Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W06A | Wind Charge, A New Projectile Attack!

Promise me to Nether punch an armadillo next to your tamed wolf well now I’m just curious oh oh I see why this is kind of sad isn’t it welcome back to another snapshot this is 24w 06a and I’m going to start off with something unrelated season 10 of hermitcraft has begun there

Are already two jam-packed episodes out on my channel and the next one comes out tomorrow but of course right now we’re here for the snapshot and we’re going to start with the changes in 1. 120.5 and we my friends are actually starting off with the hopper block so it seems that

There was a bug that’s been addressed and in doing so they’re going to improve the performance for most Redstone builds that use the hopper but it is possible that some machines might break if they rely on glitched items going into a block above a hopper so the game is no

Longer going to look for entities when there is a full block above the hopper the glitch was I think with a barrel facing upwards that it could actually glitch through into the hopper as you can see that’s not happening now when we say full block not all of them are

Considered full even if they are visually so mud for example is one where the player can sink into it a little bit as can other entities like items so the hopper can still pick these up now Cobblestone is a full block and there’s this old trick of putting a hopper mine

Cart inside of a block like that so that you could get items to be picked up I was curious to see if the hopper would no longer detect it because of the full block but it does actually take them from the hopper mine cart I am trying to

Think of the use case where this might not work and I think I’ve just stumbled straight onto it so if you’re dispensing items directly into a block above a hopper it’s not going to pick them up so this change will probably slightly increase the performance of Hoppers

Overall especially if they got blocks on top of them and I don’t think it’s really going to mess with too many Contraptions this seems like a reasonable change there is this downside though we got a hopper mine cart on a rail a full block above it and it can’t

Pick up an item through it since the changes were supposed to affect the hopper block I think this is probably an oversight and a very big feature that I reckon boyang will keep so hopefully in the next snapshot we’ll see that resolved next up is the armadillo and as

You’ll see in this tweet the work on the armadillo is now done so we’ve already seen the armadillo a little in the beginning of the video they now have new animations and sounds but one of the behavior changes we saw when we punch the armadillo they don’t panic now they

Roll up into a ball and they’ll actually take a little Peak out of the front before they get out of their shell it’s very cute there it is that is a gorgeous little animation and the three new sounds that were added were roll unroll finish unroll

Start next up are the changes to tamed wolves our friends are now going to have double the health that they had before which means they have twice as much health as a player they will now have 20 Hearts along with this they no longer take half the damage from environmental

Sources like lava and water full damage and falling blocks they used to take half they now take the same amount as the player but this means that damage from an attack like with a sword or a projectile they will now have more Health to absorb that damage and feeding

A wolf will now heal it for twice as much as it did before and if a snow Golem’s snowb attack hits a wolf it will no longer damage them it will simply just push them okay this is silly but uh I’ve discovered something look look what

You can do of a Snow Mountain it’s a good thing snow didn’t generate too deep otherwise you could just go around spamming these and creating an instant Army distractions distractions that was all the changes with the wolves and this is my subscribe plug if you are not

Subscribed to the channel and you enjoy watching these update videos and you want to catch more then hey consider subscribing so for this next set of changes I have a question does something feel a little different here maybe it will be more obvious now we have new

Attribute modifiers and one of those is generic gravity and this is the default value of the game so once I’ve set that and I jump around Everything feels pretty normal but now let’s modify this and cut it in half and then go for a little jump and it feels rather

Different and setting it even lower wow look at that it’s like I’m flying with an elytra but I’m not I’m just jumping but of course we can go the other way with this let’s set it to 0.2 and now we can’t even jump up a regular block here look at me I’m going

Straight back down you can also set this to a negative value oh oh okay I’m taking off I see I understand and if I set it to zero like I need to interact with blocks to move around now okay next up is generic jump strength which is a z 0.42

So that’s just me jumping like normal we can set this to 0.1 and my jumps are absolutely pathetic and now we’re going to set it to one woo look at me that’s pretty cool it’s like I’m on a trampoline and the highest we can set it

To is 32 am I going to regret this oh yep yeah might be a while before I come back down actually that wasn’t so bad maybe about 10 seconds in total I accidentally press space when I hit the ground what a Wally the next new edition is safe full distance his default value

Is three although we need to fall from above three blocks to take some damage now I’ve added 10 blocks and I’m going to set this to 13 so I should yeah take full damage when I hit the ground and notice how it only took half a heart so

It looks like the damage calculations start after the safe full distance now what’s weird is this one can be set to a negative value so let’s set it to minus33 and then just oh wow look look at that so now a small jump will take

Lots of damage ah uh yeah okay I know what happened there so I took damage falling down a single block like this and then I thought oh I need to show that so I’ll jump back up and even the jump up did enough damage to kill me okay now full damage multiplier probably

Does what it says its base value is one and we’ve also set the full distance back to normal so I’m going to put this one at three and we should take three times the damage from a small fall let’s now double it up to six okay we’re going

To try 10 this time yeah you can see it’s going up I was sort of expecting it to go up more and the highest that you can set this to is 100 but that’s probably going to kill me and the last new attribute is player block break

Speed the default value is one you can set it as low as zero which probably means you just can’t break anything what about blocks you can instant break nope con even break this wow and the highest value you can set it to is 1,24 so in survival wow just wow okay I’ve gotone

And set it to 20 yeah this is kind of interesting uhuh those are instant yeah so now we got control over this so yeah these additions are pretty cool and on the screen I’m going to put the default values for all five of these new attributes also big shout out to Mis

Who provided me with these numbers thank you my friend that is a huge help and jumping over to the website it should be pointed out that the horse jump strength has now been moved to the generic jump strength attribute there has also been a bunch of renaming in this snapshot so if

Any of this is relevant to you you can find a link to the article in the description and in this update there has been some changes that allow better support for Japanese fonts and now’s probably not a bad time to mention that last week we had a b snapshot this one

Restricted potion effect amp amplifiers to 127 and also included a few critical bug fixes I mention that because in this snapshot the potion effect changes have been reversed and now you can set them between 0 and 255 but now the effects of jump boost levitation and Mining fatigue

Over 127 and now doable with those new attributes we just saw all right next up the changes for 1.21 which are behind the experimental features data pack and this item right here has been added you saw it earlier in the video it is the wind charge and you get it from a breeze

It cannot be crafted but we’ll come back to the breeze in a little bit this is a projectile that the player can use a new form of weapon and attack that’s if you can aim of course so this does do damage to other entities if you hit one

Directly it’ll do one heart of damage or two damage points and if you don’t actually hit the entity you’ll see that it can kind of knock it around a tiny bit and if you actually hit it at its spe you can send it way up into the sky

Now it said that when the player is firing one of these it will have 10% more knockback than when a breeze uses it but it has a much smaller area of impact where it affects the entities around it now if we look at the hot bar

There is a half second cool down between each one of these that you fire and yes they stack up to 64 you can also use this to Move Yourself by firing at the player’s feet you’ll see that I take no damage because I’m firing this away from

Myself I guess and I can use it to jump off off the ground and on the website it says that you’re only going to accumulate full damage below the Y level from where you collided with the wind burst now I don’t think this makes a big difference if I’ve understood it

Correctly it’s saying that when you use the wind burst which are the particles we see at a Feet full damage isn’t going to be calculated from the height it takes us up to but from this block here when we land down below and take damage it seems like a detail that’s maybe not

Really worth being there if this thing could send you higher up into the sky then maybe it would be worthwhile now these wind charges can also be used with dispensers so of course I’m obliged to go a little bit crazy and look at that they look fantastic traveling across

This space here and also their Direction seems to be randomized a little bit each time which which is cool you can also throw them quicker than when I’ve got them in my hand just look at how quick we far in this one here the next thing

That I thought might be fun is to throw a couple of skeletons in the way they’re not going to have a good time are they yeah there’s probably like a lot of thumb things to be discovered with these and potentially you could Farm them and that might make them useful in other

Contraptions in the game it’s got a lot of potential but let’s go look at where you get it from so you get it from the breeze and of course that means coming here to the trial Chambers and locating these spawners with the tough blocks around the outside it’s when you kill

The breeze that you’re going to get the wind charge and I believe it drops every single time and looting doesn’t affect it you should get between four and six so I got four that time and this time I got four again but yeah I’ve looked at

The loot table it’s between 4 and 6 so now the next challenge is like can we actually Farm the breeze from this spawner considering that magma blocks damag them I’ve got a feeling this might be quite easy I’m sure the community will come up with something and last of

All the texture of the Vault block has been tweaked as you can see here it’s a little more distinguishable from what we saw in the last snapshot so you can tell them between spawners and these Vault blocks and we can get a little bit of a closer look with this comparison between

Last week’s textures and this week’s textures it’s mostly subtle changes that make the difference here but of course the most notable one has got to be this new top for the block and that brings us to the end of this Snapshot video so if you’re looking for something else to

Watch I’ll remind you that hermitcraft season 10 has begun and if you’ve enjoyed this video leave a like thanks for supporting the channel and I’ll see you soon with another one bye-bye

Minecraft 1.20.5 Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W06A for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds the Wind Charge for Minecraft 1.21. This new item is a projectile attack item dropped by The Breeze.

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00:00 Don’t Punch It!
00:32 Hopper Change
02:12 Armadillo’s Last Changes
02:48 Wolves Buffed!
03:58 Gravity
04:56 Jumping
05:30 Falling Damage
06:46 Block Break Speed
07:40 Other Changes
08:20 1.21 Wind Charge
09:27 Use It On Yourself!
10:57 Where To Get Wind Charge
11:38 New Vault Texture

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. We need staffs or something, which you can launched and charged like a bow, and will be crafted using the wind charges, and it would do the same thing as a wind charge, but it is reusable and depending on how much it is charged, it will inflict more knockback, we can also have this with fire charge to launch fireballs and dragons breath

  2. It would be really neat if the Wind Charge could activate certain redstone things in its AOE, like the Breeze's version. This could make for some neat little contraptions that you could activate from a distance. But, I could also see it being a little too strong since the range is as far as the simulation distance. Perhaps the inaccuracy would account for that. It would also be even easier to accidentally/purposely grief a redstone build with a stray charge.

  3. I love the fact that they are adding all of these attributes, it is going to make creators lives so much easier, we dont need infinite speed or jump boost potion effects to change the way the player moves anymore

  4. 1:55 I'm probably not the first to comment this, the item wouldn't have been picked up in previous version either. I only noticed this recently, hopper minecarts below chests/barrels/etc won't pick up items from on top of those blocks

  5. 9:41 X, you're missing the point of that line, it means that whenever you're hit by a wind charge, your fall damage height will be reset to that height. Which is huge for cancelling your fall height, you can actually save yourself from a fall more consistently than a MLG bucket save, as long as you're throwing one at your feet before you hit the ground.

  6. The gravity attribute modifier has so much potential for custom maps. Also for the wind charge you should be able to use it as a sort of double jump if you aim down while in the air which would be super cool for parcoring.

  7. All they need to do is make the armadillo armour dyeable, add a few more mobs to the trial chambers, add a map that locates the chambers, add a new music disc, add more loot to the vault, and fix the copper bulb and this update would be complete.

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