I Built Minecraft’s Most Destructive Weapons

This is me using one of Minecraft’s most underrated glitches to Nuke the entire server and this is me using many other deadly weapons to turn the server into a war zone all to get revenge cuz ever since day won of the server all of the powerful players have just walked all

Over killing me whenever they wanted I couldn’t get embarrassed like this I had to prove myself so after getting some basic gear I immediately began work on the first weapon you see my plan was to start off by simply using these weapons to kill powerful players but then I

Would slowly progress to destroying more and more of the server but since I’m so much weaker than the rest of the server what better way to start than by crashing a server wide event that I got invited to using an instant kill ray gun everyone is in position and I’m

About to fire this ray gun my M sounds un working yeah my mft sounds all right three taking so long bro two I’m pressing it i’me wait for the T one fire hell is that what oh my god it worked my first kill okay now I got to go I specifically

Dug a tunnel for escaping so as long as I get to that I should be safe I I found all if I can just get to another portal I should be able to escape oh another portal come on please okay I need to get out of the stupid water cave come on no

Way oh my God I actually got out Not only was the plan successful but I also managed to get out completely unscathed more importantly than that I just got the perfect opportunity to use my next weapon as I already knew the exact base coordinates of the people that chased me

Down it’s honestly kind of sad cuz this base is actually pretty nice nice but there’s no going back now if you haven’t already guessed the next weapon I’m going to use is going to completely decimate this entire base in a matter of second this is the TNT shotgun designed

By just white void just one of these tiny units is capable of firing thousands of TNT per second so I messaged one of the owners of the base only a squid to log onto the server wanting him to witness his own base being destroyed in front of his very

Eyes okay what’s up squidy I don’t know what is up remember that one one time I tried to trap you in the game show M you did try and kill me but I felt kind of bad so I prepared a gift for you oh my

God bro it’s that your base it’s at your base I’m actually going to get it I’m I’m I’m already here don’t worry okay okay okay um just close your eyes so you don’t spoil the surprise okay my eyes are closed okay wait should I record

This um if you want too if you want to show my kindness to the world all right all right all right all right okay you ready you like fireworks squidy yeah I love Fireworks okay Okay oh that’s what it’s about to die bro this is what you get for for trying to kill me buddy I is dead it’s dead it’s dead it’s over for you bro this is way you get uh-oh oh wait this what you get is there no TNT left in this oh it’s

Actually over all right well it’s over goodbye to your base you’re not going to try to kill me even though I just blew up your entire base no at first I was confused as to why squid didn’t care that I had just blown up his entire base but later I

Learned that this base had already been long abandoned before I even found it the weapon might have worked but I had made no progress in proving myself to the server if I wanted people to care about the destruction I would have to aim for a bigger Target and there isn’t

A bigger Target than the spawn of the server but finding the target isn’t the hard part it’s the execution that we have to worry about you see if I wanted to use the same TNT shotgun to hit spawn I would firstly need way more TNT to do

Any real damage but also it would require me to fully destroy spawn in order to make anyone care and I feel like it’s a little too soon to do that so instead I set out to find a different weapon I could use I feel like the scariest part of doing this all by

Myself is the fact that if any of my plans ever fail I have absolutely nobody to fall back on if one of my traps fails or something I literally just can’t do anything it’s me against the whole server knowing the consequences I set out to a slime farm if I kept using such

Aggressive weapons it would only be a matter of time until people got fed up and would kill me for good so for my next attack I decided that I would make it a mystery I’m currently Gathering the items needed for a world eater if you don’t know what a world eater is uh

Let’s just say the name describes it pretty well my plan was to build it overnight carving out a massive hole right next to spawn so the next day when players start logging on they all get confused while everyone is busy trying to figure out who made the massive

Crater I get extra time to develop my game plan now that all the dupers are built I just have to build these receivers that are going to stop them from just crashing into the mountain and breaking everything seems to be ready so I guess I’m just going to launch the

Machine that looks like it’s working it’s definitely doing a lot of damage but I just got to make sure that the receivers work and they send the machines back all right I think they’re about to connect and okay everything seems to be working perfectly for how destructive this

Machine is it’s actually very simple to build I’m just going to leave the machine running and log off for the night I’ll probably log back in when uh people start noticing what is this no I just logged on cringe ass sign bro it’s just a big

Raider Ron called me and told me it was that yeah what the surprisingly everything had worked as planned and basically no one was suspecting me to be the culprit so with the time I now had I began to strategize on what I should do for my next attack so when a player

Named only a squid the guy whose base I destroyed announced the building competition I saw it as the perfect opportunity because with the prize being a permanent strength effect I knew a lot of people would show up person personally I didn’t care about the effect I just wanted to cause as much

Chaos as possible but right as I was about to log off to begin designing my build into the competition I was contacted by a player named sharill all right so basically for the building competition um I need some materials I need your help with it okay okay at

First I was a little confused by his request so I decided to ask a little bit further what do you need what materials do you need okay so I’m building a TNT mine cart trap all right uhhuh so I need mine carts and rails just like a lot of

It I’m just going to put it inside of the uh the thing this was the perfect opportunity Not only would entering the competition with a team instead of just by myself would make me seem way less suspicious but also having other people help me with the next trap would make it

Way easier originally sharles just wanted to use TNT Minecarts but since we were now temporary teammates I decided I would show him one of the deadly weapons that I hadn’t yet used what is this What the it’s a TNT sniper rifle it’s a little more destructive when the target is further away yo there’s no shot you could build that I I already have all the materials for it I just I’m just missing the TNT and so the plan was set in motion while sharill

State at spawn to build something to enter the building competition I ventured out to a gunpowder Farm to get as much TNT as as possible as excited as I am to try this TNT sniper I got to say that it’s like pretty nice to actually

Have a teammate I can trust even if it’s just temporary so after sitting at the Creer farm for a couple hours I made my way back to spawn to start building the weapon first I had to start out by digging a massive Corridor behind the actual building you see because the

Sniper rifle is so big and has such a long range it would need a lot of space to actually fire the TNT effectively next I began building the sniper rifle itself now building it actually isn’t that difficult since it’s mainly just composed of dispensers the difficult

Part is that we were running out of time when the building competition was originally announced there was a deadline of 6 hours but with how long it took to AFK for all the TNT needed for the sniper more than 5 hours had already passed meaning that we now only had a

Couple minutes to complete the weapon are you almost done JJ no oh L’s messaging my mom’s Mouse start he stops working he’s fixing his mom’s mouth that’s good for us we need to delay this as much as possible he he’s back oh no I’m broking it I’m brok it

These these people’s in I quickly finished building the sniper and we got in VC with all the other contestants hey M yo main pair ball sharos was outside talking with everyone about the contest I was hiding next to the weapon getting ready to activate it wor I saw you position for our piggy

Presentation you’ll see the judges started by reviewing the teams build first and while everything was going perfectly fine when it came to reviewing our build people began getting suspicious come on no no what’s JJ doing as well okay don’t that feel SMY but I’m going be honest why are you dropping

What the [ __ ] get him okay nice okay eight negative so what was the point yeah I’m mind that bro nice tra with JJ the Trap had completely failed I got out of there as fast as possible to avoid the same treatment that shark kills got

This was the lowest of the low for me not only did one of my biggest traps yet completely fail but I was now being hunted by the entire server it was clear that something needed to change I was tired of my traps being found I was tired of them not being destructive

Enough and I was tired of not having any trustworthy teammates I had to take these weapons to the next level if I truly wanted to prove myself but now I knew that I couldn’t do that alone but if the entire server is against me then

Who could I trust to be my teammate this question bothered me for a long time until I realized that I only really had one option out of everyone on the server only a squid is the one person known for finding crazy methods to kill players and cause destruction Although our

Current relationship on the server is not peaceful I knew that this was my last chance to prove myself so I got into a call with squid and hoped for the best hello hello hello all where you at there’s a reason I’ve come to um talk with you today first I think I should

Start by um apologizing for trying to trap you or blowing up your base and also making that crater over there so you admit it I can see you’re not trying to kill me so you’d forgive me at least somewhat just wondering if like do you know like any way I could bring Upon

This Day of Reckoning onto the server well there is one thing that I was working on that could potentially working on planning it’s a weapon that’s so powerful it can blow up any person anywhere in the world leaving no trace of its existence okay is like the the blast powerful yeah it’s pretty

Powerful it’ll it’ll only take a couple shots to destroy all of Spawn all of Spawn all of Spawn if we managed to pull off what squid was describing Not only would I manage to finally prove myself to the server but we would literally become the strongest players in the server’s history so

Without any hesitation I followed squid to the edge of the world to help him hollow out an area to build a weapon of mass destruction I now realize I probably should have been more careful with trusting him so easily but at the time I was only focused on one thing

Destroying the server earlier squid sent me the schematic of the entire machine itself and like I’m just kind of looking around right now and I’m going to be honest like I can’t even begin to understand what all of this is or what all of this does like how is this even

Supposed to fire TNT I just don’t understand but if you do want to learn how this machine actually works then you should check out cubic meter’s Channel as he’s the one who not only designed the machine but also let us use it I went back a couple days later to check

On the progress to see that squid had already began building some parts of the machine but when I asked him about it he literally just told me to wait for him to finish it and that he would explain it to me when it was done so when squid

Messaged me a couple days later to come check out what he built I was really excited I’m here this is the control room this is the x coordinates each lecton has a input squid basically explained that by inputting certain numbers into these lectrons the machine would understand what location to send

Its TNT to but if I’m being honest I was only really interested in one thing I wanted to know when we could finally launch this machine squid told me that the machine was practically ready to do a small scale test just to make sure that it actually works on the server so

I set out to spawn to not only build the area that would be hit but to also set up some extra traps just in case things go south and I have to fight the entire server so when the weekend finally rolled around and Squid confirmed the machine was ready to fire I gathered

Everyone at my little stage if this test was successful nothing would ever be the same again around 2 weeks ago if you guys remember um someone made that massive crater over there uh at spawn which people weren’t that happy with for the past 2 weeks I’ve been conducting a

Rigorous investigation to figure out who did it and I I think I’ve collected enough proof proof oh to tell you all who it is oh shoot me it was Jron why would you do That nice everyone jumped in it everyone jumped in okay it was me actually my bad though the test went literally perfectly but now I had to get everyone off my back my bad my bad bro my bad Infamous what oh more he has more another one oh

My god he has more he has more he has more watch out watch out what was it what was it what was a trap it was a t trap and it failed cuz I’m the only one who that was crazy watch out watch out watch out watch

Out bro please oh my god I didn’t even realize bro holy that scared me yo I’m about to die to a skeleton someone help me Don’t Go Near that tree do not go near that tree do yeah that’s crazy that’s what you get for being a

Snake I was nowhere near it bro no easy as I already said the test went perfectly no one knew where the TNT came from everyone was terrified of the mindes that set up all over the server and I had escaped without a scratch I was amazed at what this machine could do

I no longer had to worry about people finding my traps or them running away because this weapon could literally deliver thousands of TNT anywhere in the world it was literally like having a nuke in Minecraft the craziest part is that it wasn’t even at full capacity

Blast it was just a small scale test to checked that the machine was working the power we had at our fingertips was nothing like anyone had ever seen before overall all I was very satisfied so I got off for the night but when I logged on the next morning not only had the

Machine blown itself up but I found that my base was completely destroyed as well after using so many different methods to destroy the server it was clear that their hatred towards me only grew which meant that if I kept going there would be no more turning back but I couldn’t

Think about that right now as while squid was repairing the machine I had to figure out a way to get everyone in the same place again for the full power blast since no one would trust me to go anywhere at this point I had to come up

With something else luckily it just so happened that the New Year’s was coming up in about 3 weeks and since players were already planning an event for it I realized it would be the perfect time to strike so I went completely silent for the next couple weeks barely even

Logging onto the server the full power blast had to have the perfect condition and I couldn’t risk anything that would ruin it since squid had died during the test no one suspected him to be my teammate meaning he was able to repair the machine in pieace so when it was

Finally time for the New Year’s Event I logged onto the server ready to completely destroy Itras one yeah now I’m blowing everything up bro I think X thether okay I don’t I don’t really know if I want to do this guys wait what is happing what called us friends this might be a little scary wait how does this work the friendly Bley would you all come here

I need you to know that after this there’s no turning back the entire server will hate you and the consequences will be worse than anything you’ve ever seen before it will be you and squid versus the world and I can’t let you make this decision without being

Ready for what comes next so are you ready yes yes I am would you all come here yeah guys it’s been Fun like this very much before [Applause] We N nah huh what the freak Show ready no so bad okay okay okay okay okay tell every wait squid squid how how long till the machine’s ready um I haven’t need to set it up yet all right I’m going to tell everyone to like go to spawn okay I’ll

Distract them oh yeah more TNT more TNT more TTLY my God what the hell bro why spawn SP is gone spawn is gone spawn is gone spawn G all right all right okay okay so no spawn is genuinely gone I’m dead Infuse finale already byby Infuse

Kill JJ kill JJ bro you’re letting him get rid of guys kill JJ kill strive I was gone for one breaking out come here come here war is breaking out bro we got to stay close wo no no okay J J there’s just zero chance please I’m sorry

Strife why do you not have a helmet on why do you not hel hi guys so lagy oh shoot uh-oh okay okay I got to regear and head back to spawn cuz I know that the machine is about to hit it again he do bottles I knowly I knew it holy

[ __ ] it’s got It’s fine I BL they definitely D got block it up from the top don’t let him get out where did he go he he he after I got away from the players chasing me I began putting my stuff in shulkers since I had extra effects into

My end chest I was going to take the death to escape spawn I found a go I found him I found him bro let’s go shortly after the players found the machine destroyed it and voted to have both me and Squid banned from the server but at this point it didn’t even matter

Because the ban was temporary so the moment we got unbanned 2 weeks later squid immediately rebuilt the machine and we caused even more Havoc onto the server anywhere you went in the entire world all you would see is explosions destroying everything in its path the damage was so bad that the server had

Become literally unplayable so together everyone voted to end the season early but we blew that up too I don’t know if I up my armor right now not only had I reached my goal that I’ve had since the start of the server but I’d also found a teammate to do it

With if you’ve made it this far then genuinely thank you for watching this entire video has taken me more than 3 months and 2 terab of footage to produce after infus ended we decided to start a month long event where we just play on the season 1 map I’ve just uploaded my

First video on it to the second Channel I’m going to be posting a lot more so if you enjoyed this video subscribe to the main Channel and if you want to see more simple videos like the one on screen right now go subscribe to my second Channel

After 3 months, I present my biggest video yet

● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/infamousjjlive
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infamousjj/?hl=en
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/InfamousJJ77
● My Discord: https://discord.gg/zF9c5Cp5jT
● Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ius0bd
● Make your own SMP – https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=6548
● Business inquires: infamousjj@amg.gg


Weapons used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqg0RQ-Vu-g&list=PL9Ykqq0QEjmR2J-k2r3jsFXEY6eF2QYBu

Shoutout: @cubicmetre

People in this video: @OnlyASquid @Sharkilz @SammLIVEYT @Lomedy @Dione4k

A video by InfamousJJ on the Infuse SMP, hope you enjoy!


  1. Im an OG viewer I love you so much I'm crying write now😢❤❤❤(a wise man once sade shimmy simy ay shimmy shimmy ah drank fwalalala drank fwalalala *fwalalala*fwalalala -Albert Opensine JR VVX

  2. oh yeah. howd u get ur gear. did u use x ray like ArtualCM said. bc hes more honest than u. btw i enjoyed the vid. i just with u were honest. also. what did sharkillz do in his past. and why is artual mad about it?

  3. Wow I totally have seen this exact format of video with the same “I’m doing all of this over the top stuff to get revenge on people in a pixel game” plot line ever before

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