Minecraft but video games are hearts

What do we have here it’s a hard i love hearts what might you be oh my goodness steam heart you found a portal gun wait a minute steam portal is this video game hearts 2 oh snap okay well we have a heart now at least so that’s good and

We’ve got a portal gun man how does this work don’t explode please oh there’s a portal and then can i teleport over there wait wait so if i just run through this is this gonna that’s awesome dude i’ve always wanted to do this with a portal gun where i put

A portal here and a portal here dude this is so cool what the heck that is not where i shot my portal gun what’s going on here dude goodness a pillager outpost wait a second is that a fortnight llama dude under fire don’t worry little buddy i’ll save you wait i

Was gathering blocks to block up i forgot i can just do one of these numbers portal to the rescue don’t worry little buddy i’ll break you out of there oh i see the pillagers are trying to harvest the loot oh that’s terrible you wanna give me some though yeah she gave

Me a heart yeah the epic games heart i got a llama launcher ah there you go little buddy now be careful dude oh pillagers okay not good i can shoot a portal over there get off of this top here pretty easy come here boys llama attack oh it literally shoots a llama go

Dude don’t hit the llama you’ll pay for what you’ve done oh my gosh you’re just one hit something oh my gosh they just dropped gold and diamonds and stuff holy cow this is a loot llama dude all right my pillage friends you got any loot for me gun

Powder and sand you know what that makes sandy gun powder oh flinted steel right all right tnt tasty looking chicken don’t mind if i do let’s blow this popsicle yeah okay it didn’t do a whole lot of damage but they deserved it all right mr llama

Let’s get you down nice and safe oh there he goes be careful buddy and thanks for the launcher i’m off to find our next heart holy cow that is a lot of chicken where did you guys come from my goodness oh gosh yep it might have come

From there is it a cyborg chicken hello mama chicken oh goodness okay i’m your friend hey eggman what the heck was that oh i see it’s a sonic villain it’s a nice pun you’re going down eggman taste the wrath of llamas and he gave a heart what is this it’s

Not a sonic card that looks like a knuckle’s heart let’s go oh i’ve got a knuckles glove kind of heavy it looks a little bit like i plug it into the wall to charge myself or something oh it can dig into the ground it says okay well that seems kind of

Normal i mean i could have dug in the ground normally uh maybe that’ll come in handy later mr cows spotted a weird-looking cave up here drip stone what you doing all the way up here dude this is not a normal cave whoa is that a dragon egg must be a dragon’s

Lair is that the dragon speaking of dragons dragon city is a free-to-play mobile game where you can collect rare dragons and guys they added me as a dragon in their game that must be what this is for it’s me and that egg he has my eyes and

Everything you can get a crafty dragon that you can train to battle for you in pvp arenas destroy your friends or other trainers as me can i pick you up i got a little crafty dragon in my hand let’s give you a little bit of sunlight there

Buddy you want gold is that what you want well i mean you got gold over here there you go little buddy emeralds oh man where do they spawn again hills or something what the heck okay oh i’m digging what where are we dude we just dug in

The ground and popped up over here uh we’ll be honest i ate a little bit of dirt my mouth tastes terrible the alliance it says oh looks like i can join the alliance okay join an alliance to unlock special rewards oh i’m getting stuff emeralds yes thank you boys get

Daily prizes from the battle pass or the multiple weekly mini games i got emeralds i got gold wait a minute you guys have a dragon head i have a child dragon at home that’s insulting okay well we got eight emeralds let’s see if that’s enough to feed our little buddy

Oh that is so weird oh crafty dragon please be enough wheat in dragon city you can level up your city while breeding dragons hatching eggs and evolve dragons by feeding them there you go buddy He’s hatching yeah looks like he dropped a heart here give it to me you’ve become a dragon i have become a dragon they have dragons of all your favorite youtubers like me oh and others too oh i’m awesome oh that doesn’t sound good i heard a pillager

Yeah pillager they must be med from earlier llama attack yeah i like how i’m a dragon and i fight him with llamas hey boys download now and get 15 000 food 30 000 gold and 10 gems oh shiny oh this is awesome dude yeah well looks like that’s

All the pillagers i want to head back over to the alliance show them out my new skin how you doing they’re looking at me like what hello boys oh there’s another dig spot over here well here goes nothing what are you looking at i’m just an innocent dragon

Looking to dig into the ground with a knuckle don’t judge me all right let’s dig oh that’s so cool man looks like a racetrack of some kind hello there is a hole to dig through here but i’m assuming this racetrack has something right oh gosh there’s a countdown timer

We’re racing more are we sonic are we fast like sonic don’t fall in the water oh man i am so slow dude come on hurry i had to stop for a snack break i’m not going to reach the end man come on faster my little dragon legs are going

Fast but not fast enough oh what the heck well that’ll do it i’ve got dragon racing capabilities excuse me pig yeah you just got laughed left you two laps oh shoot i’ve threw two laps in this time are you serious uh don’t cheat oh my hunger bar is going down quick

Shoot come on dragon yeah oh this ability is amazing did we do it did we reach the finish line yeah i’ve got speedy dragon powers and now we’ve got an item box i guess this was mario kart huh but mario’s greatest villain is bowser he’s a dragon oh wait

No isn’t he a turtle or something a box containing mystery items oh that’s awesome i’ve got little turtle shells around me chicken look i got myself some oh did not know that that was gonna happen oh i can shoot them too look at that look at that whenever i right click oh

That is so cool and there is a dig spot that we found earlier shall we gander here we go this is the best way to dig down ever where are we now hello i don’t recognize this place pig where are we right now buddy boy oh wow i don’t know

What he said my pig latin’s a little rusty actually well it looks like an abandoned town of some kind oh something happened oh my gosh that’s a lot of guys oh they’re pub g guys are we about to play a game of pub g oh they’re all coming

After me man no no no no no no no no no go llamas attack oh we’re crushing this man i already have like 35 kills i mean uh terminations no okay oh gosh that’s a lot of guys hold on i’m getting up on the roof can’t touch me now can you boys

Now i can just hit him with the llama no problem yeah green shell attack can i use the green shell a bunch what happens now oh my yeah i am the ultimate boss i will take you out with turtles the red shell would have been nicer you know i could

Heat seek on enemies but we will take this any day of the week boom boom oh this is so awesome look at me i got like 98 kills right now llama this is amazing i’ve always liked fortnite better anyway we found a bogey he’s the last one left alive there he is

It’s llama time yeah attack yeah i want to say thank you to my mom and the turtles that had to make the sacrifice to give their shells oh and of course the llamas hey hey we got ourselves the pub g heart baby nice i got myself a steel pan okay what does

The pan do good for slashing and blocking projectiles it’s a weapon i guess hey where’d you come from buddy boy the game’s already over guys i looked everywhere i didn’t find one of those holes we might just have to look for our next heart i didn’t find anything too interesting on my journey

But i did find this village and in it was a villager with a strange request i used to be an adventurer like you but then i took an arrow in the knee yowzers dude that’s the second worst place to take an arrow if you’ll get revenge on

The villagers for me i’ll give you this heart i found in my adventuring days well is it that convenient i’m actually looking for hearts you’re not gonna like eat it are you oh no no no i just hold it and then it disappears and gives me special powers well that’s really weird

Good luck to you then well here goes nothing i guess wish me luck this could be anything he is making a skyrim reference so i’m hoping i don’t have to fight a dragon although a dragon v dragon battle would be pretty cool whoa nope pillagers okay it’s probably a

Skyrim heart because the whole arrow in the knee situation it’s an old joke from back in the day and in that game you fight dragons but this time i’m the dragon oh snap did you hear that i think the pan is blocking their projectiles oh this is easy dude this is for shooting

My friend in the kneecap i will pan you bam you’ve been pantsed wait no that’s something else fantastic iron golem i’ll save you buddy let’s take on these bad boys together go buddy go take them out yeah the golems and the dragons are battling together all right let’s see if there’s

Any nice loot on top here nothing great but hey i hear one last guy somewhere he’s hiding take him out that’s all of them revenge is mine now before i actually go back to the village i’ve got bad omen right now so i’m just gonna quickly

Milk a cow so i don’t accidentally take out all my friends there we go good old milk saving the day you’ve got the banner you’ve done it indeed my friend those pillagers won’t be bothering you anymore incredible you see how easy it was for me to get an

Arrow in my knee right here is the heart as promised hey another heart i’ve unlocked fuse ro da no duh ah cool man so that was the skyrim heart the fustro da in skyrim is this super cool power where you scream let’s find a mob i hear they wanna fusro

Die hello spy there foose rolled up oh my goodness where did he go was it something i ate hey mr village man any other quests i can go on well off to the east we’ve lost contact with our town’s main bank it’s not a crazy dragon slaying quest or anything like that but

It’s something well i certainly hope it’s not a dragon slaying quest you know as i’m a dragon and all i’m off to find the bank dragon in a boat found the bank that guy was talking about he said he lost contact with him does he normally

Have contact with the bank i don’t feel like i talk to the bank every day or anything hello i’d like to oh my goodness okay those guys look angry are we experiencing a bank robbery right now don’t mess with me dude i’ll smack you with a pam yeah okay that’s why they

Lost contact oh dude i love that power so much oh i see some more bad guys in there there’s a dig spot i see that must be how they got in this place and how they’re getting around don’t use your knuckles for evil only for good

Oh uh i might have taken a wrong turn somewhere must be the main bank fault this bank fault looks totally empty in here yeah what does that say the gta heart oh i see i was in a heist i saved the bank and i found myself a sticky bomb it’s so

Small and cute i want to try this sticky bomb but i feel a little weird using it in the bank well maybe we can chase these bank robbers down the vault looks empty so they might have gotten away with some serious loot where are you boys oh what mega pizza plex are the

Bank robbers pizza delivery men better check this place out bank robbers might be hiding in here somewhere maybe hiding inside of the pizza honestly pizza sounds good wait a second this is totally the pizzeria from five nights at freddy’s man mr freddie mr fanat how you

Robin it’s freddy he’s got a spoon in his hand he’s gonna try to eat my eyeballs we can talk about this dude i feel bad cause freddy’s such an iconic character but i have a feeling like we gotta take him out you’ve done some horrible things back in your day sticky

Bomb attack gosh come on sticky bomb explode why is that not working i don’t know how to explode it oh the mobs might have to walk over it or something and the good news is we got ourselves the freddy heart you’ve become freddie got a little mecha suit of my own how

Cool is this man uh it does kind of smell in here jump speed strength whoa yeah my mecca is overpowered did you hear that what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa i was looking for gold to see if he was a bank robber or something but we stumbled on something very different how

About i fry these guys up shall we yeah oh the pan is doing wonders go boom oh that’s amazing i’ve never seen this before in fanaflor i’m wondering if this is like doom or some kind of game like that oh that’s not normal interesting it looks like a campfire

Here can i light it oh i can i got a flint and steel yeah well that was easy what heart do we have this time the elden ringhorn you found a companion tauren i’ll be honest with you i have not played elden ring because i’m

Bad at games and that game is hard but apparently i have oh there he is hi buddy goodbye buddy i guess i can summon him on command and i can ride you i’ve got a new steed riding into battle oh my goodness wow you jump high oh all right

Tournament’s got a double jump it looks like ooh and i found a dig spot over here where will we end up today uh looks like a normal place you have something to do with it enderman not really sure what i’m looking for oh there’s clouds up here well after scaling the mountain

It looks like these clouds are definitely not normal clouds they’re thick thick clouds yeah oh my goodness torrent’s got some crazy hops dude can i make it yeah i can looks like this might be the end of the cloud here i do see another one of these little dig places

And a hard my goodness we’re just plowing through these what heart are you mighty man a final fantasy horror found a blaster oh i mean buster sword oh i get it now cloud from final fantasy holds a buster sword so these are the clouds i guess nice dude we’re stacked

Up let’s keep them moving let’s see what else we got all right everything’s all cartoony now legos i’m in my own lego crafty game that’s kind of cool ow oh stepping on legos hurt me yeah that makes sense out this is not good man my toes are

Hurting how you guys ever stepped on legos before you know i was like the most painful experience anybody could ever have ow that’s what i’m going through right now it’s unbearable i’m crushing this dude i’ve got myself a lego portal block creates a portal to the lego dimension don’t mind if i do

Dude but i place it right here oh yeah whoa all right lego dragon i think i’m powerful enough to take you out oh the skyrim dragon it says well i do have the fuse rodale which is a power-up that usually destroys drag oh gosh no thank you i’m an innocent freddie the fazbear

Hello mr dragon you like to smell my breath let me take out these crystals i might be able to easily teleport up there yeah that’s so rad just gonna take out yeah these guys hahaha the portals make this really nice and easy don’t worry skyrim dragon i’m coming for you the buster

Sword has a power activate to limit break the user those are some nice powers oh this is awesome one more crystal to go all right come down here mr dragon i wanted a one wonderful dad he’s done for we’ve taken out this skyrim dragon and you can take out that like button

Comment down below what your favorite video game is and we can include it in the next episode later guys oh and a quick reminder that dragon city now has a crafty dragon play as me in the game and download now in the link in the description

✅ If you want to play with my brand new Craftee dragon, click here and download Dragon City: https://dragoncity.onelink.me/DDHl/CrafteeDragon

By downloading the game via your link or QR code, you will get a start pack of 15,000 Food, 30,000 Gold and 10 Gems.

Playing Minecraft while video games are hearts brings a whole new challenge to the game!

Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but video games are hearts! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but video games are hearts

#Minecraft #But #Hearts


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🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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