I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft’s VOTE Update

Today I’m setting out on a super fun challenge to survive 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft in the vote update the vote update is the craziest April Fool’s release ever with an almost infinite number of possible votes some of the votes are incredibly powerful like the fish anything vote which allows

You to fish any item including bedrock and Portal frames and even Ender Dragon spawn eggs but other votes make the game much more difficult like only being able to eat enchanted golden apples or lightning bolts that strike everywhere you touch now not only do I have to

Survive 100 Days with my world slowly descending into chaos I’ve also set three goals for myself yet as op as possible using votes defeat every boss and construct an awesome base on the moon this is 100 days in the vote update and The Story begins on day Zero okay

Here we are whoa look at this we’re right next to a cherry blossom biome and we already have our first vote let’s see multiply fall damage by two okay definitely not oh multiply fall damage by one half or do nothing let’s do multiply fall damage by one half that is

Gonna be super useful and I say that because in my first attempt I did this oh my gosh oh my my gosh if I don’t land us I’m dead oh no so having reduced fall damage will prevent me from doing that again okay so it looks like this vote is

Going to take effect in seven and a half minutes so I’m gonna get some stone tools while I wait let’s gather up a bunch of wood turn it into a crafting table and some sticks and then craft our first tool a wooden pickaxe now let’s go

Get some Stone okay and we have our second vote already never naturally spawn player what does that mean never naturally spawn cow okay definitely not because I need cows or do nothing I’m just gonna choose never naturally spawn player because I don’t even know what that is who knows maybe it might be

Something kind of cool but this vote is going to take effect in nine minutes so I’m gonna finish gathering up my stone and craft a set of stone tools okay there we go what look at this there’s a village right here too wow this is actually an insanely good seed let’s

Tower up first and I’m gonna kill this Iron Golem for some iron and I already have my first Iron in this world now I think the most useful thing oh he dropped five iron oh my gosh I think the most useful thing to craft right away is

Gonna be a shield and then I guess I’ll craft an iron pickaxe and we’ll have one extra for something else but let’s see what’s inside this Village okay a brewing stand that might be useful and we also have some food thank you very much and a bed oh my gosh this is like

The best spawn ever I can’t believe this oh and we already have another vote bottle of void obtained by drinking empty bottles may have side effects that sounds kind of cool let’s vote for it I hope the side effects aren’t dying because I am in hardcore after all but

While I wait for all these votes to take effect I’m gonna gather up some food and I can’t wait for the half fall damage to take effect because that’s gonna be so nice to have okay look at that we already have our fourth votes change over World shape what does that mean

It’s just three of them wait what I guess I’ll just vote for the third one I have no idea what that does but I guess we’re about to find out in nine minutes once again we have one more vote oh and it says subscribe I’m trying to reach

500 000 subscribers by the end of the year so if you do end up enjoying the video please consider subscribing looks like we have some more food over here and some more animals over here but I’m all out of hunger so I’m gonna craft up a furnace and start smelting up some

Food all right we have our fifth vote expose Minecart lies what is that it sounds like it could be kind of fun so I’m just gonna vote for it I’m kind of scared of these votes though what if they accidentally kill me but I guess we’ll find out in 11 minutes all right

Let’s keep smelting out my food oh and look at that the Voting is done for proposal number one which is multiply fall damage by half wait should I try it oh my gosh look at that it’s like having feather falling for that is so useful that is probably the best first vote we

Could have gotten too and we already have our sixth votes wait it’s the same thing oh it’s asking to repeal it okay I definitely don’t want to so I’m gonna click do nothing whoa zombie what the heck is there a cave down here oh there

Is maybe I should check it out I might be able to find some iron and my food just finished smelting so let’s go check out this cave okay already I don’t think this is much of a cave yeah it’s basically nothing but hey I did find

Some coal and we have our seventh vote already enable wob recipe what is that enable string concatenation what enable Diamond drows what are these things this one says diamonds so I’m gonna vote for it I have no idea what that is though okay I gathered up all that coal and

It’s just about to become nighttime but I see a ton of animals so I want to get some more food wait look at this there’s like 10 of them do they spawn more frequently in the Cherry Grove I don’t know but it is nighttime and I’m kind of

Scared so I’m gonna sleep and look at all these sheep this is actually insane I’ve never seen this many sheep spawn at once did I vote for something that makes sheep more common or something I have no idea but it definitely seems like okay we have two new votes let’s see repeal

Never nationally spawn player I think I’m just gonna do it because I don’t even know what that is set watercolor and Grove to night blue or set watercolor in Old growth Pine Target to puke green what I think I’m gonna do Grove to night blue that might be kind

Of cool but all right we have tons of food so I think it’s time to go explore this ocean maybe I can find some buried treasure that usually has tons of useful items in it so let’s craft the boats and you know what I think I want to make it

A chess boat and we’re off let’s see if I can find anything useful out here okay we have a little ocean ruin right here emeralds oh and Barry treasure nice now let’s see if I can find this Buried Treasure and it looks like it’s gonna be right on this beach and using my

Speedrunning skills it should be right here let’s see hopefully there it is wow look at that oh we got a diamond too tons of iron lots of TNT wow it’s kind of scary but since my inventory is now overflowing I’m gonna head back to spawn

And make a little base but first we have proposal number 13. make all mule entities rideable okay make all puffer fish relatable what make all cow rideable make all falling block entities writable what the heck let’s do cow house that sounds like it could be kind

Of fun all right now that I’m back let’s try to find a place to set up a little base you know what I think right here is going to be perfect but once again the Sun is setting so it’s time to sleep this is already going very fast I’m

Getting so distracted by all these votes but now that I have nine iron I think I’m gonna craft up a chest plate since that will give me the most protection and while we’re here I’ll smelt up the rest of my food look at that I have 51

Mutton oh my gosh and I’m about to have even more alright vote number seven has finished oh and this is enabled Diamond draws oh droz is sword spelled backwards wait so if I craft a diamond sword backwards is that gonna do something let’s see so I’ll go like this and then

Like this oh my gosh wait look at this and it’s all backwards too diamond sword is this gonna do anything weird let’s see looks like it has normal attack damage normal attack speed let’s try to find something to hit with it I swear if this explodes with something I’m gonna

Cry okay it looks pretty normal to me is it like doing sideways knockback let’s see I think it’s sideways knockback hold on we need to do some more tests but hey look at that I already have a diamond sword now I don’t kill chickens so we’re gonna have to find something else to

Test all right I see some more sheep the Sheep will be my test subjects let’s see oh wait it gives it knock back towards you oh yeah look at that it’s knocked back towards you I think oh because it’s opposite that makes sense if it’s a Diamond Rose then instead of giving

Knockback away from you it gives it towards you that’s not gonna be very fun to fight creepers with but um it’s kind of cool at least we got to get a Diamond Sword for just one Diamond so I’ll take it but we have our 15th vote already

Let’s see set grass color and Birch Forest the dark line but prevent floating trees oh this one sounds cool set grass color and drift on caves with orangey red but a sus diet what is that set grass color and Cherry Grove to Royal but a fishy diet wait does that

Mean I can only eat fish oh and then this one means I can only eat suspicious stew I don’t think I want any of those so I’m gonna do this one prevent floating trees I wonder how that’s gonna look I guess we’ll see in 12 minutes and

These bows are starting to get really fun I’m super excited to see how this will turn out if we’re already up to 15 votes on day two I cannot imagine how many we’ll have on day 100 this is gonna be so chaotic okay it just finished

Voting for number 10 but the world like reloaded which one was this oh set watercolor and Grove to night blue for the rest of day two I tried to find a Grove biome to see what the watercolor would look like but I didn’t find one alright it’s becoming nighttime so let’s

Sleep oh and we have two new votes let’s see what they are oh three new votes get the trails and Tails updates what is that I think I’m just gonna do it I have no idea what that is and change extra explosion power from zero to one that

Sounds kind of dangerous let’s do it all right it’s day three I have tons of food so I think it’s time to get some better tools and armor I want at least full iron armor and tools so let’s go up to these mountains and see if I can find

Some iron because I know you can find tons of iron in mountains oh and there we go I found some iron and it’s lots of it too and this should be enough to craft up a pair of leggings so I just need enough for boots and helmets and

I’ll be good to go oh and also some tools too proposal 15. oh this is the prevent floating trees one I wonder what that looks like and we do have a new vote let’s see oh it’s multiply tool speed 164 that’s quite a lot let’s do it

And I’m also curious to see what prevent floating trees looks like let’s see oh my gosh it just puts Enron was underneath but look at this now I have a source of N Rods that’s pretty awesome look at that oh wait 12 end rods I’m so

Confused look at this whoa what the heck where did that come from I can just get infinite n Rods that is so weird if only I could do this with something like diamonds look at that I’m just getting tons and tons of n Rods interesting wow

Okay well now I’ll never need to get n Rods ever again because I have an infinite Supply now and you know what I’m gonna use those instead of torches too because ironically coal is more rare than N Rods now all right I think that’s all the iron that this mountain has to

Offer so let’s go home and smelt it up look at that I have over a stack of N Rods already that is so random but I’m smelting out my iron and once we do that we should have enough for a pair of iron leggings all right here we go iron

Leggings now let’s go to this mountain and get even more iron oh this is all powdered snow I need to be extra careful and there we go I have some more iron oh but I hear some mobs oh gosh I don’t like this sword it’s a little scary oh

Gosh yeah this sword might not be a good idea but we do have tons of iron over here so let’s gather it up and we can also vote for number 25 dinner bone eyes that’s such a funny word dinner bone eyes Snow Golem endermite moon cow or

Traitor llama let’s do traitor llama I feel like that’d be kind of funny to see if dinnerbone is traitor llama oh we already have another vote never despawn items on ground but dinner bone eyes and Crystal let’s do this one that might lead to a lot of lag but it’ll be kind

Of fun oh no there’s creepers oh my gosh okay this sword is not good I thought this was kind of fun at first but it’s not very fun to fight Mobs with maybe once I have better armor it’ll be fun but it looks like we do have some more

Votes pass up to two rules per vote but replace n with n let’s do this one I want as many votes as possible all right I’m just gonna gather up a bunch more coal and then we can head home and smelt up all this iron in total I got 27. wait

Whoa what is this oh wait I have a tail this is the trails and Tails update look at this oh my gosh I never thought I would see my skin with a tail but now I’m leaving a trail everywhere okay um I think I might want to repeal this

Later on I did not know that’s what trails and Tails meant but at least I’ll never get lost since I’ll have a trail going right back to where I came from these votes are so round random it’s hilarious and the tail like Wags as I’m running all right let’s get all this

Iron smelted up and look at that I have over a stack of coal now all right I have nine iron and that’s enough for a helmet and some boots and there we go a full set of iron armor we’re actually making some pretty good progress in this

World oh and multiply tool speed by 164 has won let’s see how it looks um wait is it any different I don’t think it is does this look any faster to you guys it does not look faster to me let’s try to mine some Stone instead

Okay that does seem faster I think but it’s barely noticeable well any speed boost that I can get is useful so I’ll take it but I have tons more iron smelting now and I’ll finally be able to craft up oh my gosh look what I just did

And I’ll finally be able to craft up an iron ax and that was pretty productive for day four all right it’s the morning of day five and I think it’s about time that I build a house but first we have even more votes make armor invisible

That’s kind of cool let’s do it multiply knockback by 41 multiply knockback by 99 114 107 let’s do 114 and that’s gonna make my Diamond Rose even more dangerous let’s see here I’m gonna gather up a bunch of wood and I’m gonna use all this

Wood to build my house but you know what I think I have an idea I’m gonna gather up all these pink flowers and we have a new vote already big romantic moon be careful what you wish for our scientists have warned us about unintended consequences I don’t know this one seems

Kind of scary I think I’m gonna vote do nothing just for now because that one seems kind of dangerous but let’s keep Gathering up all these pink petals and I’m gonna place them down everywhere over here that way I can’t turn this into path blocks since if you see what

I’m standing on this it doesn’t turn it into any path blocks and that way I can make this Cherry Grove just a little bit prettier all right and there we go now I shouldn’t be leaving path blocks everywhere let’s take out this little area right here first and right in this

Little area is where I’m gonna build my house but before I do that though I do need to gather up some more blocks with the first one being some oak logs and the second one being some cherry logs and it looks like we have another vote never Thunder always Thunder let’s do

Never Thunder that’s kind of random oh look at this my armor is now invisible that looks kind of cool but I’m off to find the third item that I need for this house and it’s some Spruce logs oh you know what I also need some dark oak and

There’s some right over here whoa look at this it’s a new grass color this is from one of the votes this looks super weird but now let’s gather up some dark oak wood and we have another one all creepers are charged oh my gosh let’s do it that’s gonna be so chaotic and

Coupled with my Diamond Rose that’s a recipe for instant death that is gonna be so funny to see but we have another vote already give every player infinite health boost to infinite haste four whoa give every player infinite Darkness too nope don’t want that give every player

Infamous hunger five no okay so do we want infinite health boost 2 or do we want infinite haste four I don’t know those are both pretty good but since we are in hardcore I think infinite health boost 2 will be my best option and it looks like we’re gonna have to wait

Eight minutes to see that happen that’s gonna be pretty cool but I’m still on the hunt for some Spruce logs so first we have to find that shaped recipes only accept exact recipes oh that would be quite the challenge shaped recipes only accept Myriad recipes let’s do mirrored

Recipes that seems kind of chaotic I hope I didn’t just make the game way harder by doing that and look at this a shipwreck ooh of enchanting tons of emeralds and iron nuggets very nice and I think there should be one more chest right whoa smithing templates I totally

Forgot that we were in the 1.20 update too I don’t even know how to use those but I guess we’ll figure it out but I’m still looking for some Spruce logs I wonder if I’ll ever find them oh I think I see a tree nice I finally found some

So I think I’m gonna wait until night time and also get some slimes too since who knows that could be useful in the future oh and I can finally repeal the trails and Tails update I’m gonna do it so there we go I finally see some spruce

Trees it’s about time that I found some and I don’t think I’ll need that many so I’ll just chop down a few trees oh and we have creepers oh my gosh I need to be careful because very soon they’re gonna all turn into charge creepers oh my gosh

Look at my health I can eat and get even more Hearts now that is amazing that was definitely a good proposal to vote for all right we have one more tree over here and then after that I should be good to go I know there’s tons of mobs

My Diamond Rose is not helping oh and the multiplied knockback is hurting too ah but I just need a little bit more Spruce Wood please there we go I think I’m good to go home now but now let’s go to the swamp and see if I can find some

Slimes since that that’s the whole reason why I waited for night time oh wait something just passed which one is it oh no it’s all creepers are charged why did it have to pass right when I’m trying to get some slimes at night time oh look at that there’s charged creepers

Everywhere this is gonna be so dangerous I just need to see if I can find some slimes where are they oh my gosh this is so chaotic I need some better armor for this and I’m not even finding any slimes either oh there’s a slime did he drop

Zero wow it actually dropped zero all right we have a new vote it’s asking if I want to repeal anything I think I’m gonna repeal prevent floating trees because it is kind of cursed to be honest and I already have enough and Ross to last me a lifetime there we go I

Found a big one over this next to a Charged Creeper I gotta be careful it’s dropping slime okay good I know the charge creeper sees me oh no oh my gosh all right I need to run in here real quick and grab some slimes all right we

Got what we came for so I think it’s time to sleep and then we can start making our way back home all right it’s finally daytime the scary mobs are gone except for the charge creepers and we also have two new votes give every online player three packed air what is

Packed air but acquire more than just the power of Thunder what that is so random that sounds kind of scary let’s just vote for it teach Enderman how to place blocks correctly what but the universal Jeb experience that sounds kind of cool let’s do it and then it’s

Asking me if I want to repeal anything I think I’m gonna repeal invisible armor since I was taking a ton of damage back there and I’m not sure if that made my armor less effective but I finally got what I came for so it’s time to head

Home okay and there’s the Cherry Grove that I’m calling home and we also have a new vote give all the animal lovers a veterinarian Cape give everyone an awesome Cape whatever this is no round shapes allowed this one sounds kind of cool let’s do give everyone an awesome

Cape alright I finally made it back home and I can start building this house what the heck is happened I just punched the ground oh my gosh wait what okay that was not a good thing to vote for how am I gonna put this out I can’t punch

Anything oh my gosh why did I vote for this as soon as I can repeal this I definitely need to okay so that means I can’t even build this house because as soon as I left click something then a lightning bolt strikes it I knew that

Was gonna be a bad idea of voting for that okay all the fire is gone and I guess we’re gonna have to wait for a repeal vote but you know what let’s actually go around and have some fun with this first oh we have a new vote

And it says shape recipes only accept Myriad recipes but villagers accept Stone ax instead of gems let’s do it that sounds kind of cool whoa and then we have super bouncy slime blocks oh wait I just got a bunch of slime that’s gonna be super cool okay awesome we have

Some good votes here but I’m just waiting for a repeal vote because this is a problem if I hit it with my sword then it strikes it too that definitely through a wrench and things I went and I gathered up all those materials but now

I can’t even build my house wait but if I left click things then it’s fine but if I right click it wait hold on hold on even if I’m trying to destroy something does it still strike with lightning let’s see okay it does so basically I

Can only place blocks and I can’t break blocks okay that is quite the challenge but I’m just gonna have to deal with it until we can get this repealed let’s Place some water on this and then I can go like this oh that actually works pretty well that’s definitely a good way

Around it so now let’s build this house wait a second this just stopped working wait what oh my gosh whoa whoa okay if I crouch then it doesn’t do it okay that’s actually a better way around it okay so now I know if I shift and then break

Something then it doesn’t do the lightning thing but here’s the progress on my house so far I’m gonna have to strip all these logs and next up is gonna be the walls and right as I say that I get distracted with another vote multiply damage type Wither by two or by

Half let’s do half that’s gonna be super useful when I fight the weather later on and I also realized that I didn’t get enough Spruce Wood so I’m going back to the tiger that I found earlier and I need to get even more okay I finally

Made it back to the tiger let’s gather up some more wood oh my gosh look at this vote remove fog from the game for when there was fog before and vice versa that sounds curse I’m gonna vote now oh my gosh okay well there goes my bed but

There we go I finally have everything thing that I need so it’s time to go home I just need to make sure I don’t kill myself with lightning on the way back oh you know what I realized I forgot to try something apparently all cow entities are writable look at that

Oh my gosh that is so cool but I can’t control it though it seems okay we have a new vote oh my gosh look at how long this is what the heck okay I do not want to multiply my damage type so let’s do nothing I feel like these votes are

Getting more and more chaotic what is going on chicken lay random assigned item but replace Emerald item with Ruby and only that we are too easy to do it properly but change over World shape I think I want to do chickens lay random items that could be kind of useful

Imagine it lays an enchanted golden apple okay we just got a new vote and I think I want to vote for this one because it sets the maximum number of effects for new combined votes to zero and I think this is why the votes have

Been so long because earlier I set it to four so I’m gonna vote for this one but I’m finally back home and with all my new Spruce Wood I can start actually working on this house I can’t believe how distracted I’ve been getting from all these votes oh you know what

Speaking of getting distracted from votes let’s grab some slime turn it into a block of slime and test out the super bouncy slime just in case it’s too crazy I think I want to place some water around it first that way I have somewhere to land let’s try it out okay

Whoa okay whoa oh my well you know what I will actually be able to get a pretty good view from up here oh my gosh look at that grass I’m gonna try to line in the water this is too chaotic that was oh no my slime block is gone oh my gosh

I hate this vote well at least we got to experience super bouncy slime and I don’t think I have any more slime right yep that was it I’m very sad but now let’s actually start working on this house it has taken me way too long to

Start all right here’s the frame so far and now it’s time for the walls which are gonna be made out of cherry planks and then I’m gonna need a cherry door oh my gosh look at that that’s so pretty I love how this looks this is such a cool

Addition to Minecraft but you know what’s not a cool addition this all right it’s the morning of day 12 and we’re met with a new vote pass up to three rules provoked five rules per votes or nothing let’s do five rules per votes and that might give me more of a

Chance to repeal this honestly it is kind of fun though but it’s extremely dangerous all right I’m almost done with the house here’s how it’s looking so far and I just got a new vote big head mode what that sounds funny let’s do it the

Only thing I have left to do is the roof whoa look at this it’s the rubies this looks actually really cool but I don’t think we’re gonna be using those because I did pass oh my gosh see this is so annoying but as I was saying I don’t

Think we’re gonna be using those rubies because I passed a vote that lets villagers trade Stone axes there’s still so many things that I’ve passed and haven’t tried out yet but I want to get this house done first because I’ve been getting way too distracted okay the

House is finally done check it out this turned out really cool so now it’s time to start moving in all my items and organizing them inside the house let’s craft up a bunch of chests also some barrels wait can you open a chest with a

Barrel on top oh you can’t oh my gosh see no my house is down no no it’s on fire oh my gosh I should not have built my house out of wood knowing that I had this effect on me all right and here is my storage room it does look a little

Bit chaotic but I think it does look kind of cool better than just a bunch of chests so let’s craft up some signs and start organizing my chests oh and look at this you can edit Signs Now that is so cool I totally forgot they added that

In 1.20 it almost makes up for me being able to do this but let’s keep Gathering up all my items and storing them away in my chest this might take a little while oh my gosh wait I was literally looking at myself right when we got big head

Mode wait hold on I need to see what this looks like outside oh my gosh I can barely even see it on my head now well there you go this is what big head mode looks like let’s see without any armor this is so cursed well it’s not as

Cursed as this wait how is it scientifically possible for my head to fit through here let’s see oh it just gets squished through that is so funny I love it all right we have another vote set the chance of do pack occurring to 105 that sounds kind of

Cool let’s do it I hope it doesn’t lead to something extremely chaotic and I wonder what the do pack even is but I guess we’re about to find out in 10 minutes and by then I should be done organizing all my items and there we go

All my items are organized and I even have to do a separate chest just for all these N Rods but as I was doing all this I got another vote let’s see what it is replace natural spawns of zombified pickling with slime oh that could be

Kind of cool let’s do the ones with slime so that means when I go to the nether there’s going to be tons of slime but now that my items are nicely organized and my house is done let’s try out some of the votes that passed while I was working on this like villagers

Accepting Stone axes the do pack and the chickens laying random items those all sound kind of cool let’s go in here and craft some Stone axes real quick since I want to try the Villager one first and we already have another vote okay let’s see chickens lay netherright boots oh my

Gosh what wait that is so op and it looks like we’re gonna have to wait 12 minutes so while I’m doing that let’s try out these other votes hello do you guys accept own axes oh look at this there’s rubies is it not gonna work I

Don’t think this vote is working wait so how do you do this he still wants rubies interesting I don’t think I know how this works well that’s fine I guess I’ll try the do pack instead oh there’s a village we’re trying to get in can I get

Into my house please he keeps closing the door behind him I have an idea I think I’m gonna go like this whoa I got an advancement I was a witch not really what I expected but at least we got rid of that annoying villager let’s sleep

Real quick and then we’ll try the do pack now for the do pack there used to be a pretty common dupe in Minecraft back in the day where you could use a chest entity to dupe an item so things like a minecart with chest or a donkey

With a chest on it so I think I’m gonna try that and see what happens let’s go in here and grab some chests and let’s see if I can find a donkey and already we have another vote oh my gosh day 15 and we already have a hundred votes

Spawn potted dark oak sapling instead of stone when lava interacts with water interesting let’s do nothing those seem kind of useless but I’m still on the hunt for some donkeys and it looks like there’s a Savannah Biome over here so that might be my best chance to find one

Oh my gosh look at this grass this is crazy looking look at this all right we have our 103rd vote let’s see oh my gosh finally I can repeal acquire more than just the power of Thunder I’m doing it I was getting so tired of that vote but

We’re still gonna have to wait 11 minutes for it to apply and I guess in that time I could keep searching for some donkeys oh my gosh I forgot I passed the entity’s Collide votes and I cannot get out of this house okay I guess I’m gonna have to do this oh my

Gosh and look at that there’s two donkeys I need to be careful with this because I still have the acquired Thunder votes and let’s see I still have to wait seven minutes and I don’t want to accidentally kill these guys with thunder so I think while I’m doing that

I’m gonna go around and get some eggs from some chickens since after we try out the do pack I’m gonna try to get some netherite boots from some chickens oh my gosh the skeletons have big heads too oh wait I’m colliding with the arrows I don’t know if I like that vote

So I got skeletons and maybe zombies too will also have big heads that’s pretty funny all right we have a new vote add Place block what is that I’m just gonna vote for it that’s kind of been the theme so far in this challenge if I

Don’t know what it is then I just vote for it and it definitely backfired with this but I just have a few minutes left until the Thunder expires and then I can try out the do pack and also surprise amazingly I haven’t found any chickens and there we go I can finally punch

Things without lightning striking oh my gosh okay let’s try out the Dew pack now um can I just put chest on this donkey oh I have to tame it first I think any second now there we go can I put a chest

On you I can okay now how do I do the do pack do I like put something in here and then I kill it whoa what is this it’s called dupe hack wait what do I do with this also look at how big it is oh my gosh I don’t know

What to do with that let’s try it out on the other donkey but we do have a new vote and it’s make glow squids actually glow that sounds kind of cool let’s vote for it first we have to tame the donkey and now to just put some chests on it

And then I guess I’ll just kill it again and look at that it dropped another one how do you what do you do with this oh whoa wait look at this if you put it inside the crafting table then it gives you two of the item okay well I’m not

Gonna dupe a white bed so let’s wait to dupe something actually useful like diamonds but now that I figured out what the do pack does let’s go back home and try to get some chickens to lay netherrite boots since it’s about time that I get some better armor alright

Let’s make the long journey back home oh and look we have some chickens okay have these guys laid anything yet I don’t think they’ve laid any eggs but I am gonna hang around here for a second just to see oh wait look at this it laid an

Egg oh my gosh and it’s not the right boots look at this that is amazing wow we finally have our first piece of netherite armor and I didn’t even have to get diamonds for it that is such an amazing vote but now that I have my Dew

Pack and my netherrite boots I’m gonna head back home and try to get some diamonds and then using my do pack I’m gonna try to dupe the diamonds and who knows maybe I’ll also save one to Duke netherite once I go to the nether all

Right I’m almost home but we have a new vote now unlock edible air blocks packed air to survive on the moon and get rideable balloon cows to get there wait let’s do it that’s amazing I finally have a way to get to the moon now but

I’m finally back home so let’s try to find some diamonds let’s craft a few more iron pickaxes just in case and then we’ll go down into the mines to see if I can find some diamonds let’s start with this cave right down here okay I found a cave and there’s charged creepers

Everywhere and look at these skeletons with big heads oh my gosh that’s hilarious and the zombies have big heads too look at that wait oh my gosh look at the baby zombie the head is bigger than its entire body that’s hilarious it’s just a floating head basically but I

Have found my way down to deep slate levels so let’s see if I can find any diamonds down here I need to find On A Place With No Charge creepers oh but look at this there’s diamonds right here wait what okay let’s see how many is it

Looks like two so far maybe it’s more okay it’s at least three let’s see can I find any more diamonds all right it looks like it’s just three for now but honestly that’s not a bad start let’s try to find some more I think I’m regretting turning all these creepers

Into charge creepers now it was fun at first but down here in the mines it’s way too scary being down here in these caves with all these charge creepers is kind of terrifying so let’s just do a strip mine instead oh wait there’s more diamonds actually hold on and it looks

Like it was just two more but there’s also some lapis right here let’s try to get this as well and we might be able to dupe this too let’s go down here and start a strip mine instead and I guess I’ll go in this direction actually you

Know what let’s test out something if I do pack five of these oh it only gives me two okay so you can only do one at a time should I try it wait it stays in the inventory what wait that’s kind of op oh my gosh look at this oh it just

Went away okay so it looks like it has a random chance to go away interesting that’s kind of useful though I was able to turn five diamonds into eight diamonds but let’s continue my strip mine and see if I can find even more diamonds and then after this I’m going

To set up a donkey farm so I can get unlimited Dew packs and I think that might be a pretty good idea oh look at that we have new diamonds nice and it was four extra diamonds nice and we also have two new votes don’t show final vote

Counts let’s just do nothing because it doesn’t matter since it’s just me celebrate voting I’m kind of scared um let’s do it I wonder what that’s gonna be who knows maybe it gives you diamonds every time you vote and I just realized something underneath the beds it says highly explosive that’s pretty

Funny and look at that we already got more diamonds wow I’m getting so lucky oh when it’s in eight vein amazing let’s also grab some Redstone since I don’t have any yet right and I’m down to my last pickaxe so I better make this count if not then it’s fine because I can

Always just make a donkey farm and get infinite Dew packs and then I’ll never have to mine for diamonds ever again alright I haven’t found any more diamonds and I do want to save my pickaxe just in case I have some mine out of here so let’s go all the way back

And then back into the scary cave to find my way home and as I’m mining up we have another one as player Bros okay do nothing what the heck what was that okay I think I know what it is the reward player voting thing just spawns a firework I

Guess but let’s see if my theory is correct we have two new ones over here multiply damage type sting by two no by one half maybe mob attack by two mob attack by one half oh my gosh that is so good let’s do it and there we go it

Spawns a firework that’s kind of cool I just need to make sure to not vote when underground alright so that mining session was fairly successful I managed to get 20 diamonds in total but I want even more diamonds so I’m gonna try to find some more donkeys to get infinite

Dew packs all right it’s a brand new day let’s grab some carrots since I know donkeys like to eat those let’s go find some donkeys I really hope I can find some easily wait a minute is that a donkey I see off in the distance it is

Look a donkey nice but it is just one though and I’m gonna need two to make a farm oh wait there’s one more right there too okay things are going good but first we have some more votes to do replace all diamond with diamond chest plates and player inventories do I want

To do that let’s do replace all diamond with diamond chest plate in player inventories and we’re only gonna have to wait 12 minutes for it but I need to make sure to remember because then it’s going to get rid of all my diamonds so when the vote comes around I’m just

Gonna put one diamond in my inventory and then it’ll give me a diamond chest plate for it but look at this there’s so many donkeys oh my gosh do these get attracted With This Wait what about carrots can they follow with carrots oh no I don’t think you can lure donkeys

Can you lure donkeys wait you can’t lure donkeys no okay um how am I gonna do this so since I can’t lure these donkeys I have to come up with something else and I think I have just the idea and it involves going to the dinner since if

You remember from earlier I made it so all zombified piglet turned into slimes and since we need slime balls to craft leads my best bet is going to be going to the nether to get some slime balls to craft leads and then once we have that

We can lure my donkeys so let’s gather up some items and I’m also gonna leave all the rest of my diamonds at home and now we just have to find some lava to make another portal oh and look at this this is the foliage color in the Cherry

Grove that looks really cool honestly but let’s see where can I find some lava oh my gosh look at this there was a sheep riding another sheep this entity Collision stuff is so funny I can’t even push the Sheep now that’s crazy oh my gosh look at all these netherite boots

You can tell some chickens have been around here look at how many I have now that is crazy oh I just got an advancement oh look at that we got our Diamond chest plate nice we finally have some better armor now and we also have some new votes big romantic move be

Cover what you wish for our scientists have warned us about its unintended consequences I got this one earlier but I think I actually want to vote for it so let’s do it I really hope it doesn’t like explode the world or something but I guess we’ll find out in 13 minutes and

Look at that I found some lava finally let’s make a portal in here now wait oh I didn’t bring a flint and steel with me okay well we’re gonna have to make a quick pit stop back home all right we’re back home let’s grab my flint and steel

And I can drop off all these extra boots oh my gosh and you know what this actually might have been a good pit stop since my shield is about to break and I don’t want to be in another without a good Shield so let’s bring an extra one

Just in case this one breaks and I think I’m ready to go all right it’s time for a speedrunner portal let’s light it and go to the nether let’s see oh my gosh this could not have been a worse spawn I just want zombified Piglet and I get put

Into one of the only biomes that they don’t spawn in oh look at that there’s some slimes oh my gosh they’re everywhere look at this this is gonna be amazing let’s kill these guys real quick oh they’re everywhere whoa okay this is getting a little out of hand now and I

Keep colliding with all of them too look at this they’re all like stacked up on top of each other and there we go I have all the slimes that I need and we have a new vote enable B loons what is that let’s just do it all right it’s time to

Go home I just came to get some slime and I got it and that leaves me with just one ingredient to craft out these leads wait am I not taking fall damage wait what I’m not taking fall damage what just happened which vote did I pass hold on let’s try it out

Yeah look at that I don’t take any fall damage anymore I do not remember voting for that but I’m not complaining because that is super useful but as I was saying I just need one more ingredient to craft these leaves and that string so I’m gonna wait until night time and try to

Kill some spiders to get some strength and it looks like the sun is just about to set too which is perfect but until it does I think I have an idea and it involves a slime block remember how we tried out the super bouncy slime earlier

I just need to make sure I don’t take fall damage oh okay I’m not taking any fall damage wait so that’s pretty good wait what’s going on I’m sliding to the side now wait what look I’m not even moving at all I promise and I’m slowly

Sliding to the side what is going on oh my gosh but wait it’s getting stronger wait what look it’s like pulling me this way if I try to run this way it’s slow but if I try to run this way it’s like super fast whoa does this have to do

With the reason why I don’t take fall damage I don’t know this is kind of cursed I don’t like this but we’re gonna have to wait until my time to find some spiders to get some string whoa oh my gosh look at how big the Moon is oh I

Know what this is It’s the giant Moon thing and this must be the unintended consequence is that it was talking about but look I can move so fast in this direction it’s crazy but wait look at this I have almost like jump boost now all right where are the spiders right

Now I only have two string and I need at least four to craft one lead and look at that it looks like my jump is getting even higher now and we have three new votes flint and steel can explode any block wait that is so cool let’s do it

Always rain never rain let’s do never rain I hate the rain oh my gosh look at the Enderman they look so funny their head is like way above and the baby zombies look even crazier too okay I have six string now and I just need two

More because I only need two leads come on please oh I see a spider and it looks like the Moon is pulling me this way now this is so difficult oh my gosh the spider can’t even get up either all right we have seven string now I just

Need one more I’m so close okay now we have eight string perfect that’s enough for Just Two leads so I think I’m gonna sleep so I can skip the night because this gravity is getting a little bit too intense oh my gosh look I’m sliding off

My bed look at this and it’s still pulling me this way what why but it’s daytime okay well it looks like it’s not as strong so let’s go up here now wait what oh I forgot we have mirrored recipes there we go oh that gives you two leads already oh that’s perfect okay

So I didn’t even need eight string all right let’s go get those donkeys they probably got pulled somewhere weird last night because of the gravity so I’m gonna have to do a bit of searching oh my gosh wait look at this flint and steel can explode any block it finally

Passed let’s try it out oh my gosh look at that oh my gosh what that’s actually insane can I explode this flower that might be a little bit too op I think but we have tons more votes oh my gosh fast Hoppers but Hopper Minecarts are slow let’s do it persistent Paris

They will never leave you let’s do it it’s asking if I want to repeal anything and I think I’m gonna repeal celebrate voting because that could be dangerous when I’m underground and it’s asking if I want to repeal any more stuff should I repeal of a big romantic Moon I think I

Will yeah I think I’m gonna repeal it wait let’s see can I light cows on fire oh wait oh I can ride them I forgot but now I need to find my donkeys let’s see oh there’s one right here okay nice here he comes okay we have one donkey that’s

Very nice let’s try to find our second donkey friend now oh there he is he’s down here too and there we go we finally have both our donkeys let’s bring these guys back home now and very soon we’re gonna have infinite do packs this is

Gonna make me so op but now that I’m homeless tie up these donkeys and I have to get a little more wood let’s turn all this wood into planks now and then into some sticks and then into some fences and this is gonna be our donkey farm and

Here it is now I forgot to record this but I did encounter a problem I used my last do pack to duplicate some more golden apples but I realized that I couldn’t breed the these donkeys with it so maybe I’ll try something else can I use apples or carrots let’s see yeah

They don’t go into love mode that’s very weird maybe I have to tame them first let’s see I just wasted two golden apples for nothing I really hope this works all right let’s tame this donkey first and it instantly goes we’ll tame this one and while I’m taming it I have

Four new votes to see the world is haunted oh my gosh wait what does this mean I’m very very scared but I’m gonna vote Yes and we’ll have to wait for six minutes to see if that works now can I breed them with golden apples now okay I

Can oh thankfully wow that had me really scared to be honest whoa look at that what but there we go our Dew pack Farm is finally working I can’t believe it guys this is gonna be so amazing but as I wait for that baby donkey to grow up

I’m gonna smelt up the rest of my gold since I need to get some more golden apples since without golden apples I can’t breed them oh wait I think you can also use golden carrots too let’s see and I think you do it with nuggets right okay that’s way cheaper let’s definitely

Do it this way things are going so well we’re gonna have an infinite dupe Farm very soon that’s probably the best vote we could have ever gotten to be honest and what’s amazing is that the chat chance of it occurring is 105 which means that every time I kill the donkey

It will 100 drop a two pack and that makes everything way easier but here we go I have all my extra gold and you know what I’m also gonna need to farm some carrots too since you can’t craft golden carrots without carrots so I’m gonna dig

Out a little area right here turn it into a carrot farm and vote on some new proposals change the pitch of every Sound by 159 216 or nothing that sounds cursed let’s do 159 I think 216 is going to be too crazy but now let’s expand my farm and

Plant up even more carrots whoa what’s going on whoa did you see that look at that wait all these are just randomly opening and closing what did I vote for to do that wait what oh is this the world is haunted I think it is that actually scared me for a second though

It sounded like a zombie was trying to break down my door but wait that could actually be bad because look these are just randomly opening and closing it sounds scary too I don’t like it and we also have four new votes oh my gosh change day length from 20 minutes to 40

Minutes okay I don’t think I want to do that I’m gonna vote do nothing then there’s flowing head mode I have no idea what this is gonna look like but let’s vote for it so since we had this new vote I think I need a better way to get

In and out of my dupac farm and I’m just gonna use carpet and then I’ll replace this with a fence but let’s see if I can speed up my carrot Farm I’m gonna turn all this bone into bone meal and grow all of my carrots there we go nice now I

Have tons of carrots let’s replant all of these except for four and then I’m gonna come in here and using my extra gold turn it into four golden carrots all right let’s get some more do pack there we go now we have four donkeys nice oh wait something just passed

Change every sound pitch by 159 wait what does this sound like it sounds kind of funny I wonder what the donkeys sound like let’s see oh my gosh listen to that that is very high pitched everything just sounds like five percent cuter but we do have two new votes let’s see set

The chance of a new vote every tick to 1 over 168 what’s the lowest one one over 168 let’s do it set the chance of a new vote being a repeal vote let’s do 38 I feel like that’s good but as we wait for those bows to take effect I’m gonna

Gather up some more bone meal use it to get more carrots and wait for these Dew packs to grow up all right it’s been a day and my carrot Farm has grown quite a bit and my do pack Farm has only grown a little little but in that time I got a

Ton of votes look at all this so let’s see what they all are Minecraft Bedrock Edition style entity Shadows definitely not set optimization level to Super 1000. let’s just try it out I’m kind of scared replace natural spawns of hoglin with a zombie villager with ghast with

Piglet or nothing let’s do with a Ghast that’s gonna be insane now what else all newly placed TNT blocks are unstable what does that mean I guess I’ll just do it wait wait hold on what’s going on here why can’t I see my arms wait my body is invisible oh this is floating

Head mode that is so weird interesting now what’s next it’s asking if I want to repeal anything I think I’m gonna repeal the change of sound pitch because it is kind of annoying but alright I got all those votes taken care of and my donkey

Is spinning whoa look at this that is so funny wow okay well let’s see what he has to offer oh this guy accepts Stone axes wait that’s actually very useful um I don’t think I need any of this stuff but I might as well buy some Nautilus

Shells there we go and let’s go get all my other Stone axes let’s get as many as possible and I have four now but let’s get rid of this guy now and we got two free leads nice all right now I am gonna have to kill one of these guys to get a

Do pack since I need to craft some more golden carrots so let’s kill you I’m sorry there we go we gotta do pack nice and I have a pretty good idea on how to use this I’m gonna turn this into a gold block and now we’re gonna do gold blocks

Instead of just gold ingots oh and I used it up immediately oh okay that sucks but I guess then we could turn this back into 18 gold ingots now and now I have enough to craft some more golden carrots this is gonna be slow at first oh wait oh the other one escaped

What oh it’s because of the entity collisions let’s try to lure this guy back in here there we go and now we have to tame you there we go he’s already tamed all right let’s put these guys into love mode and we’ll make even more

Do packs this is going kind of slowly at first but it’s gonna get much faster very soon and we also have some new votes Brew potion of big with bottle-o enchanting let’s do it and it’s asking if I want to repeal anything let’s see I kind of want to repeal entity collisions

But it’s not in there so I’m gonna vote do nothing oh and we have a new vote windmill mode on what is that mild flailing limbs all over the place stop all that flailing or do nothing windmill mode sounds fun let’s do it I’m kind of scared though I hope it’s not anything

Bad but I guess we’ll have to wait eight minutes to find out but I’m just gonna spend a little bit of time doing some more farming and then I’ll be back when I’m ready to harvest up some Dew packs alright so it’s been a few days and I’ve

Gotten a bunch more do packs and they were still escaping so I had to make the wall three blocks tall but I’ve gotten some new votes let’s see what it is infinite cakes I don’t know what that is but it sounds cool let’s vote for it and

Then it’s asking me if I would repeal some stuff please be entity collisions please it is okay finally oh my gosh that was so annoying we finally are able to wait what look at how I am right now oh my gosh wait is this what windmill

Mode is whoa look at my legs this is hilarious what things are going pretty well my farm is expanding I have tons of carrots and gold now so I’m just gonna spend one or two more days working on this and then we should have enough Dew

Packs to get a bunch of diamonds all right it’s been a few more days and I think I’m ready to breed some more donkeys there we go and we also have a new vote let’s see French mode what is this let’s just do it probably going to

Be pretty funny and look at all the baby donkeys we have it’s crazy you know what I’m kind of tired of waiting let’s just Harvest up one and boom okay let’s see how many diamonds I can get from this now I’ve already turned my diamonds into blocks of diamonds let’s see how many

Times before it runs out okay ah okay we were able to get three diamond blocks and then coupled with my other diamonds that’s 37 diamonds in total so let’s craft up some armor a pair of leggings a pair of boots and a helmet oh wait I don’t need diamond boots I just wasted

Some because I already have netherright boots okay well that’s fine and I just heard something outside oh wait a patrol just spawned go away oh you know what this actually might be a good idea I’m gonna kill the captain and get bad Omen and since we are right next to a village

I think it’s time to do a raid but I think I want to craft a real sword first not a Diamond Rose here we go we’re gonna set you aside for now because a diamond draws during a raid would not be very fun wait why is the ray not

Starting oh I don’t think there’s any villagers left in here yeah they might actually be all gone oh here he is let’s push him down oh and there we go now it’s starting okay here comes the raid all right where’s the first wave here they are they’re down here it’s time for

A raid and it looks like there’s just one more Raider remaining oh there he is and there we go oh it says Invasion now wait oh my gosh look at this wait what is this baguette that’s hilarious all right well it is the second wave of the

Invasion now as it’s called so I need to find where these Raiders are here they are all right we have a Vindicator three of them actually oh my gosh hold on wait they actually do so much damage this might have been a bad idea guys I’m gonna sleep real quick because it’s

Already night time for some reason let’s see if I can kill these guys and there we go oh my gosh all right the next wave of the raid is here and there’s a ravager oh no okay things are not going very well guys I might just let them win

Guys I think I should I’m gonna let the Villager out wait the villagers wearing a beret and has a mustache what that’s hilarious actually no I want to do this raid I’m not gonna let them win I need to protect this french guy oh my gosh

It’s all in French now it’s a good thing that I speak French so I can read everything but let’s see where’s the next wave I’m scared okay they’re all over there oh my gosh and we also have tons of votes hold on let’s see these give every player infinite hunger for

Okay I don’t want that give every player infinite blindness three no give every player infinite big big three what let’s do big three that seems kind of funny and I still have so many more oh my gosh rule food restriction AIR block what is that an x-ray diet what is that Michelin

Level expensive diet what a pork belly diet or do nothing oh I think these are different food restrictions what is an x-ray diet is that like only ores that’d be kind of funny and then I think Michelin level expensive diet is only golden Foods let’s do this one and

That’s it that’s all the votes all right let’s see where are the Raiders isn’t this supposed to highlight them I don’t know where all these Raiders are guys okay this raid might end up being a failure what is going on yeah okay I don’t see anything I don’t know what to

Do but maybe it’s for the better because I don’t think I was ready for that raid so let’s get back to the task at hand and that’s getting more do packs let’s make another diamond block Harvest up some more carrots and I’m curious can I change my language back to English let’s

See oh I can nice but now I have to tame all the newly grown-up donkeys put them in love mode and make even more donkeys look at how many donkeys I have now it’s amazing what just happened oh my gosh what is this what big three is oh my

Gosh can I even fit inside my house I can’t even get into my house anymore look at this too this is cursed oh what did I do well I guess to access my chest I’m gonna have to go like this now and break open my roof this is hilarious I

Did not know this is what big three was and I now have the Michelin diet wait what’s the Michelin diet wait I can’t even eat golden carrots oh no wait I’m gonna starve to death and it’s night time and I can’t sleep this might

Actually be bad um what do I do why did I vote for the Michelin diet what is that I guess we’ll chop down a tree to get some more blocks and then I need to find a way to access a bed because it’s becoming nighttime okay let’s pillar up

Now I can jump on top of my house let’s see okay here’s my bed can I sleep in it there we go whoa what is the Michelin diet I swear I’m gonna actually starve to death I can’t eat this I can’t eat golden carrots okay so I just did some

Research and it turns out I can only eat enchanted golden apples so I don’t know what I’m gonna do I don’t have any enchanted golden apples so I might just have to wait to repeal it let’s repeal French mode oh let’s multiply Arrow damage by one half that’s amazing

Amazing let’s see acknowledge boats as the superior way of transportation that seems cool let’s do it but now I guess I just have to wait to repeal this because otherwise I’m gonna starve to death I can’t believe I did that okay we have a new vote ultra realistic mode I’m scared

Now I don’t know if I should be voting for things that I don’t know I’m just gonna do it let’s see what happens wait they renamed the food this is called rabbit food this is called cremated cow this is called charred Pig Parts this is called rabbit feed that’s hilarious wait

What what is this ultra realistic mode what is this right here now do I have to drink water oh no I have to drink water and I can’t eat food now what am I doing it’s like I’m trying to die okay well hopefully I get a repeal vote before I

Die of thirst I can’t believe myself I’m voting for all the wrong things right now oh no I just lost one hydration point I swear I’m gonna die up here let’s see oh I do have a glass bottle so let’s try something I’m gonna make my

Way down here I’m gonna fill it up with water wait what glass bottle filled with air wait what can I drink this oh now it’s a bottle of void wait oh no I don’t want to use that is there no way for for me to fill up water now oh my gosh I

Really am about to die aren’t I okay I have some new votes let’s see what they are multiply recipe outputs of netherride Ingot by two that’s amazing now I just have to hope that I can survive long enough to get netherites okay I have a repeal though till c okay

Ultra realistic mode Let’s see is there anything else okay there isn’t but I can finally repeal ultra realistic mode finally now all I have to do is repeal the Michelin diets and then I can finally live wait what is my current day length an hour and 50 minutes what if

That must have been changed by ultra realistic mode oh my gosh it’s ruining everything but ultra realistic mode repeals in two minutes so maybe my world will go back to normal I’m not sure and there we go ultra realistic mode is gone finally let’s see is the day length

Normal now oh no it’s not the sun is still moving very very slow all right we have a new repeal vote let’s see oh I can repeal give every player infinite big three so I finally won’t be a giant anymore oh my gosh and any second now I

Should return back to normal size let’s see it didn’t work oh my gosh okay well mini player mode I think I’m gonna do this counteract The Big Three let’s just do it oh look at that I just got the pro voter achievements I voted 256 times okay I have another repeal vote let’s

See oh my gosh finally I can finally repeal the Michelin level expensive diet wow honestly I thought I was never gonna be able to get rid of it but I finally did and we just have to wait 11 more minutes all right and any second now I

Should be into tiny player mode what what just happened I’m still big oh no it didn’t work this is so cursed and look at that repeal Michelin level expensive diets oh I could finally eat but I still have to find a way to get myself not so big because look at how

Cursed this looks and I can’t even feed my Dew packs look at this so it looks like we’re gonna have to wait for another repeal vote but I guess while I wait I can do some more farming all right I’ve replanted all my crops and I

Also have a ton more votes let’s see wait look at this reset every player’s scale oh my gosh I hope this works let’s vote for it and let’s see what’s next another repeal vote it looks like repeal mini player mode we’re getting so many good votes right now set chance of

Entity dropping on egg whoa let’s do it to 41 wait that’s really cool Julian azler for president yes and ghost mode oh no let’s just do it and we’re gonna have to wait a few minutes for all these votes to apply oh I think ghost mode just passed and I’m completely invisible

Now okay well it’s not too bad so I guess after all this repeals I only have one thing left to do to get the world back to normal and that’s to make the days shorter because right now they’re two and a half hours long oh my gosh

Wait I’m back to normal size look at this oh finally and I can feed all my donkeys too so now that everything is almost back to normal I’m gonna work for a little bit longer to get a bunch more do packs and then we can get full diamond tools because these stone tools

Are definitely not cutting it oh and we still had this bottle of void can I still drink it yeah let’s test it out on a donkey let’s see what happens whoa it heard it’s it’s rainbow now what’s bottle of donkey oh I think I know what

Happens if I drink this I turn into a donkey don’t I I don’t really want to do that right now so we’re gonna hide it away for later but let’s tame all these donkeys and then put chests on them breed them and then Harvest them to get

Dew packs all right let’s see what I can get now I’m gonna take my block of diamond and my do pack let’s see oh it only went one time okay now we have 19 diamonds and I think that’s gonna be enough to craft some leggings and a

Helmet oh wait I already have full diamond armor oh I totally forgot let’s craft the diamond pickaxe instead and then we can also craft the diamond ax and a diamond shuttle and the only thing we’re missing is a diamond hoe oh and look at that I got a donkey spawn egg

That’s actually extremely useful but before we try it out let’s see how many blocks of diamonds I can get okay I got three from one that’s not too bad I must spawn a donkey Boop look at that a free do pack basically we could then put a

Chest on him and we’ll save him for later but I have even more diamonds now so let’s craft up a diamond hoe and now I have full diamond armor and tools so next up I think it’s time to go to the Nether and mine for ancient debris but

Before we go I need to get some more food so let’s get one more do pack and let’s duplicate some more gold okay we got four nice and then I can turn this gold into more food there we go we have almost a stack now that’s pretty good

And let’s see do I have any TNT I do okay and then we can duplicate this and I’m also gonna bring some more Diamond Pickaxes since these things aren’t Enchanted so they’ll probably break pretty quick oh wait you know what I don’t even need this TNT the only thing

I need is a flint and steel since if you remember from earlier I can light any block on fire and then it explodes so I’ll just be able to light the Netherrack on fire and I won’t even have to bring TNT or beds but I think I have

Everything I needed so let’s drop off one extra donkey and then we can head to my portal and then over to the nether but here we are I made it to my portal and it’s time to go find some ancient debris and I guess I’ll just mine down

Right here wait and I just noticed I’m able to insta mine this without any enchantments it’s probably because of the multiply tool speed by 164 vote and right down here should be y-14 okay here we are let’s take a long straight line now and then I think all I have to do is

Just light all this up this is so easy all right let’s see any ancient debris it doesn’t look like it to be honest oh and we just reached Basalt Delta so we’ll stop here and then I’ll light this up all the way till I get back all right

Let’s examine oh I see one and we have some new votes let’s see buff fishing let’s do it let’s go grab this ancient debris very nice and I think there’s one more right here yeah that did not take long at all but you know what since we

Have the do pack I only need one actually but since we are in the 1.20 update getting netherite is actually quite a bit harder since we have to find another eye upgrade smithing template and those can only be found in bastions so now the next step to get netherrite

Is to find a Bastion but let’s see we have some new votes swap Overworld and the end sky that seems kind of cool let’s do it I wonder how that’s gonna look but here we are we’re back on the surface and now it’s time to find a

Bastion oh wait look it’s slime spawn eggs I feel like I’m in creative mode oh my gosh wait so that means I can also get piglet brute spawn eggs that’s terrifying let’s see I got some new votes oh I can repeal ghost mode let’s

Do it I kind of like being able to see my skin and I kind of don’t know where I’m going right now so I’m just mining in a straight line until I find something all right once again I have some new votes oh repeal big head mode

Let’s do it that’s one step closer to actually looking normal but I still haven’t found a Bastion oh my gosh look at this I found one I just mined through this little wall and I came right up on one oh my gosh and it’s a treasure

Bastion too I think these ones have a hundred percent chance of spawning the smithing templates but they’re also the most dangerous types so I need to be extremely careful I already hear a bunch of piglet brutes yep here’s one oh God it has big head mode and a windmill mode

This looks so funny I don’t like this at all I think I have an idea I’m gonna try to mine down and around the side of it like this and I’m gonna break in from the bottom since I think that might be the safest way to do it oh and look at

This this is the main room right here no I don’t like this this is so terrifying and there’s the center Island right there there’s tons of roots around it oh my gosh but I’m gonna slowly and extremely carefully make my way to the center I think it’s time to just go for

It let’s make sure I’m fully healed up okay here we go spitting template I got it there’s tons of iron and diamond stuff too let’s grab all this we’ll mine this all up oh this is so scary I can see all these Broods out of the corner

Of my eye okay and we’re good let’s leave and this is what we got smithing template netherrite upgrade applies to Diamond equipment’s ingredients and other ice ingots okay I’m not sure if I know how to use this but we’ll figure it out and now it’s time to head back home

I’m gonna dig all the way up to bedrock here then I guess we’ll just mine a straight line until I get back to zero zero all right we have tons of new votes it’s asking for big head mode again let’s just do it give every online player one light gray Banner one bundle

Oh should we do it let’s do one bundle I don’t even know how to use those all right let’s keep mining up to bedrock and here we are let’s see where is zero zero it looks like it’s off in this direction oh wait a second I want to try

Something can I ignite Bedrock oh my gosh you can that’s hilarious wait a second I could use this to get up onto the roof let’s light this Bedrock up here and let’s see let’s light this one yeah check it out it exposed the roof so

Now I can just make my way up here with no glitches required that’s gonna make this so easy whoa listen to that we must be above a Crimson Forest there’s more gas dying oh my gosh listen to that oh my gosh it’s cursed I’m so glad I don’t

Have to be down there right now all right and we should be just about at zero zero but now let’s see all I have to do is light a piece of Bedrock like this wait for it to explode let’s see is it exposed okay we have to break one

More this is so easy oh look I got a bundle look at this how do you use this do you shift click it right click left click oh oh you right click it oh interesting how do you get stuff out oh you right click it again can I put my

Boots in here oh but now it’s full so I can put small miscellaneous items in it I think yeah look at that it’s clearing up my inventory pretty good and you can only put items worth up to 64. okay wow that’s actually kind of useful it’s

Definitely a good thing to have oh and big head mode passed again all right there we have it the nether is now exposed now we just have to mine down and find my portal and here we are I just have to bridge across this and I’m

Back at my portal wow that was super successful whoa look at this it’s the void interesting but it’s also nighttime so it’s time to sleep finally that was an extremely long day oh and it doesn’t look any different during the day that’s kind of crazy I bet you it’s gonna look

Super cool in the end though and after I get my armor and tools all upgraded and Enchanted that’s where I’m gonna head next to the end to fight the Ender Dragon okay here we are back home so the first thing that I have to do is empty

Out my inventory and then I can grab my gold Harvest up my carrots then I’m going to turn this all into ingots and then into some more golden carrots then we can use these golden carrots to get more Dew packs now I’m gonna need to harvest up some Dew packs let’s get

Maybe three or four I feel so evil killing these guys I’m so sorry we now have 22 okay I think we need 36 to get full Enchanted armor and tools so I need to tame some more donkeys put some chests on them use my spawn eggs to get

Even more donkeys and whoa okay we have a ton of votes let’s see oh look at this Globes let’s just do it that sounds cool and all the other ones were bad so I voted do nothing I really hope I can change this day length because three

Hour long days is not very fun but there we go I have some more donkeys and we’ll Harvest them up for some Dew packs now let’s try to get even more ancient debris alright after some more time I have tons of donkeys now and also quite

A bit of do packs but I realized that I haven’t been doing this very efficiently since instead of duplicating ancient debris I should just be duplicating netherite ingots instead I don’t know why I wasn’t doing it that way to begin with but let’s melt this all up and

Gather up all my extra gold to turn these scraps into ingots oh wait look at this I totally forgot we voted for this but it multiplies the output by two that’s amazing okay we have enough for four more look at that eight ingots oh my gosh wait very soon I’m gonna be able

To craft another right block and then we can duplicate the netherrite blocks oh my gosh I’m gonna become so rich here we go we have two more ingots and I could turn this into a block of netherites and then we can duplicate it oh my gosh look

At that we have three blocks now and if we put it back into Ingot form I now have 55 netherite ingots but before I add another right to my armor and tools I need to do some enchanting first since I think it’ll be a little bit easier to

Enchant and combine diamond armor as opposed to netherite armor so let’s grab some paper as well as some leather and turn it into some books and then into some bookshelves and then I can duplicate these bookshelves there we go we now have six I just need 15 and we’re

Also gonna need some obsidian let’s see I wonder if I have any okay it looks like I don’t so I’m gonna go back up to my portal and mine the obsidian that’s all around it okay here we are let’s start mining all this up I just need

Four and here we go that’s four so now it’s time to head home and craft up an enchanting table we have two new votes let’s see that one was not very good what about this one oh look at this change day length from 2 hours 50

Minutes to 1 hour 25 or to 5 hours 40. let’s change it to an hour and 25 minutes that’s definitely a step in the right direction because these days are just way too long it’s crazy I feel like I’ve been playing for so long and we’ve

Only gone through two days but now it’s time to craft up an enchanting table here we go and where should I put this let’s clear out a little area for it and we’ll do something like this with the enchanting table in the center okay we’re only up to level 17 so we just

Need some more bookshelves now now we have ten I think that should be enough now let’s go test it out and look at that that’s exactly 15. I think we should be at level 30 right yep there we are okay now I just have to find a way

To get some XP how am I gonna do this oh I do have a bottle of experience I guess I could duplicate this but I wonder if there’s a better way and you know what I think there actually is but it involves going to the end and defeating the Ender

Dragon since I think the best way to get tons of experience is to get some shulker boxes and then duplicate those shulker boxes with bottles of experience inside so let’s do this oh and I should also bring some firework Rockets with me since then once I get the elytra I’ll be

Able to fly around 25 should be good for now and then I’m gonna bring a bunch of extra blocks so I can Bridge across the void and there we go I should be ready to go actually wait one second I think the easiest way to kill the Ender Dragon

Is gonna be with beds I have tons of extra wool right here and I also have some wood so let’s craft up some beds and there we go I have everything I need to fight the dragon let’s do this actually wait a second I have one more

Thing I need to get and that’s even more go old since our first stop is going to be the nether to get ender pearls and blaze rods and I want to make sure to have tons of gold to trade with piglets alright 11 Gold Blocks that should be

Good I think so here we go it’s time to go to the nether to get some blaze rods and ender pearls okay now I wrote down the coordinates for that treasure Bastion but I don’t feel very safe over there because there are so many piglet Broods so instead I think I’m gonna go

In the opposite direction which is over this way and try to find a different Bastion all right we have some new votes let’s see give every player 12 magma block oh my gosh wait look at this give every player one shulker box oh my gosh

So I don’t even have to go to the end oh that’s amazing that is the luckiest vote I could have possibly gotten and perfectly timed too let’s see what the other one is set chances entities dropping spawn egg to 59 let’s do it okay well I guess I can turn back now

Because I don’t even have to find a Bastion since in 11 minutes we’re gonna get a free shulker box alright I’ve made it back to the portal let’s see wow it’s still daytime I can’t believe it these days are so long it’s crazy oh my gosh

Look at this this is what globe’s means that is so cute look at that all right any a second now and we should get a yellow shulker box there it is it’s amazing I can’t believe it we have shulker boxes and end rods and I didn’t

Even have to go to the end the vote update is just too amazing okay let’s Harvest up some more Dew packs real quick all right we have a new vote let’s see give every player infinite Darkness six okay definitely not resistance six wait that is insanely op luck three or

Regeneration five wait these are so good except for Darkness I think I’m gonna choose resistance six here we go how long do we have to wait just under six minutes okay okay in any second now I should get infinite resistance six there it is let’s look at it that’s ridiculous

But I’m just finishing up on a few more of these donkeys and then after that we can start getting infinite XP okay it’s time for some do packs so I think what I’m gonna do is grab this shulker box place it down right here wait a second

Can you dupe do packs that would be insane hold on let’s see oh my you can wait why did I not know about this to begin with look at that you could do packs that’s just ridiculous look at this I’m Gonna Fill This all up with

DuPont next guys we’re gonna be so Opie here we go a full shulker box of dupants now if we break this shulker box let’s see I really hope this works oh my gosh look at this two shulker boxes and let’s see do they both have Dew packs inside

Please please please okay one does oh my gosh and the other one does this is insane I didn’t even need all these donkeys what was I thinking but let’s dupe some more do packs I’m gonna run out of space very very soon here let’s actually set up a little duping station

Outside let’s make a crafting table and let’s go out over here by my enchanting table let’s turn this area into our dedicated duping spots oh my gosh look at this it’s a patrol wait is it time for another raid I don’t know maybe let’s just go see if there’s even a raid

Captain Hello friends hold on I want to try out resistance six shoot me let’s see oh my gosh I don’t take like any damage look at this I cannot believe this this is insane I’m just way too op now but let’s check is there a raid Captain down here okay it doesn’t look

Like it but I did get a pillage responding so let’s spawn one and maybe it’ll be a captain okay it’s not it dropped another one okay let’s try again it keeps dropping it what oh look we have a captain now let’s get some bad Omen there we go I can’t believe this

Guys and then I actually trapped a villager up in this spot right here so for a raid to start he’s gonna need a bed so let’s just expand his little area right here and then let’s push him off to one side and then I’ll give him a bed

And there we go a raid is starting nice let’s see we have tons of votes hold on wait look at this one change value of game rules snow accumulation height to seven but give every player infinite haste Four Guys what is up with all these extremely op votes let’s do it and

Here’s the last Raider of our first wave let’s see where is the second wave there they are they’re all trying to kill that poor villager all right let’s see how op this is look at that I don’t take any damage from vindicators what’s up guys I’m basically Invincible now I think the

Only thing that might be an issue is my armor breaking but look at that I haven’t taken a single heart of damage this is way too op I’m so glad I chose resistance instead of regeneration okay let’s try out this ravager look at that I take no damage from the ravager that’s

Ridiculous but we also have tons of new votes oh my gosh wait look at this I can change the day length back to 20 minutes finally that’s amazing so now I’m insanely op and the days are back to normal I honestly could not have wished for anything better villagers only trade

Mending wait a second I’m gonna do it wait how are these so op I feel like I was getting some pretty decent ones at first but now I just had a big string of luck and all the ones that I’ve gotten are insanely op oh wait I have infinite

Haste for now oh look at how fast I can mine with just my fist that’s insane oh and look at that it’s becoming nighttime I think the day length change must have passed yeah there we go our days are finally back at 20 minutes long oh my

Gosh I feel like it took me like five hours to get from day 35 to day 38 but look at that we can finally sleep now I think the next way that’s gonna spawn is gonna have some evokers and that’s where I can get some totems of undyne and it

Looks like there’s just a few Raiders left and they’re down there no they’re terrorizing the villagers but we also have tons of votes to do oh my gosh wait give every player infinite fire resistance five water breathing five infinite hero of the village five infinite health boost four or nothing

Let’s do infinite fire resist since five oh my gosh and I can finally change the item despawn timer back to normal too it’s amazing all right let’s take care of the rest of these Raiders and look at that we have an evoker let’s see oh the vexes don’t do any damage either and

There we go we got our first totem all right looks like there’s one more wave and I hear another Vindicator is he upstairs in my house oh he is look at him hello there we go did I win I did hero of the village that was way too

Easy but look at this I have two evoker spawn eggs maybe I should spawn two more so I can get two more totems but first I need to put away all my extra items and let’s spawn two more evokers there we go another free totem oh and he dropped

Another one let’s just keep farming these guys for totems and there we go I have so many totems now but look at my armor oh my gosh oh no another raid is starting oh come on I didn’t want another raid to start let’s just finish up this raid and then we can start

Enchanting my armor and tools and we also have so many votes oh my gosh let’s see disable shield blocking but chicken’s lice smithing template let’s do it since now that I have totems I don’t need a shield anymore and now let’s just finish up this raid oh my God

Charge creeper what no no no no no no no no it blew up everything I can’t believe this all my items are gonna despawn too and my donkeys are getting out oh it’s chaos guys it’s chaos my house is destroyed just when I thought nothing

Could go wrong also look at this I have basically no armor but I’m still taking like no damage that’s insane I need to stop this raid I’m gonna go up here where my villager is and I’m gonna break his bed there we go raid defeat okay let’s keep our villager friends safe in

Here and now we just have to get rid of this last wave okay the raid is done I need to fix this as soon as possible and after a bit of work here is the fixed house and I also reorganized all the chests that got exploded who would have

Known that a Charged Creeper could do so much damage but now it’s time to start do packing and getting enchantments for my armor and tools which actually all broke during those two raids so I’m gonna have to get some more all right I have leggings and boots in here as well

As an extra set of netherrite boots and then I’m just gonna need to duplicate some diamonds for a helmet and a chest plate okay I think 30 blocks of diamonds should be good so let’s grab an extra crafting table and turn this into some armor there we go that should be good

And let’s see I know you can also duplicate these smithing templates with diamonds and I think I also need one piece of Netherrack I think you can duplicate it like this yeah check it out amazing and I don’t even have to use hacks for it but now let’s start

Duplicating all these bottles of experience I’m gonna start off small first by just doing it like this and then doing it until I get up to 64. and there we go I have a stack now up next I’m gonna get rid of all these dupe hacks throw them into this chest and

Then I’m gonna throw everything that I want to duplicate into this shulker box I’m gonna do my bottles of enchanting my blocks of diamonds my smithing templates my golden carrots as well as iron gold TNT netherrites firework Rockets lapis rubies and some other smithing templates

Oh and also some totems that way I can get as op as possible okay I think this should be good all right let’s grab this shulker box along with some Dew packs let’s see I can’t believe it it’s working okay and check out all these shulker boxes let’s place them all down

Like this now and then I’m gonna grab out all the bottles of enchanting from all these and look at all that we have so far this is crazy and then I’m gonna empty this out and this is gonna be its own thing of just bottles of enchanting and I’m actually gonna organize each

Item into its own shulker box that way we can make this a little bit less confusing all right everything is organized now so let’s keep duplicating some more bottles of enchanting I’m just gonna need some Dew packs and there we go I should have enough to fill up an

Entire shulker box now yep there we go a whole shulker box let’s just get rid of all these real quick so as I wait for all this XP to absorb let’s just duplicate some more of it and there we go seven shulker boxes of bottles of enchanting I think that should be enough

But I can always make more if I need some so now it’s time to start enchanting protection three okay that’s not too bad oh wait and I can just duplicate this to get protection four let’s see let’s grab a do pack can you duplicate Enchanted items oh my gosh you

Can that’s just crazy and then I can go to my Anvil and get protection for an Unbreaking three there we go a Max dot chest plate already I have a feeling this is going to be extremely easy and I think these boots are maxed out besides Soul speed nice that’s pretty good all

Right we just have my helmet left to do and then all my tools but it is getting nighttime and I want to try something let’s see if I can find a Charged Creeper and I want to see if it even does any damage to me because earlier

One exploded kind of close to me and it didn’t do any damage so this time I want to try a charge creeper exploding Point Blank there is one okay let’s test it out and also I’m gonna take off all my armor I do have a totem so I should be

Safe all right charge creeper blow me up let’s see oh my gosh a point blank charge Creeper explosion with no armor does no damage I think I might actually be Invincible now honestly I don’t even know if I need armor at this point but let’s just do it

For fun I want to become as op as possible so let’s grab some more bottles of experience and get back to enchanting and there we go very easily I have a full set of fully enchanted diamond armor let’s do my tools now alright after a bit of work I have my perfect

Sword but just for fun I also want to get maxed out enchantments on my Diamond Rose so let’s craft up some more Diamond draws and get back to work and chanting and after a bit of work there we have it an extremely expensive diamond Rose and

While I was working on that I also managed to max out my hoe so I just need to get a maxed out ax pickaxe and shovel I can’t believe what I’m doing right now I’m too lazy to go get more wood so I’m just duping sticks I can’t believe

Myself okay I just got a new vote and it says every mob can be milked what that is so Random let’s just do it okay and after quite a bit of work I have fully maxed out tools now the only thing I have left to do is get a bow so let’s

Craft one up let’s see let’s grab some string some sticks oh I forgot I have to do mirrored recipes there we go nice we got two bows and I actually I’m gonna whoa look at this with haste four I can insta mine wood that is crazy but let’s

Turn this into some sticks and then into a few more bows now I did get two books I got power five in Flames so we basically just have to get infinity and punch too let’s see what I can get oh my gosh that’s amazing let’s use a do pack

On this we’ll get two of these I can combine them together to get Unbreaking three power four punch two and infinity and then I might as well add the power five book to it and then I can add flame to it and there we go I already have a

Maxed out bow that was insanely easy but now it’s time to turn everything into netherrites and this is the part that I don’t know how to do so we’re gonna have to try it out I’m pretty sure you still need a smithing table so I’m gonna craft

One let’s see oh add smithing templates and then let’s get some ingots out add smithing template oh and then it like changes it add a weapon and then add netherrites let’s do my diamond draws first and look at that oh now it’s called another right droze that is so

Cool I love how they thought about that’s amazing all right and then I guess I’ll do the same thing for all my armor and tools this is honestly kind of cool I think I like this mechanic okay I got serious dedication for another right hoe let’s grab all my armor now and as

Soon as I put this into my inventory I’ll get the advancements wait look at this the armor stand has a giant head too that is so funny okay here we go cover me in debris amazing okay wow we are very very stacked but let’s try something what is this smithing template

If I put this in here oh I have to add an Ingot or a crystal oh does that change the trim let’s see here let’s try my armor let’s do co-smithing templates if I add another right to it it doesn’t look that different but what about if I

Add iron oh that’s kind of cool what about Diamond let’s see whoa that looks really cool let’s do it let’s actually do it on all my armor yeah look at that whoa this is a really cool mechanic let’s add it to all my armor and check

This out whoa that looks so cool can you do it to tools too oh it has to be armor yeah it doesn’t let me put tools in okay well fair enough I love these new 1.20 mechanics but I want to try two votes that we haven’t gotten the chance to try

Out yet one of them is buff fishing and the other one is milk every let’s make a bucket real quick let’s see can I milk with these donkeys oh you can that’s so cool wait what just happens wait I’m tiny now what why did it make

Me tiny oh guys what did I do I didn’t know it would make me tiny what if I try to drink it again let’s try again okay I’m still tiny what if I milk something else let’s see let’s try to find a different thing to milk wait can I milk

A villager oh my gosh wait hold on oh you can’t milk a villagers okay let’s try to milk a pig and see what happens Boop oh I’m still tiny why what do I have to do to get myself back to normal size okay well I don’t know what to do

So I guess we can try out buff fishing let’s go like this oh I almost forgot we have to do a mirrored recipe let’s drop off all my extra items now and let’s go try out buff fishing oh wait the milk got rid of all my effects oh no why did

I do that I got rid of my resistance six and my health boost and everything else too well I guess I’m not Invincible anymore so I guess it actually is a good thing that I got maxed out armor and tools because I’m definitely gonna need

It oh wait look I got one I don’t want battle win three I don’t want weakness six oh look at that resistance five what are the chances guys I swear I’m not shading that’s honestly some crazy log I don’t want dolphin’s Grace so let’s choose resistance five okay so that

Means I’ll finally be op again I won’t have my health boost but I think that’s fine resistance 5 makes me basically Invincible but wait actually sorry I was wanting to try out buff fishing but I got insanely distracted so before we go to the end let’s try it out real quick I

Kind of want to see what it does oh my gosh whoa look at this and I’m getting some pretty good stuff too wait and tons of XP I could have used this for my XP farm instead but wow it looks like it just gives you all the fishing loots

That’s honestly pretty cool but now let’s head back home real quick oh and you know what my armor actually isn’t fully maxed out I still need mending on it but if I remember correctly I have a vote that says villagers only trade mending so let’s try it out real quick

All right let’s turn this guy into a librarian and see what he trades hopefully it’s mending look at that it’s mending that’s amazing wait a second what just happened I got all of my effects back how oh maybe when this one applied it also refreshed all my other effects because those votes were

Actually still active so maybe once it gave me infinite resistance 5 then it also refreshed all the other votes and yeah look at that it’s back to resistance six like it was okay I’m finally op again but let’s take out all these rubies and there we go okay let’s

Trade with this villager hello villager all right I have four mending books now let’s put this on all my armor and there we go mending on everything and now to just do my tools all right mending on my netherrite Bros mending on my netherride sword on my ax both of my pickaxes both

Of my shovels and lastly my hoe and there we go look at me I’m just surrounded with XP and now it’s actually time to go to the nether to get some stuff to go to the end all right let’s do this let’s go to the nether being

Very very tiny well hello chicken look I’m the same size as you wait no it’s actually bigger than me this chicken looks enormous now all right it’s time to find a Bastion I’m in a dangerous Crimson Forest there we go I got the advancement nice but I’m still on the

Hunt for a Bastion let’s see do I have any new votes dinner bone eyes chicken husk glow item frame wither wait let’s do wither oh and look at that there’s a Bastion and it’s a bridge Bastion nice okay let’s find some pickles to trade with oh yeah look at all these guys down

Here this is gonna be perfect for a little trading area let’s do something like this let’s make a pit for these pilgrims to go into come on go in there we go we have a ton of piglets in here now let’s make ourselves a little access

Point on either side on this side I’m gonna drop all the gold and then on this side I’m gonna pick up the items and we’re just waiting for some ender pearls and I basically only need one because then I can just dupe the rest and look

At that I already got some nice let’s see if I can get a soul speed three book now oh my God guys right as I say that that’s insane okay we have ender pearls and soul speed 3. so now it’s time to find a fortress and strangely enough I

Haven’t found one at all so it’s time to do some more exploring let’s see I have some new votes oh look at this polluted oceans fish anything this is even more op than buff fishing this means I can literally fish any item let’s do it

That’s gonna be so fun Prime TNT can be knocked back let’s do it that seems kind of cool replace player Julian asler with Advanced AI bot this sounds scary as much as I want to see what this does I think I’m gonna vote no that sounds a

Little too scary to be honest but I’m still on the hunt for a fortress wait what oh I’m inside of a fortress I was just digging through a wall and I ended up in here what are the chances of that well there we go I guess I found a

Fortress all right let’s see if I can find a blaze spawner hello oh look at that I already got a blaze rod so I don’t even need to find a blaze spawner but I do see some netherwort this might be useful in the future alright and there we go I already have everything

That I came for that was extremely easy and here’s my portal nice now I think I have an idea for how I want to get to the end and it involves this a fishing rod since now that we have the fish anything vote if I can fish anything

That means I can also fish End Portal frames so I’m gonna try to fish for some End Portal frames and then use those to get to the end but first I need to empty out my inventory of all this junk use my Dew packs to get some more blaze rods 16

Should be good then we can turn these into blaze powder and then into Eyes of Ender alright now the only thing that I’m missing to go to the end is the end portal I’m not sure if this is gonna work but I really hope it does let’s see

Oh my gosh yeah look it’s tons of different items wait I got a beacon what okay hold on I need to see all these items that I got look at all these items I see music discs I see beacons I see copper let’s see I wonder if any of this

Is an end portal frame when they said you can fish anything you can actually fish anything Splash bottle of piglet brutes wait hold on I think that might be my best bet to get back to my normal size let’s see I’m gonna turn myself into a piglet brute please oh it didn’t

Work oh my gosh I can’t believe it I was hoping it would turn me back to normal size but let’s try for some end portal frames so far I don’t see anything oh look at this I armor trim that’s kind of cool I have a bottle of mushroom let’s

Try to drink that oh my gosh look at me that is so funny I’m a tiny little Mooshroom now that’s cute I like it but let’s try for some more items and here they come oh my gosh the XP makes it so hard to see I don’t think I’ve seen an

End portal frame yet but we are getting tons of items oh my gosh oh I saw a trident it’s all going too fast to see oh I saw when I saw one I actually saw an end portal frame oh my gosh it’s gotta be somewhere in here look at all

These items this is crazy let’s start going through all these and we’ll see if I can find an end portal frame I hope I can go through all this before it despawns bottle of frog okay I think I want to be a frog hold on I love it I’m

A Frog now all right let’s go through more of these items let’s try to spread all these items out and it might be easier to find it that way oh look I got an advancement all right I’ve given up I’m gonna take a quick nap and try it

Wait I can go underneath a bed look at this but let’s sleep real quick and I’m gonna try again I have my eyes peeled for the item I haven’t seen anything yet I just saw it I’m gonna go back and editing and show you guys but I swear I

Saw it okay so it’s kind of all bunched up here mark my words I’m gonna find it all right let’s start sifting through there are some very strange items in here wait I just saw a warden spawn egg it was a warden spawn egg somewhere in here

I think it’s gonna be too hard to find it but right now my priority is the end portal frame I know it’s here somewhere I swear I saw it Oh I just got the dragon egg interesting and I got an elytra what wait yeah look there’s an

Elijah right here don’t mind if I just take that real quick but I’m gonna keep searching for the end portal frame there it is oh my gosh I got an end portal frame I can’t believe it but you know what let’s try to find that Warden spawn egg let’s see it’s somewhere in

Here and look at that there it is I can’t believe how many op items I just got I got a beacon an elytra an end portal frame and a warden spawn egg okay let’s go home and duplicate all these items let’s bust out some more Dew packs

And duplicate these End Portal frames I can’t believe this actually worked here we go 12. nice now I’m just gonna build the end portal somewhere over here I think let’s do it next to my house on this side I’m gonna gather up some dirt fill this hole in and then place down my

End portal frames alright we now have an End Portal right next to my house that is so funny I didn’t even have to find the stronghold but I’m not ready to go just yet I still want to do a few things with one of those being turning myself

Back into a normal player because being a frog is not very fun right now but I think I have just the idea on how to do that I’m gonna grab some sand smelt it into some glass turn it into some glass bottles and then I think I can use a

Bottle of void to get myself back to normal but first i’m gonna duplicate these to get some more of them since I think it take takes off my potion effects let’s see I need to get some bottles of void now let’s just drink all of these okay I have a bunch of bottles

Of void and let’s see how this works now I’m kind of scared I don’t want to accidentally get rid of all my potion effects hold on I need to free up some space in my inventory so I’m gonna put Soul Speed 3 on my boots okay let’s try

It out now bottle avoid okay and now this is a Potion of Resistance six so let’s try a new bottle of void oh that did a ton of damage hold on I need to eat and now that got rid of my health boost let’s try a new bottle of void oh

That is so much damage okay not got rid of my fire resistance and now we’re gonna get rid of my haste and now I think if I drink this one it will turn me back to normal please look at that I’m now a player wait but

I’m still small but I’m not as small as before though I mean I guess it’s fine because I’m no longer a frog and that was kind of annoying okay well let’s put all my potion effects back on me let’s do Health boost 2 first there we go then

I’ll do my fire resistance and then my haste and then resistance okay nice I think that was overall a success even though I’m still tiny but now I just want to duplicate one more thing and that’s the warden spawn eggs I don’t want to fight the warden just yet with

Me being this tiny but I think I’m still gonna stock up on a bunch of Spawn eggs since that way in the future when I’m hopefully not tiny anymore I can take on the warden there we go 64 Warden spawn eggs who would have thought that you could ever see this in Hardcore

Minecraft this update is just insane but let’s stash these away into my valuables chest along with my beacons and I think it’s time to fight the Ender Dragon now actually hold on I just want to do one more thing and that’s to go up to my villager friend here get a mending book

As well as an Unbreaking three book that I had from earlier and add it to my elytra there we go mending and Unbreaking three nice then I think I also have firework Rockets right yes I do I have almost a whole show box okay here we go I really hope this works

Let’s see okay it does nice I’m kind of scared guys um let’s just do it here we go where’s the dragon there it is wait a second isn’t this supposed to be the Overworld Sky well let’s put on my elytra let’s fly up here to take out all the towers

This is so easy bring it on dragon all right let’s take out the last pillar and there we go hold on we have tons of new votes I need to go through these change extra explosion power from zero to one let’s do it let’s just light up all this

Bedrock for fun oh here comes the dragon can I even reach it let’s see I have to jump to reach the dragon how embarrassing but the dragon is at half Health we’re almost there let’s light this Bedrock on fire to do some damage to it yeah it actually works I think I

Have an idea for next time I’m gonna put a bunch of End Stone around the fountain like this and then when the dragon comes back I’m gonna light all this up and do tons of explosion damage that should be kind of a fun way to kill the dragon

Change extra explosion power from one to two from one to four let’s do from one to four I want the highest explosion power possible okay it’s perching here it comes all right it’s time for operation maximum explosion come on come on come on come on whoa

Did it work okay it works it finally worked we killed the Ender Dragon using exploding Bedrock how weird is that oh but look at this it’s the Overworld sky in here and we also got tons of XP nice this has been the weirdest hundred days

I’ve ever done I have a stack of warden spawn eggs and I killed the dragon with exploding Bedrock what but we can’t forget to get the dragon egg but sadly I won’t get the advancement because oh no I accidentally fell through the portal okay I’m back home let’s just sleep real

Quick and then we’ll go back to my conveniently placed end portal wait I’m normal size again what just happened wait a minute did a vote pass or something no a vote didn’t pass but when I went through the portal it made me back to normal size look at that I’m

Finally normal size again even though my head is still quite large this feels really weird being normal size again I actually feel like a giant oh it’s kind of hard to move around now but there we go we got the dragon egg all right I

Don’t think I actually need to go to any end cities because I already have shulker boxes and I already have the elytra so let’s just head home but now I think it’s time for yet another boss and that is the Wither so for that I’m gonna

Have to empty out my inventory and then head over to the nether oh it’s so nice to be able to fly now this is amazing but let’s fly back to that Fortress that I found earlier I think it should be somewhere around here and I already see some wither skeletons Hello friends and

I have a skull please oh look I have Widow skeleton spawn eggs I think I know exactly what to do now and that’s gonna be to fly home real quick and as I was flying home I got a new vote but forgot to record myself voting for it wait what

Just happened oh no what just happened according to all known laws of Aviation there’s no way a mob should be able to walk okay I think that’s what this is I can only fly now oh no what did I just do oh my gosh look at this okay this is

Cursed I knew it was gonna be a bad idea of voting for this wait am I even flying I don’t even need a lighter to fly I’m basically constantly stuck in elytra mode okay that actually is terrible I hope I can repeal that soon add purple colored light let’s do it that seems

Cool but as I was saying earlier I think I have just the idea for this and by this I mean what to do with the wither skeleton spawn eggs and it’s gonna be to kill all of these oh my gosh look at that and it’s gonna be to kill all these

Donkeys but okay now that I have all these donkeys unfortunately killed I need to sleep real quick and I’m gonna duplicate all these wither skeleton spawn eggs since I have kind of a fun idea of what to do with these next but first I need to get one stack of Spawn

Eggs and then I’m gonna put it into an empty shulker box and duplicate this shulker box to get many many stacks of these spawn eggs I think two shulker boxes is probably fine and now time for my plan I’m gonna convert my old dupac Farm into a wither skeleton Farm just

Gonna spawn a bunch of these guys in here look at how broken they look what’s I can’t believe this this is so cursed okay that was one stack and then I can start farming all these guys up look at how cursed this looks they all have giant heads they’re all in windmill mode

And they’re all like half flying there we go I got four skulls from 64 skeletons honestly not too bad okay well now that I have four skulls I can go grab some more do packs and turn it into even more skulls I think 15 should be a

Good start oh and now to fight the Wither we just have to get Soul’s hand wait why is everything pink in here oh cause we passed a vote called purple light you know what it actually looks kind of cool but let’s see did I bring

Back any Soul Sand okay I don’t think I did so I guess it’s time to go go back to the nether all right let’s see here is everything purple in here yeah look at that everything has a purple Hue but let’s see can I find any Soul Sand down

Here surprisingly no what the heck what’s going on wait what this Magma Cube is actually flying look at it okay and here we go we have some Soul Sand let’s collect up some Soul Sand but you know what before I fight this wither I

Think I want to try to get rid of this vote the one that’s making me fly all the time because it’s insanely annoying and I think it’s gonna make the wither fight pretty difficult and maybe even almost impossible to be honest all right it’s been a few days of waiting around

And I actually got pretty lucky one of the votes that I got while waiting made the chance of a new vote to happen every tick double what it was before so I’ve been getting double the amount of votes that I was normally getting and finally I managed to get this one repeal

According to all known laws of Aviation there is no way a mob should be able to walk I can’t believe I even voted for that in the first place but in just a few minutes I’ll be able to walk normally again let’s see what other

Votes do I have oh look at this one replace the sound of a stone pressure plate click with the music disc Ward that sounds kind of fun let’s do it and what is this Life’s a dream it’s another very cryptic one I’m scared let’s just do it I really hope it’s not another

Cursed vote and also while I was waiting I got this vote to add the pickaxe block I’m not really sure what that one does but I guess we’ll find out later alright and any second now I should be back to normal there we go whoa this feels weird

Let’s see what other votes have passed oh the storm pleasure plate with the music disc Ward vote has passed let’s try it out let’s see do I have any stone in all these crazy chests I don’t think I do so I need to go mine some here we

Go Stone pressure plates let’s try it out wait is the entire music just gonna play I think it is yep the entire music disc is playing that is so cool this is definitely one of my favorite music discs too okay well I guess we’ll let that play out but now before we fight

The Wither I was looking through all of my applied votes and I realized I forgot to test out quite a bit of them the first one that I’m gonna test out is teach Enderman to place blocks correctly wait whoa what’s going on with all these Colors oh the life’s a dream vote passed

Okay we’ll also test that one out later but first i’m gonna test out teach Enderman to place blocks correctly so let’s go to the end and I want to gather up a few Enderman spawn eggs there we go we got one we only need one actually and

Let’s use some Dew packs to get a few extra let’s just spawn a bunch of them and see what happens all right this guy just picked up an item oh look it just placed one wait but it placed it kind of normally look there’s one more right

Here too okay I’m not sure if that actually does anything or maybe I’m just not realizing what it does but let’s go test the next vote now and that’s fast Hoppers but Minecarts are slow I wonder how that’s gonna look so let’s grab some wood turn it into a chest and then grab

Some iron to turn it into a hopper let’s just point the Hopper into this chest let’s see let’s add this okay look at that it’s very fast now cool and then I guess Minecarts are slow means that Hopper Minecarts don’t transfer items as fast the next one that I want to test is

Glow squids actually glow I’m curious to see how this looks so let’s go all the way down here and see if I can find a glow squid oh look at that they glow like way brighter oh that’s actually really cool nice okay well we found it

And tested it out so now the next one that I want to try is infinite cakes oh yeah look at that it really is infinite it just never goes away when you eat it nice well that’s cool so now the next thing that I want to try is persistent

Parrots they will never leave you that one sounds kind of scary but first I need to find a jungle and it looks like there’s one right over here all right we’re in the jungle now to just find a parrot oh I see one hello parrot can I

Give you some seeds this is taking forever what here we go look at that okay I tamed it now what oh where’d it go wait what oh there it is it’s hidden by my giant head okay and I think this guy’s gonna be on my shoulder permanently now that’s kind of cool we

Now have a permanent friend but he’s kind of like inside my head though that’s mildly cursed all right now that I have a persistent parent the next thing I want to try is acknowledge boats as the superior way of transportation this one also has kind of a cryptic name

I have no idea what it’s going to do so let’s craft a boat real quick and let’s fly down to the water and test it out okay I’m scared what’s gonna happen okay what about if I go forward wait this seems kind of normal wait what what

About if I crash it into a block let’s see please don’t explode maybe it’s different on land let’s see because that seemed kind of the same in the water I don’t know am I missing something let’s see is this faster than normal I can’t

Tell oh wait look at this it can go out blocks oh that’s cool this would be extremely useful if I was transporting villagers but now there’s just two more votes that I want to test out with the first one being Prime TNT can be knocked back so let’s see I know somewhere in

Here I have TNT right yeah there we go let’s see what this does okay and then if I knock it back wait what it didn’t work shouldn’t I be able to knock it back oh my gosh and it does way more damage too I think this is from the vote

That changed the explosion power from zero to four so does that mean explosions are four times as powerful let’s try this out again though yeah it’s not working maybe it’s because I have the vote flint and steel can explode any block that’s kind of disappointing but now the next boat that

I want to try is all newly placed TNT blocks are unstable so does this mean that they can randomly explode oh yeah look at that if you try to break it then it tries to explode wait let’s do it with an empty hand so you can see

If I try to break it then it explodes but there we go those are all the votes that I wanted to try out wait a minute there’s actually two more that I forgot and that’s add the place block and add the pickaxe block I wonder how you craft

That let’s see let’s try to search Place block yeah look at this okay it’s with a hopper redstone dust and a bow and Cobblestone let’s try it out it’s like this and there we go the place block it kind of looks like an observer let’s see I can’t open it’s interesting I don’t

Really know what to do maybe if I try to power it then it’ll do something this is very strange let’s try to put it in front of a chest maybe okay I have no idea what if I place it the other way oh wait look at that let’s try to put a

Block up here oh look at that it can place a block for you that is really cool but now let’s try the pickaxe block next okay so it looks like I can use any pickaxe and then it’s redstone on the bottom and then cobblestone on the side

Let’s just use this pickaxe since I’m not going to be using it okay here we go pickaxe block okay so it looks like an observer as well but it just has the pickaxe on the side let’s see let’s go like this let’s place it in front of

This block and let’s power it oh I think the output is over here so let’s place it like this let’s see oh my gosh look at that it breaks the block instantly wait a minute I want to try something I wonder if it will break bedrock oh wait

And then if it does will it give me the Bedrock item I’m really curious to see let’s see let’s go up to the roof right here and let’s place it down right here in front of this Bedrock oh my gosh it breaks it it doesn’t give me the item

But it still works pretty good I mean there we go those are all the votes that I wanted to try so now I think it’s time to fight the Wither I have tons of skulls so should I fight more than one at once I don’t know let’s just do one

To start with okay here it is oh it’s upside down I forgot about that but real quick before it spawns I have tons of new votes enable other portal what is that let’s try it out and then all the other ones were bad so I voted do

Nothing okay weather bring it on let’s do this oh it’s very loud these explosions seem a little bit more powerful oh and it’s probably from the change explosion damage vote oh my gosh look at my armor wait hold on I’m gonna take it off I don’t want my armor to

Break whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa is my parrot still alive yeah it is okay good I want to make sure my parrot Never Dies okay come on weather wait this seems a lot harder than usual what’s going on oh gosh this is so difficult what I think

It’s hitbox is definitely messed up from it being upside down I’m missing all my shots what’s going on okay I’m doing some really good damage now I found a pretty good angle to hit my bow bro this is so hard okay it’s almost at half Health here it is oh the explosion

Damage is just too strong oh God it’s like launching me way high up in the air I’m missing all my shots and it’s regaining so much health too here we go here we go here we go oh this is chaos okay it’s almost dead now come on come

On come on okay and there we go oh that was way harder than it should have been but look at that I fought the Wither with no armor that is insane and also that extra explosion damage did so much damage to my armor look at that that is

Ridiculous but now that I killed the Wither I think I want to try something out that’s going to be pretty fun but first I need to head back home and I’m gonna go into my valuables chest and grab all of my Warden spawn eggs this is about to be extremely chaotic since what

I want to try out next for my experiments is wardens versus Withers I wonder who will win so let’s fly back up to the roof and I have a feeling this is about to be extremely chaos all right let’s place down a Wither like this and

Then now I want to spawn a warden okay hello and now when the Wither explodes it should do damage to the warden and make it Angry okay see oh okay there they go okay they’re fighting I wonder who will win oh look at that it’s using its sonic

Boom and it just died what wait what how it’s probably because of the extra explosion damage but let’s spawn a ton more wardens let’s just Spam them to spawn as many as possible and let’s see what happens now come on wardens oh my gosh this is so chaotic look at this

Whoa okay now they’re fighting now look at what whoa oh they’re fighting me now wait what wait all those wardens already died what I spawned 30 of them okay let’s spawn 30 more come on let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go I wonder if they’ll be able to kill the

Wither for some reason the Wither is extremely strong what’s going on wait are you serious all these wardens died 63 wardens versus one wither and the wardens lost how is that even possible okay I think I need a better plan I can’t believe that just one wither can

Kill 63 wardens it has to be because of the extra explosion damage right there’s no way a normal wither is that strong I don’t know but let’s see I’m gonna grab an empty shulker box as well as some Dew packs and start getting even more Warden

Spawn eggs I want to see how many wardens it actually takes to defeat the Wither okay and after a bit of work I have an entire shulker box of warden spawn and I also have some new votes let’s see give every player infinite Dolphins Grace five nice absorption six

Wait blindness three or nothing let’s do absorption six because I don’t think I’m op enough all right now that I have all these Warden spawn eggs let’s head back over to my portal and try to kill this wither I wonder how many wardens it will take all right let’s fly back up here

And I hear the weather already oh gosh let’s spawn a bunch of wardens I’m gonna spawn an entire stack all right one stack of wardens oh my gosh oh these guys are attacking me why okay it seems like this might actually be working now I can’t believe that the Wither just

Killed an entire stack of wardens let’s do two stacks at once now I have never seen this many wardens in my life okay come on come on come on all right we have two stacks of wardens now and they’re all attacking me what attack the Wither guys come on okay the weather’s

On half Health now let’s see where is it oh no this might be a problem we have all these wardens chasing me and the Wither is not doing damage to it what do I do um this kind of went extremely wrong oh there it is it’s fighting these other

Wardens look at all these wardens oh my gosh look at that let’s fly away real quick oh and look at that we have tons of new Hearts now yeah look at this this is insane two stacks of wardens and the Wither is still not dead look at this

Whoa let’s try to spawn some more wardens now I’m gonna be a little bit more methodical with this since I want these wardens to get angry at the Wither and not me okay they’re all angry at me why is this ever gonna work are we ever

Gonna have the Wither die also guys side note I’m not wearing any armor there’s over a stack of wardens fighting me and I haven’t taken a single heart of damage that is crazy all right let’s spawn a ton more wardens as many as I possibly can and let’s see are they gonna fight

The Wither now please I don’t even think the Wither knows where they are I don’t know what to do guys it seems like it might actually be impossible to kill the Wither with wardens oh my gosh look at this this is so ominous here they all

Come let’s fly all the way back to zero zero real quick and I guess I’ll spawn one more wither since I need to kill all these Rogue wardens let’s see are they still angry at me I don’t know where are they oh here they come oh my gosh let’s

Spawn a new wither now and let’s have it attack all these wardens okay this is just ridiculous guys let’s spawn some more wardens now and these guys are all angry at me again oh a Wither’s dying a Wither just died okay look at that they finally managed to kill one wither but I

Wonder if they’ll be able to kill the second one I don’t know why these wardens are still mad at me when there’s a Wither literally trying to kill them I don’t think wardens are very smart oh wait they’re with us on half Health look at this wait it might actually work this

Time okay here’s the Wither and they killed it okay finally so it is possible but now I have a ton of warnings to deal with what do I do you know what I don’t think I want to deal with that so I’m gonna fly back to spawn real quick I’m

Just gonna let these guys Vibe up here but there we go I defeated the Wither and we also had the wardens defeat the Wither but now I think it’s time for me to fight the warden one on one since I kind of had quite a bit of help from the

Wither so I’m gonna find a nice flat area over here I’m gonna grab out one Warden spawn egg and before we do it let’s see what kind of votes we have oh look at this I can finally change the explosion power back to normal let’s do

It I think that was a little bit too op and everything else was not good here we go all right hello Warden let’s go hello I have a feeling this is gonna be extremely easy you know what let’s also do something kind of fun wait where’s my

Flint and steel hold on I need to grab my flint and steel because I kind of want to explode the board in here’s my flint and steel alright where’s the warden here he is hello friend wait can you explode water I know you can’t explode water let’s explode all of this

Though here come into this house okay me in the morning are fighting inside of a house oh he’s dead already what that was kind of easy let’s try something I’m gonna explode all of this and then spawn a warden hello oh whoa holy crap what I launched him really high up hey he’s

Almost dead there we go okay I think two wardens is good enough I can’t believe I actually did that and there we have it I killed every boss in the game now that I’ve done that though I want to test something out again actually two things

The first one is the vote we got while fighting the withers and that’s enable other portal now the only other portal in Minecraft that I know of is the Aether Portal I’m not even sure that’s how you say it but I’m pretty sure a while back there used to be a mod called

The aether mod and to make one we’re gonna need some glowstone so I’m back in the nether oh I hear all the wardens oh scary stuff but as I was saying I’m back in the Nether and I’m gonna gather up some glowstone now I think that should

Be enough let’s get out of here okay much safer over here let’s see I think I’m gonna need at least 10 so let’s get a little bit extra with my do packs and let’s see here I think you build it just like another portal and then to activate

It I’m pretty sure you have to place water inside okay here it is and let’s see oh my wait it actually worked should I go through I don’t know let’s see oh my gosh here we go wait what wait error 404 terrain not found oh my gosh what just happened

Let’s try it one more time maybe it didn’t work okay this is so weird let’s see if I take fall damage look at that wow I didn’t take even half a heart of fall damage from that I really am Invincible but there we go we tried out

The Aether Portal and this portal looks really cool but now there is one more thing that I want to try I have a 59 chance of an entity dropping a spawn egg so I wonder if I kill the dragon will it drop a spawn egg I think we should test

It out so I’m gonna grab an empty shulker box duplicate some beds this should be good then let’s heal my armor up from that Wither in Warden fight and we should be good to go all right let’s try this let’s fly through our conveniently placed portal oh wait hold

On I forgot to grab n crystals luckily it’s very easy to come back home and I’m gonna grab an Eye of Ender where are my gas tears did I keep any oh I don’t know my storage is way too messed up okay I don’t think I actually kept any gas

Tears wardens everywhere here they are look at all of them well I’ve come here not to see the wardens but to get some gas tears let’s see if I can find any are these Ghasts yeah look at that one of them’s just stuck right here that was

So easy and there we go we got our gas tears all right let’s head back home and I just got a new vote and I think I’m gonna repeal persistent parrots because having this parrot chirping in my ear constantly is kind of annoying but now let’s craft up an end Crystal and then

Get even more with some do packs there we go I think 30 should be enough I really hope we can get an Ender Dragon spawn egg whoa I got a bunch of enemy mad at me that actually jump scared me I am gonna need some obsidian real quick

Though oh my gosh look at how fast I can mine this that is crazy and let’s respawn the dragon and there we go okay here it comes gosh I really hope we can get some spawn eggs that would be so funny all right let’s get rid of all

These end crystals all right Dragon bring it on let’s go oh I can’t even do any damage to it let’s just wait for it to perch and for that I’m gonna use my beds come on Dragon oh it’s perching I’m gonna turn on hitboxes to help all right

I’m doing some good damage some great damage actually wow and there we go the dragon is dead let’s see is it gonna drop a spawn egg I really hope so let’s see let’s see let’s see any Ender Dragon spawn eggs oh wait what is this oh a

Feather wait what why did it drop a feather that doesn’t make any sense is it call anything different no it was just called a feather that’s really weird let’s just try again and see what happens it is only a 59 chance so we might have to try it a few times okay

Here’s the perch I’m doing some great damage and there we go let’s see oh my gosh it dropped one wait look at this I was actually not expecting that to work at all oh my gosh that is crazy but look at that we got an Ender Dragon spawn egg oh my gosh all

Right let’s head home okay I think I have an idea on what to do with this let’s grab my shulker box of Ward and spawn eggs get some more ender dragon spawn eggs using my do packs and then we’ll head back to the nether actually

Hold on last time I wasn’t able to see very much because of all the wardens so I think I want to craft up some night vision potions let’s craft up some glass bottles fill them up with water oh and I just got a pretty good vote it’s asking

To repeal the Overworld and end Sky swap I think I’m gonna do it because this is getting kind of annoying replace block model for end portal frame with soul torch let’s do it that seems kind of funny and here we go let’s start brewing I really wish I would have a vote that

Would give me infinite night vision that would be super nice but I think infinite resistance is much better alright we have some night vision potions let’s make them eight minutes long with some Redstone let’s do this I have all my Warden spawn eggs I have all my Ender

Dragon spawn eggs and I have my potions of night vision oh and it looks like this vote won yeah look at this that is so weird looking oh I can see underneath this oh there’s a donkey down there hello I’m not gonna do this in the Overworld because I don’t want the

Dragon to destroy everything so I’m gonna go onto the roof instead all right we have some wardens over here oh my gosh whoa wait what let’s just grab an extra stack of eggs real quick let’s spawn a few more oh and I also need to drink this and then go like this whoa

Okay I wonder if the wardens are gonna attack the dragon wait they’re attacking me what this is pure chaos it’s so funny saying these wardens just get blown away and they’re all mad at me why get angry at the dragon instead I don’t think this

Is going to plan guys let’s fly all the way up here and see what’s going on all right it looks like all of these wardens are following me oh my gosh that’s hilarious to just see them get blown around like that okay well I think this

Was a failed plan let’s head back home there’s now an ender dragon and about 60 wardens in the nether how great oh and look at that I can actually see the sky now it looks so nice now I definitely missed the normal sky but now I want to

Shift to doing something else I have tons of netherites tons of gold tons of iron tons of diamonds and tons of rubies so I think I want to make one of every Beacon that would be pretty fun and let’s start with the diamond Beacon first keep ignoring mabo what is that

Let’s do it I hope it’s not gonna be another cursed vote but I guess we’re about to find out in nine seconds all right two seconds let’s see wait that was that just made a weird sound interesting did anything change out here I don’t think so did I change

No okay well I guess it just plays a weird sound but let’s grab my glass and then use it to craft up a beacon nice there we go all right now I am gonna need some Dew packs to multiply these beacons and I think six should be good

All right let’s start with our Diamond Beacon let’s build them all down here okay there we go and here’s our Diamond Beacon nice we got both of the advancements okay let’s build another right Beacon next let’s grab all these ingots turn them into blocks oh my gosh

All those ingots were only enough for 56 blocks wow so I guess I’m gonna have to grab an empty shulker box and use some Dew packs to get more a nice we only need two stacks and 36. let’s grab these blocks and go build it I’m gonna put it

Right next to my diamond Beacon it seems so wrong having this many blocks of netherrites it really feels like I’m in creative mode I can’t believe it okay now the right Beacon here we go wow already we have two very overpowered beacons but we still have a few more

Left to build up next is gonna be the gold Beacon which I now have enough blocks for let’s build this thing right next to my diamond Beacon okay here we go our third Beacon nice we now have three beacons and I just have two more to build my iron Beacon and my Ruby

Beacon and there we go I have enough blocks for it and I’ll put it right next to my gold Beacon oh and look at that I have a new vote Minecraft Bedrock Edition movable block entities but flip game rule fall damage let’s do it that

Means I won’t take any fall damage and I think I’m gonna repeal add purple colored light because as pretty as it is it is kind of annoying in the nether so let’s get rid of that okay here we go and it lit up immediately nice now we

Just have one more Beacon left to build and that’s the Ruby Beacon this one’s probably gonna look pretty cool to be honest let’s see how a block of Ruby looks like oh wait it just changes into a block of emerald Ah that’s not very

Cool I was hoping it was going to be a red Beacon and here we go I now have enough blocks let’s go build this thing okay and there we have it we now have five Max powered beacons another ride Beacon a diamond Beacon a gold Beacon an

Iron Beacon and an emerald Beacon who would have thought that I would be able to do all of that in just 100 days oh and actually I forgot last day was day 69 but now that I have every beacon in the game it’s time to do something else

And that’s gonna be to repeal dream mode and enable the wob recipe but while I wait for those votes to enable I want to try out a vote that I forgot about earlier and that’s the universal Jeb experience let’s grab some name tags and name them Jeb get even more of them

Using do packs and let’s try it out on my villager first let’s see what happens oh wait it’s kind of rainbowy look at that that looks so funny it’s kind of weird though it’s only its face and not its clothing interesting let’s try it on

Something else oh wait we got a new vote add rage racing Ray tracing requires additional processing resources that sounds cool let’s do it does that mean that there’s gonna be like some really nice Reflections and stuff because that’s normally what Ray tracing is right I don’t know but while we wait for

All those votes to enable let’s try Jeb on some other things oh let’s do a chicken let’s see oh my gosh it’s a rainbow chicken I love it let’s try it out on this donkey hello it’s a rain rainbow donkey this is so cool okay the wab recipe has been enabled Let’s test

It out I think wob is just Beau spelled backwards kind of like the diamond draws so let’s try to craft a reverse bow I have some string with me and some sticks let’s see what this does I think we’re gonna have to go like this and like this

Look at that it’s a wob and let’s see what it does it’s probably just gonna shoot backwards right let’s see wait what oh yeah it does shoot backwards look at that I’m gonna stand right here and then shoot and look at that it’s just a backwards bow that would be super

Useful if something was chasing you you could just go like this and then shoot it and not even have to turn around but let’s see what new votes I have now oh look at this I haven’t seen this one before it’s the zombie apocalypse watch out for mushrooms and zombies what let’s

Just try it I’m basically invincible so I think I should be okay I wonder how this is gonna go okay I think Ray tracing just got enabled but I don’t see anything different all this stuff just looks the same was that supposed to do anything okay well I guess we’ll wait oh

Wait what Ray tracing has joined the game wait this is single player whoa look at this there’s a player in my world can I interact with him I hope everyone is ready for some serious block placing action can I punch him well I can that is so weird what if he tries to

Kill me that’d be kind of bad wait can I give him items hey do you want a shovel okay I guess not okay well looks like we have a friend in our game now his name is Ray tracing that is not what I expected but let’s see it looks like we

Have a new vote to change my cape and I’m gonna try this one since I’ve had my awesome cape for basically the entire time so far and I want to see what the other capes look like oh maybe it’ll give Ray tracing a cave too oh gosh the

Zombie apocalypse is happening are there any zombies maybe we have to wait until night time oh wait I just had an idea can we turn Ray tracing into Jeb oh yeah look at that it’s a rainbow Ray tracing now okay it’s night time but I don’t see

Any zombies oh but I have a new Cape check it out oh it’s kind of cool okay here are the zombies wait what’s going on oh they’re fast is that what the zombie apocalypse is just fast zombies oh when they turned Ray tracing into a zombie let’s see they just turned that

Charged Creeper into a zombie what so this must be the Zombie Apocalypse the zombies can turn anything into zombies interesting okay let’s try to sleep oh my gosh and the zombies don’t burn this might have been a bad idea okay well looks like we just have zombies spawning

Constantly now but now I want to try something else and that’s to go to the Moon there’s multiple ways that you can get there I think but I think the most fun is going to be using a slime block so let’s grab my slime block place it

Down right here and let’s go to the Moon with this thing I wonder if it’s even possible actually am I at the Moon yet oh wait oh it’s the Earth wait where am I now I think I’m on the moon right oh here it is this looks crazy and there’s

Some light over there too okay we’ve made it to the moon wow this is really cool and look at these Moon cows oh I forgot that I made them upside down let’s see what these give you when you kill them oh I got a moon cow spawn egg

Bones wait what and a glass bottle filled with air nice that might be my way to survive on here is by drinking glass bottles filled with air but let’s see what’s over here it kind of looks like a little Rover oh and did I lose my potion effects wait no I didn’t because

Look I still have my absorption and my health boost I think they’re just not rendering properly but let’s see huh what is this Acme self-building lunar base oh it’s a lunar base is there anything underneath it it doesn’t look like it what about this pressure plate

On top let’s see whoa oh there’s lava oh wait what look at this interesting oh wait okay it’s growing now oh gosh how big is this gonna get oh it sounds really cool too I’m getting trapped inside wait no I need to escape this thing is huge whoa and it just had a

Bunch of these weird blocks get placed wait what is this these are copper sleeves oh there’s chests on top let’s see what’s inside of these chests maybe some Moon related items oh the copper sleeves break when you touch them yeah look at that okay saplings dirt sand interesting this is probably just like

All the stuff you need to survive on the moon oh and they’re called moon mission race of flying crates that’s cool oh there’s some shulker boxes too what are inside of these ones oh there’s better items this is lunar laboratory equipment we have cow spawn eggs Soul Sand more

Saplings and prismarine this is actually really cool oh look at that there’s an elytra in here what that’s crazy and you know what I think I want to build a base up here I think that would be kind of cool when look at that there’s the Earth

Rising over there that is so cool but first I want to find a place to make a base and I think this giant crater would be pretty cool actually let’s place down all my shulker boxes and let’s see what other things I can find at this moon

Base hopefully some things that I can use to build a face so let’s see I’m gonna spend some time doing some searching and see if I can find any good items oh look at this vote uncontrollable lava that sounds kind of fun let’s do it I’m mildly terrified

Though and after searching this entire moon base I found quite a bit of items but I do have some new votes let’s see oh I can repeal the zombie apocalypse let’s just do it I don’t really want to deal with zombies we can also change the Overworld shape let’s choose the third

Option oh look at that it’s a teapot now but after getting all these items and searching that entire moon base I’m still missing quite a few things to build my base so I’m actually gonna head back to the Overworld to get some more items and I think I can do that by

Putting on my elytra and flying straight up until I reach y700 and here we are Ray tracing says hello is this the Minecraft support group I think I’m addicted okay well now that I’m back in the Overworld I’m gonna sleep real quick and then gather up some items to build

My moon base one of them is gonna be lots of glass some beacons some blocks of iron tons and tons of quartz and then I think the last ingredient that I’m gonna need is some light gray concrete look at what Ray tracing said sometimes I feel like the only thing I’m good at

Is dying in lava there we go an entire shulker box of light gray concrete Ray tracing says I’m not lost I’m just temporarily misplaced okay I think those are all the items that I want to use to build but there is one vote that we got

On the moon that I want to try out and it’s uncontrollable lava let’s grab a bucket fly over here to this lava I don’t know how this is gonna look but let’s just try it out let’s do it right here and see what happens oh it’s

Growing look at that oh my gosh that is kind of crazy wow look at that it filled up this entire area let’s see what it looks like when it fills up a larger area let’s try to fill up this Little Valley right here it’s placed on the

Lava like right here oh it’s spreading look at how ominous that looks it’s gonna slowly take over this entire Valley let’s just wait here for a little bit and see what happens Ray tracing says is it just me or do cows have judgmental eyes also look at this that

Is definitely uncontrollable lava but now that I’ve tried that out and I have all my items I think it’s time to head back to the moon and start building this moon base so let’s get on to my slime block once again and bounce my way all

The way up to the Moon okay here it is whoa this looks crazy from up top but let’s fly back over to where I’m going to build my base and I’ve actually decided not to build it inside of this giant crater it’s going to go along the

Crater Rim right here since all this flat area is going to give me some more space to build so let’s place down all my items here I have tons of shulker boxes of them and let’s start building and I’m gonna do the outline first whoa I think I just discovered something you

Can eat this stuff oh and it fills up your oxygen bar too that’s pretty cool but here’s what the base is looking like so far it’s gonna have a few big rooms and then some little tunnels connecting all of them and I’m trying to make this

Look like an actual moon base so it’s gonna have airlocks and all of those things all right after some more work and completely changing my mind on how I wanted this to look I think I’ve come up with a pretty good outline of the base there’s gonna be all these little rooms

Connected to this main area and I think this is where I’m gonna put the farm area so there’s going to be some Farmland there’s going to be some trees and this is going to be a giant glass Dome and then all these other rooms connected to it are going to be

Different areas for different things so I might have an enchanting room over here I might have a storage room right here but now let’s actually start building I’m gonna need some gray concrete some glass and maybe a stack of beacons oh you know what I forgot one ingredient and that’s black concrete so

Let’s quickly fly back home and then I can grab my sand my gravel and my black dye and use it to make some black concrete and now we just have to duplicate it all right and after some work I have all the black concrete that

I’m gonna need so let’s hop back on my slime block and go back to the moon but here we are let’s see where’s my base it’s over here oh it looks so tiny compared to this giant thing but I think it’s still gonna turn out pretty good

All right let’s get back to building after some work I have one of the first tunnels done and here’s how it’s looking I’ve never built a moon base or anything close to this before so this is all new to me I’m trying my best but I think it

Looks alright I might end up changing these beacons on the floor I’m not really sure if I like that but we’ll see but now it’s time to keep working I really want this moon base to turn out good and look at that we have our 1 000th vote I can’t believe that let’s

See here and sadly it wasn’t very good but here’s the progress that I’ve made so far I built up all the walls all the little tunnels and now I’m just starting on this Center area and it’s gonna be a giant glass Dome since in size where all

Of our plants are going to be the building on the moon is extremely hard so if I want to get up just one block I have to jump all the way up here wait to fall back down and it just adds so much time but it’s going well and I’m making

Quite a bit of progress all right and here’s the completed Dome and let’s see what it looks like to walk through one of these passageways and into it okay check it out whoa it actually looks kind of cool from in here but I still have

Tons of work to do I still have to add the roof on top of all the other modules and then I also have to do the interior of all of them too Alright after a little bit more work the floors are done in all the buildings and now I just have

To build the roofs I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do for this but I’m gonna try my best all the roofs are done now but I want to make a little airlock right here and for that I’m gonna need some Redstone stuff like sticky pistons observers pressure plates and levers and

I don’t have any of that with me so I’m gonna have to fly back home real quick let’s grab some pistons and then I’m gonna need some observers so I have to go to the nether to get some quartz and there’s still a bunch of wardens in here

Oh my gosh but I got some quartz so I’m gonna leave now and there we go I think that’s all the Redstone stuff that I need so let’s get back on my slime block and go to the moon and look at that here’s my moon base from the sky it

Honestly looks very tiny from up here but let’s fly down to this area and let’s see if I can build kind of an airlock I’m not that amazing with redstone but I’m gonna try alright I’ve built a double piston extender and let’s see if it works I don’t think it does

Okay so I’ve built a different design a double piston extender but it’s not really working that well it kind of just spits the block out right at the end I don’t know if this is something that I’m doing wrong or if it’s one of the votes

So I’m gonna have to come up with something else to make this airlock door maybe just two pistons on the top and the bottom I’m not sure or maybe I’ll do some pistons on the side all right let’s get the building okay I’ve come up with

A pretty simple design and it’s just two pistons and a lever I kind of wanted the door to come out of the floor but I think this is the best I can do so there we go there’s our airlock now before we do any more work I want to try something

Out I think I should have some glass bottles in here somewhere okay I guess not so I’m gonna have to kill some cows and boom and I think you can craft these into packed air oh you can craft them into air okay wow you can’t even see it

Then I think I should have some Dew packs somewhere yep here we go let’s duplicate this air this seems so weird it’s just like a floating number then I think with nine air you can craft packed air okay packed air and now I think you can just throw this on the ground oh

Look at that and then it just releases a bunch of air um should this be giving me air I don’t know I was hoping that I could show this entire base with air so that I wouldn’t have to drink air anymore but it doesn’t seem to have

Worked let’s see if I can craft up some more pack there and try again maybe I just have to spam this stuff on the ground I don’t know let’s get as much packed air as possible and I wonder if this will work let’s put a bunch of air

Into all these modules and then we’ll also put some in this giant area right here okay I spanned a bunch of packed air but I’m not sure that it’s working okay I don’t know what to do but that’s fine because we still have tons of work

To do but first i’m gonna need some more materials so it’s time to head home once again and I’m gonna need to grab some dirt and some grass that way I can transform the center module into our farming area now I’m also gonna need some wood some leaves and everything

Else okay I should be good to go let’s do this all right let’s head back to our moon base and I actually had a pretty good idea while I was getting all those items but we’re gonna save that idea for last since I think it’s gonna be kind of

Risky let’s place down all my extra shulker boxes in this room I guess this one’s gonna be my storage room and everything is all cleared out now so it’s time to start building alright and in go the last last few pieces of grass and the entire thing is now covered it

Looks kind of weird since this grass is like dark gray but it’s time to add some details now I’m going to be adding some trees some animals and some Farms all right I tried some more detailing but I’m running out of time it’s already day

98 and I still have one more thing that I want to do and that’s the capture a warden and display it in this base this could be dangerous but I think this is going to be a cool idea so let’s grab some iron turn it into some iron bars

Grab some glass and let’s build a cage for this Warden I think I’m gonna put it over in this module let’s see how can I do this and also make it look good maybe something like this oh also I want to try something out but it’s going to

Involve leaving the moon base and going back home real quick all right we’re back in the Overworld and look at this mess of shulker boxes this is craziness but first let’s sleep real quick and now I need to grab a name tag alright I still have some oh and they’re already

Named Jeb okay nice I kind of want to try to make the warden rainbow I think that could be kind of cool but now that I had that name tag let’s head back to the moon and we’re gonna see if I can capture a warden okay I have tons of

Spawn eggs let’s just do this you know what maybe we should do two Wardens one right here and one right here then I’m gonna name tag this one and this one oh and look at that the rainbow wardens oh it gets angry at the pig it’s angry at

Something oh no we just killed the pig all right let’s just leave here and let these guys calm down for a second and I think I want to do one more thing before the hunter days is over so let’s fly back home one more time oh and it’s

Night time that means day 100 is coming very soon but what I want to do is grab some Ender Dragon spawn eggs but now let’s head back to the Moon okay here we are now what I want to try is placing an Ender Dragon inside of this base let’s see what happens

Okay and I think it’s kidding we might be able to be able to get inside of my base maybe actually no it’s flying around way too much let’s not risk it but I did see one more lunar base over here so I think the last thing that I want to do for these

Hundred days is watch one more generates because this is probably one of the coolest things in this update all right let’s see okay here it comes and then it slams down like this and look it starts to grow on the side like that huh oh

And then here it goes this is just so cool let’s see what it looks like when all this stuff generates yeah look at that that is really cool I want to hear all these buttons getting placed but there we have it the sun is rising on day 100. I looked through all

The possible votes on the Minecraft Wiki and we actually got almost all of them there’s only three that I didn’t get to try out one of them is called A World of Giants which makes all the mobs bigger the other one is called remove Herobrine not sure what that does and then the

Other one is called evil eye which basically gives you infinite reach but besides that we actually tried out every single vote and this was so much fun probably one of the most chaotic Hunter days I’ve ever done and I think this moon base turned out pretty good too

With the limited time that I had but that’s gonna be all for me today guys thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you all in the next video bye-bye

I Survived 100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft, in the 2023 April Fools Vote Update 23w13a_or_b! The vote update is unlike any other april fools release, with an almost infinite number of possible votes. Some of the votes are incredibly OP, while others make the game much more difficult. Not only do I have to survive 100 days with my world slowly descending into chaos, I’ve also set 3 goals for myself. Get as OP as possible using votes, defeat every boss, and construct an awesome base on the moon! This is 100 days in the vote update. I hope you enjoy!

Become a channel member for exclusive perks!⚡️https://www.youtube.com/c/JulienAzelart/join
Other socials⚡️https://linktr.ee/julienazelart

Where I get my music:

Email for business inquiries: partnerships@azelartmedia.com

This is a Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play in the 1.19 Wild Update! This video is in a similar genre to many popular Hardcore Series by Minecraft YouTubers like Wadzee, SB737, Fru, Kolanii, NotNotBrock, Rekrap2, sandiction, aCookieGod, LockDownLife, PaulGG, Farzy and others. This video is a Hardcore Survival Challenge, and is a 100 days challenge, or a Minecraft, But challenge. It’s also not I Survived 100 Days In Only Caves In Minecraft Hardcore! [Full Movie], The Minecraft Vote Update Is Out Now & It’s Perfection, Minecraft Snapshot 23W13A_OR_B – The Vote Update!, Revealing: The Vote Update, We Survived 100 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft, In A Cave Only World – Duo Minecraft Hardcore., I Survived 100 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft, In A Lush Caves Only World… This also isn’t a video on one of the many popular SMP’s, such as Lifesteal SMP, Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, Empires SMP or Limited Life.

#100days #Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay #JulienAzelart


  1. 42:20 here when you said "le tricolore" i was flabbergasted on how good your pronunciation was, it was almost hearing it out of a native 🇫🇷French🇫🇷
    And here, 43:08 nyctalopie actually means night vision qnd you skipped it 😅

  2. I think Wardens are programmed to target the player as a priority, targeting other mobs are not a priority for it, but may still target them. So if a player is within a Warden's range along with other mobs, it is not likely they'll go after the other mobs…

  3. Try not doing either the other things that have you in their position as an individual is an idiot or whatever they can tell to be friends or friends who you know that the government can afford and pay taxes on your tax and money from you? And they can only make you the right place on that price range to pay attention from you? You don't get me right away and not get me right away for your job as it. If it isn't

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