Who Build the Best UNDERGROUND KINGDOM in Minecraft – Maizen JJ and Mikey NOOB vs PRO Build Challeng

All right then today Mikey and I have both built super cool secret hideouts for ourselves no one will ever find mine I built the perfect secret hideout I can’t wait to see it Mikey I wonder if I can find it if it’s that perfect I bet you can’t find it can we

Please start with mine sure let’s do it just follow me okay it’s around here somewhere can you guess I’m I mean it’s not around here at all actually cut it out I know it’s around here somewhere oh it might be over that way or could it be here H yeah

This way or was it it’s not here for sure H Mikey this looks out of place it’s got to be here huh oh look I found your hideout Mikey good job how did you find it hi made sure it was hard to find I mean these leaves were all clumped together

Without a tree here it’s a little suspicious looking don’t you think well now that you pointed out yeah let’s go in good idea these leaves gave it away huh a little bit all right wo T looks good it’s undergr found and that’s not all it’s dangerous so I used an iron

Door iron doors are the sturdiest doors in Minecraft JJ remember that true they’re sturdy and they look cool too yeah this door is so nice that I’ve already guaranteed that I’ll win the competition come on in isn’t this cool wo JJ it’s dangerous in here so be careful it looks like you

You have zombies and snowmen this is my secret Monster research lab wo I’ve been studying these zombies and snowmen why are you studying them oh I’ll show you H oh they fight watch they stop if I close it oh impressed totally so the zombies and the

Snowman fight can I watch it again sure thing right cool this is what I research that’s interesting isn’t it look at him go wow it’s pretty cool this zombie versus snowman battle I’ve never seen anything like it before Mikey I’m glad you like it mhm I even surprised myself at how perfect this

Hideout turned out to be interesting huh super interesting Mikey you did a really good job I hope you’re not too embarrassed to show me your secret hi out JJ don’t be shy I mean even my entrance was perfectly camouflaged so it’s hard to beat let’s go take a look at mine next

Come with me I have high hopes for your hideout JJ all right my Hideout is somewhere around here I’m sure I can find it let’s see good luck is it here maybe it must be here the place where the leaves are growing huh uh did you copy me that’s too easy

That’s not it it’s so simple oh JJ Mikey say no more JJ just be quiet why this is it right well I win oh Mikey that’s a fake huh oh um I can’t get out of this well I need help that was a fake entrance and you really fell for it save

Me if you fall down here the Slime will keep you from dying but you’ll be trapped forever help me sorry Mikey but that was a trick you had time for a fake entrance too mhm that’s smart is it here well I guess you’re sort of close I am

Huh I don’t know JJ where’s the entrance so you’re giving up come here then let me see look carefully well that’s a really cool entrance it’s perfectly hidden hm Wow Let’s Go in I can watch that door open all day come on in and look at this

Mikey what’s this it’s a hatch that leads underground ready wo that’s so cool watch your step I’m starting to get excited about your hideout I’ve never seen a door like this all right are you ready to go uhuh 3 2 1 taada this is awesome thank

You oh over here is my underground Ultra secret Monster Lab wow it looks small from the entrance but this place is huge nice huh wo those are a lot of mad blocks these are real lasers right mhm I’ve learned my lesson so I won’t touch them good idea that would really hurt oh

What’s with the computer setup oh that this whole place is so cool this is where I organize my lab data Mikey it’s a real lab yours makes mine look rough amazing I like yours too oh that suits you hey what’s that over there there H JJ what is this thing oh that

There’s a treasure chest in the middle don’t try to get it okay it’s dangerous but what if I’m really quick no let’s try it’s dangerous here I go why did you go inside wait a sec I can’t get out why not Mikey hey I told you that’s a trap any thieves that come

In to try and steal treasure will get stuck with the zombies I can’t believe I got trapped and killed you’ll pay for that zombies you can’t touch me take that meanies how do you like that in this lab you can improve your combat skills by fighting monsters want to give it a try

KJ definitely all right there are hints hidden in each stage so try to figure them out first I’ll give you an iron sword thanks so what now this lever wait Mikey I’ll open it for you mhm and 3 2 1 go what is that go ahead Mikey this is

Awesome wow are you ready for stage one I don’t see anything so if you find the hint pull that lever whenever you’re ready huh I don’t need any hints I can handle anything that comes at me with my trusty iron sword now worries oh really yeah trust me okay ready H run away

Mikey you can do it fire wao Nice Shot go wow again you’re really good at that I knew I was a good shot I’m impressed are you ready to move on to the next stage let’s go that’s a cool door think you’re ready definitely open go on in huh what is this

Place Mikey hm this is the goal congratulations really wow this place is awesome what are these pretty things those huh I can’t go through them they’re like walls that’s right it’s solid they’re barriers behind each one is a monster that’s even tougher than the last I’m curious but I’m scared too I

Don’t want to fight any of them same here that’s why there are barriers but you can turn them off with this what is it if you use it the barrier disappears wo it just turns off just like that exactly can I go in sure check it out

And if you close it I’m trapped in here now let me out all right thank you hey Mikey hm should I release a mob oh yeah first I’ll double check the barrier is up yeah looks good mhm then I flip this lever wao a Wither it can’t get through

The barrier Mikey be careful huh you forgot to put up the side barrier Mikey h Ah that’s not good run away Mikey oh no get to the emergency escape what’s this door pH yikes Mikey that wither is really bad news oops I’m out it’s a really dangerous creature so we need to

Hide the lab is done for I prepared for something like this it’s a lever that will destroy the entire entire lab in an explosion you knew this could happen yep you’re so prepared we need to break the glass and pull the lever really uh-huh wait once you pull the lever

Start climbing up it’s like something out of a movie here we go start climbing up oh no hurry come on this is serious it’s bad we can’t use the facility with the Wither loose we’re going to blow it up what’s happening just watch what was that it’s the self-destruction sequence

Incredible goodbye Labs oh it had to happen with the Wither loose wait that’s not good what we blew up the lab but the withers survived the blast let’s fight it this will be our final test Mikey let’s Dive Right In today we’re holding an underground hideout building

Competition oo sounds like fun Mikey and I will each make our own secret hideout then we’ll take turns checking out each other’s builds all right let’s do this there’s just one last thing what you see that giant white line well I’m going to build on this side of it and you can

Build on the other side okay sure our Creations are meant to be secrets so tada wo this wall will stop us from trying to sneak a peek at each other’s work great idea all right time to get Started so I should probably get started with a frame Something Like H like This yeah this is a good start okay that should be big enough now to lay down the floor of the house all right it’s wall building time this is how I like to make Them that’s looking pretty good now over here I think I’m going to put one big window yeah I like it and I’ll put another one over here next I need a bed I’m thinking this corner here but the room is looking super empty I need to add some more

Furniture I’ll start by putting these in the corner and how about an anvil over here and I’m going to squeeze in a cauldron and fill it with water okay the house is looking great I think it’s finished which means it’s time to get started on the entrance to

My underground hideout let’s do this everyone knows that a secret hideout needs a secret entrance that’s why I’m going to hide a lever back here H is that good so what I’m thinking is I’ll place the lever here and then cover it up H it’s perfect the Anvil blocks the

View of the lever but you can still reach it through this little Gap so you hit the lever and then the crafting table gets pulled under the wall revealing the secret passage that leads to the underground hideout this is great nice that does the trick now that

There’s a way in and a way out I’m going to start working on the actual Hideout the only thing left to do is design the interior this isn’t a cave though it’s a secret hideout so I got to put in some cool stuff like a ton of

Books which means I need a ton of Bookshelves this bookcase is going to be huge all right now to lay out the Bookshelves it’s looking really Nice there Done now for down here I’m thinking I could add some enchanting tables oh and some Brewing stands too H love it very classy I’m going to need a place to sit and since I’m going with a gaming chair why not give myself a gaming laptop too oh yeah that’s what I’m talking

About anyway now that my self-destruct mechanism is installed my underground hideout is complete let’s go up to the surface and find out if Mikey’s done building his you finished Mikey yep in that case I’m lowering the wall in 3 2 1 wo wo that looks amazing JJ great job I

Made this one and Mikey made that one can we do mine first of course we can yes you know what that means what I’m going to do everything I can to break into your underground hideout don’t forget to switch back to survival mode oh yeah right let’s go okay let the games

Begin careful keep your guard up H it looks like a nice normal house hm cozy huh so there’s a painting a bed is that diamond armor for me if you want it what’s mine is yours you can use anything in the house well thanks I’ll

Take it what am I waiting for I might as well equip it right now woah it really suits you JJ now what’s inside this chest why don’t you take a look don’t mind if I do oh apples that’s nice yeah I’ll say there’s more stuff in here so

Keep looking oh really like behind this painting good guess but nope how about in the furnace an iron no a diamond sword amazing nice find you’re great at this hang on you were supposed to build an underground hideout not just an ordinary house there should be a secret entrance

Somewhere around here but where I don’t know hey what are you looking at H there’s something off about that corner and Mikey what you’re acting Shifty I’m not acting Shifty yes you are and that corner you’re standing on is a trapo huh what what trapo I didn’t notice it at

First because it Blends in with the rest of the floor but it’s a trapo you think let’s find out I knew it oo looks like it goes really deep underground which means it’s got to be the entrance to your secret hideout yep are you okay

Yeah I’m fine oh there’s water for us to land in so we don’t take any fall damage H so what do we have here huh it is and this must be your base you figured it out the hole I fell through is your security system Bingo H

Should have gone with the emerald wow you put in a lot of flowers and I’ve noticed you’ve also got a computer yep can you play games on it only PC games but they’re so fun I could play them all day is that why you brought them down here yep no one will

Ever find out you have a lot of chests they’re treasure chests they’re all empty I haven’t had the time to fill them up with treasure yet I’ll put some rotten flesh inside what I don’t want that whatever well looks like that’s all there is to see in your underground

Hideouts now it’s your turn to do some exploring are you ready to check mine out you bet let’s go all right Mikey time for you to try out my secret hideout wishing you luck buddy wo this house is fabulous I’m going to go inside if you don’t mind I went for a

Modern look it’s really nice on the inside too thanks what there’s nothing in here it’s like practically empty seriously there’s no sign of a secret hideout did you forget to make one no I remembered the entrance is in here somewhere but it’s very well hidden so look carefully

H is it under the bed nope it’s not under the bed is it outside no Mikey I Know It’s Tricky but it’s inside the house I swear do you want a hint H maybe try looking behind things well there’s nothing behind the furnace or the crafting table or The Cauldron

Either wait there’s there’s something behind the Anvil what is that oh you found it h can I pull this lever sure here goes nothing it definitely did something Mikey can you find what changed the crafting table wo it’s a secret passage that’s right and you can push that button if

You want to come back Up that’s so cool you want to keep moving or yeah let’s see what’s down here good luck Mikey you want to keep your guard up for never mind it’s a door yep H should I open it you told me to keep my guard up so I’m

Trying to be careful I don’t want to fall for your traps no you don’t well here goes nothing H it seems safe it’s just a big awesome room welcome to my underground hideout m wow I put in a bookcase and some plants and I can play games on my computer too

H real nice thanks oh what’s this looks interesting oh there’s a lever inside does it do something cool I bet it does well you can pull the lever if you want Mikey but it’s really dangerous dangerous yeah are you you just saying that what if it makes treasure rain down

I’ll take my chances I’m going to pull it uh 3 2 1 treasure no no where’s the treasure we have to get out of here Mikey quick run as fast as you can wait what’s going on you activated the self-destruct mechanism we have to Escape run whoops hurry get back up to the

Surface it’s all happening so fast I know but keep running keep running okay is this far enough what um did it not activate Huh hi let’s get started today I’d like to see which of us can make the best security house Mikey have you finished building your security house yet of course I have and you know what I think you might actually be surprised at just how secure it really is you better

Prepare yourself oh that’s awesome I can’t wait to see it and even though I’m excited to see your security house I’m even more excited to show off the super duper security house that I built super duper sounds awesome remember the rules JJ there’s a secret treasure chest

Hidden in each security house and it’s our goal to find them is that right yep we’ll each get a chance to explore the other person’s house and try to find the chest with the treasure inside let’s start with my house okay okay let’s get going I’ll Glide there on my alra okay

Let’s go I have my elyra Too this is your house Mikey yes it is hold on let me explain this house has the best possible security measures I’ve stored my treasure in a chest somewhere inside good luck finding it I think that’s all I have a feeling you’re going to be surprised okay I’m going first so

I’ll try to defeat your security house and find that treasure where should I begin maybe with some Recon wao surprised go go go go go go the best defense is a good offense so I’m going on the offensive that’s what I’m talking about you can’t even take a single step

Forward can you JJ well be honest here’s the thing dispensers can only fire in a straight line Mikey so I can avoid them if I go right in the middle I can just step forward like this but wait no problem there’s more to be honest I always knew you’d get past my first

Trap taada did you see that look it’s so fun wow isn’t it wonderful sure Mikey it’s wonderful in everything but I can avoid it just by walking around it wait what yep you’re right no problem I didn’t expect that oh it’s still a good trap oh

JJ are you going inside I’m afraid there aren’t any more traps in there oh how awful my security house is undefended and JJ is going inside what should I do I guess he can just walk right through that door supicious what do I do he’s

Going inside oh no go ah rats he’s in oh it’s completely undefended my treasure is doomed the chest is just sitting there but something feels off about this you’re overthinking it’s just a regular Treasure Chest open it there’s something beneath it it might be a dispenser no I

Think this chest is a dummy but it might actually have the treasure inside should I look of course a dispenser here I go ready open what the it’s another trap it’s summoned a husk oh this is bad forgot about that yes huh what close one I made it

Mikey and it was all thanks to your own trap for a moment things were looking dangerous I’m just glad it worked out thanks for all the help my last resort there’s no Last Resort I’ve got nothing left go back inside JJ now that’s suspicious you

Still have to find in the Treasure h ah don’t look up there that must be the real one no it isn’t don’t open that JJ why not because I said so too bad don’t do it 3 2 1 open I was right there’s a diamond I did it I found the

Treasure I have the treasure hey Mikey oh it flooded how do I stop it oh your security house seems pretty safe against zombies and creepers and husks and all that let me try next round all right sounds good to me I think you’ll be able to clear it now then let’s head

Over to my security House okay Mikey it’s finally time for you to try and Tackle my security house that one over there wo it’s lovely you can start from here I need to apologize in advance why I already saw the pressure plates I noticed them sorry JJ I wanted you to trick me this is a trap

For sure what did you see the pressure plates and the dispensers I saw everything I’m sure of it the dispensers are going to shoot arrows at me right but they only shoot the arrows straight Ahead I’ve seen it all what are you going to do about it I just avoid the sides and walk down the center sorry to waste your huh that was weird H what what I’m stuck that’s no fair these dispensers are special they have three holes Oh I thought those were

Just part of the design why these dispensers are a unique variety they can shoot three horizontal arrows at a time which means they have a pretty wide range of attack there’s no way through think hard about what you just learned got it all Right wa that works I guess your your other option was to tackle it from the side jump across here my way seems way better though look it’s just so simple easy peasy there do it whatever way you want let’s go go on ahead Mikey oh I know huh I see

It oh the chest so this is it I guess it must be I forgot to mention one thing what is it inside my security house I have one treasure chest and a ton of dummy chests so be careful careful it’s here I know it sorry JJ but the treasure

Is mine sure okay three This Is It 2 1 Open nothing wait wait what Mikey what is this you’re in trouble you’re going to drown in the water trap unless you get out of there but how air no way break out Mikey that’s all you need to do I need some time to think good luck I’m taking damage uh-oh use

The door Mikey close one wao safe I would have drowned if it weren’t for your advice I thought it was over that was another of my secret dummy chests when you open it up it activates a water trap thanks for telling me I’ll return the favor with

These I don’t need those but just in case I collected those from the husk there’s another chest oh yeah that one maybe it’s dangerous this is the one h Huh you were caught in the Trap Mikey have you noticed how I laid all the traps out oh be careful it missed owie the spikes popped out those spikes are super dangerous oh I get it now you get it that’s a good idea speed so easy now JJ that trap is behind me now and I’ve

Successfully reached the chest do you know what that means JJ no what this is the chest with the treasure inside No Doubt or to put it simply this is the only chest you made it past my security to find that’s exactly what I’m saying I guess I’m going to help myself now yeah

I guess so wait huh you’re assuming a lot your voice leaves me no doubt 3 2 1 huh what hey what is it a lever you finally found it Mikey what do I do with it hi remember huh I’m a detective wao wo oh

Oh hey I got it I knew it all along good job thank you that door was locked shut but I made a way for you to open it with the lever there’s nothing in here except for a bookshelf yep that’s a bookshelf all right right but look next to the

Bookshelf huh whoever another one 3 2 one I heard something what was that Mikey huh look oh oh a hidden door let’s go the bookshelf is a secret entrance empty you’d think so oh I found it JJ should I activate it sure 3 2 1 oh

I knew it this is obviously the goal wow this must be it is it though what’s this this is the treasure right I’m not sure but there’s nothing else here well it certainly appears that way doesn’t it you going to open it or not I’ve been through so much already I’m not afraid

Anymore I want to know what’s in here whether this is the treasure or not I’m going to open it JJ you sure I’m doing it I need to know what’s in there once and for all 3 2 1 open a key diamonds and cake I’m taking

All the cake and diamonds W that means you found the treasure Mikey congratulations this is delicious you picked up the key right yep as long as you’re holding on to it the security isn’t going to Target you anymore say what as long as you’ve got that key none

Of the traps will attack you really you won’t be attacked I want to try sure oh and one more thing what is it this is actually my house it belongs to Carrie this is car’s house let’s go wo I’m stuck the lever’s right there unlock it JJ oh yeah and that’s the exit

Huh huh did he say the world is going to be covered in toxic sludge in a few hours What Mikey huh this is bad what is it listen in a few hours the world is going to be covered in toxic Sledge We got to go come on what no I’m not ready yet I don’t want to go JJ I’m scared hey yeah don’t give up hope just yet we can still

Find a way to survive what can we do let’s figure this out together take a look see the over world yeah everything up here will be covered in toxic sludge okay so the plan is we will build a safety shelter underground oh that makes sense we have

To get started on our shelter right away we only have a few hours all right our house already has a basement so wait a sec huh I almost forgot what is it see this house we should warn our neighbor that lives here right he may not have heard the news so let’s tell

Him hello oh hey hello just so you know the world is going to be ending soon you might want to build a shelter soon and hide in There huh uh what he doesn’t believe what we’re saying oh but it’s true you can come stay in our shelter with us okay Waa ouch hey we were just trying to be nice so don’t hurt Us well we can’t do anything about that he’s free to make his choice let’s just focus on our shelter okay yeah okay maybe the neighbor thinks we’re pulling a mean prank on him anyway let’s start building so our basement is right here you just pull on this lever to open the

Bookshelf like this see wao there’s a hidden passage and then here it is this leads into the basement now before we check it out you should know we haven’t been down here for a long time it might be messy if you’re ready let’s go here we go woo all right wow

Well here it is it’s gotten pretty bad down here huh Mikey we’ll clean it up before we make our shelter okay I really hope this shelter protects us it’s our best bet we only have a few hours so let’s get started let’s get to work let’s see what we have in storage oh

Okay everything we need to start working is in this chest best let’s take it definitely okay so our first task oh let’s clean up this mess there are spider webs everywhere good idea almost done there nice if the surface is covered in toxic sludge we might have to

Spend a long long time down here let’s give ourselves more space right we’d go crazy after the first week in a small space yeah H this digging it’s taking a while now we have all our Necessities covered for forever yeah so we did it it’s perfect we can survive it’s all

Done now all that’s left is to grab the furniture in the house and bring it to the bunker it’s a little dreary down here seriously we only have about an hour left there’s no time to waste just grab everything you can carry I got the beds okay got those

Wood the chairs and stuff the table definitely I’ll get the TV and the kitchen grab it all all right let’s take the fridge with us and we can’t forget this what is it the bathroom of course good idea definitely is that all yep back to the basement let’s set up the kitchen first

Yeah the fridge can go here what else is there the TV maybe over there yeah over here looks great this feels better already nice next let’s find a place for the bathroom that’s very important let’s build It how about over here [Applause] Okay is that enough yep there not too shabby so Mikey I think we’re all done now even if the surface is covered in toxic sludge we’ll survive but Mikey it’s just yeah I’m worried about our neighbor H we tried to warn him but he wouldn’t believe us let’s try inviting him to

Stay in our shelter again you’re right JJ we should go talk to him okay hello oh wa here he comes hello we finished building our bunker and we were wondering if you’d like to stay with us huh huh are you sure we don’t have much time the world will be covered in

Toxic sludge you really won’t come oh he turned us down again man a I guess he doesn’t believe us he can be so stubborn yeah I can’t let this go Mikey what’s he doing in there why is he eating so many apples what he’s sitting down and playing games

What at a time like this he really doesn’t believe that the world is about to end a we have 30 minutes before the toxic sludge we can’t force him to believe us let’s hurry and save ourselves he made his choice it’s too bad well Mikey get used to this it may

Be the rest of our lives huh oh Huh huh that sound what is that I’m scared JJ it’s happening the surface is being covered by toxic sludge will our shelter Keep Us Safe oh man mhm huh oh it sounds like it’s letting up it’s all over sheesh but it looks like our shelter yeah is holding up there’s no sludge

Leaking in looks like we’re in the clear thank goodness but I’m still worried about our neighbor same should we go out there and check up on him that doesn’t sound safe JJ won’t the talk to sludge infect us it will be safe if we wear hazmat suits oh here they

Are if we put these suits on then we should be able to go outside okay ready Mikey yep these should protect us but we can’t stay out there for too long let’s go save our neighbor let’s Go okay I’m climbing up me too we’re going outside I’m scared I’m terrified I mean is it even safe I don’t know let’s find Out wo it’s very very purple is it okay I’m just glad we have these hazmat suits ready ow wo it’s really covered ow don’t worry we should be okay for now but I’m not sure how long these suits will last it’s everywhere a look at our house

A it’s awful oh right do you see our neighbor anywhere I don’t think so huh hang on what h a it looks like he’s being attacked by some weird creatures what are they are you okay hello run away try to follow my voice hurry hello come over here is he

Okay huh who oh hey he’s down what no he’s gone wait they’re coming from for us now hurry huh get in the shelter now run away go hurry Mikey shut the hatch pH the most powerful tornado in history is on its way it’s estimated to last for an entire month please take shelter

Everyone that’s what it said what really the wind is getting pretty strong out there let’s get to shelter I’d like for us to hide in a a tornado shelter but this Village doesn’t have one so what do we do we don’t have a choice Mikey the most powerful tornado in history is

Going to hit us for an entire month we need to build a shelter before it hits let’s go where should we build it let’s do it here wao it’s bad out here it’s really bad Mikey let’s build our shelter beneath this house sounds good okay we

Don’t want the tornado to blow the house away so let’s build our shelter out of stone and put it down here watch what I do let’s build it fast yeah hurry I’m hurrying we’ll build it down here we definitely want to build it underground nice hurry we don’t have much time the

Tornado can’t blow it away if we build it underground it’s going to be tough to dig it all out do we have time you’re right we don’t have much time let’s hurry it’s too hard to dig so now wow check out how good this place looks it looks really really nice history’s most

Powerful tornado is supposed to last for an entire month and since we won’t be able to go outside we need to design our shelter with everything we’ll possibly need to survive for example what do we need I’m going to start with one of the essentials let’s build a

Bathroom we’d get pretty gross if we couldn’t clean up and that wouldn’t be pleasant so that should go over here then over here how about a toilet yeah could you imagine if we didn’t have a toilet huh the shower could go over there good thinking that’s the shower stall oh

Let’s have our bathtub next to it all right got to fill up the tub this has running water wow now we can take showers doing well so far let’s see another sink now we need to separate the bathroom from the rest of the shelter right all right

Then okay yeah for our kitchen we’ll need a few different things let’s start with cabinets how’s that Good and a dishwasher and then an oven a fridge as well after that will’ll need some of This oh almost oh how’s that maybe this what we need to do is start placing beds a bunch of beds see This more like this yep we’ll make a couple of bunk beds like this one oh like this oh nice job what are you doing Mikey uh these go in here yep what is that and then what are you making H we have everything we need to live down

Here already what else is there we forgot something very important one here and one there good computers we still need these okay that does it have you figured it out yet oh are these gaming PCs if we’re going to hide in the shelter for a month

We’ll need games we’d be bored out of our minds I made us a gaming Corner you’re right it would get pretty boring down here so being able to game is nice right makes sense now are we done yep woohoo I think it’s time we get the villagers down here let’s Hurry okay we got the villagers into the shelter they’re safe now everyone seems to be okay yep it’s all good oh shoot huh hurry up to the surface why we forgot something really important what food we got to hurry and grab some food let’s go this is bad hurry the tornado

Is coming got to hurry move it Mikey keep moving the tornado is almost here we need to harvest all the crops in the fields Okay just grab everything you can hurry let’s get back inside the house woohoo h Huh the wind is picking up it’s getting a lot stronger the windows hang

On this is bad the house is falling apart the tornado’s here it’s it’s bad JJ hurry into the shelter but we got to get inside before it’s too late that was close really close really really close but we managed to grab a lot of food so we’re good we grabbed quite a

Lot it’s a decent stockpile of food with this much food we should have no problems at all I hope we can make it through the entire month it’ll be over before you know it we’re going to be totally fine food we have plenty yeah we brought enough down with us let’s put it

All safely away for now okay wonderful we finished getting ready in time I’m so glad we’re Finished huh oh no the food it’s all gone huh we’re already out of food but we still have two more weeks Mikey we can’t go outside for more what are we going to do we should have rationed it better I guess we ate it all we’ll have to go

Outside for more food what didn’t we Harvest everything in the village already not to mention the fact that the worst tornado in history is up there we can’t go now that’s true but I think there should be some food left in The Village’s food pantry The Village has a

Food pantry yep you’re right the tornado is dangerous but if we stay in the shelter we’re all going to starve to death true our only choice is to get to the food pantry I guess so before we leave I have something for you here what’s this a rain poncho oh yeah a rain

Poncho let’s go I’m a little scared I don’t want to see how bad the village has gotten but we got to go me too our village let’s just go be careful it’s the worst tornado in history so be careful here we go I’m scared what’s it

Going to be like I’m opening it I hope it’s okay I hope the village is still there huh no way what what happened everything is ruined Mikey the wind has me JJ huh are you okay come back where’d you go I’m way up in the sky what about you where

Hang on you okay I’m really high up oh I see the food pantry okay I need to break free from the tornado though now it’s got me too shoot oh it’s Mikey the wind really has me this is the food pantry there should be food inside but there’s no entrance

JJ we can’t get in what now we’ve come so far Mikey it’s an anti- theft measure the entrance is separated over here this is the secret entrance oh here here oh this is the way in let’s go inside inside sounds good don’t forget to shut the door

Behind you Mikey wo hang on I’ve got it all right yes safe for now let’s grab the food and hurry back to the shelter JJ sounds good is it this way to the right it’s actually this way through here taada so it was this way yep I was about to fall

In lava this is how to reach the Food Supplies let’s go Mikey H now then oh we found something I hope there’s food in here only one way to find out oh potatoes W and rotten potatoes they’ve gone bad some rotten meat in here too but still plenty that’s good to eat oo

There’s bread carrots there’s so much here grab all you can Mikey what a stockpile grab it all yeah take everything grab it yeah get it grab it all we should be able to make it through the next 2 weeks with this much food got to hurry okay

Grab it and go everyone’s waiting let’s hurry back Mikey okay here we go all right excellent we made it back safely with the food now we can wait out the tornado in the shelter phew let’s just wait out the next 2 weeks with all this food Mikey yeah let’s do it hey

Have some food everyone

Thanks for watching my friends! If you like this videos, please like and write me an interesting comment so that I have a good mood!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


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