The PERFECT START! Let’s Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1

I have been playing lots of Hardcore Minecraft recently and don’t get me wrong I really love it but the stress that comes with playing on a world that can just like delete itself and be gone forever makes it so you can’t play Minecraft to its full ability so today

We started a brand new let’s play world and obviously this one isn’t hardcore the spawn is looking pretty cool up on these mountains oh and there’s a village right there I also noticed that there’s a shipwreck right there too so we’re definitely going to have to check that

Out don’t mind if I steal a bed maybe two just in case I lose one of them is there any chest around new oh hello there fine sir I’d love to trade you but I have nothing to give you oh and hello to you would you be mad if I hit you I

Think he would be oh finally we have a chest with some apples and potatoes and also some crops that I am definitely going to harvest up sorry along with this tree because every Minecraft world starts with harvesting some logs we got some iron and coal right there so I’m quickly going to make

Myself one crafting table uh give me that back so I can then make a wooden pickaxe and then collect up a little bit of stone so I can graduate from the wooden pickaxe I will be keeping this though so we can put it in some sort of

Item frame in the future just to remember this first day is that a creeper oh that that is a creeper I also hear a skeleton which I don’t like I’m just going to kind of sneak my way over to this grab it all I’d love to get that

Coal but I really don’t want to have to deal with that creeper you know while I’m at it I’m just going to make myself a stone sword to be safe well I think I’ve pretty much looted that entire Village so now I want to move on and go

Check out the Shipwreck I always hate when these things are flipped over because it makes it so much harder to go through can I swim into there is that is that possible I just go like that and now I’m inside okay there’s the chest okay we got some raw iron awesome well I

Guess it’s not raw I guess it’s cook grab all of these goodies and can I get out of here no I just got to break this now obviously there’s usually two or three chests in these things but as you can tell it’s mostly destroyed oh what’s down here anything down here nope I

Don’t think so and I really don’t want to take a really long time digging around I will grab that Sugar canane after I say hello to these turtles that are I don’t know what you’re doing don’t don’t look at me and the Sun is beginning to go down

On day Zero so let’s sleep through this night you know I keep forgetting that this isn’t hardcore and I can be a little more aggressive when it comes to playing like doing stuff like this I feel so brave I always love coming across these Stone beaches at the beginning of a world

Mainly because they’re full of lots of iron and also coal I mean just from this one area I was able to collect 51 coal and I didn’t even really explore that side looks like we got a mountain right there and over there easily the best update in Minecraft in my

Opinion oh and look at that there’s a cherry blossom biome right there and another Village I’m going to go check out that Village real quick looks like this Village has a blacksmith which is awesome hopefully it’s got some goodies o two diamonds and some iron armor I will definitely take

That also going to steal these furnaces just to make it a little bit easier to cook up all of my meat how is the day already over seemed like it went by so quick well I’m going to sleep through it and also this seems like too perfect of

An area to launch a boat from so that’s exactly what I’m going to do and since this is Minecraft 1.20 I can now make a boat with a chest and look how cool that thing is right let me grab my crafting table and little all my goodies in here

And now I can get on my way if you want to see more content like this don’t forget to like And subscribe guys it makes a huge difference for a small Channel like mine let’s get back to it though definitely want to stay away from that Monument that will kill me

Instantly but it is good to know that there’s one right here looks like we have a tiger right there oh is that a large tiger or one of like the 12 names it has all right that does mean I need to empty this boat back out because I

Don’t want to leave any of this stuff behind and then can I break the boat real quick ah perfect oh that’s nice it stays as has a boat chest yep it is a large Spruce Forest oh man I’m so excited these are literally my favorite biomes and there’s some Rivers running

Through it oh yeah this is going to be awesome I’m going to stick to the left because I do want to build by like a small River and so far this is pretty promising and there’s also a dark oak forest oh look there’s an aelia tree which means there’s some Lush caves like

Right below us you know this might be the area that I end up building in it’s almost too perfect we have a large Spruce forest and then we have a dark oak right there and then right around that corner was a Birch Forest meaning we have three different types of wood

All right next door to us oh yeah and obviously the river that I like all right well I’ve been running around for quite a while exploring this large tiger and I think I found the perfect building location it’s sort of a little ismos in between a river and a big lake and for

Those of you guys who don’t know what an ismos is it’s a thin piece of land in between two bodies of water oh hey look you learned something today bet you didn’t think it was coming from a Minecraft Youtuber but yeah there’s this smaller river right here which isn’t

Super small but it’s not huge compared to the other one and then over here is more of a lake likee structure with plenty of flat ground to build a starting house on with the building location now figured out I want to use a few pieces of iron to make an iron axe

So I can then chop down some of these trees because right now it’s kind of hard to visualize where my house is going to Go I need to make myself a chest real quick because my inventory is full and I really really don’t want any of these logs to disappear and while I’m at it I’m actually going to put a furnace down real quick so I can cook up some of this

Raw mud because I really don’t want to waste any of my carrots or potatoes since I’m going to need those for building Farms now normally I’m the type of Minecraft player that likes to build a starter house before doing anything else instead since this isn’t hardcore I

Think I’m actually going to jump down into the caves and see if we can get any goodies but first I want to wait for this mutton to finish cooking and I also want to cook up this six raw iron so I can make some iron tools well besides an

Axe because I already have one and you know since I’m able to I’m also going to place down some carrots and potatoes I never remember can you turn podz into Farmland no no you can’t why is that a thing that’s the only thing that sucks about building in this biome like half

Of the ground is podle at least you can do with por dirt with all the crops placed in and my iron finished up I’m just going to craft myself two iron pickaxes for the time being and I’m also going to make myself a shield because I rather be safe than

Sorry even though I can just die and spawn right back at this bed I would probably lose all my goodies though oh at the chicken over there if you can’t tell I have ADHD now considering that there’s an aelia tree right over there I’m going to assume most of the stuff

Below us is Lush caves which is really really cool although it’s not very much fun when you’re trying to look for resources so I’ll give it a little try at first but if it’s not working out I’m going to have to venture over to a different biome is this a cave right

Here it seems to be oh my God there’s a spawner right there too oh okay I want to block that off is that oh is that a spider spawner just blow up blow up blow up blow upow let me let me block that off okay I think I think I got them in

There I think they’re good okay there’s another oh oh oh oh if I get a CD that would be kind of cool yeah whatever I’m just going to let him explode place a piece of dirt right there and now let’s go get the skeleton well it turns into a

Water cave but at least we got a spawner right here and there is a chest let me just try placing some torches in there all right I got all the spiders killed and this place lit up okay that that chest isn’t very good is this one

Any better not really I’m just going to leave some of this stuff behind for now cuz I will come back here obviously to build an XP farm but I don’t want to clutter my inventory for now you know come to think of it I did forget to bring a bed which isn’t the

Worst thing in the world but it would be nice to have one just in case I come up from the caves and it’s night time bed Acquired and now it’s time to look for a new cave I was able to find a few caves pretty quickly but most of them seem to

Be surface caves and then I stumbled upon a pretty big one but it was full of mobs so I had to take all those guys out and man Enderman do a lot of damage don’t they I have myself a pair of shears here and I think you can Harvest

A Spore oh yeah you can awesome I’ve never harvested one before but I do like using them just because it adds a little bit more detail to your builds especially if they’re supposed to look like Lush or in a swamp maybe you know this is the reason I

Don’t like Lush caves there’s this huge cave that I just totally lit up and do you think there’d be a bunch of resources in here well no that’s not the case I got about a stack of coal and two raw iron there is some very cute aelott

Though look at this little guy look at him look at you I’m just going to continue to mine though well I’ve decided to leave this cave because I’m just over Lush caves right now everything’s either a dead end or it just turns into clay and a bunch of

Green stuff ooh look there’s a fox right there there does seem to be a pretty big cave entrance over there on that hill so I think I’m going to go check that out hopefully it’s a little more promising than what we’ve already seen I have nothing to trade with you Kinder but I

Am interested in what you’re selling o I like like the Slime balls and The Acacia saplings but everything else is pretty much trash and I want your lead so I’m going to kill you no don’t spit at me it’s nasty oh my sword broke oh my God

And my axe broke okay I have like no good way to fight these guys did I get the lead I got one lead where’s the second lead okay one’s good enough for now they’re spitting at me well this looks pretty promising and I think it is

High enough up for the iron to start spawning hopefully there’s no mobs though because I really don’t have a way to fight them oh that oh oh there’s a skeleton and a creeper and two more creepers oh no I probably should have made a sword before coming in here which

Is exactly what I’m going to do real quick I’ll I’ll just leave that there for now I think I got most of the mobs nope that did definitely not not what I was going to say I was going to say I think I have the mobs taken care of but

Obviously I don’t Shields might be one of the best things in Minecraft right now I know you used to be able to block with your sword but I feel like Shields do it even better cuz if I recall correctly you would still take damage when you’re blocking just not nearly as

Much if you weren’t and of course more Lush cave this one does seem to be pretty big though yeah look at that it’s actually a relatively large cave don’t mind oh I I wanted to harvest you guys but I guess not all right you guys are going to have

To hear me out right now but I think I’m going to Pivot the original Plants now at first I wanted to build down by a river or a lake in the spruce Forest something like that but after lighting this cave up it kind of makes me want to

Build a cave house that does mean I need to go grab my stuff though so first off I need to make myself chest one chest please I do not want to throw my shears out I’ll throw the dirt out and I’ll just put it here for now and empty all

This out oh my goodness I got so much coal almost five stacks and I didn’t even Harvest all of it in here all right with my inventory empty I’m going to head down and grab the rest of my items I’m just going to leave some of this

Stuff down here for now cuz it doesn’t really matter but I do want to grab my potatoes and car carrots cuz I don’t want to leave these behind I am really excited to actually build this cave base I haven’t built in the cave in the longest time and I used to really enjoy

Doing it too now I just got to put all this stuff away and also set my spawn so in case I die I will spawn right back in this location with all of my stuff I’m happy that we found this big cave but it didn’t have as much iron as I originally

Thought it would meaning I still need to continue mining so I decided to gather some stuff up and head out and look for a new cave hopefully this new cave is in a lush cave that looks promising but there’s a good chance everything in there is just going to be a water cave

And this doesn’t look promising but it’s worth checking out so far no lushness but there is a creeper and more Lush now that is how you take care of mobs oh this is always the worst when you have to drop down into a cave that you can’t really see into I’m just going

To go for it get my sword out uh I’m not seeing much okay we’re good of course it is a lush cave but it does seem to be pretty big in promis missing um excuse me I’m going to start with lighting this whole thing up so we don’t get sneak

Attacked by any mobs or creepers I think there’s a tropical fish masker going on for some reason this zombie villager just scared me so much besides that though this cave is quite promising actually I really like the look of that besides all the mobs that are in there

Oh was that is that what I think it is that’s a geode yeah well before I head down there I’m going to kind of clear this place out and build up the confidence as I made my way into the non Lush cave I had to take out a ton of

Mobs so I decided to sweep going back and forth placing torches down slowly lighting it up and obviously killing the mobs along the way okay there is diamonds right there but there’s also two creepers come on blow up and then you blow up oh I don’t

Like how close that was that is scary but the shields do work okay yeah we got two diamonds for sure right there is that more right there I think there’s more right down there yep definitely there is got to take care of all these mobs are you guys seeing what I’m seeing

I’m almost like 99% sure this is an iron vein right here considering there’s tough and also full iron blocks mixed in with it all right I’m definitely going to have to come back for that but first I need to make a new pickaxe so I can harvest the diamonds one iron pickaxe

Please and you know I’m also going to make a chest real quick just so I can clear out my inventory a little bit cuzz right now there is way too much stuff all right let’s check how many diamonds we got there’s one there’s two is there three or four there is definitely three

Obviously dig around a little bit no more diamonds but a little bit of gold to uncover and then let’s go check this pack down here well I think that was just a two pack so we have five with us right now and there’s two more back up

At base there is 100% in iron vanin in here because there’s more full blocks of raw iron right there and I think each one of these gives you nine right right does it give you nine yeah it does I think we just hit the jackpot using

Three of my five diamonds I decided to craft myself up one diamond pickaxe this would make it a little bit quicker and easier to dig out this iron vein one because Diamond Pickaxes have way more durability than iron and also they mine just a little bit quicker it is pretty

Cool seeing me dig from a third person point of view because it looks like I’m building my own cave it’s definitely tough though because these things wind and weep all over the place I’m going up and down to the side and also watching out for some lava well that’s a nice

Little find isn’t it I think there’s three is there going to be a fourth can there be a fourth please let me dig around a little bit no I don’t think there’s a fourth but I did just get the diamonds back from crafting this and I

Have a uh a lot of iron let’s just put it that way I’m almost up to six Stacks we got some more diamonds right here please don’t just be one that’s that’s always the worst I think it is just one darn okay well at least I got one

Anything good down there can’t really tell from up here but I’m not going to go down there because I have an inventory full of items and and I really don’t have any more room so I’m going to make sure to write down the coordinates of this area right here so I can always

Come back for more iron I can pretty much leave all of this stuff in this chest cuz it doesn’t really need to come back up to base actually if I’m smart I can craft all of my iron ore into raw iron blocks can you do the same with

Lapis is is that a thing can oh yeah yeah why did I think you couldn’t do that and I still do want to stop by that geod to maybe get some amethyst shards which is just right here I’m just going to dig a staircase down into here I want

To make sure I don’t break any of the ones that grow the shards there anything in here no no mobs am I safe am I safe part of the reason I cleared this out is so I can grab some of this calite because I really love to build with it

And I did make sure I didn’t break any of these I got just about two stacks of calite which should be plenty enough I just need to get back up here and now I can start the journey back up to the surface and I think I remember how to

Get up there no it wasn’t that way I’m going to put a torch right there cuz it’s it’s a little dark was it over here I remember I fell through the ceiling okay I think I’m in the right direction yep it’s right about here right over

Here and then from this point it should be pretty easy and then if I run up to the top through here it should be the surface oh yeah definitely here’s all the dirt please be daytime please be nope definitely not daytime definitely not daytime I’m just going to sleep

Through the night real quick is this the entrance into our cave no it’s definitely not and we’re back home I just got to get my inventory all cleared out well it’s now been a little while and I’ve got all of our goodies smelted

Up and also I’m now up to level 30 but I can’t really do anything about it as much as I do want to go out and try getting myself an enchantment table I think it would be smart to build a starter house first but before I can do

That I’m going to need to go collect up some materials starting with the easiest one first I made my way down the mountain and harvested up a few of these tall spruce trees and it’s amazing I cut down five of these and got six stacks of

Wood another reason this is one of my favorite biomes and also of course I place the saplings back down I don’t want to deplete my entire Forest for next up I’m going to need a little bit of sand oh my goodness that could have been bad but I do keep forgetting that

This isn’t Hardcore Minecraft I think it’s going to take me a little while to get used to that oh I do need your bones please I don’t have my shield out I got a bow but no bones I also wanted to collect up a little bit of coarse dirt so I can build

Some Pathways within our cave luckily this stuff is pretty much everywhere and that please you’ll find out what I’m using it for later I’m also going to need a little bit of Stone and I think I’m going to clear it out from right here because I can make a cool little

Lookout Point if we dig through this yeah it would be perfect for a little balcony that looks out over this beautiful piece of Land I’ve never made one of these before because I’ve always had Zoom but I’m excited to try this thing out oh the animation is so cool I’m going to kind of hate myself for this but it needs to be done did that not oh there it goes

There it goes oh get me out of the way oh why was it so much gravel I pretty much have everything together that I’m going to need to build this starter house so I think it’s about time we get to building it I first want to start

With building the front facade and I have a pretty good idea of what I want it to look like wait a second I’m using the wrong blocks when it comes to building this starter house I mainly want to stick with Spruce because I feel like it fits the cave really well caves

Are naturally a dark area and Spruce logs really give off that same Darkness although I am stripping them all down because the natural Spruce is a little much for me I also decided to bring in some campfires as a little Eve so far I think that is a pretty good start I

Really wanted to incorporate a big circular window in this build which I’ve obviously done making my way up on the build I knew I wanted to use deep slate for the roof since you can give deep slate so many different textures I usually like to pick two and Alternate

On the roof a little bit it gives your build a little bit more texture and a little easier on the eye although it’s definitely tough building a roof in a cave when you have blocks right above you I do like how that is looking besides the stone sticking out right

There okay I think that is looking better it’s not as natural but yeah I got to fix that too yeah that is looking much better I think once we do a little bit more detailing too it will kind of hide the ugliness moving on to the next

Step in this build which is honestly the hardest part in my opinion with the main structure complete it’s now time to come through and do most of the detailing specifically on the exterior for now when I look forward to the future I know I want this cave to have kind of a

Mystical Lush look which is funny because I hate exploring Lush caves but I’ve never tried to build one before and I think it would be a great challenge for me when I think of lush and Mystic there’s a few blocks that come to mind first off any Lush cave needs a little

Bit of moss and I obviously used way too much but it still looks pretty good and I also made sure to carve a pathway going through the Moss using some coar dirt now right in front of the house there’s these two pillars that are holding up the ceiling above in one of

Them I have a pretty cool idea I want to replace all the stone with either purple glass or amethyst giving it this kind of bright purple Mystic look and that lava I got earlier well that’s underneath it shining a little bit of light through it so it looks like it’s glowing now for

The other pillar I wasn’t wasn’t quite sure what to do so I decided to bring in some moss and calite and give it a little bit more detail I’m not totally sure if I want to keep it but it is something a little different and adds

Some more color to this build I am definitely liking how this is turning out the more I look at this pillar right here the one I was kind of questioning the more I’m starting to like it I think maybe it needs just a little bit more

Detail work up at the top and also a little bit more Vines for the crystal one I absolutely love it like I don’t think I could like it anymore than I already do besides that though I haven’t done much on the interior of the house nor have I done anything over on this

Artificial cave which will eventually be a lookout first things first I think I should clear out a few blocks in here to give myself a little bit more space but before I can do that I need to get one more chest set up so I can clear out my

Inventory because currently it’s a mess I also am going to need a new diamond pickaxe soon cuz right now this one does not have much durability left and there it went sad times right now this house is going to be pretty small on the inside so I need to do some

Planning and make sure I have everything set up in the right spot right over here I think I can fit in a few double chests a little bit something like that and then if I take some furnaces get rid of this gravel and these two pieces of

Stone put some more furnaces down in the floor I can give myself a little kitchen and I think I know the perfect blck to put there just to add a little bit more detail although I haven’t crafted one just quite yet before and you know it

Kind of has a weird recipe if you haven’t guess by now I’m going to craft myself one hanging sign oh you get six from that that’s pretty good and I wish I grabbed some glow squiding from Down Below in the caves but of course I didn’t but I can put the hanging sign

Right there and we can edit it so we’ll fill it out a little bit later and actually you know I think I want to put it sideways like that definitely liking how that’s looking well in my typical fashion I got a little carried away on the interior and when I mean a little

It’s pretty much complete right when we walk in we got the bedroom we got this cool little bench that I have no idea what to do with we obviously have our furnaces our chest and then right over here is my workstation it has all the workstations I’m going to need at least

For now but this is a starter house so it doesn’t need to have everything hence why the storage room is so small more like a storage shed storage closet besides that though I think this is a perfect stopping point for today’s episode we got a bunch of stuff done and

I am so excited to be playing on this new world that isn’t hardcore I mean just check this out look how cool this place is looking it’s my first time building a cave base and I love it so much already although thank you guys so much for watching don’t forget to smash

That like And subscribe button and I will see you guys in the next One

YUP! I am back at it again starting a brand new world let’s play world. Recently all I have played is HARDCORE Minecraft which I LOVE but I think it’s time to start a new let’s play world that will have a much longer future and also try to involve you guys a bit more. Jumping straight into this random seed the spawn is pretty perfect, lining us up for an epic first episode. Once getting past the early game requirements it was time to look for a place to call home. This base location is a bit different from the past worlds but I am excited to push my boundaries and creativity to see what I can build moving forward.


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Links Below

Otis McDonald – Not For Nothing
Invisible – Vibe Tracks
Just Dance – Patrick Patrikios

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


  1. i like chill minecraft like this! something that I can "follow along" with my own world haha nothing crazy like terraforming the whole cave for the first episoide

  2. Woo hoo!! You’re back! I’m so glad you’re ok.

    Btw, love the let’s play series. That’s one of the reasons I subscribed to you in the very beginning anyways. Hardcore is a bit overrated in my opinion. If the player truly enjoys it then all power to them, I’ll still watch, but I definitely think it’s pushed a bit too much and not necessary. We have fun when YOU have fun. 😛 keep doin you please ❤

  3. In 20 minutes I felt like I was a kid again enjoying Minecraft as a simple game as it was and still is. It's a shame that many YouTubers fill their videos with tons of content and the editing style is flashy and attention grabbing. I very much prefer more videos with less (but quality) content, like yours.

  4. I'm super excited for this series. Glad that you're back!

    Not sure if you know, but if you turn the podzol into pathway block first then you can change it into farmland.

  5. I love seeing folks play without going hardcore. People seem more free to just do whatever sounds fun to them without having to worry about losing everything they've done. Really looking forward to more of this Let's Play.

    For the podzel you could just use a shove to make path before turning it to farmland. I think you could also just mine it with a regular pickaxe to turn it into regular dirt and then till it.

  6. Honestly, I'm weak when it comes to minecraft. Call me a cheater. I don't care, but I use keep inventory on 🤷‍♀️ I get lost like no tomorrow and die like crazy, im constantly wandering around getting lost and losing my cords. I don't think I'll ever try hard-core 😂😂 but I highly enjoy watching others suffer through hardcore.

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