Minecraft Manhunt, But I Can Lock Chunks REMATCH…

In this video Boblo and fans are hunting me down but I can lock the chunks when a chunk is locked you can’t leave or enter a new chunk you can get this Twist by checking out sh craft down in the description below and be sure to like

And subscribe I hope you guys enjoy wait I have something for this for this occasion wait I’m waiting okay what is that uh it’s my outfit I came to this m like a young scholar that’s my outfit bro thinks he’s slithering bro I’m slithering in fans tonight

Actually I didn’t mean I didn’t mean that I didn’t mean that too bad I said that’s getting stay no no no I didn’t I didn’t mean to say it like that oh my God I didn’t I this cave doesn’t go anywhere we’re going to die I’m on like

I’m on three hearts oh my God stop critting me fast I’m trying to get bubblo are you leaving the cave I was like going deeper to find like loot I’m going to die I want too Heart by the way well just reset like just death

Reset no no I see you guys little do you know this is a cage match now what do you mean what just happened it doesn’t matter I guess oh the chunks locked bro it’s chunks lock I’m gonna get geared up before you can get me okay so it’s a

Rematch so we know what it is all right so we know the whole twist we don’t have to worry about anything it’s the you know Franklin Stevens came to my store yesterday and he was talking to me about some crazy stuff yeah that’s what I said

The one that we went to high school with yeah he’s looking good by the way real good really and Flanigan Alberton came in the next day flan Albert Alberts yeah he’s looking worse for I’ll be I’ll be frank all right well we we expected that from him I think he went into the

Gambling ring After High School just got caught up in that usual any failing bu’s on me oh my God I’m mining wood with a ax a body with a stone axe I don’t care I got to go I’m just always right here Bubba oh my God how did you not die he’s

Going to lock the chunk boat stay back so so I got to go keeping my distance bro please food somewhere the grass is growing to the West in this area yes how of this grass yes what are you saying bro it’s Ying stop being so pous I’m suspecting of my location oh my

God help help help F help he stole my food I’m not anywhere next to you oh my God you know what’s funny whenever BBL dies no one’s going to come to his funeral hey who said that did they say that wait b b turn around Tyreek is coming B he’s in your house

Boblo I think he got it I think ter got him already dude did Tyreek almost get you he’s actually a very changed individual he taught me a lot about about grass just now grass that’s really grass has grown to the West here it’s very serously of though serously yeah he

Actually studied at MOG warts with we’re having a m off right now you’re having a MOG off wow you know I broke my mewing streak to say that so you broke your meeing streak I’ve been going for three years what does that mean I don’t even

Know what that is dog clearly you’re not mewing if you’re talking he hasn’t been to MOG warts dude I I had a 73 uh overall score but a 99 potential is crazy that’s where you like put your tongue on the roof of your mouth to give yourself less double chin

Right yeah yo dude I’m meeing and I’m sing right now at the same time that’s pretty crazy isn’t it no you have to have your mouth you can’t really effectively mute you’re talking it’s like anyways how was your first day of mog Wars power plays when you Mew and goon

At the same time bro muning muning the real question is are the fish the demons or are you the demon well this really goes back to what um what Xavier zby was saying in his studies shut up from The Great Gatsby you guys are just spewing a bunch of bullhonky bro I

Was talking Xavier zby studies I don’t know why that’s bull Xavier zby from the you’re just this whole recording you guys have just been saying a lot of nothing bro have you ever seen his catw cat armor I’ve seen it bro it’s pretty op I don’t know what that means either I’m

Going I’m through now I don’t it’s like dog armor but cat this is what you mean oh I actually met um no I was about to say some you always that that’s just every word that comes out of your mouth bro Boblo I have full iron armor I’m going to come

And kill him how do you have that cuz I’m op boo when you were born was a doua presenta yeah do like this in your mouth yes I do Jeremiah’s extended family was there so it’s a lot is Jeremiah that’s the third from Kieran Dove yeah the Forgotten third you know was Jeremy

Jeremiah we call the third Kieran do member you wouldn’t know though you weren’t there for chat watching this I’m so sorry this is all over the place licing registration watch this hey I see Bubba right now no you don’t I’m smelting pork chop and smoker where

Do you see bubo at near the river no I see you right now I don’t see you it’s fine okay I won’t see you then I’m moving your appointment to 5 years from now no B we can’t we can’t fit you in the schedule right now every your body just

Starts just hey you d Drive okay I’m driving I know I changed now I’m a monster I’m a monster he’s a monster why can’t I leave the chunk bye oh my does the boat still [Laughter] work oh we’re in the water we’re in the water now bucko you can’t go very far

Oh shoot he can’t say something about it like taking turn base combat that was scuffed I’m in the nether you want me to say the cords no you’re not pressure plate yes I am pressure plate oh my God he is where’ you find a lava where’d you

Find a lava at oh wait bubble just found a bubble just found a portal no just found hot stuff not a port okay but of course of course I need a flint wait this is a different this is a different lava pool I just what I’m lost come on Boblo domino Domino’s

Pizza bubble come in nether he’s in the nether yep GG okay but where is any of the things look look in this room what the hell and I hope you enjoy your new home now you’re being taxed every year so back up back up back up back up add a button and a

This your new wait wait wait wait wait when did you guys get here wait I am refurbishing your home and it is uh ready sir I’m on out all right hold on I’m just crafting okay that’s perfectly fine sir take a look bubo house thank you that’ll be $5

Sir right now um what if I said No 5 4 3 IRS is here we’re knocking one what the bro this guy he thinks he’s funny come here come here he’s going to kill me I’m actually low I’m actually low wait we can make a boat and get in his chunk oh

Dude oh my God careful don’t die but that’s our house oh how come this hasn’t burned where’d he go why is he he’s stuffing Us in what I’m stuffed oh he’s here I knew it I’m so stuffed I’m stuffed I’m stuffed I’m stuffed I’m going to die okay whatever

Oh oh wait he’s at a he’s at a Bastion yeah he is whatever I don’t like bastions how did you know it was down oh oh it’s housing wait oh I don’t like the look of this wait we can men hunt about this come on oh a your stuff will be

There oh my God yeah I like that I like that a lot actually there’s no gold oh my God where is my what is locked oh you sneaky sneaky that’s come get your loot bro I don’t know where my pork chops went to be honest with you Bub’s here bro

Oh wait I already have 14 ender pearls yeah I also have 10 what you guys got that many I see be in the forest along the way you’re a liar not AAR and a thief and a scumbag hey look he it’s like their whole character Arc stop Alo mushroom

Stew out of the nether fungus should be totally off he goes up a okay so what if I do this these blades aren’t giving me the drops I need they do that sometimes you have the one two sometimes dude these blazes man I have my trusty signs on me

In case we get into some signage but why is this block oh it’s here it’s here oh is why are there so many of them here too there’s actually a lot what the hell okay chill do not die do not die I’m trying not to oh I’m I’m locked in in

This chunk which I’m locked as well oh wait uhoh I how much food do you have how much food do you have how much food do you have I’m breaking the spawner I broke it bro the blazes are actually there’s how is there like 12 bro bubbles here bubbles here careful careful

Careful wait wait bro he locked a chunk that the blazes oh my God what what’s up it’s locked bro I can’t get out out boat Out oo I pearled out oh my god oh okay you’re lucky that was actually way too close bro fans can you get back or no I don’t know if you can dude it’s it’s too far yeah just gear I don’t know yeah did you intentionally trap us in there with

All those blazes yeah you’re a monster bro I almost died that was F did die that was the plan are you Sage mommy or jet Daddy hey relax bro oh my God okay I’ll relax I’ll relax I’ll relax you can agree on yo do you have

Lava bro k bro come here oh H oh H oh no how’d that get me I I split second just saved myself there that’s crazy I need to find a pigin I guess who’s trading Boblo come on guys trade up guys okay thank you I found know one thing about f

It is a naughty little Goblin really all right what a trade all right bye guys what what do you mean bye Baka bye where you going we out the nether this away bro where’ my coal go did I accidentally throw it out which direction must I travel to

Find the end man the musical bro one day no I keep saying one day it’s but it’s just not happening two years ago we talked about it and had actual all right how about this how about this how about this how about this somehow 50,000 likes

On this video and we will make Manhunt the musical you would need a million views like that’s literally hey you better start sharing the video to everybody you better put this video on trending get me a million views get 50,000 likes and then we will make Manhunt the musical okay for the low

Cost of 15,000 likes I’ll drop a new song oh hi boo hey what are you why are you so eager to attack me man how come you get to trim every video cuz I like it Dad I like it all right is that is that a problem yeah let’s have a right

Rumble then have a right you want have a right Rumble then hey hey good clutch idiot an idiot oh this is my domain now no this fight specifically is very stupid I’ll be leaving okay I was staring at the sky all righty I have a plan hopefully

Yeah I do hopefully it works out we’ll see though I actually believe in your plan this time around I also believe in my plan but we’ll see usually I don’t usually I’m like H plan you know it’s like now I’m I’m starting to get worried

Is a Oh shoot what a treat oh okay and then if I do this my wolf was slamed by a zombie right my name is zombie hi I just do this everywhere this is going to make things really annoying for me for a minute but might be worth

It okay that’s probably enough of that I swear every every portal I ever see is a one ey I never get lucky well I guess we’ll see what happens careful careful careful do we have a bed yep he’s in the end no no proba look why are you doing this oh bubble

Bubble’s here bubes here bu Pearl pearls I don’t have a pearl oh shoot I’ll keep suppressing fire can you find a way up the platform I got it I got it nice hold up he what what he just froze in mid air I think he locked a chunk on himself got

To go remember our strategies for this end fight we had some crazy ones last time am I Him there’s also like two stacks in the chest we traded so what the hell is my dog doing he just attacked the Ender Dragon dude Sorry’s the babyon hey oh oh I oh dude what is he doing I don’t know stop stop stop oh wait we’re stuck wait wait we’re

Stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck he’s he’s gliding down the chunk he’s gliding down the chunk he’s glish oh my God okay okay okay please pull me up please okay okay okay okay where’d he go bro bubblo I’m trying to not get you killed dude oh he’s block your sh block your

Shield block your Shield happening I don’t know are you screwed he’s killing me where is he yes I’m dead I’m I’m dead I can’t I I couldn’t do anything about it I’m B him oh my God oh lucky ducky you see him down there you see him yeah I’m tempting fate right now let’s bully him you really are B make your play you back back I’m Dragon oh my God oh my God there’s so much hey don’t die bro I’m not I just owned him I don’t you’re

Going get owned back uh do I have I don’t an extra one can you stop being a bot right now fans what are you talking about why you standing still blood he doesn’t want me to be free does he yes he’s already out oh wait I see him right here wait

Where I’m getting I’m dead oh didn’t expect me to be oh what a dragon God ooh what a golden apple that hurt a lot o what a bow shot oh I missed he PE where far oh my God the chunk walk just saved me wait the arrow of the sentury oh my God

Oh my God he made a risky P I don’t want to oh my God how did that do so much I don’t know all I know or yesterday I don’t know I’m here he’s Bo where is he I don’t even know where he is right here

There why he out to it I have a idiot to do so kind of alone right now but I’m here now oh god oh come on you eating rotten flesh we have wheat bro no I just ate that’s not rotten flesh it’s cooked mutton oh it’s cooked mutton I’m dead

Now I got stuff oh my God I stuff getting at it’s the random chunks that are just randomly locked that cause problems it is I can’t never remember which is which come here Great Gatsby Xavier a me yeah where’d he go here oh you want my loot bro wants me fence here fence

Here run it back you guys are in very interesting oh my God wait F you just come back in and keep jumping at him right yeah yeah how did I miss oh my God he’s right out of rer I don’t know but you you suck I have like no food left badad Oh my God I’m stuck in this stupid chunk ow that does so much damage oh my God oh my God Spence where are you I need help I’m coming I’m not coming fast enough I’m here but I don’t have anything to get oh my oh my God I get kill kill

Kill oh my God no I’m coming in with a secret weapon bro oh my god well this is not looking good for the Bubble Gang yeah it is why not you lose what’s the Bubble Gang up to the Bubble Gang is out of food what we like

To hear anything I do to use oh permanent H oh that crossbow get loaded up oh my God that Arrow was hit would that a kill you come on yeah it would have oh lock the chunk I see I see I really have no more food oh no you safe in there please

No oh I guess I’ll get you next time

Minecraft Manhunt, But I Can Lock Chunks REMATCH…

In this video, I challenged @Baablu and @Fantst to a Minecraft Manhunt, But what they didn’t know was that I could LOCK CHUNKS! If I locked a chunk, nobody could get in or out, AGAIN!

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#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftChallenge #Manhunt #Bubbo


  1. Whenever they do another match of this, Bubbo should try to remember that he can quickly use commands by opening the chat menu and using the arrow keys to scroll through previously typed messages/commands (would be much quicker to use this methor as opposed to typing the commands out every time). Of course, he'd have to use the commands at least once, but it would better than typing it all out each time, and could even be used in split second situations (if he got good at it). Not to mention the fact that this could work in any twist that uses commands and not just this twist!

  2. Bubbo, i have a good idea for a vid, not sure if youve already done this but, like effects could do the opposite of what they normally would like, poison would heal, regen would damage, strength would weaken, weakness would strengthen etc.

  3. the blaze trap was BRUTAL, im so glad he locked the end spawn chunk so they can't even get on the island without a pearl, (been waiting to see that strat) also can't wait for manhunt: the musical, big hype here.

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