I Survived 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]

Welcome to my Hardcore Minecraft world where we are currently on day 2,127 I’ve built a lot of stuff since day 1,000 and today you’re going to get to see all of that so sit back and relax and enjoy the next 1,000 days and if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe

And leave a like on this video also if you don’t have time to watch the full thing if you could just leave this on in the background while you’re doing other stuff that really helps me out thanks very much enjoy now although I am very happy with this tree there are still a

Few things I want to change around the base of said tree because there’s a lot of things wrong with it like this and this and this and this so obviously we want to fix those by doing a bit of Terra farming I’ve got a fair amount of

Grass and dirt but we have to gather some other stuff as well and those things were some Stone which I went into my beacon mine here to gather a load of plus some grass which I just destroyed a field I also got some tough from this little tough patch here and finally some

Acacia wood baby and apart from a bit of and theight that is it let’s make this tree base have a new face that doesn’t work let’s just get building I always underestimate how long it’s going to terraform stuff like I thought this would take you know 30 minutes it took

Me 2 and a half hours to do all this I also didn’t gather enough grass right I to stop at one point and go get myself a load of grass but we also use that stone that Turf and that caccia to make this clip side here I really wanted to do

Some texturing in here so I used the occasion for that and I think it turned out rather nicely what didn’t happen that was nice though was me checking my end chest and this creeper blowing up and nearly killing me it took me down to four Hearts luckily I’m big and strong

And I surviv though and we move on to live another day and add some leaves on to our lovely Cliffside and there you have it I’m very happy with how this has turned out we got all these different levels over here to build stuff on we’ve

Also got our Cliff side and I’ve really tried to do some like different type of shading to I normally do like placing all this darker wood and tough in the shadows to give it like you know a bit of depth and I think it’s turned out really nicely but before we get building

Anything here I want to link it up to my area over there and I know just the way to do it of course it’s a bridge first though I had to make a pathway through our ugly farms for something to the bridge to link up to now after building

The path I actually decided I was going to stream myself building the bridge and collecting all the materials and and I completely forgot to record any of me collecting the actual materials but it’s all there on stream if you want to go watch it and if you don’t here is me

Forgetting to turn the stream off at the end and laughing at my own video CH before you go should we have McDonalds we’ve got someone at the door chat we need to go I’m going to end the stream now goodbye yeah that was embarrassing but anyway we built a bridge now this time

Lapse will skip around a little bit as I kept forgetting to pause the time lapse and then mess stuff up but look we built a bridge and there you go a bridge over the river I’m very happy of this I think it looks rather nice it’s very red and

Bricky but I think that’s going to blend in with some of the stuff we’re going to build up here and also I’m going to extend these puppy fields at some point down and do some more stuff over here so the Reds go nicely and Lizzie after the

Stream said Joel are you ever going to use this bridge and to prove I’m going to use this bridge Bridge here is me using the bridge here it is the whole Bridge has been used and now we will just fly past it and never use it again

But it looks cool and it adds to the immersion anyway it’s time to start working on beyond the bridge over here and what we’re going to build here now I’m still a bit unsure about what to put here exactly but what I know I want to

Build for certain is a panda Reserve we haven’t really gathered that many animals since you know our donkey and our cats at the start and I want to turn this place into somewhere to put a load of pandas but obviously we need to keep these pandas contained as they will most

Likely try and Escape so we’re going to start off by building some walls and a gate and some Rivers oh my gosh look at these epic time lapses with all these epic material Gathering bits and oh look a magic shulker box you spin round it and wao when you reopen it again look

It’s got stuff in it oh time for some more Magic Mangrove Gathering epic wow that was really epic and that’s all I need why are there so many pigs and cows here that’s better let’s get building another time lapse which took a bit longer than I was expecting it to take

Because placing these rivers in was quite awkward and stuff but as you can see here we’ve got loads of rivers coming down from one water source at the top we then added in these walls plus some gates on these walls to link up between the multiple areas you know your

Projects are getting way too big when you spent 50 days already in one video and you’re just reaching the 5 minute Mark we’re averaging 10 days a minute at the moment but look our gated Panda enclosure so this thing should be completely Panda proof I’m pretty sure

The pandas won’t be able to drown like maybe might be able to here I don’t know I think the water would push them along so they don’t drown I don’t know how stupid pandas are but what I do know is that they can’t escape there’s no way

Out like apart from maybe there have I have I messed up maybe just that there we go they definitely can’t escape out of there but the rest of it is completely spawn proof no baby pandas getting in there either can’t get over here can’t get over here there’s nowhere

For them to escape like they they can’t get through this this wall I’m hoping I guess we’re going to find out as we’re going to go look for some pandas now because we are going to build some other stuff in here there’s a few buildings going in and we’re going to do some

Decorating make it look a bit more Pander if if that’s a real thing but I want to get breeding the the pandas as we go along so operation get pandas is a go now I know for a fact where a bamboo jungle is however I’m not sure if

There’s any pandas there I guess we’re going to find out I’ve got my cherry boats here to bring them home in if I find them this first bamboo jungle no pandas the second bamboo jungle no pandas the third bamboo jungle Panda hello get in the boat thank you any more

Two pandas perfect W there’s loads get me a boat oh there’s a cute one here look at it it’s one of the playful ones okay sorry I’m going to have to get this one get on me bamboo raft lovely all right let’s go 40 minutes of carrying

Pandas later and we have two pandas here but we still need to get them up there I think we’re going to have to improvise so what we’re going to do is we’re going to use some Soul Sand here and grab some dirt as well and then grab some gates as well

And then let’s get building a tower here as yes we’re making a big old water elevator get these guys to the right level and then extending it over to the enclosure where we can hopefully get the pandas out of the boats I can’t remember if you can actually break boats with

Pandas in it I know you can kill them quite easily as they’ve got such big old bodies but I guess there’s only one way to find out okay it’s fine there’s water underneath it’s fine everything’s fine okay all we need to do now is add in

Some kelp so that this thing works I was just about to sleep but look how good the bridge looks with the Moon Rising above it’s a shame the cherry tree is not loaded in right now all right let’s hope this works I’m I’m nervous I’m just

Going to drown the pandas all right guys let’s go on a little Adventure no okay no yep we’re all good uh-oh uh-oh get on the raft uhoh um yes let me give you a little nudge nudge onto the raft okay and then if we just go down

Here and plop can I destroy the raft I can yes okay success time for panda number two please don’t die it’s a 20 minute journey to get another one go and straight out the other side yes we did it oh kind of I’m kind of glitched at the moment uh-oh imagine

That’s how I die and down and break the boat look at these lazy guys let’s put some bamboo around as I think they need bamboo to be able to breed enter them into love mode I didn’t like that maybe there’s not enough bamboo around oh wait hang

On yes look at it’s a sneezing one cute all right we’ve got our pandas let’s get rid of this and it’s all gone we’ve got our first pandas in the panda sanctuary oh it’s going to be so good as soon as they don’t hide down there it’ll be great as

Well come on guys there’s a whole Sanctuary up here anyway time to build some buildings as that’s right it’s Panda building time why do I keep saying weird stuff I don’t know let’s just collect some materials shall we just kidding I actually had pretty much

Everything I just had to craft it all so let’s get building the building and here you can see the style of building I’m going for it’s not a usual style I build in but I think it turned out really well I love the roofs I love the colors lots

Of different stuff than usual lovely you can kind of see the style we’re going for over here but how are the pandas doing oh my gosh they’ve grown up already breed again for me pandas thank you so yeah obviously it’s not linked up to anything yet but we can see the

Building here it’s just somewhere for the pandas to get a bit of shade you know somewhere nice for them to chill out not that they care because they are all literally down here and haven’t even attempted to get up the hill yet come on guys stop rolling down the hill let me

See if I can push one up no maybe they’ll follow the bamboo no what are you doing you’re so stupid come on okay this one here can climb up blocks don’t know what the other two are doing let’s just layer this one up here okay it’s good to know that they

Actually do come up the hills anyway I’m going to go gather the materials off camera like a classic YouTuber for the next two buildings allinone and then let’s get building the reason I didn’t show me Gathering the materials is because I had most of them I just had to

Put them in a shulker box and bring them over here but you can see we’re doing a tall skinny build here which I’m very happy with it’s very different to the other build and then this one has a slightly different color palette and it’s also on stilt meaning the Panda’s

Going to have to walk up this little path to get to it and as you can see the roof is slightly different I’ve also realized what a mistake I’ve made choosing pandas as the first animal to build an enclosure for as these things the laziest thing you’ll ever see and

Annoyingly you just can’t push them up hills and they just sit there on their backs and look at you really cutely and they’re just annoying come on move follow me make it up the step okay I found a new way to push them up I can

Use this slab to Brute Force push them come on stupid panda there we go and then come with me come on come get the bamboo you stupid Panda apologies if I’m getting too angry at the pandas oh stop lying on your back okay come on there’s a little friend here breed with him

Breed with a panda yes okay and now stay up here anyway where was I oh yeah the new building so as you can see we’ve got this one here which I really love I think that’s turned out very cool I especially love these new pots I forgot

The you don’t actually need the pattern and you can just make them out of bricks and I think they look awesome I really like how they’re a little bit skinnier than these blocks here so they make a really cool transition and this build here as I said the roof is a slight

Different color using more Mangrove on the roof uh but it’s kind of like really like Zen up here look at this very very Zen for the pandas who I honestly don’t need more Zen but what they do need is a better environment as at the moment just

Lots of grass lots of grass and I want to change that adding some bamboo adding some other stuffff let’s go gather some materials please don’t drown in the Water by the way baby panda thank you okay cool I didn’t need a specific amount of anything for this

As I was just improvising so I got myself some Spruce I fixed up my hoe and then I went and got some moss and then I made some coarse dirt for some paths got myself some Cobblestone to make some mossy cobblestone and then I also went and got some podil Plus finally some

Lily pads and on the way back from the lilypads I picked up some pink and white tulips and that’s it wonderful it’s time to give this place a bit of a transformation gosh I love that cherry tree I love it so much I just turn around and see it sometimes and I’m like

Oh you are beautiful you are everything anyway let’s make this panda sanctuary feel a bit more homely and we’re going to try and breed up these pandas as we go along as we do have a lot of bamboo in one of these here it is you didn’t

See me collect this that’s because it came from my bamboo fam give me a baby so slow yeah yes have a little snack fella have a little snack you too as well go on grow quicker because of this bamboo I’m giving you time to once again terraform this area for the the third

Time now first the grass then the water now I’m taking away some more of the grass let’s go so we started out by making a little pathway through this place also it’s so cute watching the pandas wander around apart from that one that’s just sat on its back the entire

Time and after the path we added in some podil some moss and some like mossy cobblestone as well as some sugarcane and some lily pads and then we finished up with some flowers and some bamboo and look at this wouldn’t you say this is a luxurious Panda enclosure man I would

Want to live here it looks like a haven oh my gosh got some little bridges over the water got this cute little area here which oops shouldn’t have any shulker boxes in because pandas don’t need shulker boxes and then we got this lovely little area over here you can see

We got some sneezing pandas where are you look at him look at him we’ve been breeding these guys up uh one did suffocate under a lily pad which is probably going to happen when they’re a baby I’m just going to feed them a load of bamboo so they grow up really quickly

Luckily I’ve got lots and lots and lots and lots of bamboo and obviously this thing isn’t finished just yet but the sun is going down quick Let’s do an amazing shaders run through oh my gosh look at it all it’s got the cherry tree in the background it’s got the pandas

It’s got everything you’d ever want in a panda enclosure now weirdly enough this isn’t what I set out to do today I was going to do something else in this video but I got a bit bit obsessed with the panda enclosure you can see we’ve got lots more space under this tree here

What do you think I should put here let me know in the comments down below I was thinking maybe a village but I want to hear your input okay also I just want to say I’ve had this bamboo Farm here for ages it’s not very big but it produces a

Lot of bamboo cuz I don’t really ever use bamboo but now I have a use for bamboo I want to get a brown panda in the future we’re not going to get one today cuz they’re quite rare but I’m going to come over here every soften especially when I’m working on this part

Next time and breed these guys up they are so cute and I want more of them unless I get a brown panda right now come on snotty nose guy and normal guy no you’re not brown panda oh well it’s worth a try eat my bamboo and grow up

Quickly how about you guys you make me a brown panda no well there you have it guys the panda enclosure is complete I’m so happy of this I think it’s really cool to get get some more life into our world this area over here has two farms and they

Are both ugly and I hate them and also these empty fields and it just doesn’t fit in with the surrounding area so we’re going to fix that by placing some buildings down and also doing some decorating this is going to be a long distraction which I don’t want the video

To be focused on so let’s get all the materials we need for the first building by showing you 1 second of each material gathered I realized after saying that that 1 second is quite a lot as I got 18 different clips here of me Gathering materials so that’s 18 seconds I want it

To be more like 5 seconds so we’ll change that up in the future but anyway here you can see me Gathering all the materials I need for this first build which is a slightly smaller build and 18 seconds later we have all that we need and whilst we build this building around

It I thought I’d let the farm run so I can get some bone meal for the future and I went for this sort of jungly green palette to match the nearby City and I’m very happy of how it turned out ah that looks much better I’m really liking the

Roof here looks very cool very overgrown because obviously it’s making a load of moss in there so I use a bit of moss all over the build we’ve also got these bones leading us to the chest here where by the way we’re getting a lot of bone

Meal but that is actually the small build as although this is a smaller Farm uh because of the TNT it needs a bigger area around it so so we’re going to take inspiration from our city here and we’re going to build something that matches kind of but first we need some materials

And uh a lot more this time so we’ll do half a second instead so this time you only get eight seconds of materials being gathered in fact I actually gathered more materials than last time but this time lapse is a lot quicker it’s not even a time lapse what am I

Saying so we have everything we need for this build now as well unfortunately our sniffer friend here is in the way so we’re going to put him on a lead and then move his pen he can come over here for now what is he doing oh is he sniffing something

Up okay we’ve got some torch flower seeds those are the first I’ve got I’ve not actually been around while he’s been sniffing so far yeah they’re kind of cute hopefully we’ll get some more as we move into another time lapse to cover up this ugly dark oak Farm now I thought a

Circular build would fit this dark oak Farm well and I tested it and of course it doesn’t blow up any of the blocks we’ve placed which is good we also use some of the new bamboo blocks in here you’ll see them a little bit in one of

The circle Rings there which I really quite like I think they look quite cool and I’m very happy with the end product it’s looking nice but we need to finish off more of this area and we’re going to start with this area here all this grass needs to be changed first let’s Place

Some walls and some lamps around this path all the way down to the bridge and let’s head into this Valley here light up all the dark spots and then get filling it in with some grass and dirt and then we’re going to place down

A load of water and we made this sort of river SL Bay here ending in a waterfall covering up the cave I then went and got a load of puppies from my iron farm and we got placing them everywhere extending our poppy field through rain on cliffs

By the river by our two new buildings by the waterfall until finally we placed our last poppy but we’re not done yet I killed some Iron Golems here to clear up this area a little bit I know they’ll respawn but just for now I want to kill

Some I then placed down some rocks in the area where these Iron Golems once lived and started terraforming this world using some Moss plus some podel as well as some other different items to make this place look a bit more you know fun I guess you could say finishing off

With some lilu for a bit of color and then obviously loads and loads of bamboo and then finally using some of the bow Mill from our bow Mill Farm to add some grass in and as you can see this area has come along a lot look at it oh my

Gosh it looks so much better than the Farms that were there before it’s kind of crazy how just you know changing the landscape a little bit can really add to your Minecraft world look at this place it’s looking really good the bamboo of course has to grow a bit more till it’s

Up to full height but it’s really nice just to walk through this place it’s lovely isn’t it Mr sniffer have you got any more treats for us no I don’t think he does but speaking of the sniff that brings us on to our main project today

The hotel and for this we’re going to need a lot of planning so let me take you a bit through the process now we’re only having friendly SL passive mobs in this hotel we don’t want those angry mobs like pillagers upsetting the other animals and if my calculations are

Correct that leaves us 20 mobs as we’re going to leave out cows and sheep as we already have them which means this hotel is going to be pretty big also as this hotel is on land we’re not going to be including any water mobs and we’re not

Including any NE mobs because lava is bad for burning stuff now we’re going to design this thing in the reverse order I normally would do by starting with the interior and the first thing I want is a big foyer don’t know how we’re going to

Decorate it yet but but it’s going to be big and we want this foer to be grand with big ceilings so let’s go up to about there shall we now let’s think about the layout I think I want a grand staircase at the back here but we’re probably going to want some other

Staircases on the sides as well so here is the foyer layout as you can see we’ve got a second level here the rooms are going to be off the sides of all these sections yes even on the ground floor we’ve also got these two elevator shafts here which is going to be water

Elevators as well as the grand staircase which will be stairs taking you up over here but now we need to talk about the rooms as each room is going to be a different size as for example an LA doesn’t need as much space as a camel

Now we have 10 big animals and 10 small animals meaning we can spread this out fairly evenly so let’s get laying out these rooms and here is the completed layout so on each floor we’ve got three small rooms and two big rooms this is completely mirrored on the other side

Cuz I wanted this thing to be symmetrical as I think it would look quite cool and Grand from the front and on the top floor we’ve got some more rooms here we’ve got one sort of mediumsized room two very small rooms here these are going to be for the

Chickens frogs laay parrot maybe but these ones are extra small and then we got two big ones on the top and these all have balconies as well if you look so these will have little balconies where you can come outside but the layout is done now I have to do the hard

Task of actually building the thing but I’m not going to show you this process as it’s going to take a long time and I want you to see it in survival back in a lot of hours well I knew it would take a long time but two days later two real

Life days we have the design ready and we’re going to build it right over here yes this space here is perfect for it it’s got this nice River out front which leads to the rest of our area and this thing is massive i’ I’ve moved it from

Over there where you saw me designing it to here because it it just looks better so now all we need to do is gather all the materials and do some terraforming and build it and then gather all the animals oh gosh that’s a lot why did I

Choose the start of this video to do some decorating over there this is a long video guess we better get started with those materials and we got to do it in a certain order now I need 3,318 cut blocks of copper and also 1,533 cut slabs of copper this is

1,22 copper blocks which is 9,198 or AKA 144 Stacks we’ve got to GA 144 stacks of all Yes you heard me right so of course we set out into the world and we got mining we got one shulker we got two shulker and you guessed it what’s next that’s right three shulkers

And then we got the fourth shulka and the fifth Shuler and then half a Shuler and that’s all we need then let’s gather some coal and some Cobblestone to make some furnaces as that’s right we need to smelt all this copper and I don’t have a super smelter and whilst it all smelts

Let’s use our wood farm for a bit as we’re going to be needing some Birch a bit later on now we can mine up all the furnaces to collect all the copper and craft it into some copper blocks this was a lot of copper and we want it to

Oxidize before we get building so I got spreading it out across the world and we spent around 50 minutes laying out a load of copper and you’re probably thinking wow that’s a long time Joel at least you’ve got them all oxidizing now wrong I I’ve not even put half of them

Down I’m pretty sure I’m going to take a break and collect something else and that thing we’re collecting Sandstone very easy to collect with a efficiency 5 pickaxe and I found a really good spot to collect a load without the sand getting in the way as you can see I’ve

Crafted a load of the Sandstone into these here but we’ve still got all this which we need to smelt time to get the furnaces back out again and I didn’t show this the first time but I separated every stack of coal into stacks of eight placed eight in every furnace and then

Then also had to place in a stack of sandstone as well dear gosh I really need to get a super smelter guess I probably should get placing more copper I think this is a lot of copper I’m pretty sure if you were to ask how

Much this is you would say a lot and I’ve also already collected one and a half stacks of it at least it’s done now and the next lot of materials are a lot easier to gather let’s start by fixing up my pickaxe and harvesting this sandstone and then I been about 2 days

Afking my birch wood farm and I’m actually get a lot of birch planks and a lot of birch logs but it’s not enough still we need to craft ourselves some Birch slabs some Birch stairs and some Birch trap doors oh and also some fence gates and some fences next up on our

List of things we need is some bamboo blocks I want lots of blocks of bamboo as we’re going to be using bamboo planks I didn’t have enough in my farm so I had to go to the jungle and start smashing a load of bamboo of our sword which is the

First time my swords ever actually really had any durability last but here you can see a lot of bamboo planks but we also need some bamboo logs and some bamboo fences and some stripped bamboo blocks as well after we had all the bamboo collected I went to this little

Hole I made underneath the oxidizing copper and got collecting a load of moss this took a few days but we got all the Moss we need which was a lot of moss I then spent the next few days crafting up a few other small little items and then

Some other big items like terra cotta and also smelting some sand for some glass making some concrete powder some different types of concrete powder some jungle trap doors some concrete and then I got collecting some of my oxidized copper which took a long time and it’s still nowhere near all done but I

Collected all I could and now we have to wait for the rest to oxidize I then went and chopped down some spruce trees got myself some Spruce planks made myself some stained glass collected some sand for some more stained glass and concrete powder later I also went and got some

Mangrove saplings or whatever they’re called proper ghouls I think and got myself a load of Mangrove wood which we’re going to be building with I then collected some more oxidized copper and also did some trading with some villagers to get a load of Bricks now let’s head to the Mesa and collect

Myself a load of terracotta which is always very fun with this Beacon here and then we converted it into some white terracotta I then went and got myself some honey because I’m going to be building with some honey blocks I also put down a full Beacon here and got

Mining myself a load of granite and some andesite down below we went to the Nether and we collected some wed wood some glowstone and oh my gosh are we done goodness gracious me we are on day 1237 uh this is the most materials I think I’ve gathered so far for this

World even more so maybe than the cherry tree I don’t know we have so many different type of materials though that this definitely took longer to gather because look just look at it we’re not even done with the oxidized C copper slabs either like we still need to wait

For a lot of this to oxidize I’ve been just collecting it as I come to the area but taking it sweet time especially these ones over here are a bit further away unfortunately I don’t really want to add up the amount of hours it’s taken to gather all this but here’s the replay

Recordings you can add it up if you want I don’t want to it’s a long time that’s all I know but at least it’s time to get building and there’s actually one material I didn’t get which was just some grass to do a bit of terraforming

Around the base of this thing but let’s get this thing built shall we this is going to be a long time lapse let’s see if it takes longer than Gathering the materials I highly doubt it it talk about famous last words I highly doubt it he says 11 hours later yes you heard

Me right this build took me 11 straight hours every time you see the sun go down that’s 10 minutes of real life time but as you can see we’ve got this sort of brick bottom layer here with some steps up to the front of the hotel and then

We’ve chosen sandstone and Birch for the main blocks I really really like this build palette I think it turned out looking really nice we’ve also put moss on all of the floors by the way and we’ve used white terra cotta for the ceiling which is why you can see the

White terra cotta on the other side there that’s in the hotel rooms themselves in the central Lobby you can see we’ve used a mix of woods mangroves Etc to make a fancy floor for the lobby we’ve also got lots of Honey blocks and different kind of cool colors thrown in

There as well bamboo is one of the main ones because I just really like how this new bamboo texture looks we of course use copper for the roof as you can see see by all the copper blocks we gathered earlier I actually moved them over you

Can see them behind on the bottom right hand corner there that’s all the copper blocks oxidizing as where they were placed was too far away and they weren’t like loading in because of the chunks or whatever but we started this build on day 1237 so you can see already we’re about

To pass the 60-day mark but we added a final dome roof on the top with some glass and the build was complete goodness gracious me what a long time laps 11 hours to be precise here are the recordings I took with replay mod there I don’t want to build anymore and Lally

I don’t really have to this thing is massive like seriously massive the biggest building we’ve got on the server so far by quite a long shot I’d say and I’m really happy of how it’s turned out I think it looks amazing especially if you stand over here as it’s kind of

Centered in this Bay here and looks really really cool obviously in the future I want to do some terraforming around it make it look a bit you know neater and nicer and Link it up to some Pathways and stuff but let me give you a quick tour inside the main foyer as you

Can see here we’ve got some chandeliers coming down from the ceiling we’ve got a little reception area to check in here plus a little seating area where you can you know have some coffee I guess although it’s only animals staying in here so that doesn’t really make any

Sense we’ve got the grand staircase over here which leads up to this massive window where you can look out side and see horses and chickens and sheep they’ll be coming in here soon and then we’ve got this big old Upper Floor with this balcony across the middle and the

Big dome roof as well the rooms on the top floor all have little balconies and stuff so the animals can come outside and look at a half loaded in cherry tree and these rooms are all different shapes and sizes and only the top floor has balconies I haven’t actually done the

Water elevators yet I’ll do those shortly after I didn’t have any kelp but the bottom floor has a load of room as well it’s mirrored on both sides we got some little rooms down here we got one big room down here and then we got another big room coming off the center

Down here and this hotel I’m going to call The Ark that’s what the A’s up there stand for hotel Ark because we’re going to get two of every animal and when are we going to get them well right now now I’m going to decorate each room individually to meet the needs of each

Animal and we’re also going to label each room as well so so on day 1300 we’re going to start off with our two chickens let’s go fellas and while we’re leading these two back I’ll explain the idea behind this hotel so if I ever want

To breed a lot of a certain animal in the future say chickens for like eggs or feathers Etc I can come to the hotel breed these guys together a couple of times and then take their children off to wherever I need them these two will stay in the hotel though don’t worry

Guys you have to check in I’ve already done it for you so this is their room here if you’d like to come in lovely thank you very much we’ve got a nice little chicken Co for them I was going to Bone Mill the ground a little bit oh

It just destroyed my CA dirt oops please enjoy your stay feel free to use any of the amenities downstairs let’s go get our next guests actually before the next guests arrive let’s make sure we’ve got ourselves a working elevator system as you can tell we’re starting off with the

Simple animals as our next guest are the pigs here this lovely couple will be staying in the ground floor in one of our private Suites come on you silly come on it’s getting night time need to get to your bed you’d like to follow me sir Madame into here please after you no

After you no after you come on stupid thought you were going to be intelligent animals oh you are dumb right you go all the way over there and then you come come let’s go had to dismantle the hotel for them and we just test out the beds you guys

Are going to love this room feel free to explore a little you got some feeding trough over here you got your beds you’ve even got this lovely Pig portrait enjoy your stay at the ark Hotel I’ve just done something very very stupid you may have noticed the day count has just

Gone up by quite a lot well that’s because I uh I went out for food with my wife and I thought I closed the game like this this pauses the game for me but what I actually did was this and I left the chat open and I did that for an

Hour and 53 minutes so I was just stood there vulnerable but luckily I didn’t die the most annoying part is I could have afked somewhere good where my Farms would be work how long has that been there no was that just I was I was right well there’s our luck Gone Forever

Also why is there a block missing up there is that always been missing was that missing earlier now it’s fixed anyway on to the next animal now there’s three horse type animals of course we got donkeys horses themselves and also mules so we’re going to start by

Breeding up a mule here I think I can use golden carrots right make me a mule bury and horse person nice I can’t for the life of me find another donkey however I’ve been searching all the nearby biomes there’s so many stupid horses but no donkeys going to have to

Go quite far out I think oh my gosh finally and of course there’s two have some apples sorry baby but you’re going to have to be left behind I’m taking your mama home that’s cruel to leave the baby all alone now they’re no longer alone we’ll leave this donkey here to be

Checked in while we wait for the other mules to be bred up look what I’ve just spoted right next to my area bluming donkey what are you doing up here fella but I found our next hotel guests some goats can I fly with people on a lead is

That possible what happens do they just snap yeah it just snapped I thought it might guess we’re walking these fellas home this is going to take some time I have a feeling welcome goat one and go to to the ark Hotel so let’s get our two bouncy fellas into their room down here

Hopefully they can make it through the door come on yes better and smarter than the pigs welcome goats to your room give me your leads back thank you very much you can jump around for Joy all on this mountainous room as much as you like have fun goodbye let’s also make

Ourselves our other mule let’s speed things up by getting some of the easier and more boring animals out of the way and those boring animals include the donkey which I took over to the hotel and made a little room for the donkey room oh the donkeys love it in here

Don’t you bury yeah they do the next boring animal on the route is some wolves which we already have so I thought I’d just do a little bit of decorating before I went and grabbed them from over by our farming area and then let’s bring them into the hotel

Welcome guys enjoy your stay Frank and grandmas feces finder extraordinaire 3261 I hope you have a good time here next up is horses which is another boring animal which is very similar to the donkeys and the mules which you’ll see a bit later all these rooms are very

Similar for them I just wanted to put hay Bal some water down for them just some random stuff I also decorate the ceiling in here and went and got one horse which I already had and another horse as well and led them to the room

For where they will stay I then went and decorated another room this time for the mule and as you can see very very similar although I did add some lilacs in because I thought that’s fun maybe mules like lilacs we tained them up and then we took the mules over to the hotel

As well mules done God these animals are boring let’s get something more fun and for that we’re heading to the Jungle to find an animal we haven’t found before and that animal is the parrot we got a blue parrot here and then we found a light blue parrot as well and we took

Them home look I was actually flying with them for a while until they fell off like stupid idiots and had to go get them but we made our way to the hotel with them built them a little pen with some little places for them to perch some jungle leaves and some bamboo to

Remind them of home we also put some string on top of the bamboo so it wouldn’t grow placed down some grass then brought them in and put them on the perches and they were very happy in there trust me they told me so next animal we’re moving on to the fox I

Looked through this nearby tiger Bome but couldn’t find any so I had to go to another tiger Bome where I did find some I managed to Wrangle them with some sweet berries and my leads and got them hooked up to take home but unfortunately foxes are really annoying to pull so I

Decided to take them one at a time by using some boats so first we took Fox number one who was a bit of a pest and kept attacking chickens but we got him to reception where he stayed and we gave him some sweet berries so that he would

Give us our lead back because he kept stealing them I went and got the other Fox decorated up their room to look bit more like a Tiger Biome and then brought them in and I also actually gave them name tags of Foxy man and Foxy Lady next

Up let’s fly off to a mushroom Island to collect ourselves some mushroom cows which I led back fairly easily these guys are pretty friend I also made their room out of melium which I also placed some mushroom lamps in as well as some actual mushrooms and

Then I led them home where they were very happy they told me also and then now let’s kill some salmon get ourselves some cats because these guys are fairly easy and boring to get manag to find two in this oasia jungle built in this little room here they seem happy all

Good next animal the next animal is not really an animal it is a Golem the Iron Golem and we built in this weird room here then we just built some like iron golems and we said done with it quite a boring room but IR Golems are quite boring these guys aren’t boring though

These are frogs and we definitely will be using these guys in the future to do some Frog Light Farms but for now we got these two tab Poes and we brought them home and we got building them a very swampy room with some lily pads lots of cute decorations and just flowers and

Stuff just to make it look nice for them and after waiting a bit of time they grew up and now we have two frogs lovely now the next animal may look cute but is the worst animal in Minecraft by far because oh my gosh these guys are the

Most fragile little beings ever look this bloing rabbit died I was so angry because they’re just so stupid I actually punched the ground here but it’s no worries cuz I saved another rabbit earlier which I can actually bring over and all we have to do is find

Another rabbit which is fairly easy and oh it’s died again gosh these things are stupid but no worries we managed to find another rabbit pretty close by and I was very careful this time making sure it could climb up every little thing using some slabs in fact to make sure it would

Climb up because these things have got the worst paing ever but we managed to struggle through made all the way over here and it’s died again I hate these things so desperate measures we went to a nearby tiger we found a rabbit and we kept that thing in

A boat we made it all the way through this like really long winded path got it up to the front of the hotel and we managed to get it in nice and safely I went looking for another rabbit in the tiger spent about 20 minutes couldn’t

Find one so I headed off to this desert over here which I thought would be quite easier to find rabbits and look two rabbits nice just a shame they’re really far away about 3,000 blocks but we got boating our way and we managed to take

These rabbits all the way home LED it to here and we managed to breed them as well just in case one of these idiots died for whatever reason I then very unenthusiastically decorated their room because I hate these guys I made one desert section and I made one sort of

Grassy section and I brought them in and to be honest I hope I never see these guys again I hate them now that ordal is over it’s time to get one of the trickier mobs if we look over the top of here it’s Woodland Mansion time I haven’t even attempted a wood Woodland

Mansion yet but we need an Lae which are inside these things so it’s time to whip out the chest piece which hasn’t been whipped out in a while I feel pretty safe with this stuff on but still I’m quite nervous I’ve not done anything dangerous in a while ooh Vex armor

Trim o another one I’m not going to lie the noises in here are terrifying and these guys are terrifying as well but oh okay they only do half a half damage that’s not too bad okay our first vexes go away ow kill these guys pretty easy got my first totem of

Undying lovely I’ll put that in my inventory now all right up to the final floor and it looks like this Woodland Mansion has no allays in it which is a shame lots of mobs down there though well that’s a shame I was hoping to find some alls in

There we’ll just have to go to an outpost instead and I believe I know where one is aha now does this have any LS nope cool let’s look for another one I guess oh we have a cage no how about the no oh there’s another one right

There no allays wow that’s lucky like look there’s threee in viewing distance that’s kind of crazy now all we need is there to be a l oh my gosh just real unlucky there’s got to be some in here no please are you joking oh and it’s

Uhoh please yes I see them okay sorry guys get out my way aays to be saved let’s get out of here now about 2,000 blocks away so please say I can fly no oh I’m going to have to carry these back across land this is going to be a

Long journey and it was as these guys you think would be easy to pull because they fly but no they kept getting stuck on absolutely everything but we got making them a little room and for some reason I thought LA’s like caves right so I made them like sort of cavey

Looking musy room I don’t know if they like it but we LED them in there and they didn’t really seem to complain because they’re Minecraft mobs and they don’t actually have an actual personality anyway next Mob We flew off towards a desert where we found a camel

I’ve never seen one of these in game before it is really cool it sort of wobbles quite funny I got dragging it along behind me in this boat and realized oh I need two so I left it on this little island here went back to another desert village found another

Camel and dragged that one all the way back over to the island so we had two camels which after a long time we arrived at the hotel with them and I hate just traveling with animals now I’m getting sick of animals but I need them a very nice enclosure with lots of like

Deserty rocks and stuff nearly died getting them in the room but we managed to get them in eventually and look how happy they are I’m taking the saddle though cuz I literally only have one it’s a it’s a real pain the next animal it was quite close by in the acacia

Biome just behind my base we me to get two llamas fairly easy and drag them back and these guys are really good at being on the lead like rabbits you could learn a thing or two from these guys and I decided to timelapse me building their

Room I built a little mountain in the area I also changed out the ground to be a bit more dirty and added in some bushes and look how happy they are very happy they told me anyway off we go to the snowy bind where we’re going to get

Some polar bears I found this one but it had a cub so started to attack me so I found two other polar bears and I got boat icing for a little bit which was really fun I wish it was ice all the way back but it’s not and I to painfully

Take these guys about 3,000 blocks because that’s just where everything is my place is in a really stupid place but I completely converted their room to have lots of like snow and ice and stuff and plus some pozil just to add a bit of detail got them in and I’m not sure if

They’re happy they’re polar bears I’m not even going to say they are okay I don’t know what they’re thinking anyway to the Jungle where we’re going to be looking for an ocelot and these were honestly a massive pain I found this first guy here led him down here left

Him on a fence while I went to look for another one came back and of course he’s despawned I didn’t realize OTS did that but they do so I got anied for a second but then I went home got myself some emeralds got myself some name tags and

Then went back looking for OTS and it took about 20 minutes to find this guy but we found him and we name tagged him and we called him flooper because why I I don’t know we found another one as well this one was a little baby making

Real pain to catch but eventually we got our lead on it after a lot of struggle and it killing a chicken and I named it dummy because I’m I’m just fed up at this point of animals and they’re all dummies and floppers to me anyway here’s

Me arriving back dragging them in a boat which is just my goto at the moment as it seems the best way to transport animals and I left them in the lobby while I got decorating their room using lots of jungle theme because you know these guys live in the jungle they love

The Jungle jungle leaves everywhere let’s make it extra viny as well because why not I got them in the room eventually after them trying to run away and look they’re happy I think what are they doing I don’t know Hotel Ark is nearly complete we’ve only got one mob

Left to get and I know I can hear you all in the comments now saying Joel what about the pandas what about the cows what about the Sheep well I already have cows and sheep over here and as for pandas I’ve been breeding them up and

I’m happy to say we we we’ve got no short supply of pandas I’ve been trying really hard to get a brown panda and I finally got one and somehow it’s escaped it can stay there cuz I think there’s another one down here yep there it is be

Free brown panda be yourself anyway the final mob we have to get is the sniffer so let’s go get ourselves some brushes and let’s look for some warm ruins I’m just going to search these if it gives me a pottery Shard or something I don’t

Want I’m leaving it is that one yes wait move move move move there’s one and there’s number two that took a little bit of time but there we go so now all we need to do is build them a room so let’s get with this mosque place down

Some pods Hill Place down some grass for them to sniff and some pots we collected plus some rocks and and finally the sniffer eggs y we’re done and just like that the project is complete oh my gosh this has been a long one but look at this Beast yes the surrounding area

Hasn’t been terraformed and looks a bit ugly but look at it it is a hotel of the ages we started this project well over 200 days ago and has it been worth it in a way yes because now I can breed up multiple animals if I ever want to make

Like a pen for them elsewhere or if I ever need them and as a reward for a job well done I’m killing this rabbit because I hate rabbits now they are the worst I’m just going to throw its meat and hide away to just rot now I’m currently hiding in my massive hotel

Lobby because uh it’s raining outside and that’s really sad but once again we’re going to completely ignore the goal of today’s video to work on something else first and that something else is this look at this whole look at this uneven terrain look at this other

Hole what is all this that’s right it’s ugly we’ve done a lot of work on this side making sure everything is linked up nicely with beautiful paths heading along but we haven’t done anything on this side this path just sort of comes to an end we’re going to start today by

Fixing that so first we’re going to need a few things like a load of Co dirt a load of grass a load of birch leaves a load of mossy cobblestone actually we need way more Birch leaves and then I’m going to collect a load of podel that

Should be plenty and while we’re here we’ll get some ferns I then went and harvested some sugar cane and got some different stuff like buttons and leaves and gravel and a load of azure bluettes I then afked my bone meal farm for a

While and as you can see we got a lot of bone meal and after we got some Spruce Wood we got to work we started off by getting rid of a bit of a mound there adding in a pathway which we used a lot of coarse dirt for I then got patching

Up a load of awkward holes and then added in a river going through sort of winding through underneath part of the path where we added a bridge in and I also decorated the river with some podel and some gravel and some mossy cobblestone plus those buttons and ferns

We found earlier and after putting the water in I put some sea pickles in as well and some sugarcane on the side I then worked on this other part here by the bay where the river ends up by placing down some more podil and mossy cobblestone to make it look nice added

In some trees and then we got using the Birch leaves we had gathered to add some HED row around this place but we’re not done there no we’re going to go bone Mill some lilu plus some ponies and then we’re going to head and we’re going to

Get placing these the ponies first in a sort of diagonal pattern then the lilu as well in a straight line making two huge flower Fields but we’ve got a couple more fields to fill so we went and got some poppies from our iron farm and also some rose bushes in between

Those poppies but look at it it’s looking marvelous it’s looking so pretty around here but you may notice there’s a weird little spot here well we’re going to build something here so let’s go gather some materials and we’re going to start off by using some of our masons in

The nearby Village to get ourselves a load of bricks with some emeralds and we also got some other materials which you may recognize as they are very similar to the sort of theme we had going on with the Mason Village and we also got some other weird stuff like cacti which

You’ll see us using later and finally some other little bits and Bobs and that is everything but what are we going to be building well you’ll find out when I get building it which is right please subscribe now wow what a subtle message did you get it oh I hope

You did please subscribe anyway what are we building you ask that’s right it is a train station a train station Joel but you can fly I know but it’s for aesthetic purposes like everything else in this world speaking of which we went and collected a load of white tulips and

Then we got placing those in our final flower field I’m kind of obsessed with how cute this area is looking look at it w woo I need to get some lights along here though I’m a bit worried at night mobs are going to spawn but here is our

Train station I’m very happy with this very cute little train station and it’s a functioning train station as well although I need to add some stuff in first I forgot to add oops where do I get to them let’s make some mine carts five in this dispenser and five in this

Dispenser so this thing is on a system where it is automatic so if I press a button a mine cart will appear hop in and off we go on a little Adventure out to wherever the next train station’s going to be in the future like I said

Earlier we’re going to have loads of these around but say you’re coming back the other way let’s hop in and move quickly this might be quite slow come on can you make it up here by just pressing W no okay imagine you’re coming along here it knocks you off the

Mine cart and it’s not going to put you there but heads down get stuck because i’ I’ve built it wrong heads down gets hit by by the cactus collected in the hopper straight back into the dispenser so like I said in the time lapse the plan in the future is to have some

Tunnels Going Underground some going overground with Bridges maybe those bridges stretching across the water and each train station is going to be themed around each area so this one obviously matches the mangrove roof of our Mason Village the next one maybe we’ll build up here with our cherry tree and

Speaking of said cherry tree and Cherry area we’ve got our panda sanctuary which is great but we also built this area up here this area has been terraformed rather nicely but it’s just empty there’s nothing here and we’re going to change that now a long long time ago I

Had a temporary villager breeder and it’s still there it it’s just hiding under this bamboo forest over here and I’ve actually been making some of these villagers into clerics as you can see and trading with them mainly for red stone I hate mining for it but I want to

Get more cleric mainly for the glow stone but also for the bottles of enchanting my alra breaks a lot or gets close to Breaking which is not good in hardcore so we’re going to transform the cherry tree area into another Village like this one down here so we’re going

To go through this building by building let’s gather the materials for the first building wo did you see that oh oh oh he’s a pro let’s see how many of the materials we already have can we fill a shulker your boy done good not only one but two shulker boxes worth of materials

Just in our lovely chest system but we also need a load of spruce wood so we chopped down this tree I also went and dyed my sheep purple and pink and we got harvesting that purple and pink wool what is it both for well the purple’s

For some beds and you’ll see the pink in a second we also got smelting some stuff collected some flowering aelia leaves made some pink banners from the pink wool and finally some flower pots and some pink tulips now the pink banners we’re not going to leave pink we’re

Going to start with a white base gradient then a pink boder then a white line down the middle and finally a white chevron to make this funky design ooh fun and then I think we can just do this right yeah and we get four of them lovely and there we go everything we

Need to build our first building so let’s get to work now I wanted to use lots of Cherrywood in this Village because we are under the cherry tree of course and honestly it took me a while to come up with this design building with cherrywoods not so easy nothing

Really goes with it super well I ended up going for this Mossy flowery roof here a lovely now to build the inside we’re going to start by making a staircase up to the second floor and filling the floor in then placing some cherry logs in the middle just to

Separate the staircase then let’s add in some shelves around some little plants maybe even a nice chair here and we can also place in some Brewing stands so that they get their job as a cleric plus let’s put some candles down I don’t really use candles often but they’re fun

A couple of decorated pots just for well decoration and finally some beds with some chests next to them because the clerics need to store their stuff somewhere and obviously they need to sleep so we can get more villagers and there we go a cute little house not a

Load of DEC ation but I don’t want to put too much stuff in as villagers get stuck on stuff a lot in fact there’s been many times where I’ve come back to my Mason Village and they they just get stuck on things like trap doors like

That guy there this guy here I’m I’m I’m trying not to use trap doors in these builds but anyway time to gather the materials for building number two and this house is a little bit smaller so the materials didn’t take long to gather at all in fact I had them once again oh

That storage system coming in useful time for another house this one again is in a very sort of magical style like the other one however it’s a little bit smaller as you can see lots of pink Cherrywood again though and a flatter roof and once again a very simple

Interior in this one although I might put a double chest here with some Spruce doors and make a little wardrobe then let’s put another Shelf with some Brewing stands maybe a brewing stand there crafting table and finally a little flower in the corner lovely very

Simple but a funky floor and I know by the way that none of these are linked up yet we’re going to build the buildings first and link them up later and this next building’s a slightly different style to the two we’ve got going so far and although this building isn’t the

Biggest one we’ve built so far it requires a lot of different materials obviously we got a lot of Cherrywood in there but we also have to go get some glass trade with our villagers to get ourselves some quartz actually had to trade up a lot of the Masons as well so

We could unlock the quartz trade whilst I was in my Mason Village I actually harvested up some crops to breed more Masons for the future but we got all the quarts we need manag to get some white concrete smelted some of the quarts as well to get some smooth quarts and

Finished off by getting some more pink wool for some banners which we just replicated it’s very easy now and some Brewing stands of course and now we’re ready to build so building we did and we’re making a sort of Temple here very quartz SL pink Temple very pink in

Comparison to the other builds and that’s threee buildings down I know this one kind of stands out quite a bit but that was kind of what I was hoping it would do we’re going to add a lot of more decoration and more buildings in so hopefully it won’t stand out so much in

The future but this is going to be definitely a place where all these villagers can pick up their trades I’m going to need a lot more beds because so far we’ve got space for two plus four villagers I guess we should build some more houses and this time I’m not going

To show me getting the materials and I’m not going to time-lapse me building the building instead we’re going to go through it step by step let’s go gather them off camera oh Joel you classic YouTuber I know of course Gathering the materials off camera it doesn’t rain but

Now that I actually want to speak and talk you through this build it rains I’m going to wait it out by my bone meal Farm ah this noise is so much nicer for me to listen to all right now we can get building now I want to start this off by

Saying I design all these buildings in my creative world and I’ve been using light MAA to help me bring them to life in this world if you don’t know like maaka it makes this invisible outline and then you can just place the blocks where you want to place them however

Just to make things a little bit more visually pleasing for you guys we’re not going to use them during this build anyway this building here is a square and we’re going to be using some Cherrywood once again and lots of different color pinks like this pink

Terra cotta here for the door I’m going to grab one block of course dirt because this here is going to be for the path outside as I like to place doors on the inside side like this because it just adds a lot of texture like this here

Looks so much better than that in my opinion because you got that one extra block of depth and I know I said we weren’t going to use trap doors but these here aren’t so bad I don’t think villagers will get caught on these and this is one of my favorite techniques of

Making doors is to add in a sort of curve like so Place one more trapo on there like so and you got this sort of lovely little Archway on the area we’re going to be using some white terracotta like so to add a little bit more depth

Around this thing and we’re also going to use some cherry trap doors as like little window sills and through all the other build so far we’ve done one block High windows but this one’s going to be a bit different this one’s going to have two block High Windows because we’re

Going to only have two windows and we want to bring in more light from the outside I chose not to have a window on this side just because well it’s not very pleasing to look at just this dirt dirt is it we’re also going to be doing

Very similar to what we did on this build here by adding a sort of Cherrywood log around the top which will extend the roof out the roof comes out a bit further and we’re going to use these stairs here kind of similar to how we did it in this last build however we’re

Going to do it to more of an extreme to kind of match the panda sanctuary down there I actually forgot a part we’re going to add in some cherry slabs and trap doors down here to make this shape so when you look at it from the side it

Sort of Curves in a little bit I love the new Cherrywood but I really wish we had more trap doors that was solid like Spruce and dark oak just makes detailing so much more fun anyway let’s copy what we did on that side all the way

Around now for this roof we want it to be ending in a point so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a sort of gradual curved point so we’re going to go one block another block and then then a double but we’re going to use a trapo

To sort of you know smooth the transition then another trapo two and then the final point there then we copy this on every side before finishing off the point with a wall fence and End Rod and then for the roof itself we’re going to use some more moss and some Mossy

Stone bricks and bring this up to the same point and there you go a very nice roof however we’re going to add in some more things which are some flowers and some aelia leaves and we can just pop these around pretty much at random but of

Course can only place the flowers on the Moss and now it matches the other buildings but of course we still have to do the interior and I’m going to do the granite SL terracotta checkerboard floors I just really like this and we’re going to do a ceiling as well where

We’ll place this shroom light in the Middle with a mango trap door over it and now we don’t need any torches in here great but we do need a flower pot crafting table we don’t really need this but I put them in anyway chest the double bed and a decorated pot because

They’re my new favorite thing to decorate with and there you have it a lovely little home for some villagers now the next few buildings all use the same materials kind of similar style to the one in the background so I’m just going to stop Gathering the materials for each building and instead just

Gather a load and hope we can finish all of the final buildings also I quickly want to try out a new way of harvesting my cherry trees because we have this absolute mess over here from when we were gathering Cherry leaves and I don’t

Want to have to chop it down so I just want to see if I could blow some of it up let’s see how successful this is any good 46 just like that no surely not 62 wow yeah okay this is successful let’s do this a few more

Times so for 12 TNT we got eight stacks and a bit of Cherrywood and that took no time at all wow people should really make Wood Farms using TNT just to make sure I want that to be clear that that was sarcastic anyway let’s get the other

Stuff we need so of course we started putting everything in our shulker boxes stripping some wood now so I don’t have to strip it later crafting up some dark oak blocks smelting some glass getting some cobblestone to make some Brewing STS getting a load of Moy blocks for the

Roof dying up some terracotta having a very rough time killing some blazes with gas also shooting at me harvesting a few shroom lights while we’re still in the Nether and finally dying some sheep and collecting some wool which we crafted into beds all righty this should be

Plenty of the things we need maybe I should say something important now so that I don’t get cut off because it’ be really enough oops that’s awkward anyway here we’re building our first diagonal build I thought I’d throw a diagonal one in there because I don’t know it looks a

Bit different to the other buildings and this interior is going to be very quick at this point I’m just trying to get as many beds in as possible so we’re going to have five in here and some very simple decoration like that and there you go a simple house for some simple

Villagers next build next up we’ve got a very small house up here on the cliff side it’s very similar to the one I showed you me building except the roof goes the other way and I’ll show you the interior in a second as it was only tinely instead let’s move on to this

Other building here our final one in this sort of style however slightly different to the others now for a bit of interior in this one and we’re actually going to add in some walls because I want to get as many bedrooms as possible in this place so let’s put a double bed

In here with a chest and then two chests and another double bed there a little plant in the corner and just another shelf there and that’ll do nicely now we only only have two buildings left to build and this Village is complete and we can start populating it and they’re

Both slightly different in different ways let’s grab the stuff I need for it and the first one’s another sort of pagoda type thing except it looks slightly like a mushroom I then gathered some more materials and got building our final building which is this sort of weird cherry tree Spire thing which it

Looks okay and just like that every building is complete however it just looks terrible at the moment doesn’t it look at this place it’s not joined up there’s just random buildings floating around and I I don’t like them we need to fix this because getting up to your

House like this is not a good way to get up to your house and this is the interior of this place by the way I didn’t show this but we’re going to have three villagers locked in here and the same with this spire up here we’re going

To have one villager locked in there or maybe we could do three the reason the villagers will be locked into the their spots in these ones here is because we’re going to add a staircase up here but we’re not going to allow villagers to wander freely up here as with the

Tree there’s just so many places for them to escape I just I just don’t think it’s possible to villager proof it without it looking really ugly they’ll be able to wander around down here though which brings us to the next step and that is finish the village we’ve got

To add in a path we’ve got to add in bushes we’ve got to add in wall so they can’t escape we’re going to make this thing really come to life and I’ve got an idea here which I think is going to look amazing so let’s get started by

Gathering up a load of stuff how we gathered a lot of stuff already this episode so so let’s just speed through it with half a second per thing we gather and blink and you might miss it but look who loads of stuff is being gathered we even went to the end and the

Nether and we also got some other stuff there’s more materials for this than any of the buildings I think but we’ve got them all now this is all we need to transform this place so I guess we should get transforming so so we’re going to start off by adding a pathway

Of course dir linking up all the houses and also a little staircase linking up the top two houses as well we’re then going to head down below add in some walls and some bushes around to sort of block off the villagers from escaping and now it’s time for the mushroom phase

That’s right mushrooms it’s magical before I show you how it looks we’re finally going to add in a load of these pink petals around because obviously we are under the cherry tree I want to make it look like the Cherry leaf leaves have like fallen on the ground sort of thing

Which is why I’ve got so many of them let’s get placing and just like that our lovely New Village is complete obviously we’re Stillen to add The Villages I’ll add those in a second but this place is looking great it really feels magical and I think it goes so well with the

Tree in the background this here is the Gateway stopping any villagers getting up to this level up here where we’ve got these houses which we will fill at a later date at first I just want to get the villagers in there but look how cute

This place is I really really like it I think it’s one of the better builds I’ve gotten this place so far before we move the villagers let’s talk about this side there’s still so much area around the base of this tree there’s all of this side as well and don’t worry we have

Plans in the future we might carry on the theme but with some other useful builds but let’s go get those villagers and bring them over let’s start by running a rail track all the way over there so I got to work speed bridging my way because I like to show off and then

Also placing the rails on the bridge I had created and finally we got some villagers in the mine c car and I actually decided to transfer all the villagers across to the new area and I actually followed this one here who didn’t have a trade yet and look at him

He picks up a trade instantly lovely little guy I then blocked off the old entrance to the place and got destroying all the rails as as well as all of the grass blocks I didn’t bother collect them because I don’t want to keep them anymore that was relatively painless now

For the final step which is make a lot of bread and see if we can locate these guys to get them to breed up a bit more there’s some in here here take my bread oh look they’re actually exploring hello fella do you want to go find someone to

Breed with take my bread take the bread good go find someone to breed with look at this fell he wants to breed of you come on look breed breed breed dare you dare you to breed I give you all that bread do something with it come on do

Something with the bread you greedy villager you can’t have it all to yourself maybe we have to wait for them to find a bed at night but we’ll see let’s wait out till night and see if them finding a bed changes anything not sure if it does while we wait I’ll get

Some more wheat and also I thought I’d update you all on my stats it’s been a while here’s what they’re looking like at the moment the main one down here 11 days play which is over 260 Plus hours now and in case you’re wondering grass has now overtaken Cherry leaves as my

Most broken Block it’s a new day have we any babies this guy’s going on a wonder and of course he’s stuck on the only trap doors I put in this entire area you idiot maybe I’ll try giving them more bread yes yes hey we got a baby look at

It lovely it’s working let’s throw some more bread at this person over here see what happens I’ll call that a success and to celebrate here’s a little run through with shaders oh isn’t it lovely yeah yes it is I’m saying that even though I built it I don’t care I’m very

Proud of this place I have this Village here and I have this Village here I have this kind of Village as well and I also have this weird Library thing I built a while ago however the only way I have to get emeralds is to head into my iron

Farm grab some iron then head over to my city into these watchtowers here and trade these guys for emeralds which is okay if you only want a small amount of emeralds so we need a better way of getting emeralds obviously and we’re going to do that by building a raid Farm

But wait I don’t want to build this raid Farm without having actually finished a proper raid in person first so we’re going to start off today with probably the scariest thing we’ve done yet and I want to go in well prepared so let’s firstly grab my chest plate and a bow of

Course the totem of been dying and also buy some more arrows and let’s also make ourselves a couple of crossbows and enchant them to see if we get anything good not bad pretty good I didn’t even realize this but this Village over here sells an Infinity book why have I not

Done this yet but I’m over here cuz I want to get a quick charge book as quick charge one is just not good enough let’s see how long it takes not long at all but holy moly is that expensive I can’t even afford to guess we got to sell more

Iron there’s one and there’s two Also let’s add infinity to this and these crossbows they’re not for arrows that’s right we’re going to get some Rockets So let’s grab a load of gunpowder from our gunpowder farm and make ourselves some firework stars and then we can make ourselves a load of these crazy

Fireworks wow that’s quite a lot and these things pack quite a punch once you load them into your crossbows okay I think I’m ready let’s go get some bad Omen oh no it’s raining this is not good it’s just just a bad sign now I know there’s a Pillager Outpost here and

There’s also a village over there which could be defended hang on is that floating this could be perfect this could be the cheesiest Village raid ever I’ll just chill up here I’ve just had a great idea which I can’t believe I didn’t already think of let’s sheer a

Load of these pumpkins here and a load of iron blocks from our iron farm as yes I want to get some help from our Iron Golem friends I’m going to use all 41 pumpkin heads I’ve just gathered this is going to be kind of crazy I realized

Putting them all in the line was stupid so I’ve spread them out a bit I just got to make sure not to hit any of these myself as it could get ugly hopefully the the Raiders come this way though because there’s quite a few of these

Guys up here okay let’s start the raid I’ve been putting it off ooh a goat horn where on Earth is a banner guy I’ve killed so many of these guys aha finally and let me test out my new crossbow on him okay oh it did some sort of damage

At least let’s have a quick nap and then let’s get this party started going to start up here first and hide like a little wuss but I’m ready for this raid my iron golems are taking them all out already look at them where they’re all just dying

What I didn’t have to do anything for the first round thought this was going to be scary I want to get involved a little bit Yeah I killed one okay there’s a lot more appearing now hopefully I can get some kills yeah go firework Rockets go I got one wow these are really

Powerful ha yes and I guess there’s another totem that was pretty easy oh gosh there’s two of these beasts here ow he’s work I’m starting to think 41 Iron Golems might have been too many okay here we go this is where it’s getting good oh the

Vexes oh gosh can actually eat my golden apple I’m a bit scared let’s put that back in our hand another totem stupid vexes ow they’re quite powerful oh gosh okay okay oh we’re done oh well that was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done

Get a m Golems yes well that’s that done I can make a raid Farm in peace now so what am I going to do with this lovely hero of the village icon well nothing to be honest there’s not really any trades that I need right now so what I’m

Actually going to do is fix my nether portal not this one but that one my original idea of this was this portal would lead me to the Nether and this portal would lead me to the never roof however I tried to link up this portal

To the roof but when you go through it you end up in the exact same portal as the other one and you come back through and you end up on this side they’re too close together so we’re going to fix that first let’s clear out this original

Portal and now we have to extend this tunnel a lot so let’s use a Beacon to make it a bit quicker so when I built this thing the first time I Gravely underestimated how far away you have to be for these portals to not link up so

After digging out the hole I collected a load of materials including some Netherrack and some leaves and we got placing in this new tunnel to make it look a lot nicer than it did before with some fire down the side to signify the never in some way I also went and got

Myself a load of new obsidian because we’re going to head to the roof and although we’re going to light this portal now we’re not going to head through just yet as I don’t want to just build a boring old normal portal on the Roof oh no no no we like to go extra

Here I was upside down for a second then so let’s build something very extra and for that we’re going to need a lot of materials now with it being the ne of course we’re going to go with a purple theme I went and got myself some amethyst plus some lapis which I turned

Into blue dye which I then turn into some purple dye also got myself some purple wool got myself some Granite some purple glass and of course some warped nyum I then went and started dismantle this Fortress here to get myself a load of NE bricks so which was really fun

With loads of blazers shooting me and and that is everything now all we have to do is get back on that nether roof which we should be able to do like this there we go and that’s our old portal there which doesn’t link up so we can

Get rid of this and let’s get time lapsing our new one it’s very tricky to build something on a completely flat surface and also try and spawn proof it so that nothing will spawn up here which is why we’re using lots of slabs and weird things like carpet but

Unfortunately my game crashed before I could finish the top so here it is baby what a weird looking portal I just want to do something a little bit different to what I’ve been building with recently and this definitely fits the different narrative it’s on the roof away from

Everything else so I don’t have to look at it very often but anyway I’ve lit the portal now I think it looks okay it looks kind of cool let’s head through the portal and hope it takes us to the back of the tunnel please work this time

Yes we’re back here and then we go go back through please don’t take me to the nether back on the roof beautiful it’s all linked up so that’s project one of three done today let’s move on to project number two which is of course the raid farm and we don’t actually need

That many materials for this I just need some Cobblestone to make myself some pistons and some sticky pistons also some sand for a load of glass and then we also got ourselves some Redstone of course and some quartz to make some observers and also a couple of buckets

Of lava and that’s it really now there’s some Farms I can explain and some Farms I’m not even going to bother to attempt to explain and this is one of those Farms I’m going to be following a tutorial by Ian x04 who made this amazing raid Farm which I’m pretty sure

Everybody uses it’s going to be built in the middle of the ocean and I’m just going to Time Lapse it let’s see how long it takes to build the tutorial for this Farm is amazing if you ever want to build a raid farm this one is the best

To build I would say it starts out with this lava casting here which is a really cool way of building a farm and then we had to go get the villagers and oh my gosh this was painful but we managed to get them into the water tube send them

Up to the top here and get them falling into their holes well the first two went pretty well then afterwards I tried this technique again and oh oh what are they doing now they’re moving oh they’re dead okay we’ll go get another one we’ll try it again um oh he’s falling again oh

Yeah he’s dead as Al so okay what about the third times a charm in a different spot this time NOP he’s dead as well all right well I had to improvise and use a boat here and get them down my which was quite fun and we got them into their

Holes they needed to be in a eventually although it was a little bit awkward and I had to do this again for another villager and boat him down to his platform and then once we had all far in we got working on the rest of the farm again just following the tutorial not

Really sure what’s going on but I do know how this P works though this is an item sort and we also put a boat here to catch future Pillager bosses well that took a long time but I think we’re finally ready to test this thing out

Gosh I hope it doesn’t kill me let’s head over and get some bad Omen hello fella thank you all right I’m nervous I’ve got stuff in my hot bar I’ll put the totem on just in case I’ve used one of these before and an S SMP I’ve been

On but let’s head in here and I can hear noises okay it’s working it sounds like oh gosh it’s loud I’m going to run it for 5 minutes and see what happens happens 3 2 1 let’s leave Fly Away now at the moment I can’t AFK for too long

Cuz my Hunger will go down but let’s have a look in these chests up here shall we did we get many emeralds this is 5 minutes remember oh my gosh also some Gunpowder some Redstone and a few totems I guess I’ll just throw all the stuff that is unneeded out into the open

And leave that to collect more totems not that I’m ever going to need this many totems to be honest oh my inventory is full of stuff as well so after 5 minutes of afking that’s that’s pretty good pretty good pretty ridiculous and we’ve got some Bannerman up here as well

So we can reset the Farm and give it another go next time well there you have it project 2 complete it’s now time for project 3 which is by far the biggest project of today now for this project we’re going to need a lot of materials but what is this project Joel well

There’s a couple more Farms I want to build today one of those is being a sugar cane farm at the moment this is our sugarcane farm it’s me I’m the sugarcane farm I punched sugarcane nearly 3,000 times and I’m a bit sick of it to be honest so we’re going to use

The big area under my tree on the right hand side here to build a huge sugar Sue farm and I thought while we’re here we may as well build a super smelter as I still don’t have one of those and of course you know me we can’t leave things

Looking ugly we’ve got to decorate them and for a big sugarcane farm you need a big build but let’s start by getting both the sugarcan farm and the super smelter built and then after that we’ll build the building around it so of course we’re going to need quite a lot

Of materials as this is quite a considerably bigger sugar cane Farm it’s going to be like every other sugarcane farm you’ve seen very simple to build you just need a lot of redstone which my cleric Village I built last time is coming in amazing for getting Redstone I

Used to hate mining it so much now I can just go and trade some emeralds for some Redstone we also collected ourselves a load of cobblestone as we needed so many pistons look how many pistons we actually end up with here over five Stacks I also needed a load of observers

Plus some quartz to make a load more observers now the previous Farm obviously I followed the tutorial this Farm is my own design which is why it’s probably going to be terrible but I’m going to build it anyway with pride and let’s see if it works it should work but

Maybe not very well and by that I mean it’s probably not the smartest Redstone it’s pretty stupid because I made it myself but we’ve just got five Chambers on this layer here all filled with sugarcane and pistons and observers and then we got another layer on top and

Finally we got a big old chest system it is done the sugarcane farm which is very loud and annoying but actually depositing sugar cane right now I’m pretty sure as while I was building the top section oh hello Enderman in there the bottom section was working away and

As you can see bam sugarcane bam sugar cane yes it’s very loud and clicky and that’s because I’m bad at Red Stone but it works like every other sugarcane farm basically when the sugarcane grows long enough to hit The Observers the Pistons get pushed and then we got these mine

Cart Hoppers here going around collecting stuff and if they collect stuff they’ll stop at the unloading station up here which will unload it into this dispenser shoot it into this water stream and into these chests but this clicking no is making me very annoyed so I’m going to head off and

We’re going to work on the super smelter now which is not my design not many materials needed for this and we’re going to be following a tutorial by they six both tutorials for the farm profile will be linked in the description let’s get building a very quick and easy build

It only took about 15 minutes and it’s a very simple super smelter really there we go very straightforward you put coal in these bottom ones here and in the top ones you put the materials flick the levers off it goes and we’re going to be putting this to use very shortly as we

Are going to cover up both these Farms here with one massive building first we had to head to my creative world to design it and I I started off with some white boxes like usual then a bit of like you know orange wool for the floor

And now I’m not going to show you anymore because we finished the rest of the build and we need a lot of materials for this cuz this is a big build and one of the things we need a lot of is deep slate so we’re going to head down and

Get Mining and this might take a while as I need well over a Shuler so we headed down to this cave here and we got mining out some deep slate as well as a bit of tough as well man I wish Beacon worked on deep slate because this is

Painful anyway it’s done now and as you can see we got a lot of deep slate tiles and other stuff we also got some coal here which we put into our super smelter which works rather lovely which is great we also went over to our bone meal farm

And we afked in said bone meal farm for about 30 minutes as it had broken last time and I needed to fix it we did manage to get a load of bone MEK in the end though and went and used our wood Farm to get ourselves a load of spruce

Wood and Spruce slabs but we also needed some stripped Spruce Wood and rather than use the wood farm for that I thought I’d just go Cho down a load of spruce trees which took a long time but we got all the ones we need I also went

And got myself some Cobblestone and I also started smelting some regular Stone to get some smooth Stone before collecting some Cherrywood with some TNT I collected a load of random stuff that was in my storage system before AFK my bone Mill Farm again this time for about

20 minutes got a lot more bone Mill this time cuz the farm was fixed and managed to turn all the oak wood into a lot of different things such as LEC turns bookshelves and stuff like that I ended up buying some bookshelves though killing some squid for some black terra

Cotta smelting said terra cotta to get some glazed terra cotta also got a load of red concrete here as well as some Mangrove wood Birch leaves never gold blocks and some warped blocks as well I also got myself a load of redstone to make some lamp blocks some aasia wood

Yes this is a lot of materials I know also went and got some more Mangrove wood as I didn’t have anywhere near enough before before finally getting some andesite and oh my gosh we’re done and just like that we are done I’m apologize for the clicking I’ve put all

The the materials here there there’s a lot of them uh this is quite a big building yeah and although Gathering materials sometimes can be dull and boring for me it’s very quick for you so you probably quite like it but for me very dull and boring I am so excited to

Show you this build that I don’t care because it’s one of the coolest builds so far in this world and I know I say that every episode but I I just feel like it is okay we’re going to cover up these ugly farms and I’m so excited

Let’s cut to a time lapse shall we but first before we do here’s my best impression of a high pitched voice person saying Please Subscribe Please Subscribe there you go and this build took 4 and 1 half hours to finish you’ll see the day’s ticking pass in this every

Time it goes that’s 10 minutes we started off with the bottom layer here which was mainly Stone and some smooth Stone and we made this sort of gradient with the Cobble and the tough at the bottom I then made these two towers on the corners of the build before working

On the main building covering up the sugarcane farm using lots of red terracotta lots of red concrete and making this sort of amazing roof here I love this style I think it looks really really cool and I’m very happy of how it turned out I didn’t want to just do one

Plain roof I did so many different like bits coming off this and all the depth and stuff and I think it just looks amazing we also did this little garden section here which I’ll show you in a second and finally another Tower and a building to cover up the super smelter

And look at it look at it it is huge it is massive this is one of the biggest build so far I say that every time but it is and it doesn’t look very big cuz it’s right next to my cherry tree but if we come down here to the entrance it’s

Actually got a couple of entrances but this is one of them we head up these stairs and you can see how big this thing is the scale it is kind of crazy yes it’s still clicking because the farm is still working we got a lovely view from the balcony over here looking out

On the rest of our world and obviously we have the farm which has been working away so well look at all that sugar cane in Just 4 hours I’m very happy with all that also the interior is not decorated whatsoever I’m not sure if I will ever

Decorate it in case I need to access the farm but yeah it is not decorated at all like this bit over here as well just if you go down there you fall into a big hole so don’t do that but I really love how this place has got like all these

Different layers we got this nice little tree and this gardeny section here which I think looks amazing another balcony looking out if we for expand in that direction in the future we’ve also got the section up here where we’ve got another one of those pink Towers a

Little bench to sit out on and of course the super smelter which worked perfectly by the way very very cool and then the thing is with this build it’s done but I feel like we could expand it in the future maybe come down this way a bit

Maybe have another big building if we can ever think of something else to put there let me know if you got any ideas in the comments but before we do some other stuff today let’s have a quick shaders fly through shall we oh does it look good with shaders I don’t know tell

Me I can’t see at the moment haven’t got them on I’m actually just flying around in normal game we’re going to do it in replay mod but I’m hoping it does now we’re not finished just yet as we need to link this thing up to the rest of our

Area over here but we have a bit of a problem and that problem is the fact we have way too many pandas they’re very cute I know they are causing me some lag so I’m going to have a battle against the Pand is trust me it’ll be a fair fight let’s Begin guys I’m really struggling I generally feel awful killing these things they have to go but I feel so bad guess I need to change up my mindset Master smallish beans there’s only one of you what will we going to do I don’t want to talk about it I never

Want to talk about it ever again we never mention this moment anyway time to build the trail uh leading up to the castle so I quickly went and got myself some Cobblestone also some Spruce Wood and finally some mushroom blocks and then we also traded some bricks from our

Villagers over here and then we got working on the path using some Co dirt here to link up to the stairs to our Castle we then added in some brick walls down the side of it and then this CR sort of like barrier SL wall thing here

Just separating the path we also added in some bamboo and bushes just next to the path here and then it started to rain but we moved on to adding in some mushrooms yes you saw me gther some mushrooms earlier we are sort of matching the vibe from the village here/

Transitioning it into this sort of new area we’ve got and then came a lot of terraforming using some Cobblestone some aelia leaves which we had lots of in our chest for some reason I think it was just when I was getting flowering a leaves in the past and we sort of made

This sort of Rocky weird pody biome which I think looks pretty good you can see we’re lighting up at night as well I didd in some lilu and finally some of the sort of pink petals just scattered around I’m a bit unsure about these pink

Petals from like up at this angle if I land they look pretty cool you know sort of just like spread out around the area however they are just like invisible from some angles slash look just like a bit weird you just look like some random pixels but anyway the path up to the

Castle is looking very nice I actually forgot to add in the B boo up here so let’s just plop some down quickly but I’m really liking the terraforming there I think that has turned out looking rather nice it’s quite a bit different to the other stuff we’ve got going on

But I like it a lot however this area down here is still plain and I want to fix that but first let’s fix inside here as it was really iring me how ugly all the water Etc was down here next up let’s tackle this quickly and I think

What we’re going to do is we’re going to sort of do stuff similar to what we’ve done down here so first I need to actually go get this sort of stuff and I had a fair lot of it but I need to get some ferns some podil I also went to the

Never roof and used a new portal to find a gravel biome for the first time to get some gravel of course I can’t wait to use that in the future to get around a bit easier but we got working on this sort of side bit here I don’t really

Know what to call it we ended in some trees a load of bushes did a bit of bone Milling as well and we got it sorted there we go that’s looking a lot better there’s still some bits we need to sort out in the future but but I’m not sure

What I want to do there just yet look at this though what a castle I am loving how this thing has turned out and this Farm in here oh yes sugar cane we don’t have to worry anymore very nice today we’re going to be doing something reasonably scary for us as we’re heading

Back to the ne last time we extended our portal to the never roof but this time we’re working on this side of the portal in the nether itself and boy we have some big plans when I come to the never at the moment it is ugly it is hideous

It is just a basic portal I want my entrance to be grand because I am special and people need to treat me that way so we’re going to do something I’ve never done before and that is terraform the nether I’ve never really ever built in the nether before pardon the pun and

That’s all going to change today so obviously we need to take some precautions beforehand as the ne has a lot of lava and lava hurts me and I’m going to resist it so first things first we need some Magma Cream I was thinking would they have some in a Bastion chest

Got my totem on so I feel a bit safer than usual but these are piglin brutes okay let’s quickly get this chest hopefully there’s some magma cream in it yes ooh ancient debris hello I generally would say Bastion are like the most terrifying thing in Hardcore Minecraft okay let’s leave I haven’t got

Soul speed yet let’s just get some Magma Cream the old fashion way and of course we’re going to use these magma creams to make ourselves some fire resistant potions which we’re going to place in this orange shulker so give me a while I’ve got to craft 30 potions meaning I

Hear this noise 30 times okay we have 4 hours worth of fire resistance right there hopefully that should last us that’s part one of the preparations complete now for part two my shulker box supply is getting lower and lower and the bigger the projects I the more I

Find myself needing so I’m going to go end raing for a little bit and let’s see how many shulker shells we can get so off to the end we went in search of some end cities I’ve not done this since I unlocked the end and I really just hate

The end it’s so boring these cities are all the same and there’s just nothing fun here I really wish Minecraft would update this but I don’t think we’re going to get there anytime soon anyway I killed a load of shulkers and I also saw this nend city which excited me look at

The size of this Beast woo yes the end is so boring I get excited by a big entity anyway after collecting a load of stuff and some shulker shells we headed home but before we went home we killed some Enderman to fix up our tools crafted our shulker boxes and then we

Got sorting out some of our chests as well because they were just overflowing with stuff okay I think that’s enough preparing now let’s head to the nether where we are not going to get building right away I want to build something big and that something big is going to go

Here however I want this thing to look really cool and for that I want it to be surrounded by lava and not have you know just bits jutting into it from up here or there or there or there so we are about to do the biggest terraforming

We’ve done so far to get to never in our statistics we have to scroll down all the way to here 6,462 I’ve punched Grass more times than that which reminds me I haven’t touched grass in the real world in a long time oh boy I’m sad that number is going to

Drastically change as we are going to be doing some Mega terraforming this is going to take a long time we’re on day 1596 gosh I don’t want to even know when this is going to end all I do know is I want to get started I want to start off

By saying the days are going to be hard to track here as there’s no sun going down and me sleeping to track it but we’re only one time lapse in and we’ve already had a disaster I was mindlessly mining some never and then yeah no my

Pickaxe no I’ve had it for so long I wasn’t paying attention oh gosh well obviously I need to go make another one now oh that’s so sad normally in the past if you broke one of these things it’s not a huge deal but now you have to go looking for these stupid neite

Upgrades ooh Pig step seeing as I started my world before I have to go quite far out to get a Bastion that will generate them but there we go that was not actually too hard and let’s make sure we don’t lose it again okay round two let’s try again although a very

Lengthy and long process mining the never itself is quite satisfying cuz it just cuts through like butter what’s not satisfying though is all the stupid gas I hate them so much two more pickaxes fully used up we’re up to 31,000 neak already I still have so much to clear oh

This could be in the 100 thousands oh gosh at some point I will stop collecting it uh at the moment though I thought you know what yeah I’ll put it in some chests just in case I need it for the future but I thought I’d fix my

Pickaxe at the raid Farm holy moly this thing fixes the tools quickly look at it in the bottom left corner as I’m speaking right now this is real time this is real time this is how quick it’s going up I want to fix my tools there

Because one it was quick and two can use the the emeralds to buy myself some bottles of enchanting back to the nether I guess time to rack up some more NE sometimes I wish I was one of those Hardcore Minecraft youtubers that cheated but no to’s do it legitimately

To make myself feel good to keep myself motivated you stupid silly man ooh Joel this isn’t a time lapse this is some epic shots of you mining neag because mining never is epic I’m going insane guys it’s not been that long yet and I’m already going insane I am living and

Breathing neak all I see in my dreams is never it’s already happened my most Mind Block 40,000 nearly we still got so much to go all of this has to go all of that has to go all of that has to go a little

Bit of that some of that some of that I think I’m beginning to lose my mind big time lapse time and this is where we got seriously down to business all this here you can see the days going past each day is 20 minutes by the way cuz I’m not

Sleeping so a long time spent in the nether too long too long for one person to spend in the nether also we also went and had to fix our Tools in between and then we had to mine some more stuff and then we had to go and fix our Tools in

Between sometimes I used villagers to do that and then we had to go mine some more neck and some more NE and then we went and fixed our tools again and then guess what you guessed it mind more neak oh my gosh I hate never now six hours

Into mining this we’ve got another couple of broken pickaxes and we’ve officially passed the 100,000 Mark oh my gosh we flown past it and although we’ve made some decent progress we’ve got rid of quite a lot of this area here there’s still so much more to do so we’re going

To try another method quickly and for it we have to do a few things first and the first of which is afking our creeper farm so we get to chill in this lovely little balloon up here while below the creepers are spawning in I actually

Forgot I was afking and I went to sains breze which is why it went so dark here for a bit this is a disappointingly small amount of of gunpowder for the time I spent up there I think it works worse at night cuz mobs spawn in oops

Let’s Get Enough sand to make this TNT so it’s Tak us about an hour and we’ve got two and a bit stacks of TNT hopefully this destroys a lot otherwise we’re going to have to go mining again let’s spread this TNT out randomly I’m not going to be precise because I can’t

Be bothered all right that’s one stack down let’s see how much destruction this does well the pig oh yes the piglins are mad at me which is is kind of a downside of this as they are all running at me it also looks like I’m going to have to

Light every single one individually it is doing a lot of damage for the amount of time I’m putting in but I’ve got to include the 1 hour Gathering the stuff for the TNT in this and um not sure it’s that much quicker but I guess we’ll use

Up the rest we gathered anyway yeah blowing stuff up is fun look at that TNT blow stuff up wrong kids TNT is not fun especially if you’re hardcore YouTube because you do stupid stuff like this where you mess around while standing on a TNT and then you pop a totem for the

First time oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I dropped my boots and I didn’t want to blow them up so I stood on the TNT and my BL B finger activated oh gosh that’s the closest I’ve been to death why have I not got another totem all right we’re

Going home there’s no audio but here’s what happened my inventory was full I was trying to pick up my boots I don’t even know how I dropped them thank goodness I had that totem oh my gosh if I hadn’t done the raid last episode I would have died oh my gosh

Okay TNT is scary okay last bit of TNT it did a quite decent amount of Destruction there but I think I’m going to go back to mining as uh I got a bit scared first I went and afked my RAID farm for a little bit though and got a

Load of emeralds so I could buy myself an efficiency for book to put on my ho as I had to destroy some warped blocks up here I then got mining more neak oh look at the days go past 20 minutes another 20 minutes all mining never gas

By the way shooting me the entire time I hate gas that’s what I’ve discovered from this video gas are the worst we also did some up here we did some over there we had some gas shooting us up here we had some gas shooting at us over

There I mind out this entire section here where we had piglins attacking us the entire time the nether is horrible I’m complaining a lot I know but I did have fun a little bit just a little bit and part one is done we have cleared out

A lot of space here a lot of space so much so that I never want to do this again obviously I did not collect every bit of never I gave up at one point and focused on you know the more important stuff like quartz magma gold Etc but

This process has taken nearly 12 hours in total you can see here from the timelapse replay recordings and I can say we have reached 21,000 NE we started on 6,000 remember 6,000 I picked up a 100,000 and that’s it and I want to base this project around one single shape and that shape

Is a star so I headed into my creative world where I use this circle template to make a star template and then I got messing around with some other star shapes as well and now we are ready to get bringing it to life here let’s start

Out by making that big star shape now firstly we’re going to have to go get ourselves some black stone a lot of the build uses Blackstone so we’re going to have to mine a lot of this stuff but I’ll just guess what we need for now now

This is a big star this is a lot of Blackstone being used right now because this is a massive star it’s huge we only want lava on the outside of the star it doesn’t matter if there’s some in the inside but we want all the lava to be

Neat on the outside also I got about eight Stacks thinking o that would be plenty of Black Stone I only have 18 left that was close let me get some buckets this is going to take a long time isn’t it I wish lava worked like water worked but no of course it doesn’t

Guess we better get started what you’re watching here is 20 minutes of progress uh I’m going to try a different method using some dirt because this at the moment I it’s so hard to see what and what I haven’t done I was really struggling to see what was lava and what

Was flowing lava so I put this grass down here to help me out and then I thought you know what let’s try and cover up a bit of the stuff by using some magma blocks around the outside that could look quite cool uh so I’ve done a bit I’ve done a little bit

And I’ve decided this is the worst thing in the world the gas keep breaking my magma blocks placing lava is a massive pain so you know what I don’t care anymore if it you know is a bit wavy and all wobbly all over the place and also

You just get stuck in this stuff and look it’s just such a pain to get out so I’m going to fill it in but not fully it’s going to have bits of like you know it’s going to look like that and I don’t care okay I do a little but my patience

Has has way way gone so let let’s just cover up the mess kind of I may have sounded a bit upset there so I’m sorry about that but you have no idea how annoying gests are in the nether if you squint your eyes you can almost not see

The fact that the lava is ugly just got a really squint though we’re only on day 1650 and I have a feeling this is going to take uh still quite a lot longer and I just am not looking forward to guests constantly shooting at me again and

Again again I’m breaking some blocks at least there’s this piglin child here to comfort me just kidding I hate them I’ve killed 133 guests I’m pretty sure most of those have been from now same with the piglins oh my gosh I hate them so much anyway it’s time to gather some

Blocks and I’m actually quite looking forward to a material Gathering Montage as I can get some other materials not in the nether thank you thank you please let me out of here and we started off nice and calmly by just doing some crafting in our base and then we went

And chopped down some acacia trees I actually had to Bone maill a load more acacia trees as I needed a lot of acacia wood you’ll notice an orange and red theme appearing when I’m mining these materials I also went and got myself a load of deep slate like a lot of deep

Slate about 40 minutes of mining deep slate look at all this deep slate we got here is a lot and then M some copper or I had collected in my chest because I need a load of raw copper blocks I actually had to go out and get some more

Copper from the outside world and after crafting it all up we headed over to where we had farmed our Cherry leaves before and got farming the cherry wood no TNT because I couldn’t be bothered but we chopped a lot of it down we also managed to get ourselves a load of red

Sand for some red Sandstone o look I wrote hey that’s a throwback to Empire season 1 I also went and got a beacon and got mining a load of Terra Cotta as well some orange terracotta and some normal terracotta my super smelter that I made last time a lot for this grind

Here starting off with the red Sandstone I also went and killed a load of squid because we need a lot of black terracotta which which we’re going to turn into black glazed terra cotta along with red glazed terra cotta after smelting it all up we headed back to the

Nether where I collected a lot of never wart blocks like a lot I think we got over a shulker boxes worth I also collected those shroom lights some sand for some concrete powder and some glass which you’ll see me smelting a bit some pumpkin because orange and while we

Waited for the glass to smelt in our super smelter I mined a load of red and orange and yellow concrete we got some wheat to make some mud bricks and then crafted a load of smithing tables because I’m going to build with those because I’ve got a load of iron I then

Went into the mine to collect myself some gold deep slate ore and then stripped a load of Mangrove wood I had lying around kill some squid for some black dye for concrete powder for which I needed gravel so I headed through this portal here I also collected myself a

Load of Mangrove wood and Mangrove planks before planting a load of never wart underneath my creeper farm so I can AFK my creeper farm and the Never wart will grow as I need a load of this stuff to turn into red Nether Bricks fixed up my tools and then headed to the nether

Where I spent a long time collecting Black Stone I think we got about four or five shulker boxes worth of Blackstone I think in total we spent about an hour and a half in the never just collecting Blackstone which is crazy but you can see here in a second how much Blackstone

We got lots and lots and lots as well as some Basalt as well I then smelted up some never which we’re going to use to make those red NE bricks which we’re using the netherwart for I also had to AFK my gunpowder Farm again and play some more never W down because this

Stuff it is so slow to grow but we had no other option even with fortune 3 it’s super slow but we got all we need and that’s it it’s done and a huge moment as we place the final shulker box oh my gosh let me count this up 26 shulker

Boxes of materials here 26 look at all these materials this is probably the longest material grind I’ve ever done just cuz of how weird and different all these materials are these ones oh they were so annoying I’m not sure they’ll actually all fit in my inventry no they

Won’t oh my gosh this is so many materials let’s take them to the nether where I’m going to hollow out a little cave to store them in as I don’t want a gas coming along blowing them up this is so dumb this is so many materials before

We get building I’m going to quickly do some trading with these villagers to fix up my pickaxe and also buy some bottles of enchanting for the future as well as trading up the other ones and we’re watching the sunset on a pretty big day as if we sleep we’re now on day

1700 wow meaning it’s going to be pretty easy to calculate how many days it’s going to take to build this thing and by the way it’s taken 28 hours to get to this point so I can not wait to get building so let’s get to work on a

Massive time lapse now the build itself only took 4 hours to finish off I say 4 hours that’s still a long time but I spent 9 and 1 half hours Gathering the materials there but I wanted this to be a very never themed build so we’re starting off with a gradient with some

Black stone all the way up to some neck using some black terracotta we’re then adding another layer of Black Stone which is sort of like pointy and adds a bit of texture to the build before working on the top bit where we added in some orange and also some smithing

Tables also I accidentally paused the time lapse there that’s because I went out through the portal and I forgot to restart it again anyway you can see this lovely orange gradient we’ve got on the floor here and we got working on the next level this level here is more deep

Slate themed we use all the Deep slate we gathered earlier as well as some regular mud and some shroom lights with some mango trap doors I then added these towers on every single side until we got to the next level where we got working on the floor where we use this more

Terracotta gradient and the final tier we have this sort of red never wart level and finally at the top we have this big orb with loads of shroom light in the middle and red and yellow and orange glass but we’re not done as we need to add the final aspect which is a

Bridge stretching across from the side here all the way over to the structure itself and this leads to a portal and there’s only one thing left to do now that is destroy this portal here and light the new one down here look at this thing it is huge it is one of the

Biggest things if not the biggest structure we built so far I say this every time but I just keep one uping myself obviously inside it is completely empty at the moment but it’s not going to stay that way as you can see we’ve got doorways we’ve got space for stuff

Inside and my plan is to have a piglin bartering Farm in here but I’m extremely pleased with it I love the shape I think it looks amazing yes it’s a shame about the lava there if anyone knows how to fix that in an easier way than just

Placing lava please let me know I might just have to just you know replace it all with stuff I don’t know what I’m going to do but one of the cooler things I’ve ever built in my opinion I really love the gradients and this project has

Taken 32 hours of in-game time plus like another 20 hours of Designing this thing this is this is why I don’t upload videos very often and it’s time for the part of the episode where I say this is my biggest project so far to give you an

Example of how big this thing is this Castle behind me took about 2 days to design our animal Hotel about 2 days our city maybe 3 or 4 days just the designing and creative mode this thing has taken me about 9 days this is a big

Build we’re on day 1717 at the moment I won’t be surprised if this takes us to Day 2000 but before we can build in the end I want to make the end a bit more accessible from the Overworld because at the moment the way to my end portal is

Down this 2x two staircase here which takes about 30 seconds or so to get down and then when you finally get to the end Fortress you have to follow the dirt path which I’ve laid out o look a dirt block let’s follow it o another one ooh another few dirt blocks ooh a

Diorite arrow pointing me in the right direction so yeah this isn’t the most practical at the moment so let’s save these coordinates here which so happens to be directly under this tree and let’s dig all the way down and hope we don’t hit lava wee lovely I decided to make it too

Wide just in case and it’s easier to fly up then as well anyway let’s talk about our project in the end it’s big because we are going to be terraforming this ugly scenery but before we can do any terraforming we have quite a big project and that project is to kill the Ender

Dragon 19 times because I want to spawn in every single end Gateway there are 20 in total meaning I have to kill the Ender Dragon another 19 times and for that we need 76 end crystals and although last time in the nether we killed a lot of guests I was stupid and

Didn’t save all the tears I burned their tears out of frustration meaning we only have 35 so I guess we have to go kill some Ghasts which didn’t take too long as gests are very easy to kill however I did struggle finding a lot of the tears

We headed back to the surface and got ourselves some Of Enders smelted ourselves some glass because we need a lot of that also went and killed some blaze rods as I did actually need more then we crafted up all the end crystals we needed got some more glass to finish

Them off and also crafted ourselves a better bow okay we have our bow we have our crystals we’ve got lots of spare arrows I don’t know why I need them we’ve got infinity and we even got some glass bottles to collect some dragons breath let’s head to the end and let’s

Kill some Ender Dragons of course we’ve already Ked killed one Ender Dragon a long long time ago we have to kill 19 more and I wouldn’t say this is a hard challenge per se it just takes ages look here is me killing the first one of many

Here we respawned we got the achievement I now have to kill and shoot all of these end crystals because I don’t know how to do the speedrun method and uh yeah this just takes a long time you’ll see later on that I got it quite good

Though I got it quite Speedy of course I’m not going to show you every single Ender Dragon kill in full as that would take a long time so instead here’s a little compilation of me killing all the Ender Dragon some of them look very similar some of them look quite

Different some of them are quite weird however here is how quick I Got the Whole Thing Down we’d hit this end Crystal we shoot that end Crystal shoot another end Crystal rocket ourselves into the air while we’re flying down we’ll shoot this one can see I was getting pretty accurate look at all

These shots every single one hitting every single end Crystal the only annoying thing is you have to shoot these ones from below which are a bit of a pain but we got it done sometimes we styled on the Ender Dragon like here where it shoots me into the air and I’m

Like no you’re dead fella also look how funny this one looked when it died don’t know what happened to my voice there but I fixed up my bow a few times as well as uh we used up the full thing if you were keeping track you would notice that this

Kill here in a second is kill number 18 o which means one left and we light it for for the final time we spawn the last Ender Dragon we only have one portal frame missing right here as you can see the rest of them are in here is the

Final shot on the Ender Dragon and Ender Dragon Number 20 has been killed meaning just over here come on where are you where are you there you are we have our final portal 20 Ender Dragons oh my gosh I killed 11,000 Enderman what the heck we have a full circle of Portal frames

Oh yes baby look at them they’re beautiful let’s head back to the Overworld for a bit now there’s a few things we need to collect here the first is some iron blocks the next is a carved pumpkin and we’re also going to need a load of shulker boxes plus let’s just

Take some chests just to be safe and just like that it’s time to head back to the end and here we are going to equip a pumpkin lovely oh that is ugly I need to change that there we go a nice resource pack has fixed that if I had to look

Through those pumpkin eyes I would go insane the iron blocks however is of course for some beacons as we’re going to need some haste 2 wait haste 2 doesn’t work on endstone no surely not I thought it did oh no this is going to take so long I I

Was planning on mining this endstone and we have a lot to mine but at this pace it’s going to take so long I do need 10,000 for the build though so maybe let’s see how long it takes me to mine that I actually ended up going for

13,000 and it took me just over 2 hours but as you can see it’s barely made a dent in this end Island Oh No 2 hours 2 hours for that I’ve got so much I need to do you see the portal frame circles I I want to make sure there’s no endstone

On the outside of that this is going to take a while I think we’re going to have to use a different method as obviously that took 2 hours and I’ve only mined 15,000 I think we need to mine like 150,000 that’s over 20 hours just mining

We can’t do that we can’t do that I’m going to have to experiment with some TNT dupers which I’ve never really done before now luckily these things are quite easy to make however unluckily we need a lot of slime blocks and this is how much slime we have oh no now these

Flying machines aren’t that big so I’m going to get enough materials to make four of these things which unfortunately means I need 32 slime blocks I’m going to have to kill a lot of slimes everything else is pretty easy to get the only thing we do need to do is get

Some tube Coral fans okay let’s kill some slime as soon as the sun sets unfortunately the sun is rising and we only got 25 slime meaning we’re going to have to wait for the night once more and there we go that’s better let’s head home and with that we can now head back

To the end Okay so we’ve set up our first TNT duping flying machine here it is here and there’s a block of obsidian there it’s quite hard to see with the end in the background but it’s just just there in the center of the screen I

Believe all we need to do to start this thing is place a redstone torch against here yes and it’s off oh gosh I’m stuck on it oh and it’s blowing up stuff let’s see what happens right it’s just sending TNT into the end at the moment but okay

Something’s gone wrong it’s not moving Oopsy Daisy I put something here can I take it away no we’ve broken it oh okay good oh it’s off I put a block of dirt there and it seems to be working yes TNT is falling and it’s blowing up the end beautiful hopefully the oh gosh

Hopefully the Enderman don’t get mad at me looks like they’re not which is good and it’s doing a quicker job than I could do which is good except I’ve blown up the machine haven’t I yep all the Slime is gone I’ve blown it all up right

So it was too low all right hopefully the machine doesn’t blow itself up this time and it’s come to a stop good all right let’s get a few of these on the go and see if we can destroy a load of this endstone so I got making four more of

These machines and I sent them off and it took a long long time and not much was destroyed I think we need to use a different machine luckily most TNT flying machines use pretty much the same materials however I’m missing one slime block I really do need to make a slime

Farm but for now let’s head back to the swamp of course it’s a new moon the only time slimes don’t spawn in a swamp there goes another 10 minutes of afking in the swamp I guess despite the spawn rate being lower the next night we still

Managed to find enough slime to get the final block okay we’re back in the end and we have everything we need to build this thing I’ve been told I need to watch out for these bits of Bedrock here by my friend f and to make sure it’s 25

Blocks higher than them so let’s get to work building this thing and we’re building a design by Ray work the same one flip Us in his video and it didn’t take too long to build as the tutorial was very good I’ve built it a bit far

Away which is an accident but it should be ready to start working all I have to do apparently is destroy this redstone block and off it goes and I’ve lost the Redstone Block haven’t I can need that to make it stop oh dear oh wait it’s up there thank

Goodness so this thing will hit that place over there and then turn around and come back and repeat and then it will gradually make its way along but for now sending a lot of TNT into the void but this is good this shows us how low this will go so it should pretty

Much cover the entire bottom of this which is great so let’s just leave that for a bit I guess and I don’t like to AFK but I’m going to AFK until we get some destruction okay we’re now on day 1749 and we’re finally getting some destruction look oh my gosh it’s taking

So long I built this way too far out note to self for next time but look yes it’s blowing up some stuff nice now all we have to do is wait for it to blow up more stuff and I’m using this time to edit the video and although it looks

Very very quick like this is happening remember each day is 20 minutes in the end so this is about 3 hours or so okay so it’s a long process this thing but look at it it’s doing a great job however I need to move this whole thing

Meaning I’ve got to build it all again as I’ve done that part I need to go that way and then rebuild it again and go that way then rebuild it again and go that way so we’re only a quarter of the way done done oh gosh but I’m going to

Try and not AFK the next few parts instead each time we finished one section I’m going to neaten it up and terrifying it to look a little bit nicer first though I’ve got to dismantle and rebuild this machine oh no I’ve just done I’ve just messed up

No I’m so stupid I didn’t realize placing dirt underneath that would blow it up oh stupid stupid Joel I guess I also have to go and gather all the materials again as well good good good good at least I know now for the future the reason I plac the dirt under the TNT

By the way is so that I can collect it all without it falling into the void like it just did now normally when I do time lapses every time you see the day count flash one more day that’s around 10 minutes in the over world in the end

It’s 20 minutes so what you’re seeing here is literal hours past in by as we destroy this end Island oh gosh this took such a long time as you can see we started on day 1761 and we’re approaching day 1800 rather quickly but it is satisfying watching it destroy the island although

Some bits weren’t destroyed by the TNT cannons and I had to come in and kneen them up a little bit which is fine is fine it still was a lot quicker than me mining it all out by myself which I was going to do if I had a beacon a beacon

Probably would have been quicker I wish beacons worked on endstone progress is slow so slow I’ve been working at this for 6 days now you can kind of see I’ve started building it back up here but we still need to destroy all this all this and all this so I’m thinking now we’re

Below these things we might be able to set it up again and then I can dig this out myself which by the way we’re up to 82,000 endstone that’s that’s mad back at it I guess I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself last time I went insane in the

Never this time I’m going insane in the end but hey at least these machines are helping out if only now there was a flying machine that could help replace the endstone and terraform it that would be amazing but instead I had to do that and that is it for the endstone oh my

Gosh we’re on day 1822 let me show you a quick video of the replay mod this thing took so long I’ve been I’ve been working away at this for about 10 days so far 10 real life days obviously not 10 Minecraft days as it’s been nearly a hundred of those and we’re

Finally ready to move on to step two which is changing up the terrain you’ll notice the endstone is kind of like Jagged around the edges that’s because we’re going to be changing the surface of this place to something a bit nicer first though let’s fix up our tools and

Also destroy these flying machines oh it feels good to be back on the surface in the open air what isn’t great though is the fact I need around 7,000 blocks of moss and 6,000 blocks of lime terracotta I have plenty of cacti for the die so that shouldn’t be a problem it’s more

The Moss as I don’t really have a moss Farm last time it was just me clearing out a hole I guess we can do that again first let’s get the Terra Cotta wee terra cotta oh look it disappeared here wee lovely L of terracotta lovely o not

Sure why I’m doing that voice but anyway I also went and smelted myself a load of cacti and got turning that terracotta into lime terracotta I also cleared out a load of moss from our Moss cave ooh two materials that took quite a while gather but it’s all we need to go back

To the end oh gosh don’t know why I’m saying oh gosh we’re going to be spending a long time there let’s get placing all this lime terra cotta and Moss now I went for Terra Cotta and Moss because they are way greener than how grass looks in the end I thought I’d mix

It up with the Terra Cotta as well as the Moss just to add a bit of texture to the build and I think it worked out okay it did add a bit of texture I didn’t go too crazy and sort of just split them up

As you can see there and we’ got these different patterns forming oh and I also had to destroy an obsidian pillar which took ages ah lovely look at that the island finally has some shape to it very nice indeed by the way um destroying this took 40 minutes just for that

Obsidian pillar there kind of crazy if how to destroy all of them would take quite a long time glad I’m not doing that but this is actually showing the outline of the castle we’re going to be building today look you can kind of see where it’s going to go I didn’t Place

Grass everywhere as that would be pointless but we’re going to actually work on something not on the island for now we’re going to focus on the outer ring and for this we need a lot of materials back to the Overworld world now there’s two main materials we need

For this and the one we need most of is glass and I’ve done the calculations and we need about 25,000 glass AKA 385 Stacks AKA 14.2 shulker boxes worth which is this many shulkers of sand oh gosh it’s good job I’ve got quite a few bottles of

Enchanting let’s head to the desert ah this takes me back to the Empire season 1 days except I was mining red sand then now I’m mining normal sand we got all the sand we needed though after fixing up our tools and Mining this final little section over near our base we

Also had to get ourselves a load of coal to smelt all this Sand by the way I really really really really really need a blaze farm or just another way to get fuel because at the moment I’m having to mine coal and that is boring and also

Probably not very efficient but oh well we use the coal to also make some torches gathered some bamboo as well and some white concrete and then we afked our raid farm for a little bit just to get enough emeralds to do some trading with our villagers for some bottles of

Enchanting and also I wanted to level them all up for something a little later on and then finally we went and collected ourselves a load of skull from Down Below near the deep dark and with that skull collected we have all we need for the outer section of this build oh

My gosh we’re approach approaching day 1900 and this is the big first thing we’ve built it’s a good thing though I promise let’s hope these all fit in my inventory let’s head back to the end where we are going to spend a long time building and we’re going to start out

With the outer outer Rings yes there’s lots of rings I’m playing it really safe This Time by having a lot of rockets in my inventory because I don’t want to just like fall out the world and not be able to land again if I run out of Rock

I pretty much die then but let’s get our second building time lapse and uh-oh alarm Bells Are Ringing Joel hasn’t gone straight into the time lapse what’s happened well let me explain I was you know just fixing my tools at my farm over there and we had a power cut

In our area and of course my PC was on because I was playing some Minecraft and everything went off in our house including the PC I turned it back on and I couldn’t log into this world now of course I’m not stupid I make backups however my last backup was 2 weeks ago

Before we started this video but using some behind the scenes magic I managed to get the world and save that fine however my player data was completely wiped meaning I got the world back but all my statistics all my tools and items all the things inside my Ender Chest

Were completely gone also weirdly enough all my controls have reset as well so I I can’t zoom anymore now because of all these weird things messing with them so how did I fix this cuz I’m still wearing a pumpkin I still have all my stuff and

If I open my Ender Chest everything is there well I managed to back up all the stuff in my Ender Chest from a save I had 2 weeks ago which which was my emergency backup however a lot of the stuff like my fireworks and some other things such as these tools may have

Different durabilities and uh there might be some things like some buzzles of Enchantment which aren’t meant to be here I’m not sure because this is from 2 weeks ago and obviously I’ve been playing for 2 weeks since then a lot has changed in that Ender Chest the main

Thing that has changed though which is very upsetting to me is all my statistics these are missing around 160 days worth of stuff including all that endstone I mind all the sand I just gathered is no longer appearing on these statistics even the Ender Dragon’s killed it only says one ender dragon

Killed and the time played but and I could go and change it but I don’t want to like fake it in a way I did however set the day forward so the day is accurate we are on 1873 but if you’re wondering why my statistics are being a bit weird it’s

Because we crashed and that makes me very sad because I mined a 100,000 blocks of endstone nearly and now I don’t even have the statistic to show it I guess we’re going to have to mine a 100 more let’s get to work no I’m only joking but I just wanted to be

Transparent with you guys there is some stuff that has happened and it is very annoying but luckily we’ve managed to recover pretty well and thank goodness it was after I put all these shulker boxes down that we crashed meaning these shulker boxes here and all the materials

We just gathered are safe thank goodness so let’s have a quick 2 seconds of silence for the endstone statistic disapp appearing okay good let’s get back to work and let’s be serious now serious because we have to place a lot of things down all that glass we gathered is about

To be placed down now you’re looking at this and you’re thinking Joel you’re placing that down really easily well that’s because I’m using a mod called light MAA which I always use for its schematics and it has this method called easy place where you can place stuff and

You don’t have to place loads of dirt so I use that to help me out after in my stressful situation of you know uh nearly losing my entire world here you can see though all that glass we gathered being plac down this took around 3 hours or so I believe to finish

It all off but look we finally started building some stuff that isn’t endstone and oh boy I’m loving it oh yes that’s a lot of glass I know it doesn’t really look like much uh when you’re up above but down here you can kind of see how

Massive this thing is oh I’m still wearing my secret life skin but oh well so what we’re going for here is a lovely River effect this is a river around the island a circular River of course because it just looks cool and the river is sort of you know sparkling we’ got

This lovely sort of torch effect underneath I thought was quite cool we’ve also added all these little things around which you can use to go through the end portals and finally we have the boat we built which is of course going with the theme we’re going to have today

As yes I think it’s probably in the thumbnail and title and elsewhere but this is the castle from Tangled this is the boat she sits on while she watches the lanterns come from the castle and next up we’re going to be building a castle so we can head back to the

Surface where we’ll sleep and here is all the endstone blocks we had gathered earlier as you can see plenty of them there but we’re also going to need a lot more other types of blocks let’s see how far into the 1900 days these materials take us to gather and I won’t spoil how

Long it’s taken but keep in mind we started this on day 1884 remember that at the end when we get to the end here you can see me mining a load of red Sandstone though I also went to the ne to collect some warped fungi and some warped nyum I

Think it’s called I can’t remember so we could mine ourselves a load of trees there as we need a load of warp wood and warp planks in in particular I also AFK my bone meal Farm because we’re going to be using a lot of wood and I need to be

Using my wood Farm plus also bone mealing some trees manually we started off with our wood Farm though and we got ourselves some birge wood I do try and automate stuff when I can because it does just save me so much time however you’ll see here there’s some stuff you

Just can’t automate or I haven’t built the farms for automating it yet we actually had to get loads of birch planks by the way that’s why I was converting it to Birch planks there we also needed some stripped birch wood so I actually did that myself as I find

It’s easier than getting it from the wood Farm then stripping it and placing it Etc I also had to get myself a load more terra cotta particularly orange terra cotta and some white terra cotta as well you’ll see me head over here and mind myself a load of white terra cotta

We also had to get a load of coal once more to smelt all that Sandstone we gathered in the first clip obviously endstone and Sandstone got very similar color colors so we’re going to be using both interchangeably in this build to add a bit of different texture I had to

AFK my bone Mill Farm again so I can get some more acia wood as well as some Mangrove wood as well I really wish there was a mangrove wood Farm there might be I think I should build it I use this word a lot we also had to go gather

Ourselves a load more sand as well and some dye to dye this sand into some concrete and also some glass we also had to chop down some trees some spruce trees collect some gold from our project last time as we needed some gold blocks and also get a load of glow stone and

Red stone by trading our villagers one of the more Awkward materials to get that we had to get was our bookshelves to make some Le turns so you can see me here making some paper and using some lever we had from killing cows in the past to make ourselves some books to

Make into bookshelves to then turn into Le turn we really need to get ourselves some more librarian so we can trade that in the future as with the rant which you can see me using here it is so quick to get emeralds also Redstone which is pretty nice for those Redstone lamps as

Yes we’re using a lot of redstone lamps as you can see there but I’m happy to say we’re nearly done all we need to do was get some blaze rods quickly and some granite and also some Coral fans oh my gosh we are done all the materials

Look at them 30 free shulker boxes and we actually have some more cuz this doesn’t include the End Stone and these are all pretty much full apart from this one here as you can see so many materials which we need to now transport to the end which we’re going to have to

Do two trips for it’s actually 42 Sher boxes including all this this is so many materials wait let me do some math quickly I know not every suar box is full but we have 1,134 stacks of materials roughly this this is this is kind of scary how many

Materials this is oh there’s so many different ones as well it’s going to take so long to build but look I’m literally just going through them all just for fun now to see where everything is there’s just so many okay let’s get the pumpkin head

Back on make sure we have spare food and Rockets and let’s get building our biggest build in one video to date this thing is massive and I can’t wait for you all to see it time lapse in 3 2 1 go now now I can already see this is one of

My longest hardcore videos we’ve made so far and there’s a good reason why look at those days ticking by each one being 20 minutes because yes this build took nearly 10 and 1 half hours to put together insane that’s just the castle as well I’m not sure how long this whole

Thing has taken if we include all the other stuff as well I’m guessing it’s close to the 100 hours range if we include the designing of the castle and the island itself but oh boy is it worth it when you see the final product here

You can see me building up the walls and we actually modeled this off the castle from Tangled except so there was a toy version I found which had a really good 360 view so I used that so it’s probably not exactly like the one in the movie

But if I put a picture of the toy one up on the screen now you can kind of see what I was going for is very similar to this toy and it uses so many different types of blocks most of the time was spent of me just flying back to my Ender

Chest to get different blocks because I’d walk over there to build some stuff and I’d just have missed one block I used so many rockets on this thing it took absolutely ages but here is the main structure built so it’s time to add the lanterns and At Last I See the Light

Look at it look at them appear I Ed some easy place mode to help with this by the way because oh my gosh it was going to take so long but even though all the lanterns are now in and looking amazing we’re still not done as we wanted to add

In some flowers some rocks some bushes around the bottom and I looked at it and I thought you know what that’s still not enough so I went back to the Overworld collected myself a load of spruce wood and some leaves and then we got building

Some trees in this place to give it a bit more depth and you know make it look a bit more interesting cuz it looked really empty on the island itself but oh my gosh we’re done and over 250 days later it is done look at it I’m

Not showing it so you can’t look at it but look at it let’s get a zoomed in view wow look at it oh my gosh I am so happy with it look at it it looks amazing I wish I could play the copyright music with all the lanterns

Going over but I can’t so instead here’s some singing and some shaders and some cinematic shots please forgive me and At Last I See the Light and it’s like the fog Has Lifted and At Last I See the L and it’s like the sky is new and it’s warm and real okay there’s

Enough of that shaders don’t really work too well on this build I find because of all the dark spots but it kind of looks really cool with the lanterns especially as the glass kind of goes sort of like glowy and invisible meaning that the lanterns actually look like lanterns

You’d let into the sky I really really like the effect the shaders had also look at this this looks so cool with shaders oh my gosh by the way here are all the replay mod files of me building it and that’s not including the trees now this is the longest I’ve spent on

Any project in this world but I am so happy with it look at it look how cool it looks it makes it coming to the end a little bit nicer although I still hate coming to the end because it’s boring there’s nothing to do here other than

Build it’s also really really hard to get the scale of this thing down but if you get up close and personal you can see it’s kind of crazy it’s really really big and I probably could have added more detail in these Courtyards around a little bit but you know what

It’s just to make my end Island look a bit better and I think I’ve done a job I’ve done a good job there anyway it’s time we got to work and I mean business today baby I’m not addressing you as Baby by the way uh that’s weird the I

Don’t call anyone baby not even my wife although I do call her babe anyway moving on the first thing we’re building today is long overdue and it is of course a slime farm now like every Farm I build I’m following a tutorial because I’m stupid and can’t come up with these

Ideas myself and this one is by someone called day six and we need a lot of materials they are glass fence gates scaffolding campfires fences iron blocks carved pumpkins pressure plates torches Hoppers trap doors a load of chests a load of building blocks some stairs a

Load of slabs some dirt SLG grass and that is everything except for one material I need 19 and 1/2 stacks of brown mushrooms oh my gosh I have 42 right I need an axe with fortune on it so let’s make a diamond axe and let’s

See if we can get for forun Silk Touch won’t do no luck but I can buy two Fortune two bucks here put on a mending an efficiency and a fortune and voila hopefully this works lovely now I tried to grow loads of these at once but it wouldn’t work so

Here’s me bone mealing the same mushroom over and over and over and 30 minutes of chopping mushrooms later there we go and that is everything you probably don’t care but another thing I’ve just done is rearrange all of my ender chest and put everything into some shulkers that I

Need but let’s head to the swamp where we will be building this Farm weirdly there’s still slimes here from when I was penting them before the slime farm is working so first we got to clear some space mainly we’ve just got to get rid of all these trees and some dirt and

Grass and now I’ll build the rest of the farm and won’t explain anything to you cuz I’m following a tutorial it’ll be in the description and this thing took quite a while to build mainly because I had to clear out quite a lot of space

Again I used a beacon to speed it up of course but it still took a decent amount of time you can see the basics are we’re making these four killing Chambers with some Iron Golems to lure them in and then inside we’re placing mushrooms so only slimes can spawn cuz slimes can

Spawn on mushrooms apparently and then at the top we’re making an AFK chamber and lighting up the area around it and we also afked and oh my gosh I didn’t even realize what what day we are ending this on let’s have a look at that F menu Day

2000 2,00 days on this world that’s kind of crazy that’s my new record for any single player by a long shot but anyway how’s the slime farm getting on ooh let me gather it all so we’re are in 15 minutes of AFK we’ve got nearly 17 Stacks which equates to oh boy nearly

Two stacks of blocks that is so good oh and wait oh and I actually missed some what the heck there’s so much actually well over two stacks lovely and I’ve actually collected all the grass and the dirt we got from clearing out that hole there as we will be using that very

Shortly but let’s head home on Day 2000 I can’t believe it’s Day 2000 I keep pressing F3 and looking at the number it makes me so happy and as fun as it is to look at all the stuff we’ve built in these 2,000 days we’re not going to

Waste Day 2000 and just doing nothing oh no no we’re going to get started with our next big project which requires a lot of terraforming a lot of terraforming a lot okay and we’ve got all this grass and dirt here and a little bit more in the chest over there

Let’s see how far it gets us shall we as we’re going to go straight into a day 2000 time lapse now I have a love and hate relationship with terraforming I love how it looks it can really make builds look so much better but I hate

Placing grass oh my gosh it’s so boring our grass and dirt supply is getting rather low as you can see we’re all out of grass and we’ve got a little bit of dirt left and quite a bit more to do so I guess we need to go get some grass

Shock surprise it’s a time lapse of me getting grass except it’s raining and now it’s not raining hopefully we can finish with all this stuff sometimes Minecraft is weird isn’t it I’ve just gone and collected a load of grass and dirt to then Place instantly a

Load of grass and dirt I have fun I hope you have fun as well watching it let’s see this next time laps oh yeah baby look at him place that grass ooh it’s so grassy I don’t know what I’m saying anymore we really had to fix this

Landscape as it was truly quite horrible especially with all that sand that I’ve been clearing out before but we got there in the end and we started making this thing look pretty even cleaned up some of the water and just added in some layers and stuff and on day 2023 which

Is the year we were recording this of course it is not done still as you can see over there we’ve got some lines of where we want to terraform but we have once again ran out of blocks look at all this stuff we’ve managed to dig up so

Far oh my gosh this is taking ages let’s go get some more grass this time in a fun montage Guys you are not going to believe what has happened again look at this look at this guess you had another power cut this is the latest backup I have by the way yay there was a bit of a storm the other night in the UK and I was

Recording that last clip at about 1 p.m. UK time and I actually logged out of the world but for some reason it was still mid saving the world and then the power cut like bam which by the way it didn’t come back on for nearly 20 hours it

Didn’t come back on till 10:00 a.m. the next day so yeah we’re going to have to try and recover as much as we can let’s see what we can do I’m sick of this how does this keep happening to me so once again we’ve managed to save the world as

You can see we’ve done a bit more terraforming since you last saw me uh but of course all our stuff like our things in our Ender Chest have gone back so far so all the stuff I just organized oh I am so annoyed basically what keeps happening during these power

Cuts is my player data gets corrupted here on the left is a normal player data and here on the right is my player data and as you can see everything is missing but everything in the world itself like our grass blocks Etc are still here we

Did lose quite a few grass blocks from our inventory but I’m not going to cheat those in instead I’m just going to use up these ones we have left I am very annoyed though I am very annoyed that this has happened again since we’ve moved to our new house we haven’t had a

Single power cut in two years and now we’ve had two in two months and both have been well I’ve had my hardcore World open what are the the chances I hate it so much oh well hopefully this time lapse works and I don’t get another power cut if I do I’m quitting Minecraft

Forever and just so you all know I bought a mini backup generator to plug my PC into so this should never happen again if we have a power cut that should kick in I’ve just finished collecting this grass and I’ve just realized the statistics are still all wrong it says

40,000 grass I’m pretty sure this was up to like 70,000 I’ve lost so many again why is it always after I farm a load of stuff oh dear anyway let’s go finish this stupid terraforming in this stupid video in the stupid world which is making me

Angry because of how stupid is that the power keeps stupidly cutting out I’m not angry I am angry why am I saying I’m not angry I am anyway I’m going to place grass angrly hear some angry music while I place his grass angrily Huff puff Huff puff I’m so angry I’m going to

Shut up now I’m not actually that angry but I’m just a little bit annoyed I’m actually recording this voice over days later as you can see my voice is really gone now we’ve spent around 50 days on this which doesn’t look like a lot to be

Honest but this is tricky work I don’t know why but placing grass and dirt and organizing all this has taken a very long time it’s a lot of blocks and at the moment it kind of doesn’t make sense there’s a lot of holes everywhere there’s just random stuff it will all

Make sense shortly okay it’s going to be beautiful as this will all be leading up to something over here which we’re not going to build today instead that’ll be for next video where we’re going to do something massive once again today though we’re working on this which is

Some Farmland I’m going to spoil it I don’t know why I’ve been trying not to spoil it we’re going to have a house we’re going to have some fields of H wheat as we do have some fields of wheat over there but I just think fields of

Wheat and flowers look so nice and these flowers over here look amazing and I think if this whole area was just wheat fields that would look so cool so we’re going to start with the fields as we have some other stuff we’re going to build around here but the fields of

Wheat will be the first thing and for the fields of wheat we need a lot of stuff also I’ve said fields of wheat way too many times so uh yeah let’s go get the stuff we need for the fields of wheat fields of wheat fields of wheat

Fields of wheat fields of wheat I’ll show up now 11 minutes into the episode and this is our first material Gathering Montage Joel what the heck is wrong with you you’re rubbish you can’t even gather materials as much as you us do anymore why am I saying this I don’t know what

I’m saying anyway here I go placing all those Birch leaves I just gathered to make some outlines for these fields of wheat but there’s also other fields in there as well oh is there there is okay that was the easy part now we’ve got to actually hoe all these

Fields okay we probably going to have to fix this at some point but let’s get hoing placing those bushes was a blast I actually really enjoyed placing the Birch bushes hoing all this ground oh my gosh it takes so long look at this here the days are passing by actually it’s

Still only been one day it’s not taking as long as I thought but I had to place so much water H so much land and it did actually end up taking about an hour or so to do all this and we still haven’t planted the wheat this is literally just

Hoing all the grass which yeah it’s a lot of grass it’s a lot of hoing but I’m happy of it it it it looks cool on the time lapse at least that is a lot of fields guess we’re going to need a lot of seeds and there is a reason for this

By the way and that is because I like to build with packed mud and of course packed mud you need wheat so I’m making sure I have plenty of wheat for Gathering all this wheat I use my fortune hoe to get the most seeds possible I think that’s the how that

Works I don’t know though we got two Shar boxes of seeds plus some extra will it fill all these fields oh gosh and how can I make this time lapse different to the other time lapses of me just hoing the fields well let me tell you right

Now jel you’re about to come up with something really creative you’re going to do this what are you going to do please tell me cuz I’ve not really thought of it yet future Joel’s problem I’m going to unplanned rhyme every word because that is the curd of the way that

Makes cheese in the hay bales I am terrible at this oh my gosh two shulker boxes didn’t finish it off we’ve still got so much more to do what that’s 54 stacks of seeds it wasn’t enough let’s go get more and this one here is going

To be way more fun so cue the music let’s go oh yeah I’m just going to do some ad libs just throw them in there oh yeah baby Ooh DJ smallish beans get it oh we’re done okay that’s the end cool oh yes we are done with our fields of wheat oh my gosh some of it starting to grow as well now I would go Frolic through these fields of wheat but I don’t want to accidentally stand on

Some also fun fact wheat is now my third most used block meaning I’ve planted 25,000 seeds but I’m really happy with these I think this going to look really cool but we’re going to move on really quickly to something completely different and no we’re not done with

That yet okay we’re not done but so far I’ve got two Wood Farms in this world we’ve got this one which can do spruce Oak and bir and we’ve got this one here which can do dark oak but one of the wood we use the most is mangr look

There’s some over there there’s some over there there’s some there and Mangrove is one of the most annoying blocks to farm in the game so I’m going to make a mangrove wood Farm today a lot of farms are very ugly so I like to cover them up with buildings and this

One is massive so we’re going to have to dig it into the ground and I was thinking just over here would be quite good because it’s where I like chop some wood anyway and it’s quite close to the Bone Mill Farm which I can hopefully run

At the same time so yeah let’s build it just over here so I’ve marked out a square here and we are currently at y11 we need to get down to Y 53 oh dear this is going to be a lot of digging so to make this entertaining I’m

Going to think of many whole related puns and we’re going to throw them in right now good luck Joel because I can only think of one right now and it’s praying to the holy Lord okay let’s get started oh as a Minecraft Crater of content I uh have a

Bit of a pit in my stomach as I’m trying to get out the trenches and think of some whole related P pun ponds puns ah okay let’s ditch the puns now as they’re getting pretty Hollow no I’m just kidding but we do need to build the rest

Of the farm right now which we need a lot of materials for do we we have them all Mr chess system turns out the answer is yes look at all this lovely stuff very nice and we’re going to be following a shulker craft tutorial today

For this thing uh and we’re not going to be decorating the outside today either I just want to get this thing up and running so we can build some more stuff over there let’s see if we can get it to work I’m scared as I think this Farm can

Mess up anything with TNT cannons scares me but while we build Joel will tell you his favorite facts about mangrove trees won’t you Joel you have you now I’ve said it in the video and I’m not going to re-record this clip good luck yes Joel here are seven fascinating facts

About mangroves that I am bringing out of my brain and definitely not reading off Google such as mangr are some of the most important carbon sinks on the planet wow and uh mangroves are found in salty water ooh salty and mangroves can help mitigate Coral bleaching what does

That mean and mangroves contribute back to the economy and Society what do they like pay taxes or something what all right right all that afking done let’s load this thing up with some bone Mill gosh I hope this works four shulkers of bone Mill in here roughly let’s get some

Mangrove propal and I’ve just remembered I forgot to build the collection system/ bone Mill making thing which we’re going to do now it won’t take long in fact let me walk into this wall here and when we turn around and it is done oh isn’t that that great what a lovely transition so

This is a basic dispenser it’ll dispense out all the stuff into this water stream and then we collect ourselves some sticks or Mangrove logs and all the other stuff will go into these composters here but I think we’re finally ready to start this Farm let’s turn it on TNT should start falling from

The top now it is good okay let’s get in position which I believe is we stand here and then we aim at this stair like this there we go we planted our first sapling now we just hold right click and it should there look it’s blowing stuff

Up it looks like the logs land on us so once our inventory fills up it’ll go into the sorting system let’s AK for like 10 minutes see what happens all right that is 10 minutes up does seem to leave a little bit of stuff so one problem I’ve noticed is I started with

What was it like 48 mangra pills I’ve got 20 left which is not good also I’m pretty sure I picked up pretty much everything we’ve got nine in there although those have filled up with 41 now well one of them has we got some sticks we got no bone Mill but I’m

Ventry is full of stuff let’s put it all in here so 10 minutes for over five stacks of Mangrove that’s pretty good also a load of sticks but like I said the propal thing is going to be an issue but at least it works so there we go we

Have a mangrove wood Farm now very nice I think that is definitely going to be quicker in the long run also it gave us a load of stone and other goodies to play with but it’s time to head back to the main project of today and on this

Spot right here we’re going to be building a lovely Farmhouse ooh but before we can build a farmhouse we need materials baby yeah listen to the pumping music playe I’m hyped and I’m definitely not still sick and feeling terrible and that’s why my voice sounds weird but let’s get all these materials

In Minecraft because it’s what I love to do I actually do like doing this it’s quite fun and quite nice because I just watch a movie I was watching Cars the movie during this one here’s a fun fact is it the medication going to my head

And I’m getting a bit weird I don’t know but anyway let’s build this Farmhouse ooh look at it it’s a farmhouse I I don’t know what this was modeled after I just sort of made it up and I thought it looked kind of cool I made sure to use

Mangrove though and there’s day 2001 100 comes to a close we are done let’s have a sleep in one of these beds here as yes I have decorated the inside a little bit as you can see the plan is we’re going to have 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 eight villagers

In this place we put eight composters as well as you can see scattered around all we have to do is make sure that they can’t get out which they can’t and we’ll have eight farmers to trade with very nice indeed functional as well as looking pretty cool and also look the

Wheat fields are pretty much all Grown Apart from a few that were just out of render distance over here but they’re looking magnificent look at those woohoo but let’s give a chance for these to grow in shall we by building a big old barn right here quickly Joel go get

Those materials starting out with some dark oak wood as we had ran out dark oak saplings to use our dark oak wood Farm we also got some mud bricks and then we went back to our Mangrove farm for a little bit until this happened what on

Earth there’s a be blocking my farm how did even get down here stupid be anyway that should hopeful be enough anyway we got stripping our Mangrove wood and then we also collected some oak leaves and then we got building our barn as you can see it’s made out of Mangrove that’s the

Kind of theme of this episode it’s why I built the mangrove farm that I could have loads of Mangrove builds in the future and not have to worry about chopping down those stupid trees I also added a field in the background lovely ah lovely it is done a very nice Barn

Where we are of course going to have some animals by the way if my voice sounds different SL weird for all these clips it’s because I’ve been ill and I’ve been recording this over like 4 weeks now it’s taking a long time anyway because my voice is being weird we’re

Just going to finish everything else off I think I have pretty much every material I need so let’s go get them and let’s do one final massive time lapse I actually lied to you right there it’s two time lapses you gullible idiots for that was only going to do one time lapse

You idiots you morons I’m sorry I don’t know where where this is coming from I just like calling people idiots sometimes I don’t think any of you are idiots maybe you are idiots let me know how you do in your exams do you have exams this time of year I’m 30 years old

I don’t know where exams are anymore anyway look I add some animals to the fields that took a long time cuz they take ages to breed up the stupid idiots I’m doing it again oh my voice is going I’m really like ill and stuff guys anyway look here’s me placing some grass

At the end here as we had to get some villagers into that house like I said earlier I went and destroyed all this wheat field which I fix later by the way don’t worry I’m not a blumin anti- wheat field person I don’t know what I’m saying again but villagers my gosh these

Annoying I needed some farming villagers so I could start breeding them up in my house and I went for these two guys because they were the nearest by and I don’t really use them they were just there for decoration whereas I will use these ones but look we got them in the

House and now we got the other one in in the house as well completely destroying my wheat field by the way oh my gosh it took quite a while to fix but after that we managed to break all the blocks and collect all our rails again traded some

Bread with one of them and got breeding them up as we’re going to have all our Farmers for trading our golden carrots in this building right here lovely well would you look at this this place is looking so good look at it look at me walking through these fields of wheat

These fields of sheep speaking of which here my lovelies breed up breed up for me thank you I think from above this place looks kind of cool but I think it’s when you’re coming in down low like from over here where it just looks amazing I’m really really happy this

Area this is meant to just be like a sort of mainly aesthetic fun area where it just looks nice and you can just walk through and it’s just Minecraft it just makes you feel happy it’s me to be somewhere that takes you to here which is where be working next time on

Probably our biggest project yet ah gosh I’m going to go start planning that right now make sure to leave a like and comment subscribe if you’re new and I shall see you another time for another Hardcore Minecraft video good bye

This is by far my favourite singleplayer world ever! Let’s see if we can get to Day 3000!! 😀 Leave a like and subscribe 🙂

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  1. since i have enjoyed you in other videos (life series, etc) im going to leave a comment.
    you tend to do a very monotone voice pattern that for me just spoils the video 1:44:02, 1:44:06 and 1:44:08 "big"-"star"-"shape". it's not only then that you do it, but you do it throughout the video and it gets kind of annoying.
    i don't mean this as a hate comment or smth, i just wanted to evidence the problem (for me) and maybe help you improve. you should watch other people's long videos, like floydson, he never does these kinds of monotone voice-lines, he almost does the opposite, by pausing, proposing questions, seemingly going out of script.

  2. idk how to explain this but joel talks at the exact speed and inflection that my brain needs to be able to comprehend things😭 he is genuinely the only youtuber i could watch almost 3 straight hours of

  3. your work is so insane especially given the fact that you are doing this all in survival and having to collect all the materials!!! i totally think you should try building something similar to trixyblox’s survival world in creative! i feel like seeing you come up with a lore-based world and building in creative would be so awesome

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