100 Players Simulate a MEDIEVAL PURGE in Minecraft…

Imagine spawning into a medieval Minecraft server with deadly players giant kingdoms and custom medieval weapons well today I invited 100 players to my Minecraft server and gave them one week to grind gear and form alliances in their goal to be the last Kingdom alive when The Purge begins removing all rules

On this server and as I spawned in with only one life I immediately gathered wood for some basic tools then spotted a giant wheat farm in the distance so made my way over and grabbed a bunch of food hoping to find some helpful loot nearby

There is so much food this is going this is like enough food for the whole event but this Farm wasn’t as peaceful as I thought oh oh my God what the hell yo no no no no no no no no no no no why what is these things okay

Let me make some bread and heal up real quick what are these and why are they so quick okay there is another one over there I want to try and get over to that Barn because I feel like that’s my best chance of getting some actual loot from

This thing and despite being almost killed by these mobs I knew this Barn would likely contain some valuable items so made my way over let’s see if I can get over towards this Barn okay stay away from me okay one at a time they’re manageable there we

Go oh that one’s got a sword oh there’s so many of them okay no I got to get out of here I have to get out of here so as I knew going inside of this bar would be far too dangerous without any armor I quickly escaped from the Hostile Mobs

Chasing me and Dove underground hoping to find some iron all right there’s a giant cave here I’m just going to go straight down and after cleaning out this entire Cave of iron I had more than enough to make some armor so crafted a furnace and cooked it up all right so

Let’s make a chest plate no way wait can I even make can I make boots no I literally can’t even make iron armor as when players first joined This Server we were assigned one of five roles which included farmer Fisher weaponsmith Miner and blacksmith which gave players the ability to craft

Iron and diamond armor as well as upgrade diamond armor to netherite but I was given the miner roll which had a chance of gaining extra ores when mining and were the only players with the ability to mine diamond ore meaning I was completely unable to make armor no

Way damn okay right that’s fine that’s fine I’m just going to have to hold on to all of this iron then until I find a blacksmith I then continued searching these caves hoping to find some diamonds but as I made my way deeper into this cave I spotted an aim Underground

Oh hello yo yo yo how did you get armor I’m a blacksmith you are yeah ooh wait can you craft me some armor yeah yeah give me your iron wait you’re not going to steal it though are you I’m not going to steal it I don’t I have no need to

Steal it why would I steal it look at me okay full iron I mean yeah true true all right oh this is perfect it is wait are you on your own teammates I was just yeah yeah are you on your own yeah I am perfect yeah I’m down to team up bro I

Was I literally tried to craft iron a second ago and it was like nuh-uh not not today I was like God damn this is perfect so was this player was a blacksmith he crafted me a full set of iron armor and agreed to team up

As we formed Kingdom 10 as we both knew we needed each other if we wanted to make progress in this event have you um have you seen any other players i’ liter I’ve been I got attacked I went to this huge Farm got attacked by some crazy villagers and then Dove underground I

Not really had chance to see anyone yet yeah the closest thing I I’ve seen to people are sheep so oh damn you yeah it’s rough out there then it’s rough out there yeah we then continued searching these caves for diamonds or a m shaft grabbing a bunch of ores along the way

And eventually ended up finding something much more valuable yo ancient city an ancient city yeah there’s one over there oh okay we should be careful I’ve seen people dying in chat despite players having already died to ancient cities we knew we couldn’t turn down this opportunity as it could contain some extremely valuable

Items inside so we carefully made our way over okay I don’t see any players in there I think we should go to this chest first it looks safe uhoh okay I got Pro three legs Pro three legs jeez nice okay that’s huge just go go fast go fast jump jump jump

Oh it’s all dark again uh I got a mending ho we have one more strike we have one more strike be extremely careful all right right right okay I can’t see anything where’s the next chest I saw some diamonds over that way there might be a chest over in that

Location wait if you want to go this way wait uh I can clutch a bucket down here I missed the bucket but it’s okay oh there is a chest there’s a chest right here yeah is there any shers though I don’t care oh there’s Diamond here as

Well there’s a diamond do not be Reckless all right all right should I open the chest get the chest yeah two got apples two got apples two God apples two God apples for me yeah I got two oh my God in the same chest yeah holy Jesus

Okay we should definitely go to the first structure when it opens up then because I mean we’re kind of set we can we can Munch those and pretty much take anyone down right now yeah with two God apples already in our possession we still had almost the entire ancient city

To explore so after sharing out the apples we continued searching for chests oh wait yeah we didn’t get that chest did we that has three skull shers right next to it okay is there a chest on this oh there is yeah let me grab this one we get that though all

Right you want to break that okay Sher uh fun either way I was going to break it oh there’s carpet here it’s all right oh go go go go go um okay gra there’s nothing good nothing good run where should we go which way I’ll follow you with one Warden already spawned we

Quickly escaped into a nearby cave and waited for the warden to despawn before going back inside right there’s also a chest there I could run for this one and just try and grab it quickly for it no I’m going down look you just got to get down safely death

Strier Swift death strier I mean oh oh I’ll take that for sure oh there’s diamonds here oh so tempting this is safe as well right yeah it’s safe hell yeah oh this this is a big vein this is nice vein oh it’s still going no it’s like a

Double bin probably hell yeah how many diamonds am I on now 21 oh that’s beautiful oh chest beautiful and no shers oh another just a oh I guess disc fragment but it’s kind of pointless I think that building over there is the last one all

Right oh there is a chest here as well oh and it’s safe yes let’s go God damn nothing it’s not safe it wasn’t safe yeah let’s go this way it’s okay nothing spawned never mind nothing spawned nothing spawned yeah nothing spawned right just grab this chest quick quick quick quick oh no

Oh no oh no I fell lava oh uh just run run run run run run run run now there’s some good stuff in here though run run run right yeah yeah go go go go go what was good what was good what was good uh nothing another chest here oh

There’s two come in here we’ll see we’ll just speed it’s not safe but we just speedrun it we’ve already spawned one all right you get the left one I’ll get the right all right oh my God prop four Unbreaking three mending leggings nice okay right there was one

More building to the left there I think then I think that’s all all right oh this one is a booby trap it’s fine three I I got this three two one all right nothing good nothing good run run run run this way this way this

Way was it was it worth it yeah it was it was that was what we call a successful trip right there now with this entire ancient city looted we were able to escape into a nearby cave with two God apples several diamond armor pieces and Enchanted bogs which would be

Extremely valuable in this event as enchantment tables were blocked meaning the only way players would be able to get enchants would be by purchasing them at cornicopia with kill tokens or by looting the dangerous structures all over the map that contained enchanted books inside but with PVP being enabled

At these structures entering them would be extremely dangerous and as we finally made our way to the surface with full inventories the first structure of this event was about to unlock oh ruined castles around the map have been unlocked minus 622 450 minus 3 we are actually pretty close to that second one

If you want to go yeah let’s definitely go it’s um straight this way and a little bit probably is on there since they it probably is knowing this could contain some extremely valuable loot we quickly made our way over hoping to arrive first yes very close should oh

There is yeah yeah there there there there there okay small it’s yeah small pretty small and as we got closer we quickly realized we had been beaten to the prize oh there’s there’s a person right there are they on their own oh there’s two there’s two wait wait wait wait wait

Should we jump them yeah I think snip void oh that’s there’s more oh wa I know these guys I know I know these guys as well all these people up top as well it turned out one of these players was actually someone that I had teamed up

With in a previous event and knowing that some larger kingdoms had already started to rise on This Server we knew gaining some extra teammates would definitely be a good choice yo yo yo yo yo yo yo how’s it going how’s it going yo Nick we meet again hello are you guys

Peaceful we are we’re peaceful I guess we could yeah I guess we could say that I’m not I’m not I’m not of and that guy up there that’s on team 36 is he is he with you guys no he’s not with us I wouldn’t mind

Uh teaming up with you guys maybe yeah I I mind so after agreeing to team up Nick and sniper both joined our kingdom but we still weren’t alone as other players were still lurking nearby hey be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful demetrian se’s on his

Own maybe hey hey wait wait wait Nick Nick Nick come down here oh down if we hide in the basement a team might might come here and try and um you’ve been in the Bas wa have you been in here yeah what is this no we

Haven’t we just got here oh there’s gold hella gold right grab the gold grab the gold grab the gold watch out for traps watch for traps I think if we crouch in here if teams are going to be coming here we might be able to jump them yeah

Let’s just like hide in the corners like right here wait who’s got the iron bars wait someone yes those back four I got them yeah yeah pop pop those back so as we repaired the basement to make it look untouched we stayed hidden hoping to jump any players that came down which

Luckily wouldn’t take long as players from all over the map were finally starting to arrive at this Castle do you guys need gabs have six yes wait shh wait there’s people oh wait wait CR CR come back come back come back and as more players started to arrive we

Quickly became outnumbered that’s a big team by the way guys I’m looking on Tab I can already see five of their players and they weren’t the only players nearby yeah that’s more teams showing up we need to be very careful wait I’m going to I’m going to start working on a

Little Escape tunnel in case we need it yeah just be quiet though team three is is that three yeah there there’s only two of them I see right just be be quiet so as I started working on an escape tunnel I broke through into a cave as the rest of

The team stayed dead silent in the treasure room but we quickly realized we hadn’t been sneaky enough cuz he under here yo I know you can hear me right now you little rats I know they’re listening right now you can be quiet all you want

But I know you’re down there and as we realized our cover had been blown more players started to arrive putting us at a huge disadvantage I know you can hear me right now yeah sword you’re kind of bad yo together everyone stick together everyone stick together together STI

Together fck up entrance he’s just going to run away okay okay okay guys list he’s just going to run if we go that way everyone get down there everyone get down there everyone everyone get down everyone get down stoping everyone get down here as their whole team entered the basement of

This Castle we had no choice but to run run run run run run run run we can’t take this we can’t take this just keep running go through the cave get him boys get him boys go go go go go go go oh my God we should be safe here we should be

Safe we should be safe yeah just keep going this way oh m m all right just keep going keep going keep going oh no we get comos com let’s go let’s go yeah there’s loads of cobwebs here yeah I’m we’re so lucky we made that tunnel yeah good good thinking on

That so is we escaped into a nearby cave and back into the safe Zone the players in Kingdom 3 stayed back and looted the rest of the castle that was a big team I I thought I didn’t realize how much or how many of them they had until the rest

Showed up I expected it was like two to three dude I didn’t expect there to be an entire Army of people I we that plan would have worked if they didn’t have so many people didn’t have yeah te we were heavily outnumbered there yeah um Nick

Nick you are what role I am a farmer so I can craft C okay nice sniper you are a I’m a a miner oh okay we got two miners one blacksmith and one farmer right that’s not bad it’s not bad that’s like kind of every but we still don’t have a

Weapon Smith okay right I say what we do is we take as many cobwebs from this place as we can and then I reckon we try and set up a base all right yeah that works we then grabbed as many cobwebs as we could find in this m shaft and made

Our way back to the surface hoping to find a location to set up camp Oh there’s a uh a massive Tower over there okay this has to be looted yeah the door’s open there’s going to be nothing in here oh there’s a huge castle over there that’s also got a load of blocks

Around it yeah this thing is oh some poisonous potatoes lovely and after realizing this Tower was looted we continued our journey here we go woo hell yeah we then made our way all the way across the map looking for a place to set up and eventually found the

Perfect Hill what about we could set up here in the side of this hill this looks all right what do you think that’s yeah that lookss like a good idea then as always we got to work building a classic sword 4,000 Mountain Base This Time Medieval themed with a farm chest area

And of course a trap but as we finished building it seemed like other kingdoms on the server had been working on different projects as a few players stumbled across our base and it was announced that the first legendary weapon of this event had already been crafted oh halbert’s already been

Crafted this weapon gave players the ability to Lunge forward and attack players in combat making it extremely helpful when chasing players down but as almost all of the rest of the Legendary Weapons required netherite in their recipe we knew we still had a chance of obtaining them as the nether was

Currently closed I mean everything else kind of requires netherite so see you see you guys later everything else requires netherite so we shouldn’t really be in a rush SC we should yeah we should try and get in a rush to get in the nether because if we can get the

Scythe that is arguably the most OP one there yeah as when used in combat this Scythe steals Health from your opponents allowing you to use their own health against them it’s really op and the Warhammer as well another great weapon you can like smash the ground around

Your enemies and it like deals a load of damage vs both of these weapons required netherite in their recipe they were currently unobtainable do you guys want to give me your diamonds so I can make diamond armor I have yeah sure all right who wants what well I just gave you 26

Diamonds just putting that out there I I I’ll take anything so I should probably get a good CH here thank you snipers void I’ll make you boots I can’t I’ll make myself full full diamond who have thought make myself boots we’re going to go in a circle all right so as Pierce

Used his blacksmith role to craft a few pieces of diamond armor Nick took advantage of his farmer role and crafted a bunch of golden apples for our team as farmers were the only players with the ability to craft golden apples as well as being the only players with the

Ability to craft God apples which would definitely be useful later on but as we had currently run out of apples and still had a bunch of excess gold we made a short drip to the bushes outside and started trying to gather some extra apples actually see we need

Oak leaves right uh these are oak leaves perfect I should have made a hole oh oh I had wait I’ve got one of those somewhere wait I’ll be back in a second okay things are going quite well at the moment we got a little team coming along

We got a really nice base I actually really like how it turned out and we’ve got all but one roll we need to find at some point a weapon Smith and maybe do a trade to get some diamond weapons cuz it would be definitely very helpful I then

Grabbed my enchanted diamond hoe and started Gathering a bunch of apples whilst PA and Nick explored a little bit further and managed to find a locked structure we found like a custom structure that we can’t go into yet wait what yeah come here is it far no it’s

Right here it’s like a m Shaft or something oh okay oh that could be it’s like right next to us yeah that’s not far if that gets announced it’s actually going to be super easy for us to get over here right just keep an eye out and

Chat them for that to open up if that that might have a load of diamonds in it that will pretty much help us finish off our sets yeah and it’ll probably be a PVP spot so if we can get in there first and get low down we might be able to

Jump players that go in like we tried at the other one I’m confident about that I think it’ll work so after breaking a bunch more leaves I was able to grab a load of apples okay 12 apples is going to be more than enough uh we we don’t

Even have enough gold for it so I mean I may as well just take these home now and try my best to I don’t know I I might actually dive underground and try and finish off my roll because we don’t currently have a weapon Smith and if I

Complete my quests I can just unlock the weapon Smith rle myself so I may have forgot to mention this but each role on the server was linked with a set of quests that players could complete allowing them to unlock another role which for the miner role meant I had to

Mine three stacks of coal two stacks of iron and gold a stack of diamonds half a stack of lapis and Redstone and 16 emeralds which definitely would not be easy all right boys we badly need a weapon Smith so I think I’m just going to go on ground and try and quickly

Complete my quests so I can just unlock weapon Smith but finishing off my quest was about to be much easier than expected as it was announced that mine shafts all over the map had been unlocked giving players access to Giant Caverns filled with ores oh let’s go let’s go oh that’s

Yeah that was literally right there that’s next to us yeah let’s go I might be able to finish off my M stuff down there then but with PVP being enabled inside of these caves we’d have to be careful right just watch out because obviously if it’s one way in one way out

We might we might need another tunnel to get out if if things get rough we’re going to have to make another tunnel and as we made our way over towards the mine we spotted a familiar player who had managed to arrive here just before us is

Here oh wait is he on his own no not yo yo yo yo what’s good yo you peaceful yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s just me it’s just me luckily this was also another player that I had teamed up with in my previous video so we agreed to

Form an alliance and continued making our way over towards the mine hoping no one else beat us to it right be careful be careful oh there’s so many ores grab all these grab all these I don’t have a oh I just I literally just completed the

Task I just completed the iron one all right I think we got to go deeper for the good ones check the barrels barrels are empty oh there’s so many ores though but despite no hostile players being here yet this cave contained custom skeleton miners that would definitely

Slow down our progress oh my God I need quite a lot of coal a lot of coal what is it oh it’s a skeleton it’s like a skon watch out arm there’s quite a few yeah yeah yeah there’s a skeleton Spa might do big damage they might do big

Damage wait there’s people down here no our teammate oh no that’s ours mind I do not want to fight these what the MS yeah what what oh there’s so much gold hold up someone keep an eye on the door in case players show up wait nap are you on

Your own yo yeah yeah wait do you want to join us yeah I mean if you got sweat spot um weapon Smith weapon Smith oh perfect that’s exactly what we need okay many di oh this is perfect so as NAB joined our kingdom we now had all of

The roles we needed to make progress in this event and with a bunch of ores throughout this cave we knew getting in and out of this place with everything would be huge for our team how many Diamonds oh there’s so many diamonds diamonds yeah I got five oh wait there’s

Right here grab yeah there’s somewh up on the wall here as well wait there’s more right here oh I’m getting bonuses as well oh this is perfect oh this is so perfect oh we should probably make an exit as well yeah check that M shaft if

Players come in we might be able to escape through it and making an exit was about to be extremely important as other teams were starting to arrive at the entrance to the cave oh oh guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys massive team upstairs massive team

Upstairs and as these players above spotted us down below they charge straight down into the cave hoping to take advantage of the PVP Zone there’s people there’s people oh okay watch out oh they’ve got totems they’ve got totems careful care no he’s in lava I’m

Good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good don’t worry don’t worry back up back up back up back up back up back up oh no here got a water bucket somewhere there we go oh he po the tot already nice great work great work with one of these players

Already down the rest of this group tried their best to escape from the caves wait should we should we focus them they’re just going to go to the safe Zone should we focus on the diamonds yeah yeah yeah go back go back go back go back go back yo these things

Have got knocked back what the hell oh my God I bro what is this what is this skeleton hold up I’m I’m getting beat up who got the kill token uh I got I got three what I picked up three they must have already killed some players oh my

God okay so was these players escaped back to safety we focused on mining all of the remaining diamonds right there any more oh there’s some more diamonds over there how many I’m on 47 diamonds I’m at 32 oh my God this was massive oh I’m one Diamond away from finishing the

Diamond one here take this take this no no I need to I need to break an all need to oh oh just go I should get it from these ones over here there we go I finished the diamond one perfect right I’ve got 55 diamonds three kill tokens nice oh Jesus wait

Wait is it worth trying to get that gold or should we go through this m might get the gold let’s go up let’s go up the M shaft though we could get another God apple bit of the M we got two y me and sword of two what what do you mean we

Found two in one chest at an ancient city in one chest in a singular chest well Pier supposedly I think Pierce was cheating personally but Pierce has got game mode I didn’t actually see the him in the chest he just said he found two and I was like

Okay I believe it we then grabbed as much of the remaining gold as possible but once again we were interrupted no you got Mech crou the skeleton does not want to crouch oh my God bro leave me alone wait is that all one team that’s no that’s two teams that’s three three oh

My let’s go go further down further down it’ll be harder for them to escape if we’re further down don’t don’t un sh hoping that these players that had just arrived at the mines hadn’t spotted us yet we snug deeper into the caves and hidden the walls waiting to finally

Launch a surprise attack revolutionary Army this is our Glory our path to Freedom we’ve lost over 70% of our entire fighting force but it’s okay because we do not perish in this cave oh my God there’s such a honestly I don’t care get him get him get him get him get

Him get him get him get him sword oh my God he popped the totem he popped the totem nice good work good work good work good work great jump don’t let stuff burn don’t let your stuff burn no no no don’t let him go in the lava oh my

God oh my God the kill him out of the lava G come on he’s so low no I’m going no oh I got the kill Tok I got the kill token I got the kill token nice nice good job nice nice is that all of them uh the rest the

Rest that works so well with two more kills secured the rest of this group escaped from the mines back into safety great work guys great work yeah bro I was in the lava how how many Kill tokens do you have I’ve got five now wait do we

Want to stay here and maybe try it again or do we want to go back I think we leave go in like 5 minutes yeah yeah let’s get out of here let’s get out of here that was great work oh my God that worked so well that was incredible okay

Right let’s um oh my God he’s got so many skeletons on him yo Nick you good let’s get out of here let’s get out of here so after taking down the skeletons we made the journey from the mines back home but had some guests waiting for us

When we arrived what what if you guys been up to all right so basically s just grouped up we teamed up I don’t like that trident pointed right in my face we teamed up we we found this like castle like over that way that’s currently where we’re like settled at

And we made a trap blocks away we want to team up if that’s okay we have two good roast uh a farmer and a fisherman I’m the I I got the r okay I think for now it’s probably best if we just set up a little truce if you want

To show us where you live that’s fine I just got to drop a few I’m not going to you said you made a trap I’ll look at it from theide however at least then we know if you guys need us at some point then we can come and

Help or you guys know where we live if we need you you can come and help we just form a little Alliance yeah and I build a nice little C pretty nice nice big and homy you know built it actually all from scratch far how many blocks like 300 maybe 4 around all

Right um if you guys wait make a team so we can know what team you guys are on yeah so as these three players formed Kingdom 38 we had formed our first Alliance okay right let me drop a few things off and then I’ll come check out

Your base all right sounds good sounds good let’s make our armor the diamonds that we got Pi then quickly crafted us all of our remaining armor pieces and nap was finally able to upgrade all of our weapons as he was a weapon Smith which also gave him permission to craft

The warrior sword which was an extremely expensive enchanting diamond sword no I’ve got it okay perfect oh my God that looks sick oh y i just supplied these diamonds I’m the minor of the team come on Cheers for the supplies guys cheers for the suppes thank

You ah get away back here all right all right all right all right have you got enough so I can also grab one of these bad boys got 23 spare diamonds which person I think you can you can make another one of those and two diamond

Swords for these guys oh this is so sick oh oh my God now with our armor and weapons upgraded the players we had met a few moments ago were still waiting outside to take us to their Castle but before we left we held a team meeting okay uh come over to the farm

Yeah uh they shouldn’t be able to hear us I am not going to go in their Castle wait who’s coming with me to their Base by the way oh I’ll come with you yeah oh okay then I’ll gu I’ll stay here okay um let’s not go in because they did say

They’ve got a trap and obviously they’re not on our team and I really trust it um but I mean they seem fairly chill so with a plan in mind we left Nick in charge of the base and met back up with the players outside hey guys we’re ready

We’re ready to come visit ready all right all right will you startop pointing that rding at me Pierce I’m don’t try don’t try anything funky CS I’m looking at you I’m not I’m not I’m not I promise I’ll hit all three of you well we’ll following you to this So-Cal

Castle so let’s see what you’ve got dude my castle is awesome you guys are just going to be a big by how well this Castle is we then made the short journey across the mountains and found out the castle actually existed oh oh yeah who’s hitting now huh that’s definitely

Bel okay okay all right and as we got closer to the castle we got to see the Trap that they said they had made okay you know for a trap you’re supposed to like put something that can fall over it right oh really no right but that’s

That’s where we came to a Hal cuz we don’t have that yet it’s a work in progress all right so this is not exactly cover this is what sin’s kingdom the kingdom what happened to pluss yeah that is it on the okay all right well

Like so okay well okay you wer he wasn’t on when I built this Castle oh oh you did some off camera building I I actually did so was this Castle was quite clearly real we agreed to form the alliance with these players and then then moved along and made our way over

Towards cornicopia hoping to spend our kill tokens I’ve got five so obviously we want to keep what is it two for the weapons just in case we get the chance so I’ve got three to spend I think probably just best bet is maybe like one

Sharp so I can upgrade this to a sharp two and yeah maybe what else uh some prop box I mean throw it on throw it on some armor pieces and after making the long journey across the map we finally arrived oh here we go this it right oh yeah PVP is enabled it

Just come up in chat so be careful oh God if you see anyone shout please oh scream no we’re good we’ve killed everyone we’ve come in contact with pretty much so was a couple more people oh play play play play we got this Shh go go

Go wait these are the guys that we earlier in the mine remember looky out it out go Ronin be careful assistance please me with a yes no no help help help help help you got dog kill dog oh they’ve all got totems boys you might have to run gr G no no no no no yes yes he’s go come here Piers no no no no help help help help

Help H oh do be careful he’s alone he his well team left him so sad y yo okay don’t going they’re going there all right all right uhoh uhoh yes use your webs use your webs yeah they’ve all got totems boys it might it might not be worth staying here

This is a losing fight we already got one one okay one Z just take oh yeah think BS the players from Kingdom 27 also realized this was a pointless fight they escaped from cornicopia back into the safe Zone wait dog went that way dog went that way I’ve got the six

Token should I try and spend them real quick yeah let’s try to find a good villager right what’s these guys Unbreaking and protection okay um take Pro take pro pro ones or twos uh I don’t know how many do you have how many Kill token they’re just on

The outside they’re just on the out on get Pro ones yeah I got prop ones I’ll get one more prop one and then back they’re coming back back okay okay okay I got five prop ones we need to find the sharpness one try and find the sharpness guy real quick yeah

One sharp book and then we can get out feather falling sharpness perfect right should we go let’s go yeah yeah leave leave leave well they rinsed me with like 10 gaps I had like three of them creting me out at least we got one of them they’ve grown their team though

They’ve definitely increased their team size damn they were tanky though they weren’t doing that much damage I think they had iron weapons I heard them say uh I know Arrow’s got a special one yeah he’s got the uh the warrior dagger yeah which is Diamond not good no yeah right

Let’s just get the hell out of here yeah so with an inventory full of box we made our way across the map and back home yo Nick how was it we fought those players again wait actually yeah team which one 27 we got another kill yeah they’re

Going to be mad though wait wait what happened wait how do you guys kill we killed one of them we went to cornicopia but pvp’s on there and they were camping I think just waiting for we got books we got books we got a load of books um

Right I’m going to pop uh sharpness on my sword to make this sharp too oh it’s only one level as well incredible okay I have 20 g i what what have you been up to bro I’ve been crafting them but you guys like immediately did oh okay fair

Fair okay so I’m going to put protection on my helmet and my chest plate and then you guys can have this three other prop books that you guys can kind of share out hand them over prop one helmet prop one chest oh yes nice so what weapons

Are we going to try to go for tomorrow when the nether opens up I think we have to go for this oh I spent the kill token it’s fine it’s fine the nether we’ll definitely get get some kills on the nether we’re going to have to get some

In there or else we can’t make that okay right we got The Notches though we got The Notches yeah that is one of the yeah don’t we still have the Two Notch apples which is huge as I had accidentally spent the kill tokens we plan to use for

The recipe of the Legendary Weapons this meant we would need kills in the nether but as it started getting late in the day sniper and Pace both headed off so to make the most of the remaining Time online me nap and Nick spent the rest of

The day trying to finish off our rolls all right I think for the remainder of today I’m going to dive underground with this minus pickaxe that I just got from someone’s body I don’t even know where I got this from and try and finish off my

Roll I need I’ve done the iron I’ve almost done the gold I’ve done the all I need to do really is the copper the coal oh I need to get emeralds as well where the hell am I going to find emeralds Mountain surface I think I saw an

Emerald above surface right oh right okay perfect so with no time to waste I dove underground and quickly completed the coal Redstone gold and copper quests meaning all that remained was the emeralds yo Nick yo no emeralds I’ve got everything but the emeralds man I can’t

Find any I’ve seen some emeralds like on top of the mountain and really yeah I mean I’ve seen one I don’t know I don’t exactly remember what it was but I do remember there was anald oh right here yeah hold up I’m blind and after searching the mountains nearby it turned out the

Emerald task was not going to be as hard as I originally thought as I mined 16 emeralds fairly quickly completing my quest unlocking a roll token that could be spent unlocking any of the other four roles but one thing I didn’t mention was that there were two rolls that were only

Obtainable with roll tokens and those were the warrior and Archer roll which each gave 20% increased damage with either melee weapons or bows I kind of feel like worry is the best choice we’ve already got every single role we need for our team and war is going to help a

Bunch tomorrow when the nether opens up so I think that’s probably the smartest choice right now bingo so now my minor role has been reset which means if I want to unlock another role I’ve got to go mining and grab all of that stuff again which I

Don’t think I’m going to do I’m I’m going to be honest I don’t think I’m going to do it however now I have the warrior roll active which means I deal 20% extra damage when in combat so with the sharp two Warrior sword I feel like I’m I’m actually going to be pretty

Strong compared to some of these other players so when the nether opens up tomorrow I kind of want to go into a fight and see if we can use that extra 20% to our advantage now is the rest of the team headed off to bed I joined Them so as day two started and players logged back online it was announced that the nether would be opening in roughly 30 minutes giving us enough time to try and locate a structure containing some Gunpowder as we needed it for the TNT required for the Warhammer okay don’t

Use all the iron cuz we need the iron I’m just going to go out real quick and see if I can find a structure with some uh gunpowder P you want to come with all right yeah I will we then traveled south and quickly located a giant Camp guarded

By a bunch of pillagers oh there’s hay bals oh there’s pillagers there’s pillagers W oh they might not be looted hold up they’re tanky as well how is this thing not damn let me check these barrels ooh okay there’s carrots and potatoes so there might be gunpowder come on

Potatoes more potatoes Vindicator vator Vindicator oh my God yeah hold up hold up wo w w w w w w got okay there’s a load of food in here so there might still be some loot in these tents let me check these out this is a really weird tent oh

There’s such good stuff there’s a goat one oh my God okay slime balls I guess we could use those if we need a trap at some point watch out watch out watch out watch out oh no these imp pillages are winding me up right I’m going to check

This other tent one sec let’s see what we can come on some oh Vindicator in here oh dead right I’m cobwebbing the door um ah no gunpowder uh sharpness two book okay that’s massive right check oh there’s there’s quite a few tents up oh there’s so many pillagers um give me

Those blocks wait is there any chests in this one oh this one’s tiny oh why is there so many that’s a great question no gunpowder still you a bunch of fans waiting outside right okay I’m blocking up the door while I loot it all right you good out there yeah my armor is

Going to die though yeah I got you don’t wor okay are they all they’re all done you get any gunpowder no I mean my inventory is pretty much full now we may as well make our way back and see if we can find any other structures on the way

There yeah so with no gunpowder we continued searching but after finding no more nearby structures we made it back home hey guys yo all right we didn’t get any more gunpowder but we got we got some oh oh oh you’re looking at the arrows we ran into a few

Pillagers the pillagers dealt a little bit of damage but we got pulled up to the base like a porcupine that’s crazy I got a protection two book if someone wants it oh yes please I then further upgraded my weapon and then quickly organized my invent ventory preparing

For the nether to open which wouldn’t take long you a diamond pickaxe for the debris I I’ve got a diamond are you going you’re going to go for the debris right sniper sniper is Miner yeah yeah but you guys can both mine debris if you

Want to go down for it all right sure why not okay someone take that I’ll make an iron one true right I’ve got a bed uh I can make some extra bread as well make sure you got plenty of food I have plenty of yeah I have a stack and 15 of

Bread and then I have some gold okay perfect oh there we go there we go there we go um let’s make the portal do it here do it here we then quickly built the portal frame knowing countless other teams would be rushing into The Nether searching for the debris and blaze rods

Needed for the Legendary Weapons right let’s go let’s go all right be careful remember pvp’s on in here we need to be ready to fight at all times uh sniper you two going to go straight down all right yeah perfect right let’s see if we

Can see if we can get out of this uh what why level are we at 117 I think we got to go down a bit yeah we got to go down so was Nick and sniper mine down hoping to find some ancient debris me peerce and nap started searching for a

Nether fortress oh here we go here we go here we go the forest um right I’m going to clut a web oh thanks for pushing me down well it it worked it worked just cuz I’m insane at the game yeah and after traveling a super short distance we spotted something in the distance

There’s a load of blocks over here wait is that a fortress wait yeah there people yeah there’s people there there’s people there okay right do we want to push them cuz we need a kill token let’s look at their gear first oh here oh I’m getting shot I’m getting shot I’m getting shot

Watch out that boded three hearts oh yeah yeah damage all right what’s the play What’s the play do we push them or no let’s let’s see if we can go to the left of them and get in the in the Fortress there’s probably they’re probably going to be in here so just be

Careful bro they got the luckiest portal spawn ever oh my God yeah right next to it we then entered the Fortress and as we knew other teams would be lurking nearby we had to be extremely careful oh this is huge there’s got to be a p uh a

Spawner in here but after searching almost the entire Fortress without finding a spawner we spotted another group of players team five oh that’s that’s Luke this group of players were much bigger than us and we’re also going for the legend AR weapons but as we still

Needed a kill token for the recipe we would have to try and pick off one of these players right we might be a to jump him if it in these tunnel yeah there’s so many of them what are we doing we only need one wait wait wait there sword right

Here right here right here oh [ __ ] okay I’m here fighting okay no no no he’s here there’s another team there’s another team oh is there we need to try and distract them another big team we need to try and split them up cuz there’s so many BS these players were

Distracted by another group this gave us the perfect opportunity to third party their fight they’re fighting Ohid try knock him off I got a punch B I got a punch B I’m going to try and knock him Off fire lit up can’t let them we can’t let them die though that’s the issue we can weaken their numbers though they also have bows they also have bows oh I hit one off I hit one off wait what I hit one off I’ve got punched two on my

Bow I knocked them down oh my God hug hug huge we can take them come on guys they’re pushing they’re pushing they’re pushing they’re pushing as the rest of their teammates continue to Bow us a few of their strongest players pushed forwards where are you guys I’m dying

I’m dying help him I’m dying bur I’m burning I’m burning block the lava oh watch out I’ve trapped him I’ve trapped him get him get him they can’t come oh they’re coming they’re coming this is chaos that’s no go go down go down Focus now Focus now no no no they

Got the kill token they got the kill token oh no we we they got enchant oh no no they got so many web just get out get out and as it seemed all hoping this fight was lost nap did something that would change CH the course of this battle Forever oh oh my God yes look at all the loot oh my god oh wait wait wait wait let them run let them run holy [ __ ] you got you got you got so many 47 power five bow power five b we got the bow we got the bow oh my I got sharp

Three diamond two kill tokens that’s crazy there’s so much Loot and as we continued looting the rest of these players escaped from The Fortress who placed that was it them it was me oh my god oh we’re rich okay there’s a prop one Diamond Helmet there if anyone needs it wait

Wait ree we just wiped their entire team no no no some of them got away there was two there was two more that got away but we got so many kills who has the tokens who has the tokens I got two tokens that’s all I got so I think they picked

Up some others the That Got Away bro that was uh right is everything of value here that’s worth cuz we still need we still need to get these rods we can’t we can’t waste too much time we need to go out so as it was clear that

There were no Blaze Spawners in this Fortress we continued exploring the nether as it was announced that the Warhammer had been crafted as the players that had attacked us at cornicopia earlier had been able to craft it right okay so what’s all that’s left now all that’s left is the Scythe

We got to get it we have the N we have the N yeah we do have the notches and as we still had the god Apple required for the Scythe we knew we still had a good chance of crafting yet so continued searching for another Fortress and eventually found what we needed there’s

There’s another Fortress where uh just over I just saw it oh oh I see a blaz spawner as well so in a race against other teams we rushed towards the spawners and started Gathering a bunch of blaze rods as Nick and sniper continued mining down below bringing

Their ancient debris total up to three okay guys yeah uh Nick and voided sniper found uh three debris so they only need five more all right I’m on three hearts here hold up right I’m on five five another one five now right I’m on six

Seven you seem to be on fire yeah uh eight I got eight okay I’m I’m on five there’s one more here we go come on okay so we need three more P how many of you how many have you got I have two two I have two okay one more one more

One more perfect right then we’ve got to go either find a Bastion ASAP and try and find a netherite inot or join them down below I think the bastion’s the best shout though yeah I got it I got it you got it right okay drop them all to

Me drop them all to me let’s keep them all in one SP Bingo 16 right okay let’s get out of here let’s try to find a Bastion quick ouch and after a quick journey across the nether we found what we needed Bastion Bastion Bastion Bastion wait

Holy this is treasure as well yeah this is the good one okay wait we should be able to m in the bottom here because we’re already low down oh H I don’t think we’ll have to go all the way up uh yeah we may as well there’s no

Harm lava watch out oh here we go oh yeah we’re already at the bottom Perfect Right someone watch my back as I get the chest there’s going to be BRS oh debris but no netherite in that one there’s only one chest wait there’s only one I

Think we got very unlucky right okay I’m grabbing the gold and then we’ll go to the other half yeah there’s only one chest so we’re going to have to go to the other side right let’s get to these chests then okay one chest here oh another debris after finding another

Piece we checked him with Nick and sniper down below okay if Nick says he’s on six we’re good we just got to get out of here as quick as possible yeah we need one more Nick said never mind we have six okay oh hug okay go home so

With everything we needed for the Scythe we quickly made a portal to regroup with our teammates that had all of the remaining items than go right nice all right let’s hope we don’t spawn in like the death trap and after making the journey back at across the map we

Arrived home I’m hoping that they got back so much quicker than us oh wait there’s lava at our portal who put that there as long as our house isn’t burning down it’s fine okay right let’s get rid of this lava cuz we don’t want our teammates burning when they come through

Oh Nick yeah yeah you’re back perfect nice nice yeah yeah drop it in I got two okay right let me grab everything we need okay right I just need to wait uh SL recipes take this take this so I need kill token two netherite iner eight

Blaze and a golden apple right all right you’re the netherite in here right I’m going to use my God Apple does that mean I get to keep it yeah I I don’t need the leggings netherite Chas kill token Apple let’s go yes okay right I’ve got no gun Apple now so it’s a little bit right um let me show you hit me a couple times oh you can’t oh we can oh well let me explain so if I hit you with this whatever damage I deal to you it heals

Me wait that’s so you can’t die if you’re not bad now with the Scythe in our possession we shared out the loot we gathered from The Kills we got in the nether which included almost two stacks of golden apples oh my God okay there we

Go I’ll take 22 I’ll take 22 as well oh my god get SC I’m at go we just need better AR well I need better armor like I have yeah my Armor’s a little bit weak as well oh we don’t have any diamonds so after combining a few pieces

Of diamond armor we agreed to make our way back over towards the center of the map to purchase a sharpness boook to further upgrade the scythe and hopefully find some players to take out in a PVP zone right um should we all go towards Corner copia then simply the the

Best you’re not simply the best better than all the rest you’re not look at that would all the rest clutch a bucket like that actually can someone split me their Cobbs I put them in a chest by accident I have 53 there I have two thank you oh sniper take some of those

Yeah I had two since the start what in that one M shaft we found earlier yeah you guys took everything and after making our way over I purchased the enchanted book we came for than okay well the next structure that opens up then we should go to cuz then we can

Try and get you some bck or some uh some kill tokens cuz I’ve only got sharpness one on my sword which is just not going to be right let’s head back home so after making our way back with the enchants we had some time to kill before the next structure would unlock Soul

Came up with some plans yeah I think I’m going to dive down here and try and get some uh ores I’m going to try I guess to breed some cows and give some steak forever right try to scam some people there seems to be if you’re going to

Scam people try and scam them for some diamonds scaming yeah that’s the plan that’s the plan right P should we go out and try scam people for their diamonds yeah that’s a great idea um going right goodbye scammers we’ll see you in a bit have fun scamming Jesus let’s see how

Long that last as soon as PVP turns on we’re going to have the whole server coming for us if they get scammed that is hilarious oh if they get scammed H but just before I could dive underground it seemed the next structure was going to unlock a lot sooner than we expected

As it was was announced that the monastery had been unlocked which was a structure in a small town that was connected to a giant underground Library filled with Enchanted boxs oh yo yo yo come back up come back up we’ll we’ll go to that we’ll go to thato

Yeah let’s go this way it’s like it’s a th000 blocks this way th blocks this way and after seeing players talking about being close to this structure in chat we rushed over as quick as possible hoping to grab some loot for ourselves oh I see

It I see or I see a few builds actually all right let’s go go go fast fast fast if you see people shout it oh there’s people people people people people people people people what team I don’t know we just go straight in yeah

We got this this one this one here we go buts we made our way inside we spotted players down below so carefully made our way Down there any oh some barrels here oh protection three just grab anything grab anything oh get Hime knock back sorry nice oh my God he had so many box he had so many oh three efficiency four nice I got ripped oh my God these touch knock back

Prot three nice sh three sh three sh three all right there’s players here there’s players upstairs players upstairs TI oh wait r r okay I can make right I’m going to keep searching oh it goes further down what’s in here sharpness three prop three yes okay that’s my teammates mending

Okay I’ll get rid of the respiration for mending for sure oh prop three I can’t even carry everything deer think yeah just take just swap out books that you think are better right okay we going to have to leave quite a few behind I think and with more teams

Starting to arrive at this structure we’d have to come up with a plan if we wanted to get out of here alive with all of these bgs right do we want to do the same thing that we tried the other times and sit here wait show up oh here we go

AR gun oh it’s Arrow team like Crouch yeah Crouch stay silent or we stayed silent down below it seemed once again we had been spotted already don’t don’t go I hear hey show some guys you know you’re here where’ they go damn honestly I don’t want to and as

These players avoided entering the basement knowing we were inside it gave us the perfect opportunity to escape with the loot they got nothing they can’t have got anything they literally I think they only came in this room we pushing ter now I think they got out yeah we just they

Went out yeah we can get out and just go home with all these books if you want kill him you think we need the kill to you think we need no I don’t think so we got a lot of BS yeah we can just we can just be line

There’s a door on the right side go go right go right go just go guys don’t tell them about the ward oh yeah oh wait yeah good bait good ba let’s go home so as we escaped back out into the safe Zone we made our way

Across the map with all of the enchanted books and eventually arrived back home allowing us to upgrade our armor and weapons oh that’s filthy is that even fair sharp four on the side is it what yeah okay it’s going to be so op and after repairing a few pieces of armor I

Ran out of XP so quickly dove into the Nether and grabbed a bunch of quartz allowing me to further upgrade my weapons and repair almost all of my pieces back to full durability but not without a few troubles hey hey hold up yo yo yo yo yo yo wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yo why is every mob here what is going on just getting beat up and after taking these piglins down I continue to gather XP as it was announced in chat that a player from Kingdom 27 had crafted the knight helmet which was one of four

Armor pieces from the Knight set which was a legendary armor set that if warn all at once gives a player permanent strength and resistance and as these players had crafted the first piece there was a good chance they were going for the entire set but as the crafting recipes were extremely expensive

Crafting the other pieces before these players would not be easy gold bow V2 he’s on team 27 okay so it’s those players that were at the monastery if they manag to get more pieces this could get very very bad for our team okay I think I’m about ready to go home I’ve

Got enough XP to add some other stuff if I need it what else do I actually have I got depth Strider three that needs to go on the boots how much xp is that 13 okay that’s basically set me right back down to zero so I’ll grab a few extra pieces

While I’m here so I quickly grabbed some extra XP and made my way home back what Su gang and arriving back home at this time would turn out to be perfect as it was announced Ed that a king of the hill event had begun during this mini event different

Kingdoms would have the chance to fight for the flag at the hill and whichever team was holding the hill after 15 minutes would be crowned to the Kings with their Kingdom receiving a reward for their efforts but as this hill was well over 2,000 blocks away from our

Base we were going to be arriving very late to the action as countless kingdoms that had set up nearby to the hill were already holding this place down we got plent of time we got plenty of time we have 15 minutes yeah let’s go we just need to knock off whoever’s there when

We get there it’s going to be a blood bar cuz PVP is going to be enabled and eventually after making the massive journey across the map the flag was in sight oh there it is I see the flag I see the flag but’s countless teams were

Nearby also trying to get their hands on the reward for capturing this flag it wouldn’t be easy all right we’re in the PVP Zone be careful there’s a team right behind us who oh that they were supposedly truce with us so we should be chill yeah if not they is there any oh

Yeah I see people I see uh Team two yeah team two is on there hey boys hey oh they do damage I up team oh oh he’s dead already I’m I’m I’m I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m using the Scythe get him gone no leave my friend get away

From my teammate nice no no my friend defly oh my goodness wait let me grab his loot let me grab his loot SW I’m coming for you who died who died who we kill oh my God I know that strength too hurts is that what you’ve got got strength there’s no particles

There it’s cuz it’s overshadowed by my regeneration o Mr Beast oh sorry sry right you focus him I’ll go I’ll go back up to the C I go back up to the C got right I’ve got no uh let me replace that water oh yo guys I I think they do

Have pot I got two speed pots from the guy that I killed oh how did they get isn’t potion they might have got it from structure with several players from Kingdom 2 already down we were able to hold the flag but we weren’t safe yet as more players started to arrive team 27

Is there team 27 is there oh where this way this way this way oh yeah yeah I see and it seemed this Kingdom had grown since we last saw them watch out there’s one to the right as well one to the right what the heck arrow down close

Left with netherite arrow kill Arrow first all right somebody stay on here somebody somebody keep capturing it come on CH this is the wrong angle oh oh wait Arrow’s going bro Arrow’s laging going we got a few minutes I think give me that Health

Damn damn oh no oh no no no no no no oh my God yeah God I’m not doing oh that’s damage I’m good I’m good don’t worry don’t worry sight’s op sight’s op I’m using their own golden apples against them no no no I’m not quite dropping that fast every’s on

There R is alone still you bed bombed my family who died hey is where you going bombed my family sold for a th000 yo is that one of us no they’re off the they’re off the mid they’re off the mid no no no no no no no yo was that

One of us that died no there was nap that was nap that was nap nap died nap died no okay right let’s push then wait somebody stay on here someone stay on here um all right just two more minutes there two more minutes one to this way

One this way one I’m going to push aen Aven oh sorry nice helmet Doo no I disagree as this player escaped back into the safe Zone with the legendary helmet the rest of his teammates were still applying pressure to the rest of our team at the

Flag help I’m still on it I’m still on it don’t worry use the strength use the strength but it seemed despite having potions these players were too strong for us no no that was died Bo died do we run do we run oh my god do we leave Arrow there Arrow there Arrow

There yes I got nice nice nice nice this strength is so good got stay on the stay on the thing stay on the thing here’s need to go no oh my God stay on stay on she a come oh no yes nice nice

Nice run I’m I think we are we is it 20 is it 20 no not yet it’s like 60 more seconds but we can’t get it if there’s other people on here oh my God what is oh there’s a whole another team watch out watch out as the remainder of Kingdom 2 returned

We were heavily outnumbered but after already losing two of our teammates we couldn’t quit now it’s team there’s so much loot on the floor here oh they’re contesting watch out yeah yeah watch out sword can’t have the C all to yourself no we will do oh you don’t want the smoke you don’t

Want the side can’t hand all this my teammate’s blowing you in the back you’re going to die soon I’m taking your hand armor yes with one of Kingdom 2’s strongest players down the rest of their group escaped from the PVP Zone as it was announced that our kingdom had won

The King of the Hill as Nick had been able to hold the flag whilst we were fighting guys guys there’s so much loot we prob to go get yeah we need to get that did team two leave I got one of them one of them died just on the right

I’m not too sure the was really good we were trading hits and I was winning we lost two teammates though right I got I got one strength pot Splash which we can use I have speed and regen but as we cycled through the loot on the floor

Waiting for our reward Kingdom 27 once again returned hoping to take us down and claim the reward for themselves yeah watch outy down I thought that was all the with the reward I think he has the helmet watch out oh Pier got himself here he’s dead

What we’ve not got the reward yet wait where is it trying is there a chest here yet there’s no there’s no chest oh what’s what’s in this ne ne nice nice run they’re coming they’re coming do we try and fight or do we just get out of

Here no we do not try and fight oh the chicken Sav me the chicken saved me go go go lost teamate we need be dead oh the whole team there the whole team just run just run right just keep running keep running make it home yeah we need

To go back so as we continue to run from these players we were able to escape with 32 extra golden apples a bunch of diamonds and a full set of netherite armor what’s the netherite going to do though like we don’t have books anymore do we we don’t have any books yeah the

Netherite um maybe the custom armor SL recipes what do we need oh yeah we need blaze rods diamonds kill token do we have kill tokens my God I have kill Tok I have two kill tokens okay so all we need then is really blaze rods and

Diamonds right and a Notch Apple we got Notch Apple no I had to use it oh and nap died with the other yeah for a Notch Apple we need 64 gold blocks to craft you’re a farmer right Nick you can craft a god Apple I’m a farmer uh we don’t

Have 64 19 Gold Blocks no way we get enough not nearly enough 64 that’s yeah we’ve been using all maybe we could trade with it trade with what we could trade with other people wait did 38 Get Out Alive yeah C’s team we still made an alliance with those right this netherite

Armor me we still had a chance to craft some of the legendary armor pieces but without the god Apple required for the knight’s leggings we’d have to find a way to get one if we wanted the armor and as our allies Kingdom 38 had escaped from the cough there was a chance that

They had a god Apple within their team that we could use to craft the leggings so we made our way over towards their Castle hoping to make a trade that’s 38 space over there can we tell them like how they just left us yeah they they just disappeared I don’t know what

Happened like can we confront them about that yeah if they hit they are here yeah I let me do some talking careful yeah they’ve got gravel here now as well CS yo sorry the hell was that you guys just left us yeah no we we ran away to go get other people

And then we like United and then we tried to come back but then Arrow just dropped like so many people we needed to leave God damn well we lost we did we won but we lost nap and sniper in the process we got netherite unenchanted nether armor got full set

Neite each no just just one full set unfortunately these players didn’t have the god Apple we needed for the leggings and as we wanted to make sure we could craft the other pieces before Kingdom 27 we had to keep moving now we’re going to move along we got a little

Idea can we know the custom armor well see since we have ouri see down the line we can maybe team up numbers Get Low yeah on both teams honestly Arrow team looking SC right now yeah arrows team is stacked right well we’re on a bit of a

Time crunch with this armor anyway so um we’ll let you know the purge may be starting soon so just stay safe sounds good we then left this Castle behind and rushed home to make the armor pieces that we did have the resources for I need

Okay so I can craft the chest plate okay I don’t have the chest plate you don’t have the netherite chest plate who Nick do you have do you have the netherite oh yeah I have the netherite oh okay all right it’s going to say I didn’t pick up

Anything okay so and then if you drop me a kill token all right netherite chest plate diamond in the corners blaze powder four golden apples and a kill token bang yeah there we go that’s what I like to see okay so that’s one now can we do the

Boots as the boots required one netherite ingot in its recipe this meant we would have to go back to the nether if we wanted to craft it we just need one netherite Ingot so it’s probably worth diving underground in the Nether and see if we can just get four debris

Real quick so we quickly dove into the Nether and immediately started mining for debris right um where did you guys dig down right here but it’s like kind of a messy area really like I mean we can just RP mine at y 13 oh Nicks already found one perfect okay I don’t

Know if strip mining like this is effective but I’m going to try it anyway just need to try and do this as quick as possible if we had beds it would be so much quicker but we only need four pieces luckily and here is one perfect oh it’s two

Nice oh it’s three perfect okay that’s all we need okay let me let the team know that is so perfect right let’s meet back up so with 4 debr in total I made my way back over towards the portal and as it was announced that The Purge had

Officially begun removing all rules from the server oh okay good job we’re meeting back up there’s Pace yo let’s go all right pvp’s on everywhere now we got to be careful when we go back through the portal we then made our way back to the surface and found a random nether portal which

Wasn’t ours which had a huge surprise waiting on the other side all right s do you want the armor set yes I’ll take that off you when we go I have it I’ll oh who’s There let’s just leave them alone for now let’s focus on this armor yeah that was close we could have tried to kill them we could have but I don’t know what what we it just slows us down I guess there’s no real benefit right now I

Think we should try to kill some of Arrow’s team yeah for sure if we see them we got to kill them we then made the Journey Back across the map to our base with the plan of making the night boots okay right let’s cook this debris up uh perfect

Okay all P can you drop me the boots yeah perfect so what do I need SL recipes I need oh easy right I need a kill token from somebody th if you’re going to get the armor you should give someone else the sizethe like not going

To lie no I I’m I’m happy to give the armor to someone else I don’t mind all right okay netherite boots what else do we need all right do I turn the rest of the gold Bingo and a kill token there we go bang okay so all we need is the leggings

Now and helmet we need to kill Doo now with two of the four pieces required for the night armor all we needed was a god Apple and to take out Doo V2 who was a part of the Stacked Kingdom 27 and as The Purge had now begun all we had to do

Was track them down I’m on 59 golden apples by the way so I don’t need any I’m at 62 okay right we are chilling okay well this could be farewell for our base for now all right so what’s the plan uh I think our plan is just really

To go ha wire I think we could go we could move our way over towards the center and see yeah see if we can find any players the border is shrinking so we got to go there so yes um I’m just going to grab some

Boats let’s go all right I am ready I’ve got everything I’m pretty much set for a fight little medieval Mountain Base you did as well very well very well beautiful base you’ve served your job we will be back hopefully as Victors one day maybe probably not and then what do

You mean probably not I’m Faith Nick have faith so in the hopes of finding some players we started exploring the map and made our way over towards the monastery from earlier but as we arrived we spotted some familiar players oh people people Aros team yeah yeah should we

Leave them or yeah there’s no point there’s no point is there oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming hey guys get in the forest get in the forest get in the forest hey Nick despite a member of this team having the night helmet that we needed they also had two

Legendary weapons with the Warhammer and halber both being on their side after they took out Kingdom 7 earlier on meaning we were now heavily outnumbered and undergeared compared to these players yeah they got powerful bows watch out Jesus bro hey Ronan damn damn damn damn chill chill bro chill yeah run

Away you good you good what they doing Ronan you’re you’re insane Ronan the watch out watch out yeah yeah they’re all shooting as well Jesus both as we tried to split these players up we also ended up separating as Nick accidentally fell down into a cave with

The hole of Kingdom 27 right on his tail oh this guy’s down in the cave he’s down in the cave he’s down in the cave relx bro oh my God ni what Nick died how I don’t know all right we got to keep running then if

He’s dead they’re coming for us next and as these players now had access to all of Nick’s loot it put us even further of a disadvantage BR two of only two of us now in this late game this is going to be seriously tough so as it seemed we

Were now in the clear we continued making our way through the forest and eventually arrived back at cornicopia right well this is cornicopia so team 11 have actually just messaged me saying they have two spots available if we’d like to join I think we would I think we should

But meeting up with Kingdom 11 to join forces would prove to be much harder than expected oh okay seem 27 oh hell no why are they everywhere I don’t know they’ve just killed somebody here though clearly he’s running I think he’s a solo if we want to try to take that right

Let’s see if we can pick him off I’ve got a speed pot if we need to CH no that is not alone he’s not alone he’s not alone okay yeah go this way go this way oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming spe this was the guy at the oh

They’re all coming do we speed uh no no just keep running we got a good gap on them okay yeah oh yeah and I forgot I I have this what is it oh yeah I’ve got a pearl as well if needed okay so what is our best yeah they’re still following they’re

Still following they’re still following if we can get to a river then we should be able to game B as these players refuse to give up getting over to Kingdom 11 would not be easy should we pop the uh speed I can pop it yeah be

With me so I so you get it yep uh you here oh my God I’m so dead right I’m blocking it I’m blocking it all right right just use the speed and try and get out quick yep if I get to the water I’m going to pop a boat I’m so

Dead oh my God just keep going keep going keep going yeah these guys are stacked oh my god oh this is near where we started this was the house that you we’re near the oh yeah it is I think they stopped I think they stopped I don’t see name tags

Okay right I’m just going to keep running anyway so as it seemed these players had given up with their Chase we continued running and eventually arrived at the farm I spawned near earlier yeah we got to team up with 11 11 possibly our only chance I’ve messaged Relic just need to

Find out where he is all right and as we waited for the players in Kingdom 11 to reply with their location I finally had the chance to check out the barn from earlier okay wait uh what’s this bread Bros hold up this is where the bread

Bros were wait bread Bros there’s a trap here oh who just broke a block was that you no there’s people here there’s a guy in here wait we might be able to get an easy kill here yeah oh there’s someone here on the left who’s that someone just broke be

Beer get beer out come here re oh you got to hit me buddy I can’t hit I can’t see give me that totem no help where did they go yes where’s Pier give me that helmet give me that helmet where’s the helmet there it is there it

Is oh my God yes I got the helmet and as I took this player down Pier now had the hole of Kingdom 27 chasing him where did Pierce go which way did he get chased but it was already too late no I have to get out of here before they come chasing after

Me and now with my final teammate gone I was once again all alone oh no okay hopefully team 11 can take me in it’s a huge team I would join team 36 but they’re so far away and I need to get some teammates before they all start

Hunting me down again God damn okay right well I’ve now got three of the four pieces required for the night set all I need now is the leggings so I’m hoping that somebody on team 11 has a god Apple because then I can finish it

Off I’m done so with the hopes that one of the players from Kingdom 11 had a god Apple I quickly and carefully made my way over towards their location oh yo yo hey hey why you running at me hey yo yo yo relax relax relax who whoa who

Who storms storm chill storm chill chill buddy chill chill hey guys oh you got the I do y damn how many TOS do you guys I told I told you we were pretty stacked buddy I told you I found this I found yes okay what do I got to do to

Get that off you because that’s all I need to finish off the night set depends to give that the op SW cuz that’s the only thing I’m going to give you I can give you my full armor if you give me that Golden Apple prop three prop four prop three prop

Three we’re on the same team now anyway so if if we’re teaming up if we’re teaming up yeah okay why not yeah okay let’s go let’s go for luckily this player had been able to find a god Apple also in an ancient city earlier on meaning now I had everything

Required for the night leggings boom boom and Legend okay yeah truth moment of truth Bingo oh yes the D is real let’s go let’s go now as I had completed this full armor set I was given permanent strength and resistance which would be extremely useful in taking down other

Kingdoms and despite having lost all of my teammates I officially joined Kingdom 11 meaning I now had a great chance of survival okay so R do you have a base what’s going on here we do have a base we compromised it’s compromised we we didn’t want to get targeted um right

Well I have 54 spare golden apples if anyone wants them you guys have like you can all share them out who needs them like I’ve been through the ringers man I’ve been through the chaos chaos we saw you lost your you’re with us now us yeah man yeah well hopefully I’m in good

Hands so as the Border continue to shrink we had no choice but to make our way over towards the center of the map hoping to catch some players on the way there did you guys also killed the double V2 yeah he had this helmet that I

Needed oh and then you guys had the golden apple I needed for the leggings so we actually managed to pull off a bit of a master class there how op is that set though so I’ve got permanent strength and resistance now oh my go yo we can take all a whole team right

Now you need you need the full set on for it to work hey hey someone give a sword the totem someone who has two you got totems how many spare Dam that’s my that’s my last Fair totem that’s my last fa totem yo give me a totem bro damn

Wait you didn’t have a to this whole time and I asked for one oh okay I’ve started a team conflict hold on yeah you have nice I didn’t even ask for one so after accidentally starting an argument between my new teammates we continued making our way over towards the center

Of the map and eventually arrived I don’t see anybody here all right yeah you guys Scout up ahead see if we run into people but as everyone else on the server was currently scattered around the map fighting we stood around waiting and were eventually caught completely by

Surprise as it was announced that the Woodland Castle located just over a th000 blocks away from the center had opened giving us the chance of getting our hands on even more totems which would definitely be needed when fighting the final few remaining kingdoms I did guess bro Arrow’s definitely there arrow

Is definitely there probably we need to be careful though because it’s like these this is like the last Kingdom left pretty much so they’re going to be stacked so we then rushed across the map hoping to arrive to the castle first but as we arrived it seemed we had been

Beaten to the prize I see people um it’s Aros team oh okay yes right sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak they already see us they already see us oh let’s rush it then rush it drunk drink your potions guys yeah yeah drink up drink up hold up hold up this is it

All or nothing now they have they oh my God yeah run run run run oh my they’ve got strength wait for it to run out try get come on come on low M’s low be very careful that’s so strong no No they’re all dead I’ve got to get out of here get out of here quick I just need to keep running until that strength runs out that was so op oh they’re all on me now this is not good yo what’s up no where are you going going running what you going to

Do no one can save you though you’re dead come on please you’re done for is there a cave or something this is it man but just as I was about to give up I heard some familiar voices through the trees yes guys help help help help help please please please please they’re

Going to kill me yo yo yo come on they killed my whole team we we need to Focus be careful oh no yeah you thought you were finish with me no I’m not alone anymore y I got two of them on me help I’m helping your sword please Do I’m getting CAU low someone died aen died a died oh no aen died nice come on boys we got this oh I keep H the wrong there’s so many people who’s running now I’m not running I’m not backing down you know you guys are useless without strength you guys are useless don’t

Run you’re good yeah who’s got strength now come on come on wait mvk be careful I don’t have water all right I’m on him I’m on him he’s got the fire St just heal got to be Low come on no no where’s CS oh no he’s in the C he’s in the C okay just go for re oh and the gave you go how about you go in the cave huh uh that’s not a good idea I’d say no oh Cals oh my God who died wait

Golden die gold golden di no wait let me go help them help come up oh we need to go help the others it’s only s s is probably getting one V fre right now yo CS you need anything I can I get some strength yeah guys we’re back oh no pop

That strength they’ve not got strength anymore they ran out try and get them now quick come on watch out he’s still got the wall Hammer how we missing so many hits on each other we so bad right here be careful Arrow’s low oh my God this lucky guy I’m alive now all good

Job wa CH in Here oh make sure right oh my God I’m I’m get out I’m getting out I’m getting out FOC Arrow I’m low hold up he popped his totem Focus him oh no okay wait re is stuck in a web just go for stuck in a web you’re in a web not me not long

I no oh no get go get get get out of the cave get out of the cave I’m trying I’m trying wait s okay good no sword get out get out I’m trying I’m trying there’s so many of oh God so she’s she’s the drop water

I’m oh he’s stuck in keep going up keep going up CS get up no you’re not helping him you’re you’re alone again you’re alone again your your time has come you’re not escaping again oh my God no no no no you’re not going any he blocked them in he blocked

Them in right this is my chance 3v one now last chance it’s over for you it’s never over cuz you’re going to drop no pleas done die uhoh I’m good all I’m stuck no no no no no no come on oh you rip I don’t think that’s the right

Way this is not good wait can I launch my how are you pulling me back I’m flying over we’re stilling here we stilling Him go up go up thr I’m me nice I’m stuck the wrong person bro how much hell does he have with this armor damn we’re like creting through of us that set has to be like so good like there’s no he’s still alive no that’s not does so much damage as well

It’s actually amazing whatever it does to you I get back remember oh oh my helmet buffed oh no I’m good I’m good for now uh no give oh you all right me thank you all right time to continue the fun no no no no rest for you bro nuh

No Rest for you bro fight this like a man stop running a man in the 3v one yeah you got in the fight somehow oh my God well I have no water no my okay just get stuck in web just get stuck in webs he has to back like soon

Surely oh they’ve got more pots how you did a little bit of Brewing let’s just say that yeah but you ran out of strength didn’t you not got any of that anymore wait he’s going towards the water he’s going towards the water yes round you baby oh he’s a

Boat I need to try and split them up keep chasing me come on all right get away from your team yeah now it’s a one V one huh how about that oh and you got no strength come on oh oh oh oh that’s a crazy fight very now oh now

We’re back to free oh he’s drowning the hbers wait you stck in the cave yes oh OB this just okay just the luckiest player oh oh hey then’s got a boat as well okay yeah all right how can I do this I’ll bring you guys as far away

From your teammate as I can a 2v one is way better than a 3v one we can just do that oh he want a snip genius Himself I’m not a big fan of the side to be real I love it I’m with you I’m with you I got p on it’s fine okay okay what is this fight are we like oh my I’m drowning oh Leon is back oh Leon is back made welcome back bro wa be

Careful bro yeah I’m Going where are they going oh there’s a cave here they just where did you guys go I need this I need this I need this oh my God I missed it no no no no no no no no no no no hey how’s it going I’m doing

Great even when You’ run out of strength oh yeah come on one you three in the cave oh AR Arrow careful oh wait wait wait wait great oh deep in the C goes oh no misses it you miss Cob wait I’ve got an idea I’ve got an Idea he’s going the lava doing what what this a this a dream manun play what is this give me that Health give me that Health give me that Health give me that Health wa I’m done I’m done yo yo yo get out get out get out no oh my go both my pieces

Broke that play was so long my arm’s gone yeah shoot him shoot him shoot Him oh thank you bro how how did I shot you okay going up I need to get them in a one V one this sight will kill them so easy in a box wait wait wa wait let me try I see I see I see let me try something

Oh I’m I’m with you I’m with you oh wait I’m stuck stuck oh my God no no run that okay go go okay get R get up here get here get up here oh oh my TNT TNT no no no no no he’s got no helmet I’m stuck in the where’s your

Helmet I than you oh yeah okay actually going I need back out don’t die yeah there’s no stuff do you have any spare helmet any diamonds I need that water oh that is not great he’s right here okay you got you just have to Mele I’m going to be bo you got that’s

Hard h m is horrible right now I need to try and get them in a one V one again if I can pill her up they might be able to build up towards me again and then I’ll just do the same thing I just did to Ronin come on

Or you’re brave for charging me with no helmet man you’re brave this that’s personal you kill Ren I’m about to kill you as well I’m running yeah that’s right come on I can see your Horrible no no no no no no no no no no

No no he’s got to be low wait where’s my warhamer do a lot damage oh cobwebs man I actually hate Him oh wait there’s L car over we can just use those we go he cover here we go yes Yes ow I almost died oh my God oh my God he Dam it yeah he does so much damage my heart is racing I need to be quick fully break a no no no you’re not oh my God messed it up I messed up so hard Yeah he’s talking me you just got to get some kills on him shot him I’m might SC I’m dead yes yes and that was where this adventure came to an end as the final player from Kingdom 27 died allowing me to return back to my base as the last

Player on the server and after paying my tributes to my teammates I lost along the way I hung up the armor that protected me through these fights as The Purge had officially come to an End

100 Players Simulate a MEDIEVAL PURGE in Minecraft…

Today I invited 100 Players to my Minecraft Server and gave them 1 week to prepare for a Minecraft Purge. Will I be able to survive until the purge starts, and will I be strong enough to fight when it does? Only time will tell…

JOIN FUTURE EVENTS HERE – https://discord.gg/sword4000
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🎬 Edited by ► @SwordExtra @MindOfNeo @LiveEditz

Video massively inspired by @SpeedSilver & @ForgeLabs Go check out both of their channels and show some support!

Some video and audio clips were recorded AFTER or combined from several different events for the sake of the video’s storytelling.

Huge THANK YOU to everyone who played in the event, this video would NOT be possible without you! Also thank YOU for subscribing to my channel and making my dream of hitting 1 Million Subscribers possible!

#100players #minecraft #medieval


  1. Sword4000 this is the most gratest video of of all civilization videos i love your channel pls make more of this and keep it up im sure you will reach 2m subscibers🎉🎉😊❤

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