Minecraft but I’m Locked in a Chunk

I’m locked inside of only one Chunk in Minecraft but if I can find collect and craft the right blocks I can unlock more chunks awesome items and eventually the entire world well I guess this will be my home for a little while I am already claustrophobic dude I’ve got a couple of

Trees some flowers not much going on in this one but looks like uh two dirt I can already unlock my next chunk I don’t mind getting my hands dirty oh no I’ve Got dirt under my nails all right two dirt for you and already a new Chun

Chunk heck yeah ah he has so much room for activities H still not much going on hold on let me unlock more of these chunks chunk two unlocked some of these chunks are going to be nice and easy just with dirt or whatever for the unlock what the heck a spider eye hold

On let me just rip out Spider-Man’s eyeball real quick I’m not going to do that I’m sorry Peter well that was it for the easy chunks the one problem is food I don’t have anything to eat here I mean I have grass for seeds but no water

Wait I think that’s a village in Hay Bales all right let’s head in that direction Sandstone stairs come coming right up well in in a few minutes this has to be the first time I’ve ever crafted Sandstone stairs gosh Sandstone stairs say that nine times fast s sand

Star STS okay what do I got to do uh just is this Sandstone how do I make Sandstone this is embarrassing is this Sandstone no this is I don’t want you I figure sand furnace Sandstone right I grab some coobel and now I smell oh gosh

No that makes ow hey bro get the back Comm on sir I’m just over here you’re embarrassing myself how than do I get Sandstone how am I supposed to get food might have to come back to you later my arch nemesis stairs on the bright side I

Got glass if I need it I can make a nice pair of glasses ah yes I see so much better ah I can make a little Finch here trunk unlocked let’s go is there Sandstone here I can get no another stairs what am I supposed to do

Watermelon my first bit of food oh wait no never mind I have it here already food unlocked it’s not the best food in the world but I I’ll put my mouth on whatever uh wait no go oh wait hold on can can I just no no I’m so embarrassed

I’ve been playing Minecraft like my whole life well now I know I can craft Sandstone so yay the more you know all the comments are screaming at me right now Chester is very disappointed Chester knows all the crafting recipes and there’s our stairs you saw nothing hey

Yeah chunk unlocked oh snap I unlocked a milestone as well looks like I got myself a bottomless food pouch here wait wait what right click to obtain a random food item oh that’s awesome give me something excellent ah spider ey that’s food I had no idea you could eat that I

Am learning so much about Minecraft in this episode chunk unlocked crush it I have water for the first time which is good I got squids so they can ink on my face or whatever I’ve got zombies stay in your chunk there buddies no thank you now

Stay over there yeah you can’t come over oh what the heck they can leave the chunk but I can’t I see how it is hold on boys golden apples now we’re talking hey oh gosh that’s a lot of mobs okay uh might need to make myself a sword or

Something here but good to know the more chunks I unlock the more custom items I get that’ll be really helpful wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ah crushed it just in time sorry I don’t know what that was we have made it to morning I it’s hard to

Tell what’s day and night just because everything’s so blue oh what who did that was it you squidy boy oh hi give me a fishing rod I got bones and arrows so I guess that’ll be helpful if I need that for an unlock I could probably go

Fishing but I’d have to kill spiders for string or find a m shaft wait my food pouch if this gives me random food I might eventually get myself salmon right come on salmon give it to me don’t gamble kids unless you have a magical food pouch that gives you salmon berries

I don’t need you berries golden apples that is so nice to have come on come on give me a salmon give me a salmon you know you want to come on no I don’t want the wagu beef I don’t want a second cake all right I’ll come back later I do

Still want to hit that Village though um is this just a normal button yeah it is no problem what’s this bone meal easy I got this fight in a skeleton no problem heck yeah man making progress fast oh no I just use my only bone it’s fine it’s

Fine I’ll just borrow my own femur just tears out the bone from my body well at least I had like the chunk out of it dirt easy some of these chunks are getting a little harder but some are still pretty easy which is nice what are

You dirt yes I like these easy ones Milestone since I unlocked 10 chunks I got myself a chunk Explorer pickaxe ah yes very chunky looking um what happens I right clicked with it I got speed or something haste and speed interesting okay it might act like an iron or

Diamond pickaxe but let’s try it with haste uh is that fast yeah that’s pretty fast all right we take those man I like it Oak plank no problem we’re crushing this man it won’t be long until the world is unlocked some what the heck is

That that dude what what what is that is that sand no it’s like sand if they put on a little extra Moisturizer in the mornings oh you know what that is no I have no idea wait a second is it yeah I’m smart don’t scroll back to when I

Didn’t know what Sandstone was okay it’s a stripped Birch log crushed it more dirt yes please I got a little distracted I still do want to unlock this Village over here just going to grab some of these and I can unlock you hello all right is that the whole

Village is that it we got some bread which is nice oh there’s a house up here let me make myself um what is that it’s uh jungle stairs oh no stairs again I’m traumatized by stairs just like me in real life all right that should do it

Yeah dude and now we have a beautiful house check this out dude wait a second I saw something move a villager what’s up Jeremy I thought I was going to be all alone in this chunk but now here you are a glorious boy and I unlocked all

The chunks for you you’re welcome he was taking a nap the whole time M me do all the work for him explore the world my boy enjoy the chunks congrats on the new job farmer Jeremy it’s a good fit for him and look at that an iron golem to

Protect our new farmer Jeremy We’ve Got Dirt to unlock this bad boy and then um I need one more chunk to unlock them never mind I need no more chunks to unlock them it’s honestly so unfair you guys can walk on the chunks but I can’t

Not cool it’s fine it’s fine who’s that over there we got some horses and cows that are that are all in the pen for some reason don’t worry I’ll rescue you you guys out here just partying in the cow pen I get it man cows on the Dance

Floor really know how to move it okay dude we unlocked a whole village man this is awesome and I brought cake for us to celebrate and I um I was hungry so I ate all of it but happy birthday Gerald just give me a couple minutes I’ll get you another birthday cake

Gerald Jerald I’m sorry I forgot it was your birthday I promise you Gerald he’s moping there you go Gerald happy birthday buddy all right moving on let’s unlock some more chunks shall we there’s a lot of dirt chunks I might want to make myself a decent spatula I mean

Spoon or shovel or whatever to get dirt real easy because by the look of it we’ll have a lot of chunks to unlock and no I’m not talking about you chunky boy uh maybe go around the block it’s like Mario trying to get coins out of them I

Did not get coins but I did get a concussion so same thing snowballs glad I made my old spoon here there’s another unlock what if creepers had relatives biome creepers DX adds exactly that creeper variants to find in a new world they blend into the environment they

Spawn in with custom explosions to boot defeat them to get powerful new drops you can use across any new world you create biome creepers DX available now on the Minecraft Marketplace and 20 yes and there’s another Milestone of 20 unlocks check this out dude I’ve got a

Sword of Legend I honestly did not work hard enough to deserve the the sword of Legends I mined a couple of dirt I unlocked a village what’s happening I I um I’m not going to ask ow the perfect time to test my sword okay it’s like a

Normal sword here if I right click with it oh I got to be careful with that if I right click I send down lightning upon my enemies oh heck yeah dude yo Gerald you want me to light your birthday cake you want me to light oh gosh I did not

Mean to do that oh shoot well lesson learned don’t use a sort of Legend to open doors okay oh gosh oh no no no no no he a witch he’s a witch Gerald I’m sorry buddy what have I done first I forgot your birthday and now this I’m

Sorry my boy well we have an emerald if we in case we need that at some point in the future spiders yeah okay if I get that string I can oh wait no I already got salmon okay perfect my bottomless food pouch gave me salmon which is good

So I can unlock that other Chunk from earlier and a bunch of snowballs here so that’s nice and easy unlocking chunks like it’s my job well technically it is and one Cobblestone for you and a new new chunk there’s not a whole lot going on in some of these but the further out

We go the cooler these chunks get the zombie versus the skeleton who will win it’s me it’s me I’m going to win wait where did I get iron from killed mobs drop random ores oh okay the sword of Legend coming through that’s sick dude and I got copper all right so that’ll be

A nice way oh gosh no no I’m going die Diamond perfect my inventory is so full of random junk but we’re getting there boys we’ll grab some of this dirt and then some of this snow that should be good man we’re already on chunk 25 that’s crazy any new items is this a

Milestone is it no okay whatever it’s fine I don’t want a cool new item anyway oh wait uh berries um I had berries earlier did I throw them away yeah thank you magical food pouch you’ve hooked a brother up 1 2 3 4 nailed it couple more

Snowballs well we’ve unlocked a lot of chunks but they’re kind of all over the place so let me clean this up a bit and lock oh gosh and unlock some of of the middle chunks shall we that way we have lots of room in the middle what are you

Little Oak log will you settle instead for a diamond nope okay it’s fine all right the chunk will not be bribed good to know ah hello log you wouldn’t mind if I borrow this right farmer Jeremy and at long last the sammon the I said the S

The salmon the is it a cook salmon it’s a cook salmon at long last the salmon yeah yes Milestone reached oh my gosh this thing is massive what is this I went from a sword of Legend to a vacuum cleaner okay I will suck the dirt off of

You dirt oh my goodness wa dude this is powerful man it has no durability it has no cool down it just destroys everything in its path oh my gosh it’s the vacuum of Legends oh interesting it gives me stone not Cobblestone that’s good reveal all the ores oh this is so awesome dude

I’m not sure exactly what I want to use this for yet but hey I have it in case I want to mine down to mine crafts equivalent of Australia here’s a nice easy chunk to unlock there’s a slab 32 unlocked I don’t know why that made a

Special sound but it made my brain happy you need a jungle sapling all right I’ll chop down a jungle tree and wait for a while I guess also need a birch sapling as well sorry buddy looks like you and your neighbor are going to tree heaven

So dark just trap the tree crafty why does everything have to be sentient dude there’s our saplings and there’s our unlocks that feels a lot better man now that all this space in the middle is open are you happy farmer Jeremy honestly I feel very satisfied seeing

This much open space around here I’m getting there boys I’m making progress looks like a Pillager Outpost over there shall we unlock it shall we go battle some boys I wouldn’t mind putting some use to this sword of Legend I just need a pickaxe there you go buddy yo check

This out there’s a Pillager Outpost there there’s like a sunken ship and then also a ruined portal this area is kind of cool and I only need dirt the easiest unlock of my life I threw the wrong thing thing oh I’m very excited some Cobblestone that’s nice and easy oh

I’m so pumped and some more dirt oh I’m ready dude what’s up Pillager boys how you doing oh gosh this is going to be kind of tough I can unlock the chunk I got to unlock oh gosh I have to unlock two chunks at once ah wait wait hold on

Boys what do you need oh no I have to unlock the entire Pillager Outpost but it’s stuck yeah there we go Pillager Outpost unlocked and now it’s oh well that was a quick battle and now it’s battle time yeah check that out dude I love my new

Sword you cannot face against the sword of Legend I turned him into dust literally into Redstone Dust vanquished him so hard he just evaporated hello Pillager friends oh gosh there’s a lot of guys up here take that wait a second oh gosh no no no I’m going to die I’m

Going to die wait wait wait hold on got him and I got a free diamond out of it well it wasn’t free it cost one single life of an evil man any nice loots in here a rocket elytra oh dude these pillagers coming in with a loot

Man I also have an iron ingot I can have seven wheat and a rocket elytra so take it or leave it heck yeah man Crouch and right click to launch in the air yeah oh gosh I forgot to fly okay so I can Crouch and right click and then I can

Fly oh that’s incredible dude I just have an eltra now I have an elytra with free rockets that is so good I Can Fly through all my chunks I just unlocked wait wait hold on can I unlock chunks while flying unlock you unlock yes oh dirt dirt unlock yeah crushed it nice

Man that is such a good unlock and we’re just getting started ow can you not I’m trying to do with something epic over here and we’re just getting started can you guys not can you stop interrupting me please and we’re just getting started my next goal is this sunken ship over

Here that looks rad I do need some fish though and based on my luck I probably should not count on my magical food sack so let’s fight some spiders for string shall we yeah well that was easy how do I make this um yeah no this video has

Been so embarrassing turns out I know nothing about Minecraft that’s great salmon one acquired there you go my boy I don’t have kids to feed but I do have walls to feed and boy those chunks are chunky and apparently they’re picky as well popper fish dude dude I mean I

Guess I’ll keep it but puffer fish are so rare I just want salmon come on come on give me a salmon I I’m done I’m done is there any salmon in this little oh there’s salmon in this Ravine the entire time okay fantastic thank you for your sacrifice me boys

There’s that chunk unlocked finally and there’s the Shipwreck chunk unlocked or almost why I have to get so many salmon come here buddy come here I need you and there it is three salmon yeah oh gosh why is this shipwreck in like four chunks man it’s going to take forever uh

It’s not terribly hard all right I’ll do it there’s six dirt for you and three stripped logs for you after long last the Shipwreck has been revealed watch it has like a piece of paper in it that says like IOU come on Pirates please have something good in here oh well

That’s where all the salmon were located excellent we have a chest here uh and normal stuff that’s fine oh there’s a hidden chest down here they thought I wouldn’t find it oh snap dude an x-ray helmet those pirates didn’t hide good enough for your boy I’ve snagged their

Helmet check it out I’ve got green eyes now so it’s an x-ray helmet how does this work oh so this is my x-ray menu I can click chest and it’ll highlight nearby chests so if I do that same thing with diamonds is it just going to show

Me diamonds that is awesome well thank you shipwreck that certainly was worth it some easy dirt unlocks no problem some buttons a bone six Cactus where the heck is cactus man I swear I have not seen cactus cus yet at all have you guys seen any Cactus oh gosh well before we

Unlock the nether we might have to find where Cactus is located it might be locked deep in one of these chunks somewhere wait wait gosh I love this sword H I might still be able to unlock that island or the portal I should say but I might have to go around got some

Dirt for you my boy and slabs is that it I know how to get those now Jeremy is Multiplied oh Jeremy made a friend I’m so glad to see it Jeremy 1 and Jeremy 2 keep feeding the village boys grab some of these smelt up ouch oh

Wait no gosh dang it I forgot I do it already it’s not like I play Minecraft every day or anything there we go and there’s our is this smooth Sandstone oh gosh dang it how do I make how do I make smooth Sandstone slabs what is this it’s

A cut Redstone slab I don’t even know what that is dog do I want to go to the nether I don’t know if I want to cut sandstone Minecraft CRA uh um um okay you make this and then you make this and I didn’t Google anything what are you

Talking about ah there it is gosh dang it I’m still not even here oh gosh bad guys I swear this nether portal is going to be the death of me dude normal Sandstone can do thank you my boy yeah there’s the rails and boom we’ve got a

Nether portal and all I need is like seven obsidian gosh dang it are we ever going to go to the nether can can I can I use this chunk can I no I can’t even get the chest and I can’t even unlock it cuz I can’t get whatever it’s fine I

Have the nether portal here if I need it let’s get to chunk unlocking shall we editor Montage time mining dirt Montage was that exciting was that riveting content okay okay real Montage time nice yep 71 72 oh stop it 73 74 75 let’s go a nice oh my goodness that that is

Not what I was expecting okay my mom always said money doesn’t grow on trees but apparently End Portals do our end portal fruit has a ripened so I guess no need to go to the nether which is nice although I’m not ready for a dragon

Fight I’ll be honest I might have to get my myself a little bit of diamonds for armor and I have just the items to do it I can use my xrayer finally oh yeah and I can put my vacuum to use as well yeah now we’re talking dude I’m not sure how

Many diamonds I’ll have available in my chunks but hopefully it’s enough for full diamond armor that’d be nice oh is that Diamonds oh no that’s not Diamonds oh No I can’t find diamonds whatever will I do I can cheat is that diamonds no that’s a fence where where are the

Diamonds hey found a nice little cave here very nice come on yes diamond let’s go my little x-ray here is coming in handy it just highlights all the diamonds so it should be pretty easy to get very nice any more diamonds around here have you seen diamonds my good man

Okay whatever it’s fine no dude there’s so many diamonds in this chunk uh do I have any berries I don’t and that’s where my magical food sack comes in handy you just got to wait for I don’t know a couple minutes here 2 hours later yes there’s four berries there’s

The chunk unlocked and now let’s get our diamonds yeah yeah yeah go wa and there’s our glorious dondes I I thought there was more was there not more yes there’s more all right that gives us bomber dude I can’t get these five but I have 25 so I’m going to call that a

Win perfect I did make full diamond although I do want to wear my elytra so I don’t know hopefully I don’t die cross your fingers friendos I love this vacuum dude this is so nice don’t know what the turkey sound was but you know let’s do this Mr Dragon

Man oh are you kidding me dude the end is locked gosh dang it man it’s fine if I want to unlock the world I just got to take out the dragon so this will be worth it just a few more chunks to unlock and then I’m golden give me your

Pearls give me your pearls excuse me sir can I get some pearls please chunk unlocked oh that’s nice the middle isn’t locked so that’s good it’s time Mr Dragon Lightning gold yeah oh gosh I should I should probably take out these crystals huh oh snap you guys I found

Out a loophole here the chunk is locked but I can still use my lightning to take out the crystals which is really nice yeah lightning go yeah dude ouch and that’s all the crystals taken out it’s just Dragon time now take that Dragon Lightning go yeah you’ve been slain Mr Dragon yes and

World has been unlocked let’s check it out shall we what the heck welcome to the Overworld my man he’s like how did I get here yes dude it’s glorious the whole world has been unlocked make sure to unlock that subscribe button and I’ll see you in the next one

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Mods used in this video:
#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Minecraft but I’m Locked in a Chunk

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


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