother it’s all that Apple destroying your voice all that apple cider what who these guys These Guys these guys are tough last episode we had

A tough time yeah now we’re so good at this game dude we’ve progressed so far in such a quick amount of time I killed one of them already flame [ __ ] is still a [ __ ] no doubt don’t worry I got him all right true kns Edge look at me I

Got the true Nights Edge I got the true kns Edge okay pull out my broken hero Sword did I ever get one you just type broken hero mid no bro how did you type that quickly that was crazy I heard that [ __ ] and I was like God damn that was nuts that was picked up on the mic too bro got that clicky key I was really

Fired up there bro was like Type to Learn four more like type toer five oh come on they got to be on the fifth installation by now what did Type to Learn two and three look like what what the [ __ ] they Type to Learn let’s take a

Look oh no they got rid of massive the massive typing franchise Type to Learn started in 1999 the number one typing program but what version of it that’s what I want to know I want to know what what update we’re on we need we we need we need

Godzilla’s wife to show up is that really Godzilla’s wife dude in real life in real life in the lore it’s canical I’ll ask mamoto myself mamoto is God got one over here is Godzilla’s wife Mothra from the hit movie Godzilla check it out dude going

Did you get it I didn’t pick it up I didn’t see no doesn’t see I got the [ __ ] cthulu the game really doesn’t want me to get the Broken Heroes yeah let’s just hang out here the spot this is the spot oh my god there it is

And Wings of Evil I got a painting it’s rare it’s a rare painting oh thank you relo oh [ __ ] really I had a kid come in to GameStop and ask like he he would ask me like he’d bring up a pop he’d bring up a Funko Pop and every time he’ be

Like is this rare will I get a lot lot of money for this you’re like yes kid you will get that one terrablade I did it good weapon that’s pretty nice any golden Furniture you get from Pirates can be sold for high money High money item High money item big money

Item oh goddamn Pirates oh it’s the pirate ship here it comes the Flying Dutchmen inbound oh bring it back to the bring it to the boss area oh never mind it’s gone I got a golden candle from now oh my God the amount of bodily functions that are happening right now it’s crazy

Carnage Carnage Carnage you mean from Venom Let There Be Carnage no [ __ ] no God damn are you talking about Carnage from Venom are you talking about Carnage from Spider-Man say it again say it again God damn it how about this are you talking about Carnage from Venom are you talking about cage from

Big Wheel you son of a [ __ ] yes big wheel thank you big will I know big will yeah I’m pretty pretty sleepy tired sleepy say it again I got you another life Fruit wow thank you I put it in the trash oh sorry it didn’t work no simply cuz you’ll understand it was

Taking up too much inventory space uh my installed the only game I have installed this Terraria all right are we fighting plan Terra so if you don’t okay think it’s time to shuffle the Halo 3 soundtrack I texted like we were playing fortnite and we were getting no wins because it was upsetting and she’s like oh I’m sorry that’s a bummer and I’m like yeah now we’re playing Terraria like as you

Should that’ll do it come on wall die did I get what I want did I get what I want my God he died like 3 seconds I got the warrior emblem that’s exactly what I wanted yeah we’re op now uh Warrior emblem I have the Avenger Emblem what’s up everybody welcome back to the Terraria video kade’s kade’s in the video kade’s weird he’s going to be uh he’s going to be I give up what is wrong with you shut up shut up I can’t put the cap back on the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God we have the

Wizard there’s no room in here this son of a [ __ ] he doesn’t have time stamps how do you how are you a YouTuber in 2023 and you don’t have time stamps on your tutorial video you godamn [ __ ] I don’t have it either you don’t have a tutorial

Actually I in my lore video I had time stamps well there you go that makes sense in a funny moments video why would you have time stamps in the what the [ __ ] did I just pick up agile Al tosser oh my God I got the beer throwing weapon

Wait k do you have the power glove I do not have the power glove [ __ ] I know how the [ __ ] do you get the Power Glove um email Reggie you have the Titan glove that’s right oh my god do we have anything in this house w

We have the feral claws oh that’s useful can you check if we have any um spelunking potions in the potion chest look nope I don’t have any [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] we got some Titan potions some wet ball dude I should replay Elden ring time to go time to go kill some

Mimics maybe hopefully if you find one an extra one I’ll I’ll take it well if I happen to find one I’m going to use one hope the steampunker it’s my cousin’s name hope yeah hope yeah no I’m Ray Skywalker what watch in the new Ray Trilogy she’ll

Be like I was joking what what are you joking about about the fact that she’s Ray Skywalker and he’s like I realized I was a little cringe yeah I didn’t I didn’t actually think I was a Skywalker I just unless I thought that she has some she has some

Weird personality complex going on in her brain where she’s like yeah I’m a I’m a Skywalker yeah Everyone likes to rip on the the the sequel Trilogy now I will say that I like force awakens more than any of what of what what is it what are you

Going to say what are you going to say and I have a theory I have a really good theory of what it’s going to be the prels God I have so much [ __ ] in my inventory do I have a returning potion you not have a magic

Mirror no I want a potion oh a return potion oh yeah we might have some at home yeah well we have one at home that doesn’t really help me right now well here’s how I can handle this I can teleport to you give it to you come home

Watch okay then you click on pink team you click open map join the pink team join it join the pink team oh he’s talking to me sorry yeah who the [ __ ] do you think I was talking to I thought you were talking to yourself you do that sometimes oh my God

Remember we’re doing a giveway a giveaway all month where if you click like right now I’ll send you an email sending you the Cage’s I don’t [ __ ] know I’m going to kill the queen bee real quick oops I accidentally spawned the queen bee that was not my

Intention dude we are twinning right now oh my God you have the same amount of Health we literally have the exact same amount of Health dude God damn oh I found a house yes I found a I found a sharp in station that increases damage or something something other put the loom up

Here the temporal Loom K’s got his penis music on he’s in I do I have Halo music going same thing no you son of a [ __ ] rated and WIP R and WIP it has the same Cadence R it and wave play the intro I got a life

Heart hey that’s crazy also if you subscribe right now Kade will get his dick sucked Please Subscribe hold up throwing away useless HT blocks dude that could give you money and you just forget about it dude I think the reason I didn’t know was because I have this [ __ ] YouTuber that

Gives me false facts every time I’m trying to like learn you know you’re going to have to give me a link cuz that guy sounds pretty cool you should consider subscribing right now make sure to subscribe right now because I give really good tips and tricks and Kade likes

Them yeah if I had a [ __ ] Titan glove I can build like five other things I don’t want Those that one hurt any thoughts to that dude that looks [ __ ] sick as [ __ ] what I’m over here sneezing saying that hurt and then asked if you had an opinion about and then you were like that looks sick as [ __ ] and I’m like what the hell is he talking

About actually really surprised at the mimic give me a type no we can make it better we can be a change I want to make a change Michael Jack dude come on oh come on Mel he died for our sins and you’re saying [Laughter] that really dead man sweater I found a

Dead Man sweater is it Michael Dude too soon too soon even though the bloke died in like 2005 no not maybe not that long ago it was around there it was around there early 2000 looks a little oh my God is that Carlos whoa you had to say gay

Right when Carlos joined dude who what’s up Carlos are you gay Carlos am I gay no thank goodness sorry we love you regardless maybe next time Zach G another life all right another life I’ll wait till then all right I will mate as long as it

Takes so I can be with you for eternity What I think I have most of what I need uh is the beetle shell the best we’re going to do I think it is right that’s the best think we can do right now okay have to check a second there these mother on the internet saying I say I

Pronounce it weaky and I know it’s like Wiki sometimes I don’t really give a every comment is like is like oh he said we I’m like yeah you’re you’re banned yeah they’re banned from my server where there’s no rules Only Rule is don’t you if you make

Fun of me you’re saying weaky yeah don’t don’t yeah if I’m saying weaky yeah if you’re calling me out on that you’re done well see I don’t know how hard this guy is I guess I should get potions cuz I feel like de wi I mean I might be yeah

We need we need we need potions we need buff Potions H do we not have any deep Bloons I probably used up a bit of it for something at one point I don’t remember that’s just walking around breaking [ __ ] right I mean breaking the ground you know yeah I don’t know where exactly I don’t remember I’m the trar expert and I don’t

Remember this guy this guy some expert you are dude S I try my best I try I really do but uh and it’s not good enough doesn’t really cut it does it well who has 1,200 subscribers you oh [ __ ] you God damn see going up two to two getting 200 subscribers that quickly

That’s got a 200 Subs in like two days dude that’s pretty uh that’s a that’s a that’s a celebrating 20 I remember that Kate’s still at 20 bro only got to 75 yeah Kade is kade’s kade’s peaked at 75 oh my God the snow biome has snow

Snowman in the background this is this is a much better background bro I don’t like the ice [ __ ] so you’re making potions and stuff oh my God I found a chest that we never found before just Bel the surface that for my Excitement broke came okay that was a that was a bit weirder Mario th I don’t have 14 gold I’m going to have to sell some things I love how a gold bar only sells for 84 silver like like that makes any sense ow these [ __ ] I only got 500 asphalt I need more

Stone more more I need more greedy bastard I’m just kindy of little more where’s my fishing pole can’t really help you there oh my God you run so much faster on asphalt this is nuts asphalt oh my God shut up like yet that’s my new phrase yeah bloke bloke and get I really

Do love bloke is a good one bloke is a solid in front of my parents I did that too I think and they were like bloke I’m like oh yeah you wouldn’t you wouldn’t get though one tell them to shut the up bloke shut yeah yeah what’s a bloke well that makes you

A bloke for not knowing what bloke is sorry Mom sorry Dad okay so it’s cool that you can dump things instantly in a chest now I got to be able to search yeah they don’t they don’t have a search feature yet but I don’t think they

Really need it you can get a mod probably you’re just coping at this point if only the game was 3D LGE and there was an elder ring at the end you know that’s how about you how about you stop I was a if only I was a tarnished you

Know if only if only if only I woke up and the first person to talk to me said I had no maidens that would that would be great that would be great much much preferred sure sure you prefer no maidens I prefer Maiden lless all right yeah well your video was like

Terraria starts off and you suck dick and then you get better at the game yeah see it’s the same thing I guess this game does yeah why are you [ __ ] why are you [ __ ] on Terraria I think you I need I think you need to think more if we took a poll I

Think that most people would agree that dude on my channel it would be Terraria about anything literally anything I put it up against Mario Galaxy and it’s still destroy I’m like dude now where the [ __ ] is my goddamn fishing pole is where I’m at right now

Oh that’s where I’m not at right now [ __ ] but what is the bait I fot what the the good bait is Master bait you it literally is I did a little bit of baiting a little bit of fishing a while ago okay what is in Terraria or real life and Terraria

Okay A little concern there oh my God Jesus Christ is in the is in the Underground Sonic Underground Sonic Underground the Creator Sonic got arrested for insider trading what the is that a real thing I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure whoa F2 what F2 sets your guy to normal F2 oh what the oh no I’m I’m a fool that changes your load out oh yeah um you almost

Scared me I was like what happened to my stuff is fishing going to work without bait or am I like am I you you need bait do you did you did you have bait oh yeah definitely I don’t think you do based off of that tone of voice no no

You don’t know anything I think you’re [ __ ] Who’s Got Bait I don’t know uh I’m to Google that I going to Google who has bait oh you get Apprentice bait and St from the angler MPC I think you pretty much just have to catch Critters I think you have to there’s a

There’s a worm there’s a worm right out here there’s a worm go get it I at my thingy I can’t find it I don’t know where it is get the work get the I can’t grab grab get the work dude the AO CER device net bro bro [ __ ] bro bro said

Aoet yeah catcher catcher you have a limited amount of time before the worm falls down the hole there’s noing way I’m getting that goddamn worm I’ll give you I’ll give you a net dude come on come on I don’t where’s my net here it is where’s that come here I got him all

Right now you have one bait I’m I’m moving up in the world you’ll be able to catch maybe one oh there’s another there’s another worm right here didn’t even you there’s a day Bloom seed got it that’s a day Bloom that’s what I said dude you said

Seed okay so my mic cut out no your mic didn’t cut out you it cut in it wait did I just destroy my day blo streets no I think it’s right there there’s one here but there was like three oh yeah it’s yeah it’s gone yeah it’s

Gone oh that’s good all right I could quickly log on to a to a multiplayer item shop server see we could just go to a I mean honestly we just open up a new world and then scour the surface for God that’s a that’s called a cade special

Where why is that a special you just want to restart the game for no reason no no and it and it only applies to survival games yeah that is true wait but and no it’s not it’s actually not true that’s hey that’s actually false because well it feels

Like you’re restarting it every time you play it no no not I will say I’ve restar okay I have to restarted a couple times but oh brother I don’t know I don’t know how to plant I know you can get planter boxes [ __ ] it just have some willpower I don’t have

That try try to have willpower challenge impossible dude just just reel back your mental disorder for a second okay sure yeah I’ll I’ll just do that real quick D thank you no problem just yeah [ __ ] yeah dude when the when the meally when the mentally Sayan bloke says

Something it’s it’s when the mentally bloke says just just think better like yeah okay just use just use 100% of your brain yeah I’m I’m trying here 100% your brain isn’t actually possible I don’t actually I know I feel wasn’t that like a whole thing where people were like well the human isn’t

Really using 90 like 17% of their brain yeah I think it’s fake though I don’t think it’s real what that thing I think it’s not true how much of the human brain are we using oh yeah [Laughter] 100% armor a princess fish hey everybody welcome back to the video

So I’m here with I’m here with Kade we’re going to fight the moon Lord hey wait do your intro hi oh my God that was [ __ ] again okay hello this my ter video yeah oh wait sorry you kind of I’ll change the song cuz I

Know you’re I know it’s tough on you yo what’s up guys this is Kade here and today we are doing a Terraria video all right I’m joined here by Masonic zakum and today we are going to be fighting the moon Lord uh it’s pretty exciting I’m pretty hyped uh never beat this game

Uh I have Suicidal Thoughts every day every time I wake up in the morning uh I want to die want to jump off a cliff want to hop in the car and drive it in to Zach’s house causing Zach pain too yeah what what are you what’s going on dude I’m

Not doing good [Laughter] [ __ ] it’s time to fight the pillar here we go ow these guys shoot me yeah these guys shoot me too I’m worry these guys do take damage I just have no Buffs on but hopefully I can you mean they deal massive damage oh yeah all right Kade break down the pillar we’re

Playing Terraria at the moment dude it’s pretty good you should get on quickly get home yeah we’re about to fight this guy here he comes any second okay okay okay okay he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming he coming to buff tell to buff buff right now buff

Right now buff buff here he is okay aim for the you know the things wait so okay run across the pathway right all right I just got to get out of there he yeah he’ll he’ll he’ll do that you have to just dodge major attacks okay his eyes

Is almost dead yeah that’s one eye so kill that one kill Dodge that laser that laser is tough to Dodge I will say just oh my God I’m being I’m actually kind of chilling at the moment you got to hit his far left eye over

Here oh no oh my God I’m so L right now I’m going to I’m going to try and stay back a little bit I I’m hit his uh hit his uh hit his his top eye oh my God I’m going to I’m going to go back home real quick Health up okay hold

On I heard somebody get on stre he’s got me with a claw oh my godun yeah run just run just run I’m coming oh he caught up to me oh okay I healed up I’m pretty good actually all right his eyes dead aim for the heart oh it’s underneath [ __ ] yeah

So go just go up oh my God oh my God first try baby that’s good that’s good where de it [ __ ] de it Lord defeated guy sucks this guy’s ass we did it we beat the moon Lord I I thought we were we were well prepared we were Potion all right that’s the end of the series see You

Cade has literally never beaten the game before. So I said “sure” I’ll “help you” beat Terraria. And that’s exactly what we did.

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