This 10 YEAR OLD Terraria Mod is BACK…

This terrario mod that just came out is literally 10 years old EXO Avalon is literally a terrario mod that came out back in 2014 and now the mod has been ported to t- 1.4 so let’s check it out and see all the nostalgic greatness it brought with it this is very exciting we

Are playing a terrario mod that literally came out like 10 years ago at this point back when it wasn’t even T mod loader it was T config and T API and I only played a couple mods back in the day from those mod loaders but we are

Here with EXO Avalon EXO Avalon however you want to pronounce it and I I’m just excited to see what’s popping with this port of this mod and as you can see right away we got the contagion AKA a variant of the crimson and the corruption let’s head on over here ew

Nasty nasty doooo green and then the leaves are doooo brown ew btis yeah this is dope I always love when there’s more variations of biomes especially the Crimson and Corruption and as you can see it’s got its own style we got these Giant Circles here which is super sick

Does this water hurt us I feel like this water should hurt us it probably doesn’t Okay makes sense it would be a little bit annoying but I also feel like it should hurt us yeah what do we looking for here we’re looking for the orbs so

The orbs are pretty much the same you still got to you know break in to get to them but let us break them what yall got for us in terms of the loot we got a blunder blight okay there’s a there’s a little weapon a little shooting weapon

Weapon we got a necklace consume stamina wao so we got stamina in this mod okay and then let me see this blunder blight and actually we might as well see it in action okay so it’s just straight up a shotguns even got a little screen shake

To it all right yo look at this this orb right here these ones are legit like in the middle all in the middle four of them side by side let me make an arena here and let’s see what boss summons all right I cleared out slight room I’m kind

Of interested to see how this boss fight is because it really seems hard to clear our room for a fight like this compared to the eater and the Brain but let’s see I don’t even remember what the boss is bacterium Prime oh that boy about to

Give us that co yo he’s a giant bacteria cell and let me guess we’re going to do some damage to him and his eyeballs going to open is that what that is in the middle my boy got gas everywhere ew This is a nasty boss if you really just

Sit back and like think about the corruption in crimson and how nasty they are like that [ __ ] is disgusting some of the enemies that be attacking you stuff like iore like nasty nasty but yeah let’s do some damage let’s see what he is he’s like the second or third boss

You’ll fight in the game you know still a early boss I don’t expect a lot but I do expect something to happen oh yep how did I know it was an eyeball okay I do remember this boss a little bit now in terms of visuals what is he shooting

Everywhere what are these disgusting liquids he’s just puking up everywhere I really don’t even want to know if I’m being honest ew he’s shooting snot bubbles now too what is that this fight seems doable this is the master mode version this seems doable nothing too crazy oh my God he got bouncing snot

Bubbles now though I don’t know y’all we going to need some Mucinex or something yo this kind of gets crazy at the end hold up I said it was doable boogers in my inventory kill them get them out of here can we kill these things no they

Just dying there own the little bubbles but that’s a nice little change of pace honestly that might be harder than the other bosses I feel like it might be this boss then eater then brain in terms of like master mode difficulty the brain is usually the same no matter what

Difficulty you play on if I’m me H the eater you fight the eater outside I remember the first time I played extra mode I fought the eater on land worst mistake ever that dude spit on me like a thousand times that sounds insanely sus yeah we got his little Master mode Ric

Here what kind of goodies what’s the expert drop Badge of bacteria increases damage by eight after being hit attackers also take damage okay so let us see the uh armor that you get from this what can we make out of boogers so these are the shadow scales ooh the

Armor set looks sick viru Thorn virus Thorn I’m assuming is what they’re trying to say icky alter M delicious yeah what other world/ terrain Generations they got going on here we got another one out here just like you would have you know multiple Corruptions on the world I noticed that these are

Different color like this kind of sick what is this dusk plate so like the opposite of sun plate stuff pretty sick looking does that mean the loot is different at all maybe just like a different theme like an opposite the sun plate just dust plate [ __ ] up you know

How Crimson and Corruption are opposite to each other I’ve gone underground cuz I saw a bunch of ores here I saw a bunch of stuff that we can come down here and mind like this he Stone which reminds me of the the same thing from thorian

Pretty much and then we got bis Mite over here look at this giant chunk of bis Mite bro or bismi my bad so I’m assuming this makes a bunch of goodies yes sir oh look at that you can make a Flink forur coat with it and there is

Some more stuff paradot ziron osmium so there’s like a bunch of gems and ores that this mod has in I’m assuming there’s not too much content in this first version cuz I think there’s only two bosses and we’re about to take check out the next one here desert beak so

Let’s head on over to the desert all right I got the thing that summons in desert beak I also noticed that I have a weapon called tetanus shock amazing let’s see desert beak okay I like the little summon yo I feel like I’ve seen a lot of desert

Vulture bosses that’s like the other boss desert theme that mods do is vultures and ant lines but this one is sick looking visually pretty dope looking he got 12K Health when do you fight him after Skeletron okay so 12K Health with Master mode what kind of crazy attacks does that hatch into

Something is this a lepus type of attack yeah pretty much instead of uh big and little lepus just little tiny birds okay doable that would be terrifying if he just hatched himself again wao he just activated a little Sandstorm okay that could be tough I hate even being being

Near sandstorms inter Terraria it’s really annoying especially find a boss in a sandstorm even more annoying early game especially too cuz sometimes you you really got that movement early game compared to once you start getting later in the game well you got a little tornado shooting out now too pretty cool

Boss I’m liking the the variation as we go through the fight here but let us finish off desert beak the bosses are pretty nice Edition so far definitely seem pretty seamless into the vanilla progression this Relic looks sweet but I could barely see it there you go that’s

A cool looking Relic pretty big and what goodie did he drop any expert specific drops maybe there isn’t one yet we got bones literally bones and then these feathers what do these feathers do we make armor with them sweet W there’s like three different armor sets so as

Somebody that’s never played EXO Avalon because that might have been around like when I started getting into Terraria slash a little bit further after I got into Terraria or before I got into teria I know some of these things but definitely not all of them so any like

Really OG Tero of mod players you’ll know a lot about this mod I don’t know how much is added in and how much is being worked on I’m assuming a bunch of this is being worked on is this a Sonic Spider-Man hold up got to put on the

Spiderman fit yes sir yeah but again I I don’t know what’s what like if anything’s finished or not so I don’t know what to really show off in terms of items some of these items really might be like super outdated too like this isn’t too bad okay that’s fine some of

You I’d see from any other mod but some of these stuff got they got be outdated bro unless EXO Avalon was killing it with the weapon ideas even back in the day like this pretty sick but these got to be outdated some of them unless they went through and like updated all the

Weapons already that’d be crazy cuz to make terrari weapons nowadays you know it’s kind of hard bro moded terrari weapons they get a lot expected out of them especially from me since I’ve played with so many modded weapons at this point like I expect greatness from modded Weaponry but the weapons don’t

Seem too bad they don’t seem too basic let’s see this weapon right here boom lash look look at this it’s pretty much a uh whatever it’s called fire flow no fire lash whatever flame lash magic bolt but it explodes AOE damage yeah some some of these weapons aren’t too bad

Some of them are what I would expect and some of them are all they okay yo magic grenade forget the magic dagger we got magic grenades now this is sick let’s go ahead and check out the uh other enemies in this mod cuz I think there’s a good

Bit of them that are added in Shadow pod what is a Shad low pod that’s not like a crazy enemy won’t even spawn whatever it is librarian my favorite type of NPC that’s not a book we got parasite or pyite what is that yeah we seen that one

Already or slime okay I mess with that new way to kind of get your hands on some ores we got a Fallen Hero is this like a strong zombie variant that’s what it looks like maybe even a Blood Moon themed one we got bone fishes more fish

Variants okay we seen the btis I don’t even know what this is what is this it’s like a portal yo it’s like a portal that spawns in enemies what the heck we got vus ew what is that get it out of my sight we got a viraling these might be

Just the the hard mode enemies we sure to see from the bacterium is that what it’s called contagion not bacterium mineral slime was this a hard mode version of the or slimes IR rate bones infected pickaxe and then we got Cur scepter okay so we’re seeing the hollow

Slamson corruption deemed of a bunch of these enemies Hellbound lizard this thing has 10K health 11k health almost that’s kind of crazy this dude straight up out early game Boss we got a hollow War this thing is huge what is this pigron but green and nasty our gargoyle

With 13,000 Health what are these health bars these got to be like many bosses you fight at some point Ecto hand oh shoot watch out he might jerk me off and then our last couple of enemies here curse flamer Cofer a coffer is that just a mouth and

A nose this is definitely like a a CO themed enemy he even makes a nasty cough that’s not a cough that I don’t know what that is that ain’t no damn cough though and then last we got the mimic so this mod it’s going to take a little bit

For it to catch up to uh modern day terrar content mods cuz it literally is a blast from the past 10 years old and I always kept on hearing things about this mod about to like you know come to current te mod loader and be updated

I’ve legit been here about X evalon for forever now like I might put some comments on the screen that are from like years ago talking about EXO Avalon but it exists now and it’s very exciting okay what other enemies do we have here Blaze Minecraft moment you lowkey look

Like one too basking spew that’s an enemy you’re never going to see just like the regular like sand sharks and then we just got pretty much everything we already saw desert beak bacterium all the all these goodies desert beak really looks really good bro what’s going on

Here why Wings keep on falling yeah in terms of other content we got a couple of accessories here and there what I’m really interested is the uh Sprint stuff there is like a whole Sprint system in this I don’t think it’s implemented fully yet which is a good thing because

Honestly I don’t know how I’d feel about it I’d have to really see it but there you go I could get my character in his tidy whes can role play as Walter White in that one Breaking Bad episode that might be the best feature of this mod is

The underwear but again you can see there’s so much content that they got prepared they just got to get it implemented fully I’m super excited to see the future with this mod and see how either they expand it or just get everything up to date with current Terraria standards and mod stuff but

Yeah that’s pretty much everything with the mod it says on the Steam Workshop page that there’s a couple more structures like an ice Shrine lava Shrine and evil Shrine no idea what that means or what they look like to even show you and then it says there’s also

Like TOS that you could equip uh right here in this to slot you know a little separate tone slot and that pretty much just gives you like stat boost and stuff so you know a little little bit different of an accessory look at these nasty bises get them out of here I hate

This biome I hate it in a good way everything’s nasty here yeah shout out everyone is working on the mod and is got it ported up to this point very exciting very nostalgic make sure to check out the mod also make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel

And turn on the notifications all that good stuff so you can catch everything that I post video should be popping up on the screen make sure to check it out hey also make sure to follow my twitch gamers11 that’s where we’ve been streaming a gigantic Tero mod pack

So if you’ve been missing out on that you might want to tune in cuz it’s been very very fun but I’ll see y’all next time

One of Terraria’s OLDEST and ORIGINAL Mods is BACK and it’s just as good as before!

Exxo Avalon –

Follow my Twitch to catch me streaming that GIANT Terraria modpack! –


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