My Personal Favourites Of Terraria 1.4.5 Update Is Here !!!

Ladies and gentlemen Gamers and Terraria enthusiasts gather around today I am thrilled to address to you a topic that has sent ripples of excitement Through The Gaming Community the time to discuss the incredible Terraria 1.4.5 update has arrived Terraria a game that has captivated the hearts of

Millions takes us on an adventure beyond our wildest imagination and with this update the developer have once again proved their dedication to keeping the Terr area fresh and thrilling so what’s new weapons banners crossplay updates new music tracks and many more updates are coming our way but when is that

Going to happen it was said to be done in late 2023 but that’s a little late already right we are in 2024 already and it’s totally fine the developers are cooking a big update some going to give you my thoughts about this update and what do I like the most about it firstly

Shimmer water pistol I read about it and it got me curious what will happen when you use the gun what kind of ammo will it use or will it only take mana and most importantly how the NPCs will react to it and what it will change in with

Them maybe they will have a different kind of behavior or they will become enemies who knows only time will tell but that’s up for developers to figure out great weapon and finally the dinosaur enthusiasts such as me get what we want at transformation Mount veloc Velociraptor

Velociraptor the mount can be DED so you can change and be different from others and what’s even cooler about it is that when you transform war and try to fly another dinosaur starts caring you like wow another Mount that will let you transform into bat which looks cool

But I still prefer the dinosaur one because I’m a dinosaur Enthusiast whatever you know my luck with traps and stuff so here is one better Terraria will Implement slimes with dark traps inside of them ah what a cool idea you guys I will start crying right now

Announc that there would be no tears later left of course there will be another new slime called Cloud slime but that did not catch much of my attention I guess so I’ll leave it at that players with bad luck will get pooped on by birds and squirrels seriously pooped on

Oh God now we have to deal with every bird and squirrel in the world because I don’t want to get pooped on and made fun of what another good update is music for new bosses like eer of Worlds Skeletron skeleton Prime the twins personally my other video will be about these bosses

So I’ll be hyped for that and we can compare the music tracks later on I guess there’s a lot of new weapons but I’m not much a weapon person since I’m all into minions now and here comes the mushroom boy my last thing that really

Catched my eye kind of he looks cute and probably one of the best minions I don’t know if he’s the baz because there will be ax fairy too is this a dream flying around cutting trees very nice but what could be nicer xray like those are the

Things that catch my eye and on on the nude updates uh of course that might get changed in the near future but I’ll leave it for the future I guess so yeah thank you for watching and I’ll see you in another episode of something something because that’s all the time I

Have for today and it’s my little update video on my thoughts about 1.4.5 update so yeah see you

Hi This Is a quick video on my personal favourite things in terraria 1.4.5 update, its not much but its honest work, what can I say :3 the 1.4.5 looks very nice, alot of new and cool things to be done and look out for so I guess I’m really excited for them :3

My other video:


  1. There's a lot more such as new whips balancing a new boss i believe ? It's a boulder boss that's supposed to be added after chippygaming was told by the devs he could add any boulder if the terraria community kept a terraria related drawing in r/place and they decided a boss i believe i might be wrong.

    nice video though

  2. This has nothing to do with the video, but dude, you are the most underrated creator i have EVER seen, seriously the editing and the whole video, in fact, is so good, honestly i found myself surprised when i saw your 831 subscribers, i thought you were a big youtuber, like probably, 5k~20k subs? I swear i keep finding underrated youtubers like you, but man, you are UNDERRATED asf man, +1 sub just for the 10 seconds of the video, if i could create other accounts and use them for the only purpose of subscribing to this channel, i would. With that said, amazing video, deserves 30k or more likes.

  3. discovering terraria is going to have velociraptors made me happy at first, then i discovered it's the one from JP and now i'm sad.

    also just so you know pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, though they are a closely related group

  4. Didnt redigit state that they couldt reveal the name of 1.4.5 because it was a spoiler, something which means even more unheard of content is coming

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