I Fooled My Friend as BLUEY in Minecraft

My friend Ethan has kidnapped my beloved pet and is forcing him to breed an army of dogs ey fans will pay a lot of money to buy all of ey’s dogs I’m going to be riched a look at how many of these poor innocent animals Ethan is already forced

To have babies I’m pretty certain that’s illegal so I’m putting an end to this and getting revenge for my dog he WIP up get you out of there man I’ll save you so now I’m bringing BL into Minecraft to ruin E’s evil Clan oh Mr E po it’s time

For you to make Daddy Rich again Ethan’s about to breathe and this is our opportunity we’re going to turn into Bluey and pretend to be the baby that eat the just bread all right ready and slash Bluey this is too good uh now let’s huh What the hi

Ethan what is that you see blue is the main character from this really popular cartoon that’s gone viral but he’s also perfect for our evil master plan check out all of these really cool items from the show that we’re going to use to prank Ethan wait this must be some sort

Of super rare mob Mojang must have added as like a collab or something wait I can’t let this guy go oh we need to find the lead we need to find lead Ethan’s not looking this is our chance we’re going to use the magical asparagus which

For those of you watching the show know from the episodes allows you to turn into any animal and we’ve got Blue’s dead oh and don’t forget we’ve also got Bingo my little sister but that’s not all the next member of the family you can’t forget Lou

Mom what the wait the whole family is here Lou taking up he’s probably freaking out so much right now wait I’ve got infinite cash I can resell these fools for a pretty penny it’s genius and you know what dog owners hate and especially Ethan hates when their pets

Make a mess I think it’s time we fight because when blue and bingo fight as any of you guys know when you fight with your siblings things start getting messy bro what stop ruining my house come on Bingo let’s have a little bit of a fight

Shall we stop break it up break it up break it up that’s enough that’s enough you two that’s enough oh you know what’s going to be even better if we get Ethan stuck in the crossfire come on come on oh oh Ethan what are you doing in the

Way between Bingo and I you trying to separate us stop breaking my base stop damage Goods don’t sell for nothing oh no e what are you doing in the way ow ow ow ow bro St bro St stay back I’m warning you I’m warning you oh you

Know what you know what I think it’s time we really beat Ethan up come on let’s take it down ow ow ow Bluey chill blue chill trying to F your base Ethan oh oopsy daisies B on I still fighting why are they attacking me stop stop damaging each other we’ve been

Using our serious animal Claws and that’s got to hurt so I reckon uh we beat up Ethan just a little bit more ooh all this attacking does not not done a good number on your face Ethan ah oh my gosh bro these dog they beat me to a

Pulp I’ve got a black eye I didn’t know they could to serious damage I’m out I’m leaving oh he’s running he’s out he doesn’t want to have anything to do with us anymore we got to hide we got to hide these dos are insane these dos are

Insane but I guess while Ethan is upstairs doing you know whatever he’s up to we’re going to wreck Ethan’s house and make it seem like Bluey was responsible for it all but first our mission it’s time to let the dogs out what do this should say free old pups do

Not pull uh whoopsie you are free my brothers in Christ be free and Destroy All Things oh wait there’s leads downstairs if I grab the leads and tie them up oh it’s genius oh it’s genius I can do that who Let The Dogs Out me me

Me me okay big I’m just getting a little bit annoyed at you right now and you did just call me a big poopy stinky head so uh things are about to get heated between me and you and when I say heated I mean uh fire obviously Let the Fire rain

This is going to be so bad when it comes out here all right let’s grab these leads from downstairs and capture these dos BL what are you doing oh Ethan singing he’s probably thinking my house my beautiful house is burning no no no no no stop okay okay we need to we need

To grab the lead oh my God they let all the dogs out no oh he’s going down oh this is perfect Let’s uh see what he’s got upstairs hum hum okay let’s go let’s go let’s go H Grab A Lead gra lead gra as many leads as we can oh very nice

Very nice it would be a shame if you know Bingo was annoying me so too much but I just had to whip out the explosive you know what happens when your little sister or your little brother’s like just being the most annoying person on the planet and you just have to whip out

The TNT oh well sorry Bingo oy days oh there goes all the be blue three was that an explosion yeah the fire kind of grew in that short amount of time how how does Bluey explode explain your son to me but you know I don’t just

Want to burn Ethan’s house to the ground that would be too boring I want to do something even better than so let’s quickly replace the fire with air so not everything gets destroyed and just it’s been a rough day out here but it’s about to get worse cuz you know the thing that

Blue’s parents hate the most about blue is that he always leaves his toys everywhere all right he never cleans up after himself oy oh we just leave some toys over here a little bit of toys over here some toys just there oh a little

Car I like it bro get a hold of your children why your son is destroying my house let put a couple more toys around this is looking lovely okay get it together Ethan we’re trying to get some money off this dog we’re going to sell this full for

Million toys they’re kind of a tripping Hazard and every time Ethan steps on one of these toys he’s going to go who sliding let’s get it let’s get this let’s get this full what do you do what is this mess hi Ean why why did you come

Over here what is wrong with you wait my house come get me I’m just a cute little innocent blue I’ll even switch into survival mode for you oh look at me I’m just standing here what is it why I slow I fell over the toy are you serious

He’s just slipping and sliding bro must be ra oh There He Go n you’re going to regret this blue come over here oh I’m over here now you want to you want to come over oh there he goes I’m just stuck in an infinite tripping Loop are

You serious this is too funny oh Ean I’m over here by oh D I’m going to lose it I’m going to lose it you should really look where you’re going e just stop stop uh flipping over those toys you know and how long is he going to

Keep oh this is so funny man get over here BL I’m not done with you oh hi hi Ean you’re you’re a little bit angry die stupid my die what the what no no no no no no no he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me

Ow ow ow ow ow run run run no no no no no no no no no stupid Bluey get back here quick Dodge the toys Dodge the toys I can’t slip lame you slipped oh take that blue got M I’m done with you no way Ethan

Just killed an Isis child dog a blue dog at that blue for ey merch the best merch around which you guys can getar down below or at e stream do store no he’s going to regret that he’s going let everyone know Ethan is a child murderer and we’re getting revenge we’re free

We’re free nothing happened oh it’s beautiful wait I can just start rebuilding my house now yes but you know who would be most furious with Ethan’s child in Tendencies probably Blue’s dad because I know my dad would be seriously angry if you know I got murdered by a

Random guy on the internet and Blue’s father is seriously overprotective right and once we bring bandit in she oh Ethan is really going to regret killing me bandit has arrived turn around turn oh oh he’s yelling he’s yelling he’s coming for Ethan chill chill I’m sorry B oh what

Are you going to do do Ean what are you going to do you want to mess with him I know I killed you son and that’s probably like really bad but just leave me alone oh no I literally slipped in front of him Bandit no Bandit bad boy bro

Bandit’s taking him down ooh ooh ooh what are you going to do now Ethan you’re trapping me in an infinite corner I can’t escape no way he hit the toys again this is too good guard guard run run Bandit Bandit B Bandit B Bandit Ethan this is what happens you messed

With bluee you get the dad he’s still slipping back back okay you know what no I took down your son I can take you down wait wait he’s going to try and kill him no no no way all right this ain’t happening today you want to

Mess with the dad you think he’s not scary why did he get so big no no Daddy blue he is here to stay all right and this boy has the thick butt cheeks no I can’t take that on let me move oh and now that Ethan is distracted and he’s

Going to keep probably slipping and sliding here all over this gives us plenty of time to set up the next prank now you see a huge part of blue is it takes part in a very cartoony version of Australia which also so happens to be my homeland where I live so let’s jump

Straight over you see this is the ey server which you guys can join to come play with me or also be in these videos the IP is at the top of the screen works on bedrock and Java Edition but I’ve been working on the server non-stop day

And night playing with you guys and we’ve been working together on building a literal life-size version of Australia that’s right look look at this thing it’s huge guys I actually drive past this every day to work all right that’s how crazy all of this is right now but when Ethan’s house magically appears

Right here he’s going to lose his mind and blame blue for all of this so we need to do a massive copy and paste this thing this is really going to lag the server I am so sorry guys if you get kicked from the server because I’m

Trying to copy and paste this thing look at that it’s like 39 billion blocks holy mother of block we’re going to go ahead and copy that okay I hit copy and it’s not even saying it’s copy because it’s lagging so hard oh my gosh finally it has copy now the best part

About all of this is I also got a professional artist to make us a resource pack which makes everything look just like the movie Bluey all right you ready for this it’s so cartoony bro but the best part about it is it makes Ethan’s house look the same so when he’s inside his

House he won’t even notice that anything is different now it’s time to past back with stay back stay back I’m warning you he’s not chasing anymore where is he hi where house now we just need to load up our scam of Australia and oh it’s lagging I can’t

Move I actually can’t move o it’s done it’s pasted can I move hey yo wait it merged with the server this Green Man definitely does not exist in melbour and neither does that mountain I I live like somewhere over here wait band’s gone what is he doing up I don’t actually

Don’t think he’s noticed he’s looking down a b he’s scared of abandon I think we need to give him a little bit of a push in the right direction he thought he could outsmart me by coming up here uh yeah sorry Aid let me I can just

Chill who why was that Bluey see you later boy oh Bandit bit’s coming you better run boy you better run oh it’s Bandit nope you know what you can keep the house Bandit and blue from the dead is back alive and what the Bro must be having a mental

Breakdown right now and honestly he was you know he kidnapped my dog he forced them to breed he tried to sell them on the black market I lowkey kind of think he deserved this I ain’t going to lie wait why does my game look like a cartoon right now that’s the Sydney

Opera House wait I know these buildings what happened to the server what is this where am I oh Ethan you are in sweet sweet Melbourne the home of blueing help help please hey no he’s coming to talk to the neighbors oh that’s no luck cuz unfortunately they’re all going to be

Blue’s friends it’s Australia around here and I’m freaking out and I’m losing my voice and I really need some help quick spawn them in spawn them in ah go go go go go and the magical experance blue his family is hanging here now quick quick quick quick get a few more

Okay disappear disappear disappear please someone no not more Bluey freaks no there’s more of you I hate it here where’s my Flint still I’m going to take you all down wait is he pulling out a flint still hey yo you’ve taken my neighbors from me who let the dogs out

Not me hey he’s burning them D he’s burning to the ground oh oh oh take this you stupid dumb dog he clearly doesn’t kill yeah he’s on a killing Rampage bro these are innocent these are dogs dogs are adorable what are you doing we got to go back to our base I’m

About to burn the rest of the other base down I’m getting rid of all these parasites wait he’s heading back to his base no no no no no he’s playing to burn down his base with all of the dogs that we set free I was trying to teach him a

Lesson that he needs to you know let the dogs free not burn them to the ground we need to switch them up I have tried everything and I think it’s time we scare Ean all right we have Bluey but you know what he’s no longer getting

This tonight nice guy Bluey no no no no no we’re going to give him Bluey exe and look at this guys he just turned all of the items into cursed evil versions this blue is definitely not a kids show anymore they’ve taken over my world they’re making everything go crazy I

Just need to kill them all oh he’s in here okay we’re going to Chuck down some blood P prints just to the crime scene we want him at all right ready all right there we go oh my gosh those look so scary let’s place the blood p up here

Wait what is what is that wait are these Paws oh yes you just seen the footprints wait are these bloody red Paws where did these lead they can’t just be leading anywhere no no no no no they’re leading into a murder scene we’re going to grab ourselves some dead

Players and oh just Chuck them down around here o Blue’s been having a little bit of fun he’s going to be so terrified when he sees blue murdered all of these people and he’s going to be next you know why because I’ve gotten the regular old rut and flesh and by

Using a texture pack we’re going to make it look like a literal player what is that he killed all of these players oh hi Ethan nice of you to join us um you’ve got blood you’re something on your face bur we can we can talk about

This I think it’s time we uh do a little bit of eating Yum Yum Yum look at this totally legit person I’m eating right into my belly did he just eat a player you know what Ethan you’re next H uh no no that’s okay that I think I’m

Going to I think I’m going to leave oh you’re running away I don’t think so I think it’s time we use the blue shock item because you know what blue is an extremely squeaky and screamy little kid all right is very annoying when he’s screaming so we’re going to fill athan’s

Head with that scream just cop be wait what is he doing wait is he is he screaming oh even that hurt my ears oh my God bro the sound is so bad it’s literally destroyed an earthquake right now oh please get me out of here Bluey I’m

Sorry okay now for our finishing move Ethan has to give up on my dog after this this is every dog owner’s worst fear it’s time to use the left Hope Oh is he pooping on my head oh oh stin let’s keep pooping on him get pooped on

By oh why is he pooing everywhere e e oh trying to get Pro that is not got to be the nicest way to die wait no I’m getting drown Pro I never want to see another dog again thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my

New favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey Mega fan

Trolling My Friend Ethan with Funny BLUEY’S Adventures Pranks in Minecraft! 🤣

Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶

👕 Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)
❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem
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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. The cartoon bluey (the name was actually bluey) and bro its NOT bluey´s mom its CHILLY and that was not just a video that showed you can turn into any animal the name was magic asparagus and when i was a kid i used to LOVE bluey like i went crazy when my family turned it on the tv used to be my favorite programme and actually still IS!

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