I remade Every Mob into Lethal Company in Minecraft

I remade every mob into lethal company in Minecraft I’m going to start by turning this wandering Trader into a hoarding bug because they’re both cheap and greedy start by ripping off these villager arms we’re not going to need them instead I’ll turn them into these green pointy arms with elbows the most

Important part of the hoarding bug is its eyes they’re super big and also very very red the hoarding bug itself is green though plus it also needs some long antenna coming out of the top of its head I added a gross little mouth with some pearly white teeth as well I

Put the head back on the body of the trader and was tempted to just use this look how dumb this looks anyway back to business it’s time to make that Trader body into the green insect likee torso with these giant legs popping out of this side we’ll also need those cute

Little wings now we just texture a little bit here and a little bit there oh yeah it’s all coming together now honestly I’m incredibly happy with how it looks right now but let’s see how it looks in game first thoughts those eyes look amazing these front two arms seem

Perfect not to Hype myself up look at those legs move I feel like this is exactly how you’d expect this guy to move around and of course this hoarding bug is passive as intended unless as soon as I hold something of value look at the anger coming off of him oh boy

Look at him chase me around the map he’s trying to catch up guess it’s a perfect time to find out just how much damage he does woo quite a bit of damage and as soon as I Let Go yep tricked you I ain’t got nothing not a thing but we can

Actually make friends with our horic bug watch this got the log in hands I’m going to drop it on the ground and he’s going to take it and we got the heart so he finished eating it let’s get you another buddy and another buddy oh why oh it’s cuz I’m holding the eggs

Boom here you go here’s a few over here they’ve got some one got one over oh I’m picking them back up look at them falling in love over there that didn’t work for very long the hoarding bug turned out phenomenal in my opinion I’m going to give this group of guys an 8

Out of 10 now next up I’m going to turn this villager here into a company worker just like the hoarding bug we’re going to take this guy’s arms completely off this is actually getting quite dark the company workers that we play as are bright bright orange so we’re going to

Splash the entire body with orange and place the black helmet on top to survive on the moons they also need these oxygen tanks with all the pieces roughly made I’ll put the body back together color the ends of the arms black so that they look a little bit more like gloves then

Text dra on a little name tag onto the chest just pretend this one says Bob or maybe Harold and then we just got to work on the last few little details Perfection looks like a beautiful worker but the real test how does it look in Minecraft his helmet didn’t quite turn

Out just right it looks a little bit flat it’s very hard to see his visor other than that this guy looks delicious not that I’m hungry or anything after all this work so far company workers need to fulfill their quota and that that is what this guy is off to do but

Also we can trade ourselves an iron ingot for a shovel just so happens that I have an iron ingot successful trade blam oh dang it missed ah no I missed oh no he’s going to get me he’s definitely going to get me oh where is your hitbox

Okay okay I give up your shovel got me killed what else you got one diamond for a clown horn I can play music to entertain our company worker look how much he’s enjoying himself nope he’s not enjoying himself he’s chasing me down get no I traded get away get away wait I

Have an idea I can maybe no given just how bad this shovel is and it got me nuked twice that company worker gets a 1 out of 10 wait does that mean I raided myself poorly now we’re going to turn an iron golem into a terrifying coil head I

Really hate this one start by turning the entire thing into a tan color move the entire torso up to make it taller much much taller and also give it some defined legs for monster it has some pretty nice calves this head is going to

Have to move up too to make room for the coil I thought it’d be really cool to make this spiral looking piece for the coil part yep that’s looking pretty good now it looks like the only thing off is just how clean it looks the coil head in Lethal company looks completely

Disgusting and then we finish off by adding this uncanny face no don’t even look at me and these nails all across its body and yeah I hate it it’s perfect I usually would say I can’t wait to see what it looks like in game but in this

Case I think I can that is amazing looks even better in game than it did in the modeling I’m actually quite impressed hey well done but even when he’s down in that ditch he can still see out from underneath it because his head is so

Dang large on top of that coil neck as long as we maintain a stair down coil head he won’t move towards us but if I even just look off even slightly he’s going to start coming towards us even slightly let me get a little bit of a

Farther distance oh I lost sight of him oh darn it darn it darn it darn it I got him you almost managed to get me green light red light red light green light now let’s plop in a company worker next to him so these two can be friends his

Little arms aren’t reaching the company worker it looks like our company worker has met his quota now let’s turn this Enderman into the Bracken I’ll start by making it a very dark red and fix the legs to make it look like it’s hunching over a little bit I also changed the

Torso to make it have broader shoulders bulk up and shorten those arms a little bit I also think it would look really creepy if I gave it individual fingers we cannot forget those tiny Beady white eyes the last thing we need are these gray green spine things I have no idea

What they are but they do look cool feel free to let me know in the comments if you know exactly what they are spines wings I don’t know but we’re making them I think I’ll have to watch my back with this this guy hanging around let’s see

What it looks like now the Breen looks amazing his tiny white eyes are so small you can almost not see them it looks sort of like a demon yeah that’s not safe unlike coil head we don’t really want to look at this fella because as soon as we start checking him out he’s

Going to start to get a little bit angry at us and shake so I’m going to just look away and no he gave me the blindness no no no no no yep I knew that was going to happen all that’s left of me a bone let’s bring in a company

Worker or two and the Akin is already hunting down one worker right there the other worker is taken into combat oh the other worker is being hunted too oh one worker is down I might be able to save you hold on I’ll use your useless shovel

If I can catch up no I couldn’t catch up ooh but it worked I can freeze him in place don’t move don’t move don’t move no no your shovel your shovel is useless all right let’s turn the wolf into an eyess dog it needs to get a whole lot

Bigger so let’s start with this giant head it doesn’t have any eyes but it certainly has an extremely large mouth to fit the body we’re definitely going to need to lengthen these legs now those are the legs of a predator next we need a really long tail the eyess dog in

Lethal company also has these super long and very pointed teeth yep he’s definitely not brushing those those are the bottom teeth there too I’ll do some shading here and there and that is one ferocious dog looks good right now but let’s see the real test the very first

Thing that I think is done perfectly on this eyeless dog is his eye flawlessly recreated his mouth really is kind of just his head and I have to remain completely still as soon as I move then I’m going to get spotted I’m going to stop moving and he can’t see me

Anymore I can move again and he’s going to spot me stop moving he can’t see me let’s see if we can do a complete run around the eyess dog and get away with it here I go I’m going I’m going I’m going I may have slightly overtuned the

Eyess dog even if I just move slightly he picks up the set right away please don’t get me first oh my goodness we lost him just in time let’s bring in somebody else that can move around and see if the eyess dog picks it up just as

Quickly he’s moving closer oh coil head came in what’s going to happen here the is dog goes after coil coil head goes down I’m trying to see the worker’s dead I got to stop moving I can trade for a shovel do I really want to it has been

Horrible every single step of the way get The High Ground first stop moving go for The High Ground again stop moving closer stop moving no no let me bait him to the low ground this time lose him bait him again lose him now I’m going

I’m going no I’m not going oh I got him we got him with the shovel no he got me back I’m so bad I can do this lose me lose me go for the hit no got him got him again got him again I’ve got him

Locked we got him down the shovel wins and we picked up the eyess dog here when we’re holding the eyess dog here we can actually see the scent coming off of mobs but only as they’re moving look at the scent I can sniff him I can’t really

Do much about it though I can no I’m going to give the isas dog is 6.7 out of 10 next up let’s turn this spider into a bunker spider it’s already a very similar shape so we just have to focus on making the features look amazing but the bunker spider is a lot

More well spider- shaped than the Minecraft spider so we’ll fix that and those legs are going to have to be worked on too being in a bunker it has this desert sand texture across all its body and also these large fangs visible on the front of his head I added the

Little black eyes but honestly sort of makes the spider look cute now I feel like the guy would give some pretty good hugs but trust me you do not want to hug one of these unless you want to end up in a cocoon an endless Cocoon of Doom

But hey let’s see what it looks like and find out if we get cocooned this abandoned Village is the perfect spot to see if this texture worked and it did look at the fangs on the front of this face and as our bunker spider walks around it’s going to start dropping webs

Let’s see another one drop down should be about every 5 to 10 seconds or so and these webs are very dangerous you do not want to step inside of the web let me sacrifice a company worker here H yeah maybe put one right there oh the worker’s getting awfully close to the

Web oh he’s right inside of it the spider sees him he’s going down oh my word he was annihilated so fast oh we got a drop if I can safely grab it we got a spider victim we can take this spider victim let’s plop down another

Company worker here and go for a trade with him there we go spider victim for five iron ingots why did I do that so I can get more shovels five shovels great what I really want is those diamonds but in order to do that I’m going to need a

Circuit beehive now we got a be here and let’s turn it into a circuit B in Lethal company these are kind of hard to see so I’m going to be getting creative with how it looks move the wings up here and fill them in color the whole thing a

Very good red and also get rid of of those tiny little feet after getting the rest of the texturing just right I’m going to make these wings look so much cooler when that’s done duplicate them so that we have two sets of wings on each side of the beat that would be four

Wings or is it two Wings is there two in each Wing or is each Wing two I’ll leave that’s the experts and as a final touch it is called the circuit beat and it lets off electricity so I’m going to take to some creative Liberty and add

These a lightning bolt patterns to it I would be shocked I’d be shocked to run into one of these get it shocked yeah whatever let’s see what it looks like in game we’ve got the lightning bolts down the side as well as on the top of him

And his top wings are moving and his bottom Wings appear to be completely stagnant why is he coming after me all of a sudden oh my I didn’t mean to back off buddy I’ll hit you with the shovel ouch come here no come here oh no wait

The reason that our circuit be was chasing me down is the Beehive if I get too close to The Beehive the circuit be gets very angry and and begins zapping Me Maybe if I walk around the side this way he won’t notice me and I can sneak

Up and have my revenge yes the shovel wins again hey 50% success rate and now I can successfully take down our beehive oh boy I got two circuit bees after me I can do this I can’t do this I can’t do this run now that I’ve got the circuit

Beehive I’ve got two diamonds now I’m going to take this slime and turn it into a hyro gear Hy H hydr Hydro you know what I mean the model is going to be pretty simple it is basically just a big translucent pile of sludge there it is the Hydro Gear the

The hyro deer the hydro deer the hydro deer I’m done kidding let’s keep going to give it that gross goopy texture I’m going to add some darker blues and some lighter greens to it also and here are some incredibly riveting footage of me coloring a blob yes this is good cont

Content but to make it all come together I’m going to add a separate layer to add the translucent slime element you may have laughed at first but that really made it look a whole lot cooler we can’t judge it just yet though we have to see what it actually looks like in Minecraft

He’s not really supposed to be much other than a blob right so as far as the recreation accuracy this is Flawless he’s moving closer and closer to me why is he chasing me down already he’s a blob that is ever consuming and if he touches me things are going to go quite

Poorly these consum me in slime and now I can’t move I can make it out I can make it out maybe I can turn and hit I Can’t Turn and hit of course I can’t the real trick to the hyro deer is keeping your distance it’s so slow moving that

If you stand far enough back I mean just a few blocks you can manage to stay away completely as soon as the Slime touches you that’s when you get stuck in the slowness of the higho here I’m shifting I’m shifting I’m shifting I got him

Stuck I can no now we’re going to take this Moosh and turn it into the face hugging snare Fleet take off the legs and now look at that ground beef that was so bad take off the head too the body is what we’re mainly going to be

Working with here I made a section of its body and I’ll turn it into this Flesh Pink color I’m going to duplicate this a lot of times in order to make it into that long bugl looking monster let’s go back to that mushroom head and turn it into the snare fleas head I’m

Going to add these little feelers to the front of its face turn the small white mushroom eyes into giant black bug eyes yuck and after adding the fangs and shading this thing looks very disturbing which is exactly what we want let’s see just how disturbing it actually looks

Yep prepare to be completely disgusted look at the antenna coming out of his face that’s gross it should be a good thing he’s supposed to look gross and the snare flee he doesn’t move he stays there hoping for something to come nearby not me of course I will not walk

Anywhere near this thing but I could give him say a company worker looks like our company worker knows exactly what’s up here because he absolutely is certain he should not be walking very close to our stair Fleet at all because when you do well now he’s on my head and he’s

Giving me blindness and I can hardly see anything because he’s on my head I can use the shovel though and I can knock him off oh my goodness I almost got wrecked he can’t move anywhere now he’s completely stuck that’s even more disturbing than initially anticipated

That’s definitely a 10 out of 10 now I’m going to turn a piglin brute into a Thumper take that piglin and paint it all tan stretch that head and make this big piece in front keep going stretch it even more this is going to become the

Face so we need to open it up for that giant mouth add some pointy little teeth in there as well the really scary part of the thumper are these other mouths around its head yeah that looks good adding some color to the mouth and eyes mouths I’m sorry it walks on all fours

So the body is going to have to start going this way it also runs towards people with these super long arms adding some dark red texture to add to the creepy factor I really don’t like the thought of this thing sprinting at me from the end of a hallway yeah no but

We’re going to have to test it out regardless I know I didn’t say that thing about hallways but this is perfect look at that what a beast a gross gross Beast the teeth eating its own head it looks like a body that has been ripped apart this looks amazing and I’ve lost

Him let’s find out just how fast he can run once I hear him I hear oh my word what is that he’s chasing me down he’s chasing me down right behind me Sprint away Sprint away he can’t catch me he can’t catch me go this way I have an

Idea bam no bam no bam got him got him got him got him he’s stuck he can’t do anything I’m going to make it I made it I made it I can’t believe I made it that was a close call but I’d say overall 8.5 out of 10 and now let’s turn this

Skeleton into the Jess the first thing I’m going to work on is the feet because for some reason the jester likes to run around the halls without any shoes on take the rest of the skeleton make it into a boxy shape and turn it into the Jester’s Jack in the Box body after

Finishing up the design on the Jack in the Box I’ll move on to making the arms to play the song it also needs this silver handle now reposition it in a way that makes the jester hand holding the handle that’s basically it but we also

Have to make a model of it in its deadly form open up that box so that we can add a giant skull inside it’s going to be attached to these very veiny bits now we create the skull oh yeah that’s freaky look at those teeth I think I might be

Seeing this one in my nightmares tonight but let’s go ahead and see it in Minecraft first now this guy looks all right in his initial form the best part is this hand on the side is perfectly positioned over his Winder rolly thing the mechanism that makes his head pop

Out do not be deceived by the music when the jesture starts with the Jack in the Box music you have approximately 30 seconds to get out of the way actually I’m going to pull in a bunch of company workers here to defend me just in case

Yep there goes the head oh my gosh look at how big and gross that is all of those workers have been annihilated oh he’s targeted right off to me he’s chasing me down he doesn’t care about the worker Army behind me I can do this

I can’t do this I can do this I can’t do it I can’t do it I can do it I can do it I cannot do it I can I have to I have to be able to do it it’s up to me to save oh there’s no company workers left over

There it’s up to me to have Victory got him got him we got him we timed it perfectly watch this let’s take him down we can do it we got it and we got his Jack in the Box oh boy my turn to be the musical Master look at us oh my gosh

Having a jolly old time oh no he tricked us

I Remade Mobs into Lethal Company versions in Minecraft! Check them out and let us know which one was your favorite!

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#minecraft #mobs #better

I remade Every Mob into Lethal Company in Minecraft


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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