The Portal Nexus – Stardew Valley Expanded – Part 16

Hello everybody it’s been a while welcome back to stardy Valley expanded oh looks like we got a cut scene good morning S I bring important news from The Fill Republic Ministry of magic would appear a high ranking council member has expressed interest in developing your Arcane potential which isn’t a common

Occurrence man getting right into it aren’t we my colleagues have tasked me with teaching you warp magic meet me at my tower at your earliest convenience okay so this kind of ties into something I was oh oh God just G to talk about good morning s hope I’m not

Intruding hello Lance we met you last episode for the people who don’t remember I had heard from a colleague your farm hand was extraordinary your farm land their description barely did it justice this place is breathtaking well thank you of course allow me the opportunity to explain while I’m here I received

Word from your guild administrator Gil that Marlin was looking to contract with the combat Mage after reviewing the relevant task submissions I decided to accept a combat Mage I wish I could be a Mage and I must admit after we met at Mount calder’s Caldera you peaked my

Interest I’d like to get to know you better but I travel quite often so at the risk of being a little forward here’s my schedule whoa just outright dang you’ll meet again soon I’ll be taking my leave now farewell s there notice a little detail that’s actually really nice there’s Footsteps in the

Snow leading to our uh firewood which you don’t think about very often yeah we have like firewood and stuff already we’re seeing one of the things from one of the mods I added I added cat gifts sometimes Machi here will just bring a gift to our door doorstep and we got

Maky rolls I also added the ginger Island Mainland adjustments basically whenever a character plans on going to Ginger Island they will have dialogue referring to that I guess I’ll keep the Moy rolles I mean I don’t really have much of a reason to keep them I think they’re probably a loved gift for

Someone oh no it’s just liked by a lot of people so maybe I maybe I’ll just keep them around as gifts let’s look at Lance’s schedule here oh I it’s not a physical item I can interact with oh it’s just got a description wow that’s a lot gon Outpost

We’ve not gone there yet or the highlands interesting I’ll keep that in safekeeping another one of the effects of the ginger Island Mainland adjustments is that couple new characters can now go to the beach that being Sandy Gus maybe the wizard I don’t know if the wizard can I’m trying to

Think if I plant these right now no I shouldn’t plant them because they won’t grow unless I put speed grow on them I don’t remember off the top of my head of speed grow effects these let me check I guess I don’t have any speed grow regardless so who cares well it’s

Unfortunate that we can’t go and see Lance today but that’s definitely someone I want to interact with a lot in the upcoming weeks oh we got a lot of ancient fruit ready to harvest oh boy updated start Valley expanded and there are a couple of very important updates

That it’s gotten that are relevant three Coral huh I can do that getting the mines cut scene is now a lot easier I shouldn’t need rain for it anymore ooh dwarf Gadget I actually will need that that’s very good that I got another one oh goodness there’s a Mystic

Stone over here I was just like taking a look around the farm just to get caught up with everything cuz I’ve forgotten a lot little bit of gold or a little bit of a ridore nothing too crazy from that so out of curiosity what do I need to

Upgrade my house 50,000 gold and 150 Hardwood I need so much hardwood for like everything good lord well I guess I’ll go and take care of that and I’ll think more about what I want to do with my week all right well while we’re down

Here the wizard did say that he wants to see us for magic training so I don’t remember if that was a cut scene we’ve already seen if I’m honest okay this could be new you arrived precisely at the time I foresaw okay buddy one that will help you tap into some new

Types of magic it’s quite potent I think we’ve already seen this all right let’s see so there is a new path that’s kind of convenient it’s very close to my farmhouse follow me S Don’t Stray too far but I’m wondering how this like plays into you know we’re going to have obelisks eventually

So is this adjacent to the obelisk maybe it’s only to new areas Mana flows freely in the secluded Grove it’s a perfect location for your Nexus with our combined magic and my guidance we can alter the flow of time here come Channel your Mana I Channel my Mana every night bro okay

S open your eyes whoa It’s not winter oh that’s crazy I mean maybe they just didn’t make winter tile sets but hey magnificent isn’t it your Enchanted Grove is safeguarded from the changing oh okay Seasons weather and prying eyes we’re not quite done yet you still

Need to create your first work point I believe it’s only suitable if it’s my if it’s to my own Nexus let’s depart to the warp Ball s God look at all these during the lessons I explained that in order to connect to a location to your NE with

Your Nexus you need something that came into being there I brewed this potion today in this very Tower it’s suitable enough to complete the spell okay also potions that’s a thing that’s in this game that we haven’t even gotten into yet place the potion on the hex and summon your warp run

S guess it worked well done the warp runes linked your Nexus to your Nexus successfully much you teleport there now it’ll be a slight I didn’t think the text was going to skip room oh cute it’s like a little area I like that ah Toms owl statues a hex Circle

And the smell of fresh Moss wouldn’t expect anything else seek out other areas of interest and expand your Nexus S in due time a colleague of mine will pay you a visit well done today I knew there was something special about you the moment you set foot in stardo Valley that’s

Nice well sorry for kicking off the the video with uh visual novel of sorts yeah I wonder how we figure out how we do other warp runes do we get like a oh my horse is despawned it’s gone forever oh do drop berries that is a holy moly plus two luck plus two

Speed what do you mean I just get that just for funsies Grants magical abilities until the next sunrise wait those so that that’s all day I’ve got to save those for like a rainy day like skull Cavern Dives that’s crazy uh just because I’m fairly certain

It’s going to be on the farm and forging table I’m going to drop one d drop Berry I know it sounds like such a waste how am ALS am I going to fill that spot a new baby oh my baby dinosaur oh God I didn’t have a cell phone name

Picked out okay so this one’s going to be a deep cut it’s a dinosaur right so I’m going to name it after the first ever phone the Reese telephone that feels fitting to me uh this is ominous why is nobody here interesting there’s Sam oh God this Clint

Cutscene good Lord buddy hello s here to join me my Lady let’s just go let me just go ahead and tell you what’s on my mind I have terrible luck with women s I’m a nice guy if you get to know me I swear beautiful beautiful line the girls all seem to like you s got any tips uh

Impress act well that’s not the best choice at all times act natural that’s the problem I do act natural but I never have any success oh she’s doing hi glint what can I get for you tonight yes or I mean I’ll have a big and cheesy with extra sauce please hi

Zel H thanks Emily for taking my order see here’s what not to do this at the workplace it’s like come on come on bro yes Clint the Dead Pan stare never mind hi Shane what’s your here’s your Beverage thanks Emily oh he is bundled up good lord it’s fine thanks for asking Shane do you have any new chicken stories for me I’m doomed you’re not interested like you just thanks for taking my order um that’s not good oh hi Gus that feels wrong where was everyone where would what huh I’m so confused I’m befuddled some could even say wait was there like a Community Center event today or something that’s

Got to be it right well no one’s here now seems like everyone I mean they’re all walking downwards I must assume that everyone was here also I love the way they decorated this for stard Valley expanded it didn’t show it like this in the cut scene but there’s even like a

Little farm area down here oh that’s right we have a new special order we need to do uh Gus’s fameless famous omelet with eggs Rock rejuvenation uh yeah I’ll just Doom Rock Rejuvenation that’s incredibly easy actually you know what I’m going to do because I can foresee this being an issue I haven’t

Started using this area as crop space I’m going to grab all my mahogany seeds and plant them with tree fertilizer so that we can get all of the hardwood that we need soon and there we go simple as that I think we’ll call it a day there

Those should be ready in about 5 to 6 days and then get rid of them and we can use the area for crop space next year that’ll be exciting this is the last week of the year I don’t think I even remembered that wow yeah so we made a little bit of

Money from all the ancient fruit seeds uh do drop berries do not sell for a lot noted all right oh we’re getting so many cutcenes what’s this about I just created another Warp so that’s just going to happen in like cutcenes from now on oh it’s raining on

The island tomorrow that’s important to go and see Leah’s birthday uh speaking of how many how many walnuts have we collected up to this point oh it doesn’t show you the total number dang I always forget about that we can check on the island oh thanks that’ll be useful oh

Gosh there’s a lot more to pick okay so I think I am going to go to Ginger Island definitely need to get Leah something for her birthday cuz we have very low friendship with her uh you know what something we should do we should go

And see if we can’t get the my or the sewers to activate right cuz I I did update the game and that was in the most recent update the sewers cut scene is easier to unlock and I’m assuming that’s talking about not needing rain anymore oh she

Loves wine we can do that I’m pretty sure we have wine in here somewhere yeah there we go just plain wine oh we have this cut scene as well we don’t have any blue chickens yet I believe this is that cut scene Uncle Shane’s in the barn he said

Uh he said to tell you he wants to show you something yeah baby here it is fresh eggs that should do it It’s the perfect home for you hens we’ll have the best eggs in the whole valley best portrait fresh and healthy with Rich golden yolks not like those pale sickly JoJo eggs what about my Eggs you know Charlie I was thinking guy like me is always teetering on the edge of Despair know what I mean this chicken looked so concerned but you and the other hands are going to keep me upright from now on I know it what’s wrong too much pressure bro that’s a Chicken hey s so what do you think yep those are chickens my special blue hands I’ve been raising them in secret for the last few months I well I won’t be living here forever and I wanted to pass on something to Jas I’ve been teaching her

How to care for them I want to feel like I’m not just a leech on the world I want to contribute somehow even in a small way like this it’s not a small way when it’s like so impactful to the people you know though Right like you know there is a whole world out there yes but to some people you are their whole world so hello I got wine for you bud Merry birthday that’s four Hearts not too bad I guess I’ll do the talk to for it yeah I think this is literally the first time

We’ve been in her house so we have an aridium pan here I forgot I upgraded it all the way to aridium already kind of crazy uh so what would be next probably trash can I don’t really care too much about upgrading the watering can or the

Hoe I mean yeah upgrading the hoe would be nice for this next upcoming spring season so maybe I’ll do that but I’m not too pressed about it all righty if I’m correct entering this Zone should activate a sewer cut scene ooh we we’ve got something maybe this is

It oh this is exciting this unlocks so much for us come join me S S there’s something I’ve been meaning to show You it’s time you meet kobus yay they’re the shadow person I’ve been hiding in pelicant town Sewers I like the implication that he’s actually hiding him come let’s head into town okay also I’m realizing I’ve never fished in this little river here before they’re could be a unique fish there perhaps let me unlock this first all right watch your step I wonder if the sewers is going to

Look different at all no no it’s uh actually pretty much exactly the same interesting you know what that leaves this area up to an expansion and uh there was a recent one that released so maybe I’ll do that kobus I have someone here that like to meet like you to

Meet also why is marlin the one hiding him when you know Marlin be killing monsters kobis meets Sal our newest guild member you know the one tasked with killing many of your fellow Shadow People pleasure to meet you yoyo you’re a friend of Marlins you’re safe to be around

Kobus has had bad experiences with humans I stumbled into them during a mission many years ago unlike other Shadow People KOB speaks our language and is friendly it’s unprecedented huh adventurers often stab first and ask questions later shielding kobis from them was imperative Magnus and I arranged a temporary home in the

Sewers okay grateful to them they treat me nicely like I’m a person s if anyone in town Town saw kobis they could notify the order they would be taken away you must keep what you’ve seen here a secret Let Us return to the guild I have something to give you oh

Gosh we’ll be taking our leave kobis it’s been a pleasure as always you’ll be seeing salagan soon didn’t seem too excited about that it appeared all right so what do you have to give me you’ve proven your trust to me this is the key to the sewers yay Magnus Gil and

I have a copy now you do too oh that’s funny putting Gill in on it you should speak to crows they seem fond of you and don’t forget they’re to remain a secret cool that works for me well in that case I’m going to the sewers Demetrius I see that you like

Bearberries and I don’t really have much of another reason to have them so here you go okay I unlock and I can go in and already we have another cut scene with kobus okay what’s up little man it’s first time being here alone I suppose you’re back Marlin gave you a

Key he did it’s nice to meet you I know why you’re hiding in the sewer we just had a whole cut scene about it I’m happy to meet someone new gets lonely down here I’ve collected many exotic Goods but throughout my travels if you have gold you’re welcome to purchase them you know

What I just might take a look my like Emoji was reflected in the water well just being down here we unlock a couple of new fish that I will need to catch looking for a dark Talisman now you mention it I did have one in my possession not too long ago

Unfortunately I dropped it while exploring the tunnel in the far corner things started heating up in there so I left in a hurry you seem pretty sturdy I’ll open it back up for you just be careful cool yep I didn’t need to do that and also let’s care buy anything what do you

Got one Omni geode honestly oh I want to start grabbing some of those oh I forgot interesting and there’s a lot of recipes too void salmon sushi that’s new void mayonnaise void salmon seaweed gives you plus three luck are we kidding plus five defense that’s crazy I mean what’s more

Important than a star drop right I’ll grab it I didn’t plan on it but that’s star drop number four I don’t actually recall I believe it’s four that feels right let’s explore the uh mutant bugler real quick all right doesn’t seem to have changed too much in fact it seems completely

Untouched algae soup right off the bat let me get this little speed while going through here that’s right I have hay maker so I can get more hay by cutting fiber before we get out of here got to go fishing here we go actually I don’t

Remember I know you can get carp here were there any new fish here any exclusive fish oh that’s not vanilla uses its pincers to hunt prey interesting let’s see if there’s anything else this seems like it could be different nope also a water grub that’s okay I’m fine with having

Multiple that seems like it could be an interesting fish to put into a fish pond now that I think about it hey there we go there’s the Slime Jack all right I just want wanted those too I’m assuming that’s it gosh that’s a lot of fiber and we get the void

Pandant I said that weird you got the dark oh no not the void Pand pendant the dark Talisman that’s right the void pendant is for uh roommating kobus I forgot about that well with that I see no reason not to go straight on over to

The witch’s Hut um you are a fan of algae soup so I’m just going to pop it on onto you I have no reason to carry it in my inventory you are also a fan of FY soup get souped dude uh Penny I have a bunch of chewing sticks

Because I keep digging them up so there you go and Alex you’ll never guess it algae soup all right here we are if y’all remember I did have the I always forget that it’s like a chicken looking thing I did add the witches swamp expansion a couple of episodes ago

So this is going to be different oh goodness look at it it’s so grungy hello hey it’s you again again sorry I ran away that last time I don’t recall that just couldn’t resist the tasty smell that stuff huh the witch yeah she fired me of

Course but she hasn’t paid in a long time so I’m not very sad about losing this job this is implying that you added the thing after giving him void void mayonnaise oh nobody really goes in here too often so feel free to come and uh come here every now and then

Okay oops first of all but I mean it’s just giving him void s or void mayonnaise in fact you know what I wonder if uh I still have to do it I sure do guah human you want to pass I’m sorry this is private property interesting all right oh wait I

See I see the issue yeah this is probably intended to be added after you do this Quest so that’s the henchman the NPC that can be gifted to and I believe to the left is the henchman the obstacle anyway if you didn’t know yoink a doodle void salmon right there in the

Water sniff sniff that smell I can’t resist give me that easy ass so uh the witches swamp expansion adds a lot of stuff new crops new fish and new forgea bles here as well as zi as a uh not romanceable I almost said romanceable as a giftable

NPC uh let’s see what makes some tick real quick crab cakes aged row caviar good Lord and of course void mayonnaise which is probably one of the easiest things to get in fact I don’t you can’t fish up void mayonnaise after you give it to them I

Was about to try but I don’t believe that’s a option so there’s swamp herb that’s new something we’ll have to ship I I’ll be fully honest I don’t know how to get some of the new crops that you get here yeah there’s a lot to do I’ll be coming back here pretty often

For now we’ve got the magic ink for the wizard so we’ll return that tomorrow got a couple of things here Shrine of selfishness gets rid of your kids memory uh if you divorce a spouse you can wipe their memory of it and then of course the night terrors so you can add

Monsters to your farm at night I will not be doing that sorry about it oh that sends us right here interesting so that’s part of the the warp system my man you found my ink excellent all did you happen to see my ex-wife no well what about her house do you think she

Lives alone or well there’s Vic but that’s more of a boss employee relationship actually don’t tell me I don’t want to know anyway you must be wondering about your reward here super Exciting yay I’m going to be using the the heck out of those junimo Huts it’s a big book of summoning the Arcane potential is immense but I’ll make it simple for you by using this book you can summon magic buildings directly to your farm I think you’ll find it

Useful all righty almost forgot to say uh thank you you got it don’t even worry about it so what do we got what do we got chilling over here I’m wondering if there’s anything new junimo Hut Earth Obelisk their doors oh cool I don’t entirely know what mod that’s from Desert Island gold

Clock junim MOA okay nothing new for now but uh I guess we could always see so I did have a thought can we maybe create a warp Point here now maybe not I was wondering if I like walked down and oh wait no no no

Here it is it was just a little bit lower so where does this go oh God I’m getting into Something or like in the forest maybe this shouldn’t have have been done at like midnight on a snowy day you sense a magical presence deep in the forest we we can’t do this today nope I’m going to pass out we got to go all right let’s

Ship the swamp herb and we will put these fish in here for safekeeping and that’s our day jeez day three it feels like the days are so long doesn’t it it’s just a rerun we don’t need it so it is raining on Ginger Island today let me guess more

Cut scenes No wow it’s for surprising although we do have an apricot thanks Machi I appreciate it tomorrow’s the Feast of the winter star oh God my secret F friend Pam oh I can do that although I think Pam’s already maxed out for us Fe starts at 9

A.m. yeah okay that’s easy we do have uh all of the rest of the forgea now so that’ll clear out our area it’s just out of curiosity five 540 winter seeds we’ll get some more coffee brewing so I want to do something I want to let’s see Lance’s

Schedule he’s in stardy Valley today aren’t we all uh gosh where would that even be then probably at the guild adventurers Guild we could check there and what should do we bring oh he loves the Amber sword which we do have uh we don’t have anything else and you know

What I am more than happy to use our Amber sword for that let’s see is he just chilling outside here’s Marlin oh we maxed out Marlin jeez I had no clue he’s chilling outside right oh gosh he’s not in there well oh speak of the devil

Have a gift this will serve me well you have my gratitude nice oh he’s romanceable Rin contracted me for some jobs suitable to only a combat Mage such as myself I’m not at Liberty to discuss the details interesting I do know that it’s very important that we get a lot of

Friendship with him don’t you worry about that if dwarves love anything it’s algae soup reminds them of home all right let’s get headed to Ginger Island all right rainy day on the island so what is the plan here uh I am very unfortunately in a situation where I

Kind of Forgotten what golden walnuts I have and don’t have definitely we need to grind out the volcano a little bit more that’s for sure uh we have not done the quiz correctly of course I know I never get it wrong it’s obviously 22 purple flowers and very

Clearly 18 purple starfish we knew this we knew this all the time I’ve never gotten it wrong what do we need here still a lot of snake stuff o bats we can find bats in the volcano as well all right well let’s see if there’s anything

I believe I just heard a panning spot spawn give me that good goou four terat tuers four copper ore all right exactly what I was planning on getting yay oh we got a journal scrap there uh what do we got W go hungry here the waters are full of edible nay delicious

Fish I don’t know if that’s true about the lion fish if I’m going to be completely honest with you there you are jeez I looked literally everywhere else first all right amethyst on the west side all right pop it into place and I probably will just end up waiting for

Whatever the third thing is and then we’ll fill in the last one cuz I don’t feel like making too many guesses well I’m going to go ahead and start grinding out a bit in the here in the volcano so that I can start getting some of the golden walnuts from here that sounds

Like the best bet for now and hopefully I don’t die there’s one there’s two oh gosh oh my goodness two more tiger slime eggs that’s kind of crazy I guess I don’t really need the rice shoots all right got to floor five I’m going to have to use the shortcut here

Which is no big deal I’ll be able to get plenty of walnuts through other means later but yeah I took my time time took pretty slow uh despite what you may think I’m not really super overpowered at this point in the game I’m still kind of struggling a

Bit and I don’t want to spend you know two hours of my precious precious time eating blackberries I’m thinking the blackberries are going to have to go pretty soon just because like with how much energy and health I need to recover because of these huge hits It’s not

Really doing it I’m realizing that I’m going to need a present for Pam okay I’ll just give her a Blackberry sweet because I’m not going to be able to go through town to go back to my house so just wanted to make sure I was locked in on

That it’s oh Santa oh gosh I missed him I forgot oh today was also a a slime escaped what does that mean what do you mean it escaped during the night also all my Terror roots are ready to harvest but I don’t have any room for them

Also I guess I got some pineapples while I was in there so I’ll go ahead and plant those no reason not to oh that’s right I get golden walnuts from harvesting crops here completely forgot about that well there’s two more uh what do I want to unlock next I

Could unlock the island Trader but that doesn’t unlock any new opportunities for Golden walnuts for us I think the next thing I’m going to buy is going to have to be this and I believe that’s 20 I just want to confirm yeah it’s 20 all right well let’s find the other bird

Actually the next bird should be over here in the forest yep sure enough cuz we already got the north and west one Bonk well I don’t have the last type of gem with me so we’ll have to come back but that just leaves one more or I could

Just wait for another rainy day and since it’s so early you know I just might oh oh that’s nice it kicks me out here okay so I can do a couple of things before I actually have to go back into the Christmas cut scene I was like if it

Takes me to the beach there’s only one exit actually that’s not true in expanded is it but still I’m glad that they thought about that oh here’s the question about the Slime eggs do I just get rid of them or do I incubate them I’m also wondering what that message

About the Slime escaping was about right fellas what’s the damage who escaped uh no one escaped right anyway we hatched another green male slime so that’s unfortunate I’m going to grab this look at how well that works put it over here and I’m going to hatch some more tiger slimes

Well that’s unfortunate isn’t it that that just happened maybe it means that it broke one of the fences and that’s why we double fence I suppose get in here stinky um maybe I’ll just use one tiger slime egg and then and I’ll sell the other one cuz I do want money money is

Pretty great yeah I’m going to sell the tiger slime egg sorry but I it feels feels like that would be its most useful way to be used couple more salow berries make some seeds out of those and let’s head to the feast all right so what’s new here I

Guess first of all I’m going to check the shop what do we got uh not really I mean trying to make a lot of money right now so I’m not really too interested in getting all that plus Winter’s about to end so I don’t want to like waste all my

Money getting winter decorations Claire what are you thankful for S I’m thankful for having a friendly Community friend winter star with a that’s so nice because of her like growth merry winter star dear isn’t it wonderful how happy everyone is on a day like this wonder if I should give them the

Gift now timing is everything my man Gunther I’m so glad he he’s participating oh that’s so good merry winter Star Mr s doesn’t that just feel good to see him out and about Andy best part about today is the free food and drink don’t care too much about gift

Giving figures he loved the gift I gave him I knew he’d appreciate it a Sand’s here hey s Mary winter star oh my gosh your Town’s winter star tree is delightful oh I love that what are you hoping to find under the spirit tree me

Sounds nice make sure to give me a taste all righty let’s hand out the gift uh just give her a Blackberry she she likes it thanks she’s already at 10 I don’t have to give her anything too crazy Jody was our Gift Giver that gives

Us a chance to get the tea set it is possible please I believe it’s like a one and eight from Jody please I’m begging you I’m not going to argue about tend Delux speed grow that’s pretty good that’s pretty good it’s not much but I

Hope you like it no I I love it it’s actually not you know nine times out of a 10 I feel like I get like clay from one of the kids or eggs from someone else that’s a pretty big dub in my eyes well that’s the Feast of the winter star

Uh gosh so what do I do oop secret note I’m just clearing out some of the natural resources on the farm here hope you’re doing well oh there just some of the loved items items for Haley and Emily little uh hey did you know that actually fills up their

Loved and disliked gifts on the screen whenever you get those secret notes just so you know oh that’s cute I was just checking out the warp Nexus this is the warp that goes back to our farm very cute just a bunch of par Snips everywhere you know that makes me want

Wonder is the trigger that activates uh you creating a new warp having that item in your inventory somewhere or in a chest very well could be um I’m going to go ahead and make cheese saplings yeah I barely have any time left I was going to

Say oh I actually need wood no I’m just going to pop them out pop them in I don’t want to pass out today all right what’s the damage oh just 25,000 that’s not bad that’s all right all right uh what do we got going on traveling Merchant Clint’s birthday do

I Bush yeah thanks do I have full friendship with Clint I doubt it you want fish doew huh let me look at all of our missions that we have here oh we have to go deliver all of the rocks to Emily that’s easy enough I’ll do that

Today that’s right I’m still waiting on battery packs for that I always forget like what is stopping me from doing certain things I guess I need a lot of iron bars as well don’t I one thing to keep in mind and I was just reminded cuz

I was like filling this up with coal so that’ll start going through it if we want to buy any of the items at the reduced rate that year 1 has we only have three more days to do it so time’s closing on that not that it’s important

Particularly it’s just a thought I had we’re not going to have the money for a house upgrade for a couple of days at least I think what I want to do is get a shed set up here which sucks cuz I have like all this coffee oh it’s just coffee

Who cares I’ll just break it o that that one finished so I’m going to move this down a couple of spaces just to get it out of the way and we’ll build a shed right about there I don’t know exactly what it’s going to be used for yet I’m thinking

It’ll probably be like the oh boy the cake shed you know like we always do but uh it could ALS also be like one thing I wanted to do is I have all of these uh special artifact items like the preservation chamber and the display

Case I could use that to make like a I don’t know an artifact displaying Center just simple as uh first thing I’m going to want to do before I do that though is I need to get some wood and for Clint’s birthday a gold bar that’s a that’s a

Pretty easy decision for me and Friday Lance is on Ginger Island so we’ll go pay him a visit okay first things first can I get a shed this be the first shed of the playthrough pretty late I still need more wood hold on all right let’s get started on that

Shed hopefully it fits where I thought I was going to put it beautifully yeah it’s uh we’ll be fine right there Clint should be here at the community center in the boiler room that’s right I’m going to scream I don’t have my gold bar oh God seems like people do

Come into the community center a lot more with the change to expanded also Martin oh no that’s Maru never mind all right Clint happy birthday good Lord that was effort and you better acknowledge it that’s eight out of 10 that’s not too bad that does mean we’ll

Probably see a couple more uh cut scenes from him though and I also brought another one for Maru cuz why not think we just uh maxed her out with that maybe we were already maxed out and I just didn’t notice because it wasn’t a star bro what are we doing who are we

Are we here just to read Al Al lunor Horizon please at least this is a new cut scene sell over here dear oh it’s an Olivia cut scene okay then I’m happy I’m all good don’t worry about it it’s a full house at the saloon tonight I don’t

Think I’ve ever seen it this Packed Emily will take your order soon I’ll wave her down for you when she sees us Coolio I like that I’m still Tipsy cuz I’ve already had a drink I’m sampling a brand new wine or a new brand of wine from Sunshine Vineyard it came all the way from the fern Islands they

Never cease to amaze me I strongly dislike beer it tastes like moldy bread to me same I prefer dry red wine I am the same way I am not a beer person the life of a farmer seems very demanding I sometimes catch a glimpse of you going about your days with great

Haste tell me how do you do it forging and making food on the go my my if you ever required a homecooked if you ever require a home-cooked meal don’t hesitate to drop by my residence oh here we go sorry s I’ve had my hands full tonight there’s so many

People what would you like to drink oh goodness uh I’ll have probably the big bang that sounds really good the big Bang’s pretty strong sure you can handle it though I’m I’m already done don’t worry about that apparently we’re going blackout tonight only is a wonderful waitress my

Favorite cocktail is the roset nebula I’m satisfied with my wine for tonight Though here you are s enjoy why thank you very much I want to tell you about some of my family residing in the gadoro Empire dear I’m trying to like kind of parse where this cut scene is in terms of like heart amount anyway

I came in here cuz I wanted to try and give Sophia uh a gift and I literally don’t even have anything that she likes so we’re struggling she’s only have five Hearts we’re going really slow for her and I feel bad about it well since we’re just being chilling for now

Uh I don’t have am I missing any that’s six of them let me make sure Rock Rejuvenation 1 2 3 4 5 six that’s all of them wait no no no no no I need a diamond huh which one of those is not included guess we’ll find out when we

Give her all of them all right time for a little bit of rock Rejuvenation am I right people boom boom boom boom boom boom boom looks like it was the aquamarine and that’s an easy 2000 I don’t remember off the top of my head if I get anything

For that so I guess we’ll find out you are a fan of the teror root I’ll give you a gold one thoughtful of you no problem a lot of people like the Tera root uh that’s what the that’s what I was going to give Lance cuz he also likes Terror root this

Is a good opportunity since I didn’t give out a lot of gifts this last week I almost gave him the salad yeah you think Andy’s into a salad I’m not too sure myself all right uh who else Elliot of course uh he’s probably into a nice beer yeah easy Victor’s playing pumpkin

Smashers well is he playing too hard to realize that I have teror Roots I didn’t know Tera Roots were such a good loved item what’s going on that’s not changed is it like it’s genuinely going crazy well since we have the extra time time Sophia left

Wow I got a uh Crystal fruit for her cuz I believe it’s a like gift did she already Zoom all the way back to her house oh no there she is better catch her before she goes in there we go not bad fresh Snow’s covering everything I

Love it it is nice I think for the rest of the day I’m just going to never mind I’ll go down to the secret Woods for the rest of the day I’m just going to cut down some trees all right got a good amount of wood that’ll end off our day right

There oh I got level four archaeology got the water shifter huh that sounds potentially gamebreaking but still interesting okay so I’m what what’s that water shifter about wooden display place it in the water string it with fiber and check the next day to see if it has

Anything does it mean a sifter Works in streams lakes in the ocean well I’m going to set one of those up right now that seems very interesting to me and you know what it could be combined with our Crab Pot like line that we got going here

Too uh oh we got Bean hot poot from Clint for giving him his gift yesterday thanks again for the wonderful gemstones we got our own sewing machine oh I’ll take one of those I do my fair share of sewing I don’t know if I’m going to do

Too much in the future I might do a little bit when spring hits since uh you know we’re not going to be rocking the ear muffs and everything we’ll see no rabbit’s feet we’re really struggling on the rabbit’s feet front actually you know what we should grab some duck

Feathers if I plan on going to Ginger Island today since that is a loved item for Leo and we haven’t really interacted with Leo much at all I don’t have a lot of animals do I today Sophia’s birthday oh my goodness that’s so big okay so what can we do for that

Fairy Rose Prismatic Shard honestly I’m willing to give her one of the Prismatic shards we’re kind of swimming on them we could just give her a puppy fish just pull out one of the ones from our fish pond I guess if you didn’t know you could do

This yo simple as that I am going to put a couple of the tarot tubers into the seed maker row so they’ll start getting some seeds Lance is going to be in the highlands today so I can’t give him another gift that kind of sucks well

There’s a couple of things I need to do today regardless there was that warp that I really want to take in the forest we we still got to check that out I didn’t mean to leave yall hanging on that for a couple days but I at least

Want to get it done in the same episode hello sopia enjoy a puppy fish that’s going to get you all the way up to Max easy as now let’s see if we can’t see any new cut scenes by going back into the house nope all right well we’ll stumble upon them

Eventually not too pressed we have plenty of time to interact with those in fact they could be like a non winter cut scene cuz a lot of them are Cris my man we got to start giving you gifts too uh here’s golden taror route because for

Some reason is the hottest item on the market any cool items here I’ll go ahead and get the crystal floor recipe don’t really want to spend too much money I’ll leave it at that for now all right let’s take that warp see what we got going for us I have a sneaking

Suspicion that I may somewhat know what this is about oh another cut scene for it that’s a junimo I mean kind of peaches Meep a little stanky looking but that’s okay oh boy what is that you received an ancient junimos scroll Okay are you leading me somewhere or is is that just it oh gosh a whole junimo village okay I didn’t expect that much good Lord also there seems to be new fish down here oh my God a warp for our uh for our Warp sector thing that’s good so I don’t

Have to go all the way to the bottom of Cinder saap Forest every time I want to say hello cool well stop kicking me out that’s okay oh wow it really traps you down there I want to go back and see what’s popping oh No okay so this is going to be a little bit of an issue to navigate I feel also there’s so many forgeable items kind of feeling my way around well that just sent me back to the top so that’s there’s that yeah here we go hello it’s

A dwar of a short it looks heavy cool maybe I can pick that up in a different season or something I don’t really know okay we’ve reached kind of an open area we got the golden mask actually is that new that’s new that’s a pretty goated item to just find lying around that’s

Usually deser exclusive is that a bundle what do you mean I got to get up to that so if I go to the left from here what are you it’s a faded Judo inscription follow the mushroom okay that so it’s not a bundle it’s just something I knew the

Entire time all right uh still I feel like I am trapped so I’m just going to go take my warp real quickly while I’m here and before I forget I need some copper bars so I can make some of those water Shi shift apparently is what they are not sifters

They’re shifters uh we’ll make three of them oh I well I made four so we’re making four and to start us off I’m going to place them in not connected to the crab pots so that I can see what pops up in them okay oh so there’s diagonals it’s not just uh four

Warps or so hello Meep try and talk to him Meep they have one of each color it seems okay so we’re here uh okay free free item hello oh oh my so there’s these are the three best uh types of fertilizer and magic bait interesting are all of these shops oh that’s crazy

Decorative crops oo I like that so you can make your farm more like wild I might I might utilize that place them around in some places oh no 120 that’s incredibly overpowered you could just well you buy the spring seeds for 65 you can just

Turn them into tea saplings oh God uh I don’t know actually if that’s going to be price efficient but I guess someone can do the math oh yeah cool just buy Prismatic shards and just a couple of different I bet these uh the ones you get from geod

Rotate every day would be my guess oh my goodness that’s I mean that’s a lot of good stuff I don’t know what to say what do you mean what do you mean I can buy the legend fish the legendary fish what do you that’s crazy I mean I guess what would you do

With it other than sell it cuz it’s not going to fill your fishing log at least well that’s crazy um I’m assuming this is what you get for doing the Community Center PATH instead of the joa path and that indeed makes it pretty dang worth it I’m going

To see if I can catch some of these new fish okay golden fish part of me thinks that if I put that into a fish pond it’s probably going to give me gold a wood skip which funny enough I don’t think we’d actually caught before oh yeah we

Did there we go that was a little bad but it wasn’t too hard meteor carp radiates an Intergalactic energy I feel like it’s almost guaranteed that that bad boy gives you a ridum ore so I want to try and explore this area backwards just starting from the junimo

Place I don’t want to get too lost though it’s getting kind of late there we go there’s a path oh that’s just a red mushroom this grave is written in Elish and you don’t understand the language but you try to read the Engravings anyway yeah I don’t got any of

That I wonder if that’s a decipherable surely it is I couldn’t imagine they just randomly throw that in without it being translated spot looks kind of special ruins must be over 100 years old oh that’s how we got down here okay uh we got to leave there’s a lot more to

Explore here but and I Al also under the impression that we’d be meeting a new character here but maybe maybe not okay here we go I found the path uh maybe a little late I would really like to not pass out because that would be a fat 2,000 gold

That I say goodbye to very nice okay oh my God my horse is on the warp ladies and gentlemen that’s not good well we’re passing out don’t jump on your horse if it’s standing on the warp I suppose this there’s a lesson to be learned here oh boy

All right last day we’re out of purgatory apparently and uh male slime is hatched hello last day of the year you’re lucky I found you last night yeah okay all right buddy um I don’t really need basic retaining soil but thank you anyway so I guess we kind of have to start getting

Ready for setting up crops the next year unfortunately those didn’t finish as much as I thought oh I need to string them I forgot so I probably need to like put wool in it like you’d put bait into a crab pot maybe I’m not quite sure all

Right I just like kind of trying to do my best at sorting through all my items cuz I have so much oh I don’t want to miss that cranberry candy that would be unfortunate hello nope that’s the fortune teller but we will have good luck tomorrow so there’s

That I suppose I should probably make a skull Cavern run sometime soon just so I can make a ton of uh aridium sprinklers which you know what now I think about it I should be able to make quite a few already I have 18 aridium bars how much

Do you need for a sprinkler don’t you need a battery that’s what’s going to stop us yeah I don’t really want to use up my battery packs because I need them for the shed Quest the Grandpa’s shed Quest so hold off on that I suppose so today definitely we’re going to go and

Donate some a bunch of items cuz we have a ton of them Martin my man I know you’re a man of taste and so I know that you love algae soup nice and bundled up too we don’t we haven’t seen them a lot lately of course since we got rid of uh

Joa all right first things first I’m going to donate the items that we already have ready to go already new reward take that yeah we’ve been uh we’ve been Gathering these for quite a while now we shouldn’t have too much left to donate yeah I can’t I can’t imagine them

It being much higher than 10 oh five farmwork totems goes crazy that reminds me I definitely need to start finishing up the casino Quest we have not engaged in that in a hot minute all right pop open our Geodes well nothing new but we did get another six aridium ore out of it which I’m never going to complain about so once again unfortunately we can’t go and see Lance because he’s in the highlands wherever that is and I I don’t believe that’s in an area that we’ve already

Been to a panning spot just disappeared right before my eyes so that’s cool so I guess we’re going to head to Ginger Island today I can see no reason not to I’m going to bring some more gems so that we can finish the bird gem quest

And then maybe a little more grinding in the volcano oh what’s going on Here and who’s that by the way I am a nosy dude I’ll tell you What Clint okay finishing up on my aridium infused sword for a monster hunter from Castle Village you might have heard of him goes by the name Scyther Castle Village is home to the best monster Slayers and Artisans around the world I’m hearing a lot about this

Place it’s not much but it’s honest work okay she had to say the meme right now I’m not getting any orders from adventurers from the adventurers Guild here in stardy Valley when there were more members there was a steady demand for new weapons The Guild

Used to be a lot bigger but they’ve lost some good people over the years I mean yeah we saw the graveyard some’s gotten crowded sorry s didn’t mean to bring that up especially with you being a guild member and all should I say um I mean yeah I didn’t I didn’t know

Any of them so I’m happy to know the information yeah I knew a couple of them find adventurers with amazing skills s you’ve made excellent strides in protecting the Valley from Monsters while also building up an impressive Farm I envy that not brave enough to

Fight monsters but I do what I can to ensure the safety of those who do that’s why I pride myself on my smithing work h no a bit awkward sometimes s but thanks for stopping by need to get back to finishing the sword I’ll see you next

Time you drop by or maybe at the saloon he does go to the saloon a lot doesn’t he I’m glad the like that so many people go to the saloon every night it’s nice little uh Comm bonding there all right so what’s the plan today first of all give me

That I’m impressed I could actually reach that five more rum or I forgot to bring gems so that sucks all right I guess I’ll just do some uh Inventory management and we’ll go to the volcano again all right let’s replant a lot of those tarot tubers ooh snake vertebrae okay I need

One more of those and I think if I remember right I can actually get the snake head from fishing out here I don’t remember if I got all the golden walnuts from the muscle rocks either oh apparently not also there’s like still fish in here that I haven’t

Caught yet so I guess while I’m going for the snake head I’ll try to get some of the new fish hey there’s the sea sponge i’ I’d get it eventually caught a lot of fish it must be a somewhat rare one a very diverse multi cellular animal they are

Important in nutrient cycles and coral reefs and also probably the most poisonous thing in the entire game like starfish are also poisonous but not that poisonous good Lord so just curious what’s my total Walnut count 56 that’s a lot lower than I was actually expecting it to be well that’s a little

Cringe golden coconut easy as have I popped a golden coconut open yet I don’t think so oh let’s let’s go find Leo here you go my man I love this I’m going to put it in my Nest sweet you know I guess it makes sense he’d love bird feathers I never

Even thought about that like obviously it makes so much sense I am going to really quickly fish for this spine cuz I don’t think we’ve gotten that yet oh golden coconut we’ll take that or golden Walnut rather another one jeez there we go let’s go donate what we have hello

Um so I don’t remember if that’s the only one cuz that’s the tail right and we need another one of the snake vertebrae we still need the bat yeah we’ve got quite a few to go and we’ll get this one last painting spot nothing hate to see it all right full honesty I

Don’t really have enough energy to do much of anything in the in the volcano so I think we’re just going to cut her off there thank you for watching I’ll see you in the next one when we start the beginning of year two I’m very excited to see what that brings see you

All then and good Night

In this last week of Winter, we unlock a ton of new areas! The portal nexus allows us to teleport to places we’ve been, and there’s a teleporter at the bottom of Cindersap Forest that brings us to some mysterious village!

New mods:
Ginger Island Mainland Adjustments –
Cat Gifts –

Full list of mods:

0:00 – Day 1: The Portal Nexus
12:46 – Day 2: The Sewers
29:45 – Day 3: Rain on the Island
34:44 – Day 4: Feast of the Winter Star
40:23 – Day 5: Baby’s First Shed
48:43 – Day 6: The Junimo Woods
58:25 – Day 7: The Final Day of Year 1!
Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

🕹️ Stream Archives:
💜 Twitch –
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  1. Finally a new episode! I watched through your mario 64: ocarina of time and mystery dungeon dx let's plays but desires something more modern. I'm glad to see this series continue!

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