How to Live Inside a Tree in Minecraft

My brother has challenged me to make a TP secret base inside this tree can I build a secure base small enough to win this Challenge and what happens to the loses secret base oh yeah I cannot wait to build this epic secret base but ship

How do we even get inside we need to throw these Ender pels inside of these trees to get teleported in them and we have 20 minutes to build a modern epic secret base then we’ll decide who wins at the very end the loser will have their tree burnt down with the loser

Inside what I do not want to get my tree burned down that sounds really scary but let’s go I don’t want my tree burn down either so we better get building throw your ender pearl at your tree in 3 2 1 wo this tree is awesome and you can even

See the leaves inside and the sun through them that’s pretty cool I think I need to get Stu started building right away I don’t think Milo can hear me because I definitely can’t hear him what can we even build out of look there are so many amazing blocks suggested for us

I say we definitely need to build out of spruce planks let’s make a welcome area right here I think this is pretty good we can make the sides of the walls out of spruce planks just like this and then we can make the real walls out of oak

Wood oh this is great this welcome area is going to look so good I bet everybody that comes inside this tree is going to feel so welcome what other things can we put inside the welcome area what do welcome areas normally even have they normally have a sitting area maybe a

Reception oh and they have lots of chairs and books I don’t know why people like to read in Waiting areas I guess when you have lots of time a book is the perfect thing to pick up I think we’ll place two more blocks of logs on this

Wall and then it will be the perfect Hep oh yeah this is going to be so cool I’m already so excited to build first I say we make the reception let’s grabb some quartz I think smooth quartz stairs are the perfect blocks for it I’m going to

Keep my Ender pear here just in case I need to escape for any reason let’s put the stairs going all the way around I don’t want to make the reception desk too big because then nobody will have any space in this room that would be really uncomfortable perfect I think

That’s beautiful and every reception desk needs a computer I actually know a really really cool hack if you get a pressure plate and a painting any painting will do so let’s grab a random painting block as well as a sign I think an oak sign is perfect because we are

Inside an oak tree after all let’s put the pressure plate down right here and then we just need to put the sign on the back of it let’s write laptop on the back so everybody knows what this device is once I place a painting on the other

Side it really does look like a super fancy laptop and my favorite part is you can add a button right next to it that looks like a computer mouse wo this really does look like a reception desk now I say we add a flower pot and

Because this is my tree and I love the color orange I’m going to put an orange tulip inside just like this wo this already looks so good I’m not going to make the roof yet but now I will make the seating area we’re going to have a

Walkway into this next room where a bunch of chairs are going to be not just any boring chairs though these are going to be bright orange and they also need to be pretty comfy I think these are the most comfortable let’s also grab a bunch of oak cabinets that matches absolutely

Perfectly I don’t think we’ll grab anything else because we do not need sinks or fridges in the waiting room that would be so weird let’s put two SAS over here wait that looks kind of weird I’m going to have a big one going this way and a little cabinet next to it this

Way people can sit down and put a flower pot on the cabinet although there is one already there now so there might not be much space let’s have some more sofas on this wall and this one can curve around a this waiting area is so beautiful we

Can fit so many people in here so that any anybody that wants to can come and view this amazing tree I think we should also put a painting on the wall but if we leave too much space for the painting it’ll be really big I think this

Painting is actually perfect I love it let’s make the waiting room one block taller and it can’t hurt to make the reception area one block taller as well this way even the tallest of people that come inside my tree will still be able to fit if they couldn’t that would be so

Embarrassing let’s build the roof really quick I know I said I wouldn’t but I’ve gotten a bit of inspiration here I think we can add some beautiful lights on top let’s build the roof over here as well but when we place the final block we need to make sure that we’re underneath

The planks otherwise we’d be stuck outside let’s place these two blocks and boom we’re inside I’m going to grab some wonderful lanterns let’s grab this one right here perfect we can hang them down from the ceiling just like this oh that looks so beautiful I’m loving this

Already and to remind everyone that this tree belongs to none other than me chip I’m going to add a bunch of Orange banners orange is the best color ever so this really fits in well instead of a middle banner I say we definitely need a bookshelf wall let’s mine this wall just

One block backwards and then put a bunch of books inside this is a super cool build hack it’s amazing that it looks just like a real bookshelf built into the wall now all that we need in this waiting area is a lovely Orange coet let’s grab this one and put it right

Down here on the floor this way whenever anybody walks in the first thing they feel is a soft and comfy floor I don’t want anybody walking on the solid wood the first thing they do after teleporting that would be really rough now we need to dig into this wall so

That we can make a staircase room this staircase will lead up to the Second Story I think building the staircase at the end of a long hallway will look really Grand and super duper fancy let’s add some walls to this side as well I don’t want anybody to be able to see the

Bark everywhere it looks kind of messy and I know if Milo sees that he might make me lose a point and this tree might get set on fire with me in side that would be really terrible so I can’t let that happen wood is so flammable so everything I’ve built today would

Definitely go up in Flames Milo would totally do it as well he’s crazy like that and he loves setting fire to things that’s how we lost our big stack of flammable leaves we kept it around in case we needed to dive into it and look really awesome but one day he set the

Whole thing on fire and when I asked him why he did it he told me it’s because he’s just a silly little guy it was really weird and I’ve been kind of scared him since that’s how I know that if we lose this competition he’ll

Totally set this tray on fire I think we need to make our stairs out of smooth quartz I think every single level that we go up in this tree we need to make it a little bit fancier let’s Place some oak wood along the floor just like this

This way it makes it way quicker to place down the quartz stairs on top now we can really go super quick if Milo finishes building before us he’s going to try and end the competition early which would really make it difficult for us to win I’m not going to going to let

That happen though I’m going to make sure Milo gives us a fair chance I say the second story’s floor should be made out of smooth quartz I’m going to get rid of the endel because I don’t think I’m going to need it for a while I’m

Pretty happy inside this tree and I know if I go out for any reason it’ll just be a distraction that will make it take longer for me to win this thing I know Milo would love it if I got distracted so I’m never going to let that happen

The staircase needs to be a really tall room because otherwise everybody walking up it would hit their head if Milo came inside my tree and then hit his head on the ceiling there’s no way he’d rank me any higher than a three or a two uh he

Can be so judgy and really really mean when it comes to scoring my builds that’s why I have to work really hard to make sure he loves them every time he does not understand that I love this tree so much I don’t want it set on fire

Although I guess if I win I’m setting his tree on fire too so I guess it’s fair either way that’s why I have to try so hard to win once I finish placing these logs we can actually get started transforming this area into a kitchen let’s go quickly on this I’m not sure

How much time we have left but I can’t imagine it’s very long we’ve been in here for a while oh goodness I’ve already placed so many blocks what if the time is about to end and I don’t even know it that would be terrible now we need to grab some Black Stone Polish

Tiles and some regular blocks of quartz this way we can tile them together in a cool chest pattern that makes it look like a real kitchen oh yeah I think everybody that comes into my tree should walk through the kitchen that way they get a really lovely snack wherever they

Want to go and because it’s a kitchen made by me it obviously has awesome things inside so we’ll never run out of food let’s grab all the furniture we could possibly need inside a kitchen I think these oak kitchen cabinets are perfect let’s also grab some Birch

Chairs I know Milo’s tree is made out of birch wood because it’s his favorite so if we include a little bit of it in our tree we’re sure to win we also definitely need some orange kitchen counters and some kitchen drawers as well they can totally be orange too and

I also really really want a kitchen sink I think AAA is a pretty good choice let’s also grab a white fridge there’s a dark fridge that looks so cool but I just think the white one will fit in better with the choices we’ve already made we can also place the oak cabinets

Above it but wait a minute they really blend in with the wall this does not look very good if somebody wanted to come and grab a snack they wouldn’t even know where the wall is and where the cabinets are this means that we need to pick a different kind of wood for the

Cabinet I know we should totally use birch cabinets I think that’s a way better idea yeah it totally matches the fridge and it’ll match the chairs I’m installing as well it also goes really well with the white floor because it’s made out of quartz too I’m happy we made

This decision it’s a much smarter Choice than what we had before here we’ll have the kitchen sink next to two drawers perfect this looks so nice I love it already over here we’re going to have the furnace wall let’s dig into the wall just a bit so that we can add our

Furnace I think this F furnace is perfect and we don’t want a blast furnace but we could have a smoker smokers cook food twice as quickly as regular furnaces so we’ll only need one of them that is perfect I also really want to grab some lanterns to put above

Them this looks incredible I’m loving this so far I also really want to grab a cake so that we can put it above the furnaces now it looks like we’re literally about to eat cake oh yum I wish I could eat cake right now finally we need to add some kitchen counters

Right in the middle here oh this looks great I love it I wonder if we can link these up a little oh yeah we totally can I don’t want to have gaps inside then rodents and rats and roaches would totally get through that would be bad

And it would make our kitchen smell I don’t want a smelly kitchen Milo would hate that he would totally use it as an excuse to make me lose points let’s quickly add some quartz to the ceiling there’s a little something I want to do here for a second if we quickly add the

Quartz blocks right here then we can add some lanterns over it we can hang them right over the table oh that looks so beautiful we can even break these two so it looks like three dangling so nicely above it and of course we can have a

Couple extra cakes wo I can totally open the kitchen drawers and fill it with cake as well and on the table I say we totally grab some item frames normally I would want to put something delicious inside but Milo’s favorite food is bird seeds and if we don’t add bird seeds

Somewhere in this build he’ll rank it really low and we’ll lose and the tree will get set on fire so by adding bird seeds I make sure Milo will at least give this a five out of 10 hopefully even better now that we’ve built the kitchen we need to grab a dining table

To build the dining room I think this Acasa table is perfect it’s nice and orange so it matches the color we’ve been going for so far let’s build a big table like this and what I keep falling oh goodness this tells me that we totally need to make the walls a little

Bit higher let’s leave a gap over here so that we can go upstairs to the next level when it comes time for it but for now I just need to build all these walls I don’t want Milo falling off and I don’t want to keep falling off if I fall

Off too many times I’m really going to hurt myself and then I won’t even be able to build that’s definitely how you lose a competition like this once I finish making these walls we’ll be able to add the chairs to the dining table this way everybody that comes to eat at

This place will be able to sit down I think that’s a pretty important part of it if people can’t sit at this table then there’s no point in having a table at all I’m actually not going to place any blocks in this part of this build that’s because instead of having just a

Regular wall I say we have a cool indoor balcony here let’s grab some Oak fences and we can get rid of the bird seeds in our inventory I don’t want to carry them around we only need them when Milo’s here let’s put fences right down here wo

That looks amazing I love it so much now that we built the walls and that fence area we can totally start adding in the chairs I think adding two on either side and one of each of the sides at the end that makes perfect sense look now we can

Fit six whole people in this room oh I love it already I think we just need to finish the roof but hm I wonder what Milo’s doing at the moment I bet he’s doing something really cool it’s probably got a good chance of beating me right now I just finished building the

Most beautiful kitchen I’ve ever seen I worked really hard and obviously I used bwood because while my tree is batch I’m so happy I got a batch tree it’s mostly my favorite kind of wood I’ve made so many floors and I think I need to make a

Big dining table now otherwise where is anyone going to even eat that food oh my gosh chip would totally make fun of me if I forgot a dining table all right let’s make that edge a little bit shorter and we’re going to get some dining chairs we’re going to put the

Dining chairs around hey they’re not facing the right way stupid dining chairs there’s going to be so many of them so I can have all my friends over to visit me in my amazing treehouse house now that that’s done I think I want to put a little surprise in my tree

For my friend Chip he’s also my brother and he knows me really well I’m going to get some chests and hide some cookies in them okay I’ve got my chest I think if we put loads of them around my house Chip’s going to have to go in a

Scavenger hunt to find the ones that have the cookies in them we’ll put one up here maybe even one over here and I think we should eat put one on top of the fridge now we have to put cookies inside some of them all right there’s a

Cookie that’s a good cookie I baked it myself with lots of bad seeds we’re going to put some cookies in here and last but not least we’ll put some cookies in the chest up here and here I’ll put lots more in the rest of my house but this is pretty good for a

Beginning I’m loving how my house is going I wonder if Chip’s going to like it or not this next section can be made out of prismarine and Oak oh yeah I think prismarine is so fancy and cool it’s going to be awesome and way fancier than the quartz is all right we just

Need to make sure it goes high enough that the quartz isn’t going to be too weird looking next to it let’s grab all these quartz and finish the final roof of that last floor that we were building yeah I’m so proud of it I think Milo is

Going to totally love it but this floor is going to be even cooler I have so many awesome things planned Now prismarine isn’t just fancy I also chose to use it because it’s blue and this floor is going to be both our bedrooms normally I would build an orange bedroom

On one side and a blue bedroom on the other side but this time I have a better idea I’m going to build two massive bedrooms and each of them will be a mix of our favorite colors Milo’s mind is going to be blown he’s totally going to

Love it and I think by having a blue floor we’ve made a great first step here can be the orange bed and here can be the blue bed the blue bed is closer to the doorway because I like to be in the corner of the room I think Milo should

Totally be warped wood and mine should definitely be aasia I’m so glad that they have blue and orange Woods inside Minecraft oh it is perfect so that we both have things to build out of I’m going to build the walls behind us but I’m not going to cover the whole thing

I’m going to have different paintings behind each of our beds I’m going to make sure the painting lines up with the color that’s each of our favorites Milo’s painting can be blue and my painting can be mostly Orange let’s just hope that they have paintings in those colors oh that’s perfect that painting

Is really orange so it can be mine I hope there’s a blue painting for Milo and yeah that painting is kind of blue this is perfect it looks so beautiful next to both of our beds let’s continue making this wall a lot higher it needs to reach the ceiling I think this level

Can be the tallest level we’ve ever made having bedrooms with high ceilings is so fancy and I know that Milo loves fancy things one time he would only eat bird seeds covered in gold and that lasted for a week his mouth was so shiny by the

End of it because all the gold kept getting getting stuck in his teeth it was so silly and he had to go to the dentist but luckily they just gave him more gold teeth that’s actually why he has a beak it’s pretty cool maybe rather than having another wall this whole

Thing could just be an indoor balcony it’s like what we did in the level below but a lot cooler I think the entire thing can be it yeah that looks way more awesome I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before probably because I’m so worried about this base being set on

Fire H there needs to be something I can do I’m sure it’ll come to me in a second first we need to build two different bookshelves one for me and one for Milo and each of the bookshelves will get its own different trapo to cover it this

Really makes it look like we each have our own bookshelf next to each other we’ll leave two blocks of space in between this way we can place one blue trap door here and one orange one there let’s do the same thing all the way around to really complete the look this

Is going to look so real if only Milo could read I’m sure he’d totally love this because he can’t read though we definitely need to add more things to the bedroom that he will love I know he’ll definitely love a blue and orange carpet he’ll mostly love the blue pot of

It but I think if we have both colors it’ll look really magical let’s just add more colors like this wo it kind of looks like a caterpillar going around and around that’s pretty awesome and boom wow that looks amazing I love this so far I think we can add a bit more

Color let’s just keep building and building and wo it looks so cool and blotchy I love this so much I keep breaking the floor though wait what oh I couldn’t place a block because there was a carpet inside I’m so silly I really made a big mistake there this bedroom’s

Looking pretty good but I need to make the end of this hallway it can’t just be an open Gateway that would look really weird and H there’s still definitely something I’m missing here oh I know exactly what I’m missing let’s grab some dark oak trap doors and some dark oak

Doors as well because against this wall I’m building a closet but not just any closet this closet is going to be really really special it’s going to to hide a secret inside okay I managed to place it so that both handles are facing each other it looks really silly when you

Don’t do that this closet is also going to touch the ceiling I know that that is not normal but that is definitely on purpose inside of this closet we won’t be keeping clothes because I have the same clothes every day instead this closet is going to hide a ladder that

Goes all the way up to a secret level four Milo is going to think that level four is closed for repairs but really level four can only be entered from this ladder this is a really good plan because level four is going to have some pretty powerful things inside it’s

Really important that I keep Milo far away from it it’s a pretty good security defense if I do say so myself on level four I need to build things that will help stop Milo from being able to burn down my tree it’s going to have a

Security system and I’m trying to see if I can set up fire alarms I think if I’m able to do that I’ll have a really good chance of surviving if Milo does try to burn my tree down I still want to try and win those so we need to make sure

This place looks good okay now that we built that floor I think we can make this level it can be made totally out of prismarine or maybe even dark prismarine do prismarine is so cool it looks really mysterious and Moody oh yeah that looks awesome it looks so dramatic like a

Secret laboratory except this isn’t a secret laboratory it’s a secret security room this is such an important part of my build I’m also building it out of prismarine because prismarine is not flammable it’s actually wet and it comes from the ocean so it can’t be set on

Fire once we place all of these walls I think we’ll be able to start making the fire extinguisher although we are getting pretty close to the ceiling I don’t want to step on those leaves so we better make the roof only four blocks high on this level this is a great way

To fill up the level but this is not going to be the top story I have a really good plan about how I’m going to add more space inside my tree it is going to mean that there’s more for Milo to burn down so the fire will be way

Bigger if I do lose but hopefully by adding more to my tree I have a really good chance of winning all right let’s add some more prismarine and perfect okay great this looks awesome I’ll just add the final few walls here and then we’re almost done with building the

Surrounding part of this room we do need to actually fill it with stuff though so I need to get working on making a fire alarm system it better be really functional if it does not work I’m going to be so mad first we need a fire alarm

Siren this will play a really big noise if it detects fire we also need some fire extinguishers to put on the walls let’s also grab a fire alarm switch and some sprinklers this is the perfect combo to fighting fire let’s put some fire alarm switches on the walls this

Way no matter where you are inside my base you’re able to find a handy fire alarm siren I’m going to put a couple in the kitchen that way if somebody’s cooking goes a little wrong and they burn it they’ll be able to let everyone know there’s a fire right away I think

We’ll put one last one right here perfect now let’s Place fire extinguishers on the wall but wa this just uses it up I think we need to grab an item frame first let’s put one right over here perfect it’s right near the welcome area so the second you come

Inside here you can grab it if you need to that’ll make it really easy to put out fires in an emergency if we have to run out or in I’ve also put one in the kitchen and now let’s put one right next to our beds that’s going to be so funny

Now I think we definitely need some fire sprinklers these are really hidden in the ceiling so there’s no way Milo could sneak in and Destroy them if he even tries to do that I’m going to be so mad and I’ll definitely be taking a couple points away from him I’ve put some near

The dining table but I definitely think we need some in the kitchen the kitchen can get pretty risky when it comes to fire I’m also going to put some in the hallways because everyone always forgets about the hallways that’s where a lot of fires definitely happen I’m also putting

One in the reception and finally one in the waiting room now let’s fly on up back into the secret secret security room and start adding the fire alarm Sirens these help let everybody know in the tree that there is a fire and they’ll totally be making lots of noise

If there ever is one it’s bound to annoy Milo and it’s important we put them inside this room because this is the most fireproof room in the entire place over here we need to grab a chest some armor stands and some netherite armor I also need to grab a sword this is going

To come in pretty handy let’s Place one chest here and one chest over there here we can have an stand this armor stand is going to have netherite all over it and this one’s going to have something a little different it’s going to have a fire helmet this suit was designed to

Help keep firemen safe during a fire so by keeping it in here we really help make sure we have a great chance of winning against Milo and defending our base if there’s a fire I’m also going to fill this chest with fire extinguishers water bottles water buckets and powdered

Snow I don’t know if pwed snow can put out fire but I’m sure it can help let’s add pwed snow to the top l level followed by a bunch of rows of water buckets this is really important let’s also add some splashed water bottles and finally the last row will be just fire

Extinguishers no fire would ever dare come close to this place now let’s add swords all throughout this chest I don’t even think we need anything else in here even though I’ve made this fire room as an emergency I’m still so confident that I’m going to win I have a bunch of

Builds that I’m so excited to do including a secret swimming pool inside the tree but UNT fortunately we’ve almost reached the full amount of space that’s why I need to do something a little crazy I need to sneak back outside to the outside of my tree though

I do not want Milo to see me doing this let’s grab an ender pearl and go back to the waiting area oh goodness I really hope this works wo okay it totally worked we made it back out but we need to whisper now Milo could hear us from

The inside of his tree he’s really little inside there so we must be really loud now that we’re out here I’m going to place a couple more logs up top just like this perfect now we have lots more space to build more rooms inside my tree

I’m such a genius I’m so happy I thought of it let’s end AEL back inside though before Milo comes out and sees what we’ve done if he asks about it I’m going to tell him that the trees just grown a couple extra branches from us being so

Cool inside okay we’ve made it back inside now we can totally get started on building the next few rooms in our tree I really hope that extra space came through I’m so hopeful for it something looks to totally different I bet it really did work wow it totally did we

Have so much more space to build inside of this is incredible I have so many cool things that I want to build in here and look it even goes on the other side this extra space is really going to help me out I bet Milo’s build looks so bad

Without all this extra space I wonder what he’s doing I have been making some big brain decisions and I have decided that from my second floor in order to get to the third floor Chip is going to have to to complete a really crazy parkour so I just have to remove these

Stairs and now that that done we’re just going to chop this bit off and this bit off and we’re going to connect them oh I’m so excited I really love building inside a tree house it’s so much fun I wonder if Chip is going to be proud of

Me this is probably the best build I’ve done so far and maybe it might even be better than his build that would be awesome okay now we got to do the crazy parkour this is going to be super awesome it’s going to go all the way

From the ground up to this extra crazy floor where I’m going to have lots of awesome surprises to start the parkour you have to stand on the kitchen counter yeah I know that’s a little bit gross because chip probably doesn’t want my bird feed all over the kitchen counter

But that’s too bad okay this is the first step for the parkour I’m liking this a lot and now I’m going to build out of light blue concrete because that’s pretty much my favorite block and I love the color blue one thing about me

Is if I can make it blue I’m going to so you can jump up here wow that’s a pretty F jump for me honestly I’m not the best at parkour to be honest going to keep building this over here and remember to go up a block oh yeah boy that’s looking

Awesome but hang on a sec I just made that jump way too far what have I done I didn’t really think this through very well okay that’s better and then you jump up here and hey I guess you can go to this floor if you want to but it

Already has a staircase pretty much this parkour is just leading up to the top floor going to keep building in this direction and I’ll go up a block there we go yeah chip taught me how to build really good parkour and even though sometimes we fight I’m really grateful

That he did because now I can use my epic skills just building in this Direction breaking some blocks and breaking the book underneath see it’s really simple anyone could do parkour if Miler could do it hey what’s that why is there a place in my house get out of

Here oh no I just fell down off my parkour I’m totally freaking out dude hey this place is going to stop burning things oh my gosh get out of here I can’t afford to have my tree has burn down how did you even get inside I don’t

Even have any windows but this is terrible what can I do think Milo think H in my hot bar I have an ender pearl and that’s how I got inside this tree so maybe if I throw it at the blaze it will teleport out okay let’s try it and three

2 1 W it really worked I’m so smart I can’t wait to tell Chip about my epic crazy adventure with the blaze making sure that I take full advantage of my amazing new massive areas I’m going to build a deep dark styled Zone I need to

Grab a bunch of skull catalysts and a bunch of chickens these chickens are going to be really important because once I place this thing down it will start spreading deep dark everywhere wo that looks so awesome it might look a little crazy and it’s a pretty silly

Thing to do but this area is going to be a deep dark Warden themed swimming pool it’s going to look so cool and wo it’s totally spreading up the walls I wonder if I kill a bunch of chickens at the same time if it’ll spread super far wo I

Think it really is working hey come back here chicken oh yeah this is looking awesome if I give myself an anvil and a sweeping Edge enchanted book I can totally enchant this sword now when I spawn in these chickens I’ll be able to kill them all in one swoop wow that is

Spreading way more than it did before perfect let’s keep spawning them oh no they’re are baby chickens sorry guys I really feel bad about the babies but it’s important to make sure that this place looks like the deep dark otherwise the entirety of my tree will just look

Pretty boring and Milo will not like it it is so important that we make sure Milo loves our tree otherwise he won’t rank it very high and will’ll probably lose H that would be a disaster because then he’d totally burn it down no way I’m going to let that happen Okay the

Deep Duck’s spreading pretty okay but it’s still not enough we need a more complicated solution I’m going to place a soul campfire right here and then I’m going to place some oak wood around it this way if we just spawn a bunch of chickens over and over again they’ll

Fall into the campfire and die automatically this will help the skull spread really really far really really quickly and we can help it out a little bit too let’s just keep spawning them down this is really totally working wao there’s a chicken on top let me get that

One around perfect oh wow it’s already spreading up the walls so much faster than it was before this is a really good system if even though it’s a pretty loud one and all the chickens are making a lot of noise I bet Milo could even hear

This from his tree that would be bad I do not want him realizing what I’m doing and copying me that would be so frustrating okay I think this looks pretty much like the Deep duck so now I can get rid of this campire contraption

And the Anvil as well now it is time to pick up all this chicken Loot and start actually building the pool we’re going to use deep slate and especially polished deep slate to make this pull I also want to have some diamond deep slate ore inside of the bottom of it

That will look so awesome let’s place the polished deep slate in a ring just like this it’ll go all the way around the edge to make a really cool poolside chair area I would totally want to stay here all day if I lived here this way we

Have really warm and cozy pants of our Treehouse and we also have a crazy cold deep dark part I think it’ll be so cool to swim in and wo the water doesn’t even flow through the skull that’s crazy I bet this pool will be so so fun Milo’s

Totally going to love it that is is if he’s not too scared of it Milo can be such a chicken sometimes even more of a chicken than the chickens we just spawned in once I place down these final stairs we can totally get started on finding some amazing poolside Furniture

I think these warped park benches look totally like beach chairs I don’t think we’ve made enough space but if we just place them like this they’ll totally fit in this is perfect we’re making super good use of the tiny space inside of this tree now if we just build pillars

Upwards like this we’ll be able to turn the swimming pool into what looks like a super cool deep dark Temple these things are really rare to find and they have awesome awesome loot so this will be so amazing to build except my one is not going to have crazy loot inside it’s

Just going to look super duper awesome to start we need to place some upside down deep slate stairs All Around The Edge just like this this is already coming along so well I can’t believe I’m building this so quickly it’s giving me a real advantage and now I just need to

Grab a bunch of slabs here we go and we can put them on the inside just like this this we’re going so fast I bet we’ll totally have enough time to make all these builds before it is judging time Milo better rate this base super duper High I’ve been working so hard to

Make sure it happens once we place the final few blocks that form this roof we have to place a bunch of Soul lanterns inside Soul lanterns are such a pretty lighting block they’re a really cool color even though it’s blue so it’ll totally fit in maybe Milo will even like

It because it’s blue they are definitely his favorite color so I think they’ll fit in really well here Soul lanterns are found everywhere in the deep dark so by adding them here we make this place feel really realistic okay perfect the deep dark pool area looks awesome and

Now it’s time to build a deep dark barbecue area this way I can host all of my friends inside this tree and have amazing barbecues we need to make sure that the barbecue area is surrounded by Deep slate though if we don’t do that the fire could spread and that would be

A big disaster wait what’s that noise I hear a fire alarm this is terrible and what there’s a fire here how did this happened chickens did you cause this uh-oh I need to go downstairs and see what happened but there’s so much fire everywhere this is terrible oh no

There’s a blaze inside here uh-oh I better go upstairs to my secret fire area and grab as many fire extinguishers as I can let me throw away all this deep slate oh goodness this is terrible I did not think this would happen so quickly here we go my fire extinguishes now I

Need to quickly go downstairs oh goodness I really hope this works oh look the fire extinguisher does lots of damage to the blaze take that take that okay we managed to get him now the source of the fires has been eliminated but we still need to get a bunch of the

Actual fires oh goodness there are so many oh luckily I’m taking them down so fast I can’t believe a blaze managed to get inside my tree that is terrible I do not know how that happened at all oh we did it that was horrible luckily I had all these fire alarm systems otherwise

That totally wouldn’t have worked I have to rebuild this whole thing now this is terrible that’s such a huge setback but wait a second that fire gives me a really really good idea with how to prank Milo this is going to be a little mean so I hope Milo doesn’t get too mad

At me but I think it’s going to be worth it if this prank succeeds and makes him super angry he won’t be able to focus on winning and that’ll give me a huge advantage and look we’ve already rebuilt so much of this place you can barely tell a fire totally ravaged through here

Luckily we’re so Speedy at building this would have been a massive disaster otherwise first I need to use my Ender pear to go back outside and I hope this works again wo okay that totally worked look you can still see my amazing additions to my tree that totally came

Through that’s amazing now I need to quickly sneak up onto Milo’s tree I better be really quiet Milo’s inside and he’s so small and I’m so big right now that means he can probably really hear things really well I hope he didn’t hear that all right now that I’ve broken

Those leaves it is time for me to place a water bucket on top of his log look atness I better quickly go back and back inside my house I wonder if that did anything I’m super happy with all this parkour I’ve built it leads right up to

The Epic bedroom and I’m going to build one side for Milo and one side for chip wait a second what is this why is there water pouring into my tree oh no quick I got to put these beds down and then I have to find where the leak is coming

From oh my gosh why is this happening maybe it’s sa from the tree I didn’t know the trees could leak like this I better you some orange wool to block it up oh my gosh I hope it didn’t ruin anything look it just put all my carpet

Everywhere and all my carpet’s soy now this is so annoying now I have to spend hours replacing this and all I want to do is build a bedroom chip is not going to be happy oh no that was so funny I wonder if that prank even worked I guess we’ll find out

When Milo tells us when he just judges our place oh that’s so exciting but now I need to get working on building the rest of my Treehouse I have some amazing final rooms planned first we need some smooth quartz blocks just like this and we will also need some glass oh that is

Perfect I am about to make the coolest thing ever first I need to place a bunch of grass blocks just like this they can go in a cool winding pattern and I’m going to do something so awesome to this room it’s going to look totally insane I’m going to place water buckets all

Along the floor it’s going to be an inside Lake that will lead right to an observation tower this way I can see anything going on hopefully it’ll give me a really good view of Milo and all his sneaky tricks let’s make the elevator to get up right over here this

Is not going to have a staircase or something boring like that the only way to get up into this thing is going to be to take the water elevator it’s going to be so awesome looking I think this is a pretty good height for it it needs to be

Far off the ground so we can get a really good view of everything around us let’s add some quartz blocks at the bottom to block it off and we need to add some glass as well this way the water will not spill everywhere and it can stay nice and neatly inside the

Elevator let’s just fill this whole thing in with glass just like that and boom now we need some Soul Sand and we also need some signs as well the signs are really important I think the Cherry signs look pretty cool but H I think we should do Acacia instead this way they

Look nice and orange there’s not a lot of orange things inside this treehouse honestly and we definitely need more orange things perfect the more orange this is the more Milo will know that this is my Treehouse and not some Noob Treehouse made by somebody else now that

We’ve placed all these signs and all this water down we need to add our soul sand this will make bubbles appear and we can go directly up them wo right to the top floor that is perfect let’s make some more smooth quartz right along here this is the entrance to the observation

Tower so it’s going to look pretty cool we will build this whole thing out of smooth quartz it’s so fancy and by making the design of the observation tower pretty boring it means that all Milo will focus on is the amazing views that you can see from the observation

Tower I think that’s a great idea and Milo will totally totally love it it’s a really important part of my winning strategy actually by showing Milo how amazing the view is from our tree he’ll be so jealous and he won’t want to burn it after all maybe that’ll really help

Us survive I need to break some of these leaves and wo you can even see that the leaves on the part of this tree that I’ve placed are different colored because of how new they are new leaves are always a slightly different color than the old leaves that’s why you can

Always tell in spring when the trees have to grow their leaves back they always look slightly different and that is so cool I really hope I don’t have to watch Milo burn down this tree that would be really upsetting because I love nature so much I would never hurt nature

In my life unless I win this competition then I’m totally burning Milo’s Treehouse down that’ll be so funny I don’t think Milo has anything natural inside his tree if he burns down my tree he’ll be killing my chickens and all of my grass and water and my deep dark

Section as well that is so much nature that he’d be destroying I really hope he doesn’t do that now on the opposite side of the observation tower I’m going to add a ring that anybody can jump into when they want to leave perfect we’ll make it just like this oh this is

Perfect it lines up really well with the upstairs area we can just jump down there and get right on back to the path one other thing I really want to add which I think will be so cool is a sapling I think if we have a tree inside

Of another tree it’ll be so awesome and Milo have never seen anything like it wo that is so cool it even has new colored leaves as well wo my theory was definitely correct now we need to grab a lever and a command block because what

I’m about to do is going to be so awesome it’s pretty complicated Redstone because it’ll turn this entire section into a glass window I’m not going to do it now though I do not want to spoil the amazing view but once I do do this it’ll

Be so cool Milo will be so jealous I’ve now fully set up the command and once we activate this lever the glass window will activate I just really hope the view is good if the view is Bad Milo will totally hate it and we’ll get really low points that would be a

Disaster now that we’ve done that though we need to add in some last minute decorations before I build my Vault the vault is going to be a really important part of my security system here it’s where I’ll keep all of my amazing items safe that way even if Milo does somehow

Win and burn this place down not everything will be lost I still really hope we win though I do not want any of my items to be burned we need to make sure that the vault is secret though it’s got to be in a place where Milo

Would not think to look and where he would not think to set on fire that’s going to be pretty difficult to think of though Milo loves setting fire to things so he’ll probably think of everything I think I might have come up with a perfect idea though by placing slabs on

The top section of my deep dark swimming pool we create a secret attic area oh I think I know exactly what I’m going to do I’m going to have a secret entrance up into this attic it needs to be really hidden though so Milo can’t just find it

That’s why in order order to make it I need to add some leaves on these walls these aren’t just going to be regular leaves though these will form parkour I don’t want it to look like parkour though which it definitely does at the moment that’s why I’ll decorate it down

A little bit making it look like Vines hanging off the walls this way it looks really really hard to spot and Milo probably won’t even notice that this is actually the entrance to My Vault okay this looks pretty good I’m really liking this so far amazing now let’s just add

Some more along this wall okay perfect and we can even add some on the back wall wait a second we’ll even add some vines on the roof wo this makes the deep dark pool area look really awesome and kind of abandoned it’s a really awesome

Look I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner it’s a genius idea that will really help save all my valuable items there’s no way Milo will realize there’s a vault upstairs now I just need to add a secret entrance behind one of these Leaf blocks let’s grab some chest so

That I can put all my valuable items inside if we put the chests along here we can still open them even though there’s a block above because these blocks are actually just deep slate slabs you can totally open chests when you put them on slabs so that’s really

Important that we do that otherwise we wouldn’t be able to open any of these chests and all of our super cool secret items would be unaccessible to us that would be really bad and it means that we would totally lose everything now we can also Place chests up here which we can

Open it we can also Place chests up here which we can open as well it’s a perfect system let’s just Place some more over here and we won’t place any here this is where we’re going to go in and out of this place I’m going to add another slab

On the floor so that we can quickly climb up here we need to grab a ladder though so that we can actually get out perfect this works so well now we just need to fill all of these chests with our valuable items let’s fill this whole

Thing with diamond blocks wo I am so rich I also want to fill this chest with diamond deep slate ore this way no matter what we want to mine or build we can totally do it especially if it is filled with diamonds we’re going to be

So rich in this room I also want to grab a bunch of netherite and I also want to grab some ancient debris or netherite scraps too let’s grab one of every single variant of the netherite ore we’ll grab netherite chest plates and helmets oh yeah we’re going to be so

Rich we’ll never run out of netherite let’s put all the ancient debris in this chest and all the blocks of netherite and netherite ingots in this chest it can be mostly full of netherite blocks because those are way more valuable we’ll also have a whole chest full of

Netherite armor I think we need a bunch of helmets because those break way quicker that way we only need one row of chest plates and one row of leggings and we can have two rows of boots as well boots break so quickly I’m going to add bread in this vault which isn’t very

Valuable but it’s important to have left over if my tree burns down except this Vault and I need to grab the things inside to survive I think the bread will be really handy finally I’ll just put a bunch of random stuff inside this last one this way in case we need a little

Bit more of anything we’ll have a place to go perfect I’ll just add a bunch of ancient debris and a bunch of netherite ingots and good this vault is now full of different things I’m going to leave this open but I will add a trapo not

Just any trapo though I’m going to add a crimson trapo Crimson is immune to fire so hopefully it will not burn up in a blaze if Milo decides to burn down my tree speaking of Milo burning down my tree the time is now completely up we

Now need to go outside and rate each other’s builds I really hope I won this is so important to me okay Milo I’m excited to see your tree first I bet you’ve spent so much time working on it so far I’m really excited to show you I

Think you’re really going to love it me too okay I think it’s time we end a par inside 3 2 1 wo Milo this place is awesome yeah I spent such a long time building it I really hope you rate it highly so I can win me too Milo I really

Hope you have a chance to but I have a feeling I’m going to beat you wait have you written your name on this wall yeah I just want to make sure that everyone knows that this is Milo’s Treehouse yeah I don’t think anybody’s going to going to be having any questions about that

Milo what’s in this chest well maybe around the place that just hit a couple of surprises for you but you have to find the right chest to see which ones have it okay I actually have a lot of messy stuff in my inventory so I’m just

Going to put all of it in here I hope you don’t mind hey don’t be dumping your trash in my Treehouse all right I guess if it means you rate it higher you can do it okay fine I’ll write it a little higher because of that and wait there’s nothing in the fridge

Wait a second I don’t even care about the fridge because there’s a cookie here found a cookie there’s a lot more down on this floor if you can find them quickly I want to show you the next floor every cookie I find I might just rate your base a little higher and uh-oh

I regret making that promise these are so many cookies Milo does that mean I get a 100 billion points no no no no no that’s too much Milo I’ll rate you a couple extra points but you still have to impress me with the rest of your

Build all right fine and come up here then this is a gallery room where you can hang out read a book and sit down wao Milo this is awesome there are so many cool paintings here and really nice chairs yeah this one reminds me a bit of

You hey that looks nothing like me it looks a lot like you actually look at his pointy little hat and his big nose what I don’t have a hat or a nose now Chip you might be wondering but Milo you done build a staircase up to the next

Next floor oh I think I can see where this is going yeah you have to do a crazy parkour to get up there go on Chip have a go okay fine and I’m not going to use my Ender pears because if I did it would teleport me outside of the tree

And I would not be able to continue judging it wa this is kind of crazy I’m going so fast though Milo this parkour is really easy I wanted to make it pretty easy for you so that you would rate it really highly but oh my gosh you

Just fell what I never fall off parkour this is really rare Milo you’re embarrassing me right now I can’t believe you just made me fall off this is awesome all right welcome to the bedroom we have empty chests here that we can fill with all of our favorite

Things and I made you a really comfortable bed to sleep in wow thanks Milo it looks so comfy and those chests you were mentioning I think I’ll put all my cookies in there that way I have a bunch of free inventory to grab as many

More cookies as I can yeah we might see a couple more but now we’re going to go up to my favorite part but wo I just bumped my head trying to jump on that block yeah this is a really weirdly designed parkour section Milo I don’t think you thought this through I did

Think it’s through I spent very very long on it actually yeah okay sure you did Milo and this iron bar section was really easy too look I’m almost at the end whatever I’m just going to fly up because it’s a little bit difficult for me hey that’s cheating but whoa is this

A slime block bouncing room yeah it’s a huge bouncing room we can run around do some epic flips and we can have so much fun wo this is pretty awesome and wait you even built a ladder that is awesome yeah and a platform up here but don’t

Mind the orange wo there was a little bit of an accident here earlier but you don’t need to know about it oh Milo is talking about when I totally used a water bucket to flood his base I kind of feel a little bit bad about it I’m glad

He does not suspect me at all I really hope he doesn’t suspect me of making my base bigger that would be a disaster oh yeah oh sorry to hear about your tree Milo but I’m going to do a jump now wao that is so much fun yeah don’t you love

It this is awesome I’m really glad you’re liking it chip Milo this is pretty cool and it even comes with cookies and cookie storage space and an awesome kitchen and a gallery not to mention the slime block area Milo I really hate to say this because it means

I’ll have to get a perfect score to win but I rate your base a 9 out of 10 what oh my gosh that’s amazing thank you so much you’re welcome Milo but now we need to ender pearl out of here and go check out my tree if I don’t get a perfect

Score you will have to burn down my tree well your tree better be good then buddy oh gosh I really hope it is let’s go back out well we’re back out here gosh it can get kind of Stuffy stuck inside that tree yeah if only your tree was a

Bit big Milo wait hang on a second where did these extra branches come from oh uh nowhere see Milo that’s just a part of the tree I accidentally pruned some leaves earlier so I’m just putting them back now yeah sure buddy I don’t believe you for a second but I want to see

Inside anyway so let’s go in yeah let’s totally do it all right see you on the inside Milo welcome to the inside of my tree Milo wow this is really cool what is this one this is the foyer or the lobby it doesn’t matter what you call it

Because it’s equally cool either way I’m going to have a receptionist that will greet every single person that Ender pels into my amazing tree your tree has a Lobby that’s pretty cool chip oh my gosh it even has a waiting area over here because I have a feeling there are

Going to be so many people inside this thing yeah I probably want to sit in this waiting room maybe I’ll even take a little nap on the couch no you can’t take a nap yet Milo there’s so much more to see if you were to take a nap there

Are some prettyy good rooms for it later on if you come up these stairs you’ll see my amazing kitchen with bird seeds and Cake W this is perfect this is like a heaven for me I’m going to eat birad seeds all day yeah that was my plan I’m

So glad you like them and here’s the dining table where we can eat together yeah we can sit opposite each other and talk about our Big Adventures yeah and I have another big adventure it’s called going upstairs because I’ve made an awesome bedroom wow this is going to

Take so long to get up all these stairs in W chip this is really cool thanks Milo I worked really hard on it we each have our own painting and there’s a fire extinguisher too just in case you win and this tree gets burned down oh gosh I

Probably could have used a fire extinguisher in my house IIA you would’t believe what happened yeah totally and Milo I also have a secret inside this closet hang on a second this is really awesome it’s like a secret passageway yeah it totally is why don’t you go up

It and see where it goes are you promising that there won’t be any scary monsters up there no there’s nothing scary but it is really cool so hopefully it’ll make you rank my base a little bit higher hey this room is kind of blue it reminds me of my favorite color yeah it

Totally does this room is the security fire room I have a fire suit and full netherite armor this way anytime a fire happens I can be so prepared okay well I hope there’s no fire because that’s really freaking me out yeah I hope there aren’t any fires too especially not

Fires set by you Milo hey I’m not going to set any fires unless you lose which you probably will uh-oh we better go downstairs quickly I need to show you the other things that I built cuz they’re pretty amazing over here we have the deep dark swimming area Y how did

You fit all of this in your tree I’m super confused I mean it’s all really cool but this is insane yeah my tree is just a little bit bigger it must have grown so quickly from all the bone meal I put on it yuck your water’s all moldy because of all the

Shulka shulka do you mean skull Milo yeah something like that okay well this is all there is to the pool area there’s definitely no vaults or anything so we should probably check out the observation room no Vault that sounds awfully suspicious are you sure there’s

No vaults in here um there might be but that’s just for me I do not want to show you that right now it’s just in case I lose to protect all my items but over here is the green room and the observation area this is my favorite

Room so far there’s such a pretty amount of water and wo let me go up here for a second oh yeah this is the observation deck once I flick this lever it will turn that entire wall to Glass but I need to do it at a really specific time

We can only use it once and then the wall will be glass forever oh my gosh I want to see it I’m so excited to do this if this view is really good will you rank my build at 10 out of 10 I definitely will this is the final straw

For getting you a 10 out of 10 okay if this view is not incredible then my build will not be a 10 out of 10 and I’ll totally lose and have to watch it be burned down all right Milo are you ready for me to flick this lever and

Find out if I win I’m ready all right I really hope this works what oh no oh goodness I remember what happened when I placed those leaves on the the side of my tree it must have totally covered up the view on the side of this log that’s

So embarrassing are you serious chip this is the lamest feel I’ve ever seen you are bad oh no what Milo does this mean you’re not going to rank my build at 10 out of 10 well if I really think about it I do actually think the rest of

Your build is really amazing so I’m still going to rank it a 10 out of 10 what oh my goodness that’s a crazy twist thank you so much Milo I’m so glad I get to keep this amazing tree yeah it’s a happy ending for everyone um not for you

Though Milo because my score is higher than yours that means I get to light your tree on fire what oh my gosh I totally forgot about that no you can’t light my tree on fire you better get there before I do Milo I’m going to go down ender pearl out and totally light

The whole thing up no I take it back your build is a zero it’s a zero oh your tree will be a zero all right I’ve made it here you better go in quick Milo I forgot my flint and steel so I’m going to grab it now I’m going in this is the

Flint and steel I need now I can totally set fire to it I’ll only do the bottom that way Milo’s stuck inside and it’ll go all the way to the top stop it no there’s so much fire in my house I spent so long building this oh my gosh chip

You’re the worst brother ever I just wanted to win LOL I’m totally the winner sorry Milo

Today, Chip and Milo will show you how to live inside a real life Minecraft Tree! But what happens when Chip gets up to no good?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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