Minecraft but What’s This Trade?

This is Minecraft but do I make the trade today I’m going to be trading from a dirt block to $10,000 real dollar from Trading illegal Minecraft enchance to trading my own heart for a living structure oh my goal is to trade up to a 1 V one battle against the mystery

YouTuber where if I win I get $10,000 but as I do more trades trading up to better items is going to get harder so will I be able to go from a dirt block to $10,000 stay tuned to find out so we are starting at one penny of value with

A dirt block so as you can tell we’re we starting in the port area where we’re going to be trading up from this one dirt block to a 1 V one for $110,000 real money and it’s a mystery YouTuber that being said first up we have our

First trade of what is this trade huh okay so the arrow has gone all over the place but we’re going to be trading this one dirt block right here and now we’ve got our first item the dirt key which unlocks the rusty lock and our value’s

Gone up to 2 pennies that’s how much money we would cash out right now with the video all right let’s unlock the lock real quick and we now have access to the next area where um oh where we have dirty villagers in the poor Village

This is where we’re going to do our next trade which I think it might be with this guy here uh hello Mr dirty King what would you trade for oh a golden key gotten from good deeds and that’s the next thing we got to trade up for which

Is the prized iron sword of the village how do I do that though oh good deeds equals clean key oh and so this is where we do our Good Deeds where we can see all the tasks right here like cleaning the city yeah we can probably do that

All right we got to trade up for the key let’s start the challenges oh clean out the village with a wooden sword oh wait are we cleaning the all right let’s remove all these real quick oh my gosh that one came out with the rabbit villager what is this that doesn’t even

Make any sense oh my goodness okay was that the last one nope we even have trash okay let me get that real quick I should probably get tools and food all right don’t mind me I’m grabbing this too I got to get food soon technically I’m cleaning up with this some more

Trash right here and the last bit of trash is right here which by the way it says must own item of $5 or more to enter yeah 2 cents is it going to cut it all right oh and that’s one good D done nice and our key got a little bit more

Nice so three cents next up we got to give tunic to poor villagers okay um that’s a craft we got for leather tunics by the way so that’s a little different so before anything let’s get some wood okay how do we get leather oh wait

That might be how we get leather is that a oh but it’s guarded all right don’t mind me just a kid trying to trade up so all I got to do really is uh oh gosh it is moving around okay I don’t like that

All I got to do though is real quick I think there’s a little entrance right here oh and this is where it is yo all the leather in the world a stack oh gosh oh gosh okay okay guard guard guard let’s make sure he looks away and that’s

How we get the leather not really sure if this is still a good deed but we get the new craft for the leather chest plates we’ll go ahead and make eight of them there we go usually worn by poor villagers so do I like give it to this

Guy oh he’s now a shirt full villager what does that even mean all right let me give it to all of you oh no no not me not me all right let me give you one too you’re all the way back here and are you

The last one no nope we still got one more this is the last guy here you go buddy oh wait no there’s one more hold up I think we just need to do one more this is the last guy there you go buddy I don’t know how I miss this guy but you

Should have the last shirt wait and that’s another good D done now we are at 4 cents value and the next task is to fix the leaking pipe oh my gosh wait it is leaking I didn’t even realize yo do I just put a block on it got some coarse

Dirt would this work oh my gosh no no no no yeah that’s not working what’s causing the leak oh is it that our nugget come on oh we fixed it are there any more leaks by way as you can see the keys a little bit cleaner right now and

These pipes also cleaner I think that might be the last one uh is that that oh yep that’s three out of five done and now our key is worth 5 cents not the $10,000 yet but now we got to steal some cake from richer for the poor oh well we

Can’t cross there yet is there like a hole in the wall oh wait there is a hole in the wall oh we might be paying a visit to the Richer area of the village okay so we just got to sneak through here real quick okay let’s not get

Caught and oh my gosh there’s a guy with a chef’s hat right there what’s he doing is that the baker oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay maybe that’s not the right door and we’re going to just go around this is where by the way we’ll be

Getting better trades oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh but we’re not supposed to be here yet so let’s real quick just do this the old fashioned way oh and there’s the cake okay grab the cake Iron Golem is right there going for the one I’m going

For it okay yep yep yep let’s block that off real quick and I think that’s a job all die all right everyone we got cake oh they’re all eating hey oh and now we have a six9 key now to protect the poor oh wait what where do these guys come

From okay all right oh gosh they’re ready there Guys these guys are uh a little jumpy okay that’s one down yeah I don’t think these villagers really know what they’re doing oh that that’s a job done oh and now we have $1 value guys we have the golden key maybe I’ll actually

Get a full suit this time but this is one step closer to getting to the mystery YouTuber 1v1 which is what we’re trading up for anyways though Mr dirty King now we can finally do the trade of one golden key and we get the prize iron

Sword of the village how much is this going to be worth oh $5 nice and so that means we can now enter to the normal village amazing do I just go in oh it let me in nice we’ve made it oh I’m normal now yes all right so our goal is

To get deeper into village now to the rich area CU this is the normal area but we need a $2,000 item who do I trade with here anyone around oh wait what is that over there okay there’s a emerald thing maybe this is where we trade with

Someone all right I am here that is a trap chest nothing in the trap chest okay let’s just go in oh that might be what we need emerald armor oh that looks sick to ,000 um all right what do you want for it oh he wants a sword looks

Like my sword the upgraded villager sword and that’s how we get the best armor okay how do I upgrade the sword oh visit the blacksmith okay I will be right back buddy by the way nice suit it’s not like my suit but that’s our key deeper into the village and like I’ve

Been saying if we cash out right now we actually get5 doll shout out to the YouTuber that set this up okay the blacksmith looks to be right by the entrance over there um okay while no one is looking I’m grabbing the furnace cuz I might need that later by the way this

Sword is 80 attack damage not bad okay uh is this where we got to go oh oh wait there’s an underground part what the heck is this um all right am I supposed to stand here what is going on here oh what is this okay sword into furnace

Then some hammer and I guess ingots to sword then water lava what all right let’s start with the first step so I got a cook the sword oh gosh I need coal okay let me grab one piece of coal okay we got the piece of coal and then we put

The coal there oh my gosh the sword is cooking this is very cursed and so cooking the sword gets us oh the hot sword of the village nice okay what’s the next step we got to hammer some sort of three ingots um maybe we can get a

Cave real quick oh wait oh earn three gold working around the village oh so that picture right there that’s what we need we need ingots so I’m going to guess we can work with the baker right here the one I stole from but it’s okay missing cakes replace with cookies yeah

How did we get the missing cakes okay so the six cookies gets us our first gold ingot we can make some cookies cuz we have sugar right over there that’s a craft for cookies on the screen right there and so we just need cocoa beans oh cocoa beans right there also there’s

Raging cow I do not know where you came from no stay away stay away oh gosh hopefully this doesn’t break value of the sword oh oh um that that that’ll be that that raging cow literally come out of nowhere let me grab some more of this

Wheat and the main thing we needed is the cocoa beans and so now with the wheat and the cocoa beans we can make some cookies and more bread too all right sir let’s do a quick trade for the gold inot we need there we go and that’s

One task done oh wait you gave me another gold inot oh I guess he gave me a tip thank you man all right we need another job oh this might be a job right here it looks like to be an overgrown store oh gosh clean up the store oh uh

What do you want me to do get products oh so I got to get products and cleanup hold on I know what to give you then you’re going to sell bread seeds cor stir it’s not just like that it’s in my inventory and also you’re going to be

Competition to that guy while I selling cookies and potatoes amazing stuff as for the cleanup uh got you real quick we just need to remove this I mean there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of green yeah I think that’s good all right how about that oh open side required H I

Have an idea just see one of these and it’ll say with big caps open the open sign it doesn’t grab a lot of attention so you know we’ll get a Dandy land real quick get some yellow dye there we go uh yeah I probably need a glow does that

Work hey and we got a gold eot nice we got the three and so now with the three gold ingots we just got to do the next step okay let’s go down real quick and so the next step said three gold ingots hammer on sword okay so do I just put

The the sword here oh okay that works and then I slap it with the gold oh wait it’s hammering I just keep hammering with the piss oh we got the hot upgraded sword almost best sword all right so then there’s only one step left and it

Says water drop maybe do I drop this in water right here all right please give me the best sword oh and it did yo we now got it the upgraded villager sword okay that was actually pretty cool and so all that’s left now is to actually

Trade up and get closer to the YouTuber $10,000 value feeling like a Mr Beast video right now all right my friend the manager I have what you need all right here you go sir let’s get our value up with the emerald chest plate I’m going to miss that sword though oh this we’re

2,000 now oh we’re made of emerald now yo this actually looks sick it’s kind of like the same value as iron though going to guess this is what we trade next but because we have the $2,000 item we can now enter the rich area oh my gosh wait

Is that a Lamborghini already huh oh and the next one is robot it looks like where for robot we need $200,000 or more to enter I can’t cash out with that right oh well this is convenient missing child reward Diamond microphone 15xr which is worth $200,000 oh okay so Mr underwar villager

What is this guy here for oh he trads the emerald armor for the lambo oh okay so this is not what we’re trying to get we’re trying to save this guy oh these are the people that are missing them oh hello oh and SO trading with them I’ll

Get the diamond mine phone 15xr okay here’s the plan then to find the kid we will get the lambo we will get the lambo for Speed so uh I guess let me get the chest plate off and then I’ll trade this oh there we go Lambo keys and so if we

Right click the lambo Lambo Keys oh yo oh my gosh this thing is loud what the heck this is sick okay so new goal guys we are going to find the missing child and help this family and go this way to the parents Mansion going to guess

That’s where the parents’s child is oh and I think we made it to the parents Mansion must own a fancy car okay I own the fancy car let’s real quick get out of here can we make it in oh we can all right we are making it in oh and it’s

Them again the Villager father and mother all right so I’m supposed to find their kid for $200,000 is her Mansion please find her kid inside okay I mean it’s pretty big no wonder you got lost all right looks like we got a bunch of fancy villagers here uh that that this

One doesn’t even know how to walk on the floor can I talk to you guys U oh this guy trades top hat for 64 box of gold the top hat really isn’t what we need to find right now okay we don’t need gold right now we need to help the parents um

Oh wait this place kind of looks suspicious um maybe it’s one of the barrels no why does that painting look suspicious H is this a door oh yo I think we’re on to something hold on is this where he is um okay why do I feel

Like this Corridor is going to be a trap you know what all good what is this thing oh it’s a trade hold up I got to trade the lambo keys for a diamond toy car um I guess that might be the ride a passage okay oh what’s going on I just

Got hit by whatever that was um okay I got the diamond toy car but where is the kid I need to just trade I need to get this mic maybe we got to use the toy car outside okay so how do we find him oh try using the truck outside oh maybe

He’s hiding in the bushes all right so that’s the old car what about the toy car do I right click it made a horse noise does he here oh he showed up yo okay and to get him to follow me I got to trade the toy car fair enough all

Right let’s bring the missing child to the family here guys go one missing child and we now get the diamond mine phone 15xr oh my gosh $200,000 value it’s a phone apparently in Minecraft by the way if you look at the phone right there I am subscribing to my own channel

So so please subscribe thank you now we got to walk all the way back to the entrance and so now we’re worth $200,000 and we can go ahead and enter the robot area the heck is the robot area oh well we’re in oh my gosh wait there’s robots

Yo uh they feel like they’re glitching out okay so with the robot area lotss of robots but it looks like the next area we got to try to get into is the YouTuber Village must own a Mech to leave oh and so do I trade with you for

The thing oh a virus heart for a Mech remote um how do I get that uh and is this the mech holy look at that guy oh my gosh okay that is sick okay wait so how do we get this oh find wrench building okay so I’m not going to touch

Any of this right now before I guess we go to this building first right here uh do I talk to this guy hello sir oh he trades over the mine phone so for the mine phone he’ll give me the Redstone wrench okay he used to fix I guess this

Thing is highte oh my gosh now we have $350,000 hold on if I can catch out any point let me ask real quick if I can go ahead and cash out and get this much money well that backfired okay so we got to get to the end for the $10,000 but

What do we do with this thing do I like hit stuff with it oh find the factory follow the road oh okay hold on before we do that though as you can see I have zero armor and so uh I’m going to borrow a few things real quick let’s get some

Iron armor and he’s looking straight at me but you know what I’m going to grab the iron blocks I need that iron blocks to make some armor might as well take advantage of that it’s right here right now let’s get all these iron blocks there we go and with the iron blocks we

Can go ahead and make some good old iron armor okay let’s make the pantalones there we go and a pickaxe cuz we did lose a thing none of this is going to add value to the thing but that’s a lot better and we can finally make a bucket

All right thank you sir uh stop staring at me please but now we will find the factory down this road man all these houses are abandoned what even is going on here oh I think this might be it there’s a little green thing there oh wait did a door just show up anyways

Power required for us to go inside oh man okay how do I do this fix the power line oh that makes sense okay so we got to go up there all right here’s the plan guys we got to stack all the way up oh

Gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh this is why we should have gotten more blocks but it’s okay okay this should be just perfect enough there we go and so do I right click this with the Redstone wrench oh I think that worked nice oh there’s more over there just another day

Doing electrical work all this just to get the power on in this Factory better get paid enough for this okay another one this is stretching all the way to the entrance I see the robot from here oh my gosh look at that thing come on power lines die running there we go

Lowkey if electricity was in Minecraft I would have been shocked by now I think okay I think this might be the last one is that it I think that’s it did that work oh it did yo and now we can go inside okay so what the heck is going on

Here we got robots and a conveyor belt with diamonds yo that’s actually sick um do I talk to someone here maybe that guy he looks like he’s three block stall hello sir I’m here to work for you oh and he’s asking for a customer payments

For a CPU maybe we need that how do we get the customer payment new craft unlocked conveyor belts oh maybe I follow the conveyor belts anyways that’s a grab for the conveyor belt we might have enough we just need wood okay let’s follow the conveyor belt I’m just going

To go through here don’t mind me just running through the conveyor belt oh gosh okay okay this is a little bit weird Okay so the diamonds are going all the way here it looks to another place oh and they’re getting stuck oh can I grab the diamonds no it won’t let me

Grab the Diamonds oh that’s the issue okay so we need 1 2 3 4 five conveyor belts oh what happened to this one anybody can help repair the conveyor belt got it okay so what we need is wood and some iron I know just that’s the

Spot for some iron uh don’t mind me I’m doing what I got to do should be enough and for some wood we can just grab it from here perfect and so is all we got to do this oh that works yo okay let’s get the conveyor belts and now we should

Be good all right diamonds don’t worry about to fix this so we just put a conveyor belt there there and there okay and this should be all of them are they going through oh they are yes reach the customer um what about this I don’t know

How to fix this do I like right click it no oh gosh the diamond’s coming uh what about the red wrench oh wait that might fix it oh and it did yes diamonds on their way all right are you happy with that oh yes and now we got the payment

Finally so now with the payment we can go back to the engineer guy over there hello sir I got what you wanted okay so we’ll go ahead and get the custom pavment in and we got the CPU uh what do I do with this thing oh trade CPU with

Bell with the Bell there’s a bell at the start I guess let’s go check that out oh all right we got the Bell right here and so we’re trading up still by ringing for the virus okay wait so I do that and then get the antivirus sword oh oh there

They are viruses all right let’s get them out with the special sword is uh any villager going to help me nope no nope these robots are literally Bots okay okay I really wish I could get that big guy right there to help me but that’s what we’re trading for viruses I

Just got three more I think let’s just take these guys out oh my gosh okay good think I made armor oh did we do it no there’s four more all right guys get over here okay oh my gosh oh okay one more oh we got him yes oh and that’s how

We got the virus heart we did it we’ve traded up all the way to trade with this guy all right Mech Trader finally one virus Hearts gets us the mech remote oh wait wait what is he is he upset uh doesn’t look like it how do I use this

Guy do I got to introduce myself I am exoro and I would like to work with you Mr uh giant scary villager guy uh oh wait I’m in yo I can now control the super villager Mech what does the mech remote do then oh oh my gosh I have

Lasers hold on so now that I have this Mech ow ow ow ow low key can I walk through here oh yeah I can wait so let me just get back on this guy real quick let me eat need some food and let’s bring him inside to this area oh ow ow

Oh we did it oh man and now we’re in the YouTuber area oh wait so we got Mr Beast is that dude perfect Preston and oh that’s the arena what do we got to do to get into the arena and technically this is blocked off so maybe we got to go

From this way all the way there let’s take her Mech all the way around all right first up it looks like we have a Dude Perfect what do we do with these guys ramus to master who’s this oh only trades one met control for a video camera oh I guess we’re making YouTube

Videos in this part how’s this work oh yeah it’s a recording thing thank you very much I assume that’s all we need from them so let’s go ahead and continue oh and now we got to talk to Preston at the arena entrance oh was he there

Before hold on let me take this big guy all the way over here okay okay okay and I think that might be him right there final PVP battle ahead are you ready I mean am I ready is it time I don’t think PR is the my YouTuber oh we need to

Trade this to get inside the missing Diamond play button that gives us the ultimate PVP weapon oh okay to talk to others to find clues that makes sense I may have gone ahead by myself then with dude perfect well might as well go to the next one with Mr Beast all right I’m

Coming Mr Beast don’t worry okay nice simple house for Mr Beast do I ring the bell I mean cool doorbell why not oh my gosh he has so many chests holy uh where is Mr Beast though oh he’s outside right next to a green screen Mr Beast hello

Sir all right oh got a new name oh and we can put anything on the green screen let’s put on some memes that’s a meme that’s a meme that’s a meme that’s me subscribing to the channel again and that’s another me anyways Mr P what do

We got going on here oh we need a camera for the race car keys wait are we filming what are we filming do I like just fall back hold let me walk back and all right we got Mr Beast what the heck just happened um okay we have an arena

Now how do I record this our video oh there he is all right we recording the Mr Beast video oh here’s the Mr Beast sounds oh he’s going for it he’s going for it he got the jump okay Mr Beast is going crazy add the Mr Beast music let’s

Go let’s go it’s beautiful this is so goofy what the heck am I doing I’m just doing this for that final 1 V one oh he’s going for the jump okay one last jump and the video is complete amazing work Mr Beast oh oh he jumped Behind the

Green Screen okay put the outro right there amazing and with that explosion my man is back all right Mr Beast I’m ready to trade with you we will give you the video camera and we get race car keys okay uh do I get a car with this I’m

Going to guess we might need these for the A spot over there or maybe the herob Bine house that mean there’s a lock but it doesn’t make sense to use race car keys on that this makes more sense all right hello fmau how’s it going oh and

There’s a trade here first place trophy for the here Brant key oh wait so am I racing outow oh there’s cars back there okay I challenge you to a race then should I go to the back and put my car here okay let me see oh what they are

Already here okay I don’t even know how that works but okay I’m in my car looks like we’re about to race then half B get in your car in three 2 1 let’s go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay okay this is a race of the sentury right now

We got a right behind me right neck to neck this is a bit of a fever dream I’m going to go the more difficult way we got lava here I feel like that’s going to help us out okay okay okay going the right way oh and they’re following me no

Okay I got to beat her I got to beat her oh gosh I think that was just the checkpoint cuz it keeps going all we’re going to go all the way to the start wait that would make sense hold up so if we cross right here did we win oh uh she

Stopped uh hello AAU did I win oh and I think we did cuz we got the trophy hey all right thank youl um I guess I got to trade something take the race car keys nope nope they are running away you know what I’m going to keep that then let’s

Real quick give this and we got the earb key now we can go over here okay so what should I expect in here is that blood oh gosh we’ll call it Redstone all right let’s go in oh wait am I sure up F A her about oh my gosh he’s coming straight to

Me oh hey yo can’t walk through the house cuz you’re too tall man all right let’s get him stuck in the cobwebs oh my gosh I am getting beat up what did I do to this man I’m just trying to fight the YouTuber at the end okay okay okay let

Me let me just uh eat eat the bread eat the bread ow ow ow we are going for it here we go get the combos in going back and forth back and forth we’re good we’re good we’re good come on I’ve got to get my value up get some more trades

In and oh gosh let’s get him down right about no oh my gosh down goes here Brian and uh so what was I supposed to do in here kind of empty there an empty item frame oh oh wait can I goone into his house just that way oh huh well that’s

Pretty bad security maybe there’s something upstairs let’s go up here and oh what’s going on in here oh this is terrifying um where what am I supposed to find here nothing here oh that’s kind of creepy okay that’s weird let’s just go up and up huh oh wait that might be

What we need the missing Diamond play button hey okay so this is what we need to trade with Preston and to finally get to the final battle guys I don’t really know if I have the right armor for it right now but we can’t really craft anything else maybe we should get a

Shield a shield might be smart okay let’s head down to this crafting table real quick get some pieces of wood and hope for the best once we made this thing got the shield ready and got the play button and now Mr Preston one Diamond play button and we get the

Ultimate PVP weapon best bestest in all the world OMG little dramatic but oh my gosh wait that is worth one billion or trillion dollarss what the heck so what does it do oh yo that’s sick okay so who’s the YouTuber I’m going to fight at

Then I traded all the way up and now reminder this battle is for $1,000 real dollars so I get one chance let’s go ahead um so I guess once we get over here whoever’s been waiting this time is going to be ready to fight oh man all

Right is anyone out there hello maybe behind the mountain are they in here oh yo cash it was me I did everything that’s to Remember The Peasants Village the rich Village even the sword you’re holding right now hey yo you set this all up okay it was

All because of me and remember the deal you traded up to this point and if you can beat me in a 1 V one then I’ll send you that 10,000 okay I mean I’m ready for the $10,000 cash I got my armor you got full netherite that that’s not even

Fair you don’t know what else I have up my sleeve Nester what what do you have up your sleeve buddy you missed okay well I’m going catch me get away from me I have an OP bow I don’t want to use it oh my gosh wait that’s actually pretty good

But look at the sword you gave me buddy get over here you’re never going to catch me oh gosh I forgot about that sword get back oh my gosh okay you’re not ready for this oh oh gosh oh no I did not get water I did not get water oh my wait did

You just SW a potion you can’t find me what this man go um am I hot or cold right now okay I’m I’m literally hot but oh uhoh hold up I’m behind you oh gosh oh gosh oh oh no where’d you go where’d you go Budd it’s $10,000 come on he made

Me go through this whole thing nope NOP no take the lava couple more come on and yes $110,000 oh my goodness well your particles are right there but Mr Cash do I get the check sent to me or how we doing this oh you’re right here yeah I’m

Right behind you you know a Deal’s a deal check your mail and don’t let anyone steal it uh U okay all right well uh thank you guys for watching go check out cash bye guys

Trading from Dirt to $10,000 in Minecraft…
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