A PRE-hardmode weapon against DESTROYER?! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.9)

Hey hey how’s it going everybody welcome back to another episode here of the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough you join me here at my newly improved and expanded Arena nearby my base and today my friends we’re going to start off by hopefully taking down the Destroyer why

Are we doing the Destroyer first you may be asking well there’s a certain awesome Ranger weapon from the old days that I’d quite like to try and get I am of course talking about the mega shark so so how’s about we whip out this mechanical worm

Here and we see how we do basically I mean I’m hoping we do well because if we do then we’ll be able to make the mega shark pretty much straight away all righty we got ourselves some Life Crystals for some heartlands and well actually I think

We’re just about good as a result to get this thing under way how are we going to do I have no idea but it’s a multi- segmented worm boss at the end of the day and as we’ve discovered previously the explosive ammo absolutely tears them

Apart so do we want Buffs I mean Buffs would probably be a good idea actually so uh yeah I mean I’m not quite at the point of the game where I feel like I am able to just like Waltz through bosses without using Buffs so how’s about we do

Ourselves a favor here and better our chances all right very good I think we’re just about ready to go so we’ve got ourselves a bit of Health going on there which is beautiful we’re going to buff on up and the Destroyer is about to

Roll on in boom Oh yeah this is where we start doing damage whoa what the okay did you guys just see that so it turns out if you get the destroyer’s coiled up tail going and you hit it with the explosive rounds you’re going to be

Doing quite a lot of damage although if inversely they’re doing a lot of damage to me and in fact when it actually comes down to the Brass tax of the situation that was a pooring attempt I am quite disappointed with that I genuinely thought we might have done a slightly

Better job there do are we just flat out not doing enough damage I don’t know all I do know is clearly we need to go ahead and do ourselves a favor and get ourselves maybe some new gear we do have ourselves an adaman type repeater so

Maybe if we were to try to grab ourselves oh I don’t know maybe some holy arrows maybe we could just go out this the oldfashioned way or better still we could try and grab ourselves the good old D stormbow if we can get ourselves that bad boy then it really is

Game over isn’t it anyway no matter we’ll get back to the Destroyer goal by the end of today’s episode what I’d like to do next is I’d actually like to try and grind out the remaining accessories for the ank Shield all right so if we

Just pop into here this is what we’ got going on so far we’ve got the reflective Shades we’ve got ourselves the medicated bandage we need to essentially get ourselves a second flash clock which should be pretty easy a second megaphone that should be pretty easy and a second

Load of vitamins that should also be pretty easy because for vitamins we just need to take down corruptors right and corruptors of course will spawn over here so how is about we do ourselves a bit of a favor maybe we can better our chances by having a gnome down all I do

Know is we need to take down these guys and lots of them until we get a ourselves some vitamins hopefully it doesn’t take too long and once we do have the second load of vitamins of course we can go and get on over to the Shimmer we can transmute the venam into

Whatever the alternate accessory is and then we’re pretty much good to go look at how many dudes are here yeah so then while we’re grinding out these accessories I do of course want to say an enormous thank you for all of your support and especially your patience as

Of late I know there’s not been an episode for a little while now and honestly when it comes to a reason behind why there’s not been any videos lately it’s a couple of things number one appalling sleep schedule like honestly it’s just been so far out of

The game it’s unbelievable and then the other reason why there’s not been any videos is because I’ve actually being busy completely reshuffling and overhauling my office if you guys are interested in maybe checking out what the setup is looking like now then head on over to my Instagram which is instagram.com crapyon

Hey well we got ourselves a second megaphone that’s pretty awesome but yeah my friends thank you so much for all of your lovely support I really do appreciate all of the love and the form of the comments likes and subscriptions lately if you guys want to still continue supporting this series then

Please do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like it’s the easiest way to show your support for my channel and this series here hit the Subscribe button if you’re new around here and you don’t want to

Miss out on my future content and if you do want to go one further with the support of course use K python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for 5% off or for whopping 15% off if you decide to go for some Terraria merch from Terraria shop

Instead hey we got another free attempt at the Destroyer later on must admit I’m pretty staggered at my luck so far no sign of any Venoms but we’ve managed to get ourselves not one not two but three megaphones four me Grinders like what come on dude I’ve pretty much spent the entire Terraria

Day just over here trying to farm out for the vitamins I mean the good news is yeah we managed to get ourselves a Mech web so we got ourselves another free attempt at the Destroyer maybe on this upcoming night I mean why not but yeah I mean it’s not looking

Good in terms of getting the Venom man all right that’s enough corrupt farming for this particular day what I’m going to do is I’m going to get myself some rudimentary Buffs uh maybe see if I can get myself an ammo box that probably be a good idea right uh yeah I think we’re

Going to give it a go with the same sort of load out that we’ve already got and we’re just going to see if we can do a better job of dodging really that’s more than anything what I think we need to be doing uh right Titan potion shine potion

For you know you guys to be able to see what I’m doing that’ll probably be quite good eh uh but yeah aside from that we kind of have pretty much the same sorts of stuff all right my strategy summon the destroyer in go straight to the tail end and just absolutely obliterate it

With the explosive bullets and then maybe switch on over to the Phoenix Blaster afterwards for maybe a little bit of additional damage here we go Buffs mechanical worm where is he coming from oh he’s way over here oh no the Tailor’s on the ground I think ah I hate

To see it all right never mind we’ll see if we can still make this thing work okay a if I could just have all of the regular dudes go away that would be glorious look at how many lasers there are already holy God all right maybe we

Switch on over to this and just sort of see what we can do I think either way my friends this is going to be a hell of an endurance fight he says as he’s apocalyptically failing once again to dodge anything why do I feel like I’m doing so bad

Maybe being a gunslinger isn’t the way to go for this battle my friends I don’t know uh I don’t know it just isn’t looking all that great if I’m being honest with you like with that said oh there little hearts here and there that’s actually pretty

Useful yeah I mean even if it gets to the point where we have taken down every single orb in existence I don’t know maybe then we’d have a chance with the uh little you know Onyx Blaster thingy I don’t know maybe I should just switch

Back to it anyway just see what we can do don’t get hit by the head under no soer sances should I go ahead and get hit by the head that would be a poor idea I’m really not doing very well here I got to be honest with you my friends

Like really not doing very well at all there’s like 50 million dudes on me here 100,000 Health still to take down there’s like millions of orbs on me right now they’re making life really quite difficult I assure you Ah hell oh there’s so many lasers what have

I supposed to do there’s just so many lasers I don’t even think my Onyx Blaster is hitting this guy half the time oh sorry Phoenix Blaster let’s just keep on going doing the side to side action actually seems to be working out a little bit at least so yeah also I’ve

Just come to the realization that that we’ve had the water candle effect going on for a little bit of this I think the water candle from my Arenas have been uh sort of affecting me here which obviously isn’t ideal so yeah anyways we keep it on going and we seem to have a

Bit of a system going on which is good it’s good it’s good when you got a bit of a system going on but yeah like I say very much an endurance fight but you know it’s just one of those things isn’t it we’ll do what we can do 880,000 Health my friends 80,000

The big 8 Z I mean to be honest with you I’m tempted to Time Lapse this because it’s taking a long old time isn’t it all right time Lapsing be honest my friends be honest did you think that the humble Phoenix Blaster would be the thing that takes out the Destroyer did you think that that would be the case because it bleeding well is can’t believe that oh what once you find a little bit of a rhythm with the

Destroyer it pretty much is game over isn’t it for the Destroyer that is not for me why don’t you suck on some Humble Pie there Mr Destroyer yeah all right so there we are my friends that is the Destroyer the second hard mode boss we’ve taken down which is absolutely

Beautiful we’ve got ourselves a whopping 31 Hallowed Bars and 25 Souls of Might now I must be honest I don’t actually know how many Souls of M are needed for for the Mega Shark but I don’t imagine it’s 25 I think it’s quite a lot less

Than that in fact so I don’t know I don’t know I think we’ve done pretty well today so far we suffered a little bit of hardship in the beginning but we came right back and started kicking some sweet old booty so yeah my friends if you’re looking for a slightly different

Way of maybe taking down the Destroyer look no further why don’t you give the explosive ammo a little bit of a go I’m so glad that I discovered that in this series like really it’s so good well I’ll tell you something my friends there is definitely a marked difference

Between the spawn rates in the daytime and the spawn rates at night time when it comes to the corruption so how about we change Tack and we start farming out for a little bit of a something else H we are also going to be needing a fast

Clock the easiest way to get fast clocks is probably from Pixies in the hallowed biome right so how’s about we make ourselves a rudimentary Farm over at the Hallow and we see if we can’t get ourselves another fast clock and then maybe when the next night rolls around maybe then we can get

Back to the corruption and do a whole crap ton of farming over there again ah there are absolutely no NPCs at my house whatsoever aha okay well that’s a big old rip isn’t it there was an NPC Massacre Oh no those poor buggers all right illegal gun parts and the mini

Shark that’s what we need right about now there is the mini shark of course in our valuables chest did I not purchase for myself the illegal gun parts I swear I did uh yeah there they are right in which case the only other thing I think

We need is actually what shark fins I don’t think we got any of those I do believe that five is the magic number of shark fins we need for the Mega Shark so so maybe we just get on over to an ocean maybe do a little bit of grinding over

There all righty rudimentary farming area let’s do this thing water candle is placed down battle potions are activated and you know what we could maybe kill two birds with one stone here we should have both the hall dudes and the corrupt dudes both be spawning in around here

Right ah I they going to be pretty clever here we could try and get ourselves both the vitamins and the megaphone Thea and hey better still we could try and get ourselves some holy arrows via killing these here unicorn dudes right ah there’s so much stuff we can Farm here actually oh nice

Inadvertent win because we had an NPC wipe here the few MPCs that are here turns out to be happy enough to have ourselves a forest pylon finally oh that’s cool all right so here’s what I think we should do I think we should definitely make an ocean pylon

At the left hand side ocean because not only would we have easy access to the ocean itself for farming purposes we’d also have access to the dungeon for farming purposes right so I think in the near future that would be a marvelous idea to go for hey we finally got the second fast

Clock right that literally only leaves now the vitamins wait vitamins on the floor just randomly H I mean I’ll take it that’s awesome ladies and gentlemen we now have all the resources for the ank charm and thus ank Shield finally you got to love the ank Shield it’s one

Of the all-time great accessories in Terraria isn’t it I mean it just is so in you go fast clock megaphone and Venom or what are we going to get we got the trifold map the Nazar and the armor polish so all we have to do is go home

And start combining a bunch of stuff together so if we just whip out the void bag here we’ll be able to see what else we can do here so there’s the counter curse Mantra there’s the plan there’s the ank charm and ladies and gentlemen taking off the Obsidian Shield so we can

Make ourselves the ank Shield bada bing bada boom you got to love it huh right oh we don’t have a goblin Tinker so even if I wanted to I can’t reforge this to get warding which is sad oh well ladies and gentlemen right next goal Mega Shark let’s get ourselves

Another water candle let’s get ourselves one of these platform thingy Jiggies we’re going to grab ourselves out of battle potion as well and then we’re going to head on over to our nearby ocean this is how we Farm the python way a little bit of this and a little bit of

That yeah we’re probably going to wind up dramming but you know what EVs and all that uh more than anything I do want these fins here though so yeah maybe I should have bought some Gills Potions H that would have probably been quite a good idea all right currently at four

Shark fins also currently drowning let’s get back down into the ocean for one last pass here that should be all it takes there we are another Sharky boy should be the last one we need yes there’s the shark fin beautiful all right ladies and gentlemen we are now

Done on Dust we have ourselves the five shark fins required we just need to head on over down here and there it is the mini shark the illegal gun parts five shark fins and 20 that’s the amount we needed 20 Souls of Might the OG great Ranger weapon in this game the mega

Shark I mean come on it’s still a beautiful weapon even today you can’t possibly deny that especially if we combine it with the exploding bullets I imagine and this could be doing a pretty dizzying amount of damage against the remaining Mech bosses of course the Twins and skeleton Prime so yeah I think

We’ve got some fun times still to come my friends I really do so as nice as the Phoenix Blaster has been and as epic as it has been against the Destroyer I mean for goodness sake this is a preh hard mode weapon and we managed to take down

The Destroyer with it that’s kind of Bonkers isn’t it it is time for it to be retired unfortunately we will of course get ourselves hopefully a good reforge on the mega shark only if we do manage to get that then we’re going to be doing a

Simply crazy amount of damage so yeah we need the goblin Tinker to spawn in and then we can finish off the episode with hopefully some decent reforges and the good news is it’s actually almost daytime here folks so good timing and all that eh huh interestingly the traveling

Merchant is the first NPC to spawn in on this new day here we’ve got the diamond ring the extended grip and well to tell you the honest truth a whole bunch of nothing excellent right where is this fell huh there he is I am well aware of the fact that my

Reforge prices are probably going to be sort of out of the roof here uhuh right guarding that’s a good start I’ll take that what about this awkward minor speed demonic on the other hand that’s actually kind of nice it would be nice to have unreal or even deadly for that

Matter just so we got ourselves a little bit of additional speed but I don’t want to push it too much further than that that’s not too bad 43 damage 24% crit charge that’s actually pretty decent how’s about something a little bit better on here armored or

Warding no oh okay we got armored I’ll take it we got ourselves a grand total of 56 defense now that’s not too bad going uh what about these bits and Bobs n they’re still looking kind of good actually so ladies and gentlemen I think we’re just about ready to wrap up

Today’s episode we’ve not done too bad yeah we kind of failed with the destroyer at the beginning but we came right back and kicked his bot on the very next attempt not only that but we do now have ourselves the an shield and we’ve got ourselves the almighty mega

Shark and I’m very much looking forward to the next episode where hopefully we’re going to be battling both of the remaining mechanical bosses so ladies and gentlemen that’s going to wrap it up for today thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode

Please do be sure to head down benath the video and spend a second to drop a like it would really help out myself the channel and the video it helps get these videos out there on YouTube as well it’s just helpful all around my friends I’d appreciate it hit the Subscribe button

And don’t forget to ding that Bell of course if you don’t want to miss out on my future Terraria content but for now thank you so much for watching do have yourselves a fantastic rest of your day thanks for all of your lovely support and I’ll see you guys in the next one


Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – Before this episode, I’d literally never made explosive bullets the whole time I’ve played Terraria… put it this way, I’m now enlightened as to how INCREDIBLE they are!
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This is Episode 9 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. Theres one trick that is both tricky and useful. Build a rope ladder to the space layer, place 3 blocks below your screen so that the destroyer can spawn on and still slither in the air. Chuck dynamites through the one block gap when the destroyer spawns in and do a shit ton of damage against the big woorm

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