Minecraft but If You Scream, You Lose…

This is Minecraft but if he screams I win today my friend bet me $100 for every time I made him scream in Minecraft he thinks he can’t get scared so we have five attempts to try like this all right Nester every time you make me scream you get $100 from me you

Got five attempts go go okay let’s begin at level one where first we got to make it night time time night that’s a lot better and as you can see we don’t have a lot of space beginning later on we’ll get a lot more I do have a plan though

So what we need first for our first scare is a normal villager spawn egg where I’m going to be making sure he screams right away cuz every scream is $100 so we’re going to spawn a villager right here and use our coder item that edits things so for example we right

Click this guy and now we can C and with this guy I’m planning on making him into a court monster first we’re going to stretch his arms out and put them by his sides let’s adjust his texture a little bit and put some big x’s over his eyes

To show he’s not feeling so great anymore looking pretty good let’s go lay him down on his back now for obvious reasons okay perfect now let’s go ahead and make a copy of him and stand him up almost like he’s coming out of his chest this is the creepy part and speaking

About creepy we got to add some fingers there we go very looks very weird at Minecraft but now let’s give him a creepy looking head starting by removing his nose and giving him a big old mouth oh yeah that’s nice and creepy but it needs some teeth let’s add some teeth

Right here this jaw looks great and now some time for polishing and animating Perfecto now that he’s all cleaned up and scary looking let’s go and click the confirm button in 3 2 1 and now for the code so this will be an easy one his type is villager the health dead and

What they’re going to do is resurrect if players nearby and eat Calvin with of course a scary noise that you guys will see very soon all right let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the court monster spawn egg where we’re going to

Be spawning him right there oh there he is okay he’s going to come up and now he’s lying down as for what he does though let me show you guys I’m going to go ahead and go game mode zero go up to him oh and here he comes yep e me that

Should scare him and now we’re on to the second part guys I had my friend build this area where we’re going to make Calvin’s goal get to that final button right there we got to decorate this a little bit though so right now we have nothing and now we have a hallway of

Doom which we got to add a lot more things to but their goal is to make it to this button right here or we’re going to code it real quick to do something real quick let’s code that or the code for this one will be simple it’s going

To send them back to the main area and it’ll complete level one by then hopefully have a good amount of money let’s click confirm in 3 21 and now we have a working escape button okay but what is he escaping from this is where it gets fun so as you can probably tell

He’s inside of a villager why don’t we add up more scary villagers so yet again we have a pretty normal villager let’s make him a little bit more scary all right let me right click you again and this time we have a bit of a head start

We’re going to start off with the body we just made previously with the not fully Alive villager from the start and we’re just going to get rid of the normal villager body so he’s going to be going from one nightmare to another one cuz now we have the scary model alone

And we’re going to give him a brand new animation let’s go Ahad and bend all these extra arms into a much better position and I’m liking this but his jaw’s taking up a little too much room let’s drink it down a little bit there

We go looking good and now to get him to walk let’s close his mouth entirely and start swinging his arms I think that’s looking creepy enough all right let’s go and confirm and time for the code all right this is the scary Vanishing villager you guys will see very soon why

But we’re going to make him very fast with 10 health and his skills are to vanish randomly and Chase Calvin and of course he’s going to Roar on tack let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him the scary villager spawn egg he’s alive look

At him and of course he vanishes every once in a while and so he’s going to spawn in and immediately see two of these guys randomly Vanishing but we got to make it difficult so we’re going to spawn in a lot of these let’s real quick

Spawn in a good bit right here and oh my gosh every one of these guys is a jump scare speaking about jump scares I also made some of those watch this if I press this button on my keyboard we get jump scared but you don’t get to hear the

Noise yet until Calvin plays okay this is not scary enough though we want to get money so I have another plan guys right now if we search for an item and type in player head it’s a normal Steve head but what if I told you we can make

A jump scare laser if we place it down and use the coder item watch this let’s real quick right click you okay we’re going to be getting straight into the code with this thing but it’s called The Scream beam where the texture is going to be a scream beam texture that

Powering you guys will see soon and the main skills are to laser trap on timer you guys will see what that means very soon and to summon a scary flying villager on detect so pretty much a jump scare all right let’s go confirm in 3 2

1 and we got it yo the scream beam oh and there it is guys so when oh my gosh yeah I does that yeah okay I’m not supposed to scream but pretty much whenever Calvin goes up to that thing he will get jump scared also this guy

Spawns in it was pretty easy to make him anyways I’m going to be putting a lot of screen beams around here just all over the place let’s get these guys going and Calvin is going to go through all of these Yep this is getting pretty up

There but we have one more guy to make guys just cuz why not Calvin’s going to spawn right there with the netherite sword probably so to greet him he’s not going to see these guys right away but instead this villager right here we’re going to call him Bob hello Bob but Bob

Is going to become a different guy real quick let’s right click him and now to edit Bob okay so you guys might recognize this guy but if you’re new to the channel pretty much we’re going to be making the guy with knives yet again but we’re going to make him even better

And as you can tell pretty much I boarded a kitchen knife and remade a guy from the past he had some red eyes an evil smile and he had a very creepy run that is going to be mainly annoying to fight in combat but what’s getting

Better this time is the code so let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and this is the scary knife villager or yet again he’s a villager and the main new things are the skills being stab leap and laugh but of course the sounds added once you guys

See the animations you guys will see what I mean where he’s going to be annoying to fight anyway so let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got him the scary knife villager oh my gosh okay Yep this is who he’s getting greeted by and

Not one but three of these guys and after he takes these guys out he’s going to have to go through all this yep I’m going to be getting a lot of money so that’s should complete level one right here with our friend that Calvin’s going

To go up to now let’s see how he reacts here we go Calvin welcome buddy to level one of where every time you scream I’m going to be getting $100 richer are you ready buddy of course Nester yeah I’m ready to scream what is that what’s over

There oh oh oh don’t don’t worry but before you go there I’m going to give you a couple things you get all this netherite armor and those things right there cuz you honestly need it it’s going to be a little bit tough but I mean that that’s all I’m going to really

Say your only instructions are go up to that villager talk to him say hi explain your day all that good stuff and I’m going to disappear now all right good luck and uh please scream okay yeah well it’s not going to be hard this guy’s dead neest dude what is this what is

Happening I got to talk to this guy I don’t want to talk to him he’s dead already what’s great he ate me what is this welcome to inside the Villager corpse buddy where your goal is uh first you should probably take out these guys uh yeah they’re not very nice they have

Knives not very nice I can tell let’s see these PP skills Calvin they come out of the ground and so now let me explain you your goal one you see those guys all over they they’re very nice all you got to do is get to the end of this hallway

Uh you can ignore those noises those are just you know nice noises but at the end of the hallway there is an escape button and with that button you can get out of here and if you don’t well you know just scream please cuz I got to get richer

Yeah of course yeah no I’m getting out of here bro I’m not getting me oh my God wait what the what is this let go on my Creations oh my god dude where’s the button you got this Calvin give me the button oh you got it oh my gosh honestly that was

Pretty impressive Calvin all right how many screams did we get there I None of course okay okay that’s how much money y’ll be so far that was only level one Calvin are you ready for the next more I don’t know what we agreed to this okay

Well give me a couple hours we’ll be right back on to level two here we go okay so before we get to level two to ramp things up guys as you can see right here we have a mod called scary mod but I’m going to give it to Calvin and just

Call it shaders I’m going to say you need these shaders there actually will be some shaders but just stay tuned cuz this is going to do some craziness anyways now that the scary bot is ready on to level two where we got a bigger Red Square but we’re going to be doing

Something special here it looks completely normal but the only thing we need here is going to be a single button that button right there but we got to add some code to it so real quick let me right click you and this is the idea I

Have to make in screen with this level guys this is the back rooms button where the only skills are to drag down on press and to teleport into the back rooms so let’s go to and click confirm in 3 2 1 and I already have the back

Rooms made by a builder and this is what we’re going to be taking to get there so let me show you guys all you has to do is right click this and then he gets pulled in okay and now this is the back rooms guys it doesn’t have much right

Now and he’ll have special shaders let’s go back in creative mode and time to make this place scary so first off this is the area we’re working with where it is gigantic he’s going to be spawning somewhere over there and his goal is to make it all the way across without dying

And screaming to that orange block over here and you might be wondering what’s down here well let me show you if he makes it all the way to this corner I’m going to be putting a special painting right about here uh maybe not that one

This one I like that it’s a little bit scary and it’ll be the only painting in the entire place that being said let me add some code to it let’s right click you okay so we’re just going to be starting with a basic painting I’ll put the scary one afterwards and we’re

Actually going to make this mob behind it okay let’s start with the basic stick and give it a hand and some fingers perfect now let’s throw a quick texture on and I’m thinking black and purple I love it now the only animation we need for this is that it stretches out out of

The painting and swipes and hits Calvin so let’s get that made and I’m going to guarantee that he screams with this one guys we got to make as much money as possible and I’m counting for every scream okay time to go this up we’re just going to call the skeleton painting

And the only skills are to devour Calvin on click and make him Escape so when he gets to this not only will he maybe scream but also you’ll win the area all right let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now it should be ready that being said

You guys won’t see an action until Calvin actually gets here that’s only the exit though let’s go all the way to the start all right so if he starts right there the back room sees a monster so let’s go all the way over here just so he gets a nice surprise and we’re

Going to code this out of nothing let’s right click you and now it’s time for the back room monster so for this one I went ahead and started with this rough shape of basically a blocky stick figure and we’re going to spend most of our time focusing on his texture and

Animation so let’s start with the texture and by that I mean getting rid of all of it trust the process guys it’ll look great okay so this is the reference image I’m trying to make from the viral back rooms video and we’re going to start with some black squiggles

Graphic design is my passion guys now let’s expand those squiggles to his entire body and let’s add a splash of some dark green for for some texturing it’s kind of looking good now I know for you it might just look like a BL mess but once this gets animated he’s going

To be looking great and hopefully creepy like this creepy Auto animation will also give him this sort of Leaning and intimidating look like he’s stalking someone smaller than him we’ll add some Wiggles to him to make him really come to life okay I think he’s kind of

Looking horrible but in a good way yeah sure I’ll make some more animations off camera but let’s move over towards his code by confirming in 3 2 1 and now to the code his type is going to be Enderman where he’s going to be Invincible Calvin can’t kill this guy

With me Med speed and of course scaring all the way up to 1,000 where the skills are to vanish randomly stop Calvin confuse Calvin and devour his soul and you already know there’s going to be a jump scare when he gets hit by this guy

All right let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the back rooms monster egg all right let’s see him come to life oh gosh uh did he just disappear in here um oh there he is Yo yep me some squiggles but we’re not just going to do one there’s

Going to be one that way one this way one this way and one this way all waiting for him and let’s let’s make sure to put some more just in case he thinks he got away and now at the very end we have this guy I’m going to put a

Screen beam right here just so he has to dodge that at the very end and one final scary villager for him to fight right at the painting I think we might be ready now all that’s let to do is real quick put a sign right here and say find the

Painting dot dot dot and make a glow that’s his only instruction oh and by the way I have one final thing I did off camera let me show you guys how I’ll be scarying so not only do we have these guys but something chasing him around

Sometimes is going to be me where I’m the monster too this is scary Alex also that’s ketchup right there but looming in the corners I’m going to be chasing him down just like this and pressing this hot key not to scare here we go Calvin welcome to level two where we

Need to get some more screams out of you so you only have one easy level this time there’s no no body you just got to go up to that guy right there and press it but but before you do that did you install the mod I sent you yes of course

Okay okay that that’s all that matters okay that’s going to activate some shaders at some point but don’t be worried all right again I’m going to disappear and uh please scream for money good luck I don’t think I’ll be scared this time because now I’m in control it

Says don’t press me but I don’t care so yeah okay I went through the floor no way find the painting I’m in the back rooms welcome to the back rooms oh and now that I sna now we got the shaders buddy this is the back rooms and as you

Can tell everything around you is going to try to kill you why you need to get out of there by finding the special painting which uh hopefully you do it soon oh my God so what he doesn’t know right now is I’m disguised and I’m going

To scare this dude here we go be careful everything’s trying to kill you Calvin I oh I don’t like that thing that’s another scream hey take the money my God all right where am I going where’s the painting run Galvin run bro I don’t see a painting that staticky thingy

Teleports me I don’t like that oh wait I see a thing no way I’m back at the beginning there yeah that’s back in the start buddy okay I’m going to go this way where is the P you’re getting close look out behind you go go come on you

Got you’re almost out okay I don’t want to go in that painting buddy all you got to do is right click it are you ready yeah are you ready to get out yeah you already did a lot of Screams do your thing all right Calvin buddy you may

Exit now oh my God oh my gosh all right Calvin how was that did you like that I’m sweating hey hey hey it’s hot oh my God still here yep yep yep anyways on to round number three sorry about that Calvin time for level three and because

It’s a new level we get some more help for example we now have a builder and I’ve already coded a little thing right here where the whole point of this level is going to be finding Alex so Calvin’s going to be going through here getting a really cool effect and appearing on the

Other side where not much is happening but I did get a build team to build all of this and you guys will see very soon what’s going to happen that being said let me show you guys what we got first for this round I got made bloody Footprints and bloody headen Prints but

This is actually ketchups don’t worry that being said we’re going to make these guys lead all the way up here into this cave where all the scary stuff is going to begin that being said let’s put a sign right here and just put down the mission mission find Alex and let’s make

It R to make it a little bit creepy so Calvin’s going to be going in and following these guys all the way in there before he gets there though let’s add something scary as you guys already know this video right now the villagers my favorite mob and they’re pretty easy

To make scary so watch what we’re going to make now let’s right click you ver we’re going to start off with our scary villager again and we’re just going to remove that jaw of his let’s make his head a bit longer cuz we don’t just want

Creepy we want this guy to feel weird now let’s stretch out his body and we’re going to get rid of his old arms and legs I have a much better idea for them okay we’re going to be taking the super long limbs off his back and use those

Instead but this guy’s missing something his nose let’s add that back really quick okay I do like the shape we have going on now let’s fix his texture and make him a lot more ominous ooh yeah this is very weird I like it and I’m going to go and animate him off screen

Anyways he’s ready now let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and this is going to be the Slender villager the creepiness all the way up guys 9999999 very slow speed and this is the fun part guys they’re going to behind if seen teleport randomly in stalk and abduct Calvin and

To make it even creepier they’re going to whisper randomly and it’s going to be a horrifying noise on attack you don’t want to miss this guy when he finally gets to Calvin let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and now we have the Slender villager but

Here’s the thing guys when I spawn him you guys won’t be able to see him until Calvin comes so we’re just going to put a around here there we go and now let’s actually get to the main mission which is to find Alex so Calvin’s going to

Have to follow these Footprints all over I’m going to make it very easy where he just has to go straight this way and his goal is to parkour all around here and make sure he doesn’t fall but finally he’s going to get all the way over here

With the Bild team left some signs on where to go all right let’s keep putting Footprints and when he gets here not only does he have to worry about that you guys know what that is but we’re going to go ahead and put some more of these guys all around of this entire

Mega Village area there’s not much to do here it’s pretty abandoned besides the villagers of course the Slender villagers but his main goal is to keep following these signs all the way to this area right here there’s a sign for him and there will be two slender

Villagers right there but once he gets to this area it’ll be some simple parkour don’t worry about it and he’ll just keep going all the way to this room right here this is where Alex is going to be let’s put one slander villager right there and now pick the area where

Alex is going to be let’s real quick get to the top right here and now at the roof let’s get Alex so for Alex all we got to do is real quick right click ourselves right click and this is a simple model we’re just going to be

Taking an Alex model and laying her down and make sure her eyes are closed for effect simple enough now let’s go ahead and click confirm and for the code the main skill is to summon Alex ghost on click so that means we’re making one more thing let’s click confirm and now

It’s time for the Alex ghost where we’re actually going to start with Alex’s texture for her ghost here let’s make her a gishy green and we’ll darken out her eyes and give some creepy pupils now that we have the texture let’s get her model done let’s remove one of her legs

And turn the other one into a tail yep that starting to look creepy now let’s give her for a weapon and of course that’ll be a knife perfect now let’s send it off to a friend for some animations okay now we have a lot of animations for her from slashes to

Floating and everything need to make Calvin scream cuz again we are still making lots of money from Calvin here all right let’s go confirm and for the code we got the skills of fly teleport die bomb and haunt with lots of different screams where if he doesn’t

Scream from this I’m not giving up but I’m going to have to bring out the big guns Next Level anyways let’s click confirm and we now have all the things first let’s put down Alex right there and on right click everything’s going to happen but that’s for when Calvin all

Right but before that let’s go ahead and put another slender villager down here throughout the house and why not waiting for him right in front of the house we’re going to be having two scary villagers and one scary knife villager he’s definitely not going to get tired

Of these guys oh and I also made a couple new jump scares watch this one yep that’s without audio so with all the footsteps ready I think it’s time we do level three here we go Calvin level three you are going in here I going trust me trust me it’s it’s very

Trustworthy I’ll tell you your mission soon but all you got to do is walk in there and I’m going to make it easier for you I’m going to give you three Notch apples just cuz it might be getting a little difficult okay D this isn’t enough I need a sensu bean Nester

The cave has teeth I mean I mean honestly this is the least scary part but you’ll see what I mean very soon but you know what I’ll walk in there with you okay we’re going to walk in together okay let’s go on buddy 3 2 1 here we go

Um welcome buddy what are those I’m no longer with you you’re you’re on your own what do you anyways your mission is now to find where missing Alex is as you can see on the floor there are ketchup Footprints it’s it’s not blood it’s ketchup oh oh and also the whole time uh

These are Village Slendermen so uh you might want to stay away from those guys how am I supposed to stay away from them that the blood goes I mean the ketchup packets go this way yes follow the ketchup packets what do you think about my friends by the way I don’t like them

I don’t like them pleas scary part my butt cheeks Nester this is terrible keep following also hopefully you practice your parkour oh I’m kind of doing it okay wait okay ity calm down no nothing’s going on right now you’re good Calvin you’re chilling you’re vibing everything’s good you know how’s I been

It’s been pretty good I I’m not very good right now NE I’m surrounded by skeletons hey I mean hey hey just just nor normal Minecraft skeletons what’s back there Hold Up Wait I see a sign with an arrow nah that’s it I’m going

That no no no no no what is this that is Warden stuff I’m not okay keep going buddy follow the signs in the footprints you’re getting closer fin will happen oh also your old buddies are there too I’m done with this bro got to run where is Alex they’re playing volleyball with me

You might want to eat those Dodge apples no yeah they can’t get me now now that’s one way to go about it oh my God they they through there we go go go go go go was this bro was this okay okay oh my God okay now you just got to go inside

The house Calvin I can’t get in I can’t get in close the door I can’t get in got you got he got it go go go go go I am through how you feeling that that was a nice calm Adventure I’m feeling good there’s a turkey on the on the Block

Here yeah yeah yeah nice turkey you got it all right let’s go do oh yeah you know n nice safe nothing’s going going on just chilling yeah I’m sure about that yeah yeah yeah following the ketchup me and you I’m not really here I’m just oh oh oh oh oh Galvin you might

Need to eat a Notch Apple I’m not burning up today it’s not happening oh good all good he’s on fire now don’t that that was an awful joke I’m so sorry K oh oh now where is this going to lead okay my one of my friends is here oh oh

My God oh my gosh go go and go I good job buddy he’s coming through the door oh well um that wasn’t supposed to explode but look look behind the chest it just just so we can appreciate the build right there it’s the hidden door yeah yeah you’re supposed to go that way

My bad uh something must have blown it up yeah I did it I will say Calvin you are getting closer just keep going up this brother made a haunted mansion I don’t want to open doors I I’m not having a good time I need I need a peak

Control to peek around corners a peak control okay okay don’t worry you’re getting close though oh what happened who did this your last task Calvin right click right click what wait you have a boss to fight have fun Calvin if you die died it’s triple the money so figure it out okay

That’s not happening figure it out he says he says figure it out and then he leaves me with a ghost get out of here ghoul get oh my God I owe you at least $10,000 you did it oh yeah GG I did that all right good game good game all right

Level three is done but I got to say cevin you’ve screamed so many times I’m actually running to the bank right now but you know what all good we’re going to enjoy at level four have fun here we go call you in 2 hours bye time for

Level four where we got to change up our strategy a little bit guys so this time we’re going to do everything inside this Red Square and all we need right now is a double chest so we’re just going to put this right here and to make it a

Little bit weirder you guys will see what I mean soon see the moon right there time day smooth we actually needed to be daytime right now because what Calvin is doing this time is literally just playing some normal Minecraft his goal right here is going to be right on

This sign in the middle and it’s just going to say goal build a house and name dog smiley face seems pretty Harless and it is daytime and all the materials you’ll need are probably right there as for things we’ll need we’ll probably put one tree right there oh oh there we go

Let’s bone meal the stuff a little bit too another tree right here there we go and that should be good for our first mob you guys will see very soon and from this trees we actually need to go ahead and put a nice beehive right there they’re probably usually not like that

But it’ll be very helpful you guys will see it in a bit so because we also need a dog let’s real quick get a dog spawn in right here Le him to the fence and he’s going to need these to tame the dog right there okay now for the fun part

Obviously he’s going to be a little bit suspicious but what he doesn’t know is that when that hits midnight everything around him is about to go against it including hostile mobs for example I made this item right here start T4 which will make everything into a monster but

We got to make the monsters first and make them scary so let’s start with the dog let’s right click you and so we’re going to be starting with the puppy let’s give him some shorter spiky ears and let’s white out his eyes to make it a little bit creeper and then we’re

Going to cover him in some ketchup that’s ketchup let’s add in some spooky looking bones and now just some more texturing details okay I’m okay with this wolf but let’s send him off to my friend to really make him look good oh my gosh okay they really outed

Themselves with this one holy the animations are insane all right let’s click confirm and now let’s make him scary we’re going to make him pounce Calvin devour Calvin and also give him an awful Ru randomly will he be expecting this probably not and hopefully he gets us some screams all

Right let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now it should be good you won’t see the scary version just yet not until Calvin goes through it that being said the next scary thing we’re going to do is going to be a little bit weird but the tree

Can’t even trust a tree guys so all we got to do now is real quick right click the tree with the coder and yep we are literally starting with the basic tree model and I’m going to split it in half and add some teeth now we just add in

Some eyes and with some Polish this is what we have let’s click confirm and of course the code is just going to be a slow tree that will attack Calvin only if not seen and if seen they’re going to hide all right let’s get it in the game

In 3 2 1 and now it should be set up again we got to wait till Cav’s on okay dog is done tree is done but what about the bee I think this should spawn in something scary too so for example this right here it’s a normal be but when I

Right click it we’re going to make this guy a lot scarier of course we’re going to start with a normal be but we’re going to do duplicate his body and try building up the body let’s give him a big old Stinger that’s pretty good and some Angry Eyes perfect let’s click

Confirm time to code and his skills are going to be the infinite sting break windows and poison Calvin so if Calvin uses the glass they should make it so he can’t even hide in his own home all right let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and this

Guy should be a little bit different where we just got to spawn in normal looking bead that will transform when we right click this all right normal dog normal bees now for the main scary part once he realize everything is attacking him we’re going to be bringing in lots

Of zombies and lots of scary skeletons so for example the zombies can come from this way oh oh uh maybe not him this zombie will come from this way let’s C him real quick and we’re going to be starting with the classic zombie of course and I want to go ahead and give

Him a creepy mouth so we’re just going to lower the jaw next we’ll add some teeth let’s fix the mouth a little bit and now we’re going to black out the eyes now let’s send this section to my friend so he can polish and Anime and this looks pretty good holy all right

Let’s click confirm and for the code he’s going to be hungry for Calvin and I’m not going to be only doing one of these I’m going to be doing so many where they can do zombie piling not only that but they can break blocks and I don’t think Calvin will be safe hiding

From this one so let’s click confirm oh and now we got it the awful zombie spawn egg which like I said guys they’re not going to be visible right now but I’m going to spawn a lot of them all around this is like 40 of them right there and

They’ll only appear when I right click this but we still got to do the skeleton too so let me spawn in this guy real quick sorry about the burning let’s right click you and now for the last mob of this level we’re starting with just the vanilla skeleton let’s start with

Step one which is making a bigger rib cage I’m going to fre this one I’m just going to see how I can make a skeleton scarier cuz it’s just bones but we’re going to make his arm super long and we’ll get rid of one of his legs and

Give him one super long leg let’s get a texture going I’m just going to darken the normal texture up and now let’s get him some dark red eyes I adjusted his mouth a little bit and yet again I’m going to send this off to a friend so we

Can get a very good version oh we got big old bows in his hands these look pretty great all right time for some animations and that should be good let’s gock confirm and for the code he’s going to be using multiple bows cuz all the

Bows and he’s going to be able to fly and snipe honestly this might not be the scariest thing ever but it will cause a big problem for Calvin all right let’s head confirm and now we have it the awful skeleton spawn egg which will spawn maybe like seven of these right

All around and everything should be ready now for when I right click this oh and you might be wondering how is he going to know what time it is well I’m actually going to be the guy that gives him the clock yep that’s me oh I’m I’m

Never doing that again I always say that but I’m not doing it ever again after this I’m so creepy all right let’s get started with level four Galvin time for level four where we are going to be doing a simple one this time your your only purpose here is to go forward read

The sign and just have fun okay no no no no tricks maybe have fun have fun he says have fun buddy I’m going disappear now okay goal build a house and name a dog I can do that that’s no problem so why doesn’t know right now is I’m going

To be doing this Command right here and I’m going to be giving him the clock till death let’s go up to him okay Calvin buddy no as you can see you have a visitor they’re not here to hurt you they’re just going to give you something they’re giving you something you’ll

Probably need and it makes sense for what’s going to happen maybe maybe but did you read the instructions clock until death yeah yeah I mean ignore that part it’s supposed to be sunshine and rainbows but pretty much build a house tame a dog and uh name the dog cuz you

Know you’re supposed to be in a good you know survival setting have fun all right I’m gone now bye all right I guess I’m building a house today I’m looking over my shoulder every 2 seconds I got birch logs who gave who put out these materials these are terrible materials

Hey may B me hey I mean it’s a nice house you’re making I I I I I respect it what did you name the dog by the way I haven’t named him yet I’m going to I’m I’m still thinking you’re thinking okay okay are you going to tame the dog oh

That’s what the bones are for yeah me tame that guy cool I have a best friend now I got his name I’m going to name him brick brick yeah beautiful name love it brick amazing stuff look at this house though you going to get the window set

Up and everything of course time until death bro what do you think that means by the way what the clock till death yeah yeah yeah it’s probably counting down until I die until you die now hold on a second what oh my God buddy everything’s normal uh

You still got to finish your floor by the way nothing is normal about I’m just chilling oh yeah well at least one of us is chilling one of us is chilling and the other one has anxiety the size of Kansas let’s see how do I make a

Roof just ignore it didn’t happen hey you’re vibing you’re vibing you’re living your best life you got you got the house going and everything and that’s all that matters yeah no I’m cool I’m fine everything’s just take a deep breath m yeah that’s how we all right what’s up

What’s going on Calvin you paus you’re talking to you everything okay yeah yeah everything’s everything’s fine oh my God everything is not fine everything is not fine what’s wrong there’s things and that thing it’s just watching it’s just a fan man be nice to them no okay he’s

Just standing there oh oh oh uh Calvin sitting on the house sit on on the house Chill on the house okay oh my god um I have to improvise I ran out of stuff there we go the house is almost done there we go there we go and then

When I put this bed down the house is complete there we go the bed is now down look at you go yeah look at that this is beautiful oh oh my God Welcome to Night Time Calvin you might want to stay in your house if you want to survive why it

My dog what happened to Brick by the way I’ll take the extra money by the way also the trees are alive now have fun buddy why are the trees alive yo they’re doing damage actually doing damage not brick what happened to brick brick get

Him go trees get him oh my God no oh my goodness oh my goodness this is incredible where’s my God apples n now they’re all dead it’s over I just had to kill my dog okay oh my what are those what do you think about the skeletons I

Don’t like them nah dude this is crazy get away what is the tree doing so if you haven’t noticed they only attack you when you’re not looking that’s insane I don’t even want to kill them I I like these I like this thing e never mind I don’t like him oh

My did you drop her sword yes oh wo well Calvin with those extra $100 that I just got from those screams congratulations you beat level four this is how much money you owe me on the screen how do you feel not coming out oh oh well that

Means it’s time for level five what Calvin I’ll contact you in 3 hours here we go time for the final level level 5 which as you can see it has no red square and this gave me an idea because I don’t have a building area for this

One there’s only one thing left above us and that’s the moon what if we took the Moon made it scary and made it Calvin with a jump scare that’s what we’re doing right now let’s right click the coder at the moon and we’re really doing this guys we are literally making our

Own Moon and since the mood isn’t a model we’ll make our own let’s get a giant Cube and build off of that and we’ll round it out a bit to make it uncanny okay guys I have this ball but we can get a much scarier model let’s

Send this off to an artist that knows what they’re doing here we go guys nice and round and creepy looking and I actually requested the special animation where the Moon eats Calvin you’ll have to wait till he goes through it to see it but now let’s go confirm and let’s

Let’s go to in where it’ll send him so it’s the moon the health is infinite it’s unkillable and its only skills are to approach Calvin and eat him let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now we have it the scary Moon spawn egg and I’m not spawning this in though until Calvin

Comes let me show you where he gets sent though if we go to this warp right here we’re going to be getting sent to the literal Moon maze where he’s pretty much screwed over any direction he goes it’s going to be a dead end but my goal now

Is going to be a bit special if you guys remember we made him install mod where he thinks it’s shaders but in reality we’re going to be crashing his computer and leaving something on his desktop that’ll be the final scream and to crash his computer and while his computer

Crashes we’re going to be spawning in a lot and I mean a lot of the scary villagers all of these guys are going to be just maxed out with screams and of course I have my screaming buttons and so when we crash this computer you guys

Will see what happens and we’ll see how much money he owes me so now let’s real quick spawn an infinite amount of these guys oh my gosh there’s so many my computer’s already lagging looky these guys holy I think we might be ready guys he probably did not expect for me to

Crash his Minecraft let’s see what happens Calvin time for the last level we spent a lot of time on this one but here’s your only Mission look up at the moon are you ready buddy just want me to look up at the Moon uh yeah n see Neer I

Like the moon yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my God what is that that is the giant scary Moon and now it’s grabbing you okay enjoy buddy all right where are we going oh here we go Moon of Screams all right cin go ahead and decide your fate behind

You or forward I’m going forward oh gosh okay you don’t know what’s about to happen until all of my enemies are come on oh my god oh gosh oh gosh he already he’s already oh my God where am I supposed to go so what Calvin doesn’t

Know right now is I’m about to press a button where I’m going to crash his Minecraft and when that happens you guys will see what his desktop picture is bro what is this they’re just throwing me Jesus Keep screaming buddy you got to get outside this is crazy and for the

Final move Calvin I will now be crashing your computer have fun bro this is Impossible 3 2 1 oh I crashed Calvin what the what is this that’s it you screamed a total of this many times we counted it after the fact it’s it’s over $1,000 buddy oh my

Bro I I deserve compensation for this buddy I I I am so sorry thank you guys for watching that is it let me know if you guys want to see more of these videos Calvin sorry well I’ll invite you to another one okay maybe you can get Payback okay bye Guys

Minecraft but If He Screams, I Win… w/ @Calvin9000
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#Minecraft #But


  1. I want to make this very clear. I'm not here for your theatrics. I'm here for Calvin. Nothing against you, but your enthusiasm is WAY too much for me, and Calvin's nonchalant attitude really does it for me. Anyways, RIP Calvin's mic and our ears, cause that brotha screamed a LOT

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