The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…

What is this chest what the heck there’s a ton of guns I’m so lucky these Minecraft speedruns are absolutely terrible ah and Incredibly fake so let’s take a closer look this Runner spawns in a desert conveniently right next to a tree but pay attention to what happens when he walks towards

It did you notice it the runner walked over a pressure plate that was seemingly disguised as sand and after chopping the tree he heads back in this direction where a hole in the ground has suddenly opened up to reveal buried treasure likely triggered by the sand pressure

Plate in the chest there is all the normal Berry treasure loot but also a flint and steel and obsidian which are not possible spawns you’ll also notice the nine wool that was evidently already in the runner’s inventory before the Run started just enough for him to craft

Three beds to kill the dragon later on after looting the chest the runner uses his newly obtained obsidian to build a portal and enter the nether where yeah there was clearly a not so clever cut in the recording and he’s suddenly in a fortress there’s also now

This random Steve head in the corner but we’ll get to that in a second the runner heads through the Fortress and right to a blaze spawner where there are a ton of blazes way more than would have spawned in this short of time confirming that this world was played on before the run

If you couldn’t already tell while fighting the blazes if you look really closely you’ll see potion particles around the runner fire resistance particles to be specific which explains the random Steve face the runner must have retextured the potion effect graphic that’s normally in this spot into a Steve face to throw people off

And to hide the fact that he secretly gave himself fire resistance similar to the sand pressure plate from earlier why couldn’t he have done a better better job I have no idea next the runner heads back to the Overworld before digging straight down and right into the stold

Where he doesn’t get the achievement that you’d normally get showing that he’s already been in this stronghold he enters the end and everything seems normal but after messing up with his beds the Steve head reappears and the runner kills the dragon in one hit so instead of fire resistance he must now

Have like strength 1,000 now this next rder spawns right into a village where he finds an iron golem trapped in one of the structures somewhere where it could not spawn naturally the Golem also doesn’t fight back when being hit by the runner confirming that it was created by Him

When the Golem is finally killed it drops iron like normal but the iron on the ground is split into two separate piles instead of being stacked into one and it totals to eight ingots more than a Golem could naturally drop suggesting that the runner planted one of these

Stacks himself the runner loots a blacksmith next where the chest’s loot looks pretty realistic but its gold chest plate and flint and steel are not possible spawn also if you take a close look at some of these villagers they have a little brown pouch on their clothes something that believe it or not

Indicates that they’ve already been traded with for what I have no idea the runner spots a ruined portal very close nearby with a bane of Arthur pod’s gold sword in its chest remember this for later he enters the nether but pay close attention to the path he takes once

There he heads in a very intentional Direction seemingly following these specific blocks scattered throughout his path until he reaches a Bastion wow in the Bastion he finds a chest with two ender pearls and two blaze rods obviously not possible it’s still not quite enough though so the rudder kills

Some Enderman where midf fight his sword’s durability resets just before breaking he now has one additional Pearl still not nearly enough to get him to the end but the rudder disregards this and heads back to his portal passing by and ignoring another Enderman on the way once back in the Overworld the runner

Opens his F3 menu and follows his coordinates to a seemingly random location oh and there’s a shipwreck great it contains a map that clearly shows nothing but the runner pretends to follow it all the way until he mines straight down and into the stronghold oh but don’t miss how he also nonchalantly

Picked up some pearls on the way nice that makes seven pearls and eight blaze rods somehow which becomes eight Eyes of Ender somehow allowing our runner friend to head right into the end where he shreds down the dragon’s Health quite quickly with his bane of arthropod sword

From earlier but it seems like it’s now enchanted with strength considering how quickly he’s able to kill the dragon which makes for a pretty easy end to his run by the way thank you guys for 600,000 subscribers maybe now we can get to 700,000 Please Subscribe this Runner

Spawns very close to an igloo where inside he finds its chest on the surface instead of hidden underground like it’s supposed to be full of the items an igloo would normally spawn with but afterwards he heads in a pretty specific Direction Where yeah he broke this strangely Place dead Bush here which

Triggered this sand to fall and brings him right to a ruined portal definitely not orchestrated by himself and luckily in the chest there is the perfect amount of obsidian necessary to complete the portal you’ll also notice that it’s now raining something that cannot happen this soon in a new world further

Confirming that this world had already been generated once in the nether there are multiple blazes right next to the runner despite him not being in a fortress which is very suspicious next he actually finds a fortress but instead of going to the blaze spawner nearby he follows the path into the Fortress and

Stumbles Upon A group of piglin in a hole that he clearly created himself he throws a few gold at them and gets a couple ender pearls not enough to get him to the end but he’s not going to let that stop him instead he returns to the Overworld and just walks without any

Eyes of Ender instead just pretending to be doing something with this F3 menu I’m not sure what he continues walking until he reaches a very specific sunflower which he mines directly under and right into the stronghold oh and he suddenly has more ender pearls now the perfect

Amount for him to enter the end where he spawns in the middle of the main island on a large and clearly man-made obsidian platform which just that’s not how that’s supposed to happen Okay get this guy off my screen this next rder spawns near a Pillager Outpost where in the

Tower’s bottom chest there is Obsidian and Flint both impossible spawns this seems to be a trend with these fake speed Runners they’re just so lazy there’s also obsidian in the chest at the top of the structure alongside an iron axe and coincidentally the obsidian from these two chests adds up to 10 the

Exact amount needed to make a nether portal I’m just going to take a breather I think the runner leaves the tower and heads to The Outpost Iron Golem cage where instead of one Golem there are three Golems inside of it none of which even try to fight back as he kills them

Oh also all three of the Golems Dro 12 iron each obviously way more than they’re supposed to the runner now has everything he needs to build a portal and enter the nether where he spawns right into a Bastion you really just can’t get get any more obvious than that

He then follows a specific path through the Bastion until he spots what looks like the blaze spawner from a fortress but is seemingly attached to the Bastion he kills a bunch of blazes before mining the spawner for some reason and almost dying to the last remaining Blaze after

Which he gets as far away as possible thanks to these blocks here that were clearly placed by him next he randomly goes out of his way to mine some gold and cra some golden apples which will be particularly notable in a set the rer returns to the Overworld despite not yet

Having any Ender pears but that doesn’t last long as he casually picks some up as he travels through the portal oh and those golden apples from before are now Notch apples also thanks to some speedrunner magic like the pearls and everything else in this run as you can

See the runner is now in a village where in the blacksmith’s chest he finds even more pearls alongside some iron gear which grants him a ton of achievements including ones he already unlocked earlier in the Run likely because he revoked all of his achievements before grabbing this fake loot in an attempt to

Hide that he had placed it all here himself but it just blew up in his face by not only giving him the suit up achievement like he wanted but also everything else the runner starts heading to the stronghold until he reaches this odd div in the ground and

Then mine straight down right into the stronghold but I’m sure you already guessed as much in one of the stronghold chests he finds even more ender pearls the remaining amount he needs to finish the portal and enter the end where somehow he has enough arrows to shoot

For like 3 minutes straight and finally beat the dragon great work

These are some of the FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Enjoy!!

You’ve probably seen my past videos “Minecraft Speedrunning’s Biggest CHEATER…”, “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.20 Minecraft Speedruns…”, “The Most Hilarious FAKE Minecraft Speedruns Ever…”, or “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” , but these are some of the funniest and craziest EVER!

#LinusStudios #Minecraft #Speedrun


  1. 4:21 there is a spot where an nether portal have been built already (Two missing blocks next to the nether portal) but was demolished after to hide the fact that this player was already in the nether.

  2. Bro, can you make sure that the channel can be Spanish-language like Mr. Beats, who speaks almost all languages because I speak Spanish and I write English through Google translator xd and I don't understand anything

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