Minecraft DEATH SWAP!

Today we’re playing death swap wait uh what’s that every 5 minutes we switch places and the goal is to kill each other and whoever is the last person alive wins ooh I see are you guys ready yep let’s start the timer in 3 2 1 go I

Got to find out a good way oh wait I don’t know who to follow I’ll follow Dash don’t don’t follow me we’re going to teleport to each other in a few minutes oh I see okay okay I need to find a way to kill whoever teleports to

Me maybe I can find the lava pool and then just like jump inside of it wait wait I also got to make sure that I’m defended from whoever I’m teleporting to okay I got to get some armor or something oh you’re right I didn’t even think about that oh gosh oh gosh wait

Why did I run to the desert there’s literally no wood here I got to go get some trees oh come on I ran through the desert and now I’m at the ocean there’s no trees anywhere wait a minute I think that’s a good cave over there okay

Perfect I just found a village what oh let’s go this is perfect uh do I what is perfect what did you find oh nothing just something to easily kill one of you guys oh no did you find a lava a pool or something uh no I actually found

Something way better what did you find something that’s inescapable oh gosh well I hope I don’t switch places with you Kim but okay there’s a big cave right over here I’m going to start getting some armor just to prepare myself for uh whatever trap you guys

Have set up and yes there’s a bunch of iron right over there okay this is perfect let me just craft myself a stone pickaxe real quick oh wait I need to craft a wooden one first there we go and all right time to go quickly grab this

Iron and well I just found some obsidian is there anything I can do with this I don’t know about obsidian but I just found some lava let’s go that is exactly what I’m looking for all right whoever is going to be teleporting to me good luck wait what are you going to do

With the lava oh don’t worry about it it’s totally not like I’m going to jump in it right before we teleport oh come on all right well anyways I got three iron right now here let me head back over to my crafting table I got to craft

A furnace and uh I think I’m going to craft myself a bucket just in case anyone else has like a trap I can use a water bucket to get out of it so here come on let me quickly go ahead and craft a furnace really quick and come on

Come on I got to get my iron to smelt I need need this bucket before we teleport wait when do we teleport it should be every few minutes so probably soon okay okay come on smell smell smell come on come on I’m just waiting on this iron

Too I only need one more iron to smell come on already there we go and yes are you guys not ready yet and no I’m about to be ready I just crafted a bucket now let me go ahead and grab this water just so I can clutch in case anyone else has

A trap and all right time to head to the lava come on come on I’m just going to ignore all the iron and stuff that I see I just got to make my way down to the lava over here and uh I’m just going to make myself a nice little diving board

For when we teleport all right I’m ready all right come on come on come on and let’s go I’m ready okay let’s go okay and guys it looks like we have some leftover time I guess now we’re just waiting to teleport um all right we should teleport any second now wait a

Minute guys 10 seconds until we swap hold on I got to get my water bucket out five four three okay hold on there’s still a few seconds come on come on and jump let’s go w Wait we just is this lava wait what who did I

Teleport to that was like nothing wait I I I just teleported to like the desert wait wait wait wait what happened I teleported into a cave who did I teleport to there was like a little drop but it it really wasn’t even that bad I just clutched oh I think you teleported

To me I I thought the drop was going to be further wait I teleported into a cave with lava Dash is this yours and oh yeah Ruby I think you teleported to mine but wait how did you survive oh I had a water bucket oh what you had a water

Bucket oh gosh okay well I got to a better trap next time but come on let me just start gearing up real quick I got to also be prepared for your guys’ trap next time cuz we’re probably going to have more op stuff for the next rotation

Yeah I at least need some armor before we teleport again wait Kim how are you alive and wait wait yeah Kim what did you teleport to what was Ruby’s trap I just had sand on me I just jumped and I was fine oh what I thought you were

Going to suffocate in there oh it was like a Suffocation trap that is unfortunate you have to put like a lot of sand Ruby what I didn’t know that all right well anyways Kim you’ve actually put me in a pretty good spot there’s a bunch bunch of iron in this cave but

There’s also this annoying skeleton get out of here ow he’s doing so much damage to me oh gosh I got to get some food yeah that place was meant for me not you well too bad I’m taking all the iron here let me just grab all of this I

Should probably start smelting it in the meantime let me just put down my furnace and uh hold up I got to get some coal where’s the coal at but I wouldn’t be too comfortable yet Dash it’s night time and I’m in a bamboo forest wait what’s special about a bamboo forest yeah wait

What what do you mean by that oh you’ll see whenever the death swap happens oh gosh hopefully I don’t teleport to you again next time Kim yeah if you do then it’s GG’s oh gosh okay well here let me head back over to my furnace really quick it’s time to start smelting my

Iron let me eat that all into there and all right while that’s smelting I’m going to grab even more iron I think I need to get 24 iron in total to get full iron armor once I have full iron armor I should be pretty well defended against a

Lot of your guys’ traps and hey yo wait there’s more creepers here get out of here oh gosh I’m literally only have two hearts this is very bad hopefully I have enough time to heal up before the next swap I hope you don’t so I can win oh

There’s no way whoever teleports to me is going to survive this oh gosh what did you do yeah wait k you’ve been hyping this up what did you even set up oh you’ll see but I also got a way to clutch now let’s go oh gosh okay I’m

Still working on getting defended right now I don’t have any traps for you guys yet but uh come on I just got to wait for all my iron to smell here I just got a little bit of iron I’m going to go ahead and craft a shield with that

That’s going to be very useful so there we go and hold on let me also go ahead and craft a chest plate really quick perfect let’s go hopefully I actually have enough time to set up a trap this Swap and ooh wait a minute it looks like

There’s a mine shaft down over here is there anything good hey yo anything good in this m wait a minute is this a mob dungeon oh it is ah wait never mind there’s skeletons in there I’m not messing with skeletons right now hold up okay yeah I’ll pass on that well I’ve

Already got enough iron I think I’m just waiting for the death swap to happen then it’s GG’s yep I’m almost done with mine oh gosh okay well here I just got to wait for these last few pieces of iron to smelt and then I got to go find

Some trap cuz I still don’t have a trap set up this round come on come on here let me just go ahead and craft the helmet with that real quick and okay perfect I am now full iron armor let’s go but oh gosh I got to go set up a TR I

Also need to get some food I’m literally a two heart ow ow ow this hurts but ow I think my trap is done okay let’s just get out of this and wait wait wait what what is your trap Ruby that sounds very not good um you’ll see oh gosh okay well

Come on I need to get some food quick before we swap in yes the surface is right over there okay come on I need to go find some cows or something yeah you’ll definitely need to be healed up for this oh gosh hey yo any cows around

Here any cows any sheep uh any pigs anything cow let’s go all right come here Mr moomo I’m about to beat you up let’s go did you just call a cow Mr momu yeah I mean that’s the sound he makes right yeah but you could just call him a

Cow yeah but why not call him Mr Mumu you’re so weird all right but come on anyways I just need this food to start cooking up and then I think I have a pretty good idea for what type of trap I can do I just need to find a desert

Temple wait what kind of trap are you doing with the desert temple uh don’t worry about it but I’m just going to say whoever teleports to me is not going to be having a good time so come on I just need to find a desert temple it should

Be pretty easy since we spawned literally next to a desert come on any desert temples around here there should be one I think they’re pretty easy to find and oh wait a minute there’s a Rowan portal over there maybe I could do something with that but hold on there’s

No desert temples around here and wait a minute hold on what is that under the sand really quick is this a berry desert temple wait it is let’s go okay well this is kind of weird since it’s buried but this is all I need all I got to do

Is just find my way in really quick so uh where do we go where’s the entrance oh wait look guys it’s about to happen oh no oh no wait hold on I got to get in position come on come on let me just go to the center of this desert temple

Really quick all right I’m ready as well let’s go wait wait what hold on who teleported to wait wait wait hold on what is this is this just like a Pillager trap oh wait they’re actually doing some damage wait who teleported me to a sand temple uh uh wait Kim you

Teleported to mine uh that was me but ah wait who teleported me to all these pillagers they’re doing so much damage that was me but uh how are you alive H uh they did a lot of damage so I just box myself in and wait wait hold on who

Teleported to my desert temple again me you didn’t even teleport me on top of the pressure plate thanks for all the free TNT what did I not jump in time and oh no wait since you have the TNT now that means that you can use it to set up

A trap yep it’s over GG’s bye Dash oh gosh okay okay well come on I got to get prepared uh I’m just going to mine my way out of these pillagers I’m just going to leave my furnaces here I don’t need them right now these pillagers do a

Lot of damage and wait wait Ruby what did you get teleported to again um I got teleported to Something in the sky so I fell and had to clutch and oh wait you must have teleported to cam yeah I had a bunch of scaffolding and I built all the

Way up and made a diving board so you had to clutch or die what that’s scary what and wait Ruby you CL that yeah and wait you see it you’re really close to me then oh yeah I guess I am but anyways I got to get some more MooMoo here let

Me get some cows oh my gosh I thought my trap would work for sure I’m not going to lie it was kind of working your pillagers did a lot of damage I think they were shooting through my shield but I just blocked myself in oh come on and

Wow there is a lot of animals here thanks for teleporting me here Ruby there’s a bunch of food here oh come on let’s go I just got to grab all this food cuz food is going to be very important and I think I know exactly where I’m going for my next trap here

Let me just go over to this portal really quick wait portal portal yep guys I’m heading to the nether this is going to be the most inescapable trap ever but hold on let me get a few more of these animals first these things are pretty

Good if I just go into The Nether and jump into a big lava pool right before we swap then there’s no way that someone’s going to survive that oh no I wish I would have thought of that sooner oh wait I kind of did wait what C you

Went to the nether oh no okay well I’m still going to the nether as well what you’re both going to the nether yep the nether is going to be super op because you can’t clutch with water in the nether because you know the water just doesn’t in the nether oh no that’s true

Wait what am I going to do oh yeah Ruby you got to be careful both of us are going in the nether but here I got to build my nether portal first I’m just going to use the lava method let me just grab that lava and put that right over

There nice but H I still need two more obsidian for up over here is there any more lava yes there’s one more piece of lava okay perfect let me just build all the way up over here and I’m just going to put my water down uh over here like

That and then let me grab this lava and put that right over there perfect and okay I literally just need one more piece of lava for over here any more lava around here uh come on lava there got to be one more piece of lava around

Here at least wait let’s go wait wait what what are you let’s going to what happened oh nothing I’m just going to be kind of invincible to Lava now oh no did you get a fire resistance potion no I got something way better the what did you get that’s better and makes you

Invincible to Lava and speaking of lava I just found this last piece of lava let’s go uh you’ll see I guess if I teleport to you what okay I guess I will but here let me just finish up my portal real quick let me just put this last

Piece of lava over there and all right as soon as this water goes away we can light it up let’s go but hold on before I go to the nether I think I’m going to make myself a little bit of food I’ve got all this food right now but I need

To cook it so uh let me just grab some wood I’m going to make a smoker and hold on wait I also have to make more furnaces cuz I kind of left my old ones inside of your Pillager Outpost Ruby and where did I just fall into what the heck

I just fell into a water cave wait did the swap happen what no no no the swap didn’t happen I was just mining down and then I fell into a cave Oh I thought it glitched cuz it did teleport me ah I just fell into another one okay why do I

Keep falling into water caves maybe it’s cuz you’re clumsy all right well here I finally found some Stone now let me just go ahead and mine all of this and hold on my pickaxe broke I need to go craft a new pickaxe as well and all right here I

Just need to grab a little bit more of this Stone so I can craft this furnace and all right there we go I think that should be enough Stone but hold up Ruby what are you doing for your trap me and K are both going to the nether but what

Are you doing um I’m not going to the nether but I’m not going to tell you oh gosh okay well that means it’s going to be scary probably I got to be prepared yep my trap is going to be the scariest of them all oh gosh okay well the first

Thing I got to do right now is just get this food so let me just make myself two smokers really quick there we go and all right now I can start cooking my food super quickly let’s go as soon as this food is done smelting I’m heading to the

Nether all right and Hold Up Wait is my food done cooking yet let me take a look at this and oh uh all right it’s pretty much done let me just put these last two raw beef in this smoker since it has fuel left and all right I’m about to

Head to the nether let me just pick up all of this stuff this took you so long to get to the nether the death swap might happen before you even get here no no no no no I’m heading there right now let me just go through the portal and

Okay few good things the death swap didn’t happen yet and all right here I am but anyways hold on I got to go find a huge lava pool that has no blocks around it and oh that’s exactly what I’m looking for right over here and all

Right I think I am ready for swapping oh you’re ready I’m ready I’m just adding a few finishing touches let’s go all right well here I guess while we’re waiting I’m just going to mine a little bit of Netherrack so I can have some extra building blocks to prepare oh true oh

Yeah I’ve already got a ton of scaffolding and wait a minute guys we’re swapping hold on hold on I got to get to position all right I got to get this block ready and then I might at the perfect time come on come on and 3 2 1

Jump let’s go wait what the heck is this wait where am I oh my God what did I just teleport to oh there’s so much gravel what the heck oh luckily I got a shovel oh my God who teleported me to a nether Bastion why is there so many mobs

Cam this was you wasn’t it oh yeah that was totally me oh my gosh that was crazy how did I survive that why did I get teleported into lava Dash was that you and oh yeah Ruby that was me and wait how are you still alive right now I got

Really lucky in a m shaft and I found something with fire resistance what oh no and cam what did you get teleported to a bunch of gravel but I I crafted torches before because I Ruby done the Suffocation thing what the okay so did we all just survive the traps again and

Oh my gosh k your mobs are so annoying I’m still trying to survive them I got to run come on come on there’s like a bunch of piglin mobs chasing me oh yeah I that’s the point oh my gosh okay well I think I should be good now but wait a

Minute where even am how am I supposed to get back to the Overworld now oh gosh oh yeah you’re not I’m like 2,000 blocks away from my portal thanks for setting your trap really close to your portal dad oh my gosh yeah you’re right good point I should have ran further away I

Know I think this is perfect okay well it’s fine hopefully the next time we teleport I’ll be back in the Overworld and then someone else will be stuck in the nether are you just going to set your next trap in the nether then yep so

Here let’s see where could I set up this next trap I don’t really want to do a lava trap again and wait a minute cam I could just reuse your trap cuz that was a pretty good trap I’m not going to lie oh yeah that could be pretty cool but

It’s mine don’t steal it I don’t know here let me head back I need to look back at this trap if I can even get to it without dying to all the mobs let’s see let’s see and oh wait there it is okay it was just a nether Bastion with a

Bunch of mobs oh go let me just get up to the top really quick where was the Trap and oh it looks like the Trap was over here and oh uh I I think I kind of let all the mobs out uh okay maybe this trap isn’t really reusable anymore wait

D did you break my trap and not die to it well yeah you know I have to get out somehow and wait a minute there’s a chest over here did you happen to loot the nether Bastion by any chance and you didn’t wait there’s gold in here

Let’s go oh no I didn’t loot all of it I just looted some of it I I do have some netherite though what you have netherite yeah two ingots what that’s crazy two ingots oh no okay he’s kind of stacked but uh let’s see is there any more stuff

That you didn’t loot around this Bastion maybe I can snag some extra loot uh I don’t know maybe I only looted like four chests okay never mind then I I think that’s going to be a waste of time I got to start preparing for my next trap I

Don’t really want to do a lava trap anymore since those are kind of simple so what could I do o I just thought of a way to use use my obsidian and wait what what do you have obsidian what are you going to do um you’ll see oh no okay

Well come on come on I need to find another trap that I could do I’m just going to run around the nether until I see something and wait a second I think I have a pretty good idea okay this is going to take me a while to do but what

If I literally just go into the end and jump into the void because that’s kind of the only place where you can jump into the void wait Dash what was that uh nothing nothing did you guys hear that don’t worry about it uh I thought you said something yeah it sounded like you

Said something about the end what no guys that would be a bad idea I would never go to the end but come on I need to find another Fortress I got to get some blaze rods wait let’s go this Fortress has some diamonds wait wait what cam you’re at a fortress wait where

Are you oh yeah I’m at a fortress uh here my cords are uh 1 2 three bu Street what okay you know what dude those are not real courts I’m just going to go find my own Fortress and there’s a blue biome over here okay the other thing

That I need to go to the end are ender pearls I need ender pearls and blaze rods and I’m pretty sure Endermen spawn inside of this biome a lot so let’s see I need to find some Enderman uh Enderman where you at come on Enderman wait there’s one right over here all right

Let me get this guy’s ender pearls let’s go wait this is such a big brain idea let’s go what camp what what idea did you get I don’t like the sound of that well uh it’s a pretty good idea that’s all I’m going to say oh gosh okay well I

Think next time I should be teleporting to Ruby since I teleported to you last Camp so uh I should be good wait Ruby what do you have set up um wouldn’t you like to know I would like to know I’m not going to tell you oh no okay well uh

Whoever’s teleporting to me I guess they’re going to be lucky this round I’m not going to do any crazy trap I’m just working on getting geared up all right there we go and I I just got to bring all the rest of them in here what all

The rest of them what are you talking about don’t worry about it you’re not getting trapped remember oh yeah you’re right but still that sounds weird oh wait I should be worrying about it oh yeah remember you should be getting more worried than me wait cam can I just have

A little clue what are you doing oh yeah okay so I’m doing uh and then a little bit of and then uh some hey you’re not saying anything no no I think I’m cutting out I’m going through a tunnel no you’re not all right well I’m just

Going to say good luck Ruby it sounds like ham strap is pretty crazy uh I have to prepare for everything come on come on if I can get 12 Ender Pearls Before The Next swap that would be really good because that’s exactly how many I need

To head to the end hold on I just hit an Enderman but he teleported away where’s this guy at come here Enderman there he is he wait he’s doing a lot of damage oh no come on give me your pearls and no this Enderman did not drop any ender

Pearls come on are you going to be able to get all of those in time hopefully I better get all these ender pearls in time or else I’ll have to come back and find this blue biome again which is going to be a big pain and yes let’s go

Another ender pearl there’s a bunch of Endermen here so I should be able to get it no problem well Ruby I’m sorry to say but I think it’s GG’s for you what do you mean it’s GG’s wait tell me something about it uh well it’s going to

Be your demise it’s all I’ll say about it oh come on wait wait cim Kim Kim let me take a few guesses in your trap did you uh get oh no wait my shield broke oh gosh hold on hold on hold on ow ow ow my

Axe broke as well oh no I don’t think that’s a good guess oh gosh oh gosh Enderman do a lot of damage I got to get away from this Are you seriously dying to an Enderman right now um yes I’m seriously dying to an Enderman oh no oh

No come on I need to box myself in and feel okay I think I should be good here oh my gosh that was terrifying first my shield broke and then my axe broke let me just go and craft new ones real quick um you better do it fast oh gosh and

Also Dash your guess was way off do what okay that wasn’t my real guess but anyways k let me take a real guess of what your trap is did you get a bunch of blazes and like put them in a box or something to kill whoever teleports to

You no not at all what in the world what did you do then you’ll find out once Ruby dies to it it’s pretty simple I’m not going to die to it all right well anyways come on I only need to get one more ender pearl so come on on give me

That Pearl and yes I’ve got 12 ender pearls let’s go all right I’m ready to swap now hopefully we swap soon here I guess before we swap I’ll just jump in some lava I don’t have a crazy trap setup this time but I’m going to have a

Very crazy trap setup as soon as I make it to the end so uh here let me just head over to this lava pool real quick and all right time to wait for the swap I’m on can the swap happen already I’m running out of food yep come on Swap any

Second now would be good hold on I’m going to get some blocks while I’m waiting again oh we’re rotating oh no oh no hold on wait I got to get in position let me get back up over here real quick and all right I’m ready hold on let me

Get my water bucket out J oh I don’t have a water bucket all right I’m jumping let’s go and wait what where am I what is this uh wait what hold on I’m perfectly fine who put a magma block here you can breathe on magma block wait

You can I didn’t know that uh yeah wait Ruby did you set up a water drowning trap this was okay that was uh interesting oh come on what was the point of the magma block you literally breathe on them and oh wait hold on I

Just broke it let me uh put that back back and all right time to escape this trap I can just swim out of the glass let’s go what you can I didn’t know that well this must be your trap Dash just jumping me into the lava I don’t

Remember if you know but uh I have an enchanted golden apple and oh that’s what you had that gives you fire resistance okay yep I got swim across the lava boy what are all these wither skeletons doing here and oh was that c tra oh you’re lucky yeah I trapped her

Room with obsidian and a bunch of wither skeletons what the wait Ruby how are you alive right now I got really lucky I I got a axe with Smite five I think this does a lot of damage to skeletons what oh my gosh o that is pretty unfortunate

Kim but anyways uh now that I’m in the Overworld the next thing I need to do is uh oh I need to go back to the nether I still need to get some blaze rods oh gosh oh come on I have to get out of the

Nether I have like one heart o that is pretty unfortunate and wait wait hold on Kim do you have to have any blaze rods by any chance you know since you were in a nether fortress no I just went straight for the wither skeletons yeah I

Could see that oh all right well never mind then I was going to ask if you wanted to trade but here I guess I have to go build another portal back to the nether for me and wo okay I’m in like a jungle buing right now this area is

Actually really nice but come on are there any lava pools or anything around here H what could I do for my next trap I got it I need to find one of those blue biomes wait what one of the blue nether biomes the one I was just at yeah

I need to find one at Dash do you remember what your cords were uh nope I’m not telling you you’re so boring why won’t you tell it to me it’s for my trap you know yeah but I’m literally going to be the one teleporting to you this round

So why would I help you set up your trap uh cuz you’re a good friend what okay wait hold on what even is your trap idea if you’re going to a blue biome uh my trap idea is to get some ender pearls uh what do you need ender pearls for are

You going to the end maybe what okay well I’m going to get there before you no well I’m the one that actually has some blaze rods and you don’t what you said you didn’t have Blaze Rod it’s called lying Dash what oh no okay well

Come on come on I need to get these blaze rods before cam gets ender pearls so wait a minute is that a Rowan portal right over there let’s go okay I finally got out of Cam’s trap but now I have to get out of the Nether and o yeah you are

In a pretty unfortunate spot Ruby but let’s go I just found another raran portal hopefully I can actually make a portal with all the lava here hold on I got to get rid of these crying obsidian blocks I don’t think these can stay inside of the portal and have it work

Come on come on they taking so long to break with a stone pickaxe let’s go finally and did you find the blue biome no I found enough diamonds from Nether fortresses to craft a diamond chest plate what you’re making a diamond chest plate oh yeah you’ll see why in a second

Let me just craft this there we go and Diamond chest plate and oh gosh okay I’m scared I’m teleporting to you next round oh and netherite time oh no I forgot you have those two netherite ingots I need to find two more come on give me two

More what are you trying to go for full netherite armor now I need to find two more diamonds let’s see is there any diamonds here oh gosh okay well here come on I got to head to the end ASAP I just need to break this last piece of

Crying obsidian over here and then I should be able to build this portal yes let’s go finally now time to build this portal wait uh hold on I actually got it let’s go with blue biome and what okay you actually found a blue Bome well it’s

Fine I’m heading to the nether right now as well I just got to build this portal let’s go all right I just got to take as much of these Enderman out as I can oh I found a potion I can try to use this and wait what type of potion did you find

Ruby um camel see when he teleports to me uh yeah I’ll totally see it when I teleport to you wait why did you say that like that I’m scared wa yeah what do you mean by that Kim are you planning on not teleporting to Ruby this round

What I don’t know you’ll find out it’s not all you can choose to not teleport actually I pretty much can what the heck okay I think Cam’s gone crazy or something here I’m just going to finish up my portal real quick there we go and

All right oh wait I still need one more piece of lava yeah I got a new strategy this time you’ll see oh gosh okay all right well anyways here I just got the last piece of lava I need for this portal let me just put it down right

Over here and then water it up a wait the LA okay hold on the lava is kind of overflowing we just put this water over there and there we go the portal is now complete now time to light this thing up and head to the nether let’s go wait are

We all in the Nether and wait a minute hold on I think we actually are all in the nether hold up does anyone know where a nether fortress is at uh I don’t know and even if I did I wouldn’t be able to describe it to you oh okay well

Come on I just need to find a nether fortress so that I can get blaze rods and then head to the end so let’s see let’s see any Nether fortresses around here come on and wait a minute is that a fortress right over there let’s go I

Found one oh you found a fortress wait what are you going to do with this oh nothing I’m just going to get some blaze rods I’m not really setting up a trap yet I’m saving up for one big trap at the very end it’s going to be crazy um

Okay as long as it’s not wither skeletons again oh yeah no don’t worry I’m not doing anything with wither skeletons right now at least but come on let me just uh dig up into this Fortress really quick and all right here I got to get some blaze rods let’s go where the

Blazes at and ah there’s wither skeletons here hold on I I I I don’t like wither skeletons a lot hold on I’m just going to go over here and there we go I escape them a wait we’ll just jump from the sky oh my gosh wither skeletons

Are so annoying on I just got to fight this Blaze real quick and yes let’s go oh you didn’t drop a blaze rod okay I’m just going to keep looking around this Fortress until I find a blaze spawner that is literally all I need so come on

Any Blaze Spawners around here once I get all these blaze rods and head to the end it’s going to be game over no one is going to be able to beat me oh wait hold on there’s a blaze over there let me just take this guy out real quick ow he

Just hit me with a blaze okay let me just take you out real quick come on let’s go oh he did not drop a blaze rod what is my luck today I don’t know but I’m not going to question it let’s see if I could find a blaze spawner that

Could be really good cuz then I could just have a bunch of blazes and wait a second is that one right over there and out hold on there’s a lot of skeleton mobs over here I’m just going to uh block those those guys off real quick

And all right come here blazes let’s go ow ow ow wait these guys kind of do a lot of damage let me just take you out really quick yes I just got my first blaze rod and oh my gosh these wither skeletons are just camping out here let

Me take these guys out real quick cuz uh they are kind of scary looking there we go and oh wait it looks like more blazes spawned all right time to get some more blaze rods just got to farm these guys and oh that one didn’t drop any what

About this guy over here give me some rods and yes I got two blaze rods now oo okay a batch of three blazes spawn this is perfect all right let me take these guys out and out wait I’m kind of on fire right now hold on hold on it is

Actually hurting a lot I need to eat some cooked mud in there we go I should be good and now let’s go take out this last Blaze over here come here dude let me take you out real quick come on and ah wait he almost yeed me off oh that

Actually hurt really bad hold on hold on let me get back up over here real quick and take this Blaze yes I got another Blaze Rod wait Dash how many blaze rods do you have and oh I’ve got a grand total of ah wait hold on I’ve got a

Grand total of four right now four you need to catch up I’m already at nine and there we go I just got five and what what do you need nine for cam you realize we only need six to go to the end I’m going to get there way before

You well I’m waiting for Enderman to spawn how many Ender Pearls do you have like the three what three Dam you’re going to need more than that to get to the end but hold up there is good that means I’m going to get to the end way

Before came in ow oh my gosh this Wither Skeleton just rush in as soon as I broke this block also out hold on my axe broke I need to craft a new one let me just quickly craft this Stone axe real quick and all right come on I need to take out

This last Blaze right over here all right come here let’s go and yes I just got this last Blaze Rod let’s go um cam it looks like Dash is going to get to the end before you I’m trying I’m trying to speed up I I’m just waiting for

Enderman that’s all well anyways I’ve already got everything I need to go to the end but anyways I just got to get back to the Overworld and find the Portal then whoever teleports to me it’s going to be game over for them oh no here since I am in the nether right now

I guess I’ll set up a little trap over here what I’ll do I’ll set up a Wither trap just I can here I guess I’m just going to round up a few of these wither skeletons inside of a box real quick let’s go oh gosh wait Dash am I

Teleporting to you next round uh I’m not sure I’m I’m teleporting to cam I’m pretty sure and then cam is teleporting to you and yeah I’m pretty sure you’re teleporting to me oh no not wither skeletons again yep but I’ve only got three right now I probably don’t have as

Many as cam did and wait a minute guys we’re swapping all right let’s go it’s about it I mean actually this probably isn’t going to do much damage to uh whoever teleports to this but I I got to get to the Overworld next and then I can

Do my trap in wait what where am I what happened wait cam you’re here what you have ender pearl time boy come here did you not swap wait did you what how are you here oh pretty much I threw an ender pearl before we swapped and uh it landed

When now I’m back here what Kim get out of here that is totally against the rules no it’s not how is it against the rules it’s supposed to be death swap you’re not supposed to like teleport back yeah exactly I’m just being creative you guys just aren’t on my

Genius level and oh my gosh okay well I got to get out of here you have a netherite chest plate you are not lying yep I I’m not letting you run away that easily Dash I’m getting you oh my gosh this is actually the craziest thing ever

What the heck wait Ruby did you fall into my trap they were kind of annoying but there was only three so I broke out oh gosh okay yeah my TR trap was kind of nothing but my next trap is going to be crazy because then I’m going to the end

And cam go away nope I’m getting you boy oh my gosh how am I supposed to escape this I could waste one of my ender pearls but that means I have to get another ender pearl you know what okay honestly I think that might be the move

I’m just going to go over here but hold on I got to heal up before I throw an ender pearl since I’ll take fall damage let me just eat some of that and uh actually hold on I need to find somewhere good to ender pearl hey y Kim

Leave me alone for a second nope I’m going to get you you’ve only got iron armor it’s GG’s no you’re not you’re not going to get me anytime soon come on I need to find somewhere good to ender pearl to Camp can’t follow me see let’s

See wait a minute hold on this looks like a good spot but can I make an End Pearl throw let me try this out really quick come on let me just e that over there come on it yes let’s go CIA cam I really thought that was going to work

Let’s go should have trapped you in an obsidian box oh gosh that would have been a lot worse if you trapped me in an obsidian box and then also teleported back oh wait hold on no I’m not saying you should do that don’t actually do

That but come on I just got to get back over here to this land over here and hold up wait I got to get one more ender pearl since I kind of wasted one trying to escape from can okay it should be fine getting one end Pearl should be

Pretty easy to get all right let’s see any Enderman around here come on and let’s go there’s a blue biome right over here okay I should be able to get one ender pearl from here super quickly got to find an Enderman where these guys at and let’s go there’s an Enderman right

Over here is this going to be the lucky Enderman is he going to give me an ender pearl come on now please oh he just teleported away hey yo get back here I think this Enderman got scared of me he just teleported away I just need to get

More ender pearls come on I’ve only gotten like four damn are you still trying to go to the end I don’t think that’s a good idea yeah I’m still trying to go to the end of course I only need one more ender pearl I’m just going to

Say I’m going to get there way before you and then it’s going to be over you know what the end is a stupid idea anyway I’ve got a better idea oh wait what you’re giving up on wait what’s your new idea I just got to get back to

The Fortress and get more skulls what skulls what let’s go I finally got this 12th ender pearl I need all right now I can head back to the Overworld oh yeah I got a plan just don’t worry about it here I just got to find a portal real

Quick so I can get back and I’m pretty sure I can just go back to where I teleported to you cam you probably had a portal there no totally not but wait let cool I finally got one and wait are you trying to get Wither Skeleton skulls no

Why would you say that hold on I think I know what you’re trying to do okay fine just don’t tell Ruby wait wait what what is it uh I’ll keep it a secret I guess don’t worry about it um what I’m just going to warn you Ruby you remember all

Those Withers you fought uh this is going to be like that but times 100 wait what oh yeah don’t worry in let’s go cim I think I found your portal all right here let me head back now and then I got to start finding the end portal I’ll let

You find out for yourself Ruby what all right well anyways I’m back in the Overworld now so here let me craft myself some Eyes of Ender and all right time to find out where this stronghold is at let’s go in all right it’s this way guys my next trap is going to be

Literally unescapable and oh wait no I’m teleporting to you next Dash can you go back into the nether just in case and what no one wait a minute cam you are teleporting to me next that means it’s going to be over for you let’s go gosh

Hopefully you don’t make it to the end in time and wait that makes two right there let’s go and what what what do you mean that makes two oh no are you at two Wither Skeleton skulls yes I am Dam what no you’re making a Winer oh she caught

On uh yeah GG’s oh gosh well good luck Ruby and wait a minute guys Ruby if you’re teleporting to cam and you die to his wither and cam teleports to me and dies in the void that means I’m going to win oh gosh I just got to hope you can’t

Make it to the portal in time I’m going to make it to the portal in time I just got to keep going this way I’m pretty sure let me try throwing another eye ofender real quick and yep it is still this way and wait a minute hold on Ruby

Cam and I have been talking about our traps what have you been setting up um I’m setting up something with the wait why am I telling oh yeah right I’m pretty sure I’m teleporting to you this round so hopefully it’s not anything too crazy um it’s kind of a little crazy oh

No okay well come on I just got to keep going this way is the stronghold still this way let’s see it yep it is still this way indeed all right time to keep going I bet the stronghold is like a billion blocks away you should probably

Just like stop going right now dud dude I’m not going to stop going I bet I’m close I’m guessing it’s inside of the ocean that I’m in right now I no it’s probably like a billion gillion zillion tilion drillion billion gillion miles away that’s not even a number what you

Guys never heard of billion trillion gillion zillion billion hon Hill stop stop my head hurts what do you mean n and oh no are you kidding me I literally reached the end of this ocean and I still haven’t found the stronghold let me try throwing another eye ofender and

What it’s still this way okay Cam you may have been right yeah see I told you you might as well just give up okay I’m not giving up I’m just going to keep going a little bit further this way maybe I just need to go a few blocks

Further that’s all let’s just pull up over here next to this Village and all right let’s try throwing another one and it’s going backwards that means that the stronghold was right below us no you actually found the stronghold wait wa wait let me try throwing another eye of

Vendor and I think I did oh no come on we have to swap before you reach the end oh no yeah you’re right come on I got to reach the end before we swap go go go come on come on I need to wait for the swap Countdown come on Stone Pickaxe dig

Faster we do not have time it’s probably going to swap any second now wow are you guys sweating I’m just chilling over here I’m done Ruby you realize you’re teleporting to me right and I’m setting up an entire boss for you uh yeah I think we all have pretty difficult traps

This round but come on I just got to keep digging down where is this stronghold at I keep falling into like water caves oh gosh I have to get upgrades this is scary actually guys this might be the last swap what really the last swap well I mean yeah cam is

Teleporting to me and I’m putting him into the void and uh you’re teleporting to cam and he’s putting a Wither in front of you oh uh yeah I guess so all right come on I just need to survive the the void how in the world are you

Supposed to survive the void and uh it’s pretty simple cam you don’t I need to figure out a way come on come on let me just go here and let’s go no I made it to the stronghold all right well here I guess let me grab uh some of this stuff

From this chest real quick and all right it’s time to find this portal room I got to find it quick I do not have time oh it’s right over here that’s pretty convenient all right let’s quickly fill in all of these eyes real quick and all

Right it is end time let’s go oh no come on hurry hurry Hur we’re swapping everyone quick quick quick hold on I got to get in position come on and I’m jumping let’s go and all right I got to get ready hold on what am I doing what’s

Going on in what what that is all this the wait no you actually jumped and yes G you died let’s go the and wait hold on hold on is Ruby going to die as well if Ruby dies that means I win I’m getting knocked around everywhere help me come on come on just

Die to the Wither already it’s exploding everything come on come on wither let’s go I can’t believe I lost with netherite yeah cam I told you the void is inescapable I could have used an ender pearl stop and wait Ruby hold on are you just surviving to the Wier that you get

Away I am running away as fast as I can and oh gosh and anyways what in the world was this trap wait Ruby I think I fell in your trap and wait why are there wooden swords everywhere oh so I could fill up your inventory and distract you

What okay that’s kind of annoying and wa okay your trap was kind of annoying wait how did you survive my it was kind of annoying it gave me like poison and I think a creeper blew up but it didn’t do that much damage oh come on but wait

Guys now it’s only you two it’s getting intense and O all right I have to win this the Wither is enough to deal with I don’t need to deal with Dash too now that it’s a 1 V one I got to come up with a crazy trap so let’s see let’s see

What can I do let’s see let’s see I got to come up with something good and wait a minute hold on cam what if I just do the same thing you did with the ender pearl I can just teleport back and kill Ruby with a my stone axe what if I did

The same thing to avoid you um don’t do that I’m not going to but what if I did then that would just delay everything because I would still win um I don’t think so wait cim what do you think I should do uh I don’t know maybe you

Could try and use the weer to your advantage um I don’t want to go back back there but maybe I can I don’t know uh actually no that that’d be a bad idea don’t teleport me to the weer that’d be horrible oh this is making me think that

I should teleport you to the weaer oh gosh okay well come on I think I’m going to try doing the same thing cam did earlier all I got to do is find an ender pearl so come on it should be pretty easy to find in the desert I’m pretty

Sure Endermen are kind of common here oh yeah it looks like Ruby’s still in the Nether and wait I think I could teleport to dash I see what you’re doing and oh yeah cam you’re just spectating now and cam don’t reveal what I’m doing oh you’re running around in a desert and

Looking in a a cave dude you’re literally saying everything I’m doing wow thanks cam he just passed by a bush and oh wait you think you’re clear Ruby hold on why are you on Ruby’s team Ruby’s running around in the nether fortress getting attacked by wither skeletons oh thanks for the information

All right now let’s go back to dash let’s see what he’s doing he’s passing some water and some sugar cane you’re not a sports announcer stop he’s swimming now he’s passing some more dead bushes in the desert and he just broke a dead Bush he’s swimming again I don’t

Even want to hear this this is not even valuable information all right now let’s go see what Ruby’s doing uh let’s see uh Ruby still in the nether fortress trying to run away okay come here with with with all right hold on maybe if I go underground I could have a better chance

Of finding an Enderman cuz I don’t know it’s darker here oh it looks like Dash is going into a cave now game stop leaking everything I do yeah you’re cheating come on it makes it more fun guys no it doesn’t it does for me at

Least come on come on I just need to find an Enderman that is not an Enderman that is a are you kidding me my axe just broke okay hold on I got to craft a new one oh oh wait you annoying skeleton let me go ahead and craft myself a new stone

Axe really quick there we go and uh let me also craft myself another Shield just to prepare for Ruby’s Wither in case I have to deal with that and wait Ruby did you just get diamonds wait there’s Ender here let’s go um yeah I found some and I

Also already had some so I’m crafting some diamond armor oh no that’s going to make it harder for me to fight you and oh gosh my armor is kind of lacking but it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to win with my pure PVP skill H I don’t think

So and wait wait hold on there’s another Enderman over here if I can take this guy out and get an end Pearl that would be really good come on just give me an ender pearl already please let’s go and yes let’s go I got one wait that’s your

Helmet bro uh yeah I kind of know that okay I guess while I’m waiting for the death swap to happen I’m going to get a little bit more iron no amount of iron is going to make you safe from me no I think I should be good all right but

Anyways here it looks like this iron is smelting pretty good let me just go ahead and craft myself a new helmet really quick there we go and I’m also going to craft myself an iron axe so I can do some extra damage let’s go all right well anyways now I’m just going to

Head back up to the surface so I can prepare for the next Swap and all right Ruby uh it’s about to be over for for you it’s about to be GG’s uh I don’t know what you mean by that wait are you still going to use Cam’s with for your

Trap uh duh reduce reuse recycle oh fair enough all right but anyways I’m in position now all I got to do is get ready to toss this ender pearl as soon as we swap all right well I’m ready too and let’s go it looks like we’re about

To swap all right Ruby get ready it’s about to be game over I just got to get in position okay let’s go and let me just toss that let’s go all right all right here where am I oh I hear a Wither ah what the heck okay come on I got to

Teleport back now my end going to land am I just here in the Overworld it’s just a desert huh come on what is my ender pearl going to land how far did I throw it in wait I think I’m teleporting back in hey yo Ruby what’s Happ why do

You have so much gear uh because I found it while you guys were in the nether oh my gosh okay well anyways I guess now that I’m back it’s time to do a final 1 V one come here and out wait that crossbow really hurts yep I love this

Cross I’m going to win here take this I got to light you up real quick like that and then hit you with my axe come on that’s not going to do anything cuz I’m wearing diamond armor I bet it still hurts come on take this let’s go I bet

This hurts more oh wait actually no this does hurt a lot and yes let’s do it and uh did you really just die trying to ender pearl away um yeah do that mean a dash w we had netherite and diamond and he wanted an iron oh my goodness let’s

Go that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Minecraft DEATH SWAP!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing death swap in Minecraft! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. I hope you can get 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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