How I Beat Terraria with No Armor using the Ranged Class

I am Inevitable and I am top Cloud anyway enough of that welcome back to another no armor run where the sulfur and Ash foliate from the deepest pits of Hell entering my body through every crevice giving me the urge and motivation to do another one of these psychological damaging dilemas but hey

It might be different this time you never know and before hopping into the sweet and sour playthrough we got to lay down some ground rules first things first using any modifiers potions placeables or any item in general that raises your defense even by a smidge is strictly forbidden except Shields

Shields such as the shield of cthulu or the Cobalt Shield are going to be allowed for use the Total Defense points these shields give combined is about three and considering that all three defense can protect me from as an abandoned antill I was just going to let

It slide and and yes I understand that the shield of cthulu is considered a melee weapon but honestly I don’t really care also I’m going to be adding a slight twist just to really butter up your experience by only using the default ammo that goes for muskets

Arrows darts Rockets you get the gist and lastly no armor and that wraps up the 31 paragraph constitution of rules for this run so it’s time to kick back grab a lemonade Capri Sun you could sip on and enjoy the ride spawning into a landscape of trees yet again I start

Beheading logs to be able to make the bread to my butter the void to my tax forms a wooden bow the first weapon that’ll have actually let me defend myself against ruthless homicide by a bouncing jell cup I craft a few till I get a decent modifier then start running

Around the world but not even 20 ft into my exploration I come across a living wood tree that blesses me with Hermes boots oh my God no way that’s that’s insane luck the Footwear of a demigod this early into the game Cool It Terraria you haven’t even taken me out

Yet well now that I’ve located the jungle here’s where I made it my one and only goal to find a Boomstick I didn’t care about the hourly fee it took since grabbing a gun would allow the Arms Dealer to move in and that besides

Giving up was my only goal for now so I set up up shop for my NPCs and workstations and threw myself back into the jungle and how I wish I could say I walked out of this place cooler than an ice tray straight out of Antarctica with

A boom stick in hand but that was not the case the first few steps to this green hell was met with me grabbing a life Crystal a magic mirror with some water walking boots and no Boomstick but digging deeper and deeper collecting all the ore in my path I was able to upgrade

My Shabby bow and fill my health up with some more hot sticky Life Crystals I was then met face to face with a Blood Moon which took a very horrible U-turn of me meeting my maker over and over again no no no no no no no wait wait wait but

Once that tragic event was over I was again thrown back into it I don’t think I can describe just how miserable it was to step in then immediately get blasted out seems like that hourly fee got to me after all so instead let’s fight a boss

I know it’s pretty early but I figured with a platinum bow and 260 Health with some Hermes boots was all that was needed to slam this eyeball like it was a new NBA season not to mention I was stacked with archery potions so for the first half of the fight I didn’t even

Get hit I found such a good Rhythm that it made it an absolute Cakewalk even the second phase was super easy even though F start to assist me which I considered a shame since it fell unfair but hear me out it’s whatever so I just upgraded to

The demon bow and equipped the mighty shield cthulu and did it again for once in your pathetic life don’t so with all my rage taken out on a non-sentient eyeball instead of my poor desk I head back to the Jungle never mind we’re going to the corruption I blow two Shadow orbs to

Smithin giving me the musket which will finally allow the Arms Dealer to make an appearance in my compact studio apartments which will give me access to infinite ammo I think got reminded of a meme so I stopped everything I was doing to find it for some reason biscuit that ain’t enough

I anyway I make some more structural revamps to my duplex for more comfort then continue searching for the shotgun will I find it this time putting an end to my torment no but something something traveling Merchant decided to drop by and sell me a revolver and despite this

Being my first time using this gun I was feeling like [ __ ] Rick Grimes but I’ll tell you what with this revolver I was able to shoot and shoot and inflict great pain upon the jungle’s indous life forms eventually leading me to the boomstick now all that was

Missing was the ammo so I made some more humble bows to get the Arms Dealer in as fast as possible and past the time I started setting up my storage system since keeping chest organized feels like me getting constant paper cuts on my kidneys and liver and believe me that is

Something I don’t want to feel and it didn’t even take that long to do so I started drilling a tunnel through the Earth to reach Satan’s hot and sweaty domain also cuz I needed to find more life crystals pretty simple and by the time I was close to being done with it

The Arms Dealer greets me at the front of my door with the ammunition I need to blast through every single tyrant in this damn game so since I was still missing some more Life Crystals I went ahead and got those as well as finding two gravitation potions just radiating

Charisma I of course used them to find a couple sky islands that gave me a red balloon a lucky horseshoe and a useless star Fury not a bad haul not bad indeed so with all my scrumptious accessories and bullets I was ready to go toe-to-toe with the Eater of Worlds so I attacked

Every tree in sight to be able to construct a huge arena for this guy since I didn’t exactly know how hard it was going to be to deal with giant worm segments flying in every single Direction I went over preparation I think not anyway I blew up the last orb

I needed will this disease Alaskan bull be able to eat away at my soul or will I just end up sitting here for 10 minutes straight chipping away at its Health at snail speeds honestly the fight was super easy it was super easy since I literally made an

Arena the size of a small state but uh yeah Victory Royale so with me now having access to succulent hellstone I made it my new goal to make the sweet molten Fury so I popped an Obsidian Skin pot ready to bathe in lava grabbing all

The stone I needed as well as a heal Forge can’t forget about that and with a little bit of this and a little bit of that bop bop I now have myself a catalyst crippler sort of another spectacular thing about this bow is that it turns my wooden arrows into flaming

Arrows hey I’m technically stilling using the default Arrow so no cheaty cheaty here and with my new assortment of goodies I almost felt ready enough to dive into the jungle and take on the queen bee the one and only reason I wanted to fight her was because she

Drops a bow called the bees D’s and that’s what I was going to be using to fight the Wall of Flesh since it actually had a really good relationship with wooden arrows oh and you can’t forget about the bades but before stepping into her sticky Fortress I

Needed the goblin tinker and the Goblin Army has been avoiding me like I had a new form of the plague I may say so what did I do started slaughtering Goblin Scouts that’s what and after a couple mergo round trips around the world I I end up with enough cloth to drag the

Pasty bastards to me now I could pull a wful time and say I nonetheless [ __ ] these goblins to Outer worlds and back but that would be an understatement it was like I threw a lit Molotov at a bunch of preschools oh how they didn’t stand a chance and finding the Tinker

Was as easy as that I of course free him and assigned him to a house to lower the cost of his overpriced items and after reforging my weapons and combining some of my accessories it was now time to rip the be out of the be whatever that means

So I tiptoe my way to a hive to start making an arena but tiptoeing was soon no longer an option since I would keep getting my ass handed to me by be smaller than my left nut but I shed them away to keep wreaking havoc on their

Home and eventually what was done was done well kind of I broke her cocoon on accident trying to rth of her kids and you know what doesn’t even matter I still ended up giving her the Tyson 35 combo what made this fight so doable was

The fact that I had a big ass pool of Honey right beneath me so I could just take a dip into it whenever I was poisoned which would pretty much negate the treacherous flu of course I didn’t get the bow so I Molly whopped her two more times before finally getting it I

Also got a ton of beads and wax which will be very useful I then reforged my new decimator of a pollen stick and test set out on the vulnerable eye of Kul I used the scraps of my money he left behind to reforge more things then went to fight the eater worlds again

Since I was very very poor and yes the fight didn’t even ring a drop of sweat off my forehead anyway I feel like here’s a good time to start talking about potions the bosses get harder people I don’t so fishing was about to be a very vital hobby that I would have

To take a part of all the fish I was going to need for now was going to be EB and coin armored cavefish for the Wrath and endurance potions so I made sure I was AOK on bait before spending around 40 minutes hoisting my line into the Infectious water of the caverns and

After grabb having a comfortable amount of my fishy friends I stored them for the Wall of Flesh fight and head over to the dungeon to prepare for our good friend Skeletron I wasn’t originally going to fight him since there was nothing really I needed from the dungeon

But to reduce the amount of time I spent searching for herbs and fishing I thought it was going to be best to grab the alchemy table and as I watched the sunset I sacrificed the old man to be able to spray Skeletron with some maximum strength raid just like the

Pesty is ending him extremely easy I hop into the depths of his molestation chamber to receive the coke to my nostril and leave the place like nothing ever happened also I imprisoned this gold bunny for some reason okay anyway I C C up some more potions with my new

Cocktail Smithy and before I fought the Wall of Flesh I thought it would be a good idea to make a pylon system figured I could use them for a while until they got corrupted so I didn’t actually have the pylons yet but when the NPC’s gradually moved in

One by one I’ll have it all working better than ever okay the big moment the moment in history it’s time to take on the wall of flesh well almost I had to clap some buildings for space first didn’t want to be running into these while a giant level 9 wall from clash

Clans was coming to devour me and no I didn’t build a Runway I was too lazy for that [ __ ] and in the middle of the fight I realized I forgot to bring my B8 also it hurt me seeing that the amount of damage I dealt to this guy was about as

Comparable as me trying to shove this thing into a pencil sharpener but too bad so sad apparently I didn’t create enough space so while waiting for the guy to return I make two boxes for the jungle pylon since I didn’t do it yet but honestly as soon as I saw one of the

Rooms were too small I just gave up on that idea for Lord Only Knows Why anyway I Spa him in again feeling much better about the space I have to work with also this time I bring those bades with me now I just got to hope my balls really

Are made out of 65% steel cuz I didn’t want to have to keep use reuse and recyc clean these expensive ASB nades at this point the only one to blame is myself in all actuality what the [ __ ] well you probably already know what time it is it’s time to farm for

All my [ __ ] back I started off brutally disemboweling the queen bee like it was some ancient torture method multiple times I did make the toai for b nades as well as making more space and health and reforging anything to the menacing modifier so I can get the highest

Possible damage output and once I summon in the wall I hold the fattest Grudge on this game from this point forward at this point I was as degraded as I could be dying with victory that close really felt like someone rubbing both my elbows with sandpaper until there was nothing

Left but bone marrow I again make potions and jump back down into the abyss to meet the same fate almost nothing and I mean nothing was holding me back from using my mic arm as a bat on my monitor like it was some sort of pinata I didn’t want to play anymore in

Short terms at this point I had no more bads and I didn’t want to spend 20 minutes farming for more just to be as disappointed as verbal Ace was so I decided to try again but with a more straightforward strategy run make as much distance as I possibly could so

That’s exactly what I did instead of aiming I just shot in every direction towards the wall using the bees for my bow to my advantage with them running into his weak spots made it the only reason I could really do this but after 3 hours of rinse and repeating the

Process I take down the wall with a staggering amount of Health left now we enter the second phase gate of the game not ready for the unnecessary amount of pain to come but ready to endure it I get very lucky with the wall treasure bag giving me the ranger emblem for some

More juicy DPS I also eat the demon heart and start heading to the corruption to break as many Alters as I could my plan as of now was to focus on getting a proper weapon load out to be able to fend off against the hard mode enemies next was to worry about

Accessories and reforging and last but not least I needed to make a big ass arena for the mechs but little did I know that enduring the beast in the caverns was going to be quite literally the biggest pain in the ass I was able to find and save the wizard then died

Find some platium then died made the sweet or Calcom Anvil then died you can kind of see the pattern here but for the life of me I couldn’t survive long enough to properly mine any titanium I had enough for a forge and that was it so I have to Scrat getting a repeater

Off the list so instead I started to focus more on collecting Souls of light and Knight to fight mimics since both Hollow and crup mimics give very pleasing range weapons but first I realized that the Arms Dealer sells a new shotgun so I threw him some coin for

One oh and as well as an ammo box also to prevent any more unnecessary deaths I grind up some Crystal for meth and sell it to the goblin Tinker to reforge my mediocre items and after collecting enough souls for a single key of light I take my chances at getting The Marvelous

Dayless stormbow and after picking away at this thing for about 5 minutes I almost couldn’t believe my eyes there it was the first mimic never in a million years will this happen again and while reforging it into the unreal modifier I decide to make all my accessories have

The lucky modifier and let’s not stop there we could still make this bow even more powerful of course by obtaining the magic quiver so I went ahead and got myself one from a little AFK Farm I made and with a magma stone I got a while

Back I combined the two to make the molten quiver so far this was going splendidly better than I could have ever imagined 2 hours into hard mode and we were sure as hell hot and ready to take on our first Mech well load out wise but

Just to have a backup weapon I went to the part of hell that was sort of corrupted to farm for more souls the night if you’re wondering why I stuck with the enemies in Hell well it’s because I couldn’t last 2 seconds in the actual underground corruption mainly cu

The game decided to bend me 180 degrees into the air and made the corruption in the desert anyway after collecting souls and fighting mimics for a good 20 minutes I finally got the dart rifle also just to throw this out there I didn’t know what a default Dart would be

I mean I would have assumed that it would be poison but instead I just ended up going with Crystal darts but it didn’t even matter in the end cuz I didn’t even end up using this for any bosses so do as you will with that information but here’s a little Montage

Of me destroying the scenery and building a king-size arena for oh so lovely Mees okay here we are I spawn him in ready to absolutely kickass but guess what even though my damage was comparable to a G6 flying into this thing my Arena was still lacking space

Also I completely forgot about wings and Potions but we’re just going to ignore that so I patched up the dark and empty dents in my skull by actually focusing on what I was missing Cockiness gets you nowhere unless you’re Hispanic and after Gathering all the items I needed I

Purchased a crystal ball from The Wizard to be able to make the endless quiver as well as making the endless musket pouch so I didn’t have to worry about running out of my main ammunition Source I also upgraded my king size Arena into a share size by making the living tree disappear

And now if everything goes according to plan this fight should go smooth than my brain at 3:00 a.m. thinking on how the hell to beat planta and I can’t believe I’m saying this but this was the easiest [ __ ] I’ve done comparing this fight to the ones in my previous videos dude it

Wasn’t even night and day I was literally standing on the sun I will admit though a lot of Health came from my Mount I was actually zooming with that but yeah that’s the first Mech down very pleasing so since I now had Souls of Might I wanted to grab the barrel of

A gun and Kabab it straight through a shark to make the mega shark of course so I drink some Gills Potions and waited for the great whites to arrive but in the middle of Finning sharks I remember about the star cannon and how it had an improved version of combined with Hollow

Bars so I finish up my chores and buy two mini sharks to make the delightful mega shark and the super star shooter now I was going to have to use this upgraded star cannon sparingly since collecting fallen stars is a very big pain especially when you’re too lazy to

Set up the most simplest of farms I already had a bit of ammo saved up so it wasn’t the biggest deal for now cuz it wasn’t even what I was going to use to finish off the mech the stormbow had me covered like it was a guy coad I

Reforged my new toys and had also made the twins summon prior so being very comfortable with my odds I spawned them in and first off the mega shark is [ __ ] insane second I don’t think I could have ever thunk in a million years that fighting the Twins with no armor

Would be easy range really does seem like the Savior for the most dire situations fighting a pattern was so ridiculously easy thanks to this gun I haven’t felt this American in a while now understanding the potency within this class I waste no time at all by collecting more souls to cook up the

Mechanical skull I can already hear Skeletron pissing himself like the weak ferment he is but before clapping them cheeks I do some more fishing for The Splendid wrath potion then begun the Execution I’d say he was a tiny bit harder but hey mine had bonus points for veins and with having The Souls of fright I crafted up a godamn flamethrower you thought sticking a metal rod into a shark was cool well it’s nothing compared to this and

Luckily for me gel was going to be absolutely no problemo since I had a slime statue just chilling in my elevator so I set up the Slime decimator 9000 just for a bit of gel not that much then I started working on some more NPC housing since I wanted the steampunker

To move in I then slid over to the Jungle to collect a bunch of glowing green rocks to make the chlorop FY shotbow and that was pretty much all the upgrades I made so let’s just move on to the part where I spent 55 minutes looking for a [ __ ] plant balll I wish

I was lying I really do but soon I rehydrate my shriveled up gonads from just the sight of a beautiful bulb and started blowing up a massive hole straight through the jungle I wasn’t exactly thinking about how I would operate this quote unquote Arena but you know what thinking isn’t my forte

Devastation is okay before I actually went ahead and threw myself into Harm’s Way let me tell you how I was thinking this would play out so the plan was I break the bulb and lure her below me then I would slowly fly up my little tunnel blasting her with my flamethrower

Until she got to her second phase then I would pull the greatest turn maneuver ever seen leading her back down and slaughtering are you [ __ ] so I farm for more gel potions and the ammo reservation pots since I just remembered about it and gave the giant plant a whirl but I had

Just a slight oopsy [ __ ] Daisy she shoots pedals in her first phase I swear I’ve killed this plant at least 100 times and somehow I forget she shot projectiles and if you can see the big red button here mixing a narrow tunnel with razor leaves flying at you isn’t

Exactly the best combo so that brings us back to Step One find a plantar bulb so skipping had to find another one and yes I’m listening to FNAF music what what are you going to do I prepare a decent arena for her first phase so I can lure

Her back to the tunnel when she’s nice and ready which was working just fine at first everything was going according to plan until I actually got to the tunnel par I didn’t even realize I was going to need something to stand on from time to time to refresh my wing usage sure I

Could grapple onto the sides but it was a lot more risky and so much for my turnaround traction dude I could barely get past her I feel like if I just added some wiring for this part then I would have had this done and over by now and

Of course something else just has to kick and spit on me while I’m down Pirates you have got to be [ __ ] kidding me this game is treating my nuts like they’re stress balls people and depending on how long it takes me to find another bulb they just might end up

Like a Stretch Armstrong next and yes I know I could have made a simple life Fruit Farm to let some bulbs grow but hey didn’t I just say thinking wasn’t my forte exactly so while Mass slaughtering slimes I took a look at the map as desperate as a dad on New Year looking

For a Bud Light I was peeking into the darkest cracks of this thing and there was nothing literally nothing but upon searching for one in real time I got astronomic lucky there was one towards the bottom of the tunnel this was an amazing spot to do this so if I mess up

I might just actually cause a chemical leak at a nearby hospital so I carefully make a quick and simple plan starting off with making a decent space to circle around her in her first phase then filling my tunnel with the occasional platform to land off and last but not

Least I blow up a decent sized crater near the top for less of a chance of getting pummeled while turning the ship around and stocked with potions and gel I break the bulb for the third time also I was serious if I die I will actually do some very illegal things Breaking news irrelevant YouTube delinquent known as top cloud has just caused a massive chemical leak near a hospital filled with cancer patients suspects say the cause of this doing was because he went into a fit of rage over losing a fight in a video game he is now

Behind Bars awaiting trial back to you Emma burning frustration is getting bigger bang Bang oh my God yes dude oh my thank [ __ ] Christ she’s dead that was a very sour experience and if I have to go through something like that again I’m going for a children’s hospital so with the annoying plant down I creep my way into the postplant dungeon to farm

For ectoplasm since if you didn’t already know the frost moon event has some very very delectable weapons which will in fact spoon feed bullets or fire into the mouths of anything that ask politely enough and before actually giving the event a shot I tried to make a little Auto killer Contraption to help

Me out with the early waves but oh how I couldn’t have been more wrong instead of the elves and gingerbread men screaming in agony from being engulfed in flames they choose to laugh in my face almost as if they were being tickled I end up crawling my way to wave s before the

Knight says goodbye and I got jack [ __ ] from it so with salt already in my wound I summon in another I changed up the auto killer to give me a bit more leverage for dealing more damage I also moved my slime decimator 9,000 to the middle of my Arena so I could actually

Do a driveby from time to time to restock on more gel and that’s all the extra preparations I’ve done and much to everyone’s surprise I get the same [ __ ] result except I did get a pair of festive Wings which made having salt in my wound downgrade to hydrop peroxide

And at this point I started to think I was going to need to spend literal days farming this event to even acquire one of the many things I needed so you know what I said [ __ ] that and moved on to Golem without any further preparations really does seem like a reoccur curring

Dilemma so I clear out the temple but of course not without having backhand after backhand delivered to me in a nice formal wrapped gift and oh my Lord thank you Terraria for blessing me with an actual decen sized space to make this fight somewhat feasible I light up the

Room before tussling with Golem and I should mention I didn’t bring any potions nor did I set up a platform so I pretty much just asked politely for him to rip my spine out of my body and use it as a jump rope also it actually took

6 minutes just to take down both of his hands I could vividly remember muttering to myself in real time what the actual hell is this so again I was back to farming gel than starting another match even though I came a bit more prepared it still wasn’t any better the constant

Mob spawns and Golem turning into a laser spring conundrum was just a ridiculous amount of [ __ ] at this point I was pretty chewed up so I called the quits for a while just to take a step back and think about how I can actually improve my run out strategies

So I come back to build a platform above him so I can avoid the lasers a bit better and it was working until a lizard decided to full Sprint into so of course I try again do you just want to take a wild guess of what happens also a solar clip started

Harassing me just wanted to throw that out there oh my Lord but you’ll never believe it I came up with a solution to end this fight Duke fishron wild right but think about it that tsunami though hear me out and no I ain’t talking about

That but what if I killed Duke to get the tsunami and just use that to beat the game Crazy right problem is I don’t think I’ve ever found a glowing mushroom biome except one there was one at the dungeon now I didn’t know how big it

Actually was but I ran over to it to check it out well eventually I did and I couldn’t Express just how disappointed I was literally 20 minutes straight of deaths trying to get to this thing just for it to have the circumference of an orange so I went on an expedition to

Find a bigger one which thankfully didn’t take that long so I kidnap a few truffle worms for some reasonable sacrifices and test my luck with the Old Duke and let me say I actually should have said this a while ago but Ranger started falling off a bit I mean think

About it it’s insane how I flew through the mech so easily and so fast then started to get absolutely bodied by planta and it really just kept going anyway Duke is usually pretty easy for me but with the low amount of damage I was doing to it made the fight last a

Pretty good while so I actually had to try pretty obscure right but after dealing with this lousy last phase I take down the big pig man and shockingly get the tsunami in the first bag and now that I had this bow I could pretty much do whatever the hell I wanted so I

Started off with redoing the frostbone and this bow made this event criminally easy nothing stood a chance everything was dying like a fly being held in an oven set to 365° I ended up grabbing the chain gun which is the opposite of what I wanted but at this point I didn’t

Really care anymore so you know what it’s Golem time and let me say even though I had godly power dodging this chunk of ancient pyramids still felt like someone using a cheese grater on my elbows but that didn’t matter cuz he was soon in shambles twice just cuz I felt

Like it I didn’t get the pixa but I did get the eye of the Golem so I made the Destroyer emblem for some more crit chance and at this point I figured I didn’t need any more better weapons accessories or health I just wanted to go balls deep and run straight towards

The moon Lord so I gather up more potions so I can face the one the only Nutcracker and basically the tsunami washes its hands and sharpens its fillet knife Seasons the roast before serving the this overw worldly Alchemist on a fully gold and diamond platter and here

We are met face to face with the glowing creature infested flashlights and if I’m being 100% honest with you I do not wish to speak of the 47 deaths that took place getting rid of three of these things so instead I’m just going to hit you with a very obsolete Funk Montage

Just to describe how it went do Rhymes vom Shak and there we go the gay washes away now with having this sweet Godly pill weapons I buy a ton of hollow seeds from the dry to expand my Hollow into my Arena to be able to farm for lace Wings because before fighting the moon Lord I

Wanted to get the soaring Insignia cuz unlimited flight with kakatu wings is actually broken so to speed up the growing process I tried to sleep through the rest of the day but soon realized you can’t sleep when a [ __ ] event is in action so that last pillar had to go

But before summoning a giant squid that looks like something straight out of the book of B I went to the dungeon yet again to farm for the black tby see guys zero defense for Moon Lord fantastic and at this point it was already night so I

Managed to sneak an attempt in with the ESS only to get severely and gruesomely dismembered and waiting for night to rise again started to feel like getting rug burn in between my fingers so I just said screw it and took down the last pillar very far from surprising I get

Absolutely mauled by the moon Lord but hey at least I could finally rest my head to refresh my mind and unwind from all the times I got mutilated by every species in this damn Game And finally I take down the empress receiving my prize and an extra pair of empress Wings which I was very happy with now with being as prepared as I could be I reforge my new goodies and make sure I’m mighty fine on potions and raise the sigil to the sky to start the

Final B now with range being the jaw-dropping cheek clenching mystery that it is the strategy was quite simple make distance so much distance in fact that the only thing you’ll be able to look at was the tips of his fingers but just because we had an advantage over our distance

Didn’t mean we were Invincible to his heavy Beams I got a bit uncomfortable at times but somehow I managed to survive with minimal PTSD to haunt me I try to keep every single one of his eyes at similar health so I wouldn’t have to deal with one buggy meal while I took

The rest out this Strat quickly went to hell this Strat quickly went about as well as any obese person walking into a Burger King but regardless I still managed to pry open his tough core and start throwing absolute Haymakers at it and I must say the rest of this fight

Was a complete joke having so much range to my disposal really made every single projectile that was thrown at me futile I’d say the hardest part of it was having to turn around once I got to the edge of the world and after a good 7 minutes he was up and out of

Here and before I end the video off I must say no armor pair with this class has got to be the most underwhelming change it really felt like I was playing the game normally but anyway what’s done is yet again done and thank you for joining me on this ride this series this

Complication and I hope to see you in another video so farewell

First off sorry if i sound like i just had a pineapple shoved down my esophagus, im just a tinnnyyy bit sick cause of course. Second… idk just enjoy the vid, honestly i kinda lost motivation while editing it since i had other things to worry, about but i promise the next vids are gonna be better. Also i dont know why my game was lagging in some parts, ill have to figure out whats making it do that.


|Music in the video| – Battle Against a True Hero – Star Festival – Attack of the Airships – Catastrophe – sanctuary – Devil Trigger – MEGALOVANIA – Terraria Music – Boss 3–qzsDCQ – Stinging Onslaught – Ward – Terraria Music – Corruption – Gourmet Race – Waterfall – Final Boss


0:00 – what is this
0:25 – rules exist?
1:22 – Prep time
2:40 – bosses & upgrades
7:58 – NPC time
8:25 – the wall awaits
10:15 – Hardmode time
12:40 Mechs
15:32 – Giant plant
18:00 – frost & rust
21:00 – Wild solution
22:05 – time to shred
24:50 – the final test
25:48 – Completed


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