I SURVIVED 300 DAYS IN MINECRAFT – Horse Edition! | Pinehaven

Hello friends and welcome to 300 days in Minecraft horse Edition make sure you watch both of the previous 100 days you can find them linked below and if you like horses then I have opened the perfect shop for you my online Store Pine Haven ponies is selling bre horses

And to celebrate the launch we’re offering 15% off all regular run horses and free shipping to the UK and Mainland Europe look at them savings we also do ship internationally so visit pinh Haven ponies. co.uk to to get your very own model horse today also seeing so many of

You join my Minecraft server pinecraft equestrian has been my favorite thing ever and I had so much fun filming with all of you last weekend a big big thank you to all of the users on screen for supporting the server with your shop purchases special mentions go to Cameron

0911 lazy Bri Karina and extra special mentions to miss mundane and noxy for a tremendous amount of support you can join pinecraft equestrian of both Java and Bedrock so what are you waiting for four come play on my horse themed server pinecraft equestrian.com everyone is really excited to meet you okay enough

Promos let’s jump into it Day 2011 woohoo we are back for a third time and I have so many plans and goals to achieve first let’s address the dog shaped elephant in the room dog is actually a girl as was pointed out in my last video which I completely missed so

I’ll be referring to dogbert as a she from now on I was so happy to be back in my world and to see all of my lovely horses we still had two fos who were going to be named by your comments from the last video but I was really excited

To see what they look like grown up but for now I did my usual routine of filling up water troughs and grain feeders I grabbed my gear from my backpack and all of it was in a right state in terms of durability so I made my first priority getting more neite but

Before that I wanted to check on the bees if you remember from the last 200 days me and the bees don’t have a particularly good relationship so I half expected them to be gone luckily for me Barry was still buzzing around Happ before I broke the piece and they

Attempted to terrorize me for taking their honey like a less cute wi the Poo I finished off my first day back with some apple picking day 202 I crafted lots of TNT and headed to my nether portal I tried to get dog B to come with

Me now that I knew that she could respawn but I just couldn’t get her through instead I breathed the lava fil hellscape by myself I spent all day extracting ancient debris and I can’t say that it was particularly riveting gameplay I po back into the Overworld on

Day 203 and crafted my netherite ingots to repair all of my tools and armor day 204 I threw out an obscene number of stacks of netherite and headed down to the nearby mines but this time I was aiming to ReDiscover the spawner I had seen on day 108 it didn’t make sense to

Go all the way to my jungle spawner if there was one so close to my house I did eventually find it and started on the arduous task of building the grinder this time though instead of having a boring rope to climb up and down I wanted to build a water elevator to

Spice things up dayun five I headed out in the boat with dogbert to get some more kelp because it was required to make the water elevator I said hello to Atlas who swam amongst the kelp in the shallow Waters I also found this random bee who may have been an escape from my

Hives but I wasn’t sure I led him back home into the greenhouse and started on my elevator day 206 proved fatal when I essentially did the same thing that originally killed dogbert by swimming down further than the water had started flowing falling straight down 100 blocks or so

Thoroughly embarrassed that it had taken less than a week for my first death to occur I trudged over to my tunnels in the Rain the elevators were awkward to make since I needed to place kelp all the way up both elevators to turn the water into Source blocks so that when I

Placed the Soul Sand and magma block at the bottom the bubbles would reach the top the elevator spanned over a 100 blocks and I had no way of surviving underwater that long without a breathing potion or a turtle helmet hating the idea of slaughtering Turtles I opted for

The potion which would require Nether wart and a puffer fish this presented me with a chance to do something I hadn’t before go fishing I was kind of excited since I had grown to really love the staru valley fishing and I hoped I would enjoy it in Minecraft too I made the

Fishing rod and Enchanted it getting enchantments better than I could ever wish for Unbreaking three luck of the sea 2 and lure 2 I headed to my bridge to do some night fishing it didn’t take long for me to Wrangle my first catch and I repeated the process until I had

My puffer fish I quickly Googled how to get nether warts and after realizing it would be a nightmare to try and find a fortress on foot in the nether I crafted a warped fungus on a stick so I could ride a Strider I headed into The Nether

And on day 207 I found a suitable Mount I never ended up naming this little guy but I appreciated his ability to Traverse lava nonetheless I started searching for the nether fortress and after a while I was lucky enough to come across one geared in netherite I figured

I was more than well equipped to kill kick some butt ow ow despite the rocky start I had found a blaze spawner I figured that it was worthwh farming since blaz has dropped a decent amount of XP and I wouldn’t have to craft blaze rods out of Ender Pearls anymore after getting bored

With that I pressed on and faced my first with the skeletons these mobs were really scary because of their height and the fact that they kept hurting you even after they were dead I found a few chests but no nether warts and I practically ran out of my supply of egg

Sandwiches I decided to be smart and leave before I got killed I came back about midday of day 208 I didn’t plan on sticking around for long just a quick refill of my supplies I grabbed some steak as well as some golden apples to try and make killing the wither

Skeletons a little less dangerous soon I was back in the Fortress kicking but for real this time I ran into a slight hitch when my golden helmet broke but I managed to quickly craft one by smooshing all my golden nuggets together before the piglin saw I was relieved

When I finally found some nether Woods I’d pretty much cleared out the entire Fortress by this point so swiftly headed home for my portal again it was now the morning of day 209 and I finally had the ingredients for my potion of water breathing while I was waiting for it to

Brew I mucked out the horse’s Paddock when it was finished I grabbed my kelp and headed down to finish the elevator and you will never guess what I did again with my eag bruised and my patience thin I managed to get the elevator finished and the grinder

Working was it worth all of the trouble I don’t know but I also don’t care because it was now finished day 210 I was just grinding my XP level and while I waited for the zombies to spawn I answered my Instagram DMS speaking of which you should definitely follow me

Over on Instagram at Abigail pinh Haven after way too much time Underground I emerged on Day 2011 I spent most of my time sorting the chest and added a new layer of barrels to the store room in the night I visited the hores to give

Them all a good brush and a feed when they settled down to sleep sleep I noticed Nova had just given up on parenting and Sparkle now had both babies with her as she tried to get some shut ey day 22 I made two really cute grooming boxes that I could leave in the

Tack room and outside the Stables I also decided to commit and turn my Axe and shovel into netherite and enchant them both then I crafted a few horse toys and pooped my pants at the skulls I had put in the storehouse Jesus oh my God day 213 I

Mucked out the padic and was itching to go on a ride I picked sparle as my companion today because I felt like she had been doing the most shifts as Mom and could use some time away I would have to start weaning the falls in a few

Weeks so I kept that in mind I tacked her up in the paddock so that her F knew what was going on and spok and I set off for a lovely ride in the valley there’s no purpose for the ride so I got to really enjoy myself we came across some

Wolves and for a split second I was like do I want another dog followed by but should I get another dog and I had some self-restraint and decided maybe another day when we returned it was already really late but I wanted to craft some ender eyes because the plan was to go

Out and locate the end portal tomorrow day 214 I grabbed my ender pearls and Jericho’s tack as quickly as possible since I wanted an early start my plans were thwarted by the fact that Jericho seemed to be responsible for the kids today and even after I tried to give

Nova’s fall back to her she had no shame in walking and dumping her fall on him again I suspected she wasn’t a huge fan of motherhood and made a mental note to retire her from breeding when I finally pried both falls off of Jericho I threw my first Ender eye the direction pointed

To the overgrowth behind my property so that’s the way we headed it took us right up to the shore and I chose to swim Jericho across in hopes that there was more land just on the horizon but after a tedious amount of swimming and only a small island to ride across I

Decided to switch Jericho in for a boat dogbot piled into the small raft with me and we saw a seal flop into the water he was quite a chunky boy we reached another Island as the sun was beginning to set and I promptly realized that I had missed the location because the eyes

Were telling me to turn around I gave up and slept through the night on the island we made our way back and it dawned on me there was a high possibility that the dungeon was probably underwater which made the whole ordal so much trickier my fears were confirmed when the ice shot straight

Down just off the coast of the island we had left Jericho on luckily for me this section wasn’t too deep but it was going to be a bit of a headache I left the Waypoint and headed home it was the evening when we returned so I decided to

Bring all the horses in for the night so I can make sure they were all eating and drinking enough day 216 I received a comment from black cat Studios 5502 that informed me I could put mobs on the swim horses I didn’t quite believe it so

After I put Nova’s baby in with Jericho let her eat breakfast and tacked her up I headed over to the sheet pen to try this out lo and behold this information was indeed correct and I couldn’t help but think back to how that whole ordeal with the sky highway and dog but dying

Could have been avoided if I had just known about this feature the swm wiki really needed to communicate these features properly the same way I couldn’t find any information about putting the animals on the swim horse I also couldn’t find how to put them down I tried every buson combo and even check

The hotkey controls but it wasn’t even listed there unfortunately I had to uh dispatch the Sheep to get it off no which was less than helpful if I wanted to bring mobs back alive I got back to the stables and did my root team with the horses before I headed off to do

Some fishing after catching a load of good loot including another rod with some awesome enchantments I suddenly remembered that Jeffrey my villager needed a bed I quickly crafted him a cute red checkered bed so that he had somewhere to sleep other than the floor

I also merged my old rod with a new one so I got even better enchantments and named it something fishy wasn’t my best work in terms of naming but it would have to do I went back to fishing and did that all night periodically scrolling through my Instagram on @

Abigail pinh Haven okay okay that’s the last time I’ll bring it up I swear the night flew by and it was now on day 217 I wanted to make some horse armor so that when I went out on adventures my air coins would be extra safe I did the

Hundreds of steps required to make swam horse armor and even went as far as to upgrade it to netherite Dober kept a watchful eye on me from where she had wedged herself behind my grindstone I grabbed Nova’s tack because I wanted her to model the armor just before realizing you can’t put

Armor on a horse that doesn’t have a full set of Adventure tack I did have all of it at one point but Rocky had gone missing with most of it on I decided to put down an armor stand so I could display the armor but I can’t lie

It looked really weird it looked like some kind of Bionic Cow soon it started raining so I took a moment to Google the best way to get rid of water so that I could easily access the dungeon which had the end portal in it I hadn’t come

Across any sponges yet yet so gravel and sand seemed like my best option I grabbed all my available gravel and made a ton of rope so that I could easily lower myself into the dungeon after that was done I went back to fishing because

It was kind of fun day 218 it was still raining so I made sure to check on the horses while they stayed safe and dry in their stalls Jeffrey was still giving me the cold shoulder despite his new bed and the armor rack in my tack room still

Weirded me out I really don’t know why it just looks wrong despite the weather I decided I would take Nova out to go to the dungeon to see how many Eyes of Ender I needed as well as grab any loot that was down there I ended up not

Swimming her across to the first island because I thought a boat might be quicker while we were out at Sea the rain cleared revealing a sunken wreck I took a dive and scored some horse XP potions and a few gems and bars we saw another whale who looks slightly smaller

Than Atlas but it was still awesome when we arrived oh wait I guess I should inform you now that if I say we I mean dog birt and I because now I know know she can respawn she’s invited to every Adventure okay so when we arrived I downed a water breathing potion and

Started to mine straight down it didn’t take long for me to bust into the dungeon and I quickly resurfaced to fill the walls with gravel so that I could put a rope in for me to climb now just with the knowledge that I’m digging down

And placing ropes as I go I want you to take a wild guess at the mistake I made next oh my God not fatal this time thankfully but there was a habit forming and I didn’t like it after my broken legs had made a recovery I came up the

Rope to free dogbutt from the boat revealing it was now day 219 dogbert came down with me this time and the first chest I saw gave me some decent items we began exploring and I will admit that the atmosphere down here was really creepy because there was actually

A gap in the walls where mobs would spawn so you could hear them but when you rounded the corner ready for a fight there was nothing there I did feel a bit disappointed that there wasn’t n more interesting loot or cool rooms to find there were these libraries that had

Chest hidden in them but that was sort of it I did eventually find the place I was looking for the end portal room it had a silverfish Spawner in it but I quickly took that out so that I could count how many eyes were missing from the portal frame I counted 11 and

Decided I had had enough exploring for today and wanted to head home it was going to be a piece of cake getting the eyes if I didn’t have them already and other than making sure I had enough golden apples and arrows I would would have no trouble in the fight against the

Ender Dragon when we arrived back on land Nova was fast asleep before I had to wake her up so that we could go home when we got back I popped Nova in her stall and she went back to sleep pretty soon after day 220 consisted mostly of sorting the contents of my massive

Backpack and throwing away junk I just didn’t need as the rain cleared up I set about making the entrance and hallway to my grinder elevators nicer than it currently was as it was nothing more than a hole in the ground followed by a tunnel as I was doing that my brain

Began to wander and I I was thinking about the next 100 day series I wanted to start we were meant to have filmed it over Christmas break but I never got round to it so here I’ll PCT you the idea and you can tell me in the comments

If you want to see this video so the premise was 100 days in Minecraft equestrian Edition with zombies I created a mod pack to make Minecraft into a post-apocalypse game and the goal would have been to survive by starting with nothing but a horse and some basic

Tools while the under tried their best to end My Life For Your Entertainment after I tested the mod pack I fin to be far too scary so my best friend queasy offered to join me in the challenge what do you think would you like to see that

Video I had made great progress on my tunnel it certainly wasn’t my best work but there is only so much I could do with a hole in the ground I spent day 221 finishing up the tunnel and fixing the elevator because I broke it anyway I

Don’t think I actually got to show you the elevator in action yet so the one on the left had a magma block at the bottom so the bubbles would pull you down and the one on the right had a Soul Sand which push you up they they were pretty

Handy but I wouldn’t build one again unless I had a solid reason to a rope would have worked just as well here I spent the next 2 days grinding until day 223 when I finally hit XP level 45 I really wanted to enchant my bow and some

Other items so I headed to my enchanting basement to get started I had a spare bow I wanted to throw into the mix and holy moly I got Infinity the infinity enchantment meant that all you needed was one arrow in your inventory and it would allow you to shoot as many arrows

As you like it also had power four and Unbreaking three I ran to my store room to rename it social distancing two and to ditch my old bow after that I scored a silk touch golden pick with Unbreaking three and efficiency four talk about lucky after that I crafted a few

Hitching rings to put on the stores to make tying and untying the horses a little easier then I gave them all a good brush and sorted my storage a bit more I found a treasure map amongst all of the junk that I must have picked up

And I decided after a few days of monotony I would venture out to find this treasure tomorrow after a good snooze it was day 224 I gave dogba her breakfast ate a roast potato and got rejected by Jeffrey after a bit of consideration I decided to grab

Sparkle’s Tack and bring her in from the field she stood perfectly while I brushed and tacked her up and then we set off in the direction of the Dungeon Because I had found the map in a sunken wreck near there as we swam towards the Island Water started filling in on my

Map so I knew we were going the right way soon we hit land and I was able to see the X which marked the spot I was little concerned since this is actually my first time looking for Buried Treasure and i’ seen so many memes about

How difficult it was to find but I suppose luck was on my side and I found it in no time while I was there I also grabbed some flowering a leaves since I didn’t have any and I thought that they would look really cute as decoration on

My way back it got really dark and I spotted this weird sea tarantula looking thing but I only saw it for like a second and it was dark so I wasn’t even sure what it was exactly I then spent way too long long swimming around trying

To find it again to no avail some Dolphins who probably thought I was nuts came over luckily I had some fish on me and in exchange for a snack they led me to yet another sunken ruin they did leave me there while I was loing those

So I was left to slowly swim all the way back to where ID left Sparkle I was then absolutely terrorized by mobs on my way home when I finally got back there was more item sorting to be done yet again my sorting bled well into day 225 and I

Opted to do various Farm chores I discovered the achievements and I wanted to try doing one where I used the skillet to cook something while I was holding it but I was having trouble figuring out how to make it work my big brain thought that maybe it wasn’t

Recognizing the stove as a heat source and the next best thing was the lava that was sitting at my disposal I then proceeded to do the dumbest thing I think I have ever done in Minecraft oh my God that that was so dumb I feel like we all make a mistake

Like that at least once so we never do it again but that thought did nothing to minimize how thoroughly embarrassed I was from that death I was standing on a trapo above lava and just pulled the lever with seemingly no concept of consequences my gravestone had deleted

The lava so while my items were safe I needed to replenish the lava I used the time it took to go over by my portal to have a good long think about my actions after fixing my disposal I fed the mini donkey some spare hay and tried my hand

At cooking various Meats then I went to bed still mildly ashamed day 226 I wanted to go into The Nether to grab some glowstone with my new silk touch pickaxe it was a bit of a hassle to get since I had to build up and then make a

Platform to catch all the blocks before they fell into lava so this was starting to get a little bit timec consuming I then robbed a dude of his backpack so I could get his disc and he sent an army to try and mess me up but I outsmarted

Them by using three blocks to stay out of their reach they did drop a nice bit of XP and gold nuggets though I had spent so long in the nether that it was now day 227 to try and make it up to the community of piglins I attempted to

Trade with a golden bar but got scammed by a child after he took my bar and gave me nothing for it I then promptly ended his life I don’t personally believe in karma and while I can recognize that the events that followed were due to

Laps in my own judgment it did feel like perhaps I deserved it yeah so far all my deaths in this challenge have been me not thinking about the consequences until after I had done the action after sheepishly retrieving my items and running home with my tail between my legs I put those

Hard ear glow stones to good use by lighting up the entirety of my racetrack day 228 started off like most days in the UK rainy and dark I spotted another lost bee and rescued it since there were now two cases I was sure they were coming from my hives and getting lost

Other than that it wasn’t a particular ularly exciting day I just did more sorting and some crafting I ended up making a netherite knife and calling it stabby Abby and no my name isn’t spelled Abby y it’s spelled ABI because it’s a short hand from Abigail despite the fact

That AB y would have gone perfectly with the word stabby I just couldn’t bring myself to spell my name like that in the night I started thinking about the goal that was adjacent to beating the Ender Dragon throwing myself a yay I beat the Ender Dragon party I made some Oak

Tables and started putting up some poles in the hopes that I could hang some fairy lights and maybe letter bunting I tested out the poles using leftover string lights and I was pretty happy with their placement day 229 I discovered that you can train the fos using the desensitization items this was

Absolutely awesome because when they grew up they’d be well on their way to being easy rides I wanted to build a round pen to train them in instead of just doing it in the field so I started clearing some land near the farm the round pen was pretty small so it didn’t

Take too long to finish finished construction much like the arena I left the ground as grass mostly out of laziness it was a late afternoon when I put in the gates to the pen which turned out to be very frustrating because it was a full wide Gap so I got two horse

Care Gates but they wouldn’t line up unless one of them open the wrong direction excited to try out the new pen I grabbed each of the Falls to have a quick session with not only were they being handled which would greatly improve their bond with me but also they

Were learning how to be away from their parents for a short period of time I left Nova’s F in The Paddock while I got Sparkle’s fo in the pen but I feel like this was counterproductive since being completely by yourself is just too much

Of a big step at that age next time I would bring both of the fos together to see if that worked out better day 230 I left dog butt roaming near her Bowl because I figured I would stay home for a little while after restocking the feed

Bins and giving the horses grain I grabbed both fs and led them to the round pen the good thing about the placement of the pen was that they could see and hear their parents but be separated enough that they would start to gain independence they quickly got

The hang of being led and I felt like sporl fall was the most confident out of the two since they were younger I opted to tie Nova’s F outside the pen so that they could watch their half sibling go first it was barely the afternoon when we were finished and they actually

Interacted with a bale Golem for the first time on their way back look at this little cutie holding some oats he wasn’t that interested in getting to know the FES so I promptly turned them both back out in a show of Independence they both stood with the each other for

A moment before running to Nova most likely to tell her about their day she didn’t seem that enthralled Sparkle had enjoyed her time off thanks to daycare and didn’t seem in a rush to see her kid to be fair these FS had spent a really long time with their parents and they

Were more than ready to start working with I took the rest of the day to do farm chores and to light up the hole under the Sheep pasture to stop the mobs from spawning day 231 I’d actually added a data pack into my game this would

Allow me to craft name tags as I had so many mobs to name and nowhere near enough tags for some reason I chose my barn cows to be the first to be named please meet moona Lisa Kim kashian mudon and Greg soon it was time to take the

Fos out again once again grabbing both of them from the field and tying Nova’s fo outside while Sparkle’s fo went first this time we started with waving the plastic bag around which did spook them but they very quickly calmed down and realized it wasn’t actually dangerous I

Then gave them a full brush and Apple then it was Nova’s Fall’s turn and they were much less happy with the bag and ended up kicking me it didn’t do too much damage and once they relaxed I also brushed them and rewarded them with an apple much like the day before once they

Were released into the field they ran over to Nova and started pestering her again I had one more thing I wanted to do today which was to make a cake this cake would go into my fridge until day 300 when I would put it onto the table

For the party I grabbed all the ingredients and smooshed it all together raw somehow making an edible Dessert Day 232 I finally remembered that if I Nam tag the fos I could see their gender I couldn’t pick the names yet because the foes could grow up to have very

Different coats to what they were showing right now it was revealed that Sparkle’s fo was a girl and novas was a boy that worked out perfectly but I’m not going to breed them because they are half siblings I grabbed them both for some morning training the Philly

Actually had a breakthrough today as she became completely desensitized to the plastic bag being rewarded with a brush and an apple as usual the cult was also doing very well standing outside the pen being tied but he absolutely hated the bag and kicked at me again but from

Watching his sister he too became desensitized to the bag and I decided to let them both have some time in the round pen just to help start introducing them to weaning they were free to wander around together and I was staying on the farm anyway so I wouldn’t be far I went

To go get some honeycomb from The Hive so I could make some candles for the party but I forgot to smoke the bees and they came after me usually I do a good job at avoiding them but somehow one of the bees reached me and stung me he

Ended up being brown bread I tried to decorate the party area with letter bunting but it wouldn’t work this would actually be an omen of things to come day 233 we were back at full training as usual but these little ones were making such great progress so much so that when

I turned them both out the cold ran to Sparkle but the Philly was just happy to take a moment in St stand before leisurely making her way over what a queen I then grabbed Jericho so that we could tack up and go for a ride I needed

Beatroots for a kebab recipe and I wanted to have an adventure after spending so many days at home the trio was back with dog butt and toe and I headed across the meadows and towards a direction that was largely unexplored it did begin to rain on our parade quite

Literally while we took cover in the woods I came across more Wolves and the question was brought up again should I get another dog I kind of wanted another dog ideally it would be male so that dog but could have some puppies I didn’t bring any bones though so that would

Have to wait as it got dark I started exploring the area on foot and got absolutely hammered by creepers that were practically invisible in the foliage day 234 was much brighter so we all set out in search of new lands I sort of hoped to find a swamp biome

Because that was a big one that I hadn’t found yet as we were making good progress my game suddenly crashed and my heart stopped oh my God Jericho I feared that he had suffered the same fate as Rocky after the last crash and I hoped with my full heart

That that was not the case I was a little horrified to find that the day had restarted much like it had done the day I lost Rocky I scrambled to see if Jericho was there where I’d hitched him and I was so happy to see that he was

Okay that could have gone a very different way I started to get the feeling that this world was becoming more and more unstable nevertheless less I still had 66 days to go so on we pop we recovered our progress and journeyed onwards then I almost killed Jericho by

Running into Hemlock we were covering good ground until the biome changed to bamboo forest this was like the one biome that was swm horse cryp Tonite I opted to swim along the border instead and managed to catch a live puffer fish we were then back onto Meadows and I

Window shopped some wild horses knowing full well that I could never get one because I already had five horses at home then we found this pretty little village and I decided to bed down here for the night day 235 I perused the village for stuff I could take and

Realized some of their crops were be truds that checked that off the list all I had to do left was have an adventure but I can’t lie it was a bit boring out here there was nothing new and certainly no swamps so after a little while I

Decided to just head home but on the Journey Back Jericho and I became best friends forever which was just lovely day 236 I crafted these treat strings but they look so so much like kebab skewers that I added them to my evolving party space paired with a grill and some

Buffet tables I thought the place was really starting to come together then we did some more you guess it full training as usual they were doing really well with the Philly definitely happy at being a leader as she was generally more confident than the cult I decided to

Leave them in the round pan again as it worked really well last time I headed to my kitchen to make some stuffed pumpkin and that took all day for some reason day 237 was pretty much the same thing with me just starting off the morning working with the babies and then doing

Some cooking during the day day 238 to spice up their routine a little bit we practiced standing while being tied which they were brilliant at after all the work we needed some onions and ham for my recipe so I grabbed Nova so we could go look for some she was really

Fresh and kept rearing and bucking she probably needed more exercise than I gave her but at least today she was out and moving we went to the top of the hill with a village on it and I discovered wild llamas for a second I did think about bringing some home but I

Had absolutely no use for them and would need yet another enclosure I let them be and continued my search I found some wild onions which I was happy to harvest and did anyone read the book holes in school because I remember that bit where the dude escapes and is living off wild

Onions and making them sound absolutely delicious yeah that’s a bit left fied but it did pop into my head while I was gathering I ended up at the village in the valley and I may have killed all their pigs in my quest for ham which was

Successful by the way we headed home and I grabbed some bottles of honey from my hives and started making some honeyed ham day 239 I was in my garden grabbing some fresh veggies to make salad for the party I popped a bowl of Greens on a chopping board that doubled as a plate

On the buffet table I would to ask Jeffrey if he wanted some but as usual he didn’t want to know if my calculations were correct then tonight would be the night that I will fall for you sorry the fs grew up I thought it would be best to separate them from the

Adults and pop them in the round pen overnight I was so very excited to see what they would look like all grown up just as the first light was peaking Over the Horizon on day 240 I rushed out my house to see if the Falls had indeed

Grown up as I rounded The Stables I could already see that they had Sparkle’s fall was this gorgeous light Palamino and Nova was this really beautiful well I don’t even know what you’d call this coat let me know in the comments but he’s so pretty a storm broke out overhead and it started

Absolutely pouring down this wasn’t going to stop my naming ceremony as I picked out two names which one were Sunny for the Philly this name was really popular and suggested by a lot of people and Comet for the cult thank you guys so much for helping me pick their

Names as much as I wanted to stand in awe of my homebred horses it was pelting down with rain so I thought it was best to bring them into their new Paddock this section hadn’t had a horse step foot in yet and it was much bigger than

The one behind the Stables I gave sunny and Comet their first grain feed and rush back over to my Storehouse to craft them some blankets and halter I decided Sunny’s color would of course be yellow and that comets would suit a royal blue on my way back I grabbed everyone’s

Blankets and threw them on as I was going past I knew the storm was getting bad when lightning started striking and I could hear the Roar of Thunder this wasn’t the best way to be eased into adulthood especially when they didn’t have a shelter I only had three stalls

So there genuinely was no room for them after blanketing them both and quickly having a look at a flat bit of land in their Paddock Ian ran back over to my Storehouse to grab some materials so that I could throw up a shelter even with the choice of going indoors the

Trio opted to huddle under a thin overhang after swiftly clearing the grass I put up some poles out of fences to serve as supports for a roof this wasn’t going to be anything fancy and it was more meant to get the horses out of the rain and to eliminate the chance of

Them being struck by lightning once it was complete I led both horses under it satisfied that at least they had somewhere to go and stand away from the barrage of water then I went to bring in all the other horses because I just wasn’t too keen on leaving them outside

While it was still raining I opted to craft sunny and comets feed bows and a new water truff for their Paddock day 241 was lovely and clear so I thought it would be a great day to start backing the Young Horses if you don’t know what backing means it’s basically when you

Get onto their back and start riding of course in real life you take many many many sessions before you’d even actually start riding but in my head I’ve been working with the youngsters quite a lot so I’m sure it was fine for me to jump on as usual I grabbed them both together

So that comets could watch while Sunny started the session off she stood really nicely while I popped the training saddle and spare blanket on and I made sure she was super comfortable and the girth wasn’t too tight before swapping her halter for a bridal that was when

She had her first unhappy moment but it was less of a complete freak out and more of a what the heck when I got on and started riding around we had absolutely zero problems she was happy as Larry whoever that is when it was comet’s turn he tried to run back to his

Paddock after I hitched him which was a pretty clear indicator of how he must have been feeling about the activity after I wrangled him back and got the saddle pad and saddle on he said a hard no thank you it took a bit of time to

Calm him down and get him into the round pen unsurprisingly he wasn’t very happy with me on his back but just like his sister he settled in nicely after a little while and I hopped off as soon as he had a positive experience it was now the late afternoon and the ponies had

Worked hard enough that it was now time for them to chill out in the paddock then I beat a zombie to death with a pom pom day 242 I went into the field to grab sunny but not before making sure she drank her fill and ate all of her

Grain I also dished out my swim potions making Sunny a better jumper and Comet faster I took both horses out again as there would have been no one else besides comet in the field and considering he had basically never been without Sunny his whole life this probably would have stressed him out I

Hged him to a post while I got Sunny tacked up for our ride she actually hopped over the first jump but then refused the second no worries wores is this was literally her first time jumping so the fact that she went over the first one was just amazing after

Finding a rhythm we really started to build a connection and she started to enjoy the work I used up basically the entire day before leading both horses back into the paddock I did go out in the night to set up some barrels so that I could work with comet tomorrow day 245

I was up bright and early taking care of the horses now that I had five of them I had to always know what items to grab and what order to do things in or this part would take ages Sunny ate her grain and I set dog but to roam in The Paddock

And keep her company while I took out Comet I figured if he was busy working then she would most likely be able to find Comfort by herself and that would help him be less clingy too she was a little concerned when she saw him on the

Other side of the fence and watched him walk away she could probably see the arena from there and would eventually get bored waiting I tacked Comet up and this time we had no issues starting off with a gentle counter we did some barrels and com work he really improved

His speed and our bond in the short session surprisingly Sunny was still waiting for him at the fence and he was pulling against the lead rope to go see her once I let him lose he seemed a little bit happier I spent the night lighting up the paddock with small fairy

Lights so that I could get rid of the ugly torches that were everywhere day 246 I made sure the horses had their food and water before turning my attention to the party area I replaced the boring old lanterns for some super colorful fairy lights of different varieties I strung up some pink and

White bunting to add color because there definitely wasn’t enough of that and then I discovered that tinsel could have wrap itself around the poles it looked utterly ridiculous and I absolutely loved it there was just so much color and light and now it’s really starting

To look like a party I also made myself a pink cone to wear as a party hat in the night I organized my crates some more day 247 I felt like it was time for me to get another dog my idea was to tame a wolf and either retired dog butt

To hang out in the paddock or have the new Dog Guard my Fields I grabbed Nova and we headed out to where I last saw some wolves I found one in this little Pond and fed them as many bones as they needed to be tamed I did really love how

The dogs had little sweaters on in my texture pack I pulled them up out of the pond and kept them leash since they didn’t have the teleportation abilities that were as strong as dog Birds we got home and I untacked Nova before grabbing the dog treats to make them into a doggy

Talents dog that’s a lot of dogs they were transformed and I was a little sad that they were a female so no puppies for us but I was really glad to have another dog especially one that could guard my horses if any mobs got close I

Decided to call her Ry because I just think that that’s a really pretty name of course after the death scare with dog but my first priority was putting down a bed for her so that she could respawn much like dogbert when she was younger Ray enjoyed climbing all over my

Furniture I actually settled to work immediately by putting down some Patrol points in the back Paddock to see how she would do day two 248 I did my routine with the horses and was just sort of itching for more exploration monotony had taken hold these last few

Days and it was time to shake things up a bit grabbing dobert and Nova I headed out towards the village on the mountain B viid slightly right to try and go in a New Direction day 249 we kept covering ground and I found this albino donkey it

Was really pretty and I figured I had enough room in the back pdic plus donkeys had zero maintenance I tamed her and left a waypoint so I could grab her on my way back the rest of the day we pressed onwards day 250 exactly halfway through we climbed this mountain which

Revealed a gorgeous Plateau I mean it really was just stunning you could see over the tops of a huge Spruce Forest there were flowers everywhere it was relatively flat and there was an interesting Basin in the middle of the mountain this would have been an incredible place to have set up a house

And a farm I spotted a Pillager Outpost and ch T to battle with dog birt these guys were no match for me and I wiped them out really easily once I looted their sad little base I took overa to the edge of the mountain where we had

The best Sunset View I think I have ever seen in this game just breathtaking for something that was just cubes and lighting day 251 I spotted a village that was a short track away and decided to head down the mountain I feel like I’m not doing this area any justice

Honestly there were so many gorgeous SES and I got to capture them all too many to show in fact by the way I mentioned this at the start but you can get these 100 Day wallpapers from my website Abigail pinh haven.com and there are quite a few from this location as you

Can see why the village wasn’t anything special loot wise but in terms of location this place was Prime real estate a lot of structures were on teered land but they didn’t appear to have any weird drop offs or issues we pressed on a little bit further and I

Found another donkey but this time he was a really lovely dark shade he was certainly the stubborn type of donkey because when I tried to to tame him he dropped into crass and tried to suffocate me in a wall look how stupid I look this guy had captured my heart

Through and through and I decided to press on further a bit and come back for him later D 252 I went as far as I could until I hit the ocean I was a little sad that there were no new biomes for me but the terrain generation in this area had

Been both epic and delightful I turned back to go and get the donkey and we slept at the village for the night day 253 we were making slow progress towards the first donkey and I came across a jungle temple I remember I used to adore finding these structures in my early

Days on Minecraft I didn’t know how to do the puzzle so I just Mind through it to get the chest day 254 I grabbed the albino donkey and headed home this was when I noticed that all of my normal way points were missing for some reason but

Luckily I already knew the way back from here we made it home in the evening and I got Nova settled in her stool before grabbing both donkeys and heading to the Back Field Sunny was the first to to meet them and honestly didn’t seem bothered I then spent all night sorting

The chests yet again day 255 was back to the routine and I really wanted to build something since I hadn’t done a proper project yet I think I’ve mentioned this before but I love building things that are both pretty and practical but right now I just didn’t need anything I didn’t

Want to extend or build new Stables as the horses were better off in the fields anyway this meant that I could only really build something that’s served no purpose other than looking pretty I took a little bit of time to think about what I would like to make day 256 I had

Settled on the idea of building a windmill I grabbed my granite and concrete very much aware that I needed to make more I watched this tutorial from blitzart but wanted to change some of the blocks to fit my current palette and then got to work I went down the

Hill to get a look at my current state and my heart dropped because it was a bit of an eyes saw but I had to trust the the process and myself to get this done day 257 I was making progress but had discovered that a certain inability

Of mine was making the whole process rather difficult you see when I was about eight or nine I did the specialized test in school and if I’m not incorrect they would test to see if you had any learning disabilities I excelled at the Reading Writing maths and logic puzzles but there was one

Particular area that I scored so low on that they had to call my parents and tell them about it you see there respons of the test where you had to make a big 3D shape out of these smaller shapes my brain absolutely broke and I discovered

That I can’t picture 3D shapes very well in my head thus a joke was born that my only weakness was shapes the relevancy here is that even though I could see the shape of the Bas in the tutorial I was really struggling to put it into my own

Game correctly I spent so much time trying to figure out where I had gone wrong it took me so incredibly long to finish the exterior that it wasn’t until day 262 that I could properly show you what it looked like man did I struggle day 263 I headed out to gather some more

Wood and day 264 I put in the interior as I mentioned before there was really no use for this windmill other than Aesthetics which I will admit it did look really good now that it was done I filled it with chests and crates and hay knowing that I would realistically never

Go in inside this building on a regular basis on day 265 I added a small Wheat Farm next to the mill to help balance out the colors and at least make it look useful day 266 consisted on catching up on all of the chores that I had been

Neglecting around the farm and also adding fairy lights to the sheet Paddock once again removing the Torches day 267 an idea popped into my head a lot of you had asked if you could have my world file and I think I will release it at

Some point so if you do want it make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss when I announce where to get the file but in the same vein I wanted to make a guest house for you to stay in if you do visit my world of course you’re welcome

To stay in my house but just in case you wanted a place for yourself I wanted to build an exclusive accommodation for you I cleared some land at the very top of the mountain and started laying down the outline I wanted to challenge myself to

See if I could do it freehand but the shape was exactly the same as my Tac room so I ended up making it a rectangle day 268 I was happy with the outline and started putting up the walls only to realize I had no white concrete left and

I had to go make some I crafted the powder and spent a lot of the night and some of day 269 turning it into concrete blocks I was making progress and started on the roof I headed down the mountain to see what the outline looked like and

Uh yeah not the biggest fan of it yet day 270 I looked up at the hill after coming out of my house and decided I absolutely hated it the silhouette on the mountain was wrong there wasn’t enough space for everything I wanted and I just wanted to tear it all down so

That’s what I did and then I started building you a new better house using this photo from creative new YT on Planet Minecraft this time I placed it further down the mountain towards the back padic and I was much happier with the way it shaped my Horizon I started

Decorating the inside and a little bit of the outside until I was really happy with it day 273 I wanted to give you a tour of your house so this is what it looks like from my window and as we head over past the stables and the round pen

And across from the back Paddock we get to your new house I placed lots of leaves and flowers to make it look a little bit overgrown and cottage core but you are welcome to remove those if you want a cleaner look then we head into the living room/kitchen combo we’ve

Got a great big window comfy blue sofas and a bookshelf I also placed down this backpack which you can grab then you can open this Barrel in the corner of the bookshelf to grab your favorite color and dye the bag just like I personalized mine the kitchen has all you need with

Lots of cupboards a fridge Stove Top and cutting board nothing too fancy but I’m sure it will serve you well then we go up the ladder into your bedroom this was a little bit tricky because the space was a little bit small but I think I did

An okay job you’ve got your bed and a headboard shelving space up high and some bookshelves the balcony is one of my favorite Parts as you can look out onto the the farm The Paddock and the arena you’ve just got great views all around plus there is some cute chairs

For you to relax in I really really hope you like the house I built for you and as I said if you do play on this world you are more than welcome to customize it to your liking I still had a little bit of daylight left and I wanted to

Start on your garden I definitely wanted to build a miniature version of my Greenhouse as well as bring over some bees I placed out the outline before retiring to my sleeping bag day 274 I grabbed my glass and started putting in your Greenhouse as I said it was much

Smaller than the main one but instead of housing bees I wanted to grow a few crops in it instead once it was complete I went to get some fresh carrots from my garden and Rich soy from the Muk pile only the best for my guest of course

There really wasn’t much room at all for crops but I did manage to squeeze in this 2x two planter bed I also popped in some tables for potted plants too day 275 I placed in a stone path from the entrance to the greenhouse then I shaped

The back your garden a little bit using these cute white picket fence and place down sunflowers at the side of your house then I went absolutely ham placing flowers down I had some spare fairy light lanterns that I wanted to string up at the side of the house but the

Detailing made it a little bit awkward it ended up looking like this which wasn’t great but it would have to do the final thing I did that day was clear a tiny patch of elevated ground so I could put in a tree and maybe a hammock day

276 I crafted a yellow hammock and an orange tree once the orange tree was fully grown I used two logs as the support for the other side of the hammock it was really cute and I wanted to demonstrate what it would look like if you lay down on it

Only to accidentally skip the day and turn it to night great I decided the area needed a water feature and made this really crude looking running waterfall not my favorite thing ever but it was still cute right day 277 I did some more detailing and gave your house

A nice sign above the door oh and I also left knife in your house just in case you need it day 278 Jeffrey took the mick out of me by tossing some raw pork chop on the roof of his stall it was meant for dog birs which I thought was a

Bit mean so I gave her my steak instead we set off in the boat to go get even more wood this was because I was finally going to add fencing to my Arena as it looked a little bit strange without it as I was deforesting the area I looked

Out onto the water hoping to see Atlas but he didn’t seem to be around day 279 I started on the fencing it was the same design that I had used for the round pen and consisted of logs and slabs I got most of the way around before I had to

Cut into the corner of a hill in order to get a straight line once the fencing was in place and finished I had to go back to that corner and terraform it to look a little more natural I genuinely despise terraforming mostly because I’m really bad at it then this baby zombie

Scared the B Jesus out of me day 280 I successfully completed the terraforming on the corner and started to make a little tack up/ waiting area honestly it didn’t make sense for me to bring sunny and Comet all the way to the Stables just to tack up so having a

Little hitching area would be really handy day 281 I continued with the hitching area successfully setting up posts as well as some spare feeders and water trust just in case they needed them I decided to also tack on a tiny little Paddock Square mostly thinking about Comet if he ever got too anxious

To be left alone and needed to see Sunny while I worked with her it was a really cute little pen equipped with everything a horse may need to be in their short short term then I attempted to light up the arena to help combat mob spawning I

Was now all in on equipping this side of the farm so on day 282 I put up a covered shed thing that I could store some quality hay bales in it was a bit annoying needing to have them on hand all the time and this would mean that

There were always some close by even if I was in the back Paddock I ended up bringing over loads of extra things like some training gear spare head collars and crates to hold everything day 283 was pretty quiet as it consisted of even more inventory sorting honestly guys I

Can’t even explain how much time I had to dedicate to putting items in the correct boxes it was a Conant management issue and it ate to so many of my days here but I didn’t really have the energy to figure out and Implement a new system

So just sucked it up and got on with it day 284 I decided to have my last official Adventure considering my last 200 days ended or almost ended in disaster because I tried to push my luck right at the end I would play this Ultra

Safe this time and leave 16 days spare I chose Sunny for my ride as she was really growing on me and she had the confidence that Comet just didn’t possess yet this would be a really good chance to build up her skills and bonding as well as give me something

Stimulating to do I wanted to go and check out the Woodland Mansion I spotted all the way back on day 80 something so we headed off past the meadows and onto the shores near the bamboo forest I could have left Sunny behind for a boat but this wasn’t about getting the job

Done quickly so we had a lovely leisurely swim across the sea when we landed on the island I struggled through the trees to reach one side of the Mansion making sure Sunny was safely hitched I broke my way in and started exploring with dog Birds this was again

My first time exploring a woodland Mansion so I wasn’t sure what to expect I was hoping for some good loot especially a totem of undying I explored the various rooms and discovered some Curious structures like this large table a wool room a bedroom libraries and some sort of fight Arena it was very

Interesting to see what each room had inside as well as wonder what the law behind this was I don’t know if this is normal but no vindicators spawned here just lots of zombies and creepers I spent a lot of time in the mansion and it was strangely comforting to be inside

A structure that I hadn’t built myself it sort of made me feel like maybe I wasn’t alone in this big vast world after not much loot and seeing all there was to the mansion I headed outside on day 285 I sunny and headed back home I couldn’t quite believe what I found next

Or should I say who I found the SC Rocky oh my God oh my God is that Rocky oh my God oh my God it’s Rocky it’s it’s Roy Rocky there’s no way there’s no way this is Rocky oh my God I don’t know how I don’t know why but the horse that I thought had been

Wiped from existence was standing right in front of me I had found Rocky I could not believe my eyes so much so that I was fully expecting him just to disappear right in front of me but but I started to get a sinking feeling when Sunny started acting

Strangely what’s up with sunny why is sunny broken hello I feel like I’m going to crash Sunny’s stuck I think is this really Rocky he’s like glitched sunny out she was stuck in the drinking animation and I couldn’t get on her I was defitely afraid that Rocky was corrupted and that

He would break sunny or worse crash my game for good Sunny’s like broken I don’t know why Sunny’s broken after pulling both horses out of the water I inspected Rocky a little bit closer his hunger and thirst bar was surprisingly high for a horse that hadn’t been fed grain in 186

Days this suggested to me that he hadn’t been spawned in for the majority of that time or else his bars would have been completely depleted either way I was so incredibly happy happy to have him back oh my God Rocky’s actually Here I can’t believe It when I woke up on day 286 I expected it to have all been a dream but there he was fully tacked up from the day I lost him I had a theory as to what may have happened but my priority was getting him home first

Sunny was still bugged out just like she had been last night and I did Panic a a little but after removing her tack she seemed to be able to break free of the animation when she was seemingly back to normal I tacked her back up and ponied

Rocky thinking about it now I don’t think Rocky had ever been ponied before let alone by a horse he’d never met oh my goodness he had so many new horses to meet and the donkeys too this made me think about Jack and I wondered if Rocky

Would notice he was gone then again it’s not like the two of them spent that much time together they were both very independent animals it was so surre leading Rocky down the racetrack and across the farm the last time he was here most of this area looked completely

Different I could only imagine what a shock this must have been considering that after he was lost everything continued to move on I felt a really deep Pang of guilt when I realized that he didn’t have a stall anymore his old stall was now Nova’s and I only had

Three for the six horses man I have a lot of horses it suddenly occurred to me that I only had one thing that would solidify if this was Rocky or not I dashed upstairs and grabbed his old tack box doing a quick comparison of the two confirmed that this was absolutely

Without a doubt my Rocky I smiled when I put his head color on knowing that it was no longer a room decoration as it was returned to its rightful ewine I quickly untacked him and gave him a thorough brush then I made sure to untack Sunny and while I didn’t have a

Dedicated stall instead of forcing him out into the padic with a bunch of horses he’s never met I let him stay in his old stable first I popped sunny out into the back Paddock and then made Rocky comfortable inside Jericho sparkl and Nova could see into his stall but

There was only a mild curiosity and I was appreciative that they weren’t the type of horses to bust down a door just to see who was in there after watching him for bit I decided to go to bed once again suspecting that he wouldn’t be there the next day I was once again

Proved wrong when I found Rocky standing in Nova’s stool right to where he was supposed to be I made sure he drank and ate and then opened the St stable doors to let him wander out and ReDiscover his old Paddock only Rocky wasn’t too keen on that if you remember from the first

100 days Rocky was found on a mountain by himself shared a paddock with a donkey who he never interacted with and was almost antisocial when presented with other animals he had not changed one bit and wasn’t interested in meeting any of the three main horses who were in

This padic he did look at Nova at one point but quickly turned around disinterested after a little while it became pretty clear that he didn’t gel with Nova Sparkle or Jericho so instead of forcing it I leted him through the back Paddock to meet Comet and say hi to

Sunny after that I wanted him to see the improved Arena he was the first one to be ridden in there back before it had railings of course I showed him the arena he looked at it looked at me looked back and then at me again no idea

What was going through his head it was either wow the arena looks so different or do I look like I care Rocky seemed more Curious looking at Comet over the fence than he had been in any of the other horses I decided to try and leave

Him out in the back Paddock and maybe I’m crazy but Rocky and sunny definitely had a connection what do you guys think day 288 I did my routine but this time for six horses I crafted Rocky his very own lime green feeder and after both sunny and Comet were finished having

Their breakfast I put it down so that he could eat I can imagine that the new Paddock situation was better than being stabled all the time especially for a horse who was truly Wild at Heart like Rocky I dared to have our first ride again I tacked him up in the same

Adventure Gear he always wore and took him over to the arena that I had shown off to him yesterday I had a lot of fun riding around and getting used to him again at the end of the day my heart was happy but my head was now angling to

Focus on my final task but as I was riding Rocky back to the Stables I had an idea one that was so crazy it might actually work day 289 was upon us and I only had 11 days to sort out my plan if you aren’t up to speed I’m going to fight

The Ender Dragon on Horseback the first phase of the plan was going to get Rocky to max level on as many stats as possible this also required me to make horse Health items such as fly sprays and health boosters which I had to brew myself then I took Rocky out into the

Track and we trained all day improving his speed jump and health it was hard workout for him and unfortunately resulted in having to be put in a stall so I could make sure he never missed a meal and we didn’t waste too much time going to and from The Paddock day 290 we

Were back on the track all day while Rocky slept I went into a small patch of Freeland by the Sheep Paddock and set up these hay bale targets so that I could practice my bow skills bows were essential to beat the Ender Dragon and while I had occasionally used mine I had

To be so confident that I could do it on Horseback but for now we were starting on the ground and getting used to the Arc of the arrow and how long it took me to draw the bow to its full potential day 291 I geared Rocky up for another

Day on the track this time though I set up some hay bale targets along the length of the track at varying Heights and distances I jumped on Rocky and we started off at a leisurely Trot as I attempted to hit the targets I did an all right job for my first time I

Managed to hit a few of them but there were a couple that I whiffed on every shot as the day went on I got a little better with each shot Rocky kept me straight as an arrow and it allowed me to focus on the bow rather than steering

Which I really appreciated once we lost the daylight I settled Rocky in his stall and went back to the basics using the straw bales as target practice I did this with my UI off so I could get a more natural feeling for where the arrow

Would land day 292 was more of the same I was rapidly improving now able to shoot targets at a caner and hit them most of the time it was actually a pretty fun activity and I would highly recommend it even if you aren’t aiming to fight the Ender Dragon it was only

The late afternoon when I ended our training and let Rocky rest for the remainder of the day in the night I gave myself a break too and decided to put up some lamp posts near your house in the arena Day 293 I let Rocky have the day

Off so he could be in the paddock with sunny and Comet I also used this time to breed my bees and make sure the hives at your house were occupied I also got to spy on the horses from your house where I saw Ray Comet and Rocky standing

Together under the shelter then when it was night time and Rocky did the cutest thing by snuggling up to each other do you guys remember when Jericho and sporle did this gosh they was so adorable as lovely as the day off had been it was now back to work I was

Running out of time so Rocky and I focused on maxing his stats I did some evening riding in the arena and look how many Health Hearts he has you would need an army to take this horse down or maybe a dragon day 295 we were back on the

Track but this time I felt like I was really hitting the mark I started getting pretty good at hitting the Targets in a row which was actually quite challenging at to counter then I took Rocky out for a ride in the medows just to help break the cycle of straight

Lines and fenced in arenas we ended up having a nice swim in the nearby stream too day 296 I discovered that the netherite armor had a Wings variation and I thought that this style suited Rocky the best I decided today’s training would include the armor so that

He could get used to the way it felt and how much it weighed I was finally guessing the hang of tracking targets as I went past which meant my shots landed far more often and were more accurate but as we went up and down the track despite the amazing progress we both

Made I had this feeling that this wasn’t enough all we had done was practice on bales and run in straight lines we needed to actually put our skills to the test on a live Battlefield so when night fell instead of retreating to the safety of the farm we stayed out in the Meadows

And set about killing any mobs we could until the sun rose it was definitely more challenging as I had to stay Rocky and shoot and after a while my finger achd from awkwardly holding down the left ALT key I will admit though once I got the hang of things I really started

To feel my confidence grow it was a lot to think about all at once and I missed my fair share of shots but overall being in a more live situation gave me a taste of what the Ender Dragon might require as the sun rose on day

297 we headed home I had a lot of sorting to do today to make sure I have everything I needed and we could leave for the portal tomorrow I turned Rocky out in the back padic and got to work on repairing my items to the Max and making

Sure I had enough fly sprays and golden apples for health regen day 298 was now here and there was nothing left for me to do other than to feed dogbert make sure Rocky ate and drank before I tacked him up and set off towards the portal my Waypoint was gone

But I knew the way there so I wasn’t too concerned I did opt to leave dogbert at home instead of taking her to the fight realistically she couldn’t do much from the ground and even though she could res spawn it would still have been heartbreaking to see her die again and I

Can’t afford to get distracted so it was just Rocky and I day 14 and day one this was our fight to have and despite all the time we had been apart the last 10 days we had really reconnected as if there wasn’t still a grave with his name

On it on the top of a mountain it had occurred to me that there was a chance Rocky wouldn’t walk away from this battle but it wouldn’t be right to do it without him and I had done everything I could to give him the best chance at

Surviving the rest was down to me making the right decisions at the right time we got to the island near the portal by midday and I took the chance to fish everything I needed out of my backpack and leave the rest behind I didn’t need much but I did remember to bring a

Piston and a lever to be able to collect the dragon egg when we were finished as the sun was setting I headed down into the dungeon with Rocky and into the portal room I activated it and stared into its Starry Blackness I suddenly worried that Rocky couldn’t go through

The portal but there was only one way to find Out A [Applause] And just like that I had done it we had done it I beat the Ender Dragon on a horse and I’m pretty sure I’m the first one to have done it in a video it was a grueling but epic battle after we landed I gobbled up all the XP skyrocketing my

Levels then I quickly grabbed some endstone to build a platform up to the egg so that I could grab it despite our incredible win Rocky had seemingly had enough of the end and went through the portal by himself oh okay I didn’t Doo long and jumped in

After him then I bowled my eyes out at the credits which I won’t show properly because they really mean something after you’ve played the game now I was back in the Overworld and it was day 299 amazingly Rocky’s armor gave him Frost Walker so in the same fashion as

The ender dragon fight we epically rode across the water what an absolute roller coaster this all was I have more to say about these vide videos and the world so make sure to watch until the end to find out the fate of this series it was late

When we finally arrived home and it was time for Rocky to rest not just rest but officially retire he was 286 days old and even though he had spent the vast majority of that time wandering the Wilderness he had more than earned the permanent time off he

Would continue to live out his days in the back Paddock with sunny and comets before I went to bed for the final time I had a few bits and Bobs I wanted to set up for the party tomorrow we did it 300 days from nothing

But a campsite to a farm that I am proud to call home this was the greatest journey I could ever wish for so to celebrate we’re having a party the birds were invited outside dog butt was here Ray was invited too but I’m not sure where she went of course Jeffrey was

There too more due to his stall placement than actually wanting to be there we had a buffet with kebabs salad and a barbecue going but there was one guest who was missing as much as I would have loved to have all the horses at the

Party six was a few too many I did of course give them all apples as treats though Rocky the man of the hour I don’t think he was keen on a party but I promised to leave him alone after this so we got the part started with all my

Favorite animals who had become like family to me we of course did some dancing by the speakers and then I drank my apple cider for the first time ever then I munched on some kebabs then as the party started winding down and the music changed we all gathered together I started this

Challenge alone unsure of what this world would become but 90 hours three videos and so many positive comments later here we were I wasn’t sure if anyone would like my 100 day video because it was so different to what I normally did and I put so much effort

And love into this series and to have people tell me how much they enjoyed it and how they laughed and cried along with me I think that’s a testament to what we all built together so I have to tell you the truth this is the last

Video from this world I started the 300 days fully expecting to go to 400 and even 500 but the truth is this save is so broken and unstable that I can’t justify carrying on it’s only a matter of time before something permanently breaks and I lose this world alt

Together I’m choosing to end this series here but I promise to bring you more 100 day videos you can join me live and watch a new world be built in real time be there every step of the way and of course I’ll be making some unique mod

Packs to give as much variation and excitement to any future series serious as I can this world will hold a special place in my heart and I’ll miss dogbert and Rocky and all the others but you never know maybe they’ll pop up again in the future either way my time here is

Done and all I can be is Greatful as we watch the sunset over our home one final Time

Pinehaven Ponies: https://pinehavenponies.co.uk/

In the finale of my 100 Day Series, we breed gorgeous foals, catch wild horses, build stables and defeat the ender dragon on horse-back!

100 Days In Minecraft – Equestrian Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4XbQr7ZWDc
200 Days In Minecraft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNOMIg-lg_g

Pinecraft Equestrian: https://discord.gg/s42r8XJgxc
Game Version: Latest
Platforms: Java (PC) and Bedrock (Phone/Ipad/Xbox)

Modpack: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/one-hundred-days-horse-edition
Shaders: Kappa / BSL
Texturepack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft

This video is family friendly.

Special thank you to Sweaty_Bones and their horse Mickey for helping me film the steeplechase shots at the start!

🌎Website: https://www.abigailpinehaven.com

💭Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pinehaven

💎Join the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyR7T6ITzutVxM2TMGkzsg/join}


📱Social media: Instagram: abigailpinehaven
Twitter: AbiPinehaven
TikTok: abigailpinehavenofficial

🖥️Specs: STORMFORCE ICUE I9 13900K (https://tidd.ly/3tcPvkl)

Stay Positive ♥

#minecraft #100days #minecrafthorse #swem #horsegame #abigailpinehaven #stormforce


  1. Pinehaven Ponies Store: https://pinehavenponies.co.uk/

    Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened :,)

    You can join us on Pinecraft (Ip: PinecraftEquestrian.com) for a horsey themed survival server, and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell Notifications so you'll be informed when I do my next 100 day series LIVE! 🐎

  2. When your game crashed and you found your horse but the lead was untied, I immediately knew Rocky was still in the world, just roaming. I’m sooooooo glad you found him!!!

  3. I actually cried at the end, this was such a journey and i loved it thankyou so much for doing this❤ i cant wait for future 100 days videos, i was so happy when our solider, rocky came back ❤

  4. I re watched this again and knowing this will be the last of this series made me cry my eyeballs out 😢😢, especially when rocky was standing there Infront of you! Rocky was the bestest first horse you got on the first episode of this series! Im looking forward for more 100 days video with horses again or more! Love the video abi<33 gonna miss this series like literally

  5. Im crying after that that was amezing please make more 100 days videos and may I suggest dragons there is a dragon mod on curseforge that you can use please it would mean the world to me

  6. Thank you so much for providing this awesome series. Tbh i don’t typically watch this stuff but i love horses and it caught my eye. I immediately loved episode 1 and was very happy to see 2 and 3. Although I am sad it’s coming to an end, I do agree there is not much left to do. I did get emotionally attached to some of them (like when you first lost Rocky and Dogbert almost dying) i may or may not have cried.. but i just wanted to thank you for making this! Love your content <3

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