I Survived 100 Days as a MUMMY in Minecraft

If you could add anything into Minecraft what would it be some people might say they would add a new weapon into the game While others might add a new animal however if I could add anything in a Minecraft I would add a mummy I mean come on the current pyramids in

Minecraft are so boring imagine if there was a mummy inside that you could actually battle well today I’ve done just that and added a mummy into Minecraft which I’ll be playing as for the next 100 days however there is one problem and that’s that there are three

Treasure Hunters who are going to try and stop me from getting to day 100 so yeah as long as these three don’t kill me I’ll win but I’m not going to lie it’s not going to be easy cuz right now I only have five hearts of Health which

Means the second I leave this stone block they’re probably going to try and kill me and by probably I mean they are but luckily for me I have my mummy upgrade menu where I can give my mummy more Hearts unlock cool weapons like a wrapped Spear and even get a pet mummy

Dog but uh first things first let’s get away from these guys and my best bet of getting away from these guys is to try and unlock the wrapped spear to unlock it I just need to get the Hot Stuff advancement which is picking up lava in

A bucket then I just have to punch an iron golem two times and then kill one player so let’s see if I can do it it I mean it’s either that or die so I sure hope I can okay well let’s go and unlock the spear what’s the best way out of

Here my tomb’s behind me there archaeologist sites in front of me if I go left they’re definitely going to catch me if I go right they have to climb a hill I think this hill in the back is my best odds okay here we go I

Just go for it 3 2 1 go go go go okay swim in the water go up here I’m one block tall this is not good go up this way up this way ready Juke him Juke him Juke him we’re going to go this way now

Oh there’s trees up ahead yeah we want to go this way that’ll give us some early wood we need wood right now hope the sun’s starting to rise perfect okay it is officially day one and they are right behind me oh no okay this is not

Good I need to get to an area where they can’t get me which is not easy when I only have five Hearts do I fit under this tree I don’t I’m not one block tall I thought it was one block tall oh this is not good they’re right on my tail how

Do I lose them water I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea dive nice oh never mind they whacked me somehow jump jump jump go go nice got a log got a log got a log o they’re on me they’re on me oh

They’re right behind me okay we got one log we definitely need to get four logs though so we can make a boat and start ditching these guys I have an idea I’m going to jump on top of this tree using this one log I have ready watch this

Grab the for wood oh wait there’s only one on me I lost the other two oh over here oh he punched me down he punched me down we got three logs though we got three logs though that’s huge okay now we just have to craft ourselves a boat

And ditch these guys for a sec and then we can start working on that spear down this way up here one’s on my tail oh yeah he got me he got me he got me we’re going have to dive here we go quickly turn these into planks crafting table go

Crafting table boat good I got the boat I got the boat I got the boat we’re going to take a little damage here worth it go get in get in get in in yes okay we’re good now okay we can stay ahead of them now they’re going to make boats

Though okay let’s just start going this way this is going to be our best chance okay he’s trying to swim after me I think the others are probably also getting boats though okay this is definitely going to give me a good lead here I mean they’re going to follow but

This is giving me a good lead I’m just going to take this chance and keep following this River wait is that a village that’s huge because to unlock this spear I have to punch an iron golem twice and I can do that inside of a village okay here we go ready hop out

Break the boat jump over here place the boat go again go go go go go okay we made it to the Village let’s start checking these chests anything good some food there we go that’s huge uh nothing in here I’ll grab the bed check this chest anything in here tons of bread

I’ll take that and some armor oh huge now we get some armor on us we also have a stick so we can actually start making some weapons probably grab a log here they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming I grabed some more wood we’re good he’s

Going to come across he fell he fell he fell there’s no chest in there there’s no chest in there an iron golem I got to punch him twice let’s go this way let’s go this way oh my God chest plate huge I got to get out I got to get out I’m

Stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m out please some of this chest in here please some of this chest in here nothing good nothing good go on go underneath the house jump oh we’re losing some health we’re going to have to eat nice we got chest plate on we got

A chest plate on that’s huge that’s huge I need to find something there’s got to be something in here useful he’s definitely going to get low I’ve been hitting him a lot up the back oh he missed he missed nice oh he hit me down he hit me down oh

This is not good go this way oh my God this is so difficult eat they’re right on my tail oh I’m dead oh I lived I think I just completed one of the quests but I can’t check cuz I’ll die we’re going to hop in our boat we’re going to hop in

Our boat oh my God eat some food okay we’re going to pretend we’re leaving and then we’re going to Loop to the other side of the village okay we’re going to Loop on this side oh one’s in the boat one’s in boat one’s in the boat eat some

Food oh they’re right there they’re eating I’m going to check these two out nothing bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket that’s huge oh God we’re in trouble we’re in trouble we’re in trouble go this way go this way hold on if I can get lava I can kill them here I

Don’t even need a sword I just need a lava bucket and one of my quests is literally to get hot stuff the advancement so hold on just need to find lava we just need to find some lava the sun’s about to go down too we need to

Find some lava actually at night it’s going to be easier to find lava cuz it’ll glow run Little Mommy run we’re going to die if you don’t so I only see one of them lava lava lava lav this is huge this is huge there we go we got hot stuff

Okay there we go I burned one of them we’re going to get away from the lava pool just for one second we’re going to lose them here we’re going to lose them here in this hill watch now we’re going to jump in the trees go this way okay

And now they’re coming in ready oh he hit me he hit me he’s down he’s down he’s down we got him grab a log grab one log they’re going to try and cut down the tree too go to a different tree now let’s go take these logs turn them into

Oak planks make a crafting table then we go ahead and make a wooden sword boom we got a wooden sword that’s huge they’re breaking in they’re breaking in okay let’s go back to the lava pool back to the lava pool this is where we can get a

Kill on a player easily okay I still only see two of them there’s a third one somewhere literally there’s their name I see their name if they try to go across that stone I’ll have them here he’s in he’s in he’s in he’s in that’s

Huge fact I’m going to get the kill on you nice that’s the kill we needed now we can unlock the spear let’s kill the last one with our spear here we go oh we get throw it oh wa she’s taking damage what why is she taking damage oh my God

She died of Wither this spear is so cool look at that okay they’re dead and we’ve unlocked our new spear so I taking this thing and I am getting out of here after unlocking our amazing new spear I built the safest base I’ve ever made for one

Of these videos now normally I just try and hide my bases but this time I built a redstone trap to make sure no one can get in oh and don’t get me wrong the base is still super hidden in fact let me show you where it is it’s on a boat

In the middle of the ocean no like really just off the coast of the Savannah Biome we were in I saw this shipwreck and I decided to dig down in the middle of it and just build a base down there so the base is hidden but

It’s actually super safe as well cuz if we go down into this hole I don’t fit so if we go down in this hole you’re going to see that we enter this entryway area now if I’m in my base I’ll shut this door behind me

And if anyone tries to come in I can hit them from right here throw my Spears at them from right here or I can simply hit this lever and watch them fall into the lava below so yeah this base is pretty safe I keep the Redstone behind this

Door right here so yeah overall this base is pretty basic you get the idea let’s just work on upgrading our mommy cuz the next thing we can work on is our mummy dog and who doesn’t love a pet dog in fact let me know in the comments

Below if you have a dog and what their name is whatever the most upvoted name is I’ll name a pet in a future video okay so here’s the thing right now there are three treasure Hunters trying to hunt me down but you all know that what you may not realize is they’re actually

Trying to capture me as treasure so they’re going to do everything in their power to capture me in some sort of trap at some point so I’m going to really try to not get captured by them any way possible anyway Unlocking The Mummy dog to unlock the mummy dog we just need one

Clock Two glistening melons and 12 Redstone comparators and since the ACAA Village nearby has melons we’re going there first okay so now let’s just head over to that Village real quick which is literally just up here now let’s just go find some melons oh there’s a bunch right

Here okay that is way more than enough melons but actually turn them into glistening melons we now have to surround these melons with gold nuggets we’re going to need two of them we just need two gold ingots which I’m pretty sure I have back at the base okay so now

Let’s just go to our Blast Furnace over here where I’ve smelted a little bit of gold turn two gold ingots into gold nuggets giving us 20 gold nuggets then we just take two melons put it in the crafting table like this surround them with the gold nuggets and we’ll get two

Glistening melons which is our first Quest complete now let’s go to sleep and tomorrow we make a clock now I’m not going to lie making a clock should be pretty easy it’s just four gold ingots and one Redstone okay that seems easy enough okay so it turns out I don’t

Actually have any Redstone but I do have 10 gold ingot so let’s quickly head down to our M shaft so if I go over here you’re going to see this tiny little room and then there’s two paths if you follow the Torches you’re going to escape and if you go this way you’re

Going to go down to the m shaft probably not the best system for doing this but you know it works oh there’s a slime wait what I’ve never seen a slime down here uhoh oh that’s a lot of M let’s talk about this hold on wait a

Sec okay I did it anyway we came down here to just find some Redstone real quick and there’s some literally right over here okay there we go Redstone now let’s just go back up to the base now let’s just combine together the four gold ingots with the one Redstone and we

Get ourselves a clock did that take forever yes but now we have the second Quest complete and just have to get some comparators which are actually fairly easy to craft the only thing that’s difficult is the nether quartz and that’s cuz I haven’t Built My nether portal yet let’s get to work first

Things first we have to upgrade to a diamond pickaxe just to mine obsidian and there’s tons of diamonds down there I just haven’t mined any yet so back to the mines okay there we go we got three diamonds go away so now we can make a diamond pickaxe but I forgot to bring

Wood don’t think there’s an aband M shaft over here so let’s just grab a few pieces of wood off the floor oh hey a chest ooh Golden Apple anyway we’ll go ahead and make a crafting table real quick grab one more piece of wood make some sticks then make ourselves a

Diamond pickaxe and now we have to go make some obsidian oh hey that’s convenient literally right here there’s a bunch of lava to make obsidian let’s just grab a water bucket put it down and now we can just start mining the obsidian and I don’t really need this

Anymore so uh okay cool I got all 10 obsidian we’re going to need okay now we’re going to go and put the obsidian in the wall where it belongs since I already slotted it out now we just got to go grab a flint and steel which I do

Not have but I do have flint and I do have steel there’s the steel okay I don’t have Flint I lied I’m going to grab some out in the ocean near the base to be honest oh my God Flint on the first try that’s incredible now let’s just light this bad boy

Off now let’s just light this bad boy off oh hey yeah totally that was the first time I tried that right editors right you serious anyway to the nether to get some quartz okay now quartz is pretty common there’s a little down there that little bit should be all we

Need so let’s just go get it go down here oh oh here we go here’s a bunch of quartz okay now that we got quartz let’s go back to the portal home we go okay so now that we have quartz we just need three Redstone torches perk comparator

And three stone per comparator so that’s pretty easy I can just grab some Cobblestone right here throw it inside of a furnace grab a piece of lava no I did I just burned the torch I missed I meant to right click there no and then we’ll start smelting the stone we need

36 Stone and 36 Redstone torches and we currently only have nine redstone dust meaning we have to go back and get more Redstone Dust so speedrun okay I’m back okay now we’re to combine 30 36 sticks with 36 Redstone Dust to get ourselves 36 Redstone torches okay so we have the

Stone we put it like this in a line we take the Redstone torches we put them like that in the line and then we should move these up and then we should take our quartz and we put in the middle and we get 12 comparators meaning we can now

Unlock our pet mummy dog so I just click this button I get a mummy dog wait what oh my God wait no guys I don’t think a mummy dog is an actual dog I’m pretty sure that is literally just a hot dog wrapped in a bunch of red in a bandage

Sort of way like a mummy is a mummy dog a real thing I’m Googling this okay so it turns out mummy dogs are real thing it’s like a hot dog in a croissant roll and it kind of looks like a mummy like me I’m kind of disappointed I wanted a

Real mummy dog I mean I guess this is fine what does it actually do though so right now we have no effects or anything on screen and if I eat this oh I definitely just got night vision everything’s so bright yeah I got water breathing night vision regeneration and

Haste oh regeneration for 2 minutes oh that’s insane oh my goodness I now have a super hot dog and now everything’s so bright the water looks terrible though but whatever it doesn’t really matter we can now see in the dark and we have our second ability unlocked which

Technically Ally means we’re done with tier one upgrades but now we can move on to the tier 2 Dusty wling which will double the current amount of Hearts I have from 5 to 10 and apparently I also get a bunch of other bonuses like extra reach and jump and stuff like that so

That sounds fun okay so to double my hearts and unlock my next upgrade I’m going to need 16 Nether Bricks one enchanted book and one Compass meaning we’re going back to the nether cuz to do that we just got to find a nether fortress okay so getting Nether Bricks

Is super easy let’s just go over here and start grabbing some nether rack we just need to get 16 there we go that’ll do now let’s just go back through our portal and let’s throw that Netherrack inside of our furnaces and now you’re going to see when you smell Netherrack

You actually get a another brick and now we just need to wait till we get 16 of those to complete the dusty wait why is that not counting that still says zero and I clearly have one right there oh wait a minute you know think it means

Nether Bricks Like the bricks from the nether fortress I have to go check one sec now I don’t actually know where a nether fortress is so we’re going to have to go find one let’s just start looking around and see if we can find one oh wait there’s one right there okay

Let’s see if these bricks count let’s just start breaking some of these I have four of them oh my God this is what it wants it wants these Nether Bricks so that’s even easier to be honest and there we go 16 Nether Bricks first Quest complete okay now we just need to

Enchant the book which is pretty easy to do all we need to do is make an enchanting table and to do that the first thing we need is some leather from a cow come here cow there we go now we have some leather and now we just have

To grab some sugarcane to make some paper and luckily there’s some right that is not sugar cane okay here we go some sugar cane here’s some more over here and that should be just enough now we need to get some more obsidian okay there we go four obsidian now the last

Thing we need for an enchanting table is two diamonds which I literally already have let’s first make the book Boop B Bo book and now we go bo b and there we go enchanting table okay we’ll just throw that right there for now and now we need

An enchanted book now we just simply grab a little lapis bring all of that over to the enchanter and we enchant the book with sharpness one and there we go another Quest complete and now we literally just need a compass Redstone iron uh done now let’s become a Dusty

Wling I look almost the exact same I guess I am a little bigger I don’t have googly eyes but ooh look at my little wraps hanging off that’s kind of cool but most importantly you’re going to notice I now have 10 hearts of Health I also get three abilities speed jump

Boost and strength and apparently I can reach a few extra blocks away so even though I’m all the way across the room I can reach this block right here anyway upgrade complete and now to unlock something super fitting for a mummy a spike trap imagine you’re walking into a

Mummy’s tomb they would definitely have spike traps I need spike traps and luckily to unlock them is pretty easy all I need to do is get the ice bucket challenge advancement completed then I need to kill two rabbits using a bow and then kill three players using a wrapped

Spear and also just cuz it sounds fun to shoot rabbits with a bow we’re going to do that first so let’s just take a few sticks and put them together and then take some of our string to make a bow now we’re going to grab feathers we have

And if we combine that together with a stick and some Flint we should get some extra arrows did I do that backwards there we go and now it’s time to shoot some rabbits okay oh I hear some rabbits right there literally right there come on please oh I got him actually what first

Shot let’s go wait I didn’t start the quest that doesn’t count are you kidding me okay wait a minute where’ the other one go there he is I got him yeah okay now we should have to get one more rabbit oh there’s a rabbit right there here we go ready trick

Shot wait what I actually hit him I really didn’t expect that okay anyway now that we killed some rabbits uh let’s go back to the base and now it’s time to get the ice bucket challenge advancement now wait a second don’t I already have ice bucket challenge isn’t that just

Mining obsidian oh God hold on I have a way to fix this what I could do is/ advancement revoke Ry Rocky only form obsidian boom I lost ice bucket challenge now if I take a piece of lava and I pour the water over it we get

Obsidian and now if I mine this I should get the ice bucket challenge there we go that counts well now that we did that there’s only one thing left to do and that’s to take a three the treasure Hunters with our spear so let’s go find their base and

Let’s take them out okay this Village hasn’t been checked out yet they’re definitely somewhere over in this area and they almost always live in villages so this actually could be them for real I hear voices wait what V just some What I Hear Voices oh my God wait a

Minute I think there’s proximity chat on the server and they don’t realize their voices are stuck on I can literally hear every word they’re saying oh this is huge let’s just sneak up we just need three kills with our WRA spear we I thought I saw a lava pool around here somewhere

Oh whoa dude dude there’s a a mummy mummy where is he what he’s so confused dig down he’s oh we got him wait what oh go this way oh I see him he’s running okay he’s he’s withered he’s withered let’s get him oh that hurt that hurt we

Can get him he bro he’s after you bro okay we just need to kill one more we just need to kill one more oh bro he’s hitting me there we go that’s three of three that’s three three three three go back poison him nice he’s dead now let’s unlock our new ability

Which should be the spike trap and now Let’s Escape with this thing let’s try it out and Let’s Escape let’s see what it does if I let’s go this way go up on the tree put a spike trap down he’s over here he’s over here oh I put spikes yeah

Look they’re getting spiked they’re getting spiked spiked me he’s on top of this uh tree bro bro we need a pyramid trap we need the pyramid trap oh dude dude perfect running I heard that I’m going to summon it right here on the forest nice th oh they all got spiked

Let’s go oh we just spiked two of them get back here Mommy let’s drop more spikes behind us drop more more spikes Min us he’s going to get spiked by these watch this boom boom Oh my God the spikes are broken now let’s get out of here before

They catch up quick and let’s just keep dropping more spikes behind us so if they do come they’re just going to die okay so we have two things we got to talk about obviously it is great now that we have a spike trap because it means I can add spikes pretty much

Anywhere in my base though there is one problem with them you’ll see if I put them down right here in the floor they kind of go all the way up there which isn’t really helpful so instead we’re going to go put some right here and hope

This works oh wait it did I got one Spike there all the other spikes are way up there so now the top of my boat is protected and now it’s time for us to unlock rotting fists apparently it’s some sort of decaying mummy fist wrap

Thingy I don’t know what it does yet but we’ll figure it out in a sec to unlock it I just need 16 sweet berries two blocks of amethyst and a lecturn I’m not going to lie the amethyst is going to take me like 2 seconds to get right if

We just swim up here there should be an amethyst yes there is and now we just need to grab two blocks of this stuff which that and that count I think yep there we go two blocks of amethyst done and now to Journey back home okay with

The amethyst done now we got to go find some sweet berries which means honestly it’s going to going to take a sec but we have to go look for a specific biome which is the one that spawns spruce trees wait a minute can I have spikes

Float On The Water around my base I use them right here oh my goodness hold up this is huge okay as time goes on I’m just going to keep adding spikes to this base cuz this is a crazy defense okay but before I get carried away let’s get

In the boat let’s go see if we can find ourselves a spruce biome for some sweet berries boom some sweet berries I found them there we go uh we can grab these right here there we go bunch of sweet berries uh I don’t know how you’re

Burning grab all of these we need I think we need I can’t remember off top of my head but let’s just grab all these hello we can hear you oh God oh God we have we have 40 we have 40 we have 40 oh

God oh God oh God run run why how can they hear me right now wait do they do you still hear me yeah we why do they hear me hold on put down spikes wait they know I put down spikes now gosh darn it oh gosh this way this way this

Way put Downes oh god oh they still got him they still got him hold up let me open my voice settings settings activation push to talk oh my God I took my push to talk off okay now we’re back on push to talk they can’t hear my voice

Oh that’s so annoying oh he’s still running he’s still running this way we got all the sweet berries where are they where are they get back here Mommy oh no yes got him and got her and now quickly go go go go go go go get out

Of here I am not sticking around for that okay cool we have all the sweet berries we need and now there’s only one other item we need to get and that’s eight LEC turns now I wouldn’t be shocked if you guys don’t even know what a lecturn is but it’s this book thingy

And to make it you just need a bunch of slabs and bookshelves well the slabs are pretty easy if we need four slabs per lecturn that means we need 32 wood slabs which I can make really simply like this and now we just need eight bookshelves

Which to make a bookshelf is three books and six Wood meaning it’s time to collect a lot of paper and the best place to do that is a desert so let’s just run along the coast here and grab as many sugar cane as we can okay there we go that should be

Enough sugarcane now let’s kill some cows for some leather okay there we go now we have a bunch of Leather So first things first let’s turn all of our sugar cane into paper then we’re going to take this paper and put it in a little triangle

Like that and take the leather and put it in the middle to make a bunch of books I need to then turn these books into bookshelves I need to grab grab more locks hold up this should be enough there we go we take those like this and

Now we put the slabs in place and we get eight lect turns meaning Quest is complete we can now unlock rotting fists which apparently this is an omni tool so uh let’s see what this does do I can shift right whoa it sits fires what can

It m Stone it does it mines a 3X3 area of stone look at this that’s so cool okay well that’s really cool and since it’s an omni tool it should be able to mine wood too right yep it does he we unlock rotting fists so apparently if I

Shift right click them I should different abilities wao sweet it can strip wood so if I put no log here and I right click it with the fist now it should strip it w okay that’s cool what else does it do Shear well there’s no sheeps around so it just gets by and

Then fire which obviously sets things on fire that’s so awesome this rotting fist ability is great and I’m not going to slow down now because now it’s time to unlock Sandstorm Surge and there’s a bunch of stuff we need to do to actually unlock this ability but we’re going to

Start by heading back to the base and going to the nether so we can unlock Subspace bubble so let’s start by getting Subspace bubble to the de oh he’s here he’s here he’s here oh he’s here he’s here what what what happened oh God I’m stuck in the pyramid prison

Oh my God times to escape to escape I can click 100 times I can get no way he survives this we’re out yes wait what I’m out of the pyramid I’m out of pyramid I’m the I clicked you dead ow get back here no no no please get him

I’m trying bro wait he’s behind me put spikes but they didn’t work oh nice he’s done uh go this way this way oh God oh God oh God nice he’s gone there’s two down oh where is he oh there he is no yes yes we got them all we got

Them all we need to get out of here oh gosh oh gosh quick we’ll worry about this in a sec we got to go back through the nether portal okay they know where my base is now hold up I don’t know how close they are I’m going to block this

Off real fast we need to just take everything we have here and move we need to get all our stuff and we need to say goodbye to this base there’s literally nothing we can do they found our nether portal meaning they found this base all my stuff is coming with me and we’re

Abandoning this amazing base goodbye lava trap goodbye cool bed corner goodbye lava generator goodbye base well bye-bye Mommy base it really stinks too cuz I didn’t even get to use the trap at the front door like how was I supposed to know the treasure Hunters would come

From the nether either way since my base was found I need to move bases far away from this current one okay so with our last base being found it’s gone and so I built a new base that’s a lot more hidden in fact it’s literally behind this giant wall right here which is

Meant to help disguise it into this biome a little better but to actually enter the base we dive into this water right here then there’s a hole in the wall down here that we enter and now you see our giant base I basically just converted an abandoned mind shaft into a

Base now just go down this water path onto our little platform right here and now there’s several ways we can access the base so I’m just going to run along the edge here cuz I find this to be the easiest to actually get to the base part

And the base itself is right over here so we simply just go down these stairs here and we are inside the base where we have our nether portal all our furnaces chests we have an enchanting room but yeah you get the idea this is the brand

New base this is where we’re going to be surviving and now it’s actually time to complete Sandstorm sege you know the ability we’ve been working on this whole time that we didn’t even really get to start now before I went to the nether last time I was going to work on

Unlocking sub space bubble but since that was rudely interrupted that never happened so now we’re going to get Subspace bubble so all I have to do is go super duper far away from this nether portal build another nether portal and then light it off and go through so

Let’s just go up here real quick and now we have to run a total of about 800 blocks to get ourselves far enough for Subspace bubble to activate Okay I think this should be far enough so let’s just go down in this hole let’s dig here now just make ourselves a nether portal

Light it off with some flint and steel there we go now into the portal we go and boom Subspace bubble okay so now that we have Subspace bubble done with we just have to loot four ancient city chests or kill four players with our Spike trap and since I really don’t want

To see the treasure Hunters right now let’s start by just looting four ancient city chest luckily ancient cities aren’t too hard to get to it’s really just difficult to find one they only spawn under large Hills so it’s really not that difficult so let’s go back up to

The surface and let’s go find an ancient city which honestly there’s a good chance there’s one nearby under one of these giant Hills there wasn’t one under those giant Hills however I did find one on the next day day 36 oh I think I saw an ancient city yes I did look there’s

The portal right there huge okay since we found the ancient city we just now have to loot four chests here oh perfect we made it to the water now just get in this land in this water now let’s just loot four chests okay well there’s one

Chest we can loot it let’s grab some stuff from it ooh mending Unbreaking yes please oh I set it off again dang it right here’s a chest right here we got a flame book a loyalty book and that’s really it check upstairs yep here’s another nothing too good in this one

Okay we just need to loot more without setting off one of those things okay so I have two chests right here but the second I loot it that’s going off and summoning a warden so we’re going to to be quick about this here we go go uh

Don’t even know what those books were don’t care let’s go over here check this one don’t even care what the books are we’re gone he’s right there now we just have to get back to that waterfall okay let’s just swim up this there’s the warden let’s just swim back up and we

Are out of here okay now that we’re safe from the warden down there we only have one Quest left to complete and this to kill four Hunters with my Spike trap so we’re going to do exactly that by going straight from here to their base to lay

A bunch of traps that I hope they fall for is this going to work probably not but let’s do it anyway okay their base is literally just up here Crouch up but otherwise I don’t think he’s going to they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming I

Hear their voices I see where they came from I got to put a spike trap at the entrance to their base that’s how I’m going to get these kills go behind the building okay here we go don’t steal it dude trade it to him I’ve been working

So oh oh on me on me on hey he went into our base oh the the the things didn’t work this didn’t work oh I’ve been cursed I’m floating oh I’m floating yeah I think I cursed him oh God nice nice nice swi swi okay there we go the

Levitating is actually helping here put the water put the SP I put spikes at the top of the waterall yes one down I got them trapped there two down dude they spikes three down yes they can’t get past them we’re not coming up there Mommy get down here

I’m going to curse you but I’m going to put even ones up here that are spikes now up here Spike too oh I cursed him I cursed him back off back off back off oh we got him anyway oh he didn’t T to it from the spikes if you can somehow only

Take one tick of damage from the spikes yes got him okay here we go go this way go this way go this way we need to unlock Sandstorm surge there we go we got it we got the new ability this way no I just missed no way we got to get it

Here we got to get out of here these cursed daggers are getting strong okay go this way let’s activate this and let’s see what it does okay let’s get close okay it’s it’s doing damage oh it killed him oh that’s huge what is this even doing am I just covered in sand oh

Wait what oh that’s kind of cool oh okay go this way you’re done for it now mommy go this way go this way go this way okay oh he’s cursed ready watch this B oh he cursed me no oh I’m floating I’m floating I’m floating eat a hot dog pins

Are attack Janet Piner attack you go that side I’ll go this side oh God we’re surrounded okay he’s down he’s down he’s down oh my God bro I’m chopping the tree down oh he got me I’m cursed I got him what is his microphone what is with your mic

He’s withered he’s withered nice he’s dead he missed he missed you’re done for him mommy I’m going to kill you I’m going to get you I’m going for I’m going for him oh god oh go nice got him okay this is my chance go go go go get out of

Here get out of here go this way go this way I’m going to put spikes across this water here ready watch this now there’s spikes in the water if they try and go through that they will get spiked I don’t even think they’re coming I think

They gave up which is perfect timing for us to get out of here okay that Cur dagger is going to be a problem cuz anytime it flies in and hits me I get cursed with a random effect so now on top of having to avoid their pyramids so

I don’t get trapped I also have to dodge these daggers like imagine if they gave me slowness trapping me would get so easy but you get the idea these daggers are a problem and to deal with that dagger I have a plan it has nothing to

Do with the spear I just want to throw it my plan is actually the next upgrade bandage binders with this upgrade I should be able to wrap up any enemy in my bandages making it so they can’t move and can’t throw their daggers at me see pretty good plan right now to unlock

Those bandages and wrap up the hunters I just need one Observer one respawn anchor and eight Targets this is honestly probably the easiest quest I’ve had in a while because all these things are easy to craft to make targets all I need is one hay bale and four Redstone

Dust to make an observer I just need quartz two Redstone and some Cobblestone and then to make the respawn anchor the only tough one I need six crying obsidian and three glowstone which still isn’t that hard so let’s get started by first building some targets and to do

That we’re going to have to head to a village nearby and steal a bunch of hay bales to start off with the only problem is I live in the middle of nowhere where there is no Villages nearby we’re going to have to go walk and find one cuz I

Actually don’t know if there’s one nearby or not no no no no no no no no no no no no eat the dog eat the dog eat the dog eat the dog eat the dog oh my God I was in F five I just off please don’t die come on

Come on come on come on oh we liveed oh my goodness I found a village there was one kind of nearby now we just go over there and take their hay bales right here okay 14 should be enough now let’s just head back to our base and grab 16

Redstone no I don’t think that’s going to be enough that’s going to give us four targets but we need eight so we actually have to go get some more Redstone which really easy to do see literally right under our base we got a bunch of redstone so now let’s throw

That Redstone in with the remaining hay bales and now we have enough targets meaning our first Quest is complete to unlock bandage binders so uh now we need to get a respawn anchor and observer but before we do that let’s quickly sleep real fast now let’s work on a respawn

Anchor now like I said to make a respawn anchor we need six crying obsidian and three glow stone which means we’re going to the Nether and now let’s just grab some glow stone from the roof okay now let’s see I think we that should be enough dust to make enough

Glowstone it is now we need to get some crying obsidian from a a Bastion and we literally saw one just a second ago so let’s just head to that Bastion okay we’re at the Bastion now let’s just see how much crying obsidian we can get o

That’s a there we go put up a wall so we can’t get to me oh there’s a bunch of them okay they’re dead let’s check it uh we got four crying obsidian which isn’t quite enough okay let’s look around for some more there’s some mobs down here we

Got to be careful okay we got one chest inside so we check this one please okay there’s no crying obsidian in this chest nice there it is we got a bunch of crying obsidian that’s definitely enough and we got pigstep a great music disc in fact play pigstep now cuz now all we

Have to do is head on home and craft this thing and luckily for us crafting it is super easy you just take the crying obsidian like this throw the glowstone in the middle and boom resawn anchor which means now that we have that we just have to craft an observer and we

Can literally make that with Cobblestone Redstone and quartz but I only have one Redstone Dust left are you serious okay hold up let’s just find some more down here real quick there we go now we just need to head to the Nether and grab one quartz oh my God yes there’s literally a

Quartz above our nether portal that makes like so much easier give me yes there we go now we just go over to our crafting table put down six Cobblestone two red stone and one quartz to get an observer and now we’ve unlocked the bandage binders and best of all that

Only took till day 40 to unlock so let’s try them out I’m hoping these things work on pigs cuz that’s really all I can test it on right now okay let’s try it on him so if I right click it with bandage binder okay nothing happened well dang it looks like this ability

Only works on the players meaning that if I’m going to test it I have to go find the treasure hunter we’ll just test it next time we see them let’s keep working on upgrades while we can because I am not going back to those cursed daggers plus now there’s only one

Upgrade to go and that’s to become a full-fledged mummy now if I look at the upgrade menu you’re going to see that this mummy has 20 hearts of health strength two speed two jump two plus four blocks of extra reach fire resistance this mummy seems broken which is exactly why we’re going

To unlock him but to actually become a mummy we need eight golden carrots one enchanted diamond chest plate and 16 jungle saplings and since golden carrots are the easiest let’s start there now I’m not positive if these Villages even have carrots but I’m going to check real

Quick before I head to a different one I don’t think so that was all regular wheat seeds and I’m pretty sure that’s all I’m going to find throughout okay yeah I think we need to find a ples Village to actually get carrots so let’s just head to a Plains real fast and head

To one of those Villages and get some carrots oh wait a minute a village I found one okay here’s a farm this is where we find out if we get carrots that’s all that matters oh there’s it’s almost all carrots look at this give me more and now we have eight carrots which

Is the exact number we needed now let’s just grab some of our gold ingots turn these into some nuggets now we stick our carrots in the middle and boom golden carrots which is our first mummy Quest complete and now we need to enchant a diamond chest plate and get jungle

Saplings so let’s quickly head back to that jungle we were near and let’s get some saplings okay perfect we made it to a jungle biome so we’re just going to grab some jungle saplings oh wait a jungle temple oh I’m going to loot that first instead there’s actually a jungle

Temple over here and those are kind of rare there is a hunter above the jungle temple I think they’re literally building a base here hold on before they even finish this base I found it okay let’s sneak up to it we got to be really sneaky stay hidden stay hidden bro wait

Wait wait I just saw something in here bro uh there’s something going on in this Forest over here bro he saw me go go go go go go go go there’s sand why is there he’s trapped he’s trapped in the blind I got trapped bro what you mmy

Okay I should be protected I’m been cursed no we’re cursed we got wither we’re leaving the one effect I really didn’t want to get was wither I’m not even fighting that wait are they chasing oh God watch out he’s got a bow oh she doesn’t have a shield that’s it Mommy

Get cured levitation I’m levitating I can’t risk dying here this would be such a dumb way to die I’m going to put some spikes behind me to try and trap him here we go right there get him come on nice there we go nice there’s another

One on us there’s another one on us go away no get back here okay I’m not going to lie proximity chat’s kind of fun let’s see if we can find him he’s binded but I’m levitating what shears I don’t have dude run run I don’t think he has

Shears to get out of the wrap so this is good I can leave him stuck there for a sec well I just run away bye okay so obviously that didn’t work so instead let’s make the enchanted diamond chest plate first all we need to do is go

Mining and grab a bunch of diamonds so let’s just go down here and now let’s see what we can find okay let’s just mine this with a rotten Fist and see how many we got eight it triples Diamonds oh my gosh that is so huge we have all the

Diamonds we need so now we just turn those into a diamond chest plate throw it in the enchanter and give it an enchantment and now the second item is complete for our mummy upgrade and now we just have to go back for Jungle saplings but I’m not going back to the

Jungle I know about because clearly the treasure Hunters live there and because I don’t want to deal with them we’re going to go find a completely new Jungle so it turns out besides the main jungle we were just at there isn’t any other jungles nearby cuz I looked pretty much

Everywhere and I didn’t find one until day 46 over 3,000 blocks away okay perfect I see a jungle in the distance and this time there should be any treasure Hunters to Annoy Us okay let’s just start at the top of this tree and work our way down we’re think Center

Here start all around us okay perfect we have a bunch of jungle logs and 18 jungle saplings which is all we need so now we can head on home but before we go home let’s actually turn into the mummy oh wow I really need to brush my teeth but

Regardless we are officially now a mummy with 20 total hearts of HP a bunch of upgrades that you can see here with the newest one being that we are now fire resistant meaning I can do this and not take any burn damage okay it’s a 47 and we’re officially a mummy and honestly

The Mummy was our last tier three upgrade so now we’re on tier four upgrades which includes crazy things like the rotting staff the Beed shield and the mutant mummy so let’s start by getting that rotting staff which we can get by heading to the nether you see the

First item on this quest for getting this is getting the Return to Sender advancement you basically have to take a gas shoot its Fireball back at it and kill it yes let the battle begin let’s do this I missed we’re fireproof at ow

Let me eat some food no no no no no ow stop stop I can’t hit the gas dude oh we got him we got him no he ow stop oh my goodness yes yes yes oh thank goodness we got him okay Quest complete we got

Return to sender and now we just have to go ahead to another Fortress even though there’s not one nearby and we have to go kill nine wither skeletons now we have to kill nine of these guys there’s two right there so let’s just oh there’s a bunch right here this is actually

Perfect boom killed a bunch of those guys there’s more this way there we go perfect we’ve killed nine wither skeletons officially and now there’s only one thing left to do kill the treasure Hunters with our Sandstorm surge ability now this is going to be really difficult cuz this ability

Doesn’t do much damage let’s go see if we can get four kills with it and officially finish up this Quest so we can unlock the rotting staff okay let’s just go back through the Nether and then we’re going to go straight for their base in the jungle that’s going inside

There if you open it it’ll actually blow this place Sky High they have proximity chat on they don’t realize it it’s more TNT than I’ve ever used out of trap for one of these videos they have a trap set up in the base somewhere I’m just going

To tell them I he uh excuse me I hear you dude wa you guys don’t have push to talk on bro I’m I’m hitting it bro oh it’s a trap chest oh no my stuff okay she’s stuck toss her with this let’s get the kill nice she’s gone she’s gone he’s coming

In let’s get him him with the bandage now he’s stuck what is this what is this what is this what is this I don’t have shears I can’t right click yeah they need to start carrying shears cuz they can’t escape that bandage without it oh they’re all dead though none of my stuff

Survived the enchanting table survived but none of our items did now I have to leave this base this was one of my favorites too I mean look how cool it looks I guess let’s just head out and build a new base cuz what else am I

Going to do I’m not about to go fight them without a base that’s for sure well there goes another base I really liked how large and open that one was too whatever I’m not going to cry over spilled milk much so anyway from here I went off to build mummy base 3 my

Coolest base yet at least I think so anyway okay so welcome to the mummy base 3 .0 this base is actually really cool because I put it inside of a desert temple and you really can’t even tell that this desert Temple’s been looted so

If we simply go over here to the top of this desert temple and drop our way inside and you’re going to notice it looks pretty much untouched in fact even if you break this block here down there is completely untouched so how do you actually get inside of the base well you

Actually walk walk around this corner and boom you drop into this corner so unless you really look closely you’re not going to find my base entrance right over here where we simply fall inside and now we’re in the base so we’ll just go down this hallway go down here and

Boom boom we’re inside now once you’re actually inside the base this base is massive if we go upstairs you’re going to see a tunnel that leads to the water exit you literally just step in here and it brings you all the way up here which leads you to a nice staircase to the

Surface and we’re free but I just take three sandstone and cover that up at the entrance just to make sure no one sees it we have our bed all the way up here and then we turn around and go all the way back down to see our enchanting

Table and then the main room where we have our chests over here our furnaces right here another Escape Route right here the nether portal and potion station right here and then if we go upstairs we have an infinite lava aurus in that corner a little pool with our

Aelott named bubblegum in this corner and then just a miscellaneous corner of the different functional blocks you know that I can use oh and then the crafting table but anyway now that this base is complete and I won’t lie I definitely spent a little too much time on this

Let’s go finish up our last quest in unlocking the rotting staff which is simply to kill five players with Sandstorm surge so let’s just go up here exit out this way and now let’s go take on the treasure Hunters okay there’s their base I see it right over the hill

Let’s actually go into the jungle so we have cover I should be able to hear them as I get closer here okay let’s start creeping up to the base I can probably dig underneath it to be honest I think I lift this area up hold up I do hear

Voices wait you hear zombies yo zombies are fine as long as it’s not a mummy bro I don’t think they’re zombies is it me okay we’re in the farm I don’t think they realize I don’t think they realize I can get in through the farm watch I’m

In I’m in I’m in I’m in let’s get inside okay they don’t know I’m here dude I’ve been keeping a lookout bro they’re all above me oh my God Lookout come on someone someone I actually I’m going to just keep practicing my water oh oh my

God oh my God hit by the sand get him hit by the sand oh he’s on me what is happening I just got to keep damaging him with this sand keep him close come on oh my God we killed one we killed one we killed one out keep killing them keep

Killing them keep killing them keep killing them oh that did a ton of damage to their base let’s keep damaging them keep damaging them my God he’s in the bedroom he’s in the bedroom I can’t see anything dude I don’t think they can see while they’re in this ability come on we got

To kill him we got to kill him okay let’s go back around this way let’s go back around this way build up here we’re going to get you mommy let’s go up here going to jump back in and got him he’s hiding somewhere guys oh he’s right here

Oh he behind they’re take damage I just got to keep eating the mm do one’s down one just died get him INE get him INE get no leave me alone he’s trapped he’s trapped nice that’s three down three down go this way go this way you’re not getting away with destroying our base

Mmy okay she’s got wither she’s got wither we’re going for it there we go there we go this has got to kill her with the Wither yes come on they can’t see when this ability yes okay another one’s de one more one one more one one more I actually have been blind this

Whole time dude can you see yes yes yes yes yes they’re all dead They’re All Dead we got to get out dead nice that should destroy the Wall go this way go this way go this way jump here jump go up here get up here okay now let’s go

Let’s unlock the rotting staff there we go I got the rotting staff okay let’s try this ability out I don’t know what it does oh he’s on me use this item in your off hand oh okay needs to be in my off hand it’s in my off hand okay let’s

Try it let’s try it let’s try it oh what oh they’re all getting poison and killed look at this oh this is busted you’re not getting away yes they all just died to that everything turned to like death and poison that’s so busted They’re All Dead well that was

Broken and uh that is literally all that’s left of their base so with this in hand I guess I can just infect the entire world so but now with their base officially decimated we not only got a Revenge but we got a brand new power to

Go along with it okay so for obvious reasons I am not keeping this staff in my hand cuz I do not want to risk accidentally activating that and then destroying my whole base but anyway now it’s time to work on our bed Shield which we can unlock by getting one honey

Block 16 TNT and one recovery compass and honestly I’m just going to start with the recovery Compass cuz honestly that’s just the easiest since I know where in ancient city is let’s go to an ancient city and grab some Echo shards okay so it actually turns out there’s

Another ancient city right next to the other ancient City I was just at or I think this is a different one okay we just need Echo shards there’s one there let’s check out this Tower real quick oh yes that had three Echo shards that’s huge okay now let’s just head to that

Chest over there okay we’re going to set up another it’s worth it dang it it was not worth it no Echo shards I’m summoning a warden we’re missing one one short no way that’s so unlucky go go go go go we got the echo shards as the

Warden was summoned go this way actually we can swim up lava we’re fireproof and just like that we are out of here now we can simply throw together all of our Echo shards alongside a compass to get ourselves the recovery compass and now to finish up the bajul shield all we

Need is a honey block and some TNT and luckily the TNT is super easy to get all I have to do is go over to this thing right here now we just go down here grab all this TNT and in total we need 16 TNT meaning we still need seven more TNT now

I could craft it with some of the gunpowder we have though I don’t quite have enough so I’d have to go kill more creepers so instead let’s just go look for a second desert temple and see if we can loot nine more TNT there boom found

One so let’s just go inside and get the TNT at the bottom of this one and there we go 18 TNT so with that done we can now build our way out of here and now there’s only one thing left we need and that’s a honey block which might sound

Easy but unfortunately this is actually the most annoying item to get in the game in my opinion I know it’s probably not actually the hardest in the game so to get a block of honey we just need to get four bottles of honey I have six

Glass bottles on me let’s go steal from some hives okay there we go we got the honey we needed so now let’s just turn these into a honey block and now we can unlock the bajed shield which looks like this okay my game crashed let’s try that

Again bajed Shield okay this time it’s working thank goodness anyway as you can see I have a ton of diamonds that float around me that are going to stop all incoming damage that comes my way in total this Shield has 100 Full Hearts of

Damage or can go away at the click of a button so yeah I’m basically Invincible while I have that thing on which is really useful you know since people are trying to hunt me down and stuff any who now that that Shield is done there’s only one more tier four upgrade to go

And that’s to become a mutant mummy and then once we’re done with that we’re on to our tier five upgrades like Pharaoh’s curse but again first I got to unlock the mummy so uh let’s do that all I need to unlock it is one enchanted golden

Apple two totems of undying in one heart of the sea but all of those things are actually super hard to get so let’s start with the easiest on that list the heart of the sea okay so all we have to do is find a shipwreck is that one over

There no wait I think I see one out in the distance I could be wrong I don’t know what I saw there is no shipwreck under here well I’m dumb let’s look somewhere else okay I found one here as long as it spawned with two chests this

Will be the one I see one right there and one right in here yes okay this one should be ores it is and then this chest should give us the map to the heart of the sea and now we just pull this thing out and we follow it this way okay it’s

Somewhere right around here I’m getting pretty close if I dig straight down here I’m bound to find it here we go let’s start taking down oh oh I saw it it’s right there and there we go a heart of the sea and a diamond now that we got

That done let’s hop in our raft and let’s head home okay now the next thing we need to get is a bunch of supplies to start heading to a woodland mansion and luckily for us we live in a desert so that’s pretty easy to do because deserts are full of sugar

Cane okay there we go that’s a bunch of sugar canane and now really the only other thing we need to go to a woodland Mansion is a bunch of sand so uh I wonder where I’m going to find that there we go that’s enough sand okay

Now let’s throw our sand inside of our furnaces to start turning into glass and let’s turn all of our sugar cane into paper now let’s grab the emeralds from our chest okay now we just take a bunch of this glass throw it in our crafting

Table like this and boom we have a ton of glass panes and now we have to trade with a villager to get a woodland Mansion map now we trade him all of our paper for a bunch of emeralds then we trade him some glass panes for even more

Emeralds and now he’ll trade us the Ocean Explorer map and the Woodland Mansion map which is the one we want now let’s open this bad boy up we are that tiny dot you see on the map we are so far from this thing so let’s get moving

Okay boom we found it there’s the Woodland Mansion right there and now all we need are two totems of UND dying and then we’re just going to clear each room out ready there’s one killed it nice we got one totem there’s one right there nice that’s two totems okay yep that’s

All there is only two totems of undying in this entire place which kind of stinks cuz now I can’t keep any of them but anyway let’s just get out of here real quick and now let’s head on home okay now all we need is a god Apple okay

This is the ancient city near my base and there’s still a few areas here that I haven’t looted yet okay go for it boom there we go first chest and now I can become a mutant mummy but uh let’s do it on the surface cuz I have no idea how

Big I’m about to get okay let’s become a mut mummy oh my gosh I’m absolutely gigantic now the only question is do I fit in my base I have My Little River entrance here nope I don’t fit in that either okay hold up I need to find a new

Way into my base 1 minute 37 seconds later okay done I don’t really love this new way into my base but it works I basically just made a new cover right here where I have to come in here with my fist break right here I’ll fall in I

Cover it back up and then I have to do the same thing on the way out except I have a little parkour I have to do and this leads me back to the base okay so anyway we’re a mummy you’ll see we now have 30 total hearts of HP and a bunch

Of of different effects but most importantly we can now jump two blocks high or what I should say is most importantly bubble gum is still swimming lovingly in his pool anyway now that we’re at tier 4 Mommy it’s time to move on to tier five and if you didn’t know

Tier five requires a ton of stuff from the end so let’s get that over with first and the first thing we need to actually head to the end is some blaze rods so let’s go through the portal and let’s go get some okay there we go that’s nine blaze

Rods which is way more than enough so now we can just go ahead and get out of here okay here we go we found a Bastion let’s just grab all the gold off the bridge real quick there we go we got 16 blocks of gold now let’s see how many

More we can get from this area grab those I’m not going to lie I likely need a few more gold blocks so instead of wasting any more time here I’m going to go find a different Bastion and trade there 36 gold blocks is more than enough

Now just do some trading okay there’s a bunch of piging down here just kind of already trapped so I think I’m going to just use these guys to do this I’m going to give you guys a bunch of gold before you guys kill yourselves there you go

Take it start trading okay yeah I’m going to just jump in and see how many we got okay we have 21 ender pearls that is way more than enough which means now we can start heading to the end and taking on the Ender Dragon okay so our mission to the end has several

Objectives first we need to kill the ender dragon and get the dragon egg second I need to find an End City so I can loot an elytra ship and get not only the elytra inside but the dragon head on it as well and then at some point while

I’m in the nether we just got to kill 12 shulkers so that’s part of it too so without further Ado let’s go to the end okay right so first things first take our blaze rods let’s turn them into blaze powder and let’s combine them with

Our 16 ender pearls to get some Eyes of Ender and now we just throw an Eye of Ender off and that’s the direction we’re going in okay let’s grab that Eye of Ender oh it broke well we have a lot of materials so we’ll definitely have

Enough to get there so let just keep going this way okay next one is on the edge of this jungle never mind we’re going back into the jungle okay so let’s throw our next one off from up here so that way we can actually see where it’s

Going this way okay so we’re going this way oh it’s going down it is it’s right here okay let’s just start digging down to this thing oh we found it okay now let’s just dig down inside I’m going to ignore the silver fish for now and just keep breaking through this stronghold

Till we find the Portal oh the portal room’s right there that’s huge okay this one had zero eyes so good thing we had enough eyeballs there we go put all the Eyes of Ender inside the portal frame and now we just have to dig a hole to

Get in cuz uh I’m too big I literally hit my head on the ceiling oh diamonds hold up I want those okay there we go they’re going to go in yes I caught them oh we’re up to 21 diamonds from this let’s go okay I just did a quick fix of

My inventory now we go in and now it’s time to take out the dragon okay first things first let’s build up here right next to this first Tower and we got to be quick about this because now that we’re in the end the hunters definitely know about it now let just start bowing

These things there’s one there’s two there’s three there’s four there’s five now we can ender pearl down to this one shoot an arrow in that shoot one over there get out of the way no no no no no no no no right now we just run over here

Let’s destroy the remaining Towers there we go perfect got it and now we just got to take out the Dragon oh we got him low after that we just punched the heck out of him he’s so low we have your what free bro what we have bubble gum if you

Don’t want him to die freeze what you’re doing right now oh my God you guys actually have bubble gum yeah and if you want him to live I need you to give up killing the dragon but he’s on 1 HP yeah that’s right the eggs ours this time

Buddy wait are you saying you’ll give me back bubble gum if I let you take the dragon egg if you let us kill the dragon and take the egg I’ll give you bubble gum back you know what fine I’ll do the deal all right guys kill the the dragon

Okay I have to let them kill the dragon and I guess I’ll get bubblegum back which like this isn’t worth it but I also don’t want them to kill Bubblegum the Axel so I’m going to let this happen for now I’m going to give him back

Bubble gum while you guys grab the egg all right the second I pick up bubble gum I’m killing them all right you’re going to have bubble gum there you go okay I got bubble gum and now kill him quick I got to stop from getting the egg

Where’s the egg where’s the egg where’s the egg he got the egg stop him stop stop the portal jump to the portal killed one killed two oh no they got the egg though it doesn’t matter if I kill him they got the egg okay they got away

With the egg but uh at least we got bubble gum back okay bubblegum get back in your bucket and now we’re going to go to the outer end and get all the rest of the stuff we’re going to need in the end and then when we get back we’re stealing

The dragon egg back Chuck our ender pearl in and now we’re in the outer end where we can hopefully find an nend City pretty quick and get some elytra and a dragon head oh and uh kill 16 shers so I headed to the outer end and looked for

An n city and well I found one but uh it didn’t have an elytra ship so I simply killed all the shulkers I needed for the quest and then went off to find a new end city which I found a couple of days later oh we got an nend City forming oh

Wait what there’s two nend cities that one has an elyra ship so does this one okay this end ship’s lower to the ground so this is the one I’m going to go for now we throw an ender pearl onto the ship now we dig a hole down here and

Grab the elytra now there’s only one other thing we need let’s just go up here real quick and that’s this dragon head located on the front so let’s just build a little platform below him so we don’t lose it and boom dragon head Acquired and now with those in hand we

Have everything we need from the end except a dragon egg so now we have to go back to those outer end portals to get home so that way we can now steal back the dragon egg and have every single item from the end that we need done with

Okay so we are home from the end and first things first bubblegum is going back into his Aquarium there you go bubblegum now second the dragon egg will be ours the only downside is the egg they stole could literally be anywhere because I haven’t seen their base in

Days like a lot of days so I haven’t really had any reason to go to their base but now I do the question is though where do they live it’s so annoying because the dragon egg could literally be anywhere however I got lucky and the treasure Hunters made a major mistake by

Adding a construction vehicle to their base making it obvious where they hit it oh wait a sec that’s not a natural Village there’s literally a construction vehicle there oh that’s got to be their base then meaning now I can finally steal this dragon egg back yes let’s go

So we get in there we’re going to look for the egg and then use our bed Shield once we find it to steal it is this related oh that’s got to be the dragon egg I might be able to get this without them realizing it hold on let me jump

Down they don’t realize I’m here yet okay now we’re going to take our pickaxe we’re going to start breaking through if we use our multiple break thing I think we can take the whole top layer off all the mummies here oh cover the egg cover

The EG I don’t want that to get shot I’m jumping down I’m jumping down go this way go this way no way you’re not stealing over okay two of them just fell to their death that’s huge okay I just need to take out this side there we go

We open it a little more he keeps missing that’s huge that’s huge for us bro how is he flying oh God I’m not even flying what are they talking about okay hold on I’m coming okay I got the shield on I got the shield on oh what is that I

Don’t know I can’t even reach okay they’re both dead they’re both dead now we just got to break this one obsidian and it’s ours there we go it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone we just have to get it now we just have to get it I got an idea

Yeah I can move it like this ready there we go we got it we got it we got it we got the egg okay he’s dead now we need to get out of here there we go we’re up we up we’re up up we’re up now we’re

Going to fight them what that’ll keep them off us keep off us now run now run now run and now the mummy is heading home okay so now that we have the egg back all we have to do now is become a full strength mummy and we’re going to

Start by Unlocking The Mummy ability which is literally the final mummy called Pharaoh’s Enigma which of course does things like raise my mummy’s hearts to 50 and give him a bunch of strength bonuses and stuff like that but that’s not the most fun part because you see

When I unlock the pharaoh’s Enigma I’m also going to gain the ability to fly like imagine if my mommy could fly it would be stupid broken which is exactly why we’re going to do that right now now we already have everything to unlock this ability except for the nether

Shovel and luckily for us we can make that prettyy easily seeing as we have two netherite scrap right here so if I just combine those scraps up with a little bit of gold wait do I need four scraps to make one Ingot oh that’s what

It is dang it hold up I’m being dumb I need to actually go to the Nether and get two more ancient debris real quick so I literally just came down here got four netherite scraps in a matter of like second but either way we have exactly what we need we have a netherite

Ingot okay so now let’s just go ahead and make ourselves some sticks so we can make ourselves a diamond shovel okay right so now let’s just go upstairs real quick and go to our smithing table where we combine together a netherite upgrade along with a shovel along with the

Netherite Ingot to get ourselves a netherite shovel which means now we can say goodbye to the mutant mummy and say hello to the pharaoh’s Enigma and on top of being really tall and really huge and overall just like really strong there’s actually something else about Anubis

That makes him op flight wait I already told you guys about that right that’s right Anubis literally has the ability to walk through the sky and then I can throw my Spears down on anyone down below I’d say this power is pretty cool in other word nubis it’s time to finish

The last two quests we have to complete the pharaoh’s curse and the celestial healing and once both those are unlocked we will get the pharaoh’s final quest which uh we got to complete before day 100 or we lose so seeing as there’s only one quest to complete for our combat

Upgrade left which is bring home the beacon let’s finish that first in fact there’s a ton of stuff we need from the nether here so let’s get all of that done right now by first heading over to another Fortress and Gathering up some Wither Skeleton skulls okay this should

Be pretty easy since we can fly around and just kind of whack them from a distance and it’s not like the blazes really even hurt us so let’s just kind of kill that guy oh there’s another one there’s another one get him dang it nothing okay let’s just keep killing these

Guys okay and there we go we have 1 2 three four Wither Skeleton skulls now you might be asking yourself why I got four of those skulls and the reason is we actually need one wither skeleton skull just to unlock Celestial healing now before we actually go ahead and

Leave the nether there’s still a few things we have to do we need three smithing templates and four end crystals and the four end crystals we can get by simply going around and killing gests like this guy here and taking their gas tiers now we only need a few gas tiers

So this shouldn’t take long at all okay there we go we killed all the gas for the gas tiers we needed and now we just have to go find some bastions and steal some smithing templates and since we already have one at home we just need

Two more excuse me coming in thank you oh there we go one snout smithing template thank you why are you guys not attacking me and an armor upgrade wait does that count oh it does and since we have one at home that’s all the smithing templates we need now there’s literally

Only one thing left we got to get and that’s just getting four ender pearls from Enderman inside of a twisted forest and there we go just like that we got four ender pearls okay and now it’s time to become a full-fledged mummy okay so first things first we take our blaze

Rods turn them into blaze powder combine that Blaze blaz powder with the ender pearls to get Four Eyes of Ender then we take the Four Eyes of Ender put four gas tiers below it and Surround those by glass to get ourselves four end crystals then we simply grab the smithing

Template out of this chest and bada bing bada boom we can unlock Celestial healing which we’ll do right now but before I show you what that does we still have to get to bring home the beacon advancement to become full strength and we’ll do that by first

Fighting the Wither I’m going to go ahead and do it right here by spawning him down put down four Soul Sand put the heads on top there we go and now we just got to quickly kill this guy which should be pretty straightforward I’m jking him out he can’t even hit me wow

That was easy we’ve got the nether star meaning now we can make a beacon all we do is combine together three obsidian like this SL like this and take the nether star and stick it in the middle and you get yourself a beacon and now we just simply lay down nine iron blocks

Like this throw the beacon in the center and I should get the beacon advancement I think did I do it wrong let me break it and redo it I guess okay we’ll just put it back down now okay well that worked that’s bizarre either way we’ve now made a beacon meaning we’ve unlocked

Our last upgrade and the second I do this we’re going to receive the pharaoh’s final quest let’s click it and we got two items in our inventory we have this new Pharaoh’s curse ability and lift the mummy’s curse by the the mod maker now we did just unlock two new

Abilities so let’s unlock those first and we’ll actually go over the new quest in the morning first is the pharaoh’s curse which uh I’m just going to right click right here oh god oh it’s sucking in everything oh is that a bad idea that might be a bad idea oh no the world’s

Getting eaten oh it filled up it closed is that it it just eats blocks and then locks itself oh and then it disappears okay no that is what it does whatever it eats it locks up and it’s gone forever including my two iron blocks now let’s see what our tier five Celestial healing

Does so apparently if I activate it I start gaining health and anyone near me takes damage so oh my God look at this it creates a radiant where I gain HP and any enemies I’m fighting lose HP well except for zombies but either way look how amazing I look but anyway with those

Two abilities unlocked our mummy is full string and we now have a lift the mummy’s curse book on our inventory which we’ll read first thing tomorrow okay so to lift the mummy’s curse it says you are cursed to be a mummy forever to lift this curse and win the

Challenge you must retrieve five artifacts artifact one can be found at your first base well that seems simple enough let’s just go to my first base and get the first artifact then and I’m guessing once we have the first one it should tell us where the second one is

Okay we’re back at base one this was the base where we were inside the boat let’s just dig down now to the bottom of this and let’s see if we can find anything that will help kind of annoying that we have to break down the base like this

But there’s no other real way inside so this is the only way we can get in now we don’t fit in this base so let’s just start digging this way is that the artifact wait there’s something weird on the ground over there okay now let’s break it okay so we got the first

Artifact what was that noise it made a noise when I grabbed the artifact oh wait we have another book artifact number two what does this say you found artifact number one the easy one from here the treasure Hunters have also been given coordinates to all artifacts as

Well artifact 2 is at your second base great well now I have to compete with the treasure Hunters as well and they know where all the artifacts are I only know where the second one is oh no this is not good so I went off and got the

Second artifact and luckily I didn’t run into anyone when I did that I received yet another book that led me to artifact 3 however when I actually got to the third artifact it was gone however there luckily was a book that led me to the fourth artifact which was also gone I

Think you get what happened here while I was grabbing artifact 2 the treasure Hunters went off and gathered artifacts three four and five so now I have to steal them back or I lose I hear their voices I’m sneaking in here do you think they hear me I don’t know if they’re

Going to notice that I made a giant hole in their base oh I fell oh he sees it I’m breaking here I’m breaking in their base let’s go okay quick out this way out this way okay now let’s go and let’s activate our dust storm ability that’s

Going to make it so he’s blind all around us he can’t see we’re in we’re in we’re in I don’t see any artifacts okay we’re low I really should have upgraded my armor from Iron that was stupid of me not to make some Diamond I had enough

Diamonds to make some armor I got I can get them with my rotting staff here we go and stop flying away oh my God okay they’re going to have to deal with that now let’s go back over this way okay that just pinged again I got to be

Careful that should start killing him though that’s not fair let’s start breaking through this wall this looks like a vault potentially wait the treasure get out get get out we’re low we’re low we’re low we’re so low we got to heal up I’m Invincible now let’s kill

Them dude they Shield again got him got him he’s done he’s done he’s done we just got to break in here this is definitely it invincibility is back on but I don’t want to risk blowing up this Vault so let’s just start breaking through through right here I have an

Idea I have an idea I can break blocks to the side and that’s going to let me in put this here and now break that block there we go we’re in we’re getting in we’re getting in we’re getting in we’re almost in we’re almost don’t let

Him get the treasure I can’t even see that’s the three artifacts nice that blew up some of the artifacts now I can get the artifact nice the cat fell the cat fell there’s still two in there I can break in this way we’re in we got the Gen now let’s

Get this last one I don’t even know what it is they’re cursing me we got it we got it we got it I should be able to use this there we go now everything should be poisoned I officially have all five artifacts meaning I should win but

Nothing happened I think I might have to place him down let’s get five artifact we got the mummy we got the bajed we got the genie lamp we got the emerald necklace and we got the cat oh The Mummy wins so wait are you guys just trapped

On those is that you good yeah I S I’m very frustrated well very frustrated uh you lost so take us out of the video goodbye subscribe

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a MUMMY in Minecraft


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    try hiding in your destroyed bases after the hunters attack also when you loot bastions grab the gold carrots because they are the best food for saturation in the game and there’s tons in bastions also if you need podzol you can grow 4 spruce saplings and it spawns podzol and what if instead of doing a montage or a cut you have the hunters explain how they are going to take you down and their progress and reactions to their base being blown to bits also proximity chat mod so you can over hear the hunters and the hunters actually have to stick together another thing if you get another ability like devastating blow use something hard to break like obsidian and at day 100 if you don’t win yet you don’t instantly lose but the hunters get extremely powerful so you still have a chance to win if you play your cards right and this is overtime this overtime only lasts 10 days so you got to be quick also try using other mods as well as your custom mods it would be much harder for you and the hunters could get better gear and so can you so it makes it more fair I came up with these ideas and wanted to share them with you and others

  2. You could do for the dog name Poppy, Sparky, Gracie, Zoe, Chops, Ive, Truman, Chester, Bailee, Poco, Rusty, Olive, or Freddy, choose the one you like best, they are all my pets names 🙂

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