Mikey Monkey Boss vs JJ and MIKEY ESCAPING Monster – in Minecraft Maizen

Hey Mikey I hear we have a traveling circus coming to visit yes JJ that’s exactly where we’re headed great I can already see the visitors look it’s a real monkey Welcome to our traveling circus very soon we will have a performance in the main Square this is

One of our main axe wow that sounds so cool we should totally come of course you are Mikey what do you think about it that monkey looks interesting I’d love to go to a performance great then that’s what we’ll do in the meantime I’m so hungry for bananas wait wait you look so

Delicious bananas I’m so hungry to eat you ha bananas are the best thing in this world he must be very hungry I wonder when was the last time he was fed hey do you even care about your pets why does the monkey look so hungry just look

At him oh no I seem to have gotten busy I completely forgot to feed him I’m sorry I really missed it we need to fix that right away Mikey let’s get this under control wao what what’s going on where’s the monkey I have no idea oh no

Look I found him he’s behind you mister turn around this banana is really big I’m sure it’ll be delicious oh no Mikey run great idea JJ it’s going to eat us viewers give us a like it’ll give us confidence and strength it’ll really help you can’t escape I’m too hungry to

Leave this behind we’re not bananas realize that we’re human beings people don’t look long and yellow that’s what bananas look like what H are they playing hideand-seek with me haaha good idea but playing hideand-seek with a monkey in the trees is a bad idea I can

Easily climb any tree oops a little more I’m right here bananas oh no Mikey he’s climbed a tree look I’m here my bananas haaa you can’t escape me Mikey follow me we have to try to get away from him leave us alone you can’t get us

Mikey I have an idea look it’s a real helicopter it’ll help us I’m sure it will great idea JJ jump Mikey I’m sure you can do it oh no I didn’t see that coming how can bananas be so Nimble but I’m going to find and eat them anyway haa

All right didy we did it yeah Mikey wait scientist you’re here too yeah guys that’s my helicopter I saw that you guys needed help it’s about time we’re being attacked by a hungry monkey he thinks we’re bananas that sounds dangerous JJ we can figure something out together I’ve just finished my invention hm

That’s a great idea but what invention are you talking about my invention Zooms in and out it’s the best of all my Technologies I’ve already tested it on a minion King Bob ta he passed it successfully I turned him into a small one finally my experiment succeeded it was interesting and it looks epic you have to see it hm that sounds we can make Mikey bigger and ride him JJ that’s just a joke okay let’s go

To the lab we can use my helicopter again oops guess not this time buddy where did he come from it’s one of my experiments don’t mind me well now we’re going to have to walk yeah we don’t have any other choice let’s go meanwhile H where could they be oh

What’s that it looks interesting let’s have a look Around it’s small normal big looks like what I need I’ll make myself big so it’ll be easier to find bananas great a big monkey just what we Need here we are be careful this thing is not as easy as it looks wow this looks incredible what do you think Mikey I like it I like to get big for a while this looks suspicious it shouldn’t be like this this switch isn’t what it’s supposed to

Be I left it in small mode it’s weird are you sure who could have switched it that was me ha I’m hungrier than I’ve ever been before run this situation is beyond my control oh no it’s you again not again Mikey hurry up audience help us convince

Him we’re not bananas maybe he’ll listen to you I need more bananas why are you running away again haaha we don’t need this Chase let’s finish this quickly oh no why is he so fast hide in the basement jump down I’ll find you what I don’t think we have any choice you’ve reached

A corner now you have nowhere to run ha oh no Mikey jump let’s do it are you going to hide like rats again it won’t do you any good ha I’m coming for you stop what this is too small for me not again Mikey I think he’s really stuck

Yeah JJ this is our chance anybody here help it’s not funny anymore I just want bananas we have to push him out of there let’s take a look around Mikey I think this isn’t any who Warehouse there’s something useful in here look H this really looks worthwhile I’ve got an idea

I think we’re thinking the same thing yeah let’s make a dynamite Cannon and push P him out of this hole sounds great I’ll make a base out of obsidian so we’ll be safe from the blast we’ll have to be very careful with that good thing there are enough resources for that the

Final element looks solid good job JJ I’ve got the lever let’s activate this platform this is so cool Mikey we’re so good what why do I feel warm underneath what did they come up with not again this looks like a successful ending let’s get out of here I can’t

Wait to get home me too I’m so homesick I don’t think that monkey’s our problem anymore he’s not going to cause us any [Applause] Trouble JJ do you hear that look huh uh-oh no uh Mikey where are we look buddy you found us oh you’re awake already how wonderful hello guys my work is done Mr scientist that’s great how are you guys feeling Mikey and JJ not so bad how did

You manage to save us the minion helped me he’s the one who saved you that’s an interesting story really tell us after a while I went back to that spot with help and I found you on the ground crushed by a monkey I figured out a way to get you hey

Yay using my machine I enlarged the minion it’s fortunately it was a success bye have a great time Tada once again I made sure my machine was working properly later brought you all back and shrunk the monkey back down where is he now he’s here follow me Mikey that’s an interesting story isn’t

It oops he’s gone what again how could this have happened how does he slip away every time we got to find him now yes we need everyone huh huh he’s still hungry he still thinks we’re bananas my beautiful bananas Mikey we need a place to hide let’s get back

To the lab yes I think it’s the only right thing to do buddy stop running away from me I’m too hungry just let me eat you ha is there any way we can feed him I can give you a big banana a really big one I promise just don’t eat my

Friends I’ll do it but if you don’t give me a banana I’ll eat you all look it’s right in his hands a nice ripe yellow banana I’ll make it bigger for you just you wait oh yeah banana I’m so hungry I’m ready to eat the whole thing it

Looks so delicious come here my banana good job friend now hopefully he won’t be our problem I think we’ve satisfied his hunger bananas they’re so beautiful viewers thank you for your support you’ve really helped us out a lot I don’t need you anymore I’m taking this banana and I’m leaving great we

Should go too goodbye monkey Mikey let’s go home wo is that the Slime yeah JJ he looks just like the other One oh no look Mikey wo it jumped right on top of him I don’t think that monkey’s Our concern anymore why did you do that okay you got to admit that looked like fun that was really fun and now home I love this idea it’s a good thing we solved this problem viewers

It’s getting so late Mikey it’s been a long and busy day yeah I’m so tired let’s go to bed then we deserve it good night Mikey good night JJ 12:00 midnight hello my bananas I’m still hungry I need more food ha more bananas you’re in for a big surprise tomorrow ha

JJ we’re finally going to the zoo I’ve been wanting to go there for so long yeah look Mikey it’s been opened here recently I I wonder what we’ll see there I think there’s a lot of interesting think wow all right let’s go okay there’s the entrance and there’s the

Security guard good afternoon two tickets Please $5 tickets for two here you go thank you very much thanks JJ for bringing me here and thank you Mikey for having me here I wonder if our viewers have ever been to the zoo please write in the comments we’re very interested

Yeah we’ll read all the comments we’re very interested wait Mikey look who’s in here I think it’s a polar bear look yeah I see it he’s so handsome all right let’s go see more JJ who lives here I think it’s frogs interesting I’ve never seen one before me

Too stop Mikey look there’s a banana too there’s ‘s a lot of people here now everyone in our town is wondering who they can see here okay Mikey who lives here I don’t know oh look there’s banana Hello friends did you come to see the

Animals in our new Zoo too yes have you seen the secret room I wonder who lives in there no wow really I see it now well maybe they’ll show us who’s in there good luck friends I’m off to see more interesting animals bye banana thank you

Good luck to you too banana Mikey I wonder who’s in there me too shall we go and see come on let’s go hey secret room JJ look let’s go in is there anybody in here but I don’t see anyone in here me too maybe we can go inside

Wait Mikey let’s come back here at night and see that’s a great idea that way no one will see us and we can find out who lives here yeah now let’s go home let’s come back here at night let’s go I won’t rest until I know who lives in There here we are again all right JJ you ready to find out sure let’s go faster wait it’s locked we need to find the keys to get in where will we find them I don’t know maybe we can do it without them what do you mean Mikey follow me

But where the entrance is here look what I brought with me I think it’ll help us get inside Mikey you’re a genius let’s go there’s no one here JJ come here I’m here Mikey do you think our viewers are wondering who lives in that place too I

Think so we’re about about to find out here we are so you ready Mikey of course I’m ready let’s go faster wait what is this sound freeze Mikey JJ what are you doing here it’s night time oops I guess we just fell asleep here and forgot to

Go home all right go home quickly and don’t go into that secret room yeah but why there’s an animal in there that doesn’t like human contact only Zoo employees are allowed in there now hurry up and get out wo okay we’ll know all right wait wait wait I think I need to

Use the restroom okay you guys go home I’m going to run the zoo opens tomorrow morning we’re coming all right we’re going and we’ll come back tomorrow morning Mikey he’s gone well let’s go see who lives there shall we this just got even more interesting come on let’s go

Inside JJ look I see him but who is it I can see it but I can’t figure out who it is either why won’t he respond to us hey hi we’re here to visit you I don’t know JJ I want to go inside to him wait Mikey

It could be dangerous it’s going to be okay no wait Mikey hey hi my name’s Mikey what’s your name hey Mikey wait what’s wrong with you Mikey get out of there now Mikey are you my dinner JJ let’s get out of here faster Mikey stop you my dinner I’m

Going to eat you anyway what kind of creature are you haha stop I’m very hungry I’ll eat you it’s been a long time since I’ve seen one Mikey don’t stop run faster meanwhile you finally found some new potions now I’ll fly to the lab and study [Applause]

Them I wonder what is this button I’ve never pressed it before what’s going to happen wait what is this sound oh no not that all my potions no I lost them Mikey it’s very close to us run wait JJ look they threw some kind of potion at him

Stop right there stop what is this potion what’s happening to me who did this did you Mikey look something strange is happening to him I see I wonder where the potion came from what’s going on look there’s a clone of him hey who are

You hi I’m you are you going to help me catch our dinner of course it is then run after them oh no Mikey there’s two of them now how did that happen me meanwhile W it’s finally over wait what’s going on here how is this possible Mikey JJ you did it again sorry

It’s not us we don’t know what happened stop we’ll eat you it’s always Mikey and JJ I’m not letting you in the zoo Again JJ we’re finally back in town what do we do now we’ve got to hide somewhere come here there’s no one here let’s hurry up before they see us where are you I know you’re around they’re not here I’ll run that way you run this way

Good we must find them quickly I think they got away shall we get out I think we can oops I think they’re here hello we finally found you JJ get back run faster haha stop we’ll catch up with you catch you and eat you anyway JJ run we’ve got

To think of something oh no friends what are these creatures please write in the comments comments we need help we can’t catch and stop them on our own JJ wait I think I hear a car I see it look it’s the police stop right there

Mikey JJ who’s that what is this car oh no I think it’s coming for [Applause] us no I’m sleeping you can’t catch us I think I’m going to [Applause] sleep take them back to the zoo so they don’t want to eat us anymore thank you so much

All right JJ let’s go home huh yeah let’s go at last well at least now we know who lived in that secret room that’s right Mikey wait I’m getting a call wait me too hi I’m listening did you think you could forget about us so easily no we’ll find

You and eat you you look very appetizing what goodbye I think you have the wrong room Mikey it’s them again how did they get away I don’t know wait what is this potion oh no Mikey wait what’s going on I want to sleep good night JJ what it’s

Lunchtime Mikey where are we we got you haha you’re ours now get ready we’ll eat you for dinner won’t we no we’re not good Let Us Go please and we’ll buy you bananas we don’t like bananas we’ll eat you we’re getting out of here you won’t

Make it see you tonight JJ we got to do something now they could really eat us wait a minute Mikey I’ll think of something okay look there’s a second floor let’s go see what’s up there that’s a great idea okay there’s a jump let’s go I’ll go first JJ look there’s something

Interesting here hm Mikey I got an idea we should make a plan to get out of here and our viewers are going to help us do it the sooner you like this video the sooner Mikey and I can get out of here I Hope they’ve already given it a like JJ

Come here someone sleeping in here Mikey that’s the one guard who caught them they got him hey what are you doing here you’re not allowed on the second floor Mikey run faster there’s a passage to the third floor I see it they’re coming stop you can’t run away we’re hungry and

We’re going to eat you all JJ there’s more guards they got them all I see it they’re asleep too it’s probably their sleep inducing potion look there’s a passageway up here run faster where’s it go maybe there’s a passage higher up what are you doing here here you were

Supposed to wait downstairs where you’re going there’s no way out stop no we’re going to get away from you JJ look there’s a roof I’ve got a ladder all right Mikey let’s get out of here we can put it up here no where are you going let’s go faster Mikey

We did it a little more finally Mikey we got away from them let’s go faster we have to hide before they come out of the house Mikey let’s go around the corner that’s a great idea I hope they don’t see us here look they got away we’ve got to

Catch them before they get too far away you’re right let’s go after to them I’m so hungry we can’t let them get Away here we are at the exit but we can’t just leave them here we have to catch them or they’ll eat someone else you’re right we should build a trap for them then let’s hurry before they come after us I’ve got an idea watch this JJ it’s done all we have to do is wait great let’s hide somewhere and watch come on where are they they must have run away from the zoo I don’t know let’s go look for them wait what is it who built this place how do we get out of here I don’t

Know it’s a trap who did this Mikey and JJ well hello there we got you now did you like our trap no what are you doing stop you can’t eat anyone else no the next day JJ what do you say we go to the zoo again yeah I hope there won’t be any

More crazy animals this time look there’s a lot of people here again everyone’s interested in looking at the animals yeah Mikey it’s cool in here wo JJ I think I see someone JJ it’s her again I saw her what Mikey who’d you see that monkey audience

Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s seen it she’s here again she’s back Mikey I think you’re imagining things all right let’s keep watching look how cool the crabs are yeah very cool indeed wo JJ again behind you look what but I don’t see any Mikey no way JJ I’m

Telling you honestly I saw her again okay all right really it’s closed here we go I’m telling you well maybe you’re right Wait JJ look a railroad to a cool party wow that’s great shall we go Mikey of course we’re going get in JJ friends you want to come to the big party with us give us a like and come with us and write a comment yeah we’re really close

Don’t forget to comment wait I think we’re going to the wrong place JJ we’ve been tricked we’re going to the secret room where that monster lived JJ how do we stop Huh no JJ JJ where are we going how to stop I don’t know Mikey I’m behind you J I told you it’s her she’s back I’m sorry I didn’t believe you but I really Mikey where are we I think we’re back at the zoo but now we’re in the enclosure how

Are we supposed to get out of here I don’t know Mikey look it’s the monkeys hey what do you want let us out of here it’s Mikey and JJ I’m going to eat you oops JJ I don’t think they’re friendly you’re finally here we’re going to eat

You haha no we can’t we’re in an enclosure and we’re protected JJ I think we better find a way out of here got any ideas Mikey look I found some kind of hole in the ground wow I wonder where it goes let’s hurry up and find out friends break that barrier we must

Find them and eat them hurry while they’re here look for them and find them where are you Mikey and JJ where could you have gone you were just here Mikey do you hear that I think they’re right on top of us all right I got a shovel let’s hurry up and find a

Way out of here friends please like this video so we can get out out of here faster thank you so much I Hope You Believe in Us JJ I think I found something all right where are we I don’t know it’s kind of a weird place it looks

Like they’re enclosure but for some reason they’re standing maybe they’re asleep I think so and we need to be very quiet so they don’t wake up and see us well let’s go to the second floor shall we let’s go JJ wait there’s more of them I can see

That Mikey be very careful they don’t know we’re here JJ there’s a passageway up here let’s go to the next floor Mikey look how many of them there are I see them but why are there so many of them what happened we were at the zoo

And we saw a lot of other visitors where is everyone I don’t know Mikey but right now I think we need to find a way out of here okay JJ you’re right I think I found a way up higher let’s go faster wait Mike there’s a button oops what are you doing here

Mikey I think we can run now oh no they’re all awake they know we’re here I see it Mikey let’s get to the roof there’s some kind of portal shall we go through it sure let’s go faster stop JJ you can’t get away from us we’ve got you

No you can’t stop me I’m going to Mikey uh Mikey where are you I’m here JJ and the Portal’s gone but at least we’re saved wait look look there’s a monkey she did it Mikey JJ you can’t get away from me you think you can stop me I’ll

Teach you a lesson for destroying my clone oh no folks he remembers his clone do you remember him write in the comments if you don’t know what he’s talking about Mikey look we got to make a trap for him that’s a great idea let’s go faster but first we have to get away

From him I hope he can’t catch us here JJ I have an idea there you are I found you you’ll never get away from me now you think so what if I do this stop no what are you doing Mikey that’s not fair why do you always get away from

Me Mikey you’re a genius that was a great idea thanks but now we got to get out of here you’re right let’s run faster before he sees us JJ we have to build another trap to catch him you’re right we should catch him and try to negotiate with him let’s

Build a trap here come On we’re done here so now all we have to do is wait for him I don’t think we’ll have to wait long you were right Mikey I can already see him Mikey JJ there you are wait wait what happened did you trap me again hey what do you want from us

Let’s try to make a deal and you won’t run after us and want to eat us anymore no I want to eat you JJ I don’t think he wants to talk to us all right Mikey you’re right we got to do something about him why don’t we just leave him in

This trap and go Y no now he’s going to sit in our trap until he tells us why he needs Us JJ you think he’s going to say something to us I don’t know we got to think of something that can help us look maybe

This will help us what Mikey but how how why why I keep this in my inventory I think I might need it someday okay Mikey well let’s see what might help us then wow so many interesting things I know let’s check out what is this laser come

On but I’d recommend stepping back a little bit okay hey monkey are you sure there’s nothing you want to tell us no all I’m saying is I want to eat you JJ be careful okay well then monkey are you ready oops no Need Mikey it’s done we did it finally now nobody’s going to eat us can we go home now Mikey yeah let’s go meanwhile wait where am I how did I get here so did you manage to catch and eat Mikey and JJ uh no that didn’t work I’m

Sorry what how is that possible I made you and a 100 of your clones how could you not catch them I don’t understand it’s impossible excuse me boss no now I have to destroy you and create a new monster that can catch them what no then

I’ll destroy you wait what no I created you you can’t destroy me I am your Creator and owner I got you and now Mikey and JJ wait for me phw we’re finally home Mikey JJ turn on the TV maybe there will be something interesting on let’s have a look no

Mikey we’ve already seen this see if we’ve got any interesting toys lying around ouch JJ there’s a monkey what Mikey maybe it’s a toy let me see wow it’s really a monkey hey what are you doing here don’t eat us please Mikey JJ here’s bananas wait what

But why do we need them I’m kind now but what’s wrong I don’t understand something my owner was a scientist who told me to eat you but now that scientist is gone so you don’t want to eat us now yeah Mikey you’re right I’m good now let’s be friends wow JJ if he’s

Being nice why don’t we be friends come on that’s a great idea it’ll be funny friends I have an idea let’s do a prank on banana monkey will you help us sure come on it’ll be fun viewers do you like it when we do pranks WR in the comments

We’re here look there’s a banana are you ready of course I’m ready come on climb a tree and when he’s near you jump on him all right hey banana Hi how are you doing hey Mikey JJ haven’t seen you in a while boo I’ll eat you what’s going

On hey banana is he gone already I thought if he thought I was asleep he wouldn’t want to eat me banana this is our friend and he doesn’t want to eat me of course not he’s kind and now he’s our friend nice to meet you Mikey was that a

Prank of course it was it was a prank did you like it yeah it was very cool and [Applause] realistic what do we do next Mikey JJ I got to go home now so are you ready what no there’s still so much more we can do

No he’s going home now yeah I’m ready no take us with you you’re not allowed thanks for walking out with me and when we can see each other again I don’t know okay let’s go faster you’ve been talking too long bye Mikey and JJ bye Mikey even

Though we didn’t stay with him long he turned out to be really good yeah you’re right JJ bye have a great time now we can go out on our own let’s go visit banana let’s go

Mikey Monkey Boss vs JJ and MIKEY ESCAPING Monster – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg