Testing Illegal Minecraft Blocks That Shouldn’t Exist

Today we’re testing illegal Minecraft blocks that not even your dog is going to believe they illegal block come on bro you’re not supposed to exist starting off explosively with landmines and so oh God I guess all we need is Blackstone chiseled I just want to point

Out by the way we’re also right here at a village I love bullying villagers especially this bald white guy he’s made out of iron and he thinks he’s so cool but no you smell like copper why do you smell like copper yet you’re made of

Iron huh no don’t show me your pee okay I’m sorry I’m being a little too weird but in order to create this illegal block literally you need a redstone lamp there you go and then a piece of TNT because why wouldn’t you so you just

Place it and then throw the oh there you go I had to reload the thingy myob oh my God wait what the heck Why didn’t it work why does it say go away huh wait oh my god oh that just scared the freaking crap out of me why did it do that I

Think that wasn’t even supposed to happen I just fell for my own trap and I got freaking scare bombed bro oh no you think it’s funny you think it’s funny huh oh bro came out to see what the commotion was about you know what no

Screw you I don’t even care I know what I’m going to do right now so let’s place this guy here there you go and throw that oh my God oh my God okay why does it like not show me why does it bug out oh there you go maybe I’m doing it wrong

But it spawned the land mine right there oh my gosh okay hold on when bro goes back in his house wait why is bro not going back in his house hold on a second I know what to do boing bo bo yeah yeah where are you going no go back to your

Freaking clerk room oh my gosh I just messed this up didn’t I okay well I guess we’ll just leave that and at some point in the video it’s going to blow but it’s going to be hilarious but maybe we should leave wait okay he’s going

Back yo maybe he’ll make his way back to like his place I do know these Farmers we can honestly trick them into picking up items so yo how funny would it be okay hold on let’s put another land mine right here and then there you go okay

That no work there you go okay let’s pick up the piece of TNT oh my gosh it’s right there okay okay okay and then oh hello Mr farmer can you resist some seeds that is the true question okay wait there’s no villager around here till I pick him up oh villager look at

These seeds yeah yeah okay he’s going for them he’s going for them okay okay what he just oh there you go he picked them up he picked them up now what if I throw him over here come on go for them go for the landman oh my god dude I

Didn’t know I didn’t it’s going trigger the land mine this is so funny final te wait why are these guys all here bro what is going on all right you know what at least one of these nerds is going to freaking like step on this thing let’s

Pick up oh my God I need to pick up the oh oh oh okay okay okay oh my God that scared me dude these landmines are so illegal bro I honestly hate it hold on let’s get this doist over here pick it up oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh

Going to survival hit him run oh my gosh make him step on the land mine okay wait this is actually a little hard go this way go this way go this way and run run run oh my gosh no bro survived bro actually survived now the

Question is Gamers can I survive hold on let me yo this oh it’s kind of cute if you think about it with the little Redstone and Bob I don’t know English oh my okay you just instantly die and next we got some vanilla illegal blocks which

Uh it’s going to be pretty easy to set up all we got have to do is make a border make this the center there you go and now World border set let’s do 10 now with your world border if you guys didn’t know it doesn’t have to be in a

Flat world but you can actually make illegal blocks all you need to do is grab some pistons and the blocks you can make are actually hilarious first let’s make an ice and fire block which honestly hold on I’m actually going to Center this better there you go okay yes

So now the border is on half a block I don’t know if that matters yeah I think the way you want to do it is have the Border exactly on the edge of a block so once you have that you can go like this and then wait I think that worked move

Slime you freaking annoying butt crack wait what the heck oh my God we just accidentally made an illegal block it’s not supposed to be like that wait what do you guys see this I think we got it as long as the block glitches like that wait can we now okay we can’t walk

Through it but can we oh my gosh yeah you can place stuff inside of it look at that we have an ice and fire block what it’s beautiful oh and that’s not all Gamers you can basically combine anything but honestly I think some of the coolest combinations is wait yo

Let’s do let’s try regular glass but let’s also do light blue glass and what if we combine multiple okay hold on I’m getting so many Banger ideas let’s put the glass last here there you go do that that should work right oh my gosh wait

It did work we made a hybrid we made a hybrid and then what if we put the chest here and then wait why no work hold on wait what oh there you go we just have to place the thing in front of it I didn’t even realize yo okay so you can

Do multiple glasses I mean you can but you can’t put the chest inside of it but dude a glass chest is awesome moang take some notes I’m trying to think what is like the ultimate weird setup maybe like can you push an End Rod is that even

Possible oh my gosh okay you can and then you have an End Rod in a piece of glass oh yes the holy en Rod hey and if I break this can I still dude oh my gosh it makes the block Invincible literally Invincible I think there’s this really

Weird bug where now if we change it to like let’s say 11 okay that didn’t do anything what if we change it back to 10 and then change it to 9 okay no I swear something weird was supposed to happen did you see that it just moved the block

It took it out of it what oh the fire’s gone and now to summon a copper Golem but not just any copper Golem not the little tinyy ones I’m talking a big bad wolf version I don’t know what a wolf has to do with a copper Golem but okay

Listen you’re about to get wrecked you better get out of here you stupid husk boom okay so if you build this structure like this get a crafting table go over here get a piece of redstone and four pieces of copper which there you go 1 2

3 4 You Can Make yourselves a new copper heart now with this I think if you just right click it oh yo I just fell I actually just pulled a noob move look at this guy yo he’s epic what he makes skeleton sounds which is really weird

Does he does he attack me I don’t know if spawning him in here was like the best move but he looks so cool now hold on a second I don’t think he’s my pet cuz like I just smacked this husk and he doesn’t even care what if I go into

Survival hello wait what you doing what the yo what was that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my what the heck is this bro is literally going crazy what are you doing what are you ow why are you not friendly dude oh my God I’m going to die I’m

Going to die to the stupid no maybe we should uh gear up a bit I’m a little scared I have a bunch of loot that I just literally grabbed from that same structure from the child chamber but here goes nothing all right I’m going to summon this bad boy bro I’m not even

Full health what am I doing I’m crazy okay it’s boom Oh my God hello hello oh my goodness this is 100% illegal block come on bro you’re not supposed to exist okay did I hit it I can he doesn’t turn red and okay as long as we Dodge that

Lightning move yeah we’re good bro can’t keep up bro can’t keep up oh my God I can’t even keep up either yo I do not want that dirt attack to hit me what you doing bro oh my gosh missed dude he’s does so much damage come on get wrecked

You butt please oh I’m dead I’m actually going to die no way we can’t I’m almost died to fall damage I wish I had better loot I just grabbed like literally the first thing I saw in those couple chests inside of the trial Chambers I feel like

It’s fitting okay oh thank God the fire didn’t last long bro I need some pants come on protection where it counts he does so much damage melee dude oh my gosh I’m going to die oh what the heck what was that beam yo and stop it oh my

Gosh we got him let’s go and then what do we get instrumental core shape wait what what does that do yo it just made a sword what the heck wait wait what and I just turned it back into oh my gosh wait what is this it turns into something

That we can then like manipulate I think it just turns literally into a sword I don’t know if it has any abilities we have a village right here to test it out hello Mr Pig are you going to have a lightning ability oh no I think it’s

Just a normal sword okay well what if I turn it back there you go into a core yeah the core this is pretty cool honestly guys I think this is a really cool Minecraft item this is basically an orb where if you right click yeah it just turns into something else I don’t

Know what like how can you determine the thingy maybe if you right click it oh my gosh on a certain block it just turned into a shovel so it’s basically a multi-tool like if you look at a dirt block it’ll turn into a shovel now if we

Put it in our off hand it resets you put it back look at a wood turns into an axe bro what this is one of the most creative Minecraft ideas I’ve ever seen and I guess yeah just looking in the air turns it into a sword automatically and

Then you can use it to freaking destroy your enemies okay honestly I know I already said this moing take some notes moving on to a literal Sky Block and when I say literal I mean literal guys look we’re in the middle of the desert there’s a block in the sky do you guys

See it it’s right in front of you come on you don’t see it damn bro you’re blind it was right here all along look at this dude this is actually so weird oh my gosh if you place it like over here you can I think see the moon or I

Guess that’s the sun I’m so confused but this is literally the sky just in a block like what I don’t know what you could even do with this yeah wait yes I do oh my gosh wait let’s build with a very obvious block just so we can keep

Track right and if we just go like a few blocks up not even that high and make like maybe a big base just like a nice floor using these blocks right here oh my gosh okay wait I think you guys may know where I’m going with this I’m just

Trying to make it even I think if we do another layer over here there you go yo we have a square bro this could be I think we’re literally unlocking a new video idea right as we speak yo oh my gosh so anything we build on this side

What if we build okay I’m just going to test something literally a red pee does it bro it’s completely invisible it’s completely invisible okay so what if if we were literally to build like an actual illegal base imagine this is like a triangle guys oh yes a square triangle

So check this out Gamers I have a tiny little base it’s honestly nothing impressive but dude if you walked right below this honestly I don’t even think you’d notice yo I didn’t even notice where like it started bro what you can only tell and this is the hint because

The clouds render a little bit more white than the others dude that is so sick and if you guys thought that was it n fam if we go all the way to the bottom the Minecraft screen we got void block and Vana black now if you guys don’t

Know what vanta black means it just means exactly that it’s like a black block that’s 100% black I think this is like a real like color although I don’t think it’s a color cuz I don’t think black is a color is it isn’t black like all the colors combined and white is the

Absence I don’t know I’m being nerd about it but seriously this is so cool because if you make like a black room there you go it’s completely dark there are no edges at all like yeah it literally looks like I’m inside of a room until I look all the way to the

Right bro oh what oh my goodness this is how it looks like instead of my mind I think it would be trippier if it was like an all white block too that could look really cool and just so you guys can see the difference if we did it with

Black concrete you see there would be edges you would obviously see that you’re inside of a block I don’t know if that makes sense but moving on we also have the void block which dude this could be equally as op especially if you’re in the end or yo wait speaking of

Roomes though how would this look oh my gosh hold on we’re on to something I’m actually cooking boys I don’t have World in it Sal so I can’t just make like a giant world edit box but this is going to look really cool oh my gosh it looks

So weird already wait if I just jump in dude what guys it actually looks like I’m just inside of the end oh my goodness no get me out of here it’s so creepy I want to quickly do the same thing with the sky oh my goodness yo this literally looks like the perfect

Optical illusion you feel like you’re just in a world without nothing like if we go literally in F1 mode bro it just looks like I’m in the middle of nowhere it literally does I guess the only trick is that there’s one son and then another son there’s two sons which just makes no

Sense and if we go in adventure mode you wouldn’t know the difference you literally would not know you’re inside of a box and then if you go in Creative boom Oh My the simulation is broken the stimulation is actually broken bro what this is crazy dude it’s actually

Breaking my head you know what hold on I’m going to trap a villager in there he’s going to go insane wait no we can’t let him Escape there you go goodbye little guy they’re going to be trapped in The Matrix forever one like is one day they spent inside of here the

Ultimate solitary Mr Beast challenge and now we have some secret blocks and okay uh I think I’m supposed to find five diamonds at least that’s what manager bong set I need to do now manager Bonk is smart if he’s using the illegal blocks wait a second is that villager

Just going to wait he lowkey was about to walk in the door and then he didn’t that looks so sus is this block not sideways it’s a door okay well um there’s no diamond in here there’s apparently five diamonds we need to find bro no way am I really

Playing Bas hunt right now okay well now we know that each of these are basically basally doors these are some of the illegal blocks by the way I guess come on there has to be a diamond maybe in this hay bale stack no no dude I don’t

Trust it it looks so sus does it not look so sus having two blocks broken here okay wait what is this this is obvious what the how am I supposed to get in here what what is this block is this a fake wait what secret slab huh

That is so dumb I don’t even get it okay I’m just going to break this because I don’t even know how to get inside of here but I don’t think dude one of these blocks could definitely be a chest and this could maybe even open up okay nope

Come on bro no way I suck this bad oh oh my God we found it what who you son of I told you m dbon is sneaky bro put a ghost block really and this was a secret chest that is so cool okay well we got

One what you’re mad I broke your floor I don’t care dude this is sick wait how is that villager going to get out of there isn’t he isn’t he just going to get trapped oh my God I just fell again all right dude I suck okay so we got one out

Of five how do I get inside of here okay open this door wait what there’s a secret chest in here but no these are all secret chests wait what oh my God one of these have to be a secret chest then no oh the diamond was in here okay

I guess just had to figure out how to get inside of here but that’s so weird that these blocks are secret chests too why and how do I get out of here oh yeah I forgot this block I guess is a lever is there anything weird about the what

Huh wait what I think he left this open are you kidding me this entire house is made out of glass I didn’t even realize that is there not supposed to be a diamond in here Maybe not maybe this is a decoy dude it’s becoming night time which is only going to make things

Harder doesn’t seem like this house has anything H yo the well wait huh are these ghost blocks they are wait is that secret chest I got it oh my gosh we only need two more we only need two more come on we got this it has to be over here

Right wait yeah this is literally a ghost block right here or like a secret staircase anything in here okay no this house is clear this one’s also clear I hate how he used this block bro the secret slab what okay anyways oh wait there’s more houses up here yo yo yo yo

Yo there’s a lever wait hold on I’m going to middle click secret Redstone oh no wait a second what’s going to happen wait no was I supposed to do this no oh my go wait oh there’s better off huh if I open it oh let’s go hold on I can’t

See what is it Bozo manager BN just called me a bozo all right you died before getting all five diamonds you lose no I didn’t and I only have four you know what manager Bonk you win this time I couldn’t find the fifth Diamond why do I feel like it’s supposed to be

In that one chest that was empty so common diamond for my fifth Diamond I’ll see you guys in the next video peace

Testing Illegal Minecraft Blocks That Shouldn’t Exist

💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic

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  1. Bro that villager will be crazy in that sky block room because there is 1.1k likes which means 1.1k days but he can’t live everyone is going to like bruh 👍everyone who thinks he deserves better what beter I mean better

  2. I LOVE ur videos❤ since I live in Norway ur videos often gets posted when I’m about to go to bed. It’s a really good ending on a bad day❤ knowing I always can watch one of your videos when im down usually makes me happy❤ I genuinely love your content❤ keep up the good work bonc

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