[STARDEW VALLEY RANDOMIZER] Throwing All My Knowledge Out the Window! #vtuber #vtuberen #NyxOnline

What And enoi with the like go save thank you thank you hello everybody how are you today hope everybody’s having a wonderful Friday end of the week hello everyone hello hello for those who may or may not know my name is zot Nix I’m your friendly neighborhood gry Raven out to steal your valuables

And who knows maybe your heart along the way hello hope everybody’s doing well is nightbot dead no nightbot can’t be dead what is happening oh no good okay it does work excellent yay I thought I had fixed it I was fairly certain I fixed it but can never

Be too sure with these kinds of things all right so um as you can see from my screen a little bit uh we’re going to have to we’re going to have to Tinker with some stuff a little bit which is fine which is fine um but yeah

Today we are playing uh stard Valley but with a Twist um we are playing a randomizer and uh yeah we have the credits for the people that are working on it uh up there in the top right there in the logo uh so yeah and I also have a

Link to that down in the description so if you end up wanting to try it for yourself feel free how was the dog walk ah it was it was it was good it was good it was good buddy always gets super excited for those um it’s probably because it’s probably at least somewhat

Because he gets one of his favorite treats uh after we get back so there’s that but you know but all right without further Ado let’s get started okay I don’t know why that particular screen transition is so okay okay so as you can tell the music is already um not as it should

Be uh looks like it even randomizes the music which is pretty funny uh okay so uh does anybody have any name Farm or favorite thing suggestions and I’m kind of thinking uh in the spirit of us using a randomizer we should use a random appearance cuz why Not Nick Zion interesting let’s let’s do something that’s a little bit easier to pronounce because I do like to actually read the um the character dialogue and stuff out loud ah good night sua thanks for stopping in appreciate you let’s see I think we can just do the standard

Farm that’s fine the Clown’s [Laughter] home you know what we can do that we’ll do Clown H home Farm beer KN yeah sure why not all right we’re doing a dog of course uh sorry any any cat lovers in chat favorite thing uh [Laughter] chat H fair fair fair fair hey ree how’s it going we are doing a okay just uh getting started with a star a valley randomizer here oh my [Laughter] god oh this is already great oh my goodness okay so let’s uh let’s scale up our stuff here so it’s easier for you

Guys to see I wish I could have done that outside of the game but it doesn’t look like I can uh we’ll put this at 150% also that should be good there we go okay so as you can tell the music’s randomized I don’t know what the hell a

Rata flower is but damn it we’re going to figure it [Laughter] out yep there’s uh quite a few things that that are different about this um like all the crops are completely randomized um crafting recipes are re randomized so that’s going to be interesting to see how that works out

Exactly but um yeah so we’re just going to we’re just going to see how much progress we can actually make on such a System all right let’s clear out a little bit of an area here so we can get our uh what are those again rat of flowers yeah so we can get those started all Right I love this I cannot believe we got uh the music from one of the games like one of the in-game games that’s perfect that’s amazing all right let’s water these goofy things and then uh I think we’ll go explore some maybe see if we can uh do some foraging Perhaps and um yeah go you know meet some of our Town’s folk surely there’s not going to be anything weird about them right nice western music yeah right all right let’s see what we got out here wait wait now it’s raining huh is the music just gone or is that just

Me oh my god oh hello wait a Minute oh interesting okay Okay so so far it doesn’t seem like anything is going too weird with these guys yet which is good which is good okay now it’s 9:00 okay cool cool it seems like it seems like the town’s folk at least are normal rata oflow SE call do what the hell Is oh I don’t know what any of these are oh No okay so that’s our wait takes six days to mature costs 52 okay so here’s the here’s the here’s the real rub about this is that um I know like the the the buying prices are randomized but so are the sell prices so we could very well get screwed over like

Say we you know say we grabbed some of these and we plant them but they sell for like 10 each the names are mushh together yeah yeah it’s weird that’s so funny that they replaced it with the the flower dance oh my gosh okay okay

Okay so let’s uh let’s go around and see if we can uh find some foraging stuff perhaps actually you know what I actually didn’t look and see if um if the rat tolower seeds if they take the same amount of time to mature I actually don’t know if they do

Wait oh that’s lucky okay interesting wasn’t expecting to find a find a mushroom out here but hey we take those oh my God these dialogue boxes they got to go [Laughter] bro they are in the way and they are not going [Laughter] anywhere although I guess because we

Keep like transitioning screens I think that’s why that keeps happening if I had to take a guess all right let’s uh clear out this path some so it’ll be easier to get in and out of here and then of course oh wait I was about to say hold on hold on that’s

Actually not gonna be the same hold on hold on oh my God are you kidding me right now oh no oh that’s not good at all oh no we’re going to need three qus to make oh no oh that’s bad okay well that’s yep we’re off to a great start here

Oh my God what do you mean what do you mean I need quartz oh my god well honestly it it could be worse it could be worse what what is that what did I just plant I have no idea what I just planted um God okay so we’re we’re completely

Screwed on not being able to make uh make any chest which is really unfortunate um let’s see I’m going to go to the blacksmith I don’t think he sells quartz but I’m I’m just trying to remember cuz granted it has been a while since I’ve you know since I’ve played stard do but

Yeah also like I was never I was never really the the kind of person to like buy a bunch of stuff from the blacksmith to begin with like I know it’s most efficient but you know I like to keep my money Stolen by birds yes the music is randomized also yeah okay okay I didn’t think he did I didn’t think he did but yeah like I said the music is is indeed randomized also which is honestly great I kind of love that the only problem with that is that

The the flower dance music is so much shorter like it wasn’t meant to Loop So oh yay got some algae okay cool that’s nice I guess um okay so I guess since we can’t really do much with our lack of a lack of chests um also like we’re not going to we’re not going to get that anytime soon either cuz we got to be

Able to go to the mines and we can’t go there till like day five or day six so um yeah that’s going to be that’s going to be great it’s honestly going to be great um so I think I’m going to clear out just enough for like a pathway up

Here and uh yeah then I’m going to leave everything else alone cuz honestly like I I mean what do I even do at that point what do we even do at that point I am actually very curious let’s take a look at other crafting recipes here okay so that one’s too wood that

One’s still fine huh fiber and a soggy newspaper okay good to know good to know oh that takes clay to make now oh I don’t like that four coal for a wooden sign yeah sure why not and then 50 wood and eight sap for a stone sign yep uh-huh [Laughter] wait wait a cobblestone path takes wood now okay that’s actually kind of good that’s actually kind of great um yeah maybe we can maybe we can do that and just like use up our wood real quick okay yeah let’s do that real quick why not there we go

Perfect uh all right let’s see what else we got um oh two wood for a gravel path look okay look at least at least that’s going to be easy right uh granted it’s not anything important so I guess it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things but

You know you know sometimes we just take what we can get in this economy in this absolutely whacked out economy yes we take whatever we can get all right let’s uh yeah let’s let’s go down through here maybe there’s some stuff in the forest we can grab okay good I can actually get

Through without having to um mine any of that stone or that wood campfires with the new torches yeah pretty much I love how the daytime ambient has just been replaced with nothing okay we are finding a bunch of mushrooms though that’s kind of nice I guess that’s a replacement for

One of the springtime uh foraging items which you know fine by me honestly oh God okay well yep we’ve got this too wait a minute hold up hold on something ain’t right there I’ll take the sea urin though sure why not oh we have wild seeds right okay yep I

Need to probably go back to the farm before the end of the day and plant those okie dokie anything else weird nope spring onions are still here another mushroom okay yeah looks pretty good okay so um I’m going to go plant those seeds and then I’ll come back for the

Spring onions and then uh we can sell those I guess for some early gains oh hello there’s another one all right just everything’s all mixed up I think um I think the stuff that you can actually uh mine down on the mines is uh still the same luckily

But but as far as like chest rewards and stuff like that on the floors um I think those are all randomized too so who knows maybe we’ll get something really good out of that and maybe we’ll get something terrible bound to be a mess either way okay there very interesting

Seeds yeah fishing is going to be interesting for sure all right let’s go grab those spring onions so we can sell those and then uh I think we’ll probably end our day from there cuz honestly why not and uh yeah hope that uh crows don’t get to our

Crops that’s about all we can really do although I think we’re I think we’re safe until like the first time they had actually um first time they actually mature aren’t we maybe maybe not let’s see that is a lot of spring onions though like that’s a lot a lot I don’t

Think I’ve ever seen that many not that I’m complaining mind you I just don’t think I’ve ever seen that many all right let’s go starting to get dark so that’s perfect and uh yeah oh oh I was about to say we should have our fishing rod tomorrow but like is that actually a

Good thing oh oh my God okay the music just abruptly changed there okay that startled me a little bit but hey now we get Sam’s band practice that’s kind of cool we take that that’s a Vibe all right all righty let’s See oh no it’s another one of those that wasn’t made to L okay okay yeah not being able to not being able to make chests anytime soon that’s uh okay Tapper wild seeds oky Dokie okay not terrible we take that look freeze free I’m not going to complain oh no now it’s junim Mo cart music oh that’s that’s great okay so we can okay so we can go get the fishing pole but until we can actually make any chests we only

Have um we only have one space left in our inventory so I don’t know if that’s actually a good idea or not I actually just don’t know yeah the music rerolls each day it seems like which is you know which is fine oh my God that’s great I love

That hearing a lot of tracks from the game that we weren’t going to hear before Oh no okay now we’re back to now we’re back to rain which is weird because it’s not actually making any noise so I don’t know I don’t know what’s up with that y some absolutely goofy activity already

Hey man can you make me work faster I really need to get in there oh hello I will take that yeah that one still rain um I wonder if the actual I wonder if the actual like uh words words what are they um the the actual okay yeah yeah yeah it is flower

Dance oh my God it’s just going to be like that for spring oh my goodness okay well hope you guys aren’t tired of that yet cuz uh we got a while that one’s going to roll to something else for Better or For Worse oh okay hey that’s an easy 225 sure why not

And he can teach us how to make sashimi if I remember correctly unless that’s randomized in this I don’t actually know if it is or not but you know what I’ll take my chances I’ve got plenty of red mushrooms I can spare them one and now we’re back to rain Perfect all right

Lus I have a mushroom for you nice hell yeah to the be oh yeah right okay rat of flowers oh my gosh that’s so goofy this is going to be great ah okay so I was very tempted to just you know do the usual stuff stuff and just ho this up [Laughter]

But so see that that’s the thing about this is that like I said all the crops and all that kind of stuff is completely randomized and I think there is I think there’s either an option or another add-on to the randomizer that actually randomizes the villagers So like um so like you’ll have

Uh you’ll have Gus but he’ll like look like Marney or something like I know I know I’ve seen that I’ve seen that in other spaces too so that’s uh yeah it can get even more chaotic than it already is should have got it look I’m going to have a hard enough

Time having to um get quartzes in order to make chest give me a break oh okay let’s see anything down here to collect today if not then um if not then I think our best bed is probably just go to sleep I think we probably just like take

Care of our crops look for any foraging and uh then we sleep for the rest of the time until the mines are open cuz I don’t really see us being able to um make too much more progress until we can actually get some chests you know cuz uh we don’t exactly

We don’t exactly have the funding for the backpack and um oh actually oh that’s H maybe that’s doable I’ll have to go check and see how much that is Clay farm for the backpack upgrade yeah maybe maybe wait really okay I guess that one was starred um all right let’s go sell

These real quick clay Farm man okay um see that’s the thing though I’m not sure if I actually still get clay from the ground or not it may be something else entirely but I guess there’s only one way to find out right actually like God it’s been so

Long since I clay farmed I think I forgot the formula for that cuz I know there is a formulaic approach to that that makes sure that you know you get it every time but I have forgotten what that is so we’re going to have to experiment a little bit

Um we can sell that coal for now that’s not going to be too hard to come by later that’ll be fine ah get out of the way who knew this terrible path that I that I cut off cut up for myself wouldn’t be efficient no way who could have

Imagined oh my God all right so I I will say that it’ll be nice once we get out of spring so we can actually have some ambient music instead of uh none who would have thought all right let’s grab this last one wait where is

It oh here it is I missed it okay all right uh let’s see what we got I think we just have to find one piece first okay okay okay um Pray For Rain yeah I guess so uh let’s see I think it’s I think it’ be

Down one and over two maybe no okay so we got it here up one over two nope is it up to over one no it isn’t okay find the one piece first honestly honestly I’m I’m just really curious on how uh how quickly that’s going to go before we can actually have some

Chests and be able to make some progress okay let’s uh let’s go to where there’s more dirt to to till let’s see so very strange that I wasn’t able to find another piece in there it feels like I should have been able to I guess we can maybe make use of this

Space right perhaps okay okay so we found it Here H so it’s not up two over one it’s not up one over two is it yeah it’s been forever since I’ve done any kind of clay farming at all whatsoever but at the moment that’s our that’s our best bet is to try to get the backpack upgrade

Baby cuz I don’t really see us getting much else accomplished until we can hold more stuff until we can either hold more stuff or um drop the things that we’ve got but the clay is being a real pain you feel like you missed something oh uh we’re just we’re just trying we’re

Attempting to Clay Farm some um but the formula doesn’t seem to work like the old one from actual stardew so yeah we’re having to we’re having to really just kind of kind of wing it here we have a couple pieces though and we were able to sell sell a bunch more

Um spring onions and stuff today so maybe that’ll get us kind of close I want to say it’s 2,000 for the backpack if I remember correctly I might be misremembering okay we’ll sell that we’ll sell our clay and then we can sell one each of these and see how they

Go hey Alberto nice to see you hope you’re having a great Friday huh Okay um I’m not sure what happened there but okay uh all right all right so so yeah 360 in that day not bad not bad owl Statue okay definitely raining wait that rid looks kind of weird is that just me you don’t have to listen to your boss whining like a crybaby uh that that rain looks kind of weird I’m not going to lie and I don’t exactly know what we’re looking at there but that something

About that doesn’t look quite right it does kind of look like poop rain not going to lie it kind of does that’s pretty funny a coconut what okay I mean I’ll take the coconut sure why not oh my gosh I love all that stuff being randomized honestly that’s so

Funny it does kind of look like an arrow like I get that it’s still rain I don’t know just something about it doesn’t look quite right all right okay so Pier is not open yet but people are chilling inside so that means we can raid some trash

Cans and of course we get nothing not that it matters anyway cuz we’re kind of we’re kind of full on uh inventory right now uh let me actually you know what the forging stuff’s not going to really be too hard to come by except maybe the coconut so I

Think I think what I’ll do is I’ll probably I’ll probably drop off the stuff that we’ve got oh my God in a cherry hello okay look I’m not complaining to all the stuff that we’re finding that’s definitely going to help but um huh okay uh let’s sell that gold star

Coconut cuz that’s going to be that’s going to be worth a bunch uh let’s see okay it’s 9:00 we can go to Pier wait no we can’t it’s Wednesday damn it damn you Pier oh my gosh I’m just glad I remembered that it’s Wednesday before I went all the way over there

That would have really tilted me that would have very very much tilted me all right so I guess we’re just on uh more of a foraging spree here so let’s go down and um see if there’s any more spring onions today there may not be and that’s fine um

After that I think probably I think probably trying for some more clay I mean it’s not worth a lot but it’s it’s enough you know a little bit is better than nothing especially since we still have like a few days left until we can go to

The mines um yeah we’re going to have to make do with what we got might be more convenient to go the joal yeah maybe maybe we’ll have to um we’ll have to see with the community center and see how crazy those bundles are going to be Hey Kevin welcome been a while since

I seeing you hope you’ve been doing well hope you’ve been doing okay wait a minute I just hold up I just I just realized something um I just realized something with me putting uh chat as my favorite thing that’s going to get really awkward when we get a star drop

Oh no that probably wasn’t the best idea that will 100% be clippable though that much I can promise you oh that’s great to hear I’m glad you’re doing okay very glad to hear that all right let’s go grab that uh starred spring onion and then we can spend the

Rest of the time going for some clay I I suppose 12 days before Valentine’s Day true enough true enough got any plans if not don’t worry next year will be your year for sure I wasn’t supposed to be going for clay yet I got sidetracked I was

Supposed to be kidding that okay good job me GG I guess all we can really do now is hope we find some more come on thank you thank you it just made sense you know it just made sense okay getting a little luckier on the clay today so that’s good we definitely take Those I remember when I first played stardew hearing those rain noises um that kind of spooked me a little bit I was just like what the hell am I hearing here all right let’s see here nice okay completing the community center never seemed easier man that’s going to be an experience all

Right all right let’s see maybe we can find like another clay piece perhaps nice okay yeah getting a lot luckier with the clay this time around okay let’s See okay we can k a couple more times before we really start running out of energy here any more clay no okay all right so let’s go sell those and then we’ll come back for these spring onions you know that I should have grabbed the first time but I just

Didn’t I already didn’t do that what are you going to do okay actually you know what I probably could I probably could just I could just do this yeah I could just do that so I can just walk through next time no need to waste time going around if I don’t have

To all right okie dokie let’s go sell this clay um I think they’re 20 each hey yo is somebody messing with stuff mods hello are y’all good oh yeah yeah that’s okay that’s okay with me I just uh saw the saw the popup uh I

Saw the popup come up a couple times and was like uh what’s going on but yeah no totally okay totally fine totally fine big pop-ups can be scary look look my my whole thing is I just saw like four or five of them just rapid fire and I was like uh-oh what

Happened all right so we grab this one uh we had another one up here oh no okay two trips in is well that’s unfortunate that one got hidden by the tree sad all right really unfortunate to have to make so many trips hopefully hopefully tomorrow we’ll at least be close enough

To where maybe we can sell our forgeblacksmith be a huge help cuz then we can start doing stuff like fishing while we’re waiting on the um uh while we’re waiting on the mines to be open cuz I’m really really hesitant to sell our current forgea bles like all of

Them I’m really hesitant to do that because as soon as the Community Center opens up it’s probably going to ask for those all right go grab this one more spring onion and then uh we’ll turn in for the day I think I think next time I come out

Here I’m just going to have to like cut down that tree cuz it has been obscuring visibility for that patch way too much this is not the first time that I’ve missed a spring onion because of the tree yeah see like it covers it up just

Perfectly so yeah I think uh I think once we actually have the space for any tree SE or anything like that that it drops I think uh think we really need to cut down that tree that tree’s got to go cuz yeah backpack will help a lot because um then we’ll actually we’ll

Actually have storage space to make it worthwhile to clear out more of the farm and uh yeah that’ll be great that’ll be great so I think if I’m remembering correctly we should have probably like six 1 1600 maybe 1,700 at the start of the next day so we’ll see we’ll

See we’ll see how that goes all right time for Sleep yo okay that actually went better than I thought it was going to go yeah that went better than expected okay you watch I’m completely misremembering I’m completely misremembering the PRI wait bug level Loop oh my God no oh I don’t like

That uh nope nope I don’t want to hear that oh my God Why oh yep not a fan of those bug Noises oh my gosh what can we say guys there’s a bug in the Code uh I could I could say I’m sorry for that but uh I I know you wouldn’t believe me anyway oh my gosh honestly though just what okay I mean look I I’ve said I’ve said I hate the rain Ambience here because there’s literally just nothing

But um I think I’d Rather Have Nothing than that uh it’s bugging you yes yes it was bugging me too oh God flower dance again I’m never expecting it I’m never expecting It I feel like I should be at this point that I’m just I’m never expecting it one seaweed uh I don’t have any seaweed so that’s Unfortunate oh wait no I can’t do that I was about to go down to the yeah I was about to go down to the beach and I can’t do that okay yeah I can’t I can’t do that can’t do that so let’s go through out this

Trash yeah let’s go let’s go toss this trash in the shipping bin and then um we can head to Pi and see how much that is I wonder if the price for that is randomized maybe not I feel like that’d be too much if they did that but we can we can still

Try it and see see how much this Cherry sells for too please put you down I’m chilling no you’re not trash come on that’s pretty funny but no you’re not trash all right how much is this 2,000 okay okay okay hold on we oh my gosh okay all right we need we

Need 50 more okay hold on hold on maybe there’s some spring onions to go grab and if there is then uh we can get the backpack today and that’ll help that’ll help so so much oh my goodness granted we still won’t be able to go too crazy on things like um on

Things like fishing and whatnot uh cuz we really still need to be able to make chests but that’ll at least help some until um you know until we can actually go to the mines only got a couple days left now so that’s not so bad that is not so bad

Okay still seems so Eerie just wait that’s is that two birds stuck together yep it was okay okay okay I was thinking something about that particular bird looked a little weird I guess that’s what it was okay yes yes yes can I both of those are starred for real

Okay so the fortunate part is we have to take these all the way to Pierre’s and I don’t know if six is going to be enough maybe it will maybe it will I kind of doubt it but listen if it’s not that’s going to be a little heartbreaking I’m not going to

Lie Moment of Truth Moment of Truth uh what’s the plan right now the plan is we’re collecting those spring onions and uh we’re going to go sell those to Pierre um cuz the backpack is 2,000 and we’re at 1950 right now so hopefully hopefully the spring onions will be enough but if

Not there’s two starred ones that we can grab down there and um like worst case scenario we just make another trip I think I went the long way but honestly that that’s okay we’ve got time we’ve got time that’s why we do this Early all right please be enough I swear are you kidding no way oh my God that’s really unfortunate nuh-uh we needed 50 and we got 48 that is that is cruelty oh my gosh oh that’s so so sad what stock market Shenanigans you know what I wouldn’t be surprised if the

Stock the the you know stock market stock market prices were randomized also wouldn’t be surprised to hear that one bit okay wait what I tried to pick that okay you know what fine fine fine doesn’t matter it sells for six that’s enough damn it Pierre supposed to here supposed to be

Here to help make my life easier not harder out of the way Sam I don’t have time right Now all right finally enough of this okay give me give me the damn backpack oh my gosh honestly true True oh hey and you know what this this means this means we can go to the beach and get our fishing pole it is indeed done Finally what what what does that mean ocean replaced with Emily dance what what does that mean that’s ominous like look I’m glad I’m glad it didn’t actually replace that cuz they think that’d be a little too scary but uh yeah that’s that’s ominous I don’t like that at all oh okay the music

Interesting all right let’s pick up all our forgea [Laughter] Here okay so that’s still 300 pieces of wood yo this is some dope music I love this Why can’t we have that for the Town Music instead of dance oh man all right all right all Right okay so I think we go well we got to go back yeah what fish is cooking this true and then we’re back to nothing okay okay so I’m going to go get that spring onion then throw our forgea bles on the shipping bin and then I’m going to try

To H I’m going to try to clear out some more of the some more of the farm the sea fishing are going to be hyped true true that was not some music I was expecting to hear there but then again that’s part of the whole point right all right all right all

Right yeah yeah yeah I hear a riverfish going ham but um I don’t know if I want to do that right now so I’ll take this we do need to clear out some more Farm space that much we 100% need to do you know what I keep forgetting to check

Every time we’re at appears I keep forgetting to check and see how long the Ratt of flowers take to mature okay okay okay okay so I’m going to I’m GNA actually clear this out because I feel like this space right here oh God a geode okay sure why not

Feel like this space right here would be really nice to try to Clay Farm each day especially once we you know get it cleared of like all the fiber and the stone and stuff so wait was that a rainbow frog nice hey how are you hope you’re having a good day Today all right let’s see stard do yes but with a bit of a Twist cuz uh we’re using a randomizer you see um so like all the crops and stuff like that are completely randomized um as you can tell from the dialogue boxes over here that won’t go

Away uh the the music and stuff everywhere is also randomized um so yeah it’s uh it’s been it’s been pretty weird so far but you you know I’m I’m not really complaining not my only real complaint right now is our biggest stumbling block actually which um yeah the the chest

Recipe has been randomized too so we actually need Quartz in order to make that I mean hey this one makes sense at least because it’s our you know our spring forgea bles hardwood cave carrot oh rude okay well what are you gonna do I guess bunch of geodes refining in this

That’s kind of cool all right all right nice not bad got that cleared out a bit oh that’s right I forgot the nighttime aient music got replaced with um Sam’s band practice Music it’s kind of vibby though I kind of like it I just wish it loed Better nothing like you know just chilling on your farm at night only to have you know the guy with the guitar show up have nowhere and just start playing Guitar hey K how’s it going hope you’re having a good uh end to your week we’re just uh you know just playing some

Stardy today nothing uh nothing too crazy nothing weird about this at all I don’t know what you mean yeah that’s what I’m saying like if it looped better this would honestly like be really good It’s just like that Meme right where it’s like what are you doing in my house except this time he doesn’t want waffle Fries okay uh okay then uh let’s see let’s go over here to the bus stop grind in pal world yeah yeah I mean that’s cool that’s cool hope you’re having fun with that yeah playing crab champ yesterday was a lot of fun I didn’t get to stay for as long as

I wanted to but you know that’s that’s just the way it goes sometimes I had other stuff I needed to do yesterday all right let’s just uh burn blast of our energy here see if we get any more clay from here nope nope nothing okay well that’s fine that’s fine okie Dokie sell that real quick and uh yeah then I think we’re good to go to Sleep okay not terrible not terrible spreading weeds what do you mean oh God we got the Outlaw song again hell yeah let’s go oh hey Marty all right we need some dog names Chat think it’s astray poor Thing course I’ll adopt the dog all right what are we going to name him what do you guys got give me your best dog name random string of letters name him cat oh no a baby dogs are big Babies like mine is like I don’t know he likes to think he’s a guard dog which honestly he kind of is cu like he really goes Brian III oh my God all right I kind of like that there we go that’s how we make it fit all right we’ll take that we’ll take

That all right Brian the third you got this we’re going to be the best team all right yeah okay we can go to the mines now perfect perfect perfect okay now I just really got to hope we get lucky and find some quartz which is about as unfortunate as it gets okay let’s

See okay so we got those but uh yeah no what I was what I was trying to say is that even though my dog sounds scary like especially you know like he has a he has a really like loud like commanding bark you know like if somebody comes to the door and they

Hear him going nuts they’re not going to be like oh maybe I should uh maybe I should go in there um they’re they’re definitely not going to be thinking that but he is like the the biggest baby like he is so dramatic and he is the biggest baby like even with like

Normal mundane things so that’s all I was going to say is that at least in my dog’s case baby is very very accurate it’s not his name but it would make sense all right let’s uh yep let’s go to the mines see if we can find us some

Quartz uh I’ll skip this yo hold up okay that looked a lot cooler than it actually [Laughter] was H okay okay yeah when I saw that I was like yo what the hell is that but NOP no that’s uh okay okay I mean it’s fine it’s not

Bad let’s uh let’s put that there so we have that on hand actually let’s hold on let’s let’s move things around here a little bit there we go that’ll help all right let’s go okay nice we got a vibe in here let’s go He doesn’t drop bug meat anymore he drops solar Essences huh okay I mean sure I guess But I don’t know like I said my dog is very he is very loud and he does not like people oh my God quartz okay okay we might be in better shape than I than I thought can you die please yes thank you okay okay so those drop void distances

That’s that’s kind of big okay all right give me this please thank you nice okay so that’s our first qu s we need two more in order to make one chest oh jeez okay there we go oh nice okay okay Okay finally hoarding yes I mean that’s kind of been look that’s that’s kind of been what we needed to do this whole time unfortunately wait Okay wait how do I switch I actually forgot how to switch to um switch my other oh my God okay that’s another quartz okay huge huge and we have some geod so like maybe we get Lucky nightbot choosing random messages to delete okay um um are you sure that’s nightbot and not YouTube because I haven’t got any Ping On nightbot about messages getting deleted let me check that real quick hold On yeah I’m not seeing where it deleted anything so it must be YouTube being weird that’s got to be YouTube being weird all right um shoot how do I it’s not e is it no I’m trying to remember hold on got CU bindes in here somewhere let’s See [Applause] okay shift toolbar tab okay good okay yeah so we’ll eat this and then we’ll take the topaz okay nice all right okay good stuff all right on to the next floor Earth crystal okay see if we can find one more quartz like honestly if we can just find one

More that’d be so Huge oh thanks for subscribing I thank you I appreciate that welcome Welcome but yeah I’m looking through nightbot and I don’t see where anything got deleted at least by nightbot so that had to have been bottom left really oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay thank you thank you I actually just did not see that at all

Thank you so much oh my gosh okay okay that’s huge we can actually make a chest if we get back now oh my gosh all right that solves so many of our problems that is exciting that solves so many Problems um unfortunately oh God hold on okay let’s see what can we reasonably get rid of here I think we can I think we just eat this Plum and I think we take the Earth crystals those seem a little bit too valuable to leave

Behind cuz I do need to get down to the next floor so we can have that elevator ready to go okay yep let’s do that and then we’ll clear out that floor and then we’ll get out of here okay Journal updated yes Sir Yeah switch from top to live Perhaps I’m still not seeing anything that I hadn’t responded to already though so I think that’s just YouTube doing that yeah it’s got to it’s got to be on YouTube’s end I’ll take a look I’ll take a look I got to get out of here first though it’s not safe in here

Not at all safe to just lit around in here okay well that’s the next floor but I don’t really want that I’m kind of just seeing if we are going to get any more Geod although maybe I should stop and uh go make our chest I should do that and then maybe go take our geodes to get processed I think that’s probably what I need to do all right let’s Move actually you know even with me doing it right now I don’t think I’m going to make it there in time especially not having to walk all the way across town now that I think about it oh well that’s fine uh we can probably just like fish for the rest of

The day or something and see what kind of goofiness if any we get from that but yeah at least at least on my display I did switch from top to live and I still don’t see any messages that I hadn’t replied to already um okay right okay so first we need to plant

That okay now we’ve got now we’ve got space to actually make our chest oh oh my gosh it’s so good to finally have a chest to put our stuff in oh my gosh oh that’s huge okay okay good so let’s keep one each of those um we’ll definitely want to keep

These I mean we can honestly just like kind of toss all our stuff in here for now I don’t think it really matters um let’s see anything else we want to toss in here okay that’s not going to work out okay there we go okay so we can do that

Um yeah okay now I think we just go fishing hey Tina how’s it going hope you’re having a good Friday hope you’re having a very very good day today all right let’s see head down to the river and uh see what we can get from there all

Right a that’s totally fine Tina I appreciate you that’s very kind of you sounds like you’re really busy today hope it’s not too bad huh what the hell okay pretty easy fish what the hell is that what is that huh what is that hold on wait hold on okay so we’ve got cave

Carrots we can use that for energy but oh we need that for tappers okay okay I guess we save the cave carrots for now I guess that’s fine what the hell kind of fish was that kind of feel like we’re playing dredged where we just come up with the most cursed looking

Fish speaking of which that that is in my library I do want to play that sometime oh my God okay yep that was a that was a weird looking fish like that’s just all right yeah sure why not okay I think we’ve got enough energy for like maybe one more

Fish maybe if we’re lucky so with that with that fish being so easy to catch we should be pretty safe selling that cuz I doubt it’ll be a hard fish to come by okay uh yeah thanks I’ll take the extra energy why not okay there we Go oh all right sure come on what do you got for me hello is anybody there uh okay look I’m not I’m not going to complain about free energy okay I am not going to complain about that at all now if only I could catch some fish okay there we go got

Something this the same kind of fish again perhaps maybe I never realized how unsettling the the fishing pole noises we’re making yeah I never really realized how weird those sounds were until there was no music to drown it out nightbot going crazy really let me see

Here it did go back and delete a bunch of messages what the hell that’s weird cuz I saw those I responded to those and then they’re just huh okay weird I I will check nightbot and see if it’s nightbot or YouTube might be for some reason I don’t know

Why it would be but maybe I will check I will check I don’t know what a Brit is but you know what sure hey Cool Copper we take that uh let me let me go back to the farm here real quick um let me sell

One each of these fish just to see how much they they go for and uh yeah then I’ll I’ll take a look at that I’ll take a look at That yeah yeah I know like I said I I did see his messages and I was replying to those but they just kind of disappeared okay that’s kind of weird yeah I’ll take I’ll take a look I’ll take a look give me just a sec all right let’s go in the house here

Real quick at the dog all right let me see Here hey H wait it did time him out for posting Blacklist what okay hold on let me take a look at that let me take a look options let me see here oh God I I can’t I can’t tell I can’t tell what this is supposed to be oh my gosh

Okay okay yeah this is is uh a you’re you know what you’re okay you’re okay who decided mods can’t untime out someone um I I don’t know you should be able to untime out someone because I made you a managing mod not even just a regular one uh so sorry about that limb

I apologize I have no idea why I have no idea why um I’m thinking I’m thinking that there’s a couple there’s maybe like a spot in here where there’s like a wild card character because this uses really this uses really weird code um nightbot Blacklist uses like really weird code so it’s very

Possible that there is a like a wild card in here that uh somehow caught one of his messages but if that’s the case I I apologize I do apologize um I’ll I’ll take a look at that later when I can actually look through that code properly you’ll join the gang no no

Gangs okay um I do think I do think we’ve done everything that we can do for the day so let’s go to sleep I have look even even if even if that happened I don’t know why it would have timed you out for okay hold on hold

Up yeah Lim it it timed you out for some reason I’m so sorry about that I don’t know why that happened um I very recently implemented nightbot and it seems like there is a couple of Kings to work out still um I honestly meant to like start a

Little bit early today so we could do some testing before we actually got into stardew but um yeah I I woke up really late so that just was not able to happen I apologize all right want to get the most out of the or you find you need a

Furnace oh right okay hold on I think that I think that recipe is going to be randomized too so we’ll we’ll see what we need to make that go on Clint get out of here all right yeah all right okay slay 10 slimes yep been working on

That you have time on sun yeah yeah definitely definitely um yeah either that or tomorrow before the Hypixel collab let’s take a look at our crafting recipe it egg we need an egg to make a furnace nuh-uh come on what do you mean oh that’s messed up

What I can’t believe we need an egg to make a furnace oh my gosh that is okay that’s just wacky right there I don’t even know what to think about that I wow well okay that that’s a new one that’s a new one no no no damn is not a that’s not

That’s not on The Black List that I know is not on The Black List you can test out time out works that’s fair that’s fair um yeah later if you want I can like send you what I have to input for that okay okay I think I think I figured out

A way around it let me see here uh okay okay okay let’s see here let me mess with something real quick okay there we go okay so I can add I can add people as regulars I can add people as regulars so if I do that they’re they’re exempt um

From the random Blacklist stuff so hopefully hopefully that’ll uh that’ll protect limb at least for now I’ll have to um I’ll have to go back and grab everybody else’s to put those in there all right so hopefully hopefully that helps hopefully that helps uh let’s put away stuff that we don’t need for

The mines yeah we’ll put that away for now um I don’t think we have any other stuff to bring with us okay let’s just uh go straight there yeah that is something I can do on nightbot side so yeah anyway sorry about the random timeout I apologize that should be fixed for

Limit least now I’ll have to go back and add everybody else later but yeah like if if you guys are regulars and stuff like that like I know you’re not going to be doing anything weird so I trust you hey gray welcome welcome oh no Okay so Lim at least is not going to get jailed again unless he actually does Something oh no look it’s not it’s not my fault it’s not my fault that um that poke lava was up to some uh criminal Behavior with that boy I agree he deserve [Applause] Better but no for for real like I don’t dislike him as a character just um they were up to something really sussy with some of his Designs that’s not my fault uh blame my Aida for that all right reality Peno did nothing wrong I mean look technically technically he really didn’t you’re really you’re really not wrong about that to be honest he was a victim of circumstance I understand That all right Oh all right well this is going to finish that uh slime killing Quest that we got to do for the uh adventur Guild so that’s good you can just time yourself out why would you do that Though seems like I’m not the only one that’s got some tinkering to do Sometimes we could all use a timeout you know what that is very true that’s very true yeah time time off is uh like when you’re you know taking time away from your job like taking a vacation or something like that you could call it the timeout though I mean honestly it’s it’s you

Know timeout usually has more of a negative negative subtext but time up oh that means when you ran out of time excuse me sir the swort of must have knockback what are you doing oh no reu I’m sorry listen they had it coming you don’t Understand Ah okay there we [Applause] Go all right man he is just bro is tweaking out over here seems like he he was having a good time though until I ruined it isn’t that usually how it is though people having a great time until I ruin it can have little end war crimes As a Treat all right just a little Bit oh yeah Mega Dorothy was honestly I I love that class so Much like does it make sense oh my God okay uh I need to get out of here he used all my energy and I didn’t realize it okay bye-bye let’s get out of here I messed it up all right okay well that that wasn’t good that wasn’t good

That’s okay we can get home we can get home like this my gosh all right let’s let’s go let’s go we can make the track home honestly really unfortunate that I didn’t get anything to eat in there that would have been really nice but uh oh well sometimes that’s just how it

Is H we can make it any bets on uh what time it’s going to be in game before we actually get back we’re walking so slow oh my God okay come on you can make it I know it what Edge walking no I’m just Crouch walking you

Know it’s uh it’s to avoid being detected I’m sneaking ooh ooh need a like always until your knees pop true true so true actually but but we did get we did get three more C course and you know what that means that means we get another chest which means we can actually kind

Of separate some things out now which is great we love that okay let’s go ahead and take our monster drops and we’ll put them in here nice thank you guys thank you much appreciated all right so we’ll put all of our mining stuff and yeah and our monster drops in here

That sounds good to me okay and then everything else can go in here 4:40 p.m. no it’s too late you’re like two seconds behind Ah that’s fine that’s fine that’s okay and uh yeah our our Energy’s crap we’re out of energy who’s going to make the new win

That’s a good qu oh my god dog get out of the way listen you’re adorable buddy but I really need you to move all Right wait that’s right I forgot we set it it hold up I forgot we set it at 25 instead of 20 oh my gosh okay you guys are nuts he is doing his best he is I know he is is and I’m not mad at him I know

He’s just kind of chilling but I did need him to move oh these crops take so long oh my gosh okay we’re going to need to I think we’re going to need to go buy some more Seeds okay yeah we’re going to need to go buy some more seeds cuz I have no idea when those are actually finished oh no oh that’s not good at all um yeah that’s not good at all Nave um hope that turns out okay this music is really good I kind of

Don’t want to leave the farm cuz I know it’ll go away once I do I am going to get rid of this tree though kind of in the Way okay so we don’t have a lot of energy today because we accidentally ran out so that’s going to be a little bit rough um that should be okay though we can go Forge some and then we can head over to Clint and pop up in some

Geodes see if we can get anything good good there uh I know we’re not going to I know we’re not going to have our egg or anything anytime soon which is really unfortunate cuz we kind of need a furnace especially so we can upgrade our

Tools but um you know what as as with everything else so far we make do what’s that meeme country girls make do a snail oh my gosh okay are are a choke with with one or with two A’s interesting what is a how do you even pronounce this

Squander what is that the substitute for coffee beans uh no thanks I’ll just find that in the mines I’ll just find that in the mines true true there you go there you go all right hello BB very funny that it’s a purple BB okay that was kind of weird you guys

Heard that too right yeah that’s kind of weird I don’t what the heck was that I don’t know what that sound was it sounded like there was somebody like running behind me but the second I stopped it stopped and then it didn’t start going again so I don’t know

Man I don’t know that was a little creepy okay let’s see let’s See so it’s 9:30 so we can go ahead and head over to Clint we can do that real quick Oh God flower dance again I forgot about that I keep forgetting that that’s the that’s the Town music for now oh yeah we should go down here for forage Okay that’s great music man I cannot wait to go ocean fishing now I honestly can’t so good Yeah screw came loose from your desk it’s you know it’s it’s probably fine it’s probably Fine when you really need to worry is like when that screw is broken like if it just fell out it’s probably fine if it broke though that might be bad that might actually be bad okay let’s see if we get anything useful from this hole okay okay have some Museum donation stuff

That’ll be good oh yeah we get free seeds from that yeah that’s good that’s good or at least we can get free seeds from that I can’t remember exactly how many we have to um donate in order to make that happen all right oh yeah skip what what is this Music gotta say not a fan of this cool got some rewards okay what do we got yes okay great great great we got some more seeds yeah Club Loop I that that’s what I’m saying I don’t know where that’s actually From so it’s not from anything in your room it’s just in there okay that’s kind of weird I don’t know if that’s better or worse but that is kind of weird that is definitely a little bit weird came from the back rooms for real true true honestly tomorrow should be the start of

Salmon Berry season if I remember correctly I think I want to well first of all sell these cuz those are just extras um I don’t think I have enough energy to plant our seeds right now uh well maybe I do yeah maybe I maybe I do maybe I

Do so okay yeah we can do that um and then other than that I don’t think there’s really anything else that we can do today okay like we still have yet to have a single crop actually actually Bloom um we really did get screwed on uh on which crop we got for the

Start pretty unfortunate but oh well it is what it is I am going to go try to buy like one of each of the stuff that we don’t have currently okay that was not worth that energy damn it all right yeah I’m going to go I’m going to

Go try to buy one of each of the seeds that I know we don’t have Already the only thing is I don’t know what we actually got from our um mixed seeds so that’s a little makes it a little tough um so we have this for sure we have rata oflow we have oaster um Let’s see we don’t have this I don’t

Think as a zinth um that might be hold on that might be the that might the might be the flowers that are growing right now I’ll still buy one just in case though uh okay cran yep pom Barb sure why not okay okay we got one of each so we

Can uh we can plant those we can plant those and see what we start getting from those Oh no oh no not the emergency screws all right so oh okay hello Brian doing your best again today I see good for you good for you okay water that and we got how many four okay uh yep we’ll just do okay wait okay I had the

Wrong tool out two three four oh and we got some clay nice freeze free we take those okay okay so this flower is what we have over here that’s good to know good to know okay we’ve got that that’s a weird seed right there what that one’s even that one’s also weird okay

Well I guess time to water them and see what we get from there um yeah I think we’ve we’ve already been around the forest we’ve already been okay actually let’s go up this top Trail here see if we have any forgea bles up here and uh yeah then we can call it a

Day cuz uh I mean we’re kind of out of energy anyway so we might as well can’t really do much else anything up here nope okay good enough the sound of the water is weird it’s always been a very weird sound but um usually there’s some kind of music or

Something to drown it out so it’s not so weird I think um I think for spring with us you know not having any am Ambient sound at all that just makes it even stranger how is that look look that particular scuff not my fault they’re not having energy though that is my

Fault oh no not the bug level loop again oh not again yep don’t like that ooh okay cool so those flowers are done that’s nice all right time to water Stuff oh I hate the bug level Loop we got to get out of here ASAP okay water our crops and we’ll get the hell out of here all right Those noises are so weird man hate them hate them okay so let’s let’s sell one of these and see how much we get for it I’ll store the rest just in Case do I think I’m actually going to need that no but at the same time I’d rather have it than Not okay put that stuff away um doesn’t look like we have any stuff that we can eat which is unfortunate where’s the dog where’d he go there he is hi okay so we pet the dog um let me pause real quick I’m actually going to make I’m going to make the next

Cycle all right let’s see what we got um h okay okay then we do that then we’ll do that all right there we go now I replace my own pin because cuz I’m the only one who man all right now we go back to the mines let’s

Go I just got to keep a got to keep a better eye on my uh on my energy levels so I don’t I don’t just die like I did last time um hopefully we can actually find something to eat down in there cuz I’m looking at the bushes and I’m still

Not seeing any salmon berries which is unfortunate maybe maybe I had my date wrong you could just straight up unpin that for real why would you do that though you wouldn’t do that come on come on you wouldn’t do that so maybe I’m wrong and it’s like

The second week maybe it’s the second week that um that Sam and Berry start which is unfortunate because I could really use That okay all right there we go Nice all right cool we got something to eat nice granted it’s algae and I don’t exactly know how sanitary that is but you know once again country girls make do all right let’s [Applause] go all right let’s hope we get lucky on some of these ladders wait so you can unpin but you can’t pin that is so weird honestly such a five head play for YouTube moderation I knew it I knew there was an impostor hello I’m supposed to have not that what no turn

Around oh well standard stardo combat stuff right okay let’s see where is that ladder come on wait there’s one up there what am I doing nobody told Me okay nice more algae yes we take that we take that oh bro all right okay fine okay hi is he he’s bugged Out this guy okay there we go you know what hey save me a few steps we take that nice got some more copper nice more algae good okay so we pretty much need to be uh murking any slimes that we come across cuz they can drop algae which is

Great great early game energy stuff we definitely take that or avoid Essence okay that’s good too I think I think it’s acceptable at least no crab me no I haven’t gotten any yet that doesn’t mean I won’t get any but I I just haven’t gotten any yet

Okay let’s see if we can find this ladder there it is nice might actually make level 10 today that would be good that’d be very good hey keep an eye on my energy so I know when to pop some algae all right okay good good good uh

Let’s look around the floor real quick see if there’s any stuff that’s worth taking Hopper is definitely worth taking um granted uh granted I I don’t I you know I don’t know how useful that’s going to be for um recipes later uh we could actually need that for more recipes later besides

Just copper bars so I think we just take what we can get there okay so we’re getting a little low on energy so I do need to eat I’ll just eat one though cuz there is a ladder right here uh having a ladder spawn in like that

That’s pretty lucky so you know we take that oh yeah monster drops are random like I’ve been having a crabs Dro cherry bombs and literally nothing else so Far meanwhile slimes I’ve seen them drop either um void essence or Algae but it’s also hard to know what exactly we should be taking because uh like I said all the crafting recipes are randomized so we don’t know what we’re going to need oh oh snow moccasins okay we did still get some shoes that’s pretty nice uh

Let’s see oh plus two immunity okay sure why not no gel yeah no gel yet no gel yet doesn’t mean we’re not going to find any but yep no slime gel yet oh hello oh I missed okay nice okay give me the Geo please thank you very Much that’s true I could use bombs I Could I could indeed do that but we also have to get things like our our mining levels up so we can Actually you know so we can actually craft things like bombs cuz I don’t think we can do that until we get our uh mining level Up then again does does does using bombs actually contribute to that I can’t remember if it does or not all right void Essence okay sure why not why not Okay always kill enemies first oh broken CD sure okay uh I nope don’t like that damn okay these guys are going to be annoying okay I think I need to get towards the ladder just in case stuff starts going wrong cuz it seems like it might oh God they’re taking so many hits

To kill oh this is real bad this is real bad [Applause] okay okay okay we got one left we can do this we can do this okay okay okay that was stressful for a second that was definitely stressful for a moment okay okay we made it we’re

Fine we just got to see if we can uh find that ladder anytime soon oh nice okay so you do get it from using bombs nice okay that’s good that’s good that’s great Actually okay another bomb Nice okay nothing there Acorn okay sure why not why not oh boy okay okay um wait oh there was another one okay sure okay nothing there uh unfortunate yep okay well looks like no floor 15 today that’s okay though that’s all right osmanthus wine tastes the same as you were why is that what you think of

What is that from I feel like that’s a reference I don’t get yeah that makes sense on the trees I do have some spots where there’s a a decent amount of um decent amount of rocks though so yeah maybe I can use the bombs for

Those feel like I need to um figure out where exactly those spots are though because yeah I kind of got all this other stuff in the way may and Sam broke into our farm Again and clear out all this stuff cuz why not it’s about all we can do for now because we’re kind of out of energy Again wish there was more of a Um more of a reliable source of energy ear the game Here I mean once the berries and stuff start uh start popping up on the bushes hey got the rainbow frog again love that Guy oh gotcha okay yeah I I wouldn’t know I never actually I I haven’t actually played mention um I played it very very early like when it first came out but uh I dropped it pretty quickly because uh I was one of the people whose accounts got hacked and uh you know what

I had I had spent what I think a total like two days two three days um on and off just uh rrolling to get uh duuke so I was pretty I was pretty pissed when my account got stolen so yeah that that was that was it

For me I was just like no no I you know I’m good especially when rrolling took like an hour each time like nah no thanks no thanks I’d rather not do that again no I didn’t spend any money on ginin I actually didn’t hey Jared nice to see you hope

You’re doing well today all right cool don’t have to water my crops today very good very good we love that uh okay I’m going to put away my bombs here real quick uh yeah nothing to really take with me let’s go oh your second account was hacked rip that sucks that definitely sucks

But yeah like I said that you know that happened to my one and only account I hadn’t I hadn’t played like a lot but I had played enough to where I was like three rolling was not worth it and I knew if I wanted to play again I was

Going to roll so I was just like n I’m I’m good I’m good like a month after honestly I want to say it was like it was like two or three months after though wasn’t it it’s just like remembering when you know when certain people joined my guild and stuff like That I want to say it was at least a couple months after until second anniversary o yeah I’ve been hearing a lot of bad things about their anniversary celebrations which you know unfortunate Unfortunate yeah I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about star rail I just haven’t really I don’t know haven’t really taken the time to give it a super big try and get into it okay come on drop some algae I really need the algae closer to two but saying one is

Funnier yeah that’s fair that’s fair that’s very Fair yeah I saw that too where like um yeah a lot of the a lot of the Chinese players are very upset with how not handle the um Lunar New Year event has been so far having two having two in this small little area is crazy there is no reason they should

Have had two right there oh NOP Bye-bye so Fin’s smile must be protected that’s fair that’s fair should have voted more for genin in the game awards no way man but nah that’s just that’s just gotcha games being greedy in general like um oh God like a uh school idol Festival 2 just dropped

And I don’t know if you guys have seen those posts but man that was that was crazy I’ve never seen I’ve never seen a game announce their Global version and that Global version’s EOS in like 3 months the same post that was the funniest thing but

What’s crazy what’s crazy is cuz I have been playing it I have been playing it um I and I do plan on like actually like streaming that at least occasionally um but they they still have monetization enabled like you can still pay for stuff in it but like why would anyone do

That like if it’s going to EOS on May 31st and it just released why would you pay for that who is going to do [Applause] that I mean obviously someone goingon to or they wouldn’t even you know they wouldn’t even make that an option but like why why it’s so Crazy the people would we don’t yeah you know that’s that’s fair that’s fair it’s just I don’t know that’s just really crazy to me oh hey floor 15 that was pretty effortless this time around nice I guess we got luck here on ladder spawns there

Oh really really so this big I was going to say so this big patch and there’s not any here but I got into like a super tiny one earlier and there was two no Way all right you watch now that I said that we got lucky on ladder spawns we’re not going to find the one here there it is nice all right slime I would have been willing to let you live but I know you would have attacked me when I went for

This copper so you got to Go okay nice nice nice nice nice nice all right the area is infested you’ve got to be joking whose idea was this there is no way y’all need to quit touching me [Applause] Are you joking you have’ have got to be kidding oh God okay no I’m I’m get I’m getting out of here bye bye yeah yeah that’s the crazy thing too is that they were like oh yeah we’re gonna release this and you can you know you can transfer your data but yeah like

You said like almost a year later cuz they delayed it like I want to say like two or three times for us I want to say JP came out like almost immediately but for us it took like it took like nearly a year and that’s just that’s crazy to

Me like what could have possibly taken that much longer besides translation but at the same time it’s like they’re a big company you know I feel they should have been able to figure that out feel like it shouldn’t have been that difficult for them to figure out

But maybe that’s just me maybe that’s just Me all right let’s got one more seed to plant yep okay they were procrastinating I mean they’re not me me they’re not me how could they be procrastinating that they either got lazy or made a big mistake on the last day you know what I could see something like that happening okay all

Right okay I don’t know if this is something that other people like like to do or if this is just a me thing but I really like just cutting the tops off of the trees um so I can actually see around my farm and then I’ll just kind of leave

Them there like that until I feel like coming back and getting the stumps later all right yep so I’ll get rid of this one cuz it’s in the way now you’re on brand yeah I don’t know I feel like I feel like they could have just handled that a lot better in

General new pfp nice let’s see I I I want to see what that is I want to see what that is what is that I still don’t see the new one yet okay fine that’s fine okay all right well I’ll see it later I’m sure you cut the

Bottom I mean that’s that’s fair that’s fair I mean okay so from from my from my perspective Lim um I feel like I feel like they don’t have enough new stuff to have really Justified a whole other version to be honest like I feel like they could have just you

Know kept uh kept expanding the base game through updates as they’ve been doing I feel like they could have just done that like I don’t feel like there was really any reason to actually make a new version oh yeah we got the Outlaw song again perfect very good very Good hello did you guys see that huh tell me tell me I’m not the only one that saw that please oh my God Bye okay I don’t know what I was expecting to happen but it was not that can you imagine can you imagine if Bears could actually fly like that that would be terrifying oh my God holy that’s incredible that is incredible oh my gosh oh too bad it’s Wednesday a scare

What the bear doing true what is he doing what is he doing indeed all right um I think I think I’m going to spend today just fishing cuz why not oh wait yeah we should put our we should put this away just in case we end

Up with a like a whole slew of fish scare Bear yeah I’m going to go fishing today cuz why not actually wait I don’t want to go I don’t want to go to the forest I don’t want to go to the forest cuz there’s not going to be any music there

Kind of want to go to the ocean although should I be ocean fishing at level one probably not but I’m going to do it anyway cuz it’s more fun all right let’s get to the beach oh I cannot believe that what do you mean a

Bear a flying bear ate my crops I can’t believe that that’s [Laughter] Crazy like I knew stuff was randomized but damn that is not what I expected at all holy crap yep like if you had told told me a bear was going to be eating my crops I I would not have believed you what is a veggie drop what is that what the heck all

Right let’s get down here and fish let’s go an owl bear I mean maybe Stick oh yeah I would not have expected that in a million years oh my Goodness come on some kind of a bite Anything a moon that’s cute I love that I love that that’s so cute wait why’ the music change No sad do I have to do I have to come back to the beach each time to make it to make it change back jukebox is broken true true look see we got a broken CD that proves it Juke box is broken let’s go let’s go reset it let’s go reset

It there we [Laughter] Go a Wii Sports remake you know what I I feel that I feel that I feel That Nice another Mion he looks like a friend he’s very friend-shaped A a what a Goas I have no idea what these fish names are or these crop names what’s the seagull doing over there I mean a seagull is on brand here a seagull is on brand for here at least so it makes sense that it’s here but it’s just kind of standing on question mark over

There Pokemon ass name’s true hey yo drawing an Allosaurus nice what even would an Allosaurus ni look like that’s that’s that that’s a good question I feel like yeah what is the seagull standing on over there you know I I respect I respect the movement but what what is bro

Doing did you see Moon walking there yeah you know I did I did just I I still have trouble processing that I feel like dinosaur body with my head oh that that sounds cursed that sounds so Cursed I’d be the intimidating purple dinosaur I kind of like that Actually I love the mions they’re so cute they look like a what are the what are those um squish Mallows they look like squish mows although I know I feel like they’re supposed to be you know more like puffer fish Shaped I really wish that track lasted longer or if there was any kind of like spring actual ambient music add bird Winks for more curs hey a joj cola cool that’s one of the things we needed for the furnace isn’t it so we’re definitely going to keep that we 100% keep

That yep there’s the squish mow Again Jojo ah that would have been great what would the uh what would the tagline be for Jojo Cola catching so many squish Mallows honestly kind of love that for us [Laughter] oh it’ have to be build as like a mood enhancer right [Laughter] Feel extra JoJo Life got you feeling Mud try some JoJo Cola and a that feeling right out of your [Laughter] face that’d be kind of great I kind of love that [Laughter] actually okay seaweed okay I wonder if lonus still wants seaweed I want to say that was like almost a week ago in game now so maybe not but

Hey thanks for stopping in I hope you’re doing well today I am doing okay we are just um we’re just playing some stardew Valley but everything is random well not everything a lot of things are though lot of chaos very much chaos am I going to watch Wendy the pooh

Blood and Honey too um no I I don’t I don’t think so um I’m really not a big like horror movie person and uh especially especially very bloody ones uh like that so that that’s not really my thing so I’ll probably skip that I need anchol for a stew I’m making

I don’t even know what that is what the hell is an anel I don’t know what that is but you know what I’ll take the quest anyway just in case I come across one nice he went home I can read the trash a we got trash oh yeah we haven’t met AB Abigail

Yet go talk to best girl sorry in advance if you say anything rude get didn’t get much sleep last night you know what that is so relatable that is so relatable but no I didn’t even know there was a second one that’s crazy it actually sold enough to Warrant that that’s interesting I

Wouldn’t have expected That yeah imagine what we finding what we actually want in the Trash this is such a Bop I just wish it was a longer Track all right yo what is that I that does not look like a Friend that guy did not look friendly at All going to complete the Rando let’s go oh nice cuz it’s night time we get Sam practicing instead of uh instead of nothing which is great can’t wait to see what the Summertime music is going to be yay another squish mow [Laughter] Okay come on come on what do we get for nighttime Fishing oh I messed that up whoopsie all right another squish mow okay sure an enchanted book with a curse of Vanishing I I hate that huh oh lineus going through the trash okay we’re at 34 for real yo that’s crazy awesome but crazy way to go guys thank you thank you so Much that is awesome all right let’s uh let’s go sell a bunch of these extra fish kind of weird that we haven’t gotten the community center I feel like that should have happened by now it’s making me a little concerned five subs from 380 wow shees that’s okay Nave it’s the it’s the

Thought that counts honestly like for real for real I have no idea what a what huh what wait a minute the popular alcohol Norma’s feet is fermented from this crop What nuh-uh what what the hell is okay you know what I don’t even know I don’t even know Anymore I am I am concerned I am dis Disturbed I have no idea what’s happening anymore get rid of this Driftwood um okay actually wait yeah we should just just sell all the squish Ms all right now we go sleep I squeeze the feet is what is no I hate

That what would a feet inspired alcohol even be like I don’t you know what no forget I asked I don’t even want to know okay wait hold on hold on whoa okay we really unlocked a lot of stuff no not my feet no no no oh no I hate

That um okay so we unlocked the bee house recipe and the mayonnaise machine recipe I don’t feel like we were supposed to get those yet wait wait no this is actually really bad cuz that means we don’t have the Scarecrow oh no we don’t have the Scarecrow

Recipe what are we supposed to do our crops are going to get eaten by that flying bear again oh no oh that’s so bad that’s so bad yeah I can’t I can’t crab the Scarecrow we didn’t get the recipe for it what the hell man what are we supposed to

Do oh no well at least our crops are okay right now okay favorite axe yep give us 250 gold yes we take that we take that oh my God can’t believe This we really got screwed over by the RNG There wait is there a is there a rarecrow that we can get from the uh flower dance our crops are going to get eaten by that flying bear yep that’s you know that’s just that’s just where we’re at right now life is crazy you never know what’s going to happen

I don’t know if that’s the proper takea away from that or not but it’s my [Applause] takeaway okay okay we go suddenly got emotional oh no I hope you’re okay hope you’re all right gosh flying bear of all things a flying bear that just feels that feels like insult to injury

Cuz it’s like how do how does a scarecrow even work on a a [Laughter] bear cuz I’m going to level with you if it was if it was a bear stealing my crops I think that’s just you just packing in at that point don’t you hey no problem like I said hope

You’re all Right but yeah I feel like I feel like if you were like in this situation for real and it was just a bear stealing your crops you just you know like what what do you what do you even do with that the bear doesn’t even have wings that’s the crazy part

Corb that’s the really weird part is that he doesn’t even have wings he just like walks into the air oh they’re going to go in the sewer uh-oh why is it locked I want to explore the sewers well maybe that’s why it’s locked kiddo all right had a white suit on and a

Hat it’s in the Discord CS Channel okay cool cool cool nice thank you nightbot thank you Nave and thank you [Laughter] nightbot don’t even want to imagine flying Bears With No Wings see that’s the crazy part is I just like walked out here expecting to like see a bird eating

My crops nope it’s a bear and then he just like walks off into the sky look I’m just I’m just I I’m happy the bot actually works this time that’s the part I’m happy about bald bird no why would you do that why would you do that damn it didn’t work

All right okay so we found a couple of forgea bles which is kind of nice feel like we’re kind of going to kind of be hoarding money cuz I know there’s supposed to be like some kind of crops at the egg Festival wait shouldn’t we have had the egg Festival

Already am I crazy for thinking that I don’t actually know yeah song notifications popping off over the yeah yeah they are and I don’t know why they don’t go away either like they just come up and then they stay but um yeah this is this has

Been nutty so far to say the least I I cannot believe we can’t make a scarecrow like yeah we got level one farming but the the recipes were not what we needed uh I love how we got a mayonnaise machine when we don’t even have um a coupe

Maybe I should be looking into that but at the same time wait wait hold on okay wait there’s that okay cool okay so so we got that we got that so let’s go let’s go unlock That okay hey there’s a horseradish here that’s an actual spring forgeable let’s go all right let’s see what we got in here replace with nighttime you know what that that kind of fits that kind of fits I don’t hate that all right can’t read that okie

Dokie so then we should get our letter from The Wizard tomorrow so that’ll that’ll get that going at least um where was I going to go oh yeah Robin I was going to go see Robin see what I need for a coupe cuz I really need to get a coupe because I I

Need okay so so here’s where we’re at right now um oh yeah we got new wait it’s mixed seeds for a beeh house hold up that’s actually kind of broken hold on that that’s actually really broken in a good way hold up hold up that that could be really good

Actually one fiber for the fertilizer hell yeah that’s great two mixed seeds for sprinkle oh my God we’re going to need so many mixed seeds oh that’s really cheap for the cherry bombs O Okay grass starters for field snacks interesting wait wait what are the ingredients for this a

Complete breakfast and then Fran drop seeds when do you even get those seeds I haven’t seen those yet but still a complete breakfast that’s okay that’s not even worth it need hay to make crab pots yep that works that works sturdy ring 45 wood five copper ore and an

Emerald okay you know what that’s actually not bad this one is a void two void essence a torch and a grass starter okay okay so what we why we really need a coupe is this right here um so we can’t uh we can’t actually we can’t actually

Make a furnace until we get an egg we have the joa cola we have the wood but we need an egg so I need to go see if we can actually make a coup or knut and if we can what we need for that uh let’s see construct farm buildings 20

Hardwood O Okay um but how do we do that if we can’t smelt into bars how’s that supposed to work oh that’s so bad that’s so bad also that that Price is randomized Right 20 Stone’s not so bad the 20 hardwood that is that is tough that’s

Very tough I don’t know how we’re going to make that happen um okay okay maybe we need to maybe we need to rethink this a little bit let’s see let’s see 99 Cents from free shipping what yeah yeah that that’s the that’s the bad part I kind of feel like at that point

We just have to hope that we get Lucky from uh we kind of just have to hope that we get lucky from the mines right but then again we’d have to get lucky like 20 times because hardwood is difficult to come by even in the

Mines how is that going to work how is that going to Work oh I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do cuz that’s really bad rolles on both of those things oh that’s that’s very bad that’s very bad uh do we have okay we do have pickaxe all right let’s uh let’s go in let’s go in the

Mines because about the only other way that we can actually get hardwood is upgrading our pickaxe which or not pickaxe our axe upgrading our axe which we can’t actually do without without being able to make bars uh but we can’t make bars because we don’t have a

Furnace so it all just it all just Loops back around so all right let’s uh let’s dive in here I guess and uh see if we can maybe get lucky see what we can find all right um okay I do like that the VES music is just the

Regular Summer music that’s pretty great it all goes back to that damn scarecrow it sure Does all right okay so for ones that are set like monster drops um those ones like they’re rerolled once for each monster type so like some of these we already know what we can get from them but other ones maybe we have a monster later that drops hardwood that

Would be nice that would be nice maybe that’s the case maybe even these guys who knows nope solar Essence okay fine sure there’s got to be a way to like trade solar Essence for something like that right okay yep What do you drop besides cherry bombs sir uh a ladder apparently we take that well see that’s the thing is that usually you really want void Essences for things like Mega bombs later right but that recipe is going to be randomized so we don’t know if we

Actually still need it from that or Not who knows maybe they’re kind of useless in this run we’ll just have to see we don’t Know that’s that’s part of what makes this honestly kind of Chaotic some very goofy magical Shenanigans have clearly taken place here come on oh yeah okay okay so so Nova since you’re since you’re a bit new you actually didn’t see what we had to go through earlier let me get into the crafting recipes real quick okay so when

You normally start a run in stardo one of the first things that you craft is a chest to store your stuff right well uh things would have bit differently for us Because yeah we need quartz to make chests so yeah that definitely uh switched up our early game progression quite a bit I mean technically we’re still early game like we’re still like not even second week week of spring done yet so we’re we’re still definitely early game but yep that’s

Uh that’s what we had to deal with very Early so that’s what I mean it’s just you literally never know you literally never know but our energy is low so I’m going to take this real quick like I don’t think that’s going to carry us to floor 20 but who knows maybe it will all right kill enemies oh there’s a

Barrel okay hold on hold on we we’ve got a shot we’ve got a shot oh [ __ ] okay Okay all right all right if it’s only one it’s fine if it’s only one it’s fine I can handle That come On two damage that is way too little damage to be dealing with these guys come On one Dam oh my God okay there we Go so like we’re getting solar Essences and void Essences out the ass out the absolute ass however we don’t actually know how useful those are going to be and that’s the problem okay uh nope I’m getting out of here that’s way too many bugs that’s way too many bugs okay

Um okay so if I remember correctly in the middle of this there should should be some barrels I think we need to go try and crack those open another bug okay fine Bring it on come on today please I don’t have all day it’s already 9:30 p.m. come on come On okay fine Like I don’t think I’m even going to try for floor 20 oh my God nope I’m getting the hell out of here screw this I don’t have time for this I don’t have time I do not have time for this I think about the only thing we can

Do at this point is uh is break open our last couple of rocks here and see if we actually get the ladder I kind of doubt it but we’ll see we’ll See yeah wormy did not think about me running away wait did it die it didn’t actually die did it where’d it go did it just leave I mean that’s kind of weird but I’m not complaining all right let’s See please can I please have the ladder please nope sure can’t rip okay well it got bored honestly me too me too understandable oh yeah Sam breaking under our farm to you know give us a nice little guitar Practice and he brought somebody to play percussion with him how nice how very thoughtful of him so like okay so like canonically speaking with that being the case like do we need to romance Sam on this run is that what we need to Do feels like canonically speaking that’d be the right thing to Do like he’s been with us from the very beginning getting onto the farm every night to serenate us with his guitar it was it was fate oh my gosh all right yeah almost 700 just by foraging not bad all right let’s uh um all right well let’s see what happened with our crops

Overnight oh yeah I forgot about her axe [ __ ] I got to find that okay good luck day in the mines very good they’re safe our crops are safe somehow wait what are the what are the rain particles are those skulls hold up hold up those are skulls what

Oh that’s fantastic I love that oh my goodness egg Festival tomorrow okay okay okay okay yes so it’s it’s all come to this we should be able to wait if I remember correctly we should be able to actually buy we should be able to buy a

Uh a rarecrow from the egg Festival if I remember correctly either that or the flower dance so if if we can buy that if we can buy that um that’ll solve our crop problems at least for right now oh my God I I cannot believe it is literally raining skulls that’s that’s

Crazy that is actually crazy the idea of a dinosaur Nicks had the game Dead you know what that’s fair oh hey at least the axe still looks like an axe that’s nice we take that okay oh my goodness okay okay okay oh we got more spring onions to collect over here

Nice okay okay good uh let’s look around here for some more forage [Laughter] then oh my goodness What do we got anything not seeing anything yet besides the raining skulls that’s about uh that’s about all I’m seeing right now um oh yeah wizard tower we do have to go see the wizard that’s what we’re over here in the forest for besides the axe a coriander stick why would you do

That replace with rag time Sure come in I like to watch this cut scene just because it’s absolutely unhinged mediary between physical and ethereal we were distracted oh no master of the seven Elementals Keeper of the Sacred CH you get the point and you Bernie the one whose arrival I have long foreseen have you

Now here I’d like to show you something behold it’s a Baby the forest soup potion oh my God you’ve seen one before haven’t you They call themselves The junimos didn’t see the difference between your chips and leaves oh my goodness mysterious Spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to speak with Me and then he just yeets it off out of existence I’m not sure why they moved into the community center but you have no reason to fear Them hm you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language most interesting stay here I’m going to see for myself I’ll return shortly oh there he Goes thank you so much for the subscription I appreciate it welcome welcome I found the note the language is obscure but I was able to decipher it we the junimo are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest then you

Will see the true nature of this scroll no reason to fear a goblin that only thinks in a bad way ah H one with the forest what do they mean indeed what do they mean sniff sniff us Yeah he uses the door to get back in like he teleports out but then he just walks back in with the door aha I I hate this face that he’s making right here as it’s just it’s very Scary come here it reminds me of that Meme you know where it’s like what he sees and then what she sees and it’s just that H okay okay I’m sorry I’m good my curnon is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby Fern Moss scrub caramel top toad sto can you smell

It here drink up Let the essence of the forest permeate your body I feel the same way plus six energy hey let’s go There it goes and now we’re tripping Out absolutely goofy I love this cut scene so much I remember when I first saw it I was just like what the hell is happening so what do you guys see when you trip out on the forest potion is it also or is it something else you’ve gained the power of forest

Magic now you can decide for the true meaning of the junimo Scrolls pickpocket what you better not you picked the wrong bird sir you picked the wrong bird what do you got anything good what is that trog sapling what rohawk okay no idea what that means fall seeds sure fried

What round per tongue okay are to choke seeds okay you know what we need to be we need to actually be checking we should be checking the traveling cart maybe um maybe the traveling cart will be where we can get an egg and then we can proceed from there

Cuz if that’s the casee that’s the case we could potentially get an egg from there that could be our ticket no the randomizer adds completely new stuff um cuz like we we’ve had we’ve had crops named like rlow um kadoo like it’s it’s just nonsense names it’s absolute

Nonsense okay so let’s go take a look at the community center and uh see what it wants from us now cuz we should be able to actually see that now and uh we can also give Robin we can also give Robin her uh uh her axe back we can give her her

Axe so yep we can knock out both of those things and then we’ll have like 3K going into tomorrow should be able to get a a rarecrow if they have one and then um any seeds that they have cuz usually that’s where you get strawberry seeds and that’s the that’s the good

Stuff right um oh randomized mounts interesting they only want one hardwood from this though okay that that’s kind of easy that’s kind of easy actually totems bundle what no way wait reward is Bridge repair huh winter forging what is this egg and go what the hell nah-uh man these are these are

Weird what yellow bundle oh no lucky lunch what this is bananas okay a topaz ring Maple seed okay oh okay so this is the replacement for the coffee seed but why is it in the yellow bundle it’s not yellow omelet straw floor oh this is Goofy this is

Goofy oh yeah uh if you want the mod for yourself I actually have a link to it in the Stream description so uh you should be able to find it there oramin oh I actually had this earlier okay obviously I didn’t know that they needed it but

Like fried gr okay wait that traveling cart was selling that I don’t think I want to buy that though hail ale okay apricot Jackal Lantern oh my God what are these bundles and then there’re summer forging wait is there no wait there’s no spring foraging bundle what am I supposed to do with

That what oh man that’s messed up okay okay [Laughter] okay oh my gosh you got to be kidding me hello don’t think we’ve met you’re lucky you might see a frog in this weather I don’t know when it’s raining skulls I kind of doubt that I kind of doubt it all right what

Do you got uh Robin oh right I’m supposed to be just giving you your axe back yes okay you misspelled omet man you know what it’s so easy to misspell words I feel like that’s uh you know I feel like that’s when you when you start making fun of your friend for something

They’ve misspelled cuz I’ve I’ve had somebody make fun of me for misspelling something before but but they were one of the people that mixes up you know there there and there you know what I mean I think that’s I think that’s interchangeable though I don’t even think that’s a

Misspelling okay so we got yep 250 from that cool so we’re at 3,000 um what do what do from here I kind of want to hang around till the adventures Guild is open should be open at two and then I think we spend the rest of the time either fishing or

Clearing off the farm I think that’s what we do yeah that sounds about right all right sorry about that game crashed it did not it’s fine it did not it’s fine yeah I just had um I usually I usually ignore I usually ignore U my Discord app while I’m streaming um

Unless it’s the case where I just have like a bunch of pings come in like at once because then that’s usually something’s wrong and I actually need to check on that so that that’s kind of what happened there sorry about that yeah just wait until twooo come on 2

P.m. yep so I clicked away for a second to do that and it it froze stuff over here on this end but that’s fine that’s fine everything’s okay come on it’s 1:40 hurry up hurry up yeah it was it was my notifications no do not start spamming me please don’t please don’t do

That oh you can actually hear that on your end okay I apologize wait why is it Christmas in here okay that that’s kind of great that’s kind of Great Potato razor of Justice what sweaty gun Rod of the Forest every day with the guild is Christmas true sharp Coral Taps shoes of sadness I love how they even like rolled the names also I I misread it earlier they’re not snow moccasins they’re snam moccasins one of the best Pokémon that’s great all right okay so I don’t really

Have anything worth selling come back when you got something to show me me okay bye-bye [Laughter] Christmas I can’t believe that it’s literally just Christmas in there that’s that’s fantastic I love that very nice very nice no more Christmas not for now not for now you know what we need uhoh what do we need I’m sure you will tell me that’s true if they don’t touch grass

Oh my God [Laughter] that’s pretty funny that’s pretty funny I approve I approve all right uh yeah let’s go yeah I was going to say let’s go fishing but we really need more space for crops probably don’t we or at the very least we need to chop

Down this tree cuz it’s very much in the way all right and then I think we can I think we can work on maybe making a path down this way yeah I think that’s what we should do that way getting in and out of the forest is uh

Better and easier made that a while ago nice All right okie dokie okie dokie um yep I actually don’t remember when you sent that no or rather I didn’t realize it was a it was a command of some kind I thought you just like copy pasted so that was that was my misunderstanding okay okay then we need to get rid of

Some more of these trees so they don’t drop any more seeds in the path okay this one here how dare you you’re kidding it was like last year oh okay okay okay okay no I I do remember when you said that before I just didn’t know that you uh made a

Thing that was my misunderstanding but I agree we can make that a bot command we can definitely do that that’s easy enough to do okie dokie it’s really unfortunate that there’s so many uh big stumps in the way you know what that’s actually kind of a

Fun idea um if I do end up doing a like if I do end up doing like a I guess a nightbot testing um either tomorrow or Sunday um can probably take ideas for that there as Well yep that is actually that is actually a great idea I like that quite a lot cuz I mean it’s it’s supposed to be here to make things easier for you guys too okay mixed seeds um I could plant those but I kind of I kind of want to

Save them uh since we can use them for like beeh houses and things like that so I kind of think it’s important that we save those ho we can put that away uh let’s see o almost out of energy okay I guess what we’ve done is is

Enough you assume it’s not on a timer um it was supposed to be it was supposed to be but um I think it’s I think if someone actually uses the command um for the Discord um then it waits an hour from then I think I think I Think but yeah it’s it’s supposed to be on a timer to say that once an hour but again I think if somebody uses it um from then I think we have a I think we have that happen cuz it does work oh nice got some flowers that are done oh those are

Pretty those are actually really pretty flowers I kind of like that I have no idea what the rest of these crops do but man did I actually okay I actually did okie dokie um H wait a flower part of a deep breakfast what do you mean oh that’s Cur that’s cursed I hate

That I really hate that a a synth okay popular with Fran ruler of parsia okay yep oh my gosh okay sure sure why not okay let’s uh let’s finish clearing out what we can man didn’t know they were breakfast flowers that’s Crazy okay deforestation degasification true deforestation is just something I Do the amount of times I’ve been playing a game and been like well we just need to go DeForest I guess is uh is alarmingly high but do you blame me do you really blame Me okay But then again like I do play you know things like farming and crafting games quite a lot so hey buddy all right uh oh yeah we should grab some water uh fill up his water bowl and then we can go head over towards the festival it should start at

9: oh I wonder if the egg locations are randomized too we’ll have to see yep and then we get no no music cuz of course okay come on it starts at nine come on let’s go okay nice how many trees have I destroyed in all games combined you know what that’s

A I don’t don’t know the answer to that question lawn Flamingo okay decorative pitch oh there’s no rarecrow no oh that’s not good at All that’s real bad actually takes six days to grow but keeps producing after that see I’m I’m afraid I’m afraid to actually uh I I’m afraid to put that because like I’m afraid to buy a bunch of these and then plant them because if

I do that I feel like that’s going to be bare bait I have 3200 and I can sell these today and figure out how much they make um I’ll buy 12 of them I’ll buy 12 that really does suck there’s no rarecrow though game please I want my own music you know what Understandable I mean I don’t have to be talking to people here it’s not like it really counts as me getting to know them unfortunately but uh I mean you know why not Hello someone should rewatch count all the trees that’d be way too much no that would be way too much I would never ask anybody to do That that would be way too much no Way all right let’s see we’ve talked to Gus already we’ve talked to Clint put something nice into the punch you spike the punch there are children Here oh yeah and then there’s lonus cuz of course you just come for the deviled eggs I mean that’s fair I [Laughter] guess that would be so many things you you would be at that for a very very long time all right all right time to get some eggs hopefully okay let’s go oh there’s an egg over there give me that yep okay I see where quite a few are actually uh there’s one Here here here yeah it looks like the locations are randomized too which honestly is kind of working out well for me I’m not going to complain about that I have no complaints going pretty well so far um all right what do we got got another one behind the trash can here

Yes okay got one up here over here man this is okay yeah this is turning out really well Actually oh I can’t actually get back there damn sad I got quite a few Though oh man that’s crazy like there’s a bot that does that while you’re playing that’s kind of cool wow look at all these eggs now only can get you kids to pick up litter this efficiently have the cleanest town this side of the gy SE and now the winner of this year’s egg

Hunt yay we win let’s go nice now we can finally match our in-game Avatar let’s go They finally caught up yeah oh yeah and then Sam’s here yes okay um yeah let’s pull this out pull this Out Okay all right nice uh let’s see let’s sell these ones cuz these ones are prettier I doubt they’re a different price for the same ones just because they’re a different color I kind of doubt that um let’s see anything else we want to do N I think we’re good all right bedtime let’s

Go wow okay they’re 150 each that’s not bad that’s not bad that’s yep that’s not bad cool all right every day we walk out of our house we don’t know if stuff’s going to be eaten okay nothing got eaten again today nice whoa oh what that produced five okay sure why not sure

Nice and that’s why we play as the girl character cool now we’re back to the same amount of money that we had before we uh spent anything yesterday on the money crop true that took a really long time to produce though nobody knows whether it’s a fruit vegetable or none of the

Above honestly understandable understandable all right wait hold on hold on chat hold on look look at the look at the rain look at the rain Graphics do you see that it’s literally raining cats and [Laughter] dogs the say came true no way [Laughter] oh that’s funny oh my gosh that’s so [Laughter]

Good literally breing cats and dogs I can’t believe it wow okay okay man that’s that’s something else oh that’s great okay all right um let’s see so I think I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to mostly fish today and I think tomorrow we go for

Crops like more more seeds perhaps cuz there are ones that do in like 6 days um so we can do those they grow pretty quickly and they seem to be pretty decent profit margin let’s see here um collections okay that sells for 150 um that sells for 32 so these are

Trash wait we sold other crops we’ve sold other crops hold up where are they hold on we’ve definitely sold other crops what where are they where’ they go I’m I’m so confused by that cuz we sold like the rattle flowers and stuff like that we sold we sold

Those and we sold call of D so like huh all right we got Ro Hawk mions hemp flower franer drop okay ch Cal floor bug meat Cado wait hold wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on I I need to I need to look away from this description for a

Bit and come back to it and see if it see if it still says that cuz I I don’t know what to think about that yep yep it does say that it does say that okay okay okay uh it sweet Aroma May attract underarms um

Huh I I I I don’t know man I don’t know I don’t know discovered falling from the sky during Hurricane Selma okay I mean that’s okay sure hemp flower it’s a mystery to everyone okay well that’s that’s good to know taste like bringel what are what are bringel I have several

Questions quite a few quite a few questions yes um I I really hate this cuz it’s like even even if even if we went to the blacksmith and like bought you know a bunch of ores or is not the problem we just we can’t we can’t make a

Furnace and I really wish we could we just need one egg I still can’t believe it’s raining cats and dogs that’s that’s insane that’s so crazy God that that’s that’s amazing that’s amazing what a time to be alive the caet cafeteria food in prison wait how do you know what the cafeteria

Food in prison tastes like H want to explain that one oh your friend was a cook there okay okay that makes sense that makes sense that makes sense that makes sense is your friend a good cook or n tastes like egg and go honestly so true wait a

Minute oh I think we messed up I think I think spring onions was one of the things that was needed for one of the bundles I can’t remember which one or if it even was one maybe I’m tripping yeah I’m tripping okay okay okay fine fine um yeah all right to fish

Want to eat what I serve the Prisoners egg and go feels like a feels like like a portable egg cooker too much for its potion honestly true true can you blame me Though come On green algae okay I mean that’s that’s good for energy I’ll take That worst food ever hasn’t he have a goo dropped no no it has not no it is not I’m not even going to ask what that is cuz I feel like that’d be falling for a joke oh this fish is a little okay this fish is a little bit

Finicky oh come on nope come back come back come back come back okay there we go a Groove we found a Groove now once we have a kitchen we can fry it it’s like 1:00 a.m. there oh my gosh it’s only 700 p.m. for me

But that’s why we do the longer stuff on Fridays that’s the weekend I don’t like to keep people up late but if I am it’s going to be on the weekend when it doesn’t matter another Groove nice hitting the nigh neigh no I hate that 9 hour no no no no no

No nah already already promised I already promised the sly it wasn’t going to be as long as the tier list from last week so I got to keep that promise I’ll be here at least a few more hours though I would say I’d say six hours isn’t out of the question eight though

Nah that’s that’s too much I already promised I wouldn’t hit the luy oh my God I mean look I already I already made the joke that I was going to do that if I ever got a [Laughter] 3D I did already make that joke come on come on so many

Grooves you watched that got till got till 5:25 then gave up yeah it’s very long it’s very long that’s very long I cannot believe I went through all of that by myself wasn’t completely alone obviously but like man groovy true honestly [Laughter] true honestly that that’s look that’s still

Longer than expected you did great Slade you did great thank you so much I appreciate that come on come on oh you’re being you’re being so finicky right now damn that was a tough fish okay I don’t think that was a group I think that was something more difficult than

That unless it was just unless it was just a particularly angry room probably okay okay okay I’ll I’ll I’ll do it I’ll do it since no one else will what is a hav AO yeah that’s the kind I can get behind that’s the kind I can get behind yep you got

Me oh there’s a treasure chest oh okay all right oh [ __ ] I went way too high damn I got too greedy rip Rippy I just don’t have as good control on the um on the initial on the initial one I will not read that out [Laughter] Loud gold was written on the ceiling sometimes but not [Laughter] today what do you mean where it’s right there don’t you see it all right come on come on fish come on come on don’t be difficult now ah [ __ ] that was my fault my own skill issue no skill issue my one

Weakness come on this is being a particularly testy little guy isn’t he all right where right there true true Average yeah yeah it kind of is honestly it kind of is there we go we’ll sell five of those we’ll keep the algae wait we got trash let’s get rid of trash okie dokie um let’s see grab an axe out and uh yeah we can get rid of some more of these

Trees true chronic skill issue yes that is 1,000% going to be on like merch if I ever get any cuz that is perfection got to get a hat True Crime Scene Investigation nah n nah chronic skill issue people going to think you watch some Normie cop show nope

Oh look little rainbow frog I love that guy little forgy they’re going to be like oh I love I love CSI and you’re going to be like oh you do start talking about like just some random bird vtu and people going to be like what the hell are you talking about [Applause]

Come on can I finish it yes I can great then I’ll I’ll have all people in chat being like Warrior had to [Laughter] Thanksgiving it went very poorly I’ll just be like well my work here is done okay level three foraging got me nothing in as in terms of recipes that’s so Sad Okay most crops only grow in one season you don’t say well thanks Grandma I appreciate that okay Grand jube huh interesting okay well um actually no I’m going to save it because I’m going to be in a little bit so we’ll do that instead I think pom Barb okay

Sure okay all watered very good uh let’s head down to the forest see if there’s any uh spring onions down there cuz if there is that would be perfect also wait it’s the 15th so maybe it’s Berry season perhaps yes it is it is there’s berries yay okay we do still get salmon

Berries that’s good that’s very good actually that is huge very good very good or should I say very good be alive honestly I kind of deserve to be for that [Laughter] joke okay it was a good stream H oh it’s a band for real didn’t know that oh you changed your you changed

Your profile picture okay cool all right nice having those berries is going to be huge one guy and his wife look there’s there’s there’s one there’s one person bands right I mean technically you call those like singer songwriters or something like that sure but you know like if you want to get technical

Okay cool so going around and getting salmon berries has been great definitely very productive we like that you’ll send the pictures you use in Discord okay sure sure go for it as long as they’re not breaking server rules then we’re good hello dog red mushroom okay um not going to

Sell those because I need those for energy uh let’s see oh yeah we can go up the top route get any berries there oh interesting interesting didn’t know that that’s pretty funny that’s pretty funny that’s a pretty fun gimmick actually I respect the heck out of

That are you telling yourself to shut up why all right let’s see oh yeah flower dance again I keep forgetting about that so every time I come in here and hear it I’m just like oh damn it not again your Yap alarm was going off what do you Mean nah you’re fine you’re fine What would uh what would that what would that command even do um if we something like that were added Slade I got to know all right nice uh let’s go down here oh you said uh you said you should have added from from your last message oh crap I forgot to bring the

Forgot to bring the hoe with me I can’t get whatever that is in the sand over there that’s okay though wait I wonder if I have enough wood to fix that yet I might all right back to flower dance oh I need to quit messing around and go to appears right

Right a what now okay I mean I’ll take a free fish sure oh no no no no nah I wouldn’t do that yeah see the the initial crops that we got took nine days that’s wait keeps producing after that okay yeah it does okay okay okay so those ones are pretty good it’s

Like a 3X profit on those so that’s pretty good um let’s see pomab Barb is oh okay let’s double huh okay okay but it’s not as okay so it’s a decent profit but it’s not nearly as uh efficient as these so yeah I think we I think we go in on some only

Asters we’ll get like 30 of those actually let’s spin down to like 2500 okay that looks good okay good deal we’ll do that what do you mean na made you crazy see doubt it oh nice just uh see urch and just lay in the middle of the road cuz why not why not

Okay so let’s uh sell that um sell this oh spice Berry we do need spice Berry that goes in the orange bundle hey okay we need this okay got 21 seeds left okay we got quite a bit okay let’s see here so we got 16 left

Okay okay and then you know what since we don’t have a scarecrew might as well just put it there it it doesn’t really matter it does not matter so we’re literally just like going ham on a we’re literally just going ham on crops because it’s like

Look even if the bear comes back he can’t eat all of us oh I’m the first really that that’s news to me dang so crazy even I didn’t know I was crazy wow what do they think of next okay there we go nice what do you mean okay hear me

Out what what are you going to say what are you going to say usually if someone says okay so hear me out it’s it’s not going to be good oh no oh no this is either going to be the start to something great or something terrible there is no in

Between who’s eaten by a flying bear [Laughter] first probably me cuz I’d be like nah I’d Win that’s what I’m saying it’d probably me cuz I’d be like nah I’ll fight him I’d win and then spoiler alert I absolutely do not Win although I don’t know I I mean I I could set him on fire I could set him on fire then maybe I actually would win there we go nice Okay cool so we got something for the orange bundle we’re getting somewhere we’re getting somewhere yeah what’s it going to do fly

I mean probably and be a bear let’s remember that key Point being a bear does make it a rather formidable opponent yeah that’s fair that’s fair depends on uh depends on what what else the bear Got squatting in a circle making a survival plan look if you’re planning to survive your problem’s never going to go away the real problem solving is fighting the baron winning that way you don’t need to be afraid anymore it can multiply by laying eggs no I you know what I if I if I saw a bar leags I’d just be like all right I’m out I do not want to know what else it can Do I do not want to know what else that bear can do flying is already crazy enough lay eggs too nah-uh no I’m out out took my only job what do you mean my only job what do you mean my only job I steal and hoard things it’s a very important job all

Right speaking of which about to steal this fish out of the water Steals a lot I mean it look look look that just means I’m good at my job okay just means I’m good at my job no big deal no big deal of course you don’t look look you don’t when you’re playing an RPG do you use all your items in the beginning or

Do you hoard them until the very end when you actually need them you know what the actual answer to that question is there will be a time when I need actually need all these things never show your hand too Early I’m like one of those like you know it’s like really old dads where it’s like they hoard all these random things and then like the one time you come across something where you need something super specific and they’re like oh I have that thing my time to shine let’s go like

Yours oh my Gosh I feel like a lot of dads are like that Though yeah it’s like me there will come a time when the things I’m hoarding will actually be useful you’re that Dad but as a 21-year-old guy you know what that’s as long as it doesn’t like get out of hand it’s not it’s not a terrible tendency to have I would

Say cuz part of that’s just being Frugal right and it’s better for the environment if you’re not just throwing everything away you can repurpose it use it for something else hell Yeah that’s the good stuff right There I wonder if uh I wonder if villager gift preferences are also randomized in this I got to Say don’t lose the fish don’t lose the Fish it’s going to be another squish mow yes yeah you can’t literally save everything like not everything is going to be useful there will be things that are though no I don’t have my okay I don’t have the hoe on me Damn thought for a second maybe I’d had the foresight to save it but I did not all Right yeah some people are like hoarders to an extreme degree where like their their entire house is pretty much just trash that’s the kind of stuff where I’m talking about where it’s like as long as you’re not going to extremes but like legitimately looking at something and being like Oh yeah I

Can get another use out of this or I can use it for something else I think that’s great uh let’s see okay we can see what those sell for let’s see oh yeah we have one of those already we don’t need to keep it okay and then they get put on TV true

True so I guess I guess if that’s your goal should it be no but ooh multiple joa colas now I can make uh multiple furnaces perhaps if I could ever get an egg all right pup pup is sleeping huh oil of garlic wait is that normally

A fishing recipe because I kind of I kind of don’t think it is I don’t think it is oh you make dolls that’s really cool that’s really cool I’d love to see him sometime that is a pretty cool hobby I’m always interested like seeing people’s creative Endeavors like that

Like even if it’s just for fun it’s super cool mostly cuz I am not creative at all like I know I’m not capable of doing anything like that myself so it always fascinates me when other people can Speaking of being artistic um I don’t know I don’t know if you guys uh saw it or not but uh my good friend and uh fellow vtuber Hikaru he actually put out his uh second original song uh yesterday it released yesterday I will after I after I get

Done streaming today I’ll put a link to that in the promo Channel but yeah Nakamura no no uh Hikaru Kami yep he’s been really cooking on that lately so I’m I’m glad to see him release another one I want to say his last one was like last month or something like that okay I have one of this already so I can sell this one okie dokie there we go all

Right oh let’s see let’s see what let’s see what kind of luck day it is if it’s a good luck day we’ll go to the mines if it’s not then uh we’ll go elsewhere nope bad luck okay we’ll go fishing and foraging instead yep fishing and forging instead sounds good

Yep that is that is a link to his uh to his new song Thank you for that Nave I appreciate that did he study Gastronomy no I don’t think so oh yeah cuz he’d be cooking true true true may not be everybody’s cup of tea but like it’s like it’s not normally I

Would say it’s not normally my type of music really but it’s it’s still great not normally the stuff I would go out of my way to listen to but yeah it’s it it turned out great it turned out great he did a really wonderful job I do definitely like it a lot

Yeah he’s um he’s a he’s a twitch streamer and um he’s been mostly kind of inactive lately because he’s like um he’s been he’s been really sick he’s been getting over getting sick so um yeah he’s been a bit inactive lately and like I said YouTube’s not his main platform anyway

So yeah like I said it’s just it’s not what I normally listen to but it it turned out fantastic he did a really good job I know he worked really hard on it yeah he’s he’s been getting better I think he’ll probably I think he’ll probably get back to uh get back to

Streaming pretty soon like he still does occasionally but it’s more like you know if he has the energy for it which is understandable I think that’s perfectly understandable yeah that’s that’s fair that’s fair I listen to it on on YouTube when it dropped cuz um yeah again I

Didn’t you know I don’t have Spotify I don’t have that set up I probably should though I probably should went to four views let’s go oh there’s a lot of berries down there okay we got to go get those for real for real was about to comment conspiracy raid oh my gosh

Y’all are something [Laughter] else hey car oh my God we were just talking about you hi I mean uh [Laughter] What your other 12 accounts hey let’s [Laughter] go but hi hi how have you been hope you’re feeling okay today it’s just like oh my God it was just like with my artist a couple weeks ago it’s like I it’s like I talked about him for a moment and then it’s like I

Summoned him I just did it again why are you embarrassed don’t be embarrassed don’t be embarrassed we were just talking about your new song that dropped yesterday it’s great I am I am never prepared to hear flower dance when I come back to town I am never ready for that all right let’s go catch some more of these goofy looking fish let’s go up to the lake this time there should be some different stuff to catch up

There why is his voice that deep it just is it’s really not that different from his normal sound I embarrassed at Alberto nice yeah like I said it’s really not that different from how he normally sounds how many girls do you have to have with that oh that’s that’s great honestly so true

So valid what is that H okay A a six skill Brio I never heard of that fish before in my life I knew there’d be some wacky stuff to catch up here but I wasn’t expecting to see something like [Laughter] that higher than you would like for Real bone O Okay uh yep that’s that’s a fish all right maybe this was where we were supposed to catch the uh the anchel for Clint earlier found the new song to blast on your speaker when you want to hear Boys at Uni let’s Go oh no this is a tough fish oh no damn it damn it that was a tough fish we need a better uh fishing rod for that one I’m still just trying to figure out where the hell we’re going to get an egg now nine Subs on YouTube let’s go good stuff good

Stuff thank you guys for your kindness I appreciate that all right let’s see the influence grows what can I say and you deserve it Hikaru you deserve it really do hope you’ve been doing well and uh I hate that I haven’t been around as much as I’d like to

Be I’ve been kind of busy myself lately too on what uh I can’t say just yet can’t say just yet but yeah two different channels yes two different ones I think uh I think they were talking about the music channel uh for nine Subs on that

One still very nice I God I honestly cannot wait till spring is over so we can actually have some ambient music outside of town instead of just uh this nothingness Cool are you allow special mod sneak peeks um honestly I think I think when I eventually get to where I have like uh memberships open on this um I think once I actually like have memberships open I’ll probably do like sneak peeks on things I’m working on for that I think

That’d be fun so that part definitely going to happen but H H that’s a good question I don’t really have anything to actually show just yet though so that’s that’s the whole problem with that like I could tell but I’d rather show you know when can I get memberships oh at uh

At monetization so that’s um that’s uh 500 sub in 3,000 watch hours so you know what we’re getting there man we’re like 2/3 of the way on both it’s looking pretty good to be honest all right a no you what do you mean but that’s so funny like that’s

I I swear that’s like the third or fourth time I’ve like summoned somebody just by talking about them in the past couple of weeks I don’t know how I do that always wanted to be a mod but you don’t know what they do on I mean that’s fair that’s fair

Unless all right oh I wanted to keep I wanted to keep one of those damn it I did it again okay there we go keep one of those and then we’ll sell these and that one okay nice unless oh wait I’m good oh my God fav hi hello hello

Welcome who’s this cutie I don’t know I didn’t know you were up here that’s crazy how’d you do that when will when will I be getting on a track with you um when I can actually sing I mean people tell me I sound okay but like come on come

On no the bear is Back that kills me every time oh my [Laughter] God the damn bear is back oh my gosh oh no that freaking bear tomorrow what do you mean tomorrow ain’t no way man you are still you’re still you’re still sick you’re still sick even if even if you weren’t

Joking about that you are still sick no way I insist you rest I can’t believe the damn bear came Back um so for those that don’t know what’s going on I’m uh I’m playing a I’m playing a randomizer for stardew um so that means that a lot of different like crops prices um crafting recipes all kinds of stuff got randomized and one of the things that also got randomized is um

The Sprite for the birds that eat your crops um so instead of instead of like a black bird or a crow um we get what we just saw which is a bear so we just have some random flying bear that just you know swoops onto our farm occasionally to eat some crops um

So yeah that’s a that’s a thing that is a thing and uh we can’t really do anything about that right now because as you can see uh we don’t have we don’t have the the crafting recipe for a scarecrow because we got uh screwed by RNG and we hit Level One

Farming mod win of me is the bird eating crop look look I I do have a bird PNG I do have a bird PNG and uh oh actually I actually did a uh a short with that exact idea um yeah with that EX exact idea before I debuted

So that’s uh that is something I did already thanks for linking to fa’s channel Nave I appreciate that yes yes definitely um she just had a I think it was it was either her first donathon or her longest one yet but either way it

Was um yeah I was there for some of that it was a really good time hope you’re able to get what you needed out of that fav all right let’s see um so we’ve got our crops planted we can put those away for now uh oh it was a good luck day

Okay yeah so we can we can actually hit the mines today true true honestly doing a great job I really appreciate it I really appreciate it um speaking of speaking of um for those that did not did not know that are on the Discord server right now um I do have mod

Applications open and I’ll be selecting those this weekend so if you’re if you’re interested you know if you’re interested not going to force anybody that doesn’t want to of course so that’s why that’s why you know you sent yours okay okay cool cool cool yep I am looking for like a a small

Handful on on YouTube and Discord so yeah that would be that would be great and that that would probably like you know just curious for like the foreseeable future honestly oh interesting this is the exact same layout I would have thought that would have changed but okay look I’m not Complaining you’re too useless no don’t say that don’t say That I will say that like there’s there’s always going to be like in situations like that especially when there’s you know more than enough people applying like there is this time around um there’s there’s always going to be some people that don’t end up getting picked

But that’s not that is not an indication of you know of them not being of them not being worthy of the idol and either way I appreciate the interest and the support I really do greatly appreciate everybody that submitted wait clim Clemen Berry seeds Okay um sure I’ll take that I don’t know

What that is but I’ll take it put the the twice yeah you know it happens it happens oh you started to learn C++ that’s pretty cool I know literally uh jack [ __ ] about coding in any way shape or form nice oh you driving home now okay yeah

Yeah yeah be safe be safe for sure all right we do not have time for that okay could use a hacker in the conspiracy Oh no if you say that you might summon Him I don’t think the guy’s actually a hacker though I think that’s just his uh I think that’s just his Username python for making Discord mods dang that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool hey that’s more than I know how to do so I’m impressed come on come here oh there’s a box okay stupid crab I’m going to eat you come here come Here damn just a cherry bomb that’s what I said don’t say his name don’t say hacker you’ll summon him all Right like I said he’s he’s not actually a hacker I’m pretty sure that’s just his Username all right what kind of ha you want what do you Mean okay bye-bye I’m not messing with those damn Bugs you know I never I never knew how much I would have liked to have have some kind of a Bop like the um like the Summer music in here until I got it oh nice okay um I’m going to hit the middle if I can see if there’s any box or barrels

Yeah there are okay okay okay yep let’s go there and see if we can find either some hardwood or an egg cuz those are the two main things that we really need right now what kind of hacker you want oh that’s you know I don’t even know what

Kinds there are I don’t even know what kinds there Are okay another closer ladder that’s nice we like that nice crit did nine damage oh damn oh damn it ran away no okay well that one’s that one’s dead at least so this will be easier to take care of one V [Applause] one all right come on bug One V one me let’s go damn it I missed see he does five damage I do one that’s not fair at all come on okay nice hey got that taken care of let’s eat some algae A hidden pot of Gold for useless and useful things I mean yeah I mean that’s that’s pretty much any kind of work though Right okay let’s see what we got cave carrots hardwood okay there’s a little bit at least too bad we need 20 oh that’s so rough oh crab nice okay I’ll take that damn it come on leave me alone I’ve got better things to do my guy leave me Alone Hey okay we don’t have to kill him we just need to fend him off just get get away get away okay yeah it’s it’s personal now he needs to die come on come on really all Right I was going to say how did I miss whatever anyway made it okay and we made it to floor 20 what is that highy sign oh nice it does more damage okay cool cool cool cool we take that we take that how does that work nice nice that’s good stuff

Okay oh and we’re full all right let’s go home now you’re watching me in the car no don’t do that that is not safe at all I demand that you be safe I demand that you be safe you what do you mean you did worse I don’t even want to know what that

Means I don’t even want to know what that means wait there was there was something that screed in the bushes there was that a squirrel or was it something else oh Sam’s on our farm [Laughter] Again on your bike oh no oh don’t do that no no no don’t do that that’s not good at all uh let’s see anything else okay anything it’s like hearing radio no video hey that’s fine that’s fine that’s that’s fine that’s okay then I just don’t want anybody getting

Into uh situations where they’re getting theirself hurt or uh getting into trouble takes nine days to mature okay we can plant that we can plant that real quick yeah let’s go ahead and plant that real quick I don’t know what it does but we’re going to plant it we’ll find

Out uh let’s see there’s my watering can Okay uncalled for nightbot wait did nightbot mess up again hold up I’ll go check it out what do we got Here next stop rob the bank yeah don’t do that wait why is that huh what wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on how how did he get timed out what happened I’m so confused by that apparently I watched you on my bike twice uh was was enough was enough for

That that is so weird what okay okay all right so night is wild and good to know um sorry about that we got a glow ring that’s pretty nice we take that okie dokie yeah sorry about that I don’t know what the hell happened there uh dwarf scroll okay we can put

That in here wait cherry bombs okay I put my cherry bombs in there let’s not do that let’s do that here instead um take three of these and we’ll make a chest I still hate that we need quartzes to make chest that’s crazy to me okay let’s take all our tools out of

Here there we go okay looks good then we can put them in here Instead oh wait okay adventur yields open till 10: I wonder if we can make it up there I wonder if we can make it up there to uh sell that in time probably not but we can try it Anyway yeah I don’t know what nightbot did that for I apologize it’s a little overzealous I think I think um I think with the formatting of The Blacklist in nightbot going to have to Tinker with that a bit cuz it’s um it uses a lot of wild

Cards and uh I think that unfortunately makes for some scenarios where it’s a little over zealous on timing people out for posting something bad when it’s not actually anything bad it’s it’s hard to explain without um without showing what I mean oh yeah now it’s Christmas again wait new

Weapon salty aquar Aquarius Kik gongi okay yep that’s a that’s a very interesting sword all right back to The Shins I still love potato razor of Justice that’s that’s something else that’s very special indeed yeah six to eight damage is going to be a big boost

In what we were doing before so yeah we take those cuz I think what we got previously was like um 2 to five damage so this is 6 to8 so this is already already an upgrade yeah that other one on the high end it said 19 damage on the low end it

Was six so yeah but it was also like over half my Money yeah usually they have a range and sometimes they have a very big range and sometimes they have a small range I like the ones with a small range because it’s more Reliability easier to calculate in my mind how many times I’m going to need to hit something before I kill it um oh yeah I I should see is the crab needed for anything NOP that’s Lobster okay no not here no I still can’t believe on the very first Community Center area area

It’s a freaking totem bundle what that’s so wrong asking for something like that so early game I cannot believe that all right let me let me take a drink real quick and then we’ll move on all right Day 18 of spring let’s go oh and it’s raining again today nice okay good luck we might go back to the mines again no you bastard oh it’s ring junimos today I have no idea what you said what does that mean in English sir damn bastard bear wrong keyboard oh

Rip yeah we’ll go back to the mines again today means water break oh gotcha okay Okay yep good luck da so we go back to the mines all righty that is so many salmon berries over there if I didn’t already have if I didn’t already have like nearly 40 oh you know what that means too okay cool cool got some cherries very nice okie

Dokie more salmon berries to collect before we head in oh my gosh there’s a lot there’s a lot again not that I’m complaining cuz it’s very helpful oh nice that’s cool I would like to start learning myself for real for real like I know a few phrases

But my overall language knowledge is not very good interesting interesting oh yeah that’s doing so much more damage nice more clementy Berry seeds okay Yes nice that went so much faster Sheesh five semesters of it nice okay cool y’all are so multi-talented I am jealous oh man really there we go get me out of here damn copper in that box that’s really unfortunate cuz there’s copper everywhere really didn’t need more copper oh okay there’s that okay see if

We got anything worth going for here oh Barrel okay that could be good let’s see uh mix seeds Okay well look we can learn we can learn to make a v v houses with those so we take that oh nice nice okay so there’s the ladder very lucky more quartz for more

Chests and uh all right we go got some more [Applause] copper had to learn Chinese oh uh Mandarin or Cantonese coal damn it Oh Mandarin that’s a pretty hard language to learn from what I’m Aware like especially if it’s not your first one yeah I’ve heard it’s pretty hard to Learn oh was it just from like other language experience that you have so that makes sense that makes Sense oh that is a lot of barrels and stuff over there okay we need that we need that please have something we need over there please I Beg okay okay we are at two out of 20 hardwood um not great progress but we’ll get there we’ll get there we’ll get there oh interesting okay I didn’t know uh I didn’t know Arabic and uh and Mandarin had that much in Common very interesting I would have never guessed [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it’s always interesting to see like what languages have um like even indirect indirect um connections with each Other oh seriously that’s interesting also hi Kama thanks for stopping in hope you’re having a good day today uh more copper yeah sure we’ll take it oh you’re back okay lot of boxes and stuff to break in here which could be really good it’s just they just don’t have the stuff that

We need in Get out of here oh my God okay now my crits do 16 that’s a lot Better all right nice let’s see what do we have over here anything good anything useful Maybe please looks like the answer to that is no cuz of course not get out of here there we go hard to write but easier to speak yeah that makes sense that makes Sense that makes a lot of Sense like a few years back um I did learn I did learn just Katakana um because I I have a I have gun model kids and um I liked being able to like read the exact paint colors that I needed um so that’s what I learned that

For but it’s been too long since I used it and I kind of forgot it All yeah if that’s your native language it would would come naturally that makes perfect [Applause] Sense that makes perfect Sense how dare you slime me did I give you permission for That oh my God look at those shoes what okay those are crazy looking shoes um I need Those all right uh what the hell kind of shoes are those uh yep wait ancient seed hell yeah okay black cleats um those are not those are not black or cleats so what are you talking about game these the cats are made of friendly Panthers interesting they’re delicate for extra

Swamps does it just do the okay do these descriptions just like pick random words that’s so weird Okay do we want plus one defense or plus two immunity I don’t actually know I don’t actually know which one would be more useful I’m not sure yeah I don’t think it’s accurate either

Don’t worry about it nice 430 wait there’s no chest isn’t there supposed to be a chest here they do they do look like socks I agree also yay it’s raining junimos watch him just squish into the ground like that it’s just kind of like no oh see that that’s the thing kramas they

Actually are like all of the um all the equipment all the equipment items and uh their item descriptions all the crops uh and fish a lot of the fish too yeah it’s it’s all randomized like most of my crop names don’t even make sense I’m going to level with

You all right Let’s uh oh wait yep let’s grab this here let’s plant our new Clemen Berry seed oh wait we we got three of them okay oops I really hate planting all this stuff when we don’t have a scarecrow but again like we we just they never gave us

One man like what am I supposed to do about that um let’s see sell that um okay we’ve done those oh I don’t I don’t want to I don’t want to sell those though cuz if I sell those if I sell those there’s a good possibility I need

Them later so I kind of I’m very hesitant to do that um okay we can put these away that that and geode okay and then the rest can go in here mushroom yep cave carrot oh cherry bomb goes in here whoopsie okay then here we can put our

Algae actually we’ll keep that we’ll keep these out okie dokie all right good stuff and uh then tomorrow I guess we can go to the museum and uh get our ancient seed oh the feeling after the numbness goes away yep I know exactly what you mean I hate that

Too that’s what that’s what I’m saying though is that yeah that the item name is randomized which is pretty funny uh even the songs that we hear in different places are randomized like out here on the farm we’re hearing the uh yeah the The Outlaw

Song from one of the um from one of like the the canteen games fresh honey trout what the hell is a honey trout I mean sure I’ll find you one if I can but makes you want to play Red Dead you know what that is so fair that’s so fair that’s very Fair that’s what I’m saying what the hell is a honey trout like huh oh I’ve seen much weirder much weirder names than That oh speaking of traveling carts should be here let’s go let’s go see if they maybe have an egg for us I really hope they do next question oh no what’s the question oh a trout made of Honey next question got it okay okay I see I see I

See I understand I understand all right let’s put this away um oh yeah traveling cart let’s go no no no he he does he doesn’t actually have a next question he’s just you know he’s just saying I answered that one next Caroline’s request she wants a

Honey trout what the hell is a honey trout I don’t even know what that’s supposed to be okay let’s see that’s way too expensive what cider kadoo tart okay huckle ran parmesan sure why [Laughter] not Ras plate seeds Okay interesting passion Plum your friend Alex is allergic to these huh he

Is oh no trap bobber okay oh my gosh he is apparently yep oh I kind of want to okay spring or summer yeah we can buy that we can justify that expense that’s fine we can do that so no egg but we do have the sander

Bean which I assume is is like the is like the you know is like coffee I’m I’m really afraid though I’m really afraid to plan it um because again we don’t have a scarecrow I think since it also since it also um can produce in summer I think

I’m just going to put it away for now buy them then smash them on his face hold on I think I think I think nightbot bonked you again let me take a look no it looks like he didn’t okay but no like we don’t we don’t even

Have the recipe yet I would build one if we could but we don’t even have the recipe so hopefully hopefully um once we Harvest some more of these crops we’ll be able to raise our farming level and be able to actually do that because it is very very

Unfortunate oh yeah a Slade said earlier that he watched me on his bike twice and for some reason night felt that was appropriate to Bonk I really wish it would tell me why it bonked certain things instead of just for posting Blacklist um which again I don’t know

What part of that was on The Black List it’s got to be um oh I thought there was berries here did I miss them I mean yes you are technically allowed to Bonk people Nave technically technically Speaking but there’s nobody to be bonked right now luckily okay let’s see here um oh wait hold on I think we’ve got we’ve got enough wood to go down to the beach and repair that bridge I think we can do that that should be doable and then

Before I go out there a normal bird flew by true neutral okay I’ll fish today instead uh where’s the wood $4.95 yeah we got enough all right cool cool cool oky dokie all righty all Righty hey yoi welcome Back actually uh didn’t see what time you were going to have your Friday fan mail at today was that today uh actually no it was today what time was that going to be at the bird or the flying bear that’s true the flying bear man why ow so honestly just Incredible for reminding wait you forgot no way oh my gosh I’m glad I reminded you then oh my gosh oh no enoi in just one of those kind of days huh I get you I totally understand Well good I’m glad we reminded you oh my gosh listen listen Alberto the the amount of times I’ve ask somebody how their stream is going to go later and they’re like wait I stream today the amount of times that exact exchange has happened with some of my other vtuber friends is alarmingly High you went to grabbed the link and it said wait oh my gosh oh no okay well we can give that to Elliot that’s fine we can do that oh no well good luck on thatoi I hope it goes well if he’s even still here cuz me personally I have I have no

Time I have no idea what what time he scheduled that for so I could not tell you gosh that’s so funny oh poor guy poor guy he’s doing his best oh seriously oh my God oh my God oh my God okay so he’s he’s do there like

Right now oh my gosh oh my gosh okay well I I hope that goes well for him oh my gosh oh wow that’s yep how am I better at reminding people about their own stuff than than I am about about reminding myself about things cuz I’m so bad at forgetting

About stuff unless it pertains to somebody else and then I remember it you going to spy on him real quick do it do it I’m certain he could use the encouragement and would appreciate it older sister you know that’s yep that’s fair that’s fair that’s very fair this fish is

Difficult and then he suddenly decided to stop being difficult I guess I just had to complain all right Gro a young mom that looks like an older sister sister I’m not a mom though what do you mean joa Cola nice okay I’m just going to be like saving

All those cuz I don’t know what we need for what recipes later on I really don’t want to get stuck without you know without joa Cola to make things with that voice can’t fool you what do you mean what do you mean all right let’s go come on fish come on fish thanks

Groove depending on what you name the membership damn I mean i’ I’ve mentioned I’ve mentioned it before but like when I when I did lead my uh when I did lead my own C Guild it was like I feel I feel like everybody in that Guild just called me Mom and I

Don’t know why man but the amount of times that happened was uh very high like I’d be reminding people about Strat and be like ah make sure you you know spec for this spec for this and they’d just be like okay Mom happened a lot happened a lot Mommy bird no no at least it wasn’t mommy um I mean people joked about [Laughter] it people joked about it I think like once maybe twice I had somebody say it seriously and I was just like no oh no why the dots liim what did I

[Laughter] do did I uh I mean maybe a couple times is a joke maybe a couple times this joke sorry m boss no no no no no no no see see you got the order all wrong you’ve got the order all wrong I did that after that joke it already been

Made that was after the joke had been [Laughter] Made what does that look for I know that’s sus but it’s True oh I get to be a dinosaur now that’s kind of P oh my gosh no come back come back come back come back all right we’re like catching nothing but grooves out here we do be groin make it the most cringe name and choose that oh my

Gosh dinosaurs are related to birds yes they are yes they are all right we’re getting a little low on Energy come on catch something catch one more fish the bird I mean kind of all right no fish for me today I guess I think we caught like a couple of grooves but not too much groing a little bit but not too hard okay let’s see here oh

Nice Sam’s come back to serenate us we really need to start we really need to start befriending Him so sore I mean that’s fair I Guess all right and now we Sne 15 for the day on just foraging and fishing yeah we’ll take that I will definitely take that okay clever girl no bear stop it you bastard leave my stuff alone wait is this just purple corn this just looks like purple corn What that’s literally wait perfect for tea with Queen Joseph um yeah sure why Not oh that’s so Funny it’s literally just purple corn that’s so funny I love that oh yeah we can uh we can sell these I think what are these descript exactly that’s what I’m saying it’s so Cursed to make sure you never called your guil mom oh my Gosh what about Dad yeah Maybe Daddy no I doubt it I doubt it [Applause] What do you mean oh [Laughter] truth no not Slade that is cursed cease and desist about to send out that c and d for real for real uh okay it didn’t water that one okay I can’t believe we literally just have purple corn what the heck these crops are something else all

Right we’re supposed to be cursed I mean look you’re you’re not you’re not wrong you called Grand Hollow Granddad you know that’s fair that’s fair I understand mildly perturbed today okay I guess we don’t go to the mines then maybe we just go fishing again um okay yep let’s do

That all right all right let’s go see about foraging and uh then we go fishing easy enough easy peasy just a quick walk around and then we go fishing in the lake up in the mountains no traveling cart today nope I do wish I could make these uh spring ambient things go

Away I’m sure if it didn’t like keep trying to play something and not getting anything it wouldn’t keep trying to do it no slay got bonked Again by nightbot okay time to see what we got bonked for just my excuse is literally we cool on cursed and may be okay on normal

Blessing okay gotcha gotcha no I don’t know why okay I don’t know why you got bunked by nightbot for that one I’m not going to lie slay I have no clue I’m I’m very lost I have no idea wait hold on he sells hats hold up hold up maybe some

More cursed equipment let’s see what we got what do you got so Wester okay shape helps to keep Sailors Dy during stor okay hey that makes sense that makes sense okay so the Hat descriptions aren’t cursed I don’t know why those ones those ones escaped the

Curse when from 1 second to 5 Seconds no no no it was it was 5 seconds each time like I’m looking and it says 5 Seconds both times yeah I I agree I might have to I might have to might have to put him on that list real quick give me just a

Second let me do that yep let me grab this right here okay then we go into here add okay there you go you shouldn’t get bonked anymore Slade sorry about that when the timeout randomizer oh no no no no someone just going to get straight up clapped by RNG no no

No yeah it’s literally been just you getting bonked by the bot I have no idea why I slay but either way I’ve I’ve got I’ve got it taken care of you’re not going to get bonked anymore I said I don’t know what was going on with that but yep one sec got

To be this level how dare you how dare you you come to my farm every night to serenate me with your guitar skills and then when I finally try to give you attention you’re like one sec I got to beat this anything to pick up yeah I don’t know what was up with

That I really don’t know why it was cuz like nothing you were saying was bad so I was just kind of like question Mark but yeah I I do I do apolog apologize for the seemingly random Bonings all right but that is something important that needs to get worked out cuz if nightbot is overzealous and uh bonking people that should not be bonked that’s the problem but yeah timeout randomizer would be terrible had a bot bnk you when it saw kill in your Comet that’s that’s something all

Right Evelyn you’re not supposed to be out here I’m supposed to be able to R your trash get out of here okay thank you when the hell is the flower dance have we missed it invasive crab species oh okay slay five of those sure I can probably do that

Maybe once you said damn and YouTube was like three days timeout no way seriously that’s crazy that is a crazy long time to get bonked for something so innocuous damn Shadow the Hedgehog would be absolutely screwed in that chat had to try it no no no you’re not

Going to get bned for that here unless uh unless YouTube or nightbot decides to absolutely act up okay so since it was bad luck again today yes we go up to the lake nightbot we got beef uh no doesn’t seem like it does not seem like

It you see the bot staring at me from up here here your homies you go way back you know what good for you good for You come on fish come on fish you know you’d like to come home with me see there it is just had to sweet talk it a little bit see and this is an easy fish it really does want to come home with me Wow it’s your purple corn now Minecraft don’t go into a dumb censorship true two computer crashes later no oh that sucks enoi I’m sorry to hear that I am so sorry to hear that I mean computer issues really can’t be helped unfor unfortunately oh that sucks I’m sorry to hear that

Enoi that always sucks when things don’t work out as intended o yeah understandable that’s a big expense though what is a bone oie you know I don’t know I was hoping you guys could tell me cuz I have no idea another bone Oie come on fish that’s algae come on fish but to sleep wake it up tomorrow careful with the flying Bears though true oh fish where are you hey boss huh what’s up what did I do wait what wait we did oh wait for real for real okay that’s okay um cool

I I am I am I am surprised that a little like pink eye he boss 55 wow that’s Skyhigh but you know what I like it I like it uh let me let me try and uh let me try and catch this fish here and uh then I will go and pin

That one sub from 380 oh my God wait we just hit 370 on on Wednesday what what is happening holy I’m going to have to get stuff ready for 400 before too long oh my gosh sooner rather than later so I don’t have that issue happen again where um where I

Did the 300 and the 350 the same week okay uh all right thank you for the updated like goalie no I appreciate that yeah seems like uh seems like 400 might be pretty [Laughter] soon wait once you once you hit 350 it accelerates super fast oh no oh no don’t tell me

That oh thanks for the save Sam I really needed the background mus Music save it up do 400 450 and 500 in a week oh my gosh you are trying to kill me sir you are trying to kill Me I do already have figured out what I want to do for 400 so at least uh at least I have that part figured Out at least I have that part figured out 1.3k then stop and then start to slowly move again I mean maybe maybe we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see what Happens stardy Valley is very calming I agree also hi Celeste nice to see you hope you’re having a good Friday night or whatever time zone it is for you a I appreciate that Slade that’s very kind of You all these fish really just want to come home with me I just hope they’re not in divor cuz I’m just going to sell them I’m not going to eat them that’d be a very awkward Situation be here for the million sub oh my God you guys I could not even imagine oh thank you guys thank you guys enoy got there first hell yeah got to keep you on your toes Nave got to keep you on your toes thank you guys thank you I appreciate That all right we’re getting pretty low on energy we can head back now you typed [Laughter] more mod rivalry only in their minds Perhaps oh y’all are silly y’all are silly I appreciate You then watch the battle for who reach what first oh my gosh okay so we got one each of those we’ll store the joa cola and then sell the rest print some flyers but not Bears no flying bears please [Laughter] God okay wait no level two farming is

Only speed grow you got to be joking please I I need the Scarecrow recipe please level four fishing recy cycling machine bait spinner cork bobber okay they are really screwing me over on the uh on the Scarecrow recipe what do you mean I have speed grow but not scarecrows come

On how many crops is this bear going to get to eat before he has stopped waterfruit salad what ooh very good luck day today okay okay so yeah I guess we’re going into the mines do I mind if you ask something um no just know that I uh just know that

I reserve just know that I reserve the right not to answer it if uh if I’m not comfortable so if we go into it with that understanding then I’m totally fine with you asking whatever the more they eat the they get too heavy to fly you know that’s a great Point okay

So that should be most of our crops stored away okay um I’m going to put these away I need to bring out my watering can water the rest of my crops and then we can head to the mines yeah you can easily get screwed over with a randomizer of course of

Course but that’s part of the challenge of it right that is part of the challenge of it what as a what as a wrap on your car huh what [Laughter] what you are wild and Sir wait why did kuram get bonged no what happened hold on I need to go check what

Happened oh oh it was for the long dots okay okay is for like excessive symbols or something like that what the hell okay okay hold on I’ll I’ll take care of this I’ll take care of this right now hold on all right let’s see here so we go in

There and we go in here do that and we do this okay okay there we go okay now that will not happen again can’t see the bot staring at you anymore no no it can’t no no no um the uh no I just looked at the logs and in

Said for posting symbols and it literally talked about your your message with just the oh my God Alberto no why did you do that you knew it was going to [Laughter] happen all right well he you know he brought that on Himself he brought that on himself you like to test stuff I mean hey that’s fine that’s fine if you go in knowing what’s going to happen Then yeah night plot’s a little slow sometimes that’s all so it’s on like it’s on like a slime delay so that’s probably all all it [Applause] was where’s the bat I hear it but I don’t see it where is it where is it oh well I guess it doesn’t matter let’s Go do I allow you to do that what you’re crazy there ain’t no way you meant that [Laughter] That is a that is a heck of a joke to be honest I’m not going to lie to you I’m just saying there ain’t no way there ain’t no way he’s serious it is funny that the bot is really sensitive for no reason um we’ve had had quite a few people getting

Bonked for Blacklist when I have no idea what they said to actually trick trip the bot like that I actually don’t know so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to Tinker with that a bit um I have a collab at 3 tomorrow but um if I can

Get up early enough to do it I want to do like an hour or so just like tinkering stream with Nightbot oh wow for real oh no not the snowflake bot oh no we can’t have that this guy takes like no damage oh god let’s just get out of here let’s just get out of here it’s not worth it yeah I was thinking of possible to do

That like between between like one and two where we can just like you know just mess around with nightbot uh set some stuff up and maybe Tinker with the with the settings a bit to make it a bit less sensitive only periods no it’s uh no it’s it’s repetition of any kind of

Symbols like that cuz you did yours with dashes didn’t you um Alberto periods Dash isn’t just you existing oh No but no it’s just the uh it’s just the simple repetition but no look look like if you’re if you’re if you’re serious about that then yeah sure do it up my guy and that was uh that was in response to Slade’s question like if you were legitimately serious about about that

Then you know what yeah sure that is not a question I thought I would ever have to Answer all right finally finally it dies get out of my way I didn’t want to fight these guys cuz they take so long like they take so little damage yes I I I know exactly what you’re talking about I’m aware of the concept I just huh me Why oh No I wonder if numbers count I I wonder if numbers count it really should we’ll see we’ll see maybe it maybe it knows it’s you doesn’t dare challenge you oh nice more quartz I need that give give the quartz just do s seven s oh no I don’t like that you know

What yeah it’s fine we can take out the bats we do enough damage okay okay they do still drop bat wings that’s good oh I triggered the other guy that’s unfortunate that’s really unfortunate that I triggered this other guy here oh no I didn’t see him there I didn’t

Know okay well at least the at least the the bat bat swarm is over oh my God this guy has so much defense he has such high defenses come on okay thank you okay he dropped okay nice um let’s see anything that we need down here at all doesn’t look like anything

Good it does meet the messages okay two accounts one nightbot who will win be like Infinity War stuff there oh my God [Applause] Sh okay let’s eat some more [Applause] algae wait it does it does mute the message which one which one did it mute I must have missed It oh nice more quartz good good good okay yep and a barrel we definitely take that okay and uh yeah then we jump down the hole let’s go oh my gosh you were doing that even if I said [Laughter] [Applause] No that’s pretty funny I’m not going to lie oh there he is I couldn’t see the bat what do you mean Miss I did not I hit him fair and square okay there we go nice okay okay there we go there’s the ladder anything else good here I don’t think so nope nothing Else Gosh I I assume I assume he’s not being serious you know I appreciate the concern but I I I assume I’m giving the benefit of the doubt that he was not being serious about that oh it muted two messages when you spam the number one is that right let’s see

Let me take a look at the logs real quick uh let’s see oh interesting okay yeah it looks like it did cool okay well good to know you were teasing okay gotcha gotcha Okay yeah yeah sarcasm is very uh is very hard to tell through a text format I [Applause] [Laughter] agree no you’re you’re silly you’re silly Slade what about letters though oh you spam the same letter and got test and got uh got pinged um it’s supposed to It’s supposed to actually grab spam like that is supposed to Happen okay nice there we go level 40 ooh a slingshot nice uh wait youo what the heck oh my gosh okay so bbbb did not get pinged I see interesting I don’t know why very interesting I appreciate the uh the impromptu testing though so nine is the

Limit okay okay so if it’s 10 or more then it gets then it gets bonked I see good to know good to know I going say that that’s more than that’s more than that’s more than 10 isn’t it hey no problem it’s fine you’re you’re you’re tested it’s for a good cause I appreciate you the Bots like you’re my bro but I’m still going to bunk mon you for speaking okay uh yep we got

That and I think I think tomorrow I think we probably go Bonk open our geod I think we’ll probably do That damn it level three farming I get a cheese press and Farmers lunch no uh still no scarecrow though oh that is so sad I hate that I hate that so much you watch it’s going to be like level 10 farming and then it’s going to be like okay now you can

Have oh my God that’s crazy we’re level three we still don’t have farmer lunch in the tree thing no no no it was um it definitely wasn’t I want to say that wasn’t farming I’m pretty sure it was am I 100% sure on that no I’m not however all Right all right there we go got our crops all Watered all right let’s uh grab our geod here we got quite a few and uh more stuff turn at the Museum okie dokie uh we turn that in we can turn in one of those turn that in turn that in and then grab our GS all right all

Good yep let’s just uh loop around through the Forest [Laughter] oh is he actually streaming now okay okay I mean hey if that’s the case although if he says no please take that seriously all right let’s see what do you mean you’ll try no you better oh starting in 15 nice okay cool cool cool try not to advertise yourself here

Hey that’s okay if I if I ask about it you’re totally fine to answer that question that is a okay if I ask first then that is not that’s not the same thing all right let’s see we got our stuff okay oh there’s another Cherry up here nice nice nice we take

That yep completely completely understand uh youo like I said if I ask about it first it’s different Good Old Flower dance music I wonder if I’m actually going to miss it once uh once Springtime is over maybe I will I kind of doubt it though all right let’s see process geod Yo I got aridium ore I got I got three aridium ore I mean listen listen if I actually had um if I actually had a way to process that that would be awesome but I Don’t like three aridium ore from uh from two geodes is pretty lucky not going to Lie okay I’m going to have to go turn stuff in three nukes acquired fair enough fair enough all right turn stuff in donate okay Do I have a particular reason why I’m putting things where I am no I do not rewards okay ancient seed plus that yes Cado seeds okay wait oh no that’s the one with the super curse description oh no I don’t know if I want that anymore I mean free crops is free crops

I guess but like bro all right let’s process some more geodes yeah the armpits one yes that one which what does that even mean how does a fruit attract armpits I will never understand that One nice got some more stuff to turn in yeah but deodorant doesn’t attract [Laughter] Armpits another reward what do you mean debatable I disagree waterf fruit seeds okay interesting all right you need that deodorant no oh that’s cursed that is that is a cursed comment if I ever saw One oh jeez all right I feel like I might have to buy a sword which I really don’t want to have to do that but I think I’m going to have to okay so let’s store those new seeds that we got and um sell the rest of our

Stuff yeah 10k gold yeah I should probably actually go buy the other backpack upgrade I should honestly probably go buy that uh oh yeah I don’t need to keep that um I’ll keep Earth crystal already or okay then we can sell the rest of the stuff

Yep okay then we go put our uh our geode thing in the house because it’s cool ah uh yep okay let’s see we can put it right there nice good stuff okay uh yep let me put this away this away yep and then uh yeah let’s go Okay hi can I actually meet you now the answer is yes Okay oh gosh what is happening Huh oh this is the one where joa goes and steals all the customers got it okay okay okay get out of the way okay uh let’s see oh yeah it’s over here right right here what is this 10K yeah we can get that let’s go we got it okay

Nice Okie doie he went to take all the JoJo Cola true True all right and then I cannot remember if this was a good luck day or not so we’re going to have to go check uh okay reach the bottom of the mine that is not happening anytime soon yeah now Pier is useless to us listen listen it would be a lot

Easier to go the JoJo route it really would however since I’m at least partially in this for the challenge I kind of don’t want to do that I’m not completely against doing it like if we’re just like hard stuck and we don’t really have any other option

Then we’ll do it but at least for now that is not the case so we just really got to get around this um this egg problem requiring an egg to make a furnace is absolutely Crazy movie screen Ambience oh my God that’s so funny all Right oh my God wait that’s just the frost mines noise oh I hate that what I I hate that that’s not going to be this is not going to be my favorite area oh man okay let’s see those frost bite those Frost Sprites are going to be my

Friend they are definitely going to be my friend cuz they drop all sorts of random stuff so hopefully they will continue to do that that is so crazy they literally did the the movie screen one why why would they do That okay there we go is that going to get annoying to hear cuz it’s going to get annoying for me all right let’s get out of here oh nice we got some barrels and stuff to break there good we went from an absolute Banger of a soundtrack for the first uh for the

First set of floors to now whatever the hell this is what do you mean he keeps touching me how about don’t ah okay these guys hurt okay he dropped a ladder I mean that’s cool I guess they boot it not really what I’m looking for oh it’s not construction no it it

Actually says it on the left if you um if you actually look at it it’s the uh the movie all right we’re going to have to heal pretty soon if these guys keep hitting us all right my music is really sick yeah yeah I get it I get

It yeah I I understand what you’re saying but what are you getting at music screen ampion and not MP3 oh man yeah yeah it’s something else all right come on I got to get one more level one more floor bat can you just get out of my way for right now please

Oh no come on we get a bat swarm why okay F I leave bye I guess we don’t get there today I do not have time for that nonsense God the spring day ambient no that’s terrible I guess rain is just like a a continuous sound that happens or

Something I don’t know it is pretty weird that it’s just not playing it at [Laughter] all hey pup all right let’s uh dump all our stuff off in here okay no not the cave carrot cave carrot goes in here all right favorite song silence understandable level three combat bug steak and root splatter Okay yeah that’s true maybe maybe All right I think I think I want to get I think I want to get to the end of spring and uh once we get to the end of spring I think I want to uh end there I think that’ll be a good spot to end for the night oh nice another 500 Bucks what do we get here flower dance tomorrow okay maybe we can get a Scarecrow I mean I like doing long Streams especially just like you know get into a game that I’m really enjoying and just kind of and Just Vibe for a while it’s great Like honestly I could I could make the joke about the algorithm seeming to like long streams too but like it’s not even because of that like I really just I don’t know I like getting absorbed I like getting absorbed in places and games like especially if I go

Into one and it’s not one that I was like really expecting to enjoy as much as I do that’s fantastic I love that that’s like the best best experiences nah the old thing was too much Ah honestly I think I think things like that just change as people get older though not even necessarily because of um you know because of like progressing in their in their YouTube career or anything like that so I don’t know it could be for any number of reasons to see you all there

Fair enough fair enough yeah I don’t know I mean I feel like I feel like I’m old enough now where it’s like I don’t really see myself I don’t really see myself changing him anyways unless like something happens to me I guess I see I see I’m just saying that like unless

Something happens to me healthwise I don’t really I don’t really see my habits changing I mean hell I did a I did a 12h hour I did a 12 hour stream just um binging the uh story mode for Super Mario RPG remake when it first came

Out I was literally ready to go at midnight when it first dropped and then I streamed until noon and I did meet the story mode for that or at least the main story and then uh we went back a couple times and did uh yeah went to bed woke up later I was

Still going yep yep listen listen it’s not it’s not every day your favorite game of all time gets a remake okay and it’s a good damn remake too it is a good Remake all right let’s see let’s stop by the beach and see if there’s anything to grab there your IRL work boss understandable understandable Not not huh huh I’m not even going to ask what you mean by that cuz I don’t want to know oh my gosh y are goofy there we go there’s our fishing pole Of course I know you Are or are you oh No there we go fish why’d you have to wait for the music to stop damn it oh well the least it could do is come home with me afterwards here fishy fishy that’s seaweed that’s not a fish 3:00 a.m. let’s go what do you

Mean oh it’s 3 a.m. for you oh got it got it okay well hope you don’t have have anywhere you got to be tomorrow a what a good little fishy not misbehaving at all love to see that love to see that what happened to the Extreme Fishing

Music yeah it this one doesn’t it doesn’t Loop for some reason I don’t know why I have to actually go out of the beach area and then come back to reset It oh my gosh oh no oh no Slade I hope you didn’t get in too much trouble for that that but no I I definitely prefer the uh the actual tunes that we get out here but for some reason it doesn’t it doesn’t Replay so we got to come back and reset It oh man okay I’m going to go get it I’m aw what a sweet little fishy it just waited for Me anything good nope damn it I was hoping to find some hardwood or something in that that’s unfortunate I don’t know if you actually can but you know you never know You’re fishy fishy come on enter and exit you know what you are so right you are actually so right yeah that is faster I won’t have that option after he closes but yes that is that is indeed faster you are right I somehow didn’t even think about that I don’t know

Why especially if I fish right here instead yeah definitely Faster come on fish thank you see all I had to do was ask it Nicely all I have to Do Bram Cod amphibian fossil okay I mean hey we take That vip’s gang True oh nah you know that’s no it should not have been bonked I disagree like when you’re talking about something a game like that nah nah definitely Not all right I’m about to pop back into the shop here let’s go what do you mean arch nemesis what are you talking About oh I see I see the bot is your ARG nesis I understand I understand look at that he just sits there and allows himself to be caught All Right all right let’s Go nice cot ourselves a squish Mow come on fish I got to go reset the music come on come on fish Bots are your friend you’re a mod the silence is loud I agree the B the one that bmed you twice for existing it’s the the nightbot what about the day bot It’s the nightbot I up the day Bot I’m sorry that was a terrible joke oh my God all right bait again all right dat bot’s on vac so he doesn’t know understandable understandable yeah see my my whole thing my whole thing with the stream elements cuz I considered that at first cuz um that’s what I uh that’s what I

Process like my donations and stuff through um so I considered using that first but it requires you to type everything in that you want a blacklist and I’m just like nah that’s that’s too much that’s too much like there’s got to be something else that I can use um that

Has like an actual like import list or something like that cuz that’s way too much uh let’s see yeah let’s go let’s go turn stuff in so yeah figured I would get uh figured I would give nightbot a try instead oh no you getting tired Slade all right let’s see sell our

Squishmallows I think we have these already your coffee is doing it why are you drinking coffee coffee at 3:00 a.m. what are you doing that doesn’t sound very smart not going to lie that seems like a bad Idea all right uh H organized there we go nice twitch natively hands handles that part pretty well I mean there it is Yo there it is oh my God we finally unlock the Scarecrow oh my God finally okay okay oh hold on hold on we got it hold

On we gotta we got to temper our expectations cuz uh because we don’t know we don’t know um we don’t know what it’s going to require I’m scared I’m scared I am afraid hey anime Lord hi welcome in welcome in it has been a while since

I’ve seen you how you been hope you’ve been doing Well All right okay moment of truth let’s take a look at the crafting recipe I’m scared I’m scared here we go bro what there is no way there is no shot 39 algae oh my God you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve got to be kidding oh my

God I’m not even mad that’s hilarious oh my gosh oh my God yeah 39 like green algae yes okay but 39 of them yep yep that’s uh a huh tell me how tell me how a cheese press is somehow less expensive than a scare crow you explain that one to me go ahead

I’ll wait go ahead oh wait more excuses to go fishing you know what you are you are you are too you are too right bear 100% had a hand in this absolutely absolutely there’s no way he’s not responsible for this H although true true being able to

To defend from flying Bears is uh is pretty crazy cheese cheese press could never I agree oh right I got to come back at nine okay um can I fish in my Lake will I get me fish here the scare bear true true it’s not a scarecrow anymore it’s a scare Bear still 39 algae that’s crazy that’s so crazy scarecrow or Scare bear hunter any fish algae even I would take algae no joaa water break always always I keep myself pretty well hydrated during streams it’s not often that I uh forget nope okay joa coold times 10 true replace with

Majestic how is this [Laughter] Majestic all right buddy Rarecrow give me well that’s that problem solved damn it maybe maybe that’s just what we got to do is uh just go for rare Crows yep got the rare Crow Wait what do you mean replac with hary’s themed Jazz no it’s not this is still the flower dance I wish I could skip this can I skip it I can’t maybe he’s the artist no I doubt it I doubt it Harvey the jazzis lover of flowers what the hell was That y’all heard that too right either way it doesn’t matter cuz now we have a Rarecrow ah nice nice okay well that takes care of that Let’s uh dump off all this trash here it’s 10:30 at night that took the entire day for that give me a break oh well we got a rare Crow so it was worth it I would say that’s Worth flower dance partnerless Behavior true true hey but now we got that Outlaw song Let’s Go go and what do you know no bear my partner was the rare Crow yes that’s that’s that’s very fair actually that’s a fair assessment of that situation right let’s see we got this

And it’s a bad luck day so we’re not going to the mines um I guess we’re going to go fishing and see about uh actually wait wait hold on we can we can actually plant we can plant our not Coffee Bean here so we can do that yeah let’s do

That let’s go ahead and plant that right here Okay you have seen the scare bear of being like Oh No but okay let’s uh let’s put a couple of our things away here Hey getting a random amphibian fossil is kind of crazy though yeah impossible can afford that now you betcha you didn’t need enough of my crops bear I was able to pay it off all right let’s go Fish ate a lot of my crops but not enough of them apparently he underestimated me he needed to bring some Friends didn’t have the bear power to get it Done all right oh yeah this is the feet alcohol Fruit but you got to say alcoholic feed is not something I ever expected oh it’s true I can just imagine him like watching from like behind a tree like damn she got the rarecrow poor guy now he’s going to go Hungry come on fish seaweed nope fish or algae that’s all I want gas bubbles yeah I see I see it but is that is that really worth going for all Right I she build it now after I ate so much uh-oh too far too far nice what we got are you a squish melon oh didn’t quite get it okay like it still Sparkles isn’t that good Still not quite on it okay well close enough I guess man okay I won’t do it I won’t be greedy this time Ram Cod okay it’s it’s like right on it why isn’t it doing anything or is it just like an increased chance to actually catch fish there if so then okay I’ll

Take that small 50c to 5 minute animation of that yeah you know if if I could if I could draw if I could draw I would Okay nice oh my God that bits so fast what I’m almost kind of afraid to go inside and reset the music even though it’s very important um because I you know what I’m catching a lot of fish here and I don’t know if I want to just give that up right

Now oh geode okay sure I’ll take that to Reddit I guess oh you’re mostly a Fisher gotcha gotcha I’m not I’m not usually like the person on like if I if I do a farm with like myself and my friends I don’t tend to be the Fisher I tend to be the person

That you know goes and is a gremlin in the mines for a while like just pushing as much floor progression as possible and then um I’ll do like Farm stuff on the side that’s usually what I Do yeah usually I go a lot harder on Farm stuff than I did than I did this time around but I think it’s um part of like the not knowing about crops and things like that so not really wanting to go all in even the game says I’m a mom shut up

I hate that I hate that hate it hate It maybe got to accept them oh did you did you retract that message slate or or did the bot somehow Bonk you again I did I saw you Slade I saw you it’ll be there in the VOD don’t worry fishing wait there’s fishing in fortnite for

Real I didn’t actually know that I have actually never played fortnite before like I believe you that it’s there I just I had no idea Interesting before they added swimming I see I see yeah I have a I have a friend or two I have a friend or two that really um that really enjoy fishing in games too it used to be meta for real I guess like the stuff that you

Could get from fishing that’s kind of funny Yeah like an IRL friend like that’s pretty much all they ever wanted to do um whenever they were on like ff14 they didn’t want to go like dungeoning or anything they just wanted to go fish and honestly I respect the hell out of That Fishing’s not met anymore damn sad on the fishing boat 24 set true honestly the fishing boat was a lot of fun like once I actually unlocked being able to get on the fishing boats yeah I I did that a lot Your two favorite emotes honestly they’re really cute just cat box that Box but yeah for those that didn’t know what I was talking about um yeah this the popular alcohol Norma’s feet is fermented from this Crop I don’t even have an explanation for that just Why then you dab on everyone oh no come along fishy what do you mean who cooked that I mean look I don’t know I don’t know it’s it’s randomized I don’t I don’t know who Norma is or why her feet is somehow a popular alcohol like that’s crazy foot alcohol

Is a crazy concept to me I don’t know how that works all right let’s go reset before it turns 5:00 p.m yes yeah I don’t know how that works I don’t know how that works dang I hate that then the bot was like perfect yes I used to play in EU servers gotcha

Gotcha yeah I mean that’s sex that makes complete sense for the Q Times I want to say that like in a server Q times were usually pretty quick so I didn’t usually have that Issue but um I know especially like when certain patches came out like when uh in Walker first came out I know it was really Bad like I heard stories about that one All right we’re pretty much out of stamina so let’s go Home have I seen Dawn tril um I’ve seen I’ve seen like the trailers for it um not much else though to be honest I kind of fell out of ff14 a while back yeah like I couldn’t even tell you like when it comes out or anything I

Really don’t know I said kind of kind of fell off of uh of ff14 a while while ago it was fun while I played it though all righty hello pup hello pup okay let’s sell some things sell that sell our squish Mellows uh yeah then we can keep the rest sure why not

Too much of a backlog to justify paying for a sub you know what that is so relatable that is very very relatable I kind of feel the same way and um yeah for the people that were here and uh saw oh resources required to

H I don’t think I don’t think it’s was a lot to make that though so I’ll just go with fish making more money we can take that instead nice all right got like three days left to Spring nope another bad day for mining unfortunate what is that just a

Wait wait hold on what is this description hated by lovers of belts everywhere all right we got any belt lovers in chat oh that’s wonderful honestly what a treasure what a treasure I love the descriptions on these I really Do oh what a goofy Description yeah exactly what do they what did they do to the Belt lovers exactly that’s what I’m saying like what kind of beef do we have between a clementy berries and belt Lovers like it’s just a weird uh air quotes Berry that looks like a Quasa a conveyor belt Sushi’s pretty cool I actually uh had it for the first time myself um uh last month no wait no it’s February now two months ago all right let’s see traveling cart what do you got for us rupaya Hot Pot okay veggie drop nope

Don’t want that beer nah sear nah large goat milk okay nope we have this Fish Furniture I mean that’s pretty cool but no I don’t need that where just give me egg otherwise you’re you’re a string enjoyer gotcha gotcha yep yeah I had uh I had conveyor

Belt sushi for the first time when I went uh traveling for the holidays um I don’t know as far as like quality goes it was It was kind of mediocre but the experience was fun definitely not worth the price uh for what you got but it was it was fun it was fun

Hello BB let’s see anything for me over here okay there’s a couple of spring onions down there but other than that doesn’t look like there’s anything else unfortunate I’ll take those though I will take those oh there’s a plum nice I will take that all right so since it’s another bad

Luck day I guess we’re going fishing again Let’s go catch a fish they regulated leather production oh no not the leather Regulators okay but like why the bird squat though like what’s up with That there we go there’s a fish So much fish so much fishing well if we kep not getting you know if we didn’t keep getting bad luck days like back to back to back I would have done more mining although at the same time it it does make it hard to progress when I can’t actually um upgrade my pickaxe

Any that does make it rather difficult but you know we’ll figure it out you know what they say country girls make Do all right seaweed yes yeah I I agree I agree but um the the place the place that I went to it was a um it was one of those ones where it’s like if you if you turn in like 30 plates or something like

That then you get to uh then you get to pull the gacha machine or something like that or maybe it was 20 I can’t remember but yeah it was uh it was quite a lot so um did we eat more than we should have oh yes

Definitely did we get more stuff than we should have because of that oh yes definitely but like I said it was more like for the experience than anything else so it was fun it was fun if I had to pay that whole bill myself though I’d have been like oh I

Don’t know about This yeah yeah it was yes yes yes came back to here did we get more yes yes we did indeed also welcome back Slade welcome back oh uh more um conveyor belt sushi yeah but um it had like a had had a gotcha mechanic CU like it basically

Kept track of how many plates you turned in um you know into like the dirty dishes shoot and um yeah so I think it was like every 20 or so that you turned in you uh you got to pull from the gacha machine so did that mean that we got

More food than we really should have yes but it like I said it was fun it was fun I’m actually trying to remember the exact number that it was it was like 15 20 something like that I can’t remember but either way we definitely we definitely got more than we should

Have with water under the conveyor no I don’t think so no um I don’t think so there was just like a little shoot like um basically on the side of each table that yeah you just slide your dirty plate into when you’re finish with It interesting I mean I wouldn’t know like I said I’ve only been there the one time so I couldn’t tell you it would make sense it would certainly makes sense but yeah like I said I don’t know but yeah super pricey but it was a it was a fun

Experience if I were going for actual like food quality though no I’d rather just go to a regular sushi place Instead on fishy fishy Fishy the Dr and chops episode which one which One another water break yeah maybe maybe maybe also has anybody else noticed that ever since ever since I got the Scarecrow recipe they requires 39 green algae I have not caught a single green algae am I the only one that’s noticed that I’m telling you the bear is in on it

I telling you the bear is in on it the bear is in on it I cannot believe this you you did say it you did say it we just didn’t know how deep this thing goes We’ve got no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes Man one where they ate too much at a sushi place and were enslaved to pay for it hey yo what I don’t think I ever saw that episode man that’s a that’s something all Right that’s crazy I didn’t know that they had an episode like that I never really watched uh a whole lot of Drake and Josh to be honest that’s so wow honestly like the one thing that I remember from Drake and Josh is like that Treehouse scene where um

Where they’re like uh where’s the door oh I’m I’m just going to cut the door with what oh the the saw uh where is that outside so how about you go get that yeah okay and then um and then he can’t get [Laughter] Outside all right 2200 again today not bad not bad you lived in a library so what is Drake and Josh gotcha you’ve seen that clip and never seen the show you know I think I think that’s the case for quite a few people I think that’s the case for quite a few

People oh hi Demetrius okay um I think we do I think we do the bats okay cool okay and then we grab our watering can and we get watering nice the bane of all belt lovers everywhere the clementy berry for real though the clementy berry it just just it just looks like a

Quas I’ll sell one just to see how much it sells for then uh I’ll stash the other one cuz why not oh gotcha wait 10 swords hey yo that’s a lot of Swords my Guy that is a lot of Swords I don’t think I’ve ever known anybody that’s had had that many oh my go wait 22 swords oh my gosh I mean hey everybody’s got a hobby everybody’s got a hobby yeah that’s that’s a lot of damn swords shees got 22 of them though damn that’s

That’s a lot of Swords that’s crazy which one’s your favorite do you have a favorite ah yes movie screen Ambience on MP3 my beloved the one that’s shiny [Laughter] true true [Applause] e all right oh three of them are heirlooms that’s pretty neat that’s pretty cool that’d be uh some cin cental value then for sure not to self there’s are the ones to steal I mean what I’m just kidding I would never Maybe 2 m long shees that’s that’s a very large sword Apex has ruined the word heirloom for you how so and why bro this is this is crazy okay there we go sheesh Yeah I can imagine it’d be heavy if it’s 2 m long like what come on come on I actually I can’t remember how long that is in feat I’m not going to lie I actually cannot Remember 14th was a gift from a friend yeah I mean that’s that’s that’s pretty cool I mean you have a friend where you know exactly what they like I don’t think it’d be strange to receive something like that as a gift still damn that’s a lot of Swords I couldn’t imagine ever having

That Many I think the most I think the most I’ve ever seen somebody have is like four or five uh 22 is a long shot oh they’re actually daggers huh interesting okay I mean that’s still cool makes them easier to store that way if they’re Smaller wait [Applause] this is legit just the normal um the normal for this isn’t it wait no it isn’t it isn’t this is different I don’t know what song I can’t remember what song they picked for this this is very I want to say this is one of the winter time Tracks I can’t remember which one Though oh you have a picture I mean that’s cool that is definitely cool damn we almost added energy okay so I guess that’s that day pretty much over and then we go back out into nothing cuz of course we do all right got one more day of spring hello squirrel goodbye

Squirrel all right got a bunch of stuff to put away here hello pup he out here sleeping in the grass what a good boy all right Let’s see we got this these um that that and this okay then other stuff can go in Here actually no I’ll pull these out I don’t want these um I’ll keep those for now I don’t think I really need the plums and horseradish or anything like that said that from your all that’s that’s fine I mean hey whatever whatever you want to

Do we didn’t make a lot today but that’s okay all right last day of the Season what we Got omelette nice we learned how to make omelette too bad we don’t have any eggs After all this time we still don’t have eggs what are we supposed to do with that okay there we go got it all watered uh oh yeah I forgot to check and see what our luck is for today let’s see here what do we got bad luck okay fishing it is all

Right oh God I’m having hiccups oh jeez oh that’s not good oh God okay so just quick explanation quick explanation I I have a weird like physical thing where um every time I hiccup it hurts um yeah hiccup hiccuping just hurts a lot for me like have you ever

Just gotten like punched straight in the chest uh that’s what it feels like to me every time I hiccup um so yeah it’s it’s really not great when that’s starts happening is it is very very painful um oh oh jeez okay I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’ll be

Fine they usually don’t they usually don’t last very long for me luckily does holding your breath not work um it does sometimes but it’s really hit or miss is really hit or miss it is definitely not a uh Surefire solution unfortunately and usually drinking water actually makes it worse I don’t really

Know how that works but it seems like every time I try to uh try to drink some water um to help with hiccups oh jeez okay uh yeah see somehow somehow um drinking water makes it worse um breathing is or holding my breath is really hit or miss on whether or not it

Works um there’s that there’s that joke that like reminding yourself that you’re not a fish Works um I’ve actually tried that a couple times and it’s actually works so I don’t know maybe there’s actually something to that um actually let’s let’s try that right now hold On I am not of fish and now we wait see if it helped I couldn’t tell you how exactly that works I I really don’t know I don’t know you’re not a fish it’s it’s true I am not a fish correct pineapple pineapple what are you doing

Are you trying to trigger the bot cuz so it’s not going to Work I think reminding myself I’m not a fish actually worked I really I can’t explain that I don’t I don’t understand how that works Yeah if you’re trying to uh spam to get the bot to Bonk you it’s not going to do that throw me off to get the eggcups to go away hey I appreciate that appreciate that also works for sneezes interesting interesting all right oh yeah I got to go reset the music

RIP by burping really interesting Well everybody’s got their own own ways of dealing with them come on Fishy Like I don’t know what it was about that fish in particular but when I called for them it was instant inverted verbs really I mean I guess that makes Sense I suppose that makes Sense De fishy fishy it’s your last chance for a while my little fishy Friends seaweed was like oh Pick [Laughter] Me come out fishy come out come out wherever you Are there we Go see how painless that was fish don’t you think you’re being a little Dramatic nice all those squishmallow friend love Them here fish got a nice unbaited hook just for you fish got a nice cozy home in my shipping bin just for You here fishy fishy that one was instant he was just like oh take Me what the shipping beenin is nice and cozy nothing bad ever happens to anybody in there Here fish fish fish fish where are you hiding Fishy what was that look for what did I do surely nothing bad ever happens to anybody in there nice and I get the treasure prehistoric tool okay sure I’ll take that why not nice all right I was going to say am I even going

To have to reel on this one but it looks like I would all right go reset the music One More Time oh he just chilling in the water look at him look at the little Guy fishy fishy fishy Fishy that’s not a fish he’s going to steal my fish no I will fight you Seagull I will fight that seagull no hesitation I’m so glad they can’t actually do that though that would be so messed Up Bird versus bird let’s go yeah whoever wins bird wins I don’t know aren’t um aren’t Ravens usually considered to be smarter than seagulls also think there’s a size Advantage there making Saka Adon what is what is that like what’s in that Hello Sam oh fish rice nice that sounds good that sounds lovely actually all right let’s go sell our fish and uh then we’ll wrap up for the night it’s been uh it’s been really really rough making progress but you know what we’ll get there it’ll be okay we’ll we’ll make

It oh you know what I think I just I think I just remembered that the um I think I just remembered the traveling cart was out there today I can’t remember if I checked it or not I know I did on Friday but I don’t know if I did

Today hopefully it’s not too late and if it is too late then oh well I guess what what you going to do traveling cart are you here yes yes it’s here okay took you so much time to find those pictures oh I was out I was out here

Okay yeah yeah okay I did check that’s fine okay okay all right let’s go you’re post them hope they get posted okay I mean I will I will take a look afterwards sell all this stuff there we go who he teleported he was just outside

When I was there and then I come in and and he’s in here scary very spooky Scary all right and that is the last day of our season that we’re doing today uh pretty nutty we went through a whole season um just doing that so um yeah but the randomizer is is fun so far it’s definitely going to be um it’s definitely going to be more fun once we

Can actually make some progress um I’m just glad we were able to get a scarecrow but really our stumbling block right now is an egg a singular egg which is crazy I have no idea where we could possibly get one but you know maybe maybe we’ll get lucky and figure it out

Uh next time perhaps but um yeah while I am looking for somebody to send you guys too uh I’m just going to say real quick thank you so much for joining me I am really happy to have you here and um yeah I look forward to seeing

Whoever can be here again tomorrow um for you know for our Hypixel Sky collab uh starting a co-op with some of my other streamer friends so it should be a good time definitely and okay I’m actually gonna send you guys I’m actually gonna send you guys over to Eno because why

Not there’s our hashtag and our link and uh yeah I will we’ll see you guys tomorrow for those who can be there take care have a wonderful night and I’ll see you again soon bye-bye now who’s a fishy boy you are you’re the fishy boy good night everybody

Randomizer link: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/16921

As someone with hundreds of hours in Stardew Valley over the past couple of years, it’s pretty safe to say I’ve played this game to death. It’s still a fun game, though, so why don’t we completely start over? Toss out all of my prior knowledge about progression and how the game works to rebuild it from scratch?

I have no doubt this will be chaotic, but it should be fun, too!

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Did you know I have a Discord server? It’s a little bare bones for now, but I’ll be able to figure out what kind of shape it will need to take once people start being active there. Join the Conspiracy today! https://discord.gg/pcrD94Xsq7

Ask me questions that I’ll answer on future chatting streams! Please keep them respectful and work-safe. https://tellonym.me/AllatouNyx

If you would like to donate, you can do so here: https://streamelements.com/allatounyx/tip
Any and all tips will go toward future content or assets unless otherwise agreed upon.

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Model art and rigging: https://twitter.com/ndrph
PNG Model: https://twitter.com/LesScketch
Logo: https://twitter.com/KetsuekiGirl
Stream assets and graphics: https://www.fiverr.com/pradaestr
Chibi art and rigging: https://twitter.com/NPC268

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Song | Creative Self – Crickets in My Backyard
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/creativeselfmu…
Download/Stream: https://collegemusic.co.uk/artist/cre…
Released by College Music: / collegemusic
Spotify / Apple Music: https://collegemusic.co.uk/listen


  1. Otsu, and thanks for the stream Nyx! I had to tap out early because eepy but it was a lot of fun; even got to learn a new mod for Stardew! See ya next stream~

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