Minecraft, But there’s PRIME Hearts…

Prime has stolen my hearts to create the most powerful energy drinks what no if they get away I am never getting my hearts back I can’t let them create more flavors or this will be an absolute disaster who knows what they’re going to do hold up do you guys

See that at the tops of the trees is that what I think it is holy mother of prime what is that thing some sort of giant vending machine that must be where the prime bottles were made and they’re wrecking havoc on the world that must be where they come from and now they’re

Heading back we can’t let them get in there we need to stop them come on come on they’re just disappearing there must be something behind those banners we can get there and we’re going to reach them we can do this come on once we have more flavors we’ll be impossible to feed

Prime will rule the world I’ve got to stop them I can’t let them take over but before I could get in I was ambushed what in the meme is this hey yo your giant fist ain’t scaring me ow ow ow ow Prime is not not supposed to do

That brother you are just an energy drink each different flavor of prime has used one of my hearts to gain powerful new abilities oh that was way too close if this thing even tickles my toes I am going to instantly die look at my health nonexistence they took my hearts bro how

Am I going to take this thing down it is so beefy 50 Hearts that’s not a lot right is it no am I kidding that is so many hearts bro I don’t even have a weapon we’re just going to have to go in and slowly punch it one by one all right

And in we go it’s distracted This is Our Moment This is Our Moment hit him once hit him twice hit him three times oh yes yes yes yes nothing you can do now brother wait what what do you see his Hearts they haven’t even changed he’s

Still on 50 my fist is so puny and weak it doesn’t even affect him is it because it’s liquid no what do I do how do you get rid of liquid how do you bring down its Hearts wait a minute I have the perfect idea it targets wherever I’m

Going there’s a lava pool right there if we can bait him into the lava he’ll attack the lava and burn himself to death okay we only get one shot at this or he’s going to hit us here guyses nothing run run run around the other

Side oh come here y Prime I’m over here get down get down get down oh yes it worked okay stay here and he bur himself to a Cris bro now that is big brain and what is that is this one of my hearts tropical punch heart we did it every

Time I kill a prime flavor I get their heart and eating it gives me their items and Powers tropical punch oh that makes so much more sense why he had an absolutely giant fist man he was punching like crazy and now I’m Smasher oh yeah now

I’ve got his fist too baby my arm do be looking kind of thick though up into the gym I got that arm Riz oh yeah primate stand a chance against the power of my armr I’m coming for you boys wait where are we holy moly it looked big on the outside

But this thing is absolutely massive dude look at all these moving Parts what kind of operation is happening in there wait who’s that that’s lemon line prime target AC quiet boy we taking you out we just got to find a way to get up there you don’t stand a chance against my

Lemonade what does that mean hold is that the thing it’s like spitting down on us before bro your spit is so slow you ain’t even reaching me you can’t even touch us oh my wait did that just oh oh no it’s rising it just killed all the villagers that’s poisonous the lemon

Line Prime is poisonous that’s what he’s talking about we’re done for we’re done for what do we do what do we how do we get up there okay manbe we can parkour no we can’t parkour up there this fist is useless it can only attack things oh

No no no no no we have to get out of here huh what I don’t know what’s happening I’m just clicking I’m just clicking bro the fist is so powerful it can literally launch me when I attack it oh he’s shooting speed at me come on

Quick punch oh that was so close we almost fell to our Doom okay we’ve got to just keep punching to keep ourselves up and then we can take out lemon lime Prime we got to get back here yes yes yes oh wait we got to dodge a spin quick

Get a taste of your own medicine boy down the pp lemon lime you go we did it this is Hard give it to me baby is this thing going to poison me like the rest of it a I really hope not you goes nothing what is this sour PUK I don’t know if I should be eating this but my curiosity gets the better we have to try it out oh

My I’m so lucky I wasn’t standing there bro that thing literally makes me puke out toxic waste that just melted through those those blocks that’s crazy but still super awesome and wait do we also get this Prime sticker two out of seven did we have this from

Before or did we get both two then I don’t know guys rewind and check for me but it says I need seven but however I have 10 Hearts why is this different what will seven Prime stickers give me guess there’s only one way to find out

We need to get back the rest of our hearts and there is ice pop Prime and look at this little beauty sucker got no help this is going to be too easy get ready to be tropical punched baby I punch what the what the no no no no no

What I can’t even get to it bro I’m literally trying to punch it right now it moves so quick what I can’t I actually can’t dude it’s zipping around like crazy bro got the ice skates what are those brother I actually can’t ra him he moves too quick maybe we can use

The sour puke come on come on come on come on we’re coming for you baby oh my gosh he moved out of the way and we got to face it towards the ground come on come on oh my what the wait what is that hold up what is this turns down ice pop

Was standing directly above a giant trash can look like some sort of landfill out here wait if we can get him to fall down there oh yes oh yes hey Ice PP come here we just need him to get into the middle this is it this is it

Come on come on come on P it down oh I almost fell I almost fell we got to be way more careful about that come on just over here oh no no no no no he’s almost theread we just got to get him in what an idiot we got him down and

Baby we now have the ice pop heart get into my belly oh yeah what item do we have now the ice spear this thing looks epic Justice is best serve cold so freeze them using the spear this is great now those Prime bottles can’t run away from me like that little tippy toes

And he what figure skating I danc and Companions and I just realized we now have the third prime sticker getting a few Hearts back won’t change anything my Army will be ready soon and my new flavors will have even more powerful abilities what this room is completely

Closed how can this Allin wi Prime see me huh if Prime created an army of Youth flavors we wouldn’t be able to keep up and it would be impossible to defeat them we have to start moving faster and I’m pretty certain yep that next exit is literally behind the giant death F all

Right we’ll just start moving faster later because the only way we’re getting through that is slow it’s steady I’m literally shaking y’all come on the minute it goes through there we have to time this so perfectly and now we almost got chopped into a million pieces and who’s up next for us blue

Raspberry Prime bro looks like he’s got the ey stream blue which you guys can get down below or at e stream. holy he’s shooting at me already guys we got to get the merch to show him that there can only be one true e stream blew out out

Here we need to kill this imposter I’m coming for you ow what the no no no no no that thing literally zaps you to a PP oh my gosh there’s electricity wires all over here nobody has ever gotten passed oh well you don’t know who you’re messing with you’re messing with the Y

Who’s about to get more merch sales than you got Prime sales boo um well that’s a big claim but I actually don’t know how we’re going to get past all of these electric wires maybe we can use these blue things that’s firing at me against it somehow but what even are these I

Don’t understand we just need to try and grab one wait why is my screen spinning no no no no no no no why am I nauseous am I having some kind of allergic reaction what this is supposed to be a projectile wait it’s not just anything this is the blue raspberry flavor it’s

Shooting blue raspberries at me and the last time I checked those are not naturally spawning in real life of course I’m allergic to them so if it’s shooting things at me and we got wines then all hope is lost there is no way I can get past this unless hold up do you

Think I could freeze the raspberries in midair wait if we get that right right there bang oh guys we have figured it out and then we can Parkour part our way towards blue eyes Prime oh boy you ain’t doing nothing on me all right come on let’s

Jump up there and then o we got to dodge them while hitting them hit it you’re making things too easy for me Mr blue raspberry come on we need to get one on the ground here yes all right we got one now we can jump over to this

Platform here all right and oh that was so close bring me back this spe grab it grab it grab it come on yes now we just need to start making our way up to his platform come on we’re building a staircase out here baby come on let’s go let’s go we need

To literally preempt when he’s about to shoot them here oh yes we did it we did it oh he’s coming down you want to fight me now boy yeah let’s see you get stuck in there freeze to death baby hit him with the prime smash oh yeah we got it we got

It the blue Rasberry heart finally what do we get the blue raspberry gun okay now that is a serious weapon that can literally shoot the toxic raspberries at 10 times the speed that man is good oh yeah do you reckon the prime also will get allergic reaction or

Something much worse we can find out by getting out of here just as long as I don’t get electrocuted on the way and wait I just realized we are now more than halfway to our seven Prime stickers I don’t know what they’re going to do

But we got to find Dam now route to vending machine head office that sounds serious seriously serious and probably where we can find being boss made Prime who’s been threatening me this whole time that one in woo almost just fell off wait this is the dead end

Unless what is this some sort of conveyor belt system bro this looks like the manufacturing process for Prime there’s a mine cart right here oh they really need to update this security around here cuz killing big Bross Prime is going to be like taking a piece of Prime from a baby we’re getting

In you but what are they building this Army for I don’t know and we’re going to find out who we have here wait this boy is fresh me get him wait what where did these guys come from oh no he’s burning me up quick freeze him oh no no okay at

Least I’m not burning wait he just placed blocks in front of me we need to move we need to move can we hit this button wo we’re on the rail with him there I almost died to those blocks this is bad this is bad what are we going to

Do oh no no no no no no no wait he just moved why oh he put blocks in front of our rail again we need to move as well hit the button wait we’re got to try out this BB gun wait I think that made him

Blind we can make this guy blind and then he’ll shoot blocks into himself quick get off this rail get off this rail oh yes please work what a boat we got ourselves the globber heart now we just got to deal with this guy he’s getting closer he’s

Getting closer what do we do what do we do I don’t know do we switch off the rail oh no no he’s going to fire us again we just got to keep him blind oh no no no no quick move off this one okay we’re back onto this rail I don’t know

What to do about this guy hold up we move on to him at the last minute there are blocks on the way there but we move back and then punch him the prime Smasher okay this is our opportunity at the very last minute come on come on

Come on he’s getting closer jump to his rail take that buddy boy we got ourselves the glowry heart and the orange heart and we made it to the end yes all right let’s see what we got out here new ability unlocked wait so not an item how am I supposed

To check it out baby I got the fiery butt bro Prime gives you gas that’s all I’m saying out here so if anyone chases me again this fire is going to come handy make sure they don’t get anywhere near my booty hole all right and we got

The glow Berry Hut which gives us glow Berry glasses much drip very cool I I don’t understand how you’re supposed to use these what was that dude it like it just fires like these little lasers I don’t know how this will be useful but I’m assuming this gives me some sort of

Vision into the prime World once I find a prime they’re not going to get away and wait we only need one more sticker now this is it but what even is this place bro and what hold up am I supposed to be in outer space these are literally

Meteors flying through the sky what’s that planet at the bottom is that the moon hold up there’s a prime down there I know who’s sleeping it’s metam Moon Prime this all makes so much sense but even if if I jump I’m going to die to fall damage how am I supposed to get

Down and what is this ugly looking thing wait do not overheat else gravity equals Moon wait the moon has very little gravity I’ll be like a feather falling through the air this would be perfect can I just turn it off wait it says don’t overheat luckily my butt cheeks uh

They’ve been in a little bit too much Taco Bell get overheated bab oh it blew up it exploded run run run check it out oh I’ve got the anti-gravity baby boy metam Moon I’m coming for you boy I don’t think you will oh I think I

Will baby what are you going to do to stop me wait what are those what are those dude sending Moon spikes at me oh my gosh oh no no no no dodge dodge dodge dodge this is a dropper on crazy levels out that definitely hurt oh we got to

Keep dodging got to keep dodging get it down here go go go go go all right hit him with the spike I missed I missed I missed no no no no no no no come on and get him blind he’s blind he won’t be able to shoot at us now now you’re

Frozen what are you going to do even the moon has ice baby and you’re inside of it wait he’s still alive why am I floating again wait he just flipped my gravity upside down bro how am I going to attack this all right we need to

Freeze him again hold him there that way he can’t get me and yes we’re heading back down to the ground the minute he gets out of that come on hit him bom take that metam Moon I’m the real king of this Moon baby I look so dope with

These glasses I just want to put that out there right now guys comment down below are the glasses better or the ey merch we all know the real answer it’s the ey merch all right let’s eat this up baby jump jump jump jump new item unlocked what do we got gravity reversed

Trident what do you think this does hold up he was able to reverse my gravity made me go upside down now we can do the exact same thing no Prime stands a chance against me now baby wait speaking of that we now have all seven Prime stickers what do

You think they’re going to do are they even doing anything now wait they just disappeared what I clicked them and they disappeared wa I didn’t have this before do we trade the stickers for a baby Prime what is this oh my Gosh it’s so cute I just want to throw it up into my little arms and cuddle it all day long look at this thing it’s so cute why is it on fire I don’t know but it’s so cute and it even follows me around look as long as it doesn’t die it

Doesn’t matter it’s it’s alive all right look I’m getting distracted we need to get to to the all-in-one Prime and what is this bro is this the prime Army that the all-in-one Prime was planning to create wait baby Prime said the real ones are hiding in thereare what what

Does that mean I don’t understand how am I supposed to find these real Prime bottles who stole my hearts in between all of these other fakey primes who are made for the Army especially with all of them moving I mean what is this Mars Prime Among Us Prime these aren’t even

Real flavors bro they are the imposters they sussy bu I don’t know what I’m going to do how do I see wait a minute I have an item that can literally see do you think these glasses could help me find the real one let’s see oh little Prime you thought you

Could hide from me well you come boy I got the serious Vision we’re going to take him down all right wait I see the feet that’s great Prime oh let’s fight boy come on let’s tussle a little bit you want to go wait that didn’t kill him

Wait no what is going on he stuck me in some sort of like Vines bro okay as long as we’re down here he’s going to keep sticking me with these bloing Vines y’all we need to get him out of here somehow he’s in the mangle of it all

Wait I know if we can hit him with the anti-gravity Trident we can lift into the room and separate our victim all right we only get one shot of this if we hit the wrong one it’s all over he’s hiding behind that corner come on come

On come on hit him yes he’s going up baby and now we need to hit ourselves throw it out come back to me and throw me off oh yeah great Prime I’m coming up you’re ready to go you can’t do nothing with your Vines up here wam get

Destroyed and now we got ourselves the grape heart what do we got here chump chump chump CHP chump how how do I get down from here I I have not thought that far ahead but that’s okay we now have a mind controller this is genius this is

So good you telling me that I might be able to get all of these Prime to control my mind wait baby Prime is like Yay you make me feel safe you know what don’t stress baby Prime I’m about to save your life and get my heart back in the process that’s

Totally not the real reason I’m doing this Honestly though he’s pretty cute he’s worth doing it for so this mind controller we need to actually locate where our next prime bottle is so let’s Chuck on our glasses here wait that’s strawberry watermelon Prime that thing is crazy it’s got 100

Health how am I supposed to defeat it it is absolutely huge unless that’s what I can use the Mind controller Force cuz it took me to gra first and then to Strawberry watermelon I mean look at it it’s two joined by like some giant straws all right here goes nothing

Activate the Mind controller hey no way dude this is absolutely insane I don’t even have to do anything they’re destroying him look at him get absolutely waged yo yo yo yo yo yo yo we’re going to follow the fight we going to the follow fight I think he’s already dead I

Think he’s already dead we got the Hut right here I can’t believe how easy that was we barely even had to try and now we can eat our watermelon heart we only need one more heart to go and that must be the big boss Prime heart look at that

Guys we’re almost filled up to the Max and we just got the lover’s heart what is this even used for I don’t understand it’s oh my gosh it’s beating e do you know what to do with the baby Prime wait baby Prime just took it and what did it

Give me in return Prime outfit recently enhanced can I wear this no way I’m literally my own custom Prime and it has the ey wave bro we got the wave Prime out here in the city and All That Remains is the all-in-one Prime and that door was definitely not open

Before I don’t know what to expect but I have my weapons at the ready we’re about to find out here goes nothing and what in the world bro is literally a rainbow but he’s not even attacking me you killed my friends wait he just murdered baby Prime you’re going to regret that

Wa what is he doing what is he doing no no he’s making me anti-grab too oh no and he revers my controls backwards is forwards and forwards is backwards how am I going to do this okay we got to Blind him first I can’t fire straight

Come on yep we got him in hit him with the ice he literally just melted the ice instantly he’s got the raspberry toxic Prime as well this is so difficult come on AIM at him oh yes we hit you with the anti-gravity what are you going to do

About it you’re stuck permanently upside down bro you’re not going to you’re laugh at me you’re the upside down no no I am too no no no I’m literally on the ceiling oh oh ow ow I can’t beat him on my own he has too much health he’s

Literally still 150 okay mind control mind control help me out boys come on guys I need your help let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s take him down yes come on in get him oh they’re going they’re going for him but they’re getting attacked as well come on they’re

Doing damage they’re doing damage now we can go in with the ultimate punch is he still on about me killing his friend are you talking about my Prime bottles now oh we got him we did it no and now where’s the final heart is it in there

It is come on give it to us why is it still laughing at me we have the final all-in-one heart it’s beautiful it’s so pretty wait guys why is everything shaking hold up no no no no no no no is the vending machine collapsing wait I

Killed the main Prime of course it is what are we going to do we need to run we need to get out of here thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to share just click the join button below

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You won’t BELIEVE these POWER PRIME HEARTS Drink Game Hearts! Will I Get all the FLAVORS and ENERGY Back?!

Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶

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You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)
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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. get rickrolled
    We're no strangers to love
    You know the rules and so do I (do I)
    A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
    You wouldn't get this from any other guy
    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
    Gotta make you understand
    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
    We've known each other for so long
    Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
    Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
    We know the game and we're gonna play it
    And if you ask me how I'm feeling
    Don't tell me you're too blind to see
    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
    We've known each other for so long
    Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
    Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
    We know the game and we're gonna play it
    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
    Gotta make you understand
    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

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