Ruining Pam’s Religion || Stardew Valley 100% Playthrough – #33

The winters have been disturbingly mild lately that’s it that’s all you have to say I mean like okay cool start off my day with existential dread about climate change thanks man why is this guy so angry purpose I’ve been I’ve been oh you’ve been ignoring him I haven’t jacked him

Off for days and he is still mad With crovis I I he’s just mad still I don’t know okay could we can we backtrack a little bit why would we backtrack I only look forward ice on the future Ally yeah oh there she is she’s hanging out by the community center what the [ __ ] she’s hiding from me

Can you blame her I hope Penny decides to get married someday oh she will foreign oh my God I saw the red text panicked why was it red I mean that’s a little cute that she says hi honey with the little heart that’s probably the best thing that’s

Happened so far about being married to Maru but still like the red text is that’s a little ominous not gonna lie I am so close to 14 hearts with Maru I want to scream literally one pixel of a heart off well tomorrow this game literally just wants me to be

Married to her for way longer than necessary yeah I can’t recall anything particular but what no I guess I’ve seen at least one guy from the back room who occasionally heads up north I wonder if he’s headed for that freakish Cavern oh what a freak oh I absolutely love getting flowers

From the valley I’m so happy you’re welcome bestie oh I was gonna also go see my next spouse oh [ __ ] is Romance found her do you want to guess who it is I mean I narrowed it down I said her Clint absolutely let me think for a second is it Abigail

No is it Haley no running out of options here I don’t know any other women because of who I already married is Penny oh yeah I always forget about her I can’t really talk right now I have a lot on my mind thank you for understanding wow just

Great start to a relationship she’s kind of forgettable you know be easy what did you just do that’s accepted a key thing what in the saw [ __ ] [ __ ] let’s play a game [ __ ] [ __ ] what is that what is that don’t worry just sleep well tonight huh just get a good night’s sleep you’ll

Need it uh what is what is ominous about that everything home home here now Sure well maybe she should be a better spouse or maybe you should be a better person seeing the kids play in the snow brings me a lot of Joy their youthful exuberance warms my heart I try my best to support Jazz and Vincent and give them the kind of childhood they deserve

Oh sweating I need that squink squink sounds like doink’s long-lost cousin how did you know about squink what was that supposed to be a secret I thought everyone knew where do you think I wear the mask so that squink won’t recognize me of course not can’t be two evil cousins coming better

As the playthrough goes on there’s relative and subjective even I guess you’re not wrong about that fishing your chest I wish chest your fridge also known as an ice chest I’m not sure anybody actually calls it that though also known as where you keep your heart cold [ __ ]

Go today I think it’s funny all right Clint clunt can’t take your thing Clint Clint Clint what let me give you an emerald too I don’t know yet he gave me 10 Deluxe speed grow enough of this Christmas [ __ ] we go indeed oh wait I’m gonna talk to my other future wifey

I’m very grateful for a lot of things this year and I’m also very hungry Hey Carolyn where the [ __ ] is you need to top off the Friendship Sweet Caroline thank you nailed it they’re not even the writer Elliot is God [ __ ] damn it Sorry let it out I’m here for you I had the legend and I was fighting at that whole [ __ ] time oh well maybe you should simply be better one of George’s favorite TV programs is so violent and he always keeps the volume up so loud

I worry it can’t be good for his health why bring more stress into the house when we don’t need it George explain yourself you know I really have been a grumpy old man to everyone but now I feel like I’m softening up like an old ripe fruit take take care hon

Damn it George I came in here all confrontational trying to be an [ __ ] the one person I could count on to be a grumpy old codger and you can’t even do that right excuse you what are you doing oh that thing you asked me to do I cannot if you prefer Listen Okay you come walking into my house it’s not usually for a good reason I can’t decide if I’m trying to oh okay there we go I was about to say divorce divorce for divorce and I had just watched it ah oh hot [ __ ] hot girl [ __ ] hell yeah

Um I’m entering my [ __ ] era just now what no of course I’m not going to make a parenting robot you can’t find a substitute for the human touch okay uh um makes it sound like she’s tried tell your child the [ __ ] off it just started sprinting at me listen

If everybody’s just waiting for me to die How’d she know I’ll show them I have plenty of years left in this old body no George go into the light go into the light it’s okay George You Can Let Go it’s time I cannot be bothered to give him his love gift I’ll just give him stuff he likes

Because I can’t [ __ ] be bothered to put forward any effort especially not for Pierre because he sucks because he sucks thank you I appreciate the backup vocals looks like tonight’s the anniversary of my return strange doesn’t feel like it oh yeah happy New Year good good talk I guess

Ah Alex get away I can’t talk to you yet sidestep that conversation like a pro don’t blame you for that oh Hi honey hello tomorrow night there’s a rare astronomical did I say that Astro astronomical it’s a whole lot of syllables okay a comet is passing very close to our planet I was thinking maybe we could observe it together what a nerd great meet me in the mountains at midnight tomorrow night oh

That’s so late you’re gonna make me pass out if it rains we’ll do it on the next night the comet is here for a few days okay yum like 93 on recipes so I’m like oh you’re 93 on recipes yeah I mean I have all of them unlocked I just need to

Cook like five more oh oh cooking recipes I see yeah yeah yeah yeah would you think interesting oh my God no I’m not in charge of crafting besties yeah I know that’s why I was like huh you think I’m gonna let you get out of work that easily

I mean honestly I feel like the biggest hold up for us is just gonna be how much money we need for the obelisks and the clock oh yeah the clock especially I forgot exactly how much it costs an oh dear God it’s 10 million yeah we don’t even have a singular

Million we’re gonna have to do like the sweaty try hard thingy I guess and figure out how to make some quick buckaroos oh here we go hey you made it just in time the comment’s about to appear beautiful night isn’t it remember the first time we did this it

Was a while ago Oh Boy tell me about it I almost revealed my true feelings on that night but I was afraid you’d reject me who knew we’d be married so soon after oh it’s time wow no wait wow I’m gonna put more Owen Wilson into it take a look it’s a notebook

Reading Rainbow isn’t it rare wonder of the cosmos here for one fleeting moment on its infinite Journey so empty so lonely makes me glad to live on this vibrant world with you after seeing a comment it’s customary to make a wish what will you wish for a new baby for us

To grow all together more money also to grow all together just to Twist the knife get our hopes up just before I file the divorce papers that’s really sweet I have the same wish I doubt she would have said that if I said more money although we could use more money I can’t

Believe you didn’t wish for more money [Laughter] damn it well just redo the whole marriage all over again get the scene again I’ll wish I could have saved us so much time okay you know I fumbled it oh it’s Ken’s birthday oh it’s Ken’s birthday I gotta give him the

Thingy a thingy that way he’ll love me more but not in the way that I loved his son nah um no okay so file for divorce if worst papers have been filed but your spouse won’t know until tomorrow morning hell yeah in this essay I will explain

Why I don’t like Mario she used one of my least favorites because while she does have some cute moments overall she doesn’t seem to have as much growth as a person like a bunch of the other characters do there’s a lot of times where she very

Much acts like a know-it-all some of her dialogue makes you feel like stupid like she’s looking down on you because you don’t match her level of intelligence and she doesn’t have much of a personality besides being smart and her parents Golden Child which I definitely don’t have good vibes about especially

For certain reasons I’ll talk more about another time as we get further along in this playthrough which totally don’t make me biased in any way shape or form but uh aside from some okay times she’s just very blah for me and I’m not the biggest Maru fan but now we could go

Marry Penny like deceitful games oh mother father son of a biscuit I finally did it hell yeah oh Pam oh that’s right I have a high heart level with Pam I don’t think I’ve been in her house before Hey kid you caught me praying looks like a coat rack but okay

This here’s my new sign of the vessel statue ordered it from with free two-day shipping don’t tell Pierre I’ve been settling into the new house it’s really a great place feels like home already I really do appreciate this new Comfort yeah welcome bestie your room’s

A mess though you gotta keep it clean I paid a lot for this house you respect it it’s just you how dare you interrupt my emotional vulnerable cutscene it’s just I should be so happy but I haven’t been able to cut back on the beer I haven’t changed at all for a

Long time now I felt like there’s something missing from my life Leah I always thought it was about money just being poor you know so I figure getting this house would solve everything but it didn’t I know you just need to get laid that’ll solve everything yeah probably

So that’s why I ordered this statue I could tell her Yoba isn’t real but I’m glad you’re feeling hopeful ah well look at me I’m getting real sappy in my old age aren’t I hehehe still looks like a coat rack seriously I could just like hang my hat on that thing that’s sacrilegious

And he should feel ashamed I’m not wrong I mean look at that thing it’s it’s it’s a coat rack you look like a coat rack you look up oh my god oh no oh wait wait put it back wait hold on oh no oh no wait a minute actually

Can I can I put it somewhere else wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you know I could take it I didn’t know I could take it with me here I’ll put it by the front door so I can serve its coat rack

Purpose hi Petty I wasn’t up to no good at all I swear here have this love me please thank you okay goodbye oh [ __ ] sigh how am I going to reach that letter in the back Gus just just be in the himbo here let me help you Mr Mr mulner

Oh oh oh no penny Penny honey no no no you don’t do that there you go I could have done it myself but I can certainly move around on my own how fatal do you think I am Leah you were watching us I can say you did a kind thing you should have asked instead of assuming George wanted help I’m just taking a walk minding my own business okay listen I know I normally wait to rant about people until after the divorce papers are filed but this cut

Scene pisses me off so much because you don’t touch someone else’s wheelchair without permission that’s like huge No-No that’s like if I go up to someone and just randomly put my hands all over them you don’t do that consent is key and if I say and this scene specifically

You should have asked instead of assuming George wanted help that damages my relationship with penny so it’s like I gotta reinforce like yeah you could you did a good thing when you didn’t maybe Penny should be lower on the list too thank you I just wish George wasn’t so

Upset I was only trying to help listen I get it I’m sure she had good intentions but again consent is key you don’t just push people in a wheelchair out of the way without like permission you just don’t do don’t do that maybe you don’t Sigh No no I’m Sorry Miss I

Shouldn’t have gotten angry yes you should have George you had every right to be angry it was actually very kind of you to help me out that’s okay Mr mulner I understand Like I wish we could have used that as a teaching moment for Penny without like having our relationship take a dip it must be difficult it’s difficult indeed to grow a halt that’s why we should respect our elders sure that’s nice of you to say I totally agree with you

Meanwhile Gus over here is just over here probably like think about marinara sauce or something mozzarella sticks yeah we should treat our elders with the same respect we hope to receive ourselves someday too bad you didn’t [ __ ] do that well it’s interesting talking to you I should go

I swear it was an accident! …sort of.

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  1. I think Penny didn't push hard, but pushed George carefully. It was just expensive to make a couple of sprites, so the developer used the existing one. Plus, Penny obviously wouldn't do anything wrong, and George has known her for years and was sympathetic to this

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