Terraria Is A BAD Game

REO is finally console close in terms of content updates recently with its journey’s end update causing the playerbase to spike with an influx of returning players players that have never played the game and players looking for anything over than a five thousandth hour in Minecraft which has resulted in terraria being everywhere

You look whether it’s on the front page of Steam on your Twitter timeline or literally anywhere ah and the share of our exposure has managed to funnel me back into the crowd of returning players mind you I am returning from playing on a Kindle Fire back in 2013 but still and

After pretending to be God and creating a whole world in just seconds I came to an upsetting realization that I know everybody’s been thinking and they’re clearly just too scared to say which is the terraria is essentially garbage because it commits one of gaming’s biggest sins no terraria doesn’t have a

Loop boxes on microtransactions but what it does do is steal no I don’t mean that peanut brain argument though oh it copied minecraft no that’s just the way to shortsighted terraria is lost for fever it runs way deeper than that not only does it steal from the craft but it

Also steals from literally every single game ever in all departments so terraria swirled is made up of blocks which they use for building crafting and enslaving and this is clearly stolen content from another super popular game Tetris wee logic think that’s so smart and that

No one would notice but I am a master detective if you look super closely at the blocks in the ground then you can see that they are squares and then if you look even closer you can tell they’re all just Tetris shapes T blocks z blocks cube blocks there are no unique

Shapes in this game at all the devs I clearly just lazy as they didn’t invent entirely new shapes for the game seriously we logic just take this okay so this one is just blatant sorry you’re is split into two main parts really the home designing aspects where

New characters come to live and trade with you and then the dungeon crawling a boss fighting cave exploring combat focus areas so the first part of gameplay is set primarily in one house that you slowly upgrade and is filled with other characters hmm now if you’re thinking that rips off the Sims then

You’d be wrong because the Sims came out in 2014 which is after terraria so no it rips off playboy the mansion for Nintendo Wii I mean look one big house loads of blank slate characters that are only used for their services come on you’re not slick tree logic and the

Dungeon crawling gameplay is so obviously stolen from Minecraft dungeons now ignore that the game isn’t even out yet because I mean who cares about abstract concepts such as time if both games exist then that means that terraria isn’t being unique and what’s the point if your game isn’t quirky and

Look both games have about slow increase in power weapon levels ugly looking bosses and simplistic combat why would anybody ever play Terraria when you can get the whole experience by playing Playboy Mansion and minecraft dungeons at the same time at this point I’m pretty sure the developers should have

Been sued into oblivion because literally nothing here is their own and honestly they’ve given up even trying to hide the fights of that stealing content now because all the way at the bottom of the map is this lava filled chamber full of horrific demons and what did they

Call it hell how haven’t they been taken to court by the makers of the Bible game for ps2 yeah literally any of a game would have named it something creative like how Xenoblade calls this big tree extra still I bet that’s never been done before or how minecraft calls this place

At the end I mean it’s not very creative but at least they aren’t ripping off a Christian ps2 game Going to have to run Nintendo to the list of lawsuits here because terraria is comba is complemented by the addition of pets that can fight for you and last time I checked Pokemon has been the go-to game for endorsing animal abuse for like a hundred years now so how does

This feature draw in any new players at all if I want to see two birds fight to the death then first of all I can go to my next-door neighbors baseman and then gamble while doing it but for everybody else they’re just gonna pick up their switch and play pokemon so they can

Watch two rats go I in beautiful 3d and not too dumb pixel birds so terraria was going to have its own sequel called terraria or the world but they announced its cancellation around two years ago which oh my god they really can’t come up with any of their own ideas can they

There have been so many cancelled sequels in the past but I guess we can give them the benefit of the doubt because of how many there are but to be an indie game studio and cancel a game that is just a player plagiarism of Fez – which was cancelled

Five years earlier they can’t even make poor financial decisions unique now terraria doesn’t really plagiarize any of the game stories because that would be genuinely illegal so what the devs decided to do instead was just not have any story at all which at first seems like a good choice you know focus

On the gameplay make the game fun and hey at least they aren’t stealing anymore right wrong I mean a Hello Garfield car no story you be Funky’s note story Final Fantasy 7 no good story even when real logic don’t ask something they still managed to be scum and steal

From not only more successful but just better games in general and this makes terraria just completely unplayable because why play this when you can just play all of these but the absolute worst case of stealing that terraria does is stealing from this video yeah that’s right they stole from this video and

What is it that they’ve copied the facts that they’re both no longer in development hey thanks for watching otherwise into the video and rumor has it that if you click the subscribe button nothing will happen but it would make me insanely happy so please think about doing that thank you for watching

All the way to the end and thank you see you

Terraria is honestly Trash and we can not keep acting like it isn’t . How have the devs not been sued for all of the stealing that they do ?!?

🎨Oddie slime art done by Zai – https://twitter.com/puwufferfish


🎶New super mario bros athletic theme ( New super mario bros )
🎶Oki Doki ( Mario and Luigi bowsers inside story )
🎶Never let up ! ( Mario and Luigi dream team )
🎶Up Scramble trio ( Mario and Luigi paper jam bros )
🎶Come on ! ( Mario and Luigi superstar saga )
🎶The grand finale ( Mario and Luigi Bowsers inside story )

🎶5pm Funk animal crossing new horizons remix :


  1. Bro, its just good, tons of mods, servers and terraria is NOT SAME as Minecraft, it's not bad, if you are bored with the gameplay just download mods, and texture pack, and terraria not copy any game, its an easter egg, or its a collaboration stuff, terraria is still good man

  2. I have chosen to dislike, not because I didn't watch the video or am a terraria stan, but because I found the joke to just not be that funny


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