I spent the entire day playing Stardew Valley

Looks like we’re back looks like we’re back hello hello hello hello people coming in early today let’s pop out chat do this good old routine put on some curvy music refresh chat and no properties paste that there that there it’s all refresh custom browser dock paste that here there we

Go close going turn this music down just a little bit there hello good morning good morning good morning guys yeah we’re doing a stardew valley day today and we started pretty soon honestly I need to pull up steam and and install it um but we’re playing stardo with with uh Alyssa

And Kelsey anti- darkheart where is it here it is install next install it I’ve actually never really played it I tried the multiplayer like 2 years ago and it was really glitchy so I didn’t really experience it oh that’s my alarm for for almost 11 Jaden I seek advice how do I get

Through my finals while also working uh while also working while also taking care of myself ooh um it might be ideal to make a schedule you know like uh during this time frame I do this and this time frame I do this and uh make sure you have some some time for

Yourself well the second half of the Soul link be animated um no it’ll it there will be highlights on my second Channel but uh other than that no okay let’s close this put this up here and I think I’m going to get stard do Valley ready because I don’t know how it’s set

Up oh what’s going on what’s going on oh hold on there we go uh okay stard do music I need to get this ready for um playing um I need settings where are my settings first of all is this Window mode there we go okay where are the

Settings you can just either turn it on or turn it off I guess okay okay we’re going to do Steam games and we’re going to have we’re going to have this open to stardew Valley there we go there we go okay and then I can just manually set this to be

Better oh there it is okay that’s the corner a little more one more perfect perfect okay that looks good that looks good uh where should I put myself I think okay first of all this is going to be how do I move any of this what is

This where am I moving oh other chat huh delete that yes and then we’re going to take this put this down like this and I assume that I can that’s a a good spot to put me I assume I’m just going to assume that’s a good spot to

Put me I’ll maybe have this a little bit down there we go uh good morning having a fantastic stream and happy holidays thank you Ethan thank you nice okay well this looks good this looks good uh does anyone know of the maybe I’ll put this like up here you know I don’t know

Yeah when I finally join at day nine hello cheese good morning uh Bernardo passed my toughest final yesterday oh congrats congrats the the subathon helped me stay calm while studying for it a now I hope you can relax I hope you can relax unless you have a couple more

Um and if so then best of luck I’m sure you’ll do fine um let’s see um we’re going to do some troubleshooting uh I’m ready whenever I’ll call them yeah oh my goodness I woke up to a lot of Discord messages um I see uh wait hold on

Um let’s see I need to do some quick troubleshooting um see profile copy this yes uh here’s his user turn okay okay okay nice oh just setting up some some stuff I did not see this uh we’re just setting up some vtuber stuff uh can we do it on

Call I’m excited to play uh stard do it’s already live just a head okay let me grab my headphones let me grab my headphones some good old headphones itchy okay hello hello hello hello you guys are on stream hello hello Jaden hello Alissa hello hello yay I’m a so excited to play stard

New Valley so chill it’s GNA Be Good Vibes all around I’m so excited it’s one of those games that I’ve been meaning to try um I’m scared of the addictiveness yeah uh i’ I’ve tried the multiplayer before but it was like on weird Wi-Fi so it

Always kicked me for some reason so I never really like Got The Full Experience oh whack oh the first time I played stardy Valley I was like yeah people told me I’d like this game and then I sat down and I played it and uh I played for eight hours straight

So that won’t be your experience that’s how I am uh wait what do I have to do for what I do I need to should I download this video thing okay yeah you do the V thing and then it should say up there like um Alice did all this work so

Hopefully I can relay the information correctly um in V first of all in vtube studio you need to get the chroma key for your vtuber that’s that’s so when it’s on mine I can make the background transparent so you’re not orange yeah I think that’s what I’m doing for mine

Right now yeah I just need the key for that and once you have oh it’s just all black it’s just black yeah it’s just black oh easy peasy then then because if I did Green you could see the little specs of green yeah she said with hers

It had a little bit of a orange oul but since there’s three of us on the stream we’re going to be tiny anyway so they won’t see it so yeah then just go to the website do the share camera and all that stuff and no audio or whatever she has

All the arrows and how to do it okay and then I and then when you’re all done with that you have to keep the website open by the way just throw it in the background somewhere uh just give me the browser source and then I can upload you

To mine I will have to wait wiggle it around gotcha um let me try to follow this okay share your camera uh I do not have that button to share the camera share it says add your camera to OBS is that the same perhaps it has the same icon so I’m

Going to click it I’d assume it’s the same if it has the same icon yeah click no audio click Start also my chat bear with me I will not be reading your messages right now can’t read can’t read forgot how can’t read good thing there’s minimal reading actually there’s a lot of

Reading in stardo I can’t wait to see Grandpa’s messed up little bed you have to use words yeah mine’s 16 plus wait gonna say the f word oh french fries frog graceon Crossing thank you for the follow bless your little soul you’re now my new favorite

Person trying to zoom into this I should get some music going my chat’s listening to silence they’re I think they’re listening to the the birds sounds of Hello Life Noggin life Noggin he say Rance the wizard man Terraria OST let’s go Terraria yeah I’m going to put up some

Start that’s so loud oh Jesus I’m so sorry everybody there we go some gentle terrari music I’m having some really fun technical difficulties I got just two frames of doodles to set up the PNG tuber one works and one keeps getting corrupted like every time I upload no they are not allowed to

Speak oh rest in peace headphone users camera it’s me I am the headphone User it’s me oh my God I totally forgot I set up a bot to do the announcements when I go live but they’re not good at adding the bellbirds oh well is what

Okay so I think my vtube studio cam is broken no because uh let me let me just send you a picture of what I’m looking at here okay we need Alice to fix this she’s the V2 Queen I I think it’s just wrong here here I’ll send the screenshot to Alice

And see if she can quickly answer if not I might just steal um Alyssa’s YouTuber see the problem with that though is that we might just be uh V tubing alone ALS split apart I have I have Alyssa on my stream oh I look good yes

That’s why I’d like to have you two be like where’s Jaden not here yeah mine for some I’m having all kinds of technical difficulties what happened whatever you got me so easily on I know and so it’s just like Jaden Frame 2 is working great Jaden frame one corrupted

And could you like resave it yeah let me try that she said how does the vtu studio look what should we just pop Alice in should we just pop Alice in real quick or just ignore it and just like we we can try okay we’re going to pop Alice in for a quick

Second create the heck I give it 10 minutes if we don’t get it in 10 minutes we’ll just play video gam it sounds good hello Alice you on the stream you are on many streams at least five streams oh yeah hello I am here for the tech support

Yeah uh I I sent what my uh camera camera to OBS looks like it’s just green yeah it’s I I laugh I was like I don’t think that’s what it’s I don’t think anything is supposed to look like that oh huh when I joined the call the the video thingy on my YouTube

Studio also disappeared is it also green would you do I didn’t do it I didn’t do it I’m not a curse I don’t corrupt things oh thank you guys for all the follows by the way oh wait I’m in the wrong U I forgot to click on the camera icon

Um did you not find the virtual webcam config um is that in vtube studio yeah um let me okay can they see if I share screen uh no no none of Discord is on not allowed here oh yeah Alice are you having issues with the chat too where it kept

Freezing yeah I yeah I even restarted my PC yeah I had to keep restarting because uh whenever I was in your chat Jaden it would just stop loading messages that’s probably a YouTube thing though yeah probably apparently they changed some stuff recently and it’s things are going

To going to catch up anyway I I can follow your your screen down now uh Alice yeah go Alice go uh if you go to settings and then click on the second icon at the top mhm and then go like all the way down okay and then you should

See this wait you can can you see my mouse No but they activate virtual webcam yeah that should be on I turned it on it wasn’t on before okay uh and then the website should be able to pick it up properly cool oh I see it I see it

It’s working now it’s very revers just so you know change the wrong one if your background is black you might disappear with with the Chrome key oh oh oh that it looks good on stream as long as it looks good on stream uh does it does it work for everyone

Else it it shouldn’t matter on your end Jaden it’s it depends on the chromic key oh for scoot me that browser and I will I will test it but my chat will see it because I don’t have that cool setup like Jaden does when you have a second

Um could you set up the PNG tuber with those files again I accidentally I got Jaden’s working but I copied it onto yours no I know Jaden okay yeah hold on um let me do that real quick one thing at a time uh uh course course where’s our group okay so adding

My camera so what do I do yeah the the camera Works how do I send it to people um the little browser Link at the top do you see at the very top mhm there’s a little link and the little copy uh copy link here I’ll I’ll share my screen

Too okay there you go Alyssa thank you I had it already saved when I went straight to the website bless their little Souls oh yeah click Start start and then at the top there copied yeah and then you you send that oh in the chat yeah you just give it to

Kelsey perfect me G me is that it then Kelsey does the rest yes just technical stuff yeah hello chat but yeah anything that might look almost black may disappear on your M I hope your hair doesn’t disappear or mythes worried about the the the clo oh floating arms I can I can

Uh change it well if if I change it uh IRL or like in the studio will it change as well uh yeah I don’t think it should affect I’m a little unsure I had to go with a really gross bright orange that hurts my eyes thank

You for the follow okay hold on I got to tweak some things you guys are going to see a crunchy Jaden for a second I got mine working oh my God custom it’s black right dis P black yeah I can change it to like a blue or

Something or like a red oh you just straight up disappeared my dude okay oh wait wait you have to tweak I’m trying her hair is gone okay how about this I’ll I’ll try this one let me see does this look good okay ghost Jaden I try this color green

Should work for you that color Okay grass tried I tried number 34 red see if that works if not we can do green like a dark green cuz none no part of your model is green yeah I would do try green thank you for the follow give me the ugliest most neon

Green you can find no okay how about how about this 34 in a different slot how’s this we’ll try this bad boy if not Jaden will just remain crunchy on my stream you can oh you’re back on your screen oh maybe oh that’s crunchy this might have to do oh yeah

Just got a cck hold on I got to tweak some things I think I think that looks pretty good yeah okay okay now we just need to crop the edges okay how do you crop I forgot uh alt alt wow you’re on OBS right yes yeah you just click it and then

Alt hello or like hold alt I’m going to crop that little that little Watermark right out of there I’m going to bring you down here nice unfortunately Jaden’s going to be really low quality this is fine so crunchy crunchy crunchy crunchy Jaden oh let me tweak it

A little bit more hold on I feel like I can do better than this crunch I’ve got my stream set up on Twitch and you guys look great awesome thanks so I’m I’m now live swag hi hi stream I’m not going to be very talkative with stream but here we

Go yeah I’ll hop out then good luck today than or Alice I’m right [ __ ] one day I happened to be too so bad it’s okay I had like one day where I kept messing up bye Alice bye all right okay there you are what we call deep fried deep fried okay that’s

Okay that’s okay crunch tuber cruncher than a CLE cooked chip i k I love kettle C chips they are really good all right bye terrari music start now we do we click coup we clip C uh who’s hosting uh I don’t know Kelsey I think you’re the most knowledgeable on how to

Run everything so I think you should host big brain okay I can do that let’s host a new f okay I’ll now just because I’m big brain doesn’t mean I won’t make big mistake oh okay I need to make a person what should I name myself are we are we going to be

Silly or are we going to be serious is this a serious I want to just name mine Jaden I’ll name I I’m always like a name myself Jaden kind of like a a true I am in this world player if not that then I always choose

Ari I’m going to be baby Jim baby Jim let’s be let’s be our pets also Oscar thank you for Prime sub get some hype in the chat for Oscar you’re you’re my new favorite person my favorite thing oh Kelsey Kelsey’s got favorites in chat I got favorites in chat it’s

Real easy to be my favorite does not hide it there is a favorite child and she will publicize it hey mythical mythical is in chat okay uh money shared nearby I want us to be nearby starting cabins okay so I made this mistake last time cabins are different than the house

Right so if I do two starting cabins it’s a house in two cabins and not I think I think that’s what it is so I’ll get two cabins okay preferred animal I trust your judgment do we want a dog or a cat I’m assuming we want a

Cat oh yeah I want a cat uh yeah I think I’m good I normally I’m a dog person but I got tostada now so I’m like little cat little cat friend okay so we got we got Orange cat we got gray striped cat or we

Got Pure yellow cat can we oh do you have a preference you said you said there was a yellow one we can name it cheese cheese we’ll take the yellow cat yell okay now now we need to discuss the matter of what the name of our farm is called cheese

Cat um what what’s something all three of us really like um R DDR the farmr um let’s Dr Farm DD Farm DD far Farm DD Farm DD Farm well then it looks like it’s just then it just looks like there’s just women with double D’s all over this Farm no farm farm Revolution

Farm farm Revolution wait I like that will it fit is that too long well the thing is it’s it it ends with farm so you have to be like Farm f farm farm farm Revolution Farm okay Farm Revolution oh it’s too long a oh I got some new fa chat eager J

Thank you for the prime sub and AAR thank you for gifting a sub Chad was like oh I like the DD Farm DD Farm no uh um um oh you didn’t gift you just subbed oh sorry I miss R thank you and thank you guys for getting the hype

Train going uh Alice also thank you there’s so much going on in my chat sorry I’m overwhelmed we I need to think chat I need to think what’s the name of this Farm it’s got to be perfect what’s something we love CH Chili’s farm ch’s farm CH f chil’s farm I was accidentally

Typing in my chat Chili’s Farm there we go now we can design our characters yay wait how do we do that do we have to join I think you can just do new oh maybe okay and then we go into your world yeah then you just join oh oh okay

Hold on I’m GNA spend some time in this name Ari wait I have to name my own Farm huh oh no then try try clicking Co-op and clicking join there’s like Lan or or invite code we want invite code okay I got to gota hide everything got

To hide this one then I like that hair give us your code I got to make the farm first oh sorry okay what would baby Jim wear as a shirt she would definitely have the skull wait are yall doing your Birds because I should

Be yeah I was I was going to do I was going to do r world first then others join and create the character gotcha thank you baby Jim would wear overalls no guys I won’t show the code I promise I won’t I promise I won’t I don’t promise I promise nothing we’re

Going to have strangers join I love to stardo uh music it’s so good there’s literally a duck beak oh like you can put on the character yeah it’s in accessories oh good get quacking get quacking I’m gonna give baby Jim a goatee link the code I dare

You there’s going to be like 50 people in Chile’s Farm Chile’s Farm I’ve seen people do that um mostly dangerously funny where he like corrupts the game and lets 50 of his fans come in just destroy everything oh damn I really don’t know anything about this game I

Know you can marry people and I know you uh have farms and there’s chickens there are chimpin yeah chimkin oh my God they have a skeleton shirt and it reminds me of ghost oh I’ll take it Jaden have you ever listened to ghost uh listen to Ghost like a song

Yeah there it’s a band a hotu Miku song because otherwise probably no I mean his voice is kind of high pitched but no I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it no worries no worries more for me which one of these shirts screams baby Jim none of them

Actually no oh the gay shirt purple gay shirt let’s go that’s baby Jim she’s gay and purple Jaden a C cook chip I’m going to pull up your stream and then uh put it on my stream so we can also watch yeah if you guys want to come watch a

Second view uh Alysa and I are streaming as well on the twitch on the twitch on a twitch oh I want to resubscribe be sure to like comment and subscribe and slap that Bell icon real Hard I wish I could edit the skin like this is a vibrant ass green this one like I want like a gentle green but it’s okay baby J is coming along I think I’m happy I like her little hair no you know what I don’t want the goatee it’s not baby Jim that’s

Just me there that’s baby Jim or I could do the duck beak chat duck beak or no beak what y’all feeling there’s a line above Jaden I see it oh no okay I’ll edit that hold on I didn’t even notice why do you guys got to do this to

Me uh unlock vtubers grab Jaden grab grabbing grab and Jad duck beak okay beak it is okay now standard Farm Riverland Farm Forest Farm Hilltop Farm Wilderness Farm Four Corners Farm or the beach Farm we should do St standard cuz it’s easiest can do

Be oh oh hyp train is over thank you all for the hype train I appreciate it no I accidentally clicked on someone’s comment and it’s like banned I was like no did nothing wrong okay starting the world up let’s go yeah yeah oh Grandpa’s crusty ass bed almost

As crusty as Jaden’s YouTuber oh no I swear I look good and for my very special granddaughter I want you to have the sealed envelope thank you guys for the follows by the way I won’t be able to read chat that much cuz I am playing the video

Games but I will do my best if you have questions ask the mods yeah true oh no don’t open it yet have patience now listen closely I can’t hear there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of mod life yeah right true huge true I feel like I’m

Spoiling it I should stop reading it out loud day wait wait is this spoiler I thought this was like uh this the intro no I I don’t mind being spoiled on something I’m going to see five minutes in the future when that happens my dear you’ll be ready for this envelope

Gift cranberries and blueberries are one of the best ways to earn money in early fall and summer I think ooh is it true I don’t know don’t know what that means I’m at JoJo Mart this is where you get to see the really horny guy what

You’ll know when you see him you can’t miss him is it there he is okay it’s horny Woody what Woody from I didn’t see him oh what this guy it’s $20 spend it wise it’s a baby Jim a little baby Jim baby Jim so little y’all she’s hanging out with Rush right

Now she’s so small she’s just a we little thing they actually made him so cursed right tiny why are people saying it’s day oh I put the wrong day in my subathon apparently was it I it’s apparently day 20 and I put 19 I don’t remember dat 19 then whoops it’s all

Becoming a blur my own thank you guys thank you if you’re reading this you must be in a dire need of change the same thing happened to me long ago I lost out of What mattered most in my life real connection with people and nature so I dropped everything and moved

To this place I truly belong I’m sry I’ve enclosed the deed to that place my pride and joy Chile’s Farm Chile’s Farm it’s located in stardew Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this is my most precious gift of

All and now it’s yours I know you honor the family name my dear good luck love Grandpa PS if L is still alive say hi to the old guy no he’s dead he perished thank you guys for follows welcome everybody Welcome Woo I love pixel art you are now hosting a multiplayer game that’s me nice give me give me your Coupe code can I just like invite you guys is that also work uh it looks like we have to like when we click Co-op it says uh click uh

In put in code I got to figure out how to find the code and not have the chat see the code you might have to like hide the game for a sec I might have to hide the game might have to give chat the middle finger for one second a little

Wham chat is blind for one minute I don’t want to talk to you Robin I got stuff to do I got a co-op to host don’t worry we’ll close our eyes I trust y’all okay hold on I’m gonna do this real quick how do I get the

Code uh Chad how do we get the code options I would assume it’s somewhere in here in the here multiplayer oh I could do friends only no I’ll just do invite code thank you okay uh invite friend uh invite Alyssa do I have you on

Steam I don’t know but a code would be quicker it does oh here show invite code okay I had to scroll way down copy oh my God that is a nasty looking code there’s the code have fun typing that in yay oh okay I’m just

Going to copy paste this me too ah [ __ ] no no no no no no okay we might need a new code oh no no wait I shut the code off no wait no no no no no new code how do we get how did we all show the code

Okay I’m going exit Game exit exit title we got to restart no we all just managed to be like now don’t look a [ __ ] two out of three of us showed the code well Kelsey thank God because I would have felt so bad I would I would have laughed if people like

Snuck in I would have been like chaos they deserve that they deserve that sneaky little devil well also if you sent the steam code I could just join off that I got a new code I got a new code don’t worry okay a whole new code

New code a whole new code a whole new I’m just going to try and connect to that one there’s the new code do not show it let me know when y’all is in you guys want to see this really cool code you guys want you guys want to see

A magic trick oh wait which which Chili’s Farm is this there’s two of them what do you mean there’s two of them uh I I’m going to screenshot just click one uh okay oh uhoh oh did you click one or two Jaden I clicked one okay I’m going in unnamed farmand Jaden

Animations has joined yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay new coach is dropped start I got myips I am okay good there’s two cabins y’all get your own cabin I get the house that’s the rules okay oh it’s working it’s happening it’s happening okay you guys are I’m going to be

Luigi got make Luigi thank you all for the follow strawberries are also very good for spring so when you get money you should get a bit of them can do feel free to give us tips I know the game but I like backseat gaming unless you’re a

Jerk then I’m like go away I don’t like backseat gaming for um Binding of Isaac people are mean and I’m like I didn’t ask you we clean out some territory so we can get some parsnips going I’ve never eaten a parip so loud pants color I

Can’t our pants are like added it like this AR got blue ass pants he does have blue ass pants AR’s got big old little birdie pants it’s so funny when his legs get real thick yeah they do stream I’m so sorry the music is so loud it’s okay

I totally deafened my stream with freaking Terraria Terraria was so loud I went to a different plane of existence if I give Ari earrings it looks like oh wait he’s got he can I can put eyebrows on him give him them Angry Eyebrows but it’s like gray eyebrows nah he got blue

Eyebrows why I don’t know I’ll just do that his favorite thing is being mean okay you can get strawberries at the egg festivals parsnip seeds yeah yeah yeah there we go okay how do I oh oh my God oh my God finally I can hear my own

Thoughts music was so loud all right Luigi is I’m for you guys to see Luigi I can’t wait to see he looks good bit spec says I love this game but I’ve only ever played it with 101 mods one so many I don’t think I’ve ever played this

Game modded I’ve I’m not person other than Minecraft good I no it’s Luigi bro mustache holy crap mustache why’d you make him purple okay cuz he’s purple is he hey these are mine you’re right is why is it look like it ass out here grandpa said here’s my my most prized

Possession a filthy Farm good luck with it f most prized possession most prized possession sure old man sure okay I’m going get I’m going to get the farm going we can put it right in front of my house I don’t mind wait which one’s the hoe this one’s the hoe me

Sorry it’s a Luigi sell the parsnip seeds and buy potato seeds with them like we shouldn’t we shouldn’t plant all these Parson you said we should go get potato instead that sounds like a good idea I have no idea touching you’re doing great just destroy the land uh to the right

Does to the right side is the energy meter and if you I’m pretty sure if your energy goes all the way out you faint and then the doctor’s like that’ll be a huge medical bill and you’re like I hate you no wonder you’re alone in this town just like real

Life okay are do we are we able to romance people yeah you can marry people oh disgusting if you don’t want to marry anyone you could just be roommates with the with um kobis oh kobus yeah he’s a he’s like a what what is he chat what is

Kobus you can marry players too Jaden let’s be gay really let’s let’s all be gay together let’s all be gay wait can we have like a polymerous little farm poly Farm little poly Farm Jaden poly chil Farm ch is all about that lgbtq why yeah they have the $5 marks

That’s pretty gay to me it attracts my kind of people no pully is mod only boo that’s funny that they made a mod for it though I feel like it makes sense for the like to have it like like oh you just have a group of friends you got to

Pick your favorite to marry that’s kind of messed up also we share money just a heads up okay how do I I can’t go buy 10 chickens no not yet we have to build a a coup before we can uh get chickens oh hello Mac hello welcome chimpin what happens if I

Run out of energy and it’s only uh 1:30 p.m. just don’t do anything you can go go to town and talk to people but you can’t like mine or anything all right how do I sell like only a little bit oh I sold them all well you guys don’t sell your parsnips

But I I want to buy multiple I got some okay well we’ve got a lot of money though not really oh no go to bed to replenish energy you can go to bed during the day use the S for grass oh I’m going to go to the beach and I’m going to find

Treasures Treasures it’s it’s okay Robin they have par Snips too I bought potatoes wait wait y y’all need to plant parsnips oh oh oh wait how do I by the way you don’t d damn all right pick up the pace if you roam through the trash and

Someone can catch you and then they’ll be like disappointed in you you just click on the earth oh my God I’m so sorry these are well you know what I can make more area too if we need more offer your parip seeds to Luigi no are never no they’re mine Luigi would eat

Them one with Earth you paw Snips what’s parsnip taste like Chad give me like I’ll hold on to these three parsnip seeds just go sell them because I’m angry now okay wait do I here what’s this how do I oh you yeah you can put him in there

That’s that’s like whoops that’s like the community chest so if you need to sell anything you just pop it in there and then the next morning it’s like here’s how much money you made okay car Snips are so gross taste like pretty subpar what but they sound so so cute chat says they’re

Filthy I imagine it tastes like dirt wait what I sell again I forgot to listen you put it in that box oh okay there you go ever had a rudaba I don’t know tastes like that oh someone said don’t sell the clay is the clay good uh you can use it for

Recipes I’ve got two clay we can get more clay though this is just day one oh someone didn’t someone didn’t plant a parsnip in this little spot and now we have a hole what wa that’s all the parsnips I had bro oh [ __ ] I sold I’m

Going to plant some mixed seeds and prey oh yeah okay according to google deliciously delicious naturally or flavor oh did you plant something I already planted it go sell that okay goodbye all right let’s go to town and we can meet some people and you can become friends with people and if you

Become friends with people enough sometimes you can marry them yeah I got to go buy Shane a beer every day at 5 p.m. no don’t enable him I I what’s the other way to I don’t have little chilies for him a thank you for the follow clay

I I I see clay differently I hate there he is my love yesterday I played D and D with with Charlie uh Rono and and Jacob and there’s a section where we role played eating clay for 20 minutes oh hell yeah where hey Jaden come uh right click on

This trash can no people are going to watch you got caught I’m going to beat you up [ __ ] come here oh un shrimp I will put my legs down what you’ve never rum you’ve never ever opened a trash can Alex I’m still talking to you come here let me in there’s some serious

Drama in this um town by the way there is it’s fun learning the drama where you going I’ll see you around I’m going to make fun of your I’m going to I’m going to romance your grandmother does my God she still married that’s never stopped Ari you can call me granny like I’m

Going to get some water ads are holding me up help me get out of my way George it’s almost bedtime um I will what do you mean it’s almost bedtime it’s getting dark it’s getting spooky I’m going go I’m I’m going go to the left side bottom left and see if

There’s any spring onion I was just I got a a daffodil daffodil we’re going Forge Jaden have you watched the movie Open Season yeah I love that movie as a kid yeah Tom for some hardcore gam and resal thank you for that sub get some hype in

The chat you’re my new favorite person Jordan and Kelsey had never seen it before so we watched it last night oh it’s so good there I had a a phase during quarantine where I just watch movies by myself and that was definitely one of them hell yeah oh inventory

Full you can get cheese in the secret Woods in the secret Woods I thought cheese just like wait are we talking about cheese or the cat we named cheese no they’re talking about actual cheese okay Robin says strawberries in the spring blueberries in the summer cranberries in the fall in the winter

Nothing grows outside of certain situations thank you so much by the way yeah you guys can over there on the bitup if you use the text speech option in the channel you can make her say things if you make her say things I will ban your ass that’s it

Banned don’t make my bean say nauy things she’s only here for Good Good Vibes AR’s not he’ll say c words yeah okay time to go home what time is bedtime is it 1:00 a.m. 2 a.m. I can’t remember yeah if you stay out too late

If you stay out too late then yeah the you still oh wait which has your uh I don’t mind spoilers cuz I’ve gotten really far in this game go bedtime can I even get home from here I I I carved a path if you want to

Go like the bottom way I did it thank you so much uh ver in chat gave 100 bil said PE PE poo poo and also said another big nice message that I’ll have to go search for uh verie what did you say uh hi Kelsey and Jaden and the ala can’t be

Here too long but don’t slander bar Snips and rudas no problem I won’t slander I don’t know much we got 30 G 30 freaking G 30 30 G I don’t know if I sold my parsnips I just put them in the box that usually means that they’re sold okay don’t mind

Me just open I spended walnuts that’s all good don’t forget to watch the TV cuz sometimes you learn recipes Ari is watching the fortune teller show the spirits are happy today wo the spirits are just for the caves right I got mail oh me too [ __ ] keep finding

Cool stuff in my back oh it’s just freaking Pierre being like come buy my stuff and I’m like no I don’t really like you Pierre to be honest we need we need more we need to make money so we can get bigger backpack though yeah but

The backpack’s like 5,000 G and we need three of them he doesn’t need to be doing he should have a sale buy one get two free I need to I need need to where’s the beach is it down south the beach is down um yeah you go to the right you can

Go into town and then go straight down that’s the easiest way oh oh Ari got a geode the local blacksmith can break it open for you the blacksmith is the depressed [ __ ] that’s fair but he can break things but he can break things watering thean wait my chat says they can’t hear

Me hello hi Jordan muted I’m maybe I’m just not I’m just not a loud person she’s shy Chad give her a minute I’m shy the blacksmith read is an incel unfortunately oh my oh I got spring onions sping wow all these chats are so calm so it’s only Jaden’s that’s not well Jaden

Has like what 8,000 people and I probably I don’t even know how many I have I have the number turned off but got chill over fishing yeah if you guys want to chill chat uh you’re welcome to come in our chat I like to have all the

Streams up honestly I can’t right now because I’m streaming but I’m one wildish I’m going to watch five people at once oh my God my chat is actually pretty pretty tame today it’s a it’s a a chill morning stream hell yeah oh 2K it’s 2K okay so we need to get 2K for

Each person and then we can get we could get a big old backpack a big old backpack my inventory is full I was gonna say something I didn’t say it I’m G say it anyways your mom is full oh my God AR Luigi heard that one from a while

A mile away Luigi’s ears went oh tiny tiny girl Jazz hi oh it’s a child I don’t like the children as you know I don’t like children sorry children in chat my whole chat going wow sewer I got a fishing pole I’m going to go fishing for us I love you babe oh

Yeah I love you too oh lunar what do you mean a lunar frog dog bow what does that mean frog dog bow people are speaking in tongue twitch aoy there son I’m not a child but still offended that’s fair you’re allowed to be offended allow to be offended my nephew

Has eight-year-old but he also hates children I think it’s normal now thank you for the follow it was a big hole hello there just got back from fishing trip come some okay well here I come finally sa enough to buy me a new Rod that I don’t need sap here I one you

Have my old fishing rod fish it’s important to me and that our old F stays alive and maybe we’ll buy something from the shop once in a while oh I see lunar I see I got a fishing rod too I’m not going to lie I love videos whenever kids

Try new foods for the first time and they’re like oh sweet baby Jesus that’s good like kids trying queso for the first time oh my God I saw a video of a little kid trying like I think soda they were like oh it’s spicy it’s those like reals or Tik toks where

It’s like my kid accidentally trying adult toothpaste for the first time they’re like why is it spicy why is it spicy why is it spicy why did I collect Stone oh because I might have gifted it to people I was trying my inventory was full is there a way I can remote Wi-Fi

Stone you like give you stones I don’t know I’m have a child I’m not offended despise I despise the children well my whole chat is on and off about whether we should be mad about children or not all right Willie is here he gives me the

Fish and pole we could go fishing radish okay I think okay here’s my take I think some children can be good some children can be bad but babies absolutely no saving babies oh my God the yeah the thing is like when they’re just screaming and I’m like why though why

Why you doing that why you why you making noise so loud just use use your inside voices yeah imagine not knowing what an inside vo is yet once the child learns what an inside voice is no problem no excuses after that no excuses I got to go talk to people for my

Job all right I got my fishing pole sorry that don’t kick the papy oh wait that’s from South Park the beach is a cool place to hang up sometimes [ __ ] I’m going to go romance your your grandma actually I’m coming back inside your house you really want to kill Alex

Don’t you where is your grandma you’re not good enough friends with Alex to enter his bedroom I didn’t even no he’s he’s get he’s naked in front of me what what are you what have you gotten yourself into all right all right I know how to fish in

Stardew Valley just saying that right now chat I know how to do it I’m just at the wrong spot oh all the women are doing their their um their Athletics Luigi you’re the mayor he doesn’t sell strawberries right I have to get that at the at the thing the the the Egg Farm

The egg Festival where I make all the children in the town cry what I’ve never won that never won or maybe I have and that’s how you get a cool hat right I think so snakes everywhere happy birthday I’m going to put a little no wait how do I this

One this one I’m going to put down some some spring onions is that okay sprin springes yeah you can do it this is our farm I’m not the leader I don’t know what I’m doing well I don’t I I also do not know what to do I have a

Duck bill you think I know what I’m doing true yes I got a [ __ ] Sunfish no I didn’t want that oh it’s the Nerds hi oh my my pockets we need a backpack we need a backpack I’m just going to sell everything I don’t care chat’s

Going to be like no don’t sell that and I’ll be like I’m going to get 10 more tomorrow stump the stump is ruining we’re not big enough for the stump yet wait how do I how do I make a little hole in the ground you did make a hole

In the ground wait how do I plant the seeds then oh did you pluck those from the ground yeah I did they’re already grown you can’t plant a grown plant you got to sell it would you like to eat one yeah it gives you energy oh I see I

See I see the no you can’t plant them Bry if they’re already pulled you can’t plant already grown plant children don’t let the children get a single egg at the festival I’ll do that I’ll do that just for you the with the power of Ari baby Jim and Luigi none

Of these children will have eggs I’m going to would you like a spring of onion baby I I would like a sprung excuse me sorry BL oh we don’t have enough money for beer no we’re poor backpacks how am I going to romance sh

Oh my God Alyssa we got to get the we got to get backpacks before you go Romancing people they’re going to be like why do you have a bunch of mud in your pockets I’m going to say you like no come back to my farm and I’ll

I also have a wild horse radish sell it okay we need the money we do need the money put it in the bin we’re all like purple and like blue I love it you like my guy I do like the legay shirt found a mustache option so we’re

Good hell yeah Ari likes to be clean cut are you pooling your money yes we are sharing AR’s house is oh wait do that houses match the people because my house is all blue I think it’s random oh well look how look and I like it yeah it

Matches the people I’m going to chop down this tree do it do it do come on AR put some oomph into it good job buddy what if it fell on your house that would be an AI thing to do buy all the seeds Kelsey and ruin the shared

Money imagine if we what happens when you go broke in this game I guess not much because you can just forge for stuff I’m foraging probably I’m forging um where’s the cat I want to see the cat we don’t have a cat yet no no uh what’s

Her face Marney will show up and be like I found this and I was like it’s mine now oh okay okay is this grass bad I don’t wait I should go to the blacksmith and and get the Geo done oh he’s closed bro is 8:00 at night no why

Can’t he be open forever because he has to go cry at the bar because he loves people but isn’t inst Ziggy all right I’m going to do some bedtime get some hype of the chat for Ziggy Ziggy you’re my new favorite person thank you for that

Sub wait what was that they really make this this C it’s going to rain tomorrow yay that means we don’t have to R the crops which means we’ll have more energy let’s go let’s go Luigi has gone to bed Luigi AR will go to bed too because he’s a little

Bit of a sheep baby Jim’s going to tuck her in there get all snug in poop sweet dreams guaranteed rain on day three wow y’all big rain they know the they know the stats they know the stats for real for real sorry Ziggy but it’s really easy to become my

Favorite oh I got level one foraging I can now Craft Wild seeds and field snack oh field snack field snack go and fish okay this random first time chatter in my chat telling me what to do no problem let’s go fishing I’m easily persuaded Oscar should

Um oh spooky we are Shane enjoyers in this chat that is so true who uh cool stuff my backpack is full I have wood I can actually craft yeah I can craft as a chest um big brainers in the chat what is the weird little noise that

Happens that when it rains what is it does this all go back if we don’t plant anything yeah good oh I can plant I can plant okay you all are saying frog but with question marks I need some confidence in chat yeah I love when

Chat’s I don’t know but I want to I want to talk it’s just ambient frog sounds man I never hear a frog like that before that I always thought it was like this Spirits all right let’s go fishing fishing where where we going to see how Jaden responds to fishing because it

Is making me angry have you have you fished in stardo before uh I think so but I don’t remember how it goes it’s very similar to fishing and well I guess I should say um for Cult of the Lamb is very similar to stardo where you’ll have

Like a bar and you have to like keep it in the little bar as it Wiggles gotcha yeah I have played Cult of the Lamb yeah it’s exactly the same thing I have messed up my wrist from trying to properly fish and stardew drawing stardew yes what are the

Controls you uh you click and then you real oh it’s all clicking clicking it’s exactly like CT to the lamb sometimes in the water you’ll see like little bubbles that’s where the good [ __ ] is oh I did bad don’t look at that chat you didn’t see

Nothing get some going to set us up some little torches hell yeah I got one let’s go pull it baby J pull it you got it what I get there we go I got some fish oh hell yeah thank you for the follow go to the Rock okay I’m not

Getting anything I was looking away what happened nothing happened I got the big house because I’m the host with the most do you have to wait that’s true but you guys can actually I think we’re allowed to all sleep in the same bed I did that I did that with Alice and

She’s like I can’t make it to my house I was like just go on my bed and she she right in cuz if you don’t get oh shoot if you don’t get into bed by like a certain why Why by a certain amount you’ll paint we go sardine 2 inch

Sardine oh yeah bringing in big bucks for the family we need backpacks I got something pull it Ari P pull it get it get it oh dear yeah no I lost it a no this is hard yeah yeah oh this one’s a fighter not really oh oh a little bit of Fire come

On what I get I got a hella boot okay the the tri is to just keep clicking and not hold the button yep 50 players the same bed like a clown car and then and then the cat will also hop on the bed and sleep with

You are you fishing at the beach yeah we’re at the weird rock chat said to do the Rock and I said okay oh I hear you oh my gosh oh I missed it I was read chat God damn it chat good morning in trouble time out everybody I’ll add the add the timeing

Myself oopsie good morning good to see you that doesn’t sound like frogs y’all that sounds like spooky scary poltergeists spooky scary so Spooky give me fish oh o I got I got a we sardine T sardine chat said fish at the Rock you’ll get good [ __ ] gets a threein sardine oh I got a hit oh this this fish dies today he’s giving up this fish is giving up this

Guy’s fighting get Herring oh I got a herring get it get it Alysa get it should I get better be a good one I swear to goodness why you fight so hard I’m sorry if I was a one inch anchovy I would let myself

Die I got to go put these where where do my inventory is full go take them to the Box put them in the box but I could eat it for 35 energy what the [ __ ] all right the darker spots near the Rocks okay oh I will switch you out for uh the

Dandelion I got sell some [ __ ] too I’ll be right back Alysa all we have to go all the way back home wait I should go to the blacksmith where is he he’s on the right side by the Museum oh you’ll know because it’s got like a bunch of

Like pipes and stuff and it’s like it looks very mechanic okay better not be another sardine I swear to the bridge bullying Clint the blacksmith is also a cool spot to fish what hello I think it’s you swag we got a herring 8 in oh and I treasure I found

Bait found treasure oh yeah we got to do the thing where we we uh eventually hold on brain fart I got petrified slime oh what the [ __ ] what can I sell that what do I need this for Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate it to the

Museum oh there’s a museum yeah the museum is right by Clint uh So eventually there’s like what do you call it chat the um the big the community center we have to we have to uh fix up the community center and donate certain items to the community

Center I’m going to skip this should I keep these do I need to keep any of these chat for the community center what’s the first fish for spring are we in spring use fertilizer to improve I feel like I don’t need to read the tips I

Feel like you guys are just going to I probably don’t need Community Center is going to be very fun oh yeah let’s go woo gream fish a chub Shad a smallmouth bass and a sunfish I got the Sunfish okay I’ll sell the hell of it

Then I’ll put fish a man I wish there was a way to archaeology oh I got 250 gold yo I got to Sunfish make a chest for more storage how do I do that I made a chest tell tell chat to get off your ass I already

Made a chest okay I didn’t know if we we we share the chests hello a blue hair girl in the rain Emily oh you’ll like Emily Emily’s cool you love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for something to do stop by the saloon she’s a little too

Smiley but she likes Birds she’s awesome Jaden stop being crunchy it’s what I do you need to keep one parsnip a green bean a cauliflower and potato well we’re grow we’re growing the cauliflowers in the parsnip right now so we’re off to a start okay oh if you if you ever by like

The dirt and by dirt I mean you know the yellow Turf and you see like three little pixel worms that are like wiggling if you hit it with your hoe you’ll get goodies oh it’s a big guy yeah the wigglies oh wait how do I make a chest I

Want to make a chest uh pull up your inventory and then click on the little Hammer it’ll take you to the crafting section all that I got an eel I need more an eel I got an eel an eel eels okay so we we need what what was

The list again hold on uh uh amethyst told me we need a bream catfish which you get in the rain a chub Shad which you get in the rain okay and a smallmouth bass but that’s Sunny oh shoot I didn’t mean to do that question where do you donate stuff uh you donate

To the museum which is on the right side who who did this who did the sub hold on my chat froze Dr zero gifting a sub sub to bonso bonso make sure you thank Dr Zer for that sub uh Dr Z you’re my new favorite person thank you so much this tree is

Got to go oh it’ll have a man with a little cowboy hat that’s like real real sweet and you that’s all you can do is donate he’s not really an active like towns folk is it above or below archaeology Center I donated my thing to the green house like the

Green building’s green yeah I’m lost follow wait immediately hold on wait hold on Ziggy Ziggy hold up hold up hold on Ziggy I got I got to do more fishing oh it’s it’s the same building as the Green Building yeah right oh okay good it’s lock oh god oh it’s late

Everything man all right hold on hold on Ziggy Ziggy wanted to be my favorite person is there like a like a a good noodle favorite person on stream like on your stream layout um that would be funny no that’s just something I stole from dangerously funny because it made me laugh uh Ziggy

Gifting five subs thank you so much no wait five 10 10 subs thank you Ziggy so much for 10 Subs everyone who got a sub make sure you thank Ziggy and enjoy your emotes in your baby Gym badges woo I do have a thing that like lists uh who

Subbed recently and I have on on the top of my chat I think it’s who has donated the most bits which is Ziggy hey is it worth it to donate the fishies I caught or sell them uh just go ahead and donate them because you can

Only get them during a certain time a year sometimes and so it’s Ziggy stop I got to play the game wait you out here gifting nine I didn’t know you could gift an odd number thank you so much Ziggy you’re so sweet Ziggy IS like Ziggy and then like

Some other uh real frequent members are the reason why I got my freaking valve index when I was streaming mnesia because whenever someone would uh donate or sub it would make monster noises in the game and they like to see me scream that’s funny fishing my beloved I

Love fishing I don’t think I’d be good at playing horror games I think it’d be funny to watch but I don’t think I’d be good at it yeah that’s why I had to have uh lupus in the chat to like encourage me I played uh amori and there was like

A it was like not a horror game but it was like it had a couple little scary guys and I would scream like absolutely scream I remember watching and when you were going down the stairs and that little hand appeared I was like Yeah The Stairway was so scary oh I saw someone

At mff that had an Amore shirt and I was like I now know what that is Amore I like Amore I understand why people like it oh I think I’m going to is it bedtime guys is it bedtime bedtime how many hours do yall have in stard do I’m

Reaching 80 soon no idea but I know I have over a thousand in Terraria this is probably like my third hour go good night okay I want to order some food I’m getting hungry I need I ate food right before and it’s just sitting solidifying in

This bowl so I’m going to go put my bowl away oh Dr zero thank you for gifting five Subs oh yeah let’s go sorry but now Dr zero is my favorite person sorry Z well no Ziggy will always have a special place in my heart he’s he’s so sweet go

To bed okay don’t click anything that’ll pause the game as long as we don’t click anything and it’s on this loading menu hold on what can I eat with a fork at my desk with a fork oh thank you so much 350 hours that’s pretty impressive let’s go now we

Wait for sub comp competition all right I’ll be right back hold on you guys okay I’m going to eat something I’m going to order some something and eat it it’s funny because uh Alyssa when I eat on stream my vtuber model it it tracks really well so it actually looks

Like the vtuber model is eating hello I think they’re gone I was talking to myself oh felt so bad I was getting my guacamole out of the fridge and I was like oh no oh I was just like hey hey Alyssa how’s I’m just gonna tell you

About the story and then I go so I was doing this thing right and then there was silence and I go yeah I’m back what I miss hello what happened what’ you do I was just I didn’t realize I didn’t know that you were both gone so I was

Talking and I go oh no I waited for like a a for a response and it was just nothing I was like hello I was standing in my kitchen just like holding my guacamole like oh no I was holding my bowl and rinsing all the

Sauce out of it being like time to get clean if I never if I don’t answer it’s definitely because either you’re muted or I’m gone I would never ignore someone sometimes I zone out and I absolutely ignore people but it’s not malicious yeah no never oh yeah Ziggy is

My favorite cuz Ziggy just subbed again and also I don’t think I saw the two birds but I saw that you got two birds Ziggy I heard what you said though about when you eat your little vtuber goes even though yeah it like actually makes

Like a chewing motion so I I put like I put these like um like a PNG table with a PNG meal and it looks like I’m just sitting in front of a table eating that’s so cute hi Kelsey can you ask Alyssa when where she’s going to announce that she is

Streaming on Twitch oh I mean did you announce it at all no that’s how I am you just got to hit that Bell icon that wait do they have Bell icons on on Twitch is that a thing uh I think so I I think you can put notifications on you just just got

Eviscerate that Bell icon and then it’ll it’ll have a little popup that says Alyssa is streaming click this I think there’s some like every morning I get to see like I forgot to tweet I’ll tweet right now so I I open Twitter and I just see the phrase I never liked you

Trending and I go no what what does that [Laughter] mean I’m one of those people yeah you open Twitter and then you check it and you’re like cool cool cool and then you open Twitter in a new tab and you check it and then eventually I have like five

Twitter tabs I’m like why do I do this nothing has changed and that’s my story if you think about it Uncrustables aren’t sandwiches they are just large peanut butter and jelly raviolis you ain’t wrong Sky te hello Sky tea is is the um the the user that I learned how

To do the the talking baby gym and I will never get rid of My Talking Baby gym talking baby Jim I do love the rain in any game especially rain and Terraria the rain music delicious and nutritious bread ravioli can’t believe it’s day 20 today

I I could have swore it was day 19 well on my game it says day three of spring year one I tagged you guys in in a tweet oh thank you so much I appreciate it thanks okay uh what do I want nothing ever sounds good to me do you want Korean

Street toast oh I do but I can’t I can’t just go and make it so I got to order something o p dice always a fan always a fan of guacamole always a fan of avocado toast true Dr Z thank you for gifting that sub oh waffle you wanted that sub well

There’s your sub congratulations and Dr zero is my new favorite person woo I upgraded my badges so now the more people are subbed the closer baby jym gets to the camera it’s very threat that’s funny that’s really funny that I’m GNA came here Jaden’s stream because I love your

Voice they’re like uh oh gotta go you can’t go wrong with fries Jaden whatever you’re getting get fries I love fries oh my gosh okay so I before the subathon I was like grocery shopping because I was like I’m gonna have to have quick meals uh and I realized that

Impossible the the brand makes uh impossible dino nuggets so I bought a bag and I had it for the first time the other day because someone in chat was like you should eat dino nuggets and I was like you know what I have some in my freezer so I made

It as well as some tater rounds and that was so good it was so good oh hell yeah I need to buy a bag I already ate it all wait someone said something to me if you ever want to play stard do modded I recommend using the tractor mod I’ve

Heard about the tractor mod what does it make it like easier to farm or something yeah and uh the quality of life mods also I love it’s perfect because Jaden when you talk you look at Chase on my stream oh yeah yeah it’s when I when I

Look to chat or like my OBS I just go like am I am I looking at you and I look at you because my my second monitor is on the right side so you and I are making eye contact and Alyssa’s just staring straight wait I I wanted to give you like a

Little kiss did it work try again oh hold on let me move you real quick also thank you for those Bitties Chef I appreciate it hold on where are you at grab you and I’m going Tove you over okay give me kiss I want to see it get uh can someone

Clip that and send it to someone someone clip J and gave me sweet kisses so sweet kiss the hot dog monster Ki Kiss the hot dog but um a happy Kiss s Williams in chat they made my vtuber and they were at mff and I was like

Happy I need an upgrade and she’s like what do you what do you need and I was like it’s time for a fullbody vtuber and she’s like yeah you need one let me some sweet potato fries with some balsamic dripping okay sweet potato fries I hope sweet potato fries I like

Crunch and ASMR my lunch into my microphone that my little character will like you know I hope you too the thing the thing about potato fries is I get them I get why people like them but my stupid ass brain looking at them knowing that they’re freaking orange bites it

And says that’s not a french fry so I hate them it’s a better fry I had a phase I I go through like I’m a very food obsessive person so if I uh if I like enjoy a meal that’s the main thing I eat for like the entire year so I had

I had a sweet potato phase and now I’m I’m recovering I’m recovering from that phase I feel that I’m currently in my avocado era ah when I was little it was those little chicken pop the banquet chicken pot pies and I my dad and I would eat them for dinner all the

Freaking time and then I stopped eating them for like eight years oh there’s the clip give me that clip how do I grab that clip give me that clip give me that clip I clicked it oh I’ll grab that and then I will send it to the group chat the group chat the

Group chat there we go let me see if I can pull this up on my stream oh yeah I was going to give Jaden a sub but I forgot I already gave her a sub for a year a year what really I I resubbed just now

What was that a year ago because I just resubbed Ziggy did you accidentally gift the wrong Jaden again oh this is not ASMR it’s a jump scare sorry sweet potato babies oh no someone said something else you can duplicate items if you want quick money hell no I’m doing this the the OG

Way again I think so I’ve seen a lot of people try to give Jaden a sub but they just do at Jaden instead of Jaden animation oh no ad Jaden is getting so much free stuff or like whenever people will give Subs um they’re usually

Random and it a lot of times it’ll just gift it to my Bots and so my bots will get a free sub nightbot no I’m G watch this clip with with with chat oh up that’s cute it might have been a year ago it might have been a year and a

Half who knows who knows Robin are you okay wait what why they said hear me out a farming Sim game where you can’t go out to the out in the rain without a drawback and if you’re married your partner would hold you hostage what does that mean oh dear

No Ziggy don’t give a sub to nightbot I don’t know if I use nightbot I don’t know what I use actually I know I have stream elements but I don’t know about any others Robin what are you talking about nightbot can use emotes now so proud of him oh yeah these the stream

Elements wh whatever I forgot are we are we waiting for something uh you were ordering food oh no I’m ready oh you’re ready yeah oh sorry I thought we were I thought we were waiting on something else well Alissa I think is also eating Ziggy thank you for gifting that to stream

Elements now stream elements can uh do emotes so you could do the the thing what’s the what’s my commands hype there it is let’s go in yeah in pet pet did are you ready Alyssa no nope nope disappeared yet again no unless to eat uh guacamole in the

Kitchen raise your hand if you just eatting guac in the kitchen why can’t that’s true I was warming up quinoa and broccoli and then I will be quenan yeah I love my mom came to visit and she made quinan bro I’m having to leftovers hell yeah quinoa

You’d be shocked at how much protein is in quinoa it’s yeah I uh birs eat quinoa like every morning Oscar in my in my chat are you ready Alyssa microwave on literally like you guys were like well Alysa you ready and I went oh [ __ ] and it clicked

Like I’ll be right back okay okay you must hydrate okay I will I will hydrate while we wait thank you guys for all the follows by the way my chat’s being feral my chat’s like where’s my gifted sub which is like I’m not going to tell to

Yourself I’m not going to tell them to stop I mean it’s not my problem oh when I drink water my mouth just opens yeah I I um have this like whenever I drink water I have like a a water bottle where I sip it from so it

Looks like I kind of like sip randomly uh and then I made a water bottle PNG here I’ll show it to I’ll show it to chat I made this water bottle here where I think where if I if I if I do this correctly let me let me see if I I I’m

Drinking some water IRL it looks like you’re blowing air on me but over on my stream it looks like I’m sipping water out of out of a water bottle Ziggy thank you for gifting that pajama people are like Ziggy’s uh Chase is equivalent of gnomed for Jaden yeah Ned the the people’s

Champ ready I’ve got my broccoli I’ve got my quinoa I’ve got my lacroy let’s go all right you ready for the next lroy I’m ready is that the one where you sip it and it sound and it tastes like someone screaming a fruit in your ear okay

What they don’t tell you is if you drink Lacoy often enough you’ll start to actually taste it that’s I don’t that sounds like a weird secret club that sounds like a that sounds like that’s what they say about beer and and coffee though right it’s an it’s an acquired

Taste you have to trust the process and man I trusted the process this Raz cranberry goes crazy I think anything where you just to like it you have to commit more I don’t think that’s up for up my alley I feel like I I think I like my water and

That’s it and my friend fries I do love water water and a hot chocolate and a pink drink that’s it oh pink Drink oh you you like that chai though that chai from oh yeah I do like the chai yeah if you want you can buy me a $5,000

PC Chad is frell all right also thank you guys for all the follows and all the new people in chat hello hello let’s go day four my favorite number woo that’s a good one that’s a good one it’s good we are Beggars I ain’t going to tell y’all to stop not my business

People back again with another tip for y’all now listen up this one’s for you folks living in starder Valley check for spring onion Southwest of town where river meets the ocean you can uh whatever I clicked off oh yeah Jaden took those spring onions and was like

I’m going to plant them in our farm and then I eat them I thought I could just put them in the ground I wish you could do that with monsteras and succulents it’s called propagating oh get propped oh a squirrel squirrel witness happy your emotes are so

Cute whenever these parsnips grow can I pluck one because it’s part of a quest but what was the question whenever these parsnips are done can I pick one out the ground because it says I have to cultivate and harvest a par snip oh yeah you’re the one who planted it wao your

Your vtu went super crunch crunch oh I got to go meet people go yeah go talk to the Village I’m going to continue to clear out the house or the the land if you will I have another geod I’m going to go uh get it done the only reason why of the world

Homeless I’m just going to make your vtubers fit a little better excuse me it’s weird that yours is so crunchy because when uh Alice did hers she was like 4K maybe I didn’t did I have to like click the resolution better I don’t know that’s why I asked Alice she’s the

Genius in this I never know what I’m doing yeah I really don’t know anything about it between Alice and uh the art gun I was like yeah you could just just tell me everything I don’t know yeah just give me the the step byep up instructions let me in let me

In oh come on oh Luigi no all right paj Luigi is here and one of his paws is wet and I don’t know why moist why why are you wet why are you there go let me in hello sir a processes geod please

Boink I coer or no wait can I what do I do with copper ore uh you can make tools you can upgrade your tools I think ooh it oh wait do my tools not break in this game nope cool so only Minecraft does that Minecraft needs to get with the

Times same with Animal Crossing that was like the worst thing they added to anal crising was tools breing tools are immune tools wa donate fish to a museum oh wait it costs money I got to wait not fish but we’ll be donating fish to the community center once we get that far

Ahead oh so should I hold on to my fish or no I sold my fish okay a very thing me to do we need um I we already have the Sunfish we need a smallmouth bass a chub shad and I forget what the first one was called I got to meet

People hello I don’t yeah what’s my quest I’m not pink getting started cultivate and harvest the parsnip gu oh we got to say hi to everybody that’s right let me yeah what’s this nothing is posted today does it count if like some of us say hi to some people or do we

Each individually have to say hi to all of them individual oh my God am I does it work with no I’ve been going to the shops and saying like hi to the shop workers but it does doesn’t count what Louis is in his garden got the bedroomed come over here that’s Louis

That’s the May he’s living a secret adult life whoa secret adult life uhoh yeah people don’t know that he’s sleeping with somebody really yeah there’s serious drama in this town this town is whack you you ell really depressed in this all the new hello anyone M I

Thought that was a woman Emily Emily say hi to me you’re going to love it here have say hello to people like to each other too arus what if I just want to fish I don’t know where to find the people uh they’re probably in the house

Or they’re at work right now it’s easier if we wait till night time cuz everyone goes to the saloon and gets drunk yes Penny I I called dibs I want to buy Shane a beer Shane you go buy Shane of beer with our our hard-earned farm money

Hey I also have we the money too I’m entitled to One Beer a Day that’s my allowance One Beer a Daya get an allow it’s a romance chain until we get Chili Peppers people are putting beer clinking emojis in my chat oh I have to meet everyone I don’t

Even know can I come in here I think it works get out here someone said waffle says I think it works for the shot people if you talk to them behind the counter oh oh wait okay if I can’t romance Shane I want to romance the

Doctor oh I don’t like the doctor wait is he a I have not played far enough I’m just like it’s just because he’s just there’s not much to him also lopers thank you for 25 months you’re my new favorite person did I talk to you did I

Talk to you there’s just not much to him and I hate that when I like if I faint in front of my house he came to my property and was like I found you passed out now here’s your medical bill and I’m like just don’t touch me just get why

Were you in my had a bad night like yeah come on literally go away wait does it work to talk to the people behind the thing though they said if you tried talking behind the counter ah how’d you get in there I busted through S Ziggy is determined to be my

Favorite person oh sorry Ziggy immediately replaced by do with the prime sub you can’t Prime so sorry Ziggy do was ready got fast fingers man this qu [ __ ] hello there I don’t think I’ve ever had quinoa and the first time I heard it was my mom

And she’s like you got to re watch this commercial where this guy’s like it’s got quinoa in it and I was like that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen quino it’s got qu Ziggy is now my new fa I need to have yeah I need to like change somewhere that’s like my new

Favorite person it’s like who water there’s a a character named Sam and he looks like hamations right down oh that him Haley do people like Haley Haley’s a little brat that’s what I thought Haley is Emily’s sister and it’s like why would you want to be with Haley when you

Can be with Emily I got forum’s the blue-haired girl right yeah yeah that one sounds like a personality quiz like which one do you like granny hey Granny can I Romance uh uh what was her name Evelyn EV which one’s Evelyn granny no she’s married can you delete it doesn’t seem

Like it stops the people in town abgil Squad donate to the museum I found a spoon a spoon spoon to the museum it sounds like he’s really just taking everything isn’t he what are your pronouns oh any pronouns please [ __ ] I can’t sorry sorry I just got angry

Because I can’t buy a beer sorry I’m mad because I went to go say hi to Clint and it’s 5 o’ and so he decided No More Humans I was like well you’re stupid people stop work at 5:00 pm this why you’re lonely Luigi Luigi causing chaos there’s

A mod where you can romance Evelyn and it goes wild there you go Jaden you need you need the Evelyn mod need the grand romance mod I got green nail a romance I know there is a mod where you can marry and divorce and marry and divorce and marry multiple people and

Then they all get really mad at you hit I’m just eating my dinner or my lunch I’m at 15 I need more Shane’s outside he’s right by the saloon is he coming in there he is oh my God sunfish sunfish what do you do with green algae it ends in it ends in

Murder oh God I’m stuck okay we’re good all right we need to talk to these two uh where outside of the salon the in Demetrius let me in someone dies what an [ __ ] I bought him a beer and he was like Luigi how did you know and now he’s

Like what do you want leave me alone yeah he’s a little he’s a little jerk but he was the first person I ever married in stardo I unavailable you’re a fixer a good fix I’m a Virgo that’s what I do I’m a saggy Titus you

Are SL pause oh my God question mark oh oh look at this I don’t think you can M crazy stuff going on behind the bar I think you can only murder people in the mods you can’t murder people in the actual game I’ve only I’ve only I’m

Missing like six people come to the saloon I already did need six people oh the little exclamation point underneath our money haven’t talked to lonus oh yeah I got to talk to Pam good old drunk ass Pam we all love pamam who’s the other little emo boy uh

Sebastian Sebastian he’s cute he has a he has a guitar I think or something like that and he uh has a motorcycle oh sounds like my type oh yeah the chat’s going F for Sebastian I saw Elliot he’s a majestic person there’s Clint Clint where Clint just makes me angry man where is

Everyone I’m at the out some people love up in the mountain oh yeah lus oh I don’t think I talked to I don’t think I’ve met Clint maybe Clint’s the geod dude yeah I didn’t talk to him yet some people are up in the mountains though I

Wish there was a faster way to uh move around do you can you get like a bicycle you can get a horse oh can you like go around the the town really quickly on the horse oh I want a horse it’s expensive though cuz you have to like

Build a barn and it’s very expensive oh basically we just we need mad monies welcome back oh I’ll sell our fish tonight Sebastian needs Frozen tears to feel Joy I’ll find the last people tomorrow I need seven people uh oh wait I could just go to the friend there’s a friendship tab really

Guy thank you for all those Bitties yeah social it’s nice to meet you you’re now my new favorite person thank you so much for all those Bitties fill up that big cup let’s go okay let’s see who have I not talked to okay oh yeah so if you open up your

Inventory and you click the heart it’ll show you the whole town and it shows you who’s uh single and available seeing the emo kid question question question parenthesis single that is a loaded picture oh those are people we haven’t met yet yeah where where I wish they

Showed the location I’m going to go to sleep though uh m is the map thank you for the follow oh can you see where they are oh not people no because they’re always they’re always moving and at certain times certain days they do certain things what

Are I’m pretty new to Twitch bits are uh twitch currency and 100 Bitties equals $1 so it’s like you donating a dollar and you can get free bits by uh watching ads forgot to sell sometimes you get five bits sometimes you get 100 bits it’s random but I think in certain

Countries you can’t do it anymore and you can’t do it on mobile anymore H if I could spread antil Clint propaganda in this game I would Ziggy thank you for them by Ziggy Ziggy just wants to be my favorite person fortune teller what do you got to say luck will

Not be on your side today I’m scared oh who’s talking to me oh Ki out here oh we get our cat y’all marne’s here hello baby Jim swag you see this cat here that’s a cat oh give me a furnace I picked one par snip just to like get the

Achievement or you know whatever yeah oh my God but I’ll give it back I’ll give it to you Ziggy thank you for a thousand Bitties oh my goodness gracious get some hype in the chat for Ziggy y’all Ziggy’s crazy zigg Zig zigg Zig zigg Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy zigzag Zig inventory full I’m GNA

Sell this [ __ ] daffodil I will adopt this what are we naming the kitty y’all um then can we name it cheese cheese what are we doing with the green algae what’s green algae can I sell it you can eat it don’t want to Sal cheese in all caps is his cat’s

Name that’s one sexy vtu model Oh you mean Alyssa over there thank you okay so now you can pet the cat if you pet the cat every day eventually it’ll love you aw I need to craft a furnace I’m going to craft a f furnace

Guys you need uh I need ore you need ore for that um we’re going to go mining we can go to the cave I [ __ ] love mining we could sell these parsnips y’all let’s get some money I’ll do the bottom here I’ll thank you for

The hi all I hope all three of you are having a lovely day I’m proud of yall oh thank you so sweet oh G thanks G is woo all I’m so excited to go mining oh yeah we got to water the cat where’s his water bowl at oh it’s it’s already got

Water he’s got a little water bowl over here behind Alyssa’s house we got to we got to give him his water you don’t have to feed him though okay King thank you for the prime sub you’re my new favorite person you’re so sweet okay I forget we can go mining

Right isn’t it like over here I saw like a just a hole in the wall oh no that’s that’s different eventually we can have that have certain stuff to forge oo money all right do you guys want to finish finding the last few people and since the spirits are pissed for some

Dang reason maybe tomorrow we can uh all go to the mines yes oh my god oh Community Center time let’s go man just does that mean everyone has to come to the same area and we get to talk to everyone in the entire world I’m going

To skip it I’m skipping too I’m going to go grab gra that fish then and donate it though we’re going to get started on this you can’t go mining yet thank you Lambo where is these bastards probably in their houses um Penny epic says tell Alysa that I got

Something for her on Twitch oh and they spelled your name correctly oh I’m yeah I’m not flamboyant Cowboy flamboyant cowboy are you talking about near the bottom near the bottom I’ll come see I don’t know who any of the 1 two three four five the last six people are flamboyant Cowboy yeah that’s

The wizard oh that like the same thing it’s the same thing I need to find a Cowboy is a synonym uh to yeah Jazz lives with the the other child I no no he does in the bottom left house I don’t know where she she lives with

Shane she lives with Shane oh that’s right yeah is there anyone upst uh North that I need to see I only saw like the playground lus oh that’s go right in North oh in this ugly house wow Pelican town no that’s that’s the community center Jaden oh um yeah you want to go

Uh yeah more right more right go up and uh Robin Demetrius Sebastian and lonus allive up there ah okay oh wait you all need to come into the community center okay and then at the bottom left room there’ll be a little shiny box with a little junimo and if you click on the

It’ll be like some weird text that you can’t read and then we’ll get to meet the wizard he’ll teach us how to read it okay oh uh you can sneak into the secret garden if you take your chair with you what do y’all mean take a chair do like build a

Chair and then just bring like that’s a kind of lowkey [ __ ] oh get out of here you emo Guy Sebastian get out here come on I need to talk to you I need to talk to you get off your computer I will axe this door [Laughter] down oh yeah Sebastian come on

Buddy someone chat goes all caps my emo husband that’s the thing about stard is like people who have played starter they all have a special connection they’re like there’s my husband right there well Ari has something to say SL don’t you know who Ari is take

The chair from your house and you can place it to the left of the log then sit in it all right but this sof locks my game I’m kicking everyone’s ass I’m gonna cry let me in why are you crying what’s up if if it locks your

Game I can just restart the game oh rat problem go take a nap lupus I’ll go to the community center naps are free oh sorry I’m almost going to go there okay I’m going into the house I’m stealing my chair which is way bigger

Than me oh I sat on it how do I get off of it how do I pick it up right holy crap I picked it up okay I got my chair okay where am I going naps are free where is their child tooth Nails thank you for the

Follow tell me where is The Secret Garden at what ooh a big by thank you for the bidy dardu is such a Multiverse of an experience everyone is so different but the one thing that they thankfully stay apparent is that it supports cave Ron that’s nice Secret Garden log left of

Mary oh so like by the Farms next to the wizard tower okay okay I’m scooting are y’all going to the Wiz saw the little I saw the little apple thing do I have to go to the wizard now did you click on the box and see the weird

Text yeah then yeah well I think the wizard will give you letter tomorrow oh hello okay and he’ll be like come join me in my tower baby there’s like a little apple guy it’s a junimo junimo oh there’s also a little uh Mouse villager like guy that shows up once in

A while he sells hats I think he’ll really like a that’s so cute he’s in the bottom left right oh I’ve not there you are he’s outside traveling Merchant is here Sebastian is out and about if you guys want to talk to him let me see he’s by the dog the saloon I

Mean I need little purple-haired girl Grammy Grandpa I’m like three people away and I need a furnace and I need to reach farming level one oh [ __ ] yeah children who who are you how I met you pi oh no I have you bought all the hats that’s so cute okay wait I’m

Here I talked to this child yet oh my God perfect is it is it underneath or is it above am I going the right way this person who’s the little secret oh top left above okay here I come I’m going up I’m scooting who’s the little white uh

Uh White um like Santa looking guy like a homeless sh Santa guy that’s uh that’s uh lonus he’s he’s he’s way up North he’s in a tent he’s homeless oh people are mean to him yeah a because he’s homeless yeah he chose to be Hess

That’s the thing you can’t do that oh no you can’t do that okay so I put the the chair down right next to it y’all yeah and then I sit on it so many people so many people you is it you oh I only need to meet oh the other

Side of the log okay you H are you sure that’s everyone everyone is at the saloon right now oh here I come there’s so many people at the saloon I did it I’m stealing you’re I heard I did it I’m stealing I’m stealing oh no I’m getting

Attacked I don’t have a weapon yet oh no I’m stealing oh mushroom all I have to do is meet the the homeless man up north and The Wizard and i’ I’ve got everyone oh they’re dancing hello Robin is busy oh okay should I go fishing should I do some secret secret

Fishing oh this way I need to meet Grandma and Grandpa and then I’m good an the bud like what the hell um okay I was stuck give me give me the fish give me what what house is the the angry old man and the the little old lady in um

They’re like center of town yeah this one it’s by it’s by the one with the dog housee because that’s Alex’s dog right oh the dog Alex the bastard I can do what I want I’ll just clean up the house for the community center oh yeah oh [ __ ] I

Got slimed let me go where are you I went I cheated you cheated yeah chat told me how to sneak in and I snuck in slimes beat me up oh my God don’t what happens if you lose all your health in this game do you just go back home M the

The freaking doctor’s like hey I found you wait is that how you romance him cuz I’ll oh you’re my savior my inventory is full I guess I’ll get rid of no wait I already have some no I’ll get rid of the stone I can easily get Kelsey just like

Eats a sunflower seed wakes up in his arms like OMG how’d that happen you know so much about how to rescue me where am I I’m it’s so dark I like the pig very dark holy crap it’s getting really dark yeah Luigi is tucked into bed I wait I’m

On my way home I was in the secret uh Garden cheating hi Kelsey hello welcome to the stream the doctor robs you but it still costs less than American hospital bill and Luigi are sleeping in the same bed right now wait really you a sleepover

Let’s go the cat won’t okay I have to join the I’m doing a little dance by the fire oh the little things like covering it yes yes come come snuggle the cat was in the way I couldn’t get into my own home we’re forced to all sleep in the same

Room syndrome so I will kick you oh lots of money holy crap we got lots of money yes we have like 2,000 now let’s go one of us can get a backpack one of us who deserves it not me not me probably Kelsey because Kelsey well you

Forge a lot you like to forge and get stuff yeah you always run around I do like to dig in the dirt oh the the the Wizard birdie said I like to think that Jaden’s crunchy model on the side of the stream is just the stardew pixel Style dude his his letters

Are so pretty everyone else is just like it’s wizard time got cat oh wait pet the cat oh let’s go pet the cat where is he he’s up here by his water bowl I don’t see him oh I see you oh I almost cleaved him

Money oh wait I got to put these in wa I got to go meet that the homeless man upstairs he’s are North he’s like Way Way North Right Way North and right like if you find Robin and demetrius’s house which is where Sebastian lives it’s a little

Bit north than that okaying the cat achievement I’m going go say hi to the mean old man on the wrong way cuz I’m reading chat excuse me here comes another just kidding it went away is it because it has a dot in it it might be because of the DOT

Jdk also thank you for all those Bitties that bit Cup’s getting nice and oh jdk yeah he’s a regular in my chat oh hello sir hello how are you to I met everyone let’s go wait what oh now I have to give someone a gift oh

I’ll give you how about you uh do you want some Grass I did it though 100 G I gave I gave him some grass it’s there to and stard you no our cat’s name is cheese in capital letters cheese all right I’m going skip this I already know I I drink I drink the potion I get

Really high and then I can read junimo for some reason whoa Ziggy thank you for gifting that sub to jdk enjoy your badge and do we all need to see the wizard together or you have to do it separately yes okay and that’s where did you say it was

I wasn’t paying attention it’s it’s left of the home go south and go left okay I’m missing six people drugs yippee south of the home yeah I’m going south oh no you yeah just keep going the direction you’re going he’s like right over there to the left oh okay yeah to

The left I wish learning a language worked that way in real life just drink a potion oh wait Jazz might be home drink the prop product I’m close so like South and left he’s all the way to the left wait completely chair South did you found the

Chair yeah go go south of that go south of that that’s where uh his uh thing is oh [ __ ] how did I walk right by this well whatever you can dig in the trash I know uh Alyssa’s like hey Jaden you should dig in this trash and Alex is like that’s really

Gross bullying that’s some [ __ ] Luigi would do yeah absolutely and then Ari Ari absolutely has a grudge I’ll get you this is fighting over Sebastian versus Emily yeah all right I need to go talk to the rest of the six people give me drugs I will take all the milk from your

Fridge the milk the milk I had milk at mff forgot I was like those intolerant oh my no how did you forget oh yeah how was mff by the way mff was the best mff I’ve ever had really yeah it was so good we got Main

Hotel and it was Rush night and I got to show them the convention and then I showed them Chicago we saw the bean we saw goth Target we went to the German Christmas Market and we went to the zoo got to show him some

Seals oh my food’s here oh go eat a food I’m going to go grab it okay who do I need hold on I need him him what do you mean I have to go all the way back no I’m not giving you money fight

Me um I have to go all the way way back and talk to the freaking wizard cuz apparently me having that whole conversation did not count uhuh okay uh thank you guys so much for all the follows I really appreciate it don’t spend money buy all the blueberries at

The first festival with all your money they sell for most until strawberries later on I don’t think we’ve spent any of our money I bought a one beer for my love Alyssa has a allowance and she’s allowed to buy one beer a night for her husband am I going the right way it’s

Over here isn’t it it is currently 2148 for me that requires math what time is that 21 I’m I’m so back welcome back woo I’ve got a vegan strawberries at the egg FES got it vegan buffalo chicken sandwich oh when we went to the oddballs premiere they had those

Um what was it orang those cauliflowers yeah cauliflower orange chicken oh my God so good bro I need that I need that in my life again wait I I skipped the the the the cut scene am I all good now you have to still talk to him talk to him again cuz

I just made that mistake just say hi or some [ __ ] I don’t know cranberries are fall blueberries are your fate is your own in your own hands thank you flamboyant wizard Boo and Ashton Kutcher are so hot love Jordan who’s boo it’s the the bear

From Open Season oh yeah I see it hands I like when he gave the freaking um The Zookeeper or whatever she is the bedroom eyes and then wiggled his eyebrows oh he had that the eyebrow thing yeah when that was happening I literally had to

Look away it was too much for me it gave me chills when you reminded me of it no in a bad way like I’m chills SL EG keep saying G her the Riz bro what does that mean Jordan what does the Riz mean Charisma oh

Don’t mind if I do I’m gonna I’m gonna sit I’m gonna sit in the saloon and eat my sandwich what the Riz is no don’t give me the RZ I love the harvesting sounds little here baby look at you no sounding like a squirt yay I’m eating I’m sitting I’m

Sitting in the saloon eating my my Sandwich so these aren’t vegan but Milano mint cookies oh mhm I got a little bag of those man I I depression isn’t cured yet I’m doing a lot better my you’re sure close a lot closer with these mint Milano cookies isn’t that the ones with like like two cookies and then a little

Thin thing of chocolate in the middle yeah the cooking I’m thinking of I think so and they’re long okay so I’m going to I’m going to put a poll in in my chat how much of how many of you guys like uh okay here’s the poll do you like

Mint plus chocolate yeah do you guys like it I want vote Yes for me because for yes or no Andy some people say it’s some people absolutely hate it and some people absolutely love it and I want to know what my chat’s uh my their their

Stance is I freaking love I saw I saw I love I love doing this because you see all caps I love it and someone says oh hell no oh hell no someone’s like go who the Civic duties where’s purple hair daughter live cat what’s her name the one that

Obviously is the child of the Wizard and the wife cheated on the husband because the husband is a loser wolf no yeah Andy’s mins let’s get some hype in the chat for Andy’s mins when you go to freaking when you go to the um the Olive Garden you know the

Garden of olives and then uh they give you the little Andy’s mint after your meal oh so refreshing mhm in the store with Pierre I feel like she doesn’t really hang out with her dad though I don’t even know where Pierre is a lot 72% yes 28% no I feel like that’s

A fair ratio I thought it was much closer I personally love mint and chocolate love thin mints oh that’s that’s that’s childhood dude dude thin mints in the freezer my God in the freezer and then Oreos in the freezer yeah I learned you put Oreos in the freezer and like little

Ice cream sandwiches but they’re really hard so be careful with your teeth did you know um the Oreo thins they have Oreo they have thin Oreo mint flavor and those are incredible they’re incredible if you like thin mint but you uh don’t have any that’s a good substitute oh hell

Yeah might have to go [ __ ] around wait I was about to go to bed but it is only 8 o00 yeah it’s only it’s just so dark out here I should I know make us little lanterns light the way I want to clear a path from the

Bottom so we can easily like get in out I’m for that Andy’s mint chocolate is what I get from my mom every birthday for some reason and I’m not complaining there you go people get me people get me the cheesecake from chilies that has the strawberry sauce oh yeah your birthday’s coming up

Yeah de 11 121 y’all remember that date how old am I going to be um 29 29 The Good the big old 29 this my last 20s y’all next year I’m going to be the big three 0 and I’m going to feel old even though I felt old

Three years ago I’ve heard that your 30s are the best times of your life that’s what I’ve heard yeah I’ve heard 20s but better yeah happy like yeah she’s like in your 20s you’re still a teenager but you have a lot of money so you make a lot of bad decisions

And then when you’re 30 you’re you’re like simmered out and you’re like okay I’m an adult now I’m ready yeah I’ve heard it’s like your 20s but you’re you’re smarter yeah the cat’s in oh cat sleep oh I didn’t mean to put that I went to sleep

In AR’s bed this time so you want you want to join us oh wait hold on hold on I want to turn on my fireplace there we go oh Cal oh Jordan said hi in my chat and I missed it hi Jordan also Hi l Jordan’s peeing

Oo look at all that money we got from the horseradish who I found a bunch of onions let’s go you could all make torches to avoid straining your eyes during the night man chat really being like guys please oh it’s raining queen of sauce everyone check uh your TV uh she’s going

To give you a recipe the qu SAU this week’s dish is Stir Fry H I picked up the TV God damn all right do I ask permission to send links why are you sending a link what do you need to send me that’s so dang the

Fortune teller says luck is not on our side today oh man got to become Gordon Ramsey uh the poll ended around uh 70% to 30% like wow it was like yeah I’m glad everyone in your chat is correct well 70% of them you know I don’t I want to open up this

Geode I don’t know where I getting WAFF said imagine being so buff that you accidentally pick up the TV yeah Luigi’s pretty pretty stacked okay I’m going to make I’m going to do what Alyssa said and make that little pathway I started the clearing and now I’m going to

Go I can’t wait to get rid of these huge stumps lumpy bumpy Stumpy I gota wait 10 minutes why what’s in 10 minutes it opens in okay it’s open now oh I’m in the wrong place God damn it no toxical oh oh every Sunday that helps yeah I guess line we

Got to get in line all right all right that’s fair every Friday and Sunday is the traveling Merchant though I want to go to the traveling Merchant wait we just had the traveling Merchant didn’t we I guess Friday and sat Sunday they’re right next to each other wow we’ve only been playing stardy

Valley for two hours that does not feel like two hours only 10 more hours to go let’s go night Mage thank you for giting that sub you’re my new favorite person him where lime sauce no I don’t want to give him that she will be in the Wizard’s Tower later

Today see I told Abigail the purple hair chick uh oh uh oh uh oh the one that everyone’s like that’s definitely the Wizard’s daughter cuz there ain’t no eight no away cuz I think they literally say that she tried to dye her hair back but it turned purple again oh oh that’s

Some wizard [ __ ] if I’ve ever heard of it found Jello I got Stones who lied to me and said that the geode is a geode because he opened it up it was just Stones that’s just a normal Stone I also got Stone I got petrified

Slime can you donate it yeah I like it though it looks like jello you’re going to donate it uh what what I think I already donated petrified Jello oh well then you get to keep it she’s not here you said she was here all right then

There is no there is no Abigail oh Lies when chat lies SL all the time you mean oh later I am an read you three are my favorite on YouTube of the time are you sure I’m your favorite on YouTube you know the last time I posted on YouTube cuz I

Don’t they’re sure that makes you their absolute favorite cuz you’re so rare I’m I’m rare I I feel like I’m more of a medium rare kind of person there’s some pink whoa there’s just a little bit of pink well um I made made a scarecrow I made a [Laughter]

Scarecrow uh I want to go to the mines I need to make a furnace when can we go to the mines chat I can’t remember YouTuber appeared I walked over and it was open like it was like we could go in there it it said there was bad luck today though

Um oh we have to go there and meet the guy and then he’ll be like H there’s Mischief down there take this and he gives us a sword a sword brainbow just redeemed a workout you know when was the last time I did a pushup oh God I don’t

Know the last time I did a push-up I feel like my legs are in atrophy right now I was sitting up the gym every Monday Wednesday and Friday and then I got that weird like lung infection and I was out for two weeks and then I had

Fatigue for two weeks and then I went to a convention after I finally felt better so I haven’t like worked out in over a month and a half okay I’m G let this cut scene do its thing I gotta go do push-ups apparently so I’ll be right back

Apparently I just reached out to someone to be a personal trainer so I can’t like I can’t like stick with stuff like I can for like a little bit and then something happens and I’m like oh yeah I forgot I have a yoga mat I think I’m going to fish the only

Exercise I’ve been able to do consistently the past few years is DDR and I’m I’m happy with it I love DDR for a while I did uh like my own home workouts for like 4 years but I got so bored of it boring because eventually it’s all the same

Thing I just need someone to tell me what to do yeah like one last thing to think about no ma’am oh I got to sell some stuff I got my sword you guys we can go to the mines now the sword wait where get the sword I

Forgot I always I asked the question and forgot wait where’s the question where’s the mine it’s that hole right there right here and every every fifth floor we unlock the elevator yeah what the hell is workout uh me doing 10 push-ups but don’t have me do it again cuz my my

Wrist have been hurting I need to work out my wrists do some lunges instead it yeah I could do lunges oh yeah we should invest in a backpack let me get us a backpack y’all oh that’s true oh I could oh what do I we could have little chest up here too

Till like hold our junk you’re always welc welcome to build chest thank you for the follow background artist Oscar says ringfit carried me this whole year oh yeah backpacks aren’t shared we have to buy them separately I need to sell some stuff Fon bear isn’t it like 2,000 for

Your backpack yeah because Pierre’s an ass I the you can buy a wedding ring recipe from The Merchant how much is it five 500 gold that’s not bad actually for recipe I think well I don’t want to learn it I don’t want to marry anyone you going to

Roommate with kobis actually you don’t even have to do you can give birth in this game ew horse I know okay chill chill wait wait does it matter what gender you chose for your can Luigi get birth can we do can male pregnancy m EG Shane X Luigi EG

Fanfic surely that’s a mod surely you can adopt okay verie says you adopt oh no that’s not nice they say adopt but we know what’s actually going down Luigi’s pregnant look at him Luigi is pregante praner PR well are we going to go mining or no

I don’t I don’t know where it is I sell some stuff and then I’m buying the backpack here’s not even here I’m going buy it anyways I’m just taking it from him bought the large pack I like how it shows everyone so there’s no people who

Are like oh spend this money the okay the bigger backpack is 10,000 gold christ you can make a stat stream where you redeem workout will increase strength hydration will increase your heart and posture check will increase your power that’d be cute that’s cute wait I’m going the wrong way I need go this

Way prore another G what I have a I have a video idea for Jordan oh yeah yeah you know how we’ve been saving screen by the way chat we do this we save screenshots of all the people who misspell Jaden’s name like atrociously yeah and I want a

Video of him just reading these chats out loud there has been like a lot of in the in the mod chat there’s so many just names jadan jayon I didn’t even know you could I knew you could misspell my name but I didn’t know you could misspell my name

Like an infinite amount of times all right come down to the caves there I don’t know where it is oh it’s in the top right okay coming but um there was a time where someone misspelled Alyssa Jaden and James’s usernames all in one sentence typo speedrun typo speedrun Chad is just

Filling the typing all the ways that they can misspell the name someone spelled it with a G let’s go that one’s my favorite found it found it someone said jice jice jice hold on we gota wait for Jaden it’s in the north love Alchemy that’s my favorite

Channel it’s in the North North am I going the right way uh how do you do you remember how we got to it it’s right by lonus right isn’t ITA you got by just follow the river all the way up North yeah follow the river it’s very late though should we go

Back home no but I don’t like sunflower seeds near me night M I’m allergic to them and they send me into an aycc shock oh that’s a true story true story James almost killed me on the airplane not really I was I wasn’t going to die or anything but it was he wanted

It he seemed he seemed so like upset he kept asking are you okay is there anything I can do for you are you all right I’m like just leave me alone for 15 minutes it’ll go away he’s like are you sure I’m like yeah yeah yeah I’ve

Done this before the it’s because I gave you sunflowers to yeah Jaden Jaden was just eating sunflowers and she slid it next to me she’s like you want some I was like I haven’t had these bad boys in years and I was eating them and then I

Slid them back she’s like you’re done already I was like I’m allergic and she’s like oh what are youing I was like it turns out I’m allergic oh yeah I’m here no and then I found out I was suddenly allergic to un oh I found it I was suddenly allergic to

Undercooked eggs when I was doing a you laugh you lose with Jordan and My Punishment was swallowing a raw egg now that I was sick till 4:00 a.m. yeah I think I went down the wrong one what do you mean I am in a different area than you guys

You went down the hole I think you went down the ladder right we just didn’t go down the lad I need to pick up no the mines are always the same for each other okay I got scared I was like oh my God yeah so I can’t have hollay

Sauce or no I’m getting attacked help me ah get away from them oh I’m all SL you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] holy crap he can take a beating oh yeah they and if they have the I think if they have the little star above their head they’re even stronger

Make sure to watch your energy by the way oh true what’s this that’s bug guts you can eat it I’m get rid of stone oh found the ladder no let’s go oh we uh if you guys get copper can you give it to me so I can make a

Furnace of course oh yes I have one right here I’ll put it in the chest okay guts Ari can’t handle your request right now damn you guys remember that kid juice that was called Bug Juice yes no oh it was just like a little bag of juice and

It was green and it was called bug juice so you could drink bug guts buts are [ __ ] weird bug juice AR you walk 10,000 PES let’s go it only took you seven days to walk 10,000 steps Puck juice was my life we could leave now like we should go home cuz

It’s like midnight we should I’m getting sleepy okay there we unlocked the elevator so now we can just take the elevator oh and eventually we’ll be able to take the mine cart home o like home home yeah it takes you like over to where the bus stop is Ferrari we got

Wait for Ari no for No One Ari and Luigi do not get along not oh my God the numbers are red I would say that is a pacifist but I’ve seen the way she reacts to latty selective pacifist yeah go to my house I’m running I’m almost home we did

It the cat’s in the bed with me both hit in the sack he won’t let me in my bed okay I’m coming over this cat wants me dead I don’t mind I don’t mind you never have to be sorry to snuggle Che down the door I’m here body slams you into the

Bed cat owns the house for now right I should just give that house to the freaking cat this the second time he didn’t let me sleep yay yay you can walk through the cat by the way it didn’t let me I was walking and it was

Like that’s the sound it made what’s on TV living off the land so what’s the what’s the deal with the the fortune tell displeased today the the spirits are displeased they will do their best to make your life difficult what the [ __ ] Spirits it’s a luck based thing is what the chat

Told me it looks like the cat because it’s under the covers oh okay I think it’s just like what you would get in like picking up foraging stuff or when you go mining M you just keep walking yeah let me walk all over my cat I’ll do that next time

Uh Clint over here telling me to make a forest oh he gave me the blueprint not too bad I’m going to put the watering can away and the hole all oh so you just shove them okay I’ll this Clint stop talking to me I’m skipping that I don’t need you in my life

You do a workout if I had enough I could probably do some lunges yeah but I also want to play my video game I want to get this wood picker bye-bye little guy okay Marlin has given a quest he wants us to kill 10 slimes let’s kill them okay we need to

Clean up the territory because we can now build a chicken coop chimpin CP chimpin how we how uh like like you want us to like level it what was the question you want us to like level it you said clean up the territory like yeah delete all the trees

We have to delete the trees and figure out where we want to put our chicken I will chop down all the trees I love chopping trees no problem I have to create a scarecrow let me sell some stuff uh I have three GEOS that if someone wants to stop by

Clints uh oh I’m right outside of clints oh okay I have put a one the one piece of Co I had way more copper than that didn’t I chat I guess not I have one piece of copper in my chest for you Jaden okay thank you [ __ ] really likes amethyst that makes

Sense process a geode please sir I’m going run these over to Clint five copper okay and spicy eel oh you know what eel rolls are my favorite rolls and eel sauce in general the cat wants water I will give him water thank you for letting me know heart there’s some wiggly wiggly worms

Behind Alyssa’s house uh dibs what do the worms do they give you random stuff sometimes it’s a book sometimes it’s dirt dirt ah [ __ ] H CL it’s technically clay clay is better than dirt oh really I don’t think you can actually get dirt but the Woodpecker he tapping I

Want to go back to the mine right I have to we can yeah well the spirits are pissed though I don’t give a [ __ ] about the spirits I don’t believe in them how do we eat things uh you hold it and then when you click it it should be like do you want

To consume and you’re like duh can I not eat bug meat I think you might have to craft it into something I’m selling it all right dig in the trash for some food best be giving me good stuff if I pay 25 gold and you give me stone I’m throwing these stones at

You process the geod we already have that oh copper for Jaden copper Stone throw on these at him one time I found like a bunch of cookies or like sushi or something outside the oh field snack that’s good eating it’s good oh we need to water our crops that’s right

That’s right that’s right we’re Farmers whoops oops I don’t I I really like farming but I also like digging I like going into the mines and digging digging I’m running I know this is a gaming stream but does anyone have any tips for growing avocado seeds I didn’t know

There were avocados in this game IRL yeah or do you mean RL do you mean IRL or in game my poor potatoes they’re so thirsty thirst [ __ ] I’m just going to put this copper I’m donating the copper into your chest Jaden oh yeah let me do that too

I’m in the mines does anyone know how to grow avocados in real life I don’t think you go to a random uh stream for that I think you just go to YouTube just go to Google wiy how there’s like a little hermit crab weaky how oh they bite got them

I’m pet the cat I peted the cat I want to go to the MS let’s go to the m and kickass and chew bubblegum I already found uh the ladder for the first one oh I found I love people using the long boy emoji I used to have a neck Emoji so you

Can make a really long long boy but y’all can’t be trusted is it safe to have one cat and two birds own chickens with a z chat what are you going on about are they talking about me I have two birds uh birds and a cat yeah

They’re be careful yeah I I keep them separated you can definitely make it work hate these little things that what level are you guys on I just got to six I’m seven got this little [ __ ] I’m coming down I see your holes I shouldn’t have said that out loud

Dude don’t show Hole on stream no someone went far and wide to find a very specific scene back when we used to play terrari with chiy oh yeah and it was when I was using a certain item in the game and I said the item’s name out

Loud I said I love golden showers and Jaden’s like no Kelsey and I was like I meant the book and you’re like that it’s not good enough context I was like well he was talking about the Water Bolt book and I was talking about the golden showers and you’re like

No no it’s too late it’s out in the world this is how Kelsey’s stream works we have random conversations with whatever Kelsey’s doing in the background what what am I doing where am I copper on this there’s already a hole right here yeah I found I just didn’t

See it uh I wanted the copper over here oh that’s understandable I’m going down causing murder that was a good pop where’s where’s the my energy I got to eat bug heart how do I I got food I have field snack I can give you can I have field snack go offer

Field snack yes yes oh I got slimed I’m being slimed where’s the hole it’s right at the front of the ladder wait no no there you go there that F snack where’s the hole to get down it’s up uh right by the other ladder oh yeah oh I

Need I think I got to go home that field snap did not help me out much oh no I mean you could still like wiggle with us and pick up stuff come wiggle yeah just don’t uh slap anything oh wait so if I fight then the energy goes down yeah I

Wait let me see it doesn’t look like swinging your sword counts okay then I’ll fight the slimes ow I can handle it SpongeBob SpongeBob SquarePants oh Jesus let me help you with that oh my God we need to kill slimes right yeah yeah we need to kill like 10 of

Them what are you oh why I don’t trust whenever the chat tells me to do something specific and I don’t understand the context who’s that guy he’s like a bu worm I don’t like him I like his kind I know that if you hoe this Turf sometimes you get

Goodies I’ll just be the fighter I don’t have my hoe energy does not go down while fighting only when you use a hoe pick or watering crops I like how watering crops is more ex exhausting than fighting I guess the adrenaline’s kicking in while you’re fighting the adrenaline doesn’t in if you’re watering

Flowers where the heck I’m going to do one listen water is save your energy we will find the way down or I found it oh wait hold up there’s copper back here oh okay well but we got boots alista come get your booties what is

This my boot oh God I don’t have any space for it hold on no don’t throw away the boot oh my god oh throw away the oh you got the blanky bib OTE let’s go let’s get some blanky dibs in the chat how do I how do I equip

This oh is nice beat get booted oh we got the elevator yeah do I have to do we have to use it nope as soon as the light goes on uh you can use it it’s every five floors oh look at the jungle Welcome to the gungle Oh whoa he is made sticky maget I don’t want to be sticky stop making me sticky oh I’m sticky oh getting itches these wow what the heck getting dark oh I got to eat something we could probably head back it’s getting pretty late anyways yeah he wants you he’s going to bite your

Ankles ankle biter ankle biter leave the mine leave the mine ah leave M why do y’all keep saying that Jaden’s got hives I don’t have hives anymore I don’t chat if you get hives uh sure Alyssa’s mouth animation just comes in as a fade and it’s really

Funny for some reason I tried to fix it and it didn’t work so it is what it is I don’t know why but when Alice we tested this with Alice’s YouTuber was perfect but then Alyssa was like got fade mouth and then Jaden is super crunchy oh I see the he’s going through

The trash yeah digging in the trash getting the goodies skipping once you hit Level One combat you can make bug steak okay ooh bug steak bugs I want to eat a bug just to say I’ve eaten a bug or like a scorpion cat on my bed hell

Yeah I forgot to put the I forgot to pet the cat today he’ll never can do that he’s in my bed is a bug steak vegan that’s what someone asked I don’t think so I don’t think so I’m going to come in and say hi to that cat hello

Cat JY is sitting right in front of me in front of my keyboard IRL good night come on I ate an ant while canoeing good job I remember one time I was at the beach and I was a small child and I was sitting at the shore and the waves came in and my mouth was open and I was like

Oh gross water and then I felt something wiggling around in my mouth and it was one of those tiny little tiny little like fish or like crab things that like you know they dig in the sand it was visceral I think that was when I you

Know realized I was alive too it just like kind of hit me all at once it was horrible wow potatoes ters T oh that one gave us two Tes oh hell yeah who wants to Jaden do you want to get the Wiggies the what the wigglies you want to get the wigglies oh

I’m going to go bring geod do does anyone have geodes want me to bring oh I have a geod I do not give me give me your ODS sand light what yes uh I’ll be back it’s my turn to to make a furnace should I keep the Slime what do you do with

Slime uh you can probably just sell it for now we can get endless slime later okay I need to donate some stuff I’m going to get rid of the bug meat too then I do have an amethyst though that I can put in the museum oh yeah I do that

Thank you for the follow pom pom te that’s potato potato it means it means like fruit of the Earth right yeah o there’s some there’s some Wiggly wormies uh uh near the bridge if anyone I’m made a furnace you’re welcome to get you Wiggies where do we put the furnace Boer I swear to God if you say that comment one more time I’m going to kick your ass uhoh I’m going to put the furnace near Kelsey’s house me yeah what do we do with it uh you can turn it into bars and

That’s how you upgrade your tools o I found coal o wait no I need to go to the community center I’m going to can I put I found glasses ooh can I put all the can I put all the coal in the furnace as in steal your guys’s coal I

Think so yeah yeah go take it I just wanted consent it literally translates to Apple that’s right pal is Apple Apple of the earth Apple of the earth oh wait we got copper oh we got shiny things Celestine we got coal all right well okay I I donate

You we need a dandelion a leak and a daffodil oh here comes a daffodil here come the Dil here comes the daff oh it won’t let me donate it well why I have one copper B no no no no no no in the community center oh then I’ll come donate the

Daffodil what else do we got uh oh we need to donate wood and stone oh I need a full 99 when it is time to like have a farm and have like cows and stuff can I be in charge of the cows yeah yeah thank you I just like to name

Them and of course take care of them but I’m naming them after ghost the band Ghost hell yeah wait can I not do the the fish yet do we have to finish the do we have to finish the farm before we can do fish stuff

Chat I want to donate fish am I doing something wrong the fish oh I feel a sneeze coming in oh God got it bless you can someone please uh clip both Jaden and I vtu using on Alyssa my mouth is just open oh we have to unlock the bundles how do I donate

Where do I donate what do you what did you have that you need donate daffodil you put it in here this I know you donate all that stuff wait what so I hold it and then no you just right click on the box oh okay

Sorry and you click on this click on the spring bundle it’ll be the one that’s wiggling uh uh nothing happening wait what what’s a copper trash can do s nothing oh it says when trashing an item you reclaim 15% of the value really oh there we go well I want a copper axe

Instead that made me tissue so I’m going to mute my mic real quick excuse me we need to make more furnaces so we can make more copper quicker I’m surprised you can only put one copper in at a time all right I’m back I hate when I see so

I know it’s like a hot mess I might not see I might see yeah they’ll never see my boogers never no free boogers no free you got you got to pray for the mucus yeah pray got pay Where’s My Money Where’s My Money Labowski apparently today’s a good um

Who um mining day apparently well let’s go let me drop off my crap drop off uh um I’m donating copper to Jaden and also coal thank you Jaden’s in charge of the mining I’m giving Jaden these broken glasses we need 200 wood and we need 100

Stone by the way for the community chest oh I have 123 Stone uh I put all my materials in my chest and you can just take it if you want okay we’ll worry about that later let’s go mining but wait there’s a more oh yeah Ziggy over here having all the super

Hard to get um emotes that you have to donate a [ __ ] ton of uh bits to get and I had to make new emotes because he surpassed the emote I had made and so we have baby Jim with all the the special Bitties and he has them all unlocked

Did you already donate a wild horseradish to the community center yeah okay is there a way for us to check there’s a way for us to check right Chad I don’t remember oh we check the community I think uh do you do it in the chest there I remember seeing some sort

Of tab in the chest oh it’s right here on the very right side of your inventory it looks like a fat tree that’s how you see what needs to be donated well what does it mean there’s going to be good luck for the mines today what does that

Mean is that what they said yeah it doesn’t affect the mind at all like what we get when we get the hole or whatever that’s what I was always told I mean I I I don’t know I did find an amethyst though so if that’s is there

Better stuff oh you mining already yeah oh okay okay here I come come here slime I need to Gill you for a job oh I have no idea Ziggy I haven’t checked in a while okay oh the ladder was just open is that just better ladder

Spawn and stuff it it can randomly just have a ladder yeah maybe that’s what they mean luck will change the chance of getting stuff from rocks and Ladder spawning see I was right I was right who there’s two ladders ow yeah you can get more than one they all go to the same

Hole though oh okay that no sorry go over here who oh this one will prob this will lead To the coal yeah yeah it’s right there if you right click on that it’ll dump a bunch of coal on the ground I hate it I hate these these freaking bugs sometimes you’ll see little grubs and if you don’t kill them fast enough they turn into

Those yeah ah this so much nicer with a bunch of people oh M mhm what does this mine cart yeah my if you right right click on it ooh oh here goes boo me too I’ll kill you oo that’s a good that’s a good point Thank You Ziggy so

Ziggy said that um if you have an item in your inventory that needs to be donated to the community center when you go to your uh oh God these little grubbies on the ground also your little your little Community tab will pulsate he said so it’ll let you know when you

Have something ready to donate I did not know that and that is very nice get the little get the little the these guys you you going and bye-bye little hot dog in the ground there can only be one hot dog and this me I got sap oh it gave me how

Kind hey gingerbread how you doing gingerbread Ziggy do you think you’re ever going to get that that new badge you still have 20,000 Bitties to go though copper you guys already went down the hole damn mhm yep I got my humidifier going and I’m breathing in the cool crushing air oo geode

Geod I got rid of the bug meat no get rid of the sap I don’t want sap found it I found it over on the left ala awag the elevator is dinged that’s all good Robin you’ve been very helpful thank you so much Robin says if they remember

Correctly after floor 40 and uh you’ll find silver and after after floor 80 you might find gold yeah oo how many floors is it like a billion no but the one in the desert I think is endless we got to get these guys the grubs oh no oh no ah oh wait

I’m on my way y’all need to let me know when you go downstairs cuz I’m really dumb sorry got him oh come here [ __ ] you [ __ ] twitch do be stinky sometimes man you guys are already down again I’m so far behind yeah I was left alone in the darkness

Mining and I’m running low on energy I found it thank you for the follow oh my God what the hell is that topad have snacks I got blood meat I got a wild horseradish oh here they come oh Lord get them get get him get him

Luigi uh birie said Kelsey if you make it to floor 20 you get a steel SW small sword as a reward in the chest oh I I want a steel small sword we’re going to upgrade yeah I think every 10 floors you get a goodie like

Or I like the how do get this right click right click unless Lally just grab it mine there you go crasp it firmly in your hand fir look all this copper if you need help I have some energy left I have so much energy I’ve been really lazy today I’m a little

A little low but not crazy you found it I’m going to get more of follow I’ll wait by the hole Oh there’s uh a bunch of coal over here y’all if you haven’t grabbed yet oh I want in the mine cart oh the mean go to that mine

Cart oh I stole some of it sorry oh no worries oh there’s a your coal is my coal we share we’re a family of three not allowed to get married but you know oh buggy buggy time I think it’s cuz we’re related we all have the same grandpa oh that makes

Sense well then oh I’m going oh my God we oh my God it’s really late oh my God no we only have one more floor though I’m going to find it I’ll find it I’ll find it are you kidding I’m I’m diing there’s a there’s a bunch of Herm grabs

Here I’m just digging I will find it eventually it will appear won’t you pass out at like one or two I think it’s two it’s two okay I got this I can find the hole you don’t have time run back no oh herit crap okay I’m

Running back oh I’m exhausted I can’t do this Go pass out of here I’m running away there’s no way we make this I’m running home leave the mine are you out how I’m running I’m so sleepy no we’re about I’m about to die guys no kicking in maximum over you just now got

Home there’s no way I’m going to get home in time I only just left the mine now no take the first bed you see Kelsey it’s my bed but if the cat is in the way like he always is I might freaking perish you’ll he’s in my bed go you can

Go to my house I I’ll go in Jaden’s house oh no there’s no way go hit the bushes I made it I made it I’m not GNA make it oh the lights guys the lights it’s getting dim it’s getting do we lose money oh man think so yeah we do lose money heyel

Combat hey my God Jaden freaking died y’all I died I gotta go pick her ass up from the ER and then go back to the mines passing out in your house is fine by the way you still lose energy but you don’t lose money thank you waffles

That’s nice to know oh there you are you’re safe he put me in your bed no this is your house oh okay well lus is there anything on the TV uh what’s the adventurers Guild Queen oh reun um that’s the thing where uh the the guy that gave us the sword

Oh I’m going to sell this amethyst go ahead did you already wa can I yeah oh wait never mind we Don quarts oh I don’t think we have no goes my fingers on my nose uh if you guys give me all your geod I’ll I’ll

Go donate uh do have five no problem I give you the topaz to donate thank you I offered the goods thank you I think I already donated an did you make Jaden leave before you and you make it back before her I I’m a sneaky [ __ ] wait do you give me all the

Geod oh I only gave you one time oh here I’ll just put him in the chest okay you can just snatch him I should go pet cheese the Cheese Touch the Cheese Touch I need to go cheese touch steal cheese I’m stealing y’all Stone and I’m going

To donate these to the community chest Oh Come Get It 141 right here uh do we want to keep the amethyst and quartz because I can go I can uh sell the rest you can sell them yeah okay or you can give the amethyst to Abigail cuz

Apparently that makes her happy oh okay well what if we want money oh we also agree I i’ say a money route I found I found a leak in dafodil for the um or a leak and uh the other one dandelion for the community perfect Kelsey should I

Start predictions to guess if you’ll make it home yes any sort of polar predictions feel free to do it get the chat all excited about our Shenanigans is it worth holding on to slime or should I sell it sell it Jaden’s crunchy Ellie has a fading mouth and Kelsey has

Growing teeth when she opens her mouth we’re we’re a nasty Bunch you’re a nasty bunch a nasty Bunch oh I got to go this way please someone marry Abigail for me oh hell no I got to marry Shane I got to do what I got to do got to help that man

Otherwise he will jump off that Cliff that’s not a joke he actually goes to a cliff and thinks about it will he die I don’t know because is I don’t know we got spring seeds we got we got a gift we did think we’re so so big brained collect rewards we got

Cauliflower seeds oh swag there we go now we just need the the big wood did we unlock a new area wow spoiler but he will be fine I need to go get I need to go back and clear my inventory now we can donate the fish the fish oh yeah if you guys

Want Jaden’s subathon I have a I have a command for it and it should link straight to her subathon there you go if you guys want to watch more than one and then Alyssa is just streaming ilation here on Twitch with like I am can you do

Guys do a squad stream I wish no because I’m not partnered y’all need to get me Twitch partner so we can have some sick ass Squad streams yeah all you literally have to do is just have my stream open and then like mute me don’t turn the volume down

Actually like mute the page or just turn the volume down but if you turn the volume all the way off twitch knows that you’re not watching and it doesn’t count oh interesting yeah they’re sneaky all right um we need a parip we got donate a parsnip do we have any

Spare parsnips y’all are we stupid I don’t think so uh I have cauliflower seeds I’ll plant the I’ll plant the cauliflower seeds when when I’m done with the geod though I’m going to try to get us to floor 20 oh hold on Ziggy in uh chat um Arisa no

Longer goes by Arisa goes by Alice so if you see uh them in the chat it’s Alice because a lot of people know Alice and they might not know that she doesn’t go by Oris anymore okay yeah got to donate the fishy stuff now the fishy Stu fish ooh got a

Celestine what is that some coal oh I donated that one so you can sell that you can sell the celan I also got Sandstone like Minecraft oh is that Alice the mod yes that is Alice the mod she’s also admin of my Discord server she’s just around and she’s

Great how do I mute an app then um on the top of the T if you right click on it it should have a mute button and it’ll let you know when it’s muted cuz it’ll have the little speaker icon thank you for the follow all right I’m must put stuff back in

Here put that in there and you put that in there I need these fish what’s the matter I hate these bugs oh yeah the boogs yeah watch all three streams at once fear me I’m one of those people I put all the streams on I want to see all the different

Angles I got orament going to don’t make that that going to watch the stream on my Smart fridge Jaden subathon is crazy the chat moves at the speed of light sometimes there’s uh there’s busier days and there’s not busy days it’s not too busy today actually yeah there’s been days

Where I literally don’t bother chatting in the chat and I can’t even moderate cuz it’s going too feral and then there’s other days where I can have full conversations with people mhm what is this I in the m and went green what green I’m in the mine and now

There’s green it’s green oh that means that means there’s going to be a swarm and you need to get out of there like ASAP no God Alissa is Mea okay my oh god oh thank you n thank you so that was so scary oh my God yeah I would freak out too when if I heard the the hordes are coming for me what is this play what okay hold on you need explain that to me Zig you mean

Like what do you mean what does that mean hi Nikki how are you doing damn that was horrible did you survive Alissa yeah but I be his KNE oh thank you Jack thank you Jack pen when I have three streams open Alyssa’s freezes no be like

That oh I still need to meet everybody have you guys met everybody cuz I haven’t all the town’s people I’m missing four people my god well damn well I think it’s time I go to the bar and use my uh daily allowance of one beer where’s where’s the adventurers

Guild I need to go in there oh I can wait I just need to like go to level 40 in the mines and go to the adventurers Guild that’s like the things I have to do apparently doctor’s office for Harvey oh okay do you guys remember where the adventurers Guild is isn’t it

Like in the top right near the mines yeah it’s past the mines they Said it’s locked the doctor’s office stops at 3:00 p.m. so if you get sick past 3 p.m. just go [ __ ] yourself 3 one sorry you’re [Laughter] dead I love looking at your vtuber when you said that you just look so happy you’re dead you’re dead sex that’s that’s

Sex who else can I meet then uh where where would Haley be I can’t believe I haven’t met Abigail yet you can’t miss purple hair I’ll answer any questions I can and all your stardude questions okay it’s 5m it might be the time to go to the saloon

Meet a bunch of people there’s Haley listen [ __ ] the only thing I like about this town is the beach then leave because the town doesn’t like you damn oh there he is true sucks a su moment Kelsey Abigail will be in the graveyard oh dead is this not the graveyard where

Is she y’all y’all already lying to me listen [ __ ] can I buy him wait can I buy him two beers in one day okay I don’t know do with the broken glasses I’m going to throw this find out yeah who gave you that that’s stupid only you guys keep saying Abigail will

There she is you’re like she’ll be here and I go there and they’re like no at night and I’m like what elaborate chat elaborate you got to tell me the time the date the location why how have I not talked I’m not actually they take time

To walk there well they need to walk faster I think is it like on weekends everyone’s here like on Saturdays you’ll find like literally the entire town here uh Wiggly Worms Wiggly I always forget to bring my hoe with me you can only gift people once a day

And twice per week oh thank you oh my God it’s a little boy’s birthday Vincent he likes Bugs and snails bugs and snails snails thank you for the follow guys I think Pam might be an alcoholic no no she’s a collector of beverages in her body in her stomach

Yeah I guess I’ll just talk to people tomorrow I didn’t want to talk to anyone I’m digging digging in the trash trash digging a bus driver would never what a bus driver would never what oh that’s right Pam is the bus driver oh Abigail might see me dig

Through that garbage so I’m going to dig through this garbage can’t who dug through that garbage I wanted to I found trash sorry I dug in the trash that was Wo trash it hey he’s got a mushroom and I want to Ste wiggly wiggly worms they’re for me I got rice shoes

Here let’s pour some rice I got one right there for spring we got to wait yeah well um Luigi’s kind of sleepy did Jaden just say Snips and snails my two favorite ponies that aren’t dery Hooves Snips did I say that snip and snails if so I do not

Remember saying that you put the Doom thing in media okay I’ll look in a bit w when we all head to bed Kelsey needs a potty break so do I I peed before the stream I did too I just drank water with my in my jug okay

So Ellie gave Ellie has good advice for you Alyssa Alyssa should make sure to only give Shane once between the 15th and the 19 so she can gift beer to Shane on his birthday on the 20th going to the oh cool bye okay I’m stuck once between the because you can only gift

Twice a week oh got it all right PP time I will be right back y’all oh it’s just me on the stream everybody welcome back to the stream we made crazy money today well it’s just me hosting the stream how are you doing today chat

I’m back you’re back good it was just me and the stream and it was getting kind of awkward it was like an awkward first date it wasn’t going well it was getting kind of awkward I know the feeling like what I dropped 20 viewers and that’s no I know

The feeling though you’re everyone’s gone and then you go just hey Chad hey guys like how you doing like what’s the what’s your guys’s plan how’s how’s so exam season ah any exams going on hey homework am I right yeah yeah oh physics uh physics

Test oh best of luck um I am back man I tried really hard to do well in physics but I got a be overall I don’t think I’ve taken a physics class before shit’s hard there’s lots of um formulas yal MX plus b it starts there

And it gets worse gotcha I remember that one I was always good at math I liked math I was a math kid um but I was bad at English oh I was that yeah I know like a lot of a lot of people are like backward like you’re either one or the other

Mhm what oh god I was watch I watched the clip of us both sneezing on Alysa I want to watch it I want to watch it it’s funny I sneeze exactly onto her and I sneeze across I have a long nose so I lost my favorite axe oh wait

Where do we find the axe uh I don’t remember but I’ll find it eventually or chat yeah I want to watch it hold on I’ll post the chat it’s like I turn towards you and just spray you’re just like one moment Kelsey I got [Laughter] to find

Robin’s they they cut it off when I actually sneeze though they just have me like doing the whole mouth open thing that I do it’s in a stump in the woods where’s the stump where’s the woods the woods are down and left down and left it’s raining man Hallelujah by the lake

It’s in a stump oh wait like in like you can see the an the the pixel art I thought you have to like I imagine I saw it as like you have to find it inside a stump no it’s how do you okay so it’s by

The lake that’s what people said like in this area I just realized that you can hold down the button you don’t have to click whack what is this the area Chad Scythe Scyther thank you for the follow worms East to the right wormed to the left to the

Left oh I have to make a scarecrow don’t I sneeze cam the bottom right okay oh is that something I need to do too all right all right right all right I can do that I used to have a bot that would count how many times I would sneeze on

Stream and it definitely got up into the hundreds eventually o I want these I want these so bad it’s mine spring onion spr onions and a wild horse ratus oh we were supposed to collect something what was it this just a pantry craft room no that’s not it walking around

Someone’s oh my cut scene we need cauliflower a green bean and a parsnip but we also need the quality bundle which is a gold five gold star parsnips melons pumpkins and corn so we need to grow more parsnips y’all how do we open the sewer later

Gotcha do I have so close oh there we go I literally got the cut scene for the sewer is that going too far down people say right and they say down but I hit the I hit the like the side and then people are still saying

Stuff do I have permission to get big backpack from Pierre do we have that kind of M already we do have uh 2,000 I just I thought you meant the blue backpack no go ahead if you guys have the money for a backpack I want you guys

To have a backpack I found it I found the ax which one is Robin the redhaired girl thank you for the raid I hope you had stream were you animating monkey wrench episode two monkey wrench monkey wrench if you guys haven’t seen monkey wrench on YouTube you’re missing out on a delicious animation

Dandelion swag swag New Bag yes we got R by the rail he’s a great animator and he also has Birds he has Conor and cockatils a doing all good uh Jordan and I just got back from a convention yesterday so we’ve been out on a little vacation where’s Robin

Live um field up north by lonus with Demetrius oh no we didn’t get con um we were extra precautious this year we always wore our masks uh I had hand sanitizer on me at all times and we took a vitamin C pill every night con

Crud I did touch the bean verie I looked at the bean respectfully but I did not touch it because other people touch it you can see their their little sticky handprints all over the bean I don’t even do they clean the bean oh I don’t see why they would Ziggy

Raided with a party of one Ziggy how’d you do that were you even live I gave Robin her axe back yeah I got the a too oh I did oh there’s always fingerprints whole handprints on the bean I bet you kids lick the bean disgusting was on a solo

Raid oh yeah they got rid of Hosting I really liked hosting it was a nice I don’t know why they would do that I don’t no I don’t know either it’s kind of weird thank you for the follow I like how you donated glass to the

Museum I he how does one raid you have to be streaming like live and then you you raid you like do for/ raid space username and it’ll convert all your viewers to that new streamer posting cost more bandwidth maybe I guess it was a core feature it’s weird

That’s why I I hosted more than I rided where am I going am I going the wrong way I went way past it that’s what I’m doing this is what happens when I read chat I need to come down here that’s what I need to

Do you don’t have to be live anymore you could just raid people isn’t that just hosting but louder I think so they still have it it’s just only called raiding now I’m going to do it again I’m doing it again are you going to the mines and

Hoping that you don’t die I just left someone a little surprise and they’re going to say who the who put this and I’m going to go that’s crazy you put glass in my chest no no glass shards CL that’s crazy hosting but people on your profile don’t see it unless you’re watching the

Stream I guess yeah cuz that’s the thing is like when you’re offline if if like someone who has a lot of followings is hosting someone when they when someone goes to that person’s page it’s like oh they’re hosting this friend well now I can watch this person and it was really

Nice cuz they’re offline they’re not using their stream welcome back lupus how’s your nap I hope it good oh swag where on the map did you all find Robin’s axe uh it’s um you know where Mar’s Farm is oh yeah it’s underneath the the house near there kind of oh cool thank [Applause]

You okay there’s so many little grubs here you have a steak for dinner I don’t know what I’m having for dinner me neither I love croutons hello mono first time chatter welcome to the chat you no there’s so many flies flies oh in in the mines I’m in the mines

Yeah oh did it did the air get green no I haven’t got we we were so close to level 20 but didn’t didn’t do it we got to do it again we can dedicate tomorrow for mining true yeah croutons are a snack just something for a nice uh Savory seasoned

Crunch I’m going go ahead and get some of this copper going if youall don’t mind okay I need to make me a furnace too actually my character look there’s three of them you need 20 copper ore in order to make one furnace yeah okay but I made three of

Them outside your house it’s just it’s a quest thing oh yeah but honestly no it’s fine cuz like once we start getting other ores and like we need cuz like you said it only does one at a time we’ll definitely need like a whole section just for furnac where is this ladder

Oh there it is similar to one punch man but speed go back for scroll what are we up to wait what’s a scroll you could probably donate it uh Alyssa Jaden and I are playing stard do Valley and Jaden is hosting a subathon she is on day 20 if you would

Like to see saon along with it here’s the link I got to level 20 let’s go um is Rob oh there she is can I fish in this cave can I fish in here do you get special fish in the cave not sure but yeah you can fish let me eat some

Onions just freaking eat an onion oh oh it takes five ore in order to make one copper bar okay that makes sense yeah I guess I could go mining I have plenty of energy you can go straight down to level 20 if you want let’s go it’s not

That you can’t draw anyone can draw yeah it’s true it’s true you just got to do it man eventually you can draw even if it’s not what you were hoping for if you can read what you were trying to go for good enough you don’t ding dong if you just had a fun

Time doing it then you know yeah don’t be overly critical of yourself I did that to myself my like whole life of drawing and then I was like I don’t care about Anatomy anymore I just want to draw and that made things so much easier

Yeah I was definitely like oh I need to study anatomy before I actually draw fun stuff and then I was like actually I’m just going to draw whatever I want yeah like I I would only draw hyper realistic things and then people would be like

Well I looks so good I’m like yeah it looks good but do you know how long it takes me and then I’m like never happy with it I was like oh the muzzle looks a little bit off off or they Paws look weird it’s like it sucks the fun out of

It if I wanted to look at realism I’ll go outside true just have fun just have fun literally just have fun oh uh you can get ghost fish and stone fish they said and the O did you get the sword uh Alyssa uh yeah from level 20 true

Waffles it’s true yes no more ads but you guys when you watch the delicious ad that nobody asked for including myself I get a little bit of money the ladder on this side oh nice hands are we’re getting to level 25 25 die mono says good luck on the subathon

Jen thank you wait there’s treasure over there Alysa treasure there’s a bunch of treasure oh my God out of my way it’s 10 o’ y’all just a heads up that’s okay we got treasure you got treasure whoa that’s a good treasure oh [ __ ] there’s a like sorry I

Picked up a lot of it Pockets now hard to draw the a I can’t even do it right what floor are we on 24 oh my gosh one more yeah one more y’all you got time do pink frap have fun with one piece so someone said that they were

Talking they heard me talk about it and they’re they’re caving oh I got to I got to eat this hor horse radish delicious an ad redeem I don’t know how to do I know there’s like a button that like forces an ad to play but I don’t

Know how to use it I’ve tried it once and it didn’t work and I was like well I give up forever the hell is this oh what is that I’ll pick it up come get Jade oh co I think you’re going to have to find this ladder unless I’ll be

Honest I one more a couple more swings and I just faint I’ll do it it’s in your stream manager on Twitch I’m lazy can the mods do right here oh my God H I’ll save you wait can you swing your sword is it oh my God it’s 12:00 a.m. oh my God we

Can do it we do it we just need one more oh come on where is it I don’t want to die oh I’m feeling exhausted come on no don’t swing your axe oh found it found it let’s go let’s go ah ah ah zero let’s go home run run we’re

Going there’s no way we don’t we don’t make it there’s no way we don’t canel snow crab this year what happened why did they cancel snow crab this year what does that mean what’s snow crab it’s a type of crab it’s delicious oh wait why is it cancelled

Yeah why is it canel 8 billion oh that’s right there was like 8 billion crabs just disappeared for some reason and no one knows why oh no oh two billion crabs are unaccounted for in Canada oh it’s two billion two billion holy crap how do you steal two million of anything let

Alone crabs billion billion two billion crabs went missing so they had to cancel snow crab season the crab Rave is cancelled no did they all run away I don’t know pretty sure it’s over fishing no it sounds like they were already fished they just are gone I can make

Burgers now You Guys Burgers rival BG Thanos snapped the crabs as a reminder going to bed after two or after midnight means you don’t recover as much energy well I’m a dumb [ __ ] well you know what well I was having fun on 4:25 that’s what matters it’s raining again didn’t it

Rain yesterday oo yeah the spirits are in Good Humor today shall we go mining yes we don’t need to water the crops let me drop off a bunch of [ __ ] let’s see I found a cave carrot dad gave us 500 gold you guys you got cookies from Mom I got

500 gold from Dad let’s see what I got oh tomorrow’s the tomorrow’s the egg Festival so we have to go mining tonight okay uh I have a bunch of sh have have we donated amethyst yet yeah swag we can sell it then and then Robin apologizing for insulting my farming being like but

You can pay me to upgrade your farm oh wait pink frap says it’s believed to be a result of the warming Arctic Waters their population was nearly two billi 12 billion in 2017 and they’re sitting just below 2 billion this year what no not the crabs guys the crabs I someone even

Though I do consume the crabs I love the crabs and I want them to thrive and I will stop eating crab then if they’re not thriving I I feel like I’m doing the most already but I will continue I haven’t had crab in a long

Time because yeah if you don’t buy it in season it’s like $40 a pound it’s it’s very very much a once a year rare treat there’s yeah yeah I’m a dumb [ __ ] there’s there’s there’s this um this line in BB new money’s new album where

He says I have a good brain but I’m dumb that’s me do you guys yeah I’m going up to the m do you know how long it took me to realize that um Mount Everest is not not in America yeah I I I’m the same wait where do you

Buy a backpack I want to buy a backpack too you buy it at Pier’s it’s like right when you walk into town and there’s always that little exclamation part with the calendar okay I’ll I’ll donate this this mineral first okay I’ll wait for you guys at the

Entrance or like inside the mine where the elevator is okay likewise melon seeds at least we have imitation crab I will say it helps that is also still like a fish it is it’s like a bunch of fish fused together to make a crab stick so I I I feel like just

Eating fish in general is not great because of the overpopulation sorry or over I just got a I just got a package go get it like yeah like well I just got an alert so now I have to like wait for them to you know put it down and walk away and then

Sa who’s at my door please go away forever but I hope I think it’s my a bunch of stuff I ordered from Ghost merch store wait where’s wait so Pierre he’s the big shop right in the center of town like right when you walk in from the house and there’s that big

Store with the with the uh the doctor’s office oh oh I see I went I talked to the guy did you confuse Mount Everest for Mount Rushmore no I was just dumb as someone who has never left America I was like surely it’s in America this place is so [ __ ] huge

The mountains must be huge too what are beans beans are just little fake currencies that you can use for fun you can use it to gamble you get Beans by being in the chat interacting with chat donating bits Etc blah blah blah and yeah you can just gamble them and it’s

Fun you can also do slots oh give the chat something to do I I do want to fish in the cave I do want to fish in the cave I want to uh Which floor was it 20 yeah we can we can meet you at 20 I didn’t bring my fishing

Pole though but that’s okay I brought my fishing pole oh I needed to come down here anyways I didn’t get the sword doing an unboxing you’re doing an unboxing yeah but no one no one gets to see it’s just for me it’s just for your eyes and your eyes only oh fishing here

Fishing pole I’m just going to unbox really quick I’m so ready I need to wear a sweater I think it’s it’s cold in my office today where’s you’re mine wa wa your mom oh oh uh uh monkey beans don’t make me work out that’s Channel points those are

Biscuits no I lost it that was hard oh [ __ ] yeah with biscuits you can like unlock emotes you can make baby Jim speak on stream the little pixel baby Jim over on the bit cup you can make me work out etc etc thank you little Bulba you little take gambling

Pug baby Jam a I don’t want this crazy pin you got some crazy pins can you get a better fishing rod where it makes it easier to fish oh yeah okay here’s the male never fails to mix me want to wag my tail when it comes I W to Whi I just

Heard if I don’t know if you said mail in a very high pitch tone Kelsey but it just like I heard like like this crazy high noise and then I cut out yeah that’s exactly what I did oh [ __ ] yeah I got ghost turntable oh my God elimation sore on stream oh

Elimation swears all the time it’s so funny that people think that we don’t swear as if we’re not adults dealing with life oh my God there’s so I why I’m only getting trash what is going on here pretend like you don’t want fish pretend like you want trash in the game will be

Like I want more broken glasses and Soggy newspaper oh you want more broken glasses boy do I have something for you in your chest broken CD oh oh my gosh okay I was just thinking about how freaking cold I was and then the the package came and uh in it is the ghost

Blanket their whole thing their whole thing is like satanic Catholic Church like it’s like a parody and so the blanket is like a big it has a hood and it looks like a robe of oh hell yeah it’s so please please no 10 out of 10 to raise my fishing level birie said

Kelsey I love your laugh so varied so varied what an adjective freaking slab found a video of someone laughing like I do and then they replaced the picture or the video of them laughing with a spray bottle squirting and I was like why would you say that why won’t the commands work for

Me are they are you doing it too fast when someone else did it and it has a little bit of a time or what do they call it cool down cool cool down yeah is it having a cool down y’all need to take turns unlike Jaden’s chat let’s

Go do I still get my fishing level up even if I’m not catching stupid ass fish I’d assume so cuz you’re technically fishing stay with me stay stay with me buddy stay with me no no no I’m losing them I got him y ghostfish look Alysa oh you got

Ghostfish you got ghost ghost fish woo again I want to live that high again we should go actual fishing I got us to level 30 oh nice brother I heard Jaden loves the Pokemon frost glass and it’s her favorite no I don’t bastard Pokemon Bard Pokemon it’s a long story but he just

Sucks ass y’all keep doing exclamation point eightball you got to ask the eightball a question you don’t just shake an eightball and be like hm mean could but like please please look funny please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

Please let’s go let’s go let’s I got him Gish new record for ghostfish dang Alyssa where are you it’s 5 o’ um where do you think I am at 5 o’ I am bringing my husband yeah let’s go mining we won’t have time to mine tomorrow cuz we have to go like

Steal a bunch of eggs from kids or some [ __ ] here I got down I feel this one this is the thing this is the one this is the one I love whenever we mentioned uh you getting stuff for Shane people do a bunch of toast emojis in my chat I got it

Perfect another ghost [ __ ] okay let’s go oh yeah there’s a quote system too if you want to see all the random stuff I’ve quoted oh we can go to level 30 Jaden oh true let me just take this copper uh you as long as you catch

Something wait how do I go up can I not go back up now I’m giving Shane this beer that’s been sitting in my pocket for five days oh yeah the traveling Merchant is here today if you want to go shopping there Alyssa oh at the bottom left for hats

That’s dark no that’s that’s the Hat Merchant this is the traveling Merchant sometimes she sells out of season things uh to the left near the um the Wizard’s Place mushroom oh we got to donate that we need torches I can’t see crap yeah we need torches that’s why I

Stopped my energy is am I getting attacked by something thank you for the follow you’ll never know oh it’s a shadow creature he bites I’ll get you you [ __ ] frog noise you naked man oh I found this I like when you fight the ghosts and when they die they go did someone say

Ghost I heard Jaden likes those gumballers on Pokemon what are you guys talking about no I don’t gumballer is Jaden’s favorite I got to go home I’m I’m about to pass out oh cuz you were fishing yeah I was fishing how do I talk to the traveling

Merchant are they right click on him right oh it’s probably too late she’s probably Clos yeah it’s just a sweet lady and near her chubby Pig okay there was just a pig sadly yeah she she went to bed I need to go put on a sweater my hands are

Freezing sometimes like my hands run naturally cold but when I’m like actually cold they I start feeling like the cold radiate off of my hands and it’s and it’s not good I think I’m going to I’m going to put Ari to bed and I’m going to go put on a sweater who put

Already to bed it’s 2: p.m. no not like that I thought you being literal I was like hold up ain’t no way we’ve been start doing that hard okay I got two geod that need oding I’m going to just donate my G to Jaden she’s really good at taking geod places

Yeah I don’t think I’ll have enough points to redeem a workout in time do you do you want do you want a fun fact not you Alyssa I I want a fun fact okay here’s a fun fact if you want more Channel points you get I believe 1.5 times more Channel

Points if you’re a subscriber I wish I could wink wait can I wink Fu no I can’t wink sometimes I can can’t wink can’t win all back you can’t what wink oh I’m back though back I got level one I can make cherry bombs oh I I got level two mining what’s the

Staircase is it I think you can use it for uh the desert mines and lets you go chat what does what do the stairs do again for the desert mines can’t quite remember oh zorak says tell Alyssa I respect her obsession with ghost oh God bless who’s your favorite

Um man it’s for all mines your cre ladder takes you to the next oh it lets you skip a level so like you know when you guys you guys are screaming and you’re like oh it’s 1:20 a.m. but we have to go to level 20 you can skip a level cookies than you

Follow broken glasses put the staircase on your pants slot inventory oh my God what does that mean three of them what’s up B why you chatting energy my chat is gambling uh do we want to donate a ghostfish yes yes yes yes okay I’ll donate uh one of them ABS sell the good

Ones you can’t do that today though oh cuz it’s the Easter egg Festival we got to go steal eggs from children mhm oh let me put all my [ __ ] down why don’t you tell me sooner I told you yesterday I forgot to listen my my pockets are completely empty

I’m going to plant these melon seeds as well actually does is the right time of year oh is it I don’t know oh plant these in summer damn you just wasted two seeds I didn’t use them I didn’t use them oh okay thank you for the follow

Wonder how many followers we’re at I never check I haven’t checked in forever I don’t know how I how many I had originally I want to go do egg stuff you got to wait until it says the festival is starting oh what time does it start

9:00 a.m. oh well we have 40 minutes we better get a move on I’m let’s chop down some trees free energy usage I’m going to fish and level up my fishing cuz it seems good to do that oh yeah PR pink frap say get the fishing level up to

Make recyclers that’s recyclers I think you could put garbage in them and they give you goodies in return ooh I want to do that oh they say putting the stairs in your pants slot is an Easter egg but actually helps with a really annoying Quest oh Jaden’s vtuber has gotten crunch ified

Again I’m glad that we got working though even though you were deep fried as [ __ ] it’s so fun having all three of us so weird it might be honestly just a connection issue it might be on my end pixel art Jaden pixel art stardo Valley Jaden stard do Valley Jaden let’s

Go that pond only gives trash oh oh yeah they have to be a big enough water yeah well you could get more trash and uh get to recycler I’m throwing it away deep fried friends at the it’s at the egg Festival is starting can we go there now yeah oh

Yeah the in the chat has yelled at me many times that we have to buy the strawberry seeds I am ready I’m waiting for other players it’s me I’m slow other players be like Kelsey uh the the the sweater that you and Jordan gave me the duck one oh

It’s so pretty it’s it’s kept me warm so many so many days I’m glad to hear that I’m wearing right now look at me look at Ari wait hold on is it the one that says murder or the one that says wow uh this one says murder but the other one wow is

Also a good one wow someone wanted uh Super Chat fun fact so here’s one coconuts and vending machines kill more people on average than shark sharks I didn’t know there were those vending machines they probably like wiggle them right and then they fall on DAV people

Yeah I can’t talk to Pierre he’s the last person I need to chitchat but he’s too busy trying to profit he’s always profiting he never gets a freaking vacation cuz he’s a weirdo you can find him at the bar okay they told me to buy strawberry seeds but they’re really

Expensive so I’m only going to buy like five sounds good we have no money anymore what do we do here wabbit um where’s the old man they said don’t forget to push the children to maximize egg Gathering you can push them I push them no you can’t push them but

We can pretend okay there’s only two kids in the whole like town so just okay let me know when you guys are ready I’m ready I’m ready okay yes let’s start I feel like if we all take different quadrants we can maximize our egg collection I’ll go nor

So what are we doing you can block their way you’re looking for little pixel eggs they’ll be hidden behind bushes and sometimes it’s out in the open just little round boys I’ll just in the in the town yeah yeah I’ll go uh South East I’ll go east I’ll go northeast oh where

Am I going I thought you said you were gonna go North I’ll go west then I’ll go Southwest okay wait is anyone going south I can go south yeah just go Southwest okay then I’ll go I’ll go north and Northeast okay then wait where’s the where are we going so I’ll

Go wait where am I going just just go I’m just going run there’s one down there I’m doing sou through the fence someone buy a sewer I can’t get in the the thing three four Sor I’m going no the kid’s going after there’s uh there’s one

Behind here shove it five go get it there’s one in the in this here I’ll get it are you going to get that I got I got six eggs I got seven I have four good don’t let them damn kids get them there’s one right there oh I got it got

It I got it I thought oh you reach through oh there was an opening that’s just a light pole got it oh [ __ ] I think I got nine waiting for other players is this one oh I saw one but I didn’t get it I have four really bad it’s your first egg

Hunt someone says you need nine or Abby wins I think Kelsey got it then do we not pull them all together baby Jim me let’s go yeah you got a cool hat right I got a hat the heck with them kids bro oh dark already W that took all day

Quick day yeah we got to go bedtime it’s bedtime going to pet the cat whoa hats are in now dude they are actually like I went out and bought so many different styles of hats I got my first bucket hat Jaden oh bucket hat I’m

Not a hat person like at all but during the the riding all the rides on Disney day uh that was my first time wearing a bucket hat and I didn’t mind it oh look at all the the petals it’s queen of sauce y’all what’s queen of sauce it’s when

You watch the TV and you learn a recipe and today it’s KLA o klaa why is there cherry blossoms I don’t think this is Japan cuz it’s spring that doesn’t make sense wait what’s the fortune mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side damn okay fishing

Day fishing day for Ari baby Jim did you take a bath are you wet Pine call not really no like half she’s half Jordan say out loud not really it’s like oh do we uh plant our rice shoots today cuz it’s sping sping I’m out of water first day ofing

Do I I maybe is it oh is today the first day of sping yeah oh sure go ahead I’m going fish in the lake faster planted near body of water okay I’m going to plant our rice right over here go ahead to fish in the lake or the

Ocean I think it depends what you want to get okay well I haven’t done the lake yet so I’ll do that my vtuber eyes are closed because baby Jim’s on my head she’s she’s she’s wet right now so she’s doing the the um the bath dance that birds do a rain baby

Gym baby gy baby I drew I I I planted the straw babies straw babies shouldn’t the hatman be around here fish in the ocean okay I don’t know when the hatman guy my chat is gambling at the Wazoo oh yeah baby Jim loved your hair Nikki Nikki’s got long ass hair

Oh Sho all right I watered all the plants baby Jim your nails hurt remind me to trim those I got a chub uh do I need to donate the fish too we do have a uh click the little Community Center in your inventory and then scroll to the fish tank and it’ll

Tell you everything that we need to donate oh you need to donate your uh ghostfish don’t forget oh true wait is it in the animal bundle no it’s in the fish tank oh wait in my inventory yeah go to your inventory and on the very right you’ll see the

Community center tab it looks like a little tree oh I I didn’t I was in the pantry I didn’t know you could switch around oh yeah you could switch uh who someone hold on oh okay I’ll go there um who had an eel an eel needs to be oh sorry I sold

It no it’s okay it was a long time ago oh you guys you don’t need to give me beans I have unlimited because I own the stream oh mine Bean Meister baby Jim I can’t see also mine don’t worry I’ll dig through the trash I found soda so we’re doing pretty good

I have to give something to someone now do we have any spare amethysts I can give Abigail wait who likes daffodils someone likes daffodils is it Haley I’m not making friends with anyone in town oh I just want to do the uh the quest I just want

Money you is you do you like daffodils oh is it her today whoops oh no she said oh is it my birthday okay so she likes daffodils cool that was easy oh she does yeah yeah I got a 100 gold for giving her a flower I picked off the grass the blonde girl

Yeah where’d she go where’d she go she’s over here here by the medic hering oh she’s going to the left she’s going up I don’t know where she’s going she likes sunflowers are her favorite that’s why I don’t like her I need to check this okay what’s in

Here o wait is there can’t sell the store do I just throw away get a fish tank yeah you can like actually decorate your home oh wait so is the bamb birthday to is the bamboo pole better than the normal fishing rod I assume anything is better than the beginning no

I I do have the bamboo Pole never mind okay I need to go get my fishing pole I don’t know where I put it traveling cart is today oh yeah cuz it’s Sunday yeah but we don’t have a lot of money for buying yeah oh you can sell at the

Adventurers Guild I’ll try that I’ll try that then they say you can separate your gold at the mayor’s house I don’t mind sharing gold though yeah no we’re we’re family sardine I’m going to get this this fishing thing up and we’re going to be able to make so much trash into treasure

Baby Jim did you [ __ ] in my hair no baby Jim’s a little rude when it comes to poop why would you do that I don’t [ __ ] in your hair what the [ __ ] it’s it dripped all the way down to my legs oh my God God that was a long that’s a wet

One wait what’s what’s that treasure what’s the treasure oh my God they oh they have treasure can’t believe that take her away she’s lost on top of my head privileges never so disappointed Rush opened his door and I guarantee she forced she forces out so

She can go hang with him and not [ __ ] on him but will [ __ ] on me even though she’s my even though Rush doesn’t have any hair why are there three broken glasses in here Alyssa hey those are there was only one when I well they’re multiplying explain yourself whoa we better separate

Them hey Henry what time is it for you Henry what are we doing today about y’all but I’m sleepy I’m just fishing you’re sleepy like in real life yeah on IRL yeah I’m tired I’m not [ __ ] I think I’m hyper I think it’s because baby Jim

[ __ ] on me like really yeah you also came back from a con that’s true what I know what I’m doing with this I have a quest to kill slimes so I’m going to go kill slimes yeah I’m sure I have like only a couple left 8:30 a.m. damn it’s early 2:30 p.m here

I got bait oh how do I use the bait on the fishing rod I don’t know chat first be attach to a fishing rod how do you add the bait to the fishing rod chat chat oh I got to kill Slims before I can sell this dang sword how do I do

This oh y how is the con the con was great my favorite con so far need a different pole oh okay well I want to fight imagine I’ll get a new Rod if I do better in fishing oh hello sir you need to buy a better one from Willie they

Said I imagine the training Rod is not better than the the bamboo rod that’s true maybe once you get higher level in fishing he’ll sell better poles probably I’m I’m working on my fishing this today yeah they said you need a better fishing rod in order to

Use the bait yeah they also said you can use the bug meat to turn into bait oh cool perfect sneaky fish all sardines today sardin sardine Herring hering all Deans nuts is that loud you got him broken CD who’s thrown CDs into the trash the ocean the

Ocean fish near the rock fish level two and level six unlock new fishing rods nice I want this no [ __ ] it’s so hard to get the treasure and the fish what sorry stealing what was that I did it uh I was fighting the Slime let’s

Go all right let’s see how long it takes for them to notice perfect what are you up to you know there’s going to be like 10 glasses in our in our chest oh cell oh he got weapons me mhm mhm mhm oh but is that a book can I steal that

Fishing by the rock is of a spot got it no I can’t see that I’m running back to the house I got the goodies I need to sell Luigi’s gone it’s 8:30 Luigi F just a little bit I’m fishing just a little bit you guys you

Just take your time I’mma take the time to say if y’all want fast updates for any of Jaden’s merch we have a new Twitter page called Jaden shop Jaden shop so follow that if you want quick fast updates on merch including uh when stuff starts tripping out like And

Subscribe like And subscribe I think there’s a bell I for Twitter right everything has a bell slap the bells yeah just put on the notifications put on the notifications I keep missing the treasure I’m so greedy whenever I say see Treasure Chest I want it so

Bad yeah Henry has put the link right there in the chat so you guys can grab it for those who are lazy like me P Kitty o snow okay I’m going to come back home yes the Jaden anime merch is real it is true I’m going to sell these

Fish oh it’s so dark I’m I’m lost in I can’t get out of the cemetery no baby Jam biscuit B hey no why are you in my hair you lost hair privileges step up go on the knee happy are you all being so Green Oh Baby

Gim baby Jim did you know you have a farm named Chili’s did you know that you own a farm you have real estate I don’t know what we’ have donated and what we have not you can check I’ll try it okay uh no in here I

Go to the community center I go to the fish tank Um that doesn’t look good fish tank crab Lake specialty ocean fish o I can put that there wait how do I put it in the here what how do I put the ocean fish in oh you have to go to the community center ah I’m sleeping I’m sleeping [ __ ] this I’m going to

Bed are you in my bed yes I saw feet and I was like hold up come here bab Jim get on my shoulder LEL two fishing let’s go I’m ready for us to make mad money until we have like so much money we don’t know what what to do with that money

Yeah well good morning they haven’t noticed who put a plant on my someone took my bow away and put a plant did you take my bows good mining day did you put this plant here what is this plant seaweed oh I accidentally picked up my whole ass table you’re so she’s going to

Rage seaweed house weed start trashing the house weed put this in no Evelyn’s being like don’t plant the watermelons in the spring Jaden and I was like what okay watering the crops oh the cats passed out okay you can go to the community center through the just the north of here right

Yeah call the path I need more water oh I’m thirsty too I got berries salmon Berry do we donate those I don’t know all right I see you birie thanks for hanging out with us and banning that one bot I love seeing Bots get destroyed yeah actually I’m want to keep these

Broken glasses cuz Jaden’s all about getting that recycling bin true I’m going to I’m going to be such a good little Fisher wa I think it passed it the spirits are they’re happy I’m going to go mining yeah good mining day good mining day oh I should get stuff for

Mining we should uh upgrade our tool copper is better than what we have right yeah it’s just pickaxe we need copper pickaxe we need to get get copper tools make friends with Caroline she helps you learn how to make tea plants oo oo is she the green-haired one no

Idea uh Lop said Kelsey two of my plants decided to bloom even though it’s fliming cold they said check this out bam a sardine I did so I’m confused with like Anchovies and sardines do you just eat the whole fish bone and all is it is it

Small enough that it doesn’t matter and you can just crunch it anyways I have no idea I wish there was an easier way to see if you have a fish that you can donate oh um Ziggy said that if you have a fish in your inventory that you need

To donate the thing will pulsate oh but do you have to click on it like in in in the little presents in the bundles oh I have no idea how do you make oh you need sap and wood I think I have everything donated that I can

Donate if you get the purple shorts Quest from mayor Lewis you can see he’s been sleeping with oh God yeah the purple the purple pants they’re not they’re not shorts they’re they’re the’re undies say I have everything donated that I could donate there’s coming oh no we haven’t donated any

Parip or cauliflowers yeah that’s what I said oh we’re silly silly we’re so silly where’s the hole who who bit me someone bit me oh there he is it’s so nice having the backpack holy crap mhm did you finally get one yeah do you have one too Alyssa yes sweet now we

Just have to get the 10,000 one oo where’s the hole you know what can I steal this it won’t let me take it oh let me take it yeah here we go there find that hole get it get it get it sniff it outle just right there I’ll just here

Here take this take this just like steal that torch walk around with it I keep getting stuck in this Cemetery okay Dany Kang says in your inventory not the community bundle tab you can hover over an item and the community bundle icon will wiggle that’s how you know when you need to donate

Itook skeleton po so if you hover over it yeah if you put your cursor over the item and the community bundle starts wiggling that needs to be donated thank you for the follow oh here comes the scary man here comes the Z ooh I got iron why do they have so

Much health though I know right we’re about to make so much money I’m ready for big big big checks I found a hole I’m coming oh I got Omni geed did you do a full loop yeah hell yeah C stealing one of these baby oh he bit me I’d rather just find

The hole in deal with him he’s kind of a jerk I want to get to floor 40 because that’s yeah our Quest I want a snack what should we eat for dinner you guys oh found damn like IRL yeah oh if we all did dinner together we all order

Dinner at the same time and pretend like we’re eating together I’m done for that well sounds good I’m so bad at knowing what I want found the hole God dang heyy doubt chilies true but the the only thing about uh chilies for me is they only

Have like one option so if I’m not in the mood for that one option then I can’t have chilies dang it I love you chilies even though you only have one freaking option they said get something as crunchy as Jaden found a mushroom down here potato

Oh I found the hole hold up mushroom come get this okay JK I’ve got it two holes two holes this ain’t no CLA H CA Luigi no the only thing about getting chilies is the closest chilies for me is like 20 minutes away you get extra experience if you do a fish

Perfect or is it just like oh congrats you did really good are you crawling down what was that touched did anyone touch get free items oh thank you pink frap you’ve got so many tips pink frap thank you oh I wouldn’t mind some Sushi

O Sushi I should I should have set up a tweet stream or a treat stream or whatever where people could just buy me food the only issue with it is it has a lot of fees and it’s easier if I just buy it my damn self than making have to

Pay a bunch of fees which sucks the fish just gave up at the SEC last second there wa I got a flounder I got Hardwood LOL okay we only need one more level and it’s only 5:00 we are so good GUI off Luigi Luigi Luigi IRL is standing and stepping

Around why are our critters in real life being awful oh the fish quality improves if you get uh this is perfect this is Wiggy time typically oh no there’s going to be a swarm we got to find the hole quickly oh no we’re only one thing away

Where are you I’m down here what swarm is it is it like a swarm of slimes or something it could be anything I think this one’s bats I’m almost out of energy yo oh God me too I’m on like orange do you got any field snacks off

Luigi off I have one field snack for myself oh my God we just need one more hole yo I got an emerald oh we’ve defeated the Swarm good job oh okay cool good job team go team go team I will fight if you want to dig this bat just straight up ignored

Me and went straight for you oh found the hole found the hole let’s go let’s [ __ ] go [ __ ] you slingshot o icy o I’m really bad at the slingshot okay now we can go up oh wait a minute I think I need to go buy Shane a drink oh [ __ ] Monday it’s

Monday sponsorship by Apple be you take that back mods slap that person oo oh now we have to reach the bottom of the mines I thought I was going to get a a reward I think it’s from the adventurers Guild right maybe let me go look again yeah

You didn’t actually have to delete that message damn it but Applebees does suck suck it’s sucky I worked so hard to get this treasure and the fish I had to like juggle them both and then I I opened the treasure chest and was one coal oh I had an itchy

Ear did y’all hear Wiggy I didn’t was it the was it that he went oh I didn’t hear it hey Bud he’s got big problem it seems it’s hard being his it’s it’s hard being Luigi it is really hard butt beer for my man I saw the the money go down and I

Heard beer on shrimp I like having my knees up to my chest [ __ ] it’s calm feet I don’t like my feet being on the ground there’s monsters down there grab me true Wy say hi he’s like right here at the microphone everyone spam the Sip Emoji for Shane and his big old

Beer I’m going to catch one more fish and then I’m going to hit the hay I don’t want my slingshot I’m going to sell this thing I was really bad at slingshot then I’m going to be really bad now this is usually the time of the day that

I take a small nap and that’s Frozen geod do you want to go ahead and take a small nap and we can get some lunch I don’t well if you guys break for lunch I’ll break for Sleep the game is literally paused right now so we could

Go get some lunch and Jaden can just put on Whatchamacallit Pokemon yeah okay are you okay with that Jaden yeah and there’s uh so like if you pause the game then it just pauses everything um when we go to sleep and it tells us like our

Earnings for the day and it’s like new day as long as we don’t click away it’s paused okay yeah I can play like Mario Kart or something for a little bit yeah I’m probably going to go eat my tuna that I have in the in the fridge and

Check on B gam and also I forgot to water my plants yesterday so I’m gonna do that IRL yeah yeah I wanted them every Monday and we didn’t get get home till like 8:00 pm yesterday and then we watched Open Season very busy day yeah I was I was a

Little preoccupied if you will I’ll be back at like uh 4:30 at the latest but okay or I don’t want to see where is my I need to remember how to do this here we go Stu Valley oh yeah that’s right one of my uh my bibs is broken that’s okay

Though the bibs the bibs noit stream back little bit we will be right back we’re all going to get food Alysa is going to take a nap if you guys want to continue to watch I will subathon you guys can go watch over at Jaden’s or you

Can just lurk here because the views help me get to partner and I want Squad stream damn it I want Squad stream so I could just like keep my stream going yeah you could yeah oh I don’t stream very often though maybe it doesn’t really matter there’s been times where I

Literally went to the store I like I’m be back chat going to go to store and they’re like okay and they they’ll literally wait for you because all they have to do is just push the tab away true all right cool I’ll be right back y’all right back all right my stream

We’re gonna play some Mario Kart we’re playing Mario Cart stream you hear me all right Alissa if you want you can you can deaf in okay hey stream we’re going to uh let’s put on yeah we’re going to play some Mario Kart just a quick a quick little

I just joined and she wants to play Mario Kart we’re we’re just taking a Alyssa is a little tired we’re we’re taking a quick like uh uh lunch break but I’m not hungry so we’re just going to I’m just going to wait for them and in the meantime we can play Mario

Kart well we’ll we’ll play um stardo in a little bit switch recording put on the games yeah Um Mario Kart with viewers oh yeah go to my tournament hi Jaden maybe I can do some 200cc I’ll create a tournament yeah I want to do a new tournament let’s do Dry Bowser again oh wait 200 look at all these things I want it to be I wanted to

Should be the blue shell no it’s nice to have have it just be the 200 yeah just so people know uh hi um Jaden oh 200 yeah oh 200 okay let’s see here uh 200 race no teams normal items no Comm all vehicles no smart steering frequency daily start

Time no I want it to be like all the time no idea why they have this like what does it mean end Time race count uh four races every oh wait no limit yeah looks good group shuffling every fourth match uh no limit yeah cool okay let’s write this down we’re going to copy this uh paste duplicate code properties I say 2368 D 612- 8907 come on OBS come on OBS oh my

Gosh there we go um there we go new code yeah all right guys come on join the 200 join 200 someone goes oh freck let’s do it this time it’s oh actually chill no there’s no way 200 under is Chill there’s no way 200 under is Chill chill scary con guys it’s only

200 it’s only 200 all right I’m going to join hi J Jaden 200 I like the name of the tournament thank you creative hypothet hypothetically if were I were to donate I don’t know five figures would you let the timer go that far uh well I mean the timer could

Definitely go that far but there is a cap there’s a subathon cap uh so I mean please don’t donate five figures it the timer will uh go that high but please don’t hey it’s deran look everyone everyone’s ready for 200 though also GED don’t scare me like that

Please we got Rick oh wait how what’s a green thing what’s the green thing is a little uh oh it’s all like goatee thing that’s a good one that’s a good one you could have streamed for a 100 days yeah unfortunately there is a cap uh I I told to anyone who’s who’s

New um I said I would alert stream when there’s one week left of the sub we have not hit that yet but there so there’s more than a week left of the subathon but a damn I hate this one oh my God 200 I forgot it’s

200 oh my God you got to start turning now almost saved almost saved but it doesn’t even matter CU you just start going and you go fast my hands are too cold my I’m playing on cold hands yeah okay we can do this God damn it

No I hate this track oh my God I hate this track so much no my hands I need to like warm up my hands they’re actually like cold IRL I can feel the coldness rating radiating off of them no mushroom’s on 200 okay I like trick much less when I’m doing

200 wait you can go up there ah shoot I didn’t know you could go up there that’s the first thing time I knew about that I should have just kept those there’s the blue shell Catch Me If You Can yeah yeah we got some first place 20 okay I

Think it’s because everyone else did bad though oh I got to sit on my hands now I’m like oh got to warm up my hands answer the question what question I missed it I was driving I like your bugmobile thank you I got into your room congrats

Congrats all right uh I’m done for toad circuit check donos I thought I already did uh what I miss hypothetic I thought I answered that already though yeah I said that I said you can but there’s a cap on the subathon oh to charity oh I don’t know

Um some sort of bird rescue I feel like a lot of people cover a lot of Charities but I think um but I think uh bird Charities some sort of bird charity rescue uh I made it but I am user Tech Guy Tech Guy wait you’re in this Lobby Mr

DK the reaction to the game awards I don’t think I would have a very interesting uh reaction because I don’t really care about the game of WS Tech Guy oh hey Mr jdk Nice that acceleration on roselina is insane all right guys all right all right all right all right all right I we haven’t played this this track in like forever I’m down for it what no no no no no no no no [ __ ] damn okay we’re doing the shortcut we’re doing the

Shortcut I missed it all right here we go well now we get some good items and we’re in uh last place check this out check this out incredible corner cut hit the Wall all right already back and forth forth with like infinite mushrooms ah [ __ ] [ __ ] no all right all right all right no stop I wanted that all right come on no this one was bad both unfortunate and me playing bad as well come on come on come on beat people

Beat people I’ll take fourth I’ll absolutely take fourth Sydney does well dation Tech Guy a jdk what happened what happened Electro Dome I mean Drome Electro drone all right I’m using tilt controls he says happily how do you get in there’s a room code down there and to anyone new it is

A different room code we’re we I opened up a 200cc Lobby so we can play 200 or 150 whenever we want you fell off a cliff that’s fair Jan swearing is bad don’t do it I’m going to swear if I want to I’m sorry like I I

Get that you know I don’t swear in main Channel videos but for streams I’m going to just say what I want you know I think that’s fair yeah like I understand a lot of the the audience is not used to me swearing but this is me saying you got to get to

It for live streams oh burnout oh [ __ ] this one goes crazy fast holy crap someone all right I can take that hit the break you have to break so much in 200 it’s definitely something you have to get used to I feel like I can get

Used to 200 but going back and forth between the two is really hard don’t want to deal with that damn I should have come on where’s the blue shell where’s the blue shell ah okay whatever I can’t whoa what the heck two in a row I’ve never seen that happen before why

Two in a row oh great where’s the blue shell mushroom I can work with that that was a weird one I I’ll take that one that was a weird second place uh can you move up you’re in the way the of the C counter laap uh it’s

Either this corner or the other corner and the other Corner shows what place I’m in so I think I’m just going to cover this corner I feel like uh I think that’s fair having gotten three star three star trophies on all 200 CCA feel prepared Alice I hope we can run into you

Here we can run into you here I did I grinded 200 for a while like a couple years ago got really good at it stopped playing 200 and now I’m in constant Purgatory of actually this yeah this track would have been easier for 200 I just love dragon drift

Way I am not used to Smart steering oh I see yeah I turned it off sorry no no SM smart steer stealing no smart steering allowed that’s the one rule of these these tournaments oh my monitor turned off for a second I need I think I need like better

Don’t hit him don’t hit him uh better HDMI cables it’s every once in a while during um whoa Mario Kart my monitor turns dark for a second what happened turned off there I think I’m just going to not trick on those this is a pretty fun one this

Track turns pretty fun on 200 ah damn whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa throw that back throw that back again just to be mean look at that double first place well first place and then second place and then first place I’ll absolutely take that yeah 200 is fun right now I’m enjoying 200

Let’s see here uh I got to hit all the looking at all my messages like I mentioned it before a little bit but Um will you guys text me when you’re ready I don’t get Discord messages while streaming okay why is this taking so long hello to to anyone new here we are doing a new Lobby the the room code is below there down there uh we’re doing

200 so we’re we’re getting we got to get new people in why is it taking so long yeah that makes sense let’s try again hi Jaden 200 join there 89 people playing I’ve been having a fun time with 200 uh I’ve been trying to join hopefully I can probably a good chance

Um I think I’ve been good at finding a lot of like new people um but we we also see a lot of duplicates so my Mario has to update yeah I’m never ready for the for the the updates why are you vtuber because I I want to be I

Think it’s so it’s like if I started the Seaton with the model which is like it was very much ready um I just wanted to have a fun like big event H during the middle of the subathon slash like near the beginning of it uh is this another

Communication error um everyone like I I’ve had an animated avatar for seven years I use a face cam for two weeks switch back to an animated Avatar and everyone’s like what why are you an animated Avatar I don’t get it it’s like you should be ready for it you should be ready for

It uh maybe uh server’s been slow for a few hours ah I see like if I started with the vtuber Avatar no one would ask any questions but now because I I’ve I’ve used the webcam people are like why why why early D Mario Kart starting yeah

We’re just taking a quick uh stardew Valley break uh Alyssa was tired Kelsey wanted to eat some lunch uh so we’re just taking a a quick break if we can play if we can actually play Hello Maybe I just close the game and open it again I’m GNA try

That I’m not allowed into my own tournament they closed the doors let’s try again oh was the Sydney you were playing with oh you’re really good uh have been getting me back into the game thanks much do dolphin shells is the best track ooh interesting let’s try it again you’re

Really good Sydney it was very fun playing with you hey Mr Man duck good to see you again man how you doing can I play all right now let me in let me in has it just been a slow Mario Kart server day today is that what’s been going

On common Nintendo multiplayer player service L yeah life takes time Jaden well I’m I want to play Mario Kart hurry up hurry up life I want to play Mario Kart got in a lobby with literally one other person maybe it’s weird because it’s a new tournament it shouldn’t be I don’t

Know I’m in an I’m a Lobby could be the game needs to update no we played it yesterday uh and we played it just now like it we just played one lobby and then now it’s being really slow I having a Calon cold no my voice is

Just a little like scratchy from talking for 20 days straight I can’t believe it’s 20 days I I really thought it was uh day 19 I guess so so weird hello gnomed thank you so much man thank you had some time while I’m at it Um don’t know what’s more stral stressful playing Jaden playing Mario Kart or Jaden trying to play Mario Kart they’re both pretty bad I I have my moments also um what’s going on why can’t I not play Nintendo says only one game everyone gets one everyone gets

One damn okay well once this I’m going to try going in Back to the 150 tournament and see what happens yeah I’m going to go back to the 150 tournament you crashed to interesting just uh have you tried the quick ball we should try the quick ball

On Mario Kart okay I’m going to try the 150 uh tournament could it it could be just be like the oh it shows no one’s in there or like weird a weird it just says people dash dash dash the thing that got me was slim cicle saying an an a dare I

Say can we just not play Mario Kart right now why what’s going on what’s the 150 code I can show it it’s this one I I changed it down there but it looks like it’s just a weird Mario Kart day for some reason you might need to restart yeah we we tried

That I guess I’ll just uh close the game and open it again again but we did restart already I’ll give it like a a moment it’s so weird because I I played like one I got to play one but Lui Luigi time eight I don’t think I’ve seen the Luigi

Opening okay I thought we were doing stard Dew Valley today yeah we we stopped playing we’re taking a quick Break um okay well let’s let’s try 26 people in here let’s try the 150 join yes uh we took a quick break from stardew like five minutes

Ago uh elssa just wanted to take a quick nap and uh Kelsey’s eating some lunch wait I missed D and D yep you missed D and D uh but there will be be vods there will be second Channel highlights oh there we go don’t know what happened um

After we’re spectating these two people playing Mario Kart okay cute little me it’s like a little cat but the versus Mario Kart is like the most stressful [ __ ] drink some water but yeah if you Miss D and D there will be vods there’s always going to be

Vods to anyone who are or are wondering vods will be uploaded on another Channel a VOD Channel That’s linked in my on my channel um there will be highlights on the second Channel and um we just can’t upload anything while um I’m subathon so vods will be uploaded when the subathon

Is done and um the D and D there’s a really good chance that uh we animate that for a main Channel video it won’t be up for until like mid next year because of scheduling but it was just such a fun session and a lot of crazy stuff happened so I’ll probably

Animate the D and D session for as a main Channel video i’ would love to do that wait you play D and D wait you play D and D no I don’t that was my first time playing D and D we played with Charlie uh Jacob and

Ronu and it was really fun like I think I I very much believe that well unfortunate uh I very much believe that um I could really get into DND D it’s just fun to do um R RPG like improv I think I that’s what I like about it uh I really like

Improv and I just I just need to get like a a good friend group together to to play more often but I had a really fun time Charlie did a great job dming we’re in we’re in okay well it’s 150 we’ll do one 150 tournament and see

Um what we can do uh if we can do 200 oh everyone I’ll give him my best shot how do I join I knew there’s a room code down below there and then when we switch to 200cc I will update the code all right it’s cold in my room I get really

Susceptible to cold like I I know some people run warm I run freezing my hands are always like so so cold and it’s not ideal I’ve heard that that’s a circulation thing but and I haven’t been moving around or exercising this that much in the past 20 days for some reason but

Whatever did I miss stardew no we’re just taking Tak a quick Break um uh Alissa wanted to take a quick nap and Kelsey wanted to have some some lunch so we’re Mario karting for like an hour I’m going to cut this a mushroom I’ll take that all right Avid Brian let’s get some

Coins yeah no okay okay well good thing I damn it I was going to say good thing I held the banana I wanted those well we won’t pass him blue shell get out of the way no what I thought I was in second I that was a genuine surprise I

Thought I was in second for some reason I thought there was one person like ahead Donkey Kong you ass I’ll get one that was close oh great just keep surviving just keep surviving don’t get hit by that okay no not another one go go go go go not in the sand ow no

What is happening I’m getting hit by so many things it doesn’t even register that was mean that was mean I got hit by the only two blue shells in the whole race damn all right um go for a mount Wario that sounds fun right now also ticktock clock is good hate dry

Dry ruins the desert ones are always my least favorite I just think they’re boring and not fun is it because um is it BEC I wonder if I don’t like does anyone really like like the desert world’s themes because I’m wondering if like it’s just a me

Thing because I grew up in the desert that I’m sick of it I just think it’s not visually very interesting you love baby park though no it’s not a desert either weren’t you switching to 200 yeah but uh we were trying to get into the lobby but it wasn’t connecting so I

Wanted to restart the game and see if I could get into a 150 Lobby um and then after this Lobby I’ll try uh 200 again nice let’s go some sometimes I get so confused on how people have so much like information for one thing but not the other like how

Does that how did that person know that I was wanting to do no fire missed how did that person know I was going to do 200 but didn’t know why I was doing 150 again I guess you just pop in pop out pop in pop out but oh damn I

Should have I thought I forgot I had a coin don’t even know what happened there I can’t I can’t I want to go back to 200 because it’s so much easier to just drive okay can I please can I please I feel like I haven’t had anything in so long

Okay okay there we go nice I’ll take third third I need more coins that’s fair went over the coins by accident no damn it no you can’t hit once in oh my God I went from third to eighth or third to eighth give me something else I don’t want

Mushrooms no what happened to the box I thought I got the box no 150 has run its course I want to play 200 come on give me something no more mushrooms no oh I don’t want this stop it Fifth I’ll take fifth I’ll take fifth oh that was that was not good that

Was not good oh okay uh I can do a toad circuit I think this is the last race um so we’ll do one uh one more 150 and then we’ll try 200 again so if anyone wants to get into the 200 Lobby you can do that I’ll switch the code for

You there you go the new code is uh below chat right next to me like that right there damn I wanted toad circuit okay I think I like 200 more but I’m bet I’m more consistent at 150 not cons not considering these lobbies all right [ __ ] aggressive Dry

Bones damn no get me out of here and take this no oh I meant to drop that okay Pink oh I wanted pink turbo so bad I’m going hold this for a sec no I’m not oh no I I oopsie that’s not good this is a smooth race for me I will say they’re all just beating each other up back there get that because I’m mean

Ooh come on come on come on come on come on come on there’s no way yeah smooth easy race definitely got lucky there everyone just I just got a enough of a breakaway and people just started beating each other up don’t know why no red shells were thrown my

Way okay let’s try 200 again oh wait I think I counted wrong well everyone left so I will leave uh okay tournament uh let’s try 200 yes surely this is fine surely it’s there’s there’s no way it’s weird again what what what okay well at least it

Didn’t take that long this time now now it’s fine yes join yeah a lot of people are in someone says 200C goofy as [ __ ] it’s not goofy it’s fun I like 200 CC oh there we got in we got in nice uh we’ll do dolphin shs hello everyone H look it’s uh Oprah

Hobby again we got in some with some familiar faces look at that me it’s so cute they had to hide the nose right there though or whatever that is that dot is that supposed to be like a tongue looks like the nose uh 200cc is difficult because it

Goes too fast yeah you definitely have to get used to it that’s the the problem uh but once you get used to it once you like I I feel like um just for fun I decided to get all the trophies in every single speed in this game and

Grinding 200 to get the the trophy definitely conditions you to 200 so I would I would recommend that if you wanted to train 200 try to get the the trophy uh in the computer mode okay you just fly over all these things also mushroom like blue shells can

Barely catch people I had that forever whoa can I just like fly over all this stuff no no no no no no so close okay whoa blue shell look how fast we go it’s insane like I like it but sometimes you definitely do not want to trick like you can start drifting

Immediately after you get hit for 200 coin yeah that’s about right stop it Dome okay everyone’s so much more oh God everyone’s like so much more split apart in these games ah I thought I was going to get hit by that for sure do not need these okay I just had

Three but mushrooms and red shells and they were taken away give me a mushroom no I wasted it oh it’s okay I’ll take that I’ll take second to throw the race oh you’re a little late Lucas I’m sure people yeah this one you just have to play good in 200 like 150

It’s more about the items and knowing how to play it and stuff 200 you have to be really good you just have to be able to drive well um o I want Mario Kart circuit I do not know how to do Neo Bowser City on 200 there’s like that one turn near near

The end where it’s like a whole uturn and I can’t do it no matter how much I slam on the brakes that turn always kills me yeah there’s no way when is D and D you missed it it was yesterday uh but there will be vods and a second Channel stuff

So the water sip was so audible a drake Bri drifting or break drifting yeah you definitely have to get used to that too but even like even if if I break drift during that turn I still miss it I still it’s still not enough I think I’m supposed to have like

A do you have like are you supposed to have a lighter character in 200 or or a heavier character in 200 I heard heavier is not that good because it goes just way too fast I think that’s what I uh understand is that you’re supposed to do lighter

Character in the higher CC yeah ouch whatever I have a better item uh just kidding but I would never abandon uh Dry Bowser I always want to play him no no no oh blue shell already holy crap do not trick gotcha no damn they got me they’re the ones who got

Me don’t want this holy crap I don’t want this it’s just a random mushroom at all times have no idea how to do that that shortcut the red shells go so quick dang it don’t want this the plan even doesn’t uh it survives or go goes away during lightning didn’t know

That I guess that shortcut it’s only available like the last lap because it wasn’t it wasn’t there in that last little bit interesting maybe I’ll TR try to start going for it thanks for liking my me of course I like the I like the the creative little

Ones what cc is this this is 200 it’s a new room code to it’s a new uh room code to anyone one joining now oh I’m not good at any of these 200 ninja Hideway I swear like I don’t think ninja Hideway is a good track I’ll

Just say it it it’s like hard to know where the track is and like what’s coming up there’s like the part at the beginning where it shows an arrow but they it’s actually not an arrow right away you know I just don’t like it it’s a little too complicated for for my head

It’s hard to know what’s Road and what’s not Road it’s your birthday happy birthday Lucas it looks pretty but awful to play yeah exactly people only like it because it’s pretty in Japanese go wide to get a thing Hit The Brak going to throw it just cuz that’s really mean not this ah

I think I’m just going to do this okay 200 still not good enough to just drive over the The Green Grass and stuff whoa I’m getting out of here oh we dodged it we dodged the the lightning holy crap that’s huge okay that’s bad let’s do

This we’re we’re we can we can gain on first place all right oh he just got a red sheld and then blue sheld again like right after okay I’m going to hold on to these hit the break do this do this that was that was [Laughter] close that was that

Was 200 is fun you got to love you got to like 200 and stuff like that just straight into the wall epic finish Electro drone I don’t care that we just did it I want to play electr Drome T stuff at the end nah what are you talking about smooth smooth

Yeah like all things considered very much squeaked out first place if it wasn’t for the blue shell I probably would have gotten second because I hit them with a red shell and then they were hit by a blue shell um and there’s no way they were still in in invincibility frames for

That I’m down for sherbet land how are you doing I’m doing good having a fun time playing uh Mario Kart and then we’ll probably play stardew Valley again in a little bit once uh Alysa takes a nice little nap oh I heard someone says I hate sherbet land it feels like slippery did

I read that right they misspelled it I like it I don’t know what I like about it but I sure like it second or first place is already breaking away oh [ __ ] let’s throw this why not oh God these Corners are big the the items take so long to get to you

In in 200 if you’re going fast enough wow okay well I think that’s that’s going to definitely bite me in the ass a couple seconds unless what happened why is there no red shells coming after me no I don’t want to be in here holy crap they’ve got a bomb be

Careful no they the lightning ruined it we were going to get them God whoever had lightning I hope you feel bad we were about to get them get out of the way someone has a plant like right there how do they have so many bombs I’m going to do

This come on get them get them no damn oh there’s so many chances and they’re all blundered they’re all blender blundered sherbet land feels slippery someone says oh that’s how you do the that’s how you do the side thing I never knew Bryson Bryson is a 200

Fiend 200 fiend how you feeling after 20 days of live streaming actually fine I’m I’m surprised we’re on day two uh 20 honestly I’m surprised the timer is actually going down I thought for it could go forever since it ped 200 yeah so I changed the conversion it used to

Be um the conversion of donation used to be ooh how does this do I feel like this is one hard on 200 uh the conversion used to be like five minutes per $5 and then I bumped it down to 2 minutes and then I bumped it down to 1 minute and

Now it’s 10 seconds just so time would so it actually goes down you know it can’t just keep going up is that Hobbs from Calvin and Hobbs blue Vapor hey they said I’m in the lobby hi YouTube Down With Waluigi Mains yeah there’s not been many Waluigi

Players like at all I think it’s people just play what they want to play in these lobbies which I like a I was going to do the the shortcut I was really banking on that mushroom oh God messed up my lines I’m going to get you blue Vapor I’m going to

Get you ow I think that was my own thing how did that happen save one for the shortcut oh God I have to break so much go through these they’re thrown too quickly who’s uping first that link that link is going to pass the squid lane or squid kid whatever they’re

Called Throw That back going to throw that you oh my God there’s so many turns I’m just going to jump these no blue shell though nice okay look at how spread out that race is everyone is battling their own demons 200 cc is so fast yeah it is you

Have to get so used to it it’s like these ones where there’s so many turns where it really feels too fast I really think that oh only eight players I really feel like some tracks are not built for 200 I very much believe that I feel like they build races for uh

150 and if it’s crazy on 200 then so be it oh it’s it’s uh Ana that’s a great me look at that one it’s really good I love spy family maple syrup hope I just dropped something move that there we go almost a full Lobby now look at Anya like looking at the

Tracks she was just like yeah exactly hey maple syrup from Canada all right let’s do this I feel like this uh track might be a little tricky on 200 but I don’t see it being hard like it seems like this section here is probably the hardest

Part I’m just going to do this why not I I can’t think of any other damn it the pink I can’t think of any other hard that’s for me for sure oh well if I was going to get hit by with something I’ll take that no

Oh my God I freaked out because the banana person damn okay don’t know what that was oh I took someone’s three mushrooms pain no a bullet already get get out of the I swear oh my God I swear to God how do I dodge the Blue bullet or the blue

Shell when I’m in the air I’m going to get you I’m going to get you I’ll take that don’t P pass air air bear okay getting out of the way we dodged the the lightning we finally did it okay I wanted a mushroom I wanted a

Mushroom so bad hurry hurry ah oh I’ll take second I’ll take second that was crazy at the end holy crap lightning W that was crazy daxil woo that was that was close that was a that was a tough Lobby there like everyone was holding their own for

Sure second three times in a row I’m just a 200 uh fiend I’m just crazy good at 200 no I’m just very lucky no way we’re doing any of these no way we’re doing any of those why do you want Wario gold mine besides Waluigi pinball is there any

Waluigi tracks because I could have swore that um on the GameCube Wario stadium was actually Waluigi Stadium why would they change it to Wario what I like Wario gold mine yeah I think it’s a good track but on 200 it’s hard I’ll take that yeah wasn’t it Waluigi Stadium wait there’s also Waluigi

Stadium Wario stadium was on the 64 what was the one on the GameCube then there I remember one being like all oh that was the one with the piranha plants out of the pipe they just don’t have that one I get it I get it now okay I see

Damn I wanted the second place blocks now I’m stuck with a coin damn maple syrup ow I didn’t think okay this one’s actually kind of hard tricky tricky hold on to this let him go let him go God damn it no okay suffering actually suffering I’m not playing I’m not

Playing oh I didn’t I got someone else’s mushroom and I got stuck there no oh I have not played 200 under on this map give me something good Bullet thank God bullet into second with a a golden holy crap that felt like cheating no you [ __ ] what do you gain from doing that

I don’t backs spamming at the line is the worst thing I only do it every once in a while why would you do that agan I don’t want to ever see you ever again superiority question mark um ooh cheap cheap Beach uh or Mario Kart Stadium that’s it okay he says good game

Okay why the Asian I don’t I don’t think that’s the question I don’t think that’s the question we’re asking here uh okay ah dry dry desert I guess we haven’t played in a while all right oh my God get out of my head got the double hell

Yeah no oh we got did we hit each other what happened no no no I finally please please stop is that what is for me and what is not for me already bullets holy crap I should use this to cut stuff I could have used the the mushrooms a little bit

Better please oh my God if I swear the items take forever to get to me oh no don’t do it give me mushrooms I want mushrooms no this is not what I wanted this is not the equivalent of a mushroom oh my gosh now I can’t get the

Double oh my God I hate the plant I hate the plant so much it can’t protect me from anything it can’t protect me from anything give me double I will double I have zero Co coins oh my God I got so no oh my gosh please please God that one sucked

Damn that was rough that was so rough I don’t even know what happened I don’t think I was playing bad I was definely playing bad but I don’t even know what happened Yeah I broke the second curse going I have a snack you can spam the plant for more

Boosts really I didn’t know that holy crap I didn’t know that can we get a Lobby now we now we get kicked out you only play if you play bad you can’t join the lobby anymore I don’t think I’m going to get a lobby eating the snack looks really

Whack yeah it’s like it tracks like my actual eating which is crazy can I please can I please please I would like to join with the other 300 people playing in this Lobby I know you have players why does it do this oh there we go kicked Jaden from her original

Lobby thank you Kate oh my gosh okay guess it’s like a weird um server thing today there’s that Waluigi uh build I wonder like when when Nintendo is making the game do they intend on making certain characters better at certain things holy crap well we do why didn’t you cut the big old

Turn Alice needs needs more love Yeah Alice puts on the puts in the best of work I I want to um find you in one of these lobbies again Alice it was really really fun when we got to play oh yeah the eating tracking is so funny like it’s really

Good it likes me it makes me laugh the bullets like the bullets a that’s unfortunate the bullets are insanely good for 200 they just like pass everyone because they go so fast sorry um uh person who just super chatted I don’t really just say things it makes me

Feel like a monkey at the zoo but thank you for the Don asan okay whoa what is that me what is that me right there the dimensions um I want to try Sky Hi sunde even though I I love Grumble Volcano it’s really hard in 200 is it a

Lobster is it Lobster I don’t think so maybe I just don’t know what is someone just says all caps hideous small Lobby though for for a 300 uh person tournament small lobbies do you read chat yeah it’s the blue lobster why didn’t make they make the hair blue

Then I was in and it kicked me oh I’m sorry to hear that yeah it seems like it’s just a weird server day honestly uh excite by gun 200 though oh this crazy good line though into the mud into the grass you just go flying in this this turn in this

Race did all of my green shells hit each other oh right over the the boxes damn it’s hard to get items and coins in this race I think this one’s about knowing when to do your trick and when not to do your trick uh there we go going to do

That no I want the item so bad what happened what happened That guy’s flying he’s got the mushrooms you got mushrooms going to hit you oh that was close that was so close no damn it doing so bad I just haven’t been getting like half the items damn damn unfortunate I thought you were playing stardew Valley star view Valley uh it’s

Called stardew but um oh my gosh we keep finding Oprah hubby like in every single Lobby is that dream uh we saw the tiger as well I assume it’s Hobbs but um we’re we’re going to play in a little bit Alyssa just wanted to take a quick

Nap okay uh Alyssa says she’s she’s ready to hop in this hop in and play again so we’ll finish this this Lobby which is three more races yeah Oliver which I’m pretty sure is Just a Dream me a man this the Subway on 200 who getting smacked

Around I am not tricking on like anything at all sorry Colin for no reason unprovoked ah ah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no did you just hit my red shell with your own green shell is that what

Happened oh my God the bullet okay I’ll do this one come on no God damn it okay I cannot I hate this track this track is absolutely one of my least favorites because of the crins and the PSE can I please can I please can I please oh my

God what did I get what happened why did the plant have like can I oh my God there’s so many bullets God I hate why I don’t want this I don’t want these items no give me double give me a bullet please I just want a bullet a bullet a bullet bullet no

Stop God Fifth Fifth Sone just says that was really good thank you for lying electr drone oh it’s okay it’s okay man no worries it’s just like if everyone came into chat and says Jaden say this Jaden say this Jaden say this then who am I you know it’s

Okay I’ll get you next time go easy on me you hate listening to people eat sorry I’m done though done please please don’t make us do shroom Ridge that or whatever that one’s called in 200 are we what were you eating I got a I got a

A little cookie little cookie from my um lunch there’s a Doom guy stature on pre-order ooh I love uh yeah this I think this is being weird I’m going to give it like actually okay never mind we can play uh we can play stard New Valley

Now okay let me let me pop into Discord again uh also does anyone like the new font for Discord I don’t really like it I missed the other one uh minimize that let’s go to here and do this all right you like it it’s okay didn’t really see the change yeah it’s

Okay it’s one of those things where like I’ll absolutely get used to it but um oh the timer covers the days in stardew oh I’ll put it how about over here is that okay how’s that is that better let me know okay hello I’m back hello

Hello ah did you take a nap oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah nice all right let’s see if Kelsey is is ready ready to play start Kelsey oh Kelsey Kelsey paging Dr Kel I can also uh if she’s not getting Discord messages uh we can message Jordan as well

True and Jordan or the pivots Jordan will you let Kelsey know Kelsey says I’m ready kind of oh yeah ready kind of how was Mario Kart it was actually it was being stinky oh it was like the um servers are being weird or something I think

Oh okay can you hear me yes okay yes I heard baby Jim go yeah so while you guys were gone uh where my TV was is now where my bed is and you moved your furniture and Jordan’s desk is now in the bedroom who my God wait I you you’ll

Have to send a picture for for that I want to I can’t visualize that I can do all right hold on I told people I’d let them know when we’re back so I’m like pinging everywhere man I had that kind of nap where like close your eyes and then you

Open your eyes and you’re like did it happen oh it happened like good yeah was it a good nap though really good good good good I I hate the nights where um you’re just having a hard time sleeping and then suddenly it’s morning and you’re like

Did I sleep at all or did I just sit there with my eyes closed for eight hours yeah it’s a mystery okay uh what else do I need to C this needs to be changeed to oh boy we farming okay I’m ready y’all ready I’m ready

Yep day 15 my desk is full of crap right now though my desk was space and then we moved everything and now I look like a hoarder wait so you don’t have a TV in your bedroom anymore no we do like you remember how it was like my bed would

Face the TV on top of the dresser yeah we swapped them you swwa the bed and the dresser yeah oh like yeah the bed is right next to me instead of being behind me oh wait where did you put Jordan’s desk then right behind me like up against the wall

Where that one shelf was the slanted shelf okay now I can’t visualize it I’ll take picture I’ll take a picture later is it like when you walk into the room Jordan is immediately on the right yes okay cool he’s immediately in your presence oh and then the TV is next to

That yeah okay okay I clicked okay in in in stard do Jordan and I Jordan got lonely out in the living room when we were all cozy in our bedrooms and baby JY didn’t like us being separated so now he’s in the bedroom with me so we’re

Cozy together so you guys will get to hear Jordan during streams who put stinky newspaper on my desk I don’t know that’s crazy the recycling monsters coming for whoever reaped what they sew or about to sew H I’m so tired of Pierre sending me [ __ ]

Ads I got a new fishing rat I think wait uh I I am writing to let you know that Pierre store is now selling fertilizer he’s just they’re both advertisements Robin and Pierre need to find different customers cuz I don’t care oh I help you speaking of advertisements just

Kidding we don’t have a sponsor what if we were sponsor by chilies that’s the only person I want that cool true yeah all right I’m going to go crack open this awesome geod that I found all right stream let’s go what what what I have something for

You to crack open okay meet me and that’s not that’s not a Dez nuts joke okay here this bad boy this is crack this bad boy open if you will oh hell yeah than you for follow you’re welcome oh the bushes have berries in them now ow baby jimy Talons

Oh God oh God damn when she just crawls down the skin o when like whenever Ari and tofu need to get their their nails clipped I always kind of wait a little bit because then they get a little annoyed and it’s easier easier to cut their nails because they know what’s

Happening like too absolutely hates her nails getting trimmed but uh if I just let her live with them for a little bit then she’s nicer that’s just cute who’s tofu it’s my second Bird yeah it is it duck be cuz I’m baby Jim donating biscuit little I donated an

Emerald I need to donate this hardwood and this mushroom do we need to uh uh do anything with bat wings or can I sell them I think you could sell them okay I’m going to look through the trash until 9:00 a.m. trash trash didn’t found it why don’t forget about the bushes especially

The one behind the swing set at noon at noon specifically at noon there you go you need 10 bat wings what happens when you have 10 bat wings ooh we got a ghost crystal I love ghost one at noon no just uh from the geod guy

How do you use slingshot I don’t know I I sell it because I I hate it oh yeah I’ll just hang on to it who I’m I can’t oh there I got it whoa wait okay uh Kelsey and Alyssa I have a I have a

Little gift I a little gift for oh man I have a I do does the Juno mean you have stuff to donate I don’t know what any of those words mean what’s a Juno it’s the little apple boys oh where does this go where the

Hell do I put this oh the vtubers are up oh my bad oh thank you pink frap you’ve got such uh you’re so knowledgeable big brains in this area is this which one is it winter summer massive okay guys check this out yeah check out this awesome gift I’m going to

Put down oh wait wait a minute oh man look at that it’s a Geo decoration that’s that’s literally what Kelsey wants IRL I think yeah oh one of those giant uh amethysts yeah yeah yeah I want one of those but I also left a gift um I

Mean Santa left a gift on your tables I’m going to look Furious today is a bad day I will kill you with these glasses okay I’m here at noon by the berry bush what’s happening why did I need to be here by the bear Bush I’m starting to lose all my faith

In chat nothing happened why what happened what did they say they keep lying K them well that’s what chat does that’s what chat does best chat loves to lie on the internet to the to the streamer and when the streamer says out loud the little lie they go oh not

Today some check out what I gave you I mean Santa gave you where on your table also Kelsey someone says I think it’s uh the berry is at the end of the season oh yeah they said later ah they always do that oh my God the broken glasses

The fell water yay now I can finally see but yeah they’re always like go check this and I do and they’re like no no no no in 5 months and I’m like bro how do you fix all the bridges and stuff 300 pieces of wood I can do that we can do

That we can we can fix the the bridge that the oce my ber is in the water how I forgot to say hi Idol how are you doing Idol forgot to say hi give me the fishing oh fiberglass Rod oh guys we need to make $400 more

Dollars oh we’re poor we are we’re we’re not doing good on the 28th of the month check the bush 28th of the month 28th we check that bush at noon apparently boy hello people saying hi in my chat and I’m struggling to read their usernames Quest so sad to the bottom we

Got to reach the bottom of the mines that’s right um oh yeah I’m down we reached level 40 so now we can start getting iron and get iron tools you got to Lev 40 damn I’ve just been fishing P push push I’m going to bring home the

Big fish Bock so we can start making a lot of money we want money donate today y’all did you guys know that Jane’s doing a subathon you should donate to make the timer go up wow I love advertising [Laughter] come on fish come on fish come home fish

Come home I found a leak I like leak andby finding berries I’m foraging bees I’m foraging eventually we’ll unlock the Corey which is that is that this one I don’t remember how we do uh I th it’s right there I love berry bush I hate berry bush can’t reach the

Berries found to Arrowhead o flounder why aren’t you reading chat guys sometimes I it’s it’s hard to read chat when there’s people here you try you try to read chat when there’s 8,000 people uh saying hello Jaden hello Jaden hello Jaden yeah that’s what I thought oh I

Can’t also not really polite to like cut your your your friends off because you’re reading your one chat small bird I read I read but that doesn’t mean I’ll reply yeah yeah completing the crafts bundle ala quy thank you do do the do Mountain Dew Mountain Dew and SE mist

And Sprite are all the same thing it’s Mountain Water I like it she [ __ ] on me again baby Jim why are you so mean to me everyone’s just saying hi Jaden look what I caused oh give me this fish I had a genuine concern about the subathon if it ends up going

Ridiculously long who will be who will there be a hard cut of a what D do you need to rewrite that sentence Ziggy or am I reading it stupid oh I think he’s just asking what happens if it like makes you go until like February it won’t oh no there’s a cap on

The Seaton I I told chat that I’ll I’ll let I’ll let you know when there’s a week left of the subathon yeah we there’s still more than a week left but you know there there’s a limit to how much you can tell Jaden what to do before she’s like no that’s enough

Treasure give me the treasure I want the fish so bad I want the treasure I love treasure no no no no no oh my God the the thing bounc I hate how the the meter bounces I missed the museum by 20 minutes D pissed Dory of my life

You know relatable am I right yeah when when you miss the museum at about 20 minutes arj says my bday is in six days well my bday is in five days so let’s party hard so Kelsey wins wins some people get cringey in chat I don’t allow

That don’t not allowed if you’re cringe you get banned you get banned zero tolerance for cringe when I’ve been playing Mario Kart I’ll play it with viewers and if someone’s uh beating me too hard I I’m like we got to ban them time times where I’ll just like

I’ll be really silent don’t say much and then I’ll time one person out and then person’s like yeah go mods get him clean up this chat you guys are so great I was like I did nothing what are you going on about holy crap this fish is fighting oh he’s giving up

Up going home it’s getting dark I found so many B Beres today one more fish I didn’t do [ __ ] today but I’m stealing this [ __ ] there you go that’s something you did stealing yeah oh my Goda there was so much stuff in Chicago that was uh that’s free take

It oh bet oh I bet um should I hold on to Salmon berries or sell them I think we could sell them all them or you could keep some for when we go into the mines and if you need like a snack I need to recalibrate my uh vtuber he is not

Speaking when spoken too wait how do you calibrate it um it’s like when you pull up the camera and it has like the little weird version of your face and there’s a little calibrate button oh that’s how I do it anyways the foraging I did today we’re going to be slightly more money

Holding and not rich but I wonder if the lighting is just really bad Luigi has gone to bed now the time to strike is now hold up what violence is the answer tonight maybe I just need to get a better webcam honestly T AP ain’t what

It used to be oh my God what happened it turned out my light now I’m scared now you’re going to sleep in the cold oh hello tiny cat hello tiny cat you accidentally muted the stream sadness oh no there’s been many times where I forget to like level three fishing turn

My mute off I canar I learned dish of the sea and Crab Pot ooh did that oh there’s a little UFO so much money I’m going to get a new fishing rod hello tostada eating pizza pizza toast toast toast in front of my oh it’s a

Rerun yes okay stir fry they will do best for our Good Fortune there is one to be harvested parip oh my God let me add it to that uh Community bin yeah do it Community time don’t you want your uh side table to go there

Babe you don’t tell me what to do King George the Barbarian just kidding Jaden uh he says to give toast Boop for him tostada I’ll give her little butt scratches how big is she is she okay she’s getting a little bit big but she’s still very small she’ll never be Ari

Tost she clicked up the have you met tostada yet I have not not in person I need to while she’s still little we need to I don’t think I feel like she’s perpetually small I love that about her her body is like has gotten longer but her head is still so

Small oh Lui had that Robin wants to know uh give them a shiny Pokémon to hunt for in legends of ARS or whatever it’s called this one who put a freaking potato in here ooh I can put this away and put this away oh I can donate two

Things to the m to the community thing hopefully it looks like baby gym but with red overalls on yeah and also less brain oh yeah hello toada wiping up against the microphone probably making a horrible noise um is a reason why she’s named tostada what was

The reason Jaden you tell the story um so I decided that I was going to get a cat a little kitten and I wanted a Tores shell which is what toat is like the black and speckled brown type of cat and I applied for one and the name was like

There was it was a rescue so um they always get a bunch of kittens where’s the community thing I I went the wrong way anyway they they always Nam the kittens in in themed batches so the the batch that the kitten I liked was in like the the Spanish food

Category so there’s like a salsa enchilada uh and tostada I liked the to tostada cat kitten and I was like oh the name is so fun I love a little kitten named tostada but by the time I applied she was gone so I just found another

Kitten uh named and her her batch name was like little board games so her actual uh adoption name was called Scrabble but I I renamed her tostada because I liked the the name tostada that’s that’s that’s my story that’s how tostada became tostada I think she’s much more of a tostada than

A Scrabble yeah she’s definitely a tosta child look at that cat and think Scrabble yeah I think it could have worked but tostada is definitely up her alley her foster home called her her Cami and she’s absolutely not a Camy no no she’s a tosta she’s too scrible Luigi’s Christian name was Bob

And I know they did that cuz Bob tail but man this guy’s not a bob yeah there it isy baby Jim’s name was Jim Jim yeah it was just Jim and I was like this is not a boy this is a girl so we called her baby Jim cuz she was just

A little baby baby man a Luigi mans a Luigi and then yeah Judy’s name was China with a y c h y n a and we were like what what it wasn’t like it was like I where did this come from how how Oriental for for for an American short

Hair it sounds like it sounds like when white people like name they try to name their kids something unique by changing up the spelling hardcore and it just makes it really confusing yeah that’s so weird I hate when people like do that with names now listen Alissa is

Great that’s the thing is it’s not Alysa it’s Elissa it’s a completely different name like Kelsey and Chelsea but when your name is like rain but it’s spelled like r i g n or whatever oh might have to ask you to stop definitely definitely defining

Silent thank you so much he says on the 28th of each season at 12 p.m. noon if you go to the bush behind the climbing wall uh you get a reward oh wait we knew that already but thank you yeah that’s the one where they’re like go to the

Bush and I went to the bush and they’re like not yet thank you though thank you so much we still have so much oh did you repair the the bridge Jaden oh no I didn’t yet cuz if you do that we can go over there

And get more like um objects to forge to donate yeah I’ll do that I’m just in the mine right now hey that little boy that called you stinky um he asked me to play catch with him with football Alex yeah throw it in his [ __ ] crotch rain rain

With the e at the end is is tolerable I like rain with the e at the end because that’s not confusing what are all these little soot things soot Sprites in here suot Sprites we have a customer whose dog’s name is Chloe but it’s spelled k l o h y what

The heck I don’t like that I’m going go to I’m going go to the mines and um [ __ ] [ __ ] up if you will I would like to mine I’m mining today I know someone name Kathy but she we’ll never know what but she oh she spells it like that okay she but

She what a cliffer but she spell there she spells it c a t h e y oh I sing shot 40 what are you I’m 40 you’re old building suspension there’s already I don’t want bats no bats only happiness oh I’m on level 43 how’d you get to level 43 uh the

Ladders did you build ladders no I’ve just uh found them oh you’re right they’re just kind of there wait for me I got little oh I was going to say I have little legs but then Jaden just appeared you slime [ __ ] how many slimes do I have to

Kill nine just kidding I don’t know oh apparently I finished it already never mind I thought I was still on the the thing there’s other Quest you can do and then you talk to Gil whenever you reach them but it’s like a thousand slimes or something like that it’s really ridiculous

Uh one of those like multiplies 453 there were already like holes ready to go this slime had Angry Eyebrows at me what do we do with the bat wings I don’t know but I found Frozen geod a Frozen tear someone said that that Sebastian likes Frozen tears cuz he’s a edgy [ __ ]

Damn go on romance him yeah oh nice one okay only one more and we’ll get to uh the 45 and you can come down oh I’m already down damn I’m right behind you on 45 oh here I come say 45 what did Ari do to you that you

Aren’t allowed anywhere near him um I used to live with Jaden and he loved me and then we moved away and uh coid happened so we didn’t see him for 6 months and he decided you know what [ __ ] you forever that’s literally what happened he did do that he was like best

Friend friendship is over with Kelsey Jordan’s my new best friend he’s a obsessed with Jordan now and he didn’t he like tolerated Jordan but he didn’t really care for him back then but now he’s like if I see Kelsey someone’s getting bit it’s on site it’s on site

Yeah he goes out of his way to be an ass to me oh found it he does he has been a chunk out of my ear before dang he’s been a chunk out of everyone honestly he been a chunk out of Jordan’s eye because he did something

That Ari didn’t like yeah he’s bitten a chunk out of like my li before that’s the thing about birds is you don’t know what will piss them off but something will piss them off and they decide it’s your problem yeah he he uh went after my mom one time and she’s

Been scared of him ever since a yeah it’s sad there was a time that Jordan I think he was folding blankets and it scared baby Jim and she bit him so hard that his whole thumb just started bleeding oh gosh oh I’m already almost out of energy

Anyone got any snacks oh I iack them all come down the latter I have Schnack for you oh oh no it’s it’s a swarm uh wait what where how do I get that well how do we know it’s a swarm because it has that clouded effect over it

Oh it’s a swarm of bats we can take the bats yeah bats aren’t too bad they just take a while because they fly away they got that bounce back thank you for the follow oh I got the the latter you got the hole nice found the hole far oh my God the

Cats are playing in the box that I got in the mail so if you hear a loud banging and crash actually good okay Robin says hit boxes with your sword hey there’s stuff over here wait wait wait oh oh you got to do it yourself get

I don’t have the energy uh oh I’ll try I’ll try but Robin said uh hit the boxes with your sword so you don’t waste energy and Jaden needs to slay every single slime in the world make them extinct finish the job Jaden why why me

Cuz you’re the feral one I yes I’m K killing these like little s Sprites I got aquamarine I’m running I’m running if you come down I will give you salmon Berry it’s like Blinky I have seven out of 270 come here give it to me I will

Offer you my salmon Berry thank you yes oh we’re friends now oh uhoh it had a little heart wow how much salmon ber give me oh gave me a little boost it gives you 24 energy not bad okay all I have left is one more

Bread for me oh I found it oh there it is go there’s guys here oh my goodness I like their noises they make they’re so harmless they can’t even hurt me oh they’re hurting me bro they biting my ankles real good look go my ke’s heal

Wow I can’t mine too much anymore I think I’m going to be a fighter now I’m going to scoot down to level 50 a chest oo look got Tundra boots Tundra boots what’s that for is that just armor yeah it’s better armor by like one defense made him mad

Nice oh I also found I’m going to go drop stuff off it’s 11: p.m. we got to go home yeah boots are in down get the boots oh all right Robin have fun doing dishes not that it’s very fun chore but I hope you succeed in finishing your chores

What level is the bottom of the mines is it 100 a bajillion a bajillion that’s what close enough chat’s like um 86 the thing is that’s like I 120 120 that’s what my chat saying chat is saying 122 120 as well I mean you want to play undertale due to

Jaden’s stream yesterday did you play undertale we played this mod where you can play undertale multiplayer so we played it with uh I played with Jacob and some other friends and it was so chaotic and fun oh good I bet I’m sleeping holding a torch School Cavern is 2.7

Billion what I got level two mining oh yeah I got so excited to cut out to my sisters are biting each other and I don’t know what to do about it do nothing survival of the fittest just hang out with us watch the stream yeah just hang out with us living off the

Land oh neutral weal spirits today the goods the crops a Bountiful Harvest this year God do we have any cauliflowers oh they’re over here we got to donate the cauliflower oh they’re not ready yet these aren’t ready yet the cauliflower isn’t ready wait hold on I got we were supposed to like

Donate is it the pantry quality items we need five yellow star quality parsnips no yellow star oh I can make fertilizer cuz that’ll increase the chances of things being gold oo that’d be nice oh someone asked is Alyssa’s chat sound alerts working uh probably not I don’t think I

Have sound alerts oh there you go I have so much stuff I have to go donate I will be right back oh izy Belle hi hold I to make you a mod oh well I’m going to throw away or sell these leather boots no I can’t sometimes I like to

Look at my V my YouTuber and I like to watch his little ears go H Gio does anyone have geod stuff they want to uh have me crack open no geod today okay bite them too everyone just start biting each other uh I donate this look at

This yeah throw these away oh thank you werewolf oh that’s Happy did mine oh do you like iron ore I will donate it to you oh sure there’s eight thank you ah can I sell the rest of the stuff dang okay time to sell some [ __ ] um

See I’m going to light some torches so we can see the path home I’m going to put some iron in the furnace I guess technically didn’t if that’s what you were going for he’s called a feral fluid based on the world word ferof fluid dang I don’t like how those pulsate what’s Pulsa

The the furnaces oh pulsate room yeah I do what a verb change hello world take my iron ore Museum I’m going to look in the trash like this not punished are we mining today do you guys think or no I’m always for mining uh it says uh this is

Minecraft after all says neutral okay it say yeah it says neutral all right stock up on some little snacks I can’t sell my old boots no wait I want that back what can I donate collect rewards star fruit seeds oh wait I do have a

Geode those are good I lied I have a geode I always just put things in Jaden’s box whether she wants them or not thank you process that I want more iron ore geode ferof fluid I want Stones just put them in your chest ferof fluid is a metallic

Material obviously cuz it’s metal that when you put a magnet near it it like spikes up and it has a very like liquid form and that’s what he’s made out of that’s why he’s so goopy thank you for the follow does that mean like if if you

Had a if he had you took a magnet to him he’s stuck oh my God he’ll Spike up yeah he gets a little spiky spiky little spikes but he can also form spikes on his own what a who wants to up who wants to upgrade their stuff by the

Way our tools has anyone up have you upgraded a tool yet uh no I was going to and then I didn’t that’s my story makesense uh we have silver do we is should we upgrade the tools to Silver is it or is it not how it works um I can’t

Remember I feel like you have to go in order where like you have to get copper and then upgrade to iron okay a spiky model win uh I I told happy I want to upgrade to a 2.0 model that’s full body ooh would you do two 2D or

3D um probably 2D I don’t know anyone who can rig 3D I have a 3D Pixel baby gym and I don’t know anyone who can rig it so it’s just sitting there I want to go get um a new fishing rod because I can do that now okay I’m

Going to drop off these Frozen geod oh no you gambled all your beans and you lost how sad I guess you just got to try again [ __ ] sorry a to a sitting on my computer I want to try and take a picture because she is watching the stream she’s such an

IPad child she really is stre she saw me take the the camera out do s a look at this do s a look she’s she’s looking at my phone she says put on Coco [Laughter] melon hi tostada have we donated that ghost we’ve donated ghost crystal right toada she’s

Got her hands on the keyboard oh my God no she’s going she’s going to touch button she’s she’s going to type R no oh my God hold on I’m going to uh turn on my lights it’s getting too dark in here for my little webcam just going

To say yeah be right back no toast she’s swatting out the monitor Give me the give me new uh fishing rod fishing level three that’s what I am give me the fishing rod I can’t see toast I cannot see ah sir ah Louis is in the way I need to

Look at calendar I’m the camera fell oh my God to what the hell there we go fish are double bed small I keep hopping between this stream and Alpha Reds oh is Jacob streaming he’s probably I think he’s doing his soul link with with Yan tell him I said that oh

Nice um Crab Pot o i i can get us a crab pot if you want yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah seeing your V2 model just curl up is hilarious oh when I leave he just kind of goes he goes to bed oh wait I can do the the bridge uh to the

Be happy happy thank you for the raid let’s go were you working on stuff what were you up to IRL I can do the bridge and then I can walk around and look like a possessed little demon I used to be able to do the bridge

I don’t know if I can anymore the hell is the bridge you all need to give me some context it’s like where if you were to stretch like behind you and then your you your hands are on the floor like behind your head and then your feet are also on the floor and

You’re you mean The Exorcist walk yes oh I call it the Exorcist I would and my mom would be like stop and then I’d go faster towards her that’s cuz you’re possessed by zuu or whatever his name is oh waffles uh we have a rule that if

You say have you played this game or will you play this game in Jaden’s chat I will time your ass out oh my god oh wait we need more wood we we’re only at 240 oh do I have any wood in my inventory uh I don’t know about in your

Inventory but your chest I already took everything oh okay well you know what I have a full bar of energy actually I’m going to chop more on this side we have a whole another section Shane is not here Shane is gone there he is oh no I’ve already G him two presents

This week I’m going to oh man you can’t give him any more presents you’re supposed to wait cuz you were supposed to give him a present on his birthday oh no it’s okay he still knows I love him even though just said leave me alone you jumped the gun you’re a little

To Des gun I feel bad I tore down this tree and a bunch of butterflies like came out of it I just deforested and it’s it was sad Kelsey just deforested we all remember our first DeForest he didn’t see my message who me Oh you mean Jacob I’ll just tell him in

Person burp right next to him he’s like that was for you for you some gas oh I got uh I got 300 I’ll go do the thing now I don’t want to un shrimp I like having my legs tucked up it’s warm me too I love yeah this is why I have [ __ ]

Knees though and I have to have a knee brace once in a while yeah yeah shout out to happy uh Happy sin Williams in the chat is the one that did my V2 so if you like my vtuber you best be like and happy that’s a

Threat I can chop down a few more Tre how much extra wood do we need Jaden oh I got enough now tostada oh my god do you have to brush your ass on everything on my desk yes absolutely you don’t do that I fixed the bridge yay y sometimes my little humidifier goes

And I’m like who’s in here with me ghost sounds ghost un shrimp or I will give you more bits don’t you mean un shrimp and I’ll give you more bits cuz now I’m not going to un shrimp I’ve got Coral guys I got Coral can you donate say Coral no idea I heard

That whenever the pandemic was happening and there were no more tourists that they uh regrew or started regrowing a lot of coral in Australia thank you for the follow makes sense the jelly bees you’re now my new favorite person congratulations seaweed un shrip mother okay I was paid

To un shrimp you all can pay me to do a lot of things so what am I supposed to do over on this new beach is there just new fish oh no you can collect little things like shells and stuff that you can donate and it’s just good extra

Money just check it every day I’m getting kind of chilly I might put on some sweatpants maybe I’ll slip into the AR roomy slip into something more comfortable spaghetti something more spaghetti hippo monstrosity how are you doing I haven’t seen you in forever I pay you for a head pet yeah

You give me money you can pet my head my hair’s really soft I put it in a little uh Little ponytail and it sticks straight up like a paint brush cuz my hair’s short oopsie all right yeah berries are still in the river oh no it’s 10:30 I’m going

To slide my character into bed and I’m going to go slip into the karomi so I’ll be right back oo I’m just going to until I’m exhausted heading home toast will you do you mind I’m going to give you so many cuddles stop she goes she she has to keep walking in

Front of me for no reason yep yep and then moving the camera Juni really likes to like flop down and lay directly on my keyboard and discover new hot Keys the okay when I when I used to have Ari in the uh oh really good andby in my office

He would jump onto my keyboard like run across it and find hot the most destructive hot case that I’ve never even seen in my entire life yes there was this one time where his fat ass I was editing in Premiere he’s oh I learned how to make survival Burger me

Too cool um Ari like ran across the the keyboard stood on one key that happened to be the Ripple delete button and he deleted so many things that I had to close the thing and reopen it oh no no like it deleted I was like you [ __ ] I have achieved maximum

Comfort o not Soo long ago um Luigi jumped onto my keyboard while I was animating and he like rearranged all of my tool bars in ton boom and I couldn’t put them back so I just that’s just how they are now oh I don’t know what he did they always find the Forbidden

Buttons that you didn’t even know existed the really bad ones what are all these they’re strawberries strawberies thank you for the follow uh do we need to uh jod wants a cauliflower yeah uh do we have I don’t even know if we have cauliflower seeds I’ll go buy some seeds

Still well they have we have some growing they’re just not ready yet oh I have star fruit seeds though are out here standing on the alt and pecking the F4 yeah he does he does it’s true he finds he just clicks the most destructive ones it’s not fair which one

Will cause the most chaos for Mama luck is not on our side today so [ __ ] time to dig in the trash then thank you all for the follows you will not be disappointed not anymore I decided that is not that is no longer a true fun fact green

Bean that’s baby Jim she’s a green bean night fishing Miss Maple hello welcome does the museum need pine cones I don’t think so those are too common oh this is going to be so satisfying I love scything yeah it’s really good oh my God scy thing SC

Thing I’m sitting here waiting at the front of the freaking Pierre store being like let me in oh I can donate a crystal fruit though that works did you oh Alyssa if you ever have troubles finding shanee he works at JoJo Mart oh yes I think today’s his birthday but

I’ve already given him presents this week so I’m kind of screwed all I can do is talk to him and hope he’s nice to me oh thank you I will do my best to keep up the great content no his birthday’s tomorrow I thought it

Was the 19th no it says 20th right here oh swag okay there’s a little calendar right in front of Pierre’s someone says what’s your favorite Shiny Pokemon Rayquaza SL gutina oh cut scene cut scene cut scene skipping that’s it oh I’ve seen this before don’t care about your [Laughter]

Life baby J life is baby Jam’s life they said that you can for their birthday what seeds do we want to buy this man don’t sell strawberry seeds what a loser uh while I E is it GNA be summer because those peppers are good I don’t know oh wait we need beans

Wait when does when does Spring end before I go and buy spring stuff oh no where’s the takes 10 days to mature can you guys marry the same guy that’ be fun but no the 28th that’s oh that’s not enough time 12 days I can do par Snips though

We’re going to buy a lot of parsnips y’all oo got to get those golden parsnips oh I can’t make fertilizer I thought I was farther along and I’m not but one of y’all might be able to I think it’s just tree sap oh he only sells what’s in season

Oh have to wait where did it go if you crave sustenance baby Jim you go to your cage where you have three separate food RS that way you can properly Forge get sus craft room winter oh wait why do I have a crystal fruit if it’s

Winter can I just get that every once in a while I guess I think I got it from the mines where’s the winter foraging bundle what is this craft room there it is I’m having there was a better way to do that you having fun are you over

There just ripping up grass I am I am ripping I am leveling this land I am being a menace to Nature a friend to none the Human Tornado yes ooh I found little worms little worms little worms in the ground I found a rusty spur rusty spur yeah the things in my

Bit cup are uh my my uh my avatar the little naked m b of ISAC style whenever you guys follow it puts one in the bit cup more I don’t think I need the sea urchin just sell it if you can’t donate it sell it put your cursor over it and

If the little Community Center doesn’t Wibble wobble then you don’t need to donate it if I hover over the icon of the community center no put your cursor over the item like the sein and if it the icon starts to wiggle then you need to donate it oh oh

Okay yeah lopus is in the bit cup loopus is in charge of the bit cup come on and slam and welcome to Japan jam oh what I want to fish in the lake I like fishing I need to upgrade my fishing my fishing’s poo poo right now w

I if I think I don’t know if you can buy it oh wait the little hoe I need the hoe for the worms thank you for the pr sub you’re not my new favorite person I should have that in my inventory now because little ho I’ve got the backpack yeah little hoe

H little wormies well wor I hate worms IRL I hate worms really if I had a girlfriend and they said would you love me if I was a worm I’d say no cuz I hate worms damn Breer deal breaker don’t be a worm don’t into a worm you don’t like noodle

Critters do you I hate I hate one time I saw um what I thought was a lug on the ground like by my car and then I had like a full body like cringe and then I realized it was like someone who didn’t pick up after their dog and I was like

Oh it’s okay we’re fine I don’t like maggots oh yeah also can’t say if it’s if it’s if it’s one giant grub from like a beetle no problem who left this Berry in the water I picked it up die I left it in the water

I could get boys but like if it’s a bunch of like maggots just the the animation of them wiggling like coming to life as holes I don’t like that you need to stop you all need to sit still ooh the the person the traveling Merchants here they have uned rice um

They got sunflower seeds cranberry seeds we can poison Chase what what sunflower sunflower seeds oh I was like how do you want any of that they they have pizza pizza they got zah they got Z uh but do we need any seeds like cranberry seeds they have a rare seed o

Rare seeds are usually expensive though oh this fish is fighting me stop fighting me I want you to come with me to the land it’s great I promise I got an eel did we donate the eel yet no donate it I’m donate it green algae hearing baby Jim try to say chimpin is

Hilarious there we go I missed cly fries instead of curly fries that’s fun you got a fun name there we go okay chat now here here’s the here’s the true argument which form of Tater is the best form of Tater sweet I have okay I’m I’m afraid

We’re going to have to stop being friends now you know what I like I like Tater rounds tater tots and tater rounds Tater like I like the Tater discs the little tater top discs oh those are those are good not raw tater tots cooked kind of

Mash Luigi chopped down a lot of bed uh sorry trees today so Luigi’s exhausted why am I only getting trash in this Lake in this Pond is it cuz it’s a the pond as a ctif fried fry I got to say Tater discs where are my Tater discs in chat someone says

Mashed Mash slaps I like to put a lot of stuff in the mash there only trash in here in this I like I was fishing on like the the the big old Lake uh dock is that not good enough a tater disc is not a hash brown

You hush gums hash brown is like a grandpa of a tater disc Tater disc are babies just little infants mhm man now I kind of want a hash brown I I love a good hash brown you know who does good hash browns and I won’t deny it McDonald’s yeah absolutely oh my God

They they do in all day breakfast because that sounds like dinner they used to because I used to get the McGriddle and hash brown all the time you need to move your vtuber model a little to the right so it looks like you’re noming Jaden I can do that it’s

Easy where am I right here I found where all the whoa oh this fish is fighting oh he’s giving up he’s giving up yep whoa whoa fighting again fighting again who I want this fish so bad what is this catfish now now now listen love

Nice a message oh my gosh I’m getting so many new fish because I’m fishing in the lake or the river or whatever it is see happy you’re a bad influence and this is why you you are being punished shoot I keep doing that yeah support your local din

I love diner food I love diner food they’re not very uh vegan friendly but man do I love them oh please f i I really like the atmosphere and just like the waitress is always like or the waiter they’re always just cozy tostada now is not the tostada please oh tiny

Tostada please you need to sit on the floor I’m fishing one more fish one more fish I just remembered we’re doing Squad Sushi dinner tonight right o oh the boys are going out to get barbecue and they were going to bring me leftovers Korean barbecue or just barbecue no normal

Barbecue but I will pretend I’m eating sushi by far I’ll be like oo This Ginger slaps it’s but it’s it’s just barbecue sauce toada please oh my gosh have you no respect for your surroundings no to has been Bish to the floor what uh tell you should tell the people about

When I gave you like my leftover Sushi do you remember yeah okay so I was hanging out with Jaden she had some sushi she’s like I’m not going to finish all this you take this home I was like no problem cuz I’m a [ __ ] dumpster take the sushi home and open it

Up and there’s this really weird like almost transparent roll and I put it in my mouth and immediately just go and I just like spit it everywhere which I never do because I’m a trash Cam and I texted her and I was like Jaden I’m sorry but that was

The worst role I’ve ever had in my life and she said you didn’t eat that did you oh no I was like yeah and she’s like that was Ginger wrapped up with Wasabi in the center that wasn’t a roll that was the ginger and wasabi and I like put

It in my mouth and crunched it so hard it was the worst sensation I ever had in my mouth just a mouthful of Ginger and wasabi it was foul I felt like I’ve been punished by God level one fishing and I didn’t do much CH Farmers earn 50,000 gold oh yeah

Let’s go CH w we spend a lot of money then because we don’t have much profit gain it’s all in the a bunch of backpacks oh yeah [ __ ] Pierre is taking all our money and all he does is complain oh my gosh you guys today is a national holiday it’s Shane’s

Birthday you’re right get tell him we should all go get him a big old beer I’m not going to okay wait I don’t understand okay wait Kel tell me he’s mine H I don’t understand how you can see if you need to donate something cuz I’m hovering over the Shad which no one

Has donated and it’s not wiggling look at look at my stream real quick can you do that okay holding it up wa yeah yeah let me know when you can see it I can see it oh okay so like say we had to donate the salmon Berry so when you would put your

Cursor over the salmon Berry this little guy will go yeah like he pulsates yeah oh I was looking at the wrong thing okay yeah there I was looking at just the object in general no no no no no no the the the community tab will move okay

I can donate to things then hell yeah let’s go what’s the I should have I should have paid attention to that demo oh here look look at my stream Alissa uh one second let me get there twitch.tv/ anti darkart an fart that’s me I can donate hardwood

Okay hold on someone’s doing text to speech they’re being annoying and I have to listen to these meows meow meow meow meow meow it’s baby Jim going meow meow okay so you see my you see my stream yes oh wait no there’s there’s an ad hold

On not subbed not sub not not sub I need to resubscribe sorry tisk tisk I give myself an allowance of one person to be subscribed to at all times on Twitch because otherwise I’ll be like oh subscribe and then like like minus $30 will happen and I’m like H do you not

Have uh twitch or game priming whatever the hell they call it do not okay I’m ready Prime I’m looking at your stream you see the watch this guy okay and when I put this over there you see how it moves uh the little tree icon oh you see

How it’s moving oh that one okay that’s how you know when you have to donate something thank you I was like wasn’t even sure what needed to pulsate thank you yeah I was looking for the pulsate I didn’t see it the times we say pulsate

On the stream chat you guys are on thin ice with using the text to speech I’m trying to teach them how to see the pulsation you guys whoever’s been you know watching this whole stream if we can get like an entire cut reel of just anytime anyone says pulsate just like

Cutting pulsation pulsate pulsate ping it’s pulsating what it’s what it’s what where do I don this mushroom where I got a doll and it was really scary when it popped out of the ground there it is scary doll text to speech is crazy Ziggy you are being a good boy

You’ve done nothing but be a good boy this stream oh the video would be 7 okay I’m sorry tostada you’re getting kicked out of the room oh my God someone tried to say gay and it flagged it twitch what’s wrong with you I guess vampire of the black flame hello welcome welcome

Tom I didn’t have the heart to kick her out she’s on thin ice though everyone’s on thin ice you’re on thin ice you’re on thin ice TomTom says thank you guys for being the background noise to my work It’s oddly allowed me to be more productive

Oh good I get that I’m glad that uh the noises that come out of my mouth bring joyment to yall that’s one way to say it there’s something on the billboard looking for a handsome young man to bring me a dandelion Haley 120 gold do we have any dandelion you can I do

Actually yeah you can just find them like on the ground ancient doll I did spooky does anyone have any extra hardwood I only have one if you go wrestling around in my uh I might I got to collect my rewards holy [ __ ] too project what’s too project a never played it no someone

Just asked if I played it through Super Chat is creepy there’s a eight out of 10 chance that when you ask me if I played a game that the answer is no off off off is that one out of four no four out of that’s four out of

Five times four out of five yeah for girls only pissed I need dandel you know what is for piss girls that’s that’s not true piss she really going to pay me 120 gold for this little flower that I grabbed while I was running towards town no problem have you played Gregory horror

Show oh Dan you need to come back cuz I haven’t touched it since you left oh wait haly doesn’t live here I need to finish it 12 days I want to fin I want to fish in the river again Haley are you home I got

Your stupid thing she was out uh by Pier last time I saw her which is like a minute ago that little bird excuse me grass hey buddy how long has it been Dan three years since I’ve touched it has it really been three years since you visited freaking cry about

It melon come on fish I just got $120 for uh garbage oh yeah yeah I got a I got a golden golden daffodil people are gambling in my chat now I really need to level up my farming let’s go farming me too yeah like is there a place to look at your your

Levels probably your little character yeah yeah I have level two forging I level zero at farming uh probably too someone asked if uh we have any candidates of who we’re marrying I know Alysa was ready day one I’m ready I don’t I have not talked to anyone at

All I kind of I’ve married people in the past to the point that I don’t want to marry this time I just want to like Forge I want to be a bear yeah you can gamble if anyone likes gambling you can do it in my chat and it’s free you just

Got to be a little patient H I don’t have enough beans to pay rent so I’m just going to have to stay here and chat I’m a squatter now that’s okay what happens if you get level uh five for something I just saw there was like a

Bigger bar on the skill tree thing is it just be pretty I don’t know I don’t know let’s do it and find Out I’m gonna go fishing because yeah my fishing skills is po I guess I could go fishing if it’s lagging give it a hard refresh because I have not dropped any frames this for fish no match for me I like turquoise but I also really like um like

Burn reddish brownish gold color you know what I’m talking about I like earthy tone stuff yeah I’m more of a cool color kind of person I like cool colors and neon colors oh yeah let’s go big boy oh this guy isn’t fighting at all I love when

You don’t even have to like click when you’re fishing at the bottom bottom poor thing is giving up on life I see people joining my chat just to gamble um you have to earn Beans by sitting in the chat chatting subscribing following donating etc etc so if you come in here

And try to gamble you won’t have any beans to gamble I’m sorry unless someone gives you Beans really funny story um I’ve started my stream and for some reason it was just it’s just titled ilation the name of it just ilation people know what they’re getting

Into there we go what else do you need to know s right chat ah someone said at level five you get a choice between two options that’s why the bar is bigger I do remember that now that you said that I do remember that thank you

So much Siggy for letting us now I got a bream bream I can cast this fishing line out crazy far now oh no someone said I made Jacob self-aware of how many times he says um and I feel bad every everybody says um absolutely

Everybody my bad one is like I say it I don’t think I say it at all and then I’ll listen back at a recording and I go oh my God it’s so bad stammering and slurring my speech and like even I don’t know what I’m saying half the time yeah I’m not very

Good at being articulate is my brain will think of two words that mean the same thing and combine them into one word and people are like what and I meant I was like oh I meant blah blah blah there’s a word for that Jaden common with ADHD what oh yeah do you

Like um scary or thriller esque movies um I don’t know I’ve never really watched them because I don’t think I don’t know I’m not good I’m pretty jumpy when it comes to horror I got tzer we we saw the menu I saw it twice

Um it is such a good movie oh if I can handle the menu you can handle the menu Jaden I’ve never even heard of the menu I didn’t either but we went and watched it and it was so funny it’s so funny I would see it again and man Ralph finds H

He’s so fine is it like a a horror comedy show yeah movie it’s like it’s like a little it’s not really horror as it is like a thriller but then it has moments of Comedy that really catch you off guard and you’re like oh my God yeah

Gocha wait J has ADHD I think all three of us have ADHD I don’t think I have ADH D I think I’m just bad at like chat like trying to read chat while it’s streaming makes me feel like I do but I don’t I don’t think I do oh no your chat’s just

Feral it’s just feral uh I have some like I have I have like some Tendencies but I I don’t think I have it like I there’s I have so many friends like the majority of my friends I’m more friends with people with ADHD than don’t have ADHD so I think I

Would know if I have ADHD you’re an ally I’m I’m an ally hey con what’s going on Plenty of ADH Friends the one thing that annoys me about by ADHD is when I’m trying to listen and then my brain’s like let’s stop listening and I’m like could you

Not do that and then I like I’ll come back into the zone and start listening and then my brain Fades away again I’m like bro like don’t don’t tell Sam but I do that in meetings all the time oh I bet I’m really bads I need to start I need to start can

You level up your farming by um um watering plants yeah okay oh you can I’m going to I’m going to can I’m going to water plants God unless they’re already watered are they Luigi off off oh yeah they’re not water not let’s do this do it Jad come over what what

Are these cops one second I will also cuz I need some MF points I need watering can it’s in my little chest yeah I’ve had Strangers Like try to talk to me and then someone will be like that person was talking to you and I was like what didn’t hear

Nothing how do you fill up your water can you walk over to the pond and click it oh thank you how do you make why y’all got be I I stole this from the the mines ah but you need sap and wood I’m sleepy d off off let’s go the

Text to speech is for baby Jim over there on the bit cup if when you make text to speech go off she’ll talk come on I meant this one all right crops done one of these cauliflower is going to be done it takes 12 days I think tomorrow hello

Cat my chat is just people gambling and saying hold on the watering can to do multiple areas oh okay I’m really bad at it though and then I just waste water and energy Luigi has tucked into St bid cheepy Good yeah there is a bit of a cool down for the gambling by the way you guys so if it doesn’t work I’m going to try again later I got the recycling machine let’s go off off off oh my gosh we still here we are here until 10 p.m. 900

P.m. I think until we don’t want to be here anymore I have unlimited energy I planned for this day so I’ll go as long as we need to Mouse m m where is he it’s time to go [ __ ] shopping the queen of sauce the queen of sauce radish

Salad oh I haven’t been cooking anything uh neutral stop chewing the to oh you’re being stinky today oh you’re being so stinky today tiny cat tiny cat stinky tiny cat stinky real oh I got uh 500 gold from from Mom tostada oh my gosh please okay tostada you you got to

You got to go you got I’ll be right back she’s got to get booted happy are you still in the chat go on is it time to eat what was it oh yeah where’s hat Mouse at I’m trying to remember hat Mouse is in the bottom of the map somewhere okay I’m heading

There now I’m doing some search Hello I might have to go I should go feed the cats in here I’m about ready to grab y’all sprinkler and [ __ ] throw it spinkle there he is how do I make how do I make uh what’s the cat yes o I can oh my

God that’s all he’s got that’s all he’s got for now oh man that sucks okay I’m not getting that yeah it’s a th gold that suck man uh do you guys have any extra wood I have Tak I’m taking your wood uh Alysa Take It Go on uh what about the iron

Where’s the iron taking that we’re getting a recycling machine yay I found oh if if you take them does that mean others like other of us cannot take them or will we can we also take them take what what what are we taking the spions oh [ __ ] I took all the spions no

It’s okay but it’s like can I also take spions or is it like o it’s taken sorry n it’s a forging thing but if you run around there’s forging everywhere okay okay we have trash now so if we want to uh put the trash away oh wait

Thank you Lake good Lake C can you say good to see you again oh hats unlock with achievements happy is not in the chat oh damn I wanted to ask happy if it’s possible to rig tongues tongues yeah I want my character to be able to

Lick other YouTubers Oh Oh I thought you meant in stardo I was like huh no no no YouTubers I’ll be AFK for a second cuz it’s time to eat it’s time to eat it’s time to eat it’s time to eat it’s time to eat it’s to eat just s a picture of what

I’m Dear baby JY oh I got 500 gold from Dad oh hell yeah Oh we haven’t freaking done a cauliflower yet Fu they’re taking so long I realize when I zone out my vtuber looks like my my model looks like so brain dead because when I zone out I think I keep my mouth open just a little bit and my head kind of tilts forward

And downward so I’m Like sometimes when I’m drawing it can’t register my eyes and so my vtuber will go to sleep who’s tostada toata is my cat she truly be a kitty I think it’s still so shocking to be on day 20 H and and mention tostada daily and some people still don’t know who she

Is just goes to show you how many people just Popp you guys have lost privilege the text of speech has been turned off what what were they saying they’re just making like sounds like but I can’t hear you guys uh the answer is yes Kelsey mine has a tongue

Tracking but you can use the iPhone face tracking for it that means I got get iPhone and I don’t I’ll think about it I ended up getting an extra iPhone just for the vtube studio it’s like a business expense and uh this one had I I got I

The phone I have right now is an Xs and the iPhone 11 is like better for tracking who are you I might ask my dad cuz my dad is one of those people that one or my entire family on my dad’s side is one of those people like as soon as

There’s a new iPhone they upgrade so I might ask if they just have like an iPhone laying around yeah okay you guys get text to speech back but I’m watching you I’m trying to listen to my friend’s talk and I’m really bad at listening to more than one thing really bad I’m

Really bad at listening sometimes I I think I’m a good listener but if I’m not good at listening in the moment I’m really bad it’s true I could make an animated toggle happy said that she’s finally learned how to uh animate for the YouTubers one thing I really want is I

Want an animation where Chase snarls and I can like toggle a snarl sound ooh that’s a fun one that’s got to be easy to do on like a stream deck mhm I got me the stream I My Stream deck off to the left forever I’m like why is it over

There I’m right-handed so today I moved it to the right side nice you can use the text to speech I don’t care just just don’t make the message really long because I have to try to listen to uh Jaden and Alysa and my brain gets overstimulated and I’m like

Wait that’s not true baby Jim you pooped in my hair today there’s been lots of times where I’m trying to answer like multiple super chats in a row and I just don’t answer any of them I like half answer all of them and it’s like I just it’s not right

I’m so bad at it flounder this is why whenever um like if I have a stream that’s being very active I’ll have my mods read for me or I’ll be in a call with someone that’ll be like blah blah blah says this cuz like I

Forget to read the chat or I read the chat too much that I forget to play the game MH oh super chats super chats is something on YouTube YouTube where if someone sends a donation they can uh add a little message that goes with it kind

Of like how what we have here and it appears at the top of the chat yeah I normally try to read as many super chats as I can but of course I’m not perfect and I miss some and I feel bad I’mma go uh mining it’s it’s fun to ask a loaded

Question watch the other super chats get pushed aside for a bit oh my God that’s I’m I’m catching some good fish I got a purple star and joy damn Ziggy your message got ignored okay what happened Ziggy was like here’s the test of the emergency broadcast system and

Did a bunch of like random characters from like in Russian and baby Jim didn’t say a word of it she’s like I don’t speak Russian I don’t speak Russian I only know how to speak English I can say baby Jim and biscuit Ari says Ari and R I love when

Ari gets his whole body into it his whole head goes in goes and then he foret he forets to say the rest of it and so he just goes Ari his two favorite words Ari and R Luigi say hello hello hello especially at night you know like the the yowling

Cats do at night yeah there one time I was laying in bed and I just hear H and I was like I’m getting haunted what are these like little statues with like little emeralds in them all across town I think you can teleport to them eventually oh that’s

Really nice actually oh there is so much iron in here this is for me for my hands to grab how do you get into the sewer um you get a key from Gunther I think we have to donate enough stuff and he’s like I don’t need this you can have

This I have anything to donate oh muscle okay bream oh yeah I didn’t donate the bream yet when I get a dog I’m going to name it nooki and I also just recently bought a terrarium I’m going to get a pet jumping spider and I’m going to name

Him figgy yes figgy a when do you think you’re going to get a spider I just have to get like uh the terrain stuff like the substrate and all that you going Luigi oh you know see my man the only sad thing about getting a jumping spider

Is they only live six months to a year a but it’s okay I’ll just get another one I want God ghost when you kill them they go they sound so sad what I do I guess I can go to the donation knock back when you slap a ghost He Go

Flinging oh someone says they considered getting a beetle tank oo I would love to have one of those like Japanese beetles that they they have but they’re not allowed in the States oh yeah I think I would really like to have a beetle I’d like to have a

Moth oh I there’s definitely going to be a a Time sometime this next year where I get a bunch of silk worms and have little silk moths for a little bit I put a deposit down on a dog or like like a a litter of puppies to CL a

Puppy and then the litter came too soon and I was like ah not ready um and I’m still not ready but maybe I am next year um the puppies are coming in February and I want to get a reddish it’s not a Labradoodle it’s like a Bernie doodle

It’s Something mixed with a poodle because I’m allergic like a Bernie’s mountain dog yeah oh yeah big big and curly and made of hair not fur and um I’m going to name her biscuit after Animal Crossing biscuit a oh I see it yeah a yeah some people like I got a solar Essence

Ooh what is that I don’t know I got it from a ghost and that ghost took forever to kill the entire time we were talking I was fighting one ghost and he didn’t once it was really sad he just was H in there I a bunch of

Wood and stone if anyone needs it just come steal it okay thank you of course I’m g go home yeah it’s bedtime it’s bed time bit time hold on to that solar Essence so I shouldn’t donate it or anything not all Doodles are hyperallergenic be sure to check yeah we

Check someone said solar Essence is high-end material what does that mean got it right here in my pocket ber noodles are insane with bad bad tummies what does that mean um baby Jim’s not chimpin assure you guys I did my research on the breeder and they have like their whole

List of like their ancestry to make sure they’re not sick so I appreciate the concern but it’s okay I got I understand why people get concerned cuz every single time I watch Like A Dog Grooming video whenever it’s a a like a doodle or anything like that it’s always them

Being like the owners didn’t realize how much effort it takes to take care of their doodle and now he’s completely mad and I have to shave him down like every time they get a doodle they have to shave it down cuz they just people don’t realize people think it’s such a pretty

And like easy to take care of dog and then they’re like I don’t want to brush my dog’s coat and now it has to be shaved down to the skin yeah the reason I’m I’m putting off getting a dog is to make sure I have like enough space in where I live so

Like I don’t know I assure you guys I will be a great dog on I can’t wait to have a lizard one day big old fat lizard I would love a CR gecko oo those guys are cute there was someone at mff that had a crested gecko

Fursuit head and it looked really good a living what the hell is this oh how did I uh how do I who I’m holding refined quartz ooh torch what are these things oh I put those are the recycling things I put them there you put garbage you put

Garbage inside of them and you get goodies out in return okay here’s what I got cauliflower is almost ready cauliflower hello babe oh did you get your wood oh Shane sent me a letter jerky turn themove jerky jky just tip you should check the luck of the day on your TV in the

Mornings you get better Loot on the mindes of Lucky Day oh don’t worry we do I just assume that the others check for me they’re mildly perpet today or whatever it it’s called yeah this is like a little bit unlucky whenever I play Among Us people are like why

Weren’t you in the lights I was like cuz we’re playing with 20 other people why would I bother when I could just everyone plays does lights yeah I’m not going to go over there and fight with a bunch of people I’m going to get my work done that’s not everyone dies in The

Lights too yeah I would love for us to try Among Us VR one day I would love to so badly as long as it played I played a little bit uh when it was the fanmade one and it was really fun but I got motion sick yeah this motion sickness

Dil it’s December it’s my birthday month woo I wasn’t expecting that biscuit to be so low pitched to be honest so when baby Jim talks in real life she’s like baby Jim yeah or like when she gives a kiss or anything like that she’s really high pitched but when she says biscuit she

Goes biscuit it’s really grainy like biscuit and I like why you yeah she gets like a lower voice than Ari yeah she gets deep in grally like she’s been smoking a pack okay I know it said the not really good luck today like mildly bad luck but

I’m going to go mining I want to go I know what else can I do what mining foraging fishing guess I haven’t foraged what’s the foraging is just chopping down trees right no foraging is when you go out and you pick a parsnip I’m foring oh I’m foraging I’m foraging you’re

Digging in the dirt baby JY cam win okay so to be honest I probably will never have a baby gym cam because she’ll stay with me for 5 minutes and then leave yeah people uh ask who like oh who’s baby Jim it’s uh Kelsey’s bird it’s my

Bird um people will ask like can we get an AR cam it’s like you don’t understand he does not sit still they are all over the place all the time she’ll want to come see me and then she’ll want to go see Jordan and then she’ll want to go see Rush and then

She’ll want to go eat and then she’ll want to go in her drawer she doesn’t sit still you could always bully Clint true do I have any geod no can I climb this no lame that’s farmer parsnips contribute to your farming no foraging is when you grab

Like wild crops out of the like out out in the wilderness right yeah foraging is when you grab a daffodil yeah not not grabbing like a parsnip like from the farm grabbing a parsnip like in the wild put a GoPro on baby jym where would she go that would be funny everywhere if

There was just like a itty bitty little camera that she didn’t mind and just let her like go places though she would go in the drawer and we’d get to see her CA Shenanigans in the drawer probably do a drawer cam yeah I would I would honestly love to have a

Camera just in my living room so when I’m like out and about I can see where she is and be like where is she oh she’s in her drawer I used to have a a little camera in the bird office and sometimes I could see them sometimes I couldn’t but

Whenever I wanted to like check on Ari I it was really cute because I’d be like oh there he is sitting on his little stick there he is there he is we just m this thing wow K giggling what are you laughing about don’t worry about it oh I found the I

Found the ladder Mischief H what’s over here oh nothing found the I found the ladder Alisa thank you ah I’mma go fishing I found the ladder again gems in my hair y’all wow these floors all the ladders have just been exposed good what is this what’s this what’s this oh is that aquamarine

Oh cool why why you all keep contributing to the cult totem we’re not playing Cult of the Lamb you silly gooses oh I love that game so much I’m so upset that it’s glitchy they probably fixed it by now I hope so because I had

Such a fun time playing it oh you don’t know what it is so in Cult of the lamb um people can redeem stuff that like helps your cult and they can also like join a raffle to become one of the cult members and you could design your own cultist it’s basically Dungeon Crawler

Animal Crossing oh a little bit of Don’t Starve oh nice come it’s like to the rightish but near the first ladder I’m give I got a diamond oh my God this is just like Minecraft eventually we can get this machine that duplicates stuff so you can like put a diamond in and get

Two diamond out I think for when we get really greedy oh he’s a fighter oh he’s fighting found it oh nice ain’t no way that anchovy was fighting me like that for free oh I need to go defeat the Slime though when will I do culted lamb again am I honestly be

A while cuz I beat the game and the replay value for me personally is kind of eh because I already beat the game and I don’t want to rebuild the cult over and over and over again yeah it’s fun to do like different runs I bet oh I

Got a bomb I could always make my cult evil because when I did my cult I just made it into a big farm and you can make your cult like really sick and twisted but like I don’t think I would have the stomach for it Goose uh I would really I want to

Definitely play it again because when I played it my run got glitchy mhm so could no it was like uh did you see the clip uh Kelsey I posted on Twitter but basically when I was fighting one of the bosses um I I beat him I picked up his heart and

Before the cut scene was able to finalize a little guy he killed you I do remember the little jellyfish yeah and then it glitched and it didn’t think I’ve ever beaten the guy so I couldn’t like 100% it [ __ ] yeah so I want to I would love

To do that again like actually finish the game 100% because I was like why would I even want to decorate my my little cult anymore if I can’t get all the little trophies yeah exactly slam slam die oh L I have um a few gaming servers on my

Discord to play with viewers and uh we recently we had a oh [ __ ] I missed we had a Don’t Starve world that I think was like 4,000 days in and we were like and we were like it’s time for a fresh start so we made a brand new server and

I didn’t stop playing it for 5 days straight and I didn’t get any work done I was like I’m I just I just want to play a little bit just a little bit Don’t Starve and then like it’d be like 5 hours later I’m like oh my God but

What if I did a little more Don’t Starve man I’m excited to play Don’t Starve eventually on on stream cuz I don’t know how to play it wait what’s this this like a lost backpack steal it oh there coal in it a just steal the backpack oh

Swag no we can’t it like doesn’t let us pick it up you made the spawn pretty for the Terraria server I haven’t been on the Terraria server since I set up the new one the other day they wanted to do they wanted to server with the really uh

The glitched seed get fixed boy and I said good luck and I haven’t touched it since where don’t Don’t Starve challenge impossible dang it just eat food Jaden that’s how that’s how you play Don’t Starve you just eat just eat oh I found Frozen geode oh nice hell

Yeah take it to Clint tell him he’s ugly and then have him break it open for 25 G wait how do you where is this ladder for real for real though um but how do you cook stuff in this game is it in crafting I found it it’s up here Alysa y

Do we need a kitchen I know Robins was like hey if you come over I can build you a kitchen and I was like don’t talk to me yeah maybe I should build us a kitchen build us I will contribute oh is that a frozen

Yeah it is get away I’ll go ask her how much it cost I’m oh baby I’m on a winning streak got nine whole beans uh uh oh uh oh uh oh on shrimp oh is it just like those guys I think it might be just s Sprite

Infestation could be bad that would be nice s Sprites are so gentle they try so hard it’s not bad it’s just bats it’s just bat oh I I’m not even ning it the stream can deal with it deal with what Jordan Jordan’s uh putting his desk

Together back there and stuff oh do you get yeah he got a little one because he doesn’t have a lot of shenanigans like I do on my desk so he’s like all I need is a room for my zentique true hydration you know what I had some

Beef jerky I will get some hydration salt o Salt Cave carrot we can donate that oh what’s this stinky Rock oh godam six beans baby what can I buy with these you don’t buy anything with beans you just keep gambling over and over and over and over

Again you used to be able to buy stuff but I got lazy carrot man this is a long one it’s 9:00 p.m. y’all you best not be out too late damn oh in like 1 hour like there’s so much treasure though yay I want to get that treasure I want to

Get that treasure so bad oh we got a crystal dagger oh yeah I can ask waffle just remind me he went out in the living room oh and we can go fishing down here I don’t have my fishing pole with me you can go fishing down here I

Can Sushi says I started playing Pokemon sweet version because of Jaden’s stream and she’s right the move sets are garbage I don’t know what that means excuse me you sneezed right in my mouth my mouth was open I’m sorry I didn’t want to sneeze on ala anymore magnet

Ring though finally stopped raining on my vtuber the splatter um eat this can I donate this forest seed wait what is this there’s so many things um get rid of bomb I get a lead Rod ooh okay I’m going I got to go home now yeah I’m donating good things into your

Chest okay happy just because of that comment you have to upgrade my vtuber uh I want him to have I want him to have tongue tracking so I can lick Jaden’s face clam go to zero yeah tongue Tracking not tracing yeah tongue tracking okay tongue tracking

Done how do we unlock the the mine cart do we have to go really far down I’m not quite sure actually going home who did going home it’s mine now Jaden just eats in front of her viewers and never offers a single Bean the big I’m sorry

Man breakfast food is so great until you become allergic to eggs and you’re like oh wait most breakfasts involve eggs H you should you should level three mining oh um you should eat just egg it’s good that’s what I use but then um I forget about it and then it expires and I’m

Like God damn it it does expire quickly it does yeah you can go through it pretty quickly though so if you just remember for the next like two or three days you can i e all oh God guess oh my God oh my God it’s damn it’s coming

Anyways uh I used a whole bottle when I was really uh God damn it you guys I can’t hear when you do that extra luck today the flower dance Tomorrow get out of here you evil anyways as I was saying I used a whole bottle of just egg when I was like really addicted to uh Korean street toast I have so much stuff I don’t have anything to delete ooh tomorrow’s the flower dance y’all you get to pick

Someone to to boogie with I hope I can pick Shane one do I need to do anything special to ensure I can pick Shane I think you just have to ask him okay cool wait wait wait wait wait are any of those parsnips gold starred yes one is gold we need we need

Five keep the gold one okay I’ll put it in my inventory uh strawberries are regular you can dance with other players too Jaden you want to dance with me okay yay wait I’ve got guys I’ve got a lot of really good weapons I’ve got this thing

Got this thing oh oh God I’ll get you oh I’ll get you and I got this thing it’s really slow D where you getting all these weapons uh treasure okay I got a level three sword level four dagger H level four club does anyone have any preferences on what they

Want I want it to be a fun little surprise I I I love a good Mallet I love a good Hammer I don’t if that’s an option do you want the here you can have like the lead rod that’s like the small but heavy thing let’s go oh my God I

Guess I never thought about that Jaden do you know what just egg is made out of cuz I never read it I just read it was like egg alternative without the chesteron I was like ah sweet uh I believe wait uh Alysa I think you might

Have took the SW oh no wait who wants the crystal dagger I don’t have a sword oh I have a crystal dagger is that what I was supposed to pick up oh that’s you yeah that’s yours okay yay I got the the for sword it’s actually yeah it’s actually better than my

Yeah yeah all this stuff is like better uh I have a lot of stuff to donate oh cat in the bushes I think it’s uh just egg is made out of like chickpea flour or something something like that I know it’s something really uh simple that makes

Sense because I know you can use uh chickpea Aqua fava as a replacement for uh eggs yeah it’s some sort of like flower that you could actually just buy uh on your own to make it apparently just egg is really easy to make on your own I watch like one YouTube short on

It I have stuff to donate though his waffle says hello and then they asked Milwaukee or DeWalt I’m a DeWalt [ __ ] yeah I think the Walt’s the best I like the colors I like the the bright uh yellow and black baby gum baby baby

JY oh yeah I need to go ask Robin how much it is for a kitchen oh trueir can we make stuff on this kitchen oh close until summer never mind right oh that’s the that’s the icy ice cream place a yeah you can get ice cream or something like that

Snakes everywhere I love that username it’s what is that 100 don’t tell what hold on I can read hold on hold on dyslexia hold on I got to put I got to put a cursor I got to put my cursor up to check 10,000 gold for a

Kitchen holy crap well we’ve at we’re at 7,000 yeah but I don’t want to go to zero true I’m going down I’m going to go kill stuff out of anger yeah oh I got another Crystal dagger s Sprites oh I need more copper bars I’m going to upgrade my pickaxe do

It yeah that’s one thing we should probably start doing is upgrading stuff Sebastian you said that so like emotionally where is he I want to give him a frosted tear I don’t know where he lives though uh he lives with Robin and Demetrius up by up by lonus up left okay

Yeah I think right that sounds right to me that’s where I found him first time find this man it’s 10,000 gold and 450 wood for the first upgrade oh okay thank you stabbing uh boxes and barrels with this dagger is so nice you want to go what am I doing

Me oh I can sell stuff uh do we need to do anything with aquamarine I couldn’t donate it then sell it I I would assume okay uh can donate that wait do we need to do does do we need to do anything with the the Frozen tear you

Can give it to Sebastian it’s his favorite I think I don’t want to give anyone anything you can give it to me like in my chest and I’ll give itas and I’ll romance but what if we just get money oh true true true yeah do that yeah money is always really

Nice we have to get a kitchen that apparently going to cost us just as much as our house CU our house is free he’s in his room and I can’t get in oh that’s one nice thing about becoming friends with people is you can just kick their door open

Yeah Aliss is going to have access to everyone and nobody’s going don’t even know we exist yeah oh Frozen tear is part of the bundle they said donate it oh well I deleted it world I think we we might have donated it already just put your curse

Over if your bundle Wiggles if if your bundle pulsates if you will my bundle’s not wiggling or pulsating I think we’ve donated it okay I don’t want to beat up these poor little s Sprites they haven’t done anything wrong I it’s just so frustrating to try and find okay the spring crops bundle

For the cauliflower and the Exotic foraging bundle for the carrot excuse me I can’t wait to see my boyfriend Shane tonight and use my allowance of one beer did you ever give him something for his birthday no cuz I’d already given him two gifts that week I [ __ ]

Up hello from Jaden’s stream hello Aiden you spelled Jaden’s name wrong I’m going to put that in the good oh my God how’ they spell it they forgot the eye ah for those who don’t know uh we have a collection called good good noodles where we collect all the different ways

People misspell Jaden’s name and it’s a lot it’s a list it’s a it’s a very long list it’s hilarious though we love it someone says you can only dance if you have four hearts with them you can dance if you want to oh whoops if you have

Four hearts at least oh my God I don’t have four hearts with them no maybe today I can I don’t know I’m at three just give give when’s the dance tomorrow oh my God mine is being creative did you guys watch the don’t hug me I’m scare

Show I haven’t seen it yet no the new one at least the new one is really good they had quite a a budget if you will oo did it come out like recently um a month or two ago I would say it’s Gotta no then I haven’t seen it

It’s really good Jordan I watched it all and then Jordan is like I’m going to be red for Halloween and he did and it looked so good H it looked really good there’s a channel I’ve been watching and they’re so good their name is Izzy’s with like I ZZ z y and another

Three Z’s and they talk about just like Niche internet things like internet communities like they talk about Neopets they talked about um oh man they talked about the norm of the north Twitter it was a funny I’ve watched a long time I was crying laughing I’ve I don’t think

I’ve heard of Norman the north Twitter oh it’s wild it’s a movie called Norman the north which is a polar bear movie that like was grade T mirror movie and the Twitter was just it just crazy no control there’s lots of theories on it like is it an intern is it an elaborate

Marketing stunt and also just the tweets themselves are just hilarious like what’s the one movie that’s like uh like it’s it’s similar it’s up the same vein of uh Coraline it was like Norman something oh nor Paran Norman yeah that’s what I thought it was at first

Zomi if that’s how you say your name I apologize thank you for 100 Bitties you’re now my new favorite person yeah I’m still on that train give me to hold down I just need to get to four to five is anything can be is there anything we can be doing there’s like a

Lot of spots that we have unopened we could still clear the entire uh Farm thank you for the follow true and uh yeah getting our skills up there Sebastian chat if you were us what would you recommend us doing please back seat game right now I did not know let’s see what it

Does oh the hack is it does a super stab does the sword do it too oh it blocks using the right click does it a secondary action with your weapon C and coal Sebastian Sebastian I want to give you an emo little gift that’s right we can

Get chicken coops we need money we need to get as much money as we can as fast as we can so we could start oh an owl we have a lot of money right now we do no you don’t understand Robin is a son of a

[ __ ] you found a lost book a lost book I found a lost book I’m going to take a library tomorrow by the way my my health was at 17 I almost died out there oh my god oh damn you might want to come back soon cuz it’s getting

Late chat says man Illy deserves better than Shane he’s got to get himself together before getting with see just know that I’m really exposing myself with my stardew crushes kind of my Amo do you like a challenge Alyssa are you going to fix literally just I don’t like I need to

Stop liking challenges but it’s it’s something innate that I’m fixing in therapy so we’ll get there someday there was one time where I was like you know what I’m going to go to the lesbian route and I dated Leah and then I found out she was an artist and

She like gave me a sculpture and I was like she loves me a you could change him don’t give up that’s what D said I’m build Asylum before getting any animals okay here’s some really good relationship advice from elimation like someone who likes you back that helps that helps a lot that

Helps here’s some advice from Jaden I don’t know here’s some advice um from Kelsey I met Jordan on Minecraft via a friend he was a friend of a friend and then uh we stayed together for 11 years the end a I like that story it’s it’s simple it’s really simple

Minecraft but what is my favorite game in the world terraria what was that that was baby Jim she peeped oh yeah she she can peep all the way across the apartment she’s very talented gamer Love Story yes so they said uh we should get a silo going so we can feed our

And then we should get some chickens so before we do that let’s spend tomorrow cleaning out the rest of the farm and planning yall need to go to bed and planning where we want to put stuff oh I didn’t know you were at bed in bed it’s midnight I don’t

Know okay I’m in bed now before the silo one I I will I shall read uh I recommend saving up money so you can get a bunch of blueberries at the start of summer they are a plant that regrows yeah because fertilizer cuz they’re look at all that money we made

Let’s go we can buy a kitchen oh ma’am this is why you save up the clay for The Silo okay no more throwing away clay y’all never have never will oh I have I’ll fuckinge I I’m one of those [ __ ] like I don’t need any of this throws it all away yeah

All right tell me the fortune oh good they said very displeased so we’ll stay home today we were planning on doing that anyway perfect oh I got big painting little painting go here big painting go here we could also go and upgrade our tools we have lots of stuff oh yeah I I

Put copper in my thing just to do that oh you already watered them well ooh spring onion for free onion onion oh leak I mean it’s a leak for free like leak isn’t there an event today there’s like the dance but I don’t think it’s the later it’ll tell us when

This dance is started I can’t dance with Shane what’s the point I don’t know actually garbage Milo needs 100 gold 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper bars when you say 100 gold you mean ingots please tell me me mean ingots who’s messaging me kill

Them I shall grow peppers in the in the summer for Shane I have not seen Wednesday no but I heard it’s good trash I haven’t found anything in the trash 100 gold is in money money I’m a dumbass everyone’s like money see they need money I was like

Oh can can you only oh never mind I was going to say do you only get fish in the dark water but I just they said you get better stuff in the Dark Water yeah yeah that’s why I was like are you sure you guys mean ingots cuz that’s a lot okay

So spring is over in 4 days so I’m not going to bother with spring stuff yeah I have a bunch of fertilizer ready to go and I think it’s like you do a a spot with the hoe and then you do the fertilizer and then you plant the thingy

Hell yeah so I let me fertilize no problem oh we cance begun I’m going to fish you guys how do we how do we get it I’m going to the dance I want one more fish this one what did it do when I clicked on it daning with another girl I’m going to

Cry oh drama is 24th I thought the I thought we chucked the Bush on the 29th yeah something like that you have to come with us Jaden damn I wanted to upgrade my pickup my pickaxe I want to upgrade my pickaxe fin you got to do it tomorrow everyone’s wiggling 28

Okay Alex isn’t there what are you doing here you can do the fertilizer in any order as long as the land is tilled you just can’t use it once the seeds have started to grow right so I just go north right uh go south of home like come home and go south

Oh o Big Stretch come home go down okay I was in town fishing in the river I hav new fish small mouth bass hey we need to donate that yeah coming I wish you could move just a little bit faster we all got to get ponies by oh

Hello I can’t wait to get a pony and then name it something really fun like Fluttershy whatever yall are doing in there you best not be the boys are being so loud if what I think is happening is happening I love that fantastic what’s that thing over in the floor oh it’s a

Bottle it’s garbage I want to go in the sewer okay a rare Crow a rare Crow well makes him rare is he just pretty yeah where’s Shane my love I swear to God if you dance with anyone I’m gonna scream and cry he’s not selling any cool crops it’s

Not all right Robin good night thanks for hanging out with us for so Long favorite fish I love the angler fish oo I would have to see like a list of fish oh yeah you’re supposed to collect one of every scarecrow aren’t you oh I don’t how much is it though if it’s a lot I don’t know 2500 I don’t think it’s worth

It they’re telling us to get the rare Crow the rare Crow I will dance with Ari yay oh should we buy it you guys everyone saying we should okay I’m down you guys if you collect all the rare crows you get a better scarecrow all

Right but it better be worth it or I’m coming after y’all this better not be another don’t get it this year you can’t say that you can’t say get it and then as soon as I buy it you guys be like but don’t get it this year it’s too late you you’ve

Caused damage you can’t just give one piece of information this chat has Bamboozled me so many times that there’s going to be a compilation of me doing stupid [ __ ] on stream money’s temporary rare crows are forever I’m on mobile I had delay jell I think Alysa has to ask for

Someone to Boogie with I I can’t nobody loves me well people love me but no one here how do we get started do we have to talk to Mayor Lewis again surely one of them is I Ask Shane anyways ask I asked oh he said no God damn it he says tell the

Mayor you’re ready talk to Louis he’s all he’s all the way over here keep asking him start saying no he’s he’s he’s missing out Shan dances with someone else I’m going to murder him just kidding uh snapped oh my God Shane’s dancing with the blue girl with blue haired girl with pronouns the

The E girl yeah he chose the E girl she makes clothes and she likes uh animals yeah well I am a YouTuber maybe that’s cooler everyone’s like no Shane sh I can’t believe I’m getting cheated on you can see Alysa just in the corner Luigi in the corner being like just

Sitting there that’s me in the corner that’s me in the spotlight losing my Shane that’s literally it though that was the dance you don’t even like get very close that was fun 20 gifted thank whoever the BL what’s the Blu hair girl’s name Emily I gotta kill

Her Hit List hit list hait list Hit List going to bed good night y’ it was fun boogieing with you oh my God the cats in my house let’s go he he could feel your suffering so he chose I feel like you need to have someone to to snuggle

Tonight you you can dance with cheese any day I dance if I wanna day 25 of sping sping when I was in Middle School we had a spring formal but they misprinted all of the tickets and they said sping formal so that’s just my own small town

Inside joke this the spirits of P sp sp annoyed today in the river oh true God I always forget when to do stuff oh to do things what are we doing I wasn’t listening oh wait we don’t need to donate the smallmouth bass actually oh we already did it sell that yeah

Apparently oh okay do anything hammer and sickle to combine together so we oh that’s smart do says that you should marry Emily and Spite and then immediately divorce her and tell her she’s on whoa whoa whoo whoa wao that is some crazy damage whoa who whoa Jaden what how your vtuber is like

1080p right now let’s go you more HD than me hello everyone hello hello do we have time for me to uh marry the blue-haired girl and then divorce her and send her into a horrible mental spiral and then be with Shane or all you got to do is ask your chat to Wiki

What’s her favorite things and then find out what her favorite things and and that’s how you befriend her real fast and make sure you talk to her every day I hate her that’s a lot of damage committed I I haven’t talked to anyone I just go out and fish all hail the eight

Bowl I have nothing to donate I’m going to sell all this stuff on a day where it’s going to rain the next day you should upgrade the watering can why the next day I found another book oh the books how come the books immediately go into there but like I

Okay open up Clint or I’m going to kick this door down I can see in the corner my screen just staring down the door Emily’s birthday is in two days okay everyone what’s Emily’s favorite thing what’s Emily’s favorite thing y’all wait this takes a while to

Do uh see you later Mr jdk it’s $2,000 to upgrade a single tool I found a pinee in the trash can use mine I’m sorry I’m going to use it too what’s this okay wait how much is it to upgrade 2,000 you can get a pickaxe stock know everything like yeah

You come back the next day I got $15 good job I’m G to fish in the river Emily likes gems I have a gem I have a top pass where you at you guys are doing emotional damage to this like this girl she’s done emal damage to me I’m simply

Giving a gem that I was going to throw away to my friend Alyssa thank you no with no ulterior motives at all I’m simply giving no no one can see us I’m gently just slipping this into her pocket thank you so much emotional damage what someone says you need a mod

To divorce I think the mod is to divorce then marry and then divorce and then marry right oh what no you can divorce right no I think someone said I think you need a mod to divorce but I think they might have been talking about being able to like keep marrying and divorcing

Right oh I mean I don’t know I just imagine you can divorce people in this game I feel like you should be able to you can divorce for 50,000 ain’t no way that no okay no she’s not I’m going to say that’s kind of cheap cheap I don’t know

Like I I would have figured like 20,000 or something for for ruining someone’s life hold on you guys I’m I’m going slip into my house I need to help Jordan put his cintique arm together cuz you all know about cintique arms what does Elliot like I like Elliot

Someone someone in my I’ll be I just thought about Emily seeing illy and Shane and then plays the back oh perfect fish oh here’s Elliot he is near the saloon I don’t know what he likes though CH what does he like I like Elliot he’s cool he is nice he the house

Where’s the mayor’s house is it the blue one no it doesn’t look Salon the spaghet spaghet they s likes Squid Ink he likes to sea oh okay so he’s like a fishing guy I’m a fishing guy oh my God you’re made match made in heaven where’s Elliot

I want to give him a fish oh wait I can’t give him a river fish I’m so stupid I got to go get ocean fish the man someone says I’m toxic so I always marry Alex at least you know at least it’s the first step is admitting it

Oo lots of urchins and stuff over here I haven’t gotten far enough in stardo to actually marry someone so this will be the first time or it better be Ooh what happens if you like so what’s the benefit of marrying someone uh I guess ownership but I’m not sure ownership you know dibs I’m kidding I have no idea ownership mean I was like it means he’s mine ownership oh you know taxes taxes so you

Got a kid can you have kids in this game can I have kids with Shane wait I can’t we’re oh man I I should have can I change my gender and trans my gender and stard Valley how much the transition fee yeah you can transgender in stard Valley asking can

You surely there’s a mod where you can I need to trans my I have babies with Shane you can adopt it’s not the same ooh opinionated I’m sorry no not like that oh my god oh no here comes my it’s not the same no I just wanted you know me and

Shane and in his little bed there’s there’s another thing the the routine is a little different if you know what I mean it’s the way can I rotate items you guys are can I only face one way what this is my cross to bear wait is Louis the

Mayor you can change gender in the Wizard’s basement oh why though yeah by being good friends with the wizard you can rotate how do you rotate oh interesting you can be roommates with someone was that the was that the homeless guy once you reach the needed level of

Friendship you can now enter his basement where you can operate the shrine of Illusions this place is where you can also alter your character’s appearance and change gender the shrine of Illusions you need to pay 500 G it 500 that’s it 500 to trans my gender

Dude trans my gender where do I go where do I go the shine we’re getting money today I sold so many things why isn’t the right click working is it only for certain items I take it can’t wait to see my husband Shane it’s not working or do I just like

It’s not working y’all when I right click it goes I can’t chat really likes how you said uh trans my gender no scroll wheel isn’t working either I am on the internet so much I’m constantly on Tumblr but like you know secretly so I mean when I say some funny

Things it’s it’s stolen jokes and I’m so sorry oh I love stealing jokes oh I just got rid of all my stuff I should have gave him a little clam Elliot come back now wait who’s the guy you can be platonic roommates with kobis he’s the

He’s the the spirit that lives in the uh uh the sewers you’re going to like him Jaden he’s great he’s just a little guy he’s just a little he’s a little he’s a little Alex shut up oh my God I saw you pick up that torch I will cleave you hello

Granny Grandpa over here so angry oh wait he’s nice to me when I’m oh interesting okay I just want to say that when I chose the girl option Grandpa was mean to me but I chose the boy option and he says hello young man well hello young man damn it be like

That how do you open the sewer chat I need help find Probus I think we have to do enough things with uh um the what’s it called Museum yeah that oh I can donate a ruby a I just missed it I’m being picky with my home how much you have

Em yeah do she work at the bar 40 items yeah she works at the bar oh you stay away from Shane you stay three pixel block steps away from Shane she she’s the one that’s enabling his addiction yeah she is I’m not buying him a beer every [Laughter] time yeah that’s

Fine you need to donate 60 items to Gunther oh some my chat was saying 40 oh wait 60 chat make up your mind Chad is it 40 or is it 60 which lie are we telling today chat who’s going to win my chat or Jaden’s chat do you get something else

At 40 or something I assume you do oh 60 it’s six it can’t be 60 and six 66 I’m going to go lay in bed and then Google how to trans my gender and start your Valley so no rush okay so okay it’s 60 damn I want

Kobus what do we do with the ore which ore like the ore ingots and iron and stuff you upgrade weapons and uh buy stuff I’m going to steal your copper cuz I want to build another furnace if that’s okay okay uh so the next thing to so if we once we get the

Copper uh pickaxe we can turn into an iron pickaxe and then we turn it into a quartz pickaxe or something I don’t think it’s quartz oh what do we use quartz for then all right bye-bye Ziggy thanks for hanging out with us for so long sleep

Well why can’t I put it in the grass let me let me do what I want with the wizard 400 friendship oh wait how do you do that that SS hard yeah thankfully he likes a lot of things so um let’s see he likes iron gold and

Aridium they said is the order of oper copper iron and then what and then aridium copper iron gold then aridium oh youall have any of that uh refined quartz is used in a lot of crafting recipes oh okay I have uh copper bars and iron bars yeah give me give me give

Me give me give me give me a man after midnight they’re in my they’re in my chest trans my gender take my problems away people keep asking why you need to change your gender when you picked your gender in the beginning sometimes you find out you’re something you thought you were

Not well sometimes you find out that the game won’t let you have babies with Shane why can’t I pick this up let me pick it up is it because you placed this here is it because you put this in front of where’s my pickaxe my pickaxe oh

That’s why I gave it why can’t oh there we go I picked it up I would like to thank um whoever put a big amethyst Stone like right in front of my doorway thank you it was a really good prank good good I was worried yeah I put it there and I was

Like she never said anything she doesn’t like it oh no no no I did I guess you weren’t here for it I was like who the [ __ ] and I said well I get a free [Laughter] one you can adopt kids no need to change genger you guys don’t understand it’s a

Little bit different when you get when you get to bump the nasty with him I want to bump little pixel nasties with Shane yeah you guys you guys don’t get it Alyssa can do what Alyssa wants this is Alyssa’s game this is Alyssa’s subathon with Jaden I don’t have a

Subathon it’s Jaden’s subathon I’m just here subathon with Jaden saon with Jaden yeah Jaden is over here being HD again good job Jaden yeah don’t know what the problem is I think it’s my connection yeah I forgot I moved my bed and I said where’s bed don’t know where to sleep it’s right

Here when I trans my gender I’ll rename to juny my other cat a level five fishing we can be a Fisher or a Trapper I want to be a Fisher what read the benefits before you start clicking fish are worth 25% more and Trapper resources required to craft crab pots reduced

Fisser I I don’t I like fishing more look at all that money fishing will get you in better graces with Elliot too right yeah I don’t want to I don’t want to um like romance him but I just want to be really good friends because he’s cool

Ohes are you talking about why is your name on my layout neutral right down here that’s because you followed the heart means my recent follower Crown means my le subscriber dollar sign donation and that’s it that’s all you need to know going to go give this to the

Wizard friend go into his basement and you know what happens after that Kelsey we get to get our pickaxes today yay let’s let’s go let’s go to the mines and [ __ ] [ __ ] up I know this is old what do you think about Ash finally becoming a world champion what does that mean ashh

Oh wait he only just now won what’s he been doing for like 20 years yeah okay so in the sun and moon anime which was like a a season ago uh he he became the champion for the first time but it didn’t really count because there wasn’t a champion in the

Region he won he was like the first champion and then they had a all regions Champion tournament that he won so he’s like the champion of champions wow and now like a lot of people are like so what are they what’s his like he’s the best like no one ever was now

So what’s his plan A lot of people are hypothesizing they’re going to change Ash out for a different main character now oh also like what is he supposed to do what Luci thank you for that Prime sub let’s go get some hype in the chat you’re my new favor person I don’t know

If wizard liked that I would love to see a new uh anime protagonist besides Ash I think they should just make a whole new character I’m about ready wait do I even need why am I going here again oh yeah I’m here to pick up my pickax let me in give me my

Pickaxe I’m just I’m just fishing to pass the time I should do that you’re right you big big big big big big big big big it’s 9M [ __ ] [ __ ] the fishing one more fish say big brain one more fish yeah come on is today a good day

Not H it’s a neutral day he said no he said it’ll be ready tomorrow what I hate him this is why I hate Clint he’s just a little he’s worse than chat at this point what all hell J lying lying lying’s going to vacuum so I’m going to

Mute real quick y’all okay oh man I was kind of excited to hear when and then your guy’s little mouth just hang open I mean if you want to listen to it I can leave it on no let us listen to the sweet sweet ASMR opposite of ASMR a there’s not that

Much goodies what’s this guy at the the rugged Beach pluged old Mariner I’ve got this old amulet to sell but something tells me you’re not ready for it lad what does that mean legendary fish spawn I really like St Valley Chad is really chill right now yeah it is pretty chill

Right now I know this is only the plan for like one day but if you have a day where you’re like hm stardo Valley I would happily get back on yeah I’m super down to keep playing this world it’s really fun with multiplayer yeah much easier than on my own he sells the

Marriage pendant oh pardon I might need that the the guy on the abandoned Beach oh whoop you have to have full hearts with someone though apparently oh I’ll get there with Shane I want to meet Cronut or whatever his name is crus changus in like 20 minutes I’m going to take a

Little baby break because I have to go meet with the ilation video team o to discuss just basically for me to go wow these backgrounds look amazing and and that’s and I think give new rigs I made what you working on anything you can talk about yeah yeah

Yeah um just the next video which has a lot of uh people I asked to do lines in it so I made a rig of Jacob oh nice have I showed you it it looks like him which I’m really happy with oh that’s awesome like character I can’t wait I want to

See here I’m going to send it I hope I can copy this image one second I’m on guys what was the recipe for a silo so I can maybe buy that tomorrow the fish I don’t know why but my chat really wants gnome to visit so if gome if

You’re in Jaden’s chat come to my chat and be like yo and then do whatever you please hey Sebastian oh I’m about to die oh my god do you like a flower oh he didn’t like the flower why he didn’t no he likes edgy things give him like a dead rat or

Something I should do the geode an early night for Luigi it’s you chop down like 20 trees that’s why I have everyone’s stream on and I’m having a stroke you can mute some of us or turn us down mute me do it see what happens you’ll be able to concentrate

That’s what will happen damn 1,000 gold 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper bars I think we have enough for that he likes quartz oh well I don’t really care about Sebastian he’s a little much for me I like Elliot he’s cool but I want him meet cronis oh here James

Rus at first he looked really messed up oh yeah the bush the bush is in two days don’t let us forget about the bush chat oh I can’t do the the geod because he’s working on the thing I’m tired of Clint’s attitude dear gnomed I’d like a brand new mercedesbenz S-Class for Christmas

Please surely you get me that you should have got the Mercedes any trash people in your chat are saying gnomed is ours gome y I don’t I don’t think y all get to tell gnome what to do I don’t even I don’t think he’s here right now

Who is gnomed oh gnome’s a viewer over in Jaden’s chat who has gifted a lot of really nice memberships yeah he’s he’s he’s made the the chat very green I didn’t think I’d actually find Twitch account wait what it’s just anti darkart on Twitch I’m the literally same username absolutely everywhere I’m same

Name everywhere anti- darkart do we need a gold star parsnip or horseradish for anything no I think we only needed the parsnip okay I’ll go sell I keep meaning to put the ruby in the museum I’ll do that in a little bit friendly reminded that the steam valve

Is going to give away a steam deck every minute during the game awards whoa holy crap why that’s a lot that’s insane yeah ant fart people call me Ant fart if you know who I truly am people call me Ant fart she you looking for something in my

Chest I’m going to build us a silo oh I have a bunch of wood like on hand I can give you oh it takes no wood oh we need 100 Stone 10 clay and five copper bars and I think all I need is the clay oh I had a bunch of clay in

There I got the CPP bars hope you find what you’re looking for there’s no way you’re gnome Ziggy well I got to go give Shane um a beer I’ll be right back ener that’s me oh my God you just running with a beer above your head yeah oh my Goda Shane

Shane oh yeah zigg Ziggy’s always gifting slips Ziggy’s really sweet about that oh someone someone with the username Shane says hearing my name the second I joined was really weird hello Shane I’ve never had boy in stard Valley H I was talking to Shane sorry oh

Shane Valley damn it I already gave him one nice thing about Shane is he really likes chickens he loves the chicken F he I think he has a special chicken even that’s cute met a blue chicken I think is what I’ve heard of hey don’t

Don’t call don’t call my my my Ziggy a discount no Ziggy’s his own man what was I doing oh yeah I was buying a silo it might be too late to buy a silos it’s freaking 7 o’ oh today’s Pier’s birthday be nice to him again absolutely

Not he took he took 6,000 gold from us we’re just little Farmers oh she’s not open someone’s saying all the shanes are spawning [Laughter] now if your name is Shane hello hello Shane give trash have you what’s your guys’s favorite alcohol trying to talk to chat a little more they’re complaining a

Little bit I I like a I like a gold oldfashioned flavored Margarita like a strawberry margarita can’t go wrong can’t go go wrong I like anything that’s got a slushie in Sugar yeah we’re sugar [ __ ] oh but also uh if they don’t do any slushie alcoholic

Slushies then I’ll just get a a Malibu Sunset Jordan someone in chat can hear you and they said I would highly recommend the torque screw for the person using the drill I’ve ruined so many philli screws oh my God oh my energy is low my I like whis a

Pine cone you like the whiskey I like whiskey Kelsey got me hooked on Cay and Jack okay so I bought the flavored Cayman Jack too sweet bro just get a nor just get a normal Cayman Jack do not get the flavored ones I mean you can I can’t

Tell you what to do but I find myself drinking half of it and being like Oh my god oh a tum tum I’m normally not like a sugar person but when it comes to drinking alcohol I absolutely hate the taste of alcohol so I have to put like a

Lot of sugar and fruit and [ __ ] in it understandable have a great day I’m going to go to bed it’s bedtime I have so much stuff I want to do in the morning I want to put the cat pet I want to get our pickaxe back I can’t believe

It takes two days yeah Clint needs what is he doing all day it’s not like he actually has business this is why he put a letter he literally no the others give us letters he came to our house and said please support my business and I said no

Yay level three forging oh I got a Tapper we can uh get sap and stuff from trees oo ooh Jaden do you like wine no oh my God absolutely not have you tried Moscato cuz that one’s sweet I don’t even know what that is if I can taste

Any alcohol in it I don’t like it it’s raining again yay oh Demetrius you scared the hell out of me thank you for the follow I’m going to go get um our pickaxe oh Demetrius that little cave over by our property he wants to uh put

Specimens in there for us now oh do we get to pick what is it mushrooms or something else mushrooms or fruit what’s what’s better I prefer mushrooms just cuz I think mushrooms are cute I’m down I’m down for that mushrooms I agree with a good aesthetic mushrooms I love Demetrius cuz he never

Bothers us he only comes if he wants to give us something our strawberry peppies already we s these Peppies I can hear tost at the door she wants to come back in she’s so upset sismo uh you’re talking to the wrong person I’m not Jaden who is what question they they they wanted you to give them a birthday shout out but I’m not you so you’re you’re not happy

Birthday fruit has bats though but the bats beat me up in the caves and it’s just it’s I don’t like it it I don’t like it Chad wants tostada back C you don’t understand she keeps clicking all the keys and she knocked over the the camera so many times you guys only see

The good side of tostada tostada has her her nasty child side she’s got her little her little kitten side oh my God this this fish is fighting for his life Jen cat is about to be filled with happy birthday Jaden it is my birthday did you guys know was Jaden’s birthday happy

Birthday Jaden holy [ __ ] this fish I want this fish so bad oh my God I want please oh my God what do I do just give up give up give up your life is over your your life is absolutely over fish catfish I already got one I’m going

Mining I was fishing for that oh they said you can also get Shane pizza pizza oh swag yeah it’s fun having both streams play thank you for taking the time to um give views to both of our streams I really appreciate it I understand wanted to be on Jaden’s

Stream because uh her vtuber on mine is crunchy all right I’m come birthday wishes guys oh my goodness oh my goodness what you can do for Jen’s birthday is you can um sub subathon to the Sub sub yeah you could totally like sub and like give her money and watch

That little timer go like subscribe like comment and subscribe and smash that Bell just body slam it uh construct Farm oops I want a coupe I want okay so a coupe is 300 wood 100 Stone and 4,000 gold but first we need to uh not a mill Silo build built

It’s nice how you can decorate the museum however you want yeah you can wiggle it around yay we got a silo y’all yay can I buy another thing no she can only build one thing at at a time all right got at the sea do I got any clams any pretty

Seashells oh thank you Lake thank you Lake so much for the happy birthday wishes I got to go pick up my pickaxe I was all bitching about it and then I for Gore for Gore I for Gore thank you Soul everyone’s wishing me happy birthday thank you happy birthday birthday happy birthday wait

Jaden question yeah uh for my actual birthday do you want to come out to dinner or you going to continue your subathon um what time do you want to have dinner we can literally have it anytime you want um what about like a lunch because I think uh I I I think I’m

Going to end the stream early but there’s also another like YouTube event that starts at 4:00 I can come over at like and do like a lunch does that sound good I’m fine with that when do you want to do the stream that we were planning

On streaming that day I think that was like in the the morning right okay yeah we could do that in the morning I was I’m H I was debating between Sushi and Korean barbecue but like I kind of just want a lot of sushi like a lot of it o o

Like Kura yeah I kind of just want to go to Kura and like pig out that sounds fun would you guys be okay with that I’d be so freaking I’m very okay with you enjoying your day at Kura people are like what do you want for your birthday I just want food just

Get give me food I remember James gave me like five bags of beef jerky I was like I’m about to die why are you dying dying oh you know no that’s why I asked pickax what get your pickaxe I did I don’t think I oh nice nice I I I’m

Debating just making it an iron pickaxe right away go for it cost another 2,000 though I hope it costs 2,000 and not 4,000 I’ll Che you’re more than welcome to feel I guess I’ll check since I’m in the vicinity all right Carly Fri thanks for

Hanging out with us go enjoy your day or night wherever you are trash how many birthdays are there there are two in chat um I don’t know mine isn’t until the 11th iron upgrade cost 5,000 I’m about ready to just when I have to go to pay him just beat him up

Instead he doesn’t deserve this money he’s a jerk whoa I found gold oh the steel pickaxe is five th000 I’m fine with my copper I’m fine with my copper another slang shot thank you melody I appreciate it um I got my water here that’s the best I can take

Care of myself I got us down in the mines to floor 70 damn [ __ ] Alissa over here taking names oh wait we need to bring jod where’s who’s jod again who’s jod yeah jod let me look let me look on the list jod jod oh Jody’s the mom oh she

Wants a cauliflower I bet she does she should grow her own I’ll go find one no Jaden’s HD for me right now the mother of Sam speedr running the mining levels or my Clint haters at in chat thank you for the follow why do we

Hate Clint I mean I’m on board I just want to know why um he’s very like creepy in an incel way especially if you like go to the bar and see what he says and then he’s just like really down in the dumps and just not happy about

Anything wow and he’s just kind of hard to talk to and then he goes and he charges $5,000 for a pickaxe that we like had to go down in the mines and die for oh painting I’m going go I’m going go oh no wait I want to sell these

He has a crush on Emily that’s also really creepy cuz he looks like he’s 40 and Emily’s like 20 a don’t like that I like the little birdie that’s baby Jim you can use the text to speech in the channel points to make her say silly things like PE PE poo

Poo do you still need clay um it’s good to keep the clay because eventually I’d like to get more than one Silo for us which by the I have The Silo building it I think it’s done in one day where is it do any Or I don’t think Alysa is reading chat no elssa you’re not reading chat right I’m so sorry I can’t read if you guys need an answer your best bet is to ask me but that doesn’t mean come over here and start asking for shout outs cuz I

Don’t do that [ __ ] I don’t yeah someone’s already like Alyssa when’s your next post when it comes out just I just uploaded there was this one time that’s true you go watch what you already have and you watch it again there was I so I uploaded twice in

November and like a week after my second upload someone’s like Jaden hasn’t uploaded in so long and it’s like what no this is the the the quickest I’ve ever uploaded what do you people want the sign can’t stop me cuz I can’t read Oh’s my chair he’s kind of okay

Once you get to know him but I still don’t like him see that’s the thing is like Shane seems like an [ __ ] but once you get to know him he’s like you realize he just has a lot of hard hardship and he actually becomes a sweetthe heart but Clint looks like the

Guy that’s still like hard to talk to okay I got my pickaxe I got The Silo we we were actually getting progress I feel like we were LLY gagging for a while but we’re getting some progress now y’all uh once we get enough money we can get a coupe Chicken Coop we’ll get

Some chickens and start naming some Critters Jaden hasn’t streamed in so long Jen why do you never stream anymore I miss modding your chats where is Elliot Elliot I have a fish for you straight from the ocean oh I forgot to get I forgot to get hey britel uh I

Forgot to get um the cauliflower that was the whole reason I went to the our house again does the like gold ore or gold like bar I don’t know also L blue uh stardo Valley is like you build Farm uh you get to know the town’s people and that’s that’s

It you don’t even have to learn the town’s people you could just keep farming you could ignore all Society oh sopus all right got to go back to Lee or Jo G Jod I wish I could subscribe but I’m not a too that’s okay you don’t have to subscribe honestly if you just sit in chat someone will probably gift it Clint asks you to ask Emily out on behalf even if you are married to her

That man needs to be no we we hate Clint we hate Clint in this chat when where’s the Murder mod when you need it oh good night lupus thanks for hanging out with us good night lopus the wizard likee solar Essence okay that’s a little that’s a little too expensive

No I’ve got it I found one in in the mines so I will give it to him blacksmith that just is me oh wait that’s not jod where’s J light light my way the Henry Stickman collection I don’t think stardew is that expensive I don’t remember someone

Bought it for me it was a gift thank you I think it’s worth it however much I I like it I’ve never had someone play this game and not like it I will say that I feel like the people who wouldn’t like it would like know that they don’t

Like it beforehand so they just don’t play it yeah oh why do we hate Clint so Clint has a lot of red flags one being that he crushes on a girl that’s way younger than him and apparently even if you’re married to her she he asks you to

Ask her out and he’s just a big Debbie Downer in general and just is not a joy to talk to I’m gonna go if you could gift Flint or yeah Flint Clint wait what’s his name Clint Clint I feel like like another word but with a I oh my

God oh my God and L I guess there’s another if you could gift him a fedora he would take it oh my God I’m 10 minutes late to the wizard your 10 minutes late to the wizard you’re going you’re late for your date yeah I showed

Up at his door at 11:10 and he closes at 11: oh D it’s bedtime yeah that’s a super red flag that is a bloody flag if you will someone says I give Clint pieces of trash smile pleas poor misunderstood Clint that’s the thing Shane is misunderstood but I

Heard that Clint like even if you get to know him he’s still very me that’s why I like Shane because he’s hard on the outside soft on the inside just like me he likes chickens he takes care of chimkin what does Clinton do he takes two days to finish my pickaxe that’s

What he does true I’ve never gone to Clint’s place and been happy never apparently he stalks Emily that’s not okay e I’m oh I believe it this is an anti Clint run you should gift Clint antidepressants are they anti Clint is a guy who peak in high school oh I don’t

Think he ever peaked we should gift Clint queen of sauce poison omelet om let I’m off to see the wizard can you make your house bigger in this game I can spirits are very happy today it’s a mining day oh you don’t you don’t you don’t like my eyes okay they’re

Gone okay let’s let’s not bring up that word y’all y’all need take it back a little bit wait are these dandelions oh I need to give dandelion to Haley I think it was Haley I don’t like Haley me neither I don’t like her either all right we got to kill haly

Kill Clint kill the Blu haired girl do do me hello I was trying to read their username it’s d o m i o my m I m I I let me in ah the bush I the bush wait isn’t it the 28th was they said the 28th it’s the

28th they said I’m going to stand behind this bush until noon your opinions on Sam Sam is solid I don’t really talk to him much but like nothing against Sam he’s he’s pretty normal for a dad who’s been gone forever in the Army and then appears in like he’s just Stone Cold

Wall oh how can we wake up so early in this game we nothing is open cuz we’re Farmers but the thing is we’re supposed to be planting crops and we have not been doing that we need to plant crops cuz that’s how we get money we’re so bad

At the game I just been we’re having a good time I think yeah I’m just having a good time you can’t tell me how to play this game you didn’t buy this game for me tomorrow I’m going to spend quite a bit of money as much as you guys will

Allow me to get a bunch of hot peppers you want to plant peppies peppers plant peppes good God bring the eyes back y’all can’t tell me what to do you guys bitched about my eyes you get no eyes you lost your eyeball privileges you youve lost my eyebrow privileges

That was really hard to say my Prime sub just isn’t working that’s okay you don’t have to worry about it okay I’ll bring the eyes back my favorite villagers I like Leah and uh Emily and I like Shane too kobis is my favorite though I like kobis I

Like the idea of kobis how will you see to play the game I feel the game thank you for the follow anti is like I see we’re just going to sit here chat I’m I’m a chat with my chat while until noon so where’s Haley Alex might be at

Home ity TomTom thank you for the prom sub you’re not my new favorite person get some hype in the chat for TomTom I’m going to talk to his grandmother yeah you should you should tell her what he’s up to tell everyone loves Abigail Abigail’s cool she plays the flute so do I but

Like where can I give Shane a beer morning oh wait you you want the cauliflower right wait I now have two birds next to my name on two different platforms did you guys know that uh some of the emotes and the Ari badges on Jaden subathon I drew those yeah yeah miss me

Bean Abigail is a gamer she’s cool well so is Sebastian but he never opens the door for us Abigail will eat quartz if you give her some yo what what dragon I’m going crunch on some mineral M thank you haha crunch got to kick down the door I know

Right I want to kick down the door does Visa gift card work on Twitch no idea gift her some quartz see what happens can only one of us pick from this special Bush I don’t know the special oh it’s about to happen yeah I’m glad nothing happened click it click it

Click click click it what is that what is it Jaden Jaden I got a present for you I’m going to put it in your house I’m in your house just go get one she doesn’t have time it’s not it’s not 12 anymore oh you have to do it exactly

At 12 that’s what the chat told me damn okay okay interesting I’m GNA put this in your house Jane you’re going to love it I hope you love it because I’m going to give it thank you I’mma put it I’m put table it’s garu holy crap I’m ch I’m in the

Mines min oh my God Haley she is such a [ __ ] my chat’s so mean no she’s a [ __ ] I I gave her the wrong present she like this is a terrible gift why this is horrible oh no I can’t put this here I moved your table I didn’t know I had the

Authority to do that so I’m going to just you mve my table not your table Jaden’s table Jaden I put it right as soon as you walk in you’ll see it you can’t miss it okay there’s some good luck in the mines today oh my God I see why you guys

Wanted me to freaking grow strawberries I forget that they’re a Vine fruit and they just keep growing o should have bought more sorry y’all no Haley slander why do you like Haley what is the what why do people like Haley is it because she’s pretty cuz that makes

Me not like it like that’s not a fair argument Skelly if Haley has like pretty privileg privilege no she doesn’t I’m taking no absolutely not Haley’s not even that pretty y’all we got a hype train about to happen if you guys want to participate in the hype train you can do

So with bits or Subs it’s up to you you get a free emo I think when you do so look up Shane’s schedule Haley doesn’t like one thing that literally every other character likes oh so she’s a particular [ __ ] Haley is gorgeous that’s not an argument on why she’s good

Haley’s not even gorgeous she’s just blonde diamonds Haley doesn’t like diamonds she cray cray I mean I hate diamonds people are saying uh her her character develops oh that’s the thing is I don’t want to oh God I’m late to my meeting hold on see you later oh we’ll see you

In a bit the thing about that is like I don’t want to have to put in so much effort just for her to be nice like yeah if she’s going to be a [ __ ] in the beginning I guess she’s just going to stay a [ __ ] it’s not my Problem yeah we’re playing stard with Jaden Alyssa had to beb right back she has to do a work meeting yeah some glow Rings how do we get glow Rings um I think you can get them in the uh in the mines o I did get like a

Random ring that lets me uh get new pick up items quickly or better oh no I’m getting slimed oh are you sure because we’re streaming 9 oh tomorrow oh well then we’re all going to have yeah it’s probably cold in this mine sorry uh Rush was offering me

Wendy’s but since they’re not doing barbecue we’re going to have their Sushi date oh yeah uh Adventure Guild oh yeah I still have to go to the adventure Guild where is that oh that’s past the mine right yeah yeah oh I like Abigail um Sebastian those two are fun to hang

Out with but I don’t like Haley does what well the thing about Shane is uh it’s the alcohol talking Haley just your heart what’s the overall uh consist consistent con uh what do people like about uh Elliot oh you can get like stuff Elliot Elliott’s an artist like a he’s a writer

O you can’t say she’s not a [ __ ] at heart you see how she treats us Petty Kitty a bunch of people from your chat are coming into my chat to talk about uh Haley her voices must be heard have we donated Sandstone do you know oh yeah we

Have oh how do I get better stuff from this yeah stard Valley’s multiplayer you can play with all your friends we’re playing it right now yeah dead ass Frozen tear I’ll give this to Sebastian oh is this good is that better than my sword no star sketch says that Elliot is

A depressed bimbo he’s depressed I’ve never seen him depressed he’s always got that that side smirk is it cross console oh that I don’t not know I’m sorry I won’t buy anything yet what’s this holy crap people people do not like Elliot who are you oh my god Alysa is

Standing outside the saloon beer in hand Ready For Shame hi J Toro Toro thank you for the sub I appreciate it you’re now my new favorite person I’m going to get us to the bottom of this damn mine oh yeah I’m going to get us to the bottom of that mine do it

If it’s the last thing I do um where’s Sebastian it’s Sunday would he be in the saloon there’s Elliot there’s Shane I guess in the saloon Haley Cooks you breakfast I can cook my own damn breakfast she would probably serve me eggs and then I would have an allergic

Reaction explain yourself Hay’s just too feminine for me that’s how it is not a fan of fan of feminine traits bone fragment what would happen if stard Valley time would be the same as in real lifetime I would get so much done day one like so much much

Done wait isn’t it quick like isn’t uh stardo quick like days just fly by yeah oh little blue thank you for hanging out have a good night so much would get done exactly Shane has a event at four hearts at Mar’s step I’m a true gamer uh I guess so I

Don’t know though I’ve never play play the Kirby game is that what makes someone a gamer just whenever I say that to people they are like what it’s so good and they’re like you going to play the new one I was like it looks exactly like that one

Mario game that I did not play uh Odyssey yes can you give a synopsis of stardew Valley in 10 words um Farming Farming analing Farming Animal Crossing fantasy pixel game uh Dr uh Town Village Lots oh drama damn lots of drama there that’s 10 words I counted it on my [Laughter]

Fingers yeah the thing is it seems like such a just a normal town but once you get to know people more you understand that like there’s a lot of like stuff hermit thank you for the sub you’re now my new favorite person I appreciate you it’s like it gets really deep like

There’s there’s a rumor that one of the people cheated on her husband because he has purple hair and her daughter has purple hair naturally and they’re like ooh and like the Pierre the husband is kind of just like a nobody Haley is a [ __ ] because she is

The younger sister and her parents live in the city she’s used to being mature and not facing the consequences I will defend Haley till day one well that doesn’t help defend her because there’s no defense for being a [ __ ] I was a younger child and I turned out great I think

Hopefully like Emily is like the polar opposite oh wait it’s bedtime where are you Jaden yeah I got to go home you got come to bed what are beans beans are just fun little uh currency on my stream that you can gamble and do slots when

You’re bored in chat but there is a cool down so don’t spam it thank you for the follow [ __ ] uh everyone for keeps forgetting about the new character penny I’ve never I don’t I don’t know about to Penny penny is the um the ginger chick that uh oh my God what I

Walked into my house and was terrified oh yeah do you like your present I love him so much yay I thought it was like a giant enemy slime I no Penny’s not new I’ve always known Penny but yeah Penny uh she she do uh school for the kids

She’s always hanging out with the children that’s why you don’t see her cuz we don’t go near the children nope is that the only present you guys can that we can get from the bush or is it every [Applause] season she did poop in my hair you’re right why are you in my

House no wait this is my house right no wait oh Aliss Alyssa didn’t go to bed Alyssa’s in my in my bed sleeping she fainted the spirits are neutral today the day is in our hands do you want to go kick ass and chew bubblegum yes oh no

These crops died no I watered them though aw oh I got meil I watered them though oh oh it’s summer they’re out of season that’s what it is it’s time to do the STM crops Jaden summer crops let’s go I hope Alyssa got those purpples she was talk

About I don’t any donate any of this no Idea blueberries where where can we can we buy blueberries at Pi I remember you guys tell me that blueberries are the any sort of vine plant is really nice cuz they just keep growing you don’t have to keep uh replanting if Sebastian opens the door for him you get to play D

And D with him and Sam that’s sick I want to play some DND D like play D I I’m how long does it take to set up uh you have to like take uh like an hour or two to make a character and then uh the DM has to make a

Little um scenario but I think other than that it’s however long you want it to be oh heck yeah Tor Tor thank you for gifting that sub to just mey enjoy your new emotes in your badge sun or summer how long is the gambling cool down I think it’s just a few seconds

It’s just so people in the chat don’t spam after each other cuz then I’ll miss someone’s message if they’re just typing to me okay so we’re going to grow peppers and blueberries oh yeah it’s summer ice cream are open I did I just watch this

Man walk in even though it said it was closed process yod blueberries oh what is that ancient drum oh thank you yes I only stream on Twitch I probably will never stream on YouTube to be honest did did Alyssa say if she bought the peppers I I’m just

Going to buy the peppers for her yeah I think she said she was going to I don’t know if she did or not okay there I got the peppers and the blueberries y’all we’re going to have we’re going to have a Bountiful Harvest someone said I just got something rare ancient drum oh

Probably yeah oh Alyssa will be right back you guys she had to go do a meeting with her team real quick yeah reward oh there’s alaa welcome back Zena thank you for 100 Bitties we got a hype train coming oh yeah let’s go hype train if

You guys want to help grow the hype train you just got to give bits or subs or give Subs whatever you prefer let’s go and then you get uh goodies at the end like emotes I for I couldn’t remember if you bought the peppers or not so I bought

Peppers oh thank you I did not buy Peppers okay I bought peppers I can fertilize them and I bought uh blueberries oh great where is Elliot I’m going to do it this way I want to give him this flounder does he like flounders I don’t know people just said he likes the

Ocean he do that’s why he lived by it it makes sense Jaden heads or tails Tails let me know how I did there’s stuff here I should buy one more actually there little towels out now thank you guys for the follows I appreciate it more Bitties oh you guys are being so

Sweet so so sweet I appreciate you all so sweet thank you I’m going to craft more fertilizer how many more things are you going to plant I have 35 blueberries and I want to grow one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 more uh

Peppers so 45 45 hello Alice thank you for 200 Bitties I really appreciate it uh Mo thank you for some Bitties and tour tour thank you for 100 Bitties you guys are being so kind so sweet wait it’s summer right we can get new summer fish yeah oh I got

Tilapia oh yeah mother catch um do y’all have sap because I need your tree sap oh I have 78 sa what was it I think I have a wa I think holy crap this fish is hard wa how was I supposed to catch that you might

Need a better fishing pool to be honest it just like jumped immediately to the top and then went all the way back down to the bottom and I just lost immediately the better your fishing pole is the bigger your bar is well I want more better fish then

Does does bait also help I can’t remember is your I bait on my rod oh okay I think you can also you can also add like a weight on it right that also helps or am I just imagining real life I know some people say you can have

Like tackle and stuff like use other fish maybe I’m thinking of tackle bait is the fishing rate oh okay okay myy thank you for more Bitties I really appreciate it you guys have filed that more often that makes sense L’s help blueberries someone just says I like

Fishing same it was definitely a puffer fish ooh thank you for giving baby Jim a biscuit that’s you are you the biscuit please please please I want this fish so bad I cannot keep up with him oh my God this is frustrating just just jump in the

Water and just like just Wrangle him I will can I buy a better fishing Rod where’s Jaden fishing where you fishing at Jaden uh just the ocean the ocean she says bite the fish I will bite the fish I need five more blue bees you still need money for the community summer plants whoa hold on hey hermit thank you for gifting out five Subs I appreciate

It for those who got Subs make sure you think hermit unless that no wait hold on let me see if I read yeah hermit make sure you think hermit hermit you’re not my new favorite person thank you so much for uh the hype train editions you guys

Are being so sweet I love you hugs and kisses POG gifts um I’m going to plant melons do y’all have melon seeds that need to be planted or think I have some oh I think I have a I have both of those yeah go ahead and check oh [ __ ] I grabbed one

Too many that’s good go ahead and check my chest I’m going to put don’t plant them yet cuz I’m putting blueberries to make it even of course yeah no in total we have 27 like with all of our seeds combined we have 27 melon three star hell yeah what side of

The beach main or past the bridge past the bridge has Larder fish on the dock that’s what Taylor I’m fishing on the Rock on the Rock on the Rock I really like the Summertime music I got a tuna tuna I love tuna there we go we need to get

Sprinklers I’ll tell you what I need more tree sap oh I have your sap I’m so sorry I’ll put it in my chest oh thank you I have 78 oh perfect I can make I can make a thing so we can get sap and syrups I think baby Jim you chitchatting

You got stuff to say my sweet green be thank you for those love Bitties oh you guys are filling up the big cup again so sweet I’m going to give you the melon seeds and the starfruit seeds so that you can be the one hey hey hush

Sorry what the hell Ain NOA come on what oh red mullet I think you can only give me one at a time are you sure you don’t want to plant them you’re not going to get any uh farming XP if you don’t oh true give me that one seed I gave you

Back please yeah I’ll put it in the chest thank you yeah yeah oh you have one blueberry seed in here yeah that was an accident you could probably sell it okay I want the the fish and the bubbles Tomatoes hot peppers blueberries and melons are needed for the summer bundle

Thank you so much for that information to I’m going to leave like a little to oh my God I’m already almost out of eny damn it oh you want my specs man I don’t I got some I got a uh FAQ down below but I

Don’t know if it’s got my PC specs I haven’t looked at that in a while keep messing it up would you guys believe me if I bought like a new hard drive that has like I forget like 6 terab and I have yet to install it because I’m just

That lazy it’s s box right here someone says Jaden are you talking to someone else like yes no no we’re in her head but we’re so loud that you can also hear us quick correction upgraded fishing rods don’t make the green bar bigger the only way to increase it is to

Level up your fishing skill I lie to you Jaden don’t ever listen to me ever again to what what happened when I said that when you upgrade the fishing pole your bar gets bigger apparently I lied it’s when you level up your fishing in general oh oh no you lost all your beans

PRP I did not count these properly oh don’t water these yet I got to F them thank you so much for a whole year con I really appreciate it you got you you got your baby gym badge that’s like about to kick someone’s ass and you’ve been

Supporting me for so long you now I’m a new favorite person everyone get some hype favorite person my new favorite person KH has been here forever the whole year yeah KH always attends my streams and what it’s not about you I got stride starfish I’m I’m going

Give this Bean some sweet kisses hold on sweet kisses you like these kisses oh she kissed my nose all right well I don’t have enough uh energy to water the rest of these crops do you think you could handle it oh yeah I can do that no wait I found

Some grapes I’mma eat these grapes grapes put these in my Saucy little fat mouth o I think I’m getting hungry IRL I think I might order some sushi you guys ready for our Sushi date yeah okay hold on let me finish watering these crops and we can pause water these

Too grape Mo thank you for all those Bitties I appreciate all these little Bitties you giving me thank you for the follow o look at all these things yeah we’re we’re going to have a a Bountiful Harvest our Harvest is going to be insane my guys level two hype train thank you than

You guys so much for participating oh there’s fireflies we collected two are melons over here yeah um brownie ports for anyone who knows that quote that I said the Saucy little fat mouth what is that what’s that thumping oh it’s because I put down a a drum thing

Oh okay it’s B time all right shall we order some sushi yes oh hello cat I gotta find my phone do you know which uh sushi place I order from what sushi place do I order from don’t dox yourself be careful yeah I I order from chains

Yeah I I had this fear like when I had webcam stuff on uh that I’d order something put my phone down and then just you know how it shows your address at the top of your phone in door Dash I I had like this fear that I’d put down

The phone and just have the address up up there ready all right is this the right place can you check this is the right place I would say it out loud but that’s not a smart idea okay are you okay um that’s weird oh we have another one don’t we

Does this place have any a a lot of places don’t okay do do you have any veggie Sushi do you have any veggy sushi hold on chat we’re all ordering uh some din and oh I should probably go to sleep that’s regular roll oh okay can I just have your phone

Order cucumber roll um I guess I could get what I normally get it’s just uh two tuner rolls right yeah but it’s already don’t worry don’t worry here I’ll let you do it you’re the big brain my vtuber went to bed sushi places either have a lot of

Veggie options or absolutely none at all dang got get you them options find a good one that’s a lot of yeah KH has been here for a whole year rolls what kind of rolls does this place have cucumber avocado e they have vegetable tempora actually I’ll take

That yo vegetable tempora I wonder if mine has tempora vegetables I want to mine some vegetable tempora there search button what the this place this place it’s it’s got a a WAP called 911 cucumber wrap roll what does that mean does that mean it’s spicy it’s scary oh my God they have

Mozzarella cheese and crab tempora that sounds like a lot I’m just going to get mozzarella yeah crazy I always go with all reliable Philadelphia I got a and then I got some vegetable tempora and then in the instructions I like to say have a good day

Oh they’re like I’m get damn it now I’m gonna get a vegetable tempura and a vegetable roll yeah that’s what I want miso soup do I get miso soup too think about soup Hest I’m get sou warm good okay I am too yeah if I don’t want it then I’ll just

Have it as leftovers tomorrow tostada can have it tostada would like take one lick and be like [Laughter] salty I heard that like a lot of people who have the salt lamps or whatever like they’re not allowed to have them near their cats because their cat will just

Lick it until they go into like a shock that’s correct can’t cats like not have salt or something animals can’t have salt like we can except for horses yeah salt not good for them can’t pork have salt I have ored my Philadelphia roll in my miso soup Jordan it only has your

Card on it by the way oh no wait is this one mine oh I have to update my expiration date hold on y’all hey do you want to uh tell us your card number and those three wacky numbers on the yeah just it’s a we’re all having a

We’re all chill don’t worry about it yeah you can trust us Mis soup isn’t salty what are you talking about that is like had good miso soup yeah what kind of miso soup what are you having water water water with tofu in it that’s like the whole thing about miso soup that’s

What I love about miso soup I love salt miso soup isn’t salty is that like one of those humble brags like oh flam Hot Cheetos aren’t that spicy I can handle it miso soup isn’t that salty I can handle it salt is so good yeah it is I I would take salt over

Anything I like sugar if I could eat one thing forever it would be desserts M I love sugar I love chocolate that’s it yeah I was not I’m just didn’t grow up like a sweets kind of person I I love I love salt someone says I hate salt how do you hate

Salt how do you hate salt I know Emily’s the same way she prefers Savory over sweet any day like wow yeah the server is closed connection were we too like what happened huh all J quit I didn’t uhoh R join wait Kelsey load oh my God Kelsey’s not here but

Baby Jim is like peeping in the background and it picked up the vtubers just like and then wait how did I how did I join before do we have the code let me let me turn off the thing capture hold on my order has been placed I

Thinked I’m going to join what are we joining I think I’ll rejoining what are we doing there we go I’m I I’m rejoining oh okay you got the rare UFO in the background oh yeah I’ve seen it before hello hello w waiting for the host’s event to finish I think

That’s I have to press okay oh day two of Summer my Sushi will be ready in 20 minutes all right y’all can join oh yeah who keeps putting newspaper on my desk that’s crazy why you keep sh on me crazy Bonkers as bananas who would do such a thing hello hello everyone

Welcome hush your gums baby Jim Spirits are neutral today Spirits are neutral holy crap we got lots of stuff to plant I’m going to go uh donate some stuff and yeah got a bunch of some open I don’t have the energy to water all these

Crops I can help I’ll be back in a bit okay how do we still have so little money uh cuz we bought a lot of seeds for the summer oh this is going to be amazing though once we sell these like oh o glorious we’re going to make like 10,000 gold in one

Day so ready for this oh aren’t at the point where she’s seen it yet though but I hope she gets there wait what who seen what BL you babe oh my God you’re so right planted my heart I could upgrade my God dang watering can oh yes night fishing bundle walleye wait I

Thought I got a walleye did I sell it by accident I’m stealing copper y’all I don’t think I’m a high enough level to uh uh make sprinklers yet if you have the drum you can right click on it to change the pitch ohia still need a still need a red

Snapper though oh wrong place damn it hopefully this is enough copper is four enough copper to upgrade a weapon or is it five uh I think it’s five I’m stealing from you Jaden okay oh my God this is for the good of the farm it’s for the greater good for the

Greater good o which one is J I heard YouTuber Jaden is the is the one in the middle I’m the one on the left and Alyssa is the one on the very right I’m the weird creature Jaden is Anime and oh my god thank you oh my God I is

The crunchy one the one that looks absolutely deep fried oh wait I got to donate [ __ ] to the him okay where’s Elliot I haven’t seen him in days since I decided to start giving him [ __ ] that just the way where the [ __ ] are you come on man H

We only have 100 gold it needed to be done we have 100 money yeah it’ll be worth it sounds like a lot Until you realize it’s not it looks like anti- dark heart’s going to eat Jaden neither of you guys know this but I took my vtuber earlier and I was chomping on

Both of your faces oh my god did I taste good what I taste like where’s you know those cookies that you gave me those Jewish cookies yes that’s what you taste like the little raspberry feeling little H H is it what yeah I’m only level one

Farming they were so you sometime I left them in the back of my car and I got in it was like why does it smell like old frosting in here and then I realized I to toss them but we can make them sad I would love to make them I got

A freaking kitchen a and I haven’t used it yet oh true you love the you wanted that kitchen aid forever I know I went to make a pumpkin pie and then I found out I did not need a kitchen aid to make pumpkin pie Elliot no stop running I

Have a clam for you just run over and attack his ankles fight him I I I I gave him a a gift I think he liked it oh the Hamachi cookies are also really fun to make like their little triangles that you fold and you put a little

Little blop of uh Jam in it I want to make little blueberry jam ones my favorite the little blop BL someone called my YouTuber an eldri horror esque but with none of the powers that’s exactly what I am uh the only cookies I I remember as a

Kid during do you know at the um at Christmas all the the shortbread cookies like the shortbread ones the tiny ones with the little H like the hatch thing no oh I remember like my we would make the little shortbread cookies and they’re all so flowery and good uh and

Crumbly but and then my my mom would be like oh and you what you do is you take a fork and like press down in different directions so it looks like makes a little pattern a that cute don’t you dare call me a dragon we are so poor we have 100

Gold I think we make a lot of money right today because I I sold a bunch I’m selling a bunch of stuff I upgraded my watering can that’s why we are poor got it Clint asks for so much and gives very little in return yeah um speaking of asking for much can I

Have your solar Essence to get to the wizard thank you I have some too you can use take some of mine thank you so much just enough to transgender we never did the I don’t remember I think I’ll keep the uh the Mohawk and the mustache though maybe it’s down

Here mini eyes you guys have lost eye privilege [Laughter] here we go did we water all the stuff no I did okay oh okay yay thank you yeah it get so sad when I take the eyes away sorry I’ll bring the eyes back P the

Cat uh I can’t I guess wait does any did anyone look at the the the the fort the fates today no I think it said it was neutral okay I’ll go mining then chm says o Jaden crusty opinion on spinach I love spinach dude who doesn’t love spinch it’s so I

Was always surprised cuz as a kid like you watch The Fairly Odd Parents and they say like oh spinach is bad oh it smells really gross and blah blah blah spinach and as the kid I was like I’ve never had spinach but I guess it’s bad

And then growing up you just you just eat it and it’s like that’s delicious you can put it in anything put it anything and then it makes it nutritious I literally would make protein shakes and I just throw a handful of spinach in CU you can’t taste it and then boom

Nutrients yeah ooh spice Berry oh yeah spin are really good do I can donate uh I’m going to donate some grapes and some spice berries okay I can I’m bringing this Crystal fruit with me it’s for me man my little guy is all tuckered out

From farming it’s only 5 o’ I know water wait it’s 5 o’ I gotta go I got to go oh we don’t have enough money for beer no the mushrooms are ready though the mushrooms are ready what do you mean that the little cave they grew the

Mushroom good wa where’s ‘s my sword where’s my sword what happened to my oh it’s right here why do you look Egyptian why would you look at a hot dog monster and think Egyptian what now that that little guy absolutely is from Egypt that little man I had

Someone look at my character and be like why do the dog look like that and I was like what part of this looks like a dog I got no nose I’m purple made of goo I got human hair and a beard and I have a bunch of eyeballs on my body what part

Of that says like Chihuahua to youah see what where the heck is this ladder oh my God I’m going to use all like half my energy trying to find the ladder on the first floor yeah but a new ears go straight up I got Greyhound ears they they go

Back oh my God thank God a circle a circle I Mak sense cuz yeah they have the cheese face but uh his isn’t sharp like a circle it’s literally the shape of a hot dog bun it’s it’s round the amulet around the neck oh no

It’s just a collar because I have a long neck in real life and it’s a symbolism of how freaking long my neck is I guess the collar would be it if they’re looking for something I got some gold ore the collar is the only thing I could

Probably see and maybe the fact that he has gry Hound ear but like I think they just see snout and like fangs and they think dog yeah I collecting so much hay for our future cows I got a bone I will name after ghost the band Ghost bone sword goes crazy bone

Sword but no my my character is just a monster mushroom and beer what are you playing happy birthday we’re playing a stardew valley yeah that’s right it is Jaden’s birthday and to say happy birthday you should donate to the stream oh cut off someone said there’s a challenge that they’ve seen other

Streamers do where they try dating everyone at all at once it sounds cruel because it is but uh it’s something interesting to do while you waste your time do they notice like does it cause problems I feel like it would it probably just off because it’s a little too long where is this

Ladder you’re kidding me I’m clearing out this entire mind this is this is a question for Alyssa what genre is the band Ghost they asked um um loud loud oh they said there’s a special cut scene right I’m going to go get you thank you lucky oh that looks nice hell

Yeah babe let’s go my snoo she would be ready at like 8 o’ oh my energy is going low they said that they like loud and I I also recommend I was listen to a few of the songs whenever Alyssa picks me up from the airport or whatever and I

Always liked what was playing if you like ABA but you wish ABA would go crazy on an electric guitar and some drums and do a little there you go someone said yeah my dude rewrote the Bible yeah yeah oh my God he’s oh quick rant on ghost he’s so hot mask on hot

Mask off Tobias Forge I don’t really care for him oh that’s okay the mask stays on in my parasocial relationship I are they on Spotify I’d assume so oh yes they they are they they they definitely seem big enough to have a Spotify they are massive they’re too big

And I will never see them in concert oh true that’s not true I mean I will see them but I’ll never be front row I’ll never be sist or whatever it is where he takes your hand sings to you and then kisses your hand what do you think your

Species is what do you think your avatar is species was he is this he’s a ferof fluid which is a play on word of ferof fluid which is what he’s made out of which is a liquefied metal that when put a magnet to it it gets real spiky spiky

Spiky Jaden also has a ferof fluid yeah mine is based on when you put ferof fluid in like slime or like the metallic one it’s like slower and goopy and she has the iconic little hair tuft yeah I do it’s getting late it’s getting late I

Haven’t seen my day waiting for the boys get in I’m so excited to eat same I’m so excited for sushi mine gets here at 8:15 to 8:20 oh sad oh my God I too want I want to draw Jaden’s V what was that who said that did

Something happen was it I heard a I heard it too it was like I I think I was talking too loud Kimmy says I saw them live many years ago right in the front row you could see the population bobbing along backstage before they came on and I could not stop

Laughing yeah I want Jaden I really want to draw your YouTuber so bad but I’m so busy and it makes me angry I want to draw it too I’ve never drawn it there’s an earthquake that’s what it was just like in real life oh oh

No did that mess up our I think that does something doesn’t that cause like the water to flow in the river oh what the water to flow yeah do you know that dried up River where are the lucky lucky purple shirts chat shorts Chad where are they they’re in Mar’s bedroom yeah you got to be friends with Marne to get oh it opens the spa now we can go to the spa we could get n how do I get rid of this how

Do I get I accidentally placed a torch how do I get rid of it uh pick it what pickaxe F flu anyone can make a feral fluid I don’t care does anyone want a bone sword is it kickass it’s really good actually I’ll use it oh the spa replenishes energy

Nice oh and the train station we could go we can hop on the train oh sh you ah if there was one NPC you could remove from stard Valley who would it be Clint the blue haired girl that’s trying to steal my man yeah but poor poor Emily

Is being predatorz by uh Clint she needs our help more than ever if we murder Clint yeah we should murder Clint all our problems would be solved like a Dom effect oops she was only dancing with Shane so she could make it clear to Clint that she’s busy that’s

Fair and Shane person so I’ll I’ll let it slide I wish I could help but Clint is still working on my watering can oh damn yeah so I’ll watch you to like give him your watering can your literally had to give it to him for two days oh my God

He’s not even using it do you guys have any uh hardwood I think I have one no someone took it one I had one we need to donate it to the bundle yeah I have four we need like 10 I have none do you need 10 dang I think

So oh I keep clicking but keep his bus I’ll take it I would love to oh my gosh I just remembered remember we went to Big Bear and I got that geode that we need to crack open with the hammer it’s like still sitting on my shelf uncracked open

By Hammer let’s go let’s go punch it like in Minecraft we should can you try and hit Clint with your sword I don’t have a sword but I have a dagger I can go you can go into my second chest and get the bone sword

By the way oh okay it’s the one on top dang Jaden how come your mom let you have two chest Jaden looks taller than Chase fun fact Jaden’s the tallest in real life J tallest uh Kelsey how tall are you 5’6 swag maybe 5’7 I don’t know it it

Changes life’s weird how tall are you I I I wholeheartedly believe I’m 5’7 but everyone I’ve ever oh my God move kid there’s no way no every time everyone everyone always says they’re 5′ seven and I I am taller than them so I don’t I don’t believe

I8 5’9 definitely no there’s no way I’m 5’9 you get you get your ass over here I got a measuring tape dead ass right here we’ll do some measuring I think everyone is just a little shorter than they think I’m definitely 5’6 I’ve measured myself many times I’m 5’2 and I have

Definitely a oh by the way Jaden I have a for you that I got an mff I’ve got a prison for you except you get it on your birthday what I thought you already got me something uh probably I can’t remember a bunch of people got me like a birthday

Present last month and I was like why so early and they’re like it was on sale I was like okay cool so I lost track of who has given me the stuff that they wanted to give me every 13 seconds your avatar tries to eat Jaden ow no I dodged it did that

Time you you’re dodging it really well actually Lista we need to get you vtubers who you can wiggle real brokenly like we are yeah yo 52 gang 52 I don’t know how I ended up so tall because both like both I’m taller than both my parents and I’m

Taller than like all of my grandparents like me and my brother are like this yeah you had that good vegan diet for vegetables oh my God this is SK in here he looks so mean is he going to kick my ass and chew bubblegum he’ll try wait

What am I doing I don’t want to go to morder has been picked up and is on the way let’s go he’ll be here at 803 Jaden’s height defies physics let’s go it’s like uh me and my brother are like super tall my brother’s like I think he’s six foot now

Whoa dang yeah if not 6′ 5’9 I don’t know but he’s definitely the tallest in the family my dad is super tall and my brother is just about his height my mom is super short and I am just about her height I’m the tallest apab in the

Family I’m starting to feel exhausted oh my God I’m going to pass out it’s cuz you watered all the crops you’re a hard worker I completely forgot it’s just like real life I know I really need to upgrade the kitchen so we could start making some delicious and nutritious

Meals yes once you get that kitchen o I got to make my man Shane his little pepper thing I got a I got a recipe why are we talking about Heights because someone mentioned that Jaden’s vtuber was the tallest because she’s tallest in her life I didn’t do that on purpose

Though the thing about my vtuber is my vtuber is only a bust mine is a full body I completed a bundle we got summer seeds we got 30 summer seeds plant them let’s see what we get I will plant them thank you for the follow oh I’m I was I’m reading chat this

Sprite kicked my ass someone made a YouTuber that is literally just Jello and every time they move their camera was slightly blocked slime just exploded constantly that sounds hilarious I’ll take a crab fact as long as it’s not inappropriate time I have not built up my farming at all yeah it’s delicious

It’s really good I’m kicking these skeletons ass it does so much damage Spa I can go to the spa I I want to be friends with the grandma does the grandma ever die no what does the grandma like I got another bone sword um I think she likes flowers oh makes sense when

Crabs have an injured arm or leg they cut them off with their pincers oh my god I’ve heard that don’t they grow them back because they’re weird probably and crabs a lot of creatures can grow limbs back except for mammals yeah we’re kind of we’re kind of

Lame a fun a book I need to wait oh yeah reading do insects feel pain do they have enough little I don’t know if we’ figured that out yet yeah like I’m going to assume they do they can definitely tell when you touch them but do they feel

Pain don’t know uh speak will make you see the little you see the little bird over there baby Jim on the bit cup she wiggling uh when you speak she speaks so when you do text to speak you’re making her speak on your behalf and baby Jim is

Also my actual bird she’s sitting on my shoulder right now she’s my mascot yeah I’m talking about you how do you replenish your uh energy at the spa I think you just sit in the water there’s a spa yeah the earthquake unlocked the spa oh yeah I don’t see my energy is it

Like where is it compared to the house I can’t remember actually it’s like North if you go north I need coal hey chat help me how do I energy moves very slowly oh oh it’s stand here okay that’s don’t throw bones at me I’ll kick your ass yeah that’s what I thought

[ __ ] thank you for the follow oh it’s up by lonus okay quit [ __ ] on me you being so gosh Dilly dingdong ding rude you forced that one out that was way too small for you needing to go you did that on purpose oh baby Jim she’s upset cuz she wants to go see

Rush oopsie when can we get rid of these big oldish we got to get a stronger uh ax I believe oh I got firew Walker boots ooh come to level is it s it com L 80 where’s the water they can withstand magma sick okay I’m going to go back upstairs

Now what baby Jam you stink you stink YouTub so cute who you can’t say there when there’s three e where’s the biscuits are Channel points uh if you click on it it has a list of things you can buy thank you pass the doorway to the

South is I want to join you guys I want to get naked oh there’s a doorway here oh my God I’m coming oh my God this is nice oh it’s very nice you doing are you at the SP Spa oh sometimes a train goes by and they’ll drop ores by the

Way we got to go in the spow oh here we go I wish I could go to the spa with Shane wow that was really good for energy I suggest you all hold the dirt in the mines oh yeah ooh yeah I’m there are oh my God Co I’m so

Replenished I like that you close your eyes when you when you’re in the water you just relax oh that’s cute oh all right Kong good night thanks for hanging out and of supporting bro did you see that no big jump when you got the water that was a sentence I never

Thought I would hear let me get naked with you you don’t know me it’s getting dark my iron ore is ready yay give me give me give me give me I got so much iron by so much that’s the women’s locker room you can’t go in there just you Wait let me get naked with you platonically exactly I just wanted to get my energy up yeah well it’s not a pool it’s a hot spring it’s a hot bath or whatever hot sping it’s just hot sping hot sping it makes your energy go up and it’s like

Right by the house wiggly wiggly worms got I found so many books who farted you farted got him when theat are you hearing you might be hearing baby Jim’s little if you hear a fart she’s she wants to go see Rush oh we got lots of mushrooms should I pluck

Them pluck them and see if you need to sell them if not uh we can get rid of them you should probably go to bed soon yes I’m here at home oh bedtime yeah we’re playing stardew Valley we’re playing the stardew valley common mushroom and gentel they’ve already been donated so

I’m going to sell them I have one that I need to sell in here as well sell this selling yeah we already put in the bundles so we’re going to sell these how do I get more biscuits by being in the chat chat in the chatting Subs giting bits subscribing yourself etc

Etc waiting for other players I’m in your bed yeah that’s okay hey graphic how are you doing thank you for that Prime sub you’re now my new favorite person rooms freaking ads keep interrupting me so it’s harder for me to watch oh I’m so sorry level two

Combat day four of L my food is here it came early oh wow I’m Gonna Go Get It Go Get It yeah who’s your favorite character that isn’t a romance character oh kobis finally I can go get my watering can oh my god oh yeah I don’t

Remember us planting all these I think uh Jaden got uh summer seeds oh that’s right okay I got to make a bunch of all those F Lazer okay I’m going to go get my food I’ll be right back be right back I’m wiggling two three four five six seven

21 give me them crab facts keep them coming what’s your favorite Pokemon Haunter what kind of content do you normally stream uh commissions backgrounds for the odd ones out and video games like The Binding of Isaac don’t star Terraria Etc yeah I might invite kobis if Jayden

Doesn’t want kobis crabs can walk in all directions but mostly walk and run sideways crabs are decapods meaning they have 10 legs female crabs can lay a th000 to 2,000 eggs at once the lifespan of a small crab averages around 3 to four years but larger species such as

The giant Japanese spider crab can live as long as five or 500 100 years that’s whack dang I need like let me in a little more St bro Terraria is so fun bro did you know that I do all the merchandise on Terraria everything you love everything probably made everything the light

Touches I probably touch Too I got an ad during the crab facts no oh you said you’re going to get a new watering can like right now right I’m waiting for him to open up okay I won’t even bother your emotes are so cute I wish I could use them you know where you can use my

Emotes for free my Discord server links down below you must be 16 plus to join ask your parents permission before logging on to the biscuit to the biscuit Bay yeah it’s called biscuit Bay oh I didn’t put it back on this this fish is just giving in no fight

Whatsoever just reing a dead fish one time I went fishing and I caught a clam and my dad had a pride open to give my lure back it snapped shut and said this is mine forever oh there’s the link right there yeah there’s also a code but yeah

There’s a there’s a button down below you can’t miss it just scroll down on Twitch I can’t wait to eat sushi what goes on in biscuit Bay um I have some uh servers uh Terraria we have Terraria Don’t Starve and we’re going to set up Minecraft that you guys can play with

Together Minecraft um we have channels for uh commission ads posting your artwork Etc I uh post uh pings whenever I go live if you want that and I also post whenever we have new merch for Jaden yeah yeah you get a little bit of updates for me little updates from Jaden

And also updates for Teraria when I do merch for them so many updates that’s updates oh they put onion in this interesting all right eting whoops are you are you ready for this are you ready for this I’m so ready I’m so ready oh ew why did you charge it up like that

Because you got to do three at a time amazing it goes I’ll do number four here on the end so you can just do the threes oh I messed up I messed up already oh my godine what’s the point now we got to delete it and start over delete the

Whole file delete the whole game oh no I’m going to leave you nice little blocks of three to water delicious I’m going to start from this side this is so much easier I love the way it charges up yeah it looks like I’m squatting real hard yeah you’re really

Get I messed up again oh can’t have anything on this Earth H I have 6.9 followers let’s go 69 LOL funny number I actually didn’t know how many followers I had I had not checked in many many months well thank you I’m glad you like the little pixel

Art oh you’re talking about her vtu being crunchy I thought you meant the r emotes that I do I’ll put the the table on actually yeah I’ll put food on put food on the table there we go because I’m eating real quick Jaden’s crunchy right now I’m crunchy all the

Time thank you for the follow oh yeah the Lu Out Festival isn’t that the one where we can poison Everyone by putting his shorts in the in the soup what yeah we can either do a really good job or we could do a really

Bad job I think we should do a bad job does it cause drama it causes uh I don’t know I know everyone gets pissed they get sick and then the mayor is like this is awful I’m into that I I vote I’m into it but anything it takes to get rid it

Ruins friendship they say no we’re not doing it ch and I just got to four Hearts oh no he is slightly nicer to me when I say hello you can get the shorts by putting a staircase in your pants slot I thought you just get the shorts by going into marne’s

House I don’t want I need to get the pants do we do we all have to do the pants Quest yeah yeah I have to do the pants Quest are we all just going to S no ma’am she wants to chew on my glasses oh I got another bone sword if someone

Wants a bone sword oh I’ll take bone sword I’ll put it in my chest thank you yeah that’s baby Jim give me your MF sword please thank you your characters alog together is terrifying we’re we’re we’re silly little Bunch we’re silly little guys we’re silly little guys oh

Wait do we have our Silo yet oh I don’t know thought you built it yeah well no you don’t build it you you pay Robin to build it oh yeah there’s our Silo we could put fibers in I’m pretty sure oh yeah I think I have some rice pieces

Of hay is that how you just use the this and it turns it turns into can’t remember how it works is it grass oh oh yeah you use the hoe on grass and it gives you hay my Sushi’s almost here this guy was like pedling through the

Metalin be here in like 4 minutes let’s go Jordan my sushi arrived at early hello gray they knew they were like these people really need their little F need it now I didn’t know that crabs are the number one consumed Seafood well crabs are no longer allowed to be consumed

Because two billion snow crabs disappeared all right now we can get a chicken cpop shall I go look at how much it cost mhm yes okay once these things grow it’s game over we’re going to be so rich and a lot of them uh we don’t have to replant

Because they they grow on vines too many socks for me hello I’d watch all three I’d watch a buddy cot movie with these three characters just start Shenanigans someone in chat says maybe the crabs are just really good at hiding two billion of them damnn we’re just two

Billion two billion found a new hiding spot I love that idea we just got to find them again random memer says even if your uh YouTuber’s crunchy shout out to it my Dasher is nearby and I need to give Shane my beer what is Robin’s schedule

She’s not she’s not home it’s 4K gold oh [ __ ] we’re not that rich all right uh BR Gamers got get my sushi no problem I need to snap my back into place snap back to reality oop gravity why can’t I buy any more speaks are you out of Channel points that’ll do

It keeps people from spamming no you have 230 oh I don’t have a spoon for my miso soup there might be Whatchamacallit where it’s sold out which I hate that twitch does that what is sold out um certain things in the uh the channel points that you Redo no because they just did it ooh miso soup is always so warm but not like scalding it’s always ready to eat it’s comfy it just feels good don’t pull my hair that hurts me so ready for some soup yeah you can try ref two billion

Crabs are gone it’s so sad the noise in the background are cute you mean baby Jim oh see you random animals thanks for hanging out with us that’s baby Jim at 5 God damn it I don’t have time to wait for these people in their schedules I need my [ __ ] now someone

Says I kidnapped them they’re in my garage they have two billion crabs in their garage no what type of bir is baby Jim same as Ari but green green cheat card the Discord link is expired which one the one down below the one in the in

The uh the command they are mine they wanted two billion crabs they needed two billion crabs and they put them in the garage oh all right I’ll fix it hold on baby Jim hasy gumes H she gums ain’t nobody want toar he you baby Jam she’s

Got stuff to say today she do and it’s where’s rush I want Rush why isn’t he coming to get me I really need rush you don’t understand I really won’t Rush that’s what she’s saying all right let me fix this link I’m so sorry y’all oh I made it back crunchy

Jade I got my Sushi toast out a cat YouTuber that hold on I gota let her out there I’ll be right back I’m sorry man do I love Mis so soup I think I’m done eating though that was good I enjoyed that I’m gonna pop open a

Lroy lroy here comes the jump scare and my little character is gonna jiggle oh someone asked for a motivational message but I just got back so I didn’t hear why they needed a motivational message give me a quick second uh where is yes hello to my stream I’m playing

Stu St Valley with anti- dark and Jaden of Animation Jaden of Animation Jaden of Animation all right y’all I fixed the link so when you click it it should let you go to the Discord who needs a motiv it’s because of cool down after you use regularly oh okay feel kind of

Down right now because my work isn’t working for me can we get a motivational message oh hold on crabs okay oh I got to sleep Ari just had a day where he stood outside and thought about his life hello motivational message um I’m not good at motivational messages but my first job was

Chuck-E-Cheese and now I currently work for my dream job Terraria so it’ll get better better things change in crazy ways and then you’re like hold up and then there you go so true there you go what are y’all’s water bottle brands um I uh get from my brda from the

Fridge o Raz cranberry I got like a oh Raz raspberry I got I don’t know what my water bottle is I got it from a friend it was a friend recommended water bottle but it was just like a half gallon jug I got on Amazon oh I forgot to say yes to

Going to sleep oh my God I put my elbow and so much birdshit she literally [ __ ] through a fit and then just left me baby Jim has been naughty today I know Luigi is really not putting up with me being on the computer so much do I believe tap water is safe um

Depends where you live Midwest yes uh B La no uh LA water make you poop true let’s see very happy today it’s a mining day it’s a mining day but first we got to water all these God dang crops oh you’re so you got to water excuse you I’m sorry just

Kidding Luigi being sassy today Luigi’s Luigi’s like I’ve had enough of this bullshit’s pissed Luigi’s very I I came back in with the sushi and he was so confused as to why I even left in the first place he looks just so sad and very like

What oh I get what people mean by holding it down now oh yeah my little loading animation does all this water water sound make you guys have to pee not really I don’t think I have like a a pee trigger I don’t but whenever I do have

To pee and I mention I have to pee the sensation of having to pee goes away I always as a kid I always had to pee if I was going to jump in the pool or if I was going to play hide-and-seek yes hide-and-seek piss is real MH yeah it’s

The like the anticipation in the adrenaline and in your your’s like yeah but what if you had to pee right now even though you’re trying to be sneaky yeah thank you so much bab mine was like if anyone else has done swim before like right when you’re lining up and we

Called it performance P cuz you just get so like scared and nervous so to make it go away you just jump up and down sound kind of reted but I but like it worked huh I got my Sushi guys Sushi I got my Sushi I wish we could

Pause should we just exit to the main menu real quick and eat together yeah oh I already eat ate you already ate God damn it sorry I was I was hungry I’m eating I just got mine too I’m sipping on my soup a random meme okay I’m going to go

Mine while you guys eat is that you got here take my uh do you have a a copper pickaxe elisssa I’m not mining I just got my food I want to eat with you okay we’re going to stay home you go you go have fun Jaden don’t die okay did you

Bring food with you oh shoot I should bring yeah food with me why is this wet no the uh the paper but might just been from the heat of the moisture if Luigi’s a good boy while I eat my sushi cuz he likes to steal it

Rightfully so if he’s a good boy though and he doesn’t steal it I give him a little salmon it’s a treat little treat little treat o crazy cauliflower goes crazy with the energy I’m just going to eat a whole C cauliflower in the mines didn’t know I was going to get

This much food God Dam when ordering uh with when ordering Sushi or like any type of Asian food you never know how much you’re going to get are you going to get a normal portion or are you going to get food for a family they they yeah they do a lot of family

Things like they like you want the small or the big I was like like the big and I was like oh you’re supposed to share this I see o I think I got eel sauce or ponu eel sauce is best sauce eel sauce is best sauce I’ll taste it I’m going to be

Eating sauces it’s just really good I don’t know how to explain it it’s just good is it like a sweet or is it a salty it’s Savory ooh Tangy savory where’s Alyssa she’s in call she’s just eating there you go chat I’ll see you tomorrow then bye-bye it’s going to look

Like my vtuber is sleeping cuz I’m EA cute firework boots what what is this what’s this little guy Sushi you can get that’s like tempor so it feels like it’s cooked and it’s warm and crunchy I recommend that or if you just want something really basic just

Get a straight up tuner Roll Just a basic [ __ ] tuner roll if you don’t like that you probably won’t like sui if you get no you can go uh Philadelphia roll is like if you if you like salmon locks like you know like on a bagel the cream

Cheese yeah you like I hate cream cheese sushi rolls unfortunately oh my my I always say if you don’t like sushi there’s a good chance you like vegan Sushi because a lot of people don’t like sushi because of the raw fish definitely but um try sfish or a

California roll that I don’t think California rolls have oh [ __ ] it has imitation crab oh okay I I watched this short about California roll it used to be called the ca roll because it was crab of a Auto roll but they realized since people in California liked it they renamed it California roll

Cool o I’m getting all this stuff maybe I don’t want to fight you my favorite rolls or any roll that have crunch on it any sort of crunchy roll I like the texture God I forgot how good um tempora is ow that is good I like whenever whenever chat says

Someone in chat says why are you up like why are you up yeah you don’t talk me what to do ever thought about that oh I got a crab what is this a crab found CRA go you found one of the I found one of the two billion crabs let’s go

Man they’re really good at hiding they’re just in the mines did anyone check underground I would love to see like since two billion crabs are missing like you know that CRA that crab Rave meme video empty no that’s sad it’s too real Jordan got me a the hell is this by

The way what is it it’s got something special in it oh if we’re having special drink I can go grab some ween special snacks some oh if you want some special snacks some wine no I’m saying if I have a special drink you could always go get a special snack

Unless you’re talking about a special special I oh yeah if you don’t like the raw seafood bar part there’s Alternatives don’t worry guys yeah I’m I’m about to get stinco if you don’t mind it’s 8:30 I’m allow too can beans be traded for channel points no Channel points has run through twitch

Themselves beans is just something I added for fun I don’t think you can do gambling with Channel points that’s why they’re different I think you can but it has to be run through uh like the chat the channel itself it’s it’s really weird it was just easier to separate them

I love tempor here’s a really fun fact um I want to go get myself a glass of wine because I am of age and enjoy a little wine every now and then and I have to take my Sushi wish me because if I don’t Luigi will make off with the entire rooll a

Luigi when you make a sandwich at my house you have to be really careful cuz if you turn your back for one second he’ll take like the entire package of turkey and entire thing that’s up to your landlord yo tosta doesn’t steal food but she begs like she she doesn’t really like she

Only begs for one thing and it’s french fries girl I mean french fries ma’am where is this ladder I think she the Taco Bell french fry thing they do every now and then I’m talking about do special french fry there’s some french fry thing that Taco Bell does every now and then it’s

Like seasonal I’ll look it up and I’ll sorry if I miss any of your messages IM send it to what’s your favorite sushi roll um be right back every pony got to I think we should my favorite my favorite role of all time is the sushi restaurant in De Moine Iowa called

Mayabi n uh guy F has been there and they have this certain temporal roll that has a bunch of sauce on it called the Miami Heat I would go to Iowa just to eat that roll oh have you had it before though oh I’ve had it many times it’s my

Favorite I need I need a new backpack for sure the bigger backpack it’s 10,000 I’ll I’ll make the money can we just kill Pierre and steal it I mean his wife doesn’t even love him anyways and neither does his daughter I mean if he’s down for

It Jordan it’s really cozy having you in here you can’t hear me his headphones on but it’s really cozy having him in here with me I would get lonely in my bedroom a what is this oh it’s a guy I’m back finally G is literally running after me like

Doesn’t care about his family either he only cares about profits every time there’s some sort of Festival everyone’s together and he’s there trying to sell and even then he can’t compete with jojamart so he’s a failure well I think joim Mar is like Amazon and like they should have that

Much money in ra but Pierre it’s kind of hard to root for him and that’s his fault um at the very beginning we are the ones who work at JoJo Mart and then we give up Jojo Mart and even then I still think yeah that’s where we were in

The beginning when we’re by all those computers we’re in joim Mar we work there oh and even then I still don’t care for Pierre even though I know it’s bad I think he’s raising his prices though because of joj Might right I don’t know actually I want to like him I want a

Reason but if he can’t give me a reason then I’m antip one more floor and I get to 90 oh my God one floor come on guys give me my give me my floor oh I didn’t know that Pier’s prices are cheaper than JoJo ex flower seeds where are

You in the mines oh he’s hitting me when I’m eating cauliflower well that’s fair cuz I never buy sunflower seeds cuz I’m allergic I love whenever I tell people I hate sunflowers and they’re like oh my God why I like cuz the [ __ ] kill me bro got to kill them before they kill

You yeah so true Speak Your Truth Kelsey oh my God hermit says there’s a mission where you can peer a lot of high quality stuff and then he tries to sell them at ridiculous prices so he is a greedy [ __ ] damn it does look like I’m eating your hair

Jaden remember that shirt you gave me a bob and says may I chew on your hair yeah may I chew on your hair please give me my ladder where is it no I don’t want to fight you Alissa over here talking about the lyrics of Katy Perry Just give me reason

Just a little is enough yeah there it is listen you guys here’s the thing we don’t want to to hate people in this town but they make it really hard to like them I got I got us to level 90 we can get an obsidian sword let’s go I got to run home

Run fans listening in here Shane is The Shining and the light without whom I cannot see thank you n noids have you enjoying I’ve been having a fun time I can’t have eggnog either get your eggnog and Holliday sauce out of my chat I’m that I really hope you

Can play this thank you though I’ve been having a fun time I can make it Robin doesn’t do does do a good job but I hate how she sends me letters being like you know you could go for a kitchen and I’m like you don’t

Know me you’ve never been in my house hi M good night oh yeah thank you thank you so much nanoids uh are you guys willing to weigh a little bit I’m almost done enjoyable oh yes I would love a couple thank you I forgot to get my special drink I got up

And got more soy sauce and uh that’s where I stopped yeah I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure Robin built everyone’s houses yeah Sorry’s go I’ll be right back okay it’s a pretty I have to trick him into it’s so good chat it’s so good I’m going to read chat for a little

Bit I’ll be right back okay okay hey chat sorry if y’all can hear my crunching what why can’t I why am I crab P oh not yet I need to eat hold on I need to focus on the food down below oh wait oh there we go thank you for

The I’m going to Def in actually okay are you still going to animate yes just because I’m live streaming doesn’t mean I’m going to stop animating guys I’ve been getting that question a few times and I don’t think that that would make any sense just because I’ve I’m

Live streaming doesn’t mean I’m going to put all of my hard work from uh YouTube just out the window uh how’s your more experience how do you feel now it was a really good experience I liked it a lot uh and yeah I feel about the same as when I just

When I finished playing it oopsie I might have just moved something trying to there we go uh what are you going to play next um uh let’s see like as in schedule wise tomorrow we have a tomorrow we have a soul link planned we have a soul link with

Yan that should be fun I’m excited for it we we probably won’t finish it tomorrow and I have other plans but uh we do have a a fun old soul link planned I’m excited for that uh media Source why do I have a media source oh that’s the background isn’t it yeah it

Is going to make me a little bit smaller there we go um are you g to play VR no I don’t have plans to do any VR stuff because uh VR makes me really nauseous and it’s also like a hassle to set up I just I’m

Not a VR person maybe when they make those VR headsets that don’t give you m tion sickness but no Mario Kart today or not probably uh near the end of the day um yeah good chance we might actually we already did play Mario Kart but we might

Be doing stardo all night all day so uh can you show us the fit yeah I can show you the fit let’s see let’s see here this is me S standing in my room this is the this is the full vtu model yeah looks good I like it uh to

Anyone new here uh the art gun made it and we we worked really hard to get the design um finalized and yeah I love it so much I think it looks really good I think that’s how it was um art God yeah they’re like genuinely a wizard I swear I swear they’re just

Straight up wizard May was like that like like that something I don’t know would you play DVD I don’t know what that is but I also don’t take game requests because the first like few days I was playing Pokemon and like every fourth comment in the chat was like will

You play this will you play this and I was answering the all the questions but it’s was like they’re not you guys aren’t talking like really adding to to the current conversation uh so I don’t take any game requests um stard do is so good no

Surprise it keeps going yeah we just we just uh set up a whole day to just play Star de Valley honestly it’s been really fun I I see myself playing it um like in my own time for sure AI vtuber model generator uh no uh no we we worked really hard to get

The the design finalized and I like it a lot if you don’t like it then I do not care I’m sorry uh what do you play stard do on just steam it’s on Steam um how much longer do you have to go like subathon wise uh uh there is a

Cap but uh I told you guys that I’m going to be letting you know when there’s one week left of the subathon and there’s not just there’s there’s still there’s longer than one week left of the subathon still so we still have a ways to

Go uh try out jump King I probably will eventually uh but not on the subathon probably in future streams uh the the reason I wanted to subathon was to just go fullon get used to streaming and it was I I’m enjoying it a lot it’s it’s

Really fun um so I probably will do it more I’m probably going to take like January off but uh I’m having a lot of fun streaming what’s your favorite type of bread I like sourdough but I haven’t tried all the types of bread so Ari vtuber there we might put like an

Ari toggle on where he can just sit on my shoulder or something but that’s not uh set in yet favorite stardo character I don’t really have one I’m not really interested in talking to the people but I feel like everyone says that I’ll like kobus Crow Crow guy the sewer thing that

You can just be roommates with so I’m kind of holding out for him otherwise I guess I like Elliott but I don’t really care for anyone I’m not like a become friends romance people type of person in games like that uh Terraria yes or no we do have

Plans to play Terraria on the subathon eventually but not yet everyone keeps asking so if there’s not a lot of people in the Terraria stream I’m going to be pissed because so many people have been asking and it’s coming and if that’s stream doesn’t do well I’m going to be upset not

Really uh Terraria or stardo Terraria or stardo uh would you play God of War no also not taking game requests cap on Christmas no event uh originally that was the plan but I think there’s a lot of personal and business uh Pros if I didn’t go go to Christmas that was like

The original cap but it’s going to be a little earlier than that yeah but that was the original plan why’ you leave Arizona uh there’s just more of a benefit to be in California I I actually have way more friends here and connections the only uh

Thing people I have back in Arizona is like my my family my immediate family like my mom my dad my brother and uh my childhood best friend Kate but no one else is really in Arizona and there’s nothing in there so it’s it’s just more beneficial career-wise to be in

California for me but I don’t plan on staying here forever I don’t really like California I don’t know where I’m going to Le uh end up but it’s not going to be in California for the rest of my life and Arizona is [ __ ] hot yeah exactly I don’t really mind the heat I

Don’t think I could go to a state that has like cold winters like I’d be open to moving to Canada actually but I don’t think I could handle like the snow why do all the tubers hate LA because La sucks like it generally just

Sucks I I I don’t live in LA I live outside of it and like when whenever I have to go into La I just it’s not fun at all I’ll be honest it’s it’s it’s nice to tour tour and come for vacation but it’s not a good state or it’s not a

Good city I’m sure like other places of C California are fine but yeah uh let’s see sorry I got to go to bed and then when I was done streaming there was only two people watching only two people were awake oh are you guys ready oh yeah we’re just chill we’re chilling let’s

[ __ ] do it let’s do it day six of summer day six of Summer this drink is going to make me have to pee in about 20 minutes just a heads up yeah ever since like Sabbath oning more I I drink a lot more water the the spirits are

Displeased and I’ve been peeing like crazy the peppers are they done Peppers give me I’m Peppers I’ll pick some I can’t my my is full there I picked some do we keep the do we keep the star ones which ones do we have to donate that I don’t think the star ones are

Ready yet I think only peppers are ready today no no no I mean like you know how you have to get the quality fruit or Foods oh the quality crops oh no it’s not part of the bundle it’s parsnips melons pumpkins and corn so we have to

Get melons melons okay the melons and the melons are on the left side they’ll be done in couple days yeah we need five gold star melons is our goal I need cheese cheese we got got to get we got to get cows we got to get money we don’t even have enough money

For a chicken coop we don’t ah whoa what that was that was I love how big my YouTuber’s mouth gets when I do that a we didn’t donate an iron bar yet oh or a solar Essence I’ll go donate all this stuff wait I thought we did I thought I

Tried to do that oh you’re right one solar Essence is needed to donate here I have them all in my pocket oh I have one oh you have one okay good yeah oh someone says if every every if every YouTuber hates La why does everyone move there because that’s where the community

Is that’s where everyone is you want to be with friends yeah yeah it like if you you could hate the city that you’re in but if you’re around everything that you need then kind of the pros outweigh the cons honestly and sometimes it gives you

A wonderful spice of life uh we went to go see the menu and then we recognized the fell in front of us cuz he’s 6’7 and we were like oh my God it’s R MC golin and Jordan’s like did you guys watch the menu and he said yep he’s like what’ you

Think he’s like I liked it it was a great day for us we got to see R mlin and he liked the same movie we did where did you see him the let not docks ourselves it’s a chain oh okay the AMC yeah he was at the

AMC you know the one with the lady where she’s like here movies are real it’s like the one of the world’s largest freaking chains when we walked outside I saw a tall man in front of me whose silhouette I recognized and I said out loud is that and that’s how you know

That it probably is shut up real quick because I didn’t want to be like obnoxious and then I was like hey Kelsey Jordan I think that’s that one guy you like to watch on YouTube and yeah there you go do I plan on seeing violent night I might just because it’s

What’s his face and it looks funny doesn’t look good but it looks funny go give one oh I have a magnet ring if anyone wants a magnet ring oh wait I I know why we haven’t donated stuff yet because I opened up a new bundle we have

The G the um Boiler Room bundle where you add like the quartz Earth crystal frozen tear um copper bar and gold bar so if anyone can go donate that that’d be great okay let’s see uh you already did the iron bar you said uh yeah we need go old golden copper I

Think I have some I have none in my chest I only have iron oh and I opened up another one too that’s called the bulletin board okay so we need a copper box are we need that’s refined quartz do we have we have normal quartz what were the

Others um I guess I could just look actually yeah there’s also the the boiler room and there’s also the bulletin board where the Frozen Geo the chub the Nautilus and the purple mushroom some dyes oh I have one of these we we need to like look at for a

Bunch of new stuff now because they’re asking for it okay I’m going to put a chest inside my house and that’s just all the stuff for Shane so a chest that’s it’s all good it’s all good but I will sell plenty of pepper they said to also give Peppers to

Shane cuz he really likes them if you can’t afford pizza and stuff I’m figuring out how many I should give to him and how many I should sell so I’ll s only give them one at a time yeah but I could hang on to them so I don’t have to

Buy beer just hang on to like 10 of them yeah 10 there we go let’s sell the rest let me just see what I can donate as well so much donating Berserker said that the the the fall of uh the crabs is probably due to cannibalism and climate change

Cannibalism even crab crabs wanted to get in on crab season crabs said hey California roll sounds pretty good right now they’re like hey neighbor you know it’s crab season oh that’s not mine oh my God it’s open season if you will open season but that’s a good

Movie it is yeah Kelsey how do you like it it was it was I’m so glad I watched it but it oh my God just the part where he’s like making direct bedroom eye contact with the human and then he starts wiggling his eyebrows I’m like oh what right after

Mff yeah that is an mff movie I will say yeah I was like I even told Aliss I was like this is a strange movie to watch right after mff oh you I realized Luigi is shaped like Elliot the deer oh my God you’re right cuz he walks on too

He’s just so long he’s got human back legs and the other cats can’t walk like he does oo I got a cool present you said when the train passes by there’s ore do I need to be there when the train passes by it’ll tell you it’ll say a train is

Coming and then when you’re there it has a chance uh Katie going to go came couple more hours maybe probably just one more usually it tells you when a train is coming and it makes like a train noise and then like if you go over there they have a chance to like throw

Little ores at you did you say we need to donate this purple I got the purple mushroom yeah go again it should be on the bulletin board one did we water all the the crops oh shoot did we I can water it though yes maybe I don’t know about that left

Side I can water the left side are you sure because I have this the special can true do you want to just get this like one corner I can’t get yeah there we go nice these emotes are so cute thank you I made them myself oh

Does anyone want a small magnet ring no thank you a ring can I give it to Shane no it’s for it’s for you when you go in the m i want it it the radius makes you pick up items a little the radius is a little bit bigger bigger for picking up

Items I wiggle around enough that I can do it without yeah thank you though well it’s in my chest if you want it okay oh you could see if you could sell it yeah oh true money money money who want the money in a rich man’s oh the purple hair girl is playing

The flute by the river yeah she’s a flus look at her go oh uh it wants um uh hay we can get hay real easily I have a bunch of hay I think in my uh yeah yeah take it okay you know what I don’t think there’s

Enough eyes can we get more sadly this is all that I have on this tuber what my avatar is supposed to be uh he’s just a creature that I made up called a feral fluid which is a play on word to ferof fluid which is a liquid

Metal that when you you put a magnet to it it gets all spiky it’s just a little monster oh we can donate some of these now actually have I already yeah I gotta wait maybe we have going to play some stardo with us hell yeah everyone come play stardy with

Us yeah oh that Crystal’s pretty oh good one bab oh I heard that I heard that one Discord caught that one what it said the burp around the world oh sorry sorry I should have specified yeah Jordan was talking to me what was I supposed to steal from your chest I

Don’t remember what I was asking for hay there’s no hay in your chest oh never mind God damn Melissa you had me all the way home for nothing I thought in there hey y’all wait I can’t sell the the ring I can’t sell it I’ll just put on my

Chest oh no take it to the take it to the guild they’ll probably buy it the guild oh the the thing near the mine yeah think can you not steal hay from your I don’t know how get hey then I I don’t really plan on doing any piano streams cool Crystal thing thank

You no braic lost all their beans braic no sad sad day indeed I want to give Elliot this crab where you’ve been trying to give him the crab forever where is he no I was trying to get him a clam where’s Elliot oh he’s never in like the Saloon or

Anything he’s not a drinker it’s Saturday he’d be there tonight really oh they all there on Saturdays yeah I think they on the weekends they’re all there right I know the kids are there at a certain time or maybe it’s Fridays it might be Fridays

Oh I didn’t see him I can try again tomorrow I just need I need to find Sebastian someone in chat goes she went from aromantic to I want to give them a crab oh I guess they’re not in here I thought the I’ve changed Leaf it’s Fridays you’ll see everyone in the

Including the kids I wonder if I can just go into his house if you’re if you’re friends enough with him you can damn it’s loost unless they go to Bed crab where do I put these is it summer in it never remember where anything goes maybe it’s it’s down here Elliot better ch perish this crab there’s only like 10 billion left I thought I donated that do I have to donate another one where the hell do the grapes go

Thank you for the follow uh bullettin board oh they might be in the ancient thing like to the left and down that’s where I was looking oh maybe not found you from Jaden what is this oh it’s an owl I think uh it could be on

The bulletin board it could be like a new thing but I don’t know I’ll try to eat oh algae it cut off I think it’s in here enchanters chef oh yeah we have to donate to purple where did the grapes go that is a donated item right no no it’s not never

Mind I was doing this for nothing God damn it I want to hurry Back you guys this is not Jaden’s stream this is my stream that’s why it has my username on it you go you you you how do you accidentally go to the wrong stream you go to that link right there get your tush over there and you tell it to her yourself y’all don’t

Read not to be that [ __ ] but um Jaden do you play Minecraft I I do a little bit how dare you why you why you asking her about Minecraft who plays Minecraft you have any games on your phone games on your phone yeah she got M sweeper I

Watched her do it so long I do I do have mind sweeper I feiend mind sweeper there was one day where you were on the subathon being like like guys what should I play and I messaged you and said how about mind sweeper why I I

Saw that message too late cuz like I could imagine you doing mind sweeper people are like oh my god I’ve never seen how you actually play this game yeah level two farming I can make a mayonnaise machine we need I think like a new forager or something your avatar is very

Creature and bring up Minecraft cuz BM I just got like a notification and was like I haven’t done that in a while you guys want to see magic trick no eyes yeah oh where did they go where’ they go are you still fast at M sweeper yeah I am oh hell

Sauce apparently crab usually don’t have teeth but they have they have teeth in their stomach oh ew do you think they they feel the teeth in their stomach I hope hope so I hope they wiggle around and goes the spirits are very displeased the spirits should get over it and get some

Therapy yeah yeah the spirits need to freaking work through those problems isn’t that Exorcist I don’t know that one makes all the bad spirits go away what if they’re not bad what if they’re just troubled they’re just complaining out of water yes sax thank you for that uh tip

Uh they’ve told they told me before but um I’m dumb is the thing what happened they they said that you can put the cursor over thing to see if you need to donate something to community chest and I should have done that with a grape but I’m dumb oh

Yeah you guys should turn on tool hit box in the settings what’s that in the settings so you don’t miscalculate where your tool hit oh I see like that like what I just did there yeah I still don’t know what it is thoughts on Mr Krab uh what’s his name something

Lancy Clancy Clancy Clancy Brown is that his name yeah it’s something something like that he was the the voice actor for that one guy in uh Detroit become human yeah I love that game you you watched you play it didn’t you yeah I watched you play the whole ass thing it it got

Really sexual but like not in a sexual way but in I like ooh oh I don’t remember that part I must have blocked it out it’s just like whenever one of the Androids was going up to another dead Android and he like puts his finger in the blood and then slowly like licks

It it’s like what is going on and then and then clany Clans is like what are you doing that’s disgusting stop it’s like whoa there’s some tension going on right here wo there’s a popular audio oh sorry no go ahead there’s a popular audio from it that like Conor is doing something and

The Mr Krabs guy is like Connor what are you doing and he’s like coming lieutenant and like I don’t know people use it for when they’re like like going to draw something kind of spicy I thought it was funny oh my what are we doing we need money uh

The mines are bad today I’m gonna go anyways cuz [ __ ] di Spirits I’m going to I’m going to fish we going to do some fishing I should do some River fishing actually you got to collect all the fish yes thank you for all the crab facts and thanks for hanging out with us

I hope you have a good night I for be at the beach am my holy crap no can’t even do that one I can’t catch some of these fish got to we got we got to get you um higher up level yeah he’s next to willly store

Oh I’ll go see him then oh obsidian sword but is it better than the bone it is a I really liked the bone you can keep the bone sword nah I want the obsidian guys why you lie to me good night when you say this is Willies right

This is Willies Willies is the on the beach uh like on the docks people said Elliot is NE next to Willies and they’re wrong they gave me the wrong information again he’s usually there he’s not well his house is there hello thank you for the follow

Welcome to the stream how are you where the hell is so Bastion right there really dead ass no I’m in the I’m in the mines I’m like looking at his little schedule online and he’s supposed to be he’s supposed to be coming to the clinic and he’s he’s not here oh no he’s

Got to go get his booster shot why no I the doctor is out sorry I was sleeping let skip this what is that I don’t like it oh it died instantly thank God that thing terrified me it was making there he’s finally here take this crab oh person thank you you’re welcome

I think your avatar looks better without eyes to be honest I don’t usually draw him with eyes people are like why does he have eyes I was like you know how easy it is to draw a character Without Eyes it takes a lot of the challenge

Away be like this eye looks weird well if you have no eyes it doesn’t matter you either draw no eyes or a billion yeah basically uh I’m good why don’t a fish at the yeah my ass kind of handed to me but that’s okay why is he in his room with the door

Shut Sebastian your computer come talk to me my art oh I post my art on Twitter and Instagram and Deviant Art and for Affinity I’m I’m anti- darkart literally everywhere except for Tik Tock someone stole that name but if you look up anti- darkart you’ll find my page I always have the

Same Avatar if it’s not naked Binding of Isaac me crying then it ain’t me classic wait classic these slimes they’re so sticky they want death I will give death o wait I think I can fish in this Pond area right now I can’t can I can reach the

Dark spot in the main area by our house do it come on Sebastian they said he’s working leave him alone he’s just antisocial no okay I need to go home or I’m going to bleed to death I didn’t realize how much I was dying damn I think I get

Trash Farm Pond is normally oh wait sewer ew it smells oh wait I thought I bought this there he is Sir I really love this how did you know well I Googled you oh I’m going to take this mine that felt good wait a minute there was a cut scene

At the sewer is septian I didn’t know it was called septian for what someone’s having text to speech say a huge number and he’s saying it actually properly he said 992 qu ion o and he’s still going he said the whole ass thing properly I was like

Whoa wow join the Discord thank you for joining make sure yall read the rules cuz I cannot stretch that enough if you break them rules I’m going to be like you aren’t going to be her favorite all yeah you won’t be my favorite speaking of eyes did you know that Jaden

Has Hypno eyes your YouTuber has Hypno eyes I do mine are supposed to have Hypno eyes that’s why they’re wacky colors like that cuz he that’s what his eyes do I I need I need to upgrade my vtuber there’s so much things I want to add now what is the Discord called biscuit

Bay the Link’s down below biscuit B how do I get over to the my is a biscuit baby jym I forgot how to get to the Sewer you go south of town yeah I think right yeah I think I’m south of the house whoops yeah south of town there’s like a

Latch and it says it’s locked Abigail what are you doing out here outside of the Wizard’s House hey I’m digging in the trash I want to be friends with the wizard so I can trans my gender trans gender he M see when you talk to Mar she’s like

Hey it’s good to see you oh yeah I’m sorry you got to be 16 plus I hate to say this but I’m going to say it anyways when our server was when we changed to 16 plus cuz it wasn’t always 16 plus it’s crazy how much less

Drama and Rule breaking there was yeah it’s like it was alarming I was like Wow surely it wasn’t that easy but it was that easy oh I’m in the dark spot get it hello hello I’m going to go give Shane to pepper pepper p Mike I’m going to get these gold bars

Going maybe we should start like actually sorting our chests based on what’s inside them instead of being like this is my stash and this is your stash yeah we could have like a refrigerator chest of food well that’s what the kitchen going be for we need to save we

Need to save up and get a cop and then we got to buy chickens and then we’ll upgrade the kitchen people honor the age requirement I don’t know most people do I actually had a lot of people who left the server and said that they would be back when it was

Their birthday and then they’d come and they’d be like I’m 16 we’d be like yay welcome back happy birthday and it was like really nice but yeah like we don’t ask members their age if they lie they lie but if they break the rules like the other

Rules it’s like they’re just going to get yeed anyways it just helps dark I love the creature they very cute it’s me the creature I the creature how come I hope y’all are keeping all the garbage that you’ve been getting from the thing and putting them in the the

Recycler I’ve been putting stuff in the recycler when I can hell yeah whoa what’s that noise Mama’s special drink is kicking in just a heads up what kind of drink is it I’m pretty sure it’s Sprite and then uh the devil’s salad the yeah I was

Wondering is it was it some juice or was it some lettuce oh hello it’s it’s it’s it’s uh juice form of the lettuce and you pour it in your own beverage yeah it’s you get you get the tonic and any beverage you want to pour it into you

Can and I choose Sprite cuz it makes gently bubbly I’m going to sell this fish do I need to I’m going to put this gold star parsnip in your chest because I’m I’m scared I’m going to do something with it that’s fine that’s fine do what

You got to do eight more minutes and you get another crab fact why specifically eight what happens in 8 minutes it’s going to be 9:16 what’s special about 9:16 I get to hear Jordan’s keyboard and it tickles my brain I’m glad you like tonic that sounds delicious is well first of all

You have to be in a state that is uh has legalized weed and you have to be the appropriate age and buy it appropriately from people who are licensed and uh they’ll have tonic some of them you don’t have to pour a beverage in you can

Just drink it straight up but some of them you have to pour beverage in and mine is just I think 10 grams and then just a bunch of sprite Jordan makes it for me bunch of sprite just a bunch of sprite it looks like uh strawberry lemonade though I think it’s strawberry tonic

Flavored I didn’t know they come in liquid form apparently they come in bath bomb form too things are getting whack someone CH in chat says Jaden doesn’t cuss I think just just straight up lies I think oh my God wait Jayden do you want to hear something really whack that

Happened on the once okay I don’t remember the full context cuz I got dumb brain but all I remember is it ended was someone being like Jaden’s too busy because she’s watching her kid what and Sarah s yeah Sarah and I were like hold up where did you get that

Information they’re like well I just assumed I was like why would you assume someone has a baby why that such crazy thing to assume like it was so just mind-blowing out of all the things I read on Twitter or anywhere on the internet I was just like why are you so

Dumb yeah and this is why just putting in for out there with no consequences this is why all of our chats put together I’m talking to all of you please do your own research please you don’t have before you make a [ __ ] ass of yourself and say Jaden has a child

And everyone’s like no I just assume she has a child I just assume she has a child no information whatsoever just I’m going to assume full adulthood has happened Godot what I was looking for the other day but I stumbled across an article and usually articles are full of misinformation about us but

I found one and I was like oh this was posted like October of this year there’s so much information readily available let’s see what it was like Alyssa’s mother is a housewife and I was like well that’s not true I just it just kind of kept getting worse as I read it they

Were like they were like Alyssa currently lives in North Carolina and I was like all right yeah what articles it’s it’s like how hard is it to just figure out that that’s not correct surely it’s got to be a little difficult KJ say otherwi It’s just sad

KJ says I remember people assumed Jaden was gay and Pregnant yeah when I said like oh I have a little surprise if you like J my God and they’re like she’s gay she’s pregnant like guys come on I have a little surprise and I still no I got another

Bird I still love when I went on you guys went to go get Ari when I was on stream they’re like I was like hey Chad and they’re like you’re Jaden’s sister right I was like no I’m white no as you can see oh and they also thought Alice was your sister yeah

People just assume [ __ ] they just say [ __ ] Yeah they were like why is Alice mod because she’s her sister they’ve never seen Alice in their life I think it’s so funny that the internet has come so far that even comments annoy other commenters they’re like you dumb

Ass people are curious uh what are the age of the viewers on Jaden’s channel is there like a statistic for that yeah I I have uh my dashboard shows what uh statistic is the surprisingly the majority is young adult it’s 18 to 24 um but there is the second is I was

Gonna say that’s me and then I realized that’s not me anymore that’s not you anymore I’m um but after that there’s uh like the 13-year-old demographic and then a lot of and then like you see like the 30s to 40s which is just younger kids on their parents account yeah but the

Majority is actually young adult there you go man I was watering crops that were already watered CU I was looking at these crops being like these crops are darker than these crops and they’re wet they’re not wet and I wasted energy I’m I’m about to pass out just

Because I watered all these crops go go sit go so it’s 10:00 a.m. go soak in the uh the hot tub but I could eat just eat something it’s quicker yeah but the hot tub I’m going to eat the cookies get those the garbage no my mom said them shut

Up wait it tells you when you can donate things to the museum right that didn’t do much at all someone said I should keep all the solar Essence so I will keep those and sell the rest yeah people were said they were R so I didn’t you

Want the solar Essence if you if you are willing to give some away cuz that helps me get tight with the wizard so I can trans my gender oh there you go there’s two in there that you’re welcome to trans the gender I’m helping you on your

Trans the gender fund thank you so much yes e why was that so loud that was gulpy loud yeah I have a crab fact for you crabs have claws on their feet have you ever seen tarantula toes they got two little claws they got two little they they got little fluffy

Little dog feet but it’s only two toes and they got little Claws and I want to design a pair of slippers that look like tarantula feet a oh wait some people are M are being like you just called all the 30-year-olds old no I I didn’t mean I so

Like the de I don’t know how the demographic is but it was like 35 to 45 30 year olds aren’t old I’m just 28 and I am old they’re not old I’m old it’s different you don’t know me I didn’t mean I I was just like this

The demographic where you know you have like kids I mean yeah to be fair if you’re a 5-year-old and you saw a 30-year-old you’re going to think old don’t act like none of you have ever not thought 30 was old y’all crazy if you think that what are we doing today are

The spirits upset I can’t remember I think they’re annoyed well middle finger I’m going well middle well I’m going to go well I’m walking that way so it’s not like they can stop what do I do with these glass shards can I donate those I’ll take your entire stock glass shards are

They oh then S I love checking the trash can near Mar LS just to piss him off y’all I can’t wait to have a jumping spider named figgy and I can send you guys updates be like look at figgy’s first kill no and it’s and it’s like a a like a fruit

Fly gets off from work I’m so excited stand here and wait for Shane are you waiting for Shane to get off of work yeah I’m standing outside holding a pepper above my head my dude if you do not draw a fan art of this I’m going to be very disappointed

I need this story in picture oh I need a a a gray man with a purple Mohawk and mustache Romancing Shane exactly 125 enemies to Lumbers calite that I thought you were saying my name really funny and I was going to be like what Gite Gite only Jordan and my dad call me

Kills criticizing Clint for stalking Emily meanwhile oh they got us Alyssa they they kind of got us there the chat said the chat said criticizing Clint for stalking Emily however yeah well that’s different because he’s old and ugly and mean and I am hot young sexy and very

Fun you are and also his soulmate also his soulmate yeah yeah you like bring him [ __ ] beer and pizza like I bring in beer and peppers and peppers you hand grew those Peppers you bought the seed put it in the earth took care of it and

Grew a bunch of peppers I yeah I don’t see Clint doing that for Emily Clint couldn’t even ask Emily out Clint just takes your watering can for two days and says oops sorry here’s a better one exactly but I had to pay like $4,000 for it stupid

Stupid I don’t want to work tomorrow but think about the money and then think about think about all the french fries here he comes you want to buy the french fries right no Nikki your beans no Ah that’s not Shane get get out of my face yeah

See we’re not stalking uh we’re getting to know so we can ask them out properly Clint doesn’t ask her out and does nothing for her he just watches her I instead rationalize my behavior and that makes it okay yeah she only she only does it twice a week cuz that’s all

The game can allow her meanwhile who knows how long that Clint’s been stalking Emily in this town probably years I open I finished another bundle what else is there oh my God just L we are the overlords of this realm while Clint is an incel morsel watching

From a distance I can purchase repair is Bus Repair okay a bus repair I think that will let us go to the desert ah five hearts with Shane congrats a new friend accomplishment let’s do this should I get the Bus Repair though yeah we can

Also get what else what else can we get though the wizard oh just uh I don’t know what all these bundles are it’s just like the something bundle I’m just going to get the least expensive it’s two uh 2,500 find the one with the greenhouse the greenhouse will let us

Grow any sort of crop any year we want and just good it makes it pretty it just says this Vault oh you need to purchase all them to unlock the bus they said oh then I’m no way no right now no way no how there was no way I feel like we’re

Working so hard but we still have no money yeah we’re silly beans we’re very silly the chat but the chat loves us so that’s all I can ask for least I hope they love us they might be spitefully watching angry viewers angrily sitting in their computer chairs has C and chickens yeah

We got to get the cooping chickens oh we have enough for the C now we need 4,000 yeah we’re good do it come on I just need one more hole Mama running out of M [ __ ] you [ __ ] Clint I will God what he left I have five Omni geodes that he can easily

Crack open oh a frog and he said no even though I complain to you about how my business isn’t booming I don’t know I’m going to find the bottom I’m feeling exhausted do I have anything to eat we’re going to eat nothing nothing nothing what’s the

Bottom 100 I think they said 120 oh that’s right I gotta go up where you at um I can check thank you for the follow we are at 90 thanks to you two you guys did all the heavy work 90 what you oh you’re right the cave

Carrots I don’t think I even had enough wait do you yeah I don’t think I had enough energy to even hoe I totally forgot I’m dumb [ __ ] 120 is the bottom they said I can go mining tomorrow how do I uh bring up my farming I’ve been watering does that count the

Glasses I think I was told that plucking the wait that’s not even my house what the I got to put this back don’t worry about Pantry we got to do the pantry bundle that unlocks the thing sorry walking in I didn’t even move I just saw you Scurry out as these dumbass

Glasses are on my table Illy special everything got got you once again I L was like who put these stupid glasses on my table and I was like what do he in my house hold on oh my goodness dead pets can you everything you guys said

And laughed about but I bet it was great it was normally I do uh chatting glasses and I saw you run out of Jaden’s house really fast went to bed and then was like table and I was like wait this isn’t my house you put the stup glasses on the

Table I put them back on the table and I ran out and that’s what J I just stand in the doorway you just [ __ ] got yourself planting growing and harvesting crops raises the uh this the farm we don’t have to we don’t have to oh I’m

Plucking these uh I got to level up my farming oh yeah that’s fair the spirits are neutral today neutral Spirits might go mining then what floor are we on 90 we got to get to 120 damn it’s but first I got geod to deliver maybe this thing holy [ __ ]

Lightning yeah lightning was like uh where do you want your peppers uh you can toss them in my uh chest here thanks baby Jim on the right side of the screen is the door uh thank you um you can use texted Speech To Make Her Say silly things in the channel points down

Below it is thundering today I wish it was thundering in real life God damn jayen one day I’m going to take you back to Iowa and I’m going to let you see your first twister oo I’ve never seen a twister it’s pretty it’s pretty intense you’re like damn this guy really

Touching the Earth right now didn’t know that was possible is there ever like a worry that it’s coming at you yeah they change that you can’t really like they can change direction at any time that’s scary my favorite person to watch on uh YouTube is Petco Park like

Petco where the pets go um he travels a lot through Oklahoma and Texas and uh just chases tornadoes and he he’s got long hair and he likes to stop his car and get Critters off the road so people don’t run him over Critters a good man

In April for a music thing I had to do yeah and I was like super jet lagged so I took a nap and I woke up to these like terrifying hellish sirens and my phone ringing but I was so tired I was like very annoyed so I just kept trying to go

Back to sleep and the phone kept ringing and I finally picked it up and they were like hey there’s a twister you need to come down to the basement right now and I was like oh okay I ran down there and then waited for the Twister to stop and

Went back back up into my room and went back to bed I have a very similar story I was sleeping on the couch and Jordan came up to me all terrified and said bab the the tornado sir and alarms are going off what do we do I was like

We go in the basement we went in the basement I went right back to bed a okay process some GE come on F oh my God he’s fighting fighting for his life I got a lemon one and a Jasper sorry I need to come down to the mes with y’all wait what’s

Twister a twister is a tornado my dear it’s just a fancy way of how I say it by fany I mean Midwest these all suckin Arizon suck I’ve only been to Arizona like twice yeah did someone say they were going to bed I’m head to bed good night

All right good night skyline thanks for hanging out with us don’t it to museum oh just one thing okay I want to trash I got a candy bar you woohoo bar literal drugs oh dear every time um Twisted there was a tornado chance in Iowa I would put on Twister so I’ve seen

It many times I don’t know I don’t think I have a comfort movie I’m not like a movie Watcher I just sit in bed and watch YouTube videos that’s like all I do with my free time that’s fine though yeah but it doesn’t sound interesting red orange

Yellow okay Green’s next um honestly I can’t sometimes I wake up and I just can’t wait to uh get get into bed and watch freaking reals and send it to you and Jordan every night yeah dur myor since I’ve been streaming I’ve been missing so many it makes me so sad oh

There was a red gem right here the whole time Godly dingdong dang it oh I should level up my pickaxe good night the Flaming Groudon hosta a pasta Hasta la Pasta baby what are these what are these they’re so scary I’m going to die there’s also water Twisters they call them water spouts

What is that are y’all in the mines where are y’all I’m com I was I was I’m not going to lie I was in the museum organizing all the gems in a gay rainbow a that’s nice we live in Ally Museum I don’t know how long that home wait is it

Late it’s 1 p.m. yeah I whenever it’s like 12:00 p.m. I’m like is that noon or is that morning that’s how it was at 11:00 p.m. I was like oh that’s the morning I got plenty of time no I don’t know why we can’t just do military time for everything because I

Don’t want to do math but you just memorize it like you just memorize it and that’s all good I already know a system this is like when people tell me to stop using Photoshop and use clip Studio paint I’m like but that’s effort even though I will [ __ ] about Photoshop every single

Day I for some reason in um in college I was like you know what I’m going to do it I’m going to learn military time for no reason and I just switched all of my like my computer and my phone to military time and after like a couple

Months I’m fluent oh it’s that kind of like determination that one day we came over to your house and you’re like I took the heads off of Beanie Babies and Seed them on onto other beanie babies and I was like that’s actually really sick [Laughter]

I did that for uh my buddy schlatt have you seen the video yeah and then you said that was filmed like an hour ago I think from two years ago they say an hour in a year you said a I was like no it’s still close no it

Was a year yeah I remember you say it was a couple years o what is this fancy schmancy aquam Marine aquamarine it’s Tuesday [ __ ] I I’ve been really focused on uh giving gifts to the ones I want to romance yeah but I’ve already done it it’s

Tuesday I got to wait a whole week now damn it’s Tuesday tomorrow I have and I feel bad cuz I won’t have anything to offer cuz I was at a convention and then had to there’s lots of Essences like solar Essences down here they’re not that rare

Anymore oh grab them from me dang KJ that that’s smart he said I noticed that that video was old schlatt’s video because you didn’t have your arm tattoos yeah I didn’t oh wow cuz Jaden’s been showing them off a lot on stream because every morning people are like are those

Real yeah they don’t ask anymore because I’m I’m vtube version now but she does she have the tattoos she has a tattoo she does she doesn’t have my my crane one though that as soon as I got the crane one I made my actual model out of date we might add

It I have to ask the AR gun if if they’re free my problem is um with my character I uh I didn’t know how to pick one character so I was like that’s why I’ll just make my Sona morphable and I can change him however want but now that I

Really want a fur suit ahead of him I’m like oh God which form do I use though because like I personally like the black Chase better but the purple one is way more welln yeah yeah there’s got to be some kind of oil slick kind of fabric you could get like

A shimmery like color changing thing purple to Black you know I hope so cuz oil slick would be absolutely perfect cuz I don’t want him to just be black and white shiny yeah no what the [ __ ] is that stormy sure is where’s this ladder what to do I got a

Burp but it doesn’t want to come up being kind of a [ __ ] how long did you want to stream cuz I really into this and down to play for more multiple hours not tired yet yeah I’m not tired at all I have I had my beverage I’m getting hyper but in a stupid

Way so if I say stupid things well you should know better by now it’s just a bit it’s just a bit roll with it it’s no it’s no longer uh my responsibility hi but in an annoyed voice why in an annoyed voice dang hi hi they even put it like a little

Fraty face but it’s like the funny looking one eat this unrelated question about what kind of game is The Binding of Isaac I heard it’s a bit like OST I don’t know what OST is but it’s a Dungeon Crawler pixel game that goes around the religion of the story of

Isaac except for it’s played in a way that it’s a son whose mom is corrupt over the thoughts of religion and wants to kill her son because because of it so you you go down to the um basement and you have to fight the evils that are down

Below it’s a lot like if you look up the L it’s actually pretty freaking deep but I just look at the fanyy side of it I was like oh cool cave monsters oh they said I was responding someone sorry Kelsey that angry high was not for you there’s someone in

Chat chatters talking and they were saying hi really angrily to somebody else I like the soft overlay I should up I was just about to say [ __ ] you said you wanted to stay up plate then I realized you meant in game okay there I’m getting I’m getting

The goodies from the beach all I want to do we don’t have that much money for it uh we might have enough we’d have $600 after the CPE I missed a text to speech holy [ __ ] scary oh they’re not real they fade away as soon as Jaden touches water there are

The secret that what what I’m too high for this can’t be reading all messages when they’re deep mushroom oh my God this I ate one mushroom and it Max out my energy and health I thought I thought mushrooms poisoned you or is it a special purple

One oh I think the red one poisons you oh it’s about the tattoos that makes a lot more sense what the message I was reading and I was like what the [ __ ] does this mean they were talking about your tattoos and now it makes sense the context help what

Would what was what was the what were they saying your tattoos aren’t real they fade away as soon as you touch water oh that okay so that was my first reaction to like having a tattoo like my first tattoo I ever got I was like it didn’t

Feel like it was permanent I was like I need to be careful I feel like I’m going to wash this off by accident yeah whenever you get nails did and you’re like no I can’t touch anything ever again yeah it just doesn’t like your first tattoo you’re like is this really

Permanent is it doesn’t feel like it I’m almost at floor 100 oh my God y need to come to home it’s 11:00 p.m. no I found an early ladder let’s go whoa I found a star what’s a star drop what is this what’s happening what’s happening to me I’m going crazy

Found a star drop it’s strange but it tastes maximum energy level increased you guys got to come down here can I fish in the lava it’s midnight Jaden I want to see okay I just wanted to see I’m coming down here I gotta go yeah running home let’s go you got

This are you getting it coming home coming home I’m coming home starting to feel like I want to try this game it’s fun I think if you like the look of it I think you would enjoy it if you don’t think you like if you’re watching and you don’t think it’s for

You you probably don’t like it but if you’re watching it and you think it might be for you probably is bless you thank you Kimmy says there are rare fish you can only fish in lava I’m it’s a fishing day for me tomorrow mhm I’m going to go to the

Bathroom real quick well I’m going to say yes to all the things and then I’m going to go bom you go ahead go to go to the bathroom I’ll chill okay I’ll be right back then I’ll chill and talk to chat oh look at all the money we got from the

Bies thank you thank you for the I clicked okay I’m so sorry that was okay we all have to click okay oh thank goodness that’s what I do that’s what I like about this game gun literally just means Health oh okay since you said you’re too high for

This are you smoker and edible enjoyer I actually don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about this on DED stream but I already did uh I try not to smoke I have bad lungs CU I had pneumonia when I was a small child and it like scarred my

Lungs or something so I prefer an edible or I tonics are my favorite because yeah I just put in a Sprite and I just have sips okay I’m back hello to farming finally yeah let’s go oh but level four mining let’s go wow you have way more levels than me what

Have I been doing with my life making the museum gay that’s right yeah pneumonia as a kid it sucks doesn’t it yeah you can’t breathe and you try to explain to your parents why you can’t breathe and they’re like what and you just like are terrified I don’t think I can no the

Spirits are neutral Today oh we got melons No wait they’re not ready they’re not ready they look ready dang yeah they one more day I guess pelicant Town luau tomorrow whenever cheese is laying down it looks like he’s dead so I think if we all put like a a silver or a yellow star item in the soup

Will be really good but did we want to try to do the underwear thing I like the underwear thing I better you’ll lose friendship though oh never mind never mind don’t do it don’t do it okay there’s also just a neutral where we just like you know only do a little bit

Let’s do the gold star stuff and make people think we’re amazing okay let’s hope that everything grows tomorrow I have I have extra I mean we have all kinds of gold star stuff I have like in our inventories right this little guy died whoever the hell he was or he didn’t get watered

Yesterday kind of a [ __ ] somehow you cranky a a TomTom said I’ve been watching I’ve been following Jaden subathon for a while now but this day was my favorite day they hope to see the three of us stream again thank you so much TomTom good night thanks for hanging out go get

The go get the star drop Got It Go tripping out a I’m tripping what I found a star drop my mind is filled with thoughts and thoughts of garbage well that’s for you oh did you make garbage your Luigi’s favorite thing oh it is it shows you your favorite

Thing wait I didn’t read the thing my thoughts must have been filled with being mean man mine is something like food or something oh I think it permanently increases your energy the star drop what you guys get star drop I got to level yeah level 100 last minute super super

Lucky now people are asking us to do more stardew valley during the subathon they I the the schedule is pretty pretty full but I do I do definitely oh my God I have a prison uh but I do definitely want to play more stardo we definitely can yeah event whenever we have free

Time wait don’t lose any friendship with Louis’s shorts you can do it wait where where do I get his shorts you got to get in marne’s house be friends with Marne though right to get into her room I don’t know because it’s a quest what’s the what

What house is it oh it’s the farm with the cows oh I’ve never even been there cars I’ll try I think you get another star drop in the desert mine and one during the fall Harvest Festival thing if you win so maybe we should try really hard for that

O oh I See Fire Quartz can you get in there oh I’m not friends what does she like I see them yeah his his underwear is still in there need two hearts you can glitch through her door using a sword oh really yeah just a sword with like

Like swinging it like swinging it like crazy I don’t believe you I think you’re just trying to make us look stupid how how do we do it guys yeah good night Tom Tom thanks again for the sweet message you just making this stupid make a stone scared case and equip is pants

That’s what that’s what caffeine just said or you could do the staircase pants thing I can make a I can make stairs let’s put it in our pants yes yeah how do I even make them uh we need a bunch of stone we probably have that we do I haven’t been

Throwing away our Stone I a have either they said they might have p the the door thing I hope not oh I only have oh wait I do have a bunch of stone let’s go let’s go I should have made like being friends and really close with everyone like my thing

To like you know grind for oh yeah get my bad no no it’s fine how dare you Alysa why aren’t you doing anything to help out oh guess what I just made it to level 105 in the mines so hell yeah a damn wa take I take it back she is so

Helpful don’t worry guys I’ll romance Shane I can’t wait for you to I can’t wait to go to the wedding oh my God I’m so excited oh my God scary things oh my God dud you are so right we almost didn’t water the melons that would have been

Tragic we need these melons for tomorrow hopefully they’ll be done tomorrow I’ll cry if they AR Oh finding cool things but first destroying a scary man scary man scary man mean man make me cry a snakes everywhere says got to go to bed thanks for making us laugh ooh I found a diamond a diamond beautiful beautiful time you don’t care if I do some

Organizing here at the house please do as in our chest a little bit of organizing yes please go okay oh yeah how do I do it do I have to take God my energy going to die yes eat the cave carrot give me energy the cave thank you for the

Follow man can I make it two more floors with this much energy maybe not I have to donate some stuff still you can use the channel points for no reason if you want I don’t know when we’re going in it might be a well and also they want to know your opinions on

Mr mime e ugly bad not good God damn what do you use the Essences for Chad what do you use like the solar Essence in the void essent can I I can move a whole chest oh let’s go be repeatedly right clicking it eat me it didn’t

Work for crafting well what do you craft with they said to keep the diamonds cuz they’re good for uh selling but also really good for for crafting oh left uh I’ve only gotten one I’ve only gotten one diamond and I put it in the museum

Oh okay I have one diamond for us if you need eventually we’ll get the repeater machine oh we’re getting a raid Berserker dubs thank you for the raid Berserker dubs I’m clicking it’s not working I’m put that away it’s okay I’ll do it the long way I don’t

Mind the wizard likes them oh yeah I’ve been Romancing him but I have I have so many things like you guys can sell them someone says don’t ever throw anything away well I wanted to like sell it I wanted to sell it you can’t tell

Jade and I not to throw away that we’re not those kind of people that don’t throw away stuff oh wait who are you hello hi r no I’m just going to go where are the gosh stairs solar and void Essence is used for really good Rings later what’s the

Strong ring actually yeah someone to make the strong ring what is this uh cuts the duration of negative status effects in half oh I can make that I need to get more bug meat do you guys have any bug meat check my chest okay check my chest check my chest ah what

The hell is that a mask it has a mask and it and it radiates oh that’s what kopus species is but they don’t wear a mask oh my God yeah I’m not quite sure what he is a shadow how do I how do I beat him oh my God oh my God

They’re really they’re really strong I should have warned you you have your obsidian sword yeah that’s all I got though oh my God he’s jumping over rocks I’m out of here you guys we’re over $110,000 I found it thank you so much for that Prime sub I I really appreciate

It you’re now my new favorite person oh my energy is but my my will to go on is mighty I got I got the floor 109 and my energy is bleh bleh bleh oh we should we can Dum uh we need to donate a a hot

Pepper oh I got one of those cuz you got them in your chest don’t you yeah in the inside you can go grab one oh element and smash and Chasm thank you for subscribing oh my God if I could just please first reveal the stairs thank you you’re both now my favorite

People cuz you did it at the same time love you both oh my God I have a winter route let’s where I put the aquamarine where do we put the aquamarine oh yeah where Jaden and Alissa have been going to town finding those floors in the mines things are attacking

Me let’s go oh my God a crab oh my God you got crab crab to we found the two buing crabs they were just on floor 110 floor 110 we got space boots space Bo space boots they’re purple oh I look good it matches my hair oh my God it

Looks great where in the world do I donate oh it’s right here she’s a little more HD on her stream Bolton board oh I missed it had a really productive day at the mines nice let’s freaking go so proud of you thank you no problem it’s

Already late I’m going to come back and I’m new boot goofing what you have you not seen that video that Reno 911 of like I’ll send it to you okay okay boot goofing is that what you said new boot goofing thank you Brent new boot goofing new goof I don’t what do I

Do with the dang slingshot I don’t want it and I can’t sell it you can put it in your chest I’ve been putting all like my old weapons and armor and stuff in a separate chest you could sell old armor and weapons to the guild they’ll give

You good money that’s why we have 10,000 gold now oh damn yeah whoop love your Sona by the way thanks oh do you want to hey oh what I didn’t mean to what’s up what uh just we’re just reacting to Jaden I was going to offer you a crab I’m

Good came in stole the glasses stole the table put the table back stole the table put the glass you stole your cup no you know just passing glasses we got another wait Berserker didn’t you already raate us I remember you raiding I remember that name I don’t forget that name I’m

Storing crap in y’all’s chests there you go Merry Christmas can I offer you a crab in these trying times I love crab you ever you ever see that video where the people oh my God cat please let me get to my please let me get to my bed I have to

Move my bed he won’t he won’t let me lay down no damn can you go like yeah I just moved the bed anyways it was a video where people were trying to pick up their luggage at baggage claim and there was just crabs everywhere I totally

Would have stole one it’s a free crab free crab holy crap we got a lot of money look that money oh we’re doing so good now I’m gonna buy chicken coop tomorrow chicken tomorrow we got a basketball game tomorrow hey my name is Trey I I think

Wasn’t there like an update on him saying like oh I went to my basketball game oh I always wanted to know if he did good at his basketball game I think there’s an update somewhere somewhere out there in the world why can’t we pick these whack what not ready yet I guess

What happened to these ones were they picked yeah oh okay never mind wait we got to water the plants y’all get you get your tissues right back I just sell sold a ruby funniest memory from school oh I don’t um none I watched a cat fight what like actual cats or like

Women no no like women oh dear I watch I literally only watched it for 3 seconds cuz I was leaving the cafeteria to go to class and they were fighting in class I was like bro why at lunchtime I eat during lunchtime who has time to

Fight like you’re you guys know this is a bathroom break you can take yeah you could totally be just sitting in the bathroom on your phone and just enjoying your break I never saw any fights I saw a lot of people making out though I never saw anyone making

Out Jordan said there was always kids making out in his hallways too I never saw that I was a really small school though you know I I had a big school kind of a small school there are lots of fights I care about the fights but never

See it before you guys leave where do you want me to build the coupe ooh um or do you want it right in front of your house Jaden uh well if we want to expand maybe like below here you know we could have like the animals be down here the strip

There’s also this there’s also this entire left side past the greenhouse that’s also where this is oh like this whole Corner over here we also have all of this and all this down here that’s just a long walk and I think I’ll forget about the cows and they’ll die yes they

Don’t they don’t I don’t think they die oh oh cows die die in my heart oh no down here is good the Lu okay so you want me oh yeah I can put it right here right here yeah that works okay well I can’t build it today like I wanted to

Cuz I forgot we were having a party um if I remember correctly we each need to get one item to put in the pot and make sure it’s a gold star oh oh we each need one okay hold up uh-oh let me see if I have any stuff and if you don’t have

Gold uh silver is good enough I don’t I have one silver uh Alysa if you don’t have any silver I have like a silver grape in my chest [ __ ] okay yes I’ll take silver grape thank you well I’ll take one gold bar so I can donate it as

Well do we have to donate things today too got add pot I think I think it’s wait did we want to donate this gold star parsnip I’m can we can I put this sweet pee in there you might be able to put a sweet pee uh the the gold star parsnip

Is for the the special bundle yeah I can take that if you want because I got to go donate the gold bar anyway we can’t donate today later like just so I don’t just so I don’t forget okay I’m going to take a sweet pee see put oh thank you

For the bety and yes uh it’s it’s been going pretty good thank you so much thank you for the grape you’re wel the grape offer you oh I’m offering thank you I love CB I’ll give it to Sebastian I mean I mean no I mean Elliot there’s a grape right there grape

There’s a bunch of [ __ ] hold on see if you can get a gold star one I don’t know if you can find gold star ones in the wild I found a silver oh my God I did find a gold star something in the wild oh my God we’re good we’re good

My God alive we go down to the beach right oh [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] the the what the [ __ ] oh God damn the [ __ ] let go to the beach beach n and judge is she still retired no she’s retired Elliot she retired crab you’re welcome oh my God Elliot you want a crab

I don’t think I’ve given a single person a gift oh my god oh I want to wait for Cronut oh my goodness element that’s buoy on them whoa shouldn’t it be exposed to love being gay who are you also Brent thank you so much for the sub or gifting the sub I

Really appreciate that uh you’re now my new favorite person yeah we’re going to put in the stew this you people this no you put the you put the thing in the stew I added a sweet pee I will add [ __ ] Berry just a cylinder of meat what do we do at the luau

Um I guess mingle Bingle Le yeah people like Leia don’t they yeah Leia’s great she’s an artist she just kind of does her own thing you can come oh it’s the governor not the mayor mayor is Louis the purple H look see Pierre still shoppinga I like Abigail she says it’s

Too it’s too tiring to socialize I have to drink beverage wait now what do we do they have a star they have a star fruit for us to buy is but it’s 3,000 we buy it next year some Decor Jesus all right well governor who cares you’re right Sam Sam is Based all right lius is making the whole town a big old roast I think kelse has to talk to somebody oh do I have to cuz you’re the leader you have talk to somebody where’s the damn May oh wait I just talked to him didn’t I he’s up here all right I don’t

Know yes let’s start Lua woo woo let’s hope he likes it if he doesn’t we’re screwed he should we got three gold star items in there right I think so yeah lonus is precious imagine regretting the entire c town just because their potluck wasn’t didn’t have good

Food see what face he makes you guys no what the [ __ ] what what why what dis what excuse Bo it’s kind of disgusting oh what we put in it I put in a spice Berry maybe he doesn’t like a poor quality ingredient but I put in a gold

Star sweet pee maybe maybe it was the the the mix of the things put together someone must have ruin it with the pork what the [ __ ] is it because people are saying bad end is it because I put in a flower Sweet Pea is actually low quality

Ah I’m sorry no cuz it’s a flower oh they noticed one dumbass flow in the soup and they said gross disgusting did you see how big that freaking soup was you throw in one tiny little leaf and they go yeah but I bet if it was a bay leaf they wouldn’t say

Anything I’m going to bed try again tomorrow [ __ ] the yeah exactly the town didn’t really contribute to not drown out a flower so yeah it’s their fault that you could only taste [Applause] flour this is why you should have poisoned the governor true you should have poisoned him Peppers

Is what’s up with the [ __ ] though I know right explain yourself they take so long what about these other things uh can I take one of these Peppers to donate of course okay I’m going to do that no I for to char up oh yeah I’m going to water these

Crops real quickly and then I’m going to go buy our chicken coop and um you guys can go buy your chickens y you get to name them what you want or want to name a chicken oh [ __ ] chat can you quickly give me the ingredients needed to go buy a chicken

Coop did anyone check the um the forecast no I can check it real quick the the the Wizard forecast yeah we got a silo uh the spirits feel neutral today the day is in your hands okay chin chimpin 300 wood 100 Stone and 4 00 money I thought it was

4,000 money I think it’s 4,000 money if astrology isn’t real explain the fortune teller forecast right oh wait we need five of the parsnips oh yeah yeah that’s why it was sitting in there um whoops I’ll put a pepper in here yeah okay hold on can donate mushroom

Where’s the mushroom 10 in there here it takes 12 days for melons to little bastards can’t do anything there okay away then one all right yall got y’all got to do y all got to do the rest of the water okay I can do I got to run up to

Robin I think I’m finishing all of the Boiler Room ooh spicy yeah AR has donated a gold bar to the bundle bundle complete we got a furnace nice ooh I think the boiler room is all completed like fully ooh we are The junos Keeper of the forest a it looks so

Nice gosh darn Berserker that’s quack all right Robin I am ready to uh construct yes build here we come check what Marne likes Yay all right so she’s going to start working on it tomorrow and it’ll be done the day after that nice and look we still have so much money we do we still almost have 10,000 quartz okay Grandpa’s going to be so proud even though he’s dead I’m going to fish in the

Lava wait no I skipped it whoops how’s the stream going stream is going good on my end than God Shane I’m getting a special sad boy cutscene no all right back to organizing this [ __ ] Luigi can you do something he’s out cold L will not help you sh out on the floor

Watered him with my watering can to wake him up what a oh my God sad okay good deite the long grass for hey yeah that’s what the silos for right that’s what I think we have it do you want these old weapons y’all or can I

Sell them you can sell them sell them oh I got to give you my old weapons hold on yeah mine are in my chest they’re in my house in in that chest please go take them you have the obsidian sword right Alissa yeah I own yes okay okay yeah I’m

Going sell all the stuff I don’t know why he’s trying to go into my house to give away I see that you have all of our bowls on your floor oh I’ve had those since the beginning like you got a master slingshot the hell did you get that walking around the mes

I see I see where is this ladder oh there it is what the hell is that what are you carrying me what are you holding yeah nothing oh it’s a watering can oh your little guy is shivering did you drink coffee no that’s so weird my guy my guy’s not

Moving on my game your guy is shivering oh no I’m alive and well oh okay okay I like that yo these purple mushrooms go crazy though purple and blue damn ah time to go sell some stuff time to go donate baby Jim I hear you sweet

Be okay so no hydration did you redeem hydration oh I forgot to tell you guys that my water bottle was empty that’s why I wasn’t checking for hydration checks I’ll go fill it up here in a sec I went the wrong way cuz I was too busy enjoying the music that’s cheating what’s

Cheating close cheating someone I’m cheating stardew Valley how do you cheat not on my watch if you take three Pres pris apparently Shane is based off one of concerned ap’s friends concern ape made the game oh wait which one is Shane the one that Alyssa’s trying to get oh Alysa

He’s out there he’s real oh no I don’t want a real version I found something pink in the bushes but it won’t let me pick it up unless it’s just a flower oh it’s just a flower dwarf scroll if you take three Prismatic shards and three antennas in

The desert you get the Galaxy sword which I think is the second best sword dang how do people find out stuff like that in the beginning one Prismatic Shard not three oh that’s way easier cuz I remember those being really yeah wait a minute can I have one Prismatic Shard if

You find it cuz I need it to make a ring to Mary Shane can’t you also get something from the guy that sells it on the beach when it rains or is that how you ask someone to marry them right I don’t know no idea I know

There is a guy on the beach that apparently something oh that’s why there’s secret notes in this game someone in my chat said you three are so cool to watch tonight oh that’s how you start dating them oh thank you I’m glad that you like the three of us

Because I’m having a hell of a time I like like the three of us too me too we’re funny we’re good we’re great all I so those St oh the guy at the beach is for Real players what what what what does that mean the guy at the beach his ring is

For Real players to marry like other players why would there be a difference is there a difference oh it’s for you two to get married oh real gamers only you’d like a real gamer wedding thank you for the follow what was I doing organizing chests right yes

Yes I was cleaning all your guys’ weapons we’re back to $10,000 uh dollars uh did somebody need bug meat cuz I have 11 oh I think I need it okay I’m going to put it in your chest thank you and it goes oh I’m gonna give you one

Rock put these in for now I’m stealing all y’all sa oh go for it I I literally keep it yeah I keep it cuz I remember you use it yeah the ring is for players to marry one another and the mermaid pendant is for you to marry NPCs okay oh

Make your avatar attempt to eat Jaden uh donate $5 and I will busy playing a game VOR for $5 pretty dang cheap do you want me to sell do you want me to sell your magnet ring by the way Jaden uh sure okay wait I got a p Kitty oh you can

Sell my slingshots in here and there’s like you can’t sell slingshots oh I think we can throw them away oh you just throw them away oh that sucks oh petition to replace Jaden Mario Kart time with star to Valley friend time well Jad gets to play what she

Wants to play though I am enjoying stard though me too it’s so it’s so chill I’m going to put my character to sleep I got 220 yeah let’s go we got skeleton key skull key add to my what where is it added to oh I assume that it’s somewhere

Croissant says they’re also going to Mar CH where does the key go oh it’s in my wallet can I go into the sewer now me maybe wait when do we open the mine cart though it wouldn’t let me sell the slingshots at the adventur guild I tried

You to the skull mines oh yeah that’s in the desert so we can’t do that yet no we got to go to the desert for it no we have to we have to make a lot of money then that’s what the blueberries and the beers are supposed to do the beers the

Beers magma geode a [ __ ] great skull key is used on the desert you need to the bus repaired first okay but it takes like $100,000 oh element says the mine car is unlocked from The Boiler Room bundle but I but I did unlock the Boiler Room bundle the junos oh they’re fixing you

Did it good job J yay now we can just go home quick yeah now we don’t have to scream at chat whenever it’s 1:00 a.m. and we’re like how could this happen o I got I unlocked a warrior ring because my mining level is five now [ __ ] B Jim has come to see

Me now we just got to do more stuff with the museum to unlock the sewer don’t did your [ __ ] on me God damn it hey it’s raining cat leave me no I don’t want to go to sleep tell you guys Spirits are mildly perturbed luck will notb mean cat won’t let me out

Mildly pissed off we can get our melons oh well I wish I could see but I oh there got oh they are so plump holy [ __ ] oh my lord lord lord Lord I’m going pick a melon pick melon any melon we need five gold star melons I have one gold star I

Have one so we’re off to a start I have three gold star melons yeah I think I couldn’t pick those up go ahead and put them in here I’ll put in hereu just the gold stars melon damn it we’re really CL I’m going to put the

Other pars it back if you can and see if any of us have any more melon seeds that’s all we got mineart at the bus stop oh I was I was spreading misinformation on the internet W not again yeah I lost a lot of information about this game because I

Haven’t played in a hot second what do you do the let us go places m infuses the wear with Warrior energy after good night e big mood do you guys have uh a lot of Frozen tears uh not anymore I think I um I’ve given mine away to

Sebastian if you have any that you don’t want to use can I have them sure I think I donated one but I can’t remember something needed this the tier oh I came here to sell stuff that’s that’s what I was doing he won’t acknowledge me oh they don’t open to 2 p.m. when

Almost I guess I’ll go and go pick up my thing from the mines since they’re not open till 2 oh Robin should be working on our thing now oo good it’s about damn time wow some say I married Emily for wood and or wool and duck feathers now

That’s a productive marriage if I’ve ever heard of it don’t tell me you’re not ready for it lad I don’t know why I have to constantly go through the trash I just feel so good when I rumag through the trash cans I like the Animation Pokemon muscle memory

True so true I just like digging and stuff dirt sand trash crash let’s go oo Jasper and lemon Stone we’re donating to the museum today there’s the star drop baby Jim found a star Drop what I can’t donate this Saturday tomorrow I can Romance the wizard again it’s strange but the taste reminds you a food what do I use the Jasper and the lemon stone for chat should I I feel like I shouldn’t sell that oh I sold it my badad if they’ve already been donated

You’re good to sell make your money you say sell all right Nikki good night thanks for hanging out someone said okay happy birthday mine cartell it Minecart connects the bus stop the mines the town and then the Corey it unlocks the Corey okay people are saying sell so I’m going to

Sell uh if if it says Gunther can tell you more you can donate if not most of them are selling okay sounds good to me sell I’m going ride the cart I want to see Jordan found it funny oh I got some hay four hay just in general hey hey

Heyy hey oh hey hey I’m going to go fish in the wait where’s the mine cart it’s over here where’s the mine cart um go you know where the bus is uh like to the right of the houses yeah yeah it’s there okay oh I see you can play junimo kart in the

Saloon now sick we get games with in the games oh so this this uh it takes you to town and it takes you house we could take we could take the mine cart to Clint’s house so we don’t have to freaking fight with him anymore where do I fish where’s the

Magma there it is level 100 let’s go time to fish in the magma oh yeah don’t let me in please I’m rearranging stuff in my house hell yeah eventually we need to upgrade my house so we can have a kitchen and we can all decorate my house together ooh

Ah Jaden trying to hook a Groudon all right let me in oh yeah you’re right we should buy bigger backpacks we can only afford like one though that’s the thing we’ve been trying so hard and now we can only afford one can I not move a chest once I’ve

Placed it somewhere I think if it’s got stuff in it you got to take the stuff out oh that makes sense oh I always hate that mechanic it’s only trash here I like it when it just spills on the floor and I’m like cool I like when it keeps

The stuff in the chest because it’s like you’re just going to put that down somewhere else anyway true I think this only gives you trash is it really this only gives trash do I need a better fishing rode or something there’s no way this just gives you trash there’s

99% trash 1% fish which one in the lava area no there’s eels y’all the eightball has a cool down that’s why it’s not answering you remember that is do I need to get a new am I even able to catch it even if I get the

Percentage uh is it too hard to catch with this fishing rod chat wa I feel like if even if I get it it’s going to be like crazy hard you should upgrade it first yeah okay I’ll grab one more trash no I won’t going back what

Bu changed your mind so quickly I was like actually why would I take a little bit more time to to get trash just a bad idea at least I have a bunch of stuff to put in the recycler oh yeah with an empty hand that’s right how do you grab

An empty hand though do I have to press like seven oh oh what but that’s lame it’s going to take me forever Stone iron bar I don’t like this what is that sound it’s me what are you doing apparently I have to sit here and Rapid click this to push it one

Spot go Kelsey go go go so tired I’m going to get finger go go where are you moving it over here in front of the house okay there’s my house now better oh my God they said I can hold the button y’all how many times have you

Told you you got to give me the full information not half of the information and assume that I’ll know when you say be there at noon and I show up at noon and you’re like not till another week got give me the full scoop Chad you’re killing us sometimes wait someone said something

Really nice I think I have to go but have a great day night you’re all special beings take care of yourselves oh bye Mel I’m going to move these recycling machines I’m chatting I’m going to watch Kelsey suffer and then when she’s done suffering tell her an easier way to do

It it’s funny it’s funny it’s a learning lesson whoa scary yeah w oh I’m just going to put recyclers like all across here do you guys have any preference on where to put the recyclers Lucifer doesn’t bother me you could uh I mean up here’s good oh we could put

Them up by the water up here so then we’ll remember to also water the the tree came here from Jaden’s tell her I said hi don’t tell me what to do hi someone said goodbye actually oh dramatic dramatic someone says this is like Discord what what I guess so isn’t we’re using

Discord to talk it’s true now I’m getting sleepy but I don’t want to be don’t be IRL do you need to go go order yourself a chai or anything to I I I don’t know I I want to tomorrow in our game is Sunday and Sunday I can go give Shane more things

And maybe get another heart so I I’ll see see how far I can chase this serotonin well I’ll just let you guys know that I’ll play as long as you need me to even if it’s like midnight I don’t care I’m having the time of my life right

Now okay I’m going to put all the ores and or like objects God bad spot to put the plant no wait what I don’t know what that means Luigi’s hitting the sack are you guys talking about gay stuff back there it’s in the background the dist we’re kissing we’re making out

This is what it’s like living with these two I have no Freedom anymore living with two Jordans you know what that’s like it bad enough when it was a Jordan and Jaden true I remember you wanted to name tofu Jango and I said please don’t add

Another J yeah and I said you’re so right even though jango’s with a d yeah I was like no Jaden I beg you no more J she’s so much a tofu though she is she’s such a t thank you for the follow someone in chat goes I hear gay

Stuff actually I’m leave these in here I’m going to grab this stuff this Stuff oh I saw lightning I saw it it was right next to me they can hit the trees I’m pretty sure thank you guys with that gay [ __ ] thank you guys for the follows the foolish Milkman thank you for the sub you’re now my new favorite person my chat’s popping off for some

Reason something about gay people and Shane’s heart and two Jordan sounds like a dream okay let’s see I’m going to put these torches down somewhere okay this is going to be the minerals and wood chest okay resource I don’t know it’s not called Dunkin Donuts anymore is it isn’t it just called

Duncan oh yeah they wanted to a to it’s getting late oh I see I still say Dunkin Donuts the chat does too just remember that Jordan got me B jerky oh achievement unlocked pooke oh is that our Coupe our cop is born born built almost 6,000 G today holy crap

Wait what did that say we’re so good at starting you guys can put chests around town so it’s easier to grab stuff but be careful not to put them in NPC’s way because they will destroy it what I thought that was a mod thanks for the follow I’m pretty

Sure that was M did they was that really okay look at all our money 20,000 remember when we were like oh we’re so poor we suck at [Laughter] this do you have a pale ale the thing is is it’s still only enough for two backpacks yeah qu off look she’s making it

Pancakes look at all these MF berries oh I see you could always put chest wherever you wanted damn I’m just dumb no I see your message you’re not out of M is really sensitive are blueberries the thing that we need like five of the gold star

Ones oh um let me see um I have three it’s melons oh just melons okay melons well should we just sell these blueberries then um do you have to take one to the community center at all we have to take one of them yeah one of them also a

Melon did we sell all of our melons we didn’t donate one uh I think I still have one oh there’s they’re in here I’m sorry oh here Alysa yeah take one of these melons to donate yes I will also take a blueberry to donate thank you and I’ll sell the rest

Wait I’m going to the community center anything else I should bring uh I don’t have anything I don’t think so all right off we go okay lots of berries thank you for the follow Essence doesn’t need to be in there and this is crops you’re going to

Garbage your starf fruit is ready too oh hey hell yeah they’re so pretty a star fruit I’m going to sell them we don’t have to donate do we nope I think I think this is my last stardo day that’s I’m getting tired IRL well I but I will take this

Coral o I’ll take this Coral seag got to give Pam the um an ale you where do you get the the ale oh we need tomatoes feel like you just in the um in the bar can you just buy one oh I think you might have to make a pale

If I remember correctly oh I need to donate a sea urchin though I don’t want to make it sorry save your back Wings you guys can make a lightning rod oh oh I’ve been selling those but I can hold on to them oh it’s Sunday

Sh thank you so much for the sub I appreciate it you’re my new favorite person wait what what were you saying Alissa what was the hype oh I got to give Shane a pepper it’s a new week yay it’s a new dawn it’s a new day and I got

To give the wizard uh the freaky little artifact so he’ll trans yeah hell yeah all right I’m going to this door chat yelled at me have fun they’re like you need to plant your melons if you need more melons for the five gold stars and I like wow damn you

Right oh can you also get tomatoes cuz we need like one tomato to donate and then a bundle is complete the way the which if you’re going to get seeds we got 20 days so we have enough time to grow tomatoes swag all right Pierre you dumb [ __ ] I’m

Just going to grab quite a few Tomatoes actually thank you okay um thank you for the follow do we need green beans uh in the in the bundle I think we do okay I have a starter and I don’t know what we were doing with it one heart with the

Wizard hello hello I think at three hearts I can go in his basement for gender crimes for gender I bought the melons I bought the melons I want to find or you think I should buy more than that give him a crab I’ll go buy more ah

Suuck whoa I see that money going down sorry they they yelled at me to buy more melons no no no no you’re good we don’t need to buy we don’t need to buy fertilizer um Alyssa is good at making it I make it I need to punch him is what I need to

Do Sebastian where are you hello I love your thank you got to PL these melons Sebastian’s over there oh wait I was looking for Elliot Elliot where are you excuse me oh that was perfect nice nice frig’s kneecaps all right and then the tomatoes I can do over

Here where is he it looks like it still has fertilizer I got to Google this man’s schedule where’s my Google doc at it is summer it is Sunday no it’s in kitchen nice did you design it yourself I designed the character it’s my Sona but uh my friend Happy who is credited down

Below did the vtu Shane’s talking for Life what you have an fa yes I Do I’m actually on a lot of sites but only 2% of them are active what’s in this house oh Leah oh you can go in here yeah that’s fine what’s in marne’s house what I’m getting use this day to fish right here nice Luigi

Off Luigi I swear to God I’m G come over there and just [ __ ] slap you oh I’m going to go check the mushroom cave I don’t think we’ve checked that in a while in the kchen the mushroom cave I don’t think I’ve heard of that it’s in the it’s in our home on

The left side nope never went I can donate that we got some mushrooms oh excuse me I’m baging I’m foraging I think that’s literally why the why we watch that movie is because I I like the forage and you’re like I have the movie for

You just for that one line I don’t know why it’s so iconic where is my man a Brent says that they’re off but they hope to see us play sardu Valley again told us to take care we’ll definitely have to play more in the future cuz this is this is fun yeah it’s

So chill we l almost played 12 hours of really I guess so yeah it’s 10 p.m. yeah 11 hours and 38 minutes we’ve been live and like this has been easier than times where I’ve streamed for like 3 hours yeah this was so easy D dude it’s just so

Chill I’m glad you ended up liking the game Jaden me too hell yeah I can definitely thank you for that sub being something that I play a lot mhm I’m planning on taking like all of January off and I’m like this is the game I’m going to do

Me I’ve been planning to take January off for a while I’m going to go visit some friends in Canada oh oh yeah oh uh did you guys hear that the uh concern Dave the creator of this game he’s making a new game oh really oh yeah it’s something like the chocolate teer

The Chocolate Factory something I heard about that oh that’s fun sounds good what it like you make you is like you own a chocolate factory or something I think it’s a horror game actually really oh wow is it pixel yeah it’s Sprites oh I’m digging in the God I love pixel

Horror games those are so fun the chocolate here I got is there like a trailer Out ooh I’m going to make so much fishing money I can donate this chub chocolate with ghosts nice that sounds awesome ghost I’m going I’m putting my little character to bed and this is our

Last stardo day correct yeah good I’m catching my last fish no I’m saying it’s green algae I’m going one more fish one more fish it’s only 8 p.m. it’s only8 you can go till like 10 last fish oh dang I wanted to see the chimpin though oh true no no no no you

Said this is last night this is last night we’ll play another day yeah then we have chipkin to look forward to yeah everyone’s got to come back to when we play Don’t or stardo Valley so they can see our chickens and what we name them true why is Jaden’s model so glitchy on

Your stream cuz she’s pixelated for stardew Valley duh oh I got a prehistoric tool I didn’t donate that lots of stuff I can donate I’ll put at the bottom so I don’t forget crumpy I like adding M’s to words that’s how like that’s my head Cannon for how

Tostada talks like whenever uh I’m eating french fries and she wants some in my head she goes french fry I love that your voices are super relaxing after a long did work hell yeah a thank you all right put my fish away we’re going to make some money when

We come back see how much money we make yeah money nice damn that sucks all right the cat is in the bed so she might not let me sleep oh I got into bed I I crushed her though give me the bad money show me how

Much money show me the money oh great that is a one old backpack all in one night oh we are making team let’s go Chile’s Farm oh my god is perfect our progress has been saved is this the time to this is the time oh wow wow what what a

Day that was a perfect day if you ask me that was wonderful that was such thanks for hanging out guys thanks for having us doing streaming uh stard do with you guys it was really fun this was fun and I’m totally up for this whenever you all

Ready you just let me know you don’t even have to ask you just just be like you ready for stard and be like yeah same yes oh I like the game a lot I do I do all right I’ll see you I’ll talk to you guys later then I’ll talk to you

Later I want to talk to my stream good night you guys thank you bye Bye oh ah that was a fun night that was like a chill stream that was a nice chill stream honestly it great uh I haven’t been here before but whatever hey Spellbound you caught us right at the tail end we we played stard do Valley um all night all day uh don’t

Forget member only chat for Twitch Plays um I’m gonna I mean we still have a lot left to do with the subathon so I’m going to let you guys C kind of rock out see see what happens because honestly like like yes there’s a very low chance

That you even get to do Wallace’s gym but uh if I want to make a video out of it it’s got to be interesting so there has to be some struggle there has to be some struggle and you know that you know that so I’m going to let you do

Wallace’s gym for a little bit just to make the video interesting so just know that’s a struggle it’s important for the video uh I bought Pokemon Scarlet after watching you play it was my first Pokemon game ever a icy chill I hope you enjoy it the the tracking on the model is

Immaculate it’s really good uh I should I should um probably get a newer model for the phone but it’s really really good anyway uh let’s see I’d love to see your Pokémon go collection o maybe one day it’s not like super impressive but let’s let’s that we’re

Going to wrap up this stream though can’t believe it’s day 20 damn day 20 of subathon okay I’m going to pull up a Twitch Plays a Twitch Plays we’re gon to tomorrow we can we can talk about the the plans for tomorrow we have a soing plann we have a

Soing plann with Yan good old Pokemon challenges uh we’re going to be playing I’m going to be playing um Pokemon black/ White and he’s going to be playing a modded really hard version of black SL white I don’t know if anyone’s familiar but it’s it’s like

Vault white Blaze Black Vault white or I think so I think that’ll be really interesting it’s like the same game but harder versions for stuff and I’m excited anyway uh let’s let’s uh switch over to Twitch Plays GBA Game there we go okay pull up the timer also got to

Change the the stream title uh Jaden was already caps pins chat plays Pokemon r/ jent TPP yes sleep tight thank thank you thank you that was a that was the longest day we’ve had so far normally I try to end by 9 or 10 but we we just a lot of fun

We just played had a lot of fun honestly okay I think that’s all I have to do so I’ll let you guys I’ll let you guys go with that um that oopsie actually I’m going to

Streamed Dec. 6th, 2022
Catch Jaiden Live! https://www.twitch.tv/jaidenanimations

Thumbnail by
Kevin Fagaragan https://twitter.com/KevinFagaragan

#jaidenanimations #stardewvalley #subathon


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