Doing Some Monster Hunting | Stardew Valley Stream #37

Hear the birds and see the sun side by side our fears are done oh the good times just begun oh we know what we have let’s Hold On Tight found what we’re looking for in Life call us crazy but things are finally right with you and I the future is bright Oh You and I we got it oh we don’t need no more even in the hard time you and I can weather any stor before sleep hear the cricket see the moon have a sight and through and through no limit to what we can

Do oh we know what we have let’s Hold On Tight found what we’re looking for in Life call us great see but things are finally right you and I the future is Bright you and I we got it we don’t need no more even in the hard time you and I can weather any storm You and I we got it oh we don’t need no more how even in the heart time you and I can weather in Storm life is a Winding Road no telling where it goes driving through days and nights won’t stop for traffic lights and I I really want to know really want to Know if I figure out where the road Go even if I’m falling down I will keep on searching for my high you can say I lost my mind I will keep on holding my head high even if the sky is falling Down Jing from cffs so high trusting our wings to fly sometimes crashing down but we get up and start from the ground and I really want to know really want to Know if I figure out where the road goes even if I’m falling down I will keep on searching for my eyes you can say I lost my mind I will keep on holding my head high even if the sky is falling down the SK Is Falling Down is falling Down hello everybody and welcome to the dream let me shush the music up before it starts singing again how are we all doing if you are new here welcome I am low it’s lovely to uh have you join the stream it’s lovely to see a few in chat

Uh Eevee has been here for 4 hours I appreciate you so much your enthusiasm is amazing every streamer should have an Eevee in their chat honestly you are amazing and Stephan’s here too hi Stefan I hope you’re doing well and having a good day but yeah you’re good oh I’m so glad

Evee I’m so glad you’re good but yeah I appreciate you you’re wonderful it’s nice to set everything up and and see you saying hello um before I even go live so it is it is lovely you are appreciated but we’re going to get into some star so let me Swap this over I’m

Going to pop this up a little bit in my ears and um let me know how the audio is uh let’s just see we could probably drop it down uh that’s a slightly one maybe there we go so today is all about monster eradication goals cuz I need to work on

Them um I put this off this is like one of the last things that I tend to do um when I’ve been like working on perfection in things I um I tend to do this kind of last it was one of the last things that I did before getting the go

Clock on um this farm right here uh Willow farm this is now reached Perfection I am still playing it on and off because I need to replace the statue that I blew up but because I blew it up when it was almost time for passing out

For bedtime um I had played an entire day done so much stuff that I I couldn’t myself to restart the day I just I couldn’t face doing that day over again so I’m now I’m now trying to earn the money back to um Reby this statue that I

Need uh so yeah that happened so I’m like halfway there um but anyway we’re going to head into oak wood and uh we’re going to we’re going to have a day on the farm um so I can explain why things look slightly different um those you may not notice

There’s not huge changes just one of two little things I’ve tweaked and moved I guess uh when I played off stream um I played a week off stream I I like to do that mostly in Winter um probably because winter is just Bleak in this game um there’s not a massive amount to

Do like farming wise so I uh yeah I played a week please forgive me um but uh let’s head out here and we’ll grab that so I’ve changed this a little bit I’ve moved this I’ve made this wider this is the first thing I’ve done um I’ve got some winter season

Um some Fiber and things growing in here I don’t actually need the scarecrows in there for those but anyway and I’ve blocked this off yeah I’m thinking of actually putting a little cabin back here maybe moving one of the cabins um but let’s go down here I moved this

Over and I’ve got the oist over there I planted some trees they will grow in Spring I did not plant you though you can go right let’s grab our little duck eggs and say hello and then the other changes I have made are over the other

Side so let’s uh head over this way we’ll go this way around cuz cuz we can pop into the shed on the way past um we also need to uh water the dog who is there there you go Watson have some water oh is that a

Treat no it’s okay I thought it was a tree seed then it’s not it’s a piece of path right let’s do this uh Robin gave us some wood so we can put that in that chest we have a no I’ve just taken out the fiber let’s not do that shall we let’s put

That in there um okay let’s head this way and we will do this um grab the mushrooms we’ll sort out this and then I’ll show you the other things that I’ve just changed in a moment I think my ancient fruit already in the uh in the greenhouse as well so

We’ll sort those out as well before we uh disappear off into all of the mines today so I’ve widened this out um and narrowed this path I didn’t like the fact there was like a a big gap here between here and the the path so I shuffled everything over

Um and I am I think when spring comes I’m going to I’m going to change this all the up to um aridium Sprinklers and make the the planting bigger I think um but yeah I’ve changed this up here and then what I’ve also done is

I’ve planted um one of each of the fruit trees to grow around here just for decoration more than anything um going to pop the uh not in there let me put that there and those in there who’s my comfort person to watch um let’s see well it it often depends

What I’m in the mood for um one of my goto is I like I often will put on um a a staru valley this sounds ridiculous cuz I’m playing staru myself but I’ll often put on a um a staru Valley Stream by a Creator called easy Lily she’s South African she has the

Loveliest accent um and uh she’s currently doing a playthrough of uh Stu expanded which is a mod that you can get on the PC um for staru and it just it adds so much into this game it’s unbelievable and um so I’m I have been watching her streams um as vods I don’t

Often catch her live um but I like to pop her uh her sort of videos on especially now she’s she’s got some streams uh going up on YouTube CU she does stream on Twitch more than YouTube but she’s now streaming on both which is lovely um and then I also I

Don’t know whether I’ve ever like mentioned this but I also um I really like interior design um it’s something I’ve always loved um even from being a little kid I used to um look at furniture catalogs and things and decide on things that I would like in my house as a child cuz

I’m strange um but there’s a an interior design a like DIY um YouTuber called EXO McKenna and she has two two channels uh one of them is a vlogging Channel and the other one is like her DIY like interior design um channel uh let me see we’ll put those

There actually we’ll put all of those in there don’t think I need to keep anything else we need some more bananas um but I like her content and she um she’s lovely to watch as well so I will uh I’ll often like rewatch some of her Vlogs and things um some of her

Older videos and um and I like uh you know I I like to um I like to I don’t know just like go through her her old stuff um she during the pandemic right at the very beginning of the pandemic she bought um what she

Refers to as a cottage I think I think the British version of a cottage and the American version of a cottage is very different um I would call what she’s bought a bungalow a large Bungalow um or a one-story house not a cottage um but she uh she and a um her a

Boyfriend a partner I think they’ve been together like 50 years or something 15 years um they uh they have like renovated this like 100 plus like year old uh Cottage and um it’s beautiful she still hasn’t finished it because she’s since got um the like family home where

They live in LA and it’s just beautiful and she’s in the process of uh sorting that out and uh you know decorating that and um planning Renovations and things in that and I love all that kind of thing I I’ve always been someone that that’s I’ve enjoyed like those like

Interior design shows and and House shows and things and yeah I I love all of that I think it’s great so that you watch do you watch people who decorate doll’s houses no I don’t this girl likes some’s videos for that accent you cannot [Laughter] talk none of you can say anything about

That I know what you’re all here um but uh yeah so I’m going to leave those cuz they are mushroom trees but uh yeah so I like that kind of thing um and there’s also uh another YouTuber um who I really like and she she’s American she has a really soft no she’s

Canadian I get it right actually there’s a couple of Canadians that I I like to watch um Minecraft content my go-to is um Gemini Tay she is an incredible uh Builder and YouTuber um she’s very Cottage core she’s very my kind of aesthetic um for anything and she has a really lovely accent

Too um so I watched G um mainly her second Channel I’ll go to because she uploads her twitch streams as vods on her second channel so I will uh I’ll watch her and then there’s also another kind of like interior design lifestyle um YouTuber called Ashlin

Eaton I think her surname is I think her I’m sure her Channel’s like Ashlin Eaton and um she also does um you know those kinds of like organization um uh sort of content and like declutter stuff and everything and I just when I’m feeling a little bit like on edge and

Anxious or something I I I find that for my own personal self um organizing things or like doing little bit of cleaning or whatever um just helps with that it’s mainly because the um the anxiety that I normally have is uh stems from uh OCD so and part of that with

Myself is I find that if I organize and and do things it refocuses my mind and does like helps ease the anxiety so I uh I I like if I if I’m unable to um have if I haven’t got anything to organize of my own I’ll watch someone else do it so I

Uh yeah I often go with with her as well you thought Jim was from the UK no she is Canadian Gem’s Canadian Gem’s not uh not British um no Brits and uh and Canadians definitely don’t sound alike I could understand if he’d said that she

Um if if like the if she was Australian and you said that um because sometimes people in the UK can sometimes they can be um mistaken for being like Australian depending on how they say words um usually the southerners uh not so much up north um just doing some foraging um I

Want to try and save some of the uh the winter forage and stuff so I can make some winter seeds let’s head up to where the um what’s it called the train station wow words um but now the the whole uh decorating doll’s houses sounds fascinating um I did have a doll’s house

As a child I didn’t decorate it much though I didn’t like put wallpaper and things in it um I think I don’t know if it was my mom I think she used to have one that had like like proper lights and things in it or something um and like little bits of

Carpet and wallpaper and and stuff inside it um but yeah there’s a there’s a a shop in the town that I live outside of um and that uh that sells a lots of um doll’s house things and it always fascinates me the things that you can

You can buy so actually put in your doll’s houses um it’s just like decorating a real home and it’s yeah I find that quite fascinating uh right we’re going to bop into the woods and see if there’s anything down here and then what we’re going to do the plan

Is to head to the school cabins first um mainly because the serpents are the ones that I need to get rid of the most um but I also I need to to work on the pepper xes as well um as part of the monster eradication goal but I also

Really really really desperately need a dinosaur egg I’ve not come across one yet and I haven’t spent that much time in the school cavins other than like doing the the quick run to the bottom when I’ve needed to um so I need to uh I need to get on with that so

Um we’ve got all the things at the school cabins in the chest that I have there um so we can grab food and everything and we can uh we can get straight over there cuz I think I think I think I think I have a warp

Totem for the desert I need to double check actually so let’s uh let’s head back up you have a doll’s house wow what’s what type of dolls house is it Eevee cuz you can get different styles of them can’t you um I kind of like the Victorian style houses for the doll’s

House and that’s like really pretty we like the little bay windows and things and um mine was like very um just a very straightforward little house I remember having um you pulled the front came down as like a um it didn’t open up like a door

It sort of came down like a a leaf lever kind of I don’t know I can’t explain it um and then the the roof opened up so there was like I think I think it was split with like in the atic of it there was like two little rooms and then there

Was all rooms like down and within the the house itself so there’s like a kitchen a bathroom a lounge a dining room and then like a bedroom and then you had like the two upstairs little bedrooms that you would decorate as well um yeah I mean I play I mean I wasn’t

Much of a a dolls player as a child I didn’t really play with dolls um I think that is the influence of having two older brothers um I uh I played with cars and played football and was a little bit of a tomboy as a Child it’s two stories in has a tower on the side it opens on the back oh that sounds magical that sounds incredible right uh what did I just say that we’re going to do oh I did make that right okay so let’s just can I make a desert

Tosm I need a coconut right hang on let me go and grab one cuz I know where there is one really quickly that we can get a hold of because we can get to the desert as quickly as possible I also want to I have the stuff for um for the uh the

Obelisks so well for for the desert Obelisk actually so we could go and we could get that done as well um afterwards so let’s make one of those um I think I’m also actually going to grab the farm totems as well and then let’s run down let me sip

Some coffee and we’ll run down to the produce shed and put this forage in there you have to rework the electric in the house because the lights in the house but that’s yeah I think that’s I think my mom had one like that I’m sure I’m sure my mom had one that had

Lights I just I think that’s just incredible I love that I love that you can put electricity in these things it makes them so real like they will pop a little house it’s just incredible next thing you’ll be saying you’ll be get you know you’ll be putting

Plum coming in and having a proper bathroom and water could that be done surely I’m going to pop those in there right um and I’m actually going to put um right hang on a minute yes I’ll leave those in there Sebastian doesn’t need a um an egg tomorrow morning it’s fine oh

Let’s quickly say hello to Jude because we won’t be seeing him tomorrow till we get back okay and then we will go over to the desert and I will um I’ve got my list of all of the stuff that like the monster goals that we need to do so we can go

Through those so I can tell you exactly how many like pepper xes I uh I need to um eradicate and we could also um you’ll also be able to work on some of the the uh the mummies as well so let’s head straight over there we’re going to waste no time

Okay um we will pick up a uh a coconut because we need that to replace the one that we just took um right let’s head into here right so we’re going to take some stairs and some cheese and we’ll take both bomb um what’s got the better look the

Pumpkin okay that’s fine right let’s um let’s just do some rearranging of some things doop okay um that there I’m actually going to put that there okay um let’s just swap those round cuz these are kind of like a last resort um I’d rather try and find like the hole in the

Stairs if possible um I’m not speed running this in any way because it’s I’m purely here for the monsters um so it’s going to be fun um right so before we go through that um go through the door and get on with this let me tell you what we need

So for the school cabins I need to um kill 44 pepper rexes the dinosaurs I’m hoping that they will drop um a dinosaur egg or two would be great three would be incredible because then I can donate one to the museum I can make uh dino mayonnaise um and then get that shipped

Because I’m missing that on the shipping list and then I can incubate one and have a dinosaur so if we can get three eggs I know that’s asking for a lot if we can find three that would be great but I’m happy with just one cuz then we

Can incubate that one and then get more from the little dinosaur that’s fine and but yeah we need 44 of those the mummies which will will come across on levels in here I need 97 of those now the serpent I need 232 so that is what we’re working on in here

And we’re going to do a day and just see how we go um so I am going to eat the pumpkin soup and it doesn’t really matter what the look is because the main reason we’re here is for the monsters so it’s not necessary um that we have good luck in any

Way and I’m wearing a lucky ring ring anyway so it’s not an issue and I would normally skip a level like this but we’re not going to today um so we’re just going to wander around and down and see what comes at us and what we can find there’s a lot of gold

There see we have our little second serpent I the only thing I do wish while I was doing this was that I had upgraded my um what’s it called My Sword I still need one more Galaxy soul to be able to do that though um right I think we’ll just Bop

Down this ladder since how we found it right see what’s in there got some bone fragments I am going to deal with that slime I just want to get you in the corner thank you so many babies go away here we go oh we have a hole right let’s just

See if there’s anything else down here nope so let’s jump down the hole and see how far we go f six levels okay right now we have we have a Mumy we also have a ladder but I want to get I need to get rid of The Mummy

Oh you know I haven’t killed mummies for so long it’s not how we kill mummies um that is how you kill mummies there we go uh I need you hello sir are you going to thank you okay let’s go run that’s good cuz I think I actually

Need some solar Essence as well so this is this is good we’ve got a ladder there so that’s handy I haven’t got many bombs that’s the only problem I should have bought some from the dwarf can I get both of you two oh I just popped that right in his head I’m

Sorry okay we got some cloth though and you sir and let’s do that nice it’s making it goo fire would be effective makom should be effective yep right I need to eat let’s eat some uh cheese and then we’re going to go down a level I might use um ladders in a

Little bit just to see if we can find um a dinosaur level there’s nothing there that we need hello little serpent dude go away they hit hard is not good is anything no to you guys oh there’s all just slimes here can we find the ladder oh we have a hole though let’s

Jump down there then let’s go f 11 I think that’s the most I’ve ever fallen I’m going to grab that is there anything here that I need to get instead of being stalked by this stupid little slime well giant slime ball no right let’s just do that

Do you know actually let’s not waste time let’s just jump see if there’s anything that oh this just stone is there anything here I don’t necessarily need you but I will take well that worked out didn’t it there’s nothing on there ow ow stop hurting me so rude

Okay let’s have a look at chat hi Jade welcome the mod you can use for Terraria where you kill everyone that’s interesting um this is Stu valley [Laughter] though so not the same game oh good we have a uh a bomb right let’s see what’s in this box nothing okay okay let’s do

That uh do we have any mummies should be surely there should be a mummy on this level right no okay then oh there he is hello sir you are hiding from me right uh let’s Bop that there cool thank you didn’t uh drop a ladder though so let’s just do that right

Um let’s not waste those is there anything on here that we need you died in the school cabins you seen the mod oh that mod Oh you mean St you oh okay yeah that okay I don’t think I’d uh I would I’d download that mod to be honest sounds kind of

Brutal no get away from me got a little serpent guy coming can I eat the cheese first leave me alone okay we have the ladder I need to uh get rid of these though oh we we have a hole run go going to M this treat okay

Let’s get rid of no will you okay let’s jump down the hole and see how far we go okay o there we go some spicy eel that’s good I will take that let’s see if there’s anything else I’m not bothered about that I have so much idium it’s just coming at

My ears at this point I am going to grab the diamond though oh we have we don’t need you I can go right is is that cheese for a mouse that was some daily wheat hole yes it is you are right that is what that cheese is for

Oh um right can I be bothered to go all the way to the end yeah cuz we might get a serpent turn up which would be great or maybe not Hello any oh well we need coal and he’s here here so this is good okay thank you come

On right uh get down the down the ladder did you play undertale I may have mayhaps uh right I think it’s time to do some staring um oh yes this is what we wanted right I’m not bothered about those ow give me a dinosaur egg please oh

There’s so many of them all together come this way oh look you’re on your own over here kind of please please give me an egg I need to chck out some stuff no not you don’t need that though we don’t need that that can go um

That can go as well let’s just free up some things don’t need that don’t necessarily need those either so we can get a load of those from Ginger Island everything else I’ll keep I don’t know why I picked that up but anyway no give me a dinosaur egg ow I’m going to

Die I need to um I need to eat some cheese okay um let’s eat another piece actually so we can go back to full health okay and up we go right oh please drop an egg I just I need an egg let’s eat the pumpkin soup because that should give us some more

Luck give me an Egg give me an egg why do you not give me an egg so annoying right let’s go so annoying I think we’re going to stare again I’m going to grab this diamond and then I think we’re going to just stare down and keep going until we

Get another oh we got a treasure room oh we got cherry bombs okay let’s uh do that I will go down let’s just stare down a little bit is there a mummy on here that we can nope let’s go down again oh we’re not dealing with you um let’s

Just no just put down the stairs come on then thank you let’s just see if there’s yeah cuz we do need to deal with these guys come on that’s that I’m hissing I’m not bothered about getting those I don’t need the bugs come on then thank you

Is there anything else anyone else want to come at me nope let’s go then let’s just go there anything worth Wild on here that I don’t have an excess of nope let’s go hey aie oh let’s deal with these guys how are you how is Vicky done oh no don’t eat the

Cheese that mummy is going to get back up because I no so many no leave me alone alone bat go away let’s just back off a little bit shall we ow eat the cheese we’ll eat the cheese again and then we’re going to no he’s going to get

Back up he’s about to get right okay listen you okay thank you um let’s Let Go ow anything else here want to try and kill me okay no let’s just stare then oh let’s stare three times it’s fine all my life oh come on um I’m just going to go

I want to try and no I want to try and get another um pepper X level Auto Grabber do I really need an auto Grabber not particularly but we will take it um we have we’ll get rid of that that’s not really a big deal oh I’ve just oh whatever I don’t

Care he’s got oh no oh good youve got some dwy medicine there oh that’s good though that’s really good I’m glad he’s doing okay and that medicine will definitely help him feel better I really Need right let’s just go let’s head down here let’s go I would like some more dinosaurs please game can you do that for me please give me some more Dinos yes thank you see if you don’t ask you’ll never get right um it’s time to be brutal and let things go what shall we I don’t necessarily need the cloth I don’t need that um I never use cherry bombs and I can make them if need be don’t

Necessarily need the idium to be honest I have so much idium um but anyway we’ll keep that for now no you don’t burn me ah you turned right any anyone else oh we have a little silver fly please give me an egg I get a below can I get there we go come

Here come here thank you right give me an egg why are you not giving me an egg ow this is so frustrating all I’m getting is Bones I really could do with an egg we got it we got it we got it we got

It we got it we got it we got it thank goodness hooray I am happy right so happy I don’t want to pick up all that junk let’s go down right let’s see what this is got an auto P I mean I guess we could use

It um it’ll come in handy shall we keep we’ll keep going um and now we can kind of concentrate a little bit more on uh on all the other monsters that we need to deal with like all of these guys coming at me and ow need to get rid of the

Ghost some more miners treats and we found a hole which is good uh let’s deal with you good let’s take that and then we can jump down this hole and see where that takes us come on let’s go three levels okay um see what’s at the end of

Here oh we have you to deal with which is good so another one less of you on the list to deal with what a ruby don’t really need that right okay so let’s go home Jak can you stop shouting at me in caps that’d be great thanks okay let’s go

Right not in there stuff in There stuff um those things in there let’s put those there do I yes I thought I had a few of those but we have those um no I just put that in there let’s take that out and those need to go back in there is anything else no and then we

Can go in well actually we can now head to the um to the other what is it to the other um to the other mines for a little bit I think and see what we can do with those right let’s see what we can sell um not that we’ll sell that

Though and we’re going to pop that there oh I had Stone to put away I will go to bed though grab the coffee let’s go to sleep for the night you don’t know if he’s got W so just ate a lot yeah it’s definitely better

Um to be safe than sorry and if he been on the street and maybe like he’s been eating scraps and things then in all likelihood he probably has and it’s good to just like it’s it’s something that they that you usually give them as kittens anyway so um it’s uh it’s it’s best

That he’s having that medication anyway so but in those pictures you shared he definitely looked comfortable and happy and uh yeah he’s uh he’s I think he’s definitely staying with you he’s adopted you for sure right okay thank you for that Sebastian we’re not raising slimes we’re not doing it okay

Uh oh yeah I got Louis I’ve got Louis for the um Festival the star thing what a winter festival thing um no I had Stone to go away and then we’ve got some peridium that all in there um right so let’s uh go and incubate our dinosaur egg going ignore

Everything um like the adult I am ignore all responsibilities uh let’s do this and there we go oh no oh H do I have any in the in a chest I think you may have to go see mon yeah we got some there let’s actually just really quickly cuz this

Cheese will come in handy I’m going to leave that there um and then at least we’ve sold some things um that cheese can go actually I was hoping for gold stuff but nope let’s do that so what have we got yeah okay let’s um let’s go and buy some hay oh she’s

Not even going to be open yet is she she’s she start working nine or eight quite remember oh look she’s here yes perfect um right let’s just grab a load of this what is my limit 720 I think so we’ll do 500 which is what I normally I normally

Buy like 500 and just throw it in so um she’s good so we’ll do that I have the money to spare it’s not really a major issue and then yeah we’ll spend some time in the normal mines cuz I reset that um for the last um stream I think and I don’t think

I reset it back so we can go in there and um I’ll have a look on my list at uh at what we need um for the next like monster goals that I want to kind of work on I don’t know if we’ll actually complete any today um looking at what I need

We might be also do the dust bries I think we’ll probably work on those first and then um what we’ll do after we’ve done that is we’re going to have a trip over to Ginger Island and uh we can then go and do some ginger Island goals uh let’s

Take right I’m going to throw some things in this chest here so I should have put that down don’t need those um and I’ll Chu those out and then the Mayo can be sold there we go um sure we’ll just we’ll use the mine cart I was going to use the mountain

Obelisk but we might as well just use mine cart and just go straight into the mine um I need to figure out something for lisis because I will go to that Festival purely because I um I want the uh I got any bombs in here yes thank you

Though actually I don’t really need them for in here um right just Sprite let’s go to 40 and work our way down um hi guys um yeah I’m going to go to the I was going to skip it but I’m going to go to the winter festival because

Um there’s a very slim chance that I might get a te- set it’s like the rarest item in the game um it took my uh I only got it in like year 11 of the of my like Perfection Farm um and Sam gave it to me

As a gift and I’d never come across it before and apparently it’s the rarest item ever in in the game um like decorative item the only place you can get it is at that festival and there’s only um a certain amount of um seriously seriously why go away go away so I uh

Yeah on that Farm oh got a ruby ring though not that I need one come on then um let’s just see if we there we go we got the ladder um so I’m hoping I can’t remember whether lisis is one of the people that may uh give the player it as a gift

But I am uh I’m going to go and see can we break some rocks please thank you I really could do with the ladder though it may already be somewhere yes there it is right let’s deal with all you guys okay any more of

You yes oh ow you leave me alone I’m not here for you yay we did it we did it did it we did it we did it right so we’ve done that one so we can get that ticked off the list which is great um so dust Sprites are

Done so the next one for down here got void Spirits so those are levels 80 down I think we’ve also got mummies so maybe let’s I didn’t bring the bombs so let’s go back up and then I’ll reset those levels let’s grab the bombs um we’ll buy some

More and then what we’ll do is um yes I want to buy some bombs please buy like another 20 I think how many let’s actually buy another 20 on top of that CU then that will give us the amount that we need for the amount of mummies that we

Need I’ve bought over one any but it’s fine yeah that’s fine cool that’s great just in case we waste some anyway uh has the Stu aate come out on Console yet no it’s not even out on PC yet um it is supposed to be um this year concern dat has confirmed that

Um uh 70 I want to say yes there we go um so yeah that has it has been confirmed that it will be this year um he’d put something on um Twitter saying um oh no hang on no Mommy mommies are in the school cabins they’re

Not in here why why did I think that they were I’m getting mixed up with skeletons so we’re going to go down to level 80 instead that’s fine why did no one tell me why did you not tell me I had forgot go away we’re going to deal with these

Guys cuz I need how many of these do I need where the void I need 49 of these guys so let’s find our ladder this is good I think I’m on a decent look day and having the ring on definitely helps as well right hello guys I have come to get you

I’m sorry no don’t you no thank you oh chill out I’ll grab you I guess y I’ll take you no you leave me alone I don’t need to deal with you and you as well go away go away thank you right let’s find the ladder I know this would be quicker if I

Just bombed but I’ve not got many I want to save them we may go back to the school Caverns after we’ve been to Ginger Island and just see if we can find some more mummies there we go let’s go yeah I am uh I’m really looking forward to that update coming out though

Um it looks like we’re going to be getting quite a few things um and what’s interesting is um I was watching uh someone discuss it today um and they have have a an idea that maybe we’ll be getting a new Farm layout and that comes from the thought that because um

PC I don’t think this is this is going to happen on Console but PC um are getting like multiplayer for up to eight people on a farm um the multiplayer Farm is the four Corners Farm that’s what the Four Corners Farm was uh designed for for four people to play

On and the thing is is that Farm’s great for four people um so you could each take a a quarter if you if that’s how you wanted to work it um and uh but eight people on that farm or any other layout it’s going to be a little bit

Crammed so it’s going to be interesting if we I I’m not sure whether it’s being confirmed um or not because a lot of the confirmation happens in the comments on the the posts so he’ll post about like oh this is what they’re working on doing and then he’ll often

Um he’ll often like confirm certain things within the like in the comments um and I ain’t got time to read like thousands and thousands of comments just to look for confirmation on things eight people might as well playing sto Battle Royale I know right um but yeah I remember that being

Confirmed and but I it it seems like it may only be PC um for that I could be completely wrong um but uh yeah so that’s going to cool thank you so it’s uh o well that worked right is there any more of you no okay let’s go down the ladder

Then uh yeah so I the the sort of the theory is that we may be getting a new Farm type which I like to think that just because no um even though console won’t be maybe getting like the the eight player sort of Co-op um that we

Should still get the new family out which would be really nice see there’s anything in these that is useful let’s find the ladder cuz I don’t think there’s any more void Spirits down here this is hiding oh okay there we go there we go so let’s head down

Here you know I should have tried the monster mustu shouldn’t I that would have been quite interesting I’ve not actually used that item and uh yeah I should have I should have tried it out but it does say on it I think something like used with caution

Or the wizard tells you to like use it with caution so I’d love to see the effect that that item has when you use it and come into the mines can we have a ladder please I don’t think there’s any little voidy guys down here now thank you go uh

You oh this is good there’s a there’s a couple more there we go is anyone up here apart from you go away thank you for the ladder though right uh floor 90 let’s go right and you yeah come here I like that they just walk straight up to you it’s great

As soon as they spot you it makes it a little bit easier go away come on then backat don’t Dodge and weave thank you thanks for the ladder as well I will be using that momentarily thank you right let’s oh shush no right anyone else up here for me nope okay let’s

Go uh what time we around 10:20 that’s fine we got plenty of time I’m not bothered about that run straight to the end and see if there’s anyone no okay that’s fine let’s go let’s find the L right okay we got the ladder um go away uh no no no no no rude

We don’t jump at people okay right let’s head down okay this area is infested great don’t jump at me know how rude that is okay you no don’t they annoy me so much imagine star you with hunting no thank you nope I don’t like that in games at all

Um I sometimes feel it’s like a little bit unnecessary um mean I don’t mind like the whole monster thing combat stuff but I don’t like hunting animals for things um no leave me alone where’s my cheese I um I’m glad I’ve I’ve been I’ve I’ve

Gone back into Pia um a little bit over the past few days um it’s as well as start a new staru Farm it’s been a nice little distraction and something different to play um for a few days that I’ve needed and um I’m glad in that there’s hunting in that and

I’m just glad that there are other ways to get the items that you need the only issue is that my hunting skill will never go up um why am I even attempting to go home why why well whatever um mon Monsters are monsters and animals

Shush you know it’s a SL you know a slime doesn’t look like a deer um so I don’t mind stuff like that um is there anything else I want to sell no we can keep it all and we’re going to collapse before we even get into bed

No oh well fell asleep on the steps you can’t sleep in Pia I have I haven’t eat my I don’t even have a bed yet paleo no Pia yeah I am uh I’m in the process of trying to upgrade my axe um in that game and it’s uh taken a lot I’ve almost

Broken the axe that I’ve got um but I’ve managed to I’ve managed to up my foraging skill um I did that actually earlier today um I just went on a a foraging trip around the world looking for mushrooms and Flowers and Things um because my ax is ready for dying and

I don’t I don’t see the point in in repairing it cuz I’ve just I’ve just made like the repair station and everything um for to be able to do that but I don’t see the point in repairing the one that I am going to not be using anymore I need to upgrade it

Um so I am uh I’m hoping that I can I can now get that I I was on with having to earn enough gold to actually buy the recipe so um I just have to wait for my like shipping stuff to uh to be all sold and then there’s algae

In there let’s do that um we need to quickly go over here oh hang on a minute we had crops let’s do those no let’s not do that I know I need a scythe for those things chill out that fibers stay in there until spring right so we

Should be able to make some more of these perfect and we need to do that um oh I have got ones that actually need watering but never mind it’s fine there we go and one more there no right let’s do this yeah part of me is actually toying

With the idea of getting rid of the Giant pumpkin I love it but I don’t know whether I necessarily want it there anymore but I also don’t want to get rid of it because I might not get it again what am I I haven’t even got a gift for

Louis what can I give Louis I’ll give him a diamond I’ll go get a diamond I’m not bothered about like loved gifts or whatever with him I mean come on I I’m the girl who put replicas of his shorts in the Harvest gra um we put it in the luau

Soup I am that girl so not on the best terms with Louis they’ll surprisingly have quite a number of hearts with him so he better give me a te set you better give me a t set no I’m not no no right let’s to speak to everyone cuz we were being social uh

Last stream when we were playing this and we’ve gone from being really social with it oh no I pressed the wrong button um I’ve gone from being really social to not speaking to anyone except for Sebastian hi Jude right there we go um and Kent I’m not interested in what any of

These people have to say um at all I’ve been to so many of these we don’t need to read it let’s do that speak to Abigail Caroline those food’s going to be going cold uh Harvey um I want some boots I like shoes I want boots let’s do that and then I think

Have we SP is that everyone let’s double check so the only one missing should be oh Pierre I need to go and run around the back of his little shop uh just Jody okay I thought I’d spoken to her and those two don’t come and he’s not here uh Jodie is

Here oh I could have just walked down to her from there let’s speak to Pierre what do we have I can never remember what he has to sell here nothing of Interest nothing that I need or that can’t get from from the um whatever it’s called the catalog right let’s give you a

Diamond there you go enjoy maybe you give that to mani and put her first instead of your your town and being M oh George what are you going to give me George give me a te set please oh we got a jade I don’t mind that because it’s from

George you can’t sleep in pale even if you have a bed well well I guess that makes sense though because it’s an MMO mind you it’s not real it’s forget what I no forget that Chain of Thought I was going down that no that doesn’t work um oh no no would it

Though I’m I’m interested to know how the time works in that game because it’s not real time uh yes we want to leave it’s not real time and we have things to put away um so sleeping not in there in there and then we have things for the produce shed I think Unless no they’re all already quality I’m going to sell them cuz it it would work oh I can put those actually let’s put that in the in here is this my foraging no no why I don’t even know why that’s in there but anyway we can just go

Back um right and then the ring needs to go in the dresser hey doggo um my child is going to be somewhere not not sleeping cuz that’s what seems to happen on Festival days it’s just going to be creepy standing somewhere all night at least it’s not in the

Bedroom um yeah I don’t know how that would work for like passage of time and it’s not like there’s it’s not like in like for instance staru where you have an energy bar that you can replenish my mango tree wasn’t able to grow oh there’s probably weeds next to

It we are going to Ginger Island anyway today so we can go sort that out that’s fine see you later um I need to get the totem I’ve made out of here we can go straight over there I’m just going to ignore all of this stuff um there we go done here we

Go if you are on your own plot real time should should apply yeah that would be interesting I don’t know how they would work that though I don’t know how whether that would be possible if there would if that would be if yeah if that would be able to be

Done that’s the only thing um right we’re going to ignore all of this and we’re going to go straight to the volcano we have things we’re going to go try and get this uh magma Sprite gold done which we only need 18 so I think that’s kind of

Doable pelia it does have an energy bar oh it had that isn’t that the F that’s the focus bar right I don’t CL I don’t know if I class that as energy that’s the focus bar are is that what you’re talking about the the purple pink one purpley pink one whatever color it

Is um yeah that’s so that you like isn’t that so that you can isn’t that oh words the higher the higher that bar ah I forgot you exploded um isn’t that so that you can um like develop your skills quicker right yeah I don’t I don’t necessarily class that as like an energy

Bar yeah the purple bar thing yeah it’s I’m sure that’s like a focus thing right cuz when you eat then you your focus goes up um I’m going to eat this let’s get some look going some extra extra look right magma Sprites where are you I also could do

With the Lava Monster things as well um if they are around cuz I need some uh dragon teeth ow there you are come here please come this up no oh they’ve seen me now is that stamina I thought that was a why did I think that was something

Different I thought this stamina was the little green bar that pops up when you um when you climbing things if you eat something in some gaze with stamina it goes up yeah well it but I thought it was called Focus so I thought it was um I thought it goes down when

You’re when you’re doing being something that is classed as a skill that was my understanding anyway I could be completely wrong I haven’t played a lot of this game um Pia that is not Stu I’ve played plenty of staru Valley um as my uh my hours will attest to in this game um

But uh yeah I thought that was like a focus thing go away from me I I need to get the cinder shards thank you um right but yeah I thought that was oh mind you we don’t need you I don’t think come on then I’m here thank

You you count oh you count the focus of stamina oh okay come on I want to stand here cuz I want to get all of these shards when you have left me alone your little friend is your little friend coming come on hi can you not see me

Hi there we go that was a bit weird no lagging stream is all right isn’t it it’s just the game being a bit weird there we go it’s basically the same thing yeah I mean I get that um come on then yeah cuz it does go down when you do

Things that are a skill when you’re um as you’re like trying to progress the skill so I I did a lot of mining um for or and um and like chopped a load of trees and things and like I say I did like a whole foraging kind of like

Little session to try and get that level up so I could unlock the next um there’s another one of here somewhere are you going to come and get me before I move on thank you um so yeah it went down a lot Perfect come here oh a little baby one there we go

Really really oh hooray we have you perfect come here please give me a dragon’s tooth no go away go away go away any more we’re just going to go away no okay let’s go about this way and let’s go through here so level four we’re on floor four should say

Nice are you coming sir hello you see me yet no hi hello oh you can’t get me there right good you are what I need come here I need you above me though thank you there we go right um we’re going to WAND around

Here and get rid of you so then I can get some more of these Cinder shards always in need of these cuz I will be doing some um enchanting and things of my tools eventually let’s press that button there put back to my sword cuz he won’t

Leave me alone so I need to deal with him let’s go um uh we got a button there as well and the ru of thumb is you press all the buttons so hopefully walking and running makes really walking and running makes it I’ve not noticed

That I’m going to have to look at that I might pop on it after stream just to have a look I would do it like say let’s go on and have a look now but um it’s not on this it’s not on this uh switch it’s uh it’s on like the what the

One I basic I kind of classes like the Stream switch I guess um it’s just I bought staru Valley before I started streaming so I uh have it on the switch and before I got that switch anyway so yeah no I I uh I I understand the reasoning I do understand the

Reasoning uh come here then I don’t like you no come on there we go this is good we’re getting quite a few of these and the reward for this if I remember rightly is actually kind of kind of cool there’s you come here come on we did it

Yay we did it we did it we did it he makes it go down very slowly oh maybe I’ve just not noticed then um yeah maybe I’ve just not noticed right a dragon’s tooth would be incredible don’t need to kill you anymore so do you want to leave me alone

Now don’t don’t do your weird little like Dodge at me do with a a lava monster or some dragon bones with a dragon’s tooth would be great right I think what we might do is head back and run through the floors we’re on seven we could probably

Make it to 10 but we’ll go back through we have cleared everything so it’s not too much of an issue oh why am I going this way it’s this way no no run little low run right here we go let’s go done um let’s go so go on back to the

Farm and see if there’s anything that we can sell and then we can um we’ll pick all the crops and things we’ll do that tomorrow I think cuz I don’t I don’t think maybe we’ll get through them all now so let’s pop that in there come

On we’ve got things for in here going leave that in here as well um we’ve got over a 100 of those Cinder shards which is good we’ve got like 88 bombs here as well they don’t need to be here um some Tower rout needs to go there let’s pop those into

There the rest of the stuff can come home with us so let’s go to bed and then we will sort out all the crops you have half Focus go down to nothing from walking in winning before Impalas so yeah oh goodness yeah that’s annoying then cuz they don’t they

Don’t they don’t because they don’t call it stamina or like energy and it’s like Focus um it’s that’s very misleading so you shouldn’t expect it to go down when you are walking or running around um um you you would expect it to only go down when you are doing things

That require Focus which are the like the skills um so yeah that is uh I feel like that’s a little bit misleading but I did notice um I don’t if you remember Eevee when it first came out and uh we we were talking about it um I think one one conversation

That we had was about fast travel and I uh I was I haven’t played it for a while and quite a while up until um uh like I say the last few days and I was very happy to see that there is there’s some fast travel uh being added in um let’s

Actually I’m going to sell that um and then the sh I’m going to pop in there cuz we can trade with that so I want to keep that so let’s get these in um so yeah I was really happy to see that uh is a thing at the

Staples um I kind of like that it’s not there’s not fast travel points like littered around the map um you still have to do some sort of semblance of exploring as well which I like um and it’s not too expensive either the like gold that you have to pay to use it

Um I thought it was fairly reason reasonably like priced um I like that uh you know to go home it’s cheaper than uh than anywhere else um but it’s like the um they’ve got a a festival going on at the moment haven’t they like the L L New Year and I had no

Clue cuz I had where the fairground um like the yeah the fair grounds are um I hadn’t been over to that part of the map I hadn’t explored that like bottom right hand corner um so I had no clue that there was a you know sort of a a cut

Through that would then take you to where like the fair was going to be held and um but I knew I knew where it was where it was going to be I knew the name of the place but I was like I have no idea where that

Is so then when I discovered the Fast Travel I was like oh well this is great so I could just go to the stable and then pay is it like 25 gold or something to then go to the grounds where the festival was so that was really helpful

Um and the same with getting to the is it the Bahari um area as well that’s been really helpful uh to have like a little bit of a fast travel there as well um so I uh I’m I’m enjoying that that has been added and I’m not using it a lot

But just for certain things like when I’ve had to I’m doing a quest and I need to get to a certain place at a certain time it’s been really really helpful I I’m still enjoying just running around and exploring um so yeah I uh I was very happy to discover

That how do you like the farmer puns yeah I I he told me he said that to me today and uh yeah I was like um yeah he said that one the uh I’m an orange because you’ll see me around yeah you just like inwardly groan like uh really really sir really

Um yeah I’ve uh I’ve been enjoying doing the quests um which have they’ve they’ve been a lot of fun um still a little bit like backwards and forwards with things um you know where it’s like oh you need to go see this person and then you have

To go back to that person and then and so some of it is a lot um and I’ve still got I’m still on like I still have like one of like the main quests and things to do but I’m I am enjoying it it’s been nice

To get back into it after not playing it for a really long time um I think that’s what that game is going to be for me um it’s just going to be something that I’ll pick up every now and again um and just do a little bit of work on things

Um I finally made like a little stove so I my characters finally progressed from the campfire cookie his puns his puns are growing on you oh that’s good um see maybe I just don’t play enough to get used to them maybe that’s my issue I’m not playing enough um right let’s go home

Right okay I think we’ll we’ll spend a few days just wandering around the farm and we’ll go and pick up our uh rewards we also need to empty our pockets of things so let’s go in here oh the Wine’s all done which is good so we can pop that in

There and pineapples go into here and all of that go in there so we’ll take them out and then let’s start emptying the Cs we’ll get these done come on and then we can fill them back up oh I’ve missed one how annoying he’s just spirit animal

Nice I don’t know if if I could say that any of them on my spirit animal at this moment in time um I like the um is it is he called hassian I like his dog is it TOA I think he’s called uh I did a whole

Quest I think I’ve ju I’ve just completed it um but I did a whole Quest that involved involved the dog which I really liked that was good that was good fun it was long but it was a good good fun um I think he’s called TOA right

Um the dog and uh yeah so that was uh I like I like him he’s sweet all right that’s all done there this will not be getting picked until uh until spring let’s sell the wine and those um let’s do that you can date everyone in

Town yeah you know I’m not sure if I’m interested in that in that game I don’t know and I’m guessing that that requires um gift giving as well um I’d have to figure out things that they would like um I I had to do the gift thing for becoming a citizen

Um and uh yeah that was that was hard enough trying to figure out figure out what to give people uh can go Oh Hang oh I’ll sell those cuz I’ve got yeah that’s fine we have we have we have we have in here but no marriage so you basically just can date

Um right let’s do that um we’re going to make that and we’ll do those too right hi everyone are we all okay I know I like left you for a while but you all had food um that’s everybody right let’s go right we need to ship this uh ostrich

Egg cuz I forgot that I needed to ship an ostrich egg so I’m going to do that as well um y okay let’s go see the Ducks um I don’t remember planting you but you know what you can stay you can stay that’s fine right let’s go to the Ducks and

Then we have some other things to do oh I didn’t plant you and I don’t want you there either we need to sort out that shed as well and I didn’t plant you oh no no thank you um I didn’t plant you either and I don’t want you there thank

You are these trees thinking that they can plant themselves it’s just so rude my little ducks my little favorites they may M add marriage sometime the farmer guy loves seeds but isn’t he married anyway is he married there’s some of them that are married right so you can’t

You wouldn’t be able to date those cuz the guy in Bahari um that run that does the mining he’s married right ooh that one’s ready too right let’s uh sort out emptying our pockets getting this done got so much stuff no don’t need all of the things that we

Have in our pocket actually in our pocket right uh Jade goes in there with that right let’s go okay and this you can give him seeds for items oh so like a trade that’s good to know oh all of this we should actually be filling these as we go I

Guess that’s interesting to know though that you can like sell you can trade him things apple trees are the biggest crop blueberry and apple seeds I’ve not come across um apples yet I know I noticed he had he has um apple trees like on his little

Farming area are they all full no you are not full you anything anyone else not have something going on I think yeah they’re all done cool right and then that can go in there and we’ll have to top this chest up with ancient fruit as well hey

Dad no you have to raise his friend level uh okay see this is the I’m a little bit with Pia I’m a little bit um like it with same like Stu Valley um I’m so busy just like trying to do um the quests that I kind of forget to

Just generally speak to people if I’m doing doing a quest for someone then once I’ve like spoken to them about the quest I’ll then talk to them um I often forget to uh also um let’s go put the battery away I also forget to gift them as well I don’t tend

To carry a lot on me in the way of of gifts the only things that I could probably give them is food maybe cuz I have a bit of that on for like the focus points um but I don’t I don’t generally I’m just going to sell

Those I think just for sheer convenience and I’m just going to sell that for sheer convenience as well um let’s do these we’re on our last day of winter this is great so I’m not going to um make these into winter seed well I will make them into winter seeds I’m not

Going to plant them I’m going to make them into to tea saplings and then we can make tea sapplings and we can get a nice boost of money so I don’t oh why did I why did I plant those I didn’t notice the date oh well never mind it’s not a big

Deal um and then we can see we got like make like 20 t- saing to sell this is great and then we can um we can go and get an obelisk we go get the desert Obelisk tomorrow so let’s sell these and that and then we’re going to get out of here

What we needed those and those um I don’t really want that um right and we want that and that and the cactus fruit and the aridium um actually let me where’s my phone up let me just double check the um amount of aridium that we need I can

Never remember one of them one of them is 10 and one of them is 20 right the the island Obelisk we need 10 iDine bars so the desert one is 20 I knew one of them was more than the other so there we go that’s easy enough

So this is our things for the Obelisk and it’s either a million or it’s 500,000 which doesn’t matter CU it’ll either leave us with a mill 1.1 mil or 600,000 which is fine um let’s quickly run to the town I’m going to get rid of these um

Geod we can’t get them assessed but I can get them out of my pocket cuz they are bugging me so they can go and they can go what up we might as well gather these things go get that as well CU what we can do is if we get the

Um obis built I can then go over to the desert and put the food back into the chest and the stairs and actually we’ll take some more Jade I’ll pop that in my pocket as well and then we can uh do that so I’ll take another hundred I’ll

Do I’ll leave 100 in the no I’ll leave 50 in the chest cuz it’s not like I’m not getting a load every few days so it’s fine 51 there we go so that can go over with us into um the desert chest um with the bombs and all the

Food so that’s fine so I can I’ll sell that foraging things so let’s go do that and then I think we may have an early night oh no no no I need you uh there we go that’s what I need to sell let’s not sell the the the

Coconuts so actually do I have a normal quality coconut in here somewhere I do that’s better so we can actually sell that rum one now yeah I think we’ll have an early night she doesn’t often get early nights this this little low I make her pass out so often in the

Mines and just in general on uh the farm that I I honestly think she she deserves to be in bed before 9:00 so let’s just go to bed and it means I can stop and actually have like a drink of my tea look at all that money he’s great

We’re nearly at 2 mil that’s good okay thank you Sebastian I won’t be drinking that though but thank you anyway uh we got some of this ready too which is fine I should have kept some of that wine to be honest never mind it’s it’s all good

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine did you know that coconuts aren’t not they’re a fruit uh yes I did know that I think they’re they’re classified as a fruit there you go Stu Valley nose Stu nose is a fruit yeah this is just not all going to be ready it’s fine um right

So let’s uh sort out the animals and then by that point oh actually I can get into the I I always forget that I have the key to the town I can I can just walk into people’s houses even though uh I shouldn’t be able to right so let’s run down

Here and let’s go speak to the wizard the wonderful Wizard of O okay don’t we go we’ll go see him we’ve got everything we need we have the money let’s get this desert Obelisk okay there we go hello sir pleased to see you right let’s do this and we have that one we have that one this is the one we want it’s a

Million it’s fine we have the money we nearly at another Mill so it’s not a problem okay so we’re going to pop it here I think for now it’s fine I will find somewhere better for those um as time goes on we’ll probably rearrange a few things on the farm um

Eventually but for now they’re in a convenience spot they’re quick to get to which is what we want um okay so let’s see what you have you have a coconut I don’t need one now do you have a no you don’t have a r seed that’s fine um let’s drink some coffee and

Run right let’s go up here and let’s sort out these uh animals um can sell that I’m going to sell that and we’ll do that um I’m not giving aridium quality feathers to Leo sorry I’d rather have a little bit of money from them then the Friendship points oh sorry

Chunky right let’s uh go in here we’ll grab all of this stuff speak to everybody I think the next ostrich egg I’m going to incubate um so we can have a second ostrich cuz I feel like they need a friend uh we can sell all of those I’m sorry

Seb I’m going to sell you beer cuz I’m not going to drink it and I’m I don’t need to gift it to Pam or uh Shane cuz we’re we’re good friends with them so that’s I don’t need the points for them and I don’t think anyone else likes it

I’m not sure well I don’t think anyone else loves it right um okay right to the desert let’s go oh we need you look at me getting distracted by things right um let’s get this going is there anything in this chest there is here we go do we also go in here we

Don’t no let’s do that okay let’s go oh that’s so [Laughter] good and then we can drive the bus back home we’ll pick up all the stuff on the way as well um on the way back we need to speak to Sandy as well so we can do that um

I don’t know why that’s in there oh let’s go and get some more stairs put that down uh where are you staircase there we go come on and then when we’ve done this we need to go to the um Adventures Guild so let’s actually drink some coffee so we

Can run uh we’re going to go to the adventures Guild when that opens from Two and then we can get the prizes that we need to get our little rewards so that’s everything in there the rest of it can be sold which is good uh let’s see what this is

Nothing too spectacular but always I need a Coal let’s grab this we’ll go and say a hello to Sundy and give her some coffee okay I did also the other day when I was um playing off stream I um I also bought a good few hundred uh rhubarb seeds as well for spring um cuz I’m going

To in one of the one of the crop areas have all rhob and the other one have all cauliflower cuz those if I remember rightly I think those are the best selling um let me get on my chair properly I’m s awkward I can feel my

Back starting to hurt the way being sat that’s not good um there we go sat up a little ster now um so yeah if I if I remember rightly those are the bestselling ones um I know strawberries do but I have strawberries on Ginger Island so um I don’t class um

When I’m looking at crops to sell on the actual Farm I don’t go for anything um that I already have on Ginger Island I just don’t see the point in it the only thing that I have duplicate um selling is where am I going I’m going oh

Hang on no let’s go this way let’s go to town let’s go to town um let’s see if we can get some if Clint is in his is actually working do we have room for these things um we can uh what was I saying I can’t remember what I was saying it

Can’t been that important um oh yeah the only thing that I have like growing on both in both places is ancient fruit um and that’s it just so I have like an an abundance of that because I have a keg shed and then I have the pro shed

That’s also got um kegs in for the for the ancient fruit wine um I was doing star fruit for a while on Ginger Island but it just it gets to the point where because it doesn’t regrow and you have to keep going and buying a load of it

And then planting it all and it’s just it’s a lot um so I just I decided to stick the ancient fruit on Ginger Island instead and it you know it’s the second bestselling wine it’s it’s fine um right so now we’ve done that let’s go to the

Quarry and then we can go into the adventures Guild have I got room for things oh no we’re gonna H what don’t I need a lot of things oh hang on um let’s uh go back and see Guna cuz uh we have something we need let’s donate you

Yay I think that’s I think we only have one more thing left to get now for this let me see let me consult my notebook for a moment cuz I’m that organized um let’s have a look I think I’m sure it’s just one more thing yeah we just need the ghost crystal now

Yes that’s great so yeah I need to do some more mining in the um Frozen levels to get some more Frozen geod cuz that’s where it comes from so that’s great though one more thing and then um we’ll have that achievement uh we’ll go back to the Quarry um we’ll have that achievement

For finishing the the museum collection and I think you get a star drop for that cuz I think that’s the star drop that I’ve got missing I I I’ve got all of the others as far as I am aware Gil wake up we have a visitor yes wake

Up okay 150 magmus bites huh I’m impressed tell you what I’m going to give you Marlon’s T Telly Tel phone number I love how that’s [Laughter] spelled I love that that’s great I didn’t notice that before um he don’t like me giving it out but I think you’ve earned it if you ever

Need to use the item recovery service but don’t want to run all the way out here just give us a ring sound good great and then we have the buler ring as well that’s for the dust Sprites so we’ve done two of our monster eradication goals I think that’s pretty good going

Um and we managed to get the dinosaur egg which was also um another goal that we needed to do so I’m going to take screenshots of this so that I can update my list with the numbers that we’ve got um we’re nearly halfway there with the pepper xes to be

Honest so we could maybe have a day where we go back to school cabins um and work a little bit more on that and the mummies as well we need to do um but we now have done all of the well almost all of that first page we just got the void

Spirits to do um we could finish off by going in there I guess and doing a little bit more of that we’ve got so much junk on us though right let’s go home I can’t stand having just rubbish in my pockets and it’s not rubbish it’s useful

Stuff I know this okay I just I can’t deal with it so let’s go home and uh clean out our pockets because that’s just the way I am it seems right we need to put the dragon’s tooth into there and I don’t think there’s anything else that needs to go in there there’s

Nothing else for ginger Island nope okay and then in here we’re going to put the ring away until I figure out what I want to um combine it with H it’s probably just going to be another aridium ring um but we’ll pop that in there and then we have things for the other

Shed so we’ll do that so we’ve not been in here yet okay anything for there yep nothing for in there that’s fine things to go in there okay uh nothing for in there we have those for there um are you in there you are in there

Okay that’s fine and then we got some artifacts okay and then we have things for the shed which I’m going to do so let’s do that put those let’s get those things sold uh so autumn for the mushrooms those to go in there the other things can be

Sold oh let’s use this shipping bin shall we it’s here for convenience right and then we’re going to we’re going to go have a really quick mine session um let’s yeah we we’ll use the mine carts a little bit quicker um and we’re going to head down again

We’re just going to hit floor 80 and just see if we you know just get rid of a few of the the void Spirits um so we’ll take we’ll take some cheese with us and let’s just we’ll just do this until it it tells us it’s getting late

And then we can uh well maybe till about 11: cuz then I can empty my pockets there we go uh no thank you why did I just why did I just use my sword for that then this is the I don’t think I’ve said this before this is the last day I

Like to pre-warn you guys it’s like you get a 10-minute warning um you’re going to have less than that I’m sorry I forgot to mention before this is the last day that we do uh we always play a week if you’ve not been here before did

I have a sip of tea um not for a little while let me have a sip of tea now I’ve had a sip of tea so let’s find the ladder no I don’t need ow ah don’t no oh my word seriously there’s the letter found

It is there another one of you there no okay let’s go is any little voidy guys anywhere they what I’m interested in not you don’t need you let’s just go that was really convenient so yeah I think we’ll we’ll we’ll stay down here to 11 and then we can tidy up the pockets

And the only thing that we’ll have left on us will be um like the that we can’t put anywhere will be the magma geot don’t need to deal with you guys you will get to live so don’t come after me there we go right we have the ladder let’s deal with

Him I will deal with with you cuz I want to get to him thank you don’t jump at me don’t think there’s any other oh there is there another little voidy guy I’ll have to deal with you we got a Squire’s helmet oh come here thank you shall we put that on

Is how we’re not wearing a hat yay don’t I look cute it looks like I’ve got my little ponytails sticking out of the top of my hat ah these rock crabs are vicious sometimes oh go away you’re annoying is there anything down here that we need to get I don’t think so

Let’s just go down another level um oh mushrooms not that we need them but we can sell them leave me alone thank you okay don’t think there’s any little voidy guy down here just got a couple of slimes so let’s um find the ladder which I’m hoping is

There we go I think we’re on a good look day cuz we’re doing well with the ladder finding is there any void guys I know I could zoom out but I don’t want to cuz I’d have to go all the way into my settings for that there’s no

Quick way on Console of doing that by the way just uh you can’t do it oh right let’s find a ladder real quick find a ladder quick no no where’s the ladder there it is let’s go right level 90 oh and it’s 11:30 no one told me you

Didn’t tell me it was bedtime guys right so let’s uh pop the cheese away we’ll stick that in there it’s fine I know it’s a taco and we don’t really have the fish food in the mining chest but it’s fine uh let’s go here and we’re going to drink some

Coffee and let’s go and throw some things in chests and sell some things as well cuz we do have that we can sell and we’ve got seven of these to sell right let’s uh I know it’s late we’re going as quickly as we can um that in there oh stuff in

There yes there we go let’s go I thought you like to stay up as late as possible in this game I do but when I’m finishing on stream I um let’s take that H off actually I I um I do like to finish with like nice and neat empty Pockets because I’m not

Playing another day um so yeah that’s why um I didn’t want to pass out I don’t like to pass out on the I mean I have done it but I don’t like generally to pass out on the last day um of like of this when we’re ending the

Stream I don’t like to do that um I like everything to be nice neat and tidy um for when I come back to it on the next stream I’m not starting off with so much stuff in my pockets that I have to go and deal with all the stuff in my

Pockets before we can get on and play so I tend to try and leave myself with empty Pockets the only things in there that shouldn’t really be in there are the magma geod cuz it there wasn’t time really to jump over to the town well might have been but anyway anyway um so

Yes that is that is why I do that what’s the witch do what she basically does is she um in quotes curses um the the coup with a void egg so when I go into the um I’ll show you really quickly before we finish cuz I’m not playing through this

Day um but so I won’t pick it up but I will um go down here um oh hang on a minute I forgot I can’t get through here anymore it’s nice to not have all of the uh snow everywhere which is great so in here there should be yeah behind there

Is a void egg so if I move this out the way there you go so basically she curses the C and then you get a little void egg that’s how you get the little void chickens so if I wanted to incubate that um I could do and then I get another

Void chicken which is the black chickens um I love the black chickens they’re my favorite out of all the chickens and I don’t like chickens in general in real life so yeah I am uh what is going on I can hear is that my jumos I didn’t know they harvested this

Oh that’s great that save me a job it’ll save me a job next stream um but yeah that is that’s what the that’s what the can I have a voy chicken I have I I have three void chickens do you want to see my void chickens I’ll show you my

Void chickens they’re in here here they are this is this is one of them so this is Phantom he was my first cuz he’s 12 months old so he was the first one and then we have Ganon who I got him around the similar time and then I have

Tingle so these are my void chickens they are my favorite I love them so much um so yeah and then they give you like void uh mayonnaise they’re all staying inside right now because I’m not playing this day um we’ll we can start spring in a couple of weeks

Um and let them all out and they can be free then until winter again but uh yeah so that’s the void eggs and then there’s also you also can sometimes get a fairy turn up on your uh Farm as well and what she does is she accelerates the growth

Of uh some of your crops for you as well which is really handy if uh she does it to crops that take quite a while to grow like a good sort of nearly couple of weeks um so that’s quite handy but I I like it when the little witch comes

Along and curses my my C um so I can like have the void chickens if I want to I mean I get void eggs now so I could have as many as I wanted but I mean I could have I could have a c just full of

Them if I really wanted to um that that may happen may happen one day um but that is it for this stream guys thank you so very much for joining me this evening and taking some time out of your day to spend with myself and watch the stream

It really does mean a lot to me cuz time is precious so for you to uh choose to spend your time with me is just lovely and I yeah I appreciate it and um I will be back on Friday we’re going to play some unpacking on Friday I’m hoping if I

Don’t dither in that game um I’m hoping to get it finished um I don’t think I’m as far along in it that as I thought I was but we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to get that finished so if I don’t finish it on

Friday then we’re going to play it again on Monday cuz I’m going to stream on Monday to make up for the fact that I had to um uh miss this Monday’s uh stream which I’m I didn’t say before but I was sorry that I had to cancel that

But I just I needed a couple of days of rest CU I really haven’t felt great for the few days um so I’m making it up to you and we’re going to um we’re going to place either if we don’t get unpacking finished we’ll do unpacking and if not

It’ll be mano’s Night Market I think um I think maybe I’m not sure I’m still toying with the idea of maybe maybe starting tunic um for February instead of doing mano’s Night Market I don’t know um we’ll see I might put it to you guys to

See what you think um out of the two which you would like to see me play and um yeah a little jumo just vibing in the corner but yeah I’m going to head off now I’m going to go get myself ready for bed and um I will uh see you all again

On Friday if you want to connect with me all of the links to social my social media and the Discord are in the description the Discord Link’s also pinned if you want to quickly join you’re more than welcome to um and I think that’s everything I need to

Say oh if you are watching the stream for the first time and you’ve enjoyed it please don’t forget to uh consider liking the stream and also subscribing um so then you’ll never miss when I’m live or when I post uh videos every now again and uh shorts every Monday so I

Will uh yeah I’d be very grateful if you did that it would really help the channel out and uh yeah I will uh I will be back on Friday um thank you Eevee good night to well I say good night good it’s it’s morning afternoon for you yeah afternoon

For you I think at the moment so enjoy the rest of your day and everyone else enjoy the rest of your day if it’s you know you’re just starting the day or you’re finishing it like me have a good night and I will be back on Friday as I

Keep saying I hate saying goodbye and ending streams is so awkward I’m going to go so bye everybody I it’s nothing new but it’s so good to see You we do this every day and I’m still so amazed by You so home me tight through the Night it’s just us two me and You I can’t believe you love me oh I just feel so lucky oh oh still can’t believe you love Me I hope it never ends it’s being more than friends yeah you know I’m here to stay every single day yeah so hold me tight through the Night it’s just us two me and You I can’t believe you love me oh I just feel so Lucky still can’t believe you love Me falling into your Arms daning up in the Stars oh I’d rather be with You I can’t believe you love me I just feel so luy still can’t believe you love me

Welcome! Let’s hang out and cosy game. 🦊

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Stay Safe. Play Cosy Games.

Lo x

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