NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today I’m gonna be doing a build challenge against my friend wudo but what he doesn’t know is that I have a mod that lets me spawn in any build it’s time to do a build challenge I’m definitely going to win this dispenser is gonna tell us what to build so all we

Have to do is flip this lever three two one and oh what is it what is it the first build is a castle I’m gonna build the biggest castle same here budo so which side do you want to build on obviously the green side you do love

Green budo but red is my favorite color so I’m going to this side we’re gonna have 10 minutes to build okay so good luck all right I’m gonna start right now okay now that Voodoo can’t hear us anymore let’s put in our Castle all we have to do is this Command right here

And boom the build should be showing any second check it out it’s loading in right now whoa this Castle is huge and oh no it’s going past the walls I hope Udo doesn’t see it oh I know what I can do let’s just extend the walls just to

Be extra safe let’s just make the walls come all the way out here like this and there you go would almost see the castle anymore this is definitely the biggest castle I’ve seen in my life and whoa are there two dragons around the entire Castle check it out there’s two of them

Floating right here this Castle does look pretty cool but I think we can make it look even better and we should definitely customize it to look like my build just so Widow isn’t too suspicious I want this Castle to be red so all we need to do is disconnect and and it

Should be looking super nice in one second there you go look at that now it’s made out of red Nether Bricks my favorite color is red so this looks perfect but now we should look inside of the castle and see if there’s anything we can change inside of here and whoa

The inside of this Castle is insane check it out there’s huge hallways and super cool rooms I think we should customize something for Voodoo just so he loves our build and for the build what I want to do is build a home for woodles pet turtle Widow loves turtles

So much so if we build a little area for them he’ll definitely like our build let’s start off by putting the sand down like this and then let’s pick on a little area to put some water in and let’s replace the floor of this to be

Grass after that all we need to do is put on some water like this put some Corals in the water and then add some dead bushes outside of the beach now let’s just add some stairs out outside so it looks super clean and finally all

We need to do is spawn in the turtles like this check it out this area looks so cool and since we have a special area for woodles Turtles we should make an area for my pet fox if you guys didn’t know I have a pet fox called Pongo and

He is so awesome so let’s build him an area right next to the turtles this way we can definitely trick wudo into believing that I built this all right now that we have the ground all set we need to get some Spruce logs and some Spruce leaves and obviously we can’t

Forget the sweet berries all we need to do now is build out the trees like this and check it out our first tree is now built let’s build another one over here just so it looks a little bit better and boom there you go we’re done with our

Second tree now so now let’s put down some sweet berries down like this and all that’s missing now is my pet fox Pongo solo Spider-Man and look at him he looks so awesome oh he’s sleeping right now if you think Pongo is super cute hit that subscribe button and these two

Areas look awesome so let’s see if there’s anything else we can customize inside of here and whoa I just thought of the perfect idea since wudo is building right now he’s probably gonna be super hungry so what we should do is make a massive dinner table for him

Let’s start off by getting some cake some cookies watermelon and of course some cooked chicken now let’s just put down the food on this table like this and there you go it looks so good yum yum we obviously can’t forget the cake though so let’s put it around the dinner

Table like this and boom now we’re done with food I just know rudo’s gonna give us a good score on this build but now I think we have more than enough stuff in this Castle so let’s just tell wudo we only have 10 seconds left Heywood now

Just so you know there’s like 10 seconds left so I would hurry up if I were you and skins oh no I’m finishing up right now hold on okay meet me near the dispenser okay I’m right here yes yes so I am so excited to show you my

Castle all right let’s see in three two one and what in the world is that isn’t it amazing check it out it’s the wudo castle wow look it has my name on it and I have my turtle guards here how awesome is that it is pretty big budo

But why is it made out of dirt because dirt is the best item you could ever build a castle with look doesn’t it look Majestic uh it looks pretty cool I see that you wrote wudo on top okay okay wudo now show me the inside of your

Castle okay step inside but wait hold on the king needs to give you his permission let me go sit down on my Throne what the heck would oh you’re not the only King here look at me I have a nice crown on oh I see I have just received a letter somebody named

Has come to my castle well Mr I welcome you wanna what are you doing you are not a king buddy you’re only a turtle you know actually I am the king don’t you see my my crown it looks amazing fine you can be the king for the next few

Minutes I guess next few minutes trust me after you see this whole castle I will be the king forever come let me take you through everything over here is where all my turtle citizens live because I love them so very much they all live inside of this glass tube with

Me whoa Woodle that’s a lot of turtles half your Castle is just a living area for them that’s pretty generous would all I have to admit I know doesn’t it look amazing the turtles love living here and they would never live in a castle like yours trust me Moodle my

One has so much more space for them to stay and sleep on so uh we’ll see when we get to my build yeah yeah yeah yeah I don’t even need to see or build because uh there’s no citizens in your belt look I captured all of them wait

What this is called jail and what’s inside citizen wudo what are you doing why did you take my people and why did you put them in a prison sorry but there are no citizens allowed in my castle so here you go I’m going to feed you guys your daily food of a oh

Rotten flash what is wrong with you though you know what I’m gonna get some enchanted golden apples and you guys can have this matter of fact you can even escape the prison there you go your King has returned hey no put them back you’re not allowed to free them uh whatever

What else do you want to show me in here before you ruined my entire Castle I was gonna show you how amazing these cakes are but now all your citizens are stepping over them so they’re so nasty you know these cakes look so delicious I’m gonna eat all of them hey you can’t

Eat them doctor for my turtles because turtles love cake these are all mine well come over here and check this out next buddy I actually started a farm for all the citizens of yours that I jailed because I heard that they like eating sea pickles where did you hear that wudo

You’re just making stuff up now it’s part of the diet I heard don’t you love sea pickles come on eat up no budo all of my citizens hate anything green but they do love Apples because they’re red check it out this thing looks so good you do not put any apples

On my build and as a matter of fact they will be burned whoa whoa whoa relax wood or you’re gonna burn down your castle and uh what’s this over here well it’s a beautiful self-portrait that my turtle citizens made doesn’t it look just like me how would all you look so funny

What are you talking about this is not a joke that does not look like you okay that looks like your third cousin or something okay that does not look like you buddy okay yeah I’m sure you wish that your citizens made a self-portrait like this of you

Come on let me show you what else I have what is this weirdo this is where I keep all my turtle eggs because we are always adding more citizens to my castle don’t they look so beautiful they’re just babies right now oh Woodle that is actually so cute but all these babies

Are gonna grow up to live in My Kingdom no they are not they are gonna live in the Uno Kingdom I mean wudo your Castle does have some pretty cool stuff but is there anything rare or exclusive that I can see oh follow me you are never gonna believe your eyes when

You see this oh really what is it watch this Mom and go I just have to put my key on this super secure door and wait what even is this room the sign says treasure is this a treasure room you literally spelled the sign wrong what are you talking about it is spelled

Perfectly correctly because I have so much treasure in here whoa you have you have nothing what is this I can go on a mining trip right now in mind this what are you talking about this is amazing like you have never seen this many diamonds or emeralds in your entire

Life no Pluto the average citizen in my castle actually has all of this plus more really that I must have to go see it then and you have to prove it to me okay Wuda we’ll go see it right now but before I do I’ll give your Castle a

Rating it is pretty good wudo you do have a lot of things that I love the cake was pretty good so uh I’m gonna give you a score of six out of ten six out of ten this is a 1000 out of 10 what are you talking about sorry mudo

It’s just my opinion okay but it’s time to see my build now which is 10 times better than yours all right Moodle Fisher eyes on the greatest castle of all time okay and what the flip is that oh this is gigantic this is your Castle

Yep it was all built in under 10 minutes wudo check it out it’s all red themed because I love the color red that looks so cool how in the world were you able to build all this so fast well rudo I’ve actually been going to school for

Building so uh this is pretty easy for me trust me you’re a nerd you’re not a king hey no I’m not Widow come on come up here I can show you the awesome things this Castle has to offer okay I’m here all right wudo let’s start off with the outside of this

Castle check it out I have two huge dragons defending it your turtle Army doesn’t stand a chance against these guys what are you talking about Turtles are way stronger than dragons if you guys think dragons are stronger than Turtles then comment hashtag Dragon but I like this stronger so if you think

Turtles can destroy dragons Comet hashtag turtles yeah there’s no way anyone is commenting that Widow but come on let me show you the inside of the castle whoa this looks so cool that’s right wudo come on follow me inside to the main hall whoa this place

Is gigantic but uh it looks kind of boring hold on wudo I got my butler to make you some amazing food so sit down over here and enjoy a good meal I get all this food for myself oh my gosh I love cake oh wait a second this cake tastes like

It’s 10 days old okay weirdo you’re lying because this cake was literally made by the best chef in the world he got paid extra for it who’s the best chef is it you because trust me you are a terrible Chef um I don’t know maybe it was me budo

Stop making fun of me all right come on let’s just move on okay at least these cookies taste kind of good all right wudo follow me up here I need to show you something crazy crazy a mango what other crazy thing is there to show me

About this bill go inside of this room Moodle it has something you’re gonna love wait Turtles let’s go hello my turtle friends well wait a second uh turtles guys what are you guys doing in uh Mongo’s castle and not mine oh no my pet fox Pond goes eating your turtles wait what

Bunga what are you doing mango you need to control that fox that is unbelievable I’m sorry budo he’s been really hungry since you took forever showing me your Castle but look we have a turtle area over here and a little fox area over here since I love Pongo it was pretty

Nice but if he’s just gonna eat my baby turtles I’m not gonna let him live here I’m building a giant wall between them okay well that’s just messed up but whatever follow me down here there’s something else I need to show you oh really what else could you be wanting to

Show me after you literally tried to destroy my turtles well wudo I know that you have a treasure room inside of your Castle but let’s just say I have an even bigger one check it out there’s so many diamonds here this is treasure to you pumpkins and wheat yeah

Of course Widow come on people pay so much money for that yeah we don’t even eat that in the turtle Kingdom them because Turtles don’t eat wheat they just like eating uh cookies so this is useless yeah okay Voodoo you’re just saying that because you know you love my

Castle so much so come on wudo follow me outside check it out we have some water fountains over here we have a lot of extra rooms for any guests to stay in and uh I think this Castle is pretty nice and big budo what do you think give

Me a score I think it’s worthy of a score of one out of ten whatever Voodoo you won the first round but trust me I’m definitely gonna win the next one come on go let’s see what the next building still doesn’t know that we’re cheating which is perfect because the next build

Is gonna be even bigger all right wudo let’s see what the next build is whoa Marco it’s a plane wait really I’m gonna build literally the best plane in the world so good luck Moto oh yeah by the way for this round we’re gonna have five

Minutes all right now it’s time to spawn in our massive plane let’s just do this Command right here and the plane should spawn in any second check it out this thing is so big it can literally fit like 10 000 people inside but we should definitely customize it to make it look

Even better all we need to do is this Command right here and check it out the plane should look a lot better boom look it has red stripes on it now now we should get some black concrete and we should also get some gray concrete and

Write out a huge M on the side of the plane just so rudo knows that this is the Airlines and boom we have the huge M on the side of the plane now I think we should take a look inside the plane itself let’s just break into the

Control room like this and check it out this is the inside whoa this must be the first class lounges this looks awesome let’s see the other parts of the plane and check it out there are so many seats for so many people wow this plane is literally so awesome I don’t even have

To make that many changes but let’s go back to first class and change your room for wudo and once he gives us a good score we can definitely win the round so this is the room that I think we should customize let’s replace the gray wool with lime green wool like this let’s

Also replace the carpet to be green and let’s add two cakes on the food area there you go voodoo’s first class is now done and now I think we’re done customizing the build so let’s just tell Voodoo we have five seconds left hey Voodoo time is running out there’s only five seconds left

Five seconds okay I’m almost done just hold on all right meet me by the dispenser once you’re done oh we should look at my build first okay Voodoo let’s see it right now and aha budo is that really your plane yes look at it it’s flying it’s kind of

Small for a plane don’t you think wudo ah no why do you say that it’s amazing look at how gigantic it is it has so many seats okay come on Moodle show me around what is so special about your plane well just come to the front door and take a look

Um this place is filled with turtles are these guys your only passengers and we’re going on a trip right now somewhere super cool we’re turtles love where in the world are you going would a where can a turtle possibly be going that’s so awesome well we’re going to

Turtle Island and if you want to come I’ll invite you I mean sure I’ll come along but I’ll be taking my gigantic plane instead no we’re not I mean we only had five minutes to build this so there’s no way you build anything bigger you’re gonna be super

Surprised but come on show me what else do you have to offer well let me come show you and hear look this is where you control everything um what do you even control there’s nothing here there’s no seats it’s just a glass plane wall well only Turtles can fly This Plane because we

Have secret mental flowers to control it you don’t even need a steering wheel okay buddy that’s just a lazy excuse because you couldn’t build it be honest uh okay you know what you’re talking too much uh what do you think about my build wow it’s an airplane made out of

Dirt and it also has green glass on it so uh I’m gonna have to give you a score of one out of ten one out of ten after you saw us going to Turtle Island don’t worry budo I’ll be saving us with my gigantic amazing plane so come on

Let’s see my one there’s no way it’s better than mine and what in the world why is this so gigantic don’t you love it with a look it’s so cool this plate is so huge it can’t even fit on my screen did you really build this in five minutes yup check it

Out Widow it has some red accents on it and it also has this huge M so that definitely means I built it is that so I’ve never seen a plane with an m on it before it’s kind of hard to believe you built this in only five

Minutes follow me inside budo trust me you’re definitely gonna love this build okay I see that you don’t even have a front door which is negative points already and uh oh what’s this this is the control room unlike your plane wudo we actually have some buttons and things

We can press to drive this plane uh it seems like all these buttons and stuff connect to literally nothing uh at least my plan actually moves nope widow look I’m flying right now I’m in the air I’m in the air we’re Landing inside of New York City right now no

Buddy no no no there’s nothing happening Bongo what are you talking about whatever Moodle just follow me let me show your room my room you you build me my own room that’s right rudo when you’re in a plane this huge there’s first class seats you know they’re super

Duper expensive uh but you know what it’s on me wudo don’t worry about it look look take a look oh okay and oh whoa It’s all green let’s go and my favorite cake do you love it without this room is literally made for you I think I love it

A lot actually it’s so nice and green I wish this whole plane was green I don’t know about all that wood oh the plane would just look really ugly but come on give me a score from one to ten I don’t know monco your plane is red so

I’m gonna give you a five out of ten okay you know what would I’ll take a 5 out of ten because that means I won this round let’s go oh you’re not winning the next one all right I’m gonna flip the lever for the last time and the

Build this time is theme park what a theme park that’s my favorite that’s right but this time we’re gonna have three minutes to build it and since this is the last round whoever wins this one wins it all good luck for this build I need to move really really back

Because this one is the biggest one yet it is literally so huge I can’t wait for wudo’s reaction let’s go even further back all the way here and let’s do this command our giant theme park should be spawning in now whoa take a look at this

Thing it is so cool there’s a giant roller coaster right there and whoa is that a huge castle wow I can’t wait for wudo’s reaction to this thing and since this build is so gigantic and perfect I won’t even be making any changes I’m literally just gonna be sitting here for

The next three minutes until the time is up so I’ll see you guys then oh my build is ready you better get over here right now oh really wudo I was kind of falling asleep so uh thank you for reminding me falling asleep come on you know this is the hardest

Round okay Voodoo let’s take a look at your build first okay come and take a look what is that it’s the poop theme park hoop theme park Rudolph are you serious you really couldn’t think of anything else than this it’s being in a roller coaster in a giant piece of poo ew that

Is so nasty show me the inside Woodle what is this well look at this it’s the poop roller coaster all you need to do is take out Minecart and you can go anywhere you want okay let’s try out this roller coaster right now and we we and look did you see what you

Just got oh no why am I getting poop while being in this roller coaster isn’t it so fun mango what other roller coaster could be better than one you get free pooping oh no this is disgusting I would never ride this again oh yeah well you definitely will because it’s way

Better than you okay you know I’ve had enough with five out of 10. you’re lying come on go no yeah I don’t know what you were thinking building this but you should probably look up some new theme parks to build okay fine yours can’t be any better right

Um you’d be surprised we don’t take a look at this what the heck is this why is it so huge whoa this is the biggest theme park I have ever seen you built all of this in only three minutes that’s right wudo this build is kind of

Like one of those things I can do in my sleep it is so easy to build Widow this is impossible you did not build this in that short amount of time look this water slide looks so cool do you want to go down that wudo yes this one

Right here come on all right come on take a boat and let’s go oh oh that was awesome yup come over here Woodle let’s take a look at the roller coaster what a roller coaster that’s right come on we need to get a mine car and go on this thing okay I’m gonna

Press here and uh how do I go well wudo this roller coaster is a little broken so uh let me just push you until you start going fast I’m over here we’ll take a look at this whoa whoa whoa we’re going so fast this is awesome

Oh okay now this is some serious speed yup take a look we’re going in circles look over here we’re gonna fall down what no no we’re almost done with the roller coaster how was your experience that was amazing I have to admit though this was definitely the hardest build okay it

Took me like two and a half minutes to build two and a half minutes to build all of this be honest did you have someone help you out um of course not wudo I built this all by hand oh yeah well then how about this

I want you to use the same hands that built this to build it all over again in front of my very eyes no no it’s okay take a look at this ice course this is so fun it’s like go-karting come on join me I’m not taking it I

Want you to build this right now oh no we can’t build her right in front of Widow again did we just tell him that we’ve been cheating this entire time yes have you made your decision yeah I have something to to tell you oh okay what do you want to tell me wow

Would oh let’s just say uh I’ve been cheating this entire time wait what you’ve been cheating this entire time that’s right all the way from the first castle to the plate and now this entire theme park I just copied it in no way you’re a cheater and I do not like

Cheaters so because of that I am giving this build negative a million out of ten and I am going to blow this entire thing up what why would you do that this build is amazing budo don’t do that no no you’re a cheater and cheaters are not

Allowed to play with me what is wrong with you budo if you enjoyed watching this video then click on the video on screen and also make sure to subscribe thank you and bye

Mongo and Wudo do a build challenge… But this time, Mongo is secretly cheating! Will Wudo find out?? Who wins the battle The NOOB or The HACKER?! Watch the whole video to find out!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Mongo


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