Stardew Valley Lets Play Episode 133

Hello all and welcome back to hrid farm with me the walrus as we are in our post um Perfection run you can see I’m genuinely really excited cuz I have never seen anything that happens at this point we’ve got weird yellow text popping up the side strange Rumblings

Heard in the distance I mean does that mean a meteorite’s going to hit uh what the hell I I genuinely have no idea what this actually entails and what’s going to happen so I’m just just a little bit excited of course I am going to visit um

Outdoors in a moment once I reorganize everything that I’ve kind of got lying around in here um yeah I’m just genuinely really really excited I think that’s quite reasonable um but yeah I’m full on excited and well chuffed it’s probably the best way of putting it Okay so we’ve got some birds coming

Over okay um it seems strange to have parrots flying over in the dead of winter I’m assuming something’s going to be relating to Grandpa’s Shrine like that kind of makes sense to my logic whether that is the case well we’ll very soon to see um so yeah let’s

Find out where this uh kind of goes okay so yeah well we got the statue of perfection I mean what does it give I mean I’ve got other statues that give shiny things but a a solid iridium statue that’s some some funky weirdness right there okay so that little quick axe hit

Was just to test whether I could move remove the Juno chest um apparently not okay wow I mean I I genuinely don’t know what they’re going to produce um so I’m just just a little bit excited um okay I want to eat this spicy eel partly for

The speed boost I say partly mostly if not all entirely for the speed boost because I like being able to go a bit faster thanks that is kind of Handy um at this General stage um in all Adventures that I’m going to make being able to move around faster is always good

Okay so let’s see what other things that we can actually organize here um well I’m just going to quickly place the flooring back away that I don’t really need that’s all good what else can we sort out I think that’s the big question isn’t it what other things can I sort

Out today um yeah you could tell I’m just a I don’t entirely know what I’m going to do and it’s very silly I’m I’m sure but it’s very much for wow I’ve never achieved this and as you can probably tell by the the Absurd excitement in my voice it’s it’s something I didn’t

Actually genuinely anticipate that I would be able to achieve in 3 years because when I started the Third year was really when I nailed down my like you know I’m going to try and finish it this year I didn’t think it was going to be possible um on a financial um basis really

And it was when I realized that the recipe that I didn’t know was one that I could learn that that made me really happy because I was expecting the recipe to be one from an even year which would essentially mean I’d have to wait the entire entire time and sort of get back

To there which would kind of suck but I kind of not saying I deserve it but it’s kind of what I’d expect at this point um because I do have that sort of level of like oops I’m an idiot I’ve done something stupid luck and yeah I mean it

Does happen enough so hey it it’s just it’s really nice to see that I haven’t um screwed myself over makes me very happy right well I guess the the big thing now is trying to figure out what what’s next because yeah I’ve got some general plans I guess is probably one way of

Putting it but what else do I want to do I mean I’ve got to have some idea of what I want to do right I mean one would assume that I have some idea wrong that would definitely be wrong because I am well not saying a a complete

[ __ ] but I’m not the the brightest spark sometimes but hey so we’ve got lots of things growing in my weird shed and I’m trying to figure out what other things would actually be kind of sensible to put in there because that’s that’s really what I’m after is what would work well for me

In these um sheds because yeah there’s going to be a few things that are maybe a bit less useful perhaps maybe that’s one way of putting it but hey it’s we’ve got something that’s going on and that’s that’s cool and all now let us prepare the other random

Miscellaneous bits for the rest of today because yeah I’ve got some other General plans and that does involve throwing a lot of stuff into the sales bins I will freely freely admit because yeah I’ve got loads of stuff that I don’t really explicitly need right now which um kind of includes

A lot of what I’ve got going on here like I’ve got these eggs which admittedly they are not not that they are unneeded it’s more that they’re going to be used uh elsewhere cuz they are part of the quest from gust to bring stuff to him um so he can make

Another big old omelet which is good and yeah that that’ll be fantastic being able to that he’ll be able to make the ridiculously large omelet for The Villages and they’ll all be really happy with that I guess so yeah we we’ve got lots of um general I’m not sure going on and

Again we’ve got all this lovely ancient fruit and I’m still I’m not saying I’ve got I’m of two minds to get rid of it but I know that it’s not as supremely valuable as I’d once imagined and that does disappoint me a little bit it’s not the end of the world I

Don’t really think but it is still a little bit disappointing in uh many ways but hey you know you live and learn and there’s no other way of putting it I I’ve made a mistake in assuming assuming assuming failing at the English language today assuming that it would be the um

The best thing for me and yeah I’ll live it’s not the end of the world I I will definitely live so yeah there’s what we’ve done now one of the other things that I’m kind of thinking about is what other things can I do to the farm that will

Make make it more interesting because now I’m at the stage where I kind of want to figure out what would work well for me as potentially as silly as that might sound what other things do I want to do in um in the farm and what could I do

That would make it more interesting to me um and for what sort of things could I do that would be kind of um exciting like for example the Slime hutches cuz I’ve never used those so that’s uh a possibility isn’t it it’s a thing that I can and and want to use and

That genuinely makes me kind of interested and excited that I’ve got something like that as a potential project moving forwards so we’re going to have to see regarding the Slime Hutch um I’m going to give that a bit of a a dabble um and see what that actually kind of brings

Us cuz there’s going to be something that it’s going to give me not sure what but it’s going to give me something I mean other than the obvious knowing that it’s going to give me slime eggs but all the same it’s something interesting and genuinely curious to see what that

Gives so yeah there’s uh there’s a lot to potentially look at and be excited about so yeah it’s really cool so yeah we’ve got lots lots to kind of think about today and one of the other things that I am sort of uming and aring

About is as well as the um these eggs here now let’s actually check okay so ostrich eggs don’t count for any more eggs um which is a shame um um I was genuinely expecting that they would fine that they don’t it’s just a little bit disappointing being that they

Are they are worth 10 mayonnaise I was expecting them to maybe have the same sort of ratio I I’ll live it’s not the end of the world but um it’s just a bit annoying oh well we’ll live we’ll live anyway so one of the other things that I do want to do

Today is find out what other things can I do to the farm and kind of figure out what what works well so Ginger island is going to be a bit of um a focus for me today because I want to figure out what can I also plant on

The farm on Ginger Island what would work well and that sort of thing now obviously I’m going to need a bunch more staff rout because when don’t I need more star fruit to be fair um it’s a common thing for me to need just a bunch

Of star fruit at all times and that’s not a bad thing you’re always going to need star fruit it’s always going to be needed um well I’m always going to need star fruit I think it’s probably the best way of putting it isn’t it because as a whole I’m always going to be

Wanting to use starfruit as a a resource because it always will provide me a fantastically high value for the return it’ll give me the starf fruit wine which is always fantastically good and hey I might as well buy just an absolute bucket of fuel for myself because yeah I mean that makes

Perfect sense does it not I mean it makes sense to me um so yeah let’s give that a go anyway so we’ve got all these star fruit seeds that we’re going to need which is lovely and we’re going to definitely want all of that um but what else could we do with

All of that I think that that’s kind of the question isn’t it h well it’s what other things do I want to plant on Ginger Island because moving forward like yes the money is going to be helpful but there is still a lot of things that I could and should do now

One of the things that was commented uh on a earlier video was the fact that I should definitely do my the interactions between myself and well say myself the the character the player character and the Heart events and you know give the this General silly commentary that I am prone

To do so so I think that’s going to be the next major project stage for this that is HD Farm I am going to dabble with that and try and figure out how I can work through that because of course I’ve already had most of the

Heart vent so I am going to essentially make a duplicate Farm of of the walrus um and kind of see what I can do there and that’s definitely going to be the major section for the me there but I’m going to play until the end of year

Three and see where we get to roughly because then that’ll hopefully give me enough time before the 1.6 update drops and when 1.6 happens then of course I’ll come back to irid farm replay through all of that and uh all that generous and also one of the other things was

Mentioned was um me doing speeduns and as I mentioned in the my comment to it I’m a scatterbrained [ __ ] I I genuinely don’t know how I’m even going to be able to do that in any way shape or form the idea of me speed running a game is hilarious because I’m

So easily LED down the rabbit hole of O I wonder what’s down here it will just end very very badly um like even games that have a time limit so for example the streets of Rogue I tried playing it on Extreme time difficulty where you genuinely get given

Like a very short amount of time and every time you complete a mission you get a little bit more time yeah I’m real bad at that I find it very very difficult called so yeah I’m going to have to give that a go and uh try and

Speed run some nonsense that’s going to kill me I swear I just be like look at me I’m an idiot and I’ve seen some of the like the stue speedr running and I I’m not sure if I’m meticulous enough to do that like what I didn’t realize is I don’t know if everybody

Actually realizes is that when it comes to rainfall it’s not random it’s determined by how many steps you take and I don’t think I’m that meticulous that I could sit there and count my steps to the stage where I don’t need to water my crops that feels

Very very odd I mean I can see that it it obviously works for the speedr running side but still feels almost wrong but that’s a me opinion on that one that’s I’m not saying that that is the wrong way to play because at the end

Of the day it’s a game that I love and enjoy and I respect the fact that there are multiple different ways that people want to enjoy the game and that’s kind of what the matters isn’t it is do you enjoy the game go for it that’s really all that matters isn’t it it’s

Um don’t re don’t honestly let anyone tell you how to play a game you might your friends might be like that’s a bit of a weird thing to do but oh well to be fair I think most of my friends think I’m a bit weird for

Playing starg Valley as much as I do and also recording my game play for other people to watch but hey I don’t care it’s fun and that’s all that matters to me is is it fun but hey I’m I’m gonna look into that and I’m also going to be doing a few

More I’m going to look at doing more in the way of live streaming um for my video Antics and we’ll see how well that goes because that could be a very interesting and amusing um mess for one of a better phrase because I don’t know how well that’s going to work I do

Have I have already set myself up a Twitch account I have had one for a while um I’ve set up a new one specifically linked to this that the wall us so we’ll we’ll we will see Okay so we’ve now got another statue thingy here the statue of True

Perfection okay so we got one from Grandpa’s was the was the one from The Grandfather’s Shrine one that I should have got ages ago I kind of maybe maybe I’m an idiot I say maybe I know I’m an idiot so um what have I done h i I’m now genuinely a little bit

Confused because I I’m kind of concerned that that is genuinely something I should have would have could have done way way earlier and that alarms me somewhat um not going to Lie because um yeah have I missed something oh no I really hope I haven’t missed out something that I like I probably should have grabbed far earlier in the game and again knowing that I am a [ __ ] it is alarmingly likely that that is the case h I’ll live it’s it’s just a

Oops moment to be fair um so yeah maybe I’ve I’ve done something stupid again it wouldn’t surprise me so yes we’ll we’ll give that a dabble later on we’ve got few other things to actually sort out first and one of those things is going to be sort in out the animals because we’ve

Got we still need to get more eggs now that’s not a concern of mine it’s just a thing I need to do um and it’s uh I mean it shouldn’t be super difficult to organize getting more eggs um for Gus and his gigantic omelet

But at the same time it is a thing that I do kind of need to not what wor about but I do need to be ready for I guess it’s probably the best way of putting it isn’t it I need to be aware and ready for and doing things

Properly because yeah I need to be ready for this as I’ve got lots of um stuff that needs doing um I’ve got all these eggs that need harvesting I’ve got things that need to be done and I need to be ready for it all which is again perfectly legitimate it’s it’s a thing

It’s how this is going to go so yeah we we’ll give it a try and see what happens for now we’re going to just organize our stuff and maybe I should try and organize the sheds a bit more in the meantime until year three ends I’m

Going to sort of try and clear up the farm a bit more make it more pretty more presentable clear up my house a bit maybe Ian that definitely wouldn’t hurt and it’s not like I’ve left a scatterbrained mess that is my house and yeah we’ll give that a

Try now one of the things that I have as well is that the I’ve got the Galaxy Hammer there now the Galaxy Hammer is now set ready to be a life leacher which is kind of where I’m aiming for I want it to be a life

Leaching weapon I want it to be good at doing that and that’s fantastic and all um that was the entire aim of it now I still need to dabble with the dagger because the dagger I wanted to do as a um a faster swinging

Weapon so we do need to sort of have a look at that I think um and see what can I do with the dagger to make it more effective because it’s okay hey now I guess it just would be better um is if I could give it an enchant that makes it

More effective in against certain enemies and I think that’s probably the best way I can look at it is I want the dagger to be effective against the bugs and the fact that I haven’t given it that enchantment well that needs to change so that’s going to have to happen

Um I want it to be better against bugs and therefore more effective for myself there for the time being we’re going to dabble with that a little bit now otherwise we’ve also got um a kind of a lack of stone at the moment and that feels a bit strange to kind of

Say that I don’t have as much Stone as I kind of need or would like to have but at the moment I don’t really have anywhere near the amount of stone that I might very well need and that’s not good because stone is a fantastically important resource I’ve got lots of wood

But I need the stone and again not super complex but it is going to be something that I am going to have to focus on uh for a little bit so let’s give this a try we’re going to delve a little bit more into the

Skull caves which is not a bad thing to be fair and it also gives me a a chance to try out my Logic perhaps is probably the a way of putting it because my idea is that um I’m able to potentially sort out the the way that a lot of my other resources are balanced and I also want to try out fighting enemies inside skull Caverns a

Bit more and be a bit more capable of fighting them in better ways now I know the enemies I’m fighting aren’t the challenge mode versions right now which is fine but it’s more of the practice side of things oh another immunity band that’s a thing har um because I know I’m

Going to have to fight lots of horrible monsters when I delve into the skull camons and I do want to fight my way down as quickly as possible and I do want to do the key challenge that he does give so we’re going to see how well we

Can do with that not expecting much but um it’s what we’re going to give it a we’re going to give it a try at least and that’s kind of what we’re after is at least trying and that’s fine because I can’t guarantee that I’m going to do

Everything well am I I really can’t um and that’s fine but we are going to give it a try at least okay but for now we’ve got o that’s a lot of gold isn’t it I mean it’s almost it’s past 12 it’s almost 1:00 a.m. we should probably

Head back home and the other advantage of me delving in the depths of skull Cavin is it is going to give me more um coal which again is a resource that I just don’t really have enough of because I’m always going to need more coal it’s

Just a kind of a given right I’m always going to need coal and I’m I’m glad that I now have um more of it it makes my life a lot better A lot lot easier doesn’t it really so yeah we’re we’re going to give that a go and we’ll give that a

Try but what next I guess is the next big question isn’t it what do I want to try out H I should probably sell a couple of those rings that I don’t need now I do also kind of want to move around a couple of things I’m still

Debating whether the placement of all of my things that I have on the farm does it make sense is it in a good place and maybe even reorganizing the fridges because I could boys buy another fridge and then I could have one that’s for fish one that’s for dairy products one

For vegetables and meats you know different fridges for different things and that’ll be kind of nice again it’s organizing myself because I’ve now got the the luxury of two weeks in game where I can just do whatever is probably the best way of putting it I can kind of just do what I

Want I don’t have to to worry so much um about what else there there is for me oh wow I got a prismatic Shard and Omni geod and some meridium or I mean does the Statue of True Perfection always give you that I mean hey I’m just going to move it over at

Least and see what comes out cuz hey we might get something really cool who knows so yeah we’ve got some ideas we got some stuff that we need to okay Vincent you have now I I do have some pigs but Vincent I call my guinea pigs

Piggies so I’m I’m a bit confused as to what you’re tell asking me here my it’s a because for me a piggy is a guinea pig it’s not not a pig pig it’s a guinea pig pig so yeah that that’s uh that’s my understanding of the word Piggies so I

Mean yes I know full well he’s a child and I’m being pedantic about what I call things and what not what he might call things but I’m going to be um fiddly and faffy around it because yes piggy is guinea pig anyway okay so the other thing that I kind of want

To do is see what else we can actually manage today we’ve got to have some idea of what other silly things that we can do today I mean something silly there always something silly going on it’s this how this this game works isn’t it right anyway one of the other things I

Do need to sort of work out is what other things am I going to do um again as Dar as that might sound I kind of need to figure out what other things I can do oh well right so we’re going to put this some sturgeon row got that

That’s good what other stuff can we organize today cuz that’s a a big question really isn’t it it’s what other things can we sort out for making my life easier um because yeah that’s it’s going to be a thing isn’t it I’ve got to be

Aware of what what can I do um on the farm to make life easier to for me and I guess that’s kind of a question isn’t it there is going to always be a lot of stuff that one can do um but whether it’s a good idea is a

Very very different question really isn’t it but yeah that’s that’s what I’m after today is it just trying to figure that one out okay so we’re going to sort out that that’s fine what else could we do today well it’s 9:00 a.m. it’s a beautiful day it’s a lovely start we’ve

Got things to do people to see mad experiments to run and more eggs together so I’ve gathered the 24 eggs that are required for the Gathering side of this Quest but I am going to pull out the ostrich egg from the fridge if I’m able to because really it’s it’s far

More valuable than the one egg it counts towards uh the challenge of completion for uh the the quest itself and I I’ve got kind of honestly I’ve got better things to use it for such such as more ostriches or more mayonnaise and I think that’s perfectly legitimate and perfectly reasonable that’s just going

To be what’s going to happen I don’t really care my goodness so I’ve got all these jams and preserves which is lovely and I kind of need to figure out what I’m going to do with all of them I I guess um we got plenty of opportunity

To do stuff with it but it’s what do I want to do with it I know that sounds very sick and a bit Dar but it’s the I’ve got all of these crops um and I’m just going to have to slap them in um to be turned into pickles jams

Preserves but again what kind of jams and pickles do I want to sort out do I just want to churn my way through all the crops and things and make it a bit better you know we’ve got um because we going to increase its value and I’m curious to see what the

Actual value increase of different um crops that I have in my stone chest actually are so you know we’re going to give that a try we’re going to dabble we’re going to see and see what actually is um available because I think that’s interesting um to kind of actually have

A look at what might be an interesting result for myself what what would be cool how much would it be giving me and what would it be what’s the advantage of it you know that sort of thing because yes I don’t really want to just hyperfocus myself on to only

Producing certain crops that happen to be the most valuable cuz I think that’s a little bit not really my personal choice of play style but it is something that I kind of want to look at um what’s going to be a better plan for myself

So I know radishes maybe not be the most valuable but I’m curious to see how much the the value of them is when they are pickled because yeah that’s uh an interesting question I feel whether it is a particularly interesting question a very very different question so yeah we we’ve got some ideas

Got some things to test out things out things to test and see okay so we are just going to have to keep slugging away at this uh got no things here to actually um remove from The Keg storage so that’s fine I’m perfectly content with that because yeah we’ve got loads in the

Kegs it doesn’t really matter otherwise wise it’s fine so this is essentially just going to be the big old pickle pumpkin patch as uh as d as that is going to sound that is going to be the the main area that I’m going to have um as a thing for this um

Yeah pickled pumpkins and pumpkin juice it’s going to be what we produce here it’s a thing I don’t care wise it’s just how it goes so yeah we’ve got lots to do okay now none of the crystalarium are ready that’s fine and the crystalarium they’re going to produce

Well a variety of things we’ve got mostly diamonds in them um we do have some fire quartzes and maybe I should have one that generates emeralds for me just for the sake sake of convenience because that is a it’s a useful thing for me um so hey who

Knows see what works out well for Me okay so we’re going to ride on into town for now because I am going to go into a Dungey delving experience that that’s kind of a given at this point in the game um okay so what’s the quest that you can offer copper bar Mr rosm

Modius well if I can be bothered rosm modius I will happily find you a copper bar for whatever weird and wonderful purpose you happen to have um I’m I’m not sure what it might be but hey we will we’ll do something maybe we’re to keep going for it that

That’s that’s what we’re after at least we’ll see anyway right so what other things can we sort out today h well we’ve got a mayonnaise that’s the why I it a mayonnaise 10 mayonnaise because that was an ostrich egg and the same is going to apply I’m just going to

Fling an ostrich egg into the sail bin and well to be turned into mayonnaise because there as discovered it doesn’t give you any particular extra benefit so so there’s no point really having like putting that into um the fridge in the bar now I’m also curious to see because

One of the things I’m speculating is because there’s a lot more dialogue that’s going to be opening up within Stu Valley and I’m curious to see if Gunther will become an actual character that you can interact with more properly and that you can develop a friendship

With that is one of the things that I’ve seen banded around quite a lot is as an idea of like well why don’t we have that ability to um talk to Gunter why don’t we have that ability to you know Forge an established a relationship with him

And I’m actually quite curious to see why that is um hopefully we’ll find out um soon enough on that one uh because it’ll be it’ll definitely be an interesting thing if that it um if that is something that we can do okay so whilst I’m here in the skull caves again

I’m as I mentioned previously like earlier I’m going to be trying to gather coal and stone they’re the two primary focuses of myself here stone is a secondary because it’s kind of a given you’re going to get some Stone but it’s the coal that I’m really after I’m

Always going to need coal it’s just kind of given and yeah I’d always like more of it thanks which I think is again quite understandable and reasonable that I’m always going to want more of the the coal okay so let’s see what we can find here

I think it would be nice to sort of try uh and see what other weapons would actually do for me so actually seeing how the dagger would work out I think I should probably experiment with a bit more you can see that like I’m quite comfortable with using the hammer

Because it is it’s a weapon that I used predominantly uh previously when I’ve played starg Valley um because I kind of always valued the harder hitting and I do very much enjoy the area of effect uh secondary attack ability because I’m never going to lie I’m when it comes to games that allow

You to have area of AFF abilities such as like MMO RPGs uh like World of Warcraft and kind of Fantasy online and Guild Wars and even Warhammer online cuz yeah that was a thing I used to play that it was insane back in the past when I actually used to work for Games

Workshop I played Warhammer online ah those were the days yes um yeah I’ve always chosen like abilities that give me that ability to control a large number of enemies because I’m lazy and if I can engage multiple enemies all at once and do ER effect abilities to reduce them

Faster fantastic I’m all about that I’m very lazy which I’ve definitely mentioned before that I am and uh I think it’s quite reasonable for me to want to try and just do my best as easily and lazily as possible so yeah right so we’re going to detonate this

Large area here and the thing is we’ve still got plenty of time now I guess one of the other things I could should really try to do is complete the Journey of the prairie king it’s not an impossible task I’ve done it before I know I’ve got the achievement

Of course I’ve done it but it would be interesting to try and actually get the play cabinet in uh because that’s what you unlock once you complete it you do get a a home version of it which is interesting that you get an arcade version of it rather than like

Abigail has where she’s got a console version of it and I’m curious to see I mean it’d be interesting if she personally if she was like my my spouse if she commented on the fact that I had a the arcade cabinet and not the console version that she has and I guess that’s

One of those things though isn’t it like in the days of my youth because I don’t really feel that arcade cabinets are quite as exciting as they once were maybe um because I I very much fondly remember the days of going to visit um where am I thinking so I us there was

A bowling alley reasonably close to my home and it had bowling Laser Quest and arcade cabinets and we would go there occasionally and I remember fondly playing Time Crisis cuz that well time Cris 2 specifically because it had Cooperative ability and I wasted much money playing that with my younger

Brother and what I found interesting was of because when Time Crisis 2 came out on the PlayStation 2 we both bought we bought a copy of it we bought a second light gun and yeah it was great we learned how to complete the game no

Issues so it did mean that we if we went to the arcades we would just end up spending a very small amount of money and just complete and win the game but it was still slightly different it was the although the enemies appeared at the same place you could tell there

Was some subtle differences so it was an interesting one but yeah I I would wonder if there are some differences in the two like the Journey of the prair king arcade versus regular and blah blah blah but I do also enjoy the fact that there is a Cooperative ability of the Journey of

The prair king in on the console version which obviously is shown and it would be quite nice that if you played multiplayer stari Valley that you could play that together I think that would be quite sweet maybe not like maybe it would only do a certain number

Of levels maybe you couldn’t Fe um fector maybe even it just be harder because there are two of you I don’t know but it’d still be interesting and I I’d actually quite like to see that wonder if someone’s actually done a mod for that I mean I wouldn’t be terribly

Surprised if they had people do mods for all sorts of things to be fair which is kind of reasonable and interesting I think um so yeah we will see okay so let’s pot uh down here let’s flatten this horrible um floaty horrible serpent thing that’s a lot of iranium

Over there well let’s find our way down and get out of here again again we’re just trying to strive further down I’m not really trying to kill all the enemies I’m just burning through this as quickly as possible I think that’s probably the best way of putting

It and again we should be able to do so oh and a prismatic Shard ooh um let’s dispose of the something actually dispose of the white algae by eating it uh that’s a good way of disposing of things right um very very sensible the the way that one disposes of things is

To uh eat eat all the things um that that is indeed how how this works okay anyway um because of course I’m being very silly as you you can probably tell but yes we we definitely need to eat all of the things here um and not have to worry about things at

All okay so let’s see how far down we can get cuz that’s again what we’re kind of after here we don’t want to um have to deal with going down in the mines and uh working stuff out okay so we’re going to detonate that we’ve got

Lots of slimes to murder be gone slime be gone horrible slimes uh oh emeralds um well I do kind of want them more than prehistoric vertebrae not as excited about those yes they’re nice and all they’re very they’re a a useful thing I guess it’s just um not quite as exciting

Really as things go um there are more exciting resources that are available there we go that’s uh kind of normal kind of reasonable and that’s just how this is going to go so we’re going to detonate that area over there so we’ve got lots of more gemstones we

Got some more Stone that’s all good hopefully we can get something good um well let’s see we’ll see okay now it’s quite a lot of gobbins actually over there isn’t it uh well let’s let’s see what we can um actually sort out here while we um try and figure this one out

Okay so that’s murdered him that’s fine and all which again that’s kind of what we we we want um right we’re going further down into the mine and that’s good we’ve got more more to deal with which is fine oh come On uh oh oh dear okay okay so that’s another slime over there that’s fine um H well hopefully we can figure something out here huh I was hoping we’d find more um passageways down and the the holes and I think that’s something I do need to sort

Of look at really more carefully is really is luck the more important um not skill but is it the more important thing for us to focus on um when it comes to doing better um in this sort of exploration side of stuff that we’re doing because yeah we we’re going to

Be looking further in um in for that aren’t we to be honest and maybe that’s what our best plan is here like is luck food and luck um stuff going to give us the best end game result that we’re after I I think probably in a delve of skull Caverns

That is the case um not sadly but that is kind of where where focus is going to lie isn’t it I think um and again that’s that’s perfectly fine um just a bit odd and not really at the end of the world but you know we’ve got a lot of useful

Loot out of all that um nonsense so we’ve got 52 copper not 52 copper sorry 52 coal you know both begin with a c but I just forgot how words worked um you know by forgetting the rest of the word and yeah we’ve got lots of other things

That we can put away and I think we’re going to smelt up a bunch of stuff later on probably sort that out tomorrow or maybe even on Monday um so we’ll see and the thing is we’ve also got the thankful joy of the winter night market coming

Along soon that could be kind of an interesting one for us to to look at because the the night market does give us some useful opportunities of course we still always got the great artist lupini um now I I know I’ve already bought bought his art look at that

Now it’s the the values here so corn is worth 210 when pickled banana jelly look at that 490 that’s a lot but pickled pumpkins nearly a th000 a piece that’s fantastic isn’t it and it’s also the age lava eel row now I know I kept the lava eels mostly

Because I knew that their row was it was valuable but also because the the um spicy eel that they can give you so yeah I I feel pretty Vindicated for uh sticking with them almost uh is probably the best way of putting it because yeah that they they are very valuable and that’s

Great so yeah always going to want more of that always going to want more of that okay so we’re looking into Sunday now so it’s 14th of December well December of winter I say December like there’s only four months in the year goodness graci that’ be a terrifying concept if the

Year went this fast and admittedly crops grew this fast that’d be great food would wouldn’t be as much of an issue but the if the the seasons lasted only two weeks each that that would be frightening I mean I don’t I’m not even sure if Mercury orbits the um the Sun that fast

I think Mercury’s orbit is like 88 days or something I’m going to have to look that up because of course my brain’s gone oh you need to know now other things I’m looking at are what other Foods could I use and you know find that would be helpful to me um

At this stage in the game that would give me a decent uh buff now of course there’s like the cranberry which is good CU that gives you uh defense and Mining okay so the merant fleet arrives tomorrow lovely stuff and that is something to sort of be be aware of is

That with the advantage of Mr Key’s um with his essentially LSD in a pot uh to improve the quality and food that you’ve made you do massively increase the abilities that it gives you which is really helpful and I’m all for an improved stat boost because hey that’s

Great now I know I’m also running a massive risk in here I’m carrying bombs and we’ve seen it happen a couple of times haven’t we where I’ve put a bomb down by accident I am very well aware that I am running a risk I’m very much careful because I really don’t want to

Redo that um because detonating all those crystall Arium would actually make me cry um genuinely I would think I would actually just cry because that’s so much time and effort that’s gone into making those and I’m just like H hate my life which uh I think is quite reasonable

Um yeah it it would drive me absolutely potty um just no if sand or butts about it it would drive me insane that I I’d broken things that badly oh well right anyway so let’s quickly check in here oh my goodness look at all the wine that’s ready that’s

Perfect now I think I’ve got a bunch of beer on the go in some of them as well so that would explain there’s a slight delay between them all um in producing of course I can’t summon my horse in here I don’t really want to but

I’m going to put all the star fruit wine in here that’s all good we want lots of star fruit wine because we’re going to turn that into an aging process in the kegs sorry the Aging cks under the shed and we are going to continue driving forward for our

Um end goal of all lots and lots and lots of star room but with this ancient fruit wine it’s good we’ve got plenty of ancient fruits I’m going to sell that um and again got lots of ancient fruits still so it’s a good stop Gap more than anything it’s not like

Uh the end of the world really sort of Thing okay so let’s see what other things that can we actually do here um well that’s that is a question isn’t it what other things could we do because there’s not a huge amount else I can actually make in in those Kegs and cks I’d be curious to see if that would be

Something that something else that we get as well like maybe more CK and keg things I maybe we we might very well do who knows I mean we’ve got lots of things that might be coming don’t know for certain that’s that’s the thing oh my goodness all of that ancient fruit

Lovely well that’s all getting replaced with star fruit that’s fine um that’s great and well all as well it’s it’s kind of a given though isn’t it that that’s kind of what we’re going for isn’t it um so yeah we we’ve got lots of other things that we’ve got going

Okay so we’re going to put the ancient fruit away and again it’s going to give us a bit of money we’re not super concerned about money right now it’s a thing but I don’t really care so much um yeah I guess I guess that’s kind

Of what I’m looking at at the moment is do I need this right now I mean maybe I don’t really need well that’s a lie I always need more money because I don’t know what’s going to come next in the forthcoming expans ion so I think that’s also another Advantage I have is

That because if I pause myself um for the main wus silliness at um at the end of a year that will mean that I can essentially start a new year without feeling like I’m missing something maybe hopefully I mean that that’s kind of what I’m aiming for at least

Is having lots to sort of think about Okay so we’ve got lots of sap that’s good um what else have we got that we can throw away that we don’t really care about um well I think I’m probably end up going back down into the mines again aren’t

I and then what to do what that’s the question isn’t it like again skull Cavern we’re getting resources we’re getting stuff out of it and again we’re getting a little bit of practicing because I do standby I need to if I’m going to do that get to floor 100 in a

Single session of style cabins on hard mode I need to I do really need to I mean what’s the word I’m looking for um what I need is to have more food that’s going to give me luck really more than anything because the luck itself is the stat that

Kind of matters at this point the other stuff kind of doesn’t sadly um as silly as that might very well sound and yeah it probably does sound very silly to be fair sh though that it doesn’t matter quite so much but that’s not the end of the world anyway so we’re

Going to head back over to the town uh for a moment as I’m really after um just the odd bits of resources and it’s going back to the tavern and I want to really aim in the tavern to just put stuff away um in the fridge that is you

Know get get that organized get that done that’ll be kind of kind of what I’m looking for just have stuff aside and organized and blah blah blah and that’s kind of an important thing for me is just making sure that stuff is well organized in regards to these sort of

Like the quest chains that are given um by uh the villagers themselves and and then that’s kind of going to be a thing isn’t it that we’ve got lot lots of stuff that we need to do in the village and just trying to get it all done but

For now I’m just going to reorganize my inventory so that I’ve got the bombs in a more sensible location I think is probably the best way of putting it so that I don’t end up blowing myself up like a twit and uh again I’m very prone to

Doing so so I know I know it’s exactly what I deserve because I I will just keep doing it and it’s it’s annoying um is the the best way of putting it it’s very frustrating realizing that I’m an idiot and I keep doing it but for the

Same it’s uh just going to be how this goes anyway so we will organize this bit and what other things could we or should we do right um yeah hopefully something clever I mean I’m not expecting um anything super super clever to be fair um uh I think that’s the sort of the

Quandry I have at the moment is is there anything else that I could do that would be more sensible really going forward um yeah I don’t know hopefully we can figure something out cuz that’s really all I can say is I’ve got lots of things to sort of work

Out and figure out and do but what else do I want to what else do I want to sort out I I I don’t know I should really try and figure this out shouldn’t I yeah know I’ve got I’ve got to figure it out haven’t

I okay so what we’re going to do now is look look at um trying to figure out other ways of getting deeper into the minds and that’s kind of reasonable isn’t it we’ve got lots of things that we need to try and figure out and I don’t know if anyone

Else knows of any other ways of boosting your speed at going through here now I’ve decided with a hybrid approach with I’ve got the improved mining skill because my assumption is that like foraging if you increase your mining skill you’re more like to or you will gather more coal from destruction of

Stone and other General debris now that’s fantastically helpful because of course shockingly enough I’m really after coal but the other quandry I’ve then got is does the increased of mining offset the increased luck stat that might be more useful now I know that the lucky lunch

Is a thing but the problem I’ve got is I haven’t got any c cucumbers and they are a major component part of it I’ve got a lots of super cumbers but basic ones I haven’t got any and I think that might be something that I need

To rectify now as far as I’m aware they are a summer fish could be wrong probably should check the um the fibs channel because that does give you the uh the lowdown on stuff um but yeah I need to test that and if it is a summer fish and I then Wonder can

I um put it um to do something I know that sounds very stupid but could I in theory use the super cumbers to increase my luck by a much larger and greater number to then increase the likelihood of these damn holes appearing so I could drop down faster now

It’s it’s that difficult trying to figure out the most healthy balance side of things because of course I’m still concerned about the output of damage that these um horrible horrible creatures will do to me and I definitely don’t enjoy that um these blasted horrible um big serpent things that do

Silly silly damage to me and I don’t really enjoy that I’m not going to lie um so yeah I need to um figure that one out and I’m a bit not concerned per se but I just don’t want to end up um getting myself knocked unconscious now I’ve had two very lucky escapes

Whilst trying to delve the depths of the skull Caverns to on hard mode on whatever because I’ve been lucky and that’s really all I can say is I’ve not been I’ve just just been lucky and I need to be honestly just careful because there are um a lot of potential

Risks with all of this and I don’t really really really really want to um struggle with this so yeah it’s going to be a thing that I’m going to have to look at and just hope that it doesn’t go horribly horribly wrong so yeah we’re going to give it a

Go and I think that’s really all I can say is we’re just going to give things a try and hope the best how well that’s going to go we’ll see but anyway right so next great big plan of action that we’ve got is trying to work

Out what other things could I do that might help with my general mad approaches here because yeah I’ve got lots of um dumb ideas honestly um but what else can can I do that will make my life easier um when it comes to it um to making sure that I don’t um

Horribly mess up and again if anyone else has got some like useful tips or tricks for um delving into the mines always always happy to listen um because I know I’m an idiot I know I’m going to do dumb stuff and I know it’s going to be annoying

So I’m just painfully aware of my stupidity which I think is at least I’m I’m aware of it and uh that that is kind of a good thing I guess um that I am very well aware that I’m a [ __ ] and I’m likely to do dumb stuff so you know I’ve

Got that going for me at least um not saying much else but hey it’s uh it it’s a choice that I have made and I know I know so yes we’ve got other sort of like test quandries that are going to be the big question of the day here and uh we

Just want to make sure we get um out and about with it really don’t we the next kind of big thing that I’m looking at is what other things can I do um to make my farm better um in in regards to its layout um what other

Things I want want to put into it such as of course I know I’m going to put slime hutches in that’s going to be a thing probably just the one so I don’t know why I said hutches but that is a thing isn’t it it’s going to be

Something that I’m going to make but again what what is um the best plan for that and how am I going to um organize it and I think that’s a perfectly reasonable thing to sort of talk wander I guess because yeah I want to make sure that my

Quest um to not end up screwing up badly uh kind of goes well and uh I think that’s a question that I have for myself really is what else can I do that will make it better I think anyway that’s that’s a thing so come on I’m hoping that these bombs are

Actually working out well for me at least I mean they do seem to be going okay it’s not like me using the bombs isn’t um effective when I need it to be which is nice and all um I guess um it it’s nice that I don’t have to

Worry so much but uh yeah it is a bit of a weird one in some ways because relying on bombs I’ve seen people using bombs to cut down trees which seems a little Overkill to me um because they you’re using a very destructive technique to destroy a tree

I mean yes okay it does work it just feels a little bit overzealous perhaps might be one way of putting it um yeah I mean that’s just how it kind of comes across to me at least on that um I can’t say for certain whether that is

Actually the case whether it’s a little bit over the top and overzealous but it does feel a little bit um not saying ridiculous but just a smidge potentially maybe maybe just a little so yeah that that that’s what I’m looking at at least so yes um I think that’s

Kind of really where I I’m not saying I’m drawing the line at like the weirdness that that that is but uh it would be kind of important for me to make sure that I don’t end up doing lots of dumb dumb dumb stuff like well screwing myself over um

Which is unfortunately very very likely for something for me to do and as I’ve done before when I’ve laid down bombs by accident in the farm like like a complete [ __ ] um and I felt like uh crying a lot which I think is quite reasonable to be fair um because yeah I

I felt so incredibly stupid after all of that having wasted my time um putting stuff down making a mess of everything and just feeling like an idiot it’s just depressing um if I’m really honest about it is that I did all of that and I just

Royally screwed up and it makes me feel very sad that I’d tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter um to quote the Great linol Park for that one that was awful I’m painfully away I’m sorry um yeah that is really what it sort of boils

Down to is I know that I made a lot of dumb mistakes and that’s kind of how it goes and I think when I started recording this like and and I’d be tempted to if I’d screwed up that bad I would just start the day again because I’m like well okay I’m an

Idiot I understand that I’m an idiot but I feel very very stupid about it so I’ll um I’ll uh with it now I’m like if if I put a bomb down in here and detonated all those Crystal areans yes I would want to kick myself but I would suffer

Through it because I’m an idiot and I’m going to try and maintain some standards and Decor them and blah blah blah blah blah I’ll still cry I will definitely cry but but I won’t restart for the day but we’re coming to the end of today

At least so I’ll B everyone a very fond Fair very well so thank you very much for tuning in um I hope you’ve enjoyed it is believe me a fantastic feeling actually achieving Perfection for the very first time here in stari Valley um I I feel so ridiculously overwhelmed by

The fact that I’ve actually finally managed it so please do like share and subscribe they all do very much help and uh hopefully I will catch you all again the next time the walrus plays star valy

A loud rumble is heard in the distance as today marks the first day after achieving my perfection status in Stardew Valley! To be honest I fear I might have missed that I could have got something much earlier when playing through this, but alas! I still have obtained all the shiny things!

Delving into Skull Caverns once more to try to figure out what else I can do to get further down in the Caverns. I think that luck might be the biggest impact on my adventures into the Caverns. Though I will have to wait for Mr. Qi to offer that ‘quest’ once more.

Thanks again to my Patreon Subscribers! – Kahn Wolfe!
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  1. I do not understand your hang up on Ancient Fruit. It's almost as valuable as Starfruit, and you never have to buy it again, or replant it, or water it…. Just harvest, which is fast.

  2. Preserves Jars make the product value 2x base value +50. Kegs are 3x base for fruit, and 2.25 for Veg. Low value crops are best put in Jars, High Value into Kegs.

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