Mikey vs JJ Family – Noob vs Pro: Underwater House Build Challenge in Minecraft

We are lost at sea with our friends Mikey and JJ and now must build secure underwater bases to protect them and their families before this Army of flesh eating piranhas attack yeah what are we going to do there’s no way we will have enough time to build underwater bases

Strong enough to survive an army of piranas look Milo I can see piranhas in the distance we only have 20 minutes to build they are getting really close oh my gosh need to build a really secure underwater house to protect miky and his family wait that means I need to build a

Really secure underwater house to protect JJ and his family we better get started chip time is running out I’m going to build my super pro underwater base right over here I think it’s only a good idea that I use diamond blocks they are so cool looking and of course I

Definitely need some glass let’s use tinted glass and regular glass I’m going to outline the shape that I want to build this base with it’s going to look pretty cool it’s among all the seagrass and the kelp it really fits in with the bottom of the ocean I’m going to build a

Shape just like this it looks a little weird but it’s definitely important now that I’ve built the shape we need to extend it in this direction perfect I’m going to make sure it lines up with the shape on the other side it has to line up perfectly so that there are no gaps

If there’s a single Gap the water will be able to get inside the house and JJ and his whole family will drown that would be terrible and it would be a real newbie thing to do since I’m a pro I cannot be doing newbie things like that

So I better be careful now that I’ve linked up all the diamond blocks together I need to get rid of this kelp and start placing in the glass just like this oh wow it’s already looking perfect I cannot wait to keep making the rest of

This base I’m such a pro Milo what kind of base are you building well I’m trying to stop my base but there’s so much C everywhere so I’ve spent this whole time clearing it and now I’m walk oh the Piranhas are going to get me Milo that’s

Such a waste of time I decided to build my base in a really clear spot where the kelp is already basically removed for me that saved me lots of precious time and means I can spend more time building my base to make it look better yeah well we

Can’t all be perfect here no we can’t that’s why I think my prob base is going to do such a good job at protecting JJ’s family I really hope the Piranhas aren’t able to get in somehow these piranhas look really scary and really big if they manage to break through my walls I’m

Going to be so frustrated oh my gosh I’m really nervous what if they manag to get through and shum my leg that’s a possibility Milo but all we have to do to make sure it doesn’t happen is build really good Pro underwater bases if we build our bases good enough the Piranhas

Won’t be able to get in and Mikey and JJ’s families will be safe don’t worry chip you know I’m a pro I’m going to build the best underwater base you’ve ever seen uh yeah totally Milo I don’t think you’re a pro but I’m happy you’re

Willing to try he I’m totally a pro my mom even said so Milo your mom says nice things to you all the time yeah cuz she’s a nice lady yeah she is a nice lady and so is my mom my mom was also a pro Builder and she trained me teaching

Me everything I know look I can even see a shipwreck in the distance that must mean the piranhas have attacked people’s boats before if they can get through wood I think it’s a really good thing that I’m building with diamond diamond is also the same color blue as the ocean

So it might even blend in although it is pretty shiny maybe the shininess will blind the Piranhas I have no idea I guess just relying on the blocks is not a good idea I better make sure I build this place really really well so that the Piranhas don’t get inside perfect

I’ve already made the roof and the glass sides now it is time to make the floor I’m going to make my floor out of smooth quartz blocks just like these ones let’s break these floor blocks here and boom we can start filling in the floor here

We’re going so quickly but it’s not over yet we also have to do the insides with decorations and we have to remove all the water in here there is so much and if we don’t remove it properly then JJ and his whole family could totally drown

That would be a disaster and I’m never going to let that happen not on my watch Milo I really hope you’re properly preparing for this if you build your base to newbie then Mikey and his whole family will be in danger from the Piranhas don’t worry I’m totally going

To protect Mikey and his family I’m building out of the best materials wood and D what Milo wooden dirt that’s a terrible idea I’m building out of diamond blocks and quartz blocks that’s the only way I think everyone will survive what that’s way too expensive I can’t afford to be building out of

Diamond blocks but don’t worry my B is still going to be really secure oh gosh well my base is going to be really secure too that’s why I’m building this next section it’s going to go up really tall because this will be the way we go

Between each of the floors it’s going to have a water elevator inside it even though we are surrounded by water I think that will be a really really cool idea it means that we can go up and down so quickly and this kind of water is not

The messy kind that the Piranhas can live in no way this water will be filled with bubbles one of the bubble columns will help us go down and the other one will help us go up really really quick it’s a great system I’m so glad I

Learned how to make it I bet once I’m done with it it’ll be the best elevator in the entire ocean a water elevator that sounds really cool chip I wish I knew how to build a water elevator yeah Milo because you don’t know how to build

A water elevator you’re going to have to work extra hard making sure the rest of your house is good enough to protect Mikey and his family don’t worry it is going to be really good I’m super excited to show Mikey I’m sure he’s going to love it yeah I’m sure he

Totally will too but not as much as JJ and his family are going to love my house I’ve almost finished the first few parts of my build I can start clearing the inside of all the water and really start getting some air in I think this

Will give me a really good idea of if my base is water tyght let me grab some sponges so I can start clearing it out I have to place them really quickly so the water disappears wo this is crazy it’s such a rush to get it all done but look

I’ve already cleared all of the water from inside this room let’s get rid of the remaining sponge blocks just like this oh wow this room is going to be a big problem to get all the water out of we just have to go so fast if I place these sponge blocks really quickly

Around the roof it’ll clear the water in no time and now we just have to do the same around all the walls wo I think we might have actually done it let’s just place them along the floor and boom we’ve now cleared all the water from

Inside the first room I need to place glass blocks seven blocks up I think that’s seven yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 perfect let’s just place them along like this once I add these glass blocks I will be able to finalize the elevator and really

Get going on this build I’m not sure how much time we have left but it probably isn’t a lot piranhas are some of the fastest fish in the sea only beaten by swordfish swordfish are really really quick so it’s probably good we don’t find any today if we did we would be

Absolutely toast and pretty soggy toast too considering we are underwater the last time I tried to eat toast underw water it didn’t go well it just turned really mushy and gross and I had to feed it to the birdies you’d probably like it if I fed toast to the birdies though

Wouldn’t you Milo no I hate toast I only like birad seeds what well you know they sell toast with seeds inside it right mil what that sounds awesome how come you never gave me any of that chip um because the last time I gave you some of

My food that had seeds inside it you ate the whole thing and never let me have any of it ever again that’s why I I’m never giving you my cherry flavored yogurt with seeds in it again what not fair that sounds absolutely scrubtious I’m totally going to find it and eat it

Anyway maybe you can build a fridge inside your newbie underwater house and fill it with your cherry yogurt a I might think about doing that well what I’m thinking about is building this awesome roof now that I’ve built up the walls I just have to place a couple more

Glass blocks just like this I think these ones are absolutely perfect I love how clear they are they let you see right into the ocean now that I’ve placed them let’s quickly add the sponge all through this room wow clearing water has never been quicker I love using

Sponge blocks it really makes me feel like a real Pro now I can get rid of these glass blocks and start making the water elevators these designs can be pretty complicated so I need to do it smartly uh-oh I let some water in let’s quickly block it off so it can’t reach

The rest of the floor that could have been a disaster I am glad we managed to sort that out before it got too bad on this side of the room we need to place One Soul Sand block just like this and on the other side we definitely need to

Have a magma block wo magma blocks look really weird at the bottom of the ocean I guess when there’s so much water around it totally puts out the lava that is crazy now we need to grab some gloss panes I think some white colored ones could be pretty cool or even better some

Orange colored ones Yep this reminds me of how awesome I am because orange is my favorite color maybe instead of gloss panes I can just use regular gloss oh yeah I’m sure this will look way better and it already does that looks amazing I can’t believe I almost use

Glass panes for this that would have been so embarrassing let’s build this glass all the way up but we need to make sure we leave gaps at some levels that way it’ll be really easy to go between levels without having to go all the way

Up or all the way down I’ve also placed some Acacia signs this way when the water tries to flow through it won’t be able to reach through the signs but anybody who wants to walk through will totally be able to do it now I’m going to do something absolutely crazy with

This water elevator I am going to break the top glass block of my roof and let the water go all the way down oh goodness this is crazy it could end really badly for me I need to replace all of this clear gloss with orange

Gloss as well I think I have a much better idea for the design the reason I broke this block is because we need some way to get into this house if we can’t find a way in we’ll never be able to go inside and that’ll make us really

Vulnerable to the Piranhas uh-oh I need to also Place some sign blocks at the very bottom here this way the water doesn’t spill everywhere like it did before now it is time for me to grab a water bucket and place it all the way up this water elevator just like this the

Reason I’m doing it is because bubble columns can only be activated if you have a full block of water it can’t run through a flowing block of water wo that already looks so cool now let’s totally do the same on the other side I need to

Fly all the way down before we even start though this bubble column is going to send everybody up upwards it’s going to be the most important one cuz you can always jump off to get down quickly but you cannot just fly upwards I’m also going to put signs on these walls as

Well they will have the same system as those other signs there that way everything works exactly the same on every level of my base we’ll put signs at the bottom too oh wow we’re getting so close to reaching the very top with this bubble column once I finish this me

And JJ’s family will be able to get to any floor we want in the blink of an eye that will really help us survive the Piranhas I’m pretty confident we’ll make it I’m such a pro there’s no way we’ll lose now that we’ve broken that water

Block we just need to fill this whole thing with water buckets all the way down to see if this Soul Sand block will activate and wo it totally does it launches you all the way up to the surface of the ocean now I just need to swim down this one I accidentally water

Logged that sign that was a big mistake I just need to replace this sign and place it back again this way it totally blocks off the water perfect wow wow this base is looking so awesome and really Pro so far hey Milo what’s your base looking like it’s pretty much

Looking amazing I love all the wood and dirt textures um Milo I can see it from here but I have a feeling I’m going to want to check this out I’m going up my water elevator which really does work and I need to quickly come see your base

Before the Piranhas get any closer um I just realize there’s a little problem what’s the little problem Milo well there’s actually no way to to my build yet um Milo is this all you’ve made so far yeah it’s fairly good what do you mean all I’ve made uh you know what I uh

Just remembered I have to go do something uh you just keep building Milo I’m sure it’ll go really well yeah mind your own business buddy oh gosh I am so worried I’m not going to tell this to Milo but I have a feeling his base is

Not going to work if Milo’s Bas does not work then Mikey and his family are going to to be in big trouble because they’re meant to be staying with him I better make sure that my base is big enough to fit everybody in just in case we need to

Protect Mikey’s family as well oh goodness this piran attack is starting to scare me a lot more now that I know I have way more people to protect we better get back to building quickly my second story is going to go out in this direction my base is going to have so

Many different areas to look out at every other angle of the ocean this way no matter what direction the Piranhas come from I’ll be able to spot them really easy and speaking of piranhas I think I see some over there Milo the Piranhas are getting closer and faster

Than I thought they would oh no wait chip are they going to get us right now I don’t think so they’re still a couple blocks away but Milo this means that we really have to hurry up on our building and you have to make sure you build something that won’t implode I have

Barely even finished mine I’m so freaking out right now I know you are Milo but we just have to stay calm remember as long as we build really really good and secure underwater bases the Piranhas shouldn’t be able to get in and me you Mikey and JJ as well as their

Families will all be safe well no need to worry then because my base is super secure um Milo has it somehow changed in the last 10 seconds because the last time I looked at it it was not very secure at all and plus any piranas that

Come here are totally not going to want to come inside what why wouldn’t they want to come inside because put bad juju everywhere bad juju Milo you cannot rely on that to protect you and Mikey’s family you need to build defenses and walls made out of something other than

Dirt no I like my base how it is the dirt is beautiful oh gosh Milo dirt is also really weak and who knows it could totally explode under the pressure of the water and the migh of all the piranhas attacking it at the same time I don’t think water of pressure even

Exists what Milo that’s not true at all of course it exists and besides even if you decided to use wood instead of dirt I can see a shipwreck over there and I’m pretty sure I know how it sank I think it was the Piranhas they’ve clearly been

Here before I think we’re in piranha infested waters well thanks a lot you’re the one who took us here hey I just wanted a nice Beachside Vacation all the other cruise ships were booked so I had to improvise and make my own well now we’re in a big disaster and I’m having

To try my best and use all my big BD brain power to build the best house ever unlike yours hey my house is looking great so far Milo I think I’m doing an awesome job making a pro underwater base I really think you need to take some

Hints from mine yeah if great equals bad what great does not equal Bad Milo that’s not true at all whatever how about you keep building and stop focusing on me okay I totally will keep building because once I’m done with this this room I’ll be able to really get

Started on decorating the inside of this base that’s the most important part because the inside is where we will be spending all of our time hiding from the Piranhas one thing I should probably do is go check on Mikey and JJ’s families and now that I’ve finished this glass

Wall it is the perfect time to go do it hey Mikey JJ oh goodness they’re all huddled together in the center of this raft that’s so sad they’re really scared to make sure that the Piranhas don’t nip it them from the sides just be careful

Guys if you all stand in the same place inside of this raft it could sink from all the weight being tilted to one side Let’s help you guys Mikey you need to stand over here and JJ you need to stand in this corner you guys need to be

Really strong to protect your children oh goodness this could have gone really badly but uh-oh I better get back to building my base now and wait a second why do I see water inside the bottom level hang on are the Piranha’s here already this is terrible I don’t see any

Though so maybe it wasn’t a piranha what could have possibly cause the water to spill inside my base like this there’s only one other person here who I think could have done this because I was with JJ and Mike’s families the whole time Milo what are you talking about Milo I

Didn’t even tell you what I was suspicious of yet that means you know what happened to my house um yeah I don’t know anything Milo you broke my walls that is not fair we’re meant to be surviving and we don’t have a lot of time left you can’t be pulling pranks

Like this when we just have to survive well I only did it cuz you’re being so rude about my house when I know my house is actually better than yours h no way Milo I’m going to prove you wrong by making the best house anyone has ever

Seen I think I need to swim inside and clear out all the water from this place once I do I’ll be really on my way to being done I’m so excited I think I’m doing a great job so far much better job than your newbie house speak for your

Somebody I am speaking for myself Milo and JJ and Mikey’s family too I’m trying to let you know that if you keep making your house silly and doing pranks instead of working on making it better we’re all going to be doomed and especially them and their families they

Need us to help fight for them so they can’t do it on our own we have to be good for them Milo my house isn’t silly it’s the most secure underwater house the world has ever seen uh yeah Milo I think that would be my house your house

Is literally made out of dirt your house looks like a weird bro in a jewelry box what jewelry is pretty people love jewelry Milo you need to work on your insults I think yeah maybe it’s pretty but it’s not very secure that’s because you dug holes in it anyway Milo we can’t

Keep fighting like this the Piranhas are getting closer I keep seeing them out of the corner of my eye I can see them through the window there are so many and I think they’re multiplying this piranha ocean is crazy full of them well if I

See a PIR I’m just going to punch it or something Milo you can’t punch piranhas They Live underwater and punches don’t work very well when you’re swimming you need to use your hands to stay afloat so that’s not going to work on them Milo the only defenses we have against these

Piranhas is making sure our houses are really secure okay well I’m going to keep trying to make it secure right okay you keep doing that and I’ll work on the same thing H there’s a bunch of water leaking through my roof I definitely need to fix that ASAP I need to place

Them as quick as I can I’m getting more and more nervous about spend ending time outside of the safe inside of my house the longer I stay in water the more the Piranhas can smell me and I think it’s going to make them come quicker I’m not

Going to let that happen the quicker the Piranhas arrive the less time I have to help protect Mikey and JJ’s families oh gosh and especially because I think Milo’s house is going to fail I better make my house extra good Mikey’s family is also depending on me I just have to

Work hard that’s why this drip proof water protector will definitely help somehow the water is getting through my ceiling so maybe by making it extra thick I can help stop any water from getting through this is an important step in making sure my house is extra

Safe just for Mikey and JJ’s safety hey Milo you know if your house doesn’t end up working out you can totally come say in mine right no way your house is ugly Mikey and I will not go anywhere near your house what Milo that’s a terrible idea what if the Piranhas break down

Your dirt walls and you have nowhere to go except my house well I guess that would be pretty bad but still even in the worst situation I’m not going to your house okay Milo I think you might have a change of opinion pretty soon but

For now I just need to work on my house I don’t think I’m going to convince you to come join me anytime soon so I better make this quick I think I need to change these water elevators let’s Place signs here instead and I can make quartz

Platforms just like this perfect I’ll do one on this side as well this way we’ll be able to walk across really easily I also need to replace these signs with orange glass this way there’s nobody that will accidentally bump their head on them while they go up or down these

Water elevators and now that my genius idea has finally stopped the dripping I can totally start decorating the inside of this house I think I know exactly what I need to build let’s grab some light blue light green and red and orange beds I think we need one of every

Color because we don’t know if it’ll just be me and JJ’s family living here we also need to think it could be Milo and Mikey’s family too we need to make sure there’s enough room for everybody I think if every single wall is made out of glass it will look really awesome and

We’ll not only be safe from the Piranhas but we’ll have a really easy time looking if we can see any direction the Piranhas could come from it makes us extra prepared and we can have an emergency escape before they even reach us that is the best chance of survival

That we have I’m going to make the glass go all the way up here and then I think on the the other side we can break a little hole in this wall so that everyone can walk through just like this perfect I think this is beautiful now we

Also need to build the glass down a bit just like that wo I’m doing such a good job building this thing I think we do need some more decorations though I’m going to grab some different colored lamps I think these will be really useful and I’m also going to grab a

Warped drawer it’s not my favorite color of wood because it’s basically Milo’s color which is blue but I do kind of like it it is a really good match for my d diamond blocks so I’m going to use them to build this awesome awesome bedroom area let’s push the beds

Backwards a little bit I want to make sure there’s a really really good amount of space I’m also going to add some orange lamps on this table and wo perfect the bedrooms are already looking so cool let’s add some warped shelves just so that we can keep all of our

Belongings above our beds I’ll add one here and we’ll also add some above it we need to remember that this house has to be really big and have lots of storage to fit everyone inside otherwise it could be a real disaster everyone would have to leave all of their stuff

Everywhere and it would get so messy the Piranhas would basically get us all because we wouldn’t even be able to get around all the garbage everywhere I’m adding a couple more diamond blocks here I must have missed them when I was building this area the first time I’m

Not going to make any mistakes like that though on this wall I need to grab some black concrete because we going to be making a television this TV is going to be so cool and it’s going to be really big as well it’s going to really help

Take out off of all the Piranhas trying to get us next to the TV I’m also going to add some note blocks these will act as speakers for the television so we have the best sound system in the ocean wo it looks so cool look how the top two

Note blocks connect to form a mega speaker that is so cool I’m also going to grab some sofas let’s grab one in every single one of our friends and Family’s colors this way everybody has the perfect seat that they could want for watching this amazing super cool

Television we can have two of every single color of chair just look how awesome that is everyone will have so much fun watching I guess we should probably expand it outwards a little bit there are three members of each of Mikey and JJ’s family so by giving them lots

Of room we make sure everyone has a seat at the theater I’m also going to grab every single color of carpet for each of us in our families because I’m going to build a cool little carpet design right here wo I think this looks great perfect

There’s one color for each of us I love that so much I’m going to replace this one with orange though because it’s a much better color let’s make it an awesome zigzag pattern just like this wao it looks so beautiful if I wasn’t busy trying to survive the Piranhas I’d

Be showing everyone my house but for now I have bigger problems than making a pretty house I have to make sure it’s extra safe from all the piranhas and that’s why downstairs I need to make a huge observation window on the back end I have to build it quickly though so

That no water gets inside this observation area will soon become an emergency Escape Route so I need to plan out where I’m going to build it by making sure we can see out this window it gives us a really good idea of exactly what we’re going to have to dig

Our way through to make the Escape now that I’ve done so much work on my base already I really think I need to check on Milo I don’t want him to know I’m checking on him though because if he does he’ll totally try and be weird

About it okay his base is looking really weird why does it have deer antlers and what is that oh no it’s a piranha right above Milo’s base oh goodness I don’t think he’s seen it yet because if he did he would definitely be screaming Mikey and JJ’s families have also not seen it

If I tell Milo the piran is there already he’ll freak out and he’ll scream so loud it might crack his newbie glass that he’s built this is bad I better get rid of the piranha without Milo seeing I don’t want to get close to it though if

I get too close to the piranha it’ll attack me too let’s find a way to get around Milo without him seeing it and without him hearing us oh I have a perfect plan rers are here to attack us because they can smell us but but one other thing they can definitely smell is

Meat so I’m going to grab some raw mutton and swim right over here as quietly as I can hopefully if I drop the raw mutton in the water over here it’ll draw the piranha over here far away from Milo I can’t do this too many times the

More raw mutton I throw out and that I have in my inventory the more I will smell like it so I’ll just attract more piranhas to me okay I have to quickly get out of here before that piranha goes to the raw mutton I don’t think I have

Much time I really better hurry oh goodness I so hope this works quick I have to get back into my base before Milo sees me swimming around and gets suspicious all right I think I made it let’s get out on this level and quickly look to see where that piranha is

Luckily my house is really good at looking and look there it is the piranha is over there far away from Milo’s base that was a close one I’m so glad that worked but uh-oh I think I need to throw this raw mutton away I’m not going to

Put it in any normal spot though I’m going to build a weapons room to keep every single super strong device that could fight the Piranhas away and inside this weapon room I’m going to have an incinerator that will destroy anything that might lead the Piranhas to me this

Is a really important step and if I don’t do it having romanting around will be a really bad idea I better get going the first step to building an armor and weapons room is to grab some armor stands this is what we will keep the

Armor on and wo is that a scuba set this will definitely be perfect for keeping everybody safe I’m going to build a wall right at the back with a bunch of scuba diving suits we’ll make a bunch this way so many people can grab it I think six

Is a pretty good amount because these suits will definitely not fit the kids at all they’re way too small this way every single adult that will be in this house will be able to wear them and safely swim I don’t think the kids should be in the water at all there are

Too many piranhas They are the ones we have to keep the most safe now I think it’s time to build a case around them I think warped trap doors are the perfect choice here let’s Place three in this direction oh yeah look at that once I

Flip them upwards it looks just like a super cool armor defense case we’ll also add three to this wall as well wao perfect we’re already making this so quick I think we also need to grab some item frames I’m not sure if these scuba diving suits need oxygen or something

But if they don’t we better add something so everyone’s prepared let’s grab and add a spy gloss these were used by Pirates to navigate the ancient Seas back when they didn’t have phones or cameras or telescopes or anything here the spy glass will definitely help us the color also matches with the scuba

Suits that’s so cool I love this s far but just as promised we need an incinerating room that’s why I need to grab some walls as well as some fire I think a campfire could be useful but it’s not all that we need we also need

Fire charge and let me grab some Soul Sand or some soul soil could even be better for this Soul soil does not just burn a reg regular orange color so soil Burns blue it looks just like diamonds and it’ll go really well with this incinerator I think if we place the trap

Doors like this it’ll be nice and separated let’s also make sure we build a smoke vent right above it let’s grab some stairs so that we can build the smoke vent out I don’t want smoke taking up this whole base that would be really embarrassing and it would make it really

Smoky I do not want to live under water if it’s going to be Smoky the whole time we don’t have a lot of fresh air so the air that we have needs to be really pure I think we need to have an armor station I’m going to make sure this armor

Station is so cool let’s have a cool design going all the way up the wall just like this it can be an awesome squiggle we can place so many item frames and chests on this wall we can have shields to defend ourselves and swords and Bows to help attack the

Piranhas perfect let’s start filling up this wall with different items let’s add three netherite swords to the very bottom as well as one pickaxe and one axe I don’t think we’ll need to use many of those I think up here we ALS Al now need to grab a shield oh yeah that’s

Perfect we can have two of those because you never know how many you’ll need because we’re underwater we will also need a trident I think we’ll put them up here Trident can be really dangerous in sharp so by keeping them on a high shelf we keep them nice and far away from the

Kids now let’s grab a bow and a bunch of arrows but we don’t want just any Arrow we’re going to grab arrows of the turtle Master because we are underwater of course let’s add the arrows inside this item frame and above right here although wait a second this is only one arrow

That is not going to cut it we need to grab some chests and some barrels this way we’ll have plenty of arrows and we’ll basically never run out let’s grab these ones and put them all throughout these barrels perfect now I’m going to fill the final barrel with a bunch of

Bows just like this over here I’m going to add a chest wall on this chest wall we’re going to keep lots of op food I think the golden food is the best let’s grab golden carrots and enchanted golden apples we won’t have regular gold golden apples instead we will have cake we need

To eat cake to keep our spirits up down here it can get kind of lonely and dark down at the bottom of the ocean and cake is one of the best ways to cheer up if you’ve had a sad dark day perfect I’m adding more trap doors around this chest

Wall it looks just like a cool cabinet I really wish I could be doing home interior design instead of protecting from piranhas but we all have to put up with things to protect Mikey and JJ’s families let’s fill this whole bottom chest with cake wow I’m sure the kids

Will def itely love this now let’s put golden carrots in the second chest we have so many people we need to protect especially if Milo’s base does not end up working so we need to make sure we have enough food to last a lifetime and enough food to feed a huge family of

People I know Mikey and JJ can get really hungry but uh there’s one more thing I have to add Milo loves to eat bird seeds and I love to eat cookies just like this I’m going to add wheat seeds on the left hand side of this chest right over here uh Milo really

Does love his bird seeds so by adding these I hope I keep him happy I’m also adding cookies on the right side I’m not going to add anything in the middle I don’t want cookies touching bird seeds because that would totally make the cookies gross and I’m sure Milo doesn’t

Want crumbs all over his seeds he would be really mad at me if I did that we also need to make a furnace smelting section let’s also grab a bunch of different function blocks like a grindstone as well as a stone cutter these will be really helpful let’s add

Some over here on the wall this can be a big station where we come over to make our tools and we can’t make our tools without the blast furnace and furnace we use these to smelt any ore that we get we can mine from the bottom of the ocean

Caves to find lots of iron just like that iron over there wo I found that so quickly we’re going to be so rich just from living under the sea wa I thought I heard something for a second it sounded like a glass breaking or a trident being

Thrown I must have been hearing things if the Piranhas are here breaking the glass I’m sure I’d know about it wait a second what that is a the Trident who could be throwing a trident in the wall have the Piranhas teamed up with the drowns wait a second I don’t see a drown

Anywhere what I hear another Trident hey something bad is happening I don’t know where the Trident went though I can’t see it from inside I only see this one in the glass but at least this means my glass is really secure and didn’t break huh hey look there’s a bunch of trident

Being thrown it looks like they’re coming from the direction of Milo’s house Milo why are you throwing Trident at me a I don’t know what you’re talking about Milo that’s it you’ve been pranking me this whole time I think it’s time I come and teach you a lesson what

No don’t come on the here please ha I’m dodging your Trident throws you not very good at aiming hey that’s mean I’m trying my best Milo you’ve been really mean to me in my house so let’s see how you like it when someone totally ruins your house I think your house is getting

A little bit old and it looks like there’s a bunch of algae growing all over it stop it sh oh my gosh what have you done I haven’t done anything Milo your house is just old I’m joking I’m totally doing this because I’m getting you back for pranking me you’re the

Worst stop it you’re making my house look all moldy yeah it kind of is moldy and it doesn’t really help when your house is made of dirt Milo it looks just like a garden plant you’re the worst brother ever how about you go back to your stinky house and mind your own

Business I will just stop throwing Trident at it you’ll going to make the piranhas have an advantage by hurting the strength of my house before they can even arrive fine well at least we know your house is strong I guess yeah it definitely is I’m such a pro I’ve been

Protecting myself from piranhas my whole life that’s why I’ve never gotten a piran bite before here where I’ve added the smokers I’m going to add some Stone Cutters as well as some grindstones as well this way we can really fine-tune the armor to make it as strong as

Possible and over here near the scuba diving suits I’m going to add some pots these look pretty cool they don’t really do anything but they really make this place look awesome I think we also need to grab a bunch of chains for the ceiling just like this they can be

Hanging anywhere we want wo let’s add a bunch around the incinerator machine this looks so cool already I absolutely love it this Armory room looks so cool I’ve done a great job but I still think we need more now that I filled every single other level of my house hey Milo

What are you doing wo Milo do you have a Riptide Enchanted trident yeah I found it in a chest that’s pretty cool but hey keep it away you need to make sure you work on your house Milo it is not going to last if it just stays like it is what

Do you mean like it is it’s already secure and beautiful Milo if the piranhas attack your house they’ll destroy it I just know don’t worry about it chip okay I guess I won’t worry about it but you have to promise you need to work on it Milo fine I’ll work on it

Let’s add some quartz along the bottom here this is going to be my emergency escape room it’s going to lead to an underground part of my house this underground part is really important because it will be the most secure room in the whole whole base it’s going to

Take me a second to clear out all this stone andesite and granite though uh there’s so much of it and hey Milo could you keep it down please what are you talking about I can hear your Trident noises from here and if I can hear them that means the Piranhas whose ears are

Built to live underwater can definitely hear them a that’s a point Sorry CH that’s okay Milo just make sure you’re a little more careful from now on now I need to speedily dig out all this Stone wow I’m going so fast I guess that’s just what happens when you’re super

Motivated to take care of everyone’s family I’m not letting anybody be left behind and if that means mining super duper quick to make it happen that’s exactly what I’ll do now we just need to place these diamond blocks and some glass and I think we’re good because

Over here is going to be the entrance to the underground section this hallway will will be a screening room just to make sure that only humans can get through and I guess Turtles and birdies For Milo and Mikey’s family it’s so confusing having so many different animals okay now I think I’ve almost

Placed enough of this quartz once we link it up to the top we can get started on really building the underground segment let’s Place smooth quartz around the edges just like this and now we can finally finally start adding in the glass blocks these glass blocks are

Really important because it allows us to see and it also stops the water from getting in that’s a pretty big one I know JJ’s kid cannot swim right now that’s why we had to get the raft for him if he falls in the ocean or gets

Water poured on him oh he is going down that would be terrible I don’t think JJ or his wife would ever forgive me luckily by using this glass I can really make sure that they stay safe I’m a building expert so there’s nobody that could have possibly built it better than

Me especially with how much of a pro I am I really think it’s the best option we have now that I’ve filled in all of this glass it’s time to use our final fuse sponge blocks this room is not just going to be the entrance into the

Underground it is also going to be where we keep some emergency escape boats I think boats could be really really useful this way if we need to escape we can swim away into the ocean and boats totally float so it’ll be a really good option for us let’s also add some more

Quartz blocks around the sides here yeah this makes it look so good I also need to quickly Place some around the other side uh-oh I totally just destroyed that diamond block that could have gone really badly if I destroyed the glass block 1 in above it I would have flooded

This part of the house that would not be good let’s use this underwater elevator to get back inside as quick as we can I don’t think we have time to build many more things after this let’s grab a bunch of different colors of boats unfortunately we cannot grab a warped

Wood boat because they come from the Nether and you cannot use the nether Woods to build boats it’s really sad but I guess if you did they would be Lava prooof here we have a cherry boat a mangrove boat and a dark oak boat I think those look so cool it kind of

Looks like ice cream and over on this side we can keep a bunch of other boats as well we’ll have every other kind stacked against this wall I think we can actually fit one more over here just like this perfect we now have every single kind of boat ready to go in case

We need to make an escape for the bunker wall I need to dig out all these blocks and place diamonds in a ring around it just like this okay I think this is looking just how I wanted it to I think we need to place some acious signs just

To be careful let’s place two right here this way no matter which way the water comes through it won’t be able to flow perfect we totally planned that perfectly if we didn’t that would have been a big disaster here we are going to have a big diamond tube that runs all

The way up the side of our building I’m going to build it really secretly though because once I reach the top I am going to check on Mikey and JJ’s families I also don’t want any of the Piranhas to see me building this thing they’re coming so close now look I bet they’re

Hiding in all this seagrass oh goodness I better get get away from the seagrass quick I don’t want them to hurt me let’s also build the corners up properly we don’t want to leave any gaps then the Piranhas could attack us through the sides oh look that piranha is so close

It’s trying to swim away because it doesn’t think we’ve seen it but we totally have we’re way smarter than that I’m so scared I’m placing the wrong blocks down these piranhas are totally messing with my head uh it’s so frustrating once this diamond tube reaches all the way to the top though we

Will be ready to build our Super Final Ultimate Defense let let’s mark off the top of this crazy Diamond tube which is where we’ll come out of once we need to escape this place perfect now that we’ve done that I’ll just place in these blocks here perfect let’s go check on

Mikey and JJ’s family hey Mikey and JJ and wait a second JJ where did Mikey go oh goodness this is bad Mikey please oh no have they fallen into the ocean Mikey please I know you guys are turtles but you can’t be swimming in the water right

Now it is not safe there are piranhas coming closer and closer this is bad I can’t believe you let this happen JJ You Were Meant to watch Mikey and his family I’m just glad your wife and your kid aren’t gone but oh no this is bad I need

To look for them they’re not underneath the raft anywhere there’s just seagrass while I’m looking I have to be careful that I don’t spot any piranhas now with how hungry the Piranhas are getting if I see one they’ll definitely see me and they’ll start attacking me not to mention Mikey’s family wait Mikey’s

Family what are they doing inside your house Milo what do you mean we’re just hanging out in my awesome house you should join us wait a minute Milo you moved them inside your house are you even done yeah I’m pretty much done I’m just giving them a tour oh goodness Milo

If this is your finished build I’m really worried what you haven’t even seen at prople tip get in here okay Milo I’m going to look at your base and if you can prove to me that this base Will Survive the piranha attack I’ll be okay well we’ve got some amazing kitchen

Stuff lots of furnaces and a delicious cake to eat okay one cake is that really all that’s going to feed you and Mikey’s family well of course there’s some bird seeds in this chest right here Milo Mikey’s family doesn’t eat bird seeds they’re Turtles well they’re in my house

So they’re going to eat bird seeds now that’s really freaky but okay Milo and wait why is there signs all around your base that say the word scuba just to remind me that if I need to go out I have to wear my scuber outfit wait Milo

Do you you only have one scuba outfit but four people inside your base well these guys don’t know how to use scuba they’re just silly little turtles what Milo that means if you need to evacuate they’ll be stuck here they’ll be fine and look I’ve had to put little buckets

Everywhere because my roof is kind of leaky leaky oh wow Milo it really is dripping that’s horrible you haven’t even dug out these clay blocks what if they fall in yeah and some of the cofin in the bedroom is actually wet ew I can see it getting dripped on it looks so

Soggy Milo but at least we have a bedroom and we also have a playroom why are there so many cats in here Milo I feel like you don’t even have enough space for the four of you let alone a bunch of cats well not just here to be

My friends and keep me company okay Milo please tell me there’s a secret part of your house that’s actually good no this is it isn’t it amazing no Milo I’m really worried that this will not survive the piranha attack I’m worried it won’t even survive another minute

Even if the Piranhas don’t show up I need to do something to protect Mikey’s family and if you don’t want me to do it I’ll have to do it Anyway Chip get out of here you’re being so rud my house is fine I know exactly what I have to do I

Need to build one final defense and I know exactly what it needs to be I need to build an orange submarine that we can pilot to escape this place I think building it right here is perfect we’ll build it just like this it doesn’t need

To be too big it only needs to fit everyone inside okay this should be great let’s build the back tail of it just like this okay that looks great I’m going to break these two blocks here that way it looks way more professional okay this is looking pretty good I’m

Going to build the back end of the walls of the submarine I don’t want any water getting in the water is meant to go on the outside I think having eight blocks inside is definitely enough space for everybody to get in I think if we have

Any more I won’t have time to to build it this is looking pretty good so far but I need to go quicker I think I can see more piranhas coming look there’s so many oh wow that is definitely more than there were before oh goodness let’s quickly build the roof and then quickly

Build the glass at the front of the submarine I say we use white glass this way if we need to go really deep into the ocean we’ll be able to see hey this sub looks kind of like a clownish wo that’s so cool if I was watching Finding

Nemo right now I’d be so happy let’s build some fins on the sides of this submarine just like this perfect and I think we need a little Periscope on the top just like that all right now we just need to build some propellers I think this is the perfect choice it looks just

Like propeller blades wo all right that looks amazing I think this is all we have time for now I need to quickly get inside and make sure there is no water anywhere in here I also should totally grab a trapo let’s grab an acacia one that way it Blends in with the orange

Color I’m going to put it right here yep I think that’s perfect all we need is one SP to clear all the water from the inside of this thing let’s grab some levers so that this submarine can totally go when it needs to now all we

Have to do is clear the water from this section and add some ladders so we can climb uh-oh I almost left the andesite blocks in the floor that could have been real bad I have to hurry though we really don’t have much time I also need

To get JJ’s entire family in here this is crazy I don’t know why we even decided to do this I really hope it works otherwise this will all have been for nothing let’s just swap the decides that the trap doors are on and all right

This is all we can do let’s quickly get JJ’s family inside of here before it is way too late uh-oh look the Piranhas are here come on JJ’s wife and JJ’s kid we don’t have a lot of time we got to go oh guys I’m so glad you made it in safe

Here are your bedrooms this is where you will stay until the Piranhas leave and there are so many of them I do not know when they’ll go I think I need to go into the weapons room and have a look to make sure we have enough supplies oh

Gosh just don’t let the magma hurt me and wo they look so scary from down here I really hope they don’t try to bite me I wonder how Milo’s doing oh my gosh help me Milo what’s going on are the piranhas attacking you too I’m surrounded by them and they’re all

Trying to get inside oh goodness I better go help Milo right now let me grab the scuba gear off of these scuba suits to put on oh wo I need to grab the helmet and wow I look crazy I could totally go swimming right

Now I also need to grab a spy glass so I can see let’s also grab the tools from this wall not to mention a shield I think that’ll come in really handy oh goodness I’ve made this wall really high up I think we need to use our pickaxe to

Mine it as an emergency just to reach the Trident I’m so sorry if JJ’s kid gets his hands on this we need to break it for safety okay now we need to grab a bunch of arrows and a bunch of bows this way even if a bow breaks we won’t run

Out I’m going to put this shield in my shield hand so that I have a hand free to eat a bunch of nut cake cake is not what I need right now I need golden carrots let’s grab four stacks of them to put in my inventory I’m also going to

Grab so many enchanted golden apples okay I think this should be all I need let’s put the sword in our first hand so we can grip it really strong am I really about to do this I need to leave my base right now and there are so many piranhas

I’m going to eat an enchanted golden apple first I don’t want to take much damage but here goes nothing Milo I’m on my way to save you I just really hope the Piranhas don’t attack me and wao this so many of them oh goodness they’re really doing damage to me Milo quickly

They’re trying to kill me hurry up they’re trying to get me too oh goodness they’re knocking me around I can barely swim yeah please help me I’m coming Milo don’t worry I will be there to save you I promise oh no this is horrible these piranhas are so annoying they’re pushing

Me around but I’m slowly getting closer and closer to your base Milo they’re all trying to get in oh no they’re flopping around every hey they’re pushing me far out to sea this is terrible piranha stay back I need to get in to save Milo and Mikey’s

Family yeah they’re really hot when they fight here ow oh goodness they’re really whittling down my health and my arm is taking some serious damage if I don’t get inside quick I’ll run out of scuba gear oh I can hear them everywhere I’m terrified okay I’ve made it inside Milo

But wo the Piranhas are coming in as well chff you brought them all inside hey Milo I think your scuba gear is breaking as well you only have shoes on what oh no this is really bad help me okay I’m here to help Milo we need to

Find a way to get you and Mikey’s family into my secure underwater base but how are we going to do that CH they’re all in the water that’s a really good point um Milo do you have any spare Rip Tide Trident from earlier ah no I lost them

All what Milo that could have really helped us okay we have to think of another solution if that back wall is totally cornered and surrounded by piranhas maybe we can use one of these other Glass Walls as an emergency breakout exit but I don’t want to break

My glass then my beautiful house is going to get realin Milo your house won’t be here much longer if these piranhas keep up okay I guess so we got to make a run for a chip before they break in we better be quick Milo my armor can’t take much longer here’s a

Golden apple we’ll need to eat this if we want to survive all right thank you very much and here you go Mikey’s wife and Mikey you guys need these as well I’m also going to give a golden apple to everyone in Mikey’s family this way there’s plenty left so that they can

Survive with us Milo we don’t want to leave them behind Quick equip the scuba gear we can’t be here much longer okay putting it on now all right I’m going to break down these walls we better be quick though Milo once I do we won’t be

Able to turn back are you ready I’m ready all right I’m breaking it right now come on Milo let’s Swit oh my gosh quickly go wao there are so many this is bad hey they’re coming in and attacking me I think this was a bad idea wait now

That they’ve all been lured to the front exit I can use the back escape this was a great plan it was working all along but I’m still stuck out here and I don’t know where to go Milo where are you I’m out of here trying to swim around you

Never showed me the entrance the entrance is up here under this trap door we just have to get inside without the piranhas hitting us away oh my gosh chip please this is really bad oh no they’re hitting me away and I can’t even open it this is terrible you’re right Milo I

Just need to get close enough to break it Milo you’re leading them away okay I’m going to be a distraction oh but it really hurts when they fight me it definitely does okay Milo I think I’ve managed to open the trapo now I just have to break it so the bubbles go to

The surface of the ocean and you can come in as well quick Milo you need to come back here before your scuba suit breaks and you run out of underwater breathing quickly oh my gosh they’re all in my face just swim into the bubbles Milo it’ll help drag you down I can’t

Even see the bubbles oh no wo there are so many piranhas I can see them from below it looks crazy CH I don’t think I’m going to survive you have to Milo it’s our only chance okay champ I’m coming down you did it Milo quick hurry

I think those piranhas are going to be coming after you I have a trapo but it’s not going to be be enough I think this should be good for now I think we better find something else to block them off with I’m going to use one of these

Smoking furnaces perfect I’ll just put it like this okay this should give us some time but these piranhas are going to break through the glass eventually yeah they’re jumping at it oh goodness gracious this is a horrible situation wait Milo we totally forgot about Mikey’s family I’m going to go save them

You stay here and make sure JJ’s family is safe all right I’ll protect your base while you’re gone thanks Milo goodness I better hurry these angry chunks of sushi are not going to let me live much longer okay I finally made it come on guys I

Have a place that’s way safeer I need to bring you to but we don’t have much time let’s go thank goodness everybody made it back safe and sound although I almost lost a finger in the process oh CH I can’t believe we actually got them here safe but these piranhas are not holding

Up they’re still trying to get inside yeah and I think they’re about to break the glass this is really bad I hope they don’t manage that at all if they do we’ll have to uh-oh Retreat quick guys we need to go down into a more secure

Part of this bunker oh my gosh they’re swimming in here oh no quick we need to heal up right now this is bad real bad they’re destroying the boats there’s one place we need to go to where do we go to up the ladder quick and closed that

Should be everyone is everyone in here okay I think we’ve got them all Milo now it is time to activate the submarine first I need to detach it from the entire base just like this thank goodness you made a submarine otherwise we’d be torched yeah we totally would

Now I need to actually activate it so that we go once I activate this Lea we’ll be sailing away through the bottom of the ocean let’s do it are you ready everyone let’s get out of here let’s go wo it’s shaking it’s activating wo it’s shaking guys everyone hold on tight

Oh no this is crazy sorry I keep bumping into everyone because the shaking is so crazy but wait okay it’s just stopped Milo I think we’ve reached our destination we found our safe under theground cave chip we did it we’re at the bottom of the ocean where no

Piranhas can ever get us again we did it we protected Mikey and JJ’s family from the Piranhas hooray

Today, Milo and Chip have to help their friends Maizen in a Noob vs Pro Underwater House Build Challenge! But what happens when someone springs a leak?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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  2. What are you doing Milo 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  3. Milo and Chip just hit 200k subscribers, congratulations and also like to get free cake🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍰🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛

  4. Milo stop ranking chip and why are you breaking chips brilliant build I'm a subscribed also my hamster died like oof like the roblox oof did you ever play roblox in your life.

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