Frank’s Journey To Stardew Valley Part 17 | Starfruits Galore

Yippe Hello hello hello everybody Welcome Back we are going to be gaming again on some stardew Valley who could have guessed part number 17 and it’s time finally for us to make all the money and what we’re going to do is star fruits I’ve been putting off for a little bit just cuz it

Is a big undertaking and I’ve had other things to do but today we definitely are going to have to get to that because if this series goes any longer I’ll have to be a full-on stardo valley YouTuber because that’s all I’ve been streaming which isn’t bad

But we got to get this Perfection is what I’m saying so without further Ado let’s boot on up the game hopefully all of you guys are having a pretty awesome day so far cuz I sure have been just a little bit rushed had to go do some grocery shopping

That’s why we’re starting 30 minutes later than usual but all that aside I am ready to go ready and RAR to go so let’s switch this on over to sty Valley and let’s keep her going three likes already thank you thank you so much guys guys are crazy yo it’s valdemir valdemir first

That is a something that has not happened in a while glad to have you dude how you doing Man I hate how loud the menu is in this game wish it was a little bit quieter s’s here as well what’s going on where we end it off you have advice for everybody here all right spit got like no batteries from that lightning storm that’s kind of lame

One two three four five more all Right So last time I forgot I had a wife no I don’t know what you’re talking about I’ve never forgot about her don’t be ill it hurts that is some pretty good advice you’re Right pretty damn good advice right There no homework having fun that’s the best way to do it Dude no homework is very nice hold on my kitty cat wants to jump up to her favorite spot and it’s blocked it’s okay Right so much space there you go all right kitty cat is able to jump up to her favorite spot I am also going to have to water all this aren’t I yeah Honestly I feel like it’s faster to hoe single slots if I can actually click correctly oh that always sucks that sucks vmir good thing I don’t have to hoe the entire Farm like the last few seasons starts where I’ve gotten really behind hopefully this will just be the last

Time I have to hoe this until spring of next year as we’re definitely going to have crops in here like every single day all right just going to get this out of the way so I have an I I have a question for you guys so for star fruits do you guys

Think it is smarter to do star fruits just at Ginger island or at home and save or do it both cuz this Garden at home I think I want to also have St I could do starf fruits at both like we’ve got $460,000 we are definitely in the

Liberty to be able to spend it whatever we want also do you guys know the return scepter is that 200k or is that 2 million I forget cuz if it’s 200k I’m going to go buy that Ginger Island in your opinion okay and then have home be normal crops all right that makes

Sense all right also I do have another question for you guys regard regarding uh streaming so I have been doing a lot of stard Valley Streams that’s no secret to anyone like it is like part 177 of streaming only sardu Valley so that’s over two weeks straight

And I was wondering if you guys would prefer it if I cut down a little bit on the stardy Valley Streams not quit streaming it but just make uh like maybe two or three of the streams a week be start Valley and then the rest be something else or would you

Guys uh prefer me to just [ __ ] keep playing this every single day until we’re done with perfection and then stop cuz I have no clue how long Perfection is going to take Us but any input would be severely appreciated cuz I’m not burnt out of the game I just know audience burnout is also a thing either take some breaks or place every day till you die IRL or in game all right Um all right I got to do the math real quick of how many we have so 4 8 12 four or no 16 20 so 20 * 24 480 is what we need to buy so 480 melons is what we’re going with yo Jimmy’s here what’s going on my man how you been

Oh we get a cut scene Pierre secret Stash I don’t know what I was doing yeah your secret no yeah your wife deserves to know about This I wonder what is in the stash all right so let me pull up the list yo as your devil what’s going on my man how you been we need all right so two blueberries um we need eight Tom Tomatoes we need so if it’s 12 days to mature so

It’ll be done on the 13th and then 12 days from that day is the 25th so we’ll get two melon harvests yes I’m doing very well thank you for asking is it just smarter to go full blueberries here I’m glad you are Jimmy got to have that can’t just be ignoring

Snacking three of those one poppy I’m stupid I just F yeah one poppy um two radish those are probably at the lady in the desert no they are not two radishes probably need a third you know what let me check uh full shipment what all we need to ship from this

Month so let’s go to the wiki real quick because we do not want to miss a single month having to go an extra year would really suck all right artichoke pumpkin that’s fall so we need to do a radish kale um that’s an ostrich egg amaranth [ __ ] did I miss

Amramp unless that’s fall oh I’m going to lose my mind if that’s not fall okay it’s fall for some reason I thought that was spring I was going to be real sad there for a second um okay um I just really wish full shipment to earn the full

Shipment achievement ship every item at least one of every item shown in the shipping collection tab uh full shipment all right full shipment yeah ship every item wish there was a way to see yo om’s here what’s going on my man five star chocolates dude you are lucky

All right never mind I guess I can’t find what I’m looking for all right we’ll look at this another time and then we want what did I say 480 melons 400 oh all right oh you’re the only fans manager man okay six likes you guys are [ __ ] crazy thank you so

Much thank you so much and Angels here we got everybody here what’s going on Melon hopefully we get some Big Melons with this like the big huge crops that would be kind of cool before I do that I do want to uh where is it do want to smelt some more Gold want to smell some more gold so we can make some more iridium quality Sprinklers and then we can use those to do the what’s it called through the star fruit on Ginger Island better call solids at a [ __ ] amazing show I would recommend that to anybody that show is so

Good better Calla and Breaking Bad so good I think I liked better Calla better or more though you know I just realized aren’t blueberries more profitable than melons am I stupid I feel like I just made a big stupid choice BL be are more profitable yeah so I made

A stupid Choice all right well we’ll fertilize these and hopefully get some Big Melons out of it so why not I’ll make I’ll make the best out of a bad situation I got two left where did I miss them one I missed one other I can’t find it there it is all

Right oh another B battery I could have swore we had picked all of them up already all right let’s go and shove these other seeds that we need for the cooking in the greenhouse so we need two blueberry plants eight radishes um three red cabbages poppy all

Right all right we got one kale I can go ship that right now add it to our full shipment list and then oh it’s 700 p.m. already damn that day flew by also going to sell this beer cuz why not all right well I think we’re just

Going to spend the rest of the day uh smelting and crafting cuz why not we need to do some smelting that’s something we’ve been really really neglecting oh my cave you’re right I should go check that then tomorrow we’ll head over to the desert buy all of our

Star fruits take them to Ginger Island um I don’t know why I went in here oh I needed to go to the cave I went to the wrong spot okay big stupid moment automate right now would be a blessing probably yeah yeah but this isn’t that type of

Game so it would be a little give me give me give me give me lucky ring lucky ring lucky ring ah all right so let’s make 20 iridium sprinklers wait hold on let me go to this so Ginger Island the farm where is it where is the

Thing I need to know about the farm farm farm Crows won’t spawn on this Farm either so sh scarecrows aren’t necessarily just like with the greenhouse any crop can be grown on Ginger Island Farm regardless of the Season that is very nice you know I’m just going to make 20 sprinklers why

Not I think 20 sprinklers go to the fridge open it and forget why you there why you’re there yeah that not so much that with me cuz I’m pretty uh if I’m going to the fridge I’m [ __ ] hungry and if I’m hungry I know what I’m there for all right

Um let’s go to bed let’s not waste any time going right to bed starting out spring strong we should have a kid right I pressed yes on that with Penny she was like do you want to have a kid Frank we should have a kid I don’t know where he

Is the ants become very active yeah I know ants suck Banger song d did anybody find out if the return scepter is 2 million or 200,000 cuz if it’s 200,000 I’m going to go buy It four days okay yes no Jamie is okay it’s two male damn yeah know cake cake or Jamie she she’s good she hasn’t been in stream she’s doing fine she watches the vods a lot that’s her uh that’s her thing all right let’s go make sure Pam stops being

Stupid and sleeping in and she gets on the J job I need her to take me over oh yeah what is the ladies Sandy she likes daffodils I might as well start giving her gifts I swear I’m bad at it she’s one of the people I need to give more gifts

To yeah know she’s doing great why don’t I get a blue chicken I don’t know how I just know it has to do with Shane I think it might be internet internet connection cuz everywhere else all my things are telling me the stream is very healthy right now according to YouTube excellent

Connection all right Pam wake the [ __ ] up get over over there [ __ ] is that going to slow her down okay hello wife can’t wait till I never have to do this again that’ll be very nice when I never have to do that again all right let’s go to Calico desert real quick

Boys and if I have 20 iridium sprinklers that’s 20 * 24 calculator real quick 20 * 24 that is exactly the same amount as our home farm so 480 all right hi Sandy you need to take this daffodil all right That was a lot of money that was like 200 Grand right there she sees every time I do that yeah I just stand right [ __ ] in front of her all right Ginger Island Time boys excuse me Jesus is it smart and worth it to do fertilizer for these star

Fruit cuz if it is smart end or worth it I’m definitely doing it um uh poop um All right that’s what we want to do yes except if you use them all for kegs yes there delay in the live a little bit we are going to be kegging all the starf fruit so yeah probably worth it you’re right to not use the thing all right

All right I want to build a fish pond fish pond let’s go have her build that what does it cost five seaweed five green algae 200 Stone all right never mind it’s Tuesday she’s not there not even the speed grow is not worth it okay

Yeah nine viewers is nice we got a bunch of people hanging out here I’m glad all of you guys are coming to hang out always nice to have a nice large crowd oh damn might even get people playing stard do valley together in chat that’d be kind of

Cool you guys [ __ ] love that emoji combo oh we got a cut scene with Alex real quick I don’t know how to say your name dude but welcome to the chat man it’s all good Angel glad to have you here anytime it is Frank yeah it is really great weather

Dude yeah I got it I don’t know know if that’s going long but damn it Frank I would have caught that I would have caught that you’re just not going to pick it up you know I believe in you Alex claim my spot on the roster of the zuu city tunnelers you just

Wait Oh hello Muhammad welcome to the stream dude yeah we’ll be doing good with that starford angel don’t worry talk to you talk to you over here all right we got some planting to do boys take me there Willie I don’t know if anybody want to play with you dude we’re all hanging out Here All right let’s go to the dig site very quick and then go home and start planting all this stuff we’re going to pass out planting it but it doesn’t really matter because we don’t have to worry about a season limit here oh my God I heard it all

Right we we have feeling a little lucky please for the love of God game be nice lucky ring lucky ring lucky ring please ah thought we were going to get it just then all right yeah it is really cool that one person developed this game you’re

Right one dude he did a damn good job you guys [ __ ] love that emoji oh I’m going have to clear it a bit that’s fine all right so I think we do it like this looks good to me um I can I dig on these ones

No okay so we’ll do it like this then four more all right and actually I kind of want him down one more um all right I don’t think anybody is in the mood to join you right now man I don’t don’t think you need to beg for it maybe some other time

Though all right let’s get all right now I need to move oh my God I’m just I want to get it give me give me give me please give me the lucky ring lucky ring damn it you got games on your phone I used to be

That kid way back I used to be that kid I guarantee you if you go um what’s it called there’s got to be Valley discords that you can join that there’s people willing to play with you I guarantee it Muhammad Korea lost at MF Jordan what I don’t get

That you guys enjoy that [ __ ] Emoji way too much all right I don’t think we’re going to plant the star fruits today I think we’re just going to have time to get it all hod please did I line it up correctly hopefully I did all right we

Did yeah that’s that’s enough dude I don’t want to have to time you out of the chat there’s definitely Discord servers you can go to that will have people to play stardy Valley with you but begging for people to join in a stream chat is not the way to go about

It just chill out dude we’re all just hanging out here man I got to upgrade this hole I never even think about it I just think I got to go to Clint and then I don’t want to do it he did switch languages you’re right that’s the way to do it dude get

Comfy in your bed that’s the way to be out here gaming yeah there is no way we’re getting all this watered in the same day bro can speak all the languages what you’re telling you’re telling Omare to stop hanging out in his bed and being comfy I think you’re just jealous

You’re just jealous that Omare is very comfy and you’re not that’s what it sounds Like I can’t help but feel that there’s a faster way to do this there definitely is I think we’ll be able to get it done if I pass out here okay if I pass out here is it going to keep me at this house or is it going to

Put me back on uh in Pelican town I feel like it should put me here right that makes sense all right I’m definitely doing this the slowest way possible and it’s probably pissing everybody off come on please work please finish in Time please finish I could do it all right valir I believe I think we can get it done almost almost we can do it we did it okay can I make it to bed oh my God we just made it to bed holy [ __ ] okay dude I’m going to time

You out for just a little bit just asking people to join your server over and over and over is not going to get people to join your server so glad to have you hang out and stream prefer that you just not harass people about joining your server there’s a

Couple Discord servers I guarantee you that you could find where people would happily play with you but this is not the Place I got it but most of it uh or at least the decent amount of it got [ __ ] completely ruined cuz there was no flance in it I don’t think what was Fun one of these days we’re going to get the ring come on get it down there we go having someone begging to play I know kind of lame but I understand dude’s lonely he wants people to play with I get it it’s just not the place for

It I didn’t insta I didn’t insta ban him I just timed him out give him a little bit to cool off man it was one night I really wish I wouldn’t have to redo so many of these spots there was literally one night that they were

Unattended no I get that I totally get that like you guys are here watching a stream I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t want to just be like oh random person I’ve never spoken to before yeah I’ll I’ll come join your server and play with you I totally get that I wouldn’t I was in

Your situation I wouldn’t all right okay I think once we’re done with this we’re going to go back to the actual Farm or we need need to go buy melon seeds because we need to give them to this frog dude need to grow it out here so the

Frog dude will eat it I think so we get those golden walnuts from that okay I got five more seeds I need to plant and I don’t know where I need to plant them one two three let’s also water everything just so it’ll be a little bit easier to notice which spots are

Missing going to be a millionaire again oh yeah yeah once these star fruit there’s one of them once these star fruit are done growing we are going to have Stupid Money absolutely Bonkers bucks and pretty much we’re just going to do this until uh we are done with all the

Money this and ancient fruits once we get those seeds done fill the whole Greenhouse with them I really don’t see where I missed spots are you guys uh seeing anything like that yo Cameron what’s going on good to have you welcome Back oh yeah I asked this question earlier when there was less people in here uh so I’ll ask it again now we have been playing stardy Valley pretty frequently you know this is day 17 of pretty much in a row of playing stard Valley

So there it is where’s this B we miss I have a question would you guys prefer if I keep streaming stardy Valley solely until I reach Perfection like just grind it out or would you guys prefer that I switch to like maybe two to three day or two to

Three streams a week being stardew and the rest of them being on something new I’m doing great doing great how about you got that golden Walnut from the muscles that’s nice all right sell that sell that let’s try something new all right I think I’m going to put a

Poll up in the disc ORD about it cuz I am I am super curious cuz we have been going real hard at the stardo valley it’s like over 2 weeks in a row yeah I think that’s what we’ll do I’ll put a poll up in chat uh in the Discord later tonight of

Uh I’m glad you guys I am glad that it’s not just me I’m glad that you guys are like yeah let’s switch it up a little a little bit come on Lucky ring ah but we have a few things we could do today guys cuz we already did the main

Objective which was to get those star fruits down so I want to hear from you guys do you think we should go and just grind out some friendships with people or grind out monster goals or Monster Hunter goals what do you guys think excuse me jeez what is the

Things try some games I haven’t played yeah I’ve got a few ideas Monster Hunter I have played Monster Hunter but you’re talking about monster goals yes we could do those all right go for Monster all right we’re doing it that means skull Caverns runs boys all right

I need to buy please Pier closes at 5 right please Hopefully okay I need melon let me check the uh um golden Walnut yeah the West um what is it the gore Gorman frog there he is yeah grow uh three crops one crop at a time first melon orow at least one plant on the okay kind of games do I like pretty much a pretty much any type of game that’s

Not a turn-based game like I don’t like jrpgs uh but I do love balers Gate 3 and that is a turn-based game so I actually really [ __ ] love balers Gate 3 it’s probably my favorite game of all time that’s the game I’m playing currently off stream oh

Sweet that’s the game I’m playing most off stream right now is balers Gate 3 because there’s a perade Death Mode called honor mode uh and I have been playing the [ __ ] out of that recently I have been playing have I played Red Dead Redemption I have played Red Dead Redemption one

On the Xbox a long time ago as a kid so I don’t remember much about it but Red Dead Redemption 2 I’ve played a [ __ ] ton on Xbox as well uh but mainly the multiplayer didn’t play much story I know everything that happens in the story cuz you know

It’s been out for however long but everything else was mostly multiplayer all right so if we’re doing Monster Hunter and means we’re going to do a bunch of monster musks so bat wings and slime all right have I played Hollow night no I have not but I have

Done what’s it called I have done uh I’ve watched my friends play through all of hollow night so so I know the whole I like I watched them play through the whole game so I know everything that happens in Hollow night I should play the Red Dead

Story think about it that’ll be on the list I’ll think about it um all right we’re going Monster hunting no I’d ra I like being bombarded with questions I like when you guys ask me stuff Sparks conversation I encourage you ask me a [ __ ] ton of questions gives me something to talk

About while we’re doing some stardo stuff okay your turn to ask yeah go for it seven likes by the way thank you guys so much also mazali hello also screw you Willie I want to go to the island but I guess we can’t have I ever played oxygen not

Included no I have not what kind of game is that all right since everybody is closed for the things we want to do today let’s go gift giving cuz we need to do that a lot more and eight likes you guys are [ __ ] insane thank you so much thank you thank you thank

You yeah throw questions at me go for it I enjoy it Gus and Evelyn two diamonds Pam of course Pam likes beer Demetrius ice cream kobus kobus is getting a horseradish Haley she likes coconuts so she will get a coconut Shane will get pizza Abigail will get a where is it

Amethyst Leia will get a salad Vincent will get a grape you are trying to establish a colony in space okay so we can ask anything what is the last but God damn it oh you’re kind of a lurker oh I don’t blame you that’s what I am when I watch

Streams which is very very infrequently that I watch streams I’m a lurker so I totally get it the most of uh the streams I watch are Counter-Strike streams like I watch a lot of Ona pixel um he’s the guy I go to pretty much every day like I I’m in his chat pretty

Frequently because I I pretty I very very much enjoy his uh his content but yeah glad to see your typing though I do respect the lurk all right let’s go give the wizard some presents how about Don’t Starve I have watched my friend Dakota play Don’t Starve to

Together I’ve never played it myself though all right but yeah I actually have a list of my favorite games of all time that I wrote up like a half a year ago I think somewhere in my notes on my computer computer I’ll have to share that somewhere franbo

Nope no clue what that is never played it yo Savannah welcome back hello can play with your friends oh hello Abigail what you do when sitting by a grave with the sword yeah mainly the sword you sure I mean it’s like in the middle of town but okay thank you thank you

Savannah all sweaty because I’ve been practicing my swordsman okay so you’re practicing your swordsmanship in the graveyard at night I have played subnotica there’s playr up on the channel getting a little defensive you want to explore the mountain caves but I know it’s too dangerous to go they’re

Unarmed well I’ve been all the way to the bottom yes and it’s exciting yeah I’m deathly afraid of the ocean so that synotic through was hard I’ve already beaten it before but it was a while ago so it was like technically my not my first playthrough but it had

Been a long time when do I normally stream Monday through Thursday 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time unless it’s 1:30 like today because I do go grocery shopping and then on the weekend I stream one of the three weekend days and I let everybody know in the Discord what of those three days I

Stream what the hell Pierre why you watching us hang out in the graveyard with a sword you weirdo I think I should be home cooking dinner yeah what the [ __ ] Pierre am I coming or not you left your sword by the way you’re right they don’t understand

Your perspective at all but I think my wife wouldn’t appreciate us hanging out in a bush at night to together I don’t think my wife would be particularly happy about that just saying yeah I know there’s a couple I don’t know if you guys can find it but there’s a

Couple Clips where uh I uh I screamed playing that game I wanted to challenge myself so uh um I went to the uh the void so people who played subnotica know where that Is and yeah I screamed okay I think my dog’s freaking out give me a second Hey oh my dog was hanging out in the living room with my kitty cat they’re both sunbathing that’s so cute Gus you get diamond and then I get to speak with pizza man and then yo gobrial is here what’s going on oh we get to have the cut scene of them

Hanging out together oh no yeah I love my dog and my kitty cat they’re so cute yeah there’s other things in life leis like Marney I already knew I found your Underwear I’ll keep it a secret for you you guys I don’t know I don’t know why I was hiding there leave me alone uh Abigail take this you want to live in an old farmhouse like me well you should have got married me but sucks to suck I have

A wife and it’s not you no I respect their secrecy I respect the Privacy damn it I want to eat your trash can I mean open your trash can is anybody I can speak to outside uh Leia’s in her house he already did build a golden statue with the town’s

Money oh I can talk to kobus I forgot I just want to rumage through your garbage can is that a problem why does everybody have to have an issue with my habits it’s totally normal quit calling me weird you guys can agree with me in chat right going through people’s garbage

Cans to rummage for stuff is normal and not weird right I’m not creepy I don’t think I am okay yeah I’m like a raccoon raccoons are cute even though they’re little little devil dudes they’re cute looking sometimes all right let’s go to bed I know it’s getting late calm down calm down

Game I get to go rock climbing tomorrow I’m excited big excite love rock climbing hello wife hello Cat time to go to bed IRL what about IRL what’s in real life are you talking about oh feeling lucky we are going to uh oh thanks my wife she’s back

Caroline gave me potato that’s a little weird but thank you all right it’s uh skull Caverns day everybody skull Caverns day and we’re going to use a monster musk down There um bombs Eel um I’m make more Bombs stream finally remember the hey I have it you can’t yell at me rock climbing yes in real life rock climbing is very fun I enjoy it a lot all right if it’s Thursday let me check the island Trader see what he has um not the island Trader desert

One on Thursday he has all magic rock candy we’re buying it and he also has let’s bring some diamonds all right here we Go oh it’s Jazz’s birthday Though she I really need to talk to her cuz she’s very low on my friendship okay she loves Prismatic shards okay what is her what is her schedule today it is a THS day summer stands in her bedroom at 9:00 a.m. stands outside Ranch looking at cowpen okay

Okay every sentence with that you could do that um I need a desert warp totem that’s what I need I can’t make one [ __ ] okay this is bad we’re gonna get to the the desert very late today but I guess we’ll have to be fine with

That oh no she did the lip white one oh you know rock climbing is super fun I like I wish I could go every single day I wish I had the stamina for that it’s that fun all right we got to go quickly oh no

I left the don’t want the animals to get out what is here love using that emoji don’t you Jimmy yeah I get a membership to the rock clim rock climbing place with me near me oh my God open up we could already be in the mines or in the caverns right

Now but this lame girl has a lame birthday I guess of course it has to be on a on an Insane luck day let me in oh my God a cut scene it’s a Shane cut scene so I’m fine with it unusually Happy Good for you dude I’m your friend Shane I care about You he looks sharp Got her slippers yay he stole them no he stole them for you a puppy dog puppy dog hold on rain stop barking all right the puppy dog has stopped barking and I have her beeper in case she continues to bark take this I’ve got other places to be people

Need to make it $5 so you can see on the stream see what on stream an Tony what’s going on dude how you been I say how you been like I’ve met you before but yeah dude how you doing welcome to the stream man nice to have

You Pam you’re just getting here you lazy ass oh my God not you too Cameron God damn it Nick isn’t even here and he’s corrupting people you’re good that’s great eight likes thank you guys so very much all right skull Caverns time you have a good day that’s amazing

Glad to hear it dude hi camel all right magic rock candy all right all right here we go everybody stop asking for feet picks God damn it guys you’re Polish sweet I don’t think I have any polish viewers you’ll be my first we have a bunch of very across the

World people viewing this stream I know there’s a down there but I want this coal we’re running out of it I also do need to kill these guys [Applause] so I need a monster musk as well yeah nobody knows of Nick’s kidding you could be totally serious nobody here would

Now that oh my God that he I for completely forgot about the healing that’s going to be so nice goes down nice no there’s nothing wrong with you being polish dude oh a hole nice hole and a hole into a treasure floor and a prismatic Shard let’s go there’s

Prismatic Shard number one for the day Jimmy you can start counting die please I hate the [ __ ] Circle floors they’re the worst ah must take the damage why not another hole four levels nice all right I’m going to stay a little bit longer on this floor since we

Have a hole and I want to kill these mummies [Applause] All right four more levels oh that’s nice place the bomb [Applause] damn all right I am actually taking a lot more damage than I thought so let’s uh eat a cheese sorry if I’m not looking at chant much I do really focus when I’m down here oh yeah no there’s nothing wrong

With you being the only pole here okay there’s a lot of mummies here I need all of them I also need this coal rep place the bomb [Applause] damn damn how many ways down are we going to find I’m not not complaining but that’s a

Lot all right come on game give me give me the way down be [Applause] nice you know for this being monster musk down here there’s like not a lot of enemies yeah know Nick get him out of here oh I need to kill that pepper Rex

That’s oh we got a hole okay so I can spend a little bit extra time killing this dude all right run jump down the hole six levels all right do I have I need to drink this another pepper Rex I need you going dude need to eat some cheese as well I

Kind of want to also kill this serpent wow another spicy eel very good very nice and another way down super nice all right group together guys [Applause] please oh and a hole even nicer five levels eat some more cheese cuz why not oh there’s a oh battery that’s perfect we need more

Batteries like the one thing we have like nothing of another Among Us game yet uh not yet but there will be another one definitely that was very fun I had fun gaming with all of you that was a lot of fun all right put you there

Wow this is an awful floor we got to run past all of them next time you join you’re going to help me say your name all right oh second treasure floor nice that’s why you want to do it we found a hole on a floor that didn’t

Normally have a hole that’s why I always M like at least one block when we’re on Treasure rooms cuz you could potentially get a [ __ ] hole like that oh my God the luck holy [ __ ] all right another way down easy peasy I want to kill this guy and then we’ll take the

Hole all right another eight levels damn and another hole my God kind of want to use another bomb on this floor just because there’s so much [ __ ] need that aridium gim me fell asleep where were we uh we’re still just grinding out skull Caverns I want to kill these [Applause] guys out no way down damn um dude these floors have like nothing on them man are we just not going to find the way down here that that would really suck I mean we’re R in level 82 so can’t really complain uh nothing down there

All right there’s the way down another treasure floor that’s our third one third treasure floor very nice oh another hole let’s [ __ ] go oh drink another one of these wow no way down there is Crazy that’s where it is all right I want this aridium so I’m going to blow this up oh we’re out of our magic rock candy went away okay that’s [Applause] why quit running away that’s what I want energy Tonic o Diamond uh you guys can go away I was a lot of a radium I probably should have bombed that that’s probably a really shitty bomb never mind I got one of them come on Nice please a since I know those guys can drop batteries now I’m going to kill them like pretty much every time oh there’s Prismatic Shard nice there’s number two for the day um wow no way down and tonic’s very nice right another diamond go away thank you go

Away I have to go I sleepy and I’m school and the voice telling me to do bad all right dude have a good sleep man thanks for coming and hanging out that was a lot of aridium and I missed some anyway I want to do this

Go away man that wasn’t a way down right there that’s kind of lame I thought we were going to be able to get one out of that I feel like we blew up a lot of rocks there and with this luck we should have got a way down all

Right man no way down there either this game’s crazy right now it hates us all right there we go floor 100 and our third treasure floor sweet oh dark cowboy hat um let’s go a out of all those one hit blocks and we couldn’t find one way down come

On oh another life Elixir don’t want to pick that up though on the space can we get a way down now please I feel like there’s like no bricks on this or there’s yeah there’s like no blocks on this floor please please please oh my God please thank you and a hole that’s

Nice at least we found one of those nope no way down there either damn no way down there either later in the day it gets the unluckier we get did Jimmy leave or Something all right it’s 1: p.m. I don’t think we’re going really too much any further what is it with me randomly and forgetting how to speak English I swear too much any further I guess I just think too fast thank you guys for the hearts I see that oh Jimmy’s still here Okay yeah I swear I just when I’m streaming sometimes I just think way too fast and then the words that come out of my mouth are just nonsensical and we got we got all the luck come on I Need You To Die eight Levels stand right on it so I get it as soon as it blows up all right level one two three that’s kind of nice I say that was a pretty decent skull Caverns run it was pretty good we left with what two two Prismatic shards I think

Maybe yeah was pretty good oh we’re going right back it’s feeling lucky again goodbye wife oh my monster must deactivated that’s probably what it was oh Marlin found me all right do I have actually I think I just make a desert totem with the stuff on me I need one

Coconut One coconut will replace Yeah all Right give me back that Al collect all this and then we’re going right back to it sell all of that get a decent amount of iron though yo soda drinkers here what’s going on man how you been it is Friday which which means what can we get from him on Friday ches for one Emerald

Ah all right it is an odd day so we can buy the magic cowboy hat for 333 Omni geod we don’t have that much um I don’t think we’ll need to do anything let’s just go I’m going to put this uh cowboy hat here though all right let’s go

It is just grinding skull Caverns time because we need to finish the pepper Rex we need to finish the serpent and it just gets us a [ __ ] ton of money yo Soul Pop’s back what’s going on man and thank you for uh for congratulating me on hitting the sub

Goal wouldn’t have been possible without people like you coming and hanging out so I’m very thankful [Applause] um I’m getting Deja Vu guys we’re right back [Applause] here see 6.5 day today oh ho almost ran right past That wow no way down sad speed run to floor 200 oh yeah no that’s the goal I want to go down as the farthest possible cuz the further down you go the more iridium ore that spawns and the more uh more other things [Applause] too right we want to get those guys dead

For the Monster Hunter go nice ah well you can be there for the next goal never going to run out of goals to hit me through I’m getting pretty lucky with these staircases by the way also pretty lucky with those spicy eels nice I kind of would like to go down game

Please that would be very much appreciated why is aridium so important well first things first it is the best material in the game so we can get our tools up really high level with it also it sells for a lot of money when I smelt it into bars because I have the blacksmith

Profession uh yeah their metal bars are worth what’s called blacksmith metal bars sell for 50% more so radium bar sell for a [ __ ] ton of [Applause] money the five million sub goal dude if I even hit a million that that’ll be it I’ll be done I wouldn’t

Want anything else even a thousand a thousand is [ __ ] nuts the fact that like that I am a tenth of the way to a thousand is so crazy to [Applause] me 1,000 subs for some reason seems like such an unable like like far off goal want to go down thank you a an

Infested floor cheese time oh thank you thank you for saying that camon a lot of people have been saying that it’s it’s hard to hard to not like insta doubt myself like that but the growth recently and and how many consistent amount of people say that I should have

A lot of Subs is crazy to hear my God we’re murdering so many things Jesus let me through let me through damn so many slimes everywhere will I ever aim to make YouTube my job well that is something that I realize is definitely a uh a luck

Thing like you definitely have to get pretty lucky to be able to make enough money from YouTube for it to be your job but this uh I really enjoy this a lot so if I was able to make a living off of it that would be so much fun

But I enjoyed enough not making money off of it that I’m very much content with where I am I think I’ve said it a few times now that I’m uh like if it were to just stay like this for the rest of the amount of time I’m on YouTube I

Would be more than happy with that I have a decent amount of people coming in more than I ever thought I would have that I can hang out with and chat with and they’re fun to talk to that’s good enough for me like I was fine with just one or two

Viewers like it was valdemir GIF few other people Valentine he hasn’t been here in a while but Dylan’s been here for a long [Applause] time damn no way down from that rip yeah back when I was playing Project zomboid a [Applause] lot I was was enjoying that

But yeah no no butts that I was enjoying it enjoying it a lot your device says 160 wait what the [ __ ] 160 um well the counter doesn’t count when uh it only goes up when people who have their subscriptions public subscribe but it’s at 160 really oh my God whoever subscribed doesn’t have

Their subscriptions public thank you so much that’s [ __ ] crazy but yeah you got to always stay humble always always always cuz the second you start treating you know the people that are have got you where you are as just numbers then they’re just they’re not going to want to hang around nobody

Likes that nobody likes an egotistical guy in general in any field all right but yeah I’m just happy to be doing what I enjoy if I get money from it that’s just a bonus man am I ever going to find the way down that’s crazy 160 Thank you

Guys that’s [ __ ] 10 likes also you guys are absolutely crazy thank you so much sound like a broken record saying crazy every other sentence but it’s the only word I know how to describe what’s happing thank you man I want to go down how’s the monster SL going it’s

Going pretty good hello Neco glad to have you dude we’re doing the pepper Rex and the serpents right now eat that uh don’t need that one clay yeah we got our what’s it called our star fruit planted on Ginger Island so now we’re just chipping away at some monster

Slayer goals while we wait for it to grow oh hole nice 13 levels that’s exactly what we want [Applause] I hate these floors these floors suck these floors extra super suck I need to eat cheese e eat cheese monster musk effect makes uh just a I think it’s like two or

Three times as many monsters spawn so when you’re going for Monsters okay there’s too many [ __ ] enemies here I’m going to craft a staircase that’s ridiculous I don’t want to fight all these are going to be here literally all day I’m going to kill this dude but that’s

It trying to get the floor 200 here all right I need to make more [Applause] bombs um put you [Applause] here sweet we got the monster Slayer goal for the mummies we don’t have to kill those guys anymore that’s [ __ ] perfect actually that one’s done now I can just straight up ignore them like I want to do always anyway that was a very hail marry bomb right

There what’s our goal well we just finished killing all the mummies that we need to so that’s one of them done the next one is killing those serpent dudes the green flying dragon looking guys that’s the goal right now is to kill those guys and just get as far down as possible getting

Aridium these guys can also drop batteries so I want to kill them all right damn no way down rip get one from right here though I’ll be I’ll put money on getting a way down from there yeah there it is I knew it I knew it these floors are the [ __ ] worse

These are the spiral [Applause] ones there’s just like so few rocks everywhere and it just never wants to get me the way down I swear there it is okay let me through excuse me ran out of monster musk let’s reply that real quick and need some cheese and go down

Wow we’re getting very unlucky with the ways down yes we got another monster Slayer go done sweet that’s all the ones from Skull Caverns I’m pretty sure that we need to do let’s Go um there’s a way down oh my God that floor scared the [ __ ] out of of me there’s so many things going on there wow there’s a lot of bugs here okay there’s a way down keep me going damn no way down again I have a feeling it’s this one nope rip

Uh 51 sap don’t need you damn no way down again unlucky super unlucky they were indestructible until the forge was introduced you can destroy them is that an enchant you need to get oh my God there’s like nothing on this floor dude oh Prismatic Shard number one I’ll take that

Damn another battery we are lucky I think Jimmy’s here yeah for the for the luck oh my God can both you go away [ __ ] that scared me cheese go down oh my God both of them were crabs really I guess that’s the downside of monster musk is there’s more

Crabs more iridium crabs instead of actual iridium wh damn I think we’re going to go not as far down as yesterday feel like we got a lot more holes yesterday okay [Applause] [ __ ] I want a battery from you dude a lame feel like the skull Cavern should be a banger OST like the

Volcano yeah I agree I agree it should be there’s one of them that’s pretty good for being down here but the volcanoes is just infinitely better in like every way no excuse me all right eat that get a little bit more speed there’s a way down man we’re getting no holes today I

Swear unlucky dude well nobody’s going to give me the way down there yeah he was cooking for the volcano you’re right yeah the cheese is really good that’s why I’ve been saving it so good that I just almost [ __ ] died back [Applause] off a infested floor you know what that

Means eat one of these and go Down DN I’m just waitting and bombs at that [Applause] point no way down in sight yeah we went way less far down than yesterday I swear all that cloth’s nice though it sells for a lot wanted to make a joke with Penny when you said you couldn’t find any God damn it oh yeah know it’s it’s wheels of cheese you’re right

Another infested floor a man guess I’m just going to kill all the bats I’m going to die [ __ ] it I’ll just eat that cuz I just need the health oh my God just barely just [ __ ] bar barely okay Jesus that was close also going to grab this iron

That’s going to be used to craft more bombs mind that oh sweet another Prismatic shard less than an hour left I know I’m going to pass [Applause] out Oh you mean don’t die yeah no we’re not going to die all right no more bombs all right there we go crack all my

Knuckles yeah like look at that [ __ ] 9,000 gold from 14 cloth that [ __ ] is so expensive it’s nice yeah a lot of good items you’re right all right bad luck we’re not going today where’s my wife where’d she go did she divorce me because I’ve been away so

Long all right I can do That for free that’d be nice all right time to smell some more idium or free there’s my wife all right let’s grab all of our Tools is that it that’s it all right all right gobrial thank thanks for coming and hanging out always nice to have you see y I took the kids that’s funny Um uh All right God damn it I should have named the rabbit Judy hops why am I just now thinking about that why don’t you guys make it that [ __ ] milke the cap PL versus Zombies Banger game Banger game such a good [ __ ] game I really hate the fact that the second game

Sucks that’s such a disappointment all right uh sell you you you you all right seed maker two or three ancient fruit seeds please oh my God you’re missing out Neco Plant versus Zombies is such a great game the original not the second one the second one sucks first one is so [ __ ]

Good yes we got three of them nice up to 20 ancient fruit seeds boys um what was I going to do I know what I needed to do I need to go buy that fish pond that I couldn’t buy the other day because she wasn’t home because it was

Tuesday need to go buy that have her build it and then I think we should go to the ginger island volcano and do some more more Monster farming what do you guys think I know it sucks it’s so sad cuz the first one is so good it’s such a

Banger hi I never speak to you so I’m going to speak to you now hi Sebastian hi Robin uh Community upgrade you want to build Pam a house that’s a great idea that’s cool I never knew you could do that I know exactly where I’m going to put this fish pond right here oh no we got a profet Empire going

We have starf fruit on the uh on Ginger Island don’t you worry all right time to go home grab our monster musk and head to Ginger Island yep we got 480 star C going yep I already have a lava eel I’m going to put in there for some row I need to bring a melon seed with me and then I need the monster musk where did I put it where the [ __ ] did I put it Okay all right Ginger Island time we got to kill fire Spirits I think that’s it for the rest of the uh Slayer Goals all right the hell is that Jimmy what the [ __ ] I I never speak to you Alex hello damn I could go for a burger that’s the most football player thing ever to say damn I want a burger or a steak speaking of steak I’m gonna have a steak tonight

I’m making steak making steak and potatoes I’m so excited um no water really what do I need to make like the cheapest sprinkler one copper bar one iron bar all right we’re going to try to do that I know look at it it’s all star fruit it’s 480 of it Site we you know what I’m here for game you know what I want you know what I want game I’m willing and ready oh Journal scrap I already got that one but here it is please lucky ring please oh [ __ ] you game man all right yeah lucky ring it’s a very rare

Drop don’t tell me you don’t know about the lucky ring Neco is there something about this game that I know that you don’t that would be pretty insane two un oh my God I already have gotten the lucky ring before on a different save so all I’m here for is those

Guys oh my God there’s so many of them it’s Perfect Banger theme Banger theme Alert even before finishing the community sector or Center you lucky bastard Neco you lucky Bastard why is the puppy Barking come on fire music to procrastinate too 100% you’re right [Applause] such a banger I see those Cinder shards over there I want them all right all right I got to kill you too dude need to get that come on who running away from me I wish monster musk also made them all aggro on you at once

It would be very unfair but I feel like that would be crazy fun yeah no you’re not sorry don’t lie you know you’re not sorry you don’t care you don’t care man all right next floor man why did the music have to stop I was really enjoying that need you

Okay get him to run after me get him to run after me oh come on thank [Applause] you I forget how many more we have to do after this oh we need pepper rexes [ __ ] that’s what we need I think we need like two more of

Those cuz we just didn’t get any even with monster musk I think we need like two or three more of them I’m not gaslighting what do you mean you know how crazy you sound right now Cameron me and a couple buddies in a server that’s that’s the funny joke as we just

Go around and be like you know how crazy you sound right now when there’s something obviously true that they know I’m so glad there’s no crabs on this oh man I lost Su in the lava really ooh Diamond yay you I’m totally not what do you mean I got to go across over

Here all right Jimmy thanks for hanging out dude hope you have a good rest of your day come on I need all of you to die please thank you man they both fell in the water I was right there that’s lame why’ they have to do that

All right can I buy anything from him no no I can yeah stop procrastinating be a good student or person whatever whatever you’re procrastinating stop it that’s something I do a lot so I can understand I totally get it dude I I hate these ones thank you please die thank

You a no dragon tooth lame water around them or walk around them I should also probably upgrade some more of my tools Right all right we’re going to pass out here cuz why not I’m going to make full use of this monster musk oh is there a chest in Here oh yeah know those mushrooms are very good you’re right give like a million I can touch Him oh Dragon suit that’s exactly what I was looking for curiosity lure eat two of these just before we pass out oh I want those I need to eat something aka the mushroom come on can you come here and die please thank you all right I got to kill

Him right as soon as the day ended I at least got to get rid of him all right another n9k from those cloth it’s so nice they’re so expensive all right oh I don’t have a TV here never mind 56 Cinder shards is real nice though um let’s go get our daily let’s go get our daily lucky ring attempt and then head on home yeah just in time I want to check some of the monsters layer goals just to make sure I’m close to some of them what do you want dude

Need both of Those so you’re going to give me the lucky ring today right right game you’re going to be nice this is it please nope just be prepared guys I’m going to lose my mind once I eventually get that also would you guys want to see my other two

Farms is that something you guys would be interested in give you a little tour of what I do on them just real quick it wouldn’t be super in-depth maybe at the end of stream all right yeah we’ll do that before I end the stream somebody if I don’t

Please somebody remind me I will try my best to remember since I got two other ones all right Robin’s done in one more [Applause] day okay now we need to go we got to check on our monster Slayer goals but that’ll take a bit cuz they’re old and they wake up really

Late I guarantee you guys it’s like hold on I actually let me check pepper Rex uh prehistoric floors killable prehistoric floors Fage 2.2% chance to encounter prior floor at and below floor 7 man that means I’m going to have to get really lucky excuse me got to collect everything put the seeds up

Here never going to use those all right let smelt some more of that aridium six more days in the melons will be done I’m excited Milk bro I’m trying to grab the Truffle thank you he just really wanted me to be in his Inventory puy dog’s freaking out stop freaking out rain all right hi rain dog you’re going to stop freaking out right please oh almost forgot to get the milk in there God I love this theme so much all right we should have over here another ancient fruit to grab yep

Anything else I can grab no radishes are done well thought it was going to be something Cool all right I hear a panning spot the game better be nice give me the lucky ring out of it it’s over here then come on oh never mind I guess it disappeared already all right I would like two or sorry three ancient fruit seeds from this ancient fruit

Please please and thank you Game or one that’s fine as well I guess sell you all right because it is summer that means I need to start looking at the summer checklist for items we need so two melons done one poppy that is growing two radishes done three red cabbage that’s

On the way two blueberries done three corn not done three Peppers done eight Tomatoes that’s being made one pineapple that’s being made four Tara root not being made banana and mangoes are also being made fiddlehead fern dun four carp we have that one flounder dun two eels and one

Sunfish well let’s go catch some of those eel it needs to be raining never mind Sunfish those no way it has to be raining all right Sun uh so it can be caught at the Lakes when it is sunny before 700 p.m. so let’s go do that after we

Get this recipe learned oh we need to speak to the wife I guess hello wife it is a simple life yeah I haven’t touched the decorations of the house at all hopefully we will sometime just not right now I’ve got things to do people to see places to

Be he dug a truffle outside of the enclosure how who let you out sir pudgy you’re not allowed to do that grab all this all right let’s head down and catch a sunfish real quick oh oh we got to go to the trader need to speak with you Ma’am uh well we don’t need to get a sunfish that was really easy never mind we’re not going fishing because we just got the Sunfish straight from the trader that’s super lucky nice nice nice nice all right well what do you guys think uh do

We decorate the farm a little bit or do we do some presents give people some gifts CU we need to do that for the Perfection what’s the consensus in stream chat cuz we basically have a day of waiting right now sell a truffle why not all right these Sunfish is

Done giving gifts to all the villagers or decorating the farm a little bit or my house Neco is on the giveing gifts train um that’s a beat right give gifts all right all right Gus Pam Evelyn two diamonds going to grab a prismatic Shard going to grab a frozen

Tiar because I know somebody likes that going to grab a gold bar for Maru um kobis oh Christian wander welcome dude um I’m so good do I play fortnite I occasionally play fortnite yes not on stream I did play it on stream when there was OG fortnite back but not on stream

Anymore but yeah I do play fortnite not super duper often though oh no I’m not giving Shane beer I’m not that kind of guy I give him pizzas Jazz Prismatic Shard let’s grab two Prismatic shards why not Haley coconut Vincent grape already got a grape the wizard likes the void Essence um Leia

Salad uh Marney give her a diamond as well dwarf he going to get emerald grab this for Sandy what is Kent like again I forget RAB his foot all right so we’ll grab squid ink for the weird guy rabbit’s foot for Kent and Harvey I can buy it

Alex let’s get another Prismatic Shard for him michaa feather hello welcome no Shane’s an alcoholic he’s depressed and an alcoholic so I try and his whole story arc is him getting uh what’s it called is him like curing his depression by stopping being an alcoholic and going to

Therapy so I just choose in every playthrough to just never give him alcohol hi Sandy all right oh sweet I can buy that for Demetrius Leo likes duck feathers oh okay that’s nice I can grab one of those and head on over to start or in uh

What’s his name and get over to uh Ginger Island all right let’s grab some warp totems while we’re home one for the Farm Mountain I need a mountain warp totem I know I [ __ ] have one there it is all right no no no no you know he likes beer and pizza and pizzas you can buy them both at the same place so I just choose to always buy pizza up Lucky ring

Ah let’s do Marne is she here wow for once marne’s here and Shane’s here but I’m not going to give him anything hi Mar all right there’s those two done I think Abigail’s over here I’ve been trying man I want the lucky ring so bad I want it so

Badly hi Abigail what are you doing over here prend you just want a free vacation where would you go old gnarled foress yeah that would be cool wizard you get this all right and then we’re going to go to the mountain then I got to speak to Demetrius and his son Sebastian they

Should both be in here I think the next thing I’m going to have her build is a horse stable or are they not here damn nobody’s here all right never mind oh let’s speak with the dwarf though we’ll speak with the dwarf and then check our what’s it

Called check our monster Slayer goals I think that’s smart cuz we did complete a few I wonder what I forg what they give actually those ones um you get this all right Peter the horse is here God damn it why the [ __ ] did you make that reference I love

That all right we’re done with this whole page done with this whole page except for we need need 30 uh 35 more magma Sprites and three more pepper rexes okay that’s Cool I think that’s so funny I’m not yelling at you I just thought it was really funny that that’s the thing he said when I mentioned a horse stable oh here’s some people I need to speak with all right spoked with you guys trash can uh all right

Gus oh sweet people are here Marney I already gave you that Pam I need to buy you a beer so beer pizza and then Gus gets a diamond and then Shane gets the pizza okay all right I need to speak with Jazz Kent Demetrius Elliot oh there’s Leia okay there’s one

Okay damn it I just just missed it damn it I just missed it [ __ ] um Elliot please tell me tell me he’s Elliot’s cabin 600 p.m. I missed him God damn it oh yeah it’s a Family Guy reference uh kobis we can go talk to kobus or Sebastian oh we can also go

Talk to Sebastian all right kobus come here dude all right Kus is done now we have Sebastian Maru blonde lady I forget her name Elliot that’s for Kent ice cream is Kent I feel like Kent leaves the house sometime at night so let me check let me

Check his schedule Kent it is a Sunday yes at 9:00 P p.m. he leaves his house all right and stands out in the tree so I’m going to give this to him come here Kent I got something to give you dude yeah there he is yay and then we can go go to

Sebastian and then that’s I think all we can do today cuz everybody else is in their house but I think we might have finished a few more people’s friendships today which is nice all right mines cuz Sebastian should be down here by the lake right no he’s going inside

No no no no no no no no did I miss him oh I just missed him man a that stinks well all right that’s all the gift giving we can do today damn it thought I was going to be able to catch him thought I was going to be able to

Catch him guess not all right um all right well let’s head to bed then after we smel some more aridium all right get that going got 58 bars of aridium sell 45 of them why not and head to bed about to go to bed hello wife nice clean 67,000 gold right there all

Right it’s Gus’s birthday and that’ll get him to Max friendship sweet um yeah it’s bad luck you guys want to do another gifting day that sound like fun sorry if I smell I was sweating all night in the heat that’s okay that’s funny thank you George for the 35 Stone

You B do I hold on are my scarecrows not good hold on one iridium ore oh my God I left all my crops over here completely open I’m so stupid Man all right well there goes one melon rip bastard bird took it oh yay I’m going to go throw this we have so many things to do right now my brain’s going to blow up um oh this chest is such a mess it’s random things that I forgot in uh gifts

And clothes it’s just so much random [ __ ] I am going to leave you guys for a second I’m going to go use the bathroom I’m going to leave this music on though I’ll be back real quick And we’re back what’s going on everybody kind of stinks that the uh audio stopped what’s going on everybody all right we’ve got people to speak to things to do need to go do the animals first I have no idea what you just said uh Spiel bird or Spiel bird or however

You say your name I do not speak of that language all right Mr eel go in the pond Okay I did damn it thank you Neco big help all right gift giving so I need to speak with Gus finish him out it’s his birthday uh Pam kobus let’s get kobus again Evelyn give her a diamond Shane done with Shane done with Abigail nice those

Are more people done or no almost I’m going to be done with Abigail today grab that grab that grab that grab that uh you Jasmine she get the Prismatic Shard coconut we already got the coconut Mar will get a diamond Kent will get a rabbit’s foot Harvey I need to speak with

Harvey let’s grab what else do I need to just make sure to grab grape um Pierre dandelion now Pierre’s going to get a prismatic Shard today why not all right let’s head on out so what’s the deal with the uh the fishing pond can you guys explain it to

Me I don’t know really know how it works I don’t know what the uh protocol is like do I make more fish what uh how does that work all right let’s go talk to Marne and everybody in here first real quick another cut scene damn Uncle Shane’s in the barn he uh

Said to tell you he wants to show you something F going in fish breed fish give eggs or items fish ask for items for more babies all right do I need to put more than one eel in for them to breed Blue chicken blue chicken all right yay

Yeah rely on the chicken Shane that’s what you need to do man Hello I like your blue chickens dude yay blue chickens yay all right of course Mar’s not here because why would she be all right zoom on out of here sweet might have to get a blue chicken I didn’t grab a I didn’t grab a frozen tear godamn it

Have I tailored my own clothes yet no I have not I don’t know what I would do with that I don’t know what kind of outfit I would give Frank all right now we could just go home and we could use the mountain warp totem but there’s something more

Important that we need to check and that is are the cat ears being sold at the hat rat let’s [ __ ] go we’ve been waiting for that that’s what we’ve been waiting for now do I just throw them on what do we do here does do we do we ditch the straw

Hat now guys this laate in two years and two months in and go fullon caters or do we keep the straw hat for nostalgia’s sake what do you guys think there’s a Dog hello Dog Yep talk about what yeah no no I haven’t think he resented me for being young bitter because he wasted used doing nothing and it gotten nowhere in life no I’ve Not damn it’s a rough life Dude yay puppy dog Papa dog oh [ __ ] I forgot this weird dude hello wife um let’s go to Haley of course she’s not in There where is she Beach okay it did you’re right apparently he’s gotten no attention cuz I didn’t even know he lived there oh Mary all right yeah know that was the game that was the puppy dogging game my dog’s probably hanging out on the couch taking a nap all right oh that makes sense you’re good lucky Ring aquamarine cool all right Gus need to buy this for Pam this for Leia and happy birthday dude you’re done now we never need to speak to Gus again nice only there was a mod where you could gift C ear to NPCs and they wear them yeah that would be a pretty cool

Mod old lady where is she up with the community Center what a loser oh there’s Demetrius need to talk to you Ma’am ice cream no ice cream Jimmy’s back welcome back dude where is just doing a little bit of gifting real quick I need to go buy coffee to give to him as Well I need coffee I’m G to buy two of them so I can run oh Bean you want to come up you want to come up on my lap NOP you’re just coming over here to hang out okay just got done with lunch have anything yummy oh that’s the biggest stretch I’ve ever

Seen I love my kitty cat oh there’s Kent chicken salad that sounds yummy I’m gonna go have some uh what’s it called I’m gonna go have uh some vegetable fried rice I made last night after stream I’m very very hungry what oh my God that wasn’t Leia I saw the hair damn it

[ __ ] go home for squid ink And Squid Ink and something else Frozen tiar that’s what it is frozen tears squid ink all right um she is vegetarian I’m not so I have to eat tofu and a lot of things meatless but I don’t really mind because honestly as long as the food tastes good

I don’t really give a [ __ ] what’s in it meat no meat whatever as long as it tastes good so she introduced me a bunch of uh into a bunch of vegetarian food like tofu cuz i’ never had it before and it was very good actually already given you a present

Jazz already today yes I have all right you’re going to be able to make your pits wear hats in uh oh in uh what’s it called 1.5 or 1.6 I mean bam take this basically vegan steak okay I will definitely tell her about that all right uh it’s so

Good are you vegan is that why you know I need to speak with Sebastian Maru the Dwarf Sebastian come here is he up here he is up here damn 11 years what made you stop if that’s not too personal oh muhammed’s back yeah I do that’s a b not a p I think not I think I know dwarf come here dude I got an emerald to give you take

This uh nothing I need to buy from him I don’t know why I always check his inventory like it’s going to change and then I got to go town all right where’s Maru no I don’t know you but yeah you literally you said your name earlier you came in here earlier you

Were the one begging everybody to play with you in starty valley right pretty sure that was you oh that’s cool where’s Maru I need to speak with her oh she’s headed back up I got to catch her where’s Vincent I’ll speak to Vincent first Vincent talking to

Yourself y know you joined and you were like guys please play stard Valley with me I have no friends and then I timed you out because I didn’t want you just begging people to play with you no that was you dude I missed her by a [ __ ] a that’s annoying well that

Sucks all right get Bann loser how do I yeah know I definitely should buy coffee you’re right yep don’t come around here again dude spreading that hateful [ __ ] loser all right two days two days four days six days four days oh apricots are done I don’t need those right now though I

Think you know what’s really funny there isn’t a ban option on here there is put user in timeout report and hide the user so he can still watch the streams but I I oh no yeah no I I think that’s on Twitch as well still loser poppy get that done all right

Huntets I don’t think I’ve had to ban anyone before guys I’m on a power trip I got to ban somebody else somebody else say something bad I’m kidding please don’t uh radish rhubarb did I need a rhubarb for something oh I needed to sell it okay um all

Right well I think we’re going to end the day we don’t really have anything else to do I’ll give you guys a small short tour of my other Farms because I did promise that and then we’re going to end stream for the day stretch I’ll show you real quick how far

I am achievement wise we are we need to complete the museum collection cook the recipes which we haven’t started yet uh 40 help one quests poly culture ship 15 of each crop haven’t done that ship every item catch every fish craft every item mute him for a year no I just muted him

Forever so just never be able to speak again all right let’s go to my other saves so we’ve got Vincent Vincent and Frank this is the one I play the most on Vincent rain here’s the lucky ring I got it I can prove go lay down go lay down rain dog um there’s Everything I don’t think I was using the farm here no I was for terot apparent apparently I have like no golden nuts on this save I remember do have a [ __ ] ton of money though all right I get it somebody’s adding me on Steam because of Counter Strike thank

You um I have this is the one I’m married to Leah I have a bunch of people Max friendship wise I like pretty much everybody because this is the other save I was going for Perfection on I just didn’t really do a bunch of other stuff

Um almost got all the minerals got all the artifacts on this one and then we’ll take the mine cart up to the Quarry cuz I have a bunch of kegs there I’m pretty sure yep making pumpkin juice yo name what’s going on dude how you doing man welcome to the

Stream glad to have you I definitely going to start upgrading stuff to uh aridium on the main save and then we got this over here got all that all my chests one of each variety I’m doing pretty good man pretty good everything is so much more organized on This Server It is Well organized yes there’s where my Oak resin is here’s my animals I liked this little design I did with the paths got Luffy the goat chomo the pig Mike dinosaur named Bobo a duck named Goku Franny the chicken wacko the chicken lus the bunny got my shed over

Here that is nothing in it yep that’s here that’s that’s everything I got here this is stardy Valley it’s a farming game oh my horse he’s got a bowler hat do I have a name for him I forget what his name oh horse I named him horse yeah stardo

Valley and this is my house I was in the middle of decorating it hello other wife then we got a Basement with Grape Wine being made yep that was that’s my wife in game but yeah what was I growing in my Greenhouse that’s a good question all my fruit trees we got ancient fruit over here being grown yeah but yeah that’s the save oh no I think I have one more

Thing yeah it’s definitely a lot more organized than the stream save because I feel like on stream I don’t know why I feel like I’m just less likely to sit down and do stuff like that when I could just be progressing since I’m on stream am I cheating on my wife

No no I’m not Oh I thought I had trees up here I guess not but yeah this was my other save all right oh cuz I that’s not the save I’m playing on stream that’s my personal save that I played a long time ago this is my other One this is where I was married to Emily and basically talked to nobody and this is my farm Chad gig and Chad the chickens wbus the goat stara the cow [ __ ] the goat Charles the goat and wacko the pig or wacko the cow did I beat the I did not even do the

Community center on this One ancient fruit Mushroom and I got a kitty cat named Oliver but yeah that’s this Save yeah that’s pretty much all of It oh and here’s where I had the trees down here but Yeah yep yes you Can and I think I got could have swore I had something on this save that I didn’t have on my main save guess Not I don’t even my skills maxed out on this one all right that’s pretty much all the saves and yeah stinks bad timing for for you name cuz this is when I’m usually end stream but thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out glad to have

All you here the support has been crazy nice new people like name bad new people like the guy who got banned earlier but thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out your neighbor just died that is very sad I’m so sorry um thank you guys for coming and hanging out uh

You’re welcome for the stream and thank you Neco oh that is awful that is very awful but thank you guys for coming and hanging out you guys have an amazing day oh you’re Mohammad by the way oh yeah loser see you all right all right never mind another loser gone thank you guys

So much much for coming and hanging out having a great day so far I’m glad you guys are able to hang out with me on stream thank you guys for coming we’ll be live tomorrow again 1: p.m. Eastern Standard Time getting some more stuff done the star fruit should be done by

Tomorrow and we will be rich but yeah thank you guys very appreciate all of you for coming and hanging out very appreciate see I can’t speak I just think too fast and speak way too fast yeah stay safe everybody thank you guys for the likes thank you guys for the

Subs it’s been amazing having you all around have a great evening afternoon Day morning whatever time it is wherever you guys are have a great rest of your day thank you so much and peace I’ll see you guys tomorrow peace

Our character Frank from Skyrim is moving to the small town of Stardew Valley to live a nice quiet life on his late grandfathers farm. This is my first attempt to 100% Stardew Valley.


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Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

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