I Upgraded Minecraft’s Most Nostalgic Maps!

I love Minecraft Nostalgia and nothing gives me more of it than playing these old Minecraft maps but sadly everyone stopped playing them so to change that I’m going to upgrade five of Minecraft’s most iconic maps and force my friends to play them starting with the temple of

Notch but before we upgrade it we should probably build the actual thing in our world and I think this is the perfect place for it this map is from 201 11 and of course it was built to honor the creator of Minecraft notch but when I finished building it I realized it kind

Of just Blends in with the mountain so to change that we need to collect all of the color dyes starting with yellow there we go there’s red there’s pink magenta blue ooh and this one is light gray now we can steal some cactus from here and smelt this to get some green

Dye then we can combine a bunch of the dyes to get orange purple and light blue now all we need is black dye gray dye and cyan dye finally we can turn all of these dyes into colored concrete powder duplicate it with this machine Boop and

Turn it all into concrete let’s go so the first thing we’re going to do is use black concrete to dye his beard black all right this is going to take a little while but hopefully it should look a lot better wait we should probably also do his eyebrows we’re kind of giving Notch

A bit of a makeover wait maybe we should give him a slit in his eyebrow wow okay and before we start going crazy with all the colors why don’t we use some white concrete and actually make his eyes look better oh my God that looks kind of creepy all right

And now let’s convert all of this Stone into all of the different colors in the game okay so first let’s lay out the pattern that we’re going to do it so we’ll do purple then magenta then we’ll go pink light gray then gray brown red orange yellow lime green light blue and

Dark blue this is going to look absolutely crazy if this creeper doesn’t blow it up first no please okay and then we’ll continue the pattern all the way across okay so I’ll start with all the purple bits and we’ll just do like a straight line down for each color to

Make sure we stay on the straight line yep I think that’s it ooh the mouth we can also add some white concrete for the teeth maybe just here yeah I think that looks good do you mind Mr skeleton I’m trying to build a purple Notch all right that’s purple

Done then there’s magenta done and there’s pink now let’s finish the other 11 colors and whilst I was finishing up with the rest of the colors it dawned on me that we only have 6 days left until my friends come over and try the maps so

We need to get onto the next map as soon as possible but before we move on to the next map all we’ve really done is transformed the look of it the real Temple of Notch is meant to judge you if it deemed you worthy it gave you a few

Diamonds and gold but if not you were slowly burned by lava oh no it’s crying now I want to recreate this judgment but with upgraded punishments and a way more valuable reward all right let’s quickly create a place where my friends will actually see the notch

Temple from all right I think this is a good location so we’ll put a nether portal over here okay that’s where they’ll come in then we’ll swap all of this for obsidian as well so they can’t escape make sure the roofs obsidian as well then to make it look sort of

Dangerous let’s do some black and yellow stripes I don’t know if that looks dangerous it just kind of looks like a bee okay now here let’s build some one-way piston doors so once they go through them they won’t be able to escape this should work yes and it closes behind

Perfect but now we need to cover this entire area with obsidian and whilst I’m doing it let me explain why you see instead of killing my friends with lava I’m going to make Notch shoot TNT out of his nose yeah it’s going to be a lot cooler but I didn’t want everything to

Blow up and that’s why we’ve got obsidian okay so the first thing we need to do is clear some space inside his nostril I think we’re going to have two TNT cannons maybe one for each nostril I think his nostrils might need to look slightly wider otherwise TNT is just

Going to hit there and blow up we need 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven dispensers on each side we’re going to have some water here and then a slab here now we can use gray blocks all the way here but redstone on top of all the dispensers and then some

Redstone repeaters on top of here we need to get the delay right and I don’t really know what to use this could go really badly I don’t know and now I think let’s just fill it all up with TNT and hope for the best all right please let this

Work it should fire it right onto that obsidian platform oh my God all right I think I finally done it if this blows up his face I might actually quit YouTube come on please work please don’t blow up come on yes that is perfect but it’ll be even

Better if we have a second TNT cannon please let this work yes it worked let’s go yeah this is definitely a lot cooler than some lava however one cool thing about the original map is that it’s controlled by all of this really complic ated Redstone

But in my version the fate of my friends is going to be left up to the wheel of chance and then whichever option the wheel of chance lands on I will click a button and make it happen but this method has one big problem I want the

Reward to drop on the player’s head and I need to control it from inside Notch’s head so we’ve got a lot of redstone in to do on I think this should connect but let’s see if it works yes but of course Redstone is not the valuable thing I was talking about

Instead I’m going to give them something a lot more valuable to me my one and only blue Axel this guy is so much rarer than diamonds so with this guy in place we can finally move on to redesigning our next map The Dropper this is a map

Where the objective is to drop and land in the water but each level gets harder and harder this was definitely one of the coolest looking Maps when I was growing up and I remember watching so many different YouTubers play it so we’re going to have to make our version look

Really cool to start I spent 5 hours building these tubes for each level of my dropper and I built level one out of stone because my idea for this one is going to be a city with a bunch of skyscrapers coming across that you have

To Dodge in order to get to the water okay so the first thing we’re going to need is a bunch of glass for the skyscraper Windows all right please let me have some glass oh yes all right now let’s get a bunch of these flowers and craft up some dye so

We can get loads of different colored windows we can get blue stain glass which my friends might confuse for water and then they will die now we’re also going to need blocks for the actual skyscrapers and I think iron will be a good choice for that all right the first

Thing I’m going to do is build a little skyscraper that just goes straight across the middle of it nice but that blue glass definitely looks like water so now to make this even harder we need to add another skyscraper going across this way we want to make sure it’s

Covering up all of the water all right let’s test it out with two skyscrapers it’s already quite hard to get in the hole oh my God we literally only just made it let’s add a bunch more skyscrapers I wonder if my friends are actually going to like these Maps I

Guess we’ll find out soon enough okay I think that’s enough I mean this is pretty hard yes and I’m thinking we’ll have a road going down the wall and maybe around the sides as well so let’s quickly just dig out out some space okay and now we’ll use some yellow and some

Black for the road yeah I think this effect and then maybe some sidewalks on the side will look even better all right now we can’t really have a road going through this Gap so I’m going to make the road go around the wall and then down there hopefully this

Actually looks good ooh yeah that’s actually working really well now we just need to go around all the other buildings cuz this one is in the way so I quickly finished off the road and added a few more finishing touches then level one of the dropper was complete

All right this is only level one and I already think this is quite hard let’s see if we can do it oh my God oh my God yes yeah there’s no way my friends are doing that first time I have had a fair amount of Practice but anyways level two is going to be much harder because it’s much bigger than the previous level and it’s also blue so the water will blend in with the blue blocks however right now it’s still pretty easy to get right so let’s get building a bunch of obstacles

And this level is going to be ocean themed the first thing I’m going to build is lots of coral reaching out into the middle of the dropper got to try our best to make this thing look like coral and if we have these on loads of different levels it’s going to be really

Hard to dodge them all right that’s all the yellow coral but it’s still looking a bit sparse so let’s add some different color colors like red coral and magenta Coral all right yeah that’s definitely looking a lot better but is it even possible let’s get both totems ready

Where is it water’s there come on yes that’s actually kind of fairly easy but I think I’ve got an idea to improve it and for it we’re going to need a bunch of wood collecting this wood is actually reminding me of the next map we’re going to build but

Obviously you’ll have to wait to find out what it is anyways I think we’ve got enough wood so let’s use it to craft craft a bunch of sticks and then craft a bunch of signs this won’t make sense to you now but trust me this is going to

Make this droper so much harder all right that’s one layer done there’s two layers and we’re officially out of signs yeah we need a lot more wood luckily for us this wood Farm might be the most overpowered one in the game and whilst the machine was running Gamers sent me a

Message it said that he’s going to be away on the day we were meant to be playing the finished Maps so we’re going to have to finish all of the maps one day early this is not good anyways let’s finish placing all of these signs it’s

Going to be a lot easier if we have some kind of framework to place the signs on we’re just going to break this afterwards so we need to make sure we don’t place the signs on it like that otherwise all the signs will be deleted all right now Full Speed Ahead placing

All of these signs no there’s mobs come on leave my signs alone are they any good at The Dropper nope they are bad and whilst I’m finishing off the rest of these signs let me tell you why we’re actually play to in them so my plan is to have a layer

Of water over this dropper so that it actually looks like an ocean So the plan is for this layer of water to sit on all of these signs and that way when players fall through it they will still take loads of full damage at the bottom now

For the moment of truth will the signs actually support the water please work please work yes and underneath is completely dry perfect but before we can test it actually works we need to fill the area up with water and remove all of this blue concrete we need to be very

Careful not to hit the signs that would mess up this entire thing oh my God I think I’ve made a mob spawner all right it’s finally done so that is two levels of the dropper complete and one to go but before we do it I need a little bit

Of a break from droppers so instead let’s fly into the sky and start building our next map the original Minecraft Sky Block I remember watching so many YouTubers play this and whilst I’m having fun playing Sky Block my idea to upgrade this map is to make it into a

Race I’ll build an identical Sky Block Island for each of my friends then we’ll have to use all the resources available and make a cobblestone generator to bridge our way over to the finish line and the first one there is of course the winner so let’s stop messing around here

And get to work and the first thing we need to do is build a nether portal up in the sky where we’re going to build the build asz otherwise my friends will have quite a hard time getting up there now let’s build a portal perfect

And now we need to get the stuff to build the actual islands all right so the islands are six across they’re just missing a chunk here and they’re three blocks deep so I reckon this should be enough grass and dirt now we just need to get the other miscellaneous things

That make up the Sky Block Island such as three Oak saplings ooh we can also use some of this wood to craft ourselves up three chests now I’m just going to steal these buckets because we now need three buckets of lava o o ice We need

Regular ice not packed ice I think this is yeah that’s packed ice ooh this is regular ice and now the last thing we need is the lava yes three buckets of this all right let’s build these things okay so we’ll start with the Middle Island and we’ll just do the basic

Outline of it all right that’s the shape now we need to somehow get beneath it and place all the other blocks so if we just fly come on no place too many blocks all right there’s got to be an easier way of doing this maybe if we just dig down a

Bit here and just build a little construction area all right yeah this is a lot Easier ah that is definitely not the right level all right there we go we have three identical Sky Block Islands now we just need to do the simple stuff like placing the trees and hopefully they grow up like normal trees and not some like massive weird one and now all of

The chests and we’ll have one ice and one lava bucket wait oh my God I put packed ice in this one that would have been so bad okay and whilst we’re waiting for the trees to grow let’s build out in this direction and go and build the Finish Line I want

This Finish Line to be far enough away that they can’t use the dirt blocks only and the wood to get to the Finish Line I really want them to have to use the cobblestone generator so it’s kind of like a test of efficiency and how well they manage their blocks I want the

Winner to receive something and that thing is going to be a bow with some Arrow so they’ll be able to shoot the other two when they’re bridging I have a good game plan for this one and I guess we’ll find out if it’s going to work in

3 days time that’s actually not a lot of time now all we need to do is get rid of all of this excess dirt and wait for this final tree to grow and whilst we’re waiting for the tree to grow the next map we’re building is TNT run TNT run is

A very popular mini game the idea is to run and jump on different blocks and hopefully not fall down and as you can see there’s TNT blocks underneath these blocks which is what makes the sand and gravel full as the game goes on you run

Out of blocks to stand on and it becomes a lot more tricky oh my God no no I guess we’ll have to try and win our TNT run all right so the main thing we need for TNT run is of course TNT and for this we’re going to need lots of

Gunpowder okay I think that’s all the gunpowder we’re going to need and we’re also going to need loads of sunand so let’s grab a little bit from here and then we can use this machine to duplicate all of the sand and now we can use this sand to craft up thousands of

TNT and I’m not over exaggerating when I say thousands because this thing is going to be massive okay I think two Shuler boxes should be enough oh my God we nearly lost one so to make sure our TNT run is as accurate as possible we

Need to make sure when the TNT Falls it falls into the void and the best way to do that is going to be to build it in the end so first up let’s just bridge out loads of blocks this way and now that we’re far enough away from our

Solar system system we can start placing all this TNT and whilst I was placing these thousands of blocks of TNT I was thinking about how I was going to upgrade this TNT run so that it’s different from all the other ones out there and after a while I had an idea

Instead of using sand and gravel as the gravity blocks we’re going to use different types of colored concrete powder and we’re going to do this in a very specific way so that it makes a picture you see using this tool we can generate pixel art for Minecraft so if

We have 40 blocks across which is how big our build is then for the picture we’ll go to my second channel here and we’re going to steal the logo we can then upload it then we need to choose the blocks that it’s allowed to use so none of those blocks none of those

Blocks and just select all of the different colored concrete powders and it has to be concrete powder because they’re gravity blocks and now if we click generate it should give us a plan for our build okay so we have all the resources from our duplicator now let’s

Get to building we’re going to start at the bottom with the big yellow bit this part should be easy it’s just a lot of blocks to place and uh we need to replace that bit of TNT okay now the only part left is my head this part’s going to be mainly

Black and white blocks I think wait have I messed up because I thought this should go here 1 2 3 4 five six it should be here instead and whilst I’m struggling to build its logo you guys should make sure subscribe to my second channel so you guys don’t miss out on

Lots of cool content like the full version of Gamers and guil trying out all of these maps and there we go my face is finally finished anyways as you can see when I’m working on it the TNT isn’t activating and it’s not falling like it’s meant to in TNT runs so to fix

This there is actually quite a simple solution all we do is take some Stone spread it like that and craft ourselves a pressure plate now it’s just a matter of placing this and not accidentally stepping on it like this oh my God it’s actually quite easy to fall I nearly

Died in the void the only thing I’m kind of worried about when I’m doing this is if it will actually look good with all the pressure plates on top of it and if you’ll still even be able to see that it’s my second Channel logo I guess

We’re about to find out and the answer is no not really it definitely doesn’t look as good as before but I think I might know a way to fix this so if we download this okay and then we grab this texture pack and put it in yes oh my God

It actually works but I now have 27 of nothing in my inventory but now building this thing so close to my solar system has given me an idea for level three of the dropper we’re going to make it space themed and it’s going to look really

Cool but we’re going to have to do it fast because we’ve now only got 2 days left until my friends try out the maps so the first thing I’m going to build is the planet Saturn and we’re going to have this in the middle so they’ll have

To jump through the Rings to drop down I kind of forgot how long building a planet takes okay that is the actual Planet finished now we need to build the rings around the side O Okay this looks kind of decent I feel like the Ring’s a

Bit small for the planet though if we extend it it’s going to be touching the walls but I kind of want the players to have to jump through the ring anyway so that should work and let’s just test it yes that works perfectly now underneath this I’m

Going to use a bunch of Netherrack and Stone to create an asteroid field this will be really hard for them to dodge but before we build it let’s get a few more planets all right let’s test this out with all of the planets added so you can

Still fall through in some places but most of the places are blocked by planets and you actually have to dodge them but to make this even harder let’s add an asteroid belt so for the asteroid belt we’re going to use a mixture of of stone and Netherrack and I just want to

Spread this out randomly so that if they’re not paying attention they should at least hit one of these blocks all right and now we can get rid of all of this dirt come on this is kind of like a parkour test o that actually might have given me an

Idea for the next map which is going to be the Hunger Games but before we upgrade that map we need to add a lot more asteroids because one layer is just too easy to dodge it’s starting to get a lot harder now but to continue that Trend we’re

Going to build a rocket going across down here this rocket is going to be very big compared to the planets we’re going to give it an exhaust here and then out of the exhaust we’re going to have some fire and we’ll do that with some different colored stained glass

That looks decent but maybe if we add some red glass as well yeah that looks a lot better but now it’s finally time to add the water that the players are going to fall into but of course this is the level three dropper so it’s meant to be

The hardest and to make finding this water a lot harder I’m going to change all of this floor into the Earth but only one of these ocean blocks is going to be replaced with water and it will be up to my friends to make sure they choose the right block otherwise they’re

Going to land on Blue concrete all right that is Earth complete where are we going to put our water though need to choose this spot carefully to make it really hard so we’ll have blue concrete underneath to make it even harder let see and then just some water like that all right but

Is this even possible there’s only one way to find out we’ve got this many tries I literally can’t see anything because of the Saturn all right here we go first try ow oh my god oh no ow ow all right this one’s the one it definitely wasn’t the one oh ow

Oh so close so yeah I made it a bit too hard maybe if we extend this now it should be a little bit more possible for my friends and speaking of our friends we’ve only got one day left until they come to try out the maps which means we

Need to build the final map the survival games which of course was based on the popular Film SL book The Hunger Games so for my version I’m going to take that literally and make my players fight on food so Center where the players are going to spawn is going to be a golden

Apple now I want to create loads of islands surrounding it made out of every single food item in the game so that this is the true Hunger Games and whilst I’m designing it here are a few more facts about the survival games it’s definitely one of Minecraft’s most

Popular maps and it was so popular it spawned multiple different versions of the map you might recognize this one from vickar 123’s Hunger Game videos also it was one of the first Battle Royale games meaning it inspired H1Z1 pubg and eventually fortnite so if you like fortnite you basically have the

Survival games to thank anyways 4 hours later and that is all the food built now I’m going to place loot chests all around the map we’ll try and hide them as best we can but some of them will just have to be obvious also for my version of The Hunger Games I’m not

Going to have any chests in the middle because we are playing over the void so fists can be pretty deadly Plus I don’t want all my friends to die straight away because this is quite a small map I’m also going to include three overpowered items that will be spread across the map

The first special item is going to be an ender pearl the next special item is a bow and Five Arrows this is going to be very overpowered and I can only think of one counter to it which brings me to special item number three a shield this

In combination with an axe will be very deadly and hopefully none of my friends use this against me I’ve tried my best to spread out the special items all the way across the map so that way everyone has a chance of getting one okay so there’s going to be three of us playing

The map so let’s try and get three holes going to try and spread them out sort of evenly then we’ll cover these bits in glass like this oh my God this is bringing back memories now we’re going to need a piston here and then a gold

Block on top of here okay now I want these Pistons to be controlled by this lever this should work yes right so we’ll be in here all stuck and then I’ll press the button and we can run escape and go loot up the chests and try and kill each other so

Finally all the maps have been upgraded and it’s very nearly time for my friends to play them but first we need to upload my world to my wise hosting server so that my friends can join and we can play online if you want to get your own

Server you can use my link in the description for 25% off and now that my world’s on the server will the maps make them feel nostalgic and most importantly will it make them want to play the original Maps it’s time to find out also to make things interesting the winner

From each map gets $100 welcome to the temple of notch oh oh my God it’s got little nostrils Notch will now decide your fate oh Notch has spoken is he going to sneeze on me or something uh no that’s survivable isn’t it ah no you have been executed by notch wish

Me luck Gamers all right welcome to the temple of notch let’s see what he says no he’s not very happy no so nobody won any money in the first one but that will change in the second map The Dropper Welcome to The Dropper can I can I go yep oh wait oh Good

[Laughter] Start oh no there’s glass yes maybe I’m underwater yes he made it yeah no okay you’re going to die instantly on this one I hope Not oh okay you oh who’s going to do it me oh we Ved it the exact same time oh no it’s all up to the final one who’s going to win the $100 ow that was good this one’s like a million times harder than the other ones it is very hard I did it one time in practice once are you crazy no what if just none of it water what if the real challenge is the fact that there isn’t actually a place to

Land let me drop the mighty drop find the water oh no go no it’s so close Yes he’s won $100 so Gil is now $100 richer as we move on to the next map Sky Block and 3 2 1 go we’re racing first one there wins $100 you made this what you mean it’s Sky Block um what I what do I do thinking of yeah

So am I I’m underthinking everything so there that and then that yes how’s Mr guil I’ve only just been out to make a cobblestone generator so it’s not looking good this is basically just a game of efficiency are you he made an obsidian oh my god well you basically lost unless

You want to make a tree farm how far is that I looks quite far I’m going I’m also going no are you speed bridging I’m too scared to speed bridge I thought you weren’t going to think of the slabs oh no we’re so close well I think you might

Have won I don’t know how far it is I can’t look I don’t want to stop and look back and lose time no no no no no no no yes no oh my god let’s go thankfully because I won that one I didn’t have to give away any money hopefully I could win

Again in the next map TNT run I’ll do a countdown 321 and then we all have to jump on Last One Alive wins all right 3 2 1 go no oh game is one maybe maybe we could do another go all right round two this is the last

Round of TNT runs so don’t try not to die straight away 3 2 1 go no how how it’s game is still alive how have I got a better connection to your server than you I don’t really know what happened with that but the final redesign map is The Hunger Games

All right the final map is The Hunger Games follow me boys we’ll do this last one for $200 yeah we’ll do with the last one for $200 ooh okay three 2 1 go I’m going an axe leather boots wow that’s amazing okay what’s this oh yes that’s

Really good IR chest plate I’ve got nothing good so far oh gold chest plate it’s kind of a bit unfair because I know where the good stuff is but yeah why are you playing oh no he’s got Shield oh no I think you guys have got everything no no no I think I remember what Gamers just got what I didn’t know nothing he’s got a bow AR no let’s team let’s team no well you can’t actually games but how about we’ll just take $6

Each yeah I just $60 from myself no no l down no how is there a hole there he’s going to win the $200 come On no what uh oh my god did you just waste all your arrows no I’ve got loads of them left wait wait wait Gamers hit me out heit me out $100 each that is not allowed oh come on no more deals ow what yes Gil is the winner and I used the

Wrong ax I had a gold one so some of the maps worked really well and some of them not so much but at the end of the day we all had fun playing the games and really that’s what Minecraft maps are all about if you want to see the full video of me

And my friends trying out these Maps then you can watch it on my second Channel or watch one of these videos next I think I like the left one the best no actually probably the right one H they’re both good watch both bye

I Redesigned the Most Nostalgic Maps in all of Minecraft!
Including the Temple of Notch, The Dropper, Skyblock, TNT Run and The Survival Games!

This minecraft hardcore episode was really fun to make! Let me know if you have any other hardcore mineacraft ideas you want me to try!

Watch the full version of us playing the maps here: @LockDownClips

✅ Host A Server https://wisehosting.com/LDL – Use code “LOCKDOWN” to get 25% off!

✳️ Watch from the start! ✳️

Shoutout to @GamerZyt and @Guilf for trying out the maps! 🙂



🐥 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LockDownLife

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__lockdownlife__

🟣 Discord server (I’m active): https://discord.gg/wZz7av6Yv8

🔴 My second channel: @lockdownclips


This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by aCookieGod, Sandiction and Wadzee. This Minecraft Hardcore series is full of Minecraft challenges and sometimes I will make a Hardcore Minecraft Full Movie. This is similar to 100 days but better 😎

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft


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