The ULTIMATE Year 1 Beginner Guide | Tips & Tricks

If you’re seeing this video you found the Ultimate Guide to completing a year in stardy Valley I reached year three in a Perfection run but lost all of my progress I’m definitely going to restart the run but felt it might be a good idea to review the basics of completing your

First full year some of these tips especially in Spring might seem like absolute Nob brainers but I still get daily comments asking about a lot of this stuff I marked each season as a chapter in the description below so if you’re looking to start a fresh sty

Valley Farm soon sit back and enjoy this refresher of my approach to each season as well as some goals you could set for yourself and if you’re actually a beginner well you will not be a beginner by the end of this video Let’s jump right into it when you just start a new

Playthrough there isn’t much to do there is one big decision you need to make you can either plant your part Snips or sell the seeds and buy better seeds at Pier’s store I usually just go with planting the parsnips on day one but you should definitely buy some more seeds with your

Starting 500 gold green beans are a good choice because you won’t have to replant them as they will regrow unfortunately you will have to water all of your crops every single day unless it is raining until you unlock quality sprinklers I recommend skipping the first sprinkler that that you unlock because quality

Sprinklers are just that much better day two is where my play style might start to be weird for some people on day two you can get your fishing rod from LLY at his store most people spend the rest of the day fishing but I usually spend the

Entire day chopping down trees for wood because on day three I usually try and have enough wood to repair the bridge to unlock the other side there are tons of beach petables here and selling all of these can boost your foraging levels early and make you some money as well

The race of day three and four I just spent fishing I know the fishing mechanic is pretty hard in the beginning but it gets much easier as you get used to the mini game and as you level up your fishing on day five your par Snips

Should be ready you can now Harvest them and take them straight to Pierre store to sell them for immediate gold just keep one of them for the community center then you should buy at least one cauliflower seed one potato seed and one green bean also for the community center

You can spend the rest of your gold on whatever seeds you prefer I usually get more green beans after day five if you enter the town just after 8:00 a.m. you will get a cut scene with Louis about the community center don’t forget to enter the building and interact with the

Tablet on the floor if you don’t do this you won’t be able to start finishing the bundles for the community center you will then get some mail from the wizard on the next day and he will teach you how to read the language on these tablets day five is also the day you’ll

Get access to the mines and now your daily routine starts to become more streamlined I know a lot of people’s goals for spring is to make as much money as possible in Spring and start summer off with a fat stack but my goals are a little bit different I like to try

And set up the infrastructure of my farm for future seasons based on that one of my main goals is reaching floor 100 or even2 in the regular mines in the first season to get the star drop the star drop will increase your maximum energy and trust me after you get a few of

These your energy problems will disappear so my advice to you is check your TV every single day if you have either good luck or the best luck possible head over to the the mines otherwise fish forage or get some wood before I chat about the mines let’s quickly talk about the community center

The community center starts off with only a few bundles and as you complete some bundles then more will become available some bundles can only be completed across multiple seasons and some can only be completed in a specific season pay close attention to your community center and make sure to find

All of the Season specific items before the next season otherwise you might have to wait an entire year before you can complete the community center it is important to start working on the community center very early on in your playthrough because it’s a lot of work and starting early will be to your

Benefits there are quite a few bundles that you can complete in your first season and trust me you’ll be quite happy when it’s all done so you don’t have to stress about it later on another quick tip I can give you you is always bring a hoe with you and hit these worm

Holes for artifacts and get as many geod as you can you can quite easily get enough artifacts to donate to the museum to get the first reward and the reward is nine cauliflower seeds and as you know cauliflower seeds grow in spring so those are just what we needed trust me

Getting some free seeds this early on into the game is pretty awesome I would highly recommend investing in some Toppers as early as possible they cost two copper bars and 30 wood to craft and I made six of them really early on into my playthrough try and place one Tapper

On each type of tree and then the rest on oak trees the Tapper will extract resin from the trees and you use these resins to craft some pretty useful stuff you will also need each type of resin for the community center so you might as well get started with that now getting

Tappers really early isn’t example of how I try and get everything I might need for future Seasons you just know I will be making as many cakes as I can to make pale ale in summer about fishing I like to do something a little bit strange I actually keep most of the fish

I catch in a chest until I reach level five fishing this is a little bit strange but in the early game fishing is your main source of income and if you don’t sell the fish you will be running around with no money but once you hit

Level five fishing you can sell all of your fish and they will sell for 25% more meaning you will have more money than if you just sold them after you CAU them this is a personal preference kind of thing so you can do whatever you prefer I will give a quick tip on

Fishing try and get the fiberglass fishing rod as early as possible the fiberglass fishing rod will allow you to use bait and trust me the bait makes a huge difference fish will bite much more often getting you more fish and thus more money completing the community center is quite important with a special

Emphasis on completing the pantry as quickly as possible so we can start working on our Greenhouse so one of your goals should definitely be to get a silo and a coupe up and running before the end of spring The Silo only costs 100 gold five copper bars 10 clay and 100

Stone to build everyone probably knowses by now but you should only hit grass on your farm with the sight after you have built your Silo because then it will turn the grass into hay that you can use to feed your animals if you hit it before you have a silo it will be

Completely wasted the coupe costs 300 wood 100 Stone and 4,000 gold to build in the early game that is actually quite expensive to build but it is extremely important I would recommend Gathering the resources slowly every day until you have enough to build it to complete the community center your chickens will have

To be fully mature and be quite happy to start producing large eggs so getting the cook quite early is to your benefit you need a minimum of two chickens one brown chicken and one white chicken there is a pretty simple trick to make sure you get one of each color at the

Top of the screen it will tell you the color of your chicken if it isn’t the color you need you just add exit and try to buy another chicken eventually you will get the one you want if you manage to do enough fishing and can afford it

You can actually get a barn in Spring as well as it only costs 6,000 gold unfortunately I didn’t quite make it but it is what it is if you manage to get a barn in Spring as well then you are definitely on track to having a big successful playthrough before you go

Through some mining tips and tricks after you have have collected some copper ore in the mines you should definitely upgrade your pickaxe once you have reached round floor 40 the rocks and ores will be much harder to mine and require more than one hit with your

Pickaxe if you have to hit a single Rock three times before it gets destroyed you will be using tons of energy just to hit a couple of rocks so definitely have that goal in mind all righty it’s time to talk about the mind in the early game one of the biggest progression blockers

Is probably the mines and gold so I usually try and Conquer The Mines really early into my playthrough so that I can unlock the skull Cavern in this playthrough I only manag to get to floor 100 before the end of spring I usually try to get to floor 120 but getting to

100 is not too bad because at least we can get our first star drop nice and early into the playthrough to have good success in the mines make sure to bring as many frables and food items that you can for energy and health in the early game your energy will prevent you from

Progressing because you start with such a small amount of energy also remember that defeating enemies cost no energy and defeating enemies has a chance of finding a ladder so when you enter a new floor try and defeat all of the enemies first before hitting rocks you might be

Lucky and get a free ladder it will take some dedication but eventually you will get deeper into the mines just take it slow and steady and don’t extend get as much ore as you can such as copper iron and gold ore defeat as many enemies as possible because we will need a high

Level in combat for something interesting in a future episode I will say that I got extremely lucky and got a broker Trident and a treasure chest while fishing this made it a little bit easier to get deeper into the mindes because it’s really A step above the beginner weapons for the community

Center I completed the spring foraging bundle the Exotic foraging bundle the spring crops bundle the blacksmith bundle and the adventures bundle I donated quite a few items to the other bundles as well not too bad it’s a good start it’s now day one of Summer this is

How my skill levels looked not too bad my farming level is a little bit low but we will fix that in summer I won’t lie summer is a stacked season there are tons of things that you need to do in summer to complete the community center

And we will also be laying a lot of groundwork to make future Seasons more successful my approach to the first year and any playthrough is to set up my Farms infrastructure whilst making sure I complete the community center in the first year and get to Ginger Island

Before the end of the year this is how my skills look at the end of summer I managed to get my farming all the way up to level 9 and my Mining and fishing skills are not too far behind foraging is a little bit tricky to level and my

Combat level is severely lacking but I can attribute that to powering through the Mind meaning less repeat visits all righty on the first day of summer you’re going to need quite a few seeds to complete the summer crops bundle you need to buy at least one tomato seed one

Hot pepper seed one blueberry seed and one melon seed well you can’t just buy a single men seed because you will need five gold star melons for the quality crops bundle so you should buy quite a few melons on the first day so you can get a couple harvests in you also need

Corn for the quality crops bundle thankfully corn grows over summer and fall and it regrows so you don’t need that many eventually you will obtain five gold star corn we are not quite done with seeds you’ll also need to buy at least one sunflower seed for the dye

Bundle and one puppy seed for the Chef’s bundle I actually forgot about the puppy before and couldn’t finish the community center it was not ideal but it is what it is and lastly you need to buy at least 10 wheat seeds for the father’s bundle there is one more crop that you

Will need to open time and it’s kind of random you can only get red cabbage seeds or red cabbage from the traveling Merchant to increase your odds of finding it you should come and take a look at the traveling Merchant every single Friday and Sunday with without

The red cabbage you won’t be able to complete the community center so those are the crops you need for the bundles but when it comes to making gold I like to buy as many hop crops as I can afford after buying all of those necessary

Crops now this is a little bit of a strange method but I usually grow and save as much hops as I can when you get to level eight farming you will be able to craft a cake and if you put hops in a cake it will turn it into pale ale pale

Ale is insanely profitable and and you should try and invest in kegs as soon as possible but since I started the season on farming level four I only managed to get to level eight farming close to the end of the season but it’s still worth it in my opinion I’m effectively setting

Up my next season to succeed when I did finally get to level eight I crafted as many cakes as I could and placed all of them in my house at the end of the season I managed to stock bile just over 400 hops so you know I will be making

More Cakes as soon as as I can if you took my advice from the previous episode you should have quite a few tappers on oak trees making you Oak resin just for this purpose I completed the mines in summer I managed to reach floor 100 in Spring and focusing that hard in the

Mines that cost me quite a bit in terms of farming level and money from fishing but I think it was worth it because I managed to completely finish the mines by reaching floor 120 quite early in summer meaning meaning I didn’t have to worry about the mines for the rest of

The season unless I needed some ores I could just ignore the mines until I restored the bus and gain access to the skull Cavern if you want to farm silver ore I have a pretty simple strategy that works really well enter the mines on floor 40 and then go straight to the

Ladder on floor 41 hit any silver nose with your Axe and collect any quarts that you can find on this floor if there are any enemies like slime dust r or even bats you should feat them for their Loot and also just level up your combat skill then leave the mines and repeat

This process again you can also do this on FL 10 to farm copper ore and sore 8 to farm gold ore I managed to stockpile quite a lot of ores that I needed for my kaks and various other things eventually we will be unlocking aridium Sprinklers and crystalarium these items are amazing

But a little bit expensive to crop you’re going to need some battery packs to make these items getting battery packs can be a little bit random so we should start getting them ready for now to get a battery pack you will need to craft a lightning rod you will unlock

The lightning rod at level six foraging it will cost one iron bar one refined quartz and five bat wings I cropped it quite a few of them because I want to make a ton of crystarium and it’s safer to just prepare them now so you could place them around your farm and when

There’s a storm lightning will hit your lightning rods and produce some battery packs let’s talk about some of the animal goals that are quite important to achieve within your first summer first you should definitely try and upgrade your Coupe to a big coupe the big CPE

Costs 10,000 gold 400 wood and 150 Stone it is a little bit expensive but it is definitely worth it as soon as you can you should also buy a duck and put it in your Big C you can upgrade it to a deluxe Coupe in full but if you’re doing

Very well and you’re making big money you can also do that in in summer the barn is an interesting one you need pigs to complete the community center therefore it’s very important to fully upgrade your barn to a deluxe Barn in summer first you will need to upgrade it

To a big barn that will cost you 12,000 gold 450 wood and 200 Stone after you have a big bar you can then upgrade it to a deluxe bar this will cost you 25,000 gold 550 wood and 300 Stone I purchased my Deluxe Barn at the very

Very end of the season but it should be ready on the second and full if you can do it earlier than me you definitely you should you should also buy a goat as soon as you can since I focused on getting these buildings so early on it means that I unfortunately did not

Restore the bus during summer but I think it should be possible if I play it more optimally but it is what it is you’re going to start needing some hardwood so one of your goals for summer is to upgrade your axe to Silver quality first you need to upgrade it to Copper

Quality simply bring five copper bars and 2,000 gold to upgrade your axe to cleans the black Smith then come back to Clint with five silver bars and 5,000 gold you can upgrade your axe to Silver quality to get access to the secret Woods you need to gain access to the

Secret Woods during the summer because you need the fiddle Fern far bable that can only be found in the secret Woods during the summer at some point you will get the option to choose a type of cake both options are very good and at the

End of the day you can choose either one but I think if you are a new player and trying to complete the community center early on you should definitely pick the fruit bat cave option because then bats will drop various fruits in the cave and

You will need quite a bit of fruit to complete the community center you can still complete it in your first year without the fruit bath cave but I like having a safety net the mushroom cave should make you more money though and it is definitely more consistent remember

When I said that summer was an insanely busy season well let’s talk about summer fish there are a lot of fish to catch during summer so let’s not waste any time first you need to catch the puff of fish in the ocean between 12 and 4:00 p.m. during sunny weather the puff of

Fish is actually quite tough to catch but you can do it I believe in you I like to catch the tuna the Topia and the red snapper in summer so they’re over and done with and unfortunately you can only catch the red snapper when it is

Raining so make sure to head to the beach on a rainy day you can catch a sturgeon during summer and winter from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. they are a little bit tough to catch but if you are confident in your fishing ability they are amazing to catch because they sell

For quite a bit I think I caught close to 20 of them during the season just for selling So based on all of that summer is quite a difficult and fun season but with all of those cegs and the plan to continue to build more cegs we will soon

Be making insane amounts of money in full in full we need to restore the bus and start upgrading your house and complete the pantry and unlock the greenhouse day one of full will start off just like any other of the seasons we need to go buy some seeds for the

Community center and some other seeds that can make us a ton of money since we already planted corn in summer and corn grows in both summer and fall we should already have some corn to donate to the community center otherwise you should buy at least one eggplant seed and one

Yam seed for the community center then with the rest of your money buy as many pumpkin seeds as you can you can go the cranberry root if you prefer to cranberries will regrow and continue to produce crops for you but pumpkins will sell for more for each crop both options

Are good if you have preservation pins or cakes laying around around you should go the pumpkin route because you can just make even more money using pumpkins I usually get pumpkins in my first year because we do need five gold quality pumpkins for the quality crops bundle so

Then I can make money with the other pumpkins and have a better chance of getting gold quality pumpkins for the community center if you have followed my spring and summer guides you will probably have tons of hops and CS just ready to make you some pale a always try

To increase the amount of cakes that you have because they will always be of value especially as you get further into the game and start to produce crops that sell for more starfruit wine sells for an absurd amount of gold so investing in cakes early is a must remember to

Continue to turn all of your hops into pale ale as this will be your main source of money until your first batch of pumpkins already the way I play this playthrough I have never had enough gold to finish the Vault bundle and restore the bus you can restore it much earlier

If you play spring differently check out my video on how you can unlock the bus and get to a skull Cavern within spring we still completing the community center bundles the link is in the description below however I did restore the Vault early in full and unlocked access to the

Desert and the skull cover getting access to the desert as soon as possible is quite important because then we get access to starf fruit and it medum ore The Vault bundle will cost a total of 42,500 gold which seems like a lot but it’s actually quite easy to get if you

Prepare and fish a lot all righty let’s quickly talk about the fish that you need to catch and fall to complete the community center full is a little bit of a strange one most of the fish that you want to try and get in full for the

Community center can only be caught when it is raining so as soon as it’s raining make sure you are ready to fish for for the entire day always make sure you have fi and at least a fiberg gloss fishing rod trust me it makes a huge difference

You will need to catch a catfish right in front of Emily’s house you can actually catch the catfish during spring but they are a little bit tricky to catch so if you miss the catfish during spring you can catch one now during po as well the same is true for the eel you

Can catch the eel in the ocean during spring and fall but again they are trick to catch by the time po arrives you will probably be at a higher fishing level and it might be easier so if you miss the elen Spring you get a second chance

Now in Fall the walleye is a fish that can only be caught during fall when it is raining so this is a fish you definitely need to try and catch during a fall otherwise you will have to wait an entire year to try and catch it again

You can find the woolly in rivers or by the lake by the mines The Woolly is is pretty easy to catch but it is a night fish that can only be found around 12:00 p.m. till 2: a.m. there are a bunch of other fish that you can catch in full

But most of the easier ones you probably already caught in summer or spring naturally if you did miss any of them now is your chance to get them before winter starts all righty after a couple of days you will have all the crops you need for the community center all of the

Fish and all of the forageable I managed to finish the pantry and as well as the fish tank bundle quite easily into the season meaning starting on the 16th of full I can get my green house started meaning the only bundle I have left is the bulletin board which is always the

Last bundle that I complete completing the community center early is not that tough if you always have the community center in the back of your mind with some good planning you can complete it quite easily to complete the bulletin board I recommend purchasing a rabbit as

Soon as possible because you will need a rabbit’s foot to complete the enchanter bundle the rabbit’s foot is pretty rare and it will take quite a while to get your rabbit’s foot unless you are very lucky I didn’t get mine during fall but hopefully I will get it during winter

You will also need some truffle to complete the chef’s bundle so definitely buy a pck you will probably buy one anyway because they are so incredibly profitable they cost 16,000 gold each which sounds expensive but the pick will quickly pay for itself so buy one of them or two or even

20 you will also need to upgrade your Farmhouse at least once so you can get access to the stove to make some cooked food it costs 10,000 gold and 450 wood to fully upgrade your Farmhouse then you need to buy the recipe to make maky at a star drop Saloon you need to

Cook one egg and one serving of maky for the bulletin board there are also some fruit fruit that you will need to complete the blet and board I did pick at the fruit bat cave because they have a chance of giving you the fruit that you will need to complete the bundles

But I don’t really like relying on luck and chance so I always buy one of each type of tree within full and plant them in my Greenhouse you only really need an apple tree and a pomegranate tree for the bundles but I just like to buy one

Of each if you are going for the profit the best tree to buy is definitely the pomegranate tree until you get access to Ginger Island unlocking the greenhouse before winter is a must and if you have a good chunk of extra gold you should always buy as many Star food seeds as

You can they cost 400 gold per seed but they sell for a ton so it’s definitely worth it each star food will sell for 750 gold but if you turn it into wine it will sell for 3,000 gold so yeah it’s definitely worth it I just filled the

Rest of my Greenhouse with with pumpkins because I could only buy that many starfruit seeds the skull Cavern there is a lot to do in fall but not as much as spring and summer so in Fall you could spend a lot of time in the skull

Cavern I was extremely lucky and found a prismatic Shard on floor 40 of the regular mines while I was grinding for cold unfortunately I was not recording at the time but yeah it was incredibly lucky for the skull Cavern I pretty much trying to find as much silver coal and

Idium as possible because I want to upgrade my stuff as soon as possible most people focus very hard on getting as many radiant sprinklers as possible but I tend to focus my efforts on getting as many crystarium as possible these things are insanely useful it is true that idium sprinklers are very

Important but since the next season is winter we don’t really need the sprinklers yet instead I would rather focus on crystarium for now and try try to duplicate as many Jades as possible since there are a few bundles that can only be completed in Winter the rest of

Fall will mostly just be money-making and Adventures in the skull Cavern just remember to head over to secret woods every day to get some hard WID we are going to need that hard WID in winter fall is quite an easy season especially if we did the previous Seasons well with

Most of the bundles complete hopefully we can complete the community center in the beginning of winter and then get access to Ginger Island by Mid Winter by the end of fall I made a total of 400,000 gold which isn’t that much but our farm has an established infrastructure and is ready for Success

Usually day one of any of the other seasons is extremely important because we would want to buy seeds and then plant them immediately giving time for the crops to fully mature and also giving enough time during the rest of this season to replant and harvest more

Crops in Winter your day one is actually not that important because if you have been following this guide so far there are only a few bundles left in the community center for us to complete and there aren’t any crops that you can plant really we can finally complete the

Crops room bundle during winter you will need to find some Crystal fruit and the crocus flower randomly as a forageable for the winter rout and the snow yam you can simply head to the beach and use your hoe on the sand eventually you will get these two forage aables and then you

Will have all of the forgea bles you need for this very easy to complete bundle completing this bundle will give you 30 winter seeds if you do want to plant these winter seeds you might as well finish this bundle as soon as you can I usually skip these but strangely

When you harvest the crops from the winter seeds you will actually get foraging XP instead of farming XP so this is a pretty decent method of getting some free for mering XP by the time winter comes you should have already finished the fish tank bundle because there are no winter exclusive

Fish if you did miss any fish in the previous Seasons you can find the tiger trout in the rivers sturon in front of the mines sardines and tuna in the ocean and I’m sure you already have all of these fish but just in case you miss

Them you can catch them now now all we have left is the bulletin board this is usually always the Lost bundle I have to complete but strangely there is only a single winter exclusive item in this bundle you can find a notilus Shell on the beach during winter but the real

Reason this bundle always seems to take long for me is because of some of the animal products that we need we need a duck feather and a rabbit’s foot these items are both obtained from their respective animals and both have a very low drop rate to make your life much

Easier don’t forget to buy a heater for both your bar and your Coupe at marne’s Ranch the heater costs 2,000 gold but it’s definitely worth it the animals will not be happy because it always snows during winter and it is cold always make sure that your animals are

Fed if you don’t have the winter gr mod like I do you’ll have to buy hay from Marne for 50 gold each I was incredibly lucky instead of patiently waiting for the rabbit’s foot I randomly got a rabbit’s foot from a serpent in the skull Cavern this hasn’t an incredibly

Low Drop chance of 0.8% so rather just get a rabbit as early as possible keep it happy and you too will get a rabbit’s foot for the duck feather do the same and eventually you will get your Duck’s feather you may be lucky and even get these items before

Winter there were just a few other fruits that I was missing for the community center I found them in my fruit bat cave but I did plant one of each type of tree in my Greenhouse around around the middle of fall just in case I got unlucky with the fruit bad

Cave and that is everything you need to complete the community center in your first year it’s actually not that difficult if you are always aware and checking what you need usually there was not much motivation to complete a community center but now it unlocks something amazing and that is ginger

Island luckily for us the requirements to get to Ginger Island are quite easy and we should be able to do it quite soon after complete in the community center once you have completed the community center Willie will tell you about his old boat that is currently too

Damaged to be used luckily for us it’s quite easy to fix you will only need 200 hardwood five battery packs and five iridium bars I might have forgotten to mention this in my previous episodes but you should be heading to the secret woods every single day to harvest some

Hardwood if you are prepared you can immediately restore the boat but because I forgot to collect hardwood my Ginger Island Adventures were unfortunately too late for a little bit for the battery packs it’s actually not possible to get battery packs during winter unless you have solar panels that is why it is very

Important to get lightning rods as early as possible during summer I think I have like 10 lightning rods so I had more than enough battery packs I even made a bunch of crystarium unfortunately you’ll have to prepare this one before winter hits just remember to save at least five

Parry packs for Willie’s boat now it’s time for iridium orc luckily for us we have a bunch of Cru aliums duplicating Jades for us pair that with explosive ammo and the slingshot we shouldn’t have any problem with finding iridium in the skull Cavern once you have everything

Simply bring it to the back room behind Willie and then sleep Robin will work tirelessly throughout the night and fix the boat for Willie then we can pay 1,000 gold fee to get a boat ride over to Ginger Island ah yes Ginger Island the best part of winter with the

Addition of Ginger Island there is no such thing as a dead cold boring winter if you didn’t enjoy winter and haven’t played since the last update has been released you should start playing right now there is so much to do in ginger Island that just getting there has

Effectively became my goal in this beginner sky on Ginger Island there’s a brand new volcano dungeon a bunch of puzzles and hidden golden walnuts you will need to find these golden walnuts in order to unlock most of the features that Ginger island has to offer one of the more important unlocks is The

Farmhouse you don’t need many golden walnuts in order to start farming on Ginger Island but Unlocking The Farmhouse will allow you to sleep on Ginger Island which is quite important since a boat trip to Ginger Island costs 1,000 gold I made a video on where you

Can find all of the golden walnuts if you want to check that out now the rest of winter you can pretty much do whatever you want in this specific beginners guide we have prioritized crystarium over idium sprinklers because they offer more value the earlier you

Get them but once you are happy with the amount of crystalarium you have you can start getting some idium for sprinklers if you already have some idium sprinklers they won’t go to waste they during winter because now you can simply use them on your Ginger Island Farm unfortunately I don’t have any redent

Sprinklers so you know what I will be doing during my winter farming iridium ore at the skull Cavern and this is actually a very good use for winter you can quite easily get enough idium to make enough sprinklers for your regular Farm once spring starts and for your

Ginger Island Farm since it is winter we aren’t able to buy many seeds to plant on our Ginger Island Farm luckily for us we can still buy starf fruit seeds from Sandy at the Desert Oasis we have many cakes and these will come in handy paired with our starf fruit and that

Should be it for winter winter is a fun little season where you can do whatever you actually want thank you so much for watching this video this concluded the ultimate beginners guide Series a

Here’s an guide to successfully complete your first year. This video has been made before but since I get so many questions about it. I decided to add all the beginner guide episode into one long video to help those out who need it. I hope you guys enjoy the video 🙂

Game Changing SDV Tips:
Mistakes To Avoid In Stardew Valley:
Strange SDV Tips And Tricks:
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0:00 – Intro
0:51 – Spring
11:27 – Summer
20:13 – Fall
28:43 – Winter
36:13 – Outro


  1. I had a couple of false starts this year and am resisting starting another file until 1.6 comes out. Now a bunch of "new file" tutorials are coming out in December. Getting so many ideas…

  2. Basic sprinklers are pretty good though. Yeah their layout is funny but they are cheap and easy to get early on so you can devote that energy to other things like the mines and fishing.

  3. Big hack for hardwood. Pick the forest farm. Or, plant a mahogany seed on your farm and let it go wild, creating your personal hardwood forest. Lots of hardwood and foraging xp

  4. You recommend to skip "Basic Sprinklers", but in the Summer playthrough we see a lot of them? Whats the reason? Are some pretty good to skip watering 200 plants each day?

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