I Built the World’s Fastest XP Farm in Minecraft Hardcore

This orb will give you 1 XP this orb will give you 100 XP and then there’s the God particle this is the rarest XP orb in Minecraft giving you 2,477 XP and not only will I obtain the God particle I’m going to build a farm for it and get a ridiculous amount of

Levels in Minecraft now in order to do this I’m going to need to do three things first get 100,000 Cactus by building a massive Farm secondly downgrade my world to create a glitched shulker box it may look normal but it is completely broken and thirdly I’ll build

The God particle farm and get loads and loads and loads of levels so first things first 100,000 Cactus which admittedly is quite a lot however right here I have my Cactus XP farm which works by collecting up Cactus then smelting it all followed by removing

Items to collect all of the XP the farm produces 20,000 Cactus per hour so if I can increase the size of it even more I can get everything that I need to do this I’m going to need a load of materials such as 23,000 stone slabs it’s a good job we’ve

Already got loads of stone waiting in this chest isn’t it because it’s going to make life much much easier and with every single one of them now obtained I need to get a ridiculous amount of spruce fences which I currently don’t have not to worry though because I have

Loads of bones for bone meal and a load of saplings to grow some massive trees and from there I can fly up to the top and get busy mining all of the log there we go this will be more than enough wood if I combine them with a

Load of sticks I can get a load of fences I have got a lot but I’m still just a little bit short so in order to fix that I’m going to chop down a couple more trees I should really build a proper op tree farm at some point

Shouldn’t I but for now we manually mining my axe so we’ll just have to do there we go and there we go next on the list is sand which I’ve already got and then nether brick fences which is going to require me to smell a load more Netherrack in this fancy super smelter

To craft a load more fences and because I have a chunk loader underneath this super smelter I can leave it running whilst I collect the next material which is going to be glass obtained at the void Trader and whilst I’ve been collecting all of that this is all

Finished smelting and means I can craft the rest of them I’m very close to having it all now just need a shulker box of stone bricks and another one of Oak fences and that means mission to collect every single item is complete so I’ll break this chest to transport it

All to the area of construction and then before I actually start the building there’s something in my house that is really really annoying me it’s all these posters I I just feel like I’m running out of space in my house to store them all they’re just starting to kind of

Randomly go on walls and I I feel like I could make this so much better like what is this one doing at the bottom of the stairs it just it just looks out of place and so I reckon in here instead of a little Nether wart farm that I I don’t

Really need I can build a much bigger and much better area for my posters to go it should look like a really cool art gallery by the time I’m finished and it shouldn’t take too long to build either I think it’s just the digging out that

Will take up the majority of the time this is the entire length of the room chiseled out but to properly finish it I need to make it quite a bit taller turns out to be a little bit of a bigger mining project than I anticipated but

It’s done now and I can fill in this little roof with some dirt and now it’s time for me to do the actual building of this roof and that is going to require a load of quartz and to make sure that I have more than enough of that I’m going

To trade for it and now I’ve got absolutely everything that I need to get this Art Gallery built now when it comes to the floor we’re going to have a black and white checkerboard pattern that goes all the way to the end and then there’s going to be a skirting board around the

Outside with stairs like this and pillars in the middle and then above that the walls are going to be red which really gives that art gallery feel these bats are also starting to drive me crazy so I’m I’m going to get rid of of them

And you can now begin to see the room taking shape all the paintings are going to go in each of these gaps next I can add stairs for the roof and because I’ve got jump boost it really makes life easier because there’s also going to be slabs going through the middle and then

Even more in between that as well and at this point you’re probably wondering why I’ve left a gap here what what am I going to build there well because this is an art gallery I’m going to build my own bit of art so I’m going to add white

Wool like this and I feel like you’re very quickly going to be able to guess what I’m building we’re going to get some eyes on there oh it’s it’s really starting to take shape Now isn’t it just look at him and finally I need to add

Black wool on top and some of these paintings in my house can stay because I feel like they’re just part of the house at this point I don’t want to remove all of them but but ones like this are out of place as well as these ones up here

In my bedroom and this one down here as well look this meant to be horns behind it and I do actually have 10 posters in total that I’m going to be putting on display cuz I can I can duplicate the ones in my house can I so get those

Crafted and before I place them down I am going to add sea lanterns in the wall just so that it’s not too dark in here and then all of these will be covered up by the paintings and there we go that’s all of them doesn’t it look really epic

Just to see them all in one room together although I made a mistake I’ve done the netherite beacon one twice there we go it’s the armor trims one and the 8,000 days one is still on sale on SP 727 store but they are selling out

Fast so get them while you can and I kind of want to know if anybody’s got every single poster let me know in the comments if you do I know I have every single one in Minecraft and in real life but it’ be cool to know if anyone else

Has that too the little Corridor here has also been fixed and now I can actually focus on what I need to get done which is to make this cactus farm much much bigger and it begins by placing a load of sand in a grid-like fashion like this and then in between

All of these gaps I’m going to be adding water all the fence posts are placed in a clever pattern so the water always pushes the cactus downwards and to build the next bid I’m going to have to head all the way down here cuz I’m going to

Need a load of cactus a load of cactus that can then be placed onto every single bit of sand finally a glass border can be put up all the way around the outside and with a few fence posts placed down here as well as well that is

A layer done in its entirety which means placing down a little more slabs for the roof and then I can repeat the exact same process again and something I have realized as I’m building this is that all the time whilst I’m adding layer after layer there’s thousands of

Characters coming through at the bottom which is all collecting down here and and just getting wasted and so to solve that issue I’m going to build a collection system right here it’s going to be made out of four different Sher loaders so the materials are pretty straightforward and also whilst I’m in

The vicinity I might as well grab myself a load more ice because that’s what I’ve been using to place the water down in the farm so I’ll start with a hopper up here and then a dropper going into a dispenser with two more Hoppers this comparator will detect when the Sher box

Is full and feed into an iron block which is connected to a block of redstone which has dust that an observer is looking at and that’s pretty much it I’ll just need to connect The Hoppers which I’ll do later once I buildt another two of these up and if I’m not

Mistaken that should be it I’m going to run Hoppers all the way along here and and actually break the glass now so that it can actually be picking stuff up and it would have been done but it’s just too many Cactus falling so I’m going to

Have to add a fourth loader which I can build right about here mission accomplished finally I’ll fill it up with Sher boxes and then whilst that collection system is running I can be building a few more layers of the farm and I reckon at this point that is

Enough layers added on you can see where I started from cuz it was at this chest and how many more were actually added and now based on the sides of the farm you can see the cactus is falling even faster than it was before and according to my calculations I’ve already got

46,000 Cactus ready and waiting so to get to 100,000 it’ll take a couple more hours so I am going to dig into here block it up and wait a couple of hours enough time should have passed and look at that loads and loads and loads of cactus and there’s even more in this

Chest as well so I’m going to grab as much as I can of it and fly back home but that is operation get 100,000 Cactus complete and now we can move on to phase two which is to downgrade my world in order to create the glitched Sher box to

Do this we’re going to be changing the version to 1.8.2 and the reason for this is so that we can do update suppression there is technically a way to do this in 1.20 and it’s called out of memory suppression and igna 778 has done a lot of research

Into it but the new methods and setups aren’t quite ready yet so I’ve decided to do the old version of update suppression from 1.18 and I also didn’t quite have enough powered rail which is why I’ve come to craft more gold then I can make more of these and add them to

The Shuler box so here I have every single item that I need except to create a glitch Shuler box I need a normal one in the first place so I’m going to get six of them and to go with that I’m also going to need some comparators some trap

Doors and also LEC turns pretty soon it’ll all become clear why I need this stuff and creating the glitch Shuler will actually allow me to do update suppression in 1.20 as well which means I won’t have to do any downgrading for it again in the future I’ve also noticed

That my armor is quite damaged so I think I should repair that and then I have to make sure that I don’t have anything in my ender chest or my inventory that would get deleted in 1.18 because all my armor has different Trims on it that cannot come back same with

The treasure chest it’s got a netherite upgrade in there I think everything else should be fine I can also grab some normal armor from here and now there’s nothing more that I can do I’m going to get away from here also find it funny every time I walk past there’s just a

Penguin looking at me but anyway don’t get distracted but yeah I’m going to fly quite far away from here just to make sure that the down gr doesn’t break any of my buildings and then the Moment of Truth can begin this is the spot that

I’m going to use so first I’m going to save and quit and then in the world save folder I’ll set these four region files to be read only so that my spawn chunks don’t get corrupted everything seems to be loading okay and here we are in the

World now I can get the update suppressor built it’s pretty straightforward to do it’s just a lot of rails and a lot of sandstone and in total there’s eight layers of this to be built up so I am going to get to work and with that I get flung up in the air

And the update suppressor is done and then this is where I’m going to need the leg turns the books the comparators and finally the trap doors now in order to perform this I first need to turn the update suppressor on we do that by flicking that lever and doing that right

It is now active we’ve got a work an update suppressor and I’m going to build a little bit of a platform next to it using glass now quite simply a lecturn with a book goes here I now need to change this to be trapo with a comparator facing into the line you can

See it activated the suppressor so that’s that’s a good sign and then need to open the trapo and then we’re going to do what is known as a tile entity swap okay whilst all this suppression is happening we’re going to break the lecturn which is going to do a little

Bit of update we’re going to place a Sher box and now the game thinks that this is still a lect turn so the comparator is trying to draw an output but it can’t so it glitches the game and this is now its own little update suppressor which does work in 1.20.1 but

I’m not going to make just one of these I’m going to have quite a few of them in case one of them breaks and it’s also not like they’re particularly difficult to build are they actually placing and breaking about four blocks doing that and it is done so far I’ve got five of

Them down but now I’ve kind of run out of update suppression line so I’m going to have to make this just a little bit longer and also expand this across a bit as well there we go made it quite a bit longer and now to get down those final

Glitched Sher boxes also annoyment that these two are not the same color as all the rest so I’m going to quickly fix that by grabbing a Cornflower a puppy and combining them so that I can dye the Shuler boxes and with that we’ve got eight that are all in a row the game

Thinks that they’re all Le turns which is why this glitch is going to be useful and I can now safely return to version 1.20.1 before that I’ll change the region files back to no longer be read only as to be said it’s nice to be back in the present version and this update

Suppressor here it it it no longer works like I can place a block next to it break it and and the Redstone just drops but these shulkers well for some reason I can’t open them yes they’re unopenable shulkers and if I had a comparator here

And then grab a lever that can go on the side of the block we break this and it is suppressed yes we’ve got a floating lever so that nicely sums up what we’re about to do I do also need to remove this entire suppressor machine cuz who

Needs all those rails when you’ve got a glitch shulker and because it’s all made out of slime and Sandstone mining it up is is a pretty quick process there we go and that means the second phase which was to downgrade the world and create a glitched Shuler box has been complete

And so now it’s time to make the God particle farm and doing that is what will require the tens of thousands of cactus let’s first drop off all of these items get my old armor back and one of the things I’m going to need a really

Crazy amount of for this Farm is coal cuz I never wanted to run out of fuel so at the moment I haven’t really got enough but don’t worry about that because if I fly fly along here above the nether you’ll see that I have a working Fortress Farm which I can turn

On Anytime by clicking this lever it will turn off all of the lamps and then I’ll fly up to here and mobs will start spawning below and then they’ll come through this portal where I can take them out and gather up mob heads as well as coal I’ve done the calculations and

At this point I’ve got enough coal I’ll just take out these few remaining ones and as you can see I’ve already got nine shulker boxes worth pretty sure I only need seven so a few spare is always good and I can also now switch the farm back

Off by clicking that lever I also at this point feel like I need a separate chest somewhere for all of these heads maybe for now they can all go in my bedroom cuz I just don’t know where else to put them I’ll probably end up forgetting about them but the other mob

Heads are there so hopefully I remember and now to build this machine I’m going to need a load of redstone blocks which I have all of them somewhere in my chest room I just need to gather them all together into one place so I’m going to get busy doing that that is everything

Right there as you can see it’s not too crazy for build it’s not absolutely massive I’m also glad I wrote down the coordinates of where I need to build the suppressor otherwise I don’t think I’d ever find it cuz it’s like 3,000 blocks in this direction here they are my

Lovely little broken shulkers and somehow I’ve managed to bring everything except I forgot the Hoppers I don’t know why it’s not really a big issue because I I come prepared in this Sher box we have iron and in this Sher box I have wood so I can craft a few extra chests

That can be turned into Hoppers I actually need 37 in total though which is is going to take a bit more crafting and I don’t know if I’ll just make them as I go but for now this is going to be like this where they’re going to be

Pointing into it each other and with enough iron I can craft all the rest and in this hopper for the timings I need 13 items we’ll put redstone on top to lock it and then I can add all of the other Redstone around it which is going to be

Like this we just need a piston there and then also some more items on top also if there’s somewhere I could make some sort of switch to disable Phantoms I would I reckon it might be possible and yeah if it is I’m definitely up for doing it and what I’m building Here is

Known as a binary counter because it’s going to take 35 hours for all of the cactus to smelt and get me all the XP that I need this binary counter will slowly count upwards until it’s done which is very handy when you want to keep an eye on the progress of the

Smelting and something else that I’m going to need a load of that I completely forgot to bring is lava because each of these cauldrons all the way along here are going to be used to destroy the cactus green dye that gets produced from the farm so yeah going

Home to get some of that is kind of crucial although there will be a portal built up here so it probably makes quite a lot of sense for me to build that up now I can worry about properly aligning everything with the PT in the nether later but not only will it potentially

Allow me to get home faster it also takes me to the nether which as you might have guessed is absolutely full of lava and very conveniently in this iron Shuler box I also have loads of buckets so let’s get filling and then I can get busy putting lava in every single one

These are all the droppers which will dispense the cactus into the cauldrons which have the lava in and here is where every single furnace is going to go as I said before this is going to be a chunk loader so there going to be another Hopper clock here and inside this one I

Need 16 items I pretty much just use upon my food on putting it in the Hoppers and because Hopper Minecarts are going to be what transports the items into the furnaces a lot of rails need to be placed a shulker box full of coal is going to go right here and then a

Shulker box full of cactus is going to go next to it have to make sure I get those the right way around next I’m going to take Hopper mine carts and we’re going to have one we can just place it it’s going to be on there and

The other one is going to be next to it you’ll see these are going to be quick quickly filling up and once I add a bit more Redstone and a bit more storage on top the entire thing is completely done and the only other thing that I will

Need to do is go and grab a few items to complete the chunk loader on that side it’s a pretty simple system we’ve got a mine cart here if we turn this so now the mine cart goes through and then it comes back gets burned and then when the

Timer ends you see the Piston moves it dispenses a new one another one comes back and it’s just an endless loop that keeps it going round and round which also works perfectly on the nether side and it is well well protected from any gas as well just in case and with all of

That done I now need to head back to drop off all this stuff and grab all of these Sher boxes of cactus these can be placed into the top chest and then I can head to the actual cactus farm through this hypers speed tunnel and grab all of

The remaining Shuler boxes well what if I had the space for them thankfully I can just put these into here to give me a couple extra slots and then they can also go into here actually just realized I’ve accidentally put these into the coal chest not the cactus one which

Would be a terrible disaster and break the entire machine good job I realized cuz I was wondering why why are all the chests so empty when I’ve already put loads in as you can see you know there should be more in them and and now there is according to my calculations I’ve

Loaded up with over a 100,000 Cactus and since the machine technically only needs 999,000 to run it should be fine and all of the Sher boxes of coal should also be okay however just to be safe I’m going to wait right here for another four Shuler boxes of cactus and now that I’ve

Got them I’ll also turn these ores into coal just so that I have a bit spare and as I load this up I’m now 100% ready to run this God Particle machine but before then I thought I’d give you a a minor demonstration of what’s to come you see

If I place a single furnace right here add some Cactus and add some coal it’s going to start smelting and if I also add a hopper underneath it’s going to pull out any of the cactus green Dy without giving me any XP no that XP is

All being stored in the furnace and will only be taken out if I break it or pull an item with that everything is smelted so there is 64 XP points stored in this furnace I can break the hopper underneath and get all the items and then Place obsidian underneath as well

As one on top and if I put a comparator here update suppression is now happening because of the glitched shulker if I then go and break this and place a furnace straight away back down Watch What Happens the XP comes flooding in and the furnace keeps keeps dropping the XP over

And over again yes I used up 32 furnaces but those furnaces were turned into pure XP which is just so so useful so as you can see it’s pretty powerful now imagine that there’s 12,000 XP coming out of the furnace or five God particles then the player will be absorbing the maximum

Amount of XP possible in single player and now for the moment of truth I press this button and it should start off the entire machine as you can see there we go the cactus and the coal has been dispensed and the furnaces are working and notice just as it finishes a new

Cactus goes in that goes back but the coal doesn’t because the coal knows that it doesn’t need to go in until eight cactuses smelted once again another Cactus goes through oh it’s brilliant and all of the cactus all the while is going down into this dropper which is

Then dispensing into the lava cauldron which is good cuz then we don’t have to worry about storing it I I don’t think I’m going to need 100,000 green Dy so I’m fine with destroying it and at this point the furnaces have almost run out

Of fuel as you can see so this is the last time which means the coal also moves across and then goes in to start it all up again you can see it is refueled so it worked in absolutely perfect timing and realistically anything could be in here it doesn’t

Have to be caes any anything could be smelted using this it’s actually just a really really good furnace array and all the while this binary counter is counting upwards bit by bit until all 100,000 is done the design in Tech was by cubic meter it’s very very cool stuff

I can’t wait for it all to be finished but in the meantime I can turn on the chunk loader and then there’s no point me afking and waiting here I might as well be out in the world elsewhere making productive use of this time because it’s it’s about 35 hours for it

All to be done as time goes on each of these furnaces is getting more and more XP in it so I’ll be back later I I’ll come back in like a 100 days time cuz that’s how long it’ll take and whilst I could use this 100 days to do loads of

Productive things and make my world even better and all that good stuff I reckon you guys probably want to see this video by Saturday and if I don’t spend some of it afking then that’s not going to happen so yeah I will be spending some

Of the 33 hours or should say 35 hours afking over night whilst asleep or something like that but on the flip side something that I have always noticed is that I just never seem to have enough gold so why would I AFK at the cactus array when I could AFK here and get

Loads and loads of gold nuggets coming through at the same time yeah I think it’s a great plan I’ve got loads of Shuler boxes to fill so yeah I’ll spend a bit of time waiting around here crafting ingots and then getting gold blocks at this point I think I’ve been

Here long enough over 16 days I’m just going to craft this little bit of gold left as you can see the Sher box is not far from being full these chests here there there’s loads of loads of gold in them so I reckon for now I’ve got enough

And it’s also a good opportunity to fly over here to see how the machine’s getting on and to see if it is working as intended well the amount of Sher boxes of cactus has certainly gone down and they’ve ended up in this chest so I definitely think we’re on track with it

And I can continue to leave it running and in the meantime I reckon I use the raid farm for the remaining 80 days or o because that Farm’s so versatile it’ll get me more emeralds it’ll get me more Redstone and more glowstone dust they’re all things that I’m always using so it’s

Very very handy and whilst I do have a faster raid Farm than this one here this is the only raid Farm I’ve got that has storage with it so that would be the thinking behind using this one I am though going to have to get the effects

From a Pillager captain now yes I have a raid Captain Farm but I don’t know if I’ve got any left oh I have fantastic we’ve got about four of them here well isn’t that just great let me let me go ahead I need a few more firew Rockets so

I’m just going to grab those okay well we don’t have any in there either not to worry I’ve got paper and gunpowder as you can see in this Sher box I have everything that you could possibly think of don’t I it’s always good to be prepared for every single

Situation now let’s go ahead get rid of you and before I actually get back to that farm I’d better grab my sword and I’m also going to get my chest plate I will put my chest plate on whilst using the farm just as an added precaution I I

Won’t take any damage it’s very very safe but I always say it’s it’s still better to be safer rather than sorry so we just fly into here start hitting the mine cart and the farm will work as you can see we’ve got loads and loads of Raiders coming either side and they’ll

Be dropping their emeralds and all the all the other good stuff that comes with that and I’m just going to stay as long as I can now and get loads and loads and loads of loot a long time has passed I’ve been here I think for long enough

And as you can see I have got a ridiculous amount of loot just look at it all that’s not just just in that chest it’s in all of these chests every single one of them is full of Sher boxes of various items I never have to worry

About Emerald sugar red stone glow stone ever again at this rate or sticks as well we’ve got loads of them too so that really is fantastic I can throw away a bunch of this stuff and I’d already been slowly filling this Sher box up with totem so now I’ve got plenty in reserve

So I put these spare ones in another Sher box in my bedroom now I’m going to go and check how the God particle machine is getting on not quite enough days of pass for it to fully finish I think it’s about 7 or eight days left something like that and from that raid

Farm I also got up to 941 levels in that which is pretty awesome although that would be nothing compared to when I’m using this machine I mean everything seems to be working as intended it’s it’s keeping the cactus going and a lot of the Shuler boxes have disappeared

There is there is not many left at all instead they just all filled up this chest have we got enough coal left that’s a good question and the answer is yeah oh we’ve got absolutely loads of ITP it’s kind of mesmerizing to watch but there’s no point just standing there

All day according to my calculations is about 1 hour and 50 minutes left of it so I want to use that time wisely to improve one of my buildings which is this one here first of all it kind of looks a bit strange that you can see all

Of the grass around because of the these frog lights so any snow that was on these has melted it’s quite a simple fix to sort that I’ll just grab a bunch of snow blocks and fill in the gaps and then the bigger project is down here

This is what really needs to be finished people always think I’m walking on air when I come in here no it’s it’s just gray stain glass ladies and gentlemen but yeah this whole room just needs to be enclosed I need to expand the quartz walls and then add a better floor

Underneath so I’ll start by getting a bunch of quartz I should have enough in this chest I’m hoping and I also reckon that sea lanterns underneath the main floor could look quite good I don’t know if I have enough there but I can always

Get more if I need to yeah I’m just a little bit short maybe just an extra stack would do it although I’m not sure I have quite enough prismarine shards for that I I’ll just craft what I can and then I can fly all the way over to

This Guardian Farm over here which would let me get more prismarine crystals if there were any left here but there isn’t so instead I’m going to deactivate the mob switch turn these quartz blocks into smooth quartz cuz that’s what I need and then Farm below the Guardians to get

Plenty of sea lanterns that should be enough I reckon I spent enough time here and there’s a decent amount more prismarine crystals again this is going to be another Farm that’s really going to benefit from when the auto crafter comes out because then I can just automatically craft them without having

To manually take them out of the chest and put them together and now we can head back I really should make some sort of portal system to get there and back faster cuz it is quite a long way to go and admittedly I don’t use the farm that

Often but building one sometime that’s way way better could actually be quite cool I also highly doubt I’m going to have enough quarts I’ve got smooth which is is pretty good I don’t know if I have that in another chest as well not that I

Can see but I I’ll just build what I can so the rest of the sea lanterns can go down here and I tell you what it’s weird seeing mobs in my world because this is a very brief time where I don’t have the mob switch on almost didn’t know what to

Make of them anyway we’re going to do a bit of a border around here with the smooth quartz and then I can start building up the walls I’m also going to remove all of these slabs and replace them with full blocks because this wall needs to be quite a bit taller just to

Hide all of the ugly Redstone that can then connect up to this platform this is where you just kind of have to restock all the ingredients usually so now it’s operation get a load more from the void Trader at this point I’m kind of hopeful that I’ve got enough there and now that

I’ve reached day 88,200 we’re not too far off from the machine being done there’s about 20 to 30 minutes to go according to my calculation so let’s go and chug all of this into the chest I love this bit by the way where all the furnaces just come on at the same time

And as you can see stuff does filter in very very quickly near enough all of it is now done I I’ll leave the rest just to smell whilst I’m building I can’t believe I forgot to turn the mob switch on I I should probably do that right now

But but you know you know what I’ll just I’ll just keep building and already the entire build is starting to look much much cleaner and I’ve also decided that I’m going to make a quick Dart to spawn before I forget about the mob switch I can go through here it’s a very very

Fast tunnel as you can see one of the handiest builds I ever made that really in the meantime all of this has finished smelting so I can now get busy and get this done and considering the plan for this was to make the room look nicer I don’t know if just putting quarts

Everywhere really really solve that it definitely looks better than how it did but it probably should have just been split into two rooms maybe maybe this room has a roof that was that’s about there and then also a ladder right here that takes you up to the restocking area

I I think I prefer this so I shall go ahead and make the needed adjustments that’s this downstairs area a bit finished I will sort the rest of it later on and I would also fill in this wall but i’ I’ve run out but the machine’s nearly finished so we’ve got

To put this on the back burner of of completing that we’ve got to get the priorities right and right now the priority is to grab a Lo Cobblestone so I can make furnaces as needed and then to fly over to where the machine is we’ve successfully arrived and this is

Where things get interesting it is very close to being done I’ve just got to wait for a few more Cactus to smelt and the binary counter down there should stop the machine when it finishes I also feel like Phantoms are going to be a big

Issue if I don’t put blocks over my head so I’ve got to make sure to deal with them which I’ll just do by building a nice little roof along here it it doesn’t look very pretty but it ain’t got the glass on me there we go and the

Machine is now complete I can turn off the chunk loader and what have I done I’ve only got and forgotten the comparators so let’s grab them and fly all the way back and now comes the Moment of Truth we’re going to first break every single one of The Hoppers

Above and instead Place obsidian on top and then we do the exact same for The Hoppers that are behind and finally the ones underneath next I’m going to get rid of that guy and disable the portal I think so I I don’t want mobs coming through when I’m trying to do this and

Then I shall update suppress every single one of the furnaces and it’s done every single time that I break one of these furnaces it should drop five God particles and I can break two furnaces a second if I also have haste which means I’ll be able to get 10 God particles a

Second which is the maximum speed that any player can take in XP in survival like this is it ladies and gentlemen the God particle is the highest valued XP orb that is possible to get and we are going to be absorbing them at the fastest possible rate that a player is

Able to also something kind of looks wrong with this Beacon can’t quite put my finger on it it’s not quite right that’s the iron blocks Place hopefully I have a beacon left yeah I’ve got two in here which is absolutely perfect so we’ll grab that we’ll grab an iron ingot

We’ll CH it on top add that and get two and you know what just to be safe I’m also going to make the beacon a little bit bigger so that can also give myself regeneration as well and there’s nothing more I can do everything is ready I am

Now ready to start getting so so much xp very very fast so here is the moment of truth I’m going to put the furnaces in my off hand I’m going to break this and notice what comes out a load of go particles and then we place it

Again we break it they’re there again we place it they’re there again ladies and gentlemen look how quick we need to crouch as well as we do this look how quick we can break and place them and look how fast my levels are going up this is getting

Me a ridiculous amount of XP we’ve just gone to level 1,000 in fact it is producing faster than my play can absorb it maybe there’s a little bit too much in there it could be the suppression causing a bit of lag that’s that’s generally the reason but we got levels

So so fast and it actually gets you 24,000 XP per second which is 1.4 million XP per minute and get this 89 million XP per hour 89 million that is crazy the fastest XP farm ever built was rise works dragon farm and that got 5.7 million this is 89 million it is

Absolutely crazy it’s even raining but this really is so so so ridiculously powerful and all I want to do is become the player with the highest level in Minecraft hardcore and you’ll also notice as I’m mining away the furnace is about to run out but look what happens

For some reason the game thinks you still have the furnaces in your hand so you can keep placing them even when you run out of them so that means that there’s absolutely no limits to doing this and because I’ve got mending on my pickaxe that is getting repaired as I’m

Mining honestly it’s a completely foolproof machine literally to go one level a second at these high numbers is really insane isn’t it I mean look at this we’ve just surpassed 1,500 levels and we’ve got a we’ve got a bit of XP to spare as well that just keeps going up

And up and up don’t these orbs look absolutely insane and in case this makes the game crash in some way that’s why I’ve got eight of these because any one of these can be used for this as you can see and in theory you could probably

Have eight players going at it at the same time as well anyway it’s only me in this world and I want to be getting at least 10,000 levels in Hardcore Minecraft although according to my calculations that requires another 480 million XP which is like 5 hours of

Mining so you know what I’d better just put my best foot forward and get to work and would you look at that 2,000 levels reach I’ve never had levels this high in my world it certainly is very very cool indeed to see isn’t it and that is 5,000

Levels reached wow wow what a fantastic thing to get so technically we’re halfway there to my goal of getting to 10,000 but it’s going to take a lot longer to get from 5,000 to 10,000 than it was to get from 1,000 to 5,000 if you’re also wondering what the best way

To do this is I’ve got toggle sneak on so that I can Crouch I don’t have to hold it down all the time but that means I can’t open the furnaces then I’m holding left click I’m holding right click at the exact same time pressing F3

And T and then I can let go of everything and it will keep getting me the XP so that that is the way that I can use it very very easily but yeah at this point I’m just going to keep getting busy and go to level 10,000 and now we’re past

99,900 levels we are now officially on the Home Street which is very very exciting you can see how powerful these go particles are because the levels are still going up at a decent speed and I’m just going to keep going at the mining to make sure they stay replenished here

We go just 50 levels to go now there’s just 10 levels left and five 4 3 2 1 and I think I’ll just leave it there just to trigger every single one of you guys yes that is the fastest possible XP farm in Minecraft all right I’m just kidding if

You’re new here and you subscribe I’ll get to level 10,000 there we go oh doesn’t that look amazing and if you’d like to see a video where I managed to create a farm that gets me infinite Bedrock then click the video that’s on your screen right now or if you’d like

To see a video where I build a farm for infinite Notch apples then click the other video which is on your screen right now and once again thank you to cubic meter for the design and the tech behind the God particle machine

8,000 DAYS POSTER! https://sb737.store/products/8000-days

►NOTCH APPLE FARM: https://youtu.be/dzTQsCD6EYU

►Download My World Here! https://www.patreon.com/sb737?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
►Or play the world on my server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

please follow these thanks
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737
►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737
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In this Minecraft video I survive over 8218 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Machine used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5awe_hOp08
Shulker Suppression: https://youtu.be/f4ty-PZcvrI?si=ZxxN2hnZazdlF9My

0:00 Getting 100,000 Cactus
7:58 Creating Glitched Shulker
14:00 Building God Particle Farm
18:03 Running the Farm
28:26 89,000,000 XP/Hour


  1. Is it true the steve never wakes up after sleeping and everything is done its all dream because when Steve dies he can come back after death and also after completing the game killing ender dragon it says at the end “Wake Up”.

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