146 | Stardew Valley 1.5 Let’s Play! | Modded | Raffadax Production

Good morning afternoon evening or night time welcome back to Hemlock Farm joining Sheamus on the island Farm on Sunday the 14th of Summer year 2 and as you can see this is the exact same window that we left off with last episode so yes I’m recording this immediately

Post last episode um because I have enough memory to record this so I am so we’re going to take care of some stuff on the island we’re going to gift our two spe here find Leo potentially um I guess check our mail whoa oh my gosh look at this is

From ASD I have never seen this before Oh my gosh it looks so cool um hello human it was very nice to meet you the other day so few of your kind visit my beach it is often just those attuned to Nature who come to see

Me if you would like to leave offerings to the temple hidden beneath the waves you can drop items off um to me and I will take there before the sun rises if the sea Spirits trust you I may sell you a better selection of plants have a nice

Day from ASD and her signature is like this really cool star and she gave us wild barley seeds thanks astd wild barley seeds are a spring or summer crop have we grown these I feel like we have and then Kent gave us a bomb what on Earth Kent all right buddy

Oh so we got some stuff to take care of we need 20 um I don’t think we have enough oh there’s a lot of please please please please please is today the day yes we got one oh my gosh we already got one that’s so awesome one out of two snake vertebrae wow

Wow it’s cuz it’s a really good luck day that’s why okay so now we’re going to zoom really quick just to see if there’s another hble spot oh there is okay so let’s reset and zoom back in I’m so sorry for the spam oh Hello I hello hello hello I need to exit this plane of existence goodbye we’re at 94 as well wow we are flying through things right now oh my gosh I can’t I don’t know if this tree is supposed to be here I think it is I think that one’s normal for

The I am blown away blown away I’m going to leave that star fruit too by the way what on Earth like hello that’s all I have to say speaking of hello hi asid thank you for such a lovely letter the other day no excellent work to you I appreciate you I’ll leave that sea glass or I can’t remember what it’s called oh my God I I can’t believe that so many people

Including myself struggle with those snake vertebrae and we got two in the same day and that’s only like it’s what our third visit is this Forge no it’s only a third visit to the island fourth visit maybe Hello charotte nice to see you 5 out of 10 you’re doing really

Great oh I didn’t even check asteroid’s Ledger shoot I don’t think think that that letter technically gives us more selection hi Leo I have a present for you buddy there you go I love this I’m going to put this in my Nest Great wouldn’t range Strange Birds was it I

Try to speak to them but they fly away I guess I don’t want to be friends um let’s see where do you tell us one taken by monst oh we only have one left from monsters in the volcano okay and again I feel like we’ve gotten the fifth one

From why am I walking I have the fast move here we’re going to clean up the dig site then we’re going to go drop off all the goodies in our volcano chest and then I think we’re going to leave where am I oh there I am okay

Let’s get some mining experience I guess from this oh I’m facing the wrong way so much clay I love this oh was that me losing something to the water I don’t think so cuz I have waterproof items wow I am still just in shock in shock because of

That I don’t know what to do with myself I don’t I hope y’all don’t know what to do with yourselves either like what the crap what the poop oh and we got some ribs nice okay while we’re here are we also going to get really lucky

With um our panning I will wait for one panning I Will Wait unless it’s like inaccessible sometimes they’re inaccessible I can put stuff in here actually while we’re waiting foot goes in there I can put the coal I can put the actually no you don’t belong in

There I can put the fiber in there cuz we’ll get a bit more fiber I’ll put wild bait and some tarot tubers in there too cuz we will get more of those I think everything else is fine I forgot to put the muscles into I’m just waiting waiting patient

L patiently waiting okay I got you got those over there got that one all right well while we’re waiting let’s oh I heard you okay let’s see is this the day that we got I don’t remember what it is the backbone do we just get 85%

Of no okay I was ready to literally just actually leave if we got um we’re going to go back to the farm just cuz I have some Farm stuff that I want to put into chests that apparently I didn’t after I lost my mind 43 plus 3 40 Cas so 46 don’t have

Enough that’s fine okay now let’s go To hi Finn I don’t know if you oh my gosh you just literally body checked my um um hi Finn do you want to meow into the microphone oh he actually did I really hope that came through that was so cute Finn oh yeah you’re adorable I appreciate

You um I’ll just put this in here for now bomb bomb geod Dragon tooth yep looking good and then the rest of it we will take down here oh Finn you’re so cute thank you for celebrating with me boom and wow we’re already done I I can’t I what is

Happening thank you thank you oh Oh okay okay he says I’m sorry I’m like riding on a high right now I’m sorry if I’m kind of being a little Annoying to people but this is like it’s so amazing I feel like I’m missing a coconut over here for some reason I know there isn’t any over here but I

Feel like I am wow I what are you trading today are you trading anything no you seem to have kind of a um steady stock there ah I kind of want a golden coconut from you though is Haley here can I get rid oh she is yay hey

Haley yeah no worries I’ll talk to everyone else look at oh my gosh look at Penny that’s so adorable with her feet oh my gosh penny Okay I need to leave we we got some stuff to do yes please return to stard Valley we had such an excellent time in the M or

On the volcano today the island that’s the place I was talking about can I sell this curiosity lure to you I can oh you sell a copper pan interesting and nothing really here that I’m wanting to purchase I also just took this back when I could have um hi Elliot do you

Want an espresso how about you Louis do you like these yeah you’re fine with it okay sweet I’m also going to consume one myself there’s a lot of crab shells on this beach let’s pick these up and then I think I will just use the toome home

Even though I’m on the beach but um I’m going to want to get back there rather quickly because it’s already 1:20 p.m. and we got some stuff to take care of like Queen of sauce I do want to visit traveling Merchant today too cuz I think I’m going to want to buy another

Sweet gem Berry um if she’s selling them because she doesn’t always sell them but she does quite frequently what’s my cat doing now he’s exploring finan what his name his full name is finegan Scout not that any of you were wondering or anything but I still can’t

Believe we got an island warped home as well that is awesome that is awesome hello oh Robin’s doing our house yay um one thing that I was considering was getting aon’s he has a very or they sorry I don’t actually know has very interesting house mod an interior mod

But I think we’ll keep this house as is and then we we definitely were already using it in mistal if you’ve already if you watched that playr so it’s that one that I was thinking we carrying over here however I don’t think we will cuz it’ll be fun to decorate

This house with the vanilla floor plan oh and we got our first sweet gem Berry over here and this is going to become a seed excellent these are going to pop up as I’m yeah that’s fine we’re going to continue on with the works cuz we got a lot of chores to take

Care of today um one thing that I am going to want to do while it’s still daylight though is go and purchase our land oh my gosh I’m so excited and there is a certain pathway that you follow like it’s like they unlock in a certain order

So I think it’ll be the top entryway into that land um but I’m excited cuz as soon as I purchase it I’ll explain why I’m excited and what intentions I have with that land so basically I’m just going to want to check out the traveling whoa there’s

A few things in here there’s just a black Shamrock which I don’t know why I freaked out about um yeah I’m going to want to explain a bit more my intentions with why I’ve been prioritizing that land and I’ve invested 200 or 550,000 into those lands um after I collect all these

Batteries we we’re so set on batteries for so long hey very worth the investment early on I learned that through my many playthroughs is you always want to get the lightning rods going even if it’s just like five you always want to pop the lightning rod so to speak sweet

Okay let’s why did I come in here I had some stuff all right I had yeah and then batteries um I think Barley um oh am I putting that in the spring no I’ll put you in there though that’s fine um we can move you over CU I finally have and we can complete the collection minus the rain one but look at those actually we don’t have the desert one in

There so we can move that over I know the desert one it has a reskin where you can make it purple and it looks really cool so we may switch that out at 1 point to just to acknowledge that let’s I’m going to keep the smelt coer there

But let’s continue on in here yeah cuz it’s uh oh and actually let’s let’s plant our friend our final vanilla tree we have finally completed our vanilla tree collection which means that it is time to move Beyond vanilla hey there you go mango enjoy your new permanent

Home and I don’t know we can plant more of the vanilla trees down the road but we’ll start with just these for now but again this is going to be pretty much a vanilla shed like we’re not going to be doing a lot of Rapid a stuff in this

Shed um and it will ultimately like we we’ll ultimately be removing the coffee plants as well like today just cuz I’m so excited I might just put in the beans and move on with my life just cuz it’s already 510 p.m. and I want to make sure that we

Can still do some of this when it’s not completely pitch black outside I might have to ditch these Firefly lights can I bring those Firefly lights into um the realy lands I don’t know so I might just quickly put them in a chest just so we don’t do any get any sort of

Glitchy action going on okay let’s collect these fruits they’re all still base quality are the oranges going to be silver again cuz they were silver that one time no but then the pomegranates are weird that’s so weird how that so they just get the chance to have different

Qualities I think I would prefer the vanilla version of that honestly where it’s like just guaranteed after a certain point let me say hi to all of you before you go to sleep I think some of you might already be sleeping and we can totally do all these

I’m going to leave those feathers in there for now um was there only four eggs I guess so hey oh I missed saying hi to Onyx I’m coming back Onyx I promise hi Onyx terrifying in the best way possible and we got you and you oh and

You and we’re leaving the wool in there I need to remember that say hi to everyone hello hello hello hello hello and we can make the debut of this shipping man heck yes oh I didn’t put in oops I didn’t put In the Truffle where’ you end up truffle there you are okay so it is 650 we need to go visit traveling Merchant really quick quick um we can do this after that’s fine our lava eels are still just living their best lives of course I’ve just kind

Of um accepted the fact that they’re never going to give us row oh uh fish taco is Caroline love gift but that’s fine we’ll just buy the rare seed and we’re going to go pop the Hops 238 gold quality ridiculous in a really good way um we’re not going to

Check our shed right now we might get to it later however usually when I say that that means that we won’t get to it um we’ll pop you in here nice let’s go check queen of sauce too before I forget even though I know I’ll be going back

Into the Farmhouse but in case I fall asleep are you done two days okay so not next episode the episode after we wake up to a large house and queen of sauce we are teaching us maple bars excellent okay cool all of that the main stuff I wanted to take

Care of is done let’s go and spend all of our money after we give coyote a gift CU I think again this is going to be really close to getting getting him into a really good spot ah it’s fantastic offering the spirits of the mountains will be

Pleased you are so close hey oh nature Guardians have I been calling them Spirits I’m so sorry they’re Guardians I will change that guardians Guardians Guardians in my brain um let’s do the fun thing that involves getting rid of all of our money so Ali’s Mountain Farm you can see kind of how

It’s going to look inspired by the foraging and Mining Maps purchase you will get the D to your new land in the mail but as we learned from our foraging map we have access to it right away maybe let’s go and take a peek hello backyard hello a million

Crops ready oh my gosh and you’re blocked so oh so is it over here it is this one okay welcome to I’m going to pause the time so that we can see welcome to the mountain Farm which looks I’m going to have a little bit of trouble walking around it looks really nice how it’s like multi-leveled um and there’s little like nooks and crannies yeah this is like this looks like Hilltop a little bit Hey cuz this is where the Quarry is usually kind of

In an area like this I’m stuck on rocks okay I need to get my I know again the time is paused but this is huh did I just apparate through rocks there I did um this is just so that I can showcase the farm I know I’m not trying to

Actually cheat um but yeah we have a lot of areas which can be divided up nicely I would say into four quadrants um specific on the season so there’s another oops I didn’t mean to go in here I can bring Fein in here that’s so funny um there’s another way up here

And I can’t remember that I don’t know if that’s the only way up or if there’s another path time’s Frozen by the way again I don’t know if I pointed that out we’re just showcasing things no I don’t think that’s a path so it’s down there’s there’s there’s another exit

Somewhere on this Farm but I don’t remember where oh right here down right here um so yeah the next land that we get which will be not this year by any means um will be from this Farm I believe so we have one kind of area here this would I count as one

Quadrant and then we have two quadrants which is kind of not as big but two here and then we we have three here smaller and then four is kind of here um and we can kind of finagle those a little bit but we have four main quadrants for Four Seasons four tons and

Tons um close to 200 actually maybe it’s over 200 trees so this land here which I can now zoom in so we’re not all squinting is going to be where we are going to plant all of our our trees so they will be affected by the seasonality

This looks so funny this is probably where The Farmhouse goes and I may put a cabin here but we are going to plant all of our trees in this Farmland here so the mountain Farm is going to be host to all of the rapid ax trees which is really exciting because that means

That we can once we clear up this land oh I’m stretching we can start purchasing those trees however I’m going to definitely want to keep track what trees we purchase okay let me un pause the time yeah so that’s why I’ve been wanting to purchase that land so bad is

Because I think we’ll just deal with all this tomorrow um is because I’ve been wanting to be able to purchase the rapid ax trees for so long but I didn’t want to purchase them and have them sitting in a chest or then you know purchase them and then plant them to just cut

Them down I wanted to purchase them to plant to have them there basically for forever so to speak and after we got rid of more building upgrades that kind like you know I was formulating this idea in my mind and that’s kind of what I really settled on let’s put actually

Because we where are the Firefly lights they’re in the next one let’s put a set of firefly lights right there and then we can put another set I think if we put them over here can I I wish I could put them there oh I can’t sneak in behind maybe I’ll

Tuck them back here cuz we’ll be able to see them if they’re back there yeah there we go okay but yeah that’s kind of the solution I came to I only got one from that that’s so funny all right n zero I guess um that’s a solution I settled on

And it’s a solution that I personally am I’m happy with I don’t know I think it’s it’ll be fun it’ll be a cool way to cuz then we can decorate around trees once they grow up um we can have a little bit of fun of how we place them

And I can even put in you know just a typical um oak trees the maple trees the pine trees the mahogany trees to really make it feel like a fored area which I’m I’m very excited about just pursuing options not just the functionality of it

Um but the decorating side of it too I have no coal all right we are definitely going to have to hit up the mines soon but yeah and I think it’ll be fun um for the first little bit definitely I’m guarantee at a point it will get

Annoying but just to be restricted by the seasonality of the trees and experience them that way um cuz again they have a season attached to them for a reason so why not experience that season that’s attached to them um and then of course we can just

Buy like a thousand green houses and put them in the green houses if we want to for annoy or maybe like I’m thinking for more of like the wood based trees um that we want to plant multiples of we can just create green houses for them that way um um Sweet

Let’s it’s 12:00 it’s not too much to be able to do actually let’s go and visit our shed can we how can we sneak around there’s a way we can sneak around yeah like that right I think that’s the first time we’ve ever used that path oh we got some

Wine so we got Blackberry May wine two what are what’s May what did we put in here that made May wine oh we put in the um the it looks like a star okay so let’s put one of them back in cuz that’s why we brewed up some and

Then we can keep the blackberry wine as well let’s make another blackberry wine and let’s make can I put pale ale in here no can I put pale ale in here no can I put pale in here no okay spice Berry lure interesting and Cherry puree also interesting let’s do pomegranate

Wine and then let’s do pomegranate puree and then what were you again what did I put in here something I know I can put sweet pee into the fragrance can I put you into anything no okay that’s fine okay we can actually ship you and ship you we’re going to hang on to

These yeah we’ll hang on to those but we’ll ship these two things just cuz they are new shipping things and pretty easy to get another version of so let’s do that wow I want to keep playing but I can’t because one it’s actually getting quite late here when I’m recording

Into my storage is really full is it still recording it is okay we’re not having a repeat of um year One Summer but that has been really awesome it’s been a really awesome week honestly like the second week of Summer has been so much fun we’ve done so much we’ve made really great

Progress I didn’t even check that off the list so we’ll have to remember to I’ll write a little note for me to remember to check it off check off S what is SDR from to do I need to write this down cuz I’m going to be closing the game so it

Won’t matter what I do to to do after this awesome 13,000 from selling artisanal Goods wow makes up for using 300,000 we’ll take a quick peek at things before I use up all my computer memory um oh you can see my mouse on the recording that’s funny I’m going to pause the time

Because and we’re going to be closing the game so it’s it’s okay oh it’s raining on the island tomorrow we might go to the island um in two episodes then I guess to see what sort of gem bird we get um and we can bring some seeds with

Us too but look at let’s look at our friendship so coyote very close we’ll give coyote another pale ale soon Pierre is doing pretty good can just give whoa that’s funny my cursor goes in behind um Pam we can just give Pam P alss as well dwarf we haven’t visited

For a while so we need to do that guess we can continue to give oranges yeah we’re looking pretty good who do we need to prioritize though is Leo Sam Penny asard Sebastian Shu Haley Jazz Kent okay so we have a decent amount in terms of our vanilla shipping looking really

Awesome this will be a while this we need to wait until next season this we need to wait for quite some time I would say cuz that’s a jig I think um caviar we can build another fish pond I’m just being a butt about that we can build that on um backyard

One tea leaves I’m also being a butt on this is age grow which were our our lava eels are being butts on we can get pineapple that’s a mango and then yeah that’s all of the vanilla stuff what the heck is that um this is we’re starting

To fill in things here too which is cool starting quote unquote to fill in things here too it’s not even full but there’s almost one thing on every page I think that’d be really cool to get one thing on every single page but I think like some of that might be impossible because

It’s going to be the legendary and Mythic stuff um if they’re grouped together but yeah we’re doing really good do I have anything on the very last page whoa that’s a lot of wines and ports and brandies and whatever Meads and who knows what all of that

Is there’s almost one thing on every page not that page but we you know what some of that is that’s like the rainbow carrot that we’ve seen the seeds for What on earth is that some more things that looks Terrifying this thing Woodruff that’s what we just made wine for those was like the May wine and we made it to the last page wow okay minerals are looking pretty good too um again I can look up what geod will give us those artifacts will take some time unfortunately I’m

Shocked we haven’t gotten this yet shocked but yeah but any anyways that’s looking pretty good fish is again a whole other story um which we will encounter we need octopus we need just a regular CA cucumber wow are you the ice pip Legend um midnight carp I believe you

Are the radioactive carb because that’s Glacier there Crimson angler these two look very similar one is a slime Jack you’re the Slime Jack I don’t know what you are that’s fine and then the three from the island okay yeah we got some work and we I mean we’re

Going to be fishing on the island regardless cuz we need the Coconuts so we’re going to be doing that soon however this episode is now 30 minutes long so I am going to wrap it up thank you for joining us on the 14th of Summer year 2 a very fun day very

Excellent day and I’m looking forward to seeing you in the next episode until then bye-bye for now

Welcome to a modded adventure in Stardew Valley, following our farmer Seamus, the druidic scholar as he embarks on his ecological and zymological rite of passage on Hemlock Farm!

Raffadax Production mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8256
MARGO mod located here: https://github.com/daleao/modular-overhaul

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