I Built A MOB FARM CASTLE In Minecraft!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the let’s play series last episode we conquered the end and made this awesome Enderman XP farm but today we’re going to take on the task of building a mob farm all while trying to make it look as nice as possible now I’ve been doing

Quite a bit of work between episodes you may notice I’m missing quite a few levels and that’s because I’ve gone through and upgraded all of my armor and all of my tools I mean it’s not perfect but it’s definitely going to do for now and it does have mending so I’m pretty

Happy with that but getting on to today’s project there’s a big reason that I actually want to make a farm and that is gunpowder because of course we need this stuff to make rockets and so far I can make 24 brilliant but we’re not only going to get gunpowder from the

Farm we’re going to get rotten flesh string bones probably a few witch drops and stuff and all of that is going to come in super useful in our world so without further Ado yep I need to put my wings on so without further Ado it’s time to find a

Spot to put today’s build now for reasons you’ll find out later I do want this to be kind of elevated did in our village so I guess we got over here but I mean there’s not really a lot of space to work with and it’s kind of blocked by

The blacksmith got a big mountain in the backr there that’s no good no there’s quite a big gap in between these buildings and this is fairly elevated over the village yeah quite a lot of space quite a lot of trees in the way as well yeah this could be a good spot you

Know stupid cow right I tell you what I’m going to do I’m going to make a whole bunch of these planks and maybe just pillar up somewhere like here and maybe we can get quite a good idea of the sight line in our village oh yeah

You can see it just poking around behind the nether Tower and as you walk around it should get revealed oh yeah look at that well it could be a nice spot you know I mean this thing is probably going to be pretty tall maybe to about there

Or we fill up this space behind here you know what I think that’s a spot land on that oh okay well right I’m just going to chop some trees clear out the area oh we got a lot of work to do today all right this should be enough

Space to build the farm itself and the plan’s going to be to make the farm first and then try and make it look good afterwards now I guess I’ll keep the pillar there as a reference and we got to go check on our materials at the

Storage room cuz to build the farm that I want to do I’m going to need a whole bunch of redstone oh that’s not a lot and I think a whole bunch of Cobble yep that’s also not going to be enough oh boy right it looks like I got quite a

Bit of resource Gathering to do yeah but that’s all right got to clear out my inventory say hello to No Name who will be named later and I think it’s a trip down to the mines for me so I guess second time lapse already this episode or we’re making in

Progress all right I’d say that was a pretty successful mining trip and I didn’t spend too long but I got a full inventory got a bunch of more red stone few more diamonds bit of gold and of course some more blocks to build the

Farm with now I just got a head back to base and craft up all the components that I’m going to need all right I’ve had to go caving for some iron cuz apparently I don’t have enough and we found our first M shaft of the series so

I thought I’d bring you back for that one get out of here Ender oh my oh okay we’re quite low we’re quite low oh my god well there is just mobs everywhere in this cave I mean this only seems fair I am going to be farming them later just

Get me into this mft right I mean I kind of think we going explore it together see as well we not f one in this series yet and he’s can occasionally have some pretty good loot right not that we need too much after all our upgrades I mean

This m shaft does kind of suck at the moment though come on just give to be one loot chest I’m not asking for much like all I’m getting is dead ends so but I am getting iron o loot chest pass protection one oh man I guess I’ll take

The rails and the Redstone and the coal oh brilliant oh okay no this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad please leave me alone there’s a spawner there okay just actually just run away just run away just run away oh

Man I hate cave spiders right another stack of iron and some other cool mob drops I’m going to get out of here and get back to crafting all right there should be everything that we’re going to need to build this farm so let’s go build it

And here we are mob farm complete well kind of as you can see this thing well this a bit of an eyesore isn’t it oh wow you can also see up there I got a little AFK platform which will be checking out pretty shortly but even though the mob

Farm should be working you can still see there’s a whole lot of work to do here cuz God damn that thing is ugly but I think before we start trying to make this thing look a little bit nicer well we should try and give it a go now while

This thing working the farm should be doing some water thing I guess we’ll free cam at this point oh yeah water’s running and then it should turn off please yep something looks wrong here maybe I got to right click that one and boom and now we’ll see if it turns off

By itself oh yeah there we go and back on perfect I just got to get up here and land pop in close the door and just stand here and hopefully we’ll get lots of mob drops let’s find out and about 1 hour later it’s time to see

What we got it’s got to carefully fly down here and land and here we are the Moment of Truth boom hey that’s pretty good yes all right just going to dump a bunch of my stuff here and I guess I’m going to grab all the gunpowder how much

We got that’s almost nine Stacks or I’ll take that you know I’m going to fly to the sugarcane farm get a whole bunch of this and now paper rockets oh here we go you know what I’ve actually got more paper down here oh man this is just so

Many Rockets I think I’m going to keep them in here now we’ve actually got a rocket box and you know what let’s name it as well but I suppose now is a good time to talk about what I actually want to build today cuz of course we have our

Big ugly mob farm but we need to surround it in something and I’m thinking what about some sort of Fort kind of thing or maybe some kind of Castle I don’t know probably have to decide that as I’m building it but I do need to think about what I want to build

It out of I do kind of want to try and keep it on theme with the rest of the village I’m using quite a lot of stone a lot of moss Mossy Cobble so I think I’m going to take that as the base but of course we use the vast majority of our

Cobble building that thing and I think that’s what I want to start off with and you know what I don’t really fancy go mining I think there’s a more fun way we could do this just going to have to grab myself a little bit of sand and I’m sure

You’ve all guessed it boom bam a stack of TNT yo right let me just grab my flint and steel and we’ll head down to the mines I think I’ll stop here at the iron level right we’ll just head down here seems like it’s a good spot as any

And let’s start placing this down I suppose all right here we go hopefully this is going to give us a lot of Cobble please work please work please work oh oh yeah it was going yeah oh man it was actually pretty good you know little bit of iron as well why

Not and how much Cobble did that get us eh I mean that’s not very much but I suppose it’s a start I’ll place it every two this time see if it makes a difference here we go stand back this time okay means at this point I’m wondering is it just blowing up the

Cobblestone judging by this quite possibly maybe I just got to do it one by One look at the state of this place oh wow oh we didn’t even use it all I’ll tell you what I got all this TNT let’s just make a massive I don’t know TNT monstrosity and okay this could be a bad idea this could be a bad

Idea my God yo more blocks okay that might be in a way to TNT but I don’t know that was kind of fun but hopefully that’s enough Cobble to be getting on with but first I think I want to tackle the train out the front here as you can

See we got quite a she Cliff here which does look pretty nice so I would like to try and blend this side into this bit here just so that we can have a nice Pathway to the mob farm and thankfully I got a whole bunch of dirt here so there

Shouldn’t be too bad I hope I’m just going to try and make the sort of skeleton for the terrain I should be able to fill in some of this is going to have to go though unfortunately sorry tree but yeah you can kind of see the

Principle here all I got to do is just carry this Skeleton on and then of course fill it in like this and with a little bit of editing magic wo we have got the whole thing all terraformed and if we take a fly up here you should see

This thing’s looking a whole a lot smoother now So eventually we can have a pathway through here which can lead up to our build but with this bit out the way it’s time to grab our Cobblestone and start trying to plan out this build now in here is the entrance to the Mob

Loot so I think here’s going to be the entryway to the actual build seeing as this is what we’re going to want to access the most so we have a five wide entrance maybe with a couple of towers which I’ll mark out with these 3x 3s

Then we a building come across like this got bring it back a little bit I’m not really too sure what I’m doing right you know what just get me down here please oh okay floor plan done yeah that transition probably wasn’t worth my first death of the

Series was it oh I’ve just realized my shovel had curse of Vanishing man oh well but at least we can take a little look at my floor plan now this is probably subject to change but you can see from a full on top down view that I’ve actually got the mob thumb covered

Next up there’s actually going to be figuring out the height of these things and this is where we’re going to get a real idea of how this thing’s going to look I think for now I’m just going to do all of this out of cobblestone and

Then once I’m happy with the shape I can come back back and texture it not to mention all the details I want to add as well have two towers like this this bit come up a little bit lower maybe to like there we not got our entryway I got

These buildings on the side as well they’ll come along like this I suppose we’ll do a little bit of this together just so you can get an idea of how I’m going to work this all out I am kind of just freestyling this one so yeah we’ll

See how it goes it’s kind of building up my outline bit by bit and in a minute we’ll just take a little step back and see how we’re doing man this Project’s a lot bigger than I anticipated oh boy all right let’s have a little free cam and

Yeah you can kind of see it starting to take shape we’re still seeing a lot of this deep slight though on the front so we definitely need to come up higher I don’t really want to be seeing any of that so now I know i’ got to come up

Here and maybe add another little outline on the front that comes across like this to about here I think then to start building this one up as well and yeah basically just keep doing this until the whole mob farm is covered just trying to make lots of different size

Shapes I’m making sure they have a little bit of height variation as well so yeah I’m going to get this boring block placing done and then I can show you what I got and a whole bunch of block placing later I’ve got some sort of a rough structure here now suppose

We’re going to take a little fly away and the big reveal boom a huge mess of Cobble Stone but you can see it’s starting to take shape a little bit now I think I’ve definitely underestimated the scale of this thing I’m pretty sure the episode’s

Going to be late at this point but H hopefully it should be worth it you can see here I’ve done all the sides including the back and also this side as well and I kind of think this one’s my favorite there’s a lot of nice height variation here but yeah I don’t actually

Think I want any of this to be Cobblestone which is an epiphany I’ve had while just placing all that Cobblestone but at this point I think we should start talking about texturing because this thing is so massive I don’t think I want to do anything too crazy

I’m going to try and keep it reasonably simple because I think that’s going to match the sort of aesthetic that we got going on in this Village oh that’s not a lot of and theight but yeah everything in this Village isn’t crazy detailed also got a bit of texturing going on

Around here though this is kind of messy right these houses are kind of rustic and I was kind of thinking that we did maybe a sort of more structured text string here seeing as well at this point this is pretty much a castle now I suppose I mean how rustic would this

Thing really be so I kind of want to try knocking out the corners here and replacing it with stone bricks we do the same on this side as well then if I knock out the middle replace this with a little bit of smooth Stone and some and

Theight b h is quite nice not really sure about those stone bricks though he may be in some places it’ be quite nice now block that I never really use very much requires me to smelt some of this in you go and get some of this smooth

Stone I think I might cross some of this into some slabs I might grab some of this polished and theight as well that might come in handy but yeah let’s replace these stone brick with this maybe these in between yeah I don’t hate it obviously there’s still

Loads of details and stuff to go on here so just want to try in a few more spaces and yeah that does kind of look pretty cool I do need to get this fully right before I change the entire structure so just to be sure I think I’m going to try

Some of this polished and theight as well and just replace that smooth Stone ooh oh I may prefer it oh this is such an important decision I think I’m just second guessing everything H I do kind of think it just fits better you know oh jeez oh yeah it looks good in the

Shadies as well all right supposed I have stuff like Windows in here this one for some reason has to be a two wide window yep okay I think this could work maybe at the bottom here we could have stone bricks as like a structure maybe that would match the an aite quite well

No that looks just terrible goodbye stone bricks and yeah I’m going have to dump off all of this stuff and start trying to collect a whole bunch of this and a sight I mean it’s going to be a bit boring but eh it’s easy enough to

Collect oh actually before I go yeah I think that’s pretty good from a distance just got to cover the whole rest of the thing okay I go get and theight now yay this is Fun and well after more time than I care to admit this thing is starting to come along quite nicely all the texturing is done all the way around this whole thing oh man ow God but this thing is still looking like a complete Stony mess and I

Think to combat this we need to start bringing in some of the other colors that we’re using in our village village now if we take a walk through here you can see we’re using a lot of wood and of course all the orange Roes as well so I

Think next up we’re going to have to start getting some wood in here and we should have quite a bit of this in the storage room oh yeah nice bit of spruce we get some stairs some slabs a few trap doors as well and I might grab this Oak

Too I mean I don’t have a whole bunch of this stuff but it’ll be right for trying to figure some things out I think we’ll just pop onto this building here I’m going to start trying to add some of these wooden support things so just come

Up like this and strip them we’ll get some Oak in the middle H think actually might do bring these Spruce pillars out one just like this and just do the same on this side bit more Oak stairs in there and is this giving us a little bit

More interest yes let’s maybe try to get a little bit more detail in at the top here as well I guess like this and yeah that’s looking pretty cool a little bit awkward cuz it’s like a four wide spot probably a mistake on my part but uh I

Can’t be bothered to rebuild it so but yeah that’s looking pretty nice now if you fly around here there’s going to be a few spots that these wooden parts are going to go I don’t think it’s going to fit everywhere I think maybe we could

Work on this roof here now and for that I’m going to need a little bit of red sand which I’m pretty sure I’ve got in the storage room come on yes loads of this stuff let me just land ouch and I think if I come up something like this

And actually now I’m thinking about it I need to put kind of a roof trim on this thing maybe some upside down stairs then full Block in the middle there we go kind of hard to see with this uh Spruce wi in the way but I think also let’s try

Throw some slabs in here as well and try and get a good view by getting rid of this horrible horrible spruce scaffolding not too sure why I’m not actually just using my scaffolding blocks but yeah I think that looks pretty nice now we have been using four

Blocks on the roof of all our houses but this Castle is on a little bit of a smaller scale so I think we could get away with using some stairs right I’m going to run some stairs along here hopefully this doesn’t look stupid or I think this might actually look cool you

Know and you know what for good measure let’s trck some walls on top of this polished and theight boom boom boom boom and yeah that is looking so cool yo okay I do feel like maybe we get some more slabs running along here oh yeah that

Kind of gets rid of that flat Edge and now I look at it again not too sure about these slabs here get rid of these maybe replace them with these walls and yeah I can hear that wandering Trader brilliant one wall short but I think that looks really nice you know so

Places that we can do wood want to try and do roofs like we got on the houses maybe just on a slightly smaller scale then anyway we can’t we roll with this sort of medieval style roof not to mention stuff like the tower roofs as well probably going have quite a few of

Those but let’s see what this guy wants he appears to have gone invisible that’s boring please leave you’re not welcome at this mob farm Castle Fort thing and you know what keep the leads as well you know what before I go do some resource Gathering I’m take a little step back

And yes I’m liking that even though just detailed this little bit here is kind of standing out isn’t it but yeah I’m going to get back to work and then we can do a little progress update oh excuse me I’m trying to do a progress update but as you can see

I’ve made quite a bit of progress here obviously still a whole L more to do but I wanted to get the basic premise of this front portion done just cuz it shows off all the elements I want to include being like the towers the wooden structure we got the orange roof I got

This sort of casty trim running around here just like we have on this section one thing I think I might do is actually change out this deep slate roof and make it the red Sandstone I was kind of worried it might blend in with the back there but I don’t know I’ll probably

Decide that later but yeah you can see here I’ve also expanded our texturing to include some tough and some Mossy Cobble kind of just testing this out for now not too sure if I’m going to keep it all right I’m going to need to farm some more Moss to actually make the mossy

Cobble itself but luckily we got a whole load of Bones now which we can make into bone meal suppose I’ll make myself a diamond hoe I think I’ve been farming this down here right oh yeah this is the spot so yeah I’m going to start collecting up a whole bunch of this

Stuff and be making some more progress on our build and I know this is probably a bit of a progress update sort of video but I don’t know this just kind of how it is with one big project okay see you Soon and a whole bunch of time later I can’t believe this has taken so long I have made a whole bunch of progress I’ve managed to get the majority of the roof fill in going all the way around this thing and I’ve also done the back as

Well kind of I think that’ll probably remain as it is no one’s looking at the back anyway but there is still quite a lot to do here you can see up here I started adding some windows in trying to add a little bit more texture as well so

Yeah I still got loads of that stuff to do around the castle not to mention trying to texture up this orange roof as well as you can see on this one we got some acat some orange terra cotta probably not me to use that cuz we can’t

Make stairs out of it Mojang please I beg but I can definitely try to get some acaia in there maybe get some shady spots going on not the best at texturing but I’m trying my best I also want to try to get some other details in this

Thing as well one thing I have noticed is I’m not really feeling these glass panes so I do want to get rid of these and replace them with let me just grab this iron and I’m sure you’ve all guessed it iron bars I think these are

Going to fit the castle theme a little bit better try checking some of these in and yeah I think that’s a lot nicer Vibe I mean the glass kind of works on the wooden part so I might keep it there but yeah for the stone bits I think we’re

Going to rock these iron bars I mean is it going to work in this bit this is a bit of an awkward spot yeah that kind of works it’ll do so yeah next step is finding a bunch of spots for these sort of Windows I mean just place it like

This seem pretty good boom boom boom oh we got a zombie friend oh God there’s so many mobs in here I need to light this thing up that’s going to ruin the efficiency of our farm but yeah you can see already windows making a huge difference so I’m going to go around and

Sort all that stuff out then once I’ve done all that we need to come back and work on the top here I mean I’m not really too sure if this thing feels like the peak or if we need something else above it as well I think from the front

Angle I’m not too sure but when you come to this side definitely feels like we should have something there right but yeah again this is the main angle that we’re going to be seeing this thing from so I’m going to have to think about that while I’m placing in all these windows

Okay see you in a bit and we are back with another update I’m just repair my elytra man I love this Enderman Farm oh it’s glorious but if we take a fly back home just got to nip through this portal ouch and yeah you can see I’ve

Made a whole bunch more progress here of course that’s the whole point of me bringing you back so actually the next day in real life for me now so um can have to try and remember what I actually did between Clips yeah you can see I’ve done a whole bunch more texturing I’ve

Also switched out these Tower roofs and this one at the top as well just all to Orange and I’m pretty sure I prefer it though again that may be subject to change that is kind of what happens when they don’t plan a build for a video yeah

I got a few more of these iron bar windows in what I’ve also done is a little bit more planning on top here and also onto this side so I’m going to explain what I want to do there up here I think I’m going to have a more of a

Castle flat Tower with maybe this sort of trim around the edge and possibly try to get a flag on top then here I think like a little Archway with another little mini tower there cuz I think that’s going to balance out once I build

What I want to build on this side and I think there like a little Bridge here and then a big old tower that goes all the way down either that or I’ll build up the terrain on this side maybe make a little Stone Cliff or something yeah cuz

That might be a little bit too big otherwise so I think I’ll build up the train here I mean how big a job would this be yeah kind of big oh boy oh this project just keeps getting bigger and bigger but I did also want to fly down

Here this is where we land when we come in Via boat and I just want to take a look at the castle from here cuz I think that’s looking pretty nice you know I hope that Tower won’t spoil the view but I think it should be okay I also thought

We’d take another look at the view walking through the village as well soz if I come up around here we should start getting peaks of it yes just through the trees there and then as we walk around here you can see quite a lot of it coming over the nether pool house and

Yeah as you get closer just more and more of it reveals so I’m super happy with that we need to make sure I’m strategic with all the tree placement but yeah I’m going to get working on this part here and also this extra side Tower and all the terrain so I probably

Am going have to take a little trip back down to the mines and start digging out a more smooth Stone okay Bye and guys I’m going to say this thing is getting pretty close to finished I am starting to become pretty happy with how this is turning out I really think this addition on the side has made such a huge difference though so I’m really glad I’ve done that you know what the

Bit at the top is looking pretty nice as well I did try to do a flag up there and uh yeah I think I’m just going to leave that one because oh my that thing looked horrible but at this point I’d say the structure is all done there’s of course

Some things we need to work on on the outside though like of course connecting up a path which should be pretty straightforward and I’m kind of toying with the idea of putting some coer out the front here or maybe some Moss so we do have Moss outside some of our

Buildings like over on the nether house yeah we got at the enchanting tree as well so maybe that’s the way to go make it all Mossy yep I think we’ll go with that I can’t actually find any Moss though so um might have to knit back to

That cave pretty sure I left some in here yeah thank you what oh that was actually so cool anyway let’s just give this a go together I don’t see why it wouldn’t work but it’s going to start spreading some of this around we’ll just have a little bit of it out the front

Now does this look good ooh yeah I do actually think I like that plus it’s also going to save me a whole bunch of wet and I’m to place cor dirt down so it’s easy and it looks good what is not to love about this situation okay yes

Yes let me we just actually get the path looking proper at some point I do want to upgrade all the paths in the village just so they not this path block and it does look nice but I do want to start leveling up the detail in this build at

Some point kind of something I’m considering for next episode but let’s start getting our Spruce slabs in mainly for covering up these horrible holes plus it’s nicer to walk up right oh yeah that’s looking good I also do want to sort out this sort of Courtyard area cuz

This is of course the entrance to our loot so this is all going to need digging out and I kind of think this might be where I actually put Co dir you know so let’s get all of this dug out the way I’m also going to need to sort

Of these walls as well aren’t I this all needs to come Down all right good as KN now to grab myself some Co dirt now I think I got some gravel in the storage room well I hope so at least please come on gravel yes right four Stacks that should be enough so let’s pop back and fill in this

Floor nice all right this is looking a lot tidier now we do kind of need to sort out this room though we don’t have a lot of space to work with here so oh okay you can see already there’s not a lot of space to work with but still

Let’s just make it nice and accessible at least I think for the most part I’m going to save in here for the village upgrade episode I’ll tell you what though make sure it’s actually lit up cuz we don’t want mobs spawning down here so that will completely ruin the

Rates of our farm I think maybe it might be nice to get a little bit of moss in here just in a couple of patches boom and I’ve still forgotten that wall from about I don’t know it’s probably about 5 days in real life for me now there we go

Boom boom please not today creepers or zombies oh he’s still alive there we go but yeah guys I think I’m going to call this project good of course there’s still a lot of work to do at the front here but yeah like I said I want to do a

Big Village upgrade video at some point I plan to do that one next but who knows something else might take my fancy yeah let’s take one nice fly back come and view it from the blacksmith oh yeah look at that oh I’m so happy considering I

Went in with no plan for this build I do think it’s come out pretty well probably is some things I changed with the structure but I mean this is survival was meant to be a chill Series so yeah I think I’m happy all I got to do now is

Just clear up all my mess yeah probably just let all that despawn and yeah really hope you enjoyed this episode a whole bunch of work went into it so if you did please subscribe I’d really appreciate it and I’ll leave you with a couple of nice shots of today’s build

All right see you in the next one Bye

Welcome to a brand new series on the channel! After a long time playing minecraft hardcore, I want to take it back to basics and play some regular minecraft survival!

In Minecraft Survival Episode 1, we built perfect starter house. But today we are in desperate need to mob drops to keep progressing in out lets play series! And to do that we build a super overpowered mob farm and surround it in a giant castle build!

I really hope you are all as excited for this series as I am!

Mob Farm Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwCQBeImUKk&ab_channel=Shulkercraft

Wanna play along with me? Then here is what you’ll need!
Seed: 1920597807115725671 (Thanks to @MinecraftAndChill )
Base Location: -650, -500
Shaders : BSL
Texturepacks: aj crops, taller wheat, vanilla tweaks, jerms better leaves

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#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #letsplay


  1. There are three things in this life that I consider the bane of my existence:
    1. Water themed Zelda dungeons
    2. The Twins in Terraria
    3. Minecraft’s cave spiders

    Also the castle reminds me of your builds from your first let’s play which I found really cool.

  2. Those smooth stone and slabs in the corners were such a good idea!!! 🤯 its sad you removed the slab, i thought it added so much debt! might steal that idea in the future 😅😬

  3. Wow, best build of this series without a doubt. This castle looks stunning and the fact, that you did it without a real plan in mind makes it much cooler. 😀
    Really inspires me to build a new castle with a similar complexity like yours.

  4. I really like the castle/fort! The dark oak and orange look so good together .And a super fun TNT mining session. Super amazing episode as always! There was some chicken meat in the loot chests so also RIP that chicken that somehow got into the mob farm. Too bad it wasn't a cow.

  5. Congratulations on becoming the king of those pesky little creepers. What an awsome adventure we had together. So when are we going to name the village? Blocktown City sounds awsome as an idea. As always safe travels adventurer and good luck on your future projects, my friend.

  6. this castle is BEAUTIFUL and I genuinely someday need a castle building master class from you KEKW. loved this episode too buddy, absolute banger as always

  7. OMG this is the best Minecraft day ever!!! First the release of Hermitcraft Season 10 and now the most anticipated Block down video of the series! LET'S GO!!!

  8. Oh man, I really liked that vertical smooth stone alternating with the smooth slabs, but I'm glad you changed them out. It wouldn't have fit with the crenellations–which looks super great I have to say. It's absolutely baffling to me that you can mess around with an outline like "oh yeah maybe put another wall here and I'll build this up here" and then it comes out to a Totally Legitimate Looking Castle Structure. It's amazing. And I LOVE the bridge over to that south tower!!

  9. Looks awesome. I think if I build a mob farm I would make the afk platform into a hot air balloon or blimp or something. Perhaps not the best thing above a castle but who knows, it might look cool.

  10. I like how you show your building process – including the things you end up changing. It helps make building more accessible for those of us who struggle with it.

  11. Yooooo this castle looks incredible!! Such and amazing turn out considering you had not planned out the build! I acutally liked the smooth stone and smooth stone slabs for corners, but for the palette changeing them to polished andesite was a good choice. The cliff added to the side with the tower and valved bridge was so cool! Thanks for another great episode ^^

  12. Great video Blockdown, not sure if your mic/audio mixing has changed but it sounded a little harsher to me this time around. I first thought was that you're boosting the high end a little more now but just thought I'd mention in case anyone else felt the same.

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