I Played 100 Days In Stardew Valley… But It’s Pokemon

This video is sponsored by iosia hello everyone welcome welcome my name is Charlie and today I’m going to be playing 100 days in stardy Valley except it’s Pokémon with the help of the wonderful cat noodles I put together a mega mod pack that transforms practically everything in pelicant town

Into the world of Pokémon petkin town if you will the buildings are different the weapons are Pokeballs and every single forgeable animal fish monster and honestly everything else has been retextured into Pokémon my goal is simple to catch them all what are the legendary fish going to be what Pokémon

Will kobis be and why on this good sweetheart did Pam get turned into this monstrosity you’ll have to watch to find out so without further Ado let’s jump right into our first day in Pokémon sardu Valley our first day on poke Farm began like any other except that I was

Dressed as Ash Ketchum the legendary Pokémon trainer rest his soul or is he still alive I honestly have no idea after picking up my parsnip seeds I headed outside and realized my farmhouse was in fact a gym which meant only one thing I’m a gym leader I’m just like my

Dad Norman and as I approached my Pokeball themed shipping bin I spotted my very first Pokémon there’s a Charizard in there this is nuts I continued to explore my farm and spotted a Butterfree and LBD just flying around before planting my parsnips and watering them with my trusty horsey can with that

Done I then ventured into town with the singular mission of filling up my Pokedex embarrassingly I tried to hit this comi with an axe which really didn’t work out for me but I did end up finding a bunch of Pokémon on the beach the rest of the evening was spent in

Town introducing myself to the villagers all the while keeping an eye out for new Pokémon in the forest next to the wizard tower I caught a glimpse of an animal scampering up a tree but wasn’t fast enough to identify it get out of there you and I ended off the day by chopping

Some trees and crafting a chest that would serve as my Pokedex going to bed that night with eight new entries first thing the next morning I watered my crops and took a bee line to the beach to pick up what would become my most valuable Pokémon catching device which

Isn’t a Pokeball no no no no but a fishing rod while I was there I found a couple more Pokémon as well as my first artifact spot which was this little Pokeball on the ground using my trusty fishing rod I began my career as a Pokémon fisherman my plan for the next

Couple weeks was to fish like no one’s ever fished before because I needed to catch every fish in each season and in order to catch the legend our first legendary fish I’d have to get to fishing level 10 before the end of spring it’s a Tim pole after napping a

Tim pole in gold de from the river I walked down to the beach and got a remade as well I managed to reach fishing level one meaning I was still a long ways away from Catching the legend but you know progress is progress it was raining the next morning which meant it

Was the perfect day to go fishing I spent the entire day at the ocean snatching an electric and even a Garian stun Fist and I might have been going a little crazy standing on the dock so long cuz I started bargaining with the fish I already have two electros you’re

Going to have a little family wouldn’t that be lovely you’re so lonely in the deep ocean I’m selling You Pockets filled with a ton of new Pokémon I returned home having reached fishing level two by day four I realized I hadn’t checked out the shops much so I

Headed to Pierre to see if he was selling anything of the special Pokémon variety ooh oh my gosh guys there’s pokey pokey fruits I bought five of each Berry which was a real hit to the wallet with the 60 measly goers I had left I got a single Bean starter and then

Planted those little Debbies before heading to the mountain lake to do some more fishing once I’d had my fill I headed to Gus’s Saloon to cap off the night spotting a little bulb sort dashing into the woods as I did so it turns out Gus was selling fish tacos

That day which I really wanted because they give you the plus two fishing buff but unluckily I had spent all my money on berries that morning I sat there for a while formulating a plan to acquire said Taco but eventually I had to be honest with myself I could not afford

The taco with deep sadness I sced around the town’s garbage bins like a pathetic little rat scoring a baguette and then conking out right in front of my house pennil Tac less but also fishing level three as if my disappointment couldn’t go any deeper I found Marne at my door

The next morning with a very upsetting pet oh come on Marney you’re kidding that’s what you brought me full disclosure I am not a fan of Glam yo I almost don’t even want it you know what else I’m not a fan of the DraStic decline of trees on this good sweet

Earth that’s why I’m extremely excited that today’s video is sponsored by iosia the search engine that turns your web searches into treats now a typical search engine and displays ads as you search to make money which goes God knows where with a coia 100% of the profits go directly toward helping the

Environment stardo player to stardo player we’ve all cut down every single tree in cindersap forest and felt the devastating impact on this peaceful pixel environment but unlike in the valley real trees that are deforested don’t just respawn with a coia though you can easily make a difference in the

World I mean in a single hourlong session playing stardew I racked up enough searches to plant two whole trees that’s two whole trees that never would have existed had I not been looking up up where the freck Marty is the thing that’s incredible about aoia too is that

They direct support to areas that need trees the most like vulnerable biodiversity hotpots and bird migration routes and by working with local communities to plant them and continually monitor their growth you can be sure that the trees you’re contributing are actually making a difference so go download aoia on your

Phone or your computer by using my link in the description down below or using this QR code thank you so so much to aoia for sponsoring this video and for all the amazing work that they do and without further Ado let’s get back to the video reluctantly I adopted the cat

And named it David after David Tenant because I just met them that month very large fan but that super cool namesake did nothing to make me like this Glam yo I continued on with the day harvesting my parsnips and then heading north to unlock the community center before

Venturing into the mines for the first time Rusty sword in hand I entered the mines curious to see what kind of Pokémon I would find and on our journey we came across a couple soloes pisai a gaggle of Solosis and a Parasect disguised as a mushroom I

Played wacka with a Diglett for a bit which felt especially mean and then was promptly ambushed by a swarm of beedrills that felt like a good time as any to leave except that it was actually kind of a bad time because as soon as I reached my house I passed out the

Following morning I petted and watered David and crafted up some furnaces to smelt the Copper from yesterday’s mining trip going to be honest I’m not sure how much I like it in pakin town as I was fishing by the river just minding my own business Harvey ran into me and shoved

His way through then Pam and then Granny and Grandpa wheeled through me too like hello oh I’m just trying to fish despite the rude behavior of the villagers that day I continued to fish into the evening and was rewarded for my persistence oh it’s aan after a full night’s sleep in

Bed and not on the ground in front of my porch I stumbled across this merro chomping on my crops so excited to spot a new Pokémon but also really sad about my poke crops mixed feelings you know to address this I crafted a scarecrow or a

Treo on a stick my little farm was starting to shape up but I realized I actually hadn’t visited marne’s branch yet so I did just that wao this is like the Pokémon daycare I checked out the traveling cart too saying hello to the snorting Venusaur oh it still makes a

Pig noise but it kind of fits the traveling cart lady was selling a bunch of Pokémon I hadn’t gotten yet but I have morals I’d have to catch them myself to enter them into the Pokey chest but that would certainly be made easier with one particular food item

Please have a fish taco for me Gus however I was only met with disappointment at the saloon sad I did some more fishing that evening to soothe my soul and actually spotted something flying overhead as I returned home wo oh my gosh it was an it was an owl it was a

Knock toow motivated by this rare sighting I continued fishing the next day given my lack of fish tacos it was seeming like this was going to be my life for a while since I needed to catch the legend by the end of spring but I was still holding out hope for a fish

Taco and resorted to heckling gust to get one I need a fish taco Gus I need one now I need one 4 days ago at this point the scope of this 100 days was really really starting to dawn on me but like Ash and all the other trainers that

Came before me my journey to catch them all would be a long and difficult one I must persevere which for now just meant more fishing although it kind of sucked I reached fishing level five that night so I was definitely making some good progress as if the scope wasn’t large

Before though a lot of changes happened on day 10 so from here on out we are about to see a large amount of new stuff the first thing that you may notice is that David is no longer a Glam meow David gives off a magical glow evolve

David I was not expecting to be able to evolve my new Litton but I wasn’t about to say no to a toor cat and neither was my chat it’s looking like a 92% evolved David I’m not even going to trifle around we’re just going to evolve this bad boy let’s

Go um so David literally broke my stream the entire game just straight up crashed like I’m not even kidding noodles of cat explained to me later that the Linton is the only pet Evolution that breaks the game so maybe they’re just too powerful I don’t know David needs to be

Restrained once we’d recovered from that I finally got the chance to take in some of the new changes made in the mod pack including these Sea Dot acorns heading to the beach I passed by Harvey’s Pokémon Center and Pierre’s pokemonart something else I really loved too is as

I was rifling through the garbage cans as one does I spotted this little goober peeking out it was honestly incredible and even better when we made it to the beach we were greeted by the calming sounds of screeching Pokémon oh I also added the visible Fish Mod

Which allowed us to see all the Pokémon swimming around in the water it really brought the world to life and also helped me keep track of which ones I hadn’t caught yet with my fiberglass Rod acquired from Willie I finally spotted the birds making all the fuss it’s

Wingle you little goobers I shwed them away but noticed a couple more Pokémon on the other side of the beach bridge that I hadn’t gotten yet Honestly though the Ruckus was just too distracting oh my God I got to get off this beach there’s too much noise happening goodbye

From the harsh screeches of Wingull to the peace and quiet of the secret Woods I felt a lot better but then I noticed the one the only it’s Pikachu the secret Woods was actually a fantastic call because there were also a bunch of new Pokémon swimming in the pond nearby I

Sat and fished for a while reeling up this old TM disc as well as a basculin and a luminan ending off the day by catching his sabble early the next morning I received a letter from Robin saying that she’d lost her Teddy Ursa so I set out to find it taking a quick

Detour into town where I spotted these little guys in the Square said a hello to Pierre’s Slowpoke and bought some more parsnip seeds with that out of the way I headed into the cindersap forest and retrieved Robin’s Teddy Ursa hello sweet sweet one I popped that little

Sucker in my pocket watching a pck aack fly by as I arrived at robins and returned them since I was in the area I decided to do a wee bit of fishing at the mountain lake and noticed this Kadabra warp Shrine for the first time which I thought was an incredibly cute

Detail I continued to maintain a healthy distance from David for fear of what they’d do to my PC and after some fishing by the river I entered Pam’s trailer to find um oh my God for some reason Pam’s existential and cynical dialogue paired with this face was

Absolutely hilarious to me each day is just the same as the last everyone say thank you to Davis another wonderful viewer for this monstrosity I sat with Mr Pam for a bit but their presence was just a bit too much and after that fun interaction I walked to Gus’s Saloon and

Noticed a bunch of new Pokémon related decorations it’s a it’s a urser ring and there’s a little cact and there’s a oh well that’s really too bad I scrolled through Gus’s menu trying to ignore the Cubone skull on the wall but unfortunately no fish taco I decided to

Spend some time fishing in the river next to joa which was actually quite calming until oh no she even stopped to judge me as I reeled in a temple casting our wonderful new villager out of mind I continued fishing for the rest of the day and made it to level six fishing in

The process being graced by our first legendary Pokémon oh my my gosh there’s a Mew just sitting here and just like that we had made it to the egg Festival as I entered the next morning I snagged a lawn alaria and some strawberry seeds spotting a blossom on the table and then

Proceeding to become a bossom before the main event began though I witnessed perhaps one of the most cursed things of all time this is that’s the worst moment I’ve ever had playing a video game I think the egg hunt itself went off without a hitch and I won myself the

Straw hat which I’ll obviously never wear but maybe the real treasure was the cursed Mr Pam we found along the way never drinking that punch again though I headed down to the beach the next day and after witnessing the outcry from my chat I made the executive decision to

Lower the volume of our resident wingles before spending the entire day fishing on the dock stopping only to buy more materials from Willie Brooks brous that’s a fish that deserves to be turned into a soup I must say and you know you can spot a Pokémon catch one with a

Fishing rod toss it in a chest but the truest form of catching them all is eating them sorry to all those Brook sish enjoyers out there but I’m counting this one as a Pokédex entry because although it’s in soup form I choose to believe I’ve caught it in my stomach not

A fan of bruxish but I do like ret and these little potted cherums admittedly the soup did come in clutch though because shortly after I caught a bunch of new fish including this 26 in Merill which by the way how does that work is

It like 26 in in diameter or like 26 in Long the world may never know anyo as much as I was growing tired of all this fishing I did reach level seven that evening and if I used some food Buffs I’d be able to to catch the legend soon

But while hanging out at Pier’s the following day trying to figure out what crops I had to grow for the community center I had kind of a hot take I’m going to say it I’m going to do Jojo I faced some pretty hard push back from my

Chat so we started a comprehensive pros and cons list Money Talks that’s a great point joa pollutes the water that’s definitely a con oh Morris yeah that’s a con oh it’s just like everybody has such good moral points and I’m just tired of I’m just tired of putting in the effort

As much as as I wanted to go the JoJo route to speed things up get to other areas faster and find more Pokémon the community center was the right thing to do because I am the very best like nobody ever was so I’m going to do that

I’m going to be good the rest of the day was spent in a state of deep moral conflict do I do the community center for the good of the town or do I get a JoJo membership for the good of my Pokémon collection after all we were

Also in a stardo expanded World which if you never heard of this mod I have an entire series on it but it adds a lot of content namely 20 7 new NPCs 50 locations and 27 fish all of which had been Pokémon ified I thought through it

And when I woke up the next day come morning everybody on this wonderful capitalist day that we have here I’d had a change of heart I would be taking the JoJo route as I harvest my cherry Rost and lumb berries and watered my strawberries I came up with a plan to

Make money for my joa membership which can really be reduced down to give me clay give me clay give me clay and it was going pretty well until did I do it wrong oh no no maybe the valley was conspiring against me for choosing joa

Maybe I was just an inep clay farmer but I pushed onward offering a bunch of my fish veggies and poke fruit to the Charizard of my shipping bin so that I’d hopefully have enough money for the membership the following day and before I went to bed I did you guessed it more

Fishing and it was starting to really impact my well-being I will say give me yourself be in my fish tank you are mine now what a foolish Choice day 18 was a very special day because not only did I have enough money for my JoJo membership

But it was also Mr Pam’s birthday so I SED Mr Pam some glazed yams that I’d gotten from the saloon and then walked to Morris’s office to become a joa member but as I left I felt this terrible guilt inside me my heart had a little Pang and it went no not joa

Anything but joa and I had to say Be Still heart we need to get to the Crimson Badlands now that I was signed on for a JoJo membership I headed to the mountain lake once again because time to f fish it’s the best part of the day is

When we fish I hadn’t even cast my line before I realized that I was running out of energy and the algae I had would not be enough so ashamed I literally turned my screen off to hide from chat and I didn’t need a fish guys I didn’t need a

Fish yeah I ate a fish a goldine actually and I felt bad about it okay I ate a Pokémon there I said it I’m A Jojo loving Pokémon eating fool after picking up this moral and not eating it I finished off the day reflecting on my

Poor choices like when Ash ever eat a Pokémon actually I’m pretty sure he ate a Magikarp in the anime or like at least thought about it so I don’t want to see any comments about this all right not a single one day 19 was another momentous day because even more Pokémon mods had

Been added including this little fella sitting in the fireplace what a cutie David the lon was also nerfed for the potential damage they could cause and turned back to David the Glam which was quite disappointing but upon checking in on my chests I also noticed the bug meat had magically transformed into these

Little Goobers and the horse radishes had turned into aishes which was very cute on my way to the mountain lake I said hello to the mighty and the dogghouse and then once again fished for the entire day it was much more exciting though because I caught a Shellos as

Well as this shriveled up Staryu and then proceeded to shrivel up myself as the Clock Struck two bringing me to fishing level 8 after harvesting my parsnips the next morning I headed to the museum to drop off the Staryu and spotted this little Pangoro stuffy sitting in the corner in addition to a

Pater Su scurrying around next to the stop I finished off this extremely eventful day by chopping trees in complete darkness I got a Pineo or a pineco I don’t know how people say that and thus we awoke on day 21 with merely a week left until the end of spring

Normally this would be exciting but we still hadn’t caught the legend and since we were only at fishing level 8 my entire plan for catching one was contingent on Gus or the traveling cart selling us a fish taco but of course there’s no fish taco there’s no fish

Taco oh no I didn’t mean to buy that that oh out of sheer frustration about this dumb $1,000 jar of mayo I reset the day catching a glimpse of the three legendary birds and some unknowns on the home screen at this point I was Furious

So I took my anger out on some trees planning on potentially upgrading my house for the kitchen as a last resort to cook the fish taco as I was doing so I saw a little Zygarde cell just floating around and with all 450 pieces of wood acquired I headed to robins and

Upgraded my house nervous about our process ECT of catching the legend I spent the rest of that dreary day fishing big shocker I know but on the upside I actually spotted the legend in the water for the first time like it’s a Dratini I see it it’s a Dratini oh my

God I wanted it so bad and all I needed was a stupid fish taco and on day 22 oh my God oh my God I had never been this excited about a taco before on the way to catch my Dratini I spotted a fungus which felt like a good omen but

The first time Dratini caught the the line I kind of dropped the ball no you monster you demon fish I tried a more gentle approach with the next one hush sweet baby sweet sweet spring baby but that didn’t work either in desperation I ate another Taco but I was running out

Of time I panicked and once again the Dratini slipped through my fingers so I reset the day we couldn’t catch the legend unless it was raining something I couldn’t guarantee would happen again in the final 6 days of spring and I was more determined than ever to catch the

Legend I popped over to gusses for my tacos and set off again you’re safe you’re safe I hate you I hate you and then the KK Slider started bumping come to me fish I am your mother hyped out of my mind with this soundtrack I had to catch it or I mean I

Guess not because I didn’t and reset the day once again but this time would be different because this time I had coffee caffeined up I booked it to the mountain lake and got fishing once again but yeah the lake 10 seconds I saved with the speed boost didn’t help at all so I

Reset once more at this point I was starting to think maybe I’m not the problem maybe the spirits are displeased so I started the day off with a quick morning ritual come to me Legend come come to me I would like you in my pocket please despite our little fishing chant

I still could not catch the Legend So you guessed it I reset once again and jeez I was on my fifth try of day 22 and desperate to leave this Groundhog Day situation but I needed that Dratini which meant I needed a rainy day and

Like I said who knows if it’ll rain for the rest of the season I just couldn’t deal with that level of uncertainty so I did what anyone would do in this situation I messaged blade a Bonafide sardu Mastermind hello hope you’re well I was just wondering if there was a way

To find out to to predict the weather ha thank you and after sending out that plea what hello oh CR Blade’s calling hold on blade was kind enough to walk me through the complex process of predicting the weather Blade’s child dagger even joined to oh goodness that’s

How I feel right now honestly blade guided me through day 22 which entailed scooting around and walking all funky to avoid actually taking any steps and you know I’m really not this kind of stardo player and most of this went way over my head but essentially the amount of steps

You take in a day somehow dictates the weather so by using my game seed and controlling the amount of steps I actually took I can force it to rain again before the end of the spring after meticulously tracking my steps for all of day 23 I woke up the next day to

Learn that I had failed tomorrow was going to be a bright and sunny day which was totally not what we wanted but hey at least I was out of the Purgatory that was day 22 undeterred by my failed attempt I began counting again and suddenly realized that it was the flower

Dance so scooted my way there I had to make sure I wasn’t taking any steps even in cutcenes which meant no dancing for me but that wasn’t really an issue because I don’t have friends anyway by the end of the day i’ managed to attend a whole Festival without taking a single

Step but I still needed to take eight more steps to trigger the next rain day so I counted them carefully before going to bed and let me tell you all this scooting was not in vain because the weather report the following day revealed that it was going to be raining

On Day 26 I spent the rest of that afternoon preparing for the fishing trip of a lifetime getting some bait and trap Bobbers ready for what was likely our last chance to catch the legend I settled into my usual fishing spot and on our first encounter I battled with

The Dratini for I’m not even been exaggerating nearly two whole minutes but after a long fight the Dratini bested me I’d worked too hard for this though I couldn’t give up now and on our second chance I finally caught it thank you Yoba thank you thank you thank you

Thank you it was pure relief like I could have cried actually I think I did I ran home with the little guy and plopped him on the table just to make sure I didn’t accidentally turn him into Dratini Sashimi after that absolutely harrowing string of events we were over

A quarter of the way into our playthrough and I decided to take the rest of the month to relax and do some non-fishing activities it happened to be Emily’s birthday so after a quick stop at the aolon fountain I headed into the mines to kill a ninjas and acquire a

Topaz to gift her the next day was Sunday so I headed to the traveling cart where I saw that the Venusaur had made a little friend I also realized that it was the last day of the season and I really wanted to see what the junimo

Plush would be so I hung around the playground waiting for 12:00 p.m. and uh the plush was an apple tin but not actually like do we count it even I think I think I’m going to count it I spent the rest of that day in the mines

And with the exception of killing a couple weedles and zubats it was pretty uneventful things quickly picked back up though because the next day was our first day of summer and with a new season here there were a ton of new Pokémon to discover these included an alolan exeggutor and a Roserade which

Had evolved for Melia the season before a new season also meant new Pokémon berries from Pierre so for the rest of the evening I plan planted and watered a bunch of them new summer Pokémon continued to appear the next day and after purchasing the next backpack upgrade I continued down in the mines

Killing a bunch of jumping vanilla lights and a goldbat in the ice floors I managed to make it all the way to floor 54 until I had pretty much depleted all my energy oh hey Marlon don’t mind me though we’ made a lot of progress there were still some areas of Pelican town

That we hadn’t yet unlocked so my goal for day 32 was to fix the bridge and explore the other side of the beach I spent the whole morning chopping trees and fixed up the bridge by that evening picking up a couple new Pokémon in the tide pools the progress wouldn’t stop

There though because later that night on my very first cast I caught an MA star our legendary fish for the summer First cast first catch it just couldn’t have been better with my poke crops coming along quite nicely I continued my fishing escapades catching myself a Garian corsola and a relicanth in the

Mines as well as a wimp pod and shiny pumu by the ocean I mean we were on a roll finding new Pokémon and it only kept going as I encountered my first first Gastly in the mines hello buddy I’ve got to kill it and in the fruit

Cave there’s there’s an appin it’s so cute honestly finding new Pokémon was so exciting and I just didn’t want our streak to end luckily I realized there were still a ton of Pokémon that we still had to buy from Marne with this in mind I made getting a coupe our top

Priority spending all of day 35 preparing the materials and then heading to Robins to get the construction going while that was underway I returned back to the mines and decided to take a stab at catching the ice pip which turned turned out to be a Spiel basically our

Two major goals in terms of new Pokémon were to get all the new summer fish and continue progressing in the mines the following day I fished up a shiny Magikarp and a gorbis from the ocean and as I was Trucking on through the mines that evening I saw this scroll and

Suddenly realized what kind of Pokémon is the dwarf to find out who the dwarf was I first needed to get my hands on some bombs so I headed back into the mines that night slaughtering a whole gaggle of cubones which felt really really bad guilt ridden I pass passed

Out in front of marlin and woke up bright and early the next morning for the luau little did I know this was about to be our most productive day yet in terms of filling out the Pokedex as soon as I walked in I spotted a solar

Cast form on the table but the main event wasn’t the table decorations the luow pot or even the free buffet surprisingly it was Pierre’s stall well guys this are are these free what we what the heck did we get there were so many free Pokémon plushies more than I

Could carry so I had to be selective about what I brought home obviously I prioritized the legendary Pokémon like Rayquaza Lugia hoo sudao Deoxys and Kyogre I was having an absolute Field Day quickly emptying my inventory for more plushies all in all we added 20 new

Pokémon to our pokedex in a single day bringing our total to 125 honestly I couldn’t have cared less if the governor liked the soup I spent the rest of the evening decorating my home with the new plushies which made me so happy except what the freak the Snorlax plush

Turned into a a minor chest uh very confusing and the fun didn’t end there because by the time day 40 had rolled around our Coupe was finally complete I headed down to marney’s to see what Pokémon I could buy and paid a visit to the traveling cart on the way just to

See what was there garlic cave carrot pars what are you I quickly fell in love and although it was a whopping $1,000 I bought it anyway in the chat unanimously agreed on naming it Mr Egg very creative guys wait I kind of want to just be in our hot bar like a little

Friend and you may be thinking Are you seriously going to waste an entire space in your hot bar for the next 60 days just for an egg the answer is yes yes I am and that’s Mr Egg to you with Mr Egg now occupying this Prime real estate in

My inventory I went into Mary’s and purchased a natu named snorkel and a Starly named apricot while snorkel looked fine I was not expecting apricot to come as an unhatched egg is this egg speaking to me I soon realized though that I should probably get to work on

Building a silo so that my Pokémon wouldn’t be starving in the winter I mean to be fair they’re starving right now too but I don’t know it felt more pressing I decimated the beach for clay and then headed to Robins to get construction started and while that was

Going I went back to the beach to do some fishing picking up a Kabuto on the way out after filling up my Silo I ventured into the secret Woods to do some more exploring and came across a river with a bunch of fish I hadn’t

Caught yet so the next day I came back with my fishing rod and caught a bruxish of the non soup variety as well as a milser and the next morning I awoke to three wonderful surprises first off AR natu had grown into a zatu second apricot was no longer an egg but an

Actual Starly and finally both of them had laid Pokey eggs which was just so exciting also I had downloaded another mod that day which added Pokeball weapons and fishing tackles for now though my main focus was on building a barn so I chopped down some trees destroying dozens of Pokémon habitats in

The process like wow look at them all go with all that DeForest done I had enough wood for the barn so I headed to Robins to start building it but unfortunately just missed her so I went mining instead this turned out to be a pretty happy accident too because I came across a

Bunch of new Pokémon including this moral which dropped a krabby when I killed it that makes so little sense I didn’t want to miss Robin again so I arrived at her house bright and early and got right to business moving the chicken coop down a smidge and placing

The barn right beside the house again I figured while we’re in the area I might as well hit up the mines and as I defeated this noise bat it dropped a Voltorb at first I had no idea what this Voltorb was like I was just confused

About like how but I soon learned from my chat that this voltor was in fact a bomb which when you think about it makes a lot of sense this was fantastic timing because I now had the means to clear the entrance to the dwarf cave and when I

Did he’s a little L gim guy tuu Toton my man with our barn under construction I set down some fences on the ranch and headed into town to go through the garbage but quite unexpectedly wow I’ve never gotten a garbage hat before that was violent and this Trish is just

All naked after that fun little surprise I headed to Marlins I’ve proven myself for my stellar adventuring and catch themal prowess I was invited to join the guild which I was quite excited about I pledged to be the very best adventurer like no one ever was and as the 23rd

Member of the adventurers Guild I now had access to new weapons including different kinds of pokeballs each Pokeball had different stats and a throw quality based on its type but I decided to pick up an Ultra Ball and a heavy ball and went directly back to the mines

To give my new weapons a spin as you’d expect you can use them to whack Pokémon which is definitely one way of catching them but these balls aren’t just melee weapons oh no way dude you can actually throw them melee and range bundled into one single weapon there are nicer ways

Of catching Pokémon though and harvesting is one of them so when I spotted this cherubi sapling at the traveling cart I couldn’t help but buy it to plant in our Pokémon Ranch I was still getting used to our new Pokeball weapons and I’d been having trouble especially with the ranged attack which

Was hard to use accurately but while practicing in the mines that evening I managed to find a Thunderstone meaning we could finally make a mayonnaise machine some uh Starly mayonnaise anybody and as we awoke the next morning on our 50th day I realized we made it halfway through our time on poke Farm

But we were definitely less than halfway through our pokeddex by this point we’d caught 138 Pokémon out of the 465 possible meaning we were about about 30% of the way done luckily our barn had finished up that morning as well meaning that once we’d made a bit more money

We’d be able to add a couple new Pokémon to the farm in the meantime we still had some summer Pokémon to catch before the end of the season so I stood on the dock fishing away getting nothing new until oh my gosh we got the Octillery that’s

So good with only one summer fish Pokémon left to catch I spent all of day 51 fishing and eventually I got myself the last fish a quill fish with my fishing obligations fulfilled for now I decided to shift gears a bit and fill up the new barn buying a mil tank named

Rock lober and a swib named sir mubis and after some very successful target practice in the mines oh my God you’re so annoying I went to meet lober and mubis for the very first time what a bunch of cuties one of the most important ways of getting new Pokémon

Was by upgrading our watering can which we hadn’t actually done yet so I grabbed a couple copper bars and headed to Clint to do just that oh my God that Squirtle has seen better days we’re going to have to upgrade that as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t experience too much

Pain also this is a bit off topic but I just wanted to remind everyone that Mr egg is still taking up a beautiful slot in my hot bar and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way day 56 was actually the Moonlight jelly Festival which is usually kind of a boring one I

Mean you just kind of watch the Squishies Bob around but this time there was a lot of exciting stuff going on oh my gosh guys the free stuff has reappeared I grabbed a boatload of new Pokémon and then settled into watch the Moonlight jellies which were actually

Frillish the rare green one was the galent too which I thought was a nice touch we ended off that day by placing and arranging our new Pokémon plushes and it’s starting to get to that point where the house is becoming unsightly like it’s clear I have a hoarding

Problem but I vow to catch them all and I’m never getting rid of any of them not even the Snorlax plush that turned into a chest as we began our first day of fall I was very shocked to see that mubis had fully grown into a pillow

Swine most importantly though with a new season comes a bunch of new fish including the fall legendary fish funny enough the legendary fish for fall was literally no problem I got it on like my third cast of the day and it turned out to be a lantern which is very precious

As always we had a lot of other chores to get done in the beginning of the season so to start off I headed to Clint oh when we got our messed up squirtle copper watering can and then planted some person berries ore berries and other poke crops before catching a bunch

Of new Pokémon by the river including this Poliwag Now by this point I was starting to worry we wouldn’t get as much done as I wanted wanted to before the end of our first year and the big barrier to doing so was money as I was mining over the next couple days I

Started to notice that sometimes enemy Pokémon in the mines would drop apricot saplings which sold for a decent amount however after trying to farm them for a good bit of cash I realized it wasn’t really worth it for the amount of time and effort it took so I concocted a new

Plan to save up enough money for a Furniture catalog and craft a loom with these items I could turn yellow couches into cloth and sell it for Pure infinite profit although though the apicot saplings didn’t end up working out I was still collecting them to save up for the

Catalog and all this mining wasn’t for nothing either because in the process we had reached the final level of the mines obtaining the skull key the money I was bringing in for mining trips was decent but definitely not enough especially since the furniture catalog alone would set me back

$200,000 so I knew I needed another more profitable source of income and I also knew of a potentially lucrative opportunity waiting for us in the secret Woods after a upgrading my watering can from the cursed Squirtle to an arguably better sobble I grabbed a chair from my

House and headed to the secret Woods in search of some salal berries my next big money-making Endeavor if you’ve seen my stard to expanded series you know this isn’t a new or healthy Obsession for me picking up an ice CU rarecrow along the way I ran into a Snorlax blocking our

Path but instead of waking him up with a pokey flute or can I even chop him down with an axe like I don’t I don’t want to know well I hopped around him and into the secret Woods I SC the entire area without finding any salal berries but I did find something

Else what was what did anybody else what is this what what’s going on what is that wait what I’m so confused turns out this mysterious floating basket is just a stardo expanded glitch it was kind of precious it was like hello however fun that was with no salal berries to be

Found I gave up on the idea and headed to the museum to donate some artifacts although we’re focused on collecting Pokémon and not artifacts so much donating to the museum will still be important because we eventually need to gain access to the sewers in order to woo our future roommate kobis or

Whatever Pokémon they turn into that night I leveled up our fishing and was faced with a tough choice but ultimately I went with the angler profession since I desperately needed the money I just need like a $200,000 loan you know the temptation to commit fraud was real but

I shook it off and proceeded with the day heading to Clint and picking up my upgraded watering can wait why is it just the head oh that’s so disturbing that’s like almost worse Clint why did you do this with a decapitated Sable head now in my possession my mental

Fortitude was quickly degenerating here let’s let me run this by you what if I got I I I stopped the stardew and then I added the cjb cheats mod and I took out a loan from the bank of pelicant town it was a devious strategy some people might

Even call it cheating actually I called it cheating like a minute ago but loans are a real thing they exist for this exact reason and if I pay it back it’s fine right how about this we’ll let the RNG decide if I get more than five

Saplings today I won’t take out a loan by 5:50 p.m. I was already up four saplings and at 9:40 he’ll so many enemies and we haven’t got no oh no oh my gosh why did I set that stupid rule with exactly five apicot saplings in my pockets I ran home trying to

Figure out how the heck I was going to make $200,000 but maybe it wasn’t all bad news because as I tucked myself into bed oh my gosh it’s a celby and it’s a shiny celby what the heck the celby blessed my crops and just the sight of this Legendary Pokémon reminded me that

The fate of these 100 days shouldn’t boil down to a stupid rule I made up about saplings it’s my destiny to catch them all ultimately it was up to me but then I set up a poll should I take out a loone so then it was up to you guys as

The pole ran I harvested and sold the crops that celby had grown and only a couple minutes later support for the loan was pouring in okay 81% yes oh my gosh do we have are do we all have the backbone of a green slime I gave

Everyone some more time to decide and in the meantime did some fishing but by the end of the day it was pretty clear what we were going to be doing we can say it’s from Professor Oak or something or my mom is loaded or something I don’t

Know and on the morning of day 65 I took out a loan from the national poke bank for $200,000 I will pay it back okay with the fun secur I headed to Robin’s house and after so much hard work and dedication we acquired the furniture catalog but even with the catalog there

Was still a bunch of stuff to accomplish before we could get our couch to cloth scheme going which included unlocking the recipe for the loom to do this we’d have to increase our farming level to seven so I ran right over to marne’s to get a milker but instead of Marne at the

Counter waa what what are you doing in there without a milker or any other good way of raising my farming level there wasn’t much to do so I looked through my new furniture catalog log and to my surprise this was an incredible way to catch a bunch of Pokémon I got a couple

Posters and some other wall decorations including this Delise and sunflora this house is not the prettiest I will say but with a bunch of new Pokémon added to the Pokedex I honestly couldn’t care less that the house looked like a mess first thing the next morning I headed

Back to marney’s finally getting my milker and also buying a couple more bird Pokémon for the coupe returning home to milk Rock Lobster and mubis for That Sweet farming XP after catching a Shelmet and a cfish my first Crab Pot Pokémon I went into the secret Woods to

Say hello to our little friend uh oh there it is there it is oh my god there it is it is like my favorite thing my only goal for day 67 was to catch ourselves some of the Pokémon that only come out late at night primarily the

Midnight carp one but I had no luck so the next morning I plopped down my little drifloon rarecrow and with renewed determination set out to catch the midnight carp and lava eel Pokémon in a single day I walked down to the lava lake and was feeling pretty good

Until the clock hit 10 and all I’d fished up was literal trash defeated I moved down to the mountain lake and on my second cast I managed to pull up this wishy-washy I ran home satisfied that I gotten at least one of the two fish I

Set out to get but this little Victory wouldn’t change the fact that we had bigger fish to fry and by bigger fish I mean exploiting the furniture catalog to fraudulently convert couches into cloth getting this scam going was completely dependent on the loom though so I continue getting farming XP by tending

To the crops and then headed to Clint to upgrade the old axe since I’d also be needing a bunch of hardwood to eventually build the horse stable after a couple days of crop tending and mil tank milking we had finally reached farming level 7 but even with the loom

Now unlocked I still didn’t have the pinear to craft it I got a Tapper going and then picked up my upgraded axe cracking open some geod while I was there I’d managed to get a good amount of new minerals so I paid Gunther a visit and donated them to the museum

Receiving a mimikyu rarecrow as a reward now Day 72 was going to be a big day because it was the stardew Valley Fair I headed into town checking out the shop first and ooh ooh ooh there’s like a gavar rarecrow and we need the star drop

Okay we actually have to like put some work in for this Festival in terms of our Grange display well this was a Pokémon playthrough after all so of course we’d be assembling our strongest team this consisted of a Dratini a bunch of random water types and with the three

Remaining spots I put Mr Egg some milk and a real egg it was a pretty balanced and well-rounded team if I do say so myself Mr Egg better win this with that like penetrating gaze how can he not but when I spoke to Louis I had placed second

No Mr Egg like I V to be the very best like no one ever was not the second best like a lot of people always are with my 500 star tokens I headed to the gambling wheel and through the power of betting on Green I was able to turn my 500

Tokens into 4,300 which was more than enough for what I wanted to buy triumphantly I purchased myself a star drop oh it’s strange but the taste reminds you of catching the as well as the gard ofir rarecrow and with my remaining tokens I got a plate of pepper

Poppers cuz why not the following morning I went to check on my Krabby pots and got myself a Shelmet which I immediately delivered to Vincent the reason being I needed to get his hearts up so I could enter his bedroom and get the secret statue from his toy box for

Rogan things were going pretty well and by the next morning I’d gotten yet another Shelmet in the Krabby pot which I of course gave to Vincent unfortunately this still wasn’t enough to gain access to his bedroom so I spent the rest of that day mining for geodes

In the hopes of finding more minerals to donate to the museum while I was in the mines doing that I figured I’d take another stab at catching the lava eel Pokémon and after fishing up an honestly concerning amount of trash I finally managed to get my hands on a huntail

With that feet accomplished At Last I headed to bed and awoke to some even better news pinear pinear today is the day everybody and thus began our couch for cash scheme but little did I know it takes an absolute eternity to convert a whole couch into fabric which yeah yeah

It makes a lot of sense now that I think about it for this to even be worth my time I would need to make a lot more looms which meant I’d need to get a lot more pinear so I crafted up another Tapper and after chopping some wood our

First cloth had finished cloth sells for 470 oh but I have Rancher so 564 that’s actually a decent amount of money with another yellow couch doing its thing and more pinear cooking up for some looms I headed into town and gave Vincent yet another Shelmet and you know three

Shelmet is really all it takes because Vincent finally gave me access to his bedroom oh it is a Pokémon it’s a loudd although this loudd did not have arms I thought he was just magnificent and proudly placed him behind my shipping bin to scream at visitors entering the

Farm with that task done I upgraded my axe once again at Clint and spent the rest of the day mining for copper and with all the ore we’d been Gathering and smelting I was able to craft a couple more tappers to grow our Loom Empire as that stuff worked away I turned my

Attention to our next Target for friendship Shane giving him the pepper poppers that had been sitting in my pocket for like a week befriending him would be crucial because it’s the only way you could obtain a blue chicken which of course we’ve got to do with my

Steel ax finished upgrading I spent the rest of day 79 in the secret Woods to collect the final bit of hardwood we needed for the stable and by the end of the day we’d gathered pretty much everything we needed to build it first thing the next morning I headed to

Robins and got the stable going which was super exciting because I was eager to see which Pokémon our horse would be and with that finally in the works I shifted attention to getting the humu statue walking to the ocean with the singular goal of catching the shiny

Puukumu we needed but after catching it and bringing it to the secret spot what it’s the same it was just another loudd I was beyond disappointed but that’s okay cuz we can have a bunch of lowds in a line they can like scream at everybody that enters our farm though the statue

Turned out to be disappointing it was quickly forgotten on day 81 when I saw that all of our tappers had finally finished up with the new pinear I crafted up a couple looms and designated this part of the farm as the yellow couch cash Corner if mayor Lewis

Actually enforced Law and Order in this town I’m sure this would be considered illegal but until then I’m rolling with it and with our illegal activities at the Forefront of my mind I honestly wasn’t expecting to see this absolute Beauty when I walked outside the next

Day we are rapidly dashing as per the suggestion of my lovely viewers we named our rapid Dash Bor and took him for a spin and yes I know Bor isn’t that great of a galloper in fact movement seems to be an active source of pain for him but

We love him all the same like I can’t explain why it looks so wrong after trouting to Robins I upgraded the barn and then crafted a bunch more looms before heading to the spirits Eve festival and as with the other festivals there were a ton of new Pokémon here

Including chimos these PK aoos that Emily carved herself Emily is a monster as well as a shiny pumpkaboo bedo and lots more Pokémon in the Maze I ran into jolics and Galvantula and passed by a Haunter in cofagrius on my way to get the golden pumpkin please move thank you

But the golden pumpkin wasn’t our only prize our Loom Factory was kind of taking off and starting to pay out a nice chunk of change at the end of each day like look at how much cloth we’re getting after loading up some more yellow couches I set down our new mous

Rarecrow and then headed to Clint to upgrade our sad little sobble head watering can to a pyge watering can with the winter here now I continue to do various tasks around the farm such as filling my inventory with yellow couches which is very normal and with our Barn

All finished up I wanted to ring in the new season by buying a goat but obviously Marne wasn’t there instead I went to robins and commissioned a deluxe Coupe upgrade to match our new barn while enjoying the new holiday decorations around town I ran into a Stantler which was very very cute and

Then finished off the day by crafting some voltorbs and digging up a little Torchic statue eager to donate my new Torchic to the museum I hopped on Bor the next morning picking up my new py Geist watering can and then handing the statue over to Gunther fittingly

Receiving a kusin statue as a reward once i’ popped that down next to the coupe I stopped by Willies to pick up a dive ball also known as a trap bobber and went straight to the lake to try and catch our legendary fish for the winter i’ spotted it pretty quickly and it

Actually turned out to be one of my favorite Pokémon of all time it’s a manae it’s a manae and let’s be honest I typically have a lot of trouble with the glacier fish but somehow maybe through my love of manife I managed to reel it

In on my second try it was just meant to be I suppose with day 87 being a Wednesday I knew that I could catch mne at the shop so I went down there to buy some new livestock okay how do o oh sorry am I interrupting gosh I purchased

A go- goat a Psyduck and since I got to catch them all and keep them in Humane living conditions I bought a couple heaters as well passing by a stunky on our way out I immediately placed down the heaters and said hello to our two little Psyduck eggs and our sko with

Those new animals squared away I continued to work on our Loom Empire and quickly realized that we needed more fiber to craft them so the following afternoon I went straight to the mines and got farming while I was there I also gave Elum a visit buying an electrode

For our Pokedex and now that we had a duck too I wanted to start working on getting the pinky lemon statue which of course requires duck mayonnaise at the moment though our psyducks were still eggs themselves so I spent the next couple days checking in on them and

Keeping our looms going I’d also been thinking of ways to display my Pokemon collection and realized that fish tanks would be the perfect way to show off my water types I placed a couple in these little tree Nooks on the left side of my farm and popped a bunch of our water

Pokémon inside which I thought looked really cool it was also at this point that I realized there were a handful of legendary Pokémon I hadn’t gotten yet because they were all on the title screen in addition to the legendary birds which we’d seen before there was

Also a shaman a Mew a Gerra a flock of shatas hiding in the trees and a bibero hiding behind the E with those little Debbies out of the way I turned my attention toward one of our largest goals we’d been working toward which was to have kobis become our roommate ini

Ially I thought we needed to donate a bunch of stuff to the museum but on this exact day day 92 I realized that this was technically a stardew valley expanded playthrough which meant that to unlock the sewers we actually needed to reach five hearts with Marlin the

Problem with this it was now winter and the cut scene where you’re given the key only happens when it’s raining so essentially this meant we needed to befriend Marlin and somehow get a rain totem which is unlocked at forging level 9 and requires pinear hardwood and a

Freaking truffle oil I gave Marlin a life that evening and then headed to the Festival of ice where I spotted a clefable ice sculpture and then swiftly lost the competition to this monstrosity and the town fisherman who I’ve never actually seen catch a fish to celebrate my crushing defeat I went to jojamart

The next day and visited this little guy there it is everybody it’s the coughing in the joa sail boox and once we concluded that fun spotting I spoke with Morris to unlocked the mine carts and fished up some new Pokémon from the mountain lake another area that we

Hadn’t thought to check for Pokémon was was at the train station too and right as I was thinking about checking it out this happened no freaking way I galloped as fast as my borch could manage to get to the train and kept my eyes peeled for

New Pokémon I managed to spot a hipop pwon inside a team rocket car as well as some beautiful cosmog graffiti so not too bad now that a couple days had passed I went to check in on our psyducks who had finally hatched and gave them some love hoping for a duck

Egg soon and right after I paid for the Quarry Bridge upgrade at jojamart technically I didn’t need the bridge to access the Quarry I mean I ended up taking the mine cards anyway but we needed to finish all the Community Development projects to get to Ginger Island where a whole boatload of new

Pokémon awaited so it had to be done while in the Quarry I checked out the Quarry mine to see if there were any new Pokémon in there and after battling my way through a bunch of yam masks I claimed my golden scythe and then headed back to joa this time repairing the bus

To the desert with this entirely new area unlocked I was super pumped so I met up with Mr Pam the next morning at 10:00 on theck Dot and rode to Calico desert for the first time oh my gosh that’s a whole camera upup guys guys guys guys it’s a little

Mr Egg and it’s a little it’s a Cacnea of course all the palm trees were alolan exeggutor which I shook for more Mr eggs and upon walking up to sy’s store there’s a sandrew and there’s a Salman up there I wanted to head into skull Caverns to see what new enemies were in

There but before going I decided to catch a sandfish and give the Scorpion carp a whirl as unlikely as I was to catch it and oh scorpion carp on the first try yeah I was pretty chuffed with that one the Scorpion carp is my least favorite fish in this entire game with

My new chudel and stunfisk I marched into skull Caverns where I immediately came face to face with a Flygon and a purple Doan which I captured by repeatedly bashing it in a head with my Pokeball but we were rocking a copper pickaxe in skull Caverns which was extremely inadequate so I called it

Quits satisfied with the handful of Pokémon we’d found early the next morning I headed to Clint to upgrade our pickaxe and then paid Morris another visit repairing the greenhouse on my farm as I head at home though I’d made a crucial and unforgivable mistake while emptying my pockets I’d accidentally

Dropped the original special Mr Egg in with the normal Mr eggs and worse yet I hadn’t even realized my mistake completely unaware of this tragic accident I finally made myself some Psyduck mayonnaise and ran straight to the saloon to get our pinky lemon statue and

Oh oh my I won’t lie I was expecting a loudd so this confused me a wee bit but honestly I was really happy with our new find and popped it by the chicken Co before heading to bed I decided to start things slow the next morning and relaxed

With some queen of sauce and look oop sorry my bad a Spinda satisfied with my new knowledge of chocolate cake I then mosied on over to jojamart and unlocked the final community development project celebrating by hanging out with Leah and checking out the tangala sculpture she was was working on I love supporting

Local artists I’ve also paid the Resident Evil Corporation thousands of dollars to build this warehouse but let’s not talk about that as I mentioned earlier the final thing I wanted to accomplish before the year finished was to unlock the sewers and find out what Pokémon kobis was but without a rain

Totem that wasn’t going to happen once I’d gotten my pickaxe from Clint and upgraded it to Gold I then headed to the desert to chop down some trees for the foraging XP we needed to unlock the totem recipe while doing this though I suddenly realized the horrific mistake

That I’d made earlier you got rid of Mr Egg what I really had no clue where he’d gone and I did spot a pavilion which was something but worried sick about Mr Egg I quickly returned home to search for him get out of here impostor this is the

Real Mr Egg no no the last one is yes this is the real Mr Egg okay wait why are there four this is the real with the world back in its natural order I then went to the ocean to check out the first day of the winter night market spotting

A couple rhms floating on the water as well as look at that it’s a little one of the little chin chin Chingling I browsed through the shops and picked up a couple decorative items for the farm before making my way to the mermaid boat spotting a fion on the way oh my gosh

This is so cute are there any new ones here I’m looking I’m looking after watching the primarina show I redeemed my Pearl and then entered the submarine for some deep sea fishing although there wasn’t much time left in the day I managed to catch a pearl which is a 4%

Drop rate by the way and a chincha we still had a couple more fish left to get so we’d have to return the following day but until it opened up I got busy with my farm work I planted some crops in the newly repaired Greenhouse for farming XP

And also stopped by Mary to fill up our Deluxe barn with flappies and pig Knights as the sun set I headed to the beach once again buying a stone Doo and poo painting from the famous painter lupini also spotting a vile plume with that business done with I headed back to

The submarine and continued catching fish getting an ink a and please be a blob fish yes oh my gosh we got a w Co thank you guys have a have a good life down at the bottom of the ocean our business at the night market was still

Not done for the past 2 days I’d been praying for a truffle from the traveling cart which is required to craft a rain totem but today was as unlucky as the last with very little time left I started working harder than ever toward unlocking the sewers spending the next

Couple days chopping trees for XP and then visiting the traveling Cart please let there be a truffle please but unfortunately there was no truffle it was a bit of a mixed bag because we only had 9 days left before the year was up meaning we had two chances left for the

Truffle but we’d also finally reached foraging level 9 which unlocked the rain totem recipe so yeah it was really going to come down to the wire there wasn’t much to do on day 104 except wait for the next traveling cart so I just ran around town coming across a pokey flute

And since I had nothing better to do I took it to the Snorlax in the secret Woods to see if I could wake it up ready how do I play this how do I play this this is such a day of disappointment by that evening we’d also reached farming

Level 8 unlocking the oil maker recipe meaning that truly all we needed now was a single truffle and five Hearts worth of Marlin’s love nervously I approached the traveling cart that Sunday but like last time no trule we still have a chance we have next weekend to make

Myself feel better I headed to Mary to add some more animals to my Deluxe Coupe oh it’s a Baner oh we’re poor we’ll come back we’ll come back further upset by my lack of truffle and Baner I took my new golden pickaxe and headed to skull Caverns once again determined to get

Deep enough to spot a couple more Pokémon sure enough I found a Shedinja and gave him a little Tippy tap before heading home for the evening day 106 was a very interesting day because it was actually joa day literally no idea that was a thing I’d only ever been to

Community Day in my stard to expanded playthrough so I was eager to see what the joa version looked like however I had no clue if there was a specific time or place so I just headed to the warehouse hello is this where the joa

Day is I don’t think it’s in here so I went to joja Mart to see if that’s where the party was yeah turns out joa day is just a day of discounts wow this is so this is really wow so glad that I chose the JoJo route W after that utter

Disappointment I went to see Marlin and gave him a life elixer bringing him up to the five hearts that we needed now the fate of our hopes to meet kobis rested on this weekend’s traveling cart stock honestly I was so incredibly nervous but until Friday rolled around I

Still needed to be going out and finding new Pokémon and with my illegal couch money I bought myself our first Baner and named it bopper that night as I slept I saw a deli bird flying across the sky which meant that the Feast of the winter Star had arrived and for once

I was super excited to go to the Festival because usually they’s such a great way to spot some new Pokémon but unfortunately I didn’t actually find anything we hadn’t seen before got a blackberry cobbler from Sam though which was sadly not a truffle and definitely baked by jod I wasn’t too disappointed

About this you useless gift though because it was now Friday which meant it was our second to last chance to get a truffle I gave Venusaur a good luck Pat and then checked the stock but unfortunately no luck undeterred I continued on with my day upgrading to a

Wmer water and canic Clint and praying that the last Sunday of the year would be a truffly one our second to last day on the farm was honestly spent just hoping and praying for good luck and on our very last day of the year I picked

Up my wailmer watering can for good luck and then headed to the traveling Cart please pleas please this is our last chance at Redemption crab cakes hail broth quill fish rhubarb salmon Berry yuku fish taco pan tul No I was gutted but it was all right I

Told myself it would have been so utterly disappointing to just buy it from some random Merchant a foreign truffle from some random Pig no thank you and I mean sitting in our home filled to the brim with Pokémon I’d have to say we accomplished quite a lot in

Our first year of being a Pokémon trainer with a barn and Coupe filled with Pokémon tons of rare crows dozens of water types in our outdoor aquarium and of course far too many Plushies we had caught 241 out of the almost 500 Pokémon in this mod pack from Ginger

Island to stard Valley expanded locations like the Crimson Badlands and the highlands there is still a lot more to do so I hope you’ll stick around for the next 100 days in my journey to catch them all I actually streamed all of our journey so far here on YouTube and I

Left a link in the description to a playlist of all those episodes if you’re interested and again make sure to go download a coia using my link in the description and start planting trees with me just by searching the web as you usually would and yeah I will see you guys next time


🌱 Go download Ecosia HERE: https://ecosia.co/charliebarley

In this video, I played 100 days in Stardew Valley BUT it’s Pokemon. With the help of one of my wonderful viewers, Noodles of Cat, I merged EVERY single Pokemon mod made for Stardew Valley into one giant mod pack to create the wonderful world of PALLET-CAN TOWN. My one goal? To catch every single one of the 465 Pokemon available and, of course, be the best like no one ever was. What Pokemon will the legendary fish be, what Pokemon will KROBUS be, and how many Pokemon can we manage to catch in our first YEAR in Pokemon Stardew Valley? You’ll have to watch to find out!

► This video was edited from a series of livestreams that I did here on YouTube, here’s the link if you wanna watch the unedited VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-r0CS87Tyq5PIHCScAP8lj_NXRFQq2X4

► Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/dUgZj96S46
► My Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CharlesBarles
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/_CharlieBarley

Another MASSIVE thank you to Noodles of Cat for merging ALL the Pokemon mods and spending a TON of time on little modifications that really brought the world to life. To @BlaDeSDV for taking the time to help me predict the weather and, ultimately, catch the Legend. And to Davis for the ever-wonderful Mr. Pam 🤩

► Full List of Mods Used: https://bit.ly/StardewPokemonMods
► Music List: http://bit.ly/StardewPokemonMusic

My Other 100 Days Series:

► Stardew Valley Anticapitalist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-r0CS87Tyq7EkZue-vMAkarXJ7USBseW
► Stardew Valley Joja Run: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-r0CS87Tyq5Xf99Xk42-lNbJo0HxRVIN
► Stardew Valley Mobile: https://youtu.be/wfSmUNWZH2o
► Cult of the Lamb: https://youtu.be/OlJC-LL5JRg
► Breath of the Wild: https://youtu.be/E_IcKRmNgz8
► Dinkum: https://youtu.be/Fh0Cc1b6TZA
► Minecraft, But No Mining or Crafting: https://youtu.be/5MPnm7kmnvk

Edited By: Ahvahh + CharlesBarles


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