I Broke Minecraft Without Crashing

So most of the time when I’m breaking Minecraft, it ends in my game crashing. Oh ho ho ho ho! Oh wow. Yeah, that’s working. Ha, there it is. But fun fact, not every method of breaking Minecraft ends up with a game crash. Oh, don’t… Don’t worry about that. For example, let me just

Adjust my FOV here and, uh… Uhhhhhh… I guess we’re upside down. Whoa! I did not expect that to happen. [laughs] Oh no. I went too far. It went over 360. [laughs] Yeah, I’m still crashing the game though, so, you know. This mod is called Slyde, and it’s one of seven mods that I

Found that break Minecraft features without completely crashing the game. The last one is just absurd and breaks things in ways that I never knew were possible. But what else can Slyde do? Under distance… Oooooooh. 127 chunks. Let’s see if it actually functions. Oh my gosh! It’s loading them in!

Whoa, look at all that. look at the broken terrain. Oh my gosh. Whoa! And remember, I’m not using any performance mods, so this is just vanilla Minecraft with this happening. Oh man. Yeah, that other mod really broke stuff. We’ll talk about it later, don’t worry. This is… This is absurd.

Typically you can only go down to, like, you know, one chunk. But what if I went to zero chunks? Uh… The game froze. [laughs] The goal was to not crash, and I’ve crashed like three times already. I guess I just can’t avoid myself. [laughs] Distortion effects.

Let’s set that to, you know, a cool 5, 600, 700 738%. Now I just give myself the nausea effect. And true. [laughs] Yeah, that’s… Yup, that’s how… Uh-huh, yeah, that’s how that’s supposed to be. Oh yeah. Uh, yeah. Uh, yeah. I assume this is also how it works to go through portals. Yup!

[laughs] Whoa. Whoa. Huah… That’s just painful. Yikes. Oh- What about FOV effects? 6,000%? Yeah, that seems right. So if I just sprint… Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, that… Yep, that does it. [laughs] This is slowness 100. I love that sprinting just like fully zooms out. That’s just… Now we gotta see what

Speed does, of course. Okay. Oh, that’s, you know what, that’s not as bad as I thought it would be. This is actually pretty normal. Okay, that’s unfortunate. That’s kind of anti-climactic. I know how to fix this. There we go. Perfect. Now we can… Now… Now it feels like real speed. Whee!

I can’t even tell what’s going on. Oh no. Hey guys, welcome back to Breaking Minecraft. Uh, except today it’s my own ideas. Don’t mind me, just heading into hyperspace. Glint speed, uh, 782%. Glint strength, 669%. I’m just gonna take… Oh geez. Just gonna grab me some netherite armor here. Slash enchant Knarfy protection.

Protection 4… Oh jeez. [laughs] Yeah, that’s how they’re supposed to be. Oh man, it’s a disco party over here. Jeez. By the way, uh, flashing lights warning throughout this entire video. The final mod especially. [laughs] There’s gonna be quite a few things that are just completely broken. Like my disco armor. Yeah!

I forgot that I still have speed. Whee! Oh my gosh, the items in your hand. Just look insane. It’s just absurd. I honestly, this is kind of awesome. This is… [laughs] It would be rough if this is what it actually looked like all the time, but this is… This is fine.

I just set it to 1% glint speed. [laughs] It’s, it’s moving. It’s, it’s moving a little bit. The glint strength is still all the way up. [laughs] I got it even higher. [laughs] This is… [laughs] So good. This is my, my shiny new armor. Do you like it? It’s very shiny.

In fact, it’s so shiny, it’s blinding. [laughs] The sword is just white. It’s just not even textured. It’s just a white sword now. Here’s the real question. How high can I put my mouse sensitivity? [laughs] 1,564%. People thought hyperspeed was fast. [rock music] I am barely moving my mouse, and it goes

From all the way up to… Oh, I got it at an angle! [stutters] This is, this is me barely moving my mouse. Like, I am not moving my hand at all. And then I spin. [rock music] [screams] Damage tilt. [laughs] 669%! Nice! Hey buddy, hit me! Oh my gosh! [laughs] Bonk! [laughs] Bonk!

[laughs] Oh my gosh. I’m gonna take you down. I’m gonna take you down. There’s nothing you can do. [laughs] Yeah, that’s right. Wheeee Oh my gosh, it goes almost sideways. That is insane. Uh, ha ha! Ow, ow! OH NO! Line spacing? Oh my gosh. Big chat, let’s go. [laughs] It’s so spaced out!

Oh wow, I spelled that way wrong. [laughs] Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about my spelling. Look at the spaces, okay? Look at the spaces in the chat. Don’t look at me. Okay, uh, this, this is where it could get crazy. I’m just gonna put blocks to like, you

Know, 581% and just see what happens. Oh, that’s not too bad. What if I also put the master volume to like, 367%? [laughs] That’s a digging sound. Jeez. Wait, I can set this higher. Oh boy. Oh no. Deep fried Minecraft. [laughs] Oh my gosh, the stomping of the pigs. Hey man, the footsteps

Is really the best part. It’s so loud! Lemme get rain involved. [laughs] It’s just static. That’s all it is. It’s just static. Just playing some music real quick here. See how that sounds. It’s a little loud. Hey! Can you turn that piano down? It’s a little, it’s a little loud.

It sounds kind of nice. [pigstep] [laughs] Okay. [PIGSTEP] Alright, I need to get rid of this. I need to, I need to get out of here. So that’s slyde, it’s a great mod that changes a lot. There’s a lot of fun things you can mess with, and it definitely has the potential to

Completely destroy everything and break the game. But we’re going to move to the next one, which is a way to completely break the walking animation. [laughs] This is called the old walking animation, and it literally just re-ads the old classic goofy walking animation from previous Minecraft days.

It’s very funny, and as you will go faster, the arms also go faster. And it’s very goofy. [laughs] I love the camera shake with the arms. It’s just… [strange noises] I’m coming for you. I’m coming for you. I’m going to get you. I’m going to get you. The stress, the panic,

This is ahhh! I’m freaking out, man. It really does just kind of look like I’m freaking out all the time. Oh no. Ahhhh! Oh, there’s a wither! Oh no! Help! Oh no! I– escape! Please, my screen spun so much with the damage. [screaming] Can you believe this was just the regular running animation?

Oh my gah– [sighs] Anyways, this one is definitely pretty simple, but I think it’s really funny, and I feel like it just completely breaks the walking animation. It’s great. It’s very goofy. It’s such a simple addition. I love it. But the next mod is a lot less simple.

For this next one, I want to start on the main menu here because it just says “mo.” [laughs] This is the mods button, so it shows me my mods, but it just says “mo.” The quit game button is the outcome of the game, but let’s just go into the opportunities menu

And wait in line. The availability of settings. The settings for the video, etc. Credit and credit. [laughs] If you can’t tell already, translator essentially just Google translates things like 10 times. So now everything is just a little bit- soap ladder. Everything’s just a little- The like button? Oh my gosh, everybody.

Quick, hit the like button. Quick. I can’t believe it says the like button. I didn’t even– That’s so good. Button boot. Dark red button. Yeah, that’s what it is. The curved button. Cobblestone Bleh. The stone and brick short. Guri, come to, concern. Engraved stone, comma, brick. Mossy stone brick in the wall.

The prices of polished– [insert word here] Reinforced deep plate. Float. It’s just called float. I like that all these like generally have like copper in the name and then there’s just waxed bronze. And amethyst block is just all lowercase now? I don’t– Cut the copper plate. Do it. Do it now. Skull shrimp.

Hey guys, check it out. It’s the skull shrimp. No way. The website. [laughs] Cobwebs are just called the website. School? No way guys. It’s school. Wow. They made school in Minecraft. That’s crazy. The green light of the frog. Honey a block of– Spamp with a wet sponge. Weapon pipe. What? What?

What is a weapon pipe? Food jar. Eggs are dry. Chorus the– Why is it in parentheses? Why did it put it in parentheses? Known as a flashlight. Pink pink pink tulip. Man, that tulip really is pink. No way. The bottom of the wart block. Rhododendron leaf? How did it do that?

The survival of grapes. The survival of grapes? This is a lot of reading– This. This is a lot of reading names. This is a lot of reading names, but it’s really funny. The observer. That makes it so much more threatening. Beautiful pockets? These are called beautiful pockets? [laughs] That’s awesome.

All right, I can have a lot– photos? I can have a lot of fun just reading through all of these. But I think honestly you guys should download this mod for yourself and just try it out. Because it just gets so funny. Like, what even is that? What happened there? Teaspoon laks. Call.

Yeah, I’m going to call it for this segment. Really funny. Translator. Link in the description. But that means it’s time for another one, which I need to generate a new world. I would just like to mention that I kept the translate mod in as I’m doing this,

And as I’m generating a new world. It just says “training in the field of beef.” I don’t know what that means, but it’s there. This is X-ray world gen. And oh my gosh, the water is just falling. Oh no. If you’ve ever wanted to X-ray, but didn’t want to have to deal

With the rest of the world, this is the way to go. Oh my gosh, the water is just lagging everything out. This is incredible. This just removes every block that isn’t an ore, basically. Look at this. Look at all these free diamonds. If I could get a pickaxe, I mean, then

I’d be able to mine them, but I don’t think that’s going to be possible. There’s nothing else here other than water and all of these ores. Wow, this is crazy though. Oh my gosh. That’s a lot of lava. Wow. Oh geez, the world doesn’t even generate in that fast. It’s so broken.

We’re going to be breaking world gen a couple times here. This is the first of two and this is definitely one of the worst world gen things I’ve seen. Or one of the best depending on who you are or how you feel because, you know, this is crazy. What?

Oh my gosh, this is an ocean monument. This is awesome. This is so good. We got all sorts of free sponges. This is the best. Oh, the gold is out too. That’s incredible. This is insane, dude. This is just wild. Why did I spawn in the middle of the ocean? This is annoying.

Oh, here we go. Here’s some land. Here’s some of the real world. Oh my gosh. I think I might have generated this on an amplified world accidentally. So it might just be even more crazy. This is wild– this is the craziest parkour segment I’ve ever seen. Oh my gosh.

The frames are really a problem, but I’m parkouring I’m parkouring. There’s so many blocks for the game to render in right now. Oh my gosh. This is not at all the way Mojang intended. But hey, now I can get ores to my heart’s content. For the record, by the way, I don’t

Encourage x-raying at all. Please don’t do that. It’s mean. It’s rude. It’s an unfair advantage and people will be mad at you, including me. So don’t do it. But if you want to try to make a world like this, you know, have at it. Are there any structures? There’s a there’s a village.

Oh, oh, there was a village. There is no longer a village. I was really curious if there’s like wood in one of these chests, maybe. Oh, don’t worry, buddy. Don’t worry. Well, I won’t be able to save you. But good luck. Good luck, buddy. At least he’s jumping on the bed.

He’s happy about it. This might be the way to do it. The village might be the way to wait. What? What? I think we broke x-ray so much that we just generated some regular land on top of it. Anyways, this is very broken, but we’re going to break the world even more later.

Before that, though, we’ve got a very goofy one. This next mod is called wear that. And what does that mean? Well, it means I can grab this sand and I can wear that. Yep. I can just I can I can wear that. This does mean that you can wear

Literally any block at anything, anything your heart desires, including tools. Yep. I’m wearing swords. I’m pretty pokey right now. He ever wanted to wear crimson signs. Well, now you can. Sculk shriekers? Yup. Diamond helmets? Absolutely. What about spruce trap doors? Yep. That also works. That’s whoa. That’s very strange. Oak door.

I’m oak door, man. Totems of undying. Impossible to die. Let’s test that theory. Weee. Man, I sure am hungry. I wonder where I could find some food. Oh, yeah, I’m covered in it. Can I wear beds? I can wear beds. I am bed man. Yeah. Shields. Can I wear? Oh, oh, geez.

I don’t know why it’s placed there like that. I got an eye patch now. I can’t see out of my left eye. I don’t know why. Oh, that’s fun. You can like see me through the through the slime. That’s kind of neat. Does this work with honey too? Yeah. Look at that.

That’s kind of fun. I assume this also works with glass, right? That’s kind of cool. That’s really neat. I mean, don’t get me wrong. It feels very broken and weird, but like I kind of love it. Like if I wanted to, I could just wear rafts and that’s fine. You know, like it’s

Just, I can just do that. It looks really strange and it doesn’t give me any armor, but hey, you know, fashion choice. I don’t know. This just completely breaks the Minecraft armor feature and I am so here for it. And so with that bed man bids you adieu

From this segment, we’re going to the next one because the next one’s also very chaotic. I like breaking random features like this. Uh, bed man away. We’re almost to this though, which is going to be awesome. This is better multi shot, which means exactly what you think it does.

As you can see, this crossbow has multi shot 30. And if I just right click here, it does have multi shot 30. There are 30 arrows that come from this. Jeez. Oh my gosh. It’s a little weird that they all just kind of go in a line, but it’s effective.

It makes things so satisfying when you’re picking them up like this. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. But of course it doesn’t stop at multi shot 30. This is multi shot 300. Oh yeah. That’s oh my gosh. Oh my gah– This is incredible. Oh, it’s so cool. What if I give myself

Quick charge five as well? So now I just immediately right click and it loads it and then I can fire. And if I just do, uh, oh my gosh. [laughing] Woohoo! Look at, look at, look at all that. Oh my gosh. I’m picking them up. It’s insane. This doesn’t just work with arrows.

This works with fireworks. Launch. [laughing] That is so good. Oh my gosh. The sound is insane. [laughing] Yeah. Yeah. So many fireworks. Oh my gosh. The sound. I have no doubt that if I just shoot this below me, Oh, my crossbow, my crossbow immediately broke. So that’s better multi shot. Oh, he’s dead.

It completely smashes the limits of enchantments and reality. And it uses up all the durability of your crossbow. And… Nice. But that doesn’t quite break Minecraft the way I’m looking for. Uh, but this final mod does! This final mod does things I didn’t even know were possible. This is quick math.

And, uh, as you can tell, a little bit of a flash warning here. And this isn’t even the worst part of it. This is just the loading screen. Essentially what quick math does is, uh, it just changes the math in Minecraft. Minecraft uses a lot of math to determine where things are,

What things are generating where and how you see things. And as you can tell, it’s getting a little weird. If I put the daylight cycle back to true, you’ll see that it just, it just doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s just bad. It’s just, it’s just completely broken.

I also have not moved my mouse yet. Um, and this is what happens when you do. Uh, nothing good. That’s for sure. As you can see over there, it’s generally a normal Minecraft world. I am going to set this back to false. That’s generally a regular Minecraft world, right?

But if we look to that, yeah, that you saw that during the recording, that’s just what worlds look like now. Just gotta, just gotta try to fly over this way if I can. This world gen is, um, a little broken. There’s also nothing but ice everywhere. And every world that I’ve generated with

This mod, uh, does that for some reason. It just generates it with a bunch of ice. Look at this. This is just crazy. I know it’s upside down and sideways, but, uh, it’s just, it’s just wild to look at. It is literally so difficult to control this.

Like I, I cannot tell where I’m looking. Like, look at that. Look at it. Look at how broken this is. And I’m currently in first person. If I go to third person here, I just re… Oh my gosh. I have not looked at the inventory yet. Look at thi… What is going on?

All of the blocks and everything is broken. What? This is wild. Like, I cannot even begin to… Like, what’s going on here? Oh my gah– Look at the books. Like, they’re just… Oh my gosh. Everything’s broken, dude. That is insane. That’s just… Look at me, though. Like, what, what is,

Like, what is happening there? I just, I’m terrified. I don’t, I don’t know what to do. Every single angle is just a little bit different. Oh hey, look, you can see my face now. Wow. Every single angle just has so much to look at. Look at what is going on down there underground.

Oh my gosh, that’s so weird. It’s so wild. But this is cool. There’s one thing that we could do that’s even cooler. And that’s reopen the world without the mod installed. Because now everything is working as intended. Except all the world gen is still here. Look at this.

Like, what, what happened behind the scenes to make this happen? It just completely breaks all of the math. Like, there’s just, there’s just trees everywhere. There’s like tiny biomes almost. Like, this is just wild. It’s so interesting to look at, though. Like, it’s just so cool. Ladies and gentlemen, with this one I

Think we could say we have officially broken Minecraft without crashing the game. Even though we crashed the game a couple times, none of the mods were intentionally meaning to crash the game. It was just me not using them correctly. So I’m the problem here, not the mods.

It’s just, just take it in, you know? Just take it in, man. Wild. Subscribe. [laughs] Ah, I love breaking Minecraft. And honestly, it’s even more fun when you can see the carnage happening. So this was great. Thanks for watching. I’ll see you next time. Buh-bye!

Hi subtitle viewers <3 You're still my favorite. Don't tell anyone. - Subtitle Knarfy

I managed to break Minecraft without intentionally crashing the game! Typcially, the goal of a Breaking Minecraft video is to crash my game as much as possible. Today, the goal is to break the game, but to actually be able to see those results instead of having the game crash immediately.

I think it turned out hilarious! Chaos without crashes!

Mods Used in this Video:
► Slyde – https://modrinth.com/mod/slyde
► Old Walking Animation – https://modrinth.com/mod/old-walking-animation
► Translater – https://modrinth.com/mod/translater
► X-Ray World Generation – https://modrinth.com/mod/x-ray-world
► WearThat – https://modrinth.com/mod/wearthat
► Better Multishot – https://modrinth.com/mod/bettermultishot
► No Enchantment Cap (easy high-level enchants) – https://modrinth.com/mod/no-enchant-cap
► QuickMäth – https://modrinth.com/mod/quickmath

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  1. As someone who has hyperacusis (hyper sensitive to sound) the master sound volume hurt and made my ears ring for about 1hour. But the entertainment factor of the sound slider was worth it. Also having photophobia (sensetivity to light) the sudden white lights were blinding 🤣 I always have to watch youtube at the lowest volume and very low brightness this was like playing it threw a surround sound system at full volume & looking into the sun, even though it was at minimal volume and brightness. But the entertainment factor was 100% worth it. Brilliant video very entertaining.

  2. how to get blue screen:
    step 1: build a wall of blue blocks
    step 2: get in an area in first person so u can only see the blue on ur screen
    step 3: u have successfully gotten blue-screened 😀
    (if u see this comment knarfy i will sub)

  3. The last mod probably uses the Java Instrumentation API to override the java.lang.Math class. Or, maybe it redirects calls in the Minecraft code to a replica in the mod. I don't know for sure if the first is possible, but the latter would be a straightforward bytecode transformation.

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