EVERYTHING CUT From The Minecraft 1.20 Update

How you doing everybody the name’s wad Wad and welcome back unlike the last handful of updates the Minecraft 1.20 trails and tales update at least from what we know of the update was a fully completed concept with not very many cut features in today’s video we’re going to

Take a look at everything that was cut from the Minecraft 1.20 update that we know about and also a couple things that almost made the cut too just by sit up I got a challenge for you if you can think of one more thing that I completely

Missed throw that down in the comments below if you put that down in the comments and like this video well then you’ll be the proud winner of this Golden Apple let’s do this we kick off our list today with a really really interesting one when it comes to

Features that were meant to be in 1.20 but didn’t make the cut this is one of the most mysterious ones so for this one first things first we’re going to need to make ourselves a couple pots where the shards are or aren’t it doesn’t matter at all because this takes place

On every single pot in the game now after that in creative Minecraft with the help of the debug stick we can cycle through this block Stakes and we have an unused strange State called cracked Take This Plane pod for example there’s nothing weird or anything about that

It’s just made with a couple bricks fully bricked up we go ahead and cycle the state and take a look at it and yeah literally nothing changes below it above it like it’s 100% the same it really really makes me wonder what else they may have had planned for these pots like

Oh yeah and also check this out in spectator mode we go into the pot and what in the world is that that’s their cracked or not uh keep that in mind we’ll come back to it next upop today it’s down to our local M shaft we were

So close to a m shaft update and in hindsight would have been so cool why can’t we get all mobs highkey the idea of the Rascal a m that you will play hide and seek with literally inside of the M shaft it was so cool with this Ras

Right here we go ahead and walk up to it and tap it after that we found it once now I’m going to need to follow this Rascal throughout the M shaft and catch it two more times Rascal no it’s so quick no no no don’t go down there don’t

Go down there catch it second time there we go it laughs and oh my friend my friend why do you do this all right well I guess I gave up on the cobwebs and now it’s your turn to help where in the world could the Rascal be like Dora the

Explorer I guess I’m legally blind we catch the Rascal for the third hey come on that was a third catch what givs all right well anyways this should be catch number three ah yes we catch it for a third Diamond potato we get four potatoes thank you so much so that’s the

Thing the doomed to the Rascal I think if we knew that the Rascal was going to get better loot like say maybe diamond tools or something like that if it was set up to give us better loot other than just like Enchanted iron stuff the Rascal might have had a Fighting Chance

Inide of the mob but instead this little guy it ended up getting cleared by the sniffer yes the good oldfashioned the lovely cancel friend you know to be honest I was looking for a reason another way I could take a trip back in time and bring these things back to life

The Firefly so the Firefly obviously for the trails and tales update it’s a little bit of a stretch Minecraft’s smallest mob was originally planned to be part of the Minecraft 1.19 update after all but Tak into account what we were talking about with pots earlier and actually something we didn’t even

Mention yet the camel and I do think it’s weird if you kept up with the content that was cooking up for you during the snapshot season of Minecraft 1.20 you might remember me obsessing over it a little bit long story short inside of the camel for a long time

There was an oddly specific two pixels these two pixels it was a nod back to the past now obviously when it comes to what the Firefly would have done specifically we don’t really know it’s kind of a little bit of a guess but it’s probably safe to assume this little guy

Would have done something at least something more than just poison the Frog this Mod’s take on it is a pretty simple take first things first go off to your local swamp wait around until night time and then eventually you’ll see some fireflies pop up grab a glass bottle

Walk up to it and catch it inside of a glass bottle no no no no no I said and catch it inside of a glass bottle after that I guess you could like put it in an item frame or something doesn’t really do much Firefly lanterns would have been

One of the most beautiful things to see of all time with the little Firefly bouncing around inside of it all right so this next one it involves two players player number one is the Minecraft Community as a whole player number two is none other than the great the

Wonderful the legendary Mr dogs himself this is a horse and on the this horse I put a little bit of horse armor on it it looks nice but nowadays in the context of Minecraft 1.20 with armor trim is severely lacking like don’t get me wrong iron horse armor is cool looking and

Then Diamond horse armor of course the textures are a little bit different from armor to armor you also got leather horse armor always we slept on forgotten about where you could like die it it’s pretty cool now look I’m fully realized that in all likelihood this is like half

Serious if even then I see a lot of people asking for armor Trims on horse armor but what if you could trim the actual horse instead and while we’re at it you should be able to trim the inventory GUI trim the inventory GUI hm I don’t know about that Mr King bgs but

Trim the horse armor that’s a fire concept and I mean while they’re at it they could maybe finally get around to it only like five updates later and get some netherite horse armor too with how much better the horse has become ever since the combat changes instead of

1.2.2 it would have been really cool to see at least a little bit of the armor trimming Tri thing carried over to the horse armor it would have been so cool and fit perfectly into the update now the way this mod handles it one of the drops that the rasal can give

You if you get really really lucky is a bundle and not that the bundle was like necessarily cut from 1.20 it is in the game and an experimental feature on Java but it was definitely meant to be added to the game alongside archaeology thinking about the archaeology system as

A whole and the large amount of random the kind of pointless loot that you get taking on one of these things with like a crowded inventory or anything less than an inventory loaded up with Sher boxes and ender chests at least if you want to keep everything it’s going to be

Almost impossible if you want to try and treasure all of the past Treasures you would have to like basically build a storage building over here or something with the help of something like the bundle we would have been able to not only do the whole sharding and

Everything like that but then also after I start to pick up things I could put them inside of the inventory and compact it down a little bit like look at that that’s such a huge help now unlike a lot of the other things that we’re talking

About today I don’t think all hope is lost for the bundle considering the fact that it’s in the experimental toggles inside of the game and considering the fact that it was recently updated on Bedrock Edition all hope is I think not lost for the bundle eventually one day

Hopefully sooner not later we’ll get this thing in the game for real so look out of the ones we take a look at today this is probably the most iconic cut Minecraft 1.20 feature but technically we never know if it was actually a feature or just a trap flashback rewind

Throw bag to a good friend and old dear Legend Roger Badger Roger Badger tweeted this image out and then it was all over and by the way for legal reasons my manager told me to blur that picture you’re going to have to imagine it or

Are you or are you going to have to imagine it so look I don’t know about your take but at least in my opinion I really like this s and I think it’s super well done it’s a cool mob that does something different but I do think

If you’ve ever built the sniffer Farm inside of your world like I built only getting two different drops from the thing the whole time I mean it’s a little bit lame in ancient times there has to have been more than two flowers and that’s where this old Legend comes

In the legend that almost was and this mod is called the dawn Berry Vine step number one is give the sniffer a little bit of time and hopefully it decides to dig up one of these Vines after that we go over to a wall and plant it if I use

A little bit of bone meal on this Vine it’ll go through all the gross stages eventually getting harvested honestly this is such a cool take on this Vine because check this out look what it does you walk up to it and you can literally pick it and you get an item called the

Dawn Berry it’s basically a new type of food imagine a world a reality where this thing actually made it into the game and we would have been able to have like a berry a Vine or something growing on the wall that you can walk up to and

Pick and eat just like that not only just like the other berries in the game The Sweet Berry the glow Berry this would have been an insanely unique way to go about getting a brand new type of food but also I mean like look at it it

Looks so good to this day I’m still so sad that the sniffer doesn’t have more than just two flowers and all so of course that those flowers it’s called a torch flower come on I feel like they really need to stop sticking so hard to their word on these

Mobb things where they say oh decorational flowers and they lock it in like come on the sniffer already won why not change it a little bit and make everyone happy the tough Golem the tough Golem was well to be honest it had a tough chance of winning it was nowhere

Close to even being in second place now that all the smoke is cleared from that Year’s mob vote I got to admit though the tough Golem was such an interesting concept like a tiny little statue that actually puts good use to the tough block a basically pointless

Block and like I mean look at this thing it’s a small little statue we give this guy enough time and eventually sooner or later whenever this guy decides to start waking up a little bit earlier than 1 p.m. all right well fine unemployed in your mother’s basement it is technically

An option but I don’t know this guy is just not waking up but we can go ahead and level up the tough colum with a wool block check this out if the tough Golem got into the game we would have had not only one but actually kind of like two

Tough Golems if we go ahead and interact with this tough Golem somehow like give it a block boom just like that we got an item stand and that’s actually like lowkey highkey it’s kind of fire finally you did it you come to life and then look at this little guy he like

Jumps around walks around bounces like pretty happily and like stares at the item showing everyone in the world the item it’s so cool it’s such a nice thing now this one over here because we didn’t put wool on it it’s not going to be able to do anything it’s basically just like

A like a small statue which is a really cool concept but speaking of wool do you remember what else was proposed hey hold up hold up well well well look who finally decided to get out of bed good morning my friend where are your clothes with this OG tough Golem concept the

Thing that would have been most cool about this guy is all the customizability that you would have had you would have been able to make the tough Golem in every single color of wool that’s going to lead to not really just one Golem being added but kind of

In a way like 16 Golems being added to the game in my opinion the red one is absolutely fired just like the bed it’s a must have but to be honest all of them are cool in their own right like look at the purple one right there here all that

Diamond yeah that’s so cool looking just like how it is with the Llama you could have had so many different options for interesting looking tough gols like an aquarium shirt that’s fire in hindsight after seeing this and taking into account how kind of like dead and not

Really alive feeling our bases are maybe the tough Golem could have been the move this would have been really cool in a storage building right the tough gum perhaps the most slept on mvo candidate of all time that’s laddies everybody flashback rewind Minecraft live 2020 for this next one admittedly it’s a

Little bit of a stretch but archaeology how archaeology made it into the game nowadays I mean it’s nice and all but it’s completely different than the original concept of archaeology and the structures they’re completely different too so check this out in the first reveal of ology there were not one but

Two different types of brushes a little bit confusing I wonder what the other one would have done after that there’s this ancient dig site structure kind of similar to like I imagine the ocean ruins what on land after that allra walks over to a block and starts

Brushing it away layer by layer no sus block or anything like that it’s just a gravel block that he brushed away and unfortunately didn’t find anything and also a diamond block too like excuse me what happened to the amazing stunting Loop they just decided to scratch that

And say hey how about a a green candle or A Shard I mean look nothing against shards or nothing like that like they’re cool but a diamond block wow that’s beautiful because the old ancient version of the archaeology system never made it into the game there’s no way to

Know for sure if it would have been necessarily better or anything like that but at the least some of the loot looked like it was going to be pretty pretty good at the time they were originally talking about archaeology that whole brushing a block away layer by layer was

A pretty cool concept too I mean I do like this and it definitely makes it a little bit less tedious to do like I mean this way I guess you’re not brushing out every single sand block and finding like practically nothing now carrying on through that video and what

I would honestly sadly tragically consider maybe a slight downgrade how you would have made pots originally was completely different and in my opinion way more cool you would have started out with some kind of clay pot then you would walk over to it with the different

Shirs and put the shirs on it it looked like originally too you would have been able to put double the amount of shards you can actually put on the pots after that that you light it on fire give it a little bit of time and eventually the

Pot is fully smoked up also that classic model of the pot oh that’s clean looking too the modern version of how you craft pots is definitely a million trillion times less tedious but like man that would have been really cool anyways cancelled the Minecraft 1.20 features

And can you think of another one out of all of the ones that we took a look at today which one would you have wanted to see added to the game the most is it that sniffer flower or maybe are you still tough Golem gang we’re coming up

On a couple pretty big days here in the Minecraft Community M votes Minecraft live everything like that double check make sure you’re subscribed and notifications on thank you all so much for watching you’re the best truly it’s Ben me ws and I’ll see you tomorrow Goodbye

Minecraft 1.20’s cycle is almost over as we prepare to move on to Minecraft 1.21. In honor of the update today we take a look into what could’ve been and what almost was. This is everything that was cut from the Minecraft 1.20 update.

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💎 rascal https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mobvote-rascal
🌸 sniffer flowers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-sniffer-flowers/screenshots
⭐ tuff golems https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/what-are-you-voting-for-2022

Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9
Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment “yum”


  1. I want horse armor trimming and Netherite horse armor. Why Mojang, why? Why can’t my horse’s armor match mine? WHY?!?!?! I need a hug, and so do all my horses, my poor trimmed Netherite armor-less horses, stuck, forever it seems, in untrimmed diamond. Mojang, just why? Do I need to submit another bug report about this?

  2. The rascal looks really easy to catch. I think 4 potatoes is fair. If you want diamond tools from him it should be an event, and not a sure thing that you catch him.

  3. A sandbox game where you make your own fun, and the community goes feral if the devs don’t add 200+ new mobs, 5+ New Dimensions, 20+ New Resources, and 1,000+ New Items.

  4. I still hate that Mojang listened that person who mentioned frogs and fireflies!! Those flies could easily be something what you cant feed for stupid frogs!

  5. 2:15 What! The rascal is Dora the Explorer but underground?💀 What if the rascal was in the electric chair? The rascal is beautiful. The rascal is a female. But the rascal is the devil. The sniffer and the tuff golem are angels.

  6. it’s sad to see the sniffer a cool concept mob but the mob don’t do anything they should update it they i even see the sniffer concept video there was a purple one

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