Who DRAGGED JJ and Mikey Under the Bed in Minecraft? (Maizen Mizen Mazien)

Oh my God who came to see me this early it’s a nightmare I’m coming just a second hurry up yes Mikey what happened why did you wake me up so early JJ it’s just awful there’s some kind of monster in my house I’m really scared what what

Monster let me show you he’s really scary Mikey are you kidding me again no there’s a real monster in my house it’s true I could barely get away from him let me show you Mikey honestly I’m scared maybe we shouldn’t go what if there really is still that monster out

There and he’ll kidnap Us JJ I’m scared to go alone too but I think he’s already gone I just want to show you where he was Mikey I’m really scared let’s not go okay JJ I’ll go by myself then I hope nothing happens to me Ah hell what Mikey

What’s going on Mikey where are you what happened where did you disappear to hmm where did my friend go maybe he’s in the bathroom no he’s not in the bathroom but then where is he hiding Mikey stop playing tricks on me it’s not funny anymore well he’s around somewhere

Anyway he couldn’t have hidden so well because Mikey is completely incapable of playing hide and seek League Mikey come out I can see you hmm that’s weird it didn’t work he usually comes out after saying that okay I got an idea I just need to get a camera and then I can see

Everything that’s going on in Mikey’s house yeah I can definitely use the camera to find him I’m gonna win this hide and seek thing for sure Mikey won’t be able to trick me again so let’s go to my house and get the camera in order to

Put it in Mikey’s house okay there’s a camera stored around here somewhere where did I put it I remember it must be in this trunk yeah there really is a camera in here yay that’s great now we can go and put this camera in my friend’s house in order to find out

Where he’s hiding wait a minute maybe he’s already back at his house Mikey Mikey where are you okay he’s pretending he can’t hear us well I have no choice but to put a camera in here that way we can find out exactly where he’s hiding

We put the camera in and now we have to tap into it oh my God it really works now I can see everything that’s going on in Mikey’s house great now it’s time to go back to my house and from there we’ll see what’s going on at Mikey’s house why

Does Mikey always play tricks on me there can’t be any real monsters in his house so let’s see what’s going on in Mikey’s house hmm I don’t see anything weird so far everything is totally normal but wait who’s that oh my God it’s some kind of horrible monster what

The hell is that he’s so disgusting is he the one who kidnapped my friend this is just terrible news what’s he doing in Mikey’s house he went into my friend’s bathroom for some reason what does he want in there okay he came out of there oh my God he’s looking right into the

Camera I’m scared out of my mind wait what is there some kind of secret entrance that’s the first time I’ve seen it that must be where he took my friend guys I’m really scared for Mikey we’ve got to get him out of there but I’m too scared to

Go into that house alone well I guess I don’t have a choice I have to save my friend no matter what it takes oh my God the front door of Mikey’s house is open even though I’m really scared I hope I can save him the main thing is to act as

Carefully as possible so that this monster doesn’t suspect anything so far so good he’s not here and I don’t think he’s planning on coming back anytime soon well he’s not in the bathroom either that’s awful look at this he’s been hiding under my friend’s bed the

Whole time I’m so worried about Mikey I really hope he’s gonna be okay I wonder where that tunnel leads apparently this is the tunnel where the monster dragged my friend away okay I have no choice but to go down and rescue Mikey we don’t have much time I really hope you guys

Will support me by subscribing to this Channel right now your activity is very important to us the more people subscribe right now the faster I will save my friend well let’s go down carefully I really hope there aren’t any monsters down here oh my God what is

This do I really have to go through this horrible parkour now but I don’t know how to do parkour what if I fall into the lava then I won’t be able to save Mikey that’s just terrible news well don’t despair let’s try to get through this awful parkour thing after all okay

Let’s jump hmm so we made it to the first block that’s good news basically so far it’s going pretty well now jumping on the second third and fourth wow I didn’t even think I could do parkour that well this is incredibly cool now I’m pretty sure I can save my

Friend I feel like I can take this parkour all the way to the end wow I’m already in the middle of this awful parkour you guys this is incredibly cool I made it through this parkour please like this video it really means a lot to

Us well now we have to move on wait there are some pressure plates here I think there’s some kind of traps I don’t think I should step on them because I’ll probably fall down what if we try just running what if we can disarm them that

Way oh my God there’s TNT down there we need to get out of here as fast as we can because it’s about to explode this is just terrible news something exploded in there yeah it really was the TNT traps it’s a good thing I didn’t fall down because I could have easily died

And then I definitely wouldn’t have been able to save my friend anymore there’s a fork in the road which way should we go right or left well I guess we’d better go to the left I think this is the tunnel that will lead me to the right

Room where my friend is okay let’s go down carefully I think that’s where Mikey is being held hostage ouch that was sick who thought of building tunnels that high oh no there’s some horrible lava Labyrinth here this is just terrible news just look how big

It is and I’m not good at going through labyrinths like that at all and the most important thing is not to hit that hot lava because you can get really badly burned and then I definitely can’t save my friend it’s just awful but I need to

Stay calm because I need to get to this monster as quickly as possible and save Mikey the main thing is not to panic everything will be fine where do we go next oh no this is terrible news I burned myself on the lava damn that’s really hot guess I’ll have to be more

Careful so I’ve been through most of this Labyrinth and I can already see the Finish Line This is incredibly cool it’s just a little ways to go and we’ll reach the goal I think there there will be some kind of clue lying there that will help save my friend yes there’s a chest

Let’s see what lies in it what a ladder what do you mean why did I come down here they just gave me a ladder so I could go back up that’s just disgusting I’ve wasted a lot of precious time I didn’t even have to go down that room

How silly that I chose to come down here well I must get back as soon as possible after all there’s not much time left to save my friend good thing that while I was going through this maze I remembered which way I need to go well I had

Already come to the beginning of this Labyrinth too bad I wasted so much time alright let’s get up there as fast as we can I hope Mikey can still be saved everybody let’s go down the second tunnel but you have to be careful because there can be the most horrible

Monsters or traps we have to be very careful I see a taut thread here chances are if I step on it arrows will shoot at me so I need to spread out a lot and jump over this trap so jump over and whoa I did it I couldn’t get hit by a

Single Arrow that’s incredibly cool hmm I can see the door but I’m really scared to open it because there might be monsters lurking behind it but still I have no choice I have to open it anyway okay even though I’m scared I don’t have

A choice I have to open this door oh my God I’m so glad there aren’t any monsters in here hmm there’s some kind of table but there’s nothing on it guys this is incredibly good news there are some chess in here what’s in those chests that’s great this chest contained

Iron sword bow and arrows that’s exactly what I need with these weapons I can destroy almost any monster so in order to move on we need to open this door but there’s some kind of code lock and I have absolutely no idea what code to enter here how about four ones no

Unfortunately that code doesn’t work this is just terrible news how am I supposed to open this door what am I gonna do it’s gonna take me forever to find the code for this door but wait I see a second chest let’s see what’s in

It oh my god there really is a book in there let’s open it and see what it says wow apparently there’s a code to this door let’s try to enter it and this is incredible we actually managed to open this door I think it’s worth subscribing

To my channel I feel like I’m this close to saving Mikey Mikey you’re here hmm weird I guess you can’t hear me okay let’s keep moving we have to be very careful not to fall into the lava oh no there’s a door again I’m really scared to open it because there might be

Horrible monsters lurking behind that door there will be monsters anyway okay we still have to open it oh my God look at that monster that’s the monster that kidnapped my friend we have to destroy it now damn it’s incredibly strong we have to take him down as soon as

Possible I finally destroyed him I really hope he didn’t have any clones guys just look how many people he’s kidnapped it’s just awful okay what lies in this chest hmm there’s another book here let’s see what’s in it it’s got some coordinates on it could be the

Coordinates of the place where Mikey is I don’t see Mikey here and this is the last room of this dungeon hmm what are these coordinates I’m really curious where they’ll take me so we’ll have to go back and look for Mikey somewhere else we’ll have to go through this

Dungeon again this is just awful it took me so long to get here I hope Mikey’s okay I should probably get my bow in case there’s any enemies in the way I gotta be ready for anything now we have to get through this Labyrinth quickly I

Don’t have much time I need to save Mikey as soon as possible we made it through the maze now let’s keep going okay gently jump over the arrow trap and continue on our way up the stairs now all we have to do is go through this horrible Parker in reverse order this

Time I’m going to be more confident whoa I almost made it I’m already a pro let’s jump on the last block one last jump to go and we’ll be out of here so we’re past all the hurdles let’s go save Mikey oh my God there’s a giant snake in here

It’s probably with the kidnappers take that that’ll teach you not to kidnap Mikey don’t mess with us again you didn’t expect a fight did you serves you right hooray I defeated the damn snake it won’t bother us anymore that’s awesome all right guys we have a book

With the coordinates of the place where Mikey is most likely being held but we can’t go there now we have absolutely no reservations this is terrible we need to find gear but I know how to solve this problem because I remember that Mikey made himself a stash of very strong

Armor this stash is somewhere on this mountain now we’ll have to go up there and get the armor with it we can definitely defeat any monster and with an iron sword we can hardly beat anyone phew it’s complicated it would take me a year to climb that mountain that way I

Should probably go home and get some ladders it’s going to be a long climb without them let’s go home guys Yay I finally found the ladders it took a little while to find them but now we can climb this mountain in complete peace the Summit is near soon we will save Mikey what a long time I’m tired already that’s it we’re almost there this is just great all right this is

Where Mikey made his stash of gear oh no don’t tell me I forgot the pickaxe did I really forget the pickaxe that’s just awful now I’ll have to go home and get a pickaxe damn it so I’m almost at the top of this mountain again oh my God my legs are so

Tired from climbing these stairs it’s just awful but now I’ve got my pickaxe and I can finally open that stash and get my gear I hope Mikey didn’t take it if there’s no armor in there I’m screwed let’s open the stash yay there’s a chest I hope the Armor’s there okay whoa oh

Wow look at all this cool rainbow armor there’s even dynamite in here that I can use to blow up any obstacles that get in my way okay quickly get all the armor that’s in here put it on now you and I can go to the very coordinates in the

Book I hope the coordinates will lead me to the place where Mikey is imprisoned I must save him if it’s not the right place I’m wasting my time and I can’t save my friend Mikey hold on I’m coming to help you now we have to go down

Carefully let’s try to jump into that water why not let’s jump whoa I did it that’s great now we can follow these coordinates oh my God it’s taking me so long to walk I’m so tired it’s just awful guys I’ve been going to these coordinates for over

Two hours I’m very exhausted I don’t know how much further I have to go oh no don’t tell me to go that way the compass says I have to go that way and that means I have to cut down a tree and make myself a boat without it I can’t cross

This sea let’s hurry up and cut down the tree and make a boat I’m running out of time to save Mikey alright that’s it guys this is unbelievable I actually made this amazing boat it’ll get me to these coordinates in no time now let’s get in the boat let’s go I hope it

Doesn’t take us too long to get there I’m already insanely tired I’ve been swimming for an unbelievably long time I think I’m close enough to my destination wait a minute what is this island why is it shimmering in different colors oh look there’s a house over there there might be someone there let’s

Swim to the shore and see what’s in that house okay let’s walk up carefully I hope there aren’t any monsters in there I’ve been thinking my weapons are too weak I can’t take down a lot of monsters with an iron sword or a Diamond Sword for that matter I definitely need

Something stronger so anybody here yes come on in I’m inside okay oh my God who are you who am I I’m a Wood Elf and I live here what do you want from me what are you doing here at this time of night listen to me I have a problem I need a

High-powered weapon now do you have anything you’re in luck I have a weapon but it’s gonna cost a lot of coin do you have coins I any coins a lot of coins coins okay I have coins show me what you got for starters what range here here’s

Your gun how do you like that wow you have an assault rifle that’s unbelievably cool it shoots really well give me the coins thanks for reminding me here you go wow that’s a lot of coins that’s a lot here here’s another shotgun you’re gonna need ammo too wow thank you

So much that’s really cool this will help me save my friend good luck stranger I’m going to bed bye wow you guys this is unbelievable news we are now fully armed and can go save Mikey let’s go oh my God you guys I finally made it

This is the spot look there’s a huge castle here it’s unbelievable JJ I’m here save me as soon as possible oh there’s Mikey I can see him he’s at the top of the tower watch out there’s an army of monsters an army of monsters that’s just awful yes there’s a lot of

Them they’re very strong it’s just awful I can’t sit here anymore say me quickly I’ll save you okay we’ve got to get into that castle somehow I can’t open this door it’s locked what am I supposed to do that’s it I have an idea there was a timed explosive

In Mikey’s stash that’s great let’s put it on the castle wall and blow it up let’s set the timer for five seconds and run away the Wall’s gonna blow three two one yes we did it this is unbelievable oh my God there’s so many monsters in here it’s just awful they’re all running

At me they almost pushed me into the lava we have to deal with all the monsters before we go to Mikey take that damn bastards Mikey wait for me I’ll be there soon I’m going to run out of ammo there’s so many of them there’s an army

Of them I wonder what they want with Mikey these monsters are disgusting hooray we beat all the monsters how much rotten flesh is in here it’s just awful the monsters are over and now we can save Mikey damn it the door’s locked I need to find a lever maybe it’ll be

Around here somewhere what am I supposed to do I need to find a lever and open this door right now I don’t have any more explosives JJ look I got a pickaxe the pickaxe is cool is cool what do I do with it look around maybe there’s a

Lever hidden somewhere hmm all right let’s look for some leverage there’s got to be something in here guys look there’s a cracked brick here let’s try to break it I think there’s something under here whoa there really is a trunk I thought so let’s open it yay there’s a

Lever that’s exactly what we need we can use it to open this door and free my friend okay let’s put the lever in yes the door’s open now let’s go save Mikey Mikey I’m on my way up to you JJ this is unbelievable you saved me I’m so happy

To see you you’re my hero Mikey it’s so good to see you too are you all right are you okay yes I’m fine I’m just a little hungry I’ve been eating popcorn alone it’s really good Mikey where’d you get the popcorn JJ I’m always hungry that’s why I always carry popcorn with

Me I don’t even leave the house without it hey guys thanks for watching if you want to see more of our adventures be sure to like And subscribe to the channel bye everyone see you later

Who DRAGGED JJ and Mikey Under the Bed in Minecraft? (Maizen Mizen Mazien)
This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.
Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


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