Will I Make It On Time?! | Stardew Valley 1.6 Coming Soon!

Oh no it’s 400 p.m. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get to ‘s place oh my bad please please Lord it’s 4:20 p.m. and hello everyone welcome back to low farm all right we have a new rod for sale from Willie that’s awesome ah I see

This is how we can use the tuckle I think this one fishing Tu tackle and uh a fishing a spinner these two all right that’s good to know and look at this we completed one of the Bund and we were given uh winter seeds I think they are

Like just mixed seeds I’m not sure really what’s the uh what would it produce but it’s going to be uh exciting and hey thank you are you cold man thank you is really doing a good job in protecting our farm he’s so happy thank you thank you now you know where the

Name came from and hello chickens look at that we have a lot of them there’s like eight of them for our little chickas so I’ve named this one chicke reference from Out World and uh this one is a notice me cuz I sometimes forget to you know say hi to

Our animal friends and this one is UN yummy oh oh no no this is this is not good can’t fly oh why did I name these little cute now I feel so bad no it’s fine when they grow up it would be you know less concerning for me at least

Okay enjoy your meal and uh let’s head to our oh well we have some eggs here that we can convert into mayonnaise there you go so I’ve been saving up mayonnaise if you can if you can see here guys uh 32 that’s like 6,000 gold that’s a lot and we have 68 that’s

18,000 gold awesome so now I I’m also thinking of upgrading our one of our tools two or three tools I’m thinking of upgrading our ho hello hello guys upgrading the hole while it’s winter I think um yep we need to upgrade the hole and other the scythe and and also the

Watering can hey give me milk a they love it so much when we milk house it will release relieve them from the pressure they’re feeling that’s why they’re happy all right awesome now if you look at the uh upper left hand corner um we’ve expanded our Coupe uh

Now we need to expand the barn that’s why we need to cut some wood we need to earn 12 gold which we have uh we need 450 wood and 200 Stone but since the spirits are not happy to today we just cut wood and hopefully after expanding

Our barn we could finally um expand our house and then build a stable so that we would have some basic uh stuff in our homee and finally we can you know see if we can marry it’s like just like in real life first establish a house get some

Transportation and get married and also along the way uh we’re just going to have to keep keep crafting a crab pot and a Topper I see if we could cop uh craft now oh well we need a copper but we could craft a loom turns raw wool

Into fine cloth I don’t have wool yet uh no sheep yet maybe if we expand the barn lightning rod collects energy from lightning rod okay maybe on a rainy season it’s going to be very useful it’s going to collect collect lighting wow it’s going to be cool right now if you

Look at the lower right hand corner um we have 20% stamina left and I have to say that I’m really thankful for you for you guys for you know um checking out my video spending your time to watch it even in your busy days I truly appreciate that

Cuz this videos take a very long time to make and it’s also fun don’t get me wrong however it takes commitment especially for a working dad of to year old daughter so really means a lot to me if you hang out and if you’re new here uh please feel free to like And

Subscribe that would really mean a lot to me as well and also oh we could get to hang out and enjoy our favorite games I also did some uh little poll in the community tab if you could check it out maybe later uh I’m thinking of oh we

Have some mayonnaise here okay I’m thinking of uh a game that we could play alongside stard the valley so there’s some few games that it’s in my steam library that it’s I put it up there you could cast a vote if you wouldn’t mind if you can take some time so we would

Know which game that I will be playing alongside start Valley yeah so from that run we got 200 wood awesome so looks like we’re going to be complete oh man my bad we have 500 wood here okay well next time I’ll be checking the inventory before deciding what to do now the thing

Is we need Stone we can mine for that and now oh Willie sent us a message that there’s a new fishing rod let’s go straight to Wily’s place oh can’t wait and before we go let’s just get this amethyst I think I have one for yeah for

Abigail to make her feel better since I’ve given her an awful gift yesterday just to make up for it and oh you know what let’s just sell this cuz I’m thinking of expanding our also this Blackberry jelly I’m thinking of expanding our bag okay mayonnaise going straight through our shpping bin and the

Jellies as well now let’s head straight to Willie and check out what kind of Rod he has for us oh no it’s 400 p.m. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get to ‘s place oh my bad please please Lord it’s 4:20 p.m. oh great awesome thank you all

Right can’t wait let’s uh check it out we have a elad bubber okay adds weight to your fishing bar prevents it from bouncing along the bottom okay fper class oh we have this radium Rod oh it’s seven oh man that’s awesome it’s 7,000 uh gold uh uh uh too expensive

That’s fine it’s a good investment right we can earn more gold with a fishing rod so it’s going to be perfect can we sell our old Rod no we cannot okay thank you for the business Willie I think you going to love this Blackberry oh giving

Him too much k 10 okay let’s test out this new Rod to get the bait from our old rod and I think we are ready let’s go oh no forgot um our stamina is almost out oh man that’s fine I think we won’t faint okay this rod looks stable it

Feels stable however um it looks like we have a challenging fish here and there you go oh that’s a tuna that’s why it’s 47 in that’s huge man hello Willie Your Rod is so good now since we’re here we’ll just pick up some fores all right that was fun we almost fainted though

And now let’s head straight to the saloon looks like Willie can’t wait to have his pale ale all right everyone is Lively cuz it’s Friday and I’m guessing also that uh the gang is here hello guys Sebastian I’m going to be giving this amethyst to Abigail I seriously love

This you’re the best nuu no I’m not I’m just you know trying to give you a bouquet let’s do this in front of Sebastian oh she liked it so much I’ll accept this thank you look at Sebastian it’s like w what happened there now we have two girlfriends you know this is

Going to be a headache right I think so aome so guys enjoy your time now that we have two dates uh the deciding factor that who’s going to who’s going to who’s I will be marrying is I think uh which uh woman needs me the most I think it

Will fall to that not who I need the most but who needs me the most all right halia you won’t believe what I did but I W say it to you all right reach uh 10 heart with a oh oh boy hold on oh okay I thought it’s only eight out of eight

Hearts all right we have 10 Hearts this is awesome man do you ever get cold in that farm of yours yes I kind of find uh feel lonely sometimes especially it’s winter stop by my cabin if you want to huddle under one of my cult and a drink

Cider that’s sweet of youa yes I would definitely be happy hling fish or Salty Fish all day makes me real Thursday the weather doesn’t really matter to me it’s typically stay near my shop year round just practicing my voice over guys all right that is it for now let’s uh head

Straight it’s 9:00 p.m. oh let’s just just check out our inventory let’s see what we could uh oh let’s see the calendar first with Miss L’s birthday birthday by the way I’m so bad at birthdays I sometimes even forget my birthday carine’s birthday is going to

Be 7th and let alone forget my age yeah IRL that happens to me the funny thing is that if I try to remember my age I I just you know try to calculate it oh we found a book all right that’s awesome and also we have this cruus and a

Crystal fruit so calculating your age really never appeared to me until now I stopped uh counting my age Long Ago by the way makes me feel young okay uh now hopefully tomorrow we’ll have Happy Spirit so we could go to the mine we need copper and what a fun day today

Guys we got a new aium Rod that we could put up eight and also tackler and let me choose which um tackle we need to use uh I need I want to save more time when fishing this these trap bobber causes the fish to escape slower we also have a

Lead bubber adds way your fishing but prent V ing it from bouncing along the bottom it seems that they sound very useful which they are but I’m saving time that’s why I think I’m going to go ahead with a spinner to increase the bite rate so I won’t have to wait long

Before a fish bites th giving me more chances of catching a fish and you know more time to practice my fishing skills and ultimately uh opens up more time for me in real life okay let’s see uh so tomorrow uh happy Spirits or not we’ll

Need to go and uh go to the mines we have no choice guys and I always forgot uh in our cave we have these mushrooms oh it’s 11:20 p.m. oh I think we still have time yeah I’ll just head straight to the community center and check out

Something oh cool glad we did because we got our pinear we got some fores and also a wormy I have a feeling that we will be fainting again I have this bad feeling hey guys and yes finally we’re able to complete the field research bundle awesome and uh our rewards going

To be a recycling machine not bad now let’s run let’s see if we could reach our home without fainting guys let’s go oh no it’s 1:00 a.m. now oh jeez you’re almost there go oh yeah it’s it’s perfect we still have time time to even sell this Crystal fruit and this cookus

And and even set up this uh recycling bar uh recycling machine M all right good night everybody oh that’s huge we got 29,000 for mayonnaise oh we have 30,000 gold this is so overwhelming but it’s good um I don’t know how to spend the money now that’s the problem if

You’re rich good now welcome to day six of vend guys know right guys this is just awesome look at that if you look at the upper right hand corner we have 30,000 gold I’m so happy with it looks like we are on our way of upgrading our

Barn hello thank you and although today the spirits are neutral I’m planning to go mining cuz uh we need to take advantage of the fact that we don’t need to water our plants so we don’t need to use the host the watering can cuz we need to upgrade the hole at least hello

Guys oh they’re big now ha nice all right they look so lovely breakfast guys come here so we’re going to go after we tend to farm we’re going to go oh excuse me we’re going to go mining hello guys more milk please okay that is done buy

Beef steaks oh looks like we have an email or a mail all right so uh this is May L giving us an advice to or there someone’s to give someone’s a mermaids pendant I understand okay and uh wly oh it’s giving us a cooking recipe awesome

It’s important for the fish to be fresh okay let’s go chowder thank you Mr willly and oh one of these days you should come to my room after dark maybe around 8:00 p.m. I want to show you something Abby oh Abby Abigail all right sure I’d be happy to hang out

Should buy some copc corn watch some movies with you okay looks like Clint look at this guys Clint is asking for an amethyst so he can give this to Emily all right cool why not right unfortunately we no longer have an amethyst all right looking good in our

Farm now before going to the m style let’s just oh who’s this hold on who’s this guy oh oh jeez don’t run away oh what the what on Earth was that don’t tell me guys in the comments please I want to discover this myself that was

Kind of scary but it’s kind of weird cuz I find the guy a cute I think cuz he’s small hey what happened uh it could be a shadow creature I don’t know a monster or a ghost okay I missed this place so Elliot is asking for a gold bar wow okay

He’s willing to pay 750 gold all right why not oh cool we have a fried mushroom room from the dumpster and also a book hey Mr Gunter I have something for you uh we have this skeletal hand this skeletal hand is bigger than usual could

Be a hand from a what a giant do giants exist at all in this game I don’t think so but in the Bible Giants do exist at first I thought that uh the Bible Holy Bible is a boring book but you know what it’s really awesome cuz there are Giants

Dinosaurs uh there’s even a battle there um against the Giants Giants are basically the enemy is basically uh they’re like an off Offspring I think if I’m not mistaken of an angel and a human being yeah it it it’s there in in the Holy Bible all of it and uh comes from

That is giant anyway we’re going to the minds guys I read it I was like it reminds me that I was like watching Marvel heroes cuz uh there was a guy there one of the hero um or the champion of the Lord he he threw a spear on the

Enemy and one spear thrown and he like eliminated like a dozen uh enemies if you think of that man I I was thinking of you know just fish a bit I was actually thinking of man how did this guy did it no one can do that in this

Age but he did it so I was thinking that at some level there are some super humans at that time definitely stronger than us today they even defeat Giants right and also um there’s a giant there enemy and uh according to the Bible description uh the spear that the giant

Is using is like almost as tall as uh door a large door if you imagine that which is crazy and then I realized the Bible is literally like Marvel it was fun although I know that most of the movies actually everything in the world is somehow connected to the Bible cuz

You know you know it’s creation right and we failed that fish it’s 300 p.m. uh why am i Fishing I love to fish while telling stories that’s why but uh let’s just let go of this it’s a waste of time uh let’s head to the mines and get some

Copper so we could upgrade uh one of our tools which is uh all right we have a bone sword all right let’s start uh level five no no level one all right we are now level two we’re still looking for some coppers I don’t think there’s copper here they going down to level

Three all right there you go I I think next time we’ll start at level three and also going back in our Bible story um while I was actually uh well if you ask me if you’re curious I I I really literally forced myself to read the

Bible like I I have to force myself cuz I’m not used to it I’m used to playing video games which is truly uh which is extremely engaging so I have to force myself and eventually uh I learn to really embrace it cuz you know there are things that you’ll only know when

Reading a book in general especially the Bible and it’s fun looks like we have more CER here and uh one of the thing that I read is about uh King David I think it was David sorry guys I’m really poor at names remembering birthdays so if I say

Something wrong just tell me in the comments but I’m pretty sure what I read about so oh oh we need to eat hey wait hold on I forgot to oh no I forgot to bring with us uh food okay it’s okay we’ll use the elevator so we

Are at level five okay so there’s the skid I think that’s what that’s King David he’s he’s the one I’m pretty sure you guys are familiar with it he’s the one that actually uh killed the one of the Giants using only uh slingshot and

You know if if if we think of it it’s just nothing like it’s it’s only uh it doesn’t have that kind of impact but if you really dig deeper into it imagine that using a SL shot against a giant and before before that even happened he he

Was tending to to his Farms sheeps he was actually uh in charge to guarding the sheeps and secretly he is defending the Sheep against what what kind of creature it’s not a dog it’s not a wolf it’s a lion at what age like he was like

Uh below 18 years old at that time and he is already fighting lions guys imagine that wow I just just even now when I’m telling the story I I’m having a Goosebumps like that thing really happened like the things that always see in the movies like there’s a superhero

And he’s a child and he’s strong it really happened in the Bible which is totally crazy so thing is before he killed the giant he was trained first by killing a theion to protect his people his flock the Sheep his people and when he grew up when he the time came he was

Ready and killed the giant with a slingshot he was not even wearing any armor whatsoever oh man this is totally crazy right and even non-christians it doesn’t really require that you have to be a Christian to enjoy the Bible you can you can read it like it’s a you can

Read it as a history book cuz it’s real it really happened just you know just for just to to know the history from other cultures specifically that it is in insired by the one true God it’s definitely a start oh now it’s like 12:00 a.m. yay we got like 21 copper and

Three coal and we have 52 or 58 uh Stone and uh five slime awesome oh jeez it’s now 1:00 a.m. we have mayos here ha okay let’s see what we could sell oh for Golden mayonnaise looks like our chickens are so happy and then uh this

Crystal fruit Holly and uh we have a perch golden perch is going straight to our golden chest all righty we have copper copper bar coming right up tomorrow okay what a day for more videos you can click at the lower left hand corner of your screen thank you so much

For hanging out if we’re new feel free to like And subscribe and uh as always may we walk with patience and kindness cuz that is what love is see you in the next video

I ran out of time so I ran! Stardew Valley 1.6 Coming Soon!

🕊️ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3 : 16

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#earthtosnack #indiegame #stardewvalley


  1. don’t get me wrong, i really liked the video, but as a beginner I didn’t understand a lot… if u explain a little more of what you are doing it would be awesome!!!
    really nice!

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