Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W05A | Vault Block – How It Works!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft update video for Minecraft 1.2.5 this is Snapshot 24 w5a and we’re going to jump Straight Ahead into the experimental features of 1.21 as a new block has been introduced to the game it is known as The Vault

Block and it is the block that the trial key unlocks one thing that you might notice about this is that it’s had its texture updated yes that’s right the bluish tint has been removed removed and this new coloring kind of reminds me of the new tough blocks now some of you

Will already know what this block does because moyang have dished out the details already and of course we covered it in a video here on this channel but of course I will bring you up to speed this is a block that is found inside of the trial chamber and it is a solution

To having loot shared among multiple players now if you missed it do not worry because I’ll give you the brief recap this is a block found inside of the trial Chambers and it’s intended to be a solution for loot that can be distributed among multiple players so

Here it is the Vault block and you’ll find this where you used to find placeholder chest so one of the problems with this is that all of the best loot tends to get naed up by the first player to arrive at the chest and nothing is left for future players that Venture

Into the trial chamber so with the new trial spawner blocks we can earn trial Keys over and over again by re-entering the trial chamber and taking on the challenge that they provide if you conquer them you can earn a trial key and if you find a vault block this can

Be used once per player to activate this thing and then get some loot from it so now that I’ve activated this Vault block when we go over to it again you’ll see unfortunately nothing happens but if another player were to come along look at that it opens up for them and then

They can go ahead and get some loot so where can we find these Vault blocks inside the trial Chambers as well the very first room the entrance room of the tree you can actually find one up the top here and in general most rooms that have spawners also have at least one or

Two of these and the way that you can tell them apart not only by the different texture is that the blocks that surround it are regular copper blocks so for example in this layout we have three spawners and there’s two Vault blocks in this room here there’s

Also just three spawners and two volt blocks and I have managed to find a room that didn’t have any Vault blocks at all although this was the only one in this structure it just had two spawners and this room where I first did some testing actually has more Vault blocks than it

Does spawners anyway it’s fair to say that these things are fairly common and frequent and you should find a bunch of them in a trial chamber now as you saw a moment ago this thing lights up when you approach it it has a range for detecting

The player of four blocks to light up so if I Edge forward here eventually we hit that range and it’s slightly longer for when backing away so you can actually take half a block back and it will still stay open if you go any further then it

Shuts off now as you know it’ll only do this if it finds a player it hasn’t yet rewarded so I’m going to go ahead and give it a key and then I’m going to back away and when I return to pick up my loot you can see it’s not activating

Again so when we bring my other account on you’ll see that it’ll activate for it if I am then the one that tries to use the key on it nope you can’t do that only the player that hasn’t used it before can activate it and as you’ll see here when I grab

The data of the block it actually keeps track of which players it has rewarded and when you place one of these down in creative mode it will have all the default values of a regular one so with that we can simulate getting loot out of this thing and I’d like to point out

That when you look into the block you can actually see some of the loot that you’re going to get spinning around but the dealio is that all of this is temporary anyway let’s see what the animation is like cuz I believe this experience isn’t it’ll pop a few of

Those items out on top view which is really satisfying and this was some testing that I did earlier you can get between two and six items in total and of course some of those items are emeralds and even diamonds but as it says here on the website this loot table

Is temporary and will be completely revised as development continues so I figured it was worth showing what this is like in its current state just so that you can leave some feedback about this and share your thoughts and opinions on what the current loot is as

They are going to be changing it now the block has one other property that is really understated it has a particle effect that sort of goes towards the block from where the player is right it goes to the mouth of the block if I go

Into F5 and zoom in on the edit you can probably see a few of these particle effects that they’re very subtle and I kind of feel like maybe they should make them a little more obvious now you can’t break this block and pick it up in

Survival but you can break it it will take a ridiculously long time I appreciate the idea that you might want to remove one of these in your world but I do think they could speed this up just a little bit I mean even 15 seconds is

Kind of obnoxious and you can see so far we made no progress whatsoever and as you might suspect the block is also immovable and it’s also indestructible as you can see now the technical details of this block are listed on the website and one thing you can do is actually

Give it a custom loot table as well as changing its activation range and deactivation range you can also Define which item in the game actually opens this block up and you can even override the items that appear visually inside of the block so for custom map makers you could have something entirely different

On the Block than the reward now my personal opinion on this block is that it’s really well implemented I love the design the way you interact with it and the loop pops out above it the one issue I have is that I feel this is is addressing a universal problem but only

Applying it in the trial Chambers there are of course other structures in this game that have loot some less desirable than others but this could have been universally applied to these locations too then when you discover a woodland Mansion or a jungle temple off in the distance you can go there knowing that

There’ll be some loot for you although obtaining the keys to unlock those Vault blocks I’m not quite sure how that would work anyways I think this would be really cool if it could be retroactively applied to some of Minecraft’s older structures so that’s all of the 1.21

Changes in this snapshot we’re now going to move to the 1. 120.5 stuff and a little reminder if you’re not subscribed to the channel and you want to stay informed about Minecraft’s development then hit that button down below okay so we recently saw the introduction of a new compression algorithm for how the

Game stores chunks inside of region files in this week’s snapshot there’s now an option not to compress the data at all so no compression or alternatively compression id1 127 will allow you to implement your own type of compression for region files potions have been modified so that default

Potions no longer store their MPT data on the item so is only when the defaults are changed by a custom potion that it will actually attach that data to the potion and the armor Slots of entities have been unified for example the llama and the horse previously had their own

Armor slots it is all listed here on the website and it’s called body armor item and they’ve introduced a new body item drop chance so this means the entities with this armor slot now have a drop chance built into it too and the last of the technical changes is with the

Resource pack a lot of stuff here related to shaders some under the hood stuff that goes way over my head I have no idea what they mean or why these changes are being undertaken but hopefully they’ll lead to some more support and better features for shaders

In the future future but as of right now that is it for this week’s snapshot if you enjoyed it leave a like thanks as always for supporting the channel and this weekend Saturday the 3D hermitcraft season 10 begins you didn’t hear it here first because we’ve all been talking

About it on Twitter already anyways put that one in your calendar thanks for watching and I’ll see you soon bye-bye

Minecraft 1.20.5 Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W05A for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds the Vault Block for Minecraft 1.21. In this snapshot video we look at all the details about the Vault Block and the loot it drops.

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0:00 New Trial Key
0:53 Brief Recap
1:56 Locating The Vault Block
2:48 Activating a Vault Block
3:41 Vault Block Loot
4:37 Other Properties
5:49 My Opinion
6:32 Compression Algorithms
7:08 Potions & Armor Slots
7:42 Shaders
7:59 Special Announcement?

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. There are two new members being added to the server. I know this because there are two silhouette on the ends of the Hermitcraft logo on their main page.

  2. Basically said this on the official video: put it in all structures, make dungeon-spawned mobs have low chance of a key as well, in order to help off-set rarity of trial chambers. Possibly even something like… first to spawn will for-sure drop it or something.

  3. I don't really like the idea of being able to grind keys and then go to many vaults and get a bunch of stuff. I think that the keys should have NBT data or something that restricts them to a single trial chamber. Maybe there would be a crafting recipe to make a universal trial key using at least one key.

  4. It should be that trial keys have an NBT value that changes the loot table depending on the "level" (loot table is better for some keys, depending on where you got the key from, than others)

  5. If I’ve collected the loot from all the vaults in this chamber, I now have to go to another chamber to get stuff from other vaults. There needs to be a cool down timer, maybe 20 minutes.

    I like the animation of stuff popping out, but I need the loot to come to me, and not the nearby loot goblin

  6. I do like how the vault blocks let multiple players loot the same structure
    My main problem is that this feature only applies to multi-player worlds
    So t would be nice to see a way for single player worlds either be able to get loot more then once or be able to break it faster after they have looted it. They feel designed for multi-player and kinda ignored single player

  7. It's a shame there's no way to get the vault in survival, because you could make a pretty cool door that only opens for players that interacted with it

  8. I feel like something that would be cool to do with the vault blocks is in the trial chambers, for each different type of fight, have it relate to a different existing structure and give a different key as a reward for winning that would unlock a vault block in that existing structure. For example, husks give a Desert Temple Vault Key which can unlock a desert temple vault block. Zombies give a dungeon vault key. Nether Skeletons give a nether fortress vault key, etc. That way, you end up having a reason to both go back to trial chambers to farm for keys and a reason to visit other structures for unique or different loot. Of course, keep the regular existing loot in the old structures but just add a vault block somewhere in there. Thoughts?

  9. Okay, so, people are discussing the idea of ghese things having a unique item just for them.
    So let's think through this.

    Imagine there is a new very cool item, a "Bingus"

    So how would this work? There are like ~10 Vaults in a Trial Chamber, but each can only be looted once by a player. So there are three general options:

    A) a Bingus is guaranteed from every Vault. (Kinda making them too common)

    B) a Bingus has a chance to be dropped (meaning, you could loot the entire thing and not get one)

    So I think the best idea is to have a random Bingus chance, but ALSO a guarantee.

    For example

    C) You are guaranteed a Bingus on your very first opened Vault and then have a chance to get more

    D) You are guaranteed a Bingus every 10 opened Vaults
    (Encourages finding more Trial Chambers, or fully clearing the one you did find)
    (Minecraft already keeps track of this kinda stuff in Statistics)

    So yeah, that's my idea

  10. I don't like how you can destroy them. This defeats the purpose of the sharing system it brings, some people will just presume it has been looted for good and will be a useless block in the future so they mine them out expecting xp or just cause why not, preventing future players to obtain their loot…

  11. It's hard to put this in to words , but it feels like it is breaking the 4th wall to me? this feature is sort of unique in that it doesn't follow a storyline, it sort of panders to the player directly. loot in chests makes sense – whoever built the structure left things behind. but this trial chamber stuff is focused and designed for the players, not the story, as if the structures were built with the player in mind. why does killing mobs allow you to get a key? why not have locked chests? where is the loot coming from? all these questions are resolved by the fact that this isn't in the world for the world building, it's in the game to give loot to players. Which is fine, it's just sorta funky story-wise and feels like a mildly dissonant chord in the otherwise harmonious tune of the game.

  12. Actually kind of thinking that it would be interesting for players in worlds that do events, or even literally madness like Decked Out, if a player createable version existed that included player made keys, do you could load in an item, and set it to only dispense one, or more as an option, item when inserting its related key – or even set it to accept a specific item (like a compass for example).

    Heck, might be interesting if there was redstone interaction too. Can think of several possibilities, but probably the most useful wpuld be allowing a redstone signal to "reset" it, so it forgets which players have used it, and possibly generate a signal through one side, to detect that it has been opened by someone.

  13. I think the vault needs a first use table and returning use table so they can be reusable but still encourage finding new ones. If they aren't reusable we will end up with an excess of keys.

  14. Hear me out, why not make it breakable, maybe with silk touch or something, and you can take it home, put up to 6 different items into it and have a key attached to your player and you need that key to open it. So like a vanilla locked chest.

  15. I think they missed an opportunity to make it a UI based thing rather than spawning items. Down the line, they could have added a super rare drop that would allow you to modify shulkers to be color-coded independent Ender Chests.

  16. I really hope they don't replace chests in older structures. If these are how things work with later new structures that's fine, but none of the previous structures, short of maybe simple dungeons, have the kind of mob generation needed for vault keys. You'd have to revisit not just chest vs vault, but trap vs mob and therefore redesign each structure. We've already seen what an oversized update does to the community. Additionally, it would erase the simplicity of some of those older structures.

  17. it should recharge the loot every couple days, so you can repeat it, it makes no sense to have a single use dungeon with all of that trouble with loot

  18. This reminds me of a mod that allows loot chests in the world to be looted by multiple players without having to share or find a loot chest empty because someone else raided it already.

  19. Really hope they will introduce this vault in more structures, either existing ones, or future ones, as the loot problem they mention is a thing yes. Many structures can benefit from it but since you need the trial key it's also interresting as you have to loot a trial chamber before. But you do get alot of keys tho

  20. As it develops, i think they should have the chests should work a but differently, figure first time you do it you get more rewards, but after that youll still get rewards, but instead of lets say 5-8 items the first time, subsequent times should be 1-3 items.

    As far as loot table goes, do think they should also add unique items more than just something like a new armor trim. "Trial" named gear of different materials would help with replayability as some people would be interested in getting a full set of each type. Maybe a new weapon or 2 that have unique mechanics with them, like a flail where right click would have the player start spinning it and the first mob that hits it gets lets say 10 damage done to it while active, or a saber that has a little more range than the sword, but is also a little slower to swing each time, a halberd/spear would be interesting as well, would basically be a different trudent varient with its own enchantment table, so while it wouldnt be as good for elytra, it could be more useful for lets say when you're riding a mob that had a saddle/carpet equipped to it.

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